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Fortune telling on wax stroller. Fortune telling for love and relationships

Such an ancient magical ritual as fortune telling with wax and water allows you to make the most accurate forecast for the future and find out what trials or gifts fate has in store. To do this, just light a large candle, pour the spreading wax into a container with cool water and wait for the random drops to form a single picture. Then all that remains is to carefully study the drawing, find the correct meaning of the figures and interpret them in relation to your own life.

Letters will indicate men and women from your immediate environment, numbers will help you find out the date of upcoming events, and other symbols will help you understand what exactly will happen. A snake, an animal and a raccoon will predict problems and illnesses, and good, pleasant deeds will be hinted at by such symbols as a heart, lips, a swan, a dog, an angel, a fish, birds, a child’s embryo, etc. Knowing this useful information, you can insure yourself against troubles and prepare perfectly for good news and favorable events.

Correct fortune telling with wax and water - interpretation of figures

Accurate and correct fortune telling with wax and water provides for a certain principle of conducting and interpreting figures according to their meaning. For the ritual, you need to retire to a room with soft, calm lighting and close the door tightly, asking family and friends living in the same room to remain silent, not to burst in without warning and not to interfere with the process.

Among the accompanying elements you will need the following items:

  • medium or large wax candle;
  • box of matches or lighter;
  • container with cool, but not ice-cold water.

To ensure that the outlines of the figures are clear and clearly readable against the background of the light walls of the container, it is worth using colored candles. Pink and red are ideal for love affairs, green for questions about health, and bright yellow or gold will tell you as clearly as possible about finances. This approach will make fortune telling more accurate and provide the questioner with the most correct data.

How to tell fortunes with wax and interpret figures

A few hours before the ritual, you need to mentally clearly formulate the question of interest and focus on it. During fortune telling, you must not be distracted or interrupt the session. When lighting a candle, you need to carefully monitor its behavior. It will tell you whether the moment has been chosen to communicate with higher powers.

If the candle flares up instantly upon first contact with the fire and produces an even, medium-high flame, you can safely continue with your actions. This is a favorable sign from above. Strongly sparkling, hissing and simply noisy combustion shows that important information awaits the questioner. A poorly lit wick with a low, weak flame indicates that the moment was not chosen for the ritual. It is better to stop everything and wait for more suitable conditions or continue, but only if there is an urgent need to receive an answer. A candle that does not light indicates that the action must be stopped immediately and transferred to a more favorable day.

The interpretation of figures should be approached very carefully and without haste. The wax parts need to be inspected and determined what exactly they are. It is not always possible to immediately see the correct silhouette, so the figure can be turned from top to bottom, to the right or left. Once a suitable angle is found, a detailed interpretation can begin.

Wax fortune telling for the future - detailed meaning of the figures

When conducting wax fortune telling for the future, it is very important to know the detailed meaning of all the figures. Without this information, it will not be possible to correctly interpret the drawing and find out exactly what the future has in store. If negative symbols predominate in the ritual, you should not get upset and depressed. It is better to take a closer look at the values ​​and try to understand how to correct the current situation. After all, the result of fortune telling is not a verdict that cannot be appealed, but a hint or advice from higher powers, which is worth listening to and drawing the appropriate conclusions.

Interpretation of the meaning of figures when fortune telling about the future on wax

  • Lampshaded - the fortuneteller has become a victim of deception. You need to think about the behavior of others, analyze the words and show maximum patience and endurance.
  • A car is a new happy path, enormous opportunities. If you manage to get rid of laziness and apathy, there is a chance to radically change your life and easily get what you want.
  • Amphora is a symbol of anxiety. The friend of the heart is not yet ready to build a long-term relationship and move from the candy-bouquet period to something more serious.
  • An angel is a sign of changes that a person must make in himself. It's time to discard passivity, immaturity, laziness and get down to business with your own affairs. The payoff will be enormous, the main thing is not to procrastinate.
  • Banana - jealousy on the part of a loved one, intriguers and traitors in the immediate environment.
  • The tower is a calling given from above, an upcoming wedding.
  • Damn - loneliness, frustration, depression.
  • Boomerang - everything given, good or bad, will return a hundredfold.
  • Dumplings - diligence and hard work will ultimately be rewarded with well-deserved success.
  • Wreath - a pleasant event is approaching, usually associated with family life and love relationships.
  • Balloon - unexpected difficulties may arise on the way to the goal.
  • Question mark – self-doubt, indecision, fear.
  • Kettlebell – difficulties in relationships with others. You need to moderate your demands and stop harshly imposing your opinion on people.
  • Guitar – harmony in communication with loved ones, loved ones and friends.
  • Pear - the financial situation will soon improve, the work started will be successfully completed. In some cases, it may portend a happy marriage with a loved one.
  • Lips – hot passion, sensual pleasures with the chosen one of the heart.
  • Caterpillar - you need to put aside frivolity and take care of your loved ones.
  • Dolphin - all difficulties will be overcome, perhaps unexpected help will arrive.
  • Home – celebrations, guests, moving to a new place of residence, a good moment to start grandiose projects, and for a girl she will soon get married.
  • Chimney - immediate plans are very vague, the likelihood of making a mistake is very high.
  • Hedgehog - arrogance and toughness spoil the situation, you will have to learn a soft and loyal attitude towards people.
  • Raccoon - erroneous actions, dangerous delusions.
  • An acorn is the beginning of a new project, the birth of a grand idea. Hard work will be crowned with success and bring triumph.
  • A woman is a good friend with a generally positive interpretation of the entire composition, or a homewrecker, a rival, if most of the figures have a negative interpretation.
  • Giraffe - it's time to decide what is a real goal and what is just a dream.
  • The embryo of a child - it’s time to turn everything planned into reality.
  • Beast - you need to be careful, as an unfriendly person has appeared in your immediate environment.
  • The snake is a disease, a danger to serious, long-term relationships, activation of the most insidious enemies.
  • Umbrella - open - there are small, minor difficulties ahead; closed - serious problems.
  • Turkey - there is no need to be afraid of the future, everything will turn out well and the time for celebration will soon come.
  • Helmet - problems and their solution should be sought in oneself. The issue will not be resolved if you simply isolate yourself from the world.
  • Jacket - awaits contact with a serious, influential and extremely active enemy.
  • A cage - if closed - a trap, the impossibility of getting out of the current situation, open - the problems will soon recede, and the situation will become clearer.
  • Claws - there is an unfriendly person around, hiding under the guise of a good friend.
  • The wheel is a change of life cycles: one ends, another begins.
  • Ring – engagement, wedding, marriage. If the dots are located nearby, it means a successful business partnership with a good person.
  • A cow means prosperity in the house, material stability.
  • Wallet - the acquisition of something valuable; surrounded by dots - the arrival of a substantial amount of money.
  • Crab - you need to listen to your intuition and discover a false friend in your environment.
  • Swan - good news, positive changes in life, loyalty of a loved one.
  • Lemon - envy of other people's luck.
  • A leaf means prosperity, a few leaves mean great personal happiness.
  • A medal means hard work, diligence and all efforts will eventually be rewarded.
  • Mill - gossip, empty talk, stupid speculation.
  • The bag is empty - serious losses are coming; full - income will soon increase significantly.
  • Hammer - to achieve success you will have to defend your opinion.
  • A man is a new life partner, groom, admirer, future spouse. If the right hand is directed to the side, he will come with a gift.
  • Fly - minor difficulties, irritating phenomena, hesitation in solving problems.
  • Anvil – stability, prosperity, good, reliable income.
  • Clouds - dreams, ideas, the birth of new projects, creative excitement, inspiration, in some cases doubts, lack of self-confidence.
  • Necklace - elderly relatives will cause a lot of trouble and difficulties, but in the future this will be rewarded with valuable gifts or an impressive inheritance.
  • Glasses - you need to look at a problematic situation with a fresh look and then it will be successfully resolved.
  • A parachute is a happy way out of an unpleasant situation, getting rid of difficulties.
  • Spider - an influx of money, a hint of the presence of cunning people and scammers around.
  • The Rooster is the beginning of a bright streak in fate; good events are already on the way.
  • Saw - hard work and diligence will help you overcome obstacles.
  • A pistol is a quarrel with loved ones, a real danger, possibly a threat to life.
  • Stripes - a long road or a long journey awaits ahead.
  • Bird - good news, meeting with old friends, in some cases, the emergence of a love relationship. Dots next to the picture mean a quarrel or scandal.
  • Bee - the more work put into the business, the greater the reward will be.
  • A hand is a faithful lover, a devoted friend, if clenched into a fist - a quarrel, dissolution of a relationship, revenge.
  • Fish is a comfortable environment, harmony of sensations.
  • A candle is an important moment in life, a possible imminent wedding.
  • Heart – sincere feelings, devotion, true love for many years.
  • Rocks - difficulties in achieving the desired goal.
  • Eggshells - good news coming from far away.
  • A dog is a faithful, reliable and devoted friend who you can rely on in any situation.
  • Owl - betrayal of a loved one, illness, failure in business, difficulties.
  • The sun is prosperity, cloudless happiness, creative inspiration, success.
  • Spiral - in the end, everything secret will become clear, and the situation will become clearer; you may have to deal with scammers and liars.
  • The wall is a misunderstanding between the fortuneteller and his immediate environment.
  • Arrow - a letter will bring bad news.
  • Chair - getting a new position.
  • Steps – professional success, rapid career growth.
  • Period – financial wealth, unexpected arrival of large sums of money.
  • Snail - before taking an important step, you need to think very carefully. Hasty decisions will lead to unexpected problems.
  • Duck - luck, success in business and personal life.
  • Weather vane - you must not be influenced by strangers.
  • Fruits - prosperity, material well-being, good luck in any endeavor.
  • The church is an inheritance, a marriage ceremony, a wedding with a loved one.
  • Cup - you need to pay special attention to a new acquaintance and then it will bring many good, pleasant moments.
  • The turtle is a signal to show wisdom and restraint. The implementation of the plan is not far off.
  • The ball is harmony in life, love and work.
  • An apple - whole - stable material wealth, bitten - a temptation that should not be succumbed to.
  • The egg is the birth of new projects that will bring excellent returns in the future.

Wax fortune telling - what do the shapes of letters and numbers mean?

When divining with wax, it is very important to establish what the shapes of letters and numbers mean. As a rule, the letters indicate the initials of people from among close relatives, friends and acquaintances. In some cases, they may indicate the country, city or street where you are going to go. The numbers symbolize different time periods or amounts of money to be gained or lost.

The meaning of letter and number figures in wax divination

  • A capital letter always shows the first or last name of a person of great importance to the questioner. Or the name of the country that you will be visiting in the near future begins with this letter.
  • A lowercase letter represents people from a circle of more distant acquaintances, colleagues, neighbors, former classmates and fellow students.
  • The numbers symbolize certain dates, numbers, months, years or a specific time when fateful events for the questioner have already happened or will happen. With a definite interpretation and the presence of supporting figures nearby, monetary losses or gains are predicted.
  • Clear, clearly visible lines of letters and numbers hint at good news and pleasant life changes. Vague and difficult to read foreshadow negative news and troubles.

The most accurate meaning of pictures for fortune telling with wax

Having started fortune-telling with wax and water for the future, you need to clear your head of unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on one specific issue. In order for the ritual to give the most accurate prediction, you should let the candle burn well and try to make not just one figure, but several, with wax on the water. When the overall picture freezes, all that remains is to carefully study it and begin to correctly interpret the meanings.

If figures, letters, and numbers are found in one composition, there is a chance to determine exactly when the upcoming event will appear and who, besides the questioner, will take part in it. This will help you build the right line of behavior and give you a chance to completely avoid conflict situations.

Interpretation of pictures during wax fortune telling

  • Symbols such as lips and heart are always associated with love and family relationships. For men, as well as for women, they represent the emergence of the brightest feelings, engagement, wedding or marriage.
  • The appearance of a swan in the overall picture speaks of loyalty on the part of the partner and the seriousness of his intentions. Other birds more often symbolize the arrival of news, both good and negative.
  • Snakes symbolize wisdom and fortitude, but can also indicate illness, breakup, or betrayal. In this option, it is necessary to take into account the accompanying figures and interpret the symbol in the context of the overall negative or positive orientation of the picture.
  • Dogs mean loyal friends who are ready to help at any moment, fish show that life flows smoothly and harmoniously, and the embryos of a child hint that it is time to take on a new project.

Knowing these interesting nuances, even an amateur can learn to correctly interpret wax images formed on water.

Who among us hasn’t wanted to tell fortunes? Even in the days of Ancient Rus', girls used wax fortune-telling and older people told them the interpretation of wax figures. This tradition is old, but its popularity has not fallen at all today.

Fortune telling with wax was used back in the days of Ancient Rus'. It is still popular today

However, not everyone knows how to tell fortunes with wax, what rituals should be performed on a candle before fortune telling, and even more so, what the resulting patterns should be deciphered.

History of fortune telling

But where did the first fortune tellers using mysterious wax figures appear? This ritual originates from Ancient Egypt and Greece, where wax candles were the first to appear.

In the territory where the Slavs live, fortune telling with wax was most often carried out on Christmas, namely the night before the holiday, and this was done only out of curiosity. But among the Babylonian sorcerers, fortune telling by candles was part of many magical rituals.

How to guess

Before you begin the ritual itself, you need to carefully prepare. For the ritual you will need:

  1. Wax candle. Preferably not white, as its patterns are harder to see.
  2. Several matches and boxes.
  3. Container with cool water.

For fortune telling, you need to purchase a wax candle, but not white.

Also, your patience and perseverance are a must, since fortune telling with wax can take a lot of time. Since the candle must burn, and the wax, after casting, must completely harden and acquire clear outlines.

When you have collected everything you need for fortune telling with wax, you should clearly formulate the question that interests you. Maybe even write it down on paper. In accordance with the question, you can choose the color of the candle: a red candle - questions about love, a yellow candle - financial wealth and happiness, a green candle to use to find out the state of health, etc.

If you decide to do fortune telling on several aspects of your life, then you should choose several candles of different colors.

How to pour wax correctly?

Before you start pouring wax onto the surface of the water, you should let the candle burn out enough so that as much liquid wax accumulates as possible. If you have a large candle, then you can repeat the wax casting several times to get a more specific question.

Remember that the water should not be very cold, otherwise the wax will harden in drops on the surface of the water and the figures will not come out of the wax well. Use cool water to ensure everything comes out correctly.

When you look at the resulting figures, give free rein to your imagination and look at them from different angles. Take a closer look and analyze what it looks like most, and then watch her interpretation of the figures. But you shouldn’t move your container of water because this can disrupt the entire order and appearance of your symbols!

Know that there can be a large number of interpretations of the interpretations of figures when you perform fortune telling with wax on water and you should not take the interpretation of the patterns directly.

Shape meanings

Top ten figures

Did you see the lampshade? Take a close look at those around you - some of them are lying to your face

  1. Shade. If you think you can see the top of the lamp, then you might want to consider who is around you. Some of those you let too close to you will blatantly lie to your face. Rethink the phrases and actions of some people.
  2. Apricot. If you see a sweet fruit, it means that you are overreacting emotionally to some aspects of your life, thereby aggravating the situation around you.
  3. Bus. Consider this your bus to a happy life. Your soul will open up, you will become kind and generous, and you will make the world around you a better place. Mental harmony. However, if this bus had an accident and overturned, then this is a warning from life. You should seriously address your problems, otherwise they will begin to grow by leaps and bounds.
  4. Automobile. A car opens the way to a new life. Something will obviously change, but it will only get better. If your state of mind wants to leave the best, then this is a clear sign that you should take care of yourself and change it.
  5. Stork. We all know what this bird carries in its beak – children. And children are a happy marriage. Be prepared to become a happy person.
  6. Shark. It seems that someone has a big grudge against you. This person is quite strong and influential, so you should be on your guard and be ready to give a proper rebuff.
  7. Angel. You have relaxed too much and stopped paying attention to the difficult moments in your life. Maybe we should stop and start changing everything? Take matters into your own hands and change everything.
  8. Arch. The interpretation of this ambiguous sign may vary. It could also be about your uncontrollable character or a wonderful love affair. The main thing is to forget about fear and boldly step into what awaits you. You'll like it.
  9. Butterfly. Ease is what awaits you. What worried you will be left behind, and beautiful Fortune confidently leads you by the hand. Lucky!
  10. Bow. There will be some unpleasant moments and problems. Think what you say.

Second ten figures

  1. Tower. Something unusual and completely new awaits you soon. This can be both success at work and possible internal metamorphoses.
  2. Wineglass. Doors have opened before you, providing new opportunities. Use them without unnecessary fear.
  3. Bouquet. If you have some things to do from different areas of your life, then you should combine them wisely. This will at the same time make your life easier and you won’t get bored.
  4. Vase. You are a vessel for other people's secrets, but you cannot be sure of others. If you entrusted a secret to someone, then this person may spill the beans. It's worth preventing this.
  5. Fan. Possible office romance.
  6. Paddle. After all, it is the oar that controls the direction of the boat. You need to grab hold of it and lead it the way you want.
  7. Nail. There is a person walking around you whom you trust too much in vain. Let's say even more - he is actively using your favor, which in fact he is not worth.
  8. Mountain. Climbing a mountain is never easy. You will also encounter problems that, when solved, will reward you.
  9. Mushroom. A change awaits you, but it is so sudden that you may even be afraid. But it’s not worth it, because everything is for the better.
  10. Door. Fate gives you a chance - don't waste it foolishly.

Have you looked at the door? Fate gives you a chance to change your life - don't miss it!

Third ten figures

  1. Tree. You are strong enough in spirit and persistent to solve all your problems.
  2. House. The family hearth and the success surrounding it in all endeavors.
  3. Bug. Be careful with new acquaintances, apparently some of them have bad plans for you.
  4. Fence. It looks like you have obstacles in achieving your goals. Everything can be easily solved if you change your approach.
  5. Embryo. The conception of new affairs and a new stage of your affairs. Your ideas are right, go for them.
  6. Star. You plucked a star from the sky: happiness, mutual sympathy, joy, fulfillment of dreams - all this is waiting for you around the corner.
  7. Snake. Meeting a snake in ordinary life is not a very pleasant occurrence, but such a wax figure speaks of danger. Be carefull.
  8. Needle. You are too trusting of the people around you, protect your back - they are aiming knives at it.
  9. Stone. Your passion is too impractical, wastes energy and money.
  10. Lightning. Don't go on a revelry, because such fun will end in tears.

Fourth ten figures

  1. Drops. If you once put a lot of effort into something, but did not receive the proper return, then this symbol indicates that you will soon get it back in full.
  2. Brick. The relationship that begins will be strong and reliable, but it will take a lot of effort to build it.
  3. Comet. Old enemies will soon make themselves known, preparing for a big war.
  4. Cat. In this case, the cat is a symbol of hypocrisy, lies, and flexibility in communication. Possible betrayals from those people from whom you did not expect this at all.
  5. Circle. Soon your affairs will be completed successfully. You can start making new plans.
  6. Lamp. Look inside yourself: what helps you move forward? Inspired by this idea, continue to firmly pursue your goals.
  7. A lion. This animal speaks of your inner potential. You can achieve any goal.
  8. Face. You are a good person who can come to the aid of your people at any time. A figure of friendship, mutual understanding, trust.
  9. Spoon. Expect guests, maybe even distant relatives. Also, this symbol very clearly characterizes the fortuneteller as an economic and hospitable owner of the house.
  10. Broom. Don't be afraid to change the world around you, be determined. Everything will change for the better.

If you manage to see a broom, it’s time for a change! The main thing is to be determined!

Fifth ten figures

  1. Bridge. No matter what your situation is, the best solution is to meet problems halfway and talk about solutions, rather than doing the work yourself. It will be easier for you.
  2. Fire. A bright symbol that is most often used for particularly fiery relationships, ardent human nature. The main thing in this situation is to be extremely vigilant so that this fire does not burn everything that is dear to you.
  3. Rooster. Just as in nature a rooster speaks of the dawn, so a wax figure speaks of the beginning of new good events.
  4. Train. If in your business it seems to you that absolutely all efforts were wasted, then know that you are at your goal. A couple more persistent blows and you will achieve what you want.
  5. Spring. You should not make harsh decisions; you should objectively assess situations so as not to do anything stupid.
  6. Bird. There will be some news, wait for the messenger.
  7. Bubbles. Everyone loves bubbles. They are associated with childhood, sincere joy in life. Everything will be fine in your life, this symbol confirms this.
  8. Child. You will open some kind of business project that will please you with the results.
  9. Rose. Cupid is carefully watching you and waiting for the right moment to shoot at you.
  10. Mouth. Pay attention to public opinion - it is not always wrong.

Sixth ten figures

  1. Hand. If the brush is extended in a friendly manner, then this is a sign of friendship. If the wax figure symbolizes a fist, then you should pay attention to what kind of relationship you have, especially conflict situations.
  2. Fish. You have some wise patron. Listen to what he says and make decisions accordingly.
  3. Boot. Something in your life will change, but you can’t say exactly what. Act according to the situation.
  4. Candle. Someone kindly illuminates the secrets of the world for you.
  5. Scorpion. This is a symbol of cruelty. Take it as a warning that you may be exposed to unwanted networks.
  6. Elephant. The elephant demonstrates excellent health and a small warning to lovers of active activities. Don't overwork yourself.
  7. Table. Do your paperwork. It doesn't matter whether these paperwork items are family bills or important work documents. No one will do this except you.
  8. Snail. Life is telling you that you are too indecisive. Stop procrastinating, and then everything will come back to you a hundredfold.
  9. Ear. Strange unexpected events await you just around the corner. Be vigilant and careful.
  10. Bread. This symbol depicts prosperity in the home and indicates that you are an exemplary family man.

Bread is a symbol denoting wealth in the family

Five Basic Shapes

  1. Flower. Flowers are always good. More happy moments will be added to your life and everything will sparkle with new bright colors.
  2. Turtle. Accept what awaits you. You can't change anything.
  3. Member. If you are pregnant, then this is a sign that you are having a boy. In general matters, a stranger is waiting for you to help you sort out your problems.
  4. Ball. The ball indicates that you are in excellent control of your affairs. Keep moving confidently towards your goal, you will be pleasantly surprised.
  5. Apple. The more the symbol resembles a real living apple, the better your affairs are. In general terms, an apple is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. If the apple is somehow crooked, then it is a forbidden fruit. Don't give in to stupid temptations.

Every practitioner who is involved in casting the future and fortune telling on wax has his own theory on how to tell fortunes correctly and how to decipher the meanings of figures.

After fortune telling, it is important to carefully examine the pattern of frozen wax. After all, sometimes a figure does not have clear shapes, and then it can be interpreted in different ways. Good luck and perseverance in your endeavors.

Women, as a more curious people, have always sought to look into the future with at least one eye...

And the Christmas holidays themselves are shrouded in a haze of mysticism, so it’s time to remember winter fortune telling.
And even if you are skeptical about all kinds of superstitions, try it, maybe it will work?

Christmas fortune-telling is carried out from Christmas Eve (from the evening of January 6) to Epiphany (January 19) - they say that it is at this time that all sorts of evil spirits are especially active, and fortune-telling is a connection with evil spirits. However, the most favorable days for fortune telling are considered to be Christmas, Vasilievsky (on the occasion of the Old New Year) and Epiphany evenings, since at this time there is a special activity of evil spirits and the souls of the dead
There are quite a few ways of such fortune-telling, and each should be performed at a certain time of the day: in the evening, after midnight, or just before bedtime.

The place they chose was non-residential - a bathhouse, a canopy, a basement, a closet (yes, our great-grandmothers had more conditions), the main thing was that there were no icons in the rooms where fortune-telling was done. Do you know where the evil spirits are? It is not difficult to remember that in fairy tales a demon often appears from water, so they used to tell fortunes at an ice hole, a well, or, in extreme cases, at a saucer of water. We city dwellers will apparently have to limit ourselves to the latter. Besides, evil spirits can even look in the mirror, but I don’t think there will be a problem with it.

It is necessary to dress appropriately, or rather, undress - remove the cross, the belt, untie all the knots on the clothes, unravel the hair. All this also makes it easier to come into contact with evil spirits. Now have patience and courage. Let's guess.
And tell fortunes on wax.

In the past, beeswax was melted for wax divination, but these days it is easier to use a regular candle. When the lit candle flares up, it is tilted over a bowl of water, allowing the wax to drain. This is repeated 2-3 times so that a sufficient number of frozen wax drops form in the water.

Or they take a thick candle, light it and wait for a while so that it melts more strongly. Then tilt the candle over the water so that the melted wax flows into it.

Sometimes they do it differently. Before starting fortune telling with wax, take a candle and, breaking it into small pieces, place it in a spoon, which you then heat over one of the lit candles to melt the wax. When the pieces of wax are completely melted, quickly pour the contents into cold water and examine the resulting figures.

Then predictions of fate are made based on figures and signs reflected in the water. These interpretations are based not so much on clear rules, but on simple and understandable associations (“a ring for a wedding”, etc.).

The meaning of figures in wax divination

Naturally, the most important thing is to interpret the symbols correctly. After all, these can be people, animals, and objects.

You must use all your imagination and attention in order to recognize the image. Sometimes wax figures are examined through the light of a candle and already by the shadow they determine what it might be.
It is important to remember that wax frozen in water very often conveys information about dangers or threats, as well as about people who carry negativity.

To understand the logic of wax fortune telling, it is enough to remember only a few basic examples.

  • Many small individual droplets portend cash receipts. Perhaps this will be a long-awaited payment of money once earned, or maybe money will seem to fall from the sky. The amount will be small, but sufficient to enjoy its use.
    If at the same time the droplets are enclosed in a circle, then this indicates the emergence of opportunities for rest.
  • Big drops frozen wax symbolize big events awaiting the fortuneteller in the new year.
  • Stripes. If wax hardened in water forms stripes, this is for the road, i.e. for travel, travel.
  • Wax stars- your finest hour, symbolize good luck in all matters.
  • If the wax settles to the bottom pancake- marriage will not happen soon.
  • Automobile. The wax has frozen in the form of a car - fate itself is sending you on a new path, which should become happy. New opportunities, a new way of life are already waiting for you! The car, as it were, very transparently makes it clear: the time has come to change yourself, stop standing still, don’t let yourself be taken over by laziness and apathy. In addition, it is also a bright sexual symbol.
  • Iceberg. A sign warning that danger awaits you. They are aggravated by the fact that they have a hidden character - the sharp corners of the figurine will tell about this. She makes it clear that you are only seeing the “tip” of the difficulties in the relationship. In fact, they lie much deeper. It doesn't hurt to be careful: a new lover can turn into a source of headaches.
  • Shark. Wax frozen in the shape of a shark communicates that special caution is needed: you have an enemy, and this is not an ordinary ill-wisher, but a powerful person hiding his intentions. The image of a shark can be interpreted in another way. For some reason, your business life turned out to be of concern to some very influential person. Without particularly bothering, this mysterious man can easily eliminate all your main competitors from the game.
  • Angel. This is a harbinger of changes that you must make in yourself. Now you are overly infantile and passive and are constantly waiting for outside help. Perhaps you have become accustomed to this position since childhood, when every speck of dust was blown off of you. However, the time is coming to acquire independence and responsibility, the time to learn from numerous past mistakes. You should seriously engage in introspection and prepare to take initiative.
  • Arch. The wax arch foreshadows joy, which, nevertheless, will have a somewhat troublesome character - spontaneous, windy and reeking of adventure. Perhaps this will be a new love - charming and at the same time “crazy.” Away with all fears: the situation will bring more dividends than losses (of course, we are not talking about something material). So you can safely rush into the whirlpool of new emotions.
  • Balloon. Having your head in the clouds is, of course, a pleasant and easy task. However, the wax balloon calls for an end to it and finally to pay attention to real life with its problems that require urgent solutions.

  • Banana. This sign encourages caution when talking about the past. Your lover may be jealous of you quietly and unnoticed for a long time, but from this smoldering feeling a raging flame may one day flare up. In some cases, a banana figurine foreshadows the betrayal of someone close to you. Most likely, we are talking about intrigue on the part of colleagues. If several fruits spill out at once, this means that you will encounter difficulties. Most likely, this will happen on the road (near or far).
  • Bow. Even something as seemingly simple as tying a bow can sometimes prevent disaster. If we translate the interpretation into everyday life, then, for example, thanks to the very timely smoothing out of conflicts with loved ones, you get the opportunity to resort to their help in difficult times
  • Loaf. The wax poured out in the form of a loaf encourages you to think about your future family life. Your gentleman is surrounded by a lot of friends, his sociability makes it easy to find a common language with everyone. But is his nature distinguished by passion and depth of experience? Before you connect your life with him, analyze whether your chosen one can surrender to tender feelings with all his soul.
  • Tower. The tower of wax means that if something surprised you before, then this will soon come to an end. It’s your turn to be surprised by something else—new, something you’ve never encountered before. Also, this symbol can foreshadow the metamorphoses that will occur in a person as a result of a steep climb up the career ladder and dividends received.
  • Wineglass. A good symbol that predicts new life directions with great prospects.
  • Bomb. Thus, the wax reflects the harshness and even rudeness that takes place in your relationships. Unfortunately, the situation is much worse than expected. The only way to restore peace and harmony is to ignore all provocations.
  • Tambourine. The wax tambourine symbolizes passion. They can be of a twofold nature: on the one hand, it can be passionate love with a dramatic breakdown, on the other, the torment of a tormented heart over the frailty of existence. In plays and movies, this may be interesting to watch, but are you ready for such passions to overwhelm your chosen one? What will your reaction be - enthusiasm or despondency? Before pursuing a serious relationship, think about this carefully.
  • Bagel, bagel- this symbol means that you are spending too much time on a certain person. Get ready for disappointment: life will show that he doesn’t deserve it. However, this problem will resolve itself.
  • Boomerang- it’s a boomerang in wax too. This means that the recklessness of your actions will come back to you and will have extremely unfavorable consequences.
  • Beads, bracelet. A bead or bracelet cast from wax is a symbol of the fact that the relationship with a loved one has begun to resemble a vicious circle. Perhaps fortune telling on wax suggests that the time has come to break it, open the circle of everyday life and thereby save love. It is important to think through solutions that can give such a good result.

  • Bucket. A good sign that predicts good luck in matters related to money. But in matters of the heart, the wax bucket does not foretell any changes.
  • Fan means difficulties in the workplace. Friction in the team is possible. This symbol also warns you against flirting at work. Even the most innocent flirtations can ruin relationships with colleagues and destabilize the situation in the team. The situation can only be saved by expending a lot of physical and mental strength.
  • Broom. This result of fortune telling on wax means that soon all the bad things brought from outside will be “swept out” from your life, like a broom.
  • Wreath. If the wax pours out in the form of a wreath, this is a sign that predicts the imminent arrival of something very desired, long-awaited and very joyful. The event will most likely be directly related to family life. A wreath can serve, for example, as a symbol of upcoming marriage.
  • Rope. A wax rope is an unkind sign, foreshadowing difficulties in life. It’s even worse if the rope has knots (this indicates health problems) or loops: they promise difficulties related to money.
  • Fork. This image invites you to reflect on your life. Are you satisfied with its flow? You have to decide whether to stay the same or give the course of life a completely new direction.
  • Grape from wax. If the wax pours out in the form of grapes, this is a very good sign, since it symbolizes material well-being and good luck. You have strong friendship and love ahead, full of romance.
  • Waterfall made of wax is a good sign, foreshadowing success and luck in matters related to finance. All you have to do is think about how to rationally use the surprise of fortune.
  • Balloon. A good symbol that foretells favorable changes in life. You will have the opportunity to look at problems from the outside and anew, more accurately assess how significant they are for your life. It is important to accept changes with dignity. If arrogance and pride settle in the soul, then fortune will turn away and prosperity will burst, like a balloon punctured by a needle.
  • Volcano. Such a wax figurine warns: be careful, a stable family situation is highly likely to change dramatically. It is quite possible that the cause will be one of the household members. Therefore, everyone needs to restrain their feelings and try not to provoke each other into conflict.
  • Mushroom symbolizes health and long life.
  • Trees. You have all the internal resources to cope with problems and achieve success in business - strength and stability of spirit, reliability, perseverance.
  • Door. Soon fate will give you some opportunity. Don't miss the chance to take advantage of it. Open doors more decisively to let change into your life.
  • Sofa. This figure hints that it’s time to leave the cozy sofa and move more, because movement is life.
  • House- to get married soon and start a household. The wax house symbolizes a real home, a family, and the relationships between its members. Fortune telling with wax predicts family well-being, perhaps even finding your own home.
  • The Dragon- “flying high”, the fulfillment of hopes, the completion of work or the birth of a child.

  • Hedgehog. A little more - and the sharp needles of the “hedgehog” of fate would have hurt you. Despite the fact that you have avoided this fate, just in case you are a fireman, you should not relax - this symbol predicts that in the very near future you will have to expose thorns: your interests are in danger.
    In some cases, the image of an animal says that it’s time to shake things up and experience life from hitherto unknown sides.
  • Fence. The wax fence symbolizes some obstacles that you have to overcome. Don't be upset or scared. First of all, you should try to evaluate the reasonableness of your actions from the outside and, perhaps, adjust your fighting strategy.
  • Lock. This image suggests that one of your couple is keeping a secret secret that is preventing the further development of the relationship. But a truly loving person will accept his partner’s sincere recognition with dignity. You should trust each other more.
  • Comma. If there is a comma in the text, it is unclear what will be written next. Therefore, it is not surprising that this waxy squiggle says: you - as well as other people - will not be able to find out what your chosen one feels and thinks about.
  • Star- a very kind symbol that promises happiness, true love and the fulfillment of all your deepest dreams.
  • Beast warns of the appearance of an enemy or rival, the figure of a person foreshadows new friends and patrons.
  • Snake- this figure can mean not only wisdom and strength, but also danger. The serious relationship you have with your chosen one is threatened by the treachery of enemies.
  • Question mark. This result of wax fortune telling recommends increasing vigilance. Before deciding to take any action, you need to repeatedly ask yourself whether it will be right.
  • Umbrella. The wax figurine of an umbrella represents protection from all sorts of minor troubles. If the umbrella is open, this means that you should not be afraid of them, since preventive measures have already been taken and you are able to keep the situation under control. A closed umbrella portends receiving support. In addition, things may turn out in such a way that instead of the expected problems, fate will present you with very pleasant surprises.
  • Needle- a wax image of a needle indicates that in the future you will feel the “injections” of your friends. They will be very noticeable, and you, unfortunately, will be very vulnerable.
  • Skittles. Fate gives you a chance to instantly make such an acquisition, for which others have to work long and hard. The main thing is to have courage and make an accurate strike.
  • Claw. Such a wax figurine predicts danger, perhaps in the form of an accident. There is a risk that you will not be able to cope with the unfavorable circumstances that have come your way.
  • Bell- news from afar. The bell always means news. a symmetrical bell means good news, a crooked or chipped bell means bad news; several bells - alarm.
  • Ring - you are on the verge of a new relationship: you will be offered marriage, or you will begin a strong and long friendship with someone.
  • Comet. Beware: old enemies are ready to become active again. It is better to try to avoid a fight, but it is better to be on the safe side by preparing a rescue plan.
  • Box. What associations first come to mind when you hear the word “box”? Of course, a gift! So fortune telling on wax foretells only the best. In addition, you can receive a gift in the literal sense - the one you have long dreamed of.
  • Cross. A clearly marked cross is a very unkind sign, foreshadowing that a very close person will pass away within a year. An oblique cross means that in the coming year the fortuneteller can expect troubles and illnesses.
    A fuzzy, blurry wax cross is a sign of minor problems and financial difficulties.

  • Lamp. A good sign that promises a very joyful event or holiday. In addition, the wax lamp suggests: in the most difficult times, you can call on the memories of joyful events that your heart cherishes for help. The more often you “turn on” your inner lighting, the brighter and brighter your life will be.
  • Sheet from the tree. A favorable outcome of wax fortune-telling, foreshadowing monetary income. Leaves are renewed annually; you just have to wait out the cold, and the bare branches will again be covered with delicate greenery. In addition, wax leaves call for caution: someone is jealous of your achievements and, perhaps, weaving intrigues.
  • Boat. Get ready for your trip as soon as possible. It is quite possible that it will be of a romantic nature. If several boats are formed, this promises significant commercial success.
  • Mask. The mask formed from wax indicates your lack of self-confidence. You should have more faith in your own abilities.
  • Monkey from wax to betrayal, false friends and lies.
  • Clouds. Dreams, quests, creativity are reflected in this symbol. You are able to rise into the clouds of dreams, you just need to listen to their call and follow them. All plans, even the most daring ones, are successfully implemented, and luck accompanies the implementation of all new ideas. The time has come when dreams are just a stone's throw away. Therefore, you can safely take out your childhood fantasies about grandiose achievements from your memory chest.
  • Island. The wax image of the island may speak of loneliness. To see the body of water in which the island is located is to look into your soul and understand that you are isolated from the outside world. You shouldn’t be in this state, especially since you can try to find ways to break your loneliness - for example, by building a bridge or a raft. In many cases, a wax island may indicate that for some time you may be deprived of your usual freedom of movement, and not of your own free will. Fortune telling advises you to pay more attention to your health and preventive measures to preserve it, otherwise you may end up in the hospital. Also, fortune telling promises you a feeling of security, harmony with the world, and a feeling of serene happiness. It is quite possible that in the near future you are destined to find yourself in a place with which you associate many memories.
  • Spider made of wax is not at all as bad a sign as the real thing. Financial difficulties do not threaten you in the foreseeable future.
  • Web. Be careful: you risk falling into someone’s skillfully woven networks. However, don't get too upset about this as you will most likely get help.
  • Pyramid. Significant achievements, long and serene happiness, the creative energy of the sun - this is what the wax pyramid symbolizes. In most cases, her image tells that building your own pyramid, which you have been dreaming of for so long, requires hard work.
  • Horseshoe has long been considered a symbol of good luck, and its wax image is no exception. Fortune telling says that a period of pure luck is beginning in your life, so you can safely take on new things and those that have been shelved due to dubious prospects. You should also resolutely go on business trips; good luck will accompany them too. In addition to a person’s luck, a wax horseshoe denotes his love of travel and adventure, and this love is mutual. Therefore, travel companions, hotels, etc. there are good ones, and in general the trips are always successful.
  • Bird from wax - to receive news. There is a possibility that you will receive an answer to a question that has long interested you, and this information will be of great importance for the future course of your life. This symbol also says that the projects that you are currently involved in are likely to be met favorably.
  • Hand. The wax hand is a versatile symbol. If it is open, it denotes a friendship - both an existing one and one that has just begun to develop. The fist speaks of a manifestation of disagreement and confrontation. In addition, the appearance of a wax hand indicates the existence of some kind of secret patronage. The image of a large, strong hand speaks of equally influential patrons. Having received their help, you can take on any task without hesitation.

  • Heart. Generally speaking, wax heart symbolizes love. To specify the outcome of fortune telling, you need to pay attention to the shape of the figure. Clear boundaries and an unblurred image foretell happiness in love. On the contrary, the absence of clear contours, the presence of veins, and even more so a figurine split into several parts are a very unfavorable sign, a harbinger of danger that threatens you.
  • Rocks made of wax can indicate the existence of barriers. Most likely, they are being repaired on your way by some influential person. Her opposition is so open and active that it leaves virtually no opportunity to fight. “A smart person won’t climb a mountain, a smart person will bypass a mountain” - this is the proverb that should be adopted in this case.
  • Dot, drop single. If a dot has spilled out of the wax, you should carefully examine the image that appears next to it. If the adjacent symbol has a favorable meaning, it will appear more clearly. And if the sign turns out to be unkind, then the wax dot will soften the consequences of its implementation.
  • Triangle. If the apex of the triangle is directed upward, this is a good sign, indicating that you will suddenly become the recipient of a large sum of money or that a successful meeting awaits you. If the top of the triangle looks down, this sheds light on events in the life of a loved one or just an acquaintance. He will have to lose his former influence or give up his position. In general, a geometric figure looking down in any case foreshadows very serious problems.
  • Quadrangle. This sign of stability, calm, and security invites the fortuneteller to leave everything as it is: the state of things does not need correction now.
  • Flower made of frozen wax - a very good sign. It reflects not only your joyful state of mind, which is transmitted to everyone around you, but also your brilliant prospects. Happy times await you. Success will accompany your business, your wildest ambitions and dreams will come true. In addition, one can only envy the number of your friends who enjoy communicating with you.
  • Human. Fortune telling predicts that literally in the near future you will meet a person with whom you will begin a sincere and devoted friendship.
  • Ball, circle, wheel- stability and prosperity in life. The wheels are rolling, and you are moving towards your luck - that’s what these figures say.
  • Trousers- fork in the road, crossroads. portend a quick choice on the path of life.
  • Apple- a symbol of life, wisdom, health. The more similar a figure is to a real apple, the better its meaning.
    If the fruit comes out crooked and has an irregular shape, then it will mean that you will have to overcome temptations.
  • Egg- an ancient symbol of the hidden, unmanifested. It can mean fears, concerns, but it can also symbolize simply the beginning of something new.
  • Anchor. This result of fortune telling can serve as a reflection of the high social position you have achieved. In some cases, an anchor can be interpreted as a recommendation to strengthen your life positions. Also, this wax figurine transparently hints that it is time to take a closer look at the accumulated problems that are related to the events taking place around you. For too long you chose not to notice them! If you take timely steps, everything will be resolved successfully. Sometimes the anchor reports that all difficulties are temporary and that they may be associated with too slow advancement on the career ladder.
  • Pit- an unfavorable sign, may portend serious illness.
  • Yacht. If the wax spills out in the shape of a yacht, you can prepare for major financial losses.

Fortune telling on a candle at Christmas is a simple and reliable ritual that helps you look into the future. To obtain the most truthful result, it is recommended to cast a spell - after midnight.

And to amuse you a little, I offer online fortune telling:

PS. In order to get the perfect prediction when performing Christmas fortune telling with wax, you must follow some rules. It is better to use church candles or beeswax - they are ideal for fortune telling.
The same applies to the water that is used for the ritual - you need natural, spring or melted snow. It is ideal to use water taken from the church for Epiphany or other religious holidays. As a last resort, you can freeze any water and let it melt before the ceremony.
There is one more, undeservedly forgotten rule: place a small mirror at the bottom of a vessel with water and pour wax exactly into the place where it lies. The mirror will reflect the energy onto the wax more capaciously, and the image obtained during the ritual will contain maximum useful information. Using all these nuances will turn Christmas wax fortune telling into an impeccable prediction.

If you have taken up wax fortune-telling, the meaning of the figures is the primary information that you need to familiarize yourself with. After all, the whole essence of this fortune-telling lies in the designation and interpretation of wax symbols. The classification of these figures and their meanings is discussed later in the article.

Fortune telling with wax - the meaning of figures of an abstract nature

Many different methods have come down to our time, using which you can find out your past, future, and get answers to your questions. For this they often use, and of course. Today this is probably the oldest and most popular method of divination.

This is a very difficult way to get answers to questions, and before you start fortune telling, you need to familiarize yourself with the various rules and methods.

Or a regular piece of wax. There are many ways as to whether illuminated candles can be used - there is no ban on their use.

If you decide to take on, the interpretation of the figures will help you correctly decipher the result.

To begin with, it’s worth focusing on the most popular symbols, after which you can begin to decipher all possible figures. At first, it is advisable to print out information about the symbols and keep it handy at all times during the ritual. It doesn’t matter which wax divination method you use, these wax figures designations will be relevant in any case.

  • Straight lines indicate that very soon you will have a chance to create something new. It is possible that you will be offered a place in another company, you will have to introduce a new project, perhaps a new hobby will appear. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say whether this activity will be successful or not, but other symbols that appear will help to obtain more specific information.
  • The appearance of small bubbles talks about monetary rewards, salary increases and receiving bonuses. The more points, the more money you will receive.
  • One circle indicates that the individual is too fixated on one issue or problem. At the moment, it will still not be possible to solve it, so you shouldn’t constantly think about it, because changes are not expected in the near future.
  • Ovals indicate the dreaminess of the individual, he has some new ideas. In order to implement them, you will have to work hard.
  • If any numbers or letters, then the interpretation will depend entirely on what question was asked. Perhaps these are the first letters of the first and last name, the first letter of the month, the number with which some important event will be associated, and so on.

Fish figure

When fortune telling on wax, figures of living creatures often appear. The meaning of such symbols is very important, because if you manage to interpret what the wax is saying, you will easily get the answer. Many experienced practitioners say that it is necessary to rely on the standard meaning of wax figures when doing fortune telling. But don’t forget about your intuition; it will help you correct your answer.

  • Caterpillar or worm- be more serious, loved ones need your wise advice.
  • Hedgehog, porcupine- all troubles occur solely because of your attitude to life and character. Try to be less “prickly” and then people will be drawn to you.
  • Snake- enemies, the appearance of a rival, beware of deception. In some cases, it symbolizes temptation, but you should under no circumstances give in to it, as you could end up in a very unpleasant situation.
  • Chicken- life will be calm, measured, marriage and the birth of children are possible. Life will be full of comfort and harmony.
  • Swan, duck- receiving good news, your personal life will finally improve, Fortune will accompany you in all matters.
  • a lion- the individual is undoubtedly reliable, confident in his abilities, he is powerful and authoritative. You can trust such a person, because he knows exactly what he wants.
  • Spider- be careful, as your enemies are spreading a lot of rumors about you.
  • Ghost- you will hear from people with whom you have not communicated for a long time.
  • Owl- chronic illnesses, fraud, troubles, everything will fall out of hand.
  • Angel- be sure that the Higher powers will come to your aid in a difficult situation. If you believe, do not lie and are honest, then the angels will protect you from any evil.
  • Dwarf- the time has come to take the first step towards, time for reconciliation.
  • The Dragon- in order for everything to work out as it should, you need to make every effort. Try to arm yourself with patience.
  • Woman- girlfriend or lover. To understand whether to trust this person or not, use fortune telling on the situation.
  • Man- if the fortuneteller is male, then competitors; if female, then a fan.
  • Child- new hobbies, self-realization, starting new projects.

The meaning of inanimate symbols is also very important when casting wax.

  • Arch- life will be eventful, full of unusual adventures.
  • Tower- a quick marriage, possibly with an unloved person.
  • Fan- do not commit rash acts, as this will lead to big problems, and you may lose the support of relatives or work.
  • Wreath- for a man, a quick marriage, for a woman - joy, happiness, but marriage is not expected soon.
  • Rope- troubles.
  • Branches- upward - development, success. Directed downwards - sadness, troubles.
  • Eye- enemies are constantly watching you, when enemies appear. Don't close your eyes to what is happening, someone is trying to deceive you.
  • Mushroom- sudden good news.
  • House(large building) - troubles. A small cozy house - a wedding, purchasing your own home.
  • Heavenly bodies- happiness, everything will work out.
  • Book- there is a chance to start all over again.
  • Cross- a series of troubles, but if you overcome the problems, a happy future awaits you.
  • Ring- marriage.
  • Crown- Delight.
  • Ladder- promotion, success, implementation.
  • Mill- gossip.
  • Bridge- search for a compromise.
  • Knife- treason.
  • Clouds- fraud, a lot of doubts.
  • Glasses- it is necessary to look at the situation in a new way.
  • A loop- debts.
  • Leaves, berries- money will flow like from a cornucopia.
  • Horseshoe- happiness.
  • Transport- long trips are possible.
  • Cup, glass- happiness and success.
  • Candle- quick marriage.

Using such interpretations of wax fortune telling, you will be able to accurately determine your future and get answers to any questions you may have. Follow all the rules so that higher powers agree to lift the veil of secrecy.

Every time a person resorts to fortune telling, an energy-information exchange occurs with the universe, but the person must decide for himself how to use the information received. This is something like the case when you need to go somewhere, but the road is unknown, and a person takes out a map, looks at it (or asks knowledgeable people), sees all the possible roads and obstacles, but decides which path to choose. Likewise, in fortune telling, you can only look at life’s roads and obstacles, but you have to decide for yourself which way to move towards your intended goal. The main thing is to be very careful and not become dependent on only one possible solution; you need to understand that there are always many options.

How to tell fortunes with wax

Most likely, wax fortune tellers are attracted by the speed and extraordinary simplicity of divination: it can be done independently in ordinary home conditions, and no company is needed (as with a rooster). Special attributes are also not required.

In order not to doubt the final result, it is better to take a wax candle; if you don’t have one at home, take one made of paraffin, but be sure to be white.

Break the candle into several pieces with your hands. Then put all the “parts” in a metal bowl. After this, place the plate on the stove and melt the candle until liquid. Pour the liquid candle into a pre-prepared bowl of cold water. All. Now look at the meanings of the figures based on the formed symbol on the wax.

Fortune telling on wax: interpretation of figures

A 100% result can be achieved only if you carry out a competent interpretation of the figures in wax fortune telling. You need to be able to read the meanings of figures from images on wax.

It’s good when the outlines of the lines are clear and correct. It often happens that the wax is poured out in such a way that it is impossible to make out or interpret the given figure. In this case, you cannot rush, you need to wait; if at first glance you cannot interpret the meaning, move your eyes to the side for a few minutes, to a neutral object.

Then try to look closely at the wax again.

Fortune telling on wax: the meaning of the figures

It is necessary to take into account that each person can see the same wax image in completely different ways, it all depends on your natural imagination. For one - a circle, for another - a ring, etc. Consequently, the meanings of the figures when divining on wax will be completely different.

Razgadamus.ru brings to your attention a small list of the meanings of wax figures for fortune telling.

  • Car - there is a road ahead.
  • Tree branches - up comes a favorable time for new beginnings, joy, down - sadness.
  • A gnome is a great time to surprise your lover.
  • Home - the onset of better times, for unmarried women - marriage.
  • Snake - warns the fortuneteller of impending danger.
  • Heart - current friendship will develop into love in the future.
  • A ring, a candle - always means only marriage.
  • A cat - a close friend is dishonest with you.
  • Circle - for a quick trip.
  • A ghost notifies you: news from the past, perhaps old friends and acquaintances are looking for you.
  • Fish - beware of betrayal.
  • Man is an exciting event.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most famous methods of prediction, descriptions of human chakra . There is practically no person who has not heard or read about him. But few managed to find out their fate, destined by the symbols in the coffee cup.
The Italians claim that it was they who, in the 18th century, developed the method of fortune telling on coffee grounds and compiled a list of symbols used in it. Moreover, they are sure that not a single correct prediction can be made without the intervention of the devil himself. Like Miller's dream book , which allows us to reveal the secrets of dreams, fortune telling reveals our future.
The fortune telling procedure in those distant times was not much different from the modern ritual. Ground coffee was poured into a coffee pot, filled with water, put on fire and brought to a boil, while saying the magic words: “Aqua boraxit vinias carajos.” While stirring the boiling coffee, they repeated several times: “Fexitur et patricam explinabit tornare.” Then the coffee was drained, and the cup with the remaining grounds was turned over onto a white unglazed saucer with the words: “Nah verticaline, pax Fantas marobum, max destinatus, veida porol.”
It was believed that one should not believe the predictions of a fortune teller who either does not know these magic words or forgets to pronounce them at the right moment. Let's take a closer look at the rules for free coffee fortune-telling.
So, for fortune telling you need a minimum of items: a porcelain coffee cup, preferably light, painted in one color, and natural coffee (instant coffee is not suitable for these purposes). The best drink for fortune telling is obtained by brewing two tablespoons of coarsely ground coffee and one spoon of finely ground coffee per cup. The role of the oracle is played by the sediment that forms at the bottom of the cup after the coffee is drunk by a person who wants to know his fate.
So, before you start fortune-telling, you need to concentrate and clearly formulate a question, the answer to which makes up the meaning of the moment you are experiencing. Then you need to take a coffee cup and pour the freshly brewed coffee into it. Let the coffee sit for three to five minutes and drink, but not completely - about a tablespoon of liquid should remain at the bottom of the cup.
Take the cup by the handle in your left hand and, once again concentrating on your question, make three clockwise circular movements with it so that the sediment is evenly distributed along the walls. You need to rotate the cup quite vigorously, so that the remaining coffee reaches its edges.
Then you need to quickly tip the cup upside down on the saucer and slowly count to seven. Turn the cup over and carefully look at the stains formed on its walls. For prediction, it is important how they are located: from the top edge of the cup to the bottom, from left to right, from right to left, or at the bottom.
By the spots on the walls of the cup one can judge future events, and the spots on the bottom tell about past events. The farther the spots are located from the upper edge of the cup and the closer they are to the center, the more distant events they indicate (see figure).
A thorough analysis of at least five spots can give a complete picture of the prediction. This type of fortune telling is based on “non-social connections that arise between the shape of the spot and the corresponding concept or object of the material world.
The meaning of spots depending on their location:
1. present or near future;
2. more distant future;
3. area of ​​unlucky omens;
4. questioner;
5. something that will soon leave the life of the person asking or move significantly away from him;
6. something that is approaching and will soon become part of the life of the questioner.

1. Arch- deterioration in health that threatens career or plans. Possible accident.
2. Harp- family harmony, for single and unmarried people - a successful outcome of love affairs.
3. Butterfly- frivolous but innocent adventures. If the sign is surrounded by dots, you risk wasting your life.
4. Drum- scandal and quarrels await you. Gossip is spreading around you.
5. Boot- protection from pain. Coming from the handle - an unexpected move, dismissal. Torn - you are threatened with failure and shame. 6. Bottle- take care of your health.
7. Scales- litigation is possible Balanced scales - justice will prevail. Unbalanced - injustice will win.
8. Windmill- success that will be achieved as a result of great hard work, not talent.
9. Question mark- doubts.
10. Volcano- passions can overwhelm you and cause harm.
11. Nail- an attacker threatens you, they may treat you unfairly.
12. Garland- success and honors.
13. Eye- be attentive and careful, especially in business.
14. Mountains- high aspirations, success in achieving goals.
15. Rake- you should try to put things in order and regulate your lifestyle and work methods.
16. Mushroom- height, weight gain. Near the handle - the acquisition of a summer cottage, a summer cottage.
17. Vulture- loss, possibly theft. Danger posed by the enemy.
18. Pear- comfort and prosperity.
19. Handbag- monetary profit. At the bottom of the cup is an unexpected loss.
20. Tree- plans will be fulfilled, desires will be fulfilled.

21. House- reliability, especially in business, you can start new things. If the sign is next to the handle and is unclear, family discord or illness can destroy the family.
22. Spruce- success in the field of art, the taller the spruce, the better.
23. Toad- Beware of flattery and flatterers.
24. Acorn- an excellent symbol that foreshadows good luck. Depending on the location of the sign in the cup: at the top - financial success, in the middle - good health, closer to the bottom - improvement in financial situation or health.
25. Fence- you will not be free in your actions and choice of plans.
26. Lock- strong character, often overwhelming others.
27. Keyhole- an obstacle on the path to success.
28. Hare- shyness.
29. Star- 5-pointed - success that does not bring joy, 8-pointed - accident, 6-pointed - luck, 7-pointed - sadness.
30. Umbrella- you will need shelter. If the umbrella is open, you will receive it. Closed - you will be denied it.
31. Snake- hatred and intrigue.
32. Cabbage- Jealousy can bring complications in your life.
33. Square- restrictions, sometimes imprisonment, isolation of character.
34. Dagger- ardor, impulsiveness or conspiracy of enemies.
35. Whale- elevation and success in business.
36. Key- you need to correctly assess the situation, then new opportunities will open up for you. A double sign or near the bottom of the cup is a danger of robbery.
37. Book- if the book is open, a lawsuit awaits you; if it is closed, a difficult search awaits you.
38. Goat- you are threatened by enemies.
39. Bell- news awaits you (bad or good - depends on neighboring signs). At the top of the cup is a promotion, at the bottom is sad news. Two bells are a great joy.
40. Column- success. Or danger due to your arrogance.

41. Ring- independence, completeness of affairs, constancy. At the top of the cup - a wedding, in the middle - a proposal, at the bottom - a long engagement (if there is a cross next to it, the wedding will not take place), two rings - the implementation of all plans.
42. Comet- a guest from afar.
43. Ship- luck or news will not keep you waiting long.
44. Basket- a very good sign. Pay attention to its location: near the handle - wait for the child, at the top of the cup - receiving a sum of money. If there are flowers in the basket, happiness, success in society, receptions and celebrations await you. If the sign is surrounded by dots, your fortune will increase significantly, possibly due to receiving an inheritance.
45. Crown- big success. If the sign is clearly outlined - receiving an inheritance.
46. Bowler- service for the benefit of society.
47. Cat- your false friend is spreading gossip behind your back.
48. Cross- suffering, sacrifice, grief. Two crosses - a serious illness or a serious disaster.
49. Bed- if the bed is tidy - you are smart, if it is in a mess - you do not discipline your mind, it will give you a lot of trouble.
50. Crocodile- betrayal awaits you.
51. Rabbit- timidity.
52. Wing- news (signs located nearby determine its content).
53. Rat- betrayal and loss. You have unreliable friends and powerful enemies.
54. Jug- willingness to help, ability to influence a partner. Near the handle - excellent health.
55. Martin- ease of decision making. An unexpected journey with a happy ending.
56. Swan- a good, calm life.
57. a lion- influential friends who will help in your affairs.
58. Bat- Beware of conspiracies and false friends.
59. Ladder- promotion, perhaps through long hard work.
60. Lines- progress. Especially if the lines are clear and straight.

61. Sheet- news, if the leaves are in bunches - happiness and good luck.
62. Boat- in difficult times for you, you will find refuge.
63. Shovel- difficult work that will end in success.
64. Horse- a galloping horse - good news from a lover, a horse's head - a lover.
65. Moon- full moon - love, love adventures, in the first quarter - new plans, ideas, in the last quarter - a decline in all matters. If the sign is unclear - despondency. The sign is surrounded by dots - marriage for money.
66. Frog- Avoid putting on airs, it can bring you trouble.
67. Mask- be careful, those around you are deceiving you.
68. Lighthouse- you are in danger of trouble, but it will be prevented.
69. Bear- your unreasonable decisions make it difficult for you to live and can put you in a dangerous situation. If the bear turns away from the pen, it means a long journey.
70. Baby- you have a lot of minor troubles ahead or an addition to the family.
71. Hammer- ability to overcome difficulties, tendency to cruelty.
72. Bridge- luck can turn away from you when success is just a step away.
73. Ant- be persistent and success will come to you.
74. Fly- troubles and worries associated with business. The more flies, the more trouble.
75. Ball- good luck awaits you in life.
76. Insect- minor troubles that will end happily.
77. Pump- noble nature.
78. Knife- rupture of relations, termination of friendship, near the handle - ravvod, crossed knives - major feuds.
79. Scissors- quarrel, separation. Next to the rupsa there is a family quarrel.
80. Nanny- you are in danger of getting sick. If the sign is located near the handle - the illness of a loved one.

81. Monkey- flatterers pose a danger to you; they are plotting something evil against you.
82. Clouds- doubts, unresolved problems. If the clouds are very dense - failure.
83. Fire- avoid hasty reactions, especially anger.
84. Necklace- many people support and admire you. If the necklace is broken - a quarrel with a loved one, unsuccessful love.
85. Circle- a successful outcome of the case.
86. Peacock- with a straightened tail - a state, surrounded by dots - a luxurious life, near the "ring" sign - a wedding.
87. Plastic bag- a surprise awaits you (the signs located nearby will tell you what it is).
88. Palm- success, respect, honors.
89. Fern- your lover is unfaithful to you.
90. Parachute- getting rid of danger.
91. Spider- a persistent character, not without cunning and deceit.
92. Feather- inconstancy and lack of concentration.
93. Saw- someone outsider threatens the peace of your family.
94. Gun- you are in danger.
95. Letter- news, if the sign is unclear - bad news, if surrounded by dots - business news.
96. Fetus- a lucky sign, especially if the fruit is in season.
97. Parrot- a scandal awaits you and you are haunted by gossip.
98. Reptile- you are threatened by betrayal. Beware of false friends.
99. Profile- short friendship or acquaintance.
100. Bird- especially good if there are two or more birds. Flying birds are good news, standing birds are a successful journey.

101. Bee- success, both in society and materially. Good news. Near the handle - a meeting with friends, a swarm of bees - possible success during a speech in front of an audience.
102. Pentagon- intellectual balance.
103. Fork- the time has come to make a decision (neighboring signs will tell you whether your affairs will end successfully or not).
104. Gun- near the handle - a threat to family well-being; near the bottom of the cup - slander will undermine confidence in you; for the military, the sign means resignation.
105. Mermaid- be careful, you will be tempted.
106. Fish- one of the best signs. Good luck in everything.
107. Glass- integrity of nature.
108. Airplane- an unexpected journey with an element of risk or reaching new heights. If the plane appears to be crashed, your health or career is in danger.
109. Candle- benefit, zeal for knowledge or diligence in study.
110. Pig- success in life, accompanied by spiritual discord and illness.
111. Net- avoid traps.
112. Skeleton- poverty, poor health.
113. Violin- individualism, egoism.
114. Elephant- wisdom, strength, slow but lasting success.
115. Dog- rely on friends. Depending on the location of the sign in the cup and the behavior of the dog: a running dog - good news and a happy meeting, a submissive dog - you may be slandering a friend, a dog at the bottom of the cup - a friend in trouble.
116. Owl- a bad sign, meaning that you will face difficult trials. At the bottom of the cup is illness and financial ruin.
117. Sun- great joy, success, power.
118. Table- reception, celebration, meeting. If the sign is surrounded by dots - a business meeting. 119. Arrow- expect bad news.

120. Chair- improvement of the situation, if the chair is surrounded by dots - improvement of the financial situation.
121. Bag- a trap awaits you. If the bag is zipped, you will fall into it.
122. Axe- you will face difficulties, especially if the ax is without an axe.
123. Dot- a single dot enhances the meaning of the nearest sign. Group of dots - money.
124. Triangle- upward angle - success. Down - plans will change.
125. Flag- you are in danger, especially if the flag is black.
126. Hill- an obstacle on the path to success, especially if there is a cloud over the hill.
127. Flower- your wish will come true.
128. Kettle- near the handle - home well-being, near the bottom or at the bottom of the cup - family quarrel.
129. Watch- avoid doubts and delays. OR - recovery. At the bottom of the cup is death.
130. Human- near the handle - guests, with an outstretched hand - to give gifts.
131. Human figure- you need to carefully examine the figure and give your own interpretation of who it is and what his intentions are.
132. Suitcase- travel, making important decisions.
133. Turtle- excessive sensitivity to criticism.
134. Monster- horror, fear.
135. Hat- new opportunities and possible success. At the bottom of the cup is a rival, a rival; if the hat is bent or has a hole, failure awaits you.
136. Jester- Avoid frivolities, they will not bring anything good. Time to get serious.
137. Brush- minor troubles will disappear.
138. Egg- prosperity, success, wealth.
139. Anchor- success awaits you. Depending on the location of the sign in the cup: at the top - success in business, in the middle - a journey that will bring you prosperity (especially if the symbol is surrounded by dots), closer to the bottom - success in society. If the symbol is blurry, expect trouble.
140. Hawk- You are in sudden danger.

Fortune telling on cards is a magic mirror in which, under favorable circumstances, you can more fully understand your past and present, see the future, and get answers to your questions.

Fortune telling can be simple and complex.

Simple ones tell whether the wish will come true. Using complex fortune telling, you can learn about the present and the future, remember what happened, and draw conclusions. It is better to start learning to guess and interpret the meaning of the alignment with simple methods. We must learn, first of all, to see information through the cards, that is, to see not the king, but the husband in the layout; not a lady, but a friend. You need to learn to understand cards - cards can have several meanings, and you need to be able to see the necessary meaning of the card in a given layout, in combination with the cards that fell next to it. In simple layouts it is much easier to learn all this. Because the number of cards in a layout is often smaller and such layouts answer precisely posed questions. When you start reading cards, you can move on to complex layouts.

In order for the cards to tell the truth, it is necessary to use a deck that has never been played. Cards, like any symbols, must first be “tamed” to oneself, “attuned” to oneself. A new deck needs to be “soaked” with its energy for at least three weeks. If it is not possible to do this, then before starting fortune telling, be sure to hold the new deck in your hands for several minutes so that it is at least a little charged with your energy. In addition, fortune telling cards should not be given to anyone.

You can read the following conspiracy on the deck so that the cards tell the truth: “Thirty-six cards, sisters and brothers, godfathers and godfathers, matchmakers and matchmakers, uncles and aunts, fathers and mothers, daughters and stepdaughters, sons and stepsons, mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, fathers-in-law and mothers-in-law, sons-in-law and brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law and daughters-in-law, all of you are black, all of you are red, tell me the whole truth: what do I think? What will I think? Tell me, don’t hide it, everything is fair, as you told Herod’s daughters at the wedding feast, at the table of honor. If you do not tell the real truth, do not seek my misfortune, otherwise you will no longer live in this world; and I will mark you along the open field, along the green oak trees, along the steep banks, along the blue seas. If you tell the real truth, otherwise you will live a free, free life. I, slave so-and-so, am talking about cards, to find out my thoughts, to learn about the affairs of others. My word is strong!”

During the session, the questioner's full attention should be focused on the cards and on the question he is asking. Silence is the main condition for fortune telling: there is nothing worse when people are talking nearby.

In addition, there must be a good reason for fortune telling: cards are not used for fun. Fortune telling is carried out in a quiet place, away from noise, if possible in natural light; It’s better if it’s candlelight. You should not knock the deck on the table while shuffling.

Before fortune telling, it is always important to clearly define for yourself who is considered to be who. It is possible this way. If you are a young single girl, then you are the Queen of Diamonds and your favorite King of Diamonds. A married woman under fifty and her husband are hearts. People over fifty are usually crusaders. And the second way to determine by hair color. For blondes - worms, fair-haired - diamonds, brown-haired - clubs, burning brunettes - spades. Choose one that is convenient for you. There is also a personal attraction to some lady or some king - it is not clear why, but you are drawn to her. Without thinking anything extra, take it - the card itself has chosen you and will not lie.

Before laying out, having carefully shuffled the deck of cards, the fortune teller must bring them close to her mouth and whisper, touching the deck with her breath, a spell for truthful fortune telling: “Thirty-six sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and comrades. Do me faithful service, unfailing friendship. Thirty six cards, four suits, tell me the whole true truth, what to expect, what to expect, what to fear, what business not to take on. I call on all of you, name and reprimand: the word is strong and sticks to the cards. Amen."

After this, shuffle the deck of cards again and let the subject of fortune-telling remove it with his left hand. And only after that start laying out the cards.

Do not forget and follow other important rules when fortune telling:

    Under no circumstances should you tell fortunes at night, as this can result in very serious and unpleasant consequences for you. The most effective and reliable time for fortune telling is from seven o'clock in the morning to eleven in the evening.

    The most favorable days for fortune telling are Monday and Friday. Never guess on Saturday and Sunday

    in rainy, foggy weather, cards will never tell the truth.

    You can only guess on one face once a day.

    Under no circumstances should you guess under compulsion.

    do not ask several times about the fulfillment of the same desire when the situation does not satisfy you. The first time the cards tell the truth, the next time they start lying, because... You may make them angry.

    There is no need to guess on major church holidays - the cards may tell the truth, but they can bring trouble.

  • Complex layout

    This fortune telling is one of the oldest, most popular and gives accurate predictions. The first edition of the book describing this fortune-telling was published in 1899, so its reliability has been tested by time. For this fortune telling, a deck of ordinary cards is used, which should not be played under any circumstances - the cards will lie during fortune telling. The deck must contain up to sixes inclusive.

    Here we only give a description of the layout and the meaning of some combinations, because the accuracy of the prediction depends on the practical experience of the fortune teller.

    1. Shuffle the cards thoroughly.

    2. You need to remove the deck with your left hand, and taking out three cards at a time, look for yours, and search according to the following parameters:
    - unmarried and unmarried people take the king and queen of diamonds;
    - married people take the king and queen of hearts;
    - older people take the king and queen of clubs (crosses).

    Pay attention to the two cards that fell in the top three along with your card (decoding below), because everything that the cards say is not accidental. Also pay attention to cards that may accidentally fall out of the deck.

    Card "on the heart"

    3. You place your card (queen, king) on ​​the table, then shuffle the deck again and, having abandoned all side thoughts, ask yourself the question: “what will happen?” After this question, you remove one card from the deck to your card, that is, the card “on the heart”. This is the most important card: it gives you a clear idea of ​​what touches your heart closest or who is constantly thinking about you.

    At the same time, everything figures denote any persons other than the queen of spades and jacks: jacks – worries and troubles; if next to the jack lies a king of the same suit, then the jack is the thoughts of the person designated by the king.

    Queen of Spades “on the heart” means boredom, melancholy. Small peaks all are bad: ten and eight are a disease; seven - troubles; six - loss, disappearance.

    Especially the unpleasant ones clubs And peaks , which have one point in the middle (seven, nine, ace), if they are pointed up. For example, sevens and nines of clubs are inevitable tears; ace of clubs - failure in business, ace of spades: point down - something more or less serious will suddenly unpleasantly hit or offend you, point up - you will either get scared or receive an unexpected blow or bruise.

    Ace of diamonds “on the heart” has its general meaning - a letter, ace of hearts - package, parcel; nine or ten diamonds - you will get money, nine or ten hearts - you will be happy with something!

    Further layout

    4. After this, take the deck again without shuffling (always keep the deck closed, face down), place it above the head of your card and leave the bottom cards there, about a fourth of the deck. Then you shift the deck to your feet and, leaving approximately the same part of the deck there, shift the deck back, that is, behind the back (to the left of) the figure of your card. You leave some of the remaining cards there and finally put the rest in the direction where the face (to the right of) the figure on your card is facing.

    5. Then you need to take the first stack of cards that you left above the head of the figure on your card and, removing the top two cards one at a time, place them side by side openly above the head of the figure on your card. The pack that lies at your feet must be placed on the first pack remaining in your hands and you place the top two cards at the feet of your card. Then do the same with the third and fourth parts of the deck and get two cards on the four sides of your card.

    6. Then remove the top two cards from the remaining deck and place them in the upper corner behind your card, then two also in the lower corner in front, then in the upper corner and in front, then in the lower and behind. After all these manipulations, there are 16 cards around your card.

    7. You shuffle the remaining cards, discard the top three, and place the fourth on the heart, again discard three and place the fourth, and so on until there are four hole cards on the heart, five from the very first one.

    Five cards "on the heart"

    8. You pick up four cards on the heart and analyze them. They reveal the future that is destined to most closely touch your inner life.

    If they are dominated peaks(except for figures), then troubles await you in the near future, and the figure will show from whom or relates to this figure. Predominance red suit there is always a messenger of joy and happiness in the heart.

    Designation of other cards

    A pair of cards over your head, like the other three pairs, in front of your card indicate the near future (will be fulfilled within one to two weeks).

    A couple of cards under your feet- transitory, i.e. something that is or will be and will soon go away. It’s bad if some figure in which you guess a close person is often under your feet in your fortune telling - it will soon disappear from your life.

    Two cards behind your back your cards show the past or what is being done now.

    Two cards in the top corner behind- what is now happening far from you.

    Two back ones in the bottom corner- the most distant future.

    The meaning of some combinations

    If in your fortune telling you immediately got:

    4 aces- fulfillment of a wish or an unpleasant surprise. If at the same time they fall out and 4 tens, then in the near future you will have a moment of boundless joy. This is the happiest combination of card fortune telling and entails joy with quite profound consequences.

    4 kings- good deeds, success. If they appear in fortune telling for a stranger, then this shows his position in the world, he is a person from a good society.

    4 ladies- undesirable in fortune telling for a lady. They mean that you are the object of gossip, and if one of the ladies is next to you, then a woman close to you is spreading this gossip. When fortune telling a man, 4 ladies indicate that he is surrounded by ladies and generally loves ladies' company.

    4 jacks- indicate upcoming troubles, and if at the same time one of them lies on the heart - worries, heavy or not, depending on whether light or dark cards prevail in front of you.

    Heart cards with his own king, even if not nearby, the jack denotes his thoughts and intentions. With nine or ten of hearts, the king and jack indicate his passionate desire to see you.

    4 tens- fulfillment of a desire, although not a heartfelt one. In general, dozens are business cards. The more they group, the more brilliant your business will be.

    4 nines- surprise, pleasant or not, depending on the nine closest to you, and in general on the cards ahead. Nines: all 9 of hearts - you will be very happy; all 9 diamonds - money is waiting for you; all 9 peaks foretell grief.

    4 eights or 4 sevens- have almost no meaning, if you don’t take into account the fact that the predominance of small cards generally means a bleak time, lack of money, especially if this little thing prevails ahead. In general, the vocation of the eight is to denote the house, the room of the corresponding lady, while the ace denotes the house of the king. Sometimes 4 eights mean impact, and 4 sevens mean intrigue.

    4 sixes- wish fulfillment. In general, the role of the six is ​​to mark the road. Several sixes in front of you or above your head, under your feet mark the path for you. Otherwise, the sixes indicate the roads of the corresponding characters immediately to you. A six that does not correspond at all to the suit of a figure shows what road lies ahead of it: the six of spades is dark, night; six of clubs - evening; six of diamonds - a small close path; six of hearts - walk.

    The more large cards in your fortune telling, the more interesting and pleasant events there will be in the future and the better your financial situation will be in the near future.

    Some meanings of the cards.

    Don’t forget that you can (and should) see your loved ones, relatives, friends and acquaintances in the falling figures (kings and queens). Aces, with their basic meaning, can also indicate time. Jacks are mostly a hassle, in what regard - you need to look at the nearby cards. Light cards are a positive, good value (for example, good news), dark cards are negative (bad news).

    Please note that the given values ​​depend on the adjacent cards.

    Good luck with your fortune telling!


    Ace of spades:

      at night, in winter (time designation).

      loss, sad letter, blow, fear, trouble.

      with the king in relation to the ladies with the tip up - passionate love.

      the house of rich respectable people, someone else's house.

      from 10 peak - unexpected receipt of money

      with 10 diamonds (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money;

      with an ace of clubs (both points up) - fear.

    King of Spades:

      respectable master, enemy, bad person, rival.

      with peaks - portends good things.

      with clubs - opposition and villainy.

      from the 8th of spades (on the sides of your card) - long-term troubles and grief, but if the king of diamonds is right there - help from a noble person.

      with a queen and jack - the help of a respectable person, a respectable family.

      with a club - his hatred.

      with a diamond, with a heart - its location.

    Queen of Spades:

      old woman, bad woman.

      boredom, gossip, interference, quarrel.

      between two figures - a disagreement between them.

      with a pike - a kind old lady.

      with a club - a villain.

      with a tambourine - a greedy, envious woman who interferes in business and in love.

      with 9 hearts - happiness.

    Jack of spades:

      a bad or black-haired person.

      bad news.

      with the king of spades - his thoughts.

      with any pike - a faithful ally.

      with a club - a liar, an envious person, a gossip;

      with a tambourine - an accomplice, a messenger, a drunken person;

      with a worm - friend;

      with the queen of spades - a big quarrel, a fight;

      with the 8th of spades - a big nuisance between lovers.

    Ten of spades:

      black thing, disease.

      with the king and lady - the wedding bed.

      unrealistic desires, failures.

      with the ace of spades - unexpected receipt of money.

      from the 9th peak - misfortune.

      with 9 clubs - trouble in money matters.

      with an ace of diamonds - a mournful, sad letter.

      with one of the aces - a fake letter.

      with the 8th peak - illness, and with one of the 8th - unpleasant news.

      from the 7th peak - unexpected news of a change in circumstances.

      with 7 diamonds - an unexpected offer.

      with 10 clubs - recovery from illness.

      with 10 hearts - great monetary interest in the future.

    Nine of Spades:

      travel fees.

      loss of a friend, quarrel, tears.

      with a king, a queen of spades - love, with another king - has immodest desires for a lady.

      with the ace of spades - illness.

      with an ace of clubs - benefit or harm (depending on the nearest light or dark card).

      with the Ace of Hearts - the closeness of a man, a woman, a joyful stay with a friend.

      with an ace of diamonds - cunning and deception of loved ones.

      from 10 peaks - unexpected receipt of money.

    Eight of Spades:

    If in your fortune telling you see a seven of spades next to the eight of spades, then you should not guess on that day, since the layouts will give incorrect information.

      failure, sadness, unpleasant conversation, illness.

      room, apartment of a respectable person.

      with nine clubs - misfortune.

      with the jack of hearts - news of illness or death of loved ones or acquaintances.

      with 7 clubs - betrayal of your beloved.

      with four kings - revelry, drunkenness.

    Seven of spades:

      may represent the house where you live.

      surprise, deception.

      point up - tears, quarrel, loss of a friend.

      with a lady - a lady in an interesting position

      with a jack of clubs - misfortune from enemies.

      from the 10th peak - unexpected news of a change in circumstances.

      with one of the eights - a treat.

      with a figure - a nuisance.

      from the 9th peak - grief in relatives.

      with 6 diamonds - troubles in the house.

    Six of Spades:

      long journey, late journey.

      if the 6th of spades falls along with your card, the loss of the king of spades.

      with a pike - a merry road.

      with a club - a bad road.

      with 9 or 10 tambourines - (from the right hand to the left) - the road to the money.

      with 7 or 8 diamonds - worries and worries about money.

      with a worm - the road and a date with dear people.

      with a club - (above the head) - a successful outcome of the fortuneteller’s bad intentions.


    Ace of Diamonds:

      during the day, in summer (time designation).

      letter (the nearest figure will show from whom), news.

      with a diamond - quick receipt of money.

      with 7 or 9 or 10 hearts - a joyful or love letter.

      with a club or spade - delaying the desired minute.

      with 6 clubs - a date or conversation at dusk.

      from the 9th peak - cunning, deception of loved ones.

      from the 10th peak (left) - a mourning or sad letter.

      with 10 diamonds - money letter.

    King of Diamonds:

      young man.

      love date or love acquaintance.

      with 10 diamonds (with a jack) - support in the future from a new acquaintance or future groom.

      with 6 tambourines - an indispensable fulfillment of desires.

      with a worm - fun, forgetting the past and a change in life.

    Queen of Diamonds:

      a young girl, at the same time, can also mean an unfaithful wife.

      with the jack of diamonds or the 10 of spades - an unpleasant guest.

      with 9 hearts - good for women, for men - theft.

    Jack of Diamonds:

      boy, trusted person, good news.

      with the king of diamonds - his thoughts.

      with the king - a commercial, false person.

      with 7 of spades or 9 of diamonds - a hostile person or imminent betrayal.

      with 6 clubs - an unexpected and quick trip with a man.

    Ten of Diamonds:

      This is a card of money, can represent a gift or a date.

      with the ace of spades (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money.

      with 9 tambourines - an indispensable and quick receipt of money.

      with 8 diamonds - distant receipt of money, but this is a lot of money.

      with 7 diamonds - successful troubles about money

      with 6 diamonds - complete fulfillment of desires.

      from the 6th peak (right) - the road for money.

      with jack of clubs - success in money matters.

      with 10 clubs - an indispensable receipt of money.

      with 7 hearts - a big inheritance.

      with 9 hearts - profitable work.

    Nine of diamonds:

      "money" card.

      with a king and a queen of the same suit - love.

      from the 6th peak (right) - the road for money, an unpleasant incident or just bad luck.

      with the jack of hearts - avoiding an unpleasant journey.

      with 10 tambourines - an indispensable and quick receipt of money.

      with four kings - a cheerful conversation.

    Eight of diamonds:

      talking about money.


      pleasant dreams, dreams.

      with clubs 8 and 6 of hearts - news of a fire.

      with the king or queen of spades (on the sides of your card) - harm from a false and bad person.

      with the jack of hearts - talking about money.

      with 10 diamonds - distant receipt of money, but big money.

      with 7 tambourines (near the figure) - infidelity, inconstancy.

    Seven of diamonds:

    • infidelity.

      chores, affairs, business meeting, purchase, sale, commercial transaction (good or bad, depending on the nearest card).

      a small gift made of gold, silver and metal in general.

      thoughts of the lady tambourine.

      with a figure - a happy incident.

      with 10 diamonds - successful troubles about money.

    Six of diamonds:

    If you get a six of diamonds in fortune telling, this is very good. The Six of Diamonds is the happiest card, which softens even the bad meaning of the Ace of Spades.

      fast, cheerful road, also the road of the king of diamonds or queen.

      fulfillment of desire.

      with 10 diamonds - complete fulfillment of desire in receiving money.

      from the 9th peak - death, serious illness.

    Clubs (crosses)

    Ace of clubs (crosses):

      evening, autumn (time designation).

      false rumor.

      government House.

      success, but if the point is up - failure, a gift (the nearest figure shows from whom).

      without a figure - a gift from a stranger.

      with six - railway.

      with the king (in relation to the lady) - love, courtship.

      with 7 clubs - winning the case, victory.

      with 9 hearts - tender love.

      with 6 clubs - a date and conversation on the street, generally on the road, in the evening.

      at peaks - death.

      from the 9th peak - quick news about the benefits, if the point is up - about the benefits.

      with the king of clubs - a happy outcome of the planned enterprise; a quick fulfillment of desire.

    King of clubs (crosses):

    If the king of clubs does not appear in fortune telling, this portends failure.

      military man, loyal friend.

      with clubs - a loved one, husband, groom, lover.

      in general, it portends happiness.

      with 9 clubs pointing down - an influential person, a supportive person, but if 9 clubs pointing up - trouble with this person.

      with the ace of clubs - a happy outcome of a planned business, the fulfillment of desires.

      with a jack of clubs - with your card (if you are not of the club suit) - great grief.

      with one of the sixes - the way to gain interest.

    Queen of clubs (crosses):

      respectable lady, friend.

      with the queen of spades (especially with your card) - bad circumstances, courts, troubles due to marriage.

      with 8 clubs - help from a relative or close woman.

    Jack of clubs (crosses):

    If the jack of clubs appears first in fortune telling, this means correct fortune telling.

      a person in uniform or a military man below the rank of officer, a friend, protector and friend.

      without an ace or without a king - big troubles,

      “on the heart” - government affairs, thoughts of the king of clubs, if it appears in the layout.

      from the 7th peak (occurs rarely) - misfortune due to the machinations of enemies.

      between two ladies - an unfaithful wife.

      with 10 diamonds - success in money matters.

      with 8 clubs - a military man, an unexpected turn of happiness.

      between two jacks - a restless future.

    Ten of clubs (crosses):


      at peaks - deception, poverty, work.

      with a figure - a business person, but can also mean great danger, fires.

      with hearts - a find, happiness in the lottery;

      with a king or queen of hearts - someone is interested in you.

      with 7 clubs - joy, news of business.

      with 6 clubs - an unexpected offer of departure.

      with 10 tambourines - an indispensable receipt of money.

      with 10 hearts - success in love.

      with 9 clubs - fun with loved ones.

      with 8 clubs - quick receipt of big money, inheritance, wealth, happiness from receiving money.

      with 9 and 8 or 7 clubs - one of the happiest combinations, very good.

      with the ace of clubs - a change for the better.

      with 7 of spades (without an ace) - deception, tears.

      with 7 or 6 clubs - a large society.

    Nine of clubs (crosses):



      with a figure, it indicates that it will disappear from your life; nice conversation. point up - annoyance, gossip, tears.

      with a king or queen, clubs - love.

      with 9 or 10 hearts - success in love.

      with any of the tambourines - a sure receipt of money and a useless waste of it on pleasure.

      with a worm - mutual love.

      from 10 peaks - trouble in monetary terms.

      with the jack of hearts - travel.

      with the king of clubs - an influential person, a supportive person.

      with 10 clubs - fun with loved ones, surprise.

      with 10 and 8 or 7 clubs is one of the happiest combinations.

    Eight of clubs (crosses):

      tears, death of a loved one, frustration.

      with an ace of clubs with the point down - success, with the point up - failure.

      with a lady of clubs - help from a relative or close woman.

      with a jack of clubs - an unexpected turn of happiness in favor of the fortuneteller.

      with 10 clubs - quick acquisition of real estate, inheritance, wealth and happiness.

      with a jack of hearts - talk about losses.

      with 7 clubs (in front of your card) - unexpected happiness.

      with 7 clubs and an ace of hearts - a happy marriage, or inheritance.

    Seven of clubs (crosses):

      close road.

      news of success.


      thoughts of the lady of clubs, if she is present in the layout.

      point up - tears.

      with an ace of clubs - winning the case, victory.

      with 10 clubs - wealth and happiness (same as 9 and 8 clubs).

      from the 8th of spades - a fortune-telling man is cheated on by his wife, his beloved.

      with the jack of hearts (with 4 queens and sevens) the imminent birth of a son.

      with 10 hearts (with the other three 7 and queens or jacks) - the proximity of an interesting position.


    Ace of Hearts:

      gift, package

      in the morning, in spring (time designation).

      house of reds (house of married people).

      with an ace of diamonds - a joyful letter.

      from the 10th peak - a sad letter.

      with the jack of hearts - good news.

      from the 9th peak - revelry and pleasure, a date and the affection of a friend.

    King of Hearts:

      a married man with the same lady.

      unexpected meeting, arrival, joyful news.

      with a pike - trouble.

      with a diamond - receiving money.

      with a club - troubles.

      with a heart - success.

    Queen of Hearts:

      married woman.

      with 6 and 10 hearts - tears, but with jack of clubs - unexpected joy.

      with a heart - success in love for a man.

      with 10 hearts - a friend.

    Jack of Hearts:

      fair-haired man.

      unpleasant guest.

      good news.

      funny company.

      thoughts of the king of hearts in his presence in the layout.

      with a heart - success.

      with the Ace of Hearts - good news, a declaration of love.

      with 9 clubs - travel.

      with 8 hearts - a heartfelt conversation.

      with 8 diamonds - talk about monetary interest.

      from the 8th peak - news of the illness or death of a neighbor.

      with 8 clubs - an unpleasant conversation.

      with a lady or king - a guest.

      with 7 clubs with 4 queens or sevens - the imminent birth of a son.

      with 7 clubs and 4 aces denote the son’s intelligence and wealth.

    Ten of Hearts:

    • in the card “on the heart” there is joy.

      in the cards “in the head” - wedding, platonic love.

      with a lady - love and loyalty of the beloved woman.

      with the king - love and loyalty of a loved one.

      with 10 diamonds - great monetary interest in the near future.

      with 7 clubs - with the other three 7, with queens or jacks - the proximity of an interesting position for the fortuneteller.

      with 8 of hearts - a secluded date with your beloved woman.

      with 7 of hearts - a solitary date, consolation in grief.

      with 6 tambourines - fun at a party.

      with 9 hearts with a full suit of hearts - complete enjoyment of love, with a lady or king - a wedding.

      with 6 hearts - a joyful date.

      with 10 clubs - success in love.

      with an ace of diamonds - a love or joyful letter.

    Nine of Hearts:

      love letter, surprise (pleasant or unpleasant, depending on the nearest map).

      love in general.

      with 8 hearts or with 7 hearts - a date with your loved one.

      with 9 clubs - your beloved person will give you her heart, a message or thing from her beloved person.

      with 10 hearts with a full suit of hearts - complete enjoyment of love, with a lady or king - a wedding.

      with some six - an unexpected meeting.

      with the queen of spades - happiness.

    Eight of Hearts:

      cheerful conversation, pleasure.

      long road.

      with the jack of hearts - a cordial conversation.

      with 7 clubs - unexpected happiness.

      with 10 hearts - a solitary date.

      with 9 hearts - date.

      with 10 diamonds (near yours) - receiving money, a large inheritance.

    Seven of Hearts:

    • thoughts of the queen of hearts in her presence in the layout.

      from 10 peaks - an unexpected offer.

      with 10 hearts - a pleasant secluded date.

      with 9 hearts - date.

      with 4 kings - a fun conversation.

    Six of Hearts:

      walk, obstacle and delay in business (but not in love);

      road of the king of hearts, ladies.

      with a worm - the path to a dear person.

      with 10 hearts - a road and a cordial date.

      all nine worms - success in love is undoubted.

  • Fortune telling for love and relationships

    Questions of love and relationships are basic issues for a person. These questions are always relevant. Because of love, the most unthinkable things are done, and mutual love and strong relationships are the best. What can a person have? It is because of love and relationships that people suffer and suffer if they do not know about the relationship of a loved one or dear person. Fortune telling for love is very popular, in the sense that they are quite simple and at the same time reliable. In this section we offer you several such simple and easy layouts. Aimed at clarifying the attitude of the people you are interested in.

    Fortune telling using "four jacks"

    This fortune telling is very convenient for those who have several people of the opposite sex next to them and cannot determine their true attitude towards you. To find out, take a deck of thirty-six cards.

    1. Choose four jacks and wish for each one the name of one of your friends.

    2. Then mix all the jacks thoroughly and place them face down on the table next to each other.

    3. Place the rest of the deck below the jacks - from left to right in four vertical rows, face down. There should be eight horizontal rows in total.

    4. After this, you need to look at the rows vertically: if they contain cards of the same value, then feel free to take them out and put them on the jack under which they lie. If, after removal, two other cards of the same value become adjacent, then they are also removed. In addition, keep in mind that the cards lying next to each other are also the first and last in the vertical rows.

    5. After all possible transfers have been made, collect all the cards. Now shuffle them thoroughly. And again lay out the deck according to the rules. After the second time, lay out the third time, and then the fourth. Of course, the cards placed on the jacks do not need to be shuffled after all operations.

    7. After the fourth layout, when all the cards of the same value that are nearby have been collected, you can open the jacks.

    Paired card meanings:

    “6” - he is trampling the path, he will soon come to you.

    “7” - he wants to see you.

    “8” - you have a very serious conversation with him.

    “9” - he loves you.

    “10” - he has been interested in you for a long time.

    “Ladies” - he is interested in someone else.

    “Kings” - he is jealous of you.

    “Aces” - has passion for you.

    If there are two identical pairs on the jack, then this doubles the value of the cards. So, if there are four nines on one jack, then this is LOVE, and there is no escape from it! :)

    Fortune telling for a new acquaintance.

    If you have a new friend, then this layout is for you. He will tell you what your new friend thinks, how he treats you and how you should behave with him.

    1. Take not thirty-six cards, but sixteen - choose aces, kings, queens and jacks from the deck, and set aside all the remaining cards.

    2. Mentally imagine your friend. Lay out a deck of sixteen cards, one card at a time, face down, into as many piles as there are letters in the person’s name.

    3. After the entire deck has been dealt, take the last pile of cards into your hand. Distribute all the cards from it one by one into the remaining piles, starting with the next one.

    4. Now pick up the very pile of cards on which the last card will be placed. And start again sorting from this pile into the remaining ones.

    5. So you need to lay out all the cards in order until the last two piles remain. Now we need to do the opposite. That is, pick up the penultimate pile (just keep in mind, not the one on which the very last card fell!) and place it on the last one.

    6. Take the deck that resulted from all these manipulations in your hands and start opening two cards at a time. If you find that there are two cards of the same value in a pair, then put them aside. It is these pairs that will help determine how the person you have in mind treats you.

    Paired card meanings:

    Two aces - he perceives you only as a sexual object, if you agree to be one, then you can safely call.

    Two Kings - he is crazy about you, but there is one “but”: he does not know how you will react to his signs of attention.

    Two ladies - he has a wife or girlfriend, there is nothing to do here, he really loves her. If you think that “a girl is not a wall, you can move her away” - feel free to go into battle.

    Two jacks - he himself has not yet decided how he treats you. Try to take the first step and understand whether it is worth communicating with him.

    Fortune telling on a person's attitude No. 1.

    1. A deck of 36 cards is carefully shuffled, removed, and one card at a time is laid out into as many piles as there are letters in the full name of the person being told fortunes. All this time you need to think only about him.

    2. Turning over each pile, look to see which card suit is on the bottom. If the person is fair-haired with blue or gray eyes, then this card must be of a red suit. If there is a black card at the bottom, it is put aside until the red suit appears.

    3. The fortuneteller puts the piles, arranged according to the letters of the name of the person for whom the alignment is going, into one and begins to arrange them again, but by the number of letters of the diminutive name, repeating the same procedure.

    4. Then collect the remaining cards and lay them out two at a time. Paired cards answer the question.

    Value of paired cards:

      2 sixes - legal marriage;

      4 sixes - marital fidelity;

      2 sevens - a date, one of the two peaks - the desire to drink when meeting;

      2 eights - conversation;

      4 eights - a scandal. One of the two eights of spades is an important or major conversation;

      2 nines - love, any paired with a peak - unhappy love;

      4 nines - the main love in the life of the one who is being fortune-told;

      2 tens - interest;

      4 tens - calculation prevails in relationships;

      2 jacks - troubles, paired with a spades - empty;

      2 ladies - hopes, if one of the two is peak - jealousy or grief caused by gossip;

      4 ladies - gossip, gossip;

      2 kings - friendship, with the peak - official relations;

      4 kings - for men a society of like-minded people, for women - success with men;

      2 aces - intimate relationships; with peak - problems in sex or painful passion;

      4 Aces - blind passion that threatens to bring grief.

    Fortune telling on a person's attitude No. 2.

    This layout very clearly shows the quality of the relationship. Everything is clear at a glance - who values ​​whom, to what extent.

    1. Shuffle the deck and wish for the king and queen whose relationship you want to tell fortunes about.

    2. Lay out the deck, starting from the top, with three cards each, like a fan. It is not at all necessary to lay out all the cards if the king and queen you are guessing on have already come out. After the hidden king and queen have come out, lay out another row or two and that’s enough. Now look carefully at how the cards lay out.

    3. In front of you are three vertical rows of cards and several horizontal ones.

    Vertically: leftmost - past, middle - present, right - future.

    Let’s say the king is at the top, there are several horizontal rows between him and the lady, she is at his feet, which means that the man does not value the relationship, it has lost its former value. Look carefully at what cards lie between them. It happens that the other lady is closer, but also at her feet. And he doesn’t need anyone! Neither wife nor mistress! If there are a lot of business cards (crosses) next to your mistress, it is quite possible that they are working together. If there is a ten of spades or a nine of spades near his wife, it means his hopes for marriage, and maybe hers, have collapsed, the bed does not bring joy.

    Card meaning:


      The Six of Hearts is a short journey, a road, a short business trip.

      Seven and eight of hearts - these can be conversations, meetings, conversations.

      Nine of Hearts means love, but the meaning and direction of this love should be sought in the surrounding cards.

      The Ten of Hearts represents hopes, plans, dreams. Whether these dreams will come true depends on the surrounding cards.

      The Jack of Hearts means problems, empty chores, difficult questions.

      The Queen of Hearts is yourself, just a woman, but sometimes this card can mean a lover.

      The King of Hearts is a man. In particular, a male representative can be single, married or even divorced.

      The Ace of Hearts is your home and everything connected with it, home comfort.


      The six of diamonds is the fast road. This could be a short trip, such as a business trip.

      Seven, eight of tambourines - these are conversations, meetings, and also possibly gossip.

      The Nine of Diamonds is the love of single people, possibly forbidden love.

      Ten of diamonds are hopes, hopes, plans for the future.

      Jack of diamonds means difficulties, problematic events.

      The Queen of Diamonds is a representative of the female gender. This could be a young girl, a friend, a woman, and even a mistress if the fortune telling is about a married king of hearts.

      The King of Diamonds is a young man, most often a single guy or someone's son.

      Ace of Diamonds is important news that most often comes in written form. This may be a letter, notice or telegram.


    Clubs - all cards of this suit are associated with either finance or business issues.

      The Six of Clubs is a business trip whose future is unknown; the meaning of the trip can be determined by the map nearby.

      The seven and eight of clubs represent business meetings, professional chores and negotiations.

      The nine of clubs is not like the other clubs; it is a strong love or platonic affection for a certain person.

      The ten of clubs promises big profits and an improvement in your financial situation.

      Jack of clubs is professional troubles, business problems, creative crisis.

      The Queen of Clubs is a female colleague, but it can also be a mother, mother-in-law or mother-in-law.

      The King of Clubs is a male colleague, it could be your boss, father or father-in-law.

      The Ace of Clubs is a big deal, a big professional project.


      The Six of Spades is most often a long journey, sometimes a trip that you have been waiting for a long time.

      The Seven of Spades represents various kinds of grief that bring tears and grief.

      The Eight of Spades is a fun party, a visit, or just drinking alcohol with a circle of friends.

      The Nine of Spades is a disease, injury, illness that will strike someone to whom this card is related.

      The ten of spades is the collapse of all plans and unfulfilled hopes.

      Jack of spades is a waste of time.

      The Queen of Spades is strong anger; towards another person it is jealousy. This card can also mean the beginning of action against your enemies.

      The King of Spades is a certain official, a colleague. Most often, this card means a person in adulthood who has achieved a position in society. Rarely does this card mean a new acquaintance.

      An ace of spades that falls point down is a blow of fate; if the peak falls up, then this card means a cheerful holiday, drunken fun.

Angels and demons of the zodiac signs.

People of modern times are very vulnerable, they are haunted by constant stress and uncertainty about the future. But everyone can find strength in the person of their Guardian Angel. The person who knows his Demon also becomes stronger. Darkness and Light are a secret repository of both our virtues, strong spiritual sides, and vices and weaknesses. Angels and Demons are immortal spirits who try to win the human soul to their side. People of Light are gifted with higher spiritual abilities than those who allow Demons into their souls and commit actions that please the forces of Darkness. All people have Personal Angels and Demons, but Zodiac Angels are more powerful, because they are the masters of the corresponding zodiac constellation.


Behind every Aries stands the Demon of Hatred and Selfishness and the Angel of Sincerity and Openness. The dark side provokes rage, intolerance and reluctance to admit one’s mistakes, thoughtless actions and unceremonious behavior. Intolerance to lies and the ability to sincerely relate to people is a manifestation of the Angel of Openness - Bakariel. You can turn to Angel Bakariel for help if you need success and good luck. Bakariel also protects the children of Aries. The angel charges Aries with vital energy, helps to accomplish any task, and makes views on life’s difficulties more optimistic.


In Taurus there is a struggle between the Demon of Anger and Stinginess and the Angel of Loyalty and Good Nature. Behind the phlegmatic nature of Taurus, a whole storm of passions often breaks out. The Demon of Anger prevents Taurus from being a devoted and loyal friend, leading to greed and stinginess, which stands out from other people. This leads to materialism and a reluctance to allow spiritual thoughts into oneself. The Guardian Angel of Taurus - Amatiel, is asked for protection in any endeavors, as well as if they desire changes on the path of life. With its help, the heart is filled with light and hope, and the real Path opens.


Gemini is between the Demon of Cunning and the Angel of Cheerfulness. Geminis can become real flatterers, full of lies, deceit and falsehood. All this is hidden under a light veil of fun and lightness, the ability to communicate and establish connections. The Angel of Cheerfulness protects from difficult life turns, saves from pessimism and depression. Zodiac Guardian Angel of Gemini - Bahram will help you overcome difficulties and fulfill obligations.


Cancer is the object of attention of the Demon of Lies and is under the protection of the Angel of Feelings and Sympathy. Cancer usually feels the approach of his Demon, which he despises. But he often cannot cope with it and abuses its power for his own benefit. For example, Cancer often exhausts his close friends, relatives and lovers with tears and reproaches that he is not loved enough, instilling in others a feeling of guilt. At the same time, the Angel of Sympathy connects Cancer with other people, giving the ability to mercy and compassion. Cancer has an exceptional gift to feel, as well as to stand on the side of the weak. Zodiac Guardian Angel - Dina helps Cancer gain new knowledge and realize that wisdom will come when you start asking, and not when you stop looking for answers to questions.


It is very difficult for Leo to cope with his Demon of Vanity. He needs to hear the voice of his Angel of Cordiality. Only then does Leo turn from an arrogant, boastful proud person into a generous and warm-hearted person. A lion, caressed by his Guardian Angel, seems to radiate a warm light, and his eyes are radiant and shiny. This is the influence of the Zodiac Angel Leo - Aquaril. Aquaril guides Lviv on the path of spiritual self-improvement and helps them understand the world around them.


Virgos are most annoyed by the Demon of Discontent and Envy. Envy poisons the soul, and dissatisfaction with life awakens distrust of others and alienates Virgo from friends and loved ones. Such a Demon can lead Virgo to a state of indifference, and then to illness. But the Angel of Constancy and Protection tries to turn Virgo into a caring and strong-spirited person who becomes like a rock, and to whom others cling in search of wise advice and a sense of reliability. To comprehend her destiny, Virgo will be helped by the Zodiac Guardian Angel - Kadmiel. He will guide you along the right Path and reward you with intuition.


On the right shoulder of the representative of the sign of Libra stands the Angel of Measure and Balance, and on the left is the capricious Demon of Moods. The demon sows doubt in business, in feelings, in love, in partners, in friends. This spirit of mood tempts Libra to play with people on their feelings and weaknesses, to beautifully keep them at a distance, to be calculating and selfish. It is also a very flirtatious Demon, encouraging women to eternally seduce and deceive men. The Angel of Measure can make Libra beautiful in both soul and body. Gives peace, calm and confidence. To gain inner strength and compassion, Libra should turn to the Zodiac Guardian Angel Barchiil. In this case, there is hope for improving your own life in the most difficult situations.


Scorpio is the object of confrontation between the Demon of Vengeance and the Angel of Truth. When the Zodiac Demon of Scorpio wakes up, he is tormented by the suspicion that everyone is deceiving him. This causes blind rage, old anger at those who did not live up to expectations. Then Scorpio decides to take revenge, or suffers from pathological jealousy, especially towards his beloved. This leads to self-destruction until Scorpio hears the soft, warning voice of the Angel. Angel Gabriel, one of the strongest Angels of Light, should be contacted for help in making fundamental changes in the life path of Scorpio. This Angel creates the best conditions for the implementation of plans.


Sagittarius is ruled by the Demon of Arrogance and the Angel of Justice. The demon causes Sagittarius' arrogance and arrogance, rejection of criticism and a sense of exclusivity that alienates people. Deep down, Sagittarius is a fighter for justice, strives for something higher, but at the same time there is a danger of reaching fanaticism. The Zodiac Guardian Angel of Sagittarius, Adnachiel, has many opportunities. It will help you gain independence and freedom. With its help, persistent people will be successful in business and career growth.


Capricorn is under the protection of the Angel of Strength and Endurance, but is a tasty prey for the Demon of Cold and Indifference. The Demon of Cold awakens when Capricorn is disappointed or if he has been used, betrayed, or pushed away. An evil spirit forces you to ignore people’s requests and think only about yourself, which is why the soul seems to become callous and dark. The Angel of Strength is the inner voice of Capricorn, which, on the contrary, makes him reliable, faithful, and caring. For help and protection in new, unusual endeavors, Capricorn should turn to the Zodiac Guardian Angel - Cambiel.


Aquarius is the object of the struggle between the Demon of Alienation and the Angel of Friendship. They coexist in the soul of Aquarius; on the one hand, there is compassion and warmth in relationships, on the other, a disregard for others, an overestimation of oneself and one’s own capabilities. The Demon of Alienation tries to push people away from Aquarius who wish him well or love him. Aquarius should value friendship and love, otherwise he risks being left alone. Aquarius, like no one else, needs to communicate with nature in order to replenish their energy reserves and restore strength. The Zodiac Angel Katetil will help you merge with nature and the world around you.


Pisces can be either caressed by the Angel of Love or destroyed by the Demon of Vices. Pisces is a very contradictory personality. Either he weaves intrigues, reacts evilly and cruelly to the insults inflicted, then he dives into the lake of various temptations and even debauchery, looking for sources of dubious pleasures in the form of alcohol or drugs. At the same time, Pisces is very close to the Angel of Love and boundless compassion - this is the Angel of the new time, whose voice is worth hearing, and which is so lacking in modern man. External charm, attractiveness and charm, success in love affairs and in a career are achieved through the Zodiac Angel Egalmiel, but this Angel is able to give Pisces much more earthly and spiritual benefits.