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Mia girl name origin and meaning. Miya: the meaning and origin of the name for a girl, character and destiny

A woman’s name is her guiding star in life. The name determines a person’s luck and his basic strong-willed qualities. What does the name Miya mean? What is the origin and history of the name Miya?

Meaning of the name Miya

Miya is a name that means a girl with a rather complex character. Literally it is translated from Scandinavian as “rebellious.” The zodiac sign that accompanies the girl is Gemini. This is a rather complex sign. It characterizes a person from two opposite sides. On the one hand, Mia can be kind and affectionate, but on the other hand, she can be stubborn and cruel.

Mia is ruled by Mercury. He manages agreements and contracts, the ability to find compromise. She rarely gets into arguments and believes that it is better to give in to her opponent and maintain good relations than to prove that she is right and be left with nothing.

Mia is protected by the topaz stone. He protects her from the evil eye, from gossip and other negative influences. The tree that most suits her as a talisman is juniper. The day to start something new is Tuesday.

Origin and history of the name Miya

Historians still debate what the name Miya means. It may have originated in Sweden, and is literally interpreted as “stubborn.” Perhaps it came from the German name Maria. Also, there is a version that the name could come from the Spanish word “my”.

Some scientists refute the version that the name appeared in the Middle Ages. They see its roots in distant Slavic-Tatar times. They are prompted to such an idea by the fact that Mia does not celebrate her name day. The thing is that in the Christian tradition there is no such saint.

The character and fate of Mia

It is worth noting the positive qualities of Mia’s character, which significantly offset the negative qualities:



Hard work;






These are not all the positive character traits of this fragile and sophisticated girl. Mias often have quite expressive and memorable facial features and a good figure. Even as little girls, Mia attracts emotions of admiration and joy from loved ones and strangers.

It is worth noting that Mia has been interested in art from an early age. She has excellent hearing and a desire to learn painting. A sense of taste and restraint can be seen not only in her clothes, but also in her manners and behavior.

Unfortunately, Mia is far from being an independent girl. They constantly strive to prove to their loved ones that they are talented and deserve praise, but they do not always succeed. Mias often make decisions that are suggested to them by someone wiser and more knowledgeable. Mias are not afraid to admit their defeats, but very rarely learn from their own mistakes.

Mia is always attracted to mysticism and religion; she simply cannot see her life without dreams and ideas about her future. The only problem is that most of Mia's dreams do not come true. The reason for this is her laziness in making important decisions. She prefers to avoid solving a problem rather than actively change something in her life. Mia tends to get upset over trifles. She believes that others do not pay enough attention to her problems and therefore often quarrels with those closest to her.

Mia sometimes forgets that she has a large and friendly family. She goes into thought and internal torment for a long time. But, if someone needs help, she will not hesitate to do everything in her power to help the person in need.

Among the Mias there are many journalists, film critics, poets and writers. They all suffer from unrequited love in their youth and strive to find an ideal relationship in adulthood. It's difficult for Mia to build her own business. It is difficult for her to lead other people and it is difficult for her to take responsibility for their actions.

But, if Mia has a hobby or a favorite job, she will throw all her strength into developing it to the level of perfection. Many Mias change jobs every year. It is difficult for them to get along in a large team, when everyone tries to sit on the other, tries to find a flaw in the other’s work.

Mia’s character and fate determine that she is always surrounded by a huge number of friends and young men in love with her. She attracts people with her spontaneity, kindness and honesty. She is open to dialogue and often stands up for the weak. If Mia has a younger brother or sister, she will become a second mother for them. She loves children very much. In addition to her own children, she may have several godchildren.

Mia's Love

Mia is happy in relationships and marriage only because she sincerely loves her chosen one. She is very sensitive to the issue of starting a family. She asks little from her lover; she gives him more affection and love. A man who has cast his lot with Mia will always be happy and successful.

She is a wonderful mother and a great housewife. Mia will always find a reason to joke, to lighten up the depressing situation. She understands the importance of her chosen one’s work and never complains to him about everyday troubles. Mia does not feel envy of other people's happiness. People often turn to her for advice on how best to build a family life.

She often has several children. She tries to give them the best education and monitors their physical and spiritual health. Mia has an extremely negative attitude towards betrayal and is unlikely to be able to forgive her husband. Mia herself cannot even think about cheating.

Due to the huge number of people who like Mia, she is also surrounded by a huge amount of discussion and gossip. She will repeatedly be disappointed in her friends and acquaintances until she understands that not all people are as open and kind as she is.

Mia should pay special attention to her health in her youth. She may catch colds often. Doctors attribute this not only to weak immunity, but also to excessive impressionability and sentimentality. Her man really likes the subtlety of Mia’s soul. He tries to protect his beloved from the weight of the world around him. That's why their family is strong.

It's no secret that the name of each person hides a certain secret, which can be unraveled by learning its origin, meaning and influence on fate. For those who are interested in this, we offer our help in the form of articles with answers to all your questions.

Today we will find out what is the meaning of the name Miya. The name Miya is ancient and less common; it is practically never found in Russia, but is more popular in Europe and the Americas. But its origin is shrouded in mystery. No one can say exactly where it came from, but the most popular version among historians is this: Miya has Swedish roots and means “stubborn, rebellious.”

It is also very similar to the Spanish word Mia, which means “mine.” But there is one group of historians who adhere to the version according to which the name Miya is a shortened form of Solomiya, which means “calm; quiet, like a temple." There is also a version that the Germans came up with this shortened version, and the full name sounds like Maria.

There is a debate about what is the correct spelling – Mia or Mia? Considering that this name is not Russian, then, most likely, it is correct to write it Mia, since in foreign languages ​​there is no letter “ya”. And it is written in Latin as Mia.

But if in our country they call a girl that way, then her name is written and pronounced exactly like Mia. Because the presence of the letter “a” at the end changes its pronunciation and is uncharacteristic of the Russian language. But what to name the child - Mia or Mia - is, of course, up to the parents to decide.

There is no abbreviated form for this name - perhaps there is nowhere else to abbreviate it. But there are affectionate ones: Miyushka, Mika, Mienka. This name is not included in the Orthodox calendar, so its owners do not celebrate their name day.

How to characterize its owner

Girls with the female name Miya are not only owners of an original name, but also have an extraordinary character. This is a very bright personality, trying to stand out always, in everything and in any way. Often her actions shock her parents, but they had to think about this when choosing her daughter’s name. If a girl decides something, it will be difficult to convince her.

In addition, Mia has a rich imagination and easily comes up with various stories and names for the heroes of her fairy tales. And another talent helps her in this - artistic. In addition to the story, the girl can easily draw a picture.

In addition, Mia has an extraordinary mind and the ability to analyze any situation. But at the same time she needs the support of her family and friends. She is afraid to make decisions and take responsibility without their advice. Also, the girl’s character has such a trait as sociability. She easily meets any people and finds a common language with them. And over the years, this quality does not go away, but helps to move through life.

She also has many friends at school, but few truly close ones, because Mia takes this very seriously. The girl always comes to the aid of others, even if she doesn’t know the person well. This is due to the fact that mutual assistance comes first for her in life. Studying is easy for her, the humanities are especially interesting.

Mia is a very neat, clean girl who always takes care of her appearance. She is dressed with taste, her hair is in order, and this contributes to increased attention from the male sex. But he will never take reckless actions; he thinks through every step in advance. In this regard, she hides her emotions and feelings for a while, which causes others to feel cold and unapproachable on her part. But this is not so, Mia is a very passionate and sensual person.

In any dispute, she stands on the sidelines and observes, in order to later express an impartial opinion. Often they turn to her to resolve conflicts, to hear an outside opinion. But there is also a negative quality that her character has: most often she does not accept other opinions, considering only her own to be correct. However, family and friends know very well how wise, educated and reasonable Mia is, so they try to listen to her opinion.

As for the choice of profession and field of activity, girls with this name feel great in a creative environment and wherever creative notes are present. If she has to work in another field, then Mia does not stay there for long, because she is simply not interested. Such work quickly tires her and bores her, because the girl cannot self-realize in it.

The fate of the girl Mia is such that she is unable to live without love. She needs this feeling every day and hour. Mia envelops her chosen one with it completely. Sometimes this manifests itself beyond measure and literally does not allow the partner to breathe. But such is the character of the girl. She gives her feelings completely and in return wants to receive the same emotions, gratitude and admiration. When the object of adoration is absent or far away, Mia begins to feel useless and sad.

The search for a chosen one lasts a long time and is particularly scrupulous, so the girl gets married late. But in marriage, Mia is absolutely happy, she becomes a wonderful wife and mother. The main principle of her family life is that she never puts pressure on her partner and does not try to “bend” him under her, but at the same time she herself does not become his shadow. In their family, equality of partners prevails, which eliminates a lot of conflicts.

Due to the fact that Mia’s marriage is usually late, and her children appear late, but they are very long-awaited and beloved, for the sake of them the woman is ready to sacrifice even her career and devote herself entirely to raising them. Author: Natalia Chernikova

Short form of the name Miya. Mi, Mimi.
Synonyms for the name Miya. Mia, Maria, Amalia, Emilia, Solomiya.
Origin of the name Miya. The name Miya is German, Japanese, and Catholic.

The name Mia is one of the variants of the name Maria, which is used in countries such as the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, and the USA. In Europe, this name can also sound like Mia. Later this name became independent. In 2013, the name Mia was the seventh most popular name for girls in Australia.

The name Miya is a Japanese girl's name meaning "three arrows".

Also, the name Miya is an affectionate reference to such female names as Emilia, Amilia and Solomiya. Name days for the name Miya look at the full name from which it was derived.

The owner of the name Mia is very persistent, with a strong personality. She loves to be the center of attention, she does not mind imposing her company on anyone, but she knows how to do this with a certain charm and style, so she rarely receives a sharp rebuff.

This is a proud and vain girl, she seeks perfection and does not run away from responsibility. Mia wants to be the best in everything she does, and can be very self-important, and gets very irritated and offended when they don’t believe in her victory. Mia feels great when she is not understood, but this does not affect the efforts she makes to achieve her own goal. Mia has undeniable advantages - activity, independence, determination, generosity, she is a reliable person of impeccable honesty.

In fact, two somewhat opposing trends can be noted in Mia’s character and behavior. She can be a sensitive, sensitive idealist with an air of selfless nobility, but she can also become deeply self-centered. These trends tend to be interconnected and can lead to very contradictory relationships, both for the better and for the worse.

Even as a little girl, Mia intends to become the center of the universe, and if this does not succeed in excelling at school, then this desire will likely find expression in the development of a melodramatic and eccentric personality. The main thing for Mia is not to go unnoticed. She is proud of her uniqueness and brightness, and resents her parents' interference.

Even though Mia is usually very active, from time to time she also needs to escape into her inner dream world. Fascinated by other worlds, she loves to decorate her life with poetry, music and something attractive. Mia loves traveling abroad, especially to distant places. The owner of this name is a romantic person, although she will never admit it, she dreams of meeting the prince and wants to live happily ever after with him. Unfortunately, reality may differ from her dreams, so the chosen partner may not meet her high expectations.

Mia has such an individualistic nature that she prefers independent professions that give her complete freedom of action. Most often these are professions of an artistic, aesthetic or creative nature (stylist, designer), it is possible that this will be related to luxury goods (fashion, fur, jewelry, perfumes). But Mia is also always happy to take leadership positions where she will be useful to people (professions of a social nature, law, medicine, public relations).

Mia's birthday

Mia doesn't celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Miya

  • Mia Audina Tjiptavan ((born 1979) Indonesian, then Dutch badminton player, twice winner of Olympic silver medals, multiple winner of the World and European Championships)
  • Mia Amber Davis ((1974-2011) American fashion model and actress)
  • Mia Slavenska ((1916-2002) American ballerina, teacher, was a soloist of the Russian Ballet of Monte Carlo, also taught in her own studios)
  • Mia Goth ((born 1993) English actress and model)
  • Mia Wasikowska ((born 1989) Australian actress and director, starred in the films “Alice in Wonderland”, “Trails”, “Crimson Peak” and others)
  • Mia Yim ((born 1989) pseudonym, real name Stephanie Bell; Korean-American wrestler, also performs under the name Jade)
  • Mia Saarinen ((born 1995) Swedish and Finnish actress)
  • Mia Friedman ((born 1971) Australian journalist)
  • Mia Engberg ((born 1970) Swedish film director, screenwriter and producer)
  • Mia Hamm ((born 1972) full name - Mariel Margaret "Mia" Hamm-Garciaparra; famous American soccer player, played on the US women's national soccer team)
  • Mia Catherine Zapata ((1965-1993) American rock singer, songwriter and musician (guitar, piano))
The desire to look fashionable and stylish is one of your main life priorities. Your clothes are always unconventional and correspond to the “latest trends.” However, one should not completely ignore the well-known truth that says: “It is better to be half a step behind fashion than one step ahead.” Clothing should first of all correspond to the moment and emphasize your advantages, and not create them. Again, they are guided by the mind, and a flashy appearance does not in any way indicate its presence.

Compatibility of the name Miya, manifestation in love

Miya, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity.” You are extremely picky in any connections, be it friendship or closer relationships. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for your partner, misled by your external closeness and aloofness.


You are a “closed” person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one’s own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the world around you.

Over time, this “shell” becomes thicker, and the possibility of “coming out” becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the strongest shell may one day fail to withstand external pressure and burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intelligence nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of “interpenetration”, without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a product that can be “sold”, but as a tool for working in a team. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot,” but the affection of others is not a trifle.

The female name Miya has a very original and easy to remember sound. Despite this, very few of our compatriots dare to name their child. In Russia this name is quite rare. It is much more popular in Europe and America.

Anthropologists still cannot come to a consensus about the origin of the girl’s name Mia. Some experts attribute Swedish roots to him. In their opinion, the meaning of the female name Mia corresponds to the concept of “rebellious” or “stubborn”. There is another interpretation. According to him, this name comes from the Spanish word “Mia”, which translated into Russian means “mine”.

The meaning of the name Miya in the character of a girl

Under the influence of the meaning of the name Miya, the girl’s character displays such traits as emotionality, hard work, creativity, love of truth, practicality and kindness. This little girl shows great cheerfulness and...

Russia, Tolyatti

Here's what we managed to find)..
The name Mia (Mia, Miya) is a modern version of Maria! Characteristics of the name Miya: internal stability, leading to strong-willed active actions without internal contradictions and external fluctuations. Positive qualities: inspiration, imagination, creative talent, emotionality, gift of words, gift of foresight, success in self-expression, artistic taste, cheerfulness, optimism, love of life. Negative qualities: whimsicality, tyranny, excesses, extravagance, gossip, talkativeness, self-centeredness, wastefulness, lack of determination, inability to complete a task, inability to forgive, rapid change of mood. Colors: pink, amber, ruby, reddish-brown, blood-red Planet: Mars Element of the name - Water Letters of the name: M - caring person, shyness is possible. Warning: you are part of nature, not...

Reveal the secret of your and someone else's name by looking at the results of calculations in the numerological magic of numbers, you will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. You may not understand them, but you feel that you don’t know something about yourself and your loved ones.

* To decipher the result, move the cursor over the result number

Points of Intensification - The influence of the letters of the name on the fate and character of MIA

Analysis of MIA
Decoding date of birth:No date of birth, calculation is not possible.Psychomatrix named after MIA

Determination(1)(the ability to defend one’s views, set goals and objectives) :
weak sense of purpose; a person can get involved in a dispute, but this does not mean that he wants to achieve a result; as a rule, it is only a desire to defeat another in a dispute. Hopes for chance and friends
Family man(1)(desire to have a family, to be among your loved ones) :

Characteristics of the female name “Miya”

There is no characteristic for the name "Miya" yet. If your name is “Miya” or there is “Miya” among your friends and you know this person well, his character, habits and preferences, then very soon you will be able to replenish the site’s database with a new characteristic for the name “Miya”.

Planetary number of the name "Miya"

Planetary number of the name “Miya” - 1 .

Planet named "Miya" - Sun.

A positive type is a creative, bright and charming person, often a solitary creator. The negative type is a selfish egoist. External features - Persian eye shape, raised blunt nose, soft smooth movements.

Cyclicity - 11 years, for the positive type - every 11 years a favorable event: marriage, love, birth of a child. For the negative type - troubles, illness, divorce. Favorable months - 3, 5, 9...

Names similar in meaning to the name Miya.

Clue "Names with similar meanings"- these are names whose meaning has the same meaning. For example, the name "Lika" (from Greek Sweet) will correspond to the Slavic name Sladka. No similar names were found for the name "Miya".

Ancestors and descendants of the name Miya.

Clue "ancestors" And "descendants" this is an attempt to find and build chains of name formation. If a name has known predecessor names, they will be in the "ancestors" block. If a name has "child" names, the list will be available in the "descendants" block.

Primitive and derived forms of the name Miya

Hint Below is information about the primitive and derivative forms of the name Miya.

Description of the female name Miya

Clue "Description" represents information not included in other sections.

Miya name number

If you like the name, call it and don’t listen to anyone (the main thing is that it’s not Parasha and Drazdraperma) It’s a ugly name. My husband and I named our daughter Nonna, some of our friends were surprised and said that they had never heard of such a name. And here you go, read. Miya is short for Solomiya. The name Miya is a Japanese name. Means “quiet as a temple.” The name Miya (Mia, Miya) is a modern version of Maria!
Characteristics of the name Miya: internal stability, leading to strong-willed active actions without internal contradictions and external fluctuations.
Positive qualities: inspiration, imagination, creative talent, emotionality, gift of words, gift of foresight, success in self-expression, artistic taste, cheerfulness, optimism, love of life.
Negative qualities: whimsicality, tyranny, excesses, extravagance, gossip, talkativeness, self-centeredness, wastefulness, lack of determination, inability to follow through, inability to forgive, quick change...

The result of the computer phonosemantic meaning of the name Mia

It is important to understand that these signs do not reflect any personal qualities of the owner of the name. This is only the result of phonosemantic analysis of the analyzed word - in this case, the name. As they say, it’s not the name that makes the man, but the man’s name.

Name Mia has the following phonosemantic qualities out of 25 possible (qualities are given in descending order of their severity): Kind, Gentle, Feminine, Safe, Short, Slow, Light, Frail, Smooth .

Below is a table of the results of the phonosemantic significance of the name Mia for each of 25 signs.

This table shows the entire range of phonosemantic scales and the meanings of the analyzed name Mia on each scale. In the coefficient column, the following items must be taken into account: if the coefficient< 2,5 выражен первый признак шкалы; если коэффициент...

The other day, my friend gave birth to a beautiful, healthy and long-awaited baby. I named her MIA. But none of my relatives and friends approved of this choice. They said it was a strange name for Italy. And that this is not a name at all, but a possessive pronoun. Indeed, with it. language Mia means "mine". Like, when a girl grows up, children will tease mia, tua “mine, yours,” etc. And there will be constant confusion: mine? whose?

It must be said that Italians are great traditionalists. That’s why they look a little strangely at the names of foreign and frankly non-Italian names in church when you register a child for baptism. Although according to some sources, the name Mia is of Italian origin (which came from Scandinavia as a diminutive of the name Maria). According to other sources, it is from the Arabic Ma "ah (which means "water, water"). This name can be heard more often in America or England. But many say that in English it is written as Mya (and should be read as Maya) I don't know, I'm not sure...