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Mantras to attract the man you love. Meditation to attract a loved one

Meditation as such was brought to Europe from the East as an integral part of the spiritual practices there. At the moment, this exercise for concentrating consciousness is used separately as a way to achieve desires - the Internet is full of articles on the topic of meditation to attract love, to obtain wealth, happiness and joy. Unfortunately, their authors, who are not at all following the path of spiritual improvement, have lost the true meaning of meditation, which in yoga means the concentration of the entire human being on its Creator.

The concentration of the mind on any object lies - in meditation on love, the object, naturally, is the above feeling. But love cannot simply appear in the heart - the writings of yogis speak of the need to open the heart to the flow of Universal Love, which will allow a person to become a conductor of this feeling. Without this, meditation to attract love will be simply drawing soothing pictures in the tired brain of a modern person.

Much has been written about opening the flow through the use of various spiritual practices aimed at opening the chakras (human energy centers). According to yoga teachings, love is an energy that cannot be produced by a person independently, without the help of higher powers. That is, those who want to attract this feeling into their life must accept as an absolute truth the existence of this energy in the Universe and the opportunity to become its conductor themselves.

Accordingly, practicing meditation to attract a loved one will be pointless if the person using it thinks exclusively about his own selfish desires. Love will not come into his life if he does not radiate it himself. Therefore, you need to start not with a request to send you a specific man or woman, but with an internal change by distracting from vain thoughts and concentrating on this feeling. A thought can become material only when a person has confidence that only good things await him.

Practical recommendations for sending love into the world around us begin with the fact that a person should set aside time every day for love meditation, during which one should be distracted from the worries of this world and try to achieve a feeling of calm. It is usually recommended to imagine yourself in a quiet place - in a field or meadow, where flowers bloom, butterflies fly and the soul rests. Also in this field there should be a lake or stream - you need to immerse yourself in this water to wash away from your soul all the negativity accumulated there. This is the first part of the meditation on attracting love.

You can say the following words:

Hello, my beautiful Angel! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your constant help to me. I (state your name) are very good. I strive for love and harmony in my life. I ask you, oh my bright Angel, to send me my ideal loved one. I believe that you will find the best moment for him or her to appear in my life. Thank you again for your help

After this, you need to concentrate on the fact that a ray of love and tenderness emanates from your heart, which will shine for absolutely everyone - even for those you don’t like. At the same time, it is necessary not to pay attention to your ego, which will say that there are those people who are not worthy of this at all. The sending of this energy must be unconditional - like rain, which falls equally for the righteous and sinners. Love, kindness, tenderness must always come from the heart - this is the only way it can return to your life. Opening the flow of love in your heart cannot be done quickly - but those who are persistent in their intention will be able to achieve results.

After achieving results in meditation on attracting love as energy into your life, you can move on to more specific things. Meditation to attract a loved one is based on imagining a specific type with specific personal qualities. You need to clearly define who you really need in order to concretely imagine his image and subsequently get it in reality. Clearly formulated desires are a guarantee that after achieving the goal you will not be disappointed. Connecting with someone who is truly meant for you will not be based on fleeting desires of the flesh, but on a conscious choice.

Meditation to attract love can be used by everyone without exception - it is unlikely that in our crazy world there will be many people who love the world and everyone who lives in it, and expect only good things from life. The message of love, by the way, does not contradict the postulates of other world religions - in Christianity, for example, it is considered the most powerful weapon that defeats absolutely everything.

Mantra is a word or phrase in Sanskrit that practitioners believe has special psychological and spiritual powers. It is necessary to use love mantras if a person lacks sublime feelings, positive emotions, or needs to regain passion.


Reading rules

  • mentally (to oneself);
  • aloud;
  • sing.

The rules for reading mantras are as follows:

  1. You need to read mantras in Sanskrit or transcriptions in Russian (the most famous example is “Om Mani Padme Hum”). It is believed that certain sound vibrations help stimulate happy hormones, which relax the body and calm the mind.
  2. Reciting mantras requires sound and spiritual vibrations. As you know, the organ of love is the heart, but it is necessary to understand that the heart is more than just a pump that pumps blood. Focus your attention on him now. If the heart is closed or heavy, you move in the opposite direction.

Mantra of Green Tara

Tara is traditionally considered a bodhisattva or Buddha of compassion, a protector called upon to help and free people from physical, emotional and mental torment. Tara has 21 main forms, each with its own color and spiritual attribute. "is one of the main attractive mantras that yogis recite to help themselves and others.

"Tara" is considered one of the most powerful Sanskrit mantras for harmonizing the senses. It is also a mantra for fulfilling desires and attracting happy events and meetings. It is said that this mantra was often used by the Dalai Lama.

The video from user Vladimir20285 demonstrates how to correctly read the mantra to Green Tara.

Mantra Shiva Shambo

In the mantra “Shiva Shambo” the god Shiva is called the blessed one. The meditator of this mantra turns to Shiva as a universal being located outside our dimension. By calling him this, the reader invokes Shiva, asking him for rebirth. According to Buddhist beliefs, this is one of the most effective mantras for love. It is believed that only by being reborn in our understanding of the world can we gain love - divine or human.

The video from user Tatyana Mikushina presents the rules for reading one of the best mantras - “Shiva Shambo”.

Adi Shakti Mantra

Aadi Shakti, Namo, Namo Sarabi Shakti...

It is said that chanting the Adi Shakti mantra eliminates fears and fulfills desires. It is this mantra that reveals in girls their powerful essence. Adi Shakti literally means "primordial, primordial" force. Feminine in its essence, this force, according to beliefs, indicates the future and is a symbol of creation and harmony in a couple.

Mantra of love and feminine energy

Aum Sri Gaya Adi Chandra Aya Namah

This is the Tibetan mantra of love and tenderness, devotion and majestic beauty. She literally sings the praises of Sri Rama. The Ramayana presents him to us as an aspect of the god Vishnu. Meditation (reading, chanting) of this mantra is a great way to activate energy. By chanting feminine energy, one can open the heart, experience higher levels of consciousness, and become purified. Both the listener and the reader will be able to find the true path to reconciliation and finding love.

Mantra of love and light

The entire song “Govindam Adipurusham...” is a praise to Krishna. From the point of view of yogis, any appeal to this deity advances the consciousness of the singer towards the Divine Absolute, towards love. In a more “mundane” sense, this mantra is necessary to create a powerful center of concentration of consciousness. In meditation, the desire for light helps our desires gain special power.

Praise to Krishna is perhaps the strongest mantra of love, since mutual passion between a man and a woman is a manifestation of universal, and even universal, love.

Video from Svetlana Nagorodnaya you can immerse yourself for free into the enchanting world of the mantra of love and light.

A very powerful mantra of love

This simple text is repeated many times so that a person can connect with the essence of the Universe. According to tradition, Yogi Bhajan tracked down a lone man who knew this mantra for three months in the Himalayas to obtain it.

In the understanding of yogis, chanting this mantra is not just a sign of respect to the mother, but rather an appeal to the mother of our soul, to the Universe itself. Try to trace your whole life during meditation from its very beginning, try to realize what it means to be a woman.

Try to listen and analyze every aspect of your life from a loving perspective. After reading the mantra, you will understand that a woman will live happily when she awakens in herself the ability to find reciprocity.

The video from Svetlana Nagorodnaya shows the correct reading of a very powerful mantra of love.

Vibrations of love

“Ra Ma Da Sa Sai So Hang” - this chant is believed to enhance a woman’s inner energy, generating vibrations of love in her. Reciting this mantra for a certain number of days will transform a woman into a divine creature capable of attracting any man or guy, attracting true passion.

In the video from the “Unified Love” channel, you can listen online to the correct reading of the mantra that generates vibrations of love

A short mantra of joy and love

This mantra sounds like this: “Om Namo Narayanaya.” The most commonly cited explanation for this phrase is that naara means "person" and anaya means "direction" or "goal." Thus, "Narayana" should be understood as "directed by man." This mantra is a manifestation of energy that helps us achieve our goal, in self-realization, but it is also a force that mutually attracts love.

To attract the interest of the opposite sex

The mantra is pronounced as “Om Kurkulle Hum Hrih Svaha”. "Kurukulla" is a deity in the pantheon of Buddhism, which gives success in tantric love spell rituals. While reciting the mantra, you can simply chant the words, think about your lover, or imagine your loved one thinking about you. Sing it constantly until the result is achieved. This mantra is a powerful helper for finding a life partner.

The Kurkulla mantra is also masculine, so it is worshiped by unhappy lovers suffering from loneliness. It is usually invoked when the beloved is not around, and when recited endlessly (more than 10,000 times), the mantra penetrates the heart of the beloved, who will undoubtedly be won.

So Purkh

In Kundalini Yoga, there is a perfectly working number practice called So Purkh. Essentially, it is repeating a certain mantra a dozen times a day. It is believed that a woman can recite "Purkh" for a specific person in her life. For example, for her husband, if she wants to help him realize his full potential.

The mantra is suitable for finding a life partner if you have not yet managed to meet one. In the traditional sense, the mantra is good specifically for serious relationships or marriage. Yogi Bhajan taught that if a woman recites this mantra eleven times a day to her significant other, she can clear up any misunderstandings between them. Sometimes repeating this mantra even helps to bring your loved one back.

We are all familiar with the term meditation. Moreover, every person, without realizing it, can be in a state of meditation for some time. For example, this is a period when we are very focused on something, or when the heart skips a beat for a few moments during tremulous moments. All this is a kind of meditation.

But for a person who would purposefully want to learn how to meditate, it is important to understand what meditation is and why it is needed, what techniques exist and how to do it correctly. This will be discussed in the article.

What is meditation

So, meditation is a special technique of concentration and relaxation at the same time. A state when thoughts are directed towards one goal or the mind is completely cleared of thoughts. It depends on the technique used and its purpose. Of course, this is spiritual work on oneself. Many people consider meditation to be a supernatural process because it can manifest unusual abilities, such as levitation or mind reading. Such cases were recorded in ancient times, but whether it is fact or fiction, there is no direct evidence.

During meditation, a person turns off his mind, becomes unconscious, and at this moment the body rests without action or thoughts. Or we set ourselves up for a certain state - happiness, spiritual and physical health, inner joy and much more, direct our thoughts in one direction and concentrate on this. Agree, quite often our mind and various aggravating thoughts prevent us from relaxing.

Science says that meditation is a process in which, due to a special breathing technique, the actions in the cerebral cortex slow down. When a person performs meditation, the whole body relaxes, the consciousness “floats” and the brain enters a state between sleep and reality. At such moments, various new sensations and emotions may arise. Of course, scientists deny the supernatural nature of this process, since all phenomena are explained by slow brain function, a state of half-asleep.

Why is meditation needed?

Many people who practice meditation use it to bring their consciousness into balance and restore inner harmony. Meditation helps in mastering various practices, as well as some martial arts.

In other words, if a person is anxious about something, he is worried about some life situation or problem, he is experiencing stress for one reason or another, then meditation will be an excellent way to combat these factors that upset the personality. This will help you calm down and relax; moreover, breathing techniques will also be beneficial to the body.

If we talk again about the scientific point of view on meditation, this is probably one of the easiest ways to learn how to manage your psychophysiological state, emotions, restrain anger and other negative emotions, let go and not hold onto evil, increase your creativity and work efficiency.

A Brief History of Meditation

Meditation dates back to ancient times and can be traced in parallel with religion. In past centuries, people used chants, repetition of the same words, and other means to communicate with the gods.

The first mention of this process appeared in India around the 15th century BC in the tradition of Hindu Vedantism. It is the Vedas that describe the technique of meditation.

Later, in the period from the 6th to 5th centuries BC, other forms of meditation appear (in Indian Buddhism and Chinese Taoism). In the 20s BC there are records of a religious thinker who describes “spiritual exercises”, the essence of which is concentration and attention. Three centuries later, meditation techniques were developed by the philosopher Plotinus (one of the first philosophers of Ancient Greece).

Buddhist scriptures say that Indian Buddhist meditation is a kind of step towards liberation. The religion spreads to China, where references to the use of meditation go back to the Zen school (100 BC).

Meditation began to spread from India thanks to the movement of caravans along the Silk Road, which connected East Asia and the Mediterranean. This process became increasingly popular and more and more people took up the practice.

Later, in the 60s of the 20th century, meditation spread in the West and became the object of scientific study, during which it was possible to find out exactly how it affects the body and what processes occur or, conversely, do not occur in a state of meditative trance.

Today, meditation techniques are used in psychotherapy as a means of neutralizing negative emotions, stress and developing positive thinking and inner peace.

Osho Meditation

Chandra Mohan Rajneesh, or Osho, is an Indian philosopher who became the author of more than 140 different meditation techniques. It was Osho who developed the techniques of not only “sedentary” meditations, but also moving ones.

The main goal of meditation according to Osho is to put the mind aside and make yourself an empty vessel; get rid of your ego while gaining enlightenment. Osho believed that in order to get to your soul, you need the ability to turn off the mind, since the main obstacle in life for a person is himself. The main paradox of Osho’s teachings is “when a person is empty, he is filled.”

You cannot call a specific technique “the best meditation.” Everyone chooses what they like. Some people prefer static meditations, others prefer dynamic ones. It is important to find a technique that allows you to achieve the main goals of meditation - harmony. Here are some of Osho's meditation techniques: Vipassana, Osho dynamic meditation and Kundalini.

These are just a few examples of this guru's varied meditation techniques. Osho meditation, as the philosopher himself and supporters of his teachings believed, helps to find inner harmony, peace and joy, and the ability to be oneself.

Vipassana technique

This type of meditation should be done in absolute silence. You need to find a comfortable place where you can sit for 45-60 minutes and meditate every day in the same place and at the same time.

Vipassana is not practiced for the purpose of concentration. This technique is characterized by relaxation. Your back should be straight, your eyes should be closed, you should breathe naturally and listen to your breathing.

Dynamic Meditation

As already noted, meditation can be moving and lively. That is, it is not necessary to take a comfortable position and stay in it for a long period. For people who cannot meditate still, dynamic meditation is suitable. The energy that comes out at the moment of the second stage allows the body to relax and free itself from excess tension.

Performed over an hour in 5 stages. Eyes must be closed or blindfolded. It is better to meditate using this technique on an empty stomach in comfortable clothes. You can keep track of time using a timer. If you can’t make noise in the room, let it be a body meditation, and you can recite the mantra mentally.

The first stage lasts 10 minutes. You need to breathe through your nose and deeply, concentrating on exhalation.

The second stage is also 10 minutes. It is necessary to release energy - jump, scream, shake, dance, sing, laugh, move your whole body. You need to be “crazy” and not involve your mind in this process. Just move.

At the third stage, for 10 minutes you need to jump with your arms raised up and repeat the mantra “Hu! Hoo! Hu!” You need to land on your entire foot.

The fourth stage lasts 15 minutes. You need to freeze in the position you were in at the time of the signal. You just need to be in this state, don’t cough, don’t sneeze, don’t speak, freeze.

The last, fifth, stage also lasts 15 minutes. You need to dance and rejoice, fill yourself with happiness, expressing gratitude to everything.

Kundalini technique

Meditation that is performed at sunset for an hour. Its first three stages are performed to music, and the last - in silence.

At the first stage, you need to start shaking the whole body in a standing position for 15 minutes. It is necessary to shake, preparing the internal energy for release.

In the second stage, you need to start dancing freely for 15 minutes. Dance can be anything: you can jump, run, move the way your body wants it.

At the third stage, you need to freeze, remain motionless for 15 minutes, feeling what is happening outside and inside. You have freed yourself from energy, a large flow of it, and now just contemplate how something new flows in your veins. Feel this state.

At the fourth stage, you need to take a lying position and lie motionless with your eyes closed (15 minutes).

Cleansing with Meditation

6 repetitions on the heart chakra;

6 reps, throat chakra;

6 repetitions of the mantra;

6 reps;

Once for the right eye chakra, once for the left;

Once for each hemisphere of the brain;

Once for each ear;

Once for each nostril;

And one repetition at a time, concentrating on the chakras of the mouth and tongue.

Thus, the mantra will have to resonate throughout the body.

Meditation technique to attract a loved one for women

Meditation for attracting a loved one and happy events for women is to imagine yourself in a comfortable, heavenly place, among flowers or on the seashore. You need to be in a relaxed state and imagine the sounds of the surf, the sound of waves, pleasant sand and sun.

Imagine that rays of energy are emanating from you. This is the energy of love that you are willing to give and receive. Then you need to imagine that a person is approaching you. You don't have to focus on a specific image, maybe it's just a silhouette. It is necessary to feel the exchange of energies and the opening of the soul. The point is to remove blocks and fears of not meeting your love.

You may not realize that this is hindering your happiness. Meditation helps you clear yourself of doubts and direct your energy towards happiness and love. Happy events and love will begin to come into your life as soon as you fully open up to your willingness to accept these events. It is very important. Meditation to attract happiness, a loved one, success into your life will not have a special correct technique that excludes mistakes. If a person is not ready to gratefully accept even small joys, due to the fact that he simply could not consider them, then he is not ready for happiness.

Meditation is the path to self-knowledge, self-improvement, and spiritual development. In this case, the saying “thoughts are material” is true. The best meditation is one that is done with an understanding of the essence of this process. You need to believe with all your heart that love will come, the main thing is that you are ready for it.

Meditation to attract love is a powerful technique that is based on concentrating attention on a specific object. With its help, you can meet your soulmate much faster than it should have happened, and even change your destiny.

General rules of meditation for attracting men

Meditation cannot be used for the purpose of revenge. If you do not concentrate your attention exclusively on the object of your passion, but become distracted by various everyday trifles, you will not achieve the desired result. During the session, you need to let go of all thoughts and fill your soul with bright energy.

You cannot choose a specific person as the object of love. Just relax, turn on your senses, think about pleasant things, feel harmony and happiness. Remember, this is not magic; using a session to attract specific people is not effective.

You can meditate in any comfortable position, it is advisable just not to lie down, so as not to accidentally fall asleep. Create a romantic atmosphere indoors. Turn on light, relaxing music, light candles. During the session, do not force yourself to throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head. Everything should be relaxed.

Try to tune in to a positive wave, take a break from daily problems and bustle, think about pleasant things.

During the process, focus on feelings such as:

  • Love;
  • harmony;
  • happiness;
  • joy.

Conduct sessions to attract your loved one 2-3 times a week. Meditate for 10-20 minutes. Learn the technique with a specialist. This way you can significantly increase your chances of meeting your soul mate.

Slavic meditation

Our ancestors have always been sensitive to family values. The main life goal of Slavic girls was to get married and have children.

The rituals of ancient clergy made it possible to conduct meditations to attract the love of a loved one. Such sessions help to find sincere feelings and create a strong family. The wisdom of our ancestors makes it possible for many people to build harmonious relationships. The educational training Rodosvet, which will introduce you to ancient rituals and tell you about the traditions of our ancestors, is worth studying before starting practice. You will learn about Slavic rituals for attracting a star couple and communicating with the goddess Lada (Ladoslava). In ancient times, it was believed that it was she who helped open the heart to the flow of tender feelings.

Special meditative music and video clips will help you fill yourself with loving energy.

"Secret marriage"

People are designed in such a way that a feeling of complete happiness comes only when a loved one and children are nearby. At all times, men and women have been looking for a soul mate so they can go through life together, overcome difficulties and enjoy pleasant moments. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to find such a person. This technique is based on the openness of the Soul, the inclusion of the Light of one’s own Soul. This practice frees you from subconscious blocks and stimulates your partner to develop. Don't introduce a specific person. Your destiny will find you.

Meditations for women to attract love in several steps:

  1. Play meditative music.
  2. Lie down and close your eyelids.
  3. Relax completely and imagine yourself on the shore of a sunny bay.
  4. Imagine a person in the distance approaching you.
  5. Feel the long-awaited anticipation of this meeting.

For the next meeting

Relax, imagine yourself on the seashore, where you are surrounded by many people. In the crowd you will notice one person who can make you happy. This is your soulmate. Meditate for about three minutes every day for one month.

This technique sets you up for the next meeting with your loved one.

This practice will help when there is not enough happiness in life. Daily meditation on attracting love and happy moments will help attract joy, give harmony and well-being.

It is done simply:

  1. Sit down and relax.
  2. Focus on yourself.
  3. Imagine that a gentle fire is burning within you.
  4. Direct beams of energy towards him.
  5. See how this light grows and increases.
  6. Feel its warmth.
  7. Hold the air for a few seconds and exhale slowly.

Feel the warmth that remains in your chest. This is exactly the energy that will attract happiness into your life.

Practice for men

Not only women dream of starting a family. Men also often remain single due to the fact that they could not find a soul mate. Meditation for attracting love into your life for the stronger sex is based on the Hindu mantra “Klim”.

Practice helps to attract personal happiness.

Even in ancient times, people used meditative techniques to attract what they wanted. Nowadays, meditation is still popular, and with its help you can find love and fill your life with pleasant moments.

For many years, people have been using meditation to attract what they want. If your life has become gray and boring, you can diversify it with happy events. It would seem impossible to attract pleasant moments into your life. However, many years of practice show that with the power of thought a person can attract into his life whatever he wants. This also applies to love. Effective meditation techniques will help you get rid of loneliness and find your soulmate.

How to properly prepare for meditation

First of all, during meditation you should be in a calm environment. It is advisable that you remain in privacy at this moment. Excessive noise and conversations from household members can distract you. Therefore, if there are too many people in the house, go to nature.

To tune into a positive mood, you need to undergo spiritual and physical cleansing. Before you start meditating, take a shower, where you can relax and get rid of negative thoughts. After completing the water procedures, relax and do things that do not require mental stress.

If you are stressed, take time to exercise. It is believed that stress accumulates in all human organs and muscles. During exercise, the body is filled with oxygen, muscles are warmed up and blood flow to all organs is stimulated. However, you should not give preference to intensive training, since after it you will need time to calm down.

At the last stage, you should begin meditation. If you followed all the above rules, then rest assured: the result will coincide with your expectations.

Effective meditation on love and happiness

It would seem that finding a loved one and getting rid of loneliness forever is not at all difficult. However, many people for many years cannot find love and feel truly happy. Most of the pleasant events are sometimes associated with our soulmate. That is why this meditation will help you fill your life not only with love, but also with happy moments.

First, you need to let go of your fears, especially if you are afraid of change or are wary of letting another person into your life. It is very important that at this moment you are positive and believe that soon a loved one will really appear in your life, and happy events will happen more often.

Then try to visualize events that can make you happy, or an image of a loved one. Mentally imagine that all your wishes have already come true. For example, if traveling to another country can make you truly happy, then imagine yourself buying a plane ticket, packing your things, and being on your way to the airport. Don't forget that your dreams should also include a place for your significant other. If you already know what kind of character and appearance your partner should have, portray him exactly like that in your desires. This will significantly speed up the results of meditation. Try to feel all the emotions that you would experience if all this happened in reality. If you can mentally get closer to your dream, then it will soon come true.

If possible, imagine yourself touching your future partner. Believe that your loved one is with you at this moment. In your mind, his image should not be blurry. Try to imagine even the smallest details of your partner's appearance. At this moment, you will need maximum concentration and a strong desire to find love. Only in this case will you be able to get closer to what you want.

For these meditation techniques to be effective, they should be performed regularly. After a while, you will notice that your life is changing for the better.

Sometimes, even in such a huge world, a person can feel completely alone. At such moments, it seems to us that it is impossible to find a loved one and get rid of loneliness forever. However, it is not. Expert advice from the site will help you find love. May your life be filled with love and happy events, and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.04.2018 06:12

Love is the most important and valuable feeling in the life of every person. Meet your soul mate...