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Acceptance certificate for delivery works. Scrap metal write-off act

Reception of metal by organizations is carried out in accordance with approved rules and guidelines. The final operation in the procedure is filling out a number of documents, one of them is the acceptance certificate for scrap metal. The rules are the same for the delivery of ultra-raw materials by legal entities and the public.

The weight of the scrap is determined by the receiver by subtracting from the total weight the weight of the container, the vehicle in which the scrap metal was delivered. In this case, the contamination of the latter is taken into account, for which the weight is multiplied by the corresponding coefficient.

The procedure for handing over scrap metal, the documents required for this

The procedure for delivery and acceptance of waste and scrap is carried out in a certain sequence. It all starts with measuring radioactive contamination. This is done by a full-time dosimetrist, acting in accordance with the recommendations approved by the organization. The same employee checks the batch of ultra-raw materials for the presence of explosive objects and substances. Based on the results of the work done, he draws up certificates.

Next, the necessary weighings are carried out, on the basis of which the nominal weight of the metal is determined. Taking into account the latter and the current price list in the organization, the receiver calculates the remuneration for the scrap dealer. The waste deliverer is required to:

  • identification card (passport, other document);
  • power of attorney, if actions are carried out in the interests of another owner;
  • a statement in which he substantiates ownership of the raw materials.

It is important to note, which the legal entity provides as an appendix to the application, an act of writing off scrap metal and conducting capitalization according to accounting. For an individual, it is sufficient to state in writing the basis for ownership of waste.

The procedure for issuing an acceptance certificate

Based on the results of the procedure, the receiver fills out an expenditure order and two copies of the acceptance certificate form. In addition, it registers the latter. To do this, he enters the data into a special accounting book. It reflects the number and date of the operation. Also written:

  • name of the deliverer, address of the office, company, its general details, tax data, telephone numbers; if this is an individual - full full name, passport details;
  • type of raw materials accepted; weight, category, class according to the current standard; description, percentage of contamination;
  • information about checking scrap for impurities, compliance with category;
  • the same for explosion hazard, radioactivity (for these procedures, a record of the employee who carried out the inspection is required);
  • data available in the waybill (filled in only when received from an entrepreneur or organization);
  • certificates, statements for write-off and deregistration (necessary in the case of submitting entire pieces of equipment);
  • signature of the person who handed over the scrap metal;
  • information about who made the appointment.

Following the procedure, the deliverer receives a copy of the scrap metal delivery certificate, money, and a cash receipt. The scrap is sent to a warehouse for further processing.

After completion, the accounting book is kept for 5 years at the place of delivery. In addition, a waste shipment log is kept. Registration of each operation is carried out using the details indicated above.

Non-ferrous scrap acceptance certificate

It is mandatory when handling non-ferrous metal. Compiled upon delivery of ultra-raw materials. The form is unified and established by Government Decree No. 370.

Scrap metal acceptance certificate:

  • refers to strict reporting forms;
  • drawn up in two copies for each batch (one must be stored at the collection point, the second must be handed over to the scrap dealer);
  • is registered in the accounting book (the data that is entered into it is given above).

The form and procedure for filling out are established by Decree No. 369 of the Government of the Russian Federation. It is mandatory and drawn up in duplicate for each batch of ultra-raw materials. One is given to the person who brought the ferrous metal, the second remains with the person who accepted it.

The act, according to the Resolution, is classified as a strict reporting document, which implies continuous numbering. Compilation and issuance ends with mandatory registration, for which purpose, at the point where the metal is handed over, there is a book for recording acts of receipt of scrap metal. It must be laced and numbered.

The acceptance certificate is not an independent document, but serves as a special annex to any main agreement. It is issued after the contractor fulfills the obligations specified in the contract. The act can be drawn up on carrying out services, manufacturing of any product or carrying out work.


Who draws up the acceptance certificate

Any employee of the contracting organization can directly prepare the document: secretary, lawyer, boss or manager of any department. After execution, the document must be submitted to the manager for signature, since without his autograph the act loses legal force.

In the same way, the act must be signed by the customer. Printing is not required, but recommended. If you have it in stock, install it, of course.

Basic rules for drawing up a deed

  • The act is not unified. You can use your imagination when composing it (within reason, of course).
  • Standard format - A4. If your company has developed a letterhead that differs from this format, it’s okay, draw up the document on it.
  • The document is prepared in two copies - one for each of the interested parties.

The document must necessarily indicate the companies between which the act is being drawn up, data on the main contract, information on work performed, services provided or products manufactured. Here it is necessary to record the presence or absence of claims from the customer to the contractor. If there are any comments, they must be included in the acceptance certificate as separate paragraphs.

It should be borne in mind that the customer, who has identified any deficiencies, has the right to demand a reduction in the cost of the work, services or goods performed, and he can also independently eliminate the defects found at the expense of the contractor (but only if this is provided for in the contract).

After eliminating the found shortcomings, it is necessary to create a new acceptance certificate certifying the absence of claims and comments.

If the customer refuses acceptance, a unilateral act should be sent to his address (this possibility is prescribed by law).

Instructions for drawing up the acceptance certificate

From the point of view of office work, this act has a standard form and should not cause great difficulties when writing.

  • First, the name of the document is indicated with a succinct designation of its essence.
  • In the line below, fill in the locality in which the contracting company issuing the act is registered, as well as the date of its execution: day, month (in words), year.
  • Then the act includes information about the main document to which it is an appendix (date and number of the agreement), after which the names of the organizations between which it was concluded are entered. First, the name of the contractor enterprise is indicated, indicating its organizational and legal status (IE, LLC, OJSC, CJSC), as well as the position of the responsible person (for example, Director, General Director or another employee authorized to sign such documents), his last name, Name Patronymic name.
  • Next, information regarding the customer is entered in the same way.
  • After entering data about enterprises, you must enter the types of work performed, specified services or manufactured goods, then certify in a separate paragraph that their quality meets the requirements of standards and norms (if any) established by law.
  • In the next paragraph, you need to indicate the invoice number issued by the contractor, the amount that the customer must pay after signing the acceptance certificate, and also record the obligation to pay.
  • The last paragraph of the document states that the work performed was checked and the customer has no complaints. Otherwise, you should add another paragraph in which you need to describe in detail the identified deficiencies, as well as indicate the deadlines and procedure for eliminating them.
  • Finally, at the bottom of the document, you must again indicate the name of the party organizations between which the act is signed.
  • Well, at the very end, the document must be certified by the signatures of company managers or persons authorized to carry out this procedure. By agreement of the parties, the deed can be certified with seals.

After signing the acceptance certificate

Once the document is signed by both parties, it acquires evidentiary weight. In the future, all claims from the customer to the contractor can only be considered in court.

Reception of secondary raw materials (ferrous or non-ferrous metals) is carried out according to a certain order. It is regulated by methodological recommendations and accounting rules. Among other things, the acceptance certificate is filled out. The sample has a unified form; you can download it at the end of the article.

Accounting for received scrap or vehicle is carried out in the following stages.

  1. The presence of radioactive contamination or the presence of explosive substances is checked. These works are entrusted to a full-time dosimetrist.
  2. The weight of the incoming batch is determined. Remuneration is calculated in accordance with established rates.
  3. An application is drawn up and signed.
  4. The accounting book is replenished with relevant notes, the receiver fills out an expenditure order and an acceptance certificate.

What's included in the content

The certificate for non-ferrous metal with the results of acceptance tests can be downloaded at the end of the article. It contains the following information:

  • details of the person who provided the materials (company name or full name, tax identification number) and other details;
  • results of pyrotechnic tests;
  • information on recognition of the explosion safety of scrap;
  • approval for processing.

Important! The above-mentioned inspections and examinations of scrap are carried out by the receiving organization itself.

When receiving ferrous metals from a vehicle, a different sample form is filled out, which can be downloaded below. Its use is approved at the legislative level. Reception is issued separately for each batch and deliverer. Similar information is provided there:

  • results of pyrotechnic tests of scrap ferrous metals;
  • information about the absence of radiation hazard;
  • admission to subsequent processing;
  • data on the compliance of material preparation with GOST requirements.

What other records are required?

The accounting book also contains records of the receipt of metal or a car. The following data is entered into it:

  • date of receipt of material;
  • number of the drawn up act;
  • Deliverer data - passport series and number, coordinates, telephone number;
  • weight of the received batch;
  • control measurement data;
  • amount of remuneration;
  • signature.

The form is signed in two copies. One remains with the receiver, the other is given to the deliverer.

The acceptance certificate is not an independent document, but serves as a special annex to any main agreement. It is issued after the contractor fulfills the obligations specified in the contract. The act can be drawn up on carrying out services, manufacturing of any product or carrying out work.

Who draws up the acceptance certificate

Any employee of the contracting organization can directly prepare the document: secretary, lawyer, boss or manager of any department. After execution, the document must be submitted to the manager for signature, since without his autograph the act loses legal force.

In the same way, the act must be signed by the customer. Printing is not required, but recommended. If you have it in stock, install it, of course.

Basic rules for drawing up a deed

  • The act is not unified. You can use your imagination when composing it (within reason, of course).
  • Standard format - A4. If your company has developed a letterhead that differs from this format, it’s okay, draw up the document on it.
  • The document is prepared in two copies - one for each of the interested parties.

The document must necessarily indicate the companies between which the act is being drawn up, data on the main contract, information on work performed, services provided or products manufactured. Here it is necessary to record the presence or absence of claims from the customer to the contractor. If there are any comments, they must be included in the acceptance certificate as separate paragraphs.

It should be borne in mind that the customer, who has identified any deficiencies, has the right to demand a reduction in the cost of the work, services or goods performed, and he can also independently eliminate the defects found at the expense of the contractor (but only if this is provided for in the contract).

After eliminating the found shortcomings, it is necessary to create a new acceptance certificate certifying the absence of claims and comments.

If the customer refuses acceptance, a unilateral act should be sent to his address (this possibility is prescribed by law).

Instructions for drawing up the acceptance certificate

From the point of view of office work, this act has a standard form and should not cause great difficulties when writing.

  • First, the name of the document is indicated with a succinct designation of its essence.
  • In the line below, fill in the locality in which the contracting company issuing the act is registered, as well as the date of its execution: day, month (in words), year.
  • Then the act includes information about the main document to which it is an appendix (date and number of the agreement), after which the names of the organizations between which it was concluded are entered. First, the name of the contractor enterprise is indicated, indicating its organizational and legal status (IE, LLC, OJSC, CJSC), as well as the position of the responsible person (for example, Director, General Director or another employee authorized to sign such documents), his last name, Name Patronymic name.
  • Next, information regarding the customer is entered in the same way.
  • After entering data about enterprises, you must enter the types of work performed, specified services or manufactured goods, then certify in a separate paragraph that their quality meets the requirements of standards and norms (if any) established by law.
  • In the next paragraph, you need to indicate the invoice number issued by the contractor, the amount that the customer must pay after signing the acceptance certificate, and also record the obligation to pay.
  • The last paragraph of the document states that the work performed was checked and the customer has no complaints. Otherwise, you should add another paragraph in which you need to describe in detail the identified deficiencies, as well as indicate the deadlines and procedure for eliminating them.
  • Finally, at the bottom of the document, you must again indicate the name of the party organizations between which the act is signed.
  • Well, at the very end, the document must be certified by the signatures of company managers or persons authorized to carry out this procedure. By agreement of the parties, the deed can be certified with seals.

After signing the acceptance certificate

Once the document is signed by both parties, it acquires evidentiary weight. In the future, all claims from the customer to the contractor can only be considered in court.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 11, 2001 N 369 “On approval of the Rules for the management of scrap and waste of ferrous metals and their alienation” (with amendments and additions)

"On approval of the Rules for the management of scrap and waste of ferrous metals and their alienation"

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste”, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the handling of scrap and waste of ferrous metals and their disposal.

Information about changes:

2. Establish that control over compliance with these Rules is carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation within their competence.

3. The federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation should bring their regulations into conformity with these Rules.

treatment of scrap and waste of ferrous metals and their disposal

With changes and additions from:

I. General provisions

1. These Rules determine the procedure for handling (reception, accounting, storage, transportation) and disposal of scrap and waste ferrous metals on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. Individuals carry out the alienation of scrap and waste of ferrous metals, indicating the basis for the emergence of ownership rights to such scrap and waste.

3. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs handle scrap and waste of ferrous metals generated by them in the process of production and consumption or acquired by them, and their alienation if there are documents confirming their ownership of the said scrap and waste.

II. Requirements for organizing the reception of scrap and waste ferrous metals

4. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs receiving scrap and waste of ferrous metals must ensure that the following information is available at each site for receiving said scrap and waste in a place accessible for viewing:

a) the name of a legal entity or the last name, first name, patronymic of an individual entrepreneur, their telephone numbers;

b) for legal entities - information about the person responsible for receiving scrap and ferrous metal waste;

c) work schedule;

d) conditions of acceptance and prices for scrap and waste of ferrous metals.

Information about changes:

5. At facilities for the reception of scrap and ferrous metal waste, in addition to the information specified in paragraph 4 of these Rules, the following documentation must be located and presented at the request of regulatory authorities:

a) a license obtained in accordance with the Regulations on licensing activities for the procurement, processing and sale of scrap ferrous metals, or a copy thereof certified by the licensing authority that issued the license;

b) a notarized copy of a document confirming the fact of making an entry about a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, or a certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur who accepts scrap and ferrous metal waste;

c) documents for existing equipment and devices, as well as documents on their verification and testing;

d) instructions on the procedure for conducting radiation monitoring of scrap and waste ferrous metals and checking them for explosion safety;

e) instructions on the procedure for detecting radioactive scrap and ferrous metal waste;

f) instructions on the procedure for detecting explosive objects.

III. The procedure for receiving and recording scrap and waste ferrous metals

6. Reception of scrap and waste of ferrous metals is carried out according to net weight, defined as the difference between the gross weight and the weight of the vehicle, container and contamination.

7. Acceptance of scrap and ferrous metal waste is carried out upon presentation of an identification document by the person delivering the scrap. In the case of delivery of scrap and waste of ferrous metals that do not belong to the person handing over this scrap and waste, in addition to an identity document, it is necessary to present an appropriate power of attorney from the owner of the said scrap and waste.

8. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs accepting scrap and waste of ferrous metals are obliged to ensure, in the prescribed manner, that radiation monitoring is carried out and that each batch of said scrap and waste is inspected for explosion safety.


See Guidelines MUK “Radiation monitoring of scrap metal”, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on January 4, 2002.

Control is carried out by persons who have undergone appropriate training and certification.

Information about changes:

8.1. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs accepting scrap and waste of ferrous metals are required to provide:

a) the presence of a minimum staff of the following employees with the appropriate qualifications with whom employment contracts have been concluded:

inspector of scrap and metal waste, 2nd category - at each site for the reception of scrap and waste of ferrous metals;

1st category scrap and metal waste compactor - at least at one of the facilities for receiving scrap and ferrous metal waste within the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

b) the presence of ferrous metal scrap and waste at each facility:

the person responsible for conducting radiation monitoring of scrap and ferrous metal waste;

the person responsible for monitoring scrap and ferrous metal waste for explosion safety;

c) the presence at each facility for the reception of scrap and waste of ferrous metals of a platform with a hard (asphalt, concrete) coating intended for the storage of scrap and waste of ferrous metals, as well as equipment for conducting radiation monitoring of scrap and waste of ferrous metals in accordance with established requirements;

d) the presence of at least one of the facilities for the reception of scrap and waste of ferrous metals within the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation:

a press for baling scrap ferrous metals (with a pressing force of at least 2500 kN), or a shear press (with a cutting force of at least 3000 kN), or an installation for crushing and sorting lightweight scrap (with a drive power of at least 495 kW);

equipment for sorting or grinding chips.

9. Accounting for scrap and waste of ferrous metals is maintained by a person appointed by the head of the legal entity that accepts the said scrap and waste, or by an individual entrepreneur.

10. Reception of scrap and waste of ferrous metals is carried out with the mandatory preparation of an acceptance certificate for each batch of scrap and waste in the form according to Appendix No. 1.

The acceptance certificate is drawn up in 2 copies (one is handed over to the person delivering the scrap and waste of ferrous metals, the second remains with the person carrying out the acceptance).

These acts are documents of strict accountability and must have continuous numbering.

Information about changes:

11. Acceptance acts are registered in the book of registration of acceptance acts (hereinafter referred to as the book of accounting).

The pages of the accounting book must be numbered and laced. On the reverse side of the last sheet the following is written:

“This ledger book has ___ pages numbered and bound together.” The record is certified by the signatures of the head and chief accountant of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) receiving scrap and ferrous metal waste, and a seal (if there is a seal).

12. On the first page the accounting book should contain:

a) name "Book of registration of acceptance certificates";

b) name and location of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) receiving scrap and ferrous metal waste;

c) the entry “Started” indicating the date of making the first entry in the accounting book about the acceptance of scrap and waste of ferrous metals;

d) the entry “Completed” indicating the date of entry into the accounting book of the last entry on the acceptance of scrap and waste of ferrous metals;

e) the entry “The person responsible for maintaining this accounting book” indicating the position, surname, name, patronymic of this person, his signature and date.

13. For each case of acceptance of scrap and waste of ferrous metals, the following information is entered into the accounting book:

a) registration number of the acceptance certificate;

b) date of acceptance of scrap and ferrous metal waste;

c) information about the person delivering scrap and waste:

when receiving from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - name and location;

when receiving from individuals - last name, first name, patronymic, place of permanent residence, details of an identity document;

d) details of the waybill (for a legal entity and individual entrepreneur);

e) type of accepted scrap and waste ferrous metals;

f) data on testing scrap and waste of ferrous metals for explosion safety and on radiation monitoring with the signature of the persons who carried out the testing (control);

g) percentage of contamination of accepted scrap and ferrous metal waste;

h) weight of accepted scrap and waste ferrous metals;

i) signature of the person who made the entry in the book.

14. The accounting book and acceptance certificates must be stored at the facility for the reception of scrap and waste of ferrous metals for 1 year from the date of the last entry on the acceptance of scrap and waste of ferrous metals.

15. Payment for accepted scrap and ferrous metal waste is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. Selection (extraction) of associated scrap and non-ferrous metal waste during the processing of scrap and ferrous metal waste is carried out by a legal entity and individual entrepreneur processing scrap and ferrous metal waste.

When selecting (extracting) associated scrap and non-ferrous metal waste, an act is drawn up in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

Accompanying scrap and non-ferrous metal waste selected (extracted) from scrap and waste of ferrous metals can be alienated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

IV. The procedure for accounting for alienated scrap and waste of ferrous metals

17. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs accepting scrap and waste of ferrous metals must organize accounting of alienated scrap and waste.

18. Each shipment of alienated scrap and ferrous metal waste must be registered in the register of shipped scrap and ferrous metal waste, which indicates:

a) name and details of the consignee;

b) car number, state registration plate of a car or other vehicle (depending on the type of transport);

c) date of shipment;

d) type of scrap and waste of ferrous metals;

e) the weight of the consignment transported by the vehicle;

e) number of the waybill.

19. Entries in the register of shipped scrap and ferrous metal waste are made on the basis of primary accounting documents.

V. Documents required when transporting scrap and waste ferrous metals

20. When transporting scrap and waste ferrous metals, the carrier organization (transport organization or legal entity and individual entrepreneur carrying out transportation using their own transport) and the shipper must provide the driver of the vehicle or the person accompanying the cargo with the following documents:

a) when transporting scrap and ferrous metal waste by a transport organization:

certificate of explosion safety of scrap and waste of ferrous metals in the form according to Appendix No. 3;

b) when transporting by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs scrap and waste of ferrous metals, the acceptance of which is carried out in accordance with these Rules, or scrap and waste of ferrous metals processed and prepared for use, or scrap and waste of ferrous metals generated by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the process of production and consumption:

waybill (except for individual entrepreneurs);


By the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of April 14, 2003 N GKPI03-151, paragraph 3 of subparagraph “b” of paragraph 20 of these Rules was declared invalid in terms of the words: “notarized” from the date the court decision entered into legal force

transport invoice and notarized copies of documents confirming ownership of transported scrap and waste of ferrous metals;

certificate of explosion safety of scrap and waste of ferrous metals in the form provided for in Appendix No. 3 to these Rules.

21. The bill of lading shall indicate:

b) name and details of the shipper;

c) name and details of the consignee;

d) car number, state registration plate of a car or other vehicle (depending on the type of transport);

e) date of shipment;

f) type of scrap and waste of ferrous metals;

g) the weight of the consignment transported by the vehicle.

VI. Responsibility for violation of these Rules

22. Violation of these Rules entails liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


See this form in MS-Excel editor

with scrap and black waste

metals and their alienation

with scrap and black waste

metals and their alienation

Information about changes:

with scrap and black waste

metals and their alienation

Note. The stamp is affixed if available.

The procedure for handling (reception, accounting, storage, transportation) and disposal of scrap and ferrous metal waste on the territory of the Russian Federation is determined. It is established that individuals carry out alienation indicating the basis for the emergence of ownership rights to such scrap and waste. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs handle scrap and waste generated in the process of production and consumption or acquired by them, and their alienation only if they have documents confirming their ownership.

The requirements for organizing the reception of scrap and waste, the procedure for reception and accounting are established, and the documents required for their transportation are also listed.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 11, 2001 N 369 "On approval of the Rules for the management of scrap and waste of ferrous metals and their alienation"

By the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of April 14, 2003 N GKPI 03-151 paragraph 3 of subparagraph “b” of paragraph 20 of these Rules was declared invalid in terms of the words: “notarized” from the date the court decision entered into legal force

This document is amended by the following documents:

The changes come into force 7 days after the official publication of the said resolution

The changes come into force 7 days after the official publication of the said resolution

Acceptance certificate

When accepting metal, the organization is guided by a certain sequence set out in the form of rules and guidelines and filling out the acceptance certificate and other documents. These rules are the same for accepting non-ferrous metal from the population or legal entities.

When accepting scrap, the weight of the metal is determined as the difference between the total mass and weight of the transport and the container in which the scrap metal is placed, and a contamination factor is applied.

Submission procedure and required documents

The reception sequence itself looks like this.

  1. First, the degree of radioactive contamination is determined or its absence is recorded. This operation is carried out by a full-time dosimetrist in accordance with the recommendations adopted by the organization. He also carries out pyrotechnic control to exclude the presence of explosive substances in the scrap.
  2. The batch of metal is weighed and its nominal weight is determined. The calculation of the remuneration for the person who handed over the scrap is based on the current price list.
  3. The scrap dealer draws up a statement, which is attached to the rest of the documents.
  4. The receiver fills out the following documents:
  • withdrawal slip;
  • acceptance certificate form;
  • book on registration of acts.

The book contains information:

  • act number;
  • date of receipt;
  • details of the person delivering the metal, including his passport details, address, telephone number;
  • batch weight;
  • the amount of remuneration paid;
  • results of control measurements;
  • painting of a scrap metal dealer.

The deliverer receives a cash receipt and money, as well as a copy of the drawn up act.

The resulting non-ferrous scrap is delivered to a warehouse for storage and further processing.

We provide each form with examples of how to fill it out and design rules. The information on the site is constantly updated and if you have not found the form you need, it will definitely appear in the future.

Scrap metal write-off act

Scrap metal write-off act. You can download an example and sample below.

The current accounting legislation allowed transactions to be formalized using document forms independently developed by the enterprise. This rule also applies to the circulation of scrap metal. However scrap metal acceptance certificate must be compiled in a mandatory manner in the form approved by the Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation regulating the circulation of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal. However, this form does not cancel the right for the enterprise to use its own sample documents.

Non-ferrous scrap and waste: scrap metal acceptance certificate

First of all, non-ferrous scrap can be accepted from citizens if it:

  • is their property;
  • obtained from household products made of or containing non-ferrous metal;
  • is indicated in the list of non-ferrous metal waste approved by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that is allowed to be accepted by ordinary citizens.

The absence of one of the conditions entails a violation of the law.

As for the delivery of non-ferrous scrap metal to companies and entrepreneurs, it is sufficient for them to have documents establishing ownership of this scrap.

But regardless of who the scrap metal seller is, his acceptor must complete act of acceptance of transfer of non-ferrous metal scrap. This scrap metal acceptance certificate approved by the Government of the Russian Federation by Resolution No. 370 of May 11, 2001. It contains, in addition to general details (number, date, name of the scrap dealer and his Taxpayer Identification Number, and other data), the following entries:

  • about checking the scrap by a pyrotechnician;
  • on recognition of scrap as explosion-proof and neutralized (see control of scrap metal for explosion safety);
  • on the admission of scrap metal to melting and processing.

Moreover, all these checks are carried out directly at the scrap acceptor!

Specified act of receipt of scrap metal compiled for each batch of accepted scrap and in two copies:

  • 1 copy of the act is handed over to the scrap dealer;
  • 2nd - remains with his receiver.

In addition, this act relates to strict reporting and is subject to mandatory registration in the Book of Acceptance and Delivery Acts.

However, you should know that acceptance certificate of scrap ferrous metals- This is a separate document, the form of which is approved by another Government Decree and is also mandatory for use. In other words, when accepting non-ferrous and ferrous scrap metal, they will have to be processed in different standardized forms.

Scrap act of ferrous metals

Specified certificate for scrap metal, sample which is given in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 369 of May 11, 2001, is a mandatory document when registering the receipt of ferrous scrap. For accounting purposes, you can draw up any other documents, but in addition to this act, the presence of which means compliance with licensing requirements for activities.

The scrap metal acceptance certificate is shown in the photo as an example of the most common form.

Documents on acceptance of ferrous scrap metal are drawn up for each batch. Those. scrap metal delivery is issued separately act a unified form for each such receipt, and separately for each deliverer. This act, as well as for the acceptance of non-ferrous scrap metal, reflects the following information:

  • about checking scrap metal by a pyrotechnician;
  • about the absence of radiation and explosion danger;
  • about the possibility of further processing of scrap;
  • and on the compliance of its preparation with GOSTs.

Certificate of receipt of scrap metal, sample which is filled out in 2 copies. for each of the parties to the transaction, is a strict reporting form and is subject to accounting in a separate Book of Acts.

To accept ferrous scrap from individuals, it is enough for them to indicate in the act the basis for their ownership of this scrap, and organizations and entrepreneurs have the opportunity to sell scrap metal only if they have documents confirming their ownership of this scrap.

It is worth noting that scrap metal delivery certificate, sample which is compiled for a colored house, must be supplemented by a statement from the party handing over the scrap. This statement is stored along with the documents for at least 5 years. This application is not required for acceptance of ferrous scrap. But when accepting any type of scrap metal, a document is required to verify the identity of the scrap dealer.

Acceptance certificate

Reception of secondary raw materials (ferrous or non-ferrous metals) is carried out according to a certain order. It is regulated by methodological recommendations and accounting rules. Among other things, the acceptance certificate is filled out. The sample has a unified form; you can download it at the end of the article.

How admission is registered

Accounting for received scrap or vehicle is carried out in the following stages.

  1. The presence of radioactive contamination or the presence of explosive substances is checked. These works are entrusted to a full-time dosimetrist.
  2. The weight of the incoming batch is determined. Remuneration is calculated in accordance with established rates.
  3. An application is drawn up and signed.
  4. The accounting book is replenished with relevant notes, the receiver fills out an expenditure order and an acceptance certificate.

What's included in the content

The certificate for non-ferrous metal with the results of acceptance tests can be downloaded at the end of the article. It contains the following information:

  • details of the person who provided the materials (company name or full name, tax identification number) and other details;
  • results of pyrotechnic tests;
  • information on recognition of the explosion safety of scrap;
  • approval for processing.

When receiving ferrous metals from a vehicle, a different sample form is filled out, which can be downloaded below. Its use is approved at the legislative level. Reception is issued separately for each batch and deliverer. Similar information is provided there:

  • results of pyrotechnic tests of scrap ferrous metals;
  • information about the absence of radiation hazard;
  • admission to subsequent processing;
  • data on the compliance of material preparation with GOST requirements.

What other records are required?

The accounting book also contains records of the receipt of metal or a car. The following data is entered into it:

  • date of receipt of material;
  • number of the drawn up act;
  • Deliverer data - passport series and number, coordinates, telephone number;
  • weight of the received batch;
  • control measurement data;
  • amount of remuneration;
  • signature.

The form is signed in two copies. One remains with the receiver, the other is given to the deliverer.

The acceptance certificate is drawn up as an integral annex to the relevant contract (for example, on the supply of goods). Without the main document, the act has no legal force, so it is stored together with the agreement. The main purpose of the act is to reflect the fact of transfer of goods or services provided, as well as the absence of any claims from the parties to each other. A sample and rules for drawing up an act can be found below.

Legal significance of the acceptance certificate

Before delivering goods or performing any services, the parties draw up a written agreement, which specifies all the basic conditions of their cooperation. However, the agreement reveals only the rules of interaction and does not reflect the very fact of fulfillment of obligations. For these tasks, an acceptance certificate is drawn up, which performs the following functions:

  • reflects a specific fact (date, place, full names of persons) of the fulfillment of the obligation of one party to the other - this can be the transfer of goods, other valuables, or the performance of an intangible service, certain work;
  • records the fact that the parties have no claims against each other regarding quality, quantity, and deadlines for fulfilling the obligation;
  • contains a complete list of goods supplied, other valuables or a description of specific services that were performed in accordance with the contract;
  • The document can also indicate the amount that the customer undertakes to transfer to the contractor in accordance with the terms of the contract (form, term, payment procedure).

The form of the act is free, since specific requirements for this document are not specified in the legislation. The act is developed directly by the director or his deputy. This document can also be created by an accountant, legal adviser, warehouse manager and other employees. However, only the director can approve the form - he must put the appropriate visa on the document.

Sample and rules for drawing up an acceptance certificate

When drawing up an act, a company can use its own template. The document must be drawn up in at least 2 original copies - one remains with the transmitting party, the other with the receiving party. Each copy is signed by the responsible persons, stamped if necessary. The document must reflect the following information:

  1. Date and place of compilation.
  2. A reference to the agreement, to which the act is an annex. Indicate the name, date of the agreement, the parties who entered into it (names of companies and entities acting on their behalf - full name and position).
  3. Description of the scope and list of work performed and/or goods supplied.
  4. Description of the obligation for the customer to pay for the services of the contractor - amount, account number, procedure and terms of transfer.
  5. A statement that the work was completed on time and in full, all agreed requirements were met, and therefore the receiving party does not have any claims against the contractor.
  6. Mark “Passed/Accepted” – date, position, signature, transcript of signature (last name, initials), seal.

When drawing up an acceptance certificate, you should focus on the sample:

If the list of goods supplied is quite large, it is included in a separate appendix, which is referred to in the text of the act. The list contains the name of the product in accordance with the nomenclature, its quantity, technical parameters or other essential characteristics.

Who signs the act

The signing of the act is carried out by employees who are directly responsible for the transfer of goods or acceptance of work or services provided, assessment of its compliance with the stated requirements for quality and deadlines. These could be forwarders, the contractor himself, the manager himself, his deputy, an accountant, etc.

If the receiving party signs the document, it confirms that it has no complaints about the quality of work or the quantity of goods delivered. Accordingly, all further disagreements can only be resolved in court. However, if they wish, the parties can try to resolve the relationship without going to court, although they are not obliged to do so.