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Why dream of defecating in public. Why do you dream about pooping in a dream? Shitting yourself in a dream

Seeing bright, beautiful images in night dreams is always more pleasant than feeling fear, pain or disgust. But even if you had to crap yourself in a dream, in other words, perform an imaginary act of defecation, you should not despair. Ancient and modern dream books interpret this symbol positively with slight variations depending on the details of the dream.

Traditional meaning of ephemeral embarrassment

According to popular beliefs, if someone dreams that he was unable to restrain his natural needs, then this portends monetary profit, prosperity in business, receiving an inheritance, finding a treasure. The more significant it was size of dreamed excrement , the more substantial the reward will be in reality. There is a connection here with the humorous saying “full of joy.” This is what they say about a person who has achieved his dream or who has unexpectedly become rich.

It’s a different matter if in an illusory scene foreign objects were present , For example, deep potty, toilet or country toilet. According to the white magician and psychologist Yuri Longo, or rather the dream book he compiled, crap one's pants in a dream without seeing one's feces - to get rid of painful problems, get rid of debts, and break off relationships with unnecessary people.

If you get dirty in poop, but at the same time you experience joyful excitement, expect a salary increase or an extraordinary bonus. In cases when the sight of your own feces in a dream causes disgust, this means that you will have to do unpleasant things or you will hear dirty gossip about yourself and be subject to unfair slander.

Interpretation of the symbol in various dream books

Of course, no one calculated how many people around the world had to see themselves crap in their dreams. But it can be suggested that such episodes are by no means uncommon, since their descriptions are found in the works of many masters of psychoanalysis.

This is how famous soothsayers of the past and present interpret the dream:

Dream interpretation for women

Representatives of the fair sex feel shame more acutely in such situations; pooping, even for fun, is an inherently vile and disgusting event. This is for girls serves as an intuitive hint Take a closer look at your boyfriend, he is probably hiding something from you or is not who he says he is.

Depending on the circumstances of the night vision, there are other interpretations of the image. For example, after a long sleep, some people wonder why they dream of crapping themselves in a dream, being in a public, crowded place.

It is quite possible that in real life you will find yourself at the center of a scandal, which will negatively affect your reputation; bitter experiences and tears await you.

If the incident happened managed to hide from others , wash soiled clothes, then nothing threatens you, you will be able to defend your good name.

A favorable dream is where you are walk around in things stained with excrement, not paying attention to the grins of other people.

This means that in reality you will have to face difficulties, but you will overcome them thanks to decisive actions and strength of character.

What does a dream predict for men?

The famous psychoanalyst and specialist in the field of dream interpretation Sigmund Freud believed that such an image symbolizes the sexual weakness of the individual.

If a teenager, who has barely entered the period of puberty, wonders why he dreams of crapping himself, then the answer will be disappointing. Probably an inexperienced youth failure awaits in bed with your chosen one . However, a similar misfire can happen to an adult man.

Associations of this dream may be related to professional activity of a person. Anatoly Kashpirovsky, famous for his telepathic sessions, recalled how one day an upset visitor came to his appointment. A respectable businessman, whose lucrative contract fell through, exclaimed in his hearts: “No wonder I dreamed that I shit myself during a business meeting in my office!”

Costs pay attention to the nature of bowel movements.

If you were constipated in a dream- expect difficulties in promoting your projects.

Diarrhea seen in night dreams, serves as a warning against making hasty decisions. Sometimes this image promises good luck in business, symbolizes flight of thoughts, creative insight.

Interpretations of sleep according to zodiac signs

The interpretation of dreams is a complex, mysterious and largely thankless process. It is naive to hope that every person who plunges into the kingdom of Morpheus and feels like he’s crap his pants will certainly receive untold wealth or tremendous success.

For a more accurate interpretation of the symbol, you can use the reference to the dreamer’s date of birth:

If the image you saw was clear and memorable, but nothing extraordinary happened in your life, perceive it simply as a joke of your subconscious.

Not all dreams are prophetic

Some people do not attach much importance to the pictures and scenes that pop up during a night's rest. Others will not fail to look into the dream book, and then impatiently wait for everything that is written there to begin to come true.

Fortunately or unfortunately, not every illusion born in the depths of our thinking can be embodied in everyday life. It is traditionally believed that the highest probability of fulfillment is for those predictions that appear on the night from Thursday to Friday. For other days of the week this chance is extremely small.

If you, to use modern slang, I had to shit myself in my sleep, for which you were completely unprepared, remember if any event has happened recently that caused a feeling of shame in real life.

For example, betrayal towards friends, a reprimand from superiors at work, or a quarrel with close relatives. In such cases, dreams are the result of emotional discomfort rather than predictions for the future.

Attention, TODAY only!

A natural process that is associated with a person’s physiological needs can also be seen in a dream. But the dream book interprets only dreams in which bowel movement is not associated with a similar need in reality.

Not only adults, but also children have to poop in their sleep. Various plots and even comic situations are associated with such dreams.

If you want to understand what such dreams mean, pay attention to where you were in such a dream, whether another person or a crowd of people saw the process of cleansing the intestines, who did it and under what circumstances. This is what people dream about pooping in a dream most often.

Relief process

There are no people, no witnesses, and no one sees anything. The process brings relief, and you begin to feel liberated from toxins that interfere with the normal functioning of the body.

The dream book writes that pooping in a dream on your own, without witnesses or passers-by, if you haven’t gotten dirty, is a good sign. It means that you will be able to give vent to pent-up emotions and impulses that may not be accepted by society.

Usually, from time to time, every person wants to do or say something that others may not like. For example, yelling at your boss, venting to someone, having sex with a married man, or just crying in the dark when no one is looking.

Very often a person cannot do many things in public, and tension increases. Therefore, in a dream, the dreamer begins to defecate and enjoy this process.

Doing this in the toilet, both at home and in public, will help you culturally get rid of negative emotions.

The dream book writes that you will be able to express pent-up emotions without harm to health or consequences. Looking for a toilet in a dream, not finding it and pooping somewhere else means that you will no longer be able to control yourself, but no one will notice this.

Such a dream symbolizes an outburst of anger, incontinence, and tears, which will not harm your reputation and will not lead to negative consequences. It’s worse if you cannot restrain your natural needs, and they appear at the most inopportune moment.

Losing control

When a person has diarrhea, an upset stomach or intestines, and there is no toilet or secluded place nearby, this is not good even in a dream. If a person dreams that he craps himself, this is a very bad sign, which means humiliation, scandals and slander.

Finding yourself in this situation means something bad will become known to those around you. It is possible that in some situation you simply cannot stand up for yourself, and they will laugh at you.

Why dream of pooping yourself in a dream and seeing that no one noticed? The dream book writes that you will miraculously be able to avoid shame and condemnation by other people, as well as all sorts of troubles and scandals. Most likely, there will be some point in your life when the secret will be revealed, but you will be able to justify yourself and stand up for yourself, or no one will notice anything.

In a dream, seeing feces or stepping on them means beware of deception. It looks like you're about to get yourself into a very unpleasant situation. Dreaming of diarrhea signifies loss of control, weakness, tears and defenselessness. Finding it in a small child or baby is an unpleasant surprise.

The dream book writes that at home you will have to sort out an unpleasant story or someone will surprise you with gossip and scandal.

Hard stool means frozen feelings or work that you have been poring over for a long time. Getting rid of them and seeing them leave your body means that the frozen unpleasant situation will very soon be resolved and you will be able to feel free.

The dream book writes that crap one's pants, wipe oneself and not know what to do so that no one notices, this means trouble. You might do something bad or lose control and you don't want anyone to know about it.

Seeing it happen to others

Catching someone pooping in a public place is a sign of revealing something wrong done by another person. You can not only hear a fragment of a conversation in which he curses you or prepares an intrigue. Perhaps you will find him doing not the best thing.

The dream book writes that fecal matter on your desktop or things not made by you may mean that someone will do nasty things to you, and soon you will find out who exactly. The toilet theme of dreams often reveals the shadow side of some business or activity.

Therefore, seeing poop that someone else did, but did not get dirty, predicts that you will see a disgruntled person or an avenger who is jealous of you and trying to harm you.

A child who has pooped himself can predict an unpleasant surprise. Perhaps your real son or daughter will get sick, suffer, worry about something, or present some unpleasant surprise. Seeing poop on the bed or in personal belongings can mean nasty things and insults that another person will inflict on you. Think about who it could be. Seeing others defecate in a crowded place is a sign of very big trouble.

It is possible that you will learn about something very bad that a group of people are doing. If in a company you notice your friend or acquaintance, you see that someone is doing his business right in public, then this person may commit an act for which everyone will condemn him.

He may get into an unpleasant situation or commit an offense that will betray him completely. In some situations, the modern dream book indicates that he will find himself in a comical situation.

In the animal world

If an animal starts pooping in a dream, why is this dreaming? It looks like you are unnecessarily worried about your pet's health. It is possible that he will do something wrong or ruin the thing.

If you dreamed that a dog or cat accidentally pooped itself in your yard, get ready for the unexpected. Whether it will be pleasant or not can be determined by the context of the dream. There may be unexpected receipt of money or unpleasant news. In some situations you may find something useful or enjoyable.

Toilet, Toilet without toilet, Toilet feces, Toilet urine, Toilet paper, Excrement, Clean up feces, Feces, Feces in the mouth, Feces there, Feces poop, Cat feces, Feces with worms, Feces with blood, Feces with worms, Human feces, Crap yourself, Crap a child, Crap a toy, Crap your pants, Crap yourself, Get dirty in feces, Get dirty in feces, Liquid feces, Children's feces, Step into feces, White feces, Touch feces, Urine, Yellow urine, Animal urine, Urine cat urine, bloody urine, urine on the floor, child urine

If you injected feces or urine in a dream, you went to the toilet in a dream and got dirty, you will probably want to know in the morning what such an unpleasant dream portends for you. The dream books, in turn, prepared a very encouraging forecast for everyone who dreamed of a toilet or feces. Getting dirty in Feces in a dream is a sign that in reality you will receive unexpected wealth or unplanned profit. However, Dream Interpretations warn those who crap themselves or peed themselves in a dream. This is a signal that some kind of pathogenic process has begun in your genitourinary system and you simply need to consult a specialist.

I dreamed about the toilet, feces and urine- attempts to put things in order and get rid of unnecessary things.

I dreamed about toilet paper- you will look for a way to put things in order.

I dreamed of a toilet without a toilet- unexpected problems and difficulties.

Cleaning up feces in a dream- a difficult path to well-being and prosperity.

In the traditional interpretation, the Toilet and Feces symbolize the desire to get rid of something outdated that has become unnecessary at the moment. You can find out the details and ways to implement the planned changes in reality by remembering and analyzing each image of what you saw.

I dreamed of excrement, feces, poop in a dream, liquid human feces- to wealth.

I dreamed of yellow urine on the floor- happiness joy.

For reasons that are incomprehensible and defy logical explanation, it is traditionally believed that any kind of feces in a dream foreshadows the receipt of impressive and unplanned profits.

Getting dirty yourself in feces or feces in a dream, Stepping into feces, Touching feces in a dream- to receive unexpected profits; otherwise, you will face unpleasant or disgusting deeds and activities.

There is feces in a dream, I dreamed of feces in my mouth- a difficult path to recognition and glory.

Feces and faeces in a dream symbolize various kinds of obstacles, troubles and other irritating factors that you will encounter in reality on the path to financial well-being and prosperity.

I dreamed about cat feces or cat urine, Animal urine in a dream- big surprise; otherwise - to the fall; ruin your reputation.

It is believed that the smell and the feline or animal excrement themselves appear in a dream from the moment when any kind of sin should occur. Perhaps this dream appeared on the eve of the fact that you were destined to commit some unseemly or immoral act.

I dreamed of feces with blood, feces with worms or worms, I dreamed of urine with blood in a dream- diseases of the excretory system.

The dream was sent to you by the body itself, in which one or another pathogenic process begins to arise, associated with the organs of the excretory system.

I dreamed of baby feces or urine of a child, I dreamed that a child crap one's pants, a crap one's pants in a dream- troubles and worries about younger family members; otherwise, your undertaking will cause trouble and anxiety.

If your family has small children, the Dream can be considered “empty” - it was provoked by real daytime worries and worries. In a symbolic interpretation, Children mean new projects and plans that you are busy with in reality. From this position, the dream foretells that your ideas will take up a lot of your time and cause a lot of trouble.

Shit yourself in a dream- tarnish your reputation; to public shame.

I dreamed that I crapped myself in a dream, crap my pants in a dream- to a serious illness.

I dreamed about my own white feces- lack of minerals and nutrients in the body.

Dreams in which your attention was drawn to your own feces require detailed analysis. First of all, dreams of this kind can warn you that in reality you may find yourself in an unpleasant and even shameful situation. And at the same time, Feces are a natural product of the human body, which, by its appearance and appearance, indicates problems with the organs of the genitourinary and excretory system.


Why do you dream about crap yourself?

On this page there are interpretations of our users' dreams on the topic of crap one's pants, if you want to know Why do you dream about crap yourself in a dream?, then we recommend that you go to our dream book using the link below:


Shit yourself in your sleep

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Shit yourself in your sleep. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams mean: Cooping in a dream, or what does it mean in a dream to see Pooping in a dream.

Why dream that you crap yourself in a dream

I dreamed that I just crap myself in bed at night and got dirty, a feeling of reality, in the dream I think that I need to go wash and soak my laundry, but for some reason there are no unpleasant sensations.

And I woke up, even touched the sheet with my hand to calm myself down - that it was all in a dream... Why would someone dream about something like that?

Dead man in a dream

I’ll go straight to the dream about the dead man...

My mother Viola constantly had this dream.. This Paulina came to her in a dream and demanded that she give her to me.. Because she wanted to raise me..

Mom woke up in horror.. Then mom started making threats in her sleep.. And then mom already went to church. These dreams have stopped.. But from time to time these dreams are repeated.. Help me understand why Paulina needs me... And a dead man in a dream?

Flying in a Dream

Of course, if the same dream (or one related in meaning) is dreamed from time to time or constantly, then it is a warning, a sign, “asks” to pay attention to it... From time to time I dreamed that I was flying... I don’t have wings, I’m just driven by some kind of force, even I would say, the power of self-hypnosis... But lately these dreams have become more and more frequent... And if before they were arbitrary, now I’m flying in my dreams practically when I want it myself... I’m having a dream... And I think: “Why not fly?...”..

I accelerate (or jump) and take off from the ground... Sometimes I am pulled towards the ground, sometimes I soar easily, but I always feel this flight, the force of flight, the force of gravity and how I cope with it... If anyone knows what this is may mean, leave a comment... P.S. I read in one dream book that flying in a dream is a separation of the astral body... Is this true?

My mother who died of cancer more than a year ago appears in a dream

My mother, who died more than a year ago after a serious illness with cancer, appears in my dreams almost every night, healthy, as if she could be cured. At the same time, I know that she died and I think how this could have happened, we invested so much effort, used all our connections to cure her, and she arrived healthy. Sometimes I asked her why I came, she said, “It’s hard for me to come help you,” and today I dreamed that she came home healthy again, and that she didn’t die, we weren’t burying her, but they deceived me, we weren’t sure that they could cure her . In my dreams I ask her all the time if it hurts her, she answers that it doesn’t. Mostly she comes in a dream but doesn’t talk, she sits and looks at us and she’s in a very good, cheerful mood, but she doesn’t talk to us, she only answers my questions. Why do I dream about her so often?

Her death was a heavy blow for me, she left within 3 months, no matter how much we tried to help her, nothing helped, she was in terrible pain, and she died before my eyes. The most interesting thing is that I knew that she would die on this very day, I warned her at work that I would not come, it was her birthday on that day.

We invited the priest for communion and at 12 o'clock in the afternoon she died. She left quietly and a couple of minutes before leaving she told me that I needed to wash the pan, since I would need to cook cabbage rolls, I asked her that she wanted cabbage rolls, she said no, you will have to. We serve cabbage rolls for funeral dinners. At home, indeed, the pan for cabbage rolls was not washed, but the child ate it and left a little stew so as not to wash it.

Why do I dream that my mother died from cancer more than a year ago, comes in my dreams?

I ate a lot of onions in my dream

In the dream I ate a lot of raw onions. In the dream I felt disgusted, I started spitting and ran to brush my teeth. I don’t understand what could make me eat onions even in my sleep. The feeling of this disgust from the dream is still present. What could this dream mean?

Dating in a dream

I meet a guy in a dream who I like in reality. Moreover, in our dreams we talk like friends, it’s strange that this doesn’t happen in life and acquaintance only occurs in dreams.

Beloved girl in a dream

I saw my beloved girl in a dream. In the dream, we were driving a car, and she was crying and complaining about how bad her life was. In real life, this girl told me that I was just a friend to her. Tell me what this could mean: Beloved girl in a dream?

Girl in a dream

Today in a dream I saw a girl whom I love and she is in my dream and says “it’s a pity that everything will end between us tomorrow.” In real life, I'm just a friend to this girl.

Tell me, what could this mean: Girl in a dream?

Flying in dreams and in reality

Can a person control his dreams, using sleep as a fantasy land to realize his plans and fantasies?..

There are many paths leading to the world of the Unknown, each of them interesting and difficult in its own way. But, more often than not, the Unknown lies next to us, we just need to extend our hand. For example, dreams...

Each of us spends about a third of our lives in a state of sleep, so is such a colossal loss of time really necessary for us only to restore physical and emotional strength?!..

At all times, scientists from different countries have paid special attention to dreams. The ancient Egyptians called sleep the little death.

Indeed, the sleeper resembles the dead, many physiological processes slow down, but nevertheless he continues his life, transported from his usual real world to the ghostly world of images, the world created by his imagination.

Despite its illusory nature, a dream significantly expands a person’s capabilities. In our dreams we become the owners of strange and, at times, simply unique qualities.

Almost everyone experienced an amazing feeling of flight, saw the earth rushing beneath them, and soared in the clouds like birds. Others could walk through walls, or create cities and fairy-tale kingdoms just by thinking about it.

But the main advantage of internal space (our dreams) is its ability to very accurately copy the real world in which we live. I’m talking about the ability to maintain tactile sensitivity in dreams, the ability to experience events emotionally (it’s not uncommon for people to cry or laugh while sleeping), to communicate with dream characters, to come into physical contact with them, to feel pain, cold, heat and other sensations . How this happens, because the work of the main sense organs is dulled or completely turned off during sleep, the processes in the body slow down their rhythmic activity. The flow of information into the brain from the outside world is reduced to a minimum. We see, hear and feel during dreams. Where do these irritants come from?..

Some modern researchers of consciousness talk about the existence of a special sense organ. In parapsychological literature it is called the field of consciousness. It acts as a repository of images (and, accordingly, all our knowledge), is responsible for life support (the so-called seventh sense, the ability to foresee danger, feel a look in the back, feel anxiety for your loved ones when they are in trouble and much more), as well as the exchange of information with the external environment (including other fields of consciousness). That is why people united by common interests, love ties, or simply long-term friendship and communication are able to guess the thoughts of their interlocutor or predict his behavior in advance; such people resonate with each other, i.e., their fields of consciousness are partially united.

In simple terms, the field of consciousness is a certain energetic substance that surrounds our brain, into which all our thoughts-images are packaged; it is capable of communicating with other similar fields of consciousness (telepathy).

What are the true reasons for the occurrence of dreams? Analysis of the literature makes it possible to identify five such reasons:

Physical irritation:

The desire and inability to make any movement, change the position of the body and body members;

Irritation of the senses.

Repressed desires: the dream arises as a result of weakening of the controlling will.

Images from the subconscious (fields of consciousness):

Vivid impressions in interpretive processing with the active involvement of associative imagination;

Images from the subconscious unfold during FMS (phases of slow-wave sleep).

Lucid dreams: controlled dreams that unfold during REM sleep. Dreams under human control.

Astral-vital dreams (travelling): associated with astral exits, but without special training of consciousness cannot be reproduced after awakening.

The first three reasons are clear and acceptable to us, but then we come across a new word - lucid dreams. What is this?

In modern parapsychology, the science of the extraordinary capabilities of a person and ways of revealing them, special attention is paid to this reason. Parapsychologists claim that you can not only control dreams, but also awaken with their help the hidden reserves of our psyche, including creative abilities.

Here, for example, is one of these exercises:... Before falling asleep, we set the intention that our dreams will be lucid (controlled). Then we consciously observe our falling asleep, monitor this process and carefully record it... We now need to imagine one of the places where we would like to go. This could be a desired vacation spot, the experience of meeting someone, or a beautiful tree on the side of a mountain. When we fall asleep, these pictures continue to stand before our spiritual gaze as real as in reality. Over time, we will learn to enter a dream, as it were, and contemplate it in a clear consciousness... (Parapsychology, volume 2, p. 614).

What can give us control over our dreams?

First of all, there is unlimited space for our imagination and creativity. Many of you may have noticed that in dreams your individual qualities appear in a completely different way. You can compose music, communicate with people you have never seen before, perform unimaginable physical exercises, change the objects around you with the power of thought, and much more.

Another possibility is creativity while dreaming! Before going to sleep, you program your consciousness to solve a problem, and the process of solving it continues in the dream. It should be noted that many famous discoveries were made in this way: Descartes conceived the main provisions of his works on methodology, mathematics and physics in three separate dreams during one night in 1619, Mendeleev discovered the periodic table of elements during sleep...

In the central mountain range of the Malacca Peninsula lives a primitive tribe called the Temyar; its members have developed to an amazing degree the ability to solve their life problems in their sleep... Members of the tribe from childhood learn to achieve control over their thoughts during sleep and even induce certain dreams. Using dreams programmed through preliminary meditation, they are able to get rid of many types of fears and phobias - and as a result, social conflicts among these people are practically eliminated... (Samuel Dunkell, Sleeping Postures, p. 60).

There is an original exercise that allows you to gain control over your thoughts and learn to travel in the world of dreams. During one of the seminars that I had the opportunity to conduct, we tested it in practice and got amazing results: almost all the students of the lecture course noted that their dreams had acquired an orderly character (usually a dream represents fragmentary, unrelated scenes), three began draw magnificent pictures, although they had not previously shown artistic abilities, their character became more balanced and after sleep a feeling of vigor appeared!

What did we do?

First of all, we chose a picture to observe - it was a magnificent panel depicting a beautiful pond surrounded by a forest, above the tops of the trees of which the towers of an ancient castle could be seen.

I invited the listeners to carefully examine the panel and try to remember it. The task was this: close your eyes, reproduce before your inner gaze a picture of a pond, a forest and a castle. Walk through the forest and approach the castle, examine it, go inside and try to find the central hall...

Then I turned on quiet, calm music, dimmed the lights and the session began!..

The results were stunning: almost all listeners described the castle in the same way, with matching details: dark corridors with high vaulted ceilings, from which wisps of dust and cobwebs hung, ancient tapestries, worn by time, gloomy bats, unhappy with the appearance of uninvited guests and - the main feast a room with a long wooden table covered with broken plaster...

Later we conducted several more similar sessions with this panel: we looked for treasure, traveled along the bottom of the lake, tried to find the inhabitants of the castle. At the end of our seminar, I held a final session, for which we prepared for two weeks: we held a costume ball in the castle, having come up with costumes in advance. The task was complicated by the fact that the listeners had to choose a couple from our group and try to spot friends (again from our group) dancing at the ball!..

There are other methods, but they have the same goal - to teach a person to control his imaginative imagination, make it work under the control of conscious will, and also teach the brain to think equally clearly in sleep and in reality.

But the most amazing thing is that dreams are of a material nature, i.e., we can record them if we have the appropriate equipment. This primarily applies to the research of Perm psychiatrist Gennady Pavlovich Krokhalev, who is working on the problem of recording human thoughts on photographic film.

His works, known throughout the world, irrefutably prove the presence of special radiation coming from a person’s eyes and carrying information about his imaginative thinking.

The experiments of another Perm scientist, my good friend Vadim Iosifovich Tishkevich, generally border on fantasy: he claims that we can create special energy phantoms. For example, we focus our attention on the image of a ball, projecting it into space a meter in front of us. After some time, an energy phantom of the ball is formed in this place, clearly registered by the equipment!.. In this way, we approach the understanding of such phenomena as telepathy, telekinesis and damage (the main problem of modern society). But this is a topic for another article...

Undoubtedly, the topic of dreams is endless, as is the literature on this topic. We just need to open our eyes wider and think about how many interesting years of life we ​​have already lost. But it's never too late to start...

Saved a man's life in a dream

In a dream, I suddenly find myself in some open area, it is all covered with ice and snow, it is day outside, and a strong wind is blowing. In the dream, I know that I am in some kind of hospital and that we were deliberately thrown out into the cold as some kind of treatment method. The site resembles a stadium, but is small in size. I’m with a friend, I don’t see her in my dreams, but I know that we’ve been friends for a long time. I see a lot of young people in front - girls and boys, mostly girls, they are shivering from the cold, but they still go out onto this platform, they have no choice. I look at my feet and understand that the ice is very thick, I see how deep it is here, I see air bubbles slowly creeping to the surface, I understand that the ice can crack. Ahead I see that he has already begun to melt, the girls are moaning and asking them to take them away from here, but they are there in front and I can’t help them. I see a girl not far from me, she is already frozen and not breathing. My friend doesn’t do anything in her sleep, she’s just somewhere nearby throughout her sleep. I turn my head and see another girl, she is lying in the snow, her lips are blue, although she is thin, I am not a Rambo either, but I grab her in my arms and try to warm her with my warmth, I try to press her as close as possible to me. The rest continue to ask for help. Finally, some kind doctors rescue us. Then I enter the room, it is very reminiscent of a dorm room, they tell me that many people are frozen. I see a pile of jackets and sheepskin coats on the bed and I know that someone is lying under them. I ask the doctor “Is she... Died?”, he smiles at me. I throw back my jackets and see the girl I saved. She has a blush, although her face is still kind of doll-like, and light blue eyes, she smiles at me gratefully and embarrassedly, I am glad that I saved her life.

Dream within a dream man

I'm in my apartment. I'm sleeping. (I slept in a dream for the first time) suddenly I will be a young man. I know him. We studied together in college a long time ago, but never communicated. I tell him something like that we have to leave my room. We go to my mother’s room, and my brother is there. I ask him to leave :) and he goes to his room. We go to bed (everything happens in almost complete darkness). We start talking. About everything and nothing. He offers to kiss. At first I refuse for a long time, then I reluctantly agree, but everything turns out very awkward and ridiculous (standard first kiss). Then I kiss him myself and a lot of tenderness appears in me from somewhere... I begin to feel my excitement growing and I sharply pull away. AND! All this time in a dream, I understand that just like me, he is an Aries, and we won’t be able to have a relationship with him, and if we do, then I need to behave “this way and that way,” I’m trying to distance myself from him, understanding that he wants a relationship, but he will quickly get tired of everything just like me. I don't want to be abandoned. In short, I blow my mind right in my sleep. Suddenly we are already under the blanket, I realize that we are not wearing socks or pants. I jump up sharply, get dressed and force him to get dressed. He comes out and I fall asleep again... Then he wakes me up with a kiss, we go to my room. It's dark there too. Only for some reason the door is in another wall))) Mom comes in, introduces them, and he says that they already know each other. Mom asks me if I will go for badges. I say “yes, I’ll go.” To which he told me “no, honey, don’t go to this aunt”... AND AN ALARM CLOCK!

I had never slept in a dream before, never experienced such a range of feelings, and why did I dream about this particular man? And what are these icons? Help me please.....

Death in a dream

Essentially: I dreamed that I was sleeping, and that in that dream I was also sleeping, and in another dream I was sleeping. And then in the last dream I wake up, and for some reason I go to kill someone, I kill in the dark, the light suddenly turns on and I see that I’m lying bloodied. In that dream I wake up, sweating, as if from a pop, I get ready, go somewhere, and get hit by a car. In the second dream I wake up again from a bang, go up, go to the 18-story building next to home and jump from the 18th floor, crash, wake up from the impact, and actually wake up.

My breathing was rapid, and for a long time I couldn’t understand what to do, and I lay motionless, afraid that I would be carried away somewhere again.

Help me please! I can't die anymore. This dream repeats itself every week. It seems to me that everything around me is unreal.

Tell a dream in a dream

Some time ago, not so long ago, I had an interview with a person at a company that I really liked. In a dream I saw this man with whom I had an interview not long ago. I dream that in a dream I told this person a dream, I don’t remember exactly what I told, but with such delight. And it turns out I had a story of a dream within a dream.

Then I see a sleeping baby lying there. He was not dressed. He wakes up and wants to get up, but I don’t let him, I just sit him down, holding his hand, because he was still very small. Then they ask me - who is this boy or girl?, but I understand that this is my child, and I see that it is a boy. I say it's a boy, not a girl. Why would I dream about this....)))

Dream within a dream

I had a strange dream the other day.

First I dream about some nonsense, and then it’s as if (after this nonsense I dreamed in a dream) I wake up on the street under a Christmas tree, and my friend is standing next to me. I told her, “Alain, what are we doing here?”

Well, we were walking and you fell asleep.

How much time

Half past two in the morning.

In a panic, I rushed to catch a taxi. Somehow they caught it. We're riding in the back seat. Then suddenly a man appears next to the driver, smiling so insidiously, and I understand that we are finished and some back streets and courtyards flash before my eyes. Then I wake up (I wake up from a dream in a dream, in fact, in reality I haven’t woken up at all yet) in a cold sweat and see myself on the bed with a friend, waking up

Listen, I dreamed about such nonsense, I’m starting to tell you,

Yes, you screamed something in your sleep. I arrived late and began to tell wild details of some incidents that happened to us, and then I fell asleep.

Then, I seem to pass out, fall somewhere and finally really wake up.

Can anyone explain this kind of multidimensional dream?

Thank you in advance!

I went blind in my sleep

Today I had a strange dream. In my dream, I was supposed to watch a martial arts fight in the kung fu style on TV between two women, but my eyes were so closed in my sleep that just as my wife didn’t persuade me in the dream to open them to watch this fight, I couldn’t do it succeeded.

Even with your fingers. My wife tried to open my stuck eyelids with a spoon, but she also failed, and only then did I realize with horror that in my sleep I had become completely blind.

And at the same time I was seized by wild horror, and I realized that from now on I would have to carry out the monastic feat of St. Seraphim of Sarov.


Shit your pants

Dream Interpretation - Putting on short panties

For example, an individual’s wife dresses in clothes that belong to her mother.

The wife plays in the dream the role of the creator (creator), the owner of the clothes.

Some repeated early experience.

Dream Interpretation - Underpants

Good afternoon. This dream is associated with sexual relations. And the willingness to pay for them with something, for example, reputation, relationships, etc. I can’t say anything more, since there’s not enough context. Best regards, Desdichado

This is a psychologically significant dream. Indicates overcoming the fear of a situation where you are somehow unattractive. If you really want to associate poop with money, then it may well be the fear of not having enough money. The dream is not a fantasy, you have really reached a different level of psychological maturity.

Dream Interpretation - Why do you dream that you crap yourself?

You've probably heard that such dreams refer to money, but according to my observation, if you relieve yourself, then this is a waste of personal savings (money)

Such a dream can be deciphered and understood as an opportunity to maintain a relationship with your husband (everything goes smoothly, but it’s in film), otherwise you will certainly defeat him in lawsuits and simply crush him (undressed, his head is bleeding), just take into account that In any case, he is now your relative and his daughter is still the father! Will you live with him or not! Don’t go too far, don’t fight until you are completely destroyed, the dream warns you that you can still tidy everything up and improve relationships! Good luck to you!

Dream Interpretation - Ex and striped panties

A store in a dream represents new circumstances in some of your business. Most likely connected to the court. These circumstances will not please you as the matter will drag on for months, as pregnancy in a dream indicates. The death of an ex means that he will go somewhere. Most likely this will be the fact that your business is slowing down. As for the second dream, it is good. Any dairy product and especially cheese is a dream of profit

Dream Interpretation - Late grandmother. Red panties. Bike

good day, Elena! A deceased grandmother always dreams of good changes in life. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Late mother gives red panties

I immediately noticed your dream. T.K. It contains obvious symbols of the 2nd marriage (change of partner, permanent life partner). Maybe even a lover (if you are married). If only a little more information about you... Let's just say it is possible that your mother, this is not a symbol (if you are sensitive to subtle matters), but your mother, came to you in a dream and warned you about a second marriage or about the appearance of a new man in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Dreamed of the late father alive in his underpants

Hello! I think that in a dream your late dad gave you a sign that you should not go to Sochi.... Perhaps he warned you against something bad that could happen if you went there in real life.... You are right They did that they changed their trip and listened to their father. With respect to you, I.

Dream Interpretation - Uncle's Dream. Sister. Red are my new panties

There will probably be a frank conversation with your cousin, it will concern your family, something very personal...


The man craps himself

Dream Interpretation Man craps himself dreamed of why in a dream a man craps himself? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a man crap himself in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shit yourself

Triumph awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Man

You take a mirror that belongs to another person - the birth of a noble offspring.

A noble noble person is hiding - to recovery.

A noble man leaves on a horse - clarity in official matters.

A sick person is placed on a cart - portends death.

A sick person climbing onto a cart portends a great misfortune.

A sick person gets up - portends death.

A sick person sometimes cries, sometimes laughs - portends recovery.

A sick person riding in a boat portends death.

A sick person singing songs portends great misfortune.

Taking a mirror that belongs to another person means the birth of a noble offspring.

Seeing the reflection of another person in the mirror is a problem with your wife or lover.

Seeing a person being killed is a great happiness.

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

Seeing a person with a government seal means glory, fame.

Seeing a person reading a book means a noble offspring will be born.

To see a noble person coming - misfortune will pass you by.

If you own the same clothes with some person, your wife has a lover.

If you return money to a person, you will get rid of the disease.

Talking to a bad person, a villain - there will be a quarrel.

Giving a person some clothes means official matters will arise.

Giving a person castanets is a hassle.

Giving a person a knife is bad luck.

Giving silk to a person is a great misfortune.

If you give a person some clothes, official matters will arise, there will be illness, illness, grief.

If you give a person castanets, it foretells an altercation.

If you give a person a longitudinal flute, it portends fame and glory.

If you bow to the ground to some person - happiness in all matters.

Holding a sword in your hands, inflicting injections on another person is a loss.

Holding a knife in your hands and stabbing another person is a loss.

Another person gives a brush - portends the advancement of talent.

Another person holding your mirror in his hands portends misfortune with his wife.

Another person plays musical instruments - you will be found to be right in court proceedings or litigation.

Another person supports a bedridden patient - a promotion.

Another person shoots at you - the arrival of a traveler.

You give a longitudinal flute to another person - portends fame, glory.

The smell of rot, carrion from a burning person, portends happiness.

A soiled, dirty shirt portends humiliation and shame.

Shit- if you I dreamed about shit, or quite often dreams about shit, then consider yourself lucky. Dreams in which you see shit, promise profit and improvement in financial situation. Why do you dream about shit?...did you really do this? ..crap? - or to you did you dream about shit?! If you dreamed of large piles of shit, or even entire excrement, then such a dream promises large income in your opinion, which will begin to come from places where you could not even imagine. Moreover, if you saw shit in a dream, and stood up in the shit, - on which they walked with their feet, and all their feet were covered in feces, such a dream promises easy money or property, perhaps even receiving a substantial inheritance. Step in shit, which is arranged in a closed ring, and to stand in the middle of it is a great omen, it is practically a prophetic dream. Shit ring in this interpretation, it promises that soon you will have the opportunity to make a constant profit; according to legend, this is swimming in prosperity - the main thing is not to “squander” your chance. If in a dream you see manure, then after such a dream in most cases expect pleasant surprises. Manure in a dream is a very favorable dream for farmers; it predicts a successful harvest year for them.

But shit in a dream does not always predict good luck - there are individual fragments of dreams with shit that can be a little upsetting and predict negative events. As unfortunate and aesthetically unpleasant as it is for us to talk about this, if there is demand, then there must be supply, life is life, and nothing can be done about it. So, however, there are even such dreams: You dreamed that you shit yourself(peeped in your pants), and your panties are full shit. This is a completely bad dream, and means a possible loss of money - in such cases, you risk losing your wallet or money will simply fall out somewhere. The whole trick of such a dream is that the more shit you put in your pants in a dream, the more money you will lose. If you ever dream about diarrhea, - perhaps the moment will come when they will demand a bribe from you, such a dream predicts a very bad state and a depressed mood. And so as not to finish the section on dream interpretation when I dreamed about shit - the meaning of the dream on a negative note, there is a positive option for interpreting a dream with shit. So: step on dog shit in a dream- this means there will be an opportunity to find money somewhere, as an option - on the road.

Shit in a dream - definition:

From the bottom of my heart, we sincerely wish you never shit your pants, - Not see shit in your pants, shorts and even pajamas, like in a dream, so in reality, because you must firmly remember that shit coming out, predicts losses while you stepped in shit, - promises profit. It is also very important to pay attention to the color of feces, the size of the pile of shit, and even its consistency. Big pile of shit- interpreted as significant income or, similarly, loss. Small pile of shit- means a small income or an insignificant waste. Thick, hard deposited “larvae” of shit- (their number) is a one-time value of the amount of profit, - or losses, will be impressive - both for your capabilities and earnings. Liquid shit- money will come in small parts, - further by analogy.


/Decoding of sleep by day of the month / /Meaning of sleep by day of the week / / Compatibility by name / Compatibility by horoscope / / Compatibility by hand / / Love horoscope / / Fortune telling by cards /

If you dream about pooping at night, be sure to look in your dream book. Pissing yourself in a dream is a good sign.

It often foretells wealth, triumph and success in all endeavors. But to find out the more specific meaning of night dreams, you need to remember all their details.

Unusual dream

When you dream that you shit yourself on the street, it means that you will soon achieve universal recognition. Your talents will finally be appreciated, you will receive praise from your superiors.

Why do you have a dream where you woke up and discovered that you had crap yourself? Such a dream most often foreshadows the fulfillment of a cherished dream. And if in a dream you dreamed that the whole bed was dirty, then large material receipts await you.

  • Shitting yourself at a party is a surprise.
  • A lot of feces on clothes - to an exciting adventure.
  • If you dream that you have soiled someone, it means meeting this person.

An increase in wages or a new, more profitable place of work is what you dream of pooping in your workplace. Most likely, your boss has long noticed your talents, but only now decided that you deserve more. If you do not disappoint him, then a stunning career awaits you.

If in a dream you crap yourself and then washed your clothes, this means that troubles will pass you by. Fate will protect you from worries and hassle. And walking in soiled clothes in a dream - according to the dream book - means boldly and decisively overcoming all obstacles.

A dream in which your friend had to shit himself characterizes him as a faithful and devoted comrade. You can be sure of his good intentions: he will do even more for you than you think. And if you dream that the two of you crap your pants together, then in the near future you will have a joint adventure. Author: Vera Drobnaya