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Why do you dream about sharing? I dreamed about food - what does this mean according to various dream books Dream interpretation of sharing food

Food is an integral part of human life. To understand why you dream about food, you need to remember all the actions performed on it, as well as the taste, freshness and your feelings when eating food.

To correctly interpret a dream, it is worth taking into account all actions performed with food. Also, it should be noted that for some people, eating in a dream is evidence of worldly desires, for example, if you watch your diet and forbid yourself to indulge in gastronomic pleasures.

For the correct interpretation of such a dream, Aesop’s dream book comes to the rescue. His book of dreams states that such a dream indicates the passion, sensuality and temperament of the male dreamer. This, of course, is not bad, but you should not go beyond what is permitted by your partner and try to control your ardor.

People's dream book - why do you dream about a set table?

The folk dream book interprets a table covered with food as a symbol of prosperity and clarity of life. Are you sitting at a table full of food and eating? Such a dream indicates that soon you will have to bear all the worries and troubles on yourself, and even illness is possible.

What will a modern dream book say if you dreamed about food?

It happens that in our night dreams we see a refrigerator full of food. If in a dream you take food out of the refrigerator, then soon you will have to treat a close friend or relative. Putting uneaten food back in the refrigerator - soon you will receive your profit from the business; your work did not go unnoticed.

Have you cooked food in your sleep? Interpretation from dream books

If you fry something in your dreams, you will not be spared problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
The esoteric dream book promises you the emergence of scandals, omissions, and conflicts with loved ones.

If a girl fries food for a man in a frying pan, a quarrel with her lover awaits you, perhaps he will become the cause of your troubles.

The folk interpreter of dreams explains the dream in which you were preparing food as a symbol of future pleasant troubles; you should expect old friends to visit you.

If in a dream you saw food in a pan full of water, your efforts will be appreciated, expect a reward.

Aesop's dream book interprets a dream where you happened to over-salt your food while cooking as an omen that you should be more careful; ill-wishers have been plotting against you for a long time, someone is even trying to take your place.

If you cook food in a dream, this prepares you for success in the future. Your business will bring fruit and income, which can save you from dependence on money in the future.

Dead people and food in a dream

Sometimes relatives “from the other world” can look into your dreams. Most often, one dreams that the deceased is preparing food. But you don’t have to worry, such a dream will not bring evil into the house if YOU had a positive attitude towards the deceased. If you are often sick, this dream may signify an increase in immunity, and in general, well-being in life.

Seeing a deceased person in a dream who is busy preparing food for a living relative means prosperity and security.

Why buy food in a dream?

When you dream that you are walking around a market or store to stock up on groceries, you should prepare yourself for further financial problems. According to the Wanderer's dream book, it is recommended to abandon unconscious financial investments.

Remember what kind of food you chose. This is important for the correct interpretation of sleep.
So, if you chose fresh fruit, this means monetary losses, but quickly compensated in the future.

In a dream, did you want something floury - a bun, soft bread, a pie with filling? Grishina's book of dreams convinces you that the freshness and pleasant taste of the product means profit, and stale baked goods mean losses.

Sharing food in a dream - why?

If in a dream you treat someone, share food with them, this means success in business. According to the universal dream book, the efforts you made were not in vain. Everything that you have your heart set on and try to improve will bring income and pay off.

Such a dream vision characterizes you as a person, a person with a big heart and soul, open, responsive and generous!

Certain food in a dream. What will the dream books say?

There are many interpretations of dreams in which you ate a certain food, for example, fish or meat.

Miller's dream book believes that if you ate fish in a dream, expect good news soon. If in a dream you ate fish at high speed, the dream book interprets this as the possible occurrence of minor everyday problems and troubles.

Eating meat in a dream means an inevitable illness. And if you fry meat in a dream, expect a meeting with close friends, in a big noisy company.
Taking canned food as food in a dream means receiving a prize. The Wanderer's Dream Book says that in difficult times someone will help you with advice. If you listen to him, the situation will not get out of control and everything will fall into place.

Spoiled, rotten food in a dream

If the dreamed meal turned out to be “not the first freshness”, smelled disgustingly or had a repulsive appearance - such dreams do not bode well.

If you find a worm in your food, Grishina’s dream book interprets this version of the dream as the appearance of enemies on your road. It is worth taking a close look at the society of people around you, weeding out those who “put a spoke in the wheels” - two-faced hypocrites and boors.
If you dream of worms, it is always a misfortune, a misfortune. Perhaps you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation where you will lose face, look stupid or even negative.

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a lot of food in a dream - for men, the dream suggests that in reality your sexual appetite flares up very quickly. Moreover, just a glance at a beautiful woman is enough for you, and you can no longer cope with physiological problems. Unfortunately, rapid ejaculation is a problem for many men, but it can be overcome. A small amount of food that you dreamed of promises a meeting with a frigid partner (if you are a man) or with a partner who is very weak in potency.

I dreamed about food

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing food in a dream means that you are careless with documents, thereby harming the most important operations in your business. If you dream about your lonely meal, this promises you minor losses. A dream in which you eat in a pleasant company is favorable - it means profit, success in business. But if you see that your daughter or the waiter is taking away your half-eaten meat dish, you will have to endure the insult inflicted by people whom you do not respect.

Why do you dream about food?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

on the tables - arrangement of affairs, depending on the type and quality of food; others eat - to exaltation; exotic food is an unusual offer; too much - joy; cooking food - personal troubles; eat - to tears, sadness.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

there is - dissatisfaction; digging - thankless work, work; in bags or in a pile - unnecessary acquisitions.

Why do you dream about beef?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

a loss.

I dreamed about beef

according to Miller's dream book

Raw bloody beef in a dream most often foreshadows a serious illness. Falls, cuts and other injuries are possible. If in a dream you eat well-cooked meat, this means that someone will provide you with generous support. This dream also speaks of agreement with loved ones and the good flow of your affairs. It is especially important if you see yourself at the table in a pleasant environment and beautiful setting. In all other forms of this dream there is a warning against possible troubles.

I dreamed about cooking

according to Miller's dream book

Cooking some dish in a dream means that a pleasant responsibility will soon pass to you. In the near future, you will see visits from dear friends. If something doesn’t work out for you while cooking, then you can expect events that cause anxiety and disappointment.

The meaning of a dream about a delicacy

according to Freud's dream book

Wishing or seeing a delicacy in a dream indicates that in your intimate life you want to try something unusual, unconventional, but are afraid to offer it to your partner. And why? Do you think he won't support your idea? If so, you're clearly out of luck. And then, you need to offer it in such a way that the other person obviously likes your offer. If in a dream you were treated to a delicacy, it means that in the near future you will have to make love either in an unconventional place or in some unconventional way. And that's not to say that you will be disappointed. If only because this will be facilitated by the novelty of impressions and sensations received as a result.

I dreamed about ham

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are eating ham is good if you are eating in company with someone and your hands are clean. Stale bacon means that dark thoughts and feelings of dissatisfaction will cause you a lot of unpleasant things. Seeing yourself cooking bacon is a bad dream. It's especially bad if you see yourself salting it and smell smoke while doing it.

Seeing food in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Food, as well as the process of eating it, is a powerful symbol in dreams. It can be either a simple addition to the main plot of the dream or its central element. Moreover, to interpret the dream, it is important to determine who prepared it. For example, you dream of a plate of potato salad that Aunt Sally loved to make, but she has been dead for two years. Then it may well be that the key to understanding the essence of the dream is hidden in the personality of your aunt or her influence on you. An abundance of food symbolizes fertility, abundance or wealth. How did there turn out to be so much food in the dream, and how did people react to such abundance? Perhaps your concept of excess and excess differs from other people's views on the same issue. Prosperity and prosperity always go hand in hand: you are likely to demand more food in a dream - this means that you have additional responsibilities. You acquired products simply because your funds allowed it; then it promises wealth or someone’s favor, depending on how you managed the acquisition. Fresh food - a sign of renewal - can be dreamed of in the following contexts: you would like to have lunch with someone, compare it to a traditional Sunday dinner with your family; we are talking directly about the process of absorbing food, which brings a feeling of renewal, or about harvesting, which symbolizes unity with nature or pride in the work done. Spoiled food symbolizes waste, excess, greed or poor management of funds. These dreams usually evoke feelings of dissatisfaction associated with losing, ordering, or having spoiled food. Have you ever struggled with excess weight, binge eating, or an eating disorder such as bulimia or loss of appetite? Have you ever found yourself in an awkward position because you were forced to eat foods you didn’t like and in large quantities? Do you associate certain foods with specific people?

I dreamed about lunch

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are having lunch alone means that soon life will give you serious reason for deep thinking about important life issues. For a young woman to have dinner with her lover in a dream, it means a quarrel with him or a complete breakup. But if their meal together takes place in an unusually pleasant atmosphere, giving them pleasure, then the dream foreshadows the successful development of their relationship. To be one of those invited to dinner in a dream means that you will enjoy the hospitality of people who are well disposed towards you.

Seeing lunch in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Lunch always includes interesting components: it is sensuality, personal communication and simply a necessity of life. The essential attributes of a meal are usually the atmosphere of friendliness and the way the food is prepared. For families, the dining table has always been a significant, central element of family leisure. It is at the dinner table that we gather as a family to socialize. Even in families that do not communicate frequently, the dinner table has always been an important gathering place for all family members. In a dream, people who have died long ago or whom you know only from photographs may appear at the table. Look carefully at who is present at the table - maybe someone's presence or absence will seem unusual and strange to you. Pay attention to the dishes. In some families, certain dishes are associated with a specific family member or with the image of the family as a whole. It could be a food that no one likes, or an exotic dish prepared by a person who is disliked. The point is that a certain dish becomes a symbol of belonging to family traditions. Of course, in a dream it is quite possible that some unimaginable dish will appear or an unusual cooking method will be demonstrated. This indicates the absence or presence of certain people or the inability to prepare a dish that is not on the traditional family menu. The symbolic connotation that food has, for example, you dream of a liver - remember who in the family died of liver disease or people associated with a certain dish immediately evoke certain associations. Is lunch held in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere? Or maybe this is a celebration of some event? What kind of food is on the table - gourmet or casual? Do you use lunch time to simply talk about daily matters?

I dreamed of hunger

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are hungry, this portends fruitless work and a lack of friends for you. If others are starving in a dream, it means that you are threatened by poverty and dissatisfaction with your job and your environment. Sometimes this dream foreshadows illness. A favorable dream is that your enemies are starving - this means that you will be able to bypass them in an important matter. For lovers, this dream is a bad omen: their marriage may turn out to be unhappy. Seeing yourself dying of hunger means very disastrous results in some business that promised you good luck and success.

To good communication with friends and girlfriends.

Dreaming of “Divide” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dividing an inheritance in a dream means family feuds. Dividing land means purchasing real estate. Sharing sweets among children means poverty.

Seeing in a dream Divide

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sharing something yourself or seeing others doing it is a sign that your loved ones are ready to share your problems and your grief with you. If, when dividing something, they put it in different directions, then you will experience separation from a loved one, divorce, discord...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Sharing?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Share food. Separation is generally associated with the pacification of the Other. The desire to communicate with this person or the desire to reduce the aggressiveness of others. This is what guest rituals are associated with.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Dividing?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sharing food is a desire to communicate with this person or a desire to reduce the aggressiveness of others.

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: The direction to the Kaaba could not be determined in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will find yourself in a difficult situation when you start solving your affairs.

Sharing gifts in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Under the Christmas star. Walk around happiness.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Dividing?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sharing means loss, weakening. To divide something (grain, hay), harvest or father dies or husband.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Bread?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Rye bread - to a loss, a heavy lot. White bread - to profit, prosperity. Eating good bread in a dream means good health and long life. Smell the bread - you will get the opportunity to earn a little money. A loaf of bread handed to you means...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Car?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Car: to spending and unpleasant conversations. The car is expensive and beautiful: big expenses. Passenger car - to a long nervous road, unnecessary troubles (if you are traveling as a passenger). To quickly achieve your goal (if you are driving and the car goes smoothly...

How to interpret the dream “Cobblestone”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Cobblestone seen in a dream: you will meet good people and have a pleasant time. Good luck awaits you. Broken cobblestone: promises the loss of a comrade. If a young woman or girl in a dream is walking along a cobblestone street, you will be annoyed by the appearance of a rival. In general, the cobblestone we saw...

How to interpret the dream “Sconce”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you choose a sconce in a store, it means that you will have troubles and worries that will take a lot of time. If the sconce fell in your dream: in the future, expect unpleasant news from friends or close relatives. Probably illness or death of one of...

How to interpret the dream “Butting”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Butting observed in a dream: competition is unfolding in your family relationships; you cannot determine what is the main thing in the family. Wouldn't it be better to share responsibilities? Everyone will benefit from this.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Bible?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Observe the Bible in a dream: in reality, visit church, admit mistakes, ask for peace. In addition, it promises some kind of sublime pleasure, you will find peace. Reading the Bible in a dream: a sign of a clear conscience, pious deeds that you will do, no matter what. You …

How to interpret the dream “Den”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed that you were in search of a bear’s den: a time full of troubles and fuss awaits you, you need to pay increased attention to your health and then everything will be fine. Expelling a bear from a den: a task that you are planning or in...

How to interpret the dream “Homeless”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing yourself as a homeless child in a dream: you feel a lack of attention to your person; unfortunately, at the moment it is very difficult to change the situation. To provide any assistance to a street child: the dream suggests that not all of your dreams can come true. Share money with...

How to interpret the dream “Axiom”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You're trying to prove a theorem, but you can't remember the definition of the axiom you're using: your friends will let you down at the worst possible time. Rely only on your own strength. You are trying to prove the axiom wrong: you are determined and do not want to rely on...

How to interpret the dream “Time, time riddles”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Time and time mysteries can be a difficult element when interpreting a dream. Since dreams come to us as phantasmagoria, very few signs can be used to judge how time is perceived in a dream. One of the ways to determine the movement of time in a dream...

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    Dream Interpretation Miller. See in dream I'm going- means that you are careless with documents, thereby harming the most important operations in the business. if you dreaming your lonely meal promises you minor losses. Share food- the desire to communicate with this person or the desire to reduce the aggressiveness of others. Cafe If a woman dreaming that she is a waitress in a cafe - her loved one is insincere with her or is playing a double game.

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    Psychoanalytic dream book Samokhvalova. Share dreamed. Share food

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    For what dreaming Food By dream book: Food- See in dream I'm going means that you are careless in handling documents, causing significant damage to the most important operations in the business. Food– See a lot food in dream- men dream suggests that in reality your sexual appetite flares up very quickly. Moreover, just a glance at a beautiful woman is enough for you, and you can no longer cope with physiological problems.

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    Ancient dream book. See I'm on my way in dream: Food - Dream, in which you see a large number food, is a sign that you are the type of woman who is unable to resist the call of the flesh. Psychological dream book. For what dreaming Food By dream book: Food- See a lot food and eating in company is a sign of sure success in business, but if you eat alone, expect losses and illnesses. Goulash - If dreamed If you order goulash, but don’t find a single decent piece of meat on your plate, be prepared to be deceived...

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    For what dreaming Food By dream book: Food- If you dreamed about it food- this means that minor troubles await you. If you saw in dream the way others eat is for exaltation. if you dreamed about it served on the table food- this is good. Yes in dream in a company - you will be surrounded by pleasant company, things are gaining momentum, and you are inexorably moving towards success. if you dreamed that the waiter removes the plate with your half-eaten food- then expect trouble from your subordinates. Dream Interpretation Cleopatra.

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    What means food in dream? It is generally accepted that any food dreaming before a feast or during preparation for the holidays. But is it possible to give such a broad interpretation? dream, in which there are many other nuances? Share. A big holiday with a luxurious feast is what dreaming food which you share with a poor man. And if it is a piece of bread or a roll, then the guests will give you a valuable gift. Give some of yours food to your best friend means to count on his financial help.

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    Share in dream food, feeding someone with different dishes means success in enterprises. Universal dream book I am sure that the efforts made are not in vain. Beg, ask I'm going in dream- a bad sign. People's dream book promises imminent bankruptcy and serious financial difficulties. However, for poor people who find themselves in need, dreamed portends outside help and even enrichment.

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    I dreamed about it Food, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Food in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? dreamed about the doctor who examined me and then presented me with a plate of food. I ate with pleasure and shared with others. shortbread and chicken.

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  • Dream Interpretation "astrozodiak"

    Share food. Separation is generally associated with the pacification of the Other. Why dreaming share By dream book–. Autumn dream book. Share the inheritance in dream- to family feuds. You dreamed share? >>discuss on the forum<<.

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  • Dream Interpretation "nepoznannogo"

    Steal I'm going in the shop - dream, indicating spiritual exhaustion. Why eat, eat, food dreaming, dream book Freud. Had a dream a lot of tasty food - dream indicates an immoderately flaring sexual appetite. Share food, distribute I'm going to those in need - to profit. Throwing away I'm going in dream- to ruin, poverty. Had a dream, What food burnt - you won’t do something on time. Eating from the same plate with someone - you have to share and in reality. Meaning sleep food, There is - dream book Hasse.

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  • Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

    : Dream Interpretation Share, for what dreaming Share, see in dream Share, interpretation sleep Share, which means dream Share, meaning sleep Share, dreamed Share, dream Share.Share food. Separation is generally associated with the pacification of the Other. The desire to communicate with this person or the desire to reduce the aggressiveness of others. This is what guest rituals are associated with.

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  • Dream Interpretation "otebe"

    I dreamed about it food in dream.And thirdly, when interpreting dream food accessibility is taken into account food in dream. So, for example, steal I'm going- a sign of low self-esteem. A lot of food V dream book symbolizes the desire to receive love, to have power and strength. The inability to touch it means an internal or social ban on enjoying any benefits of life.

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    For what dreaming food. See in dream I'm going- to joy, to pleasant surprises, changes. If you eat in dream with friends, and there is a festive atmosphere at the table, which means that in real life, relationships with your friends will move to a whole new level. If in dream there is a large variety of food on the table food, which means it’s worth reconsidering your views on your attitude towards life, in particular towards pleasures. if you dreamed about it food, which others eat, but are not given to you, or you cannot eat, which means that your secret desires are unlikely...

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  • Dream book "i-sonnik"

    Share in a dream food, feeding someone means being successful in reality. The universal interpreter claims that the work done will be rewarded quite worthy. In addition, such dream indicates the dreamer’s responsiveness, his willingness to help. If in dream If you had a chance to beg from passers-by, then in reality you probably missed good prospects. Had a dream like a dead man in dream asks I'm going, and you don’t refuse him?

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  • Dream Interpretation "mirkosmosa"

    Food what does it mean when dreaming. Share food. Separation is generally associated with the pacification of the Other. The desire to communicate with this person or the desire to reduce the aggressiveness of others. This is what guest rituals are associated with. Intimate dream book Vlasova. dreamed food. See a lot food in dream- men dream suggests that in reality your sexual appetite flares up very quickly.

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  • Dream Interpretation "novoston"

    Female dream book. Dreaming food in dream- this suggests that you are careless in managing paperwork at work and can spoil the progress of things due to banal sluggishness. Dream: table with food, but you sit alone, alone and silent. Food can mean scandals if you sit alone and eat leisurely. But it's only worth it in dream get a company, as success awaits you in the business in which you are engaged. Eat I'm going, share food, treat someone - you will be happy in your marriage.

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Had a dream, What in dream gave away your shoes - you need to prepare for parting with your loved one. Giving away may indicate a subconscious desire to give. Share in dream food says that in the near future you will be courting someone. If you give away the keys in a dream, it means that you want to break off relations with a boring lover or admirer, you want to put an end to the relationship once and for all.

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  • Dream Interpretation "rosywoman"

    Dream Interpretation explains the meaning of food in very different ways in dream. Although food has always been considered the most necessary condition for human life, to see I'm going in dream rarely indicates that positive changes await you. For example, interpretation dreamed depends on whether you felt the taste and whether it was pleasant or not. Share food in dream, feed someone different dishes - dream book promises success in enterprises, your efforts are not in vain. Dream book "dreams"

    Dream for this it is worth remembering all the details that are in this dream were. For example, the question of why dreaming eating sweets is decided completely differently if a person chose to try the sweet taste and felt it in real life. For example, maybe dream about that the owner sleep grabs the cakes and starts eating them. It’s also a good sign if a person tries share food in your dreams. In such a case, you can count on the fact that in the future, relationships with friends will only work out well, bestowing some connection and tenderness.

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  • Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Dream Interpretations they say, If you saw a table with Food Then in reality there will be prosperity and abundance in your home. And vice versa Dream Interpretations warn everyone who dreamed about it empty table - in reality, material losses and damages await you.See in dream table with food, Set the table when guests arrive. Direct interpretation sleep- what you see is what should happen. This is especially true on the eve of the planned arrival of guests or some social event.

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  • Dream Interpretation "bolshoyvopros"

    Different dream books give different interpretations dreams. According to one of them, if the deceased treats food, this is for wealth and prosperity, for material prosperity. But if you in dream If you drink with a deceased person, then this means losses or collapse in financial affairs. In dream the deceased hugs, why this dream? To me dreamed about it dream that the war has begun.

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  • Dream Interpretation "referatnatemu2"

    Deceased in dream treats food Me today dreamed about it my great-grandmother who died about 14 years ago, she never told me before dreamed about it, although I very often dream dead. To me dreamed that I was visiting her, and it was as if she was left alone (my grandparents died recently), and it was as if she was still alive. I was surprised that she was in a good mood.

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  • Dream Interpretation "yousonnik"

    Maly Velesov dream book. See in dream Divide Share food- the desire to communicate with this person or the desire to reduce the aggressiveness of others. Psychoanalytic dream book. Interpretation sleep Divide Dreaming, the fact that you are dividing what was bequeathed means disagreements will arise with relatives. If you demarcate land, you will soon become the owner of real estate.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing food in a dream- means that you are careless with documents, thereby harming the most important operations in the business.

If you dream about your lonely meal- this promises you minor losses.

A dream in which you eat in pleasant company is favorable- it means benefit, success in business.

But if you see your daughter (or the waiter) taking away your half-eaten meat dish- you have to survive the insult inflicted by people you do not respect.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Food- represents food not so much for the body as for the mind.

Eating alone- gain knowledge and experience.

New family dream book

We saw food in a dream- this means they were careless with the documents and thereby caused damage to the business.

Lonely meal- dreams of minor losses.

We sat at the table in pleasant company- success in business awaits you.

Didn't finish the meat dish- it means people you don’t respect will hurt you.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you see food- warns that minor troubles will interfere with the implementation of important things.

Eating alone- to loss and melancholy.

Eating in the company of other people- means personal success, pleasant surroundings and profitable business.

If your daughter takes away the plate of meat before you finish the meal- you will have troubles related to subordinates or people who depend on you.

Eastern women's dream book

Seeing a lot of food and eating in company- a sign of sure success in business, but if you eat alone, expect losses and illnesses.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you eat vegetarian food- dream warning: you need to include it in your diet; are you cooking- to an uninteresting conversation.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Eat chicken or duck- fortunately.

Eat pampushki, manti- there will be a squabble.

Do you see pampushki or manta rays that have not yet been eaten?- foreshadows anger.

Eat rotten vegetables- portends a disease.

Eat pancakes or rice- portends failure to fulfill desires.

Eat all the fruits- portends misfortune.

Eat eggplant- the wife will give birth to a son.

Eat onions- there will be a quarrel or fight.

Eat garlic- portends a natural disaster, a catastrophe.

Eat vegetables, see vegetables that turn yellow- portend misfortune.

Eat oil, vinegar, soy sauce, liquid seasonings- fortunately.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Food- desire to receive more love, power, strength.

Chewing- dissatisfaction, erotic hunger.

Giving food- the desire to make the one to whom food is given dependent, the desire for dominance.

Good/bad food- eating inedible things. Satisfaction/dissatisfaction with life situation.

Cannibalism- sadistic fixation on the object being eaten.

Ritual food- the need to comply with the norms of the Superego.

Symbolic dream book

Seeing fresh food but not eating it- to prosperity, contentment.

Food- this is what supports us.

Abundance, scarcity, sophistication or degree of freshness, spoilage of food- reports directly on the future situation, the nature of current affairs or relationships, respectively.

However, thanks to the inversion effect, too rich, expensive, gourmet food- can mean the opposite, mainly illusions, unrealistic.

Prepare dishes (fry, boil, cook)- to squabbles, interference, scandals.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Food in general- acceptance, absorption of various experiences, vital forces (communication with others, new situations, pleasure or dissatisfaction, assimilation of information...).

On the table- the state of affairs of the sleeper depending on the quantity and quality of food.

Prepare- troubles, scandals, especially if you fry something.

Eat- obstacles, delays, disappointments.

Eating greedily- annoying delays, great dissatisfaction.

Give food- give yourself, your love, time.

Giving food to the dead- perhaps to your own death.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Food- for good / big swearing; buy- profit (poor) / loss (rich).

Esoteric dream book

See food on the table, counter- to joy.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Food on the tables- arrangement of affairs, depending on the type and quality of food; others eat- to elevation; exotic food- an unusual offer; too much- joy; Cook food- personal troubles.

Collection of dream books

Food- food: spiritual, mental, emotional or physical.

Cooking- production of other components of your life.

If you just see her- you allow a careless attitude towards documents and thereby harm yourself or your business; lonely meal- promises difficulties, failures and minor losses, but if you see yourself eating in a large pleasant company- this promises benefit, success in business; if someone takes away your half-eaten dish- you have to survive the insult inflicted by people you do not respect.

Cooking in a dream- an unpleasant dream warning of danger.

I cook my own food- in the coming days you will have to devote a lot of time to everyday problems.

Seeing an abundance of food in a dream- to poverty or to numerous guests.

Dreaming about how you add food to your guests' plates- to impoverishment.

Seeing in a dream how you bake something, but your cooking is burnt- to suffering.

Funeral food- to the bad.

Food is associated with vitality, power, fertility, love.

Take food- denotes a person’s desire to receive more love, power, vital energy.

Quality food- indicates satisfaction with life situation, status.

But if a person sees himself constantly chewing- this communicates dissatisfaction in love.

If he sees himself giving food to others- this indicates a desire to become more significant in society.

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.