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Eight swords of the tarot. Arcana Eight of Swords: Meaning and Description

Description of the lasso:

Guilt is one of the most destructive feelings that can overwhelm us. If we have harmed someone or acted against ourselves, then of course we feel bad. But if you allow guilt to overwhelm you, you will create a headache for yourself. Eventually we will be surrounded by clouds of self-doubt and feelings of worthlessness and will not be able to see the beauty and joy that life tries to offer us.

Direct position of the Eight of Clouds - Guilt card:

We all want to be better people - more loving, more aware, more honest with ourselves. But when we punish ourselves for our mistakes with guilt, we find ourselves in a vicious circle of despair and hopelessness that prevents us from seeing ourselves and the situation clearly. You are completely normal the way you are, and it is completely natural to be confused from time to time. Just learn from this. move on and learn from it so you don't make the same mistake again.

Meaning of the card:

This moment!...here and now...you forget about it when you start thinking in terms of achievement. When the achieving mind appears, you lose contact with the heaven in which you are. This is one of the most liberating approaches: it liberates right now! Forget all about sin and forget all about holiness: both are stupid. They have destroyed all the joys of humanity. The sinner feels guilty, which means his joy is lost. How can you enjoy life if you constantly feel guilty, if you constantly go to church to repent of your sins? Sins, sins and sins... your whole life, it seems. consists of sins. How can you live joyfully? You can't enjoy life. You become heavy, burdened. Guilt falls like a stone on your chest, it crushes you; she doesn't let you dance. How can you dance? How can a guilty person dance? How can a guilty person sing? How can a guilty person love? How can a guilty person live? Therefore, a person who feels that he is doing something wrong, is burdened with guilt, is dead before death. He has already entered the grave.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

The 8 Swords Tarot card has a very multifaceted meaning. It is impossible to immediately say what this minor arcana promises to the fortuneteller. Therefore, we will try to figure out in which scenarios the card predicts happiness, and in which it promises trouble.

You should take a break and postpone the planned breakthrough in business to a more favorable time. If you take decisive action now, you will lose a lot. If you wait, you will win, and at the same time you will get rid of accumulated fears.

8 of Swords Tarot Card - Meaning in Relationships

It is very simple to interpret the meaning of the Eight of Swords in relationship scenarios. They may be as follows:

  • The inclusion of our card in the layout indicates that you have overestimated the importance of your partner, are hiding your shortcomings and are pretending, just so as not to lose the relationship. You are driven by fear - not the best soil for love. Sooner or later, the mask of the “ideal person” will have to be removed, and complete disappointment will set in
  • Fitting in is also dangerous because you are not showing your true self. The hidden part of your personality does not receive your partner's attention, so you will definitely suffer
  • Advice from the 8 of Swords card: throw off these shackles, show your true self, and you will feel great relief. You won’t have to pretend and please, you will become an independent person and eventually reveal your best features to the fullest.

If you don't have a soulmate yet, it means you're not ready for a relationship yet. Therefore, you should not rush to arrange your personal life. First you need to understand - why do you need the other half? What pros and cons of the union do you see and imagine? You also need to learn to open up to people of the opposite sex and trust them more.

Single people should also create more situations for themselves in which they can meet their chosen one. Be in public more often, look for new hobbies - and then love will not keep you waiting long.

Combination with other Tarot cards

In combination with other cards in the deck, the Eight of Swords can tell a lot. Here are the most popular predictions:

  1. Combination with 2 Cups - you are burdened by the responsibility that was imposed on you. Get rid of this burden and don't feel guilty. You don't owe anything to anyone and you can't please everyone.
  2. The Union of 8 Swords and 3 Cups warns: be careful with alcohol. There are all the prerequisites for becoming addicted. You probably have too much free time, which you spend on entertainment rather than on useful things.
  3. The combination with the 6 of Cups suggests that you are too mired in memories. Let go of the past, live for today - only then the future promises to be happy
  4. The Eight of Swords with the Four of Staves indicates that you limit yourself to rigid boundaries, which seriously burdens you. Try to find opportunities for a more free schedule of life
  5. In combination with the Five of Staves, the Eight promises a quarrel with a loved one. Your comfort zone will be violated, you will have to devote all your efforts to resolving the conflict
  6. The Eight and Two of Swords indicate that you are an extremely impressionable and emotional person. But your emotions do not find a way out, which is bad. Try to think less about the opinions of others, do what you like

Watch the video about the meaning of the Eight of Swords card:

In most readings, the Eight of Swords indicates frameworks that need to be destroyed. As long as there are limitations and boundaries in your head, you will not be able to move forward in any area of ​​life.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

The fortuneteller lacks stability and is constantly tormented by doubts.


Partners are dependent on each other.


Diseases will appear that require regular medication. The card may also portend an exacerbation of chronic pathologies.


A period of stagnation begins. The income will be small. The card can also indicate losses.

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✚ For the future

The map is also a source of negative information. She is trying to warn that a person will face big troubles, conflicts, or even condemnation from other people. Prepare yourself mentally for the harsh criticism that will definitely come your way. A turning point will come in your relationship with your loved one, which is usually called a crisis. However, this moment is not the end of relationships or love between people, you just need to find the strength to wait out some difficult times that have come. The onset of illness is possible, so watch your health.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

A person who receives this card when fortune-telling a relationship is not yet ready to accept a new person into his life. In order for love to come into a person’s life, you need to be prepared to open up and show yourself to the real one, otherwise new relationships will not have the basis for building. The same goes for the person who is in a relationship, you need to trust your partner, otherwise you will distance yourself from each other. You may think that some aspects of your personality might turn people off, but in reality it's only your closed behavior that turns them off.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Obstacles, a confusing situation, inconstancy, captivity of one’s own beliefs and various doubts. Conflicts at work or its complete absence, which confuses the fortuneteller; often the card promises a lawsuit due to dishonest earnings. Poor health, resulting in unpleasant sensations; weakness due to illness; inability to even leave the house. Crisis in relationships and unequal relationships; fear of sexual intimacy and serious intentions of a partner. You are a very indecisive, self-limiting person. Try to get rid of your own fears!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

Impermanence, a constantly changing situation. Internal tension, a state close to depression, a constant feeling of fear and inability to adapt to a rapidly changing situation.

Tomorrow brings many fears to the questioner. Fears mainly concern retribution and punishment. A person feels guilty for something, and therefore experiences tension, cannot let go of the situation and live in peace.

In the professional sphere, the card threatens with all sorts of penalties and reprimands.

It may also indicate the onset of illness.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

You love your partner very much, but you are constantly trying not to make a mistake because you are so afraid of losing him. Remember that only a real face can attract a person and give real sincere feelings, which are so few in the twenty-first century. Your complexes will not allow you to maintain this love for a long time, so start with yourself. Try working with a psychologist who, in a few sessions, can help you cope with the problem that is preventing you from moving on.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

The realization of your desire will begin soon. However, it will not go at all according to the plan that is envisaged. At such moments you will have to sacrifice your hopes and nerves, and sometimes even time. Don’t blame anyone around you, much less fate, for these failures. After all, the main reason for bad luck is you yourself. Try to focus more on the activity. Take care of your nerves and don’t worry about trifles, otherwise you will create many new and unnecessary problems for yourself.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Troubles and losses in the recent past led to the decision to limit oneself. A desperate situation. Strong inner feelings. Voluntary renunciation of life priorities on the path to overcoming problems has a beneficial effect on the situation. Only internal blocks and beliefs stand in the way. The exit is very close.

In the negative case, it is impossible to change anything. Everything doesn't work out the way it should. The most negative scenarios are likely. This is an omen of troubles and losses. Prepare for the worst in advance. Reconsider your beliefs.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The Eight of Swords clearly indicates that partners have problems in their relationship. This could be: a discrepancy between requests and what is received, deceit, inconsistency of characters and much, much more. Relationships, as they say, hang by a thread. You can try to save them anyway, but will life in a mask be good for you?

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

The person is at a loss - he feels insecure and helpless. But these are just illusions.

Your fears are unfounded. It's time to start moving forward, throwing away doubts, illusions and fears. Nothing limits you now. Be bolder and more optimistic, fate is on your side.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

Instability in a relationship is exhausting for both of you. Think carefully, maybe the man you are holding on to is just saving you from the fear of loneliness. Such relationships are extremely destructive, since you are not ready to build a future. Almost always, this card indicates the suffering that you cause to your chosen one with your limited perception of the situation.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For treason

This Tarot card is an indicator of obstacles and unnecessary anxiety. You can't relax and be yourself in this relationship. The situation is becoming more and more tense for you because you cannot relax and enjoy this relationship.

In such a situation, the 8 of Swords card warns that it is time to show your true face, especially since your real personality is no worse than the illusion that you yourself have come up with.

A full description of the map is available at

The meaning of the eight of swords in the upright position

Difficult situation, unknown future. A very serious crisis that you cannot control. It is recommended to seek outside help; you most likely cannot cope with this on your own.

  • foreign influence that interferes with the execution of plans, opposition, conflicts, gossip, slander, bad news, illness
  • crisis, indecision, lack of freedom, fear
  • frustration, limitations, collapse of illusions

The main indicator of the Eight of Swords tarot card is blocked energy. The client may be presented with a number of exciting opportunities and ideas, but forces beyond his control will limit his choices and actions. Failure of plans can lead to fear and loss of faith in the possibility of achieving a goal. The best thing for the Client in this case is to come to terms with the delays and patiently wait for the situation to change.

Eight of Swords means illness, injury. Bad news, crisis in your relationship, conflict. Possible loss. However, the situation is temporary and you can avoid or prevent it. Stand up for yourself.

The meaning of the Eight of Swords in reversed position

Breaking up with a loved one. A serious obstacle, isolation. You have to believe in yourself and start sorting out this pile of problems. Otherwise, she will cover you completely.

  • unexpected event, unforeseen situation, accident, obstacle, delay
  • isolation, feeling trapped

The Eight of Swords tarot card reversed speaks of a greater sense of entrapment and pessimism caused by isolation from family and friends as a result of an argument. The client urgently needs to break out of this vicious circle and deal directly with the problems besetting him.

The reversed Eight of Swords means betrayal or confrontation, usually unexpected or from an unexpected side. Uncertainty.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

Another negative and dangerous card. This time you are alerted to major and possibly unexpected disasters such as illness or injury. You may receive bad news or experience loss. You still have enemies, and they are still trying to defeat you. False friends can become your enemies.

The only advantage of the Eight of Swords tarot card is that the problems are temporary and you can completely avoid them with proper precautions. This is a warning that things may go wrong; If you look back in time, the warning may remain just a warning, but not a fact that has come true. Check your affairs and personal relationships thoroughly and immediately.

Today we will talk about one of the not particularly pleasant Arcana of the magic deck, the image of which speaks for itself. This is the 8 Swords of the Tarot, the meaning of which will always be associated with some difficulties, restrictions, and obstacles. But you shouldn’t be afraid of this card, because, as you know, any, even the most negative, Arcana of the Tarot can be successfully overcome if you pull yourself together in time and think about how to find a way out of a difficult situation.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

As usual, we begin our journey through the symbolic field of the map by examining the corresponding image. In this card in the Rider-Waite Tarot we see a tied up girl standing surrounded by swords stuck in the ground. A bandage covers her eyes. We can say that the traditional meaning of the Eight of Swords Tarot will be associated with a situation where a person does not see a way out. On the one hand, the girl’s legs are free - she can move freely, but on the other hand, the blindfold prevents her from seeing what is around her, and the shackles on her hands do not allow her to “feel” the situation. The picture is very telling, don’t you agree? This is a situation of restrictions, doubts, and a predicament in which the heroine of Arcana finds herself.

Key ideas and words of the card in the layout

So, let's think about how we can present the meaning of the Eight of Swords Tarot card in the form of key phrases with which we can describe the prediction of this Arcana.
And we will get approximately the following list:

  • Anxiety
  • Obstacles, interference
  • Limitation
  • State of helplessness
  • A confusing, difficult situation from which there is no way out
  • Deprivation of liberty
  • Victim's position

Meaning of the card in the upright position

If this card appears in a layout, it is unlikely that anyone will be happy. This numerical Arcana belongs to the negative category, so, unfortunately, there is no need to talk about any positive life changes when it appears. So, the meaning of the 8 Swords of the Tarot will be, first of all, various difficulties, barriers and obstacles that stand in the way of a person towards his goal. The person who received this card is clearly in a confused position, feels the restriction of his own freedom and does not see where the exit is. Remembering the girl’s legs on the map, not tied with ropes, one can assume that, of course, there is a way out, and one can really come to it, but the fear of taking a step into the void in most cases is still decisive.
Usually, this card contains obstacles and obstacles in any area of ​​life: such unpleasant phenomena as blackmail, condemnation, criticism, bullying, as well as deprivation of freedom in the literal or figurative sense (at the internal level). Sometimes the limitation turns out to be a consequence of mistakes we ourselves have made, when we voluntarily put ourselves at the mercy of another person or circumstances. But still, as you can see, there is very little good in the meaning of the Eight Swords of the Tarot.

The meaning of the card in an inverted position

Will the interpretation of the card change if it is turned upside down? There is disagreement among tarot readers on this matter. Some argue that in the reverse position, the card acquires a positive semantic connotation - a person has freedom of action if he shows enterprise and ingenuity. Others are inclined to the point of view that the meaning of the inverted Eight of Swords Tarot remains the same as that of the upright card, but the situation takes place not in the present time, but in the person’s past.

Video: meaning of the 8 Swords Tarot

The meaning of the card in layouts for love and relationships

Now let's talk about the significance of the 8 Swords of the Tarot in a relationship.

Straight position

The upright position of the card clearly shows the crisis in the life of the couple. The relationship itself hangs by a thread: one wrong step, and the lovers will run away forever. Traditional meanings of the Eight of Swords Tarot in love: the inability to take a step without the approval or permission of a partner, inconsistency of actions or needs, a situation where one person feels like a hostage, unequal relationships, insoluble problems, a feeling of helplessness. However, sometimes Arkan can say that a person cannot open his eyes and take a sober look at what is happening to him. Also, the 8 of Swords is sometimes interpreted as sexual inhibition, fear of intimacy or serious relationships.

Inverted position

The reverse meaning of the Eight of Swords Tarot in a relationship depends on the opinion of the tarot reader. As we have already said, some perceive this card as direct, but it took place in the past, while others argue that there will still be a loophole out of a hopeless situation, and a person will be able to get out of this delicate or unpleasant situation.

The meaning of the card in health layouts

The appearance of this card when divining questions about a person’s well-being is not very pleasant.

Straight position

The Direct Arcana reports a situation where illness binds the questioner hand and foot. Often the card speaks of being in a hospital bed, the inability to leave the house due to poor health, an unpleasant feeling of weakness, and fear of returning to the usual rhythm of life. However, as a rule, such restrictions are still temporary. Sometimes Arcan indicates an unwanted pregnancy or physical injury that requires dressing.

Inverted position

The disease that confined a person to bed is a thing of the past, or the person is currently struggling with it with all his might. In any case, the forecast will be encouraging.

The meaning of the card in layouts for psychological state and personality analysis

What kind of person will be if we describe him with this map? What will happen in his inner world? Let's get a look!

Straight position

This is clearly a self-limiting person. It can also be a driven person who cannot take a single step without the approval of others. The card is also a symbol of indecision, internal fears, barriers to communication, mental illness and energy blocks.

Inverted position

The meaning of the inverted Eight of Swords Tarot will speak of overcoming internal barriers, resourcefulness and enterprise that helps lead a normal lifestyle, and the removal of “rose-colored glasses.” The character of the person who received this card is strong, because he manages to find a way out of difficult, at first glance completely hopeless, situations.

The meaning of the card in fortune telling for work, finances

It is clear that in the professional sphere this gloomy card cannot bring positive changes. But let's not despair in advance and see what she can tell us.

Straight position

The meaning of the 8 Swords Tarot is direct, if we ask a question about professional activity, this is a situation when serious obstacles arise along the way. It’s difficult to say exactly what exactly they will be connected with - you need to consider these nuances individually. Perhaps it’s a matter of internal fears, self-doubt, or maybe it’s the system itself, in which a person is not allowed to take a step on his own (a picky boss, a huge number of rules, poor organization). Most often, conflicts, altercations, and insults always come under this Arcanum. It could also be work or the lack thereof, which ties a person hand and foot. It is also important to note that the card often symbolizes court or prison, especially if the alignment is related to issues of dishonest deals and illegal earnings.

Inverted position

The reverse card still allows you to breathe a little - all the difficulties listed above are temporary and you will still be able to find a way out.

The meaning of the 8 of Swords in combination with the Major Arcana

Now let's analyze the possible meaning of the Eight of Swords of the Tarot in combination with the Major Arcana. Remember that the proposed interpretations are only one of a huge number of possible ones, so do not be afraid to work with your own intuition.

  • : Crazy
  • : Limited capabilities
  • : False prejudices that prevent a person from living, from not hearing the voice of his own intuition
  • Empress: Very limited results
  • : Limitation of powers
  • : Pangs of conscience and shame
  • : Captive-like love relationships
  • : Submit to the will of circumstances
  • : Powerlessness
  • : Fear of loneliness
  • Wheel of Fortune: Limited Prospects
  • : Arrest, trial, threat of prison
  • The Hanged Man: Complete uncertainty
  • Death: Fear of dying
  • Moderation: Gradual overcoming of restrictions
  • The Devil: Being Trapped in Addiction
  • Tower: Deprivation of freedom, sometimes self-destruction
  • Star: Lack of prospects
  • Moon: The combination of the Eight of Swords of the Tarot with the Arcana Moon means completely confused
  • Sun: Stop feeling guilty
  • Court: Overcoming the crisis, overcoming limitations
  • Peace: Reclaim your freedom

The meaning of the Eight Swords Tarot card when combined with the Minor Arcana

Let's talk about possible interpretations of the Eight of Swords with other numerical and court cards.

With the suit of Staves

  • : Start to “see the light”
  • : Global confusion
  • : Gradual way out of a difficult situation
  • : Sign a contract that will limit you
  • : Conflict is inevitable if you go beyond what is permitted.
  • : Find a way out of a difficult situation
  • : Stop interference
  • : Open your eyes, see the situation in a new way
  • Nine: Expect the worst
  • Ten: Severe pressure, severe restrictions, a feeling of complete powerlessness
  • : Try to assess what is happening sensibly
  • : Breakup, parting
  • : Break the circle of your own limitations
  • King: Manifestation of Willpower

With the suit of Cups

  • : Meaning of 8 Swords Tarot with Ace of Cups - obsessive feelings
  • : To bind oneself to promises or relationships.
  • : Dependence on an idle lifestyle
  • : Depressive state
  • : Move away
  • Six: Fears from the Past
  • Seven: Imaginary threat, unreasonable fear
  • Eight: Get away from what deprives you of freedom
  • Nine: Being a prisoner of your desires
  • Ten: Fear of hurting the feelings of loved ones
  • Page: Blocking feelings
  • : Insincerity
  • Queen: Misunderstanding
  • : Play on someone's feelings

With the suit of Swords

When it comes to the 8 Swords Tarot card, the meaning can confuse even a talented fortuneteller with extensive experience. This card really has a multifaceted meaning, but understanding it and interpreting it in the layout is quite possible.

In the article:

8 of Swords Tarot - meaning in a broad sense

Eight of Swords in a straight position says that there is no need to consider yourself helpless and weak. The fortuneteller must boldly move forward; there are no obstacles on his way. Now he feels like a man who is trapped or captured. However, this captivity is unlikely to last long and, most likely, it was created by the questioner himself.

In addition, the meaning of the Eight of Swords Tarot is self-restraint due to fears, uncertainty and indecision. Your beliefs prevent you from moving beyond the trap into which you have driven yourself. Without moving forward, you will not emerge victorious from this situation. When divining health, this card can mean weakening by illness or its onset, as well as paralysis or other limitations caused by illness and injury.

Sometimes the card talks about voluntary renunciation of something or some time restrictions. The fortuneteller understands perfectly well the reasons that led to these restrictions; he is not a victim of deception and is aware of all aspects of his decision.

Upside down value 8 of Swords warns against active actions. Now it is better to wait for a more favorable moment for further movement towards the goal. The reversed card suggests that your fears will disappear and there are no more restrictions.

Tarot - 8 of Swords in layouts for business and work

The meaning of the Eight Swords of the Tarot in fortune telling for work is that the fortuneteller is forced to suppress certain aspects of his personality. Work or business does not allow you to reveal your talents or show some qualities of character. Sometimes it’s a matter of lack of time or stress that interferes with the querent’s plans.

If the questioner knows that the existing restrictions are only a temporary phenomenon, they will have to come to terms with them. When the time comes, they can be forgotten, but the current circumstances are such that you will have to give up something in favor of benefits, career advancement or other advantages.

If restrictions due to work appear to be a constant phenomenon, there is something to think about. In this case, the card gives advice to allow yourself more freedom for other activities and relaxation. If this is not possible, you should change your job, otherwise restrictions will haunt you throughout your life.

Eight of Swords Tarot - meaning in relationships

The main meaning in relationships of the 8 Swords of the Tarot is the suppression of some part of the fortuneteller’s personality. You hide it because you are afraid to show your partner something that you think might push him away. You are afraid of your loved one's disapproval or disappointment. As a result, some part of your personality does not receive his attention.

The card recommends quickly parting with the frames you have created. They will lead to nothing but conflicts, dissatisfaction and, ultimately, quarrels. Resolve the created situation and get rid of internal suppression.

The meaning in relationships of the Eight of Swords, if this card falls to a single person, indicates that he is not yet ready for a relationship. You cannot now accept all the pros and cons of the union, and also open up to the person whom you will consider as a life partner. In order to improve your personal life, create the preconditions for the appearance of the right person, and happiness will not keep you waiting long.

Eight of Swords Tarot - meaning at the level of consciousness

You can describe the meaning of the Eight of Swords Tarot card in one word - locked up. She says that a person himself suppresses a certain side of his personality. Most often these are self-imposed boundaries and barriers. A person usually tries to look for their cause in anything, but not in himself.

Often this card means the tyranny of the mind, which does not allow the expression of feelings. Your emotions are under tight control. You try to control all desires and goals, but at the same time you keep your feelings under control.

Sometimes the Eight of Swords falls to people who have already realized their internal limitations and are trying to work on eliminating them. They are encouraged to continue working in the same direction.

What personalities does the Eight of Swords Tarot represent?

The 8 of Swords Tarot card represents a person who is too weak to stand up for himself. He is indecisive. The illusions of this personality interfere with her further development, but she lacks willpower to get out of captivity.

In addition, the Eight of Swords represents people who are blind, deaf, or otherwise disabled. This could be a prisoner who is currently in prison, or a person who is trapped in a relationship and limited by his partner. He feels backed into a corner, caught in the act, walking in an endless circle.

Inverted the card characterizes the person about whom the cards are asking as one who has broken free and gotten rid of all restrictions. This could be a prisoner released from prison or a person who has broken off a relationship - there are many options.

Eight Swords Tarot - meaning in combination with other cards

The Tarot card 8 of Swords in combination with other cards can tell about the nature of the restrictions under which the fortuneteller or the object of fortune telling is located.
So, she talks about the promise to which he is bound. C - about alcohol addiction and the inability to live without idle pastime. The combination of the Eight Swords of the Tarot suggests that a person lives in the past, he seems to be stuck in it and does not find the strength to change this situation.

The combination with the Four of Wands speaks of a framework created by some kind of agreement or regulation. With the Five of Wands, the Eight of Swords predicts that going beyond limits will become or regularly becomes a cause of conflict. The combination with the Two of Swords speaks of restraining emotions, and with the Four of Swords it speaks of imprisonment.

With the Eight of Cups, this card predicts a move away from restrictions. With Judgment or Peace, it promises freedom, transcendence of restrictive boundaries, an end to the crisis. In combination with the Ace of Wands, the Eight of Swords foreshadows insight and understanding of the framework into which the fortuneteller or the one being fortune-told has driven himself.