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Why do you dream of an Idol (idol) according to the dream book. The magic of numbers Why do you dream of friendship with an idol?

Dream interpretation idol

Often in real life we ​​look at movie stars, pop stars, athletes, politicians and find among them people whom we would like to be like. Such “stars” are usually called idols.

Dream about a star

Why do you dream about an idol? When you saw your idol in a dream, the first thing you should do is turn to dream books.

Interpreter of Gustav Miller

Watching from the sidelines how others bow before the “stars” of pop or cinema - insoluble disputes will arise among acquaintances.

Why might one dream of worshiping an idol? To succeed and achieve your goals, you will have to work long and hard. Your absent-mindedness often hinders you, you are constantly distracted by small details, and go off the intended path.

I dreamed about a famous person

Bringing your idol to light means you are an insightful person, know how to see the essence of the problem, and have a good understanding of people.

Favorite “star” according to other dream books

Dream interpreters believe that a dream about an idol is a sign that you will become a strong-willed person. You will be able to cope with any difficulties and difficulties that will appear on your life's path.

Big dream book

In a dream you are at a concert with your favorite performer - you will achieve success. He will come to you thanks to the support of an influential person.

The idol behaves inappropriately, and you experience bitter disappointment - in reality you will have troubles associated with friends and acquaintances. It will be difficult for you to find a common language with them. Relatives will also stop accepting the dreamer, and quarrels and conflicts will begin in the family.

In night vision, are you yourself an idol of the public? You will make a fatal mistake by refusing to trust a person who truly deserves it.

To be a popular person in a dream

Home interpreter

According to this dream book, an idol in night vision indicates that you are under the influence of a certain person. The idol is a dreamer himself - your self-esteem is too high. Don't overestimate your capabilities and your value to other people.

Children's dream book

A dream about an idol in real life suggests that you are dissatisfied with your appearance. Find negative traits in everything.

The dreamer is extremely dissatisfied with his life in general. The dream interpreter advises you to take immediate action; you should seek the advice of a specialist or a trusted friend, as you may be overcome by depression.

Interpreter for the whole family

An idol in a dream means that you have made the wrong decision and are going completely the wrong way. And moving further in this direction, you risk completely losing your way.

Watching others bow before the “star” means you will experience acute disappointment in a close friend or loved one.

Dream details

If in a dream you had a conversation with your idol, then it is important to remember how and where it took place:

  • Talking with your idol as with a friend means that people around you will appreciate and respect you. And in some dream books you can even find an interpretation that such a dream prophesies the success of the sleeping person.
  • Is your favorite singer or actor extremely aggressive when talking to you? The efforts you put into achieving your goal will remain just wasted time. You won't be able to achieve anything.
  • If you are at the same table with your favorite hero, you will enjoy the benefits that influential people will provide you.
  • Drink wine together and you will have fun.
  • Getting into a fight with your idol will result in a streak of bad luck.
  • Kissing him - your soulmate will pleasantly surprise you.

If you dream that you worship idols- this means that a very slow ascent to fame and glory awaits you; Apparently, on the way to them you will unnecessarily indulge in petty activities.

Debunking Idols- promises you strength of spirit and self-control in the future. No amount of hard work will stop you. You in the pursuit of universal respect.

If you see others worshiping idols

Condemn idolatry in a dream- a promise of your fame and even honor, which will be facilitated by your ability to understand the psychology of people, to comprehend the capabilities and inclinations of the mind.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream about how other people worship idols- this portends disagreements between your lover and your friends.

If you condemn idolaters- this suggests that you will achieve honor and respect thanks to your ability to influence people and personal charm.

Dream book for the whole family

If in a dream you worship an animated idol- this means in reality you will be disappointed by making the wrong decision.

If you see other people worshiping idols- in the near future you will be disappointed in a person close to you, but you will be able to achieve public recognition.

Dream book for a bitch

Idol- gradual, leisurely achievement of fame and honors also has its advantages, you will know your business perfectly.

Disappointment in your idol in a dream- focus and determination in achieving the goal will bring their long-awaited results.

To be someone's idol in a dream- disagreements and misunderstandings among your friends will upset you.

New family dream book

If you dreamed that you were worshiping your idol- a slow ascent to fame and glory awaits you. In order to speed up the process, try not to indulge too much in detail.

Debunking an idol in a dream- will bring you fortitude and self-control. No amount of hard work will stop you from striving for everyone's respect.

If you saw others worshiping idols- disagreements may arise among your friends.

Modern combined dream book

If you dream that you are worshiping an idol- You will experience slow progress on the path to wealth and fame, since you will waste too much energy on trifles.

Debunk the idol- indicates that you will be in complete control of your thoughts and actions, and no force will stop your progress upward to honors and glory.

Seeing in a dream how others worship idols- a sign that insurmountable differences will cause alienation between you and your friends.

Condemning an idol in a dream- a prediction of fame and high position, which you will achieve, as you will well understand the natural inclinations of human nature.

Eastern women's dream book

If you dreamed about your idol- this means that the path to wealth and fame will be too long.

A dream in which you were disappointed in your idol- testifies: you are able to completely control your thoughts and actions.

Children's dream book

Idol- you are dissatisfied with your personal life or yourself, you need to change something urgently.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you are present at a concert or theatrical show of your idol from among pop or rock stars- this is a sign of brilliant success that you will achieve thanks to the patronage of wealthy patrons.

If your idols in a dream disappointed you- such a dream foreshadows disagreements with friends, as well as troubles in the family.

Seeing yourself as a public idol, literally carrying you in their arms- in reality, make a serious mistake by not placing trust in a person who deserves it like no one else.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you worship idols- a very slow ascent to fame and glory awaits you. If you want to speed up this process, avoid petty activities and situations.

Debunking Idols- promises you fortitude and self-control in the future.

If you dream about others worshiping idols- this portends disagreements among your friends.

Condemning idolatry in a dream -

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Idol

  • If you dreamed that you were worshiping your idol, then you will experience a slow ascent to fame and glory. In order to speed up the process, try not to indulge too much in detail.
  • Debunking an idol in a dream will bring you fortitude and self-control. No amount of hard work will stop you from striving for everyone's respect.
  • If you see how others worship idols, disagreements may arise among your friends.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Idol?

  • If you dreamed about your idol, it means that the path to wealth and fame will be too long. A dream in which you were disappointed in your idol testifies: you are able to completely control your thoughts and actions.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

See Idol in a dream

  • If you dream that you worship idols, it means that you will experience a very slow ascent to fame and glory; Apparently, on the way to them you will unnecessarily indulge in petty activities.
  • Debunking idols promises you fortitude and self-control in the future. No amount of hard work will stop you. You in the pursuit of universal respect.
  • If you see others worshiping idols, this portends disagreements among your friends.
  • Condemning idolatry in a dream is a promise of your fame and even honor, which will be facilitated by your ability to understand the psychology of people, to comprehend the capabilities and inclinations of the mind.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

See Idol in a dream

  • If you dreamed that you saw your idol, then your path to wealth and fame will be too long. If in a dream you are disappointed in your idol, then in reality you are able to completely control your thoughts and actions. A dream in which generally accepted idols are worshiped by others means that your independent nature often becomes the cause of conflicts with others.

The dream book site - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: the Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshef), a culinary dream book, a Mayan dream book, a Wanderer's dream book, a dream book of the Otavalos Indians, Danilova's erotic dream book, a dream book (1829), an Assyrian dream book, a Russian dream book, folk dream book of beliefs and omens (folklore), modern dream book, self-instructional dream book (Vrublevskaya's dream book), Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti, men's dream book, Jung's dream book, Slavic dream book, Indian shamanic dream book, dream book of love, dream book of happy omens, ancient Persian dream book of Taflisi, numerological dream book of Pythagoras, psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov, ancient French dream book, Vedic dream book of Sivananda, and others.

At one point or another in life, almost every person has an idol. Respect and admiration for the chosen idol helps you become stronger, survive adversity, and come to terms with losses. If in a dream you saw a person whom you sincerely admire in real life, rest assured that your fortitude will only become stronger. The dream book predicts successful overcoming of obstacles thanks to endurance and self-control. But don’t take the explanation of why this plot is being dreamed so literally. Check out other interpretations as well.

To dream that you are talking with a famous star on equal terms is a sign of respect. Those citizens who currently surround you in real life will show extraordinary respect and even admiration. A modern dream book suggests that a dreamed conversation with a star prophesies success in life.

Did you dream that the star was aggressive? It’s not hard to guess why such a plot is dreamed of. This means that all the work done will go unnoticed. You will feel disappointed and sad. Aesop's Dream Book asks - don't give up! Wait for the best moment and get down to business again.

Conflicts and misunderstandings

If in a dream you met with a deceased idol, then in reality expect a series of troubles and quarrels. The universal dream book promises that difficult times will come. This means that all available fortitude will be needed to defeat unfavorable circumstances.

To dream that a meeting with a deceased idol brought joy - to the successful resolution of most conflict situations. If a meeting with a deceased idol made you nervous, then in reality you will begin to worry greatly and for a long time because of quarrels with people close and very dear to your heart.

What does Miller's dream book say?

Miller explains in detail why one dreams of having a meal with an idol. If you dreamed that you were at a dinner party, then in reality you will be able to take advantage of the benefits of wealthier people than you. To dream that a dinner party ended with an idol performing on stage is a sign of a drastic change in life. Moreover, all changes will only improve the current state of affairs.

If in your night dreams the idolized person prepared an exquisite dish for you with his own hands, then in reality fortune will be more than favorable. Miller's dream book promises extraordinary luck in absolutely any endeavor. Don't miss the chance! Be brave and persistent and you can get what you have been dreaming about for a long time.

Some more predictions

To understand the interpretation of a dream as correctly as possible, it is necessary to take into account all the details of the dream. Here are a few more explanations of why an idol dreams.

  • Drinking wine with an idol means crazy fun.
  • Riding in a car together means doing bold things.
  • Fighting with a celestial being - dreaming about this can mean adversity and bad luck.
  • Kissing your idol on the lips means pleasant surprises in your personal life.

Dream Interpretation Idols If in a dream you are present at a concert or theatrical show of your idol, one of the pop or rock stars, this is a sign of brilliant success, which you will achieve thanks to the patronage of wealthy patrons. If your idols disappointed you in a dream, such a dream foreshadows disagreements with friends, as well as troubles in the family. Seeing yourself in the role of an idol of the public, literally carrying you in their arms, means in reality you will make a serious mistake by not placing trust in a person who deserves it like no one else. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Idol If you dream of other people worshiping idols, this foretells disagreements between your lover and your friends. If you condemn idolaters, this indicates that you will achieve honor and respect due to your ability to influence people and personal charm. Dream book for lovers

Dream Interpretation Idol, idol Idol, idol. If you dream that you worship idols, it means that you will experience a very slow ascent to fame and glory; Apparently, on the way to them you will unnecessarily indulge in petty activities. Debunking idols promises you fortitude and self-control in the future. No amount of hard work will stop you in your quest for universal respect. If you see others worshiping idols, this foretells disagreements in your circle of friends. Condemning idolatry in a dream is a promise of your fame, and even honor, which will be facilitated by your ability to understand the psychology of people, to comprehend the capabilities and inclinations of the mind. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Idol If you dreamed that you were worshiping your idol, then you will experience a slow ascent to fame and glory. In order to speed up the process, try not to indulge too much in detail. Debunking an idol in a dream will bring you fortitude and self-control. No amount of hard work will stop you from striving for everyone's respect. If you see how others worship idols, disagreements may arise in reality among your friends. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Idol You see how some people worship idols - some disagreement will arise among your friends; business may suffer as a result. It’s as if you yourself are worshiping an idol - the dream suggests that your path to fame and success will be long and tedious; you tend to get distracted from the main thing, and this often interferes with you. It’s as if you are participating in the debunking of an idol - in the near future you will demonstrate great strength of character; your self-control is worthy of emulation. Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Interpretation of sleep Idol If in a dream you worship idols, you will experience a very slow ascent to fame and glory. If you want to speed up this process, avoid petty activities and situations. Debunking idols: promises you fortitude and self-control in the future. If you dream of others worshiping idols, this foretells disagreements among your friends. Condemning idolatry in a dream: evidence of your insight, ability to understand the psychology of people, to comprehend the capabilities and inclinations of your own mind. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Meaning of sleep Idol If you dreamed that you were worshiping your idol, a slow ascent to fame and glory awaits you. In order to speed up the process, try not to indulge too much in detail. Debunking an idol in a dream will bring you fortitude and self-control. No amount of hard work will stop you from striving for everyone's respect. If you saw others worshiping idols, disagreements may arise among your friends. Family dream book

Dream Idol (Idol) For men: If in a dream you worship a revived idol, then in reality you will be disappointed, having made the wrong decision. If you see other people worshiping idols, you will soon be disappointed in the person close to you, but you will be able to achieve public recognition.
For children: ICON (for example, Leo DiCaprio or Keanu Reeves) - you are dissatisfied with your personal life or yourself - you urgently need to change something.