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Picture of two peacocks meaning. The sacred handsome peacock is a symbol of greatness and immortality

The peacock is a proud and beautiful bird. Since ancient times, these birds have attracted people's attention due to their brightly colored feathers and majestic appearance. For many centuries, in different countries and cities of the world (such as Greece, India, Ancient Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Rome, China), the peacock was revered and considered a symbol of wealth and power.

According to feng shui peacock is a symbol of beauty, immortality, joy and pride. Due to the interesting coloring of the peacock’s tail feathers (it seems to be strewn with many “eyes”), this bird is considered a symbol of wisdom.

Peacock as a feng shui talisman

white peacock

According to Feng Shui, the peacock talisman gives its owner good luck in business and promotes career advancement. Such a talisman can be a figurine in the form of a peacock, a painting with its image, or a peacock feather. Feathers “bring” potential opportunities.

As a talisman feng shui peacock can be used in the form of figures made of metal, glass, ceramics, paper, etc. In a word, from any material. It is also possible to use images of a peacock (drawn or embroidered). If you draw or embroider a peacock yourself, don’t skimp on the colors. The peacock's tail should attract attention with its bright and rich colors. Here I would like to add that there are not only “colored” peacocks, but also pure white ones. This type of peacock in Feng Shui is considered a symbol of spirituality, harmony, and rich life. Therefore, it is also ideal as a talisman.

Peacock figurines can be of two types: with a loose tail and with a folded tail.

Peacock feathers

A peacock with a flowing tail will suit everyone (but not an overly proud, vain person). Such a Feng Shui talisman will help in business endeavors and will contribute to their promotion.

Peacock according to feng shui with a folded tail means caution and unity. Suitable for business people (businessmen, officials), as their work involves risk and stress. The peacock talisman will protect its owner from wrong decisions and dangerous situations.

Where to place the peacock talisman according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, the placement of a peacock in your home will depend on what you want to achieve from this talisman.

If you want or need to solve business problems, place the peacock in the northern part of the house. To enhance the effect of the talisman, it is best to choose a peacock with a tail for this sector, which will mostly contain the colors of this sector (blue, light blue, black).

If you want to feel the taste of fame or earn an excellent reputation, place a figurine or hang an image of a peacock in the southern direction. To enhance the talisman, “fiery” colors (red and all its shades) and the presence of fire (fireplace, aroma lamps, (ideally red)) are suitable.

Peacocks are also famous for their fidelity to their partner. They are monogamous. Therefore, in the love zone (in the southwest), by the way, they will be those who want to improve the situation on the love front. Improve relationships with your spouse, strengthen your marriage.

pair of peacocks

But it is better not to place a peacock in the zone (in the west), as this can cause excessive pride in their achievements in the child or head of the family.

Activation of the peacock talisman according to the teachings of Feng Shui

To activate the peacock talisman, it is recommended to symbolically “feed” your “pet”. As if placating him. To do this, place a small plate next to it with nuts, seeds or some kind of cereal. This method is only good for feng shui peacock in the form of a figurine.

And finally, I would like to add that the peacock is a proud and beautiful bird, and accordingly it periodically needs praise. To activate the peacock feng shui talisman, praise it, talk to it and stroke it occasionally. In gratitude for this, he will provide you with such opportunities with the help of which you will achieve the desired results. Be it career or personal life.

The peacock symbolizes wisdom, pride, beauty, fearlessness and immortality. It serves to attract fame, honors and respect, and climb the career ladder. The figurine is a graceful bird with a luxurious tail that shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

Who will the peacock help?

A proud bird will help prevent danger and betrayal, and cope with the difficulties that stand in the way. According to some reports, the talisman is able to open the gift of hypnosis and help its owner influence other people.

The peacock will show business owners the path to fame and wealth and help attract good partners.

But it’s not only fame and fortune that the peacock can attract. Due to its beauty and devotion, the bird is considered a symbol of eternal love.

Subspecies of peacocks

There are 2 known subspecies of peacocks:

  • with folded tail;
  • with a loose tail.

To attract nobility and beauty, you should purchase a figurine with a folded tail, and in order to attract knowledge and rewards, you should purchase a figurine with a loose tail.

How do the figures differ from each other?

The best choice would be a gold figurine decorated with precious stones. It has a miraculous effect, promoting people up the career ladder and bringing them incredible luck.

If you were unable to become the owner of such a talisman, then a figurine made of any material will do. You can use glass, crystal or clay figurines. Homemade figures made from paper or plasticine are also suitable.

The ideal choice would be a white peacock, symbolizing spirituality, spiritual harmony, well-being and prosperity in life.

How to activate the talisman?

To activate the talisman, you must use fire. For those who have a fireplace, it is recommended to place the figurine on the fireplace weekly. If there is no fireplace or it is not working, then a candle is periodically lit near the talisman.

The peacock needs care, praise and affection. He loves to be petted and admired for his beauty, and given treats. For this purpose, you should place a saucer near the bird and pour cereal, seeds or nuts into it. Then she will help her owner become happy,

What can replace the figurine?

Even hand-drawn and embroidered images of birds will work. You just need to brightly color the peacock's tail using many different shades. It is the unique bright tail that helps attract fame and honors, and the large number of “eyes” on it speaks of wisdom.

Paintings depicting a peacock activate an energy flow that brings fame and success. Feng Shui masters recommend that single people hang pictures of birds and their feathers on their walls to attract a partner. The image of a peacock in a couple's bedroom is a symbol of fidelity.

Peacock feathers help attract hidden opportunities. They will take natural disasters, dangers and betrayal away from your home.

Talisman Location

If you want to climb the career ladder, then the figurine should be placed in the career area. If the goal is to gain fame, recognition, honors and authority, then the best place for the talisman will be the fame zone. To fulfill the dream of meeting your “half,” the bird figurine is placed in the family and marriage sector.

The peacock will protect the home, elevate the owner of the house and turn his dreams into reality. It will charge the surrounding space with positive emotions and help happiness and success settle in the house. But this talisman only works when they believe in it and follow all the rules.

Alexander, November 6, 2014.

PEACOCK - shining glory, immortality, greatness, incorruptibility. It is also a symbol of pride and vanity. In the ancient cultures of India and later Iran, the magnificent tail of the peacock became a symbol of the all-seeing Sun and the eternal cosmic cycles. Since snakes were considered enemies of the Sun in Iranian symbolism, the peacock was believed to kill snakes in order to use their saliva to create iridescent bronze-green and blue-green “eyes” on its tail feathers.

Due to the sparkling splendor of the peacock's tail, he was compared to the immortal gods. In Persia, the Shah's court was called the "Peacock Throne"; the peacock was also associated with the throne of the Hindu god Indra Amitabha (who, according to Chinese tradition, is the main one in the Buddhist paradise) and with the wings of the cherubs that support the throne of Jehovah. The peacock accompanies some Hindu gods, such as Saraswati (goddess of wisdom, music and poetry), Kama (goddess of sexual desires) and the war god Skanda (who could also turn poison into the elixir of immortality).

When peacocks appeared in the Mediterranean (the Bible reports that King Solomon brought “gold and silver and ivory and monkeys and peacocks”), they became a symbol of the starry firmament and, as a result, unity and interconnectedness. In addition, in Greco-Roman mythology, the peacock is dedicated to the wife of Zeus Hera (Juno). According to legend, when Hermes defeated the all-seeing hundred-eyed Argus, Hera revived him in the form of a peacock, placing eyes on his tail. Peacocks also symbolize greatness, royalty, spiritual superiority, the ideal creation. In ancient Rome, the peacock was considered the emblem of the empress and her daughters, while the eagle was the bird of the emperor.

In China, this bird is the emblem of the Ming Dynasty. As the Buddhist emblem of Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin in China), the peacock symbolizes compassionate forethought.

In Islamic decorative art, the unity of opposites (the Sun at its zenith next to the full Moon) is depicted as two peacocks under the World Tree.

In Persia, two peacocks sitting on opposite sides of the Tree of Life served as an allegory for the polarity of the human being, based on the cosmic unity manifested in the form of a tree. In Southeast Asia, the "peacock dance" reflects the original idea of ​​the solar symbolism of this bird, its figurative "death" should cause rain.

In Christianity, the “eyes” of peacock feathers sometimes symbolize the “all-seeing” church. Since this bird renews its plumage (it is believed that as a peacock ages, its feathers are renewed, becoming more and more beautiful), it became a symbol of immortality, as well as resurrection, since there was a belief that its flesh did not rot, even after lying in the ground for three days. Peacocks sometimes appear in Christian art in Nativity scenes or drinking from a goblet, in both cases as a symbol of eternal life. On the other hand, the Christian doctrine of a humble life has led to the sins of pride, luxury and vanity being identified with the image of the peacock, therefore in Western art the peacock is most often the personification of Pride.

In some countries, the peacock is considered a harbinger of trouble: its feathers are called the “eyes of the devil” and “warn” of the presence of a traitor. Hindus considered the peacock a sacred bird. Keeping a peacock on your farm meant protecting yourself from snakes.

Peacocks easily tolerate slight frost, and if a peacock is killed healthy and does not die from illness, it is incorruptible: its meat in hot climates does not rot, but shrinks and turns to stone. In Russia, a different attitude has developed towards peacocks. Since only very wealthy people could afford to breed these rare birds, all the qualities that were hated in the master were transferred to the “master bird”. Therefore, in Russia the peacock is an emblem of arrogance, complacency and arrogance.

In heraldry, the peacock is depicted with flowing plumage. In "blazon" (the language of heraldry) this is called "a peacock in its pride."

According to Feng Shui, the peacock talisan is one of the most powerful talismans. Peacock brings happiness and joy, promotes success in work and career growth.

The peacock is also a symbol of pride, immortality and beauty, thanks to its proud gait and the beautiful characteristic coloring of its tail, and the large number of “eyes” on its tail is associated with wisdom.

It is with its unique tail that the peacock protects and also attracts all kinds of honors to the head of the house.

Types of Peacock mascot

Peacock with its tail raised up- a symbol of incredible luck. You can give such a gift to anyone. It will be especially valuable for promoting new ideas and projects. The restriction should be made only for a vain person; the peacock will only strengthen it with its presence.

Peacock with folded tail hanging down- means caution and unity. It is better to give such a figurine to public people: officials, businessmen, whose work is associated with risk and stress. Such a peacock will protect them from wrong decisions and warn them in dangerous situations.

The peacock talisman can be of various types:

  • with Swarovski crystals on the tail and body;
  • porcelain peacock with gilded tail and wings;
  • a gold or silver figurine with relief details: feathers, head, tail;
  • homemade bird made of beads or clay;
  • origami - a modular figurine made from paper triangles and assembled into a single origami peacock;

The material from which the talisman is made can also be different: from bronze and porcelain to gold with precious stones.

It is believed that the brighter and more varied the colors of a peacock’s tail and its feathers, the stronger its influence as a talisman.

The most valuable is a gold figurine inlaid with precious and semi-precious stones.

In the East, peacock feathers, thanks to their unique colors, have become a sign of high status in society. It is the peacock feathers, their colorful colors that attract good luck and personify patience and kindness.

The image of a peacock can be a piece of furniture or tableware:

  • bronze vintage candlesticks and other decorative elements;
  • dishes (dishes, vases) with an image or figurine of a peacock;
  • stand for jewelry or pens;
  • jewelry box and others.

The peacock can be depicted in a painting or engraving. The artistic embodiment of beauty, power and dignity, according to the beliefs of Chinese sages, is in no way inferior in importance to figurines.

Silk-screen printing, bead-embroidered panels, and even photo wallpapers carry the necessary semantic load.

The choice of a figurine (or painting) depends on the character, occupation and life values ​​of the future owner.

When choosing a gift for a business person, you should pay attention to simple figurines with useful applications.

A peacock in the form of a watch, a pen stand, or as an element of a stylized ashtray will bring not only practical benefits to its owner, but will also contribute to the prosperity of the business.

For single women, such a talisman will help in finding the desired partner. The main thing is that the color scheme of the peacock’s tail be as diverse as possible.

Jewelry boxes and stands with figurines of a peacock or its image will bring beauty, pride and fearlessness to its owner.

Where to place the peacock talisman in the house?

A bird in the northern zone of Feng Shui (career and life path) will help you get a good job, a promotion, and solve business problems. If the colors of the peacock are dominated by blue, light blue and black (the colors of the northern Feng Shui zone), its effect will intensify.

To achieve fame and an excellent reputation, the peacock should be placed in the southern Feng Shui zone. Here the power of the talisman will be enhanced by the red color and the presence of fire (fireplace, aroma lamps, red candles).

In the southwest of the apartment there is a marriage and family zone. Peacocks are monogamous and devoted to their partner. To strengthen marriage relationships and family prosperity, it is worth placing the peacock figurine in this zone.

You should not place peacocks in the western zone of Feng Shui - the zone of children and creativity, so as not to provoke excessive pride in your achievements in the child or head of the family.

The peacock, like other Feng Shui figures, needs attention and care. Contacting your talisman (by talking and touching) is the key to successful feedback and help from him.

According to Feng Shui, the peacock has a certain symbolic meaning, as one of the strongest talismans. It brings joy and happiness, promotes career advancement and good luck at work. The peacock is also a symbol of beauty, immortality, pride, thanks to the beautiful characteristic coloring of the tail, proud gait, and the Chinese associate a large number of “eyes” on the tail with wisdom. It is thanks to its unique tail that the peacock protects the house and attracts all kinds of honors to its owner.

In the Feng Shui tradition, not only images and figures of a peacock are used, but also its feathers, symbolizing potential possibilities.

The meaning of the talisman

To a greater extent, the beauty of the peacock is considered a source of well-being and happiness in the family. Even among Christians, the peacock is perceived as a divine bird. This talisman warns of betrayal and danger and can help overcome difficult situations in the lives of household members. Some Feng Shui experts claim that the peacock can help unlock the gift of hypnosis or the power of inner influence in other people. How true this is is worth checking for yourself.

Peacock material

In Feng Shui, peacock talismans can be made from a wide variety of materials: plasticine, crystal, glass, clay, metal, including precious metal, inlaid with a precious stone.

Feng Shui symbols are also images: embroidery, paintings and much more. When making or depicting a peacock bird, you don’t need to skimp on colors to color its tail; try to make it shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. At this point, it is worth remembering that peacocks are white. In Feng Shui, the White Peacock symbolizes spirituality, peace of mind, vitality and well-being.

The meaning of a painting with a peacock according to Feng Shui

The image of a peacock in the painting is considered to be exactly the same as a mascot in Feng Shui, as one made from any other material. Thanks to a painting with a peacock, you can activate the energy of success, fame and prosperity in your home.

Action and activation of the talisman

If you decide to place a figurine with this bird or its image in your home, it is important to take care of it regularly. Only those who exactly follow the recommendations for the activation and care of this talisman will receive blessings and strength to achieve great success.

The effect of the Peacock figurine is enhanced by fire. So you can put a burning candle next to the talisman or place it on the mantelpiece a couple of times a week. If your peacock is made of plasticine or wax, it can be activated by simply placing it in a room where the fireplace is burning.

Peacock’s energy can also be activated by placing a “treat” next to it. You should treat the bird with cereals, seeds, nuts, pour them into a saucer and place it in front of the figurine.

From time to time you need to stroke the peacock figurine, admire its beauty and talk to it. This beautiful bird loves praise and affection. In gratitude, she will do everything to ensure that your life goes well, you are happy and reach the pinnacle of your career.

Where is the best place to put a peacock?

If the issue of work and career is pressing for you at the moment, then it is recommended to place the peacock in the northern sector of Career and life path. If today you care about reputation and fame, a figurine of a bird or its image should be placed in the southern zone of the house.

And most importantly, the Peacock talisman, like any other talisman, will bring you good luck only if you believe in its power. According to your faith, let it be done to you as Jesus said.

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