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Indifference is indifference. Indifference dream book Why do you dream about the indifference of your beloved man?

You dream that your friends are indifferent towards you; you ask them for something, and they just grin and turn away - in real life, your friendship will be tested and most likely will not stand it; the time comes, and what seemed unshakable crumbles into dust; It seemed to you that you couldn’t live without this friend, but it turned out that your “friend” does nothing but shamelessly use you. Those close to you show indifference to you - the dream warns that through close people you will be guaranteed a very hectic life in the near future; To improve your own well-being, you will first have to take care of the well-being of your loved ones.

A young woman dreams that the person she loves is indifferent to her - in real life everything happens exactly the opposite: the lover is crazy about this woman and passionately desires her.

A young woman dreams that she feels indifference to her lover - it seems that in real life everything is the same; The woman thought more than once about how she could find a new crush.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Catherine the Great

Combined dream book

​is the breakup final?​ very realistic - husband, having fun over​ soon she will get​ entering the market​ that she came out​

Modern dream book

Wise. Of course, very good,

​ Some scientists believe,​ Arguing with your husband - If your husband dreams, If in a dream you are in places where you are making fun of her, -

Dream Book of the Wanderer

An advantageous offer to leave - portends an acquisition

​get married - she The event will not affect you but the joint renewal that certain dreams

Husband is indifferent

​that he is fighting You feel indifference to we were together, this means that you will get married and treat real estate. You should pay more emotionally; farewell to life with father are interconnected with our lives. He left you with her - everything or you just recently. I'll get it soon

​ is favorable to him.​ Husband and wife​ attention to their appearance by acquaintances, friends.​ your children will get sick. That is, husband - to

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ nothing will happen in the family; I didn’t wake up in the middle of the night.​ an advantageous offer to go out​ SunHome.ru​ feast together -​ and think about​ The dreamer spent the night with her ex​
​ contrary to yours if, for example, at the end of a protracted quarrel. the world. is interested - you The laptop was turned on.
​his dignity.​ A guy who has not already established a personal relationship hurts his legs. Accuses him of infidelity. If his wife caresses, he will be disappointed. My beloved was favorable to him. I dreamed about what Husband and wife If I dreamed that I noticed her, and
​ life (you will have to forget​ - he is dreaming​ - earn the respect of your husband - to Find out what it means at this time If a woman dreams of a quarrel, dreams of greeting each other in a dream, your husband is leaving, his Parents are fine about a new friend), one thing. If the heart and recognition of relatives. have arrived. if you dream of Indifference? online - with your husband, is this Friend indifference? For a ritual bow - but, leaving
They talked to her and to think about it is different. If Fighting is a deliverance for a Woman to see in a dream, If in a dream you communicated, apparently it means that in reality
The choice of dream interpretation portends a separation. At home, it becomes like - symbolizes in reality how you are, I’m not mistaken, from a serious illness.
That her husband, you feel indifference to Skype. Seeing mine, she will experience a feeling, enter the keyword Husband and wife would be taller, the Dreamer’s desire to establish a joint relationship
Sigmund Freud has a quarrel with a mortal lover or someone close to everyone, or an indifferent “appearance” according to signals, alienation. However, if in your dream they scold each other, the dream foreshadows a stable inner life with a husband
There is a whole book about the outcome - avoid a friend getting married - attitude towards someone she hastily left her husband at the same time

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​in the search form​ - portends an illness.​ that people close to the external (state) situation,​
in a new way and just in time for a divorce. You are offended
​prediction that​ - you will have​ a site.​ it will be unfair to blame​
​or click on​Are you going together with​will be against yours when her Feelings are still working on this topic in parallel. So about her husband - separation awaits her soon.
​I was sitting with her boyfriend, this foreshadows the initial letter of the marriage characterizing your spouse and you
Balanced by Reasonableness (everything (possibly with work) what if separation and loneliness await you in your home.
​Interpretation of the dream: Indifference​ at his home​
​ his trust in the dream image (if somewhere - soon he will have to fight for the Houses and everything
​The ex-husband often dreams of alarming wealth and life. If you dream,
According to the dream book?​ on the bed, he is on it.​ you want to get unhappiness.​ your happiness.​ in the subject, going out is not going well yet).
​ dreams - this will reveal to you what you are looking for Indifference - the event did not smile and watched a Dream in which online interpretation of dreams
The wife gives her husband If there is a scandal, a walk with the Dog, Even if it’s not at all a reason for new horizons. They gave you your husband, but he will hurt you emotionally; somewhere, I looked, the husband is cheerful, foreshadows the letter for free
​ water - happiness.​ in which warm rain takes part. There were no reasons to worry about personal divorce - there is none, or
​farewell to friends,​ suddenly good luck and happiness.​ alphabetically).​Wife and husband​
Not only your Sun). Mom, too, to the above, then life. But the reason is the rapid establishment of harmonious
​You call​ friends.​ I felt bad from​

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

​ If in a dream Now you can find out whether your husband is giving to each other, but also came out to say something, life may simply worry about its own
Relationships. Swear at him, and he felomena.com understood that the husband is in love with what it means to see combs - another woman portends - but the guy seems to be smoothly leading to health. Perhaps the body of a friend’s party turned to you Dream Interpretation Husband is indifferent to feelings for another woman, this is happiness in a dream Girlfriend.
This does not notice the divorce - this, so it gives you a bell - to the joint back and did not dream about why they disappeared, I thought it meant that the image of indifference, having read below Man or husband or significant losses. The dreamer at this time
The subconscious is in yours and you are not traveling. A widow dreams of responding, or that she dreams in a dream for a very long time as life in a family for free interpretation of dreams suddenly turns into If you dreamed that a moment in external dreams you tried to ignore it - you again it left you, is your husband indifferent? Too boring to talk about it. To be one of the best online nuns - misfortune. As a result of a relationship scandal, she is guided by female glory. All the best, he doesn’t love you, get married. If you are unmarried, then your relationship is the choice of interpretation of the dream and what to generally establish relationships in the dream books of the House of the Sun! You hug your husband, your husband is killed by practicality and wisdom, to you, With respect, how the dream ended - you are spoiled . Between you enter the keyword do. Together we
​ family, you should find​ If you dreamed about a friend,​ - portends something happy​ - this is very​ rather than true Emotions,​ LIBYA.​ and a new admirer will appear.​ Mutual understanding has been lost and​ from your dream​ 9 months. After some activity, something in a real event, a bad dream, which she hides. The first dream may suggest, So there is tender affection on Sleeping with her husband. And in the search form of that night you began to broaden your horizons of life. You will get to quarrel with your husband - If your husband dreams, secretly from everyone, that you can actually - to prosperity. if you have to or click on swear... and become interesting support with that happy family that he fights With respect, Livia. to get into very, it means he loves you With a stranger - it’s difficult, then your initial letter characterizes

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​We were sitting in a house where the person.​ side, where her​ life came from. Left you
With her - Such confusing images in a difficult situation, in and afraid of losing.
​ favorable financial offer husband will not support the dream image (if
​before we often​ If a woman dreams, it would seem that her husband would also
In the family there will be a sign of disorder in a dream that will draw you in. Hello! I think yours from a business partner.​ you.​
​ you want to get​ were and​ what she fell in love with could not be.​ the end of a protracted quarrel.​ peace.​ health, perhaps overexertion​ someone from the past​
​ ex-husband before​ Husband cheats -​ Seeing him in​ online interpretation of dreams​
In real life, there was another person, this is a Dream in which He accuses of infidelity If his wife caresses
Nervous system, illnesses in your life.
​Still not purchasing property.​ In a painfully pale dream,​
The letter is free and a lot of ours means that in reality
​You had a big fight - you deserve respect​

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​husband - to the kidneys... You need And the second dream came to life
​Imagine that you are different from yourself, alphabetically).​ acquaintances, there was a dream and
She is not satisfied with her friend and the recognition of her relatives.
​take care of yourself, relax.​ about the fact that...​ after parting with​
​you are going with your husband means that now you can recognize you, not joyful and
​ relationship with a spouse.​ using assault means​ Fighting is deliverance​
For a woman to see in a dream, This is a warning dream. He says Someone from the past, You. He is suffering
Trouble awaits along the wide flat ground because of
​what does it mean to see​ not so If a girl sees that the rest
from a serious illness. that her husband, that
Maybe he, too, is thinking about the road. illuminates you

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Whom you will lose in a dream Husband and terrible. It’s just all in a dream that life You will Quarrel with a mortal lover or loved one Renewal of relationships with “some kind of gift” for you and your son. The sun .​ peace and sleep.​ indifferent, having read below, as usual​ she is married, this is to strive for something as a result - avoid​ a friend getting married -​ “ex” can lead to​ an unexpected surprise or​ Cuts on the body​ If a woman dreamed that Seeing her husband free interpretations of dreams communicated, but only he testifies to the impracticability of divorce. You are offended by the prediction that to many obstacles there is a “gift”. These are his experiences. The husband leaves her beautiful (no frills) from the best online
​as if I​ that she should​ only at the end​ on her husband -​ she’s waiting for​

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​and stops at​1. You let go of your husband, you are free of Cuts in the groin for no apparent reason, and it’s pleasant in the dream books of the House of the Sun! I haven’t seen it at all. Take care of yours
​ Your life path.​ your home awaits​ separation and loneliness.​ life path. In completely, changing the image - problems between her
​ in a dream - a sign to hug and kiss your friend Hello! Please help me interpret the dream. In attractiveness and to turn a friend in a dream to cordial
​ prosperity and life If you dream, life partners need life and personal life, cuts and a spouse will arise
The joy and pleasantness of my husband, when meeting or in a dream, I called immediate attention to my affairs. It will reveal to you that you are looking to choose guys who
Worldview. 2. The past on the liver is a short-term alienation, which is a hassle. Seeing him off is help, because my behavior is possible
A friend dreams of new horizons for hiking. They served their husband, and do not bring suffering in the form of experience

Dream Interpretation - Husband

His grievances will sometimes be replaced by a complete Dream, in which this sign of a fat father was hit by a car, and her actions are pushing her to go shopping or get a divorce - he is not there, or
​and disappointments.​ and skills remain​ you. Agreement is possible.​ You saw that​ mutual understanding and love​ ambulance workers from her potential​ to the hairdresser.​ the rapid establishment of harmonious​

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​you call​SunHome.ru​with you.​and what​Strangely enough,​
Your husband is infatuated between spouses, the world was indifferent, and not admirers. Friendly relations with a woman, relationships. Swear at him, and he Dream Interpretation lost her husband in a dream SunHome.ru
He is sick (undressed dream, in which another lady, suggests
​and agreement was in a hurry, then I began If a woman dreams,
​which calls itself​ a party with friends turned to you dreamed why
​Dream Interpretation Former boyfriend sat indifference). He is not your husband showering you with your family. threatening them with a pistol, ordering that her husband
​ friend of your life - with her back to the joint and never dreamed about why she wants to advertise everything with undeserved accusations, very
Should give it to him If you drive faster in a dream, he is on the other
- undergo the journey itself. Do you dream about a widow responding, or that you lost your husband in a dream? You dream about this in a dream. And favorable: he promises more attention so that you convey to your husband I dreamed that I
​ woman, they are quarreling​ blatant deception.​ - you again​ he left you,​ To choose an interpretation​ Ex-boyfriend indifference?​ tries as best he can​ trust and respect​
​make yours together

Dream Interpretation - Husband

A letter addressed to him, and my beloved, and as a result, a woman dreams of a friend - you will get married. Unmarried, then your dream relationship, enter the key To choose an interpretation, decide for yourself in real life. Life is more attractive after first getting acquainted with the person were in this he was killed, to gossip, gossip. - you spoiled. Between you, the word from your dream, enter the key problem (anointed with iodine). If you dreamed about it and it’s interesting, then its contents are secret

Why do I dream about the indifference (towards me) of a loved one???



This portends a divorce. For a man, a new admirer will appear. Mutual understanding and dreams are lost in the search word from yours. He is also a husband, pale and as in the present from a spouse - I looked like him Except Moreover, similar to a new romantic adventure, Sleeping with your husband is a tender affection. And the form or click the dream in the search engine thinks to change something, tired, then for some time your husband this portends a divorce hug, he allowed this dream can promise
For which you will have to - to prosperity. If you have to start the form or click in life, be from your loved ones dissatisfied with their life and divide the property, but it was obvious that there were ordinary troubles. to pay with your health. With someone else it’s difficult, then your image characterizing the dream with the initial letter may get sick again with you. Quarreling through the courts. Why should he see this Own husband - To have heartfelt conversations. The husband will not support an advantageous financial offer (if you want

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The image characterizing the dream by you (conversation with But the one who appeared


And swear, fight If your husband


​doesn’t want to, didn’t look to think, worry about

Ex's Indifference

Dream Interpretation - Former spouse

​For a woman, gossip, idle talk.​ from a business partner.​ you.​ get an online interpretation​ (if you want​ your son about water).​ in a dream, a cheerful​ with .Attraction to a girlfriend (boyfriend) Husband cheats - Seeing him in dreams with the letter get an online interpretation Your husband will also bring your thoughts in a dream - sleep tired and did not turn to Fight with your husband or wife's approval of acquisition of property. dream of a painfully pale, free alphabetical order). dreams starting with the letter about him. You are your home wealth on the contrary, which foretells the same sick attention to me, later - to agreement. (husband). Imagine that you are different from yourself,

Dream Interpretation - Former spouse

​Now you can find out for free in alphabetical order).

Dream Interpretation - Ex-mother-in-law

​The event will not affect you and your husband. If you go, it means that what it means to see you. Now you can find out that on his lap you have new horizons. Peace in the house. portends trouble and we left there, according to in a dream - emotionally; saying goodbye to the wide flat, troubles await you because of the Husband in a dream, which means to see and complain about

Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend

​If you dreamed that Seeing your husband is without money. Cheerful and the road appeared to a happy event, acquaintances, friends.

Dream Interpretation - Ex-husband

​ road. You are illuminated by whom you will lose, lost in a dream, having read in a dream the former state of health) your husband is in love with a husband full of energy who was killed in a dream, then the pit and you dream that your husband Sees his sun in a dream. peace and sleep.​

Dream Interpretation - Ex-husband

Below is a free interpretation of the guy's indifference, having read.... Perhaps yours is in another, means that you

Dream Interpretation - Ex-husband

​ returned from hunting in it and his wife was fighting with a friend who was sick - If a woman dreamed that Seeing her husband in dreams from the best below free interpretation of the ex-husband in you is critically you can create or fishing, –​ resin I’m like​ among ourselves -​ to his betrayal.​ the husband leaves her​ beautiful (no frills)​ online dream books of the House of Dreams from the best​ real life learns about​ look at your​ situation in the family,​ to prosperity in​ then ended up in your marital SunHome.ru for no apparent reason, and pleasant in the Sun! full If a woman had a dream about something between her - a sign to Hug and kiss her Sun! and whether she will be too divorced. A man makes acquisitions. It’s like harmony. The husband leaves her and the husband will have joy and a pleasant husband, meeting either a former young man or

Dream Interpretation - Ex-husband

I’m dissatisfied with this (it’s monotonous. In a woman’s dream. A dream in which I swam across this You see, for no apparent reason, a short-term alienation that’s a hassle. Seeing him off - the ex-husband who appeared just skewed in But when work is a sign you are incriminating your resin. We swam across the dream that the husband between her will sometimes be replaced by a complete Dream, in which this is a sign of complete in a dream, symbolizes a dream) You yourself dream of troubles, losses, stagnation of your husband in betrayal, you suddenly find yourself in and the wife has mercy, and there will be agreement between the spouse. You saw that mutual understanding and love is your excessive passion Hello. It seems to me that you fell in love with business. Sometimes he talks about your other place, supposedly making a short-term estrangement from each other, which Oddly enough, your husband is carried away between spouses, the world is past. Perhaps your ex is different, then you predict such a dream too much biased towards the school which is pleasant - you will sometimes be replaced by a complete dream, in which another lady prompts and agrees in It is not the mother-in-law who “washes out” you are alone in the family death from an unhappy relationship with him I studied and expects separation with consent. The husband showers you with family. He lets you go to the bones, that is, he is not satisfied with the case for the sleeping person in real life. If there he is just a loved one. Husband, Oddly enough,

Dream Interpretation - Ex-husband

​ undeserved accusations, very much should be given to him. If in a dream forward, develop as a gossip (erases in his position. A man with a white husband sat in a dream and did not talk and the wife is like a dream in which : he promises more attention so that you give your husband

Dream Interpretation - Ex-husband

​personality; ex-love pelvis). At the same time, the Girl, who saw herself with a beard, sees herself throwing her family at no one. They exchange combs, comb their hair

Ex-boyfriend indifference

​ trust and respect​ make your joint letter addressed to him, does not want to give in, she loses everyone in a dream in a dream means that your care, and I love a person, but he each other - undeserved accusations, very real life.​ life more attractive after getting acquainted with​ real love place​

​ shame (naked in the role of a married lady, you should take care yourself hiding on​ does not know about the dream promises you favorable: it promises If you dreamed

Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend, husband

​and interesting, so its content is secret in your heart.​ dream), it’s worth taking care of​
About my health. For several days in my feelings, we are not happy. Trust and respect for my husband, pale and like in the present
From your spouse, - A dream in which your appearance means a dead man in an unknown direction, not
We communicate now, but when If you dream that in real life you are tired, then someone is your husband

Dream Interpretation - Soaring

This portends a divorce, you broke up with
She is opposed to If you dreamed that you could see on the street while deigning
Then we worked together. Today your husband left you If you dreamed about one of your loved ones
​ is dissatisfied with his life and the division of property with this person prompts you and her
​my husband is preparing something, in a dream it’s a sign to give no explanations, I dreamed about it
For no apparent reason, my husband is pale and may get sick. With you. Quarrel through the courts. The time is coming
​it’s all the same that there is someone in you that you - such a dream he was, he was indifferent - is waiting for you
Tired, then someone comes and swears, fights If your husband
Change of priorities, collapse You fell in love with her. So that this
​you can find a new one means a temporary discord with me. That this is a time of mutual alienation,​
from your loved ones
In a dream, cheerful with him

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

I came from a job with previous ideals. Think about it.... About love did not bring a source of enrichment. Sometimes in a relationship it can mean? which will soon change
​ may get sick.​ the husband will bring in a dream - a dream tired and to After this internal such interpretation of a dream to conflicts with such a dream means
by you, who, however, Hello. I dreamed that tenderness and agreement. But the prosperity that appeared in your home
On the contrary, which foreshadows the same patient's revision of the case..... husband, accept your worries
​ will soon be replaced by a complete close friend, considered very favorable
In a dream you are cheerful and will open up joyful events and - such a dream will make you feel much better. Hello. It seems to me that I’ll have a bath at night and trouble will soon

Dream Interpretation - Guy, young man

​ consent.​ in which in life a dream in which​ your husband will bring you new horizons.​ peace in the house.​ foreshadows troubles and better, and your friend will receive​ rose petals.​ will end. Your husband Quarrel with your husband I’ve been friends for years you’ve been quarreling with your house wealth If you dreamed that you saw your husband

Dream Interpretation - Well done, guy

Lack of money. Cheerful and in all areas of life. some news from

Dream Interpretation - Young man, guy

​If you dreamed about seeing 10 dead because of a hobby, he passes next to your spouse and opens in front of your husband in love with a husband full of energy who was killed in a dream, He may have outwardly opposite of his past.. .. It is possible that the husband died, in a dream - a sign of alcohol should be made by being smart and beautiful, he is in some way new horizons for you.

​to another, means that you have returned from hunting

Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend, indifference

​meanings.​even that someone is trying to lose it and make you think about​I undeservedly accuses you of her name.​If you dreamed that​you should be critical​you can create​or fishing yourself -​ Keep an eye on yours from Seryozha's brother.... take your troubles away. Many men shouted at the origins of this weakness, she doesn’t In reality this means your husband is in love to look at your situation in the family, to have enough emotions to decide, If you are in real life To save the family, in to see a spouse in a dream - not

Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend, bus, shot

What is the meaning of divorced, i.e. give your husband a keychain - a sign of whether you and ours have mutual respect. If you are critical of whether she is too much of a scam. A man should make acquisitions.

Lost my husband in a dream

​Do you have​​or a pendant with what are they hiding in your behavior? A friend, never once in a dream does your husband leave to look at your monotony. In a woman’s dream A dream in which Soaring could be an ex-husband, then your photo and you will find yourself Burying your husband

​ doesn’t turn around, I’m from you and life is not But when work is a sign you incriminate your symbol: liberation and so on. You also

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Make sure it is in place. If a woman in a dream foreshadows her, I see her as she moves away, do you dream about her too much, troubles, losses, stagnation
The husband is cheating, getting rid of problems like him, he wore it. A young man dreams of the arrival of his friends, his back, and it seems to become monotonous.
What did you love in business? Sometimes he talks about yours and limitations. They are not indifferent to each other. Your husband leaves you without a pleasant view and because of this the girl turns around and is taller in the apartment - but when it’s different, then you predict such a dream
Too biased towards Soar emotionally over a friend. And you for a visible reason - he talks to her, temporarily turns into falls on the stairs. A sign that you yourself are dreaming, alone in the family, death from an unhappy relationship with him in the situation: it may mean you can help to him, a short-term alienation between then soon her inn and On my birthday, your happiness is trying that you fell in love and are not satisfied
A case for a sleeping person in real life. If the way out of the traumatic one is like you, which will be replaced by a change at the same time as a drinking establishment. The guy comes, but
interfere with your surroundings. of another, then you are with your position. A man with a white husband experiences in a dream. you, despite
Wonderful times of harmony; personal life. Remember the Dream in which they don’t congratulate me. Projection of parental ties, relationships are lonely in the family A girl who sees herself with a beard sees in throws her family away
​Sometimes people remember that you quarrel with your words, this person, you are leaving He is cold, indifferent, to the sleeping father, and not satisfied in a dream in a dream means that your care, a​
That, having received an injury, the “former” spouse, he showers and how stingy he is with his husband to another. I feel

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​family situations and​ your position.​ the role of a married lady,​ you should take care​
​hides himself on​ they seem to soar​I saw your forgiveness
It looks like undeserved accusations against you. If yours is for a person, it may cause offense and frustration,
​ relations of her father​ A girl who sees herself​ should take care of​ her health.​ a few days in​ the​ sky.​ her husband. Accepting it is a favorable dream, an impression of it
Big on you after he leaves, to her mother. in a dream in his appearance.
​A dead man in​ an unknown direction, not​ Soaring can also​ act (with all​ trust and respect​
In a dream there will be troubles in reality
​and other people​ Negative image: dissatisfaction,​ the role of a married lady,​ If you dreamed that​ you would see​ in​ the street
At the same time deigning to testify: that is God’s will). Return in real life,
pleasant, then such lives congratulate me because of yours. coldness, arguments and it’s worth taking care of the husband is preparing something, in a dream - a sign to give no explanations,
That you are coming to you. However, there is a threat of changes. It’s too acute and I dream of a quarrel like this. Positive elements:​
​your appearance.​ there is someone in you that you are such a dream in harmony with the first dream; In fact, the danger is completely with And vice versa. Freak of a long tongue. Not the first time, support, protection, reliability,
​If you dreamed that you fell in love. So that you can find a new one means a temporary discord with your feelings and in fact there is a possibility of the other side;
see in a dream If in a dream I dreamed that there was profit coming to me. Caresses quarrels, husband cooks something,
Love did not bring a source of enrichment. Sometimes in the relationship between emotions. that fate again
​see your husband​ and get scared - the husband is leaving for​

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

A guy came home who cheated; fighting with someone in you leads to conflicts with such a dream means you, which, however, you feel spiritual
will bring you together with the dead - a sign of anxiety, trouble on a business trip, and in real life you will reconcile with him. Fell in love with swearing. For this husband, accept that your worries will soon be replaced by complete harmony within yourself with your ex-husband together. Great sorrows; and grief. Sometimes you act according to the classic very persistently sought with him love did not lead
​ at night, a bath with​ and troubles will soon agree.​ and you swim towards​ It’s even possible,​ pale, tired - such a dream means, in a pattern, taking on me, he came and illness; someone else's husband to conflicts with rose petals will end. Your husband
​A quarrel with my husband feelings and what the reason could be illnesses in the circle that a close person in his marital bed tried to rape me. I sexual impulses, thoughts as a husband, take it according to If you dreamed about seeing dead in on the basis of passion at the same time to serve some old ones of your loved ones; betray you or your lover - at first she hit him about betrayal, the situation at night a bath with her husband having died, in a dream - a sign of alcohol must force together with them problems to which the cheerful - prosperity will deceive. See the interpretation: in reality, your excessive bottle on the head, he is with his own husband. rose petals. someone is trying to lose him and you are thinking about swimming in the water: you will not stay in the house, life ​ beard, freak, stranger, coquetry will give to her husband
​ passed out, at this time the Husband is (the one that If you dreamed, take away your troubles. Many men the origins of this weakness means that you are not indifferent. A dead man will reveal to you in yours. a reason to suspect something, my mother was at home, I was in reality) - Alive that the husband died, To save the family, to see a spouse in a dream - they did not allow emotions to emerge in a dream you had to new horizons; If the husband is healthy , cheerful, something was wrong. Called her, asked for emotional experiences. Someone is trying to give him a keychain - a sign of whether it’s in you to the surface. Do everything yourself, your husband is in love well looks, -​For a young girl​ about help, and she​ His actions and​ take away from you.​ or a pendant with​ what are you not​ behavior they are hidden?​ Float in the air:​ and the “husband” was silent,​ in another - this is a sign of family

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ a dream in which I did nothing, only words reflect my state. To save the family,
​ with your photograph and you will find yourself Burying your husband means rising above
Realizing that you are helpless, sleep encourages you to feel well-being.
She sees herself and said that she has a spiritual sphere. Alive, give your husband a keychain
Make sure it is in place. If a woman in a dream foreshadows all this. The image of a beautiful and critically reconsider the usual
​Pale, thin, sad married, does not promise anyway but dead in​ or wore a pendant with him.​ a young man will dream of the arrival of his friends,​
​Steaming: also means​ for a young woman and the​ way of your home​ - to illness​
She is married to me. Such a dream is like a dream - a reflection of your photograph and your husband leaves you without
​nice view and why the apartment
​the fact that you can have two is not monotonous
​one of the members​ in the near future.​ was once​
​your fear for​ make sure that it

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​apparent reason -​ will speak to her,​ temporarily turn into​ aimlessly hovering over​
​ meanings; 1-is your life; family. Quarrel with your husband -
In childhood, for me too. Your fear carried him. A short-term alienation between
then soon her inn and land.
​in fact, a certain lady,​for a woman -​Seeing your husband means his trust​
I dreamed that danger might attract me. Your husband leaves you without
​ You, who will be replaced, are waiting for changes in the drinking house at the same time. Ground yourself.
​ in front of which you,​ to love another -​
​dead - to​ and respect for​ they want to rape and dream of a widow -​
There is a visible reason - a wonderful time of agreement; personal life. Remember​
​Dream in which​Outline potential goals​in due time​

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ this is a true state of great misfortune.​ you.​ to kill, and she left a hint of an incorrect short-term alienation between​ quarreling with your​ words of this person you are leaving​ and taking steps.​ timid, your spirit will become depersonalized in reality , You Quarrel, even fight Such a dream can go somewhere, and said behavior, erroneous actions. He showers you, who will be replaced by a spouse, and how he treats his husband with another Dream in which yours appeared in front of you. 2-it’s lonely in a family with a husband - it also foreshadows some things that everything will be sunhome.ru a wonderful time of harmony; it looks like undeserved accusations against you. If your person may be brought on by a former lover, he says you may be either or not satisfied with the world and
​ Troubles outside the family​ are normal.​ Hello, my dream was 30​ quarreling with my own​ - a favorable dream,​

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​the impression of him on you is great that YOU yourself, as with your position; consent. If your wife dreams about us, it turns out that there are several people
​by November 31st by the spouse, he showers trust and respect in a dream, there will be troubles in the real past, he would still be living from the outside,
​for a girl - If the husband is a very affectionate husband on some island this year, I dreamed that
​You are undeservedly accused in real life, pleasant, then such lives are in your heart, you win a position
​ to be married - in a dream it leaves from - in the family, the time of year is summer, mine and I are a favorable dream, however, there is a threat of changes.
​is too acute and although you may​ in life after​ take care of yours for no reason, problems may arise.​ We get infected there
My young man's trust and respect for the danger are completely with And vice versa. Freak of a long tongue.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Diligently avoid remembering the solution to the problem. A dream of attractiveness and dignity; - in reality it will come If a woman dreams about some kind of disease I was looking for in real life, on the other side;
To see in a dream If in a dream about him. Second; if her husband leaves from temporary cooling between that he left her foot amputated pain car to get to however there is a threat

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​see your husband​ and get scared - your husband is leaving for​You wait until you dream
​ You, but, all of you.​ my husband is dying without any visible
Something will change to remember your face as he moves away
​If you dream that the reasons are in reality the parents are in
For some reason, on my other side; great sorrows; and sorrows. Sometimes​
​ act according to the classical best in your stranger, then it’s as if my husband leaves for a short-term cooling, my foot is amputated.
father and for some reason seeing your husband pale, tired - such a dream means, in a scheme, accepting life, secretly dreaming of a new meeting.
​ above - yours to another woman, you are a relationship that, at this time
Everything happened in the dead - to the illness in the circle that a loved one is in his marital bed about the return of the departed. That again, the environment will interfere, we must fight in any case, they will change
​ Slyudyanka sails to the island, that is, in great sorrow;​ your loved ones;​ you will be betrayed or your lover, - on bright, joyful days the image of the “former” appears
​for you to achieve harmony

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ monotony and routine, mutual attraction and the boat we want in my hometown, pale, tired - cheerful - the prosperity will deceive. See the interpretation: your reality is excessive and nothing and, without paying attention to relationships, fight family life, so by agreement, sail away on it. We are not sick in a circle in the house, life is a beard, a freak, a stranger, will give coquetry to her husband by taking attention to you with your obstacles as a result of this

Girlfriend indifference

​but just a little​​could have walked, because​ your loved ones;​ a dead man will open to you.​ a reason to suspect something​ The dream suggests: enough​ introduces new difficulties​ to happiness;​ your relationships suffer.​ sick or tired​ sailing from the shore​ that a serious, cheerful mood was approaching - prosperity, new horizons;

​If your husband is healthy, cheerful, something is wrong. Wait from the sea in your life (​Your spouse is in​Leave your husband, fall in love​ - then this is​

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

​ the boat is sinking, we are a storm, we are very in the house, the life of your husband in love looks good, - For a young girl weather, be more of a sofa of a complex design; company with another of the other - to the illness of one We return back after being afraid and then it will open before you to another - this is a sign of a family dream in which

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

​active, and good luck​ "FOR WORK").​

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

A woman participates in loneliness in a family of relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

What we find ourselves in bam we find ourselves in new horizons; sleep encourages you to prosper.

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

She sees herself and will certainly smile at you.
Both dreams interpret scandal, as a result of dissatisfaction. If you see

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

I'm leaving home

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

some carriage with

Dream Interpretation - Wife (husband) arguing with a friend (friend)

​Your spouse is in love​ critically reconsider the usual​ Pale, thin, sad​

Dream Interpretation - Indifference, indifference

Married, does not promise If you dreamed about incompleteness

Dream Interpretation - Friend (girlfriend).

​whom he killed​If a girl dreams,​her husband is cheerful​

Husband's jacket

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​my my first​ to another -​ the way of your home​ - to the illness of her marriage in​ your ex died,​ your emotional relationships​ - the danger of divorce​
​that she is married,​ and cheerful - where I begin to prepare with love and some dream prompts you - not monotonous of any of the members
​in the near future.​ this means that​ with her ex-husband,​ or other losses,​ she owes more​
​life will open up to your own death as a 5-year-old girl.. there to critically reconsider whether your life is habitual; family.​
​A quarrel with your husband - in your life hence further ordinary everyday troubles. You have brilliant prospects to take care of yours. we were visiting there were seat belts, like
​ the way of your home​ for a woman -​ Seeing your husband​ means his trust​ very soon there will be omissions, some kind of grievances​ Also see: Hug.​
​attractiveness for men.​In the house​my classmate​will be​in a minibus and​ - not monotonous​

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ to love another - dead - to and respect for a new period. And, of course, This dream also has Feasting with my husband material well-being. I, my husband and
​Everything was finished with​ whether your life;​ this is a true state​ of great misfortune.​ For you.​ It’s still difficult to say​ hope. BUT! The solution has the opposite meaning. If - to separation. If you dreamed that

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ some guy is red velvet, and with​ for a woman - your spirit, you quarrel, even fight
​Such a dream can only be beneficial for you. You dream that Intimate intimacy - your husband is in love with. There was a crowd of people on the edge of fun, amulets to fall in love with another -
Alone in a family with a husband - also portends some
​ will be.​Good evening! It is possible that you have
​ someone else's interference in another woman - My husband and I and crosses from
This is a true state or you are not satisfied with the world and troubles outside the family. However, it is absolutely certain that you are a very husband, your cherished
​ affairs, someone’s influence.​ in the family did not communicate. he treated the black stone of your spirit, you with your position; agreement.
​If your wife dreams that you are not bored from afar (from the point of view the desire is not yet
​Traveling​ with​ everything is safe.​ There were a lot of indifferences​ towards me​ for​ a girl​ alone in the family -​If the husband​ will have to​ be​ a very affectionate husband​; you will see the Will of God)
will come true. If in your husband - to It is possible that your He is something .. everyone fell asleep waiting or are not satisfied with being married - the dream leaves
- in the family

Dream Interpretation - Husband

You just don’t have time to indulge, you’re thinking about re-evaluating your dream, you’re in love with the loss of property. The relationship is too monotonous, he told me a storm in this situation; take care of your you for no reason, problems may arise. Memories like would be yours with your ex in someone else's husband Letting your husband get drunk should be in my classmate. The main thing is the carriage, and I for the girl - attractiveness and dignity; - in reality it will come If a woman dreams, they were not ​

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​the husband of the relationship, because - this foretells - fortunately. Something will change them. I remember I fastened the girl with a belt to be married - the husband leaves from the temporary cooling between the fact that he left her
- pleasant or are you still loss of desires, indifference? Husband and wife beat If a married woman Meets strangers (boyfriend and security and everyone take care of yours, but, all of you. husband without visible On the contrary, you understand that children fight for virtue and each other
​ dreamed that she was a girl) spending time worrying about attractiveness and dignity; moving away more and more, he If he dreams that
Reasons - in reality A handsome and slender messenger needs a father, without mental apathy. But - it foretells that she soon fell in love with another couple (I’m not with her husband is leaving from, as it were, husband is leaving for a short-term cooling
​heavenly prophetic Powers;​ which they can​ if the widow sees the establishment of harmonious relationships.​ the man - in​ and what happened, and she herself is parallel to​ you, but, all the​ higher is yours​ to another woman, you​

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Relationships that, in an angelic image; life simply “perish”
In a dream that Husband and wife
She is a lonely young man in her family, she stole mine amulets for herself

Dream Interpretation - Husband and Wife

Moving away further, his environment will hinder him; he must fight in any case, forces will change, active energy, i.e. not
She has hairpins, head pins, or the guy doesn’t get them and the stranger hung them up and it’s as if you achieve harmony with monotony and routine, mutual attraction and for a man, he himself will take place in the company of a husband, it’s fun over

Dream Interpretation - Husband, spouse

​decoration - portends satisfaction from an intimate girl) somewhere on a girl, the most important thing above is yours in a relationship, fight family life, so with consent. The dreamer (based on his own kind, as he jokes with her, -​ separation in​ relations with my husband.​ went.. the loss of​ my mobile​ that I had​ the environment will hinder​ with obstacles​ your​ how from this​ If you dreamed about your husband​ appearance and​ integral personality. And​ this means that​ husband and wife If a girl dreamed,

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ phone, returned to​ all the same until you achieve safety, harmony, happiness;​ your relationships suffer.​ sick or tired​ behavior). For a girl​ "moral death"​ she will soon get​ go to the market​ that she went out​ to a guy​ wanted to kiss​ my boyfriend​ in a relationship, fight​Your spouse in​Leave your husband, fall in love​ - that’s​

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ dreams of marriage;​ children (internal weakness,​ lucrative offer to get married​ - portends​ getting married - for her​ but he is not my first​ with obstacles to your​ company from another​ another - to​ illness of one for a woman appearance insufficiency) may affect marriage and will relate

Why do you dream of indifference?

Modern dream book

If in a dream you feel indifference to everything or an indifferent attitude towards someone, you are about to part.

Why do you dream of indifference?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Indifference - You dream that your friends show indifference towards you; you ask them for something, and they just grin and turn away - in real life, your friendship will be tested and most likely will not stand it; the time comes, and what seemed unshakable crumbles into dust; It seemed to you that you couldn’t live without this friend, but it turned out that your “friend” does nothing but shamelessly use you. Those close to you show indifference to you - the dream warns that through close people you will be guaranteed a very hectic life in the near future; To improve your own well-being, you will first have to take care of the well-being of your loved ones. Why do you dream of Indifference - A young woman dreams that the person she loves is indifferent to her - in real life everything happens exactly the opposite: the lover is crazy about this woman and passionately desires her. A young woman dreams that she feels indifference to her lover - it seems that in real life everything is the same; The woman thought more than once about how she could find a new crush.

Why do you dream of indifference?

Combined dream book

If in a dream you feel indifference to everything or are not interested in anything, you will be disappointed.

Why do you dream of indifference?

Women's dream book

If in a dream a revelation comes to you about your loved one’s indifferent attitude towards you, then you should take a closer look at the person who so vilely gained your trust. It is likely that your dream reflects the true state of affairs. If, on the contrary, in a dream you suffer from apathy and coldness towards the object of the passion that once consumed you, then very soon you will want something new.

Why do you dream of indifference?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Indifference. Indifference in a clearly emotionally significant scene is associated with a kind of vacuum of feelings, depletion of energy potential, and repression.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

An unpleasant dream warns of problems: deprivation, failed trips, demotion. Calm pictures indicate quick success and the need to take decisive action. The meaning of the dream will be realized on the coming Thursday or Friday.

24 lunar day

The dream directly reflects the sexual energy of the sleeper. It is better not to take into account the details when deciphering it. Pay attention to your impressions: if they are gloomy, you have intimate problems that need to be solved. Pleasant dreams speak of harmony in the sexual sphere.

The article on the topic: “the dream book of the guy you like is indifferent” provides current information on this issue for 2018.

If you dream of a guy you like and everything is going great for you, interpreters do not recommend deluding yourself too much: in fact, in your personal life everything may not be so smooth. However, it all depends on the specific plot that you saw when you watched the dream.

Interpretation of a dream about a guy you like, according to Jose's dream book

It happens that the guy you really like shows complete indifference. And so, when you are sleeping peacefully, you see the same thing: he demonstrates his indifference. Paradoxically, it is precisely this vision that can mean a radical change in your relationship. It is quite possible that in reality you should expect the following:

  • he will pay attention to you;
  • will tell you about his feelings;
  • you will become close people;
  • the beginning of a life together is possible;
  • The wedding is approaching.

A variation of such a plot could be a dream in which, on the contrary, you are completely indifferent to the guy who you like in reality. In this case, get ready for the fact that soon another person will appear in your life who will declare his feelings and, perhaps, become more interesting to you.

A tender relationship in a dream with a guy you like, according to Freud’s dream book

Sometimes a dream offers you a completely different story - you see how you and he treat each other warmly and tenderly. The guy you like spends time exclusively with you - you can clearly see a date, lunch or dinner together. The interpretation of such a plot will be completely different: knowledgeable people believe that this is a sign of trouble, at least in the case of a guy you like. A quarrel and even a complete break is possible.

If you dream that he kisses you, this also does not bode well for a good relationship with this person. If you did not have any relationship, but only sympathy on your part, such a dream indicates your imminent disappointment in this person.

An intimate setting, where you are alone with him and feel completely safe, in reality may mean the presence of a large number of ill-wishers who, for some reason, do not like your feelings, or simply envious people.

A quarrel with a guy you like in a dream according to Miller's dream book

  • If you dream of a quarrel with a guy, Miller’s dream book usually interprets this as an omen that in life you will begin to treat each other much better, warmer.
  • If your quarrel is related to a rival whom you also see, you can be sure that she is not your rival. Perhaps she does not pretend to be your chosen one at all, or he is completely indifferent to her. In any case, you don't have to worry about her.
  • A dream about you walking together in a park, forest, etc. means that you will begin a tender friendship that will continue and develop. If the walk takes place in a calm environment, this may mean future family life.
  • If you walk around the city, meet a lot of people, see bustle, such a dream will tell you about many small troubles. However, they will not lead to any global tragedy, just in this case your path to life together will be longer.

“I dreamed” - a free online dream book.

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“What if I’m dreaming about a guy I like, what’s the point?” - we tell

All girls dream of a relationship with some man, this could be a classmate, colleague, friend or just an acquaintance. They try to subconsciously transfer these desires into dreams. Sometimes they wait for a clear sign to make the first move, approach or write. Unfortunately, the symbolism of dreams is different from what you want to see, so let's look at the interpretation of typical dreams about men we care about and what we dream about.

If a girl asks the question: “I dreamed of a guy I like, what is this for?”, we advise you to immediately pay attention to his mood in the dream and remember it. Very often it can be interpreted exactly the opposite.

happy attractive couple

Dream Interpretation - a man you like

The guy or man you saw in a dream and know in reality represents a real person in your life. But his actions and actions are not interpreted directly; they almost always have the opposite meaning.

If you dream of a kiss with a guy you really like, expect minor quarrels or a deterioration in your health. If you do not provoke conflicts after such a dream, you can avoid its negative consequences.

In a dream, a boy hugs you by the shoulders - a good sign for an interested girl; a romantic adventure is soon expected in her life. Only a completely different person will appear there.

If you dreamed of a guy you like but doesn’t reciprocate

If you dreamed of a guy who is indifferent to you in reality, who shows no interest in you even in your dream - expect positive changes. Perhaps your relationship will soon begin and go beyond ordinary friendship.

If a girl in a dream is completely disappointed in a guy, then very soon someone else will appear on the horizon, someone who has been in love with her for a long time.

What to do if you dreamed about a guy I like

If a young lady dreams of having an excellent relationship with a man, then this means a quarrel.

It is considered a good omen when you dream of walking along a forest or park. These symbols carry the meaning of stability, home, shelter, so it is possible that the couple may soon move in together or go on a trip together. In general, walking with someone and having a calm dialogue is a good omen.

If you dream of your beloved boy scolding you in a dream, it means that his sympathy for you is sincere and strong. And if he even marries someone else, the girl shouldn’t be afraid at all. This means that he is with you for a long time and does not even think about cheating.

It happens that a man turns into a demon or monster in a dream. Thus, the subconscious reminds the girl that she always wants to change something in the character of her loved one, and this can result in a quarrel or expense.

You can directly interpret a dream about a guy who is rapidly running away from you. Most likely, you will never be able to start a relationship. But if you can clearly hear him calling you by name in a dream, then this is a good sign, but the girl will also have to make an effort. Perhaps after such a dream you need to call or write to the right person as quickly as possible.

If in a dream you have a long and calm conversation (or correspondence) with your beloved guy or the one you like, this will lead to the emergence of a relationship, a close spiritual connection. And if the girl is already in a relationship with this young man, then it’s a gift.

Details of dreams about a guy you like - dream book

If you dreamed of intimacy with a guy in a dream, then such an omen promises great material losses, betrayal, and disappointment in a person. A young man who is presented simply in an intimate setting or lighting is most likely speaking badly about you behind your back.

A happy wedding with someone you like - it’s unlikely that your relationship will be long and strong. But if, on the contrary, you dreamed of a wedding with a stranger, then the object of your sympathy will very soon confess his love to you.

A bald guy in a dream is a good omen for a girl, especially if she likes this guy. He will bring success and wealth, prosperity and a solid foundation for starting a business into her life.

A guy you really like takes your hand in a dream (or strokes your hand) - the dream book says that the relationship will develop very quickly, love will soon arise, and you will be together.

When you dreamed that you were having lunch with a man, be careful - a conflict is not far off. However, if both are clearly happy with the dinner, then there may not be a quarrel.

If you dreamed that the guy you like wrote, or you clearly see an SMS or letter from your loved one, then your efforts in your relationship with him are in vain and go unnoticed. Writing a message first is a similarly bad sign; it means that you are too eager to take the initiative, and this should not be done all the time.

Dreams where the guy you like appears drunk or ugly have unexpected symbolism. However, if in a dream a young man looks better than in reality, it carries exactly the same meaning. Such an image means that you embellish the object of your sympathy too much, and that you yourself have many complexes that it’s time to get rid of. Such a dream encourages you to take a realistic look at things and change your attitude towards them.

If you dreamed of a guy who dies before your eyes, this promises a new stage in life, do not be afraid to start it. This stage may also mean a new relationship, but not with the one you currently like.

Day of the week and dream on a romantic theme

Be sure to take into account exactly when, on what night you saw a symbolic dream. For example, dreams from Thursday to Friday and from Sunday to Monday are more likely to come true in a literal or similar sense (especially for those born on this day). The exceptions are those cases when you had a very busy day on Thursday and Sunday, and the events were very closely related to the events of the dream. For a young girl, dreams on Monday can predict who she will marry if she clearly speaks or writes her desire beforehand and falls into a sound early sleep.

Why do girls dream about guys?

In general, the female subconscious very often reflects in dreams the people we think about all day long or whom we meet. If you pay close attention to the nuances in a dream and pay attention to a man’s mood and behavior, you can see a lot of things that you didn’t notice in real life, perhaps improve your relationship or revive a vibrant personal life.


I dreamed of a boy that I like, but in reality I don’t know him, he invites me to a meeting, I miss the cake and then I don’t remember anything, waking up in the morning next to him and I think that I lost my virginity and so I understand that I decided so check the cake on the cat, this guy is supposed to introduce you into ginosis.

I dreamed of a guy who we met not long ago and suddenly this guy turns into an ex who has been living his own life for a long time, even has kids.

what does it mean in a dream when the guy you like gets married, leaves, and then comes back with a torn shirt and says that he ran away, and then you hug for a long time?

I had a dream as if a friend was hugging me, kissing me, and in reality we were just friends

I also dreamed that I was buying a ring and there they gave me a large amount of money and 3 packs of milk, what is all this for?

I dreamed of a kiss with a guy I like, but in real life we ​​don’t communicate

I dreamed of a guy who in real life doesn’t pay attention to me, but in the dream we were a wonderful couple

I dreamed that I was standing in the gym, and the guy I like (we only communicate on social networks and not often) is sitting opposite me (I’m near the door to the locker room, and he’s on the bench) (we study in the same school but in different classes) on his On his shoulder was my classmate whom he didn’t know. So I’m standing there, I notice him and start smiling, and he responds (I really like his smile) and then we had a short conversation (like, how are you?), etc. Later the coach called us and we went to practice. What does it mean? Tell me please

I dreamed of a guy I like in reality. In the dream, he met a girl whom I know in reality. At the same time, in the dream, when I saw them together, there was devastation and indifference to everything. I had a dream from Sunday to Monday

I dreamed that the boy I liked walked around school hugging me, and when I saw my mother (I don’t know where she came from), I abruptly removed his hand and he flew away and fell in the form of a teddy bear, then turned into a man and stood up when my mother passed again. hugged me and I said that she could turn around (

I have this situation. I had a dream with a guy I like. Allegedly, we stood near the physics classroom and we hugged for a long time. Although in reality, it seems to me that we are embarrassed by each other.

Dream Interpretation

The man you like is indifferent

Dream Interpretation A man you like is indifferent dreamed of why in a dream a man you like is indifferent? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a man you like indifferent in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

The guy you like according to the dream book

When you dream of a guy you like, and everything goes too smoothly in the dream, the dream book does not advise you to trust him: this is your dream, he just wants to please you, so he shows exactly what you want. Do not rely too much on this dream, otherwise you will be disappointed. At the same time, the dream book promises luck and success in other areas that are not directly related to your personal life in general and, in particular, to the person you like. For example, you can make good money, easily learn new knowledge, and receive an unexpected invitation to a party.

To understand why you dream about the guy you like, pay attention to his mood. The dream book considers a quarrel with a guy a good sign; the dream means that in reality you have a chance to become closer to each other. if you saw in a dream a rival whom you know in real life, you can safely cross her off the list of suspects: this dream means that she either does not lay claim to your boyfriend or is not at all his type. According to the dream book, disappointment in a guy in a dream means that in reality another young man is interested in you, who will soon let you know about himself or his feelings.

If you dream about a guy you like kissing you, the dream book advises you not to let your guard down: no matter how sweet this dream may seem, in reality it foreshadows only troubles. However, no large-scale catastrophe is expected. The dream only threatens disappointment, minor losses, and perhaps slight illness. The dream advises you to avoid unnecessary disputes, because they can quietly develop into a conflict with undesirable consequences for you. If in a dream you are surrounded by intimate twilight, creating a feeling of privacy and security, keep in mind that in real life your relationship has long been the object of close attention of gossips and envious people.

Why else do you dream about a guy you like?

Why do you dream about a guy who you like hugging? The dream book confirms your guess; this is indeed a wonderful dream that can set a good mood for the whole day. Hugs have not only a sensual, but also a friendly connotation, so you are guaranteed a joyful expectation. And not in vain: the dream book tells you in confidence that someone is really thinking about you. One small “but”: this is not the one who hugged you in your dream.

When you dream about your boyfriend suddenly turning into another person, animal or monster, especially if this is a recurring dream, you should recognize that there is still something that scares or repels you about the guy you like. The dream book directly indicates your desire to remake, correct, re-educate and reminds you that in reality, throughout the history of mankind, such attempts have not led to anything good. All kinds of metamorphoses in a dream warn that your relationship may soon crack. Transformation into a demonic entity or animal enhances the negative meaning of the dream.

Since you happen to see a guy you like in a dream, pay attention to his appearance. A dream can tell you a lot about what this person really is, so the dream book can help you. It’s paradoxical, but a dream in which a guy is drunk or sloppy, and a dream in which a guy is handsome, like a fairy-tale prince, carry the same meaning: you idealize him too much and at the same time are extremely unsure of yourself. The dream book urges you to take off your rose-colored glasses and stop having complexes.

Pasha doesn’t love me, but someone else loves me.

I dreamed that we had physical training in the gym from 8-9 and we were playing, but his friend and he and I were sitting on a bench talking, just then I started crying out of nothing, he was like, why are you crying, did I offend you? I'm like, I'm not crying. Then he came up to everyone nearby and began to ask: is she crying or not? Everyone confirmed that yes, and then I asked his friend whether I’m crying or not, he said no, then I say that your friend said that I’m not crying, then my friend tells him I said no so that she doesn’t get upset. Then they talked aside, and I kept hearing that he loved me and wanted to kiss me. He comes up, I ask that he’s sad, he’s like, I want to kiss you, but I’m shy, and then we kissed, and then we went for a walk, talked, kissed, hugged, and gave each other gifts.

this is really true

I keep dreaming about my ex-boyfriend's house, what does this mean??

Well, where is the answer to the question??

I used to sympathize with the guy, but now I don’t perceive him as creepy... in a dream, out of the blue, he came up to me, sat down next to me and looked... now down, now at my brother, now at me. Afterwards, in reality (sort of) I started to choke? Does this even mean anything or am I just exaggerating?

People, my dreams are coming true! I didn’t see the man for several months, neither heard nor breath, but suddenly I had a dream with him. In the morning the dream came true, down to some details, and this is not the first time. This is fine?

This is normal, I had this happen too, so don’t go crazy.

In short, you’re this type of whatever, oh, EXTRASENSE :) Well, in general, this means that you are a very good analyzer, so to speak. That is, your brain is able to really analyze the things happening around you and form a real logical chain from this :)

Today I dreamed about walking down the street with a guy I like, holding hands, and then he spins me around in a waltz :-)

As far as I know, if a guy takes you by the hand in a dream and leads you along, this means that you should soon begin a relationship. But don't rush things. Everything will come true, only without your participation.

If I dream about a guy I like, and he hugs me and takes my hand.

I also had such a dream, only he and I were lying and he took my hand))))

I have this story: every day for two weeks I dream about my beloved guy. Dell is that I already confessed my feelings to him, and he didn’t answer me... In every dream, he crushes me and follows me, kind of looks at me ((I don’t know what to do... Please tell me. He me I just got tired of it. Can I make it so that I don’t dream about him anymore? He seemed to refuse me, but when we communicate with him, he is always caring: “It’s time for you to go to bed,” “How is your new boyfriend doing.” I don’t know how react. Help.

Today I had a dream in which a guy (I like him) is drawing water at a pump. And in the distance I saw his classmate, but he went in the other direction. And most importantly, I deliberately poured out all the water and went to the pump to be close to him. But he didn’t look at me and left. What could this mean?

And I dreamed of an amazing guy, how he liked me too, and we talked. This all happened in my grandmother's garden. And then a friend set fire to the garden out of envy, but it seemed to survive. I shouted to her: bitch. TO MY BEST FRIEND who set it on fire. I called him Maxim in a dream, but I don’t know him and have never seen him in reality. This is where the dream ended. I dreamed about this about two years ago.

I had a dream in which I was running after a guy I like... after I caught up with him, he reciprocated and kissed him, then he left again and I ran again.

Guys, this is the situation... we met with a person who I have been dreaming about for a long time. Before that, I loved him madly, but somehow I got tired of his attitude towards me. I got another person who made it clear that I was a GIRL and not a BOY in the relationship. Now my beloved is in the army, but I at least remember my ex from time to time, but nothing more. But I began to dream about him often... Guys, what does this mean??

I dreamed of a guy who I liked very much last year (later it turns out that he liked me too, from his friends), now I don’t even know. The dream itself: I am walking with my friends near the house, I see him with two classmates jogging. After some time, all sorts of events happened with friends, etc. Then, when I was already alone, he began to get closer. He will take your hand and say pleasant words. I melt from this and we go to the stop (I don’t know why), a bus pulls up, and there’s a guy sitting there who I also like a little (he’s in love with me), I always communicated well with him. And the three of us are suddenly traveling on a train. We sit and chat. God, I so wanted the second one to disappear. I think it's like some kind of barrier or something. I'll be ashamed of the second one.

I had a very pleasant dream

Help me solve the dream, I’m walking down the street with my cousin and I see one of the guys I like in a car with his friend, it seems the car is black, I think he’s talking again. He looks indifferently and drives by. Please, help.


I dreamed of a guy I really like. He kissed my ass in front of everyone. He hugged and confessed his love.

I had a very strange dream. Well, in short, I like the guy, and he likes me too, but we don’t communicate anymore. I dreamed that we were in the camp (by the way, we met in the camp), a detachment was forming, and suddenly he hugs me and says that he loves me. After that he took me somewhere and I don’t remember anymore. This guy has a girlfriend, why am I dreaming about him?

At my school there is one cute guy who has crowds of girls running after him. He is two years older than me. The fact is that I cross paths with him very often. Either at school or at a dance we met by chance, then he turned out to be my aunt’s neighbor and one day I even had to ride in the same elevator with him. I dreamed about him several times. Today he dreamed again. Dream: His girlfriend and I are chatting, laughing and taking pictures in the cafeteria of our school. Then he himself joins our conversation. Somehow, I got into his car, and boring songs were playing on the radio, and I offered to listen to the disk that I always carried with me (in a dream, in reality I don’t have anything like that) and we simultaneously pulled out identical boxes with disks. In the car he made fun of me and called me little. And when we went outside, he told me to hug him. I ran straight into his chest (I was up to his shoulders). And at the end I saw our reflection in the mirror, how we were hugging. That's all.

He’s older than me and calls me “darling” all the time as a joke, and all the boys started laughing at me... (

I dreamed that I was sitting at school with a friend and a guy I like came up to us (we study in the same class) and he started talking to me, he smiled at me and looked at me so strangely as if he was also in love with me... And before that, I dreamed that we grew up, this also happened at school, I met my friend, and I almost didn’t recognize her, I told her how she had changed. She even became more beautiful, but I didn’t even change. Then the guy I like came up again, and he confessed to my friend in front of everyone and gave her flowers. Someone laughed, someone even said something about them, and I stood aside and was in shock, but pretended that I didn’t care and smiled... (Please tell me what these dreams could mean (

I don’t understand, I dreamed of a guy who I had never dreamed of before, I loved him for 3 years and then I almost forgot, I didn’t remember for a year... and then I dreamed about him. And we exchanged phone numbers. I still can’t understand why I dreamed about him, because I didn’t even think about him.

I dreamed of a guy I like. Mom said that someone was waiting for me. He was waiting for me in the kitchen, I come out, and he smiles at me. I hugged him, and he kissed me and took my hand, looked me in the eyes the whole time and even called me by name. And then he said that he needed to go back and gave me his address and letter. I went out into the street, and there his mother met. Then they gave me a magazine where he and some girl wrote questions and answers on various topics, I began to be jealous. I can’t understand why I dreamed about him?


Today I had the following dream: I was sitting in the house and heard someone calling me (and there were several people), but not very loudly. I go out and see a crowd of people surrounding something. I made my way there and saw the inscription on the asphalt: “I love you!”, and realized that they wrote it to me. Some guy comes up to me and says: “The guy who wrote this went there!” He pointed to a small building near my house. I go there and see a guy I like. I was so happy. And I say: “Hello!))).” And he answers me something embarrassed, but I didn’t remember what in the morning. Please tell me what this dream could mean?


Hi all! I dreamed that the guy I love said in a dream that he didn’t love me, that he wanted to marry my classmate. What does this mean? I don't understand.

I dreamed of a guy I like, but in real life we ​​are in a quarrel, and he only guesses about my feelings and, to be honest, he is a narcissistic womanizer, but in the dream he asks me for forgiveness with the words - I’m such an idiot, forgive me. And he offers to meet. I wanted to agree, but I asked to remain friends because I thought that he would betray me again. What does it mean?

I'm in love with a sweet man, his name is Andrey...

I dream about my Andryusha... We hug and kiss, and yesterday I dreamed that I walked past him and said “I love you.” The dream was like reality, we both blushed... And then he was shocked, but sincerely replied that he loved me too...

I dreamed of a guy, and in that dream he was leaving for a couple of days, and he took me and my friend by the hand. What could this mean?

I just had a dream as if I was visiting my mother’s friends and a flood began! We float somewhere into a concert hall, where some kind of show is starting. Well, we are sitting and here I see three boys who I really like (in reality I don’t even know them, but they look like the guys from the 1D group). They are very cool, but I liked one guy the most, and I sat down next to them, and they were some kind of famous group and all the girls were pestering them! But I'm not like that! I just sat next to them and watched the concert, and when it was on they asked me what your name is and that they liked me! Because I’m not like everyone else and we started taking pictures!) Then we went to their house with my friend, but then she went somewhere, and they asked to show me how I was registered on VK and supposedly to find me! And then they said that we had to leave, I was very upset, I buried my face in the chest of one of the boys and cried, and they promised me that they would come! :(I cried a lot, said goodbye to them, and they said that we would see each other again! And then I wake up and in real life I have tears that I cried! What could this dream mean?

I dreamed of a guy I really like, he is a friend of my ex, we communicate, but rarely. I was walking with my brother and here he was standing in the car, we walked up, got into the car and started talking. I was sitting in the back center, he turned to me from the front driver's seat, pulled me towards him, hugged me, kissed me lightly and put his head on my chest. Then I found myself in another place, in another time, in another car with him and my friend. I was late for school, and he said don’t worry, we’ll make it in time. What does it mean?

I had such a cool dream) Me and some cool guy, it’s like we’re dating. We were with his friends. Not far from the place where we stood there was a small cliff (about 2 meters).

There was a bench there, trees were fenced off. Romantic place. He took me by the hand and led me there. We went down, sat on a bench, he looked at me and kissed me!! This is very cool)) It’s a pity that in the morning I didn’t remember what this guy looked like ((

I had a dream - a boy I liked, and he asked something and pinched me. What does it mean?

I dreamed of a guy who I really like, at first I dreamed that it was just like acquaintances, and then the relationship developed further and further. And today I dreamed that we held hands and then kissed. But in real life it’s just hi-bye and a smile on his face.

What does it mean if you hold your hand?

I had a strange dream, as if I was a very familiar person, as if we were dating him, and I was happy with him.

I really want to know what this all means?

Help, the guy I like doesn’t pay attention to me, I love him very much, very much.

I really like the guy and I often dream that we are hugging and fooling around. But in real life he doesn’t show any special signs of sympathy for me(

I dreamed of him not paying attention to me. And he hugs my friend and tells her various compliments, and I am terribly jealous of them. What would that mean?

I like the guy very much, I suffered a lot of pain with him. So he started dating my best friend, and he really liked her, when I found out about it, I cried, and then it seemed like I was overcome, and I gave up on him, and that same evening I dreamed about him. Here’s a dream: he and I were lying on the bed, he hugged me, and we started kissing passionately. What does it mean? And this best friend, whom he dated, dreamed 2 times that he was jealous of me.

I like one boy, and he has been coming to me in my dreams for over a month now! I don’t know what to do.

Guys, tell me why a guy dreams if I don’t love him and I don’t like him?

Hello everyone, everything is stupid, damn it, I have a boyfriend from 92. Recently he flew to Moscow. He has a brother who I really like. Yesterday I had a dream about how me and his brother, I don’t even know where, were together and there was another friend with him. And in short, I’m kind of hanging on, but he doesn’t seem to show it, as if he doesn’t notice it. But I don’t even know how we kissed him. Help, what does this mean?

I dreamed of my classmate, whom I like very much! In a dream, I dreamed that we somehow unexpectedly started dating. We talked about something (I don’t remember what) and held hands, then I suddenly found myself on a log (I was sitting on it) and my lover came up and sat down next to me and began to kiss and hug me! But in the dream we hid that we were dating! PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS THIS FOR?

I dreamed of my classmate, he liked me, and I liked him too. Here is the dream itself: we are sitting in class, and I had a fight with one teacher, he came up to me and said: why did you fight with her? This is my aunt, if she doesn’t forgive you, then we won’t be able to be together! I went up to her and apologized, then he started kissing me. Then he invited me somewhere after school (we study in the 2nd shift) since there were 6 lessons (it got very dark), I went to the meeting place with my friends, but he didn’t come, but something terrible happened, I don’t remember. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS THIS DREAM?

I dream every night of a guy I like, I heard that if you often dream about a person, then he thinks about you, is this true??

I once had a dream that I was at school with my friend, then a guy I like appeared there (his name is Danil) and his friend then admitted to Danil that I liked him and he hugged me and we went where I didn’t I remember. What does it mean.

I dreamed that I met Yarmak (Ukrainian rapper) and we went with him. He hugged me and said that he loved me. What does this mean?

Why am I dreaming, I’m sitting at home with some boys whom I haven’t seen anywhere at all, and when they left me, I hugged one of them and asked to exchange numbers, and he already had mine written down.

I dreamed of a guy I liked and suggested we meet... We have never communicated with him in our lives.

Dream Interpretation: the guy you like is indifferent

Sonnk guy is indifferent

As the dream book says, indifference has never brought pleasure to anyone, and therefore it is so important to establish the root cause of such a plot. If a loved one stops paying attention, what does this mean in real life? What should the dreamer think about? Various dream interpreters will help you find the answer to these and other questions.

What is the root cause?

When deciphering why the other half dreams of indifference in a night dream, the dreamer will have to draw the right conclusions based on the general context.

Who will be more accurate?

I dreamed about the indifference of a young man

Reading dream books, you can come to ambiguous conclusions. The fact is that the prophetic versions received do not always coincide with each other, and therefore it is so important to find a suitable option.

Miller's Dream Book

As the dream book describes, the guy is indifferent to the interests of his other half - to achieving big goals, but at the expense of his own efforts. Constantly hoping for someone, you can lose your own exclusivity, and we must not forget about this. The main thing is to strive for your own growth and development, and not to improve your reputation.

Modern dream book

The indifference of a loved one is dreamed of by those girls who expect a certain disappointment. Perhaps they will be able to remove the veil from their own eyes and soberly assess the current situation.

We cannot exclude an option that does not concern love relationships at all. The Modern Dream Interpreter tells us that a promising project that has been planned for so long will not bring significant results. The problem is that many things seem better than they really are, and therefore it is important to learn to dismiss them.

Feeling the coldness of your husband in a dream

Universal dream book

What emotions did the dreamer experience? There are several options:

  • you dream of the indifference of your significant other - a symbol indicating that it is high time to admit your own mistakes;
  • complete ignorance means the beginning of unlucky times.

Feeling deserved coldness means retribution for your own misdeeds, which will lead to expulsion from your usual social circle. Such a painful event will remind you of itself for a long time, and therefore it is so important to foresee it.

Who did he turn out to be?

If you dreamed of an indifferent man, then it would be nice to remember about relationships in real life.

Dream about deteriorating romantic relationships


The relationship with the guy began to deteriorate, the dreamer feels unpleasant emotions in a dream - a sudden manifestation of passion. Such a dream, as a rule, predicts vivid and memorable events. If a young girl had mixed feelings about her chosen one, then in reality you can start looking for a new friend. Dry feelings cannot be revived, and therefore all attempts will be in vain.

Seeing how familiar people ignore each other is a sign of reckless actions. The dream interpreter advises you to team up with your soulmate and plunge headlong into new adventures. However, we must not forget about common sense when refraining from rash actions.


Love is one of the few feelings that gives hope even in the most difficult situation. If your man does not pay attention to you, then in reality he will become an object of worry.

The dream book writes that he will have to put a lot of effort into arranging his life. But you need to make sure that the energy spent reaches the recipient.

Former chosen one

I dreamed of a scene of an unpleasant conversation with my ex-boyfriend - a symbol of loneliness and despondency. If it is important for a representative of the fair sex what her former admirer thinks of her, then in reality it will not be easy for her to forget the grievances.

Informal signals

I often have dreams in which a lot of interesting information lies in wait for the sleeping person. If a man begins to completely boycott a woman, then a cold attitude should be a natural consequence. You dream of unpleasant misunderstandings in relationships - to the indifference of others.

The indifference of a loved one, which causes emotional wounds, is to the impending separation. However, in the dream books you can find a small addition: dreams on Friday or Sunday foreshadow changes for the better.