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How to make a social studies plan for the Unified State Exam. Detailed plans for social studies (for preparation for the Unified State Exam)

Basic skills in drawing up a plan are laid down at the early stages of education in the lessons of the Russian language, literature, and history. However, many graduates in the social studies exam have poor command of this skill. Simply put, the transfer of skills developed while studying another subject does not occur. Therefore, you first need to know what types of plans there are. Particular attention should be paid to the features of a complex plan, to the content-logical connections of the subordination of its points and subpoints.

The necessary conditions for drawing up a plan for the topic are:

1) correct designation of its boundaries (inclusion in a more general issue and isolation in it),

2) a fairly complete understanding of its various sides and aspects.

Let's consider these conditions on a specific topic "Labor relations".

A series of questions will help clarify them, for example:

1) what more general topic may this topic include (for example: “Legal regulation of labor relations”);

2) what place does this topic occupy in a broader issue (what are the features of the legal regulation of labor relations between employer and employee);

3) what range of issues the topic covers (the concept of labor relations, the legal status of the employee and the employer, social partnership in the sphere of labor, employment and employment).

The next step is to select positions that correspond to a single basis and arrange formulations in their logical subordination. As a result, a complex plan for this topic may take the following form:

1. The concept of legal relations.

2. Rights and obligations of the parties to labor relations:
a) rights and obligations of employees;
b) rights and obligations of employers.

3. Employment contract:
a) the contents of the employment contract;
b) the procedure for conclusion;
c) the procedure for terminating an employment contract.

4. Working time and rest time.

5. Salary.

6. Labor discipline.

Let's consider the evaluation scheme.

The wording of the plan items is correct. Taken together, the points of the plan cover the main issues of the topic. The structure of the response corresponds to a complex type plan. 2
The wording of the plan is correct.
Certain issues essential to this topic have been omitted.


Some of the wording of the plan items is incorrect. Taken together, the points of the plan cover the main issues of the topic.
The structure of the response corresponds to a complex type plan.

The plan does not reveal the proposed topic.


The response structure does not match the complex type plan.

Maximum score 2

From these instructions it follows that the points of the plan must be correctly formulated in terms of their compliance with the given topic. The plan should most fully reflect the content of the topic. It is necessary to maintain the structure of a complex plan, otherwise the answer will only be scored 0 points.

So, we see that when completing task C8, not only knowledge of the content is tested, but also the ability to build the logic of the content. The graduate must be able to formulate the points of the plan. And for this you need to select the right material.
Let's create an algorithm for a complex plan on the topic “The state is a political institution.”

First of all, we need to define a social institution. Remember what a state is. The next step will be to define the characteristics and functions of the state. It is necessary to include in the plan material about types, types and classifications. But in conclusion, we can also include in the plan the question of the characteristics of the modern state.

And how one of the options could be this plan:

1. The concept of a social institution.

2. The essence of the state:
a) state – public authority;
b) the difference between the state and non-state political organizations.

3. Forms of state:
a) the concept of the form of the state;
b) forms of government;
c) forms of government;
d) forms of political regime.

4. Functions of the state:
a) concepts of state functions;
b) classification of state functions;
c) internal and external functions of the state.

5. Features of the state in the modern world.

Obviously, such a scheme can be applied to almost any topic. The point of drawing up a plan in our case is to present the proposed specific topic in its integrity and correlation of its various aspects.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Biosocial nature of man.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


1. Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution. ,

2. What is the manifestation of human biological nature?

a) functioning of internal organs and systems;

b) primary (physiological) needs;

c) human genotype and mechanisms of heredity.

3. Social in a person:

a) social needs;

b) interests;

c) strong-willed qualities;

d) self-awareness;

e) worldview, etc.

4. Unity of biological and social in man:

a) the role of heredity in human development;

b) the capabilities of modern society in the fight against hereditary diseases;

c) implementation and satisfaction of biological needs in social forms.

5. The problem of the relationship between the biological and the social in man (different approaches).

The absence of any two of the 2-4 points of the plan (presented in the form of points or sub-points) in this or similar formulation will not allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Answer: None

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “Worldview, its types and forms.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


1. The concept of “worldview”.

2. Worldview structure:

a) knowledge;

b) principles;

c) beliefs;

d) spiritual values, etc.

a) spontaneous;

b) conscious.

a) mythological;

b) religious;

c) philosophical;

d) scientific.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “Socio-demographic problems of our time.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

– compliance of the structure of the proposed answer with a complex type plan;

– the presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

– correctness of wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1) The concept of global problems of our time and their types:

a) demographic;

b) environmental;

c) the problem of North and South, etc.

2) The essence of the global demographic problem:

a) uncontrolled increase in the birth rate;

b) uneven settlement, etc.

3) Negative impact of the global demographic problem on the life of society:

a) widespread hunger, disease, illiteracy, lack of proper housing;

b) unemployment;

c) mass migrations;

d) problems of assimilation of newcomers.

5) Ways to overcome socio-demographic problems:

a) solving the problem of population regulation;

b) implementation of a well-thought-out demographic policy;

c) international cooperation in solving socio-demographic problems.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-4 points of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “Integrity and inconsistency of the modern world.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. Diversity of the world and unity of humanity:

a) modern world and integration;

b) globalization of the economy and the development of world trade;

c) modern communications (Internet, etc.).

2. Contradictory consequences of globalization:

a) standards of globalization in economics and culture;

b) environmental, demographic crises, AIDS, drug addiction, international terrorism, problems of economically backward countries, etc.

3. The main ways to overcome the contradictions of the modern world:

a) creation of global regulatory institutions;

b) formation of planetary consciousness, etc.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 1, 2, 3 points of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will allow us to reveal the content of this topic in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “Morality in the system of social norms.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points that allow you to reveal the content of this topic in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. Types of social norms:

a) moral;

b) legal;

c) religious;

d) etiquette, etc.

2. Features of moral standards:

a) oriented towards values ​​and behavior patterns;

b) are informal in nature;

c) are regulated by public opinion and human conscience;

d) are historical in nature.

3. Moral structure:

b) principles;

4. Functions of morality:

a) regulatory;

b) evaluative, etc.

5. Morals and ethics.

6. Ethics is the science of morality.

7. The relationship between morality and other regulators.

The absence of 1, 2, 3 points of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will not allow us to reveal the content of this topic on its merits

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Society as a system.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points that allow you to reveal the content of this topic in essence;

Correct wording of plan items

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

a) the presence of subsystems;

b) the relationship of elements;

c) mutual influence of elements.

b) social institutions.

a) dynamism;

b) complex organization;

c) openness, etc.

a) progress;

b) regression.

a) development of science and technology;

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “The Problem of the North and the South and ways to solve it.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following are taken into account:

The correctness of the wording of the plan items in terms of their compliance with the given topic;

Completeness of reflection of the main content in the plan;

Compliance of the structure of the proposed answer with a plan of a complex type.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1) The problem of North and South is one of the global problems of our time.

2) Other types of global problems:

a) environmental;

b) demographic;

3) The essence of the problem of North and South:

a) “demographic explosion”;

b) hunger, poverty, illiteracy, disease;

c) unemployment and migration to economically prosperous countries of the world.

4) Ways to overcome economic backwardness, poverty and misery of the “third world” countries:

a) implementation of a well-thought-out demographic policy;

b) establishment of a new world economic order;

c) international cooperation in solving problems of the North and South.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan is possible. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2, 3, 4 points of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will allow us to reveal the content of this topic in essence

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Global problems of our time.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for covering this topic

a) environmental;

b) the problem of North and South;

a) scale;

d) reliance on certain basic value orientations (for example, humanism).

5. Solving global problems as a condition for preserving civilization is a common cause for all humanity.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Freedom and Responsibility.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for covering this topic

1. The concept of freedom.

2. Approaches to understanding freedom:

a) absolute freedom;

b) freedom as a perceived necessity;

3. Reasons for the impossibility of absolute freedom:

a) a person is limited in his actions by existing social norms;

b) a person is limited in his actions by physical laws;

c) a person depends on the level of scientific and technological progress, etc.

4. The concept of a free society, its main models:

a) a society where the priority of the rights and freedoms of individuals prevails;

b) society is based on collectivism and mutual assistance;

5. The relationship between responsibility and freedom.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 2-4. points of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will allow us to reveal the content of this topic in essence.

Using social science knowledge, create a complex plan that allows you to develop the essence of the topic “Science and the Responsibility of Scientists.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for covering this topic

1. The concept of scientific knowledge.

a) objectivity;

b) rationalism;

d) special language.

a) humanitarian;

b) natural;

c) social, etc.

4. Functions of scientific knowledge:

b) ideological;

d) prognostic.

5. Levels of scientific knowledge:

a) empirical;

b) theoretical.

6. Methods of scientific knowledge:

a) scientific observation;

b. description;

c) classification;

d) scientific experiment;

e) scientific modeling, etc.

7. Specifics of modern science:

a) increased opportunities to influence nature and society;

b) complex technical and technological potential;

c) direct impact on lifestyle and nature of work

d) the opportunity to study micro- and macroworlds.

8. Factors of increasing responsibility of scientists for their research:

a) dual purpose of a number of inventions (creation of new types of weapons of mass destruction);

b) moral ambiguity of a number of studies (cloning living organisms);

c) the negative, harmful impact of a number of scientific research on nature;

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2, 7, 8 points of the plan in this or similar formulation will allow us to reveal the content of this topic in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Cognition as a type of activity.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. The concept of cognition.

2. Subject and object of knowledge.

a) optimism;

b) skepticism;

c) agnosticism.

4. Levels of knowledge:

a) sensual;

b) rational.

5. Types of knowledge:

a) scientific;

b) unscientific.

b) objectivity;

b) mythology;

c) religion;

d) art, etc.

9. Results of cognition:

a) truth;

b) delusion, etc.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Society as an open system.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1.The concept of an open system.

2. Characteristics of society as a system:

a) dynamic social structure;

b) complex organization;

c) openness, etc.

3.Openness of society, the influence of nature on society:

a) natural conditions have a significant impact on the social division of labor;

b) natural factors play an important role in people’s lives (geographical determinism);

c) nature forms the natural habitat for humans.

4. The state of continuous exchange with the natural environment and environmental problems of our time:

a) greenhouse effect;

b) acid rain;

c) pollution of seas and oceans;

d) air pollution;

e) soil pollution;

f) reducing the amount of water suitable for drinking.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-4 points of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “The influence of nature on man and society.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1) Nature and society as part of a single material world.

2) The importance of nature for human society:

a) nature is a storehouse of resources;

b) nature - the natural habitat of humans and human communities;

c) nature is the source of aesthetic feelings, the source of beauty;

d) nature as a recreational environment.

3) The main directions of the impact of natural factors on human society:

a) influence on the speed and pace of social development;

b) influence on the nature of the distribution of productive forces;

c) influence on the socio-cultural and socio-mental environment;

d) influence on the political system;

4) The current stage of interaction between human society and nature:

a) environmental crisis and its causes;

b) ecological coevolution.

5) Ways and methods of constructive interaction between human society and nature:

a) creation of natural parks and reserves;

b) creation of resource-saving, environmentally friendly industries;

c) development of “green energy”;

d) restoration of populations of individual animal species;

7) problems of transition to co-evolution of human society and nature

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms. The presence of any two of the 2, 3 and 5 points of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will allow us to reveal the content of this topic in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Human Activity”. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

Wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment

One of the options for covering this topic.

1. The concept of human activity.

2. Structure of activity.

a) subject of activity

b) object of activity

d) methods and means

d) process

e) result

3. Activity needs:

a) biological

b) social

c) ideal

4. Types of activities

b) communication

c) teaching

5. Classification of activities:

a) by objects and results (material and spiritual);

b) by subject of activity (individual and collective)

c) by the nature of the activity (reproductive and creative)

d) depending on the spheres of society (economic, social, political, spiritual);

f) in accordance with moral standards (moral and immoral);

6. Characteristic features of the activity:

a) conscientious character;

b) transformative nature;

c) productive nature;

d) public character;

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “Culture, its forms.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

1. The concept of culture.

2. Material and spiritual culture.

3. Functions of culture:

a) adaptive;

b) normative;

c) socialization, etc.

4. Forms of culture:

a) folk;

b) elitist;

c) massive.

5. Features of mass culture:

b) replicability;

c) entertaining form;

6. The positive influence of mass culture on the spiritual life of society:

7. Negative influence of mass culture on the life of society:

8. Features of elite culture:

b) complex in content;

9. Features of folk culture:

a) anonymous;

b) simple in content;

10. Diversity of cultures:

a) subcultures;

b) counterculture.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 3, 4, 8-10 points of the plan in this or similar formulation will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Scientific knowledge”. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for covering this topic

1. The concept of scientific knowledge.

2. Distinctive features of scientific knowledge:

a) objectivity;

b) rationalism;

c) consistency and orderliness;

d) verifiability (verifiability);

d) special language.

3. Modern classification of sciences:

a) humanitarian;

b) natural;

c) social, etc.

4. Functions of scientific knowledge:

a) cognitive-explanatory;

b) ideological;

c) production and transformation;

d) prognostic.

5. Levels of scientific knowledge:

a) empirical;

b) theoretical.

6. Methods of scientific knowledge:

a) scientific observation;

b) description;

c) classification;

d) scientific experiment;

e) scientific modeling, etc.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-6 points of the plan in this or similar formulation will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “The environmental crisis as a global problem of our time.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

a) environmental;

b) the problem of North and South;

c) international terrorism.

2.The essence of the global environmental crisis:

a) extinction of biological species;

b) pollution of the atmosphere, soil, and oceans;

d) global warming, etc.

3. Causes of the global environmental problem:

a) Increase in the scale of human economic activity.

b) Consumer attitude towards nature.

4. Signs of a global environmental problem:

a) affects the interests of all countries and peoples;

b) requires an immediate decision and united efforts of all humanity, etc.

5. Ways to overcome the environmental crisis:

a) changing people’s attitudes towards nature;

b) science in the service of ecology;

c) international cooperation in solving environmental problems.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Cognitive Activity”. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. The concept of cognition.

2. Subject and object of knowledge.

3. The problem of the cognizability of the world:

a) optimism;

b) skepticism;

c) agnosticism.

4. Levels of knowledge:

a) sensual;

b) rational.

5. Types of knowledge:

a) scientific;

b) unscientific.

5. Features of scientific knowledge:

a) consistency and validity;

b) objectivity;

c) the presence of special methods of cognition;

d) use of a special language of science, etc.

6. Empirical and theoretical levels of scientific knowledge.

7. The variety of forms of non-scientific knowledge:

a) life experience and common sense;

b) mythology;

c) religion;

d) art, etc.

8. Features of social cognition.

9. Results of cognition:

a) truth;

b) delusion, etc.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 3-5, 7 points of the plan in this or similar formulation will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Society and Nature”. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following are taken into account:

Availability of plan items required to cover the proposed topic;

The correctness of the wording of the plan items in terms of their compliance with the given topic;

Compliance of the structure of the proposed answer with a plan of a complex type. Wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

1. The concept of society and the concept of nature.

2. The influence of nature (environment) on social processes:

a) the pace and quality of social dynamics;

b) distribution of productive forces and economic specialization;

c) peculiarities of mentality, attitude and character of people;

d) natural disasters and their social consequences.

3. Impact of society on the natural environment:

a) changes in landscapes under the influence of human activity;

b) use of non-renewable and renewable natural resources;

c) use of flora and fauna;

d) creation of a natural environment transformed by man.

4. The importance of nature for humans and society:

a) a storehouse of resources;

b) natural habitat;

c) a source of inspiration and beauty.

5. Specifics of interaction between nature and society at the present stage of social development.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan is possible. They can be presented in named, question or mixed form.

The presence of any two of the 2-4 points of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “The problem of international terrorism as a global problem of our time.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for covering this topic.

1. The concept of global problems, their types:

a) environmental;

b) the problem of North and South;

c) international terrorism.

2. Causes of international terrorism:

a) the gap in levels of economic and social development between countries and regions of the world;

b) aggressive introduction of the values ​​and norms of Western society into the non-Western world, oppression of non-Western cultures and values;

c) political dominance of Western countries in the global world.

3. Features of international terrorism at the present stage:

a) supranational character;

b) use of modern network technologies and resources;

c) the presence of significant financial, intellectual, and human resources;

d) the use of religious and sociocultural program settings.

5. The main areas of activity of international terrorists:

a) organizing psychological attacks using media technologies;

b) preparation and conduct of terrorist acts;

c) organizing attacks on the Internet against large financial centers and banks.

6. Ways and methods of the world community’s fight against terrorists.

7. The role of the Russian Federation in countering the terrorist threat.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-5 points of the plan in this or similar formulation will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “Content and forms (types) of spiritual activity.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. The concept of spiritual activity.

2. Types of spiritual activity:

a) prognostic;

b) value-oriented;

c) cognitive.

3. Features of spiritual activity:

a) aimed at changing people’s consciousness;

b) involves the creation of spiritual values.

4. The concept of spiritual values ​​and their specificity:

a) ideality;

b) objectivity in content, subjectivity in perception;

c) signs and symbols play a big role, etc.

a) feelings;

b) emotions;

c) knowledge;

d) beliefs, etc.

b) mythology;

c) religion;

d) art, etc.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-4 points of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Source: Unified State Examination in Social Studies 06/10/2013. Main wave. Center. Option 6.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “The problem of the cognizability of the world.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. The concept of cognition.

2. Subject and object of knowledge.

3. The problem of the cognizability of the world:

a) optimism;

b) skepticism;

c) agnosticism.

4. Levels of knowledge:

a) sensual;

b) rational.

5. Types of knowledge:

a) scientific;

b) unscientific.

5. Features of scientific knowledge:

a) consistency and validity;

b) objectivity;

d) use of a special language of science, etc.

7. The variety of forms of non-scientific knowledge:

a) life experience and common sense;

b) mythology;

c) religion;

d) art, etc.

8. Features of social cognition.

9. Results of cognition:

a) truth;

b) delusion, etc.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 3-5, 7 points of the plan in this or similar formulation will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Source: Unified State Examination in Social Studies 06/10/2013. Main wave. Far East. Option 2.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Society as a system.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points that allow you to reveal the content of this topic in essence;

Correct wording of plan items

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1) The concept of society in a broad sense.

2) Characteristic features of society as a system:

a) the presence of subsystems;

b) the relationship of elements;

c) mutual influence of elements.

3) Basic elements of society as a system:

a) spheres of public life (political, economic, spiritual, etc.);

b) social institutions.

4) Signs of society as a system:

a) dynamism;

b) complex organization;

c) openness, etc.

a) progress;

b) regression.

6) Criteria for social progress:

a) development of science and technology;

b) development of productive forces;

c) humanistic criteria, etc.

7) Functions of society as a system:

a) production and distribution of economic goods;

b) reproduction and socialization of people;

c) control and management of people, etc.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 points of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will allow us to reveal the content of this topic in essence

Source: Unified State Examination in Social Studies 06/10/2013. Main wave. Siberia. Option 2.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Forms and varieties of culture.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

1. The concept of culture.

2. Forms of culture:

a) folk;

b) elitist;

c) massive.

3. Features of mass culture:

a) focus on mass sales and profit;

b) replicability;

c) entertaining form;

d) intended for a wide audience.

4. The positive influence of mass culture on the spiritual life of society:

a) affirms simple and understandable ideas about the world around us;

b) directly focused on the interests of society;

c) is democratic;

d) meets the needs for rest, psychological relaxation, etc.

5. Negative influence of mass culture on the life of society:

a) aimed at mass tastes;

b) leads to standardization and unification of culture;

c) designed for passive consumption;

d) plants myths in people’s minds;

e) creates artificial needs, etc.

6. Features of elite culture:

a) aimed at a narrow circle of amateurs and experts;

b) complex in content;

c) is non-commercial in nature.

7. Features of folk culture:

a) anonymous;

b) simple in content;

c) is usually limited to national boundaries.

8. Diversity of cultures:

a) subcultures;

b) counterculture.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2, 3, 6-8 points of the plan in this or similar formulation will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Source: Unified State Examination in Social Studies 06/10/2013. Main wave. Ural. Option 6.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “The Problem of Social Progress.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

1. The concept of social progress.

2. Specifics of social progress:

a) inconsistency;

b) relativity;

c) contributes to the transition of society to more advanced forms of social organization.

3. Inconsistency of progress:

a) uneven progress in various areas;

b) progress in some areas is accompanied by regression in others.

4. Criteria for social progress:

a) development of science and technology;

b) growth of personal freedom of a person;

c) the development of the human mind.

5. Forms of social progress:

a) revolution;

b) evolution;

c) reforms.

6. The concept of social regression.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-5 points of the plan in this or similar formulation will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “The influence of mass culture on the spiritual life of society.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

– compliance of the structure of the proposed answer with a complex type plan;

– the presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

– correctness of wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. The concepts of “culture” and “spiritual life”.

2. Forms of culture:

a) elitist;

b) folk;

c) massive.

3. The reasons for the emergence of mass culture.

4. Distinctive features of mass culture:

a) focus on mass sales and profit;

b) replicability;

c) entertaining form;

d) intended for a wide audience.

5. Positive impact on the spiritual life of society:

a) affirms simple and understandable ideas about the world around us;

b) directly focused on the interests of society;

c) is democratic;

d) meets the needs for rest, psychological relaxation, etc.

6. Negative impact on society:

a) aimed at mass tastes;

b) leads to standardization and unification of culture;

c) designed for passive consumption;

d) plants myths in people’s minds;

e) creates artificial needs, etc.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 4-6 points of the plan in this or similar formulation will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “The role of needs in human activity.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

– compliance of the structure of the proposed answer with a complex type plan;

– the presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

– correctness of wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. The concept of activity.

2. Structure of activity:

a) subject;

b) object;

d) motives;

e) actions;

e) result.

3. Types of activities:

4. Motives for activity:

a) needs;

b) interests;

c) beliefs, etc.

Signs of activity:

a) conscientious character;

c) instrumental nature, etc.

6. The concept of needs and their types:

a) biological;

b) social;

c) spiritual.

7. Classification of needs according to A. Maslow:

a) physiological;

b) existential;

c) social;

d) prestigious;

d) ideal.

8. Relationship between needs and activities:

a) needs act as a motive for activity;

b) satisfaction of needs is the goal of activity, etc.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-8 points of the plan in this or similar formulation will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Source: Unified State Examination in Social Studies 05/05/2014. Early wave. Option 2.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “Worldview and its role in human life.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

– compliance of the structure of the proposed answer with a complex type plan;

– the presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

– correctness of wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. The concept of “worldview”.

2. Worldview structure:

a) knowledge;

b) principles;

c) beliefs;

d) spiritual values, etc.

3. Ways to form a worldview:

a) spontaneous;

b) conscious.

4. Main types of worldview:

a) mythological;

b) religious;

c) philosophical;

d) scientific.

5. The role of worldview in human life.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-4 points of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Activity and Thinking.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

– compliance of the structure of the proposed answer with a complex type plan;

– the presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

– correctness of wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. The concept of activity.

2. Structure of activity:

a) subject;

b) object;

d) motives;

e) actions;

e) result.

3. Types of activities:

a) play, learning, work, communication;

b) spiritual, practical (material), etc.

4. Motives for activity:

a) needs;

b) interests;

c) beliefs, etc.

Signs of activity:

a) conscientious character;

b) transformative nature;

c) instrumental nature, etc.

6. Concept and types of thinking:

a) verbal-logical;

b) visually figurative;

c) visually effective.

7. The relationship between thinking and activity:

a) thinking as the basis of rational knowledge;

b) thinking and speech, etc.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-6 points of the plan in this or similar formulation will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Human needs and interests in the structure of activity.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. The concept of human needs.

2. Classification of human needs:

a) human biological needs;

b) social needs;

c) ideal needs.

3. Structure of human activity:

a) needs and motives;

c) funds;

d) result.

4. Types of activities:

b) teaching;

d) communication.

5. A person’s interests as the motive of his activity.

A different number and/or other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2, 3, 4 points of the plan in this or similar formulation will allow us to reveal the content of this topic in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Scientific knowledge”. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for covering this topic

1. The concept of scientific knowledge.

2. Distinctive features of scientific knowledge:

a) objectivity;

b) rationalism;

c) consistency and orderliness;

d) verifiability (verifiability);

d) special language.

3. Modern classification of sciences:

a) humanitarian;

b) natural;

c) social, etc.

4. Functions of scientific knowledge:

a) cognitive-explanatory;

b) ideological;

c) production and transformation;

d) prognostic.

5. Levels of scientific knowledge:

a) empirical;

b) theoretical.

6. Methods of scientific knowledge:

a) scientific observation;

b) description;

c) classification;

d) scientific experiment;

e) scientific modeling, etc.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-6 points of the plan in this or similar formulation will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. The concept of globalization.

2. Economic globalization:

a) global division of labor;

6) activities of TNCs;

c) international financial system;

d) world trade, etc.

3. Population migration in the modern world:

4. Interethnic dialogue.

5. Development of communications, information technologies.

6. Globalization in the field of culture:

a) dissemination of mass culture;

6) westernization;

c) integration of national educational systems;

d) integration and coordination of scientific research, etc.

8. Global problems of modern society:

a) environmental;

b) the problem of North and South;

c) international terrorism, etc.

9. Global political institutions.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for covering this topic

a) as a social institution;

c) as a knowledge system.

2. Distinctive features of scientific knowledge:

a) objectivity;

b) rationalism;

c) consistency and orderliness;

d) verifiability (verifiability);

d) special language.

3. Modern classification of sciences:

a) humanitarian;

b) natural;

c) social, etc.

4. Functions of science:

a) cognitive-explanatory;

b) ideological;

c) production and transformation;

d) prognostic.

5. System of scientific organizations:

a) academy;

b) research centers, institutes;

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. The concept of cognition.

2. Subject and object of knowledge.

3. The problem of the cognizability of the world:

a) optimism;

b) skepticism;

c) agnosticism.

4. Levels of knowledge:

a) sensual;

b) rational.

5. Types of knowledge:

a) scientific;

b) unscientific.

5. Features of scientific knowledge:

a) consistency and validity;

b) objectivity;

B) the presence of special methods of cognition;

d) use of a special language of science, etc.

6. Empirical and theoretical levels of knowledge.

7. The variety of forms of non-scientific knowledge:

a) life experience and common sense;

b) mythology;

c) religion;

d) art, etc.

8. Features of social cognition.

9. Results of cognition:

a) truth;

b) delusion, etc.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 3-5, 7 points of the plan in this or similar formulation will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “Religion as a Social Institution.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. The concept of religion.

2. Religious organizations:

a) church;

3. Functions of religion:

a) ideological;

b) educational;

c) regulatory;

d) compensatory;

e) communicative, etc.

4. Types of religions:

a) world (Christianity, Buddhism, Islam);

b) national or regional, etc.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

1. The concept of education.

2. Functions of education:

a) transfer of knowledge and cultural experience of society;

b) socialization of new generations;

c) meeting the development needs of society and the state, etc.

3. Education system:

a) general education;

b) vocational education;

c) additional education.

4. Trends in the development of modern education:

a) humanization;

b) informatization;

c) internationalization;

d) humanitarization, etc.

5. Norms regulating relations within the educational institution:

a) formal;

b) informal.

6. Status-role system operating within the educational institution:

a) teachers (teachers);

b) pupils (students), etc.

7. Constitutional guarantees of the right of citizens to receive education.

8. The value of education throughout life.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-5 points of the plan in this or similar formulation will allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “Science and its functions at the present stage of social development.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points indicating the examinee’s understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be revealed in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for covering this topic

1. The versatility of the concept of “science”:

a) as a social institution;

b) as a special form of activity;

c) as a knowledge system.

2. Distinctive features of scientific knowledge:

a) objectivity;

b) rationalism;

c) consistency and orderliness;

d) verifiability (verifiability);

d) special language.

3. Modern classification of sciences:

a) humanitarian;

b) natural;

c) social, etc.

4. Functions of science:

a) cognitive-explanatory;

b) ideological;

c) production and transformation;

d) prognostic.

5. Science as a factor in the development of post-industrial society.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 1,2,4. points of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will allow us to reveal the content of this topic in essence.

One of the options for covering this topic

1. The concept of global problems.

2. Types of global problems of our time:

a) environmental;

b) the problem of North and South;

c) the threat of World War III, etc.

3. Features of global problems that determine the specifics of finding ways to solve them:

a) scale;

b) affects the interests of all countries and peoples;

c) determining influence on the development of society;

d) subject to influence only by the united efforts of all humanity.

4. Ways to solve global problems of our time:

a) the creation of international organizations whose activities are aimed at solving global problems;

b) turning to the search for universal human values;

c) developing effective forms of cooperation that would allow all countries to act together, despite differences in socio-political, religious, ethnic and other ideological orientations;


When analyzing the answer, the following is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response with a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan points that allow you to reveal the content of this topic in essence;

Correct wording of plan items.

The wording of plan items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. The concept of cognition.

2. Types of cognitive activity of a person as a subject of cognition:

a) scientific knowledge;

b) non-scientific knowledge (everyday, aesthetic, etc.)

3. Levels of cognitive activity of a person as a subject of cognition:

a) sensual;

b) rational.

4. Structure of cognitive activity:

a) subjects of knowledge (person, group of persons, etc.)

b) objects of knowledge (man, nature, society, etc.)

c) methods and means of cognition.

d) results of knowledge (truth, error, etc.)

5. Man as an object of knowledge:

a) variety of approaches to the study of man;

b) natural and social sciences about the biological nature and social essence of man;

c) science and religion about the spiritual world of man.

6. The importance of knowledge in human life and the development of society.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms

The absence of 2 - 5 points of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will not allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence

How to learn draw up a detailed plan for social studies?
The student is offered draw up a plan not based on the text, but on the proposed topic,just as a schoolchild draws up a plan for his future abstract or project work on a chosen topic.



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Slide captions:

C8. DRAFTING AN EXPANDED ANSWER PLAN FOR SOCIAL STUDIES. How to learn to draw up a detailed plan for social studies? The student is asked to draw up a plan not for the text, but for the proposed topic, just as a schoolchild draws up a plan for his future abstract or project work on a chosen topic.

C 8.You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Taxes and their impact on the country’s economy.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic 1. The concept of taxes and their types: a) direct; b) indirect. 2. Taxation systems: a) proportional; b) progressive; c) regressive. 3. The impact of taxes on the country’s economy, manifested through the implementation of the following functions: a) fiscal; b) partial redistribution of income; c) regulation of economic relations; d) stimulating; e) control, etc. 4. The impact of taxes on supply and demand as one of the aspects of influence on the country’s economy. 5. The influence of the state’s tax policy on investment activity in the country The answer must necessarily reflect the provisions of points 2, 3 and 4 of the plan in this or similar wording. The presence of these plan points will allow you to reveal the content of this topic in essence

Evaluation system The wording of the plan points is correct and allows you to reveal the content of the topic in essence (the provisions of at least two of the plan points noted above are reflected). The structure of the answer corresponds to a complex type plan (contains at least three points, two of which are detailed) 3 The wording of the plan points is correct and allows you to reveal the content of the topic in essence (the provisions of at least two of the above-mentioned plan points are reflected). One of the points of the plan is detailed in subparagraphs. OR The wording of the plan points is correct and allows you to reveal the content of the topic (the provisions of the two plan points noted above are reflected). The plan includes two points, each of which is detailed in sub-points. 2 The wording of the plan points is correct and allows you to reveal the content of the specified topic (the provisions of at least two of the plan points noted above are reflected). The plan in its structure is simple and contains at least three points 1 The plan in structure and (or) content does not cover the specified topic (including a set of abstract formulations that do not reflect the specifics of the content of this topic). OR The plan is simple in structure and contains one or two points 0 Maximum score 3

When completing task C8, not only knowledge of the content is tested, but also the ability to build the logic of the content. The graduate must be able to formulate the points of the plan. And for this you need to select the right material.

Conditions for completing this task: 1. Systemic knowledge on the topic 2. Deep knowledge on the topic 3. Extensive knowledge on the topic 4. Versatile knowledge on the topic 5. Involving in-course material 6. Involving material from related academic disciplines 7. Involving operational knowledge obtained from Media 8.Building the logic of the content 9. Formulating the points of the plan 10. Select for the formulated thesis an aspect of the topic, behind which there is content that requires disclosure.

Classification of topics

The first group: a) broad “single-subject”, b) broad “single-object”, c) broad “single-component” 1. C8: You will have to speak at a school conference on the problem: “Human activity in its diversity.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. 2. C8: You have been instructed to prepare a report on the problem: “Man’s knowledge of the world and himself.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. 3…..“Taxes and their role in the modern Russian economy.” 4…..“Civil society”. 5……“Activity as a way of existence for people.”

Option of the Civil Society plan. 1. The concept of civil society; 2. History of the development of civil society; 3. Types of connections between government and society: a) horizontal; b) vertical; 4.Structure of civil society: a) market economy; b) sociocultural relations; c) associations of interests; 5 . Power in civil society is local government; 6. The role of civil society in the state. Plan option: Activity as a way of people’s existence. 1. Concept of activity 2. Distinctive features of human activity from animal behavior 3. Structure of activity a) goal b) means c) actions d) result 4. Main types of activity a) practical b) spiritual 5. The role of activity in the life of society and people

Algorithm No. 1: drawing up a detailed plan for the proposed “broad single-object” topic 1. concept (definition) of an object; 2. main features (features, properties, traits) of an object: a) the first feature of the object; b) the second sign of the object; c) the third feature of the object 3. Typology (types, classification, forms, styles, varieties) of the object: a) type (type, class, form, style, variety) of the object; b) type (type, class, form, style, variety) of the object; c) type (type, class, form, style, variety) of the object; 4. main (main) functions of the object: a) the first function of the object; b) the second function of the object; c) the third function of the object 5. problems of development of the object (development trends..., main directions of development..., specifics of development...). 6. policy towards the object in modern Russia (the world..., Europe...). Obviously, such a scheme can be applied to almost any topic of the first type.

Second group: a) narrow “single-object” b) narrow “single-subject”, c) narrow “single-component” 1.C8: You are preparing for a test in social studies on the topic: “Socialization of the individual”. Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. 2.C8:You are instructed to write an article for the school newspaper on the issue: “Science in the life of modern society.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. 3. C8: You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer to the problem: “Religion as a form of spiritual culture.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. 4.С8: presentations at a seminar lesson, you need to prepare a detailed answer on the problem: “Interpersonal conflicts and ways to resolve them.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. 5. C8: You need to write a creative work on the problem: “Education as a social value.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. 6. C8: You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “The environmental crisis as a global problem of our time.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

Plan option: The state is a social institution. 1 . The concept of a social institution. 2. The essence and types of social institutions: a) state b) school c) political party 3. The state is the most important social institution. 4 . The state is a set of social institutions. 5 . Functions of the institution of the state: a) concepts of functions of the institution of the state; b) classification of the functions of the institute; c) internal and external functions of the institution of the state. 6. Interrelations of social institutions. 7. State and civil society. 8. Trends in the development of the state as a social institution in modern Russia. Plan option: Ecological crisis as a global problem of our time. 1. The concept of global problems of humanity. 2. Some types of global problems of humanity. a) thousands of species of plants and animals have been destroyed and continue to be destroyed; b) the forest cover has been largely destroyed; c) the available reserves of minerals are rapidly declining; d) the world ocean is not only depleted as a result of the destruction of living organisms, but also ceases to be a regulator of natural processes; 3. The essence of the environmental crisis and its connection with other global problems 4. Causes of the environmental crisis. a) unbridled and very rapid growth of the Earth's population b) imperfect agricultural and industrial technologies c) the frivolity of mankind and disregard for the laws of development of the biosphere 5. Manifestations and consequences of the environmental crisis 6. Ways to overcome the environmental crisis. a) changing people’s attitudes towards nature; b) science in the service of ecology; c) the “green” movement.

Algorithm No. 2: drawing up a detailed plan for the proposed “narrow single-object” topic: 1. concept (definition) of an object 2. properties of the object a) b) 3. reasons for the appearance of the object 4. typology (types, classification, forms, styles, varieties) of the object a) type (type, classification, forms, styles) of the object b) type (type, classification, forms, styles) of the object c) type (type, classification, forms, styles) of the object 5. structure of the object 6. problems of development of the object (trends development..., main directions of development..., specifics of development..., features of development..., ways to overcome..)

Third group: a) “multi-topic” b) “two-part” c) “multi-object” d) “multi-component” 1.C8: You are a participant in a competition of research papers for high school students with a report on the topic: “Multivariance and the driving forces of social development.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. 2.C8: You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer to the problem: “Biological and social in man.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. 3.C8: You are a participant in a research paper competition for high school students with a report on the topic: “Economic freedom and social responsibility.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

Plan option: Summer and winter time: pros and cons. 1. The concept of summer and winter time; 2. The problem of introducing summer and winter time in the world; 3. Reasons for introducing winter and summer time; a) administrative reasons; b) social reasons; c) economic reasons; 4. Some consequences of the introduction of winter and summer time in Russia - positive and negative: a) for the country’s economy; b) for human health; c) to govern the country; 5. Prospects for the existence of winter and summer time in modern Russia. Plan Option: Economic Freedom and Social Responsibility. 1. Concept: a) economic freedom; b) social responsibility; 2. Forms of economic freedom: a) entrepreneurship; b) business; 3. The mechanism for realizing economic freedom and social responsibility in various types of society: a) traditional society b) industrial society; c) post-industrial society; 4. Problems of the relationship between economic freedom and social responsibility; 5. Problems of development of economic freedom and social responsibility in modern Russia.

Algorithm No. 3. Drawing up a detailed plan for a “multi-object” topic. . 1. concept (definition) of object No. 1; 2. concept (definition) of object No. 2...No. 3... No. 4; 3. properties (structure) of objects: a) property No. 1; b) 4. reasons for the interaction (interdependence, mutual exclusion) of objects: a) reason No. 1 b) reason No. 2 5. interaction of objects; 6. problems of development of objects (development trends..., main directions of development..., specifics of development..., features of development..., ways to overcome...) in modern Russia.

Pedagogical methods and techniques: 1. Updating knowledge about types of plans. 2.Training lecture. 3. Logic diagram. 4.Working with the table of contents of the textbook. 5.Working with ready-made plans. 6.Make a complex plan for a fairy tale. 7. Compiling crossword puzzles. 8. Debate method. 9.Lessons-trials, lessons-press conferences. 10. Collections 10.1. topics 10.2. ready-made plans 10.3.algorithms

Conclusion: Experience shows that students are much better at collapsing information than the reverse operation of expanding it. A student can learn quite well how to organize, systematize information, present information in the form of diagrams, tables (although this is more difficult), drawings, clusters, but it is more difficult to learn how to extract it. There is an asymmetry in these types of activities. Drawing up detailed plans for the proposed topic relates to this issue. It is the attempt to teach the student to manage information – to unfold it – that motivates this article.

List of sources Analytical report of FIPI on the results of the Unified State Exam - 2010. Rutkovskaya E.A., Kotova O.A., Liskova T.E. Excellent student in the Unified State Exam. Social science. Solving complex tasks. FIPI. – M.: Intellect – Center, 2010. 3.Simonovich S., Evseev G., Alekseev A., General informatics. 5-9 grades. Moscow, ASTpress, 1999 4. Zagashev I.O., -Bek S.I., Mushtavinskaya I.V., “Teaching children to think critically,” St. Petersburg: Alliance Delta publishing house, 2003 5. Pliner Ya.G., Bukhvalov V.A.., Pedagogical examination of the school, M., Pedagogical Search, 2000. 6. Slabunova E.E., Information culture in the concept of lyceum education, VIO magazine, No. 29, 09.10.05. G. 7. Kondakov N.I., Logical dictionary - reference book, M., Nauka, 1976. 8.Babaytseva V.V. Russian language. Theory grades 5-11 9. Nikitina E.I. Russian speech. Didactic material. 10. Materials from the FIPI website (http://www.fipi.ru) 11. Khalin S.M. Methods of public speaking: Textbook. 2nd ed., revised. Tyumen: Tyumen State. University, 2006. 12. Forum “Entrant...PRO”

One of the most effective ways to develop logical thinking while working with an educational text is to draw up a plan for it. Plans can be: Simple - conveys only basic information in a very short form; its task is to help highlight the main thing in the text, to understand the historical fact logically holistically. Expanded - contains more complete, specific information. Pictures - allows you to reproduce the details of the main historical fact in an extremely emotional and colorful way. Semantic - involve listing the main, essential features, provisions characterizing a historical fact: causes, consequences, historical significance. Stereotypical - they help to consider homogeneous historical facts defined in the algorithm, to identify their common features and characteristics. Thesis - involves listing the essential aspects, features, consequences of individual facts that have no analogues in history. APPENDIX No. 1. “...Method is the art of the teacher to direct the thoughts of students in the right direction and organize work according to the planned plan...” Pre-revolutionary methodological manual

Simple Complex (expanded) The name of each section (part) of the paragraph is written under the corresponding serial number. For each section (part) of the paragraph, its own plan is drawn up, clarifying its content. The goals of drawing up a plan: 1) systematization of information 2) development of clarity of formulations 3) development of visual memory. 1. Work on the plan always begins with writing down the title and indicating the paragraph number in a notebook (in this case, the topic is highlighted or emphasized). 2. The plan can be: APPENDIX No. 2. REMINDER for drawing up a plan The wording in the plan should be brief and clear, but at the same time it should contain information that is mandatory to remember. 2. The structure of the plan must be extremely clear. For this purpose, the numbering of sections, paragraphs and subparagraphs is used. A logical chain is the construction of a reasoning by arranging the elements of this reasoning in a logical sequence. The teacher can offer students ready-made answer options for the first time, and the student will only have to put them in a logical sequence. The next step could be a logical chain in which only the first and last links are filled in, and students (for example, working with a small textbook text) must independently fill out 3-4 links.

APPENDIX No. 3 When drawing up a complex plan, you can use the following recommendations: 1. Mentally imagine all the studied material that reveals the content of the proposed topic. 2. Divide it into parts according to meaning, and identify the main idea in each of them. 3. Title these parts, choosing headings, replacing verbs with nouns. 4. Analyze the resulting plan: A) Were all aspects of the problem reflected in it? B) Are the wording of the plan items correct in terms of their compliance with the given topic and clarity of expression of thoughts? 5. Mentally justify for yourself the logical sequence of presentation of the material on this problem. The decisive factor in the effective use of different types of Unified State Exam tasks in the learning process is the professionalism of the teacher, in particular, his ability to competently apply various teaching methods and private techniques. In order to ensure differentiated preparation for the exam, it is advisable to conduct diagnostic thematic and intermediate testing in graduate classes (upon completion of the study of topics and major sections), while the results of each student’s work are compared and the dynamics of mastering both knowledge and skills (methods of activity) are recorded.

Completing this task requires:

1) the correctness of the wording of the plan items in terms of their compliance with the given topic;
2) completeness of reflection of the main content in the plan;
3) compliance of the structure of the proposed answer with a complex type plan;

The main condition for completing this task is a systematic, deep, sufficiently voluminous and versatile knowledge of the topic, which requires the involvement of social science material, as well as knowledge from related academic disciplines and, if possible, operational knowledge obtained from the media.

When completing assignments, graduates will:

A) on the one hand, in a given formulation of the topic, discover content material known to them;
b) on the other hand, build the logic of presenting knowledge on a topic in the form of points of a complex plan;

When drawing up a complex plan, you can use the following recommendations:

1) present the content of a social science course that reveals this problem;
2) divide this content into semantic parts, highlighting the main idea in each of them;
3) title each part;
4) in each part, highlight several provisions that develop the main idea;
5) check whether the points and subpoints of the plan are combined, whether the subsequent point of the plan is connected with the previous one, whether the main content of the topic is fully reflected in them;
6) make adjustments if necessary;
7) remember that the plan must cover the main content of the topic;
8) It is not advisable to repeat similar wording in headings (clauses or subclauses of the plan).

Is there a model for making a plan?

The main thing is to mentally imagine the material studied and consistently present the content of the proposed topic.

Remember that everything depends on the topic proposed to you. Some of the points listed below may not be suitable for some topics. I tried to write only a general diagram that can help you when drawing up a plan.

1. First you need to identify the subject of the proposed topic. There are several options for this. For example:

1) What is...
2) Concept…
3) Definition...

2. Then, if possible, highlight the following points:

1) Causes of occurrence (appearance, development)…
You can detail this point in separate subparagraphs, listing these very reasons.

2) Approaches to defining the concept... (entity...). For example:
- Theories of origin...
- Views of thinkers on...
This point can be detailed in separate subparagraphs, listing these same approaches.

3. Next, highlight the characteristic features (signs; features; main elements, etc.)...
You can detail this point in separate subparagraphs, listing these most characteristic features (signs; features, main elements, etc.).

4. Functions…
You can detail this item in separate sub-items, listing these same functions.

5. Types (types, forms, structure, classifications, criteria, factors)...
This point can be detailed in separate subparagraphs.

6. Meaning (role, consequences, trends, purpose)…

7. Features (problems, traditions, etc.)… in modern society (world).

8. Solutions

It is better to detail about 2-4 points in separate subparagraphs.

The wording of the plan items is correct. Taken together, the points of the plan cover the main aspects of the topic and reveal it in a certain sequence.
3 points

The wording of the plan is correct. Certain aspects essential to this topic were not reflected in the plan. The theme is not developed sequentially.
The wording of the plan items is correct. Taken together, the points of the plan cover the main aspects of the topic, but are not presented in a specific sequence adequate to the topic.
2 points

Some of the wording of the plan points is correct. The plan does not provide a holistic and consistent presentation of the topic.
1 point

The wording of the plan items does not correspond to the topic.
Wrong answer.
0 points

Examples of task C8

1) You have been instructed to prepare a detailed plan on the topic “Biological and Social in Man.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

1) Activity as a way of human existence
2) Specific features of human activity
3) Structure of activity:
a) subject
b) object
c) goal
d) funds
d) result
4) Motives for activity
5) Two main types of activities
a) practical activities
b) spiritual activity
6) Leading activities in human life:
a) game
b) teaching
c) labor

2) To speak at a seminar lesson, you need to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Interpersonal conflicts and ways to resolve them.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

1) Concept and specific features of interpersonal conflict
2) Participants in the conflict
3) Causes of interpersonal conflict
4) Reason for conflict
5) basic concepts that reveal the essence of the conflict
6) Conflict functions
a) positive
b) negative
7) Classification of interpersonal conflicts:
a) by direction
b) based on
c) according to the consequences
d) by the emotional power of influence on those in conflict
e) by the scale of impact
f) by duration of flow
g) according to the form of manifestation
h) by source of occurrence
8) The relationship between interpersonal conflicts and other types of social conflicts

3) You are a participant in a competition of research papers for high school students with a report on the topic “Multivariance and the driving forces of social development.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

1) Sources and driving forces of social development:
a) transformative activities of people
b) natural and climatic conditions
c) outstanding personalities
2) The concepts of “progress” and “regression”
3) Modern approaches to the development of society:
a) formational approach
b) stage-based and civilized approach
c) locally civilized approach
4) Form of social change:
a) evolution
b) revolution

Have you still not solved the texts of the early Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2014 posted by FIPI? Do this as soon as possible, since there is a very high probability that these very options or some of the tasks from them will be in the KIMs on the real Unified State Exam. These are tasks from the closed segment of FIPI!

The Unified State Exam expert is ready to check your answers to the early Unified State Exam options!

In our group
We have already begun to analyze these tasks. Examples of our analyzes of real options for the Unified State Exam 2013. Let us remind you that in our work we primarily use “METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ASSESSING COMPLETION OF USE TASKS WITH DETAILED ANSWER”, published by FIPI for USE experts.

The Unified State Exam expert will check for you:

  • Option 1 is complete with analysis and commentary of your mistakes. Cost 1000 rubles.
  • 1 Your social studies essay (C9) with recommendations for correcting errors. Cost 300 rubles.

You can evaluate examples and quality of our analyzes on the wall of our group
, and also and

We are also ready to help you with analyzing the Unified State Exam options in history. We are ready to offer you an analysis:

  • 1 option completely with analysis and commentary of your mistakes. Cost 1000 rubles.
  • 1 of your completed historical portrait (C6) with recommendations for correcting errors. Cost 300 rubles.
  • 1 option indicating the points for each task and the total test score according to the Cost of 500 rubles.

You can evaluate examples and quality of our analyzes of history: and

We can analyze for you both the option for which you send the answers, and we can send you an arbitrary option for a solution. We recommend that you solve the tests that you send for analysis as independently as possible. First of all, for an objective assessment of your knowledge of the subject.

Rules for constructing a complex Unified State Exam plan in social studies

Let's turn to one of the most difficult tasks in part C, according to graduates and e - complex plan 28. In the user group
Savdat Mamaeva http://vk.com/sudatka we asked you to try to build a complex plan on the topic "Content and forms (types of) spiritual activity". I suggest looking at the graduate’s answer and evaluating it using the FIPI recommendations. We will also try to build the most optimal scheme for this plan, remembering the basic rules for completing this task.

Let's remember how the task sounds in full:

28. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Content and forms (types) of spiritual activity”. Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

If you immediately encounter difficulties when thinking about a task, refer to our video lesson

Here is the graduate's response:

1) definition of the concept of “spiritual activity”
2) classification of spiritual activity by content:
a) religion
b) science
c) culture
3) types of spiritual activity:
a) folk
b) massive
c) elitist

Let us immediately note the factual errors: 1. The concepts of “spiritual activity” and c) culture are equivalent. 2. Folk culture, mass culture and not types of spiritual activity, of course. It is her

In principle, these errors immediately cancel out the work; the expert sets 0. The graduate does not understand the basic theoretical aspects of the proposed topic.

That is, the only thing that can be highlighted in this regard is the graduate’s adherence to the required structure. 3 points, 2 of them are revealed, but, alas and ah, they are filled with content not true!

Let's look at another plan of our group subscriber on this topic:

There will be no complaints here. The minor blot in paragraph 3 (once again the concept) is not significant. This is a typo and does not distort the meaning of the paragraph. In this answer we see not only the required elements that make up the first three points:

  • definition of the phenomenon being tested (which, recall, does not need to be given)
  • content aspect
  • functional aspect

In addition, the 4th point reinforces, which is very important, their relationship. After all, spiritual culture manifests itself for us precisely in its institutions (regions, as the author of the plan put it).

Thus, this plan certainly meets all the criteria and recommendations for assessing FIPI, which allows us to evaluate it at maximum score - 3.

What is a complex plan?

Let's give FIPI's view of this task. How does the inspectors see it, as they say?

Plan is a clear, sequential presentation of parts of the content of the studied question (or text) in brief formulations that reflect the topic and/or main idea of ​​the corresponding fragment, the variety of its semantic connections.

With the help of this task, a whole range of knowledge and skills (competencies) of graduates is tested: overview knowledge of a specific course topic in the unity of its various aspects (components); the ability to present these components in a structural and logical form, to sequence the consideration of individual issues in a holistic plot; carry out hierarchical structuring of the material, highlighting not only points, but also sub-points of the plan.

Several examples of experts’ work on C8 tasks completed at the 2013 Unified State Exam. Plan topic "Scientific knowledge".

Before us is the most common scheme BAD plan. This is a hodgepodge, the graduate throws all his chaotic knowledge on this topic into the Unified State Examination firebox. We see a mixture of forms and types of knowledge. All theoretical errors are combined with “abstract points” that do not contain any specific information about the object of the plan: 4. Characteristics of scientific knowledge. Assessment, as we see 0.

Which plan will receive a high (maximum) score? Should it be large in volume or not? It turns out that the main thing is to comply with the criteria. However, as with solving any Unified State Examination tasks. Let's look at the plans on the same topic that received the maximum score.

Here is an example of the most detailed plan. And here is the minimum required:

And both deserved the highest score from the experts.

1. Follow the required structure of the assignment as much as possible: “at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.”

2. We do not allow “abstract formulations” of points (characteristics) without specification.

3. We do not make gross theoretical mistakes, because this is, first of all, a theoretical task.

4. When solving composite plans (several interrelated phenomena are given), your plan should end precisely with their connection, their influence on each other.

5. Use the verification of your assignments from an Unified State Examination expert.