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Why do you dream about old cities? Why do you dream about the City? Familiar and Unfamiliar

Rarely do any adults manage to fly in their sleep, but walking in their night dreams is a common thing. To interpret a dream about walking, first of all you need to remember where you were walking - in the forest, in the park or along the streets of the city.

As almost any dream book writes, a city in night visions symbolizes the sleeper’s attitude towards the world and people around him, the ability to build communications and determine his own priorities.

If you dream about a city, especially when the dream is repeated several times, then you should pay close attention to this symbol. Try to remember what the metropolis you saw was like and what you did in your own night visions. It is very important, for example, at what distance you saw city buildings or their night lights.

  • You saw the city from afar.
  • You find yourself on city streets.
  • Was the city familiar to you?
  • Or was it a completely unfamiliar metropolis or town?
  • Did you see people on the streets or was the town empty?
  • Was it beautiful or ruined?
  • What time of day was it in your dreams?
  • How did you feel in your own visions?

Why do you dream of a city if in your visions you observe it from afar? If you dreamed about such a plot, Tsvetkov’s Dream Book says that the dreamer has great ambitions and plans for the future. Which means it’s time to act.

If the city you dreamed of had many towers, adds Madame Hasse’s Dream Book, then you already have enough information to start implementing your own plans. Let us add on our own behalf: since this interpreter was compiled quite a long time ago, in modern realities skyscrapers can also be interpreted as towers.

A dream about a destroyed city from a great distance warns that the dreamer needs to be careful when choosing the time to start his project. If you have high hopes for a new business and want to realize your own great ambitions with its help, then you need the circumstances to be as favorable to you as possible.

Why do you dream of a city located in a mountainous area? Most likely, the dream tells you that in your ambition to achieve heights in life, you are spending too much energy and it would be nice to spend some time recuperating. And on the contrary, you know how to properly plan your time, alternate work and rest - this is what dreams of a city surrounded by forest mean.

Familiar and Unfamiliar

Finding yourself in a dream on the streets of a familiar city, moreover, your hometown, means that in reality you lack communication with family or friends. Interpreters advise going to visit relatives and having friendly gatherings. Such events will fill you with the warmth of human communication and will not allow you to yearn for the “good old days.”

Why you dream about a foreign city is explained in detail by the 21st century Dream Book. Another metropolis in which you happen to find yourself in your own dreams means that fate has prepared an unexpected turn for you. It is possible that in the near future you will change your job or place of residence, thereby finding yourself in new living conditions.

Another city that left you in amazement, made you wonder, may be a harbinger that life changes will happen quite quickly. This will require you to react quickly and take decisive action. Walking calmly in another metropolis that you dreamed of means that circumstances will not take you by surprise, and you will be able to react to them correctly.

If the dreamed city is also completely unfamiliar, you should pay attention to what it was like. A large unfamiliar metropolis speaks of the great possibilities of the sleeper. Perhaps you will soon be entrusted with a complex task, and if successfully completed, you will be rewarded with a promotion or financial reward.

When a resident of a rural area or suburban area dreams of a large unfamiliar city, such a dream may mean that the dreamer will soon be moving to an urban district. This may require some effort, but these actions will have positive consequences for the sleeper.

If you dreamed of a large unfamiliar city being destroyed, the dream warns the sleeper against rash actions. You should be careful in decisions that relate to purchasing real estate and investing your money.

A large but abandoned metropolis suggests that although the dreamer has many life plans that are worthy of implementation, he does not yet have enough information to implement them. If you receive an offer for additional training in your specialty in the near future, do not rush to refuse it. Additional training may also be helpful if you decide to change careers.

Beautiful and scary

As the Noble Dream Book writes, a city that one had a chance to contemplate in one’s night dreams, and especially to walk through it, can tell a lot about the dreamer’s own fantasies and desires. Walking around an exotic metropolis - your imagination does not find an outlet in everyday activities, so if you receive an offer to change your job to a more creative one, you can safely take it.

Walking the streets and seeing a large, destroyed residential area around you - you are in vain afraid that your abilities and talents will not find use, feel free to put them into practice!

Walking in a city that at first glance is large and beautiful, and coming across a destroyed area - such a dream warns that a mistake has crept into your harmonious and correct plans. Before it leads to fatal consequences, you still have time to find it and fix everything.

Walking along the streets and seeing that the metropolis is completely empty, although everyone in it is safe, is a very favorable dream. An empty city means you can step away from the hustle and bustle to bring your inner state into balance. This means that your decisions will probably be thoughtful and correct.

A metropolis at night, especially if it is beautiful, reminds us that we need to pay attention not only to the material aspects of life. If you happened to walk around the city in your dreams and it was night and beautiful, all in lights, it means that soon an event will happen in your life that will make it sparkle with new colors.

If you dreamed that you were walking in a strange city, then it was no wonder that you were in it. Why do you dream of getting lost in a foreign city, explains the Wanderer’s Dream Book. Most likely, in the near future you will have to deal with everyday issues, which will take you a lot of time - perhaps this will concern paperwork related to the registration of property rights.

The abandoned night metropolis that you wandered through in your visions suggests that your brain is now busy searching for an answer to a question that is very important to you. If it seemed that you might get lost in it, but suddenly you saw a light or heard a light that led you to the right road, then a solution will be found.

You can also dream of a city at night on the eve of an exciting love date. And if you dreamed that you were rebuilding an abandoned metropolis, you are actually the architect of your own happiness, who is capable of great things.

The meaning of life.

Big city with lots of people- do difficult work.

Ruined city- to losses, blows of fate.

Freud's Dream Book

City- is a symbolic image of a woman.

A beautifully lit or decorated city- speaks of good health and harmony in your relationship with your partner.

A dull, dirty or neglected city- symbolizes diseases of the genital organs.

View overlooking the town- speaks of your tendency to admire a naked female body.

Solomon's Dream Book

City- well-being; burning- disease.

Dream book for a bitch

City- big changes in life: at work, in personal life, a change of place of residence is possible.

Modern combined dream book

To dream that you are in a strange city- means that some sad incident will force you to change your place of residence, and maybe even your lifestyle.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a big city in a dream- for a rural resident to change his place of residence.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

See the city in lights- to revelry.

For rural people to see the city- to monetary costs.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Big city- you will collect a lot of information; small- you will meet with the philistinism; build- you will be cheerful and happy; with many towers- you will start an unusual business.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a crowded city in a dream- to success and prosperity. Big city- collect a lot of information, see him from a distance- vain claims.

drive into it- in reality you will be lucky to see many houses in it, then you will start an unusual enterprise.

If you dream of a small town- you will encounter a bureaucrat, complications in the service and an unexpected appointment. See a city destroyed during an earthquake- to poverty and hunger, rebuild it- you will be cheerful and happy.

Burning city in a dream- portends illness in reality and enmity in the family.

Seeing yourself in an unfamiliar city- means that you will have to change your job, address and overall lifestyle due to a tragic event.

If you dream of a city being flooded by streams of rushing water- this means a catastrophe with many victims.

If you dream that you have arrived in a port city- this means that you will soon have the opportunity to travel and make new discoveries, but you will encounter an obstacle in the person of a person well known to you.

Women's dream book

Build a city in a dream- to fun and happy events.

The presence of many towers in this city- to unusual endeavors.

Seeing yourself in a dream in an unfamiliar city- to a change in occupation, lifestyle or place of residence due to sad events.

General dream book

Wander around some city in a dream- to unexpected events.

If you dreamed that you saw a burning city from a distance- soon you will have a commotion at home.

Dream book of the 21st century

A large and crowded city in a dream- promises you prosperity and success in business in reality; a city destroyed by an earthquake is a harbinger of poverty.

Suddenly find yourself in a strange city in a dream- to a sharp turn in life, if you are surprised that you are in a foreign city, then this turn will bring you a lot of anxiety.

Walking along a narrow alley in a dream- means that you may find yourself in a difficult and unpleasant situation through your own fault.

It's a long walk along it- to a long period of stagnation and calm in business.

A wide city street you dreamed about- a harbinger of great opportunities ahead for you.

Seeing an empty street in a dream- means wasting energy and time, see a lot of people on it- to troubles, noisy city crowds on the city streets- to fun and joy.

If in a dream you find yourself in a dead end- this means you have to do useless work or engage in a hopeless business.

To be a city dweller in a dream- to honor and glory.

Italian dream book

City- a composite multivariate symbol, the meaning of which is determined by specific circumstances and actions. Often denotes childhood, a specific place, a group of friends or partners, first attachments, or the family of origin. In addition, this image is the main code that serves to indicate the situation in the present. This image works so that the past teaches the present.

City- a symbol of another civilization, ideology or morality that the subject seeks and prefers.

If the city is familiar and geographically defined- it carries anamnestic specificity.

Islamic dream book

For worldly people to see the city- to peace and security, and for people of religion- to abstinence.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

The city is burning- disease.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Geometry of the city- reflects the geometry of consciousness. The situation of reality and morality.

City system- may be associated with anamnesis and therefore can be presented as frozen time from the past to the present.

Dead city- a situation of existential or clinical depression, symbolism of the completion of one of the stages of individuation. It is believed that even in a hopeless situation in such a city, one can find positive signs (light, sound, color of the sky), indicating a possible way out of the situation and prospects.

Unknown city- moving away from the situation into a constructed reality, accepting a different model of consciousness or self.

Underground city (metro)- unconscious.

Underground city transport- symbolizes the energetic aspect of the unconscious.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

See a crowded and abundant city in a dream- marks well-being and success in all matters; city ​​damaged by earthquake- portends poverty, hunger and devastation; city ​​burning- portends illness, famine, war and pestilence.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

See the city, move through it, in general- the sleeper himself, his own experiences, states of mind, impressions, progress of affairs, plans.

Strange, unfamiliar city- change in life.

Get lost in the big city- troubles, worries, vanity.

Enter the new, beautiful- accomplishments, achievement.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

City in a dream- something alienated that the soul has left temporarily or forever and is observing from the side; your own body / arena of life, alienated from the sleeping consciousness, a world without a soul.

Unfamiliar, deserted, abandoned by residents- an image in which the soul of a deeply sleeping person perceives its own body.

A familiar city with empty streets and houses- be burdened by strangers, wish them harm.

An unfamiliar abandoned city is being destroyed, dying– the world of your daytime consciousness is experiencing losses, blows; get ready for an update.

An unfamiliar city without people, but filled with different creatures- revival in a dream of the strength of your body / your thoughts about the posthumous disintegration of the body, in general something disintegrating in you.

In the unfamiliar and empty to meet the only person- to be in the world of your past, alienated from the soul, from which you are expelled for life / rush into it secretly from yourself.

To suddenly find yourself in a strange city in a dream and not be very surprised by it- a turn in life that will bring anxiety.

A very beautiful city with a lot of art monuments to see- the world of your alienated and considered from the side of high or low desires.

Walk through the Gothic, medieval with narrow streets- to know your base desires, to see them from the outside.

Muslim or Indian city with a lot of quaint buildings to see- the world of your fantasy to contemplate.

See Chinese or Japanese buildings on city streets- a symbol of the world of work, profit, monetary relations.

Noisy city crowds around to see- fun, joy / to be imbued with the bustle of life in a dream / to live thoughtlessly.

The city is burning- image of your own body while awake / overwork / your body destroyed by alcohol, drugs.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

City- disease; come in- the plan will come true; burning- illness, hunger, war; crowded- good, success; rich- well-being; unfamiliar- complications at work.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Seeing an unfamiliar city in a dream- to change on the personal front. You will be able to peacefully break off long-bored relationships and soon find a new connection. Most likely, it will be short-term, but it will bring some variety into your life.

Esoteric dream book

See the city is small- slander, slander.

Big- job assignment, business trip.

Familiar from childhood- pay attention to the heart!

Walk around the small town- the gossip you spread will backfire on you.

Big- there will be adventures.

A friend from childhood- very dangerous! Mortal danger comes from “dashing” people.

Exotic- to a headache.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The city can be seen big in the distance- claims; if you come in- well-being, accomplishment; many towers- an unusual enterprise.

Unfamiliar town- unexpected appointment, difficult position in the service; for woman- a strange proposal.

Collection of dream books

If a person enters or leaves the gates of his city in a dream (leaves or arrives)- no matter where he turns, no matter what he undertakes, he will not achieve what he wants.

Seeing an unfamiliar city- predicts travel; get lost in it- to loss of position

Seeing a big city lit up in a dream- to change your life for the better.

To dream of a city you are familiar with being destroyed by an earthquake- predicts troubles, famine, war, cruelty of the authorities.

If the city is unfamiliar to you- all these misfortunes will fall on other countries.

City damaged by fire- also dreams of great disasters.

If you dreamed:

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

A metropolis in a dream is a multivariate symbol, which must be “read” extremely carefully. To find out what such a dream means, you should carefully remember all the details of what you saw, your own emotions and other nuances in the dream, combine everything into one semantic image and compare it with the circumstances and features in real life, and then turn to the dream book for interpretation.

The polis represents the image of the sleeping person himself, his interaction with the outside world and people. Therefore, the interpretation of a dream is a city, connected with the inner world of the dreamer, his feelings, thoughts, actions. The external state of the town reflects the moral and spiritual image of the person himself.

According to Miller's dream book, seeing a city in a dream means encountering unexpected obstacles and problems. An unfamiliar policy indicates that in real life significant changes are coming in the dreamer’s fate associated with sad events. A small town foreshadows a clash with the philistinism, a large town - an opportunity to collect a lot of interesting information, which will help to achieve success in the future.

Freud's dream book associates a metropolis in a dream with a woman. Walking around the city in a dream is a symbol of sexual intercourse. A dirty, gloomy, abandoned city is a harbinger of diseases of the genital organs. A beautifully decorated and illuminated town personifies complete harmony in relationships with a sexual partner.

Alien (unfamiliar) metropolis

It is useful to know why you dream of an unfamiliar city. The esoteric dream book interprets this image as dramatic changes on the love front. The dreamer will be able to break off a long-bored relationship peacefully and will soon find a new love affair. The new relationship will be very fleeting, but will bring a lot of new and interesting things into the dreamer’s life.

Seeing a foreign city in a dream, according to the dream book, is deciphered as quick changes in life associated with a change in lifestyle, place of work, moving to a new apartment, country or city.

Getting lost in a foreign city, the dream book foretells, troubles at work associated with a new assignment from your superiors. For a woman to get lost in a strange city in a dream, in real life she promises to encounter a person who, having gained the trust of the dreamer, will use it for her own selfish purposes.

If a woman dreamed of a beautiful city, then happiness and good luck will smile on the dreamer. The vision also speaks of readiness to accept all gifts and blows of fate, and to manage time and opportunities correctly.

Why do you dream about a new city? For women, the dream foreshadows a fresh love relationship that can become legal. For men, a dream is a sign of the opening of other horizons and opportunities that should be taken advantage of.

Getting confused in your own thoughts and desires is what dreams of the old city mean. Dilapidated streets and houses in a dream, according to the dream book, indicate the need for the sleeper to engage in his own development and broaden his horizons, since a person’s concepts and knowledge are quite outdated.

An empty city in a dream represents the search for the meaning of life. For a married woman, such a picture indicates a thirst for change and events in life, which is impossible without the actions of the young lady herself. The dream book advises taking up a new business or training and focusing less on everyday problems.

Familiar (native) metropolis

Why do you dream about the city of childhood? The dream book interprets the vision as the dreamer’s nostalgic mood, longing for home, for the old days, for carefree childhood and youthful maximalism. In some cases, such a picture personifies a person’s ability to make a childhood dream come true.

If you dreamed about your hometown, the sleeper is overcome by longing for parents, relatives and close people. This image is also interpreted by the dream book as finding peace and tranquility in the soul.

A destroyed city in a dream represents the collapse of illusions and a revaluation of values. The dream book also foreshadows an unfavorable period in a person’s life - losses, blows of fate or deprivation.

To find out why you dream of a city being flooded, you should remember the small details, color and condition of the liquid. Water in a dream characterizes a person’s emotional state, his ability to cope with his own feelings. Dirty, muddy water indicates an unfavorable outcome of events, clean water gives hope for a positive outcome to difficulties.

If a man dreams of a flood of a city, it means that the young man should prepare to fight great difficulties, which can be overcome with great willpower and spirit.

If a woman dreamed of a flood in the city, then the dreamer should prepare for trials that will affect the honor and dignity of the young lady and jeopardize her personal life and family well-being.

A flooded city foreshadows major disasters and troubles that will affect the dreamer in real life. This speaks of global cataclysms that can engulf an entire country.

Fog in the city in a dream is deciphered by the dream book as a person’s indecision and hesitation, the inability to solve pressing problems without the help of outsiders. If the fog dissipates in a dream, it means that a person will soon gain clarity of mind and peace of mind.

Many dream books ambiguously interpret what a big city means in dreams. Miss Hasse associates this dream with the opportunity to gain new knowledge, information that will definitely be useful in the future. According to Tsvetkov’s Dream Book, seeing a large metropolis at a distance speaks of the dreamer’s great aspirations.

The opportunity to go on a secret (or forbidden) date is what dreams of a city at night mean. For married men, this image foreshadows a great temptation in the form of a love affair with a young and attractive person, which will not bring either peace or satisfaction, but can bring trouble to the relationship with his wife.

The beautiful, attractive lights of the city represent a person’s dreams in a dream book. The brighter the lights, the closer the dreamer is to realizing his plans and goals.

A burning city in a dream has a negative omen. The dream promises illness, deprivation and loss. For girls, such a picture indicates a painful breakup with a young man, which will be very difficult to survive, and the remaining scars in the heart will for a long time remind of unhappy love, which in the future can greatly affect subsequent love relationships.

The dreamer's actions in the metropolis

Flying over a city in a dream is deciphered by the dream book as the desire of a sleeping person to gain recognition and fame, as well as the implementation of ambitious plans and plans.

If a man dreams of the mayor of a city, it means that in reality the young man needs to take into account the interests and needs of his household. This image warns girls about excessive obsession in communicating with young people, which in most cases is the cause of quarrels with the chosen one.

It is useful to know what the name of a city means in dreams. This dream shows the dreamer’s connection with this town; perhaps he will meet a special person who comes from the dreamed name of the policy.

Walking around the city in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as an opportunity to see places and take a short trip, as well as gain new knowledge or skills that will be useful in the future.

In a dream, walking around a city dotted with narrow, cramped streets is interpreted by the dream book as a waking encounter between the dreamer and anger, envy and slander. Wide streets symbolize the great potential of the sleeper, and also reveal the unique abilities of a person.

If in a dream a person had to show the city to a foreigner, it means that in reality a person will appear who will deeply hurt the feelings of the sleeper, provoking him to frankness.

Building a metropolis in a dream foreshadows happiness and fun in the dream book. For businessmen, this vision characterizes a favorable period for expanding their enterprise and bringing new ideas and plans into reality.

A city in a dream symbolizes the circumstances of your life, and in some cases, your life itself.

Finding yourself in another city in a dream means a change. Perhaps you will change your place of work or place of residence, and maybe your lifestyle. This will happen for some sad reason.

If a foreign city made a pleasant impression on you in a dream, in reality the changes will be for the worse. And vice versa, going to another city with a heavy heart is a sign of positive change.

Getting lost in a foreign city in a dream is an indication of temporary confusion in a new endeavor; a little later everything will be settled.

A dead city, empty, without people, dreams of complete loneliness, which can still be avoided if you learn to forgive.

If you dream of a flooded city, there is a high probability of an accident, take care of yourself.

You dream of a city on the water as a sign of a very precarious state of life; every step you take must be thoroughly thought out.

Seeing in a dream how the city in which you live is burning is a harbinger of great danger for the sleeper; an event may occur that will divide his waking life into “before” and “after”.

The city center with roads diverging in different directions means that you will be faced with a choice and find yourself at a crossroads.

I dreamed of a city at night - a streak of failures is coming.

If you live in a rural area, then a trip to the city in a dream foreshadows a situation where you will lose something necessary or will be in need in general.

If you dreamed of a city according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

A large and beautiful city, seen in a dream at some distance from oneself, predetermines the great ambitions of the sleeper.

If you enter this city, you will achieve a lot.

To dream of an unfamiliar city in which you were surprised by a large number of towers - you will receive a new assignment, but the situation after that will be very tense.

For a woman to see a strange city in a dream - to an equally strange proposal from a man, she will be discouraged.

The meaning of the dream city - Hasse's dream book

A big city seen in a dream foreshadows a significant amount of information that the sleeper will receive.

If you dream of a very small city, you will encounter hypocrisy, philistinism, or someone’s vulgar trick.

Dreaming of working in another city usually indicates that you have to work in a place where people live a different life, alien to you. For example, for a poor person this could be working in an expensive hotel, and for someone indifferent to gambling, it could be working in a casino.

Getting lost in the city, getting lost among unfamiliar streets in a dream - the plot suggests that your actions will lead to a situation from which you will not see a way out. Act the same way you would act if you really got lost in the city - ask for advice, because there are people around you.

The lights of the night city in a dream foreshadow a dangerous temptation.

A dream in which someone wants to destroy the city in which you live warns that someone in reality will try to destroy your happiness. Be less frank in reality if you do not want to become a victim of blackmail.

If you dream of an ancient city or a city under water, this is a signal from the past. You need to remember something from long-ago events in order to properly resolve the current situation.

Flying over a city in a dream means victory over hypocrisy and stereotypes. You will find, or at least experience, true freedom.

If you dreamed about a map of the city, you will make the right life decision.

For an adult, eight hours of sleep is enough to recover. Young children and teenagers need 10 hours. But old people get by just fine with six hours of nightly rest.

The influence of the Moon on our sleep

Throughout human history, the Moon has seduced, fascinated and frightened us. Under the Moon we quarrel, kiss, declare our love. We spent 26 billion dollars to fly to this mysterious planet. What is the phenomenon of the Moon and how does it affect our sleep and does it affect it at all?

One dream for two - the highest level of interpersonal communication

The human subconscious is fraught with many hidden abilities, and one of them is communication with another person in a shared dream. One dream for two is the highest level of lucid sleep, which, however, can be achieved by every person by following a special technique and opening up to their hidden abilities. Joint dreaming is a special type of interpersonal communication in reality created in a dream.

What is the danger of colored dreams?

Vivid, colorful dreams may indicate serious mental disorders or that the person is currently in a severe traumatic situation. This is why every intrusive dream should be worked through with a psychologist.

Why do you dream about the City?

City in a modern dream book

A dreamed city foreshadows the establishment of mutual understanding in the family and work collective. A big city visiting your dream signifies high aspirations and ideals. Seeing your arrival in the city in a dream means the implementation of ambitious plans. The dreamer, who worked in the city in a dream, will soon be employed in a low-paid, uninteresting job. Nostalgia gives you pleasure if in a dream you walk along the boulevards and squares of your once hometown. Mentally, you go back to the past, regretting unrealized opportunities. An unfamiliar city appearing in a dream foreshadows future changes.

City in Miller's dream book

A dream about a foreign city foreshadows a forced change of place of residence, lifestyle, or type of work activity.

City in Vanga's dream book

The presence of a modern city in a dream indicates to the dreamer a full, positive, successful life. A dream in which you are lost in a large unfamiliar city warns against hasty decisions and global changes in the foundations of life. An ancient, dilapidated city is a sign of sadness and despondency about the past. A destroyed city is a symbol of disappointment and unfulfilled plans. While you are excavating an ancient city in a dream, in reality you will make an unusual discovery. The dreamer, who is engaged in the construction of a toy city, in reality treats his life irresponsibly, frivolously wasting it, causing pain and distress to his family.

City in Freud's dream book

The city symbolizes the feminine principle in a dream. Walking around the city marks sexual contact; walking along its waterway indicates a desire to have children. Dreaming of a festively decorated city in the evening lights indicates harmony in intimate relationships with a partner. An unattractive, gray, dull city indicates to the dreamer a disease of the reproductive organs. A dream in which you view a city from above tells of your passion for admiring female nudity.

It is impossible to completely manipulate people while they continue to dream.