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“What does a castle (building) mean in a dream? If you see a Castle (building) in a dream, what does it mean? Interpretation of the dream of an ancient castle in dream books Being in a castle in a dream.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Finding yourself in a castle and living there with a loved one is a sign that you will live in abundance and not depend on anyone. Sometimes such a dream predicts new acquaintances and travels, in which you will get a lot of pleasant impressions. The older the castle is and the more it looks like a fairy tale, the more incredible things will happen to you, unless the castle is too elaborate, because in this case you will face troubles associated with hasty decision-making. After such a dream, your business may decline. Seeing a castle burning and collapsing in a dream means big troubles, serious illness or ruin for the owner. Leaving the castle in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune that may happen to you or one of your loved ones. Sometimes such a dream predicts losses through theft. Owning a castle in a dream is a sign of strengthening your position in society or winning a case in court. See house, ruins, palace.

Why do you dream of a castle (building) according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a castle (building) - to a big surprise; entering a castle in a dream means unexpected love affairs; a beautiful, large castle - to wealth; castle ruins - to poverty; to see a castle in flames - unfortunately, and soon; living in a castle in a dream means respect in society; building a castle in a dream means meeting a talented person; hiding in a castle in a dream means being in danger.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Castle (building) - to see - a wish will come true, to live in it - you will be rich, flaming - good consequences, to go inside - unexpected happiness

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Entering the castle is an unexpected adventure; the castle is on fire - misfortune; living in a beautiful castle - your wishes will come true; going to the castle is unexpected happiness; the gate is closed - some obstacles.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

The older the castle, the more neglected the situation; look for roots in your past. Walking through the halls and passages - old illnesses come to the surface. There may be emotional and mental disorders. The castle is falling apart, collapsing - liberation from negative karmic clichés. Beautiful, shining - the path to achievement is open. Look for your calling.

Azar's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Castles according to spiritual sources?

Castle (building) – promotion

Home dream book

What does a castle (structure) mean in a dream?

Castle - a feeling of safety or danger. An old castle overgrown with ivy - romantic memories; leaving it means becoming freer from internal anxiety.

Great modern dream book

Castle (building) - why does the dreamer dream?

You dream of an old knight's castle, it is built of stone, overgrown with ivy - you can be characterized as a romantic nature; you think loftily and nobly and treat people the same way - everyone, forgetting that among the many honest people there are many crooks; you have already been burned by someone’s dishonesty more than once - you will soon get burned again; despite obvious mistakes, you are not poor and for a selfish person you look very attractive; don’t be surprised if you realize that the girl you love and practically idolize is marrying you for convenience; She is more interested in your condition than in your romantic ideals.

Another interpretation of sleep; if you do not come down from heaven, your affairs will be completely upset; they require grounding and cold calculation, and you are all thinking about the birds.

You entered the castle, walk through the halls, look out the lancet windows - you will either receive a huge inheritance, or you will find the opportunity to independently increase your fortune; you will no longer have problems; you will buy the best, regardless of the price; you can travel all over the world; Finally, you can completely devote yourself to your hobby.

It’s as if you are leaving the castle - get ready for trouble: you will either be robbed or robbed; Get a big dog, don't walk alone in dark alleys. Another interpretation of the dream: perhaps you will lose someone close to you.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about a Castle (building)?

An ancient castle in the form of a fortress with towers and a drawbridge - this portends the fulfillment of desires. Living in it means that over time you will own a significant fortune and will have the opportunity to live in accordance with your own desires and tastes.

Wandering around the castle completely alone means you are threatened with arrest and imprisonment. Walking along it with a guide portends unexpected happiness.

Standing in front of a closed castle means encountering obstacles in reality. If the castle is neglected and completely overgrown with greenery, you should consult a doctor without relying on self-medication.

A ruined castle foreshadows heated debates on political topics.

To see a castle engulfed in fire in a dream - a dream promises the most positive consequences of the changes that have come in your life.

To be the owner of a castle in a dream means to win a court case and thereby finally disgrace one’s slanderers.

To experience boredom and satiety while living in a castle - such a dream portends a serious illness.

Leaving the castle while going on a trip means that in reality you will be robbed or robbed on a tip from people around you.

Ancient dream book

I had a dream - Castle (building)

A castle (building) in a dream represents your life plans (your last reserve, something left for a rainy day).

A pirate or robber castle on a rock is a danger (threat). Being the owner of a castle benefits from healthy self-confidence. Visiting the castle means some kind of change in relationship (you will find yourself involved in the sphere of politics).

The drawbridge in front of you is lowering - a favorable prospect. To see a castle surrounded by water in a dream means the inability to influence the course of events. “revolving castle” - your happiness is in front of you, you need to master it.

A castle surrounded by a moat without water is power, on the way to which risk and humiliation await you. To visit a completely empty castle - in deep sleep the soul watches the body from the side, to inspect the castle at night with a torch - you need to know your body and its capabilities better.

Inspecting the destroyed castle means returning to previously abandoned plans.

A burning castle is an alarm (you need to gather all your strength).

Light in the castle - mobilization of forces. To see a flock of crows over a castle or ruins in a dream means your life is in danger (your family is in danger of extinction). A castle in the middle of a serene blue lake or sea - strength in unity (a symbol of friendly alliance and timely assistance).

Sailing on a boat on calm water to the castle means a time of creative work lies ahead. If it’s stormy, you’ll have to look for salvation. In the evening, knocking on the castle gates means you will always have reliable help.

Building a castle means harboring false hopes. To see it on the horizon in a dream means to find a goal. To go to him, and he retreats, is in vain to try to get out of the unknown.

English dream book

Why see the Castle (building):

Castles were created to protect their inhabitants from attack. Dreams in which you are in a castle mean, firstly, that you feel strong, capable of defending yourself, and secondly, that you feel a threat from the outside world, especially if you have “raised a bridge” to hide from attackers.

Assyrian dream book

Castle (building) what it means for the dreamer

What does it mean to see a Castle in a dream - How a house where members of the royal family reside can symbolize a reward or honor given to the dreamer in the form of recognition and praise for outstanding achievements. On the other hand, a castle can have the same meanings as a fortress, in which the dreamer feels protected or protects himself from others.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Castle (structure):

You will become the owner of a significant fortune. Imagine walking around the castle, looking at the walls and decorations. Feel like the owner of a castle.

Unique dream book / Tatyana Radchenko

Why do you dream about a Castle (structure):

Seeing a castle (building) in a dream means the fulfillment of an important desire. Living in it means allowing yourself to acquire luxury items.

Entering the castle means meeting happiness. Standing in front of the closed gates of a castle means envying someone else's happiness.

Wandering through the rooms of the castle and looking at them is to satisfy your vanity.

Climbing up the steps of the castle means having a strong character that can suppress those around you.

Astrological dream book

Seeing a Castle (building) what does it mean?

The castle is medieval - you will be a proud, smug sybarite. Also a symbol of security and freedom, Leo.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams by O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about a Castle (building) according to the dream book

If you dream of a beautiful, monumental, reliable castle that you are striving for, it means that in reality you lack a sense of security. Probably, some situation worries you greatly, or you live in constant nervous tension, and therefore want to find a place or refuge where you can finally find peace of mind. A castle in a dream is precisely a symbol of such a refuge.

If you dreamed of a cold, impregnable castle that instilled in you a feeling of anxiety, this is a symbol of a situation that worries you or your ill-wishers.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A castle in a dream is a good sign, indicating that your wish will soon come true. If you yourself live in a castle, this predicts a significant improvement in your financial situation in the future, and possibly the acquisition of wealth. If you dreamed that you were going somewhere, a castle appears on your way, and you enter it - to unexpected happiness. It will appear in front of you just like the castle from your dream.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Castle (building), what does it mean?

We saw a beautiful monumental structure in a dream - it is a symbol of strength of character, a reliable container for the soul. The castle means that you are trying to find your last hope, a place where you could hide from all your troubles and sorrows. It is very good if in a dream you were able to enter the castle. The dream says that you can find peace of mind. But if the castle seemed ominous, alien, inhospitable to you, like a medieval fortress, it turns out to be a sign of threat, symbolizing the camp of your enemy.

If you dreamed that you were in a luxurious castle, it means that you will soon unexpectedly acquire a significant fortune. In some cases, the dream is caused by a strong inclination to travel or professional interest in various nationalities, traditions, lifestyles and lifestyles.

The dream that you had on the 22nd carries a lot of useful information: it can foreshadow a new round of development of serious illnesses and suggest possible ways of healing in its plot, talk about upcoming changes in your financial situation and warn about what steps in business you should not take undertake.

Find out from the interpreter why you dream about a Castle (building)

The castle is a symbol of the female genital organs. If you live alone in a castle, this symbolizes your immaturity. You are satisfied with life with your parents (mother), and you do not want to enter into a serious relationship that could lead to marriage.

If a man dreams of a destroyed castle, it symbolizes his dissatisfaction with his sexual partner; he tries in every possible way to avoid sexual contact with her. If a woman dreams of a destroyed castle, she has too many sexual contacts with partners whom she does not take seriously; this may also indicate possible diseases of the genital organs.

If a woman wants to get into the castle, but something prevents her from doing so, she is not confident in her sexual attractiveness. If a man wants to get into the castle, but something interferes with this, he is afraid of being unsuccessful in sexual contact.

Modern Dream Interpretation

If you dream that you are in a castle: You will have sufficient funds to make life the way you like it. You have the opportunity to become a famous traveler and enjoy communicating with people of different nations. Seeing an old castle overgrown with ivy in a dream means that you will probably be in a romantic mood, but be careful: it may end in an unwanted marriage. Your business affairs may take a turn for the worse. To dream that you are leaving a castle: a warning that you will be robbed or deprived of your property, and that you may also lose a loved one.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

If you dream that you live in a castle, this means that you will travel a lot and perhaps meet a person in your travels with whom your union will be long and lasting. Old, dilapidated castles are usually dreamed of by romantic people. However, in this case, it is difficult for a woman to enter into a happy marriage, since her motto is “Paradise in a hut with the sweetheart” and she risks living in poverty due to the fact that she rejects the proposal of a wealthy but unloved person. If you dream that you are leaving the castle, in reality you may lose your loved one.

Miller's Dream Book

A castle in a dream promises the possession of a huge financial fortune. The dream hints at your thirst for travel and desire to touch the culture of different peoples. A castle, neglected and overgrown, warns - you are too devoted to romantic relationships, be careful when choosing a partner, as an ill-considered choice will entail commercial problems. If in a dream you leave the castle, in reality you will be robbed.

Islamic Dream Interpretation

If a vicious person dreams of a castle, in life his wealth will decrease and he will be humiliated, but for a virtuous person, fate is preparing an increase in strength and influence, he will be able to pay off debts. Anyone who enters the castle will soon get married. The castle is a symbol of the good deeds of believers. This sign is a harbinger of joyful events. A person entering a castle or staying in it in a dream is pious and religious in life.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

It’s a difficult situation, the older the castle, the more neglected it is; look for roots in your past. Walking through the halls and passages, karmic connections come out and old deviations appear. There may be emotional and mental disorders. The liberation from negative karmic clichés is falling apart, collapsing. A beautiful, shining path to achievement is open. Look for your calling.

English Dream Interpretation

Castles were created to protect their inhabitants from attack. Why do you have a dream: Dreams in which you are in a castle mean, firstly, that you feel strong, capable of defending yourself, and secondly, that you feel a threat from the outside world, especially if you “raised the bridge "to hide from attackers.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

A castle or palace is a symbol and idea of ​​happiness, a desirable space for the soul (based on the external and internal appearance). Seeing a beautiful one means happiness is close. Login - fulfillment of desires (depending on the situation). For a woman - finding love and family happiness. An ominous or ruined castle is a danger; collapse of plans.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed about a castle, it means your wishes will come true. Entering a castle in a dream means finding unexpected happiness. If you dream that you live in a castle, it means that in reality you will be rich. The castle is on fire - the consequences will be good. The closed gate of the castle symbolizes obstacles.

The article on the topic: “dream book of a big castle” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Dreaming about a medieval castle means your wishes will come true.

Entering a castle in a dream means unexpected happiness awaits you, a wedding with a recent acquaintance.

Living in a castle in a dream means wealth awaits you. An unwanted patron (for a woman) will soon appear to you.

If you dream that you left the castle, then you will experience broken promises, a break in personal or business relationships.

If you dream of a flaming castle, then good consequences await you.

A closed castle gate in a dream means interference, fate, and obstacles that are independent of you await you.

See also: why do you dream about a house, why do you dream about a palace, why do you dream about an estate.

The next interpretation of why you dream of a Castle (building), further.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about a Castle (building), how to understand the dream:

Castle (building) – If you dreamed about a castle, then you will soon be able to take from life what you want, you will have exciting travels.

An old castle in a dream - you are in the clouds, come down from them at least for your engagement.

Leaving the castle in a dream means you will lose property or a person close to you.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream about a Castle (building) according to the dream book:

Castle (building) – If you dreamed of a medieval castle, this indicates that in reality you are a very dreamy person. You often forget that there is a world of reality in which you live. The imaginary world is much closer to you and you are certainly more comfortable in it than in harsh reality.

If you dream of a Castle (building), what does it mean:

Castle (medieval) - you will be a proud, smug sybarite. Symbol of security and freedom. A lion.

Find out why you dream about a Castle (building) in the interpretations of other dream books.

Why do you dream about a Castle (building) according to the dream book:

Castle (building) - An elegant castle or palace - to success, promotion, the desire to live on a grand scale. An old, medieval castle is a call not to be led by your romantic hobbies, but to soberly approach solutions to problems of marriage, education, place of residence, etc. Loneliness in an old castle means illness; knowing that you are the owner of a castle means great material well-being. A ruined old castle symbolizes unrealistic dreams or unpleasant political events.

Leaving the castle means loss of income or separation.

Why do you dream about a Castle (building), for what reason:

Ruined Castle - As a home where members of the royal family reside, a castle can symbolize a reward or honor bestowed upon the dreamer in the form of recognition and praise for outstanding achievements. On the other hand, a castle can carry the same meanings as a fortress, in which the dreamer feels protected or protects himself from others.

Why do you dream about a castle according to the dream book:

Castle (building) – Dreaming of a castle is a favorable sign that promises you the fulfillment of your hopes and pleasant surprises. If you dream that you are entering a castle, it means that you will receive hope for the fulfillment of some of your desires, for achieving your goal.

But if you dreamed of a castle that is on fire, expect trouble; it is quite possible that chronic fatigue, dissatisfaction with your life, your relationships with people close to you will manifest itself, and as a result, depression, and possibly a nervous breakdown.

If in a dream you dreamed of a castle being sieged and captured, then in real life you will be able to defeat your enemies, your ill-wishers.

If you dream that you are leaving the castle, you can expect great losses

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about a Castle (building) according to the dream book:

If you dreamed of the ruins of a castle, then sadness and disappointment await you.

Living in a dream in the ruins of a castle means you will understand your purpose.

Climbing onto the porch of a castle in a dream means you must be brave.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about a Castle (building), how to understand the dream:

If you dreamed of destroyed castles, then you will have health problems.

For lovers, ruins in a dream mean that their engagement will be upset.

If a businessman dreams of ruins, then this means that times are not the best for business. If you dreamed of ancient castles, then you will take a trip that you have long dreamed of, but the joy will be tinged with sadness.

For what reason do you dream of a Castle (building), read on.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dream of a Castle (building), what is it for:

If you dreamed of a beautiful castle in which you once lived, then this foretells sad events in your family.

If you dreamed of an old castle, then your plans will not come true.

Dream Interpretation Castle (building), why dream of a Castle (building) in a dream

From this article you can find out why you dream about a Castle (structure) from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about a Castle (building): interpretation of the dream

Why does the dreamer dream of a Castle (building) in a dream?

Castle (building) – feelings of safety or danger. An old castle overgrown with ivy - romantic memories; leaving the castle means becoming freer from internal anxiety.

Why do you dream about a Castle (building)?

Why do you dream about a Castle (building) - You dream about an old knight’s castle, it is built of stone, it is overgrown with ivy - you can be characterized as a romantic person; you think sublimely and nobly; and treat people the same way - everyone, forgetting that among the many honest people there are many crooks; you have already been burned by someone’s dishonesty more than once - you will soon get burned again; despite obvious mistakes, you are not poor and for a selfish person you look very attractive; don’t be surprised if you realize that the girl you love and practically idolize is marrying you for convenience; she is more interested in your condition than in your romantic ideals; another interpretation of sleep; if you do not come down from heaven, your affairs will be completely upset; your affairs require grounding and cold calculation, and you are still thinking about the birds.

castle - You entered the castle, you walk through the halls, look out the lancet windows - either you will receive a huge inheritance, or you will find an opportunity to independently increase your fortune; you will no longer have problems; you will buy the best, regardless of the price; you can travel all over the world; Finally, you can completely devote yourself to your hobby.

castle - It’s as if you are leaving the castle - get ready for trouble: you will either be robbed or robbed; get a big dog, don’t walk alone in dark alleys; another interpretation of the dream: perhaps you will lose someone close.

Why do you dream about a Castle (building) according to the dream book:

Castle - If you dream of an ancient castle in the form of a fortress with towers and a drawbridge, this portends the fulfillment of desires. Living in it means that over time you will own a significant fortune and will have the opportunity to live in accordance with your own desires and tastes.

If you dream of a castle - Wandering around the castle all alone - you are threatened with arrest and imprisonment. Walking along it with a guide portends unexpected happiness.

Standing in front of a closed castle means encountering obstacles in reality. If the castle is neglected and overgrown with greenery, you should consult a doctor without relying on self-medication.

A ruined castle foreshadows heated debates on political topics.

Seeing a castle on fire in a dream promises the most positive consequences of the changes that have come in your life.

castle - To be the owner of a castle in a dream - to win a court case and thereby finally shame your slanderers.

Experiencing boredom and satiety while living in a castle - such a dream portends a serious illness.

castle - Leaving the castle when going on a trip - in reality you will be robbed or robbed on a tip from people from your own circle.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Why do you dream about a Castle (building) in a night dream?

Castle - A castle in a dream represents your life plans (your last reserve, something left for a rainy day).

Pirate or predatory castle: an ominous castle on a rock - danger (threat). Being the owner of a castle in a dream means the benefits of healthy self-confidence. Visiting a castle means some kind of change in relationship (you will find yourself involved in the sphere of politics).

The drawbridge in front of you is lowering - a favorable prospect. To see a castle surrounded by water in a dream means the inability to influence the course of events. “revolving castle” - your happiness is in front of you, you need to master it.

A castle surrounded by a moat without water means power, on the way to which risk and humiliation await you. To visit a completely empty castle - in deep sleep the soul watches the body from the side, to inspect the castle at night with a torch - you need to know your body and its capabilities better.

castle - Inspect the destroyed castle - return to previously abandoned plans.

Burning castle - alarm (you need to gather all your strength).

There is a big light in the castle - mobilization, strength to come. To see a flock of crows over a castle or a collapsing castle in a dream means your life is in danger (your family is in danger of extinction). A castle in the middle of a serene blue lake or sea is strength in unity (a symbol of friendly alliance and timely assistance).

Sailing on a boat on calm water to the castle means a time of creative work lies ahead. If it’s stormy, you’ll have to look for salvation. In the evening, knocking on the castle gate means you will always have reliable help.

Building a castle means harboring false hopes. To see it on the horizon in a dream means to find a goal. To go to him, but he retreats, is in vain to try to get out of the unknown.

Castle – Castles were created to protect their inhabitants from attack. Why do you have a dream: Dreams in which you are in a castle mean, firstly, that you feel a strong, capable person to defend yourself, and secondly, that you feel a threat from the outside world, especially if you “raised the bridge ” to hide from attackers.

Why do you dream about a Castle (building) according to the book of dreams?

Castle – As a home where members of the royal family reside, a castle can symbolize a reward or honor given to the dreamer in the form of recognition and praise for outstanding achievements. On the other hand, a castle can carry the same meanings as a fortress, in which the dreamer feels protected or protects himself from others.

Why do you dream about a Castle (building) in a spiritual sense?

Castle (building) - You will become the owner of a significant fortune. Imagine walking around the castle, looking at the walls and decorations. Feel like the owner of a castle.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Castle (building) in a dream?

To see a castle in a dream (building) – to see a castle is the fulfillment of an important desire. Living in a castle means allowing yourself to purchase luxury items.

Entering the castle means meeting happiness. Standing in front of the closed gates of the castle means envying someone else's happiness.

Wandering through the rooms of the castle and looking at them is to satisfy your vanity.

Climbing up the steps of the castle means having a strong character that can overwhelm those around you.

Seeing a Castle (building) in a dream, why do you have a dream?

The castle is medieval - you will be a proud, smug sybarite. Also a symbol of security and freedom, Leo.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of a Castle (building) in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream about a Castle (building) according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream about a Castle (building) from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of a Castle (building) according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about a Castle (building) from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of a Castle (building) in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about a Castle (building) in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Thu June 23, 2016, 16:49:12

Fri February 12, 2016, 22:25:02

It was very far away and the water around was with small waves, the water itself was a deep dark color

Thu August 06, 2015, 11:34:53

Sat June 13, 2015, 14:21:24

Wed May 27, 2015, 06:36:30

Castle (building) in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Dream Interpretation

Big castle

Dream Interpretation Big Castle dreamed of why you dream about the Big Castle? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Big Castle in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation Castle (building), why dream of a Castle (building)

Why do you dream about a Castle (building) – feelings of security or danger. An old castle overgrown with ivy - romantic memories; leaving the castle means becoming freer from internal anxiety.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dream Interpretation Castle (building) - You dream of an old knight's castle, it is built of stone, it is overgrown with ivy - you can be characterized as a romantic nature; you think sublimely and nobly; and treat people the same way - everyone, forgetting that among the many honest people there are many crooks; you have already been burned by someone’s dishonesty more than once - you will soon get burned again; despite obvious mistakes, you are not poor and for a selfish person you look very attractive; don’t be surprised if you realize that the girl you love and practically idolize is marrying you for convenience; she is more interested in your condition than in your romantic ideals; another interpretation of sleep; if you do not come down from heaven, your affairs will be completely upset; your affairs require grounding and cold calculation, and you are still thinking about the birds. You entered the castle, you walk through the halls, look out the lancet windows - either you will receive a huge inheritance, or you will find an opportunity to increase your fortune on your own; you will no longer have problems; you will buy the best, regardless of the price; you can travel all over the world; Finally, you can completely devote yourself to your hobby. It’s as if you are leaving the castle - get ready for trouble: you will either be robbed or robbed; get a big dog, don’t walk alone in dark alleys; another interpretation of the dream: perhaps you will lose someone close.

Dream Interpretation Castle - If you dream of an ancient castle in the form of a fortress with towers and a drawbridge, this portends the fulfillment of desires. Living in it means that over time you will own a significant fortune and will have the opportunity to live in accordance with your own desires and tastes. Wandering around the castle completely alone means you are threatened with arrest and imprisonment. Walking along it with a guide portends unexpected happiness. Standing in front of a closed castle means encountering obstacles in reality. If the castle is neglected and overgrown with greenery, you should consult a doctor without relying on self-medication. A ruined castle foreshadows heated debates on political topics. Seeing a castle on fire in a dream promises the most positive consequences of the changes that have come in your life. To be the owner of a castle in a dream means to win a court case and thus finally disgrace one’s slanderers. Experiencing boredom and satiety while living in a castle - such a dream portends a serious illness. Leaving the castle while going on a trip means that in reality you will be robbed or robbed on a tip from people around you.

Why do you dream about a Castle - A Castle in a dream represents your life plans (your last reserve, something left for a rainy day). Pirate or predatory castle: an ominous castle on a rock - danger (threat). Being the owner of a castle in a dream means the benefits of healthy self-confidence. Visiting a castle means some kind of change in relationship (you will find yourself involved in the sphere of politics). The drawbridge in front of you is lowering - a favorable prospect. To see a castle surrounded by water in a dream means the inability to influence the course of events. “revolving castle” – your happiness is in front of you, you need to master it. A castle surrounded by a moat without water means power, on the way to which risk and humiliation await you. To visit a completely empty castle - in deep sleep the soul watches the body from the side, to inspect the castle at night with a torch - you need to know your body and its capabilities better. Inspecting a ruined castle means returning to previously abandoned plans. Burning castle - alarm (you need to gather all your strength). There is a big light in the castle - mobilization, strength to come. To see a flock of crows over a castle or a collapsing castle in a dream means your life is in danger (your family is in danger of extinction). A castle in the middle of a serene blue lake or sea is strength in unity (a symbol of friendly alliance and timely assistance). Sailing on a boat on calm water to the castle means a time of creative work lies ahead. If it’s stormy, you’ll have to look for salvation. In the evening, knocking on the castle gate means you will always have reliable help. Building a castle means harboring false hopes. To see it on the horizon in a dream means to find a goal. To go to him, but he retreats, is in vain to try to get out of the unknown.

Why do you dream about a Castle - Castles were created to protect their inhabitants from attack. Why do you have a dream: Dreams in which you are in a castle mean, firstly, that you feel strong, capable of defending yourself, and secondly, that you feel a threat from the outside world, especially if you “raised the bridge "to hide from attackers.

Why do you dream of a Castle - As a home where members of the royal family live, a castle can symbolize a reward or honor bestowed upon the dreamer in the form of recognition and praise for outstanding achievements. On the other hand, a castle can carry the same meanings as a fortress, in which the dreamer feels protected or protects himself from others.

Dream book of healer Akulina

Dream Interpretation Castle (building) - You will become the owner of a significant fortune. Imagine walking around the castle, looking at the walls and decorations. Feel like the owner of a castle.

Dream Interpretation: Seeing a castle in a dream (building) - - seeing a castle - the fulfillment of an important desire. Living in a castle means allowing yourself to purchase luxury items. Entering the castle means meeting happiness. Standing in front of the closed gates of the castle means envying someone else's happiness. Wandering through the rooms of the castle and looking at them is to satisfy your vanity. Climbing up the steps of the castle means having a strong character that can overwhelm those around you. A gloomy, gloomy castle - unwillingness to take others into account.

Dream Interpretation Medieval Castle - you will be a proud, smug sybarite. Also a symbol of security and freedom, Leo.

Castle according to the dream book

Dreams in which you saw a castle are very informative. By turning to the dream book, you can find out why such a plot is dreamed of and what it promises in real life. In most cases, seeing a castle in a dream means obstacles will arise in current affairs. Whether it was closed or open also plays a big role.

If you dreamed of a door with a closed lock, then according to the Great Universal Dream Book this means great difficulties in business. It is possible that all endeavors will end in failure. Open constipation, on the contrary, means victory over all difficulties and successful implementation of your plans. A broken door lock predicts troubles and grievances. In some cases, such a dream may mean an unexpected turn of events. An event that was supposed to end unsuccessfully will unexpectedly end successfully.

Why do you dream about a castle according to various dream books?

According to the interpreter Vanga, locking the door in a dream indicates a desire to be alone for some time in real life. Even despite a lot of urgent matters, you should definitely set aside at least a day for yourself and spend this time alone with your thoughts, carefully considering your next steps.

Opening a lock with a key in a dream according to Vanga’s dream book means meeting a lonely and rather reserved person in reality. Most likely, you will try with all your might to liberate your new acquaintance, but all such attempts will be in vain and your efforts will not lead to the desired result. The dream book recommends leaving good intentions and minding your own business.

Vanga's dream book explains why an ancient castle of an unusual shape may appear in a dream. If you manage to open it, then in reality you will be able to gain the trust of a very influential person who can positively influence your career. If you dreamed of a door lock without a well, then all the things started in reality will end unsuccessfully, even despite great efforts.

If in a dream you cannot open a lock because not a single key fits, then, according to the dream book, upcoming business negotiations will be useless, and the enterprise where you work will suddenly go bankrupt and close. Another option for why you dream of a similar plot in a dream is the futility of trying to reconcile with a person dear to your heart.

Seeing a lock in a dream that suddenly fell out of your hands means making a mistake in real life that cannot be corrected. Any mistake you make will quickly be taken advantage of by ill-wishers who will manage to seriously spoil your current affairs. Another option for why you dream about something like this is the loss of trust of a loved one or relative.

According to Miller's dream book, a castle means confusion. Performing some manipulations with the lock in a dream means you will soon discover ill-wishers in your environment. For lovers, such a plot can predict finding a way to defeat an opponent. You can also make a very successful trip soon.

If the key in the lock is broken, then get ready to experience humiliation from your loved one in reality. Difficulties in relationships can result in severe depression. An old castle seen in a dream speaks of the need to remember past mistakes and carefully analyze them. It is quite possible that this analysis will prevent an even greater mistake.

According to the dream book, a blue castle prophesies a journey to distant lands. The journey will be long and very interesting. If you dreamed of a padlock during a night's rest, according to the truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz, in reality you will have to face sadness and longing. The period of worries and tears will not end for a long time.

One of the dream books explains why you dream of a barn castle. Such a plot promises material profit. Peering through a keyhole in a dream means revealing someone else's secret in reality. You will learn this secret unexpectedly for yourself, and it will concern the life of a stranger, not yours. Try to keep this information secret from others. Its publication can significantly harm the keeper of the secret.

The parents are already dead. I came in my nightgown to close the barn that my father had not closed. It’s night and I ask my mother, who is standing nearby, also in a white nightgown, or does she not know where the lock is? There are old different locks next to the door, I pick them up and show them to my mother, but it’s not him. Without closing the barn, I hear some voices near the house at the gate, I think that these are some bad people coming into the yard and I started screaming at them - I woke up. She screamed in her sleep, and her husband woke her up. What could this mean?

You feel insecure.

I dreamed about my grandmother’s apartment, where I lived as a student, I go up to the door, and there are several old locks on it, but they don’t work, they just hang, what’s the point?

Today I dreamed about my sister and me and they left us at home. We were walking as usual and suddenly someone knocked on us once, then twice and left. We continued playing! After some time, he knocked on us again. We were afraid and then we heard a loud sound of our parents opening the door, but this sound suddenly changed to a quiet one, it sounded like picking with a needle. However, I immediately realized that this was a lock picking. I wanted to call my mother, but in my thoughts I forgot to do so. They opened the door, and I thought of jumping out with a knife and saying: “Get away from here!”, but I was afraid. As a result, my sister and I ran out onto the balcony, and we hid behind the chairs. Someone opened the door and looked around. He didn't see us. What is this dream for?

Please tell me, I dreamed that I came out of the basement and wanted to close the door with a padlock, but some strange, dirty woman was standing behind this door and did not want me to close this door.

Why do you dream of a castle like a newlyweds at a wedding? My husband and I are divorced, but I dreamed that he had a castle in his hands.

I had a dream - I locked the padlock, went down the stairs, got scared of some person, ran away, it was scary, hid behind some kind of log shed. What is it for?

I dreamed that I was breaking a padlock near an old wooden house, tell me what this is for?

I buried my son, who was only three weeks old. And after some time, my grandmother dreamed of a small coffin and there was a big lock on it. Tell me what is this for?

I dreamed from Friday to Saturday that I opened the front door with my key, and suddenly the key broke, it was at nine o’clock in the evening, and early in the morning I had to go to work. I started to worry and woke up. What does this mean?

Please tell me why I dream about a broken lock and try to close it?

Today I dreamed that I was opening the lock with my key to some empty apartment, some man was with me, we went into the apartment, he put our suitcases and we went out, and I began to close the door and saw that the key in the lock was broken, but I I closed the door anyway with a broken key. Tell me what does this mean?

I dreamed that my neighbor next door said that my door lock was broken and gave me two mortise locks to replace. I installed one and woke up, the lock was working. Sleep from Thursday to Friday.

A castle in a dream is your life plans / your last reserve, something left for a rainy day / enemy camp / something related to politics / a knot of social relations and contradictions.

A pirate or predatory castle, an ominous castle - danger, threat.

Being the owner of a castle in a dream means the benefits of healthy self-confidence.

Visiting a castle means some kind of change in relationship / you will find yourself involved in the sphere of politics.

The drawbridge in front of him is lowering - a favorable prospect.

To see a castle surrounded by water means the inability to influence the course of events.

The revolving castle is your happiness in front of you, you need to master it.

A castle surrounded by a moat without water is power, on the way to which risk and humiliation await you.

To visit a completely empty castle - in deep sleep, the soul observes the body from the side.

Inspecting the castle at night with a torch means you need to know your body and its capabilities better.

Inspecting a ruined castle means returning to previously abandoned plans.

A burning castle is an alarm, you need to gather all your strength.

There is a big light in the castle - there is a mobilization of forces ahead.

A flock of crows over a castle or a collapsing castle - your life is in danger, your family is in danger of extinction.

A castle in the middle of a serene blue lake or sea is strength in unity / a symbol of friendly alliance and timely assistance.

Sailing on a boat on calm water to the castle means a time of creative work lies ahead.

If you swim through stormy water, you will have to look for salvation.

In the evening, knocking on the castle gates means you will always have reliable help.

Building a castle means harboring false hopes.

To see it on the horizon is to find a goal for yourself.

To go to him, but he retreats, is in vain to try to get out of the circle of the unknown.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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