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Corsairs 3 Wind of Freedom walkthrough beginning. Guide and walkthrough for "Corsairs III"

The fate of a fan of the series is not easy. Instead of the dream game, they received an unfinished version, in which many features are disabled, and to the sad cries of the suffering, the developers only answer that everything will happen. However, we decided not to wait until patch 1.xx brings the game to an ideal state, and still please those who need it with a walkthrough. And some advice...

Management News

I don’t know what prevented me from doing this before, but with patch 1.1 the controls were slightly changed. So, the hero now moves around the ship or around the city using the WASD keys, which are quite familiar to us. And it stabs by pressing the left mouse button. True, the control of the spyglass still hangs on the same mouse, so in battle you often come across all sorts of obstacles while you are looking for how to get to the bow or stern in order to assess the enemy ship.

In general, the change in controls had a positive effect on the process of moving around the ship or city. With boarding it turns out worse, since running away is quite good. It’s not at all worse to bounce sideways or backwards. But turning has become somewhat more difficult - the mouse is used for this.

Combat, ground and deck

The cities in the game can be very beautiful.

First of all, let's deal with the naval battle. We have a wonderful set of weapons from cannonballs, nipples, bombs and grapeshot. You can safely sell the cores right away and never think about them again. This is an intermediate solution that allows you to do everything at once and not get any specific result. Although they have one advantage - they fly farther than all other projectiles, which can sometimes be used. Nipples are a great thing for heavy ships. One accurate broadside - and the enemy immediately loses a third of his sails, after which he cannot run far. A point-blank salvo, as a rule, clears the deck of such stupid outgrowths as masts. But using nipples on small vessels is sheer stupidity. You won’t be able to really damage the sails, but one day you will run into a volley of bombs at point-blank range and examine in detail the process of turning your ship into a submarine. Buckshot is very useful in situations where the enemy clearly has more people on board than we do. In this case, the boarding battle may not be decided in our favor, which must be nipped in the bud. In the sense of reducing the number of thugs on board an enemy ship. And finally, bombs are an ideal weapon against all kinds of forts and when it is easier to destroy an enemy ship than to capture it. Don't forget that the reloading process takes a long time, so reload your guns in advance according to the expected situation. For example, when traveling with a convoy, you are unlikely to try to board someone, so feel free to load your guns with bombs.

When choosing weapons, you should choose those that hit further, that is, culverins. But the choice of material is not relevant until you need to storm forts - then every weapon really counts. In regular naval battles, you often have a choice between continuing to fight or leaving. If everything gets really bad with the guns, then just return to the port and get it repaired. But bronze ones will still be more reliable.

It seems that now he will ask for money.

Only a single vessel should be boarded. At the very least, a couple. This especially applies to situations where you are opposed by large ships. In this case, an attempt to pick up 3-4 ships at once results in serious problems in the form of a natural loss of crew and a significant superiority of the enemy already on the second or third ship.

The boarding itself is very simple. To begin with, we select the side where the crowd of our pirates did not run, and begin to clear the enemy there. Otherwise, you will be doomed for a very long time to wave your saber behind the backs of your subordinates, who absolutely do not want to let the captain go forward. Here the choice is simple - we stab everyone who comes to hand. If the enemy decides to stand in the block, we chop it down. The battle with the captain goes a little differently. It usually starts with a pistol shot. Although this is a very weak damage to his health, the enemy still slows down for a while, and we get the right to launch an attack first. If you are very confident in yourself, apply slashing blows (V), but they are slow and give the enemy a chance to dodge. And if he managed to launch such a blow a little later, then he will not only be able to dodge, but will also give out the attack in full. So accurate calculation is very important here. It’s much easier to stab until your stamina runs out (if the enemy gets into a block, chop, he won’t be able to dodge), and then take a step sideways and run in circles around the cabin. And one day the enemy’s health will run out.

And finally, the assault on the fortress. The easiest way is to take cast iron culverins, load them with cannonballs and stand opposite the fort. Under such conditions, they shoot a little further than the fort shoots. This means that we deal with protective structures completely safely. But all you have to do is knock out half the guns. For extreme sports enthusiasts, an attack with bombs is suitable, but then you need to get as close to the fort as possible.

The people we manage

The hero has a whole bunch of skills. But the fact of the matter is that it is not at all necessary to teach them. Most of them will be learned by invited officers, who, although for a certain fee, will allow their leader not to spend points earned through difficult battles on many things that he does not really need. Why do you need glasses? This is fencing and pistols (are we going to somehow kill the enemy?), tactics (normal pirates do not create a squadron, but we must somehow bring all the captured ships to the nearest port?) and luck. The latter is an extremely strange skill. It increases the likelihood of finding something on a captured ship rather than somehow affecting the value of the found item. And in general, objects are found cyclically - at first the value of what is found gradually increases, then it collapses to the very bottom, and we again start with the crappiest sabers, gradually rising. Of the abilities, the hero needs everything that relates to accelerating the growth of experience (his own and the team’s), and skills responsible for survival in hand-to-hand combat. And there you can see what you can buy next.


It's time to mention those who help us in the difficult task of steering the ship.

Firstly, this is the boatswain. The indicators of authority and boarding are important to him (he will increase them for us). But I have never seen a single boatswain whose authority indicator was higher than 1. You will have to upgrade it yourself. Do not forget to immediately provide the boatswain with abilities related to boarding combat, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to board even the most frail and unprotected ship. In addition, the boatswain “drives” the sailors out for boarding; without him, you can board and find yourself on deck in splendid isolation to the sly giggle of the sailors watching your suffering from their home ship.

Next on the list is the navigator. For him, the most important skill was, of course, navigation. We give him the appropriate abilities - the ship will pick up speed faster and deal better with the lack of wind.

And they will never forget to demand!

The gunner deals exclusively with shooting issues. With it, your guns fire more accurately (the “accuracy” and “gun” abilities are upgraded).

The doctor deals with diseases and wounds, reducing losses from them. But he does it somehow very sluggishly, and, to be honest, I didn’t see any illnesses on my ship at all. I have met them in cities, but they are stopped in advance by a quarantine post, and prudent people will not enter the city at the height of the epidemic.

The treasurer will allow you to sell and buy more profitably. But who is doing the trading here?

The carpenter can repair damage to the ship during the journey, which will allow you not to return to the port, but to continue raiding. However, for this you need to have boards and canvas on board, and the carpenter actually does his job only in the game started with patch 1.1.

Finally, the list is completed by three fighters who will help us in hand-to-hand combat. Just don’t forget to give them new weapons, they are mortal too. A few more free officers are needed as captains for captured ships and as potential colonial governors. Considering that they don't ask for money as passengers, buy them as soon as possible.


A special word should be said about the team. The number of soldiers and sailors varies from ship to ship (different brigs or schooners will have different numbers of workers in these specialties), but musketeers and gunners are strictly distributed.

You don’t have to worry too much about the soldiers and sailors - all the soldiers don’t go into battle, and if you have fewer sailors left than you need to raise and lower the sails, then it’s time for your ship to go down.

The purpose of the musketeers is not too clear - they cost a lot and are the first to die. I feel that they are busy catching cannonballs on their chests.

But it is advisable to have gunners in full complement - otherwise the guns will reload slowly and fire poorly.

When you bring the next caravan of captured ships to the city, start by expelling the extra crew from the captured ships. For some reason, the sailors themselves are not leaving, and we risk experiencing real personnel problems as soon as it comes to recruiting volunteers for the ship.

Unfortunately, there is not much to say about managing colonies yet - too many things don’t work in them...

Experience and money

Let's start with the first one. After all, it is with increasing experience that the plot and the opportunity to command new powerful ships will open up to us. As they say, those who are not experienced cannot drive frigates.

The very first experience points can be acquired without even going to sea. To do this, you need to go around the entire starting city and talk with comrades with blue exclamation marks above their heads. It’s not that there’s a lot, but it’s definitely enough for the first level.

Next, it’s better to hire yourself into the service of the governor (which will bring you an extra thousand a month) and start fulfilling his tasks. Along the way, it is worth visiting a tavern, a shop and walking along the streets. In these places you can meet comrades with yellow exclamation marks above their heads. This means private tasks, such as delivering a passenger or cargo, or perhaps escorting a ship.

(Two pieces of advice can be given here. The more experience you get for completing it, the higher the payment. Therefore, there is no point in wasting time on tasks that don’t even pay thousands. The second piece of advice is that you need to constantly remember where each port is located. This will help you not to take tasks that are completely out of your league. This will be especially useful if you take a task in a tavern or on the street - no one will repeat them there, if you didn’t take it on the first try, then there will be an exclamation point over “useful” "your comrade will simply disappear. With the right approach to the set of tasks, you will always have something to do, and on some islands there will be several “goals” at once. We hand over the tasks where we took them: if on the street, it means on the street, and for a building, received from the governor, you will most likely have to go to the tavern.)

The next most valuable entertainment in the experience will be getting caught in a storm. There, points are obtained for the very process of being at the epicenter of bad weather. It’s enough just to be there, and the glasses will drop by themselves (the more powerful the hurricane, the more). There is only one drawback - severe damage to the hull and sails during such a swim. So if you have enough money, you can quickly score a lot of points this way, which is especially useful at the beginning of the game.

Finally, the most popular way to level up your character was and remains the capture or destruction of enemy ships (or simply sailing by). Of course, there are “adjustments” for difficulty, which means that the brutal drowning of a schooner by a manovar will not be assessed very seriously. But capturing a manovar from a brig will bring a lot of experience. Moreover, experience is accrued both for capturing or destroying a ship, and for shooting at it. The capture of colonies can also be included in this category, although they reward much more experience. But you have to work hard there accordingly.

Now let's move on to money. How to earn them? The easiest way is to complete tasks and get some money for it. Trading here is so inconvenient and unprofitable that it’s not even worth trying. Is it worth trying to remember what to take where, if sometimes it is enough to deliver one passenger from island to island, and you will get more for it than for a month of persistent cargo delivery. The same applies to the notorious smuggling, which was finally introduced into the game with patch 1.1. The same trade, side view.

It is even more profitable to capture and sell ships, but this becomes somewhat accessible if you nevertheless exchanged the initial Luger for something more decent. Otherwise, you won’t be able to fight very much.

This is interesting: The captains of surrendered ships also bring in a little money. Just don’t forget to demand a ransom for them, otherwise there will soon be more of them on board than the crew. And during boarding, some schooner surrenders to the manovar without a sound.

All ships

There are not so few ships in the game. Although why, for example, the same combat tartan was made is completely unclear. Therefore, after thinking about it, to begin with, we were given a Luger, which is still a higher class than this squalor. But in the end, there is still a set of clearly merchant ships, such as a flute or galleon, and fast or well-armed combat ships, which include a brig or a battleship. Of course, we will immediately discard the first ones, there is still no sense in them, but the combat ones are subject to some discussion, although a lot has already been said about them in the first part of the game description.

It is best not to approach the issue of choosing a ship too radically. That is, try to capture a battleship on some kind of lugger from the very beginning. Most likely, this will end in your sudden death due to the fact that there are a lot of soldiers on the line and you will not be able to cope with them even if you are lucky enough to get as many as three fighters on your team. Moreover, your soldiers will be available for this mortal battle strictly in proportion to how many there are relative to the battleship. That is, not enough. And even if you manage to win the boarding battle, the result will be a statement that the battleship is not your level. Therefore, the optimal “chain” of ships is: lugger, schooner, brig, corvette, frigate, something of the Manovar class. Although, of course, in this chain one or more links can be safely missed. But with this approach, you will not need to make excessive efforts to try to take the truly impregnable strongholds of the most powerful ships. In general, the corvette is ideal for hunting other ships (and boarding them); the frigate is quite suitable for a shootout with even the most formidable monsters. But it’s difficult to hunt other ships on a battleship or manovar - they’re too bad at maneuverability. Although it can be destroyed in one gulp. But the coastal forts must tremble before them.

This is interesting: The strangest ship is the Manovar. It can reach excellent speed with a tailwind, and at the same time, even with a wind blowing straight to the side, it will drop its speed sharply. He is not a walker against the wind at all. Draw your own conclusions...

The approximate characteristics of all ships in the game can be found in the table. They are approximate because the speed, life and maneuverability of ships can vary somewhat. And, having captured another brig from a brig, you will be surprised to find that someone else’s is much better. So in the table are specific samples that I once came across in the blue sea or at a shipyard.

Table 1
Ships in the game
Name Class Frame Guns Speed Maneuverability Hold Team
Battle tartan 7 99 8 — 8 11,24 46 325 39
Luger 6 600 12 — 8 14,7 38 550 107
Sloop 5 907 16 — 8 13,6 48 469 154
Schooner 5 1300 20 — 16 12,8 35 1390 226
Barque 5 1432 16 — 12 11,73 29 1461 151
Caravel 5 2009 32 — 12 10,3 47 2834 345
Brig 4 2200 16 — 24 13,69 39 1667 322
Flutes 4 2576 18 — 12 12,1 35 2816 269
Galleon 4 3150 22 — 16 11,49 29 3212 441
Corvette 3 2700 32 — 24 15,9 41 2019 401
Pinnace 3 3800 18 — 24 13,6 31 3804 387
Heavy Galleon 3 3972 36 — 24 12,7 27 2820 704
Frigate 2 3363 46 — 24 12,2 35 2579 578
Battleship 1 5500 56 — 24 12,7 36 3966 793
Battleship 1 6700 80 — 24 13,2 32 5890 1069
Manowar 1 9905 102 — 24 15,11 29 7199 1504

Long-short way home

And this one too...

For the third part of the game, its passage is at least a bit short. And this is despite the fact that the quality bar was very seriously raised by the modification of “Pirates of the Caribbean”, well known to the general public. After an offensively short journey through the game, you can’t help but think - was this the real addition? Well, okay - for now about the “Corsairs” themselves. And hardworking modders will not keep you waiting...

Let's start with the fact that you should forget about the “five independent storylines.” No matter which side we choose, everything will proceed the same. Unless the pirates are initially at odds with everyone except the French, so the range of ports will be seriously limited. But this is not such a serious problem. And the choice between the heroes does not make any differences, except whose sirloin you will be watching in front of you throughout the game - Beatrice or Blaze. Well, the videos are different for them. So - the game is one and absolutely one...

So, the father of our heroes died in a bloody battle. True, before his death, he took a map from the safe, tore it into a couple of pieces and threw it into the sea. Of course, the pieces could not just get lost and, like homing ballistic missiles, they sailed directly to the grown-up children of the deceased captain. 20 years later. Where they roamed all this time - history is silent. But this accuracy is worthy of special mention. However, it is not yet clear to our hero what to do with the scrap of the map, so we will have to patiently complete tasks from everyone we meet and cross and capture ships until we reach level 10.

What is he doing! Beats up a defenseless girl...

And with level 10 and entering the first tavern you come across, everything will begin. The owner of the establishment who saw us immediately took the bull by the horns, declaring that he had some rag for us. Inexpensive, for only 800 coins. In the process of a deeply intellectual conversation, we can reduce the price to 600 coins, but then we will be able to combine our find and the remaining piece of the map into a single whole and find out the place where further adventures await us.

The islands played out in the riddle are Saint Martin and Martinique. Well, just above Martinique there is the mysterious island of Dominica, where we will sail and visit the local grotto. In this grotto, completely without any living conditions, lives our half-brother/sister, who will immediately call us a thief and try to reduce the amount of life strictly to zero. However, with some fencing skill, luck will accompany us, and when our opponent has about half his life left, we will be told a heartbreaking story about the behests of his father, who wanted to create a great state of free pirates. Of course, this was taken from a diary given to our step-relative. During the conversation, it will be repeatedly suggested to finish off the interlocutor, but we are not animals. However, such an action will change little, so let him live for himself.

So, we got out of the grotto and went to Isla Mona. There in the tavern they will tell us that the dream of a pirate state continues to exist and now all hope is only on us. But first you need to kill some evil pirate captain who has terrorized the entire island (such evil pirates have gone!). This is where a surprise awaits you, since it is impossible to predict what this figure will sail on. Most often it can be found on a battleship. But one day he exposed himself to my manovar on a frigate. Moreover, during the boarding, he cowardly surrendered (!). But now we can go to the tavern with a clear conscience and announce that the task has been completed.

The next task will be to challenge the most important local pirate. And, of course, stab him with your sword. And since he is a local fencing champion, it will be very difficult to do this. His room is also extremely small in size, which makes it impossible to circle around it. But we can cope with it, and now we are going to the tavern again.

And there we will be asked to wait a couple of weeks, and then all the pirate captains will gather together, after which we will be able to declare our will to them. So we swim somewhere for these very two weeks, after which we return home and go to the management house that has already become our own. The pirate captains will be slightly resistant to our dream, but will still agree with it. But the biggest surprise will be after the meeting - some of your assistants will not agree with the transition to the pirate camp. And they will express this disagreement by leaving the ship as soon as you next board it. So it is better to take away valuable weapons from dissidents in advance, because for some reason they themselves do not return them to the weapons room.

There is only one thing left - it will be long and tedious to capture all the colonies. After this, you will watch an obscure video about how many different events have happened in this world with the emergence of a pirate state, and... we will be asked to continue playing. Only this will be a completely different fairy tale...

Saga of bugs

Overall, patch 1.03 remains the best today. But it is not free from a number of problems, such as ships disappearing from the map. Therefore, if you are not afraid of the complete uselessness of pistols after 1.1, then start the game in 1.03 and install 1.1 after that. Oddly enough, this is the most balanced solution, when many old problems are treated and new ones do not appear.

Finally, a mistake in the game for the lazy. If you buy a couple of hundred boards, then after a while they will independently multiply to billions in size. You can’t sell more than 90,000 to one merchant, but this is still a lot. Moreover, it will still not be possible to buy an unauthorized ship ahead of schedule. This miracle can be cured by selling the ship and buying a new one; it is unrealistic to exhaust these unknown where existing reserves. This bug can also work for all goods in general if you click on the “take all” button when capturing a ship. And then you may have reserves comparable to the global ones.

State of free pirates: how it happened

At one time they really tried to fulfill Captain Sharpe’s wonderful dream of a free pirate state and were quite close to success - but not in the filibuster Caribbean Sea, but in the Indian Ocean, on the island of Madagascar and the adjacent islet of Sainte-Marie.

As you know, Pope Alexander VI (Borgia) with his bull divided the newly discovered world between Spain and Portugal, as a reward for Columbus, Gama and Magellan: everything that was discovered to the west of the 30th meridian went to Spain, everything to the east, - Portugal. The "refined version" of this bull is known as the Treaty of Tordesillas.

According to this bull, the Indian Ocean became Portuguese. But Portugal, unlike Spain, quickly lost control over what was happening, and the British were still timidly settling down on the Asian coast. And so, at the end of the 17th century, Madagascar became the de facto possession of pirates, and soon a state was proclaimed there - Libertalia.

But the pirate freemen could not resist the “real” powers for long - and the pirates asked for support from the Swedish king Charles XII. This adventure was quite in the spirit of the “King Knight”, but by that time he had big problems brewing in the war with Russia. And the second proposal was sent... to Peter I.

Alas, as is well known, Madagascar does not belong to Russia. The expedition sent by Peter failed due to a storm, and they did not have time to assemble a second one - Libertalia disintegrated on its own. The state of free pirates fell victim to its own structure: the brave captains simply fought, and were quickly suppressed by their neighbors. 1723 - the last year of the existence of the pirate power.

The fate of a fan of the series is not easy. Instead of the dream game, they received an unfinished version, in which many features are disabled, and to the sad cries of the suffering, the developers only answer that everything will happen. However, we decided not to wait until patch 1.xx brings the game to an ideal state, and still please those who need it with a walkthrough. And some advice...

Management News

I don’t know what prevented me from doing this before, but with patch 1.1 the controls were slightly changed. So, the hero now moves around the ship or around the city using the WASD keys, which are quite familiar to us. And it stabs by pressing the left mouse button. True, the control of the spyglass still hangs on the same mouse, so in battle you often come across all sorts of obstacles while you are looking for how to get to the bow or stern in order to assess the enemy ship.

In general, the change in controls had a positive effect on the process of moving around the ship or city. With boarding it turns out worse, since running away is quite good. It’s not at all worse to bounce sideways or backwards. But turning has become somewhat more difficult - the mouse is used for this.

Combat, ground and deck

The cities in the game can be very beautiful.

First of all, let's deal with the naval battle. We have a wonderful set of weapons from cannonballs, nipples, bombs and grapeshot. You can safely sell the cores right away and never think about them again. This is an intermediate solution that allows you to do everything at once and not get any specific result. Although they have one advantage - they fly farther than all other projectiles, which can sometimes be used. Nipples are a great thing for heavy ships. One accurate broadside - and the enemy immediately loses a third of his sails, after which he cannot run far. A point-blank salvo, as a rule, clears the deck of such stupid outgrowths as masts. But using nipples on small vessels is sheer stupidity. You won’t be able to really damage the sails, but one day you will run into a volley of bombs at point-blank range and examine in detail the process of turning your ship into a submarine. Buckshot is very useful in situations where the enemy clearly has more people on board than we do. In this case, the boarding battle may not be decided in our favor, which must be nipped in the bud. In the sense of reducing the number of thugs on board an enemy ship. And finally, bombs are an ideal weapon against all kinds of forts and when it is easier to destroy an enemy ship than to capture it. Don't forget that the reloading process takes a long time, so reload your guns in advance according to the expected situation. For example, when traveling with a convoy, you are unlikely to try to board someone, so feel free to load your guns with bombs.

When choosing weapons, you should choose those that hit further, that is, culverins. But the choice of material is not relevant until you need to storm forts - then every weapon really counts. In regular naval battles, you often have a choice between continuing to fight or leaving. If everything gets really bad with the guns, then just return to the port and get it repaired. But bronze ones will still be more reliable.

It seems that now he will ask for money.

Only a single vessel should be boarded. At the very least, a couple. This especially applies to situations where you are opposed by large ships. In this case, an attempt to pick up 3-4 ships at once results in serious problems in the form of a natural loss of crew and a significant superiority of the enemy already on the second or third ship.

The boarding itself is very simple. To begin with, we select the side where the crowd of our pirates did not run, and begin to clear the enemy there. Otherwise, you will be doomed for a very long time to wave your saber behind the backs of your subordinates, who absolutely do not want to let the captain go forward. Here the choice is simple - we stab everyone who comes to hand. If the enemy decides to stand in the block, we chop it down. The battle with the captain goes a little differently. It usually starts with a pistol shot. Although this is a very weak damage to his health, the enemy still slows down for a while, and we get the right to launch an attack first. If you are very confident in yourself, apply slashing blows (V), but they are slow and give the enemy a chance to dodge. And if he managed to launch such a blow a little later, then he will not only be able to dodge, but will also give out the attack in full. So accurate calculation is very important here. It’s much easier to stab until your stamina runs out (if the enemy gets into a block, chop, he won’t be able to dodge), and then take a step sideways and run in circles around the cabin. And one day the enemy’s health will run out.

And finally, the assault on the fortress. The easiest way is to take cast iron culverins, load them with cannonballs and stand opposite the fort. Under such conditions, they shoot a little further than the fort shoots. This means that we deal with protective structures completely safely. But all you have to do is knock out half the guns. For extreme sports enthusiasts, an attack with bombs is suitable, but then you need to get as close to the fort as possible.

The people we manage

The hero has a whole bunch of skills. But the fact of the matter is that it is not at all necessary to teach them. Most of them will be learned by invited officers, who, although for a certain fee, will allow their leader not to spend points earned through difficult battles on many things that he does not really need. Why do you need glasses? This is fencing and pistols (are we going to somehow kill the enemy?), tactics (normal pirates do not create a squadron, but we must somehow bring all the captured ships to the nearest port?) and luck. The latter is an extremely strange skill. It increases the likelihood of finding something on a captured ship rather than somehow affecting the value of the found item. And in general, objects are found cyclically - at first the value of what is found gradually increases, then it collapses to the very bottom, and we again start with the crappiest sabers, gradually rising. Of the abilities, the hero needs everything that relates to accelerating the growth of experience (his own and the team’s), and skills responsible for survival in hand-to-hand combat. And there you can see what you can buy next.


It's time to mention those who help us in the difficult task of steering the ship.

Firstly, this is the boatswain. The indicators of authority and boarding are important to him (he will increase them for us). But I have never seen a single boatswain whose authority indicator was higher than 1. You will have to upgrade it yourself. Do not forget to immediately provide the boatswain with abilities related to boarding combat, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to board even the most frail and unprotected ship. In addition, the boatswain “drives” the sailors out for boarding; without him, you can board and find yourself on deck in splendid isolation to the sly giggle of the sailors watching your suffering from their home ship.

Next on the list is the navigator. For him, the most important skill was, of course, navigation. We give him the appropriate abilities - the ship will pick up speed faster and deal better with the lack of wind.

And they will never forget to demand!

The gunner deals exclusively with shooting issues. With it, your guns fire more accurately (the “accuracy” and “gun” abilities are upgraded).

The doctor deals with diseases and wounds, reducing losses from them. But he does it somehow very sluggishly, and, to be honest, I didn’t see any illnesses on my ship at all. I have met them in cities, but they are stopped in advance by a quarantine post, and prudent people will not enter the city at the height of the epidemic.

The treasurer will allow you to sell and buy more profitably. But who is doing the trading here?

The carpenter can repair damage to the ship during the journey, which will allow you not to return to the port, but to continue raiding. However, for this you need to have boards and canvas on board, and the carpenter actually does his job only in the game started with patch 1.1.

Finally, the list is completed by three fighters who will help us in hand-to-hand combat. Just don’t forget to give them new weapons, they are mortal too. A few more free officers are needed as captains for captured ships and as potential colonial governors. Considering that they don't ask for money as passengers, buy them as soon as possible.


A special word should be said about the team. The number of soldiers and sailors varies from ship to ship (different brigs or schooners will have different numbers of workers in these specialties), but musketeers and gunners are strictly distributed.

You don’t have to worry too much about the soldiers and sailors - all the soldiers don’t go into battle, and if you have fewer sailors left than you need to raise and lower the sails, then it’s time for your ship to go down.

The purpose of the musketeers is not too clear - they cost a lot and are the first to die. I feel that they are busy catching cannonballs on their chests.

But it is advisable to have gunners in full complement - otherwise the guns will reload slowly and fire poorly.

When you bring the next caravan of captured ships to the city, start by expelling the extra crew from the captured ships. For some reason, the sailors themselves are not leaving, and we risk experiencing real personnel problems as soon as it comes to recruiting volunteers for the ship.

Unfortunately, there is not much to say about managing colonies yet - too many things don’t work in them...

Experience and money

Let's start with the first one. After all, it is with increasing experience that the plot and the opportunity to command new powerful ships will open up to us. As they say, those who are not experienced cannot drive frigates.

The very first experience points can be acquired without even going to sea. To do this, you need to go around the entire starting city and talk with comrades with blue exclamation marks above their heads. It’s not that there’s a lot, but it’s definitely enough for the first level.

Next, it’s better to hire yourself into the service of the governor (which will bring you an extra thousand a month) and start fulfilling his tasks. Along the way, it is worth visiting a tavern, a shop and walking along the streets. In these places you can meet comrades with yellow exclamation marks above their heads. This means private tasks, such as delivering a passenger or cargo, or perhaps escorting a ship.

(Two pieces of advice can be given here. The more experience you get for completing it, the higher the payment. Therefore, there is no point in wasting time on tasks that don’t even pay thousands. The second piece of advice is that you need to constantly remember where each port is located. This will help you not to take tasks that are completely out of your league. This will be especially useful if you take a task in a tavern or on the street - no one will repeat them there, if you didn’t take it on the first try, then there will be an exclamation point over “useful” "your comrade will simply disappear. With the right approach to the set of tasks, you will always have something to do, and on some islands there will be several “goals” at once. We hand over the tasks where we took them: if on the street, it means on the street, and for a building, received from the governor, you will most likely have to go to the tavern.)

The next most valuable entertainment in the experience will be getting caught in a storm. There, points are obtained for the very process of being at the epicenter of bad weather. It’s enough just to be there, and the glasses will drop by themselves (the more powerful the hurricane, the more). There is only one drawback - severe damage to the hull and sails during such a swim. So if you have enough money, you can quickly score a lot of points this way, which is especially useful at the beginning of the game.

Finally, the most popular way to level up your character was and remains the capture or destruction of enemy ships (or simply sailing by). Of course, there are “adjustments” for difficulty, which means that the brutal drowning of a schooner by a manovar will not be assessed very seriously. But capturing a manovar from a brig will bring a lot of experience. Moreover, experience is accrued both for capturing or destroying a ship, and for shooting at it. The capture of colonies can also be included in this category, although they reward much more experience. But you have to work hard there accordingly.

Now let's move on to money. How to earn them? The easiest way is to complete tasks and get some money for it. Trading here is so inconvenient and unprofitable that it’s not even worth trying. Is it worth trying to remember what to take where, if sometimes it is enough to deliver one passenger from island to island, and you will get more for it than for a month of persistent cargo delivery. The same applies to the notorious smuggling, which was finally introduced into the game with patch 1.1. The same trade, side view.

It is even more profitable to capture and sell ships, but this becomes somewhat accessible if you nevertheless exchanged the initial Luger for something more decent. Otherwise, you won’t be able to fight very much.

This is interesting: The captains of surrendered ships also bring in a little money. Just don’t forget to demand a ransom for them, otherwise there will soon be more of them on board than the crew. And during boarding, some schooner surrenders to the manovar without a sound.

All ships

There are not so few ships in the game. Although why, for example, the same combat tartan was made is completely unclear. Therefore, after thinking about it, to begin with, we were given a Luger, which is still a higher class than this squalor. But in the end, there is still a set of clearly merchant ships, such as a flute or galleon, and fast or well-armed combat ships, which include a brig or a battleship. Of course, we will immediately discard the first ones, there is still no sense in them, but the combat ones are subject to some discussion, although a lot has already been said about them in the first part of the game description.

It is best not to approach the issue of choosing a ship too radically. That is, try to capture a battleship on some kind of lugger from the very beginning. Most likely, this will end in your sudden death due to the fact that there are a lot of soldiers on the line and you will not be able to cope with them even if you are lucky enough to get as many as three fighters on your team. Moreover, your soldiers will be available for this mortal battle strictly in proportion to how many there are relative to the battleship. That is, not enough. And even if you manage to win the boarding battle, the result will be a statement that the battleship is not your level. Therefore, the optimal “chain” of ships is: lugger, schooner, brig, corvette, frigate, something of the Manovar class. Although, of course, in this chain one or more links can be safely missed. But with this approach, you will not need to make excessive efforts to try to take the truly impregnable strongholds of the most powerful ships. In general, the corvette is ideal for hunting other ships (and boarding them); the frigate is quite suitable for a shootout with even the most formidable monsters. But it’s difficult to hunt other ships on a battleship or manovar - they’re too bad at maneuverability. Although it can be destroyed in one gulp. But the coastal forts must tremble before them.

This is interesting: The strangest ship is the Manovar. It can reach excellent speed with a tailwind, and at the same time, even with a wind blowing straight to the side, it will drop its speed sharply. He is not a walker against the wind at all. Draw your own conclusions...

The approximate characteristics of all ships in the game can be found in the table. They are approximate because the speed, life and maneuverability of ships can vary somewhat. And, having captured another brig from a brig, you will be surprised to find that someone else’s is much better. So in the table are specific samples that I once came across in the blue sea or at a shipyard.

Table 1
Ships in the game
Name Class Frame Guns Speed Maneuverability Hold Team
Battle tartan 7 99 8 — 8 11,24 46 325 39
Luger 6 600 12 — 8 14,7 38 550 107
Sloop 5 907 16 — 8 13,6 48 469 154
Schooner 5 1300 20 — 16 12,8 35 1390 226
Barque 5 1432 16 — 12 11,73 29 1461 151
Caravel 5 2009 32 — 12 10,3 47 2834 345
Brig 4 2200 16 — 24 13,69 39 1667 322
Flutes 4 2576 18 — 12 12,1 35 2816 269
Galleon 4 3150 22 — 16 11,49 29 3212 441
Corvette 3 2700 32 — 24 15,9 41 2019 401
Pinnace 3 3800 18 — 24 13,6 31 3804 387
Heavy Galleon 3 3972 36 — 24 12,7 27 2820 704
Frigate 2 3363 46 — 24 12,2 35 2579 578
Battleship 1 5500 56 — 24 12,7 36 3966 793
Battleship 1 6700 80 — 24 13,2 32 5890 1069
Manowar 1 9905 102 — 24 15,11 29 7199 1504

Long-short way home

And this one too...

For the third part of the game, its passage is at least a bit short. And this is despite the fact that the quality bar was very seriously raised by the modification of “Pirates of the Caribbean”, well known to the general public. After an offensively short journey through the game, you can’t help but think - was this the real addition? Well, okay - for now about the “Corsairs” themselves. And hardworking modders will not keep you waiting...

Let's start with the fact that you should forget about the “five independent storylines.” No matter which side we choose, everything will proceed the same. Unless the pirates are initially at odds with everyone except the French, so the range of ports will be seriously limited. But this is not such a serious problem. And the choice between the heroes does not make any differences, except whose sirloin you will be watching in front of you throughout the game - Beatrice or Blaze. Well, the videos are different for them. So - the game is one and absolutely one...

So, the father of our heroes died in a bloody battle. True, before his death, he took a map from the safe, tore it into a couple of pieces and threw it into the sea. Of course, the pieces could not just get lost and, like homing ballistic missiles, they sailed directly to the grown-up children of the deceased captain. 20 years later. Where they roamed all this time - history is silent. But this accuracy is worthy of special mention. However, it is not yet clear to our hero what to do with the scrap of the map, so we will have to patiently complete tasks from everyone we meet and cross and capture ships until we reach level 10.

What is he doing! Beats up a defenseless girl...

And with level 10 and entering the first tavern you come across, everything will begin. The owner of the establishment who saw us immediately took the bull by the horns, declaring that he had some rag for us. Inexpensive, for only 800 coins. In the process of a deeply intellectual conversation, we can reduce the price to 600 coins, but then we will be able to combine our find and the remaining piece of the map into a single whole and find out the place where further adventures await us.

The islands played out in the riddle are Saint Martin and Martinique. Well, just above Martinique there is the mysterious island of Dominica, where we will sail and visit the local grotto. In this grotto, completely without any living conditions, lives our half-brother/sister, who will immediately call us a thief and try to reduce the amount of life strictly to zero. However, with some fencing skill, luck will accompany us, and when our opponent has about half his life left, we will be told a heartbreaking story about the behests of his father, who wanted to create a great state of free pirates. Of course, this was taken from a diary given to our step-relative. During the conversation, it will be repeatedly suggested to finish off the interlocutor, but we are not animals. However, such an action will change little, so let him live for himself.

So, we got out of the grotto and went to Isla Mona. There in the tavern they will tell us that the dream of a pirate state continues to exist and now all hope is only on us. But first you need to kill some evil pirate captain who has terrorized the entire island (such evil pirates have gone!). This is where a surprise awaits you, since it is impossible to predict what this figure will sail on. Most often it can be found on a battleship. But one day he exposed himself to my manovar on a frigate. Moreover, during the boarding, he cowardly surrendered (!). But now we can go to the tavern with a clear conscience and announce that the task has been completed.

The next task will be to challenge the most important local pirate. And, of course, stab him with your sword. And since he is a local fencing champion, it will be very difficult to do this. His room is also extremely small in size, which makes it impossible to circle around it. But we can cope with it, and now we are going to the tavern again.

And there we will be asked to wait a couple of weeks, and then all the pirate captains will gather together, after which we will be able to declare our will to them. So we swim somewhere for these very two weeks, after which we return home and go to the management house that has already become our own. The pirate captains will be slightly resistant to our dream, but will still agree with it. But the biggest surprise will be after the meeting - some of your assistants will not agree with the transition to the pirate camp. And they will express this disagreement by leaving the ship as soon as you next board it. So it is better to take away valuable weapons from dissidents in advance, because for some reason they themselves do not return them to the weapons room.

There is only one thing left - it will be long and tedious to capture all the colonies. After this, you will watch an obscure video about how many different events have happened in this world with the emergence of a pirate state, and... we will be asked to continue playing. Only this will be a completely different fairy tale...

Saga of bugs

Overall, patch 1.03 remains the best today. But it is not free from a number of problems, such as ships disappearing from the map. Therefore, if you are not afraid of the complete uselessness of pistols after 1.1, then start the game in 1.03 and install 1.1 after that. Oddly enough, this is the most balanced solution, when many old problems are treated and new ones do not appear.

Finally, a mistake in the game for the lazy. If you buy a couple of hundred boards, then after a while they will independently multiply to billions in size. You can’t sell more than 90,000 to one merchant, but this is still a lot. Moreover, it will still not be possible to buy an unauthorized ship ahead of schedule. This miracle can be cured by selling the ship and buying a new one; it is unrealistic to exhaust these unknown where existing reserves. This bug can also work for all goods in general if you click on the “take all” button when capturing a ship. And then you may have reserves comparable to the global ones.

State of free pirates: how it happened

At one time they really tried to fulfill Captain Sharpe’s wonderful dream of a free pirate state and were quite close to success - but not in the filibuster Caribbean Sea, but in the Indian Ocean, on the island of Madagascar and the adjacent islet of Sainte-Marie.

As you know, Pope Alexander VI (Borgia) with his bull divided the newly discovered world between Spain and Portugal, as a reward for Columbus, Gama and Magellan: everything that was discovered to the west of the 30th meridian went to Spain, everything to the east, - Portugal. The "refined version" of this bull is known as the Treaty of Tordesillas.

According to this bull, the Indian Ocean became Portuguese. But Portugal, unlike Spain, quickly lost control over what was happening, and the British were still timidly settling down on the Asian coast. And so, at the end of the 17th century, Madagascar became the de facto possession of pirates, and soon a state was proclaimed there - Libertalia.

But the pirate freemen could not resist the “real” powers for long - and the pirates asked for support from the Swedish king Charles XII. This adventure was quite in the spirit of the “King Knight”, but by that time he had big problems brewing in the war with Russia. And the second proposal was sent... to Peter I.

Alas, as is well known, Madagascar does not belong to Russia. The expedition sent by Peter failed due to a storm, and they did not have time to assemble a second one - Libertalia disintegrated on its own. The state of free pirates fell victim to its own structure: the brave captains simply fought, and were quickly suppressed by their neighbors. 1723 - the last year of the existence of the pirate power.

Pages: 1

Management News
I don’t know what prevented me from doing this before, but with patch 1.1 the controls were slightly changed. So, the hero now moves around the ship or around the city using the WASD keys, which are quite familiar to us. And it stabs by pressing the left mouse button. True, the control of the spyglass still hangs on the same mouse, so in battle you often come across all sorts of obstacles while you are looking for how to get to the bow or stern in order to assess the enemy ship. In general, the change in controls had a positive effect on the process of moving around the ship or city. With boarding it turns out worse, since running away is quite good. It’s not at all worse to bounce sideways or backwards. But turning has become somewhat more difficult - the mouse is used for this.
Combat, ground and deck
First of all, let's deal with the naval battle. We have a wonderful set of weapons from cannonballs, nipples, bombs and grapeshot. You can safely sell the cores right away and never think about them again. This is an intermediate solution that allows you to do everything at once and not get any specific result. Although they have one advantage - they fly farther than all other projectiles, which can sometimes be used. Nipples are a great thing for heavy ships. One accurate broadside - and the enemy immediately loses a third of his sails, after which he cannot run far. A point-blank salvo, as a rule, clears the deck of such stupid outgrowths as masts. But using nipples on small vessels is sheer stupidity. You won’t be able to really damage the sails, but one day you will run into a volley of bombs at point-blank range and examine in detail the process of turning your ship into a submarine. Buckshot is very useful in situations where the enemy clearly has more people on board than we do. In this case, the boarding battle may not be decided in our favor, which must be nipped in the bud. In the sense of reducing the number of thugs on board an enemy ship. And finally, bombs are an ideal weapon against all kinds of forts and when it is easier to destroy an enemy ship than to capture it. Don't forget that the reloading process takes a long time, so reload your guns in advance according to the expected situation. For example, when traveling with a convoy, you are unlikely to try to board someone, so feel free to load your guns with bombs. When choosing weapons, you should choose those that hit further, that is, culverins. But the choice of material is not relevant until you need to storm forts - then every weapon really counts. In regular naval battles, you often have a choice to continue fighting or leave. If everything gets really bad with the guns, then just return to the port and get it repaired. But bronze ones will still be more reliable.
Only a single vessel should be boarded. As a last resort - a couple. This especially applies to situations where you are opposed by large ships. In this case, an attempt to pick up 3-4 ships at once results in serious problems in the form of a natural loss of crew and a significant superiority of the enemy already on the second or third ship. The boarding itself is very simple. To begin with, we select the side where the crowd of our pirates did not run, and begin to clear the enemy there. Otherwise, you will be doomed for a very long time to wave your saber behind the backs of your subordinates, who absolutely do not want to let the captain go forward. Here the choice is simple - we stab everyone who comes to hand. If the enemy decides to stand in the block, we chop it down. The battle with the captain goes a little differently. It usually starts with a pistol shot. Although this is a very weak damage to his health, the enemy still slows down for a while, and we get the right to launch an attack first. If you are very confident in yourself, apply slashing blows (V), but they are slow and give the enemy a chance to dodge. And if he managed to launch such a blow a little later, then he will not only be able to dodge, but will also give out the attack in full. So accurate calculation is very important here. It’s much easier to stab until the end of your stamina (if the enemy stands in a block, chop, he won’t be able to dodge), and then take a step to the side and run in circles around the cabin. And one day the enemy’s health will run out. And finally, the assault on the fortress. The easiest way is to take cast iron culverins, load them with cannonballs and stand opposite the fort. Under such conditions, they shoot a little further than the fort shoots. This means that we deal with protective structures completely safely. But all you have to do is knock out half the guns. For extreme sports enthusiasts, an attack with bombs is suitable, but then you need to get as close to the fort as possible.
The people we manage
The hero has a whole bunch of skills. But the fact of the matter is that it is not at all necessary to teach them. Most of them will be learned by invited officers, who, although for a certain fee, will allow their leader not to spend points earned through difficult battles on many things that he does not really need. Why do you need glasses? This is fencing and pistols (are we going to somehow kill the enemy?), tactics (normal pirates do not create a squadron, but we must somehow bring all the captured ships to the nearest port?) and luck. The latter is an extremely strange skill. It increases the likelihood of finding something on a captured ship rather than somehow affecting the value of the found item. And in general, objects are found cyclically - at first the value of what is found gradually increases, then it collapses to the very bottom, and we again start with the crappiest sabers, gradually rising. Of the abilities, the hero needs everything that relates to accelerating the growth of experience (his own and the team’s), and skills responsible for survival in hand-to-hand combat. And there you can see what you can buy next.
It's time to mention those who help us in the difficult task of steering the ship. Firstly, this is the boatswain. The indicators of authority and boarding are important to him (he will increase them for us). But I have never seen a single boatswain whose authority indicator was higher than 1. You will have to upgrade it yourself. Do not forget to immediately provide the boatswain with abilities related to boarding combat, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to board even the most frail and unprotected ship. In addition, the boatswain “drives” the sailors out for boarding; without him, you can board and find yourself on deck in splendid isolation to the sly giggle of the sailors watching your suffering from their home ship. Next on the list is the navigator. For him, the most important skill was, of course, navigation. We give him the appropriate abilities - the ship will pick up speed faster and deal better with the lack of wind.
The gunner deals exclusively with shooting issues. With it, your guns fire more accurately (the “accuracy” and “gun” abilities are upgraded). The doctor deals with diseases and wounds, reducing losses from them. But he does it somehow very sluggishly, and, to be honest, I didn’t see any illnesses on my ship at all. I have met them in cities, but they are stopped in advance by a quarantine post, and prudent people will not enter the city at the height of the epidemic. The treasurer will allow you to sell and buy more profitably. But who is doing the trading here? The carpenter can repair damage to the ship during the journey, which will allow you not to return to the port, but to continue raiding. However, for this you need to have boards and canvas on board, and the carpenter actually does his job only in the game started with patch 1.1. Finally, the list is completed by three fighters who will help us in hand-to-hand combat. Just don’t forget to give them new weapons, they are mortal too. A few more free officers are needed as captains for captured ships and as potential colonial governors. Considering that they don't ask for money as passengers, buy them as soon as possible.
A special word should be said about the team. The number of soldiers and sailors varies from ship to ship (different brigs or schooners will have different numbers of workers in these specialties), but musketeers and gunners are strictly distributed. You don’t have to worry too much about the soldiers and sailors - all the soldiers don’t go into battle, and if you have fewer sailors left than you need to raise and lower the sails, then it’s time for your ship to go down. The purpose of the musketeers is not too clear - they stand a lot and are the first to die. I feel that they are busy catching cannonballs on their chests. But it is advisable to have gunners in full force - otherwise the guns will reload slowly and fire poorly. When you bring the next caravan of captured ships to the city, start by expelling the extra crew from the captured ships. For some reason, the sailors themselves are not leaving, and we risk experiencing real personnel problems as soon as it comes to recruiting volunteers for the ship.
Unfortunately, there is not much to say about managing colonies yet - too many things don’t work in them...
Experience and money
Let's start with the first one. After all, it is with increasing experience that the plot and the opportunity to command new powerful ships will open up to us. As they say, those who are not experienced cannot drive frigates.
The very first experience points can be acquired without even going to sea. To do this, you need to go around the entire starting city and talk with comrades with blue exclamation marks above their heads. It’s not that there’s a lot, but it’s definitely enough for the first level. Next, it’s better to hire yourself into the service of the governor (which will bring you an extra thousand a month) and start fulfilling his tasks. Along the way, it is worth visiting a tavern, a shop and walking along the streets. In these places you can meet comrades with yellow exclamation marks above their heads. This means private tasks, such as delivering a passenger or cargo, or perhaps escorting a ship. (Two pieces of advice can be given here. The more experience you get for completing it, the higher the payment. Therefore, there is no point in wasting time on tasks that don’t even pay thousands. The second piece of advice is that you need to constantly remember where each port is located. This will help you not to take tasks that are completely out of your way. This will be especially useful if you take a task in a tavern or on the street - no one will repeat them there, if you didn’t take it on the first try, then there will be an exclamation mark over “useful” "your comrade will simply disappear. With the right approach to the set of tasks, you will always have something to do, and on some islands there will be several “goals” at once. We hand over the tasks where we took them: if on the street, it means on the street, and for a building, received from the governor, you will most likely have to go to the tavern.)
The next most valuable entertainment in the experience will be getting caught in a storm. There, points are obtained for the very process of being at the epicenter of bad weather. It’s enough just to be there, and the glasses will drop by themselves (the more powerful the hurricane, the more). There is only one drawback - severe damage to the hull and sails during such a swim. So if you have enough money, you can quickly score a lot of points this way, which is especially useful at the beginning of the game. Finally, the most popular way to level up your character was and remains the capture or destruction of enemy ships (or simply sailing by). Of course, there are “adjustments” for difficulty, which means that the brutal drowning of a schooner by a manovar will not be assessed very seriously. But capturing a manovar from a brig will bring a lot of experience. Moreover, experience is accrued both for capturing or destroying a ship, and for shooting at it. The capture of colonies can also be included in this category, although they reward much more experience. But you have to work hard there accordingly. Now let's move on to money. How to earn them? The easiest way is to complete tasks and get some money for it. Trading here is so inconvenient and unprofitable that it’s not even worth trying. Is it worth trying to remember what to take where, if sometimes it is enough to deliver one passenger from island to island, and you will get more for it than for a month of persistent cargo delivery. The same applies to the notorious smuggling, which was finally introduced into the game with patch 1.1. The same trade, side view. It is even more profitable to capture and sell ships, but this becomes somewhat accessible if you nevertheless exchanged the initial Luger for something more decent. Otherwise, you won’t be able to fight very much.
This is interesting: captains of surrendered ships also bring in little money. Just don’t forget to demand a ransom for them, otherwise there will soon be more of them on board than the crew. And during boarding, some schooner surrenders to the manovar without a sound.
All ships
There are not so few ships in the game. Although why, for example, the same combat tartan was made is completely unclear. Therefore, after thinking about it, to begin with, we were given a Luger, which is still a higher class than this squalor. But in the end, there is still a set of clearly merchant ships, such as a flute or galleon, and fast or well-armed combat ships, which include a brig or a battleship.
Of course, we will immediately discard the first ones, there is still no sense in them, but the combat ones are subject to some discussion, although a lot has already been said about them in the first part of the game description. It is best not to approach the issue of choosing a ship too radically. That is, try to capture a battleship on some kind of lugger from the very beginning. Most likely, this will end in your sudden death due to the fact that there are a lot of soldiers on the line and you will not be able to cope with them even if you are lucky enough to get as many as three fighters on your team. Moreover, your soldiers will be available for this mortal battle strictly in proportion to how many there are relative to the battleship. That is, not enough. And even if you manage to win the boarding battle, the result will be a statement that the battleship is not your level. Therefore, the optimal “chain” of ships is: lugger, schooner, brig, corvette, frigate, something of the Manovar class. Although, of course, in this chain one or more links can be safely missed. But with this approach, you will not need to make excessive efforts to try to take the truly impregnable strongholds of the most powerful ships. In general, the corvette is ideal for hunting other ships (and boarding them); the frigate is quite suitable for a shootout with even the most formidable monsters. But it’s difficult to hunt other ships on a battleship or manovar - they are too bad at maneuverability. Although it can be destroyed in one gulp. But the coastal forts must tremble before them.
This is interesting: the strangest ship is the manovar. It can reach excellent speed with a tailwind, and at the same time, even with a wind blowing straight to the side, it will drop its speed sharply. He is not a walker against the wind at all. Draw your conclusions... The approximate characteristics of all ships in the game can be found in the table. They are approximate because the speed, life and maneuverability of ships can vary somewhat. And, having captured another brig from a brig, you will be surprised to find that someone else’s is much better. So in the table are specific samples that I once came across in the blue sea or at a shipyard.

Table 1 Ships in the game
Name Class Hull Guns Speed ​​Maneuverability Hold Crew
War tartan 7 99 8 - 8 11.24 46 325 39
Luger 6 600 12 - 8 14.7 38 550 107
Sloop 5 907 16 - 8 13.6 48 469 154
Schooner 5 1300 20 - 16 12.8 35 1390 226
Bark 5 1432 16 - 12 11.73 29 1461 151
Caravel 5 2009 32 - 12 10.3 47 2834 345
Brig 4 2200 16 - 24 13.69 39 1667 322
Flutes 4 2576 18 - 12 12.1 35 2816 269
Galleon 4 3150 22 - 16 11.49 29 3212 441
Corvette 3 2700 32 - 24 15.9 41 2019 401
Pinas 3 3800 18 - 24 13.6 31 3804 387
Heavy galleon 3 3972 36 - 24 12.7 27 2820 704
Frigate 2 3363 46 - 24 12.2 35 2579 578
Battleship 1 5500 56 - 24 12.7 36 3966 793
Battleship 1 6700 80 - 24 13.2 32 5890 1069
Manovar 1 9905 102 - 24 15.11 29 7199 1504
Long-short way home
For the third part of the game, its passage is at least a bit short. And this is despite the fact that the quality bar was very seriously raised by the modification of “Pirates of the Caribbean”, well known to the general public. After an offensively short journey through the game, you can’t help but think - was this the very addition? Well, okay - for now about the “Corsairs” themselves. And hardworking modders will not keep you waiting... Let's start with the fact that you should forget about “five independent storylines”. No matter which side we choose, everything will proceed the same. Unless the pirates are initially at odds with everyone except the French, so the range of ports will be seriously limited. But this is not such a serious problem. And the choice between the heroes does not make any differences, except whose sirloin you will be watching in front of you throughout the game - Beatrice or Blaze. Well, the videos are different for them. So - the game is one and absolutely alone... So, the father of our heroes died in a bloody battle. True, before his death, he took a map from the safe, tore it into a couple of pieces and threw it into the sea. Of course, the pieces could not just get lost and, like homing ballistic missiles, they sailed directly to the grown-up children of the deceased captain. 20 years later. Where they roamed all this time - history is silent. But this accuracy is worthy of special mention. However, it is not yet clear to our hero what to do with the scrap of the map, so we will have to patiently complete tasks from everyone we meet and cross and capture ships until we reach level 10.
And with level 10 and entering the first tavern you come across, everything will begin. The owner of the establishment who saw us immediately took the bull by the horns, declaring that he had some rag for us. Inexpensive, for only 800 coins. In the process of a deeply intellectual conversation, we can reduce the price to 600 coins, but then we will be able to combine our find and the remaining piece of the map into a single whole and find out the place where further adventures await us. The islands played out in the riddle are Saint Martin and Martinique. Well, just above Martinique there is the mysterious island of Dominica, where we will sail and visit the local grotto. In this grotto, completely without any living conditions, lives our half-brother/sister, who will immediately call us a thief and try to reduce the amount of life strictly to zero. However, with some fencing skill, luck will accompany us, and when our opponent has about half his life left, we will be told a heartbreaking story about the behests of his father, who wanted to create a great state of free pirates. Of course, this was taken from a diary given to our step-relative. During the conversation, it will be repeatedly suggested to finish off the interlocutor, but we are not animals. However, such an action will change little, so let him live for himself.
So, we got out of the grotto and went to Isla Mona. There in the tavern they will tell us that the dream of a pirate state continues to exist and now all hope is only on us. But first you need to kill some evil pirate captain who has terrorized the entire island (such evil pirates have gone!). This is where a surprise awaits you, since it is impossible to predict what this figure will sail on. Most often it can be found on a battleship. But one day he exposed himself to my manovar on a frigate. Moreover, during the boarding, he cowardly surrendered (!). But now we can go to the tavern with a clear conscience and announce that the task has been completed. The next task will be to challenge the most important local pirate. And, of course, stab him with your sword. And since he is a local fencing champion, it will be very difficult to do this. His room is also extremely small in size, which makes it impossible to circle around it. But we can cope with it, and now we are going to the tavern again. And there we will be asked to wait a couple of weeks, and then all the pirate captains will gather together, after which we will be able to declare our will to them. So we swim somewhere for these very two weeks, after which we return home and go to the management house that has already become our own. The pirate captains will be slightly resistant to our dream, but will still agree with it. But the biggest surprise will be after the meeting - some of your assistants will not agree with the transition to the pirate camp. And they will express this disagreement by leaving the ship as soon as you next board it. So it is better to take away valuable weapons from dissidents in advance, because for some reason they themselves do not return them to the weapons room. There is only one thing left - it will take a long and tedious time to capture all the colonies. After this, you will watch an obscure video about how many different events have happened in this world with the emergence of a pirate state, and... we will be asked to continue playing. Only this will be a completely different fairy tale...
Saga of bugs
"Corsairs 3" and bugs are still inseparable from each other. Released patches save you from old ones and delight you with new errors. For example, the newest (at the time of writing) patch 1.1 did not allow acquiring new weapons (trophies from captured ships) and created “lost” assistants. And if the first one is simply hard to come to terms with (it’s very difficult to complete the game with “toothpicks” of the first level), then the second one is just a pipe.
For example, you hire a boatswain. And after a while it disappears, leaving an increase in boarding skill, but without such useful things as skills. And he doesn’t forget to demand a salary either. It is impossible to dislodge this parasite, so you just have to learn the skills of capturing ships yourself, because even with boarding at 10, without at least initial skill in this matter, it is impossible to take a ship. So after each battle we have to check the crew for presence on site...
Overall, patch 1.03 remains the best today. But it is not free from a number of problems, such as ships disappearing from the map. Therefore, if you are not afraid of the complete uselessness of pistols after 1.1, then start the game in 1.03 and install 1.1 after that. Oddly enough, this is the most balanced solution, when many old problems are treated and new ones do not appear.
Finally - a mistake of the game for the lazy. If you buy a couple of hundred boards, then after a while they will independently multiply to billions in size. You can’t sell more than 90,000 to one merchant, but this is still a lot. Moreover, it will still not be possible to buy an unauthorized ship ahead of schedule. This miracle can be cured by selling the ship and buying a new one; it is unrealistic to exhaust these unknown where existing reserves. This bug can also work for all goods in general if you click on the “take all” button when capturing a ship. And then you may have reserves comparable to the global ones.
State of free pirates: how it happened
At one time they really tried to fulfill Captain Sharpe’s wonderful dream of a free pirate state and were quite close to success - but not in the filibuster Caribbean Sea, but in the Indian Ocean, on the island of Madagascar and the adjacent islet of Sainte-Marie. As you know, Pope Alexander VI (Borgia) with his bull divided the newly discovered world between Spain and Portugal, as a reward for Columbus, Gama and Magellan: everything that was discovered to the west of the 30th meridian went to Spain, everything to the east, - Portugal.
The "refined version" of this bull is known as the Treaty of Tordesillas. According to this bull, the Indian Ocean became Portuguese. But Portugal, unlike Spain, quickly lost control over what was happening, and the British were still timidly settling down on the Asian coast. And so, at the end of the 17th century, Madagascar became the de facto possession of pirates, and soon a state was proclaimed there - Libertaria. But the pirate freemen could not resist the “real” powers for long - and the pirates asked for support from the Swedish king Charles XII.
This adventure was quite in the spirit of the “King Knight”, but by that time he had big problems brewing in the war with Russia. And the second proposal was sent... to Peter I. Alas, as is well known, Madagascar does not belong to Russia. The expedition sent by Peter failed due to a storm, and they did not have time to assemble the second one - Libertaria disintegrated on its own. The state of free pirates fell victim to its own structure: the brave captains simply fought, and were quickly suppressed by their neighbors. 1723 - the last year of the existence of the pirate power.

Developer: Seven Winds
Publisher: Seven Winds
Released: 2009
Game website: http://www.sevenwinds.by.ru
Genre: Arcade, RPG, Simulation
Russian language
Size: 2 GB

About the game:
A full-fledged game Corsairs 3: Wind of Freedom, containing a new storyline, many quests, saturating the game with all sorts of events and opportunities. Now the world around us is truly saturated. A bunch of small generated quests (events) in which the main character can take part. These include golden caravans, extortion, the capture of a famous person, the capture of a ship carrying a large cargo, and much, much more!

Game Features:
1. When starting a new game, you will be given the opportunity to create your main character using the interface:
1.1. Choice of 5 prepared heroes: Henry Morgan, Nathaniel Hawk, William Archer, Blaise Sharp, Beatrice Sharp.
1.2. Creating your own character - Selecting a model type from Bartenders to Evil Spirits, manually entering a first and last name, as well as choosing a nation.
2. There is no main plot as such, but there is an English national quest line, a quest line for the Coastal Brotherhood, as well as about 20 quests. In addition, while you are in the service of England, you will not be able to go into the service of pirates or other powers, just as if you are in the service of pirates you will not be able to enter the service of England and other powers.

Some changes and innovations:
3. New generated quests:
3.1. Help the Church;
3.2. Assistance to the Prison Commandant;
3.3. Transportation of items;
3.4. Search for objects;
3.5. Ship escort;
3.6. Cargo delivery;
3.7. Passenger delivery.
4. Now the world around us is really rich. A bunch of small generated quests (events) in which the main character can take part. These include golden caravans, extortion, the capture of a famous person, the capture of a ship carrying a large cargo, and much, much more! Read about all this below.
5. Jungle Situations:
5.1 While walking through the jungle, you may come across a wounded person who you can help and get a small reward or a boost to your reputation.
5.2 You can try to rob a passerby.
5.3 Pirate gangs may attack you and attempt to rob you.
6. Seventeen new ships.
7. Reworked ship characteristics.
8. Reworked system for selling ships at the shipyard. The higher the rank of the main character, the better ship he can purchase.
9. Boarding is more realistic by adding a boarding location in the form of two linked ships.
10. The boarding process has been changed. Now, in order to capture a ship, you need to clear certain locations from enemies. For ships of class 7,6,5 - Upper deck -> Cabin; for ships of class 4.3 Upper deck -> Hold -> Cabin; for ships of class 2.1 - Upper deck -> Hold -> Gun deck -> Cabin.
11. The process of capturing a fort has been changed. Now after you destroy all the enemies in the first location of the fort, you will have to fight in two more.
12. Variety of weather. Rain and steep waves are possible both in the evening and during the day. In addition, one option for morning weather has been added, for which there are resources, but is not used in the game.
13. Jungles on all islands.
14. Bays on all islands.
15. Dungeons on all islands.
16. Catacombs in every city.
17. In the jungle it is possible to meet gangs extorting money, bandits and ordinary passers-by.
18. Evil spirits have been added to dungeons and catacombs.
19. Many house locations are now open in the colonies, except for the pirate colony “Isla Mona”. You can go into almost every house. At night, of course, all houses are closed.
20. Ability to search chests in houses, shops, cabins, etc.
21. Added the "Prison" location to all colonies that have a fort.
22. All brothels and moneylenders' houses are open.
23. Possibility of operating a brothel. In a brothel, to the detriment of the reputation of the hero’s nation, you can gain experience.
24. Possibility of taking out a loan and the ability to lend money on interest from a moneylender.
25. A large number of new melee weapons. Added Musket firearm.
26. New items, namely jewels and idols.
27. Change in the process of searching a chest - If you are caught while searching a chest, there is an opportunity to pay off so as not to spoil the reputation of the nation. Also, if there is no money, with good luck, the owner of the location where you searched the chest may forgive you.
28. On the archipelago there lives a “Teacher” who, for a certain amount, can increase any skill by one point!
29. The teacher charges very dearly and does not sit in one place. He travels from time to time around the archipelago. Random hearing can provide information about its location.
30. Reworked handling of objects, bladed weapons and firearms hitting counters. Now it depends on the level of the main character. Directly depends on the minimum level of carrying a certain weapon and the level of the main character.
31. Reworked pistol reloading. Now it is possible to shoot more than once.
32. Now you can buy items and weapons in the store, and not just from street vendors.
33. The influence of objects, in particular idols, on the character’s skills.
34. Possibility of building and improving your own colony on one of the uninhabited islands.
35. Minor game changes. For example, reducing the distance between ships when leaving the map at sea.
36. Some errors of the original "Corsairs 3" have been fixed. All sorts of interface fixes.
37. Acceleration of time on land, global map, etc. It is not recommended to greatly speed up the time in the game. Acceleration is triggered by the "R" key, as well as the "+" and "-" keys.
38. Voice acting of some commands.
39. Treasure map generator. The card can be purchased from people relaxing in the tavern. The higher the luck skill, the higher the chance that you will meet a card merchant. Also, the value of the treasure and the possibility of finding an excellent blade, pistol, spyglass, locked chest, gold, etc. in the treasure directly depend on the luck skill.
40. In chests and treasures you can find the “Chest” item. Only one chest can be carried. We need to open them. They can be opened by a craftsman for a fee, one per archipelago. The chest contains almost everything, from a death trap to several thousand piastres. Open it and you will find out.
41. Generator of golden caravans. Information about him is obtained from drunkards in the tavern and is obtained very rarely. True, the higher the luck skill, the higher the chance that information will come across. Details in the game.
42. Cheat codes are disabled.
43. “Thinking out loud” option. Used to launch an assault on a fort from land, etc. The "think out loud" option is called up through the interface.
44. Added healing potions to restore health.
45. The ability to quickly use healing potions. This is done by pressing the "F" key.
46. ​​The fencing system has been slightly reworked, namely the damage dealt and received by the main character, which now also depends on new perks.
47. Four perks (abilities) have been added. These are Basic Defense Skill, Advanced Defense Skill, Critical Strike and Professional Swordsman. All of them affect the damage dealt or received by the main character when fencing.
48. The church is now attended by parishioners.
49. Tenants appeared in the houses. Also, there may be card sellers in the houses.
50. Added the ability to storm forts from land. To start an assault, you must have at least 800 teams, call the “Thoughts” function and select the desired dialogue option. The chain of locations is now as follows - Exit from the colony -> City -> Residence. To receive the loot (ransom), you still need to talk to the governor.
51. Possibility of theft. The chance of getting caught depends on luck. To perform this operation, you need to get close to the character and select the Steal command in the list of commands in the upper left corner, after which the Steal interface will appear, similar to searching a chest. The ability to steal only applies to ordinary citizens on the street and in the tavern.
52. Added different options for the outcome of events during theft. Either you managed to steal unnoticed, or you managed to steal, but they still noticed you, or you were noticed right away.
53. Added the "Slickster" perk, which will allow you to reduce the chance of being caught stealing or searching chests.
54. Ability to search corpses. This happens in the following order - you kill a character, and immediately after the murder the corpse search interface appears. If you close it, then the newly killed character will no longer be searched. In addition, this option has advantages - everything happens automatically. It is displayed only once. It is possible to disable or enable the search of corpses as the game progresses. To do this, you need to call up “thinking out loud”, and in the desired dialogue option, select the “On” or “Off” option. If the search is disabled, it actually won’t happen.
55. The ability to detect and take equipment from a dead person depends on luck.
56. Added the “Experienced Smuggler” perk, which increases the bonus to the price of smuggled goods.
57. Artificial life of pirates. Ten famous pirates have been added that can be encountered throughout the game. List of situations in which these pirates are involved:
58.1. Can be found in the tavern.
58.2. Can be found in the sea, near any island.
58.3. A pirate can attack the main character at sea.
58.4. You can accidentally learn about any action of a pirate from passers-by or vacationers in taverns.
59. The opportunity to serve the governor is only available after completing the storyline!
60. Cuirasses have been added. To equip them, you must have the Cuirass ability, as well as the required rank.
61. Possibility of extorting money. It works in the following order: When talking with drunks in a tavern, they may blurt out that one of the main inhabitants of the colony has a lot of money. And we go directly to the owner of a tavern, store, shipyard, or moneylender who has become rich. The chance that you will be able to get money depends on your rank and your luck and authority. Depending on this, the subject can call the guards, give nothing, or still give money.
62. All melee weapons are divided into light, medium and heavy. Depending on the type of melee weapon, the damage done, as well as the energy consumed, will be determined.
63. You can learn very interesting information from any tavern owner. Naturally, not for free. Moreover, information can be of three types. The ability to obtain information depends, again, on luck and authority.
64. Added a lot of music from the game "Pirates of the Caribbean", as well as a couple of sounds.
65. Random place to start the game. Generated depending on the selected nation.
66. The selected nation when starting a new game only affects the player’s starting location.
67. Item icons have changed.
68. Prisons now live up to their name, because... they now house prisoners. It's kind of like a decoration.
69. Guides have appeared in cities who, for a penny, can take you to the building you need.
70. In the item trading interface, use the auxiliary keys to quickly sell or buy items. "Alt" works with 50 units, and "Shift" works with all available goods. Attention - For sale only!
71. The opportunity to walk around your ship. At the same time, your gunners and sailors will be walking around in the hold and cannon deck, creating the necessary atmosphere on the ship.

Note: 1.- Unpack the game into the directory you need. 2.- Play.

System requirements:
System: Windows XP;
Processor: 1.5 GHz;
Memory: 256 MB;
Video card: DirectX 9 compatible 3D video card of GeForce 3 level (except MX series) with 64 MB of RAM;
Audio card: DirectX compatible;
Hard drive: 4 GB of free space;
DirectX 9.0c.

Corsairs 3
Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales

The fate of a fan of the series is not easy. Instead of the dream game, they received an unfinished version, in which many features are disabled, and to the sad cries of the suffering, the developers only answer that everything will happen. However, we decided not to wait until patch 1.xx brings the game to an ideal state, and still please those who need it with a walkthrough. And some advice...

Management News

I don’t know what prevented me from doing this before, but with patch 1.1 the controls were slightly changed. So, the hero now moves around the ship or around the city using the WASD keys, which are quite familiar to us. And it stabs by pressing the left mouse button. True, the control of the spyglass still hangs on the same mouse, so in battle you often come across all sorts of obstacles while you are looking for how to get to the bow or stern in order to assess the enemy ship. In general, the change in controls had a positive effect on the process of moving around the ship or city. With boarding it turns out worse, since running away is quite good. It’s not at all worse to bounce sideways or backwards. But turning has become somewhat more difficult - the mouse is used for this.

Combat, ground and deck

First of all, let's deal with the naval battle. We have a wonderful set of weapons from cannonballs, nipples, bombs and grapeshot. You can safely sell the cores right away and never think about them again. This is an intermediate solution that allows you to do everything at once and not get any specific result. Although they have one advantage - they fly farther than all other projectiles, which can sometimes be used. Nipples are a great thing for heavy ships. One accurate broadside - and the enemy immediately loses a third of his sails, after which he cannot run far. A point-blank salvo, as a rule, clears the deck of such stupid outgrowths as masts. But using nipples on small vessels is sheer stupidity. You won’t be able to really damage the sails, but one day you will run into a volley of bombs at point-blank range and examine in detail the process of turning your ship into a submarine. Buckshot is very useful in situations where the enemy clearly has more people on board than we do. In this case, the boarding battle may not be decided in our favor, which must be nipped in the bud. In the sense of reducing the number of thugs on board an enemy ship. And finally, bombs are an ideal weapon against all kinds of forts and when it is easier to destroy an enemy ship than to capture it. Don't forget that the reloading process takes a long time, so reload your guns in advance according to the expected situation. For example, when traveling with a convoy, you are unlikely to try to board someone, so feel free to load your guns with bombs. When choosing weapons, you should choose those that hit further, that is, culverins. But the choice of material is not relevant until you need to storm forts - then every weapon really counts. In regular naval battles, you often have a choice to continue fighting or leave. If everything gets really bad with the guns, then just return to the port and get it repaired. But bronze ones will still be more reliable.

Only a single vessel should be boarded. As a last resort - a couple. This especially applies to situations where you are opposed by large ships. In this case, an attempt to pick up 3-4 ships at once results in serious problems in the form of a natural loss of crew and a significant superiority of the enemy already on the second or third ship. The boarding itself is very simple. To begin with, we select the side where the crowd of our pirates did not run, and begin to clear the enemy there. Otherwise, you will be doomed for a very long time to wave your saber behind the backs of your subordinates, who absolutely do not want to let the captain go forward. Here the choice is simple - we stab everyone who comes to hand. If the enemy decides to stand in the block, we chop it down. The battle with the captain goes a little differently. It usually starts with a pistol shot. Although this is a very weak damage to his health, the enemy still slows down for a while, and we get the right to launch an attack first. If you are very confident in yourself, apply slashing blows (V), but they are slow and give the enemy a chance to dodge. And if he managed to launch such a blow a little later, then he will not only be able to dodge, but will also give out the attack in full. So accurate calculation is very important here. It’s much easier to stab until the end of your stamina (if the enemy stands in a block, chop, he won’t be able to dodge), and then take a step to the side and run in circles around the cabin. And one day the enemy’s health will run out. And finally, the assault on the fortress. The easiest way is to take cast iron culverins, load them with cannonballs and stand opposite the fort. Under such conditions, they shoot a little further than the fort shoots. This means that we deal with protective structures completely safely. But all you have to do is knock out half the guns. For extreme sports enthusiasts, an attack with bombs is suitable, but then you need to get as close to the fort as possible.

The people we manage

The hero has a whole bunch of skills. But the fact of the matter is that it is not at all necessary to teach them. Most of them will be learned by invited officers, who, although for a certain fee, will allow their leader not to spend points earned through difficult battles on many things that he does not really need. Why do you need glasses? This is fencing and pistols (are we going to somehow kill the enemy?), tactics (normal pirates do not create a squadron, but we must somehow bring all the captured ships to the nearest port?) and luck. The latter is an extremely strange skill. It increases the likelihood of finding something on a captured ship rather than somehow affecting the value of the found item. And in general, objects are found cyclically - at first the value of what is found gradually increases, then it collapses to the very bottom, and we again start with the crappiest sabers, gradually rising. Of the abilities, the hero needs everything that relates to accelerating the growth of experience (his own and the team’s), and skills responsible for survival in hand-to-hand combat. And there you can see what you can buy next.

It's time to mention those who help us in the difficult task of steering the ship. Firstly, this is the boatswain. The indicators of authority and boarding are important to him (he will increase them for us). But I have never seen a single boatswain whose authority indicator was higher than 1. You will have to upgrade it yourself. Do not forget to immediately provide the boatswain with abilities related to boarding combat, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to board even the most frail and unprotected ship. In addition, the boatswain of the sailors for the boarding battle, without him you can go out on board and find yourself on deck in splendid isolation under the sly giggle of the sailors watching your suffering from their home ship. Next on the list is the navigator. For him, the most important skill was, of course, navigation. We give him the appropriate abilities - the ship will pick up speed faster and deal better with the lack of wind.

The gunner deals exclusively with shooting issues. With it, your guns fire more accurately (your abilities are upgraded). The doctor deals with diseases and wounds, reducing losses from them. But he does it somehow very sluggishly, and, to be honest, I didn’t see any illnesses on my ship at all. I have met them in cities, but they are stopped in advance by a quarantine post, and prudent people will not enter the city at the height of the epidemic. The treasurer will allow you to sell and buy more profitably. But who is doing the trading here? The carpenter can repair damage to the ship during the journey, which will allow you not to return to the port, but to continue raiding. However, for this you need to have boards and canvas on board, and the carpenter actually does his job only in the game started with patch 1.1. Finally, the list is completed by three fighters who will help us in hand-to-hand combat. Just don’t forget to give them new weapons, they are mortal too. A few more free officers are needed as captains for captured ships and as potential colonial governors. Considering that they don't ask for money as passengers, buy them as soon as possible.


A special word should be said about the team. The number of soldiers and sailors varies from ship to ship (different brigs or schooners will have different numbers of workers in these specialties), but musketeers and gunners are strictly distributed. You don’t have to worry too much about the soldiers and sailors - all the soldiers don’t go into battle, and if you have fewer sailors left than you need to raise and lower the sails, then it’s time for your ship to go down. The purpose of the musketeers is not too clear - they stand a lot and are the first to die. I feel that they are busy catching cannonballs on their chests. But it is advisable to have gunners in full force - otherwise the guns will reload slowly and fire poorly. When you bring the next caravan of captured ships to the city, start by expelling the extra crew from the captured ships. For some reason, the sailors themselves are not leaving, and we risk experiencing real personnel problems as soon as it comes to recruiting volunteers for the ship.

Unfortunately, there is not much to say about managing colonies yet - too many things don’t work in them...

Experience and money

Let's start with the first one. After all, it is with increasing experience that the plot and the opportunity to command new powerful ships will open up to us. As they say, those who are not experienced cannot drive frigates.

The very first experience points can be acquired without even going to sea. To do this, you need to go around the entire starting city and talk with comrades with blue exclamation marks above their heads. It’s not that there’s a lot, but it’s definitely enough for the first level. Next, it’s better to hire yourself into the service of the governor (which will bring you an extra thousand a month) and start fulfilling his tasks. Along the way, it is worth visiting a tavern, a shop and walking along the streets. In these places you can meet comrades with yellow exclamation marks above their heads. This means private tasks, such as delivering a passenger or cargo, or perhaps escorting a ship. (Two pieces of advice can be given here. The more experience you get for completing it, the higher the payment. Therefore, there is no point in wasting time on tasks that don’t even pay thousands. The second piece of advice is that you need to constantly remember where each port is located. This will help you not to take tasks that are completely out of your way. This is especially useful if you take a task in a tavern or on the street - no one will repeat them there, if you didn’t take them on the first try, then then an exclamation mark over your friend will simply will disappear. With the right approach to the set of tasks, you will always have something to do, and on some islands there will be several at once. We turn in the tasks where we took them: if it’s on the street, then it’s on the street, and for a building received from the governor, most likely you'll have to go to the tavern.)

The next most valuable entertainment in the experience will be getting caught in a storm. There, points are obtained for the very process of being at the epicenter of bad weather. It’s enough just to be there, and the glasses will drop by themselves (the more powerful the hurricane, the more). There is only one drawback - severe damage to the hull and sails during such a swim. So if you have enough money, you can quickly score a lot of points this way, which is especially useful at the beginning of the game. Finally, the most popular way to level up your character was and remains the capture or destruction of enemy ships (or simply sailing by). Of course, there are difficulties, expressed in the fact that the brutal drowning of a schooner by a manovar will not be assessed very seriously. But capturing a manovar from a brig will bring a lot of experience. Moreover, experience is accrued both for capturing or destroying a ship, and for shooting at it. The capture of colonies can also be included in this category, although they reward much more experience. But you have to work hard there accordingly. Now let's move on to money. How to earn them? The easiest way is to complete tasks and get some money for it. Trading here is so inconvenient and unprofitable that it’s not even worth trying. Is it worth trying to remember what to take where, if sometimes it is enough to deliver one passenger from island to island, and you will get more for it than for a month of persistent cargo delivery. The same applies to the notorious smuggling, which was finally introduced into the game with patch 1.1. The same trade, side view. It is even more profitable to capture and sell ships, but this becomes somewhat accessible if you nevertheless exchanged the initial Luger for something more decent. Otherwise, you won’t be able to fight very much.

This is interesting: captains of surrendered ships also bring in little money. Just don’t forget to demand a ransom for them, otherwise there will soon be more of them on board than the crew. And during boarding, some schooner surrenders to the manovar without a sound.

All ships

There are not so few ships in the game. Although why, for example, the same combat tartan was made is completely unclear. Therefore, after thinking about it, to begin with, we were given a Luger, which is still a higher class than this squalor. But in the end, there is still a set of clearly merchant ships, such as a flute or galleon, and fast or well-armed combat ships, which include a brig or a battleship. Of course, we will immediately discard the first ones, there is still no sense in them, but the combat ones are subject to some discussion, although a lot has already been said about them in the first part of the game description. It is best not to approach the issue of choosing a ship too radically. That is, try to capture a battleship on some kind of lugger from the very beginning. Most likely, this will end in your sudden death due to the fact that there are a lot of soldiers on the line and you will not be able to cope with them even if you are lucky enough to get as many as three fighters on your team. Moreover, your soldiers will be available for this mortal battle strictly in proportion to how many there are relative to the battleship. That is, not enough. And even if you manage to win the boarding battle, the result will be a statement that the battleship is not your level. Therefore, the optimal ships are: luger, schooner, brig, corvette, frigate, something of the Manovar class. Although, of course, in this chain one or more links can be safely missed. But with this approach, you will not need to make excessive efforts to try to take the truly impregnable strongholds of the most powerful ships. In general, the corvette is ideal for hunting other ships (and boarding them); the frigate is quite suitable for a shootout with even the most formidable monsters. But it’s difficult to hunt other ships on a battleship or manovar - they are too bad at maneuverability. Although it can be destroyed in one gulp. But the coastal forts must tremble before them.

This is interesting: the strangest ship is the manovar. It can reach excellent speed with a tailwind, and at the same time, even with a wind blowing straight to the side, it will drop its speed sharply. He is not a walker against the wind at all. Draw your conclusions... The approximate characteristics of all ships in the game can be found in the table. They are approximate because the speed, life and maneuverability of ships can vary somewhat. And, having captured another brig from a brig, you will be surprised to find that someone else’s is much better. So in the table are specific samples that I once came across in the blue sea or at a shipyard.

Long-short way home

For the third part of the game, its passage is at least a bit short. And this despite the fact that the quality bar was very seriously raised by a modification that was well known to the general public. After an offensively short journey through the game, you can’t help but think - was this the very addition? Well, okay - for now let's talk about ourselves. And hardworking modders will not keep you waiting... Let's start with the fact that you should forget about. No matter which side we choose, everything will proceed the same. Unless the pirates are initially at odds with everyone except the French, so the range of ports will be seriously limited. But this is not such a serious problem. And the choice between the heroes does not make any differences, except whose sirloin you will be watching in front of you throughout the game - Beatrice or Blaze. Well, the videos are different for them. So - the game is one and absolutely alone... So, the father of our heroes died in a bloody battle. True, before his death, he took a map from the safe, tore it into a couple of pieces and threw it into the sea. Of course, the pieces could not just get lost and, like homing ballistic missiles, they sailed directly to the grown-up children of the deceased captain. 20 years later. Where they roamed all this time - history is silent. But this accuracy is worthy of special mention. However, it is not yet clear to our hero what to do with the scrap of the map, so we will have to patiently complete tasks from everyone we meet and cross and capture ships until we reach level 10.

And with level 10 and entering the first tavern you come across, everything will begin. The owner of the establishment who saw us immediately took the bull by the horns, declaring that he had some rag for us. Inexpensive, for only 800 coins. In the process of a deeply intellectual conversation, we can reduce the price to 600 coins, but then we will be able to combine our find and the remaining piece of the map into a single whole and find out the place where further adventures await us. The islands played out in the riddle are Saint Martin and Martinique. Well, just above Martinique there is the mysterious island of Dominica, where we will sail and visit the local grotto. In this grotto, completely without any living conditions, lives our half-brother/sister, who will immediately call us a thief and try to reduce the amount of life strictly to zero. However, with some fencing skill, luck will accompany us, and when our opponent has about half his life left, we will be told a heartbreaking story about the behests of his father, who wanted to create a great state of free pirates. Of course, this was taken from a diary given to our step-relative. During the conversation, it will be repeatedly suggested to finish off the interlocutor, but we are not animals. However, such an action will change little, so let him live for himself.

So, we got out of the grotto and went to Isla Mona. There in the tavern they will tell us that the dream of a pirate state continues to exist and now all hope is only on us. But first you need to kill some evil pirate captain who has terrorized the entire island (such evil pirates have gone!). This is where a surprise awaits you, since it is impossible to predict what this figure will sail on. Most often it can be found on a battleship. But one day he exposed himself to my manovar on a frigate. Moreover, during the boarding, he cowardly surrendered (!). But now we can go to the tavern with a clear conscience and announce that the task has been completed. The next task will be to challenge the most important local pirate. And, of course, stab him with your sword. And since he is a local fencing champion, it will be very difficult to do this. His room is also extremely small in size, which makes it impossible to circle around it. But we can cope with it, and now we are going to the tavern again. And there we will be asked to wait a couple of weeks, and then all the pirate captains will gather together, after which we will be able to declare our will to them. So we swim somewhere for these very two weeks, after which we return home and go to the management house that has already become our own. The pirate captains will be slightly resistant to our dream, but will still agree with it. But the biggest surprise will be after the meeting - some of your assistants will not agree with the transition to the pirate camp. And they will express this disagreement by leaving the ship as soon as you next board it. So it is better to take away valuable weapons from dissidents in advance, because for some reason they themselves do not return them to the weapons room. There is only one thing left - it will take a long and tedious time to capture all the colonies. After this, you will watch an obscure video about how many different events have happened in this world with the emergence of a pirate state, and... we will be asked to continue playing. Only this will be a completely different fairy tale...

Saga of bugs

State of free pirates: how it happened

At one time they really tried to fulfill Captain Sharpe’s wonderful dream of a free pirate state and were quite close to success - but not in the filibuster Caribbean Sea, but in the Indian Ocean, on the island of Madagascar and the adjacent islet of Sainte-Marie.
As you know, Pope Alexander VI (Borgia) with his bull divided the newly discovered world between Spain and Portugal, as a reward for Columbus, Gama and Magellan: everything that was discovered to the west of the 30th meridian went to Spain, everything to the east, - Portugal.
This bull is known as the Treaty of Tordesillas. According to this bull, the Indian Ocean became Portuguese. But Portugal, unlike Spain, quickly lost control over what was happening, and the British were still timidly settling down on the Asian coast. And so, at the end of the 17th century, Madagascar became the de facto possession of pirates, and soon a state was proclaimed there - Libertaria. But the pirate freemen could not resist the powers for long - and the pirates asked for support from the Swedish king Charles XII.
This adventure was quite in the spirit, but by that time he had big problems brewing in the war with Russia. And the second proposal was sent... to Peter I. Alas, as is well known, Madagascar does not belong to Russia. The expedition sent by Peter failed due to a storm, and they did not have time to assemble the second one - Libertaria disintegrated on its own. The state of free pirates fell victim to its own structure: the brave captains simply fought, and were quickly suppressed by their neighbors. 1723 - the last year of the existence of the pirate power.