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Why do you dream about zucchini? Why do you dream about eating zucchini?

If you dreamed of zucchini growing in a garden bed, you will have to work hard and hard, and you should not count on high rewards. Trying to achieve the realization of your high ambitions will play a cruel joke on you, and instead of a prestigious position, you will get a low-paid and unpromising job. And all because you decide to take risks and try to use not entirely honest methods to achieve your goal.

You shouldn’t go against your principles in the hope that you can deceive fate and achieve what you want with the least amount of effort. There is a time for everything and every goal requires certain actions that cannot be avoided.

The meaning of a dream in which you had a chance to pick zucchini

Picking zucchini in a dream means that soon brilliant prospects will open before you that are worth taking advantage of. This could be an unexpected offer to change jobs or collaborate with new business partners. In any case, the plot seen foreshadows the benefits from the opportunities that present themselves.

Be able to take advantage of a good chance in time and act without delay. Having missed a favorable moment this time due to doubts and thoughts, you may not wait for the next one.

Interpretation of a dream about a pumpkin

Pumpkin dreams of prosperity and joy. Such a sign often appears on the eve of significant events in a person’s life, which will significantly change his plans for the future and make adjustments to his current way of life. You will be able to achieve heights in your career or achieve prosperity in your business, which will have a positive impact on all areas of your life.

Admiring fat, cute zucchini in a dream is not such a favorable sign as it might seem. Why do you dream of a nourishing, inexpensive vegetable? He is a symbol of some solvency problems. The dreamer is not in danger of hopeless poverty, but temporarily tightening his belt in order to subsequently reach a new level of well-being would be a wise decision. Dream books will tell you how relevant this is for the dreamer.


Zucchini is a symbol of insufficient earnings. Dream books leave aside the analysis of the reasons why this happened, but they suggest why zucchini is dreamed of, how serious the situation is and sometimes give a forecast of what changes should be expected in the near future.

So, Miller’s dream book associates the lack of a worthy reward not with the dreamer’s laziness, but with unfortunate circumstances.

If you dreamed of fresh ripe zucchini, this is better than small and rotten ones. Seeing these somewhat fresh fruits is a symbol of recovery and restoration of strength. In financial terms, dream books foretell that wages will increase slowly but steadily, and with tireless work you will restore the financial status of the family.

Crumpled or rotten, in a dream they warn against harshness in disputes. Knowing what they mean in your dreams, try to be tolerant in disagreements so as not to turn into an empty squabble and not bring your opponent to tears - otherwise the discord will lead to a breakdown in relations.

Seeing them in a garden bed in a dream suggests that your unenviable position has dim prospects. Lying on the counter - there will be a job offer that must be accepted, despite the exhausting tediousness of the duties. If you dreamed about it on a plate - everything is not so bad, life will get better.

According to Freud's dream book, seeing zucchini or cucumbers in a dream means contemplating a phallic symbol. Freud's interpretation of what zucchini dreams about depends on who the dreamer is. For men, Freud prophesies problems with potency, and for women - acquaintance and meetings with an interesting man.


If you dreamed of zucchini in the garden, it is a sign that you are unhappy with your situation and are trying to find a way out. According to the New Era dream book, a dream reflects precisely the emotional state. If the fruits are pleasing in appearance, you can satisfy your vanity.

Why dream of planting zucchini - at the moment you are mired in debt. If you dreamed that the plantings in the garden were sprouting right before your eyes, you would suddenly be offered a lucrative contract.

Why do you dream of growing zucchini - planting, watering, weeding - Melnikova’s dream book interprets it as follows: the dreamer’s work is hard, low-paid, and it is unlikely that he will be able to change it quickly. Collecting a rich harvest of ripe fruits in a dream means that you have passed a bad point, and now it is important not to miss out on very profitable offers for a new job.

It matters what kind of fruit you picked. If you pluck small ones that are not full, you will grab any offer for additional work, but soberly assess whether it will bring you the necessary income. If you dreamed that you were collecting those who had poured, but were not overripe, dream books predict that you will successfully decide on the place of your new service.

Purchase and prepare

Mountains of zucchini at the market mean big profits obtained honestly. If they are dirty in a dream, you will have to work physically.

If you dreamed of selling zucchini at the market, it means trouble. Buying them in a dream: in reality you may make a bad deal, but dream books advise you not to neglect your friend’s advice. Buying vegetables predicts a bunch of expensive unnecessary purchases in reality.

Buying at the market portends an end to their financial crisis, prosperity and success in the near future. Cooking them - boiling or frying - promises dinner in pleasant company in the coming days. Frying and eating zucchini in a dream means that there will be an opportunity to make easy money and have fun.

The main meaning of a dream with zucchini will delight every dreamer. After all, it promises excellent health, a flourishing appearance and easy income.

However, additional details of the plot, such as the size and condition of the fruits, their appearance and location, can radically change the interpretation of a night dream.

  • Young zucchini, decorating the garden with their presence, appear in a dream if in reality your personal charm is simply off the charts. You are bursting with erudition, sparkling with fun and striking on the spot with overt sexuality.
  • Did you dream of ripe, pleasantly potbellied fruits? In reality, you don’t have to worry about prosperity and everyday luck. After all, in the near future you are guaranteed the favor of fortune in solving any everyday problems from earning money to raising children.
  • However, if in a dream you not only see how vegetables grow, but diligently care for them (water, fertilize, weed), then in reality you will have to come to terms with the need to work a lot for pennies. The one who sowed zucchini will in reality become entangled in debt. But if in the kingdom of dreams the plantings grow by leaps and bounds, then in reality you will soon be able to pay off your creditors.
  • Did they collect useful fruits in the land of Morpheus? Remember which ones and in what quantity. A rich harvest of ripe vegetables indicates the beginning of a bright streak in the professional sphere. If you come across only small specimens, in reality you are trying to make money by any means. An overripe zucchini picked in a dream symbolizes the offer of a profitable location.
  • If the “sleepy” plot featured beautiful and healthy fruits, then in reality you are filled with energy and optimism. For the patient, such a dream promises a speedy recovery. Crumpled and rotten specimens are dreamed of as a call for tolerance in real life. Try to resolve any disputes in a business style, leaving emotions aside, so as not to ruin your relationship with your opponent completely and irrevocably.
  • Anyone who in dreams bought zucchini at a market or in a store will find an original way out of financial difficulties in reality. If there are no serious material problems, then vegetables symbolize future successes. Trading them on the market means hardships and losses.
  • Have you seen whole mountains of healthy products on the shelves? To a big but fair profit. If the fruits were not too clean, then money in the house will appear solely through physical labor.
  • A dream in which you cooked (stewed, fried, baked) zucchini means that in real life a difficult time of doubt and search, difficulties and deprivations is coming. However, if you show fortitude and perseverance of character, you will overcome all obstacles with honor and achieve success.
  • Eating any zucchini dish in a “sleepy” plot promises that in reality you will have great fun in warm company. Friends or relatives can invite you to a restaurant, or they can throw a nice party at home.
  • Women a dream with zucchini predicts a sensual and tender lover. However, you should not hope for a marriage proposal. For men a healthy vegetable is an unpleasant symbol, as it hints at possible problems with potency.
    • Ivanov’s newest dream book assures that you dream of oblong fruits if colleagues or relatives are actively discussing you behind your back.
    • Dream Book of the Wanderer considers a night dream with zucchini as an omen of large profits.
    • Jewish dream book sees in a symbol such as a zucchini a promise of good news related to finances.
    • Miller's Dream Book reports that after dreaming about a healthy vegetable, you should not count on decent earnings. Moreover, the deterioration of the financial situation will occur for objective reasons that have nothing to do with the insufficient desire for prosperity and financial stability.
    • Dream Interpretation of the New Era explains that a zucchini bed is a dream for someone who in reality is not satisfied with his life. If the vegetables were ripe and beautiful, then your desire for success will soon bear fruit.
    • According to Melnikov's Dream Interpretation The plot with growing zucchini symbolizes hard and low-paid work, which, no matter how much you want, you will not be able to change in the near future.

Zucchini in a dream is not always a good sign. This inexpensive vegetable in a dream often portends a lack of funds. or precarious financial situation. However, if in a dream the zucchini is appropriated in the form of a purchase, receiving as a gift, etc., then this means only one thing - in the near future money will come to the dreamer.

Dream books will help us understand more precisely what zucchini dreams about. Based on their interpretations, this article was written.

Fresh, green or rotten?

Of decisive importance in the interpretation of a dream in which zucchini was present is the appearance of the vegetables.

The dreamer expects painstaking internal work, a surge of strength, energetic work or emotional upsurge - this is what fresh zucchini dreams of.

Green - to hard but poorly paid work, otherwise - to a new acquaintance, the beginning of a relationship.

Rotten - the dreamer will feel shame for an intemperate statement or a rash act.

Seeing fried zucchini in a dream means decent income, a lucrative offer or contract, otherwise it means an adventure.

Sliced ​​- fate will be favorable to the dreamer; such a dream foretells success in business.

Purified - to material troubles, spending and financial difficulties.

Was there one or many zucchini in the dream?

Big or small?

  • Huge - making a profit by dishonest means, otherwise - to trouble.
  • Large - to a meeting with a high-ranking person or to an acquaintance with a famous but low-income person.
  • Small - the dreamer is expecting imminent problems with money or useless troubles.


Hard, low-paying or volunteer work, otherwise you will have to gain rich life experience. This is how dream books answer the question of why a woman or a man dreams of zucchini in the garden.

In your hands - you have the key to financial well-being, otherwise the dreamer will have to make a fateful choice.

In the garden - to receive rewards for hard work, to conflicts at work.

On a tree - to find yourself in an unusual situation, to an invitation to an event, otherwise - to recovery from a serious illness.

On the table - for a fun time in the company of friends or for a family celebration.

On the windowsill - a poor life and a joyless existence awaits the dreamer, otherwise - such a dream is for a deceased person.

In the cradle - to the birth of a child who will have to work hard to achieve something.

Situation in a dream

Seeing zucchini or squash from the side in a dream, according to the dream book, is a sign of gossip; the dreamer’s person will be actively discussed among friends.

Growing it means family joys, otherwise it means getting a difficult job. Gathering from the garden - the dreamer is not satisfied with the current state of affairs, he tries to correct the situation.

Cutting - the dreamer expects family troubles or unforeseen expenses, debt obligations.

Frying means a pleasant weekend or an opportunity to improve your financial situation. Cook - the dreamer expects a feast or a trip, otherwise - fun in the company.

Making squash caviar - complexes prevent the dreamer from realizing his abilities.

Buying means success and prosperity or making a profit, otherwise the sleeping person will be able to organize a profitable business. Selling means trouble, otherwise the dreamer will pass on his experience to a young employee.

Giving - for long preparations for the road, otherwise - for a long-awaited housewarming or moving.

Who is the dreamer?


For the fair half of humanity, a dream in which zucchini is present often foreshadows a new acquaintance or a fateful meeting.


In dreams of the stronger sex, zucchini often symbolizes spending, financial losses and debts.

  • A lonely guy will face financial difficulties and troubles in the business sphere.
  • For a man who is not free - to an annoying misunderstanding in his relationship with a girl, otherwise - to troubles in various areas of life.
  • For a married dreamer, betrayal, deceit, hypocrisy, betrayal of a loved one, or a difficult financial situation awaits.

Often different authors have opposite interpretations of one dream. So, according to Miller’s dream book, cooking a dish of zucchini portends the onset of a difficult period in the life of the sleeping person, and Vanga’s dream book interprets this image as a harbinger of a pleasant dinner in a cheerful company.

In this case, you need to choose the interpretation option that is closer to the dreamer, but also keep in mind negative predictions. After all, as they say, forewarned is forearmed.

Seeing zucchini in a dream also has several different meanings. They can be both positive and negative. As a rule, zucchini characterizes the material, and most often financial, side of life.

In itself, this vegetable or a squash similar to it may indicate a not very favorable combination of circumstances, as a result of which your work activity will not be appreciated and paid for.

Also, a zucchini in a dream can mean an active discussion from friends and others, which will remain in the spotlight for a long time.

Why do you dream of a zucchini if ​​some actions were performed with it in a dream? Purchasing zucchini in a dream implies social recognition from friends and promises well-being in the home. This includes talking about the gradual improvement of financial components in the family.

Each dream has its own specific meaning. Even the ancient sages began to interpret dreams. Their meaning can warn of an event, warn or give advice, signal good or bad luck.

Determining the meaning of a dream should be approached very carefully, since in addition to a certain sign, a dream can simply reflect impressions of the past day or reflections of thoughts that bother you. Moreover, the form of the dream may be distant from the events themselves.

If the dream does not resonate with real life circumstances, then it is worthwhile to interpret it. Moreover, the same object can have several meanings and sometimes they are opposite in meaning, then it is worth relying on the feelings and emotions that visit you in a dream.

If you dream of a zucchini in which the ridges with this vegetable are watered, weeded, or other agricultural processing is underway, this means hard and poorly paid work. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to change it to another one right away.

Cooking zucchini or squash in a dream is not a very good sign. This means that we should expect a not entirely prosperous stage in life. An unfavorable period may be associated with a reduction in financial resources in the family. But at the same time, in many dream books, frying zucchini means a good sign - this is an opportunity to make good money.

The opportunity to make good money promises to eat zucchini in a dream. This is the most positive sign. It also symbolizes that in reality you will receive an invitation to a restaurant or to a celebration. It will be accompanied by a very pleasant time in the excellent company of close friends, acquaintances and relatives.

If you are concerned that a zucchini in a dream promises problems with money, try to play it safe in advance. If you doubted changing jobs, then wait a while and stick to maximum stability in your life.


Why do you dream about Zucchini?

Culinary dream book

Eating a dish of zucchini in a dream portends an easy and pleasant pastime, lunch or dinner in a friendly company. In addition, if in a dream you fried or ate zucchini, you may have a good opportunity to earn money.

Newest dream book

In a dream, what does Zucchini dream about?

Zucchini - you will be actively discussed among friends.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Zucchini?

A dream in which you water zucchini or weed a bed with them foreshadows hard, poorly paid work.

Buying zucchini in a dream means success, prosperity in the house.

Cooking zucchini is a sign that hard times are coming for you.

Eating zucchini in a dream means that in reality you will be invited to a restaurant where you will have a great time, relaxing and having fun with close friends.

Dream book of the 21st century

What did Zucchini dream about in a dream?

Eating a dish of zucchini in a dream is a sign that a pleasant lunch or dinner awaits you in a friendly company.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Zucchini in a dream?

A dream in which you water zucchini or weed a garden bed with them portends hard and low-paid work. Buying zucchini in a dream portends success, contentment, and complete prosperity. Cooking zucchini is a sign that hard times are coming for you. Eating zucchini in a dream means that in reality you will be invited to a restaurant where you will have a great time relaxing and having fun.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Zucchini according to the dream book?

Zucchini - profit.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Zucchini according to the dream book?

If you dream about zucchini, you may soon become the object of discussion among your friends.

You see that you are buying them - such a dream, according to the dream book, means the happiness and well-being of your entire family.

If you dreamed that you were cooking something from zucchini, a very difficult period will soon begin in your life.

The dream in which you eat them says that in the near future you can visit a restaurant where you will not only have a great rest, but also have great fun with some good friends.


Seeing zucchini in the garden

Dream Interpretation Seeing zucchini in the garden dreamed of why you dream about seeing zucchini in the garden? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see zucchini in a garden in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Zucchini

Dream Interpretation – Zucchini

Dream Interpretation – Zucchini

Dream Interpretation – Bed

Seeing a garden bed in a dream means that soon you will have a reason to remember a person who has passed away whom you knew well. Digging beds in a vegetable garden in a dream foretells good prospects in business. Weeding the beds means going, figuratively speaking, from rags to riches. Seeing beds with vegetables growing on them in a dream means prosperity and wealth.

Dream Interpretation – Beds

Dream Interpretation – Beds

Garden beds are a lot of work and little benefit.

Dream Interpretation – Beds

Seeing beds in the garden is a harbinger of hard and thankless work. If they are destroyed, then expect serious problems and financial difficulties. See interpretation: vegetable garden, vegetables, land.

Dream Interpretation – Zucchini

Dream Interpretation – Zucchini

You will be actively discussed among friends.

Dream Interpretation – Beds

Seeing, digging - a coffin, you yourself or one of your relatives will die; walking on them is a disease.


Zucchini vegetable

Dream Interpretation Zucchini vegetable dreamed of why you dream about Zucchini vegetable? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Zucchini as a vegetable in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Zucchini

A dream in which you water zucchini or weed a bed with them foreshadows hard and low-paid work. Buying zucchini in a dream portends success, contentment, and complete prosperity. Cooking zucchini is a sign that hard times are coming for you. Eating zucchini in a dream means that in reality you will be invited to a restaurant where you will have a great time relaxing and having fun.

Dream Interpretation – Zucchini

If in a dream you ate some kind of zucchini dish, then you will have an easy and pleasant pastime. Perhaps you will be invited to lunch or dinner in a friendly company.

If in a dream you fried zucchini, this may represent a good opportunity to make money.

Dream Interpretation – Vegetables

Vegetables in a dream can have different meanings. See interpretation: vegetables by name.

However, there are features that are characteristic of all dreams about vegetables. In general, a dream about vegetables often reminds you that you will have to pay debts.

Seeing vegetables growing in a garden in a dream is a sign that your position is precarious and, in general, you are dissatisfied with your position. To dream that they are growing and rejoice that you will have a rich harvest means that your ambitious desires will come true. A dream in which you see vegetables at the market is also favorable, as it predicts good luck in your planned enterprise.

Cutting them in a dream is a sign that you should be careful with money and not enter into risky ventures. Cooking vegetables for lunch in a dream is a sign of a quarrel with a close friend. Eating raw vegetables in a dream means that empty troubles await you. Throwing away vegetables in a dream means that you will face failure in the business you have started. Seeing vegetables prepared for salad in a dream means that obstacles in business, grief and trouble await you. It is always better to see ripe vegetables in a dream than unripe, sour, bitter, rotten, rotten, unfit for food. Such vegetables portend tears, grief, disputes, squabbles, and disagreements. Seeing or smelling vegetables that have a strong smell (onions, garlic, turnips, radishes) in a dream is a sign that you recognize something that was hidden from you. This discovery will not be pleasant and will entail a number of family scandals. Tasteless vegetables (cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini) seen in a dream bring good luck to the sick and predict a speedy recovery.

Dream Interpretation – Zucchini

Eating a dish of zucchini means a pleasant lunch or dinner awaits you in a friendly company.

Dream Interpretation – Vegetables

Seeing vegetables growing in a garden or field in a dream means unreliable partners will let you down. Harvesting vegetables means wasting your time and effort on an activity that will not bring you income. Spoiled vegetables portend failure in everything.

Cutting and preparing vegetables for the table is a sign of annoying misunderstandings in relations with neighbors. Canning vegetables in large quantities means the sudden appearance on your horizon of a man who will attract you with his eccentricity and clearly expressed masculine virtues.

Eating raw vegetables portends a health disorder; dishes made from vegetables - you will need to be patient if you want your business to move in the right direction.

Buying vegetables is a sign of unexpected luck, which you will perceive as a gift of fate. Seeing yourself in a dream at a vegetable market or in a specialty store means your dream will come true, although people close to you will suffer from this.

Dream Interpretation – Vegetables

To tears, grief, which will have good reasons.

Eating vegetables raw means you will face thankless work, causeless blues, grief caused by a trivial reason.

Cutting vegetables means something auspicious.

Peeling vegetables is a warning for you to be careful.

Selling vegetables means an argument with someone, enmity.

Planting, digging, collecting vegetables is an unsuccessful and thankless task.

If you dreamed about vegetables in the garden, it means experiencing insecurity in anything.

Throwing away vegetables as unusable is a sign of failure.

Dream Interpretation – Vegetables

Seeing a lot of vegetables is a sign of wealth.

Eating vegetables means an invitation to a banquet.

A woman eats cabbage - to deterioration of health, loss of money.

Buying vegetables is a sign of success and good luck in business.

Planting vegetables means great difficulties for a man, and for a woman it means glory and respect.

In a dream you are cooking vegetables - your friends are deceiving you.

Dream Interpretation – Vegetables

If you see vegetables in a dream, unexpected but imaginary luck lies ahead. At first you will perceive it as a gift of fate, but very soon you will realize that it is just a deception. You will have to pay for the previous pleasures.

Withered and rotting vegetables dream of trouble.

A young woman who sees herself cooking vegetables in a dream may break up with her loved one. However, she still awaits marriage with a worthy and faithful chosen one.

Growing vegetables in the garden means you will have a pleasant time with your family.

Spoiled vegetables seen in a dream indicate a deterioration in matters.

Dream Interpretation – Vegetables

Seeing yourself eating vegetables is a sign of unexpected good fortune. It is possible that at first you will perceive it as a gift of fate, but very soon you will have to understand that behind the imaginary luck lies a deception.

Withered and rotting vegetables promise great sorrow. For a young woman to dream that she is preparing vegetables for dinner is a harbinger of what she will lose because of a quarrel with her beloved person, but she will be married to a worthy and faithful chosen one.

Dream Interpretation – Vegetables

Vegetables - seeing stale vegetables is a disease; eating vegetables is health.


Cucumber zucchini

Dream Interpretation Cucumber Zucchini dreamed of why you dream about cucumber and zucchini? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a cucumber and zucchini in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Zucchini

A dream in which you water zucchini or weed a bed with them foreshadows hard and low-paid work. Buying zucchini in a dream portends success, contentment, and complete prosperity. Cooking zucchini is a sign that hard times are coming for you. Eating zucchini in a dream means that in reality you will be invited to a restaurant where you will have a great time relaxing and having fun.

Dream Interpretation – Zucchini

If in a dream you ate some kind of zucchini dish, then you will have an easy and pleasant pastime. Perhaps you will be invited to lunch or dinner in a friendly company.

If in a dream you fried zucchini, this may represent a good opportunity to make money.

Dream Interpretation – Cucumber

A cucumber dreams of excellent health and prosperity in business. For sick people, such a dream promises a quick recovery, for lovers - quick changes for the better.

The cucumber is often a symbol of masculinity.

If you saw a cucumber in a dream, then in reality you are tormented by unsatisfied sexual desire. A man who dreams of a cucumber promises an erotic adventure.

If you dreamed of a cucumber, then unexpected guests will come to you soon. They will make you happy, add variety to your life, but, unfortunately, they will stay for a long time and have time to get bored.

Dream Interpretation – Cucumber

Cucumber – Cucumber is often a symbol of masculinity. Therefore, if you saw a cucumber in a dream, it means that you are tormented by unsatisfied sexual desire. A man who dreams of a cucumber promises an erotic adventure.

Dream Interpretation – Zucchini

Eating a dish of zucchini means a pleasant lunch or dinner awaits you in a friendly company.

Dream Interpretation – Cucumber

Cucumber - If you dreamed of a cucumber, then expect changes for the better in the near future. Happiness awaits you.

Dream Interpretation – Cucumber

Cucumber is a symbol of masculinity.

A woman who sees this vegetable in a dream is probably dissatisfied with her current sex life and experiences a desire that she cannot satisfy.

If a man dreams of a cucumber, it means that he will soon experience an erotic adventure.

Dream Interpretation – Cucumber

A cucumber seen in a dream means excellent health and prosperity in business.

For patients, this dream promises a speedy recovery.

Good changes for lovers.

Dream Interpretation – Cucumber

If you dreamed of a cucumber (cucumbers), then this means that unexpected guests will soon come to you, who will delight you, bring variety to your life, but, unfortunately, they will embarrass you and will not leave you quickly.

Dream Interpretation – Cucumber

Cucumber - you will be deservedly praised.




Why did you dream about digging huge zucchini out of the ground?


I picked it and gave it as a gift. I gave it as a gift.


My husband dreamed that he was with me in a field where the zucchini grew, all so ripe, and he alone picked the biggest one and gave it to me, why such a dream? maybe for pregnancy? so we hope)))


Good afternoon! I dreamed that I wanted to buy eggs in a supermarket, I selected them and put them in a corton dish, they were all white, there were a lot of them. Then I put something on them and crushed a few of them and am going to replace them. But I never bought it. Then I choose the bread, I chose neither white nor black, rye or something, then I see they brought a new product to the store and the seller goes through the zucchini and cuts off some bruises.


Write your dream here for interpretation... in the dream I apparently gave two zucchini to my husband’s mistress. One is straight, the other is straight. What does this mean?


a field planted with zucchini, both young and overgrown, both good and spoiled, I already wanted to steal and didn’t steal it


I was looking for a zucchini in the garden, and all the time I found small ones, then large ones, but I couldn’t find the one I wanted. A couple of minutes later I found a medium-sized one, green in color.


In my dream I saw a lot of fresh (different sizes) and salted, as well as lightly salted cucumbers, they were in the bathroom, and there were green zucchini there.


I dreamed about how I was picking zucchini in a garden bed. There are very, very many of them, and they are all different sizes, both huge and small, but all are beautiful. I chose medium-sized and small young ones.


I’m in the garden trying to pick zucchini so that they can hire me. And the head of the institution turned out to be the father of my former classmate. He's hinting at bed for me. And I’m thinking that I need to replant the plants; some are already ready for replanting.


I fried thinly sliced ​​zucchini and fried them dry and not until golden brown, as is customary, and there were a lot of them in a large basin. I also fried potatoes and potato cutlets, too, a lot. I was going to wash my husband’s not very dirty clothes. I kicked out two small cats and adult cats came running to protect them and one healthy one sat down in the middle of the rooms and stretched out his back proudly. And I dreamed of all this one night - today.


I dreamed about Saturday night and Sunday that my mother fried zucchini pancakes, but they were like big pancake cakes and stood on top of the refrigerator) how to understand what this is for


a large vegetable garden but alien and there are fresh large leaves of zucchini and green zucchini and next to them there are cucumbers, the same fresh green ones and I ate a cucumber


Hello, Tatyana, I dreamed that my husband and I came to my parents, I see a garden bed with long zucchini of different colors on it: orange, green... lying on the garden bed, and the leaves are small, although in real life they are large, my parents treat us with vegetables, then , as if I’m at home in the garden and greedily picking dill, something like this...


A whole field of zucchini. People around me collect them, only overripe fruits (large, beautiful). I’m not happy with their work, I start collecting them myself, I spread the leaves, and there are large, small, and medium-sized ones, all beautiful, I pick them all, my hands are all busy with them, I show everyone, I say that these (well, the medium ones) should also be collected.


Just a thicket of zucchini (in the garden). The lush foliage contains light green, green-yellow fruits of various sizes. I tried to choose a younger one...


Hello! In my life I have a small piece of land for a vegetable garden, there is a bed with 3 zucchini bushes on it, there are rarely more than 2-3 zucchini at a time and I usually pick them with small or medium-sized fruits. In a dream, I dreamed that I saw my garden bed in my garden, but instead of the usual 2-3 medium zucchini there were 5-6 large zucchini, and in my dream the thought flashed through my mind about why I took so long and now I will collect such large ones. I remembered a dream today when I went out into the garden in the morning and looked at my zucchini.

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Admiring fat, cute zucchini in a dream is not such a favorable sign as it might seem. Why do you dream of a nourishing, inexpensive vegetable? He is a symbol of some solvency problems. The dreamer is not in danger of hopeless poverty, but temporarily tightening his belt in order to subsequently reach a new level of well-being would be a wise decision. Dream books will tell you how relevant this is for the dreamer.


So, Miller’s dream book associates the lack of a worthy reward not with the dreamer’s laziness, but with unfortunate circumstances.

If you dreamed of fresh ripe zucchini, this is better than small and rotten ones. Seeing these fresh fruits is a symbol of recovery, restoration of strength. In financial terms, dream books foretell that wages will increase slowly but steadily, and with tireless work you will restore the financial status of the family.

Crumpled or rotten, in a dream they warn against harshness in disputes. Knowing what they mean in your dreams, try to be tolerant in disagreements so as not to turn into an empty squabble and not bring your opponent to tears - otherwise the discord will lead to a breakdown in relations.

Seeing them in a garden bed in a dream suggests that your unenviable position has dim prospects. Lying on the counter - there will be a job offer that must be accepted, despite the exhausting tediousness of the duties. If you dreamed about it on a plate - everything is not so bad, life will get better.


If you dreamed of zucchini in the garden, it is a sign that you are unhappy with your situation and are trying to find a way out. According to the New Era dream book, a dream reflects precisely the emotional state. If the fruits are pleasing in appearance, you can satisfy your vanity.

Why dream of planting zucchini - at the moment you are mired in debt. If you dreamed that the plantings in the garden were sprouting right before your eyes, you would suddenly be offered a lucrative contract.

Why do you dream of growing zucchini - planting, watering, weeding - Melnikova’s dream book interprets it as follows: the dreamer’s work is hard, low-paid, and it is unlikely that he will be able to change it quickly. Collecting a rich harvest of ripe fruits in a dream means that you have passed a bad point, and now it is important not to miss out on very profitable offers for a new job.

It matters what kind of fruit you picked. If you pluck small ones that are not full, you will grab any offer for additional work, but soberly assess whether it will bring you the necessary income. If you dreamed that you were collecting those who had poured, but were not overripe, dream books predict that you will successfully decide on the place of your new service.

Purchase and prepare

If you dreamed of selling zucchini at the market, it means trouble. Buying them in a dream: in reality you may make a bad deal, but dream books advise you not to neglect your friend’s advice. Buying vegetables predicts a bunch of expensive unnecessary purchases in reality.

Buying at the market portends an end to their financial crisis, prosperity and success in the near future. Cooking them - boiling or frying - promises dinner in pleasant company in the coming days. Frying and eating zucchini in a dream means that there will be an opportunity to make easy money and have fun.

Crumpled or rotten, in a dream they warn against harshness in disputes. Knowing what they mean in your dreams, try to be tolerant in disagreements so as not to turn into an empty squabble and not bring your opponent to tears - otherwise the discord will lead to a breakdown in relations. Yuri Longo's dream book offers us the following interpretation: The color green as such in a dream means hope, financial success, long trips. Seeing a green dress in a dream foretells the fulfillment of hopes. Using green paper in a dream means that in reality you will experience neglect in love or failure in business.

Yuri Longo's dream book interprets your dream as follows:

Why do you dream about picking zucchini?

Dream Interpretation - Zucchini. If in a dream you fried zucchini, this may represent a good opportunity to make money.

I dreamed that I was picking zucchini from the garden, and the first one was very large, but partially rotten. I separated the damaged part - the rest was very elastic and good. Then I also picked zucchini - they were smaller in size, but all good. Why do you dream about fresh zucchini?, selling vegetables - to a dispute with someone, enmity.

Nuances of the dream:

They are going to put stocks and shackles on your body - you will soon get sick. Seeing a lot of vegetables is a sign of wealth. In any case, a dream in which a dog appears gives an impending disagreement with his friends and people in his close circle, attracting

The patient sees in a dream how he eats a lot of vegetables - this means a serious illness.

Mountains of zucchini at the market mean big profits obtained honestly. If they are dirty in a dream, you will have to work physically.

I walked through my beautiful green garden and I had huge green zucchini, but I didn’t pick them, my mother-in-law came out and said don’t pick them, when they ripen they’ll fall off on their own.

Zucchini is a symbol of insufficient earnings. Dream books leave aside the analysis of the reasons why this happened, but they suggest why zucchini is dreamed of, how serious the situation is and sometimes give a forecast of what changes should be expected in the near future.

According to Freud's dream book, seeing zucchini or cucumbers in a dream means contemplating a phallic symbol. Freud's interpretation of what zucchini dreams about depends on who the dreamer is. For men, Freud prophesies problems with potency, and for women - acquaintance and meetings with an interesting man.

Crab: the meaning of the dream according to the dream book Stable: the meaning of the dream The meaning of the dream about the gate Carp: the meaning of the dream according to the dream book. Zucchini according to the dream book.

A dream in which you water zucchini or weed a bed with them foreshadows hard and low-paid work. Buying zucchini in a dream portends success, contentment, and complete prosperity. Cooking zucchini is a sign that hard times are coming for you. Eating zucchini in a dream means that in reality you will be invited to a restaurant where you will have a great time relaxing and having fun.

Dream Interpretation - Greenery, green color. Hello. my mother dreamed of her mother who died a year ago, she dreamed of her with zucchini in her hands. and there were large watermelons in the garden. I just haven’t dreamed of my grandmother for a long time and suddenly I dreamed about it this night. I would like to know why.

Collecting - Something scattered - means material losses. S. designer, details into a whole - for improvement, successful completion of the work begun.

I dreamed that I was picking medium-sized zucchini in a garden bed. Then I picked a head of cabbage, took it into the yard and put everything in a bag.

Sweet vegetables in a dream are a sign of satisfaction and reconciliation. See interpretation: fruit, bite, apples or by name.

Dream Interpretation - Collect. I dreamed of a friend transporting orange squash in boxes. I really liked them and decided to take a few and grow them myself. I was very happy about this thought.

Why do you dream about fresh zucchini in other dream books?

  • Ukrainian dream book
  • Dream Book of David Loff
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  • Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation
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  • Vanga's Dream Book
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  • Modern dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo
  • Assyrian dream book
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  • Azar's Dream Book
  • Culinary dream book
  • Lunar dream book
  • Freud's Dream Book
  • Miller's Dream Book

You need to look at these interpretations

Zucchini in the modern dream book

Usually, zucchini in a dream reflects the financial and material aspects of real life. Just contemplating this vegetable - the dream indicates an unfavorable combination of circumstances. Alas, management will not appreciate or reward your work ethic and valuable initiatives. Also, a dream about zucchini may foretell that you will become a convenient object for gossip and gossip from colleagues and acquaintances. Of course, it’s unpleasant, but you’ll have to come to terms with it, since you will have to remain in the center of attention of others for quite a long time. I dreamed of buying zucchini at the market or in a store - this is a good sign that predicts family well-being and public recognition. If you dreamed about weeding, watering or picking zucchini, in reality you will do monotonous and hard work, and almost for free. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to find another activity right away, so be patient and persevering. In a dream you were cooking zucchini - get ready to go through a difficult stage in life, which will be associated with a temporary lack of funds. If you ate zucchini with pleasure, you will have the opportunity to make good money. It is possible that soon you will receive an invitation to some kind of celebration, for example, a wedding or birthday. You will relax, forget about your problems and have a great time in the cheerful company of relatives and friends.

Zucchini in Miller's dream book

Zucchini seen in a dream predicts the impossibility of receiving a well-deserved reward for your dedicated work. This will be prevented by an extremely unfavorable combination of circumstances. If you dreamed about weeding a bed of zucchini or watering it with the sweat of your brow, it means that in reality you will have to do poorly paid and tedious work, and for quite a long time. All that remains is to endure, since it will not be possible to change this occupation to something more prestigious and easier soon. If you bought zucchini, your financial situation will begin to slowly improve in the near future. If you were preparing an exquisite dish of zucchini, a difficult and contradictory part of your life’s path awaits you. If you ate zucchini, you will have a great rest in a good restaurant in the company of close friends.