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Maternity capital assistance in the year.



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Maternity capital in 2015 and 2016


The maternity capital program began in 2007 in the form of the implementation of additional measures of state support for families with children. Their provision within the framework of the program is established by Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 by providing a one-time state subsidy for certificates aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent standard of living. In total, by the beginning of 2016, more than 6.5 million Russian families had already received certificates for maternal capital.

Additional measures of state support for families with children- these are measures that provide the opportunity, as well as at the expense of federal budget funds transferred to the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Over the past months, an option from maternity capital funds has been discussed, similar to last year’s anti-crisis measure, but within the framework new anti-crisis plan, aimed at maintaining social and economic stability during the crisis in 2016-2017.

Features of the program implementation in 2015 and 2016

The program was initially designed for a 10-year period, starting on January 1, 2007 and ending on December 31, 2016. However, Vladimir Putin instructed to extend maternity capital until 2018 inclusive.

Attention! In accordance with the rules established by law, the known restriction until December 31, 2018 does not apply to the opportunity itself. This restriction establishes only the period for the birth of a second or subsequent children, who will be issued a state-issued certificate with the possibility of sending it, as before, after the child reaches three years of age.

In addition, the current law does not provide for time restrictions on obtaining a certificate. The necessary documents to receive maternity (family) capital can be submitted at any time before the child turns 23 years old. To do this, you need to contact the Pension Fund office at your place of residence with a package of basic documents. After submitting all documents and application, a decision on issuing a certificate will be made within 1 month.

On September 30, 2014, the Russian media announced proposals from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to optimize budget expenditures for 2015 and the planning period 2016-2017, concerning closure of the maternity capital program in 2015 due to its ineffectiveness. According to the Ministry's estimates, this measure will save 300 billion rubles a year. This proposal did not find support in the Government of the Russian Federation, and payments of maternity capital for 2015-2017 are already planned in the federal budget in full.

Indexation and established size for 2015 and 2016

Indexation of fixed payments is generally aimed at adjusting their purchasing power taking into account annual inflation. This mechanism is also provided for maternal (family) capital, because not every family has the right and opportunity to dispose of it immediately.

For 2015, in accordance with the draft Federal Budget Law, an increase in the amount of maternity capital, which corresponds to the amount RUB 453,026 In 2016, the amount on the certificate not indexed.

In the table below you can familiarize yourself with the changes that occurred with.

YearSize, rub.Indexation, %
2007 250 000,0
2008 276 250,0 10,5
2009 312 162,5 13
2010 343 378,8 10
2011 365 698,4 6,5
387 640,3 6
408 960,5 5,4
429 408,5 5
453 026,0 5,5

In subsequent years, the indexation of the amount of payments may slow down due to negative phenomena in the country's economy. In particular, according to the forecasts of the Ministry of Labor, due to the long-term decline in revenues to the federal budget, indexation of maternity capital for 2016 was not carried out at all, and for 2017 and 2018 it is planned in a smaller volume than the actual inflation rates.

Possible changes

In the summer of 2014, deputies of the Belgorod Regional Duma drafted a bill to extend the period of the family capital payment program until the end of 2026, which was considered not entirely appropriate in the conditions of crisis processes developing in the country’s economy.

Earlier, as part of the order of the President of the Russian Federation on assessing the feasibility of extending the maternity capital program after the end of 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation announced the need continuation of state support families in connection with the birth (adoption) of a second and subsequent child. In particular, according to the Government, the provision of maternity capital led to an increase in the total fertility rate in the country by 2012 to 1.7.

At the moment, no final decision has been made on this matter. Obviously, everything can be decided within the next two years. To a large extent, the difficulties and doubts in the social policy of the country's leadership are determined by economic instability in the country, Western sanctions imposed on the Russian economy and the development of general trends in the global economic crisis. We can only hope that the Russian Federation will avoid forced measures to curtail state social support programs.

Since January 1, the amount of maternity capital has been indexed and amounts to 453 thousand 26 rubles, which is 23.6 thousand more than in 2014. The areas for using maternity capital this year remain the same: improving the family’s living conditions, training and maintaining children in educational institutions, increasing the mother’s pension.

Since 2007, the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of Russia have issued more than 5.6 million state certificates for maternity capital. During 2014, more than 730 thousand Russian families received a certificate. To date, more than 52% of families have used maternity capital funds, including 48% in full.

The most popular area for spending maternity capital continues to be improving housing conditions: 99% of families allocated funds for this purpose.

Regarding the time frame for the maternity capital program, the Pension Fund recalls that in accordance with current legislation, in order to obtain the right to maternity capital, it is necessary that the child who gives the right to the certificate be born or adopted before December 31, 2016. At the same time, the receipt of the certificate and the disposal of its funds are not limited by time..

Thus, families entitled to maternity capital do not need to rush to dispose of it, especially considering that the amount of maternity capital is indexed annually.

As previously reported, in 2015 the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will continue to take an active part in the development of measures to combat the misuse of maternity capital funds. In particular, proposals have already been prepared to strengthen control over the allocation of maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions, namely: to issue maternity capital funds only for the repayment of credits and loans issued by credit institutions; ensure the suitability of premises purchased using maternity capital funds for permanent residence.

Today's difficult living conditions sometimes threaten the normal existence of many families who decide to have a child, due to increasing pressure on the family budget, and those families whose total family income is below a certain level require mandatory state assistance. In this regard, a special program was created, called "Maternal capital", which started back in 2007.

Its implementation has become necessary, first of all, due to the inevitable decline in the child birth rate, which has been observed in recent years. Therefore, such a measure to provide state support to mothers today effectively combats the demographic crisis.

After the introduction of the state program, the birth rate gradually began to rise, and many other important urgent “family” issues in the country began to be resolved. Thus, when a child was born, many families needed urgent help in changing their living conditions, which are being successfully solved today thanks to the use of funds allocated for the project. In addition, maternity capital necessarily provides for the solution of issues related to obtaining high-quality children's education, which is provided for by the already approved law on the adoption by the state of measures for state support of families with children.

Fertility curve in the Russian Federation in recent years (1990-2012)

Another line of development of the strategy of state assistance to the population with children is the current use of allocated material resources to organize the funded part of mothers’ pensions. True, there is no data yet on the exact implementation of this part of the program.

Will maternity capital be abolished in 2015?

According to official data, the state program to help families with children must be implemented within 10 years, so 2016 should be its last. Accordingly, if it is closed, only those families who will have an addition in the form of a second or next child will be the last to receive a certificate for state assistance.

What happens if you received a certificate for state aid, but did not use it until 2015?

Many people ask this question. The answer is simple - the current legislation does not imply a time limit on the issuance of a certificate, but still, such questions are best clarified by calling the hotline of the desired state. management.

What will be the amount of maternity capital in 2015?

According to the available data collected by experts over 8 years of program implementation, an expected picture of the forecast of the indexation level and size was compiled. Theoretically, the size of maternity capital in 2015 will be the amount of 450.878 thousand rubles, and indexation will reach the level of 5% , as in 2014.

Of course, there is a possibility of a slight change in these data if the general economic situation in the country changes, but today forecasters have settled on these indicators.

The trend of its development up to and including 2014 can be seen in the diagram below:

Should we expect any changes?

At the moment, there is no final decision regarding the winding down of this state program. It is only known that the proposal to extend the validity of this program until 2025 was submitted for consideration by deputies of the State Duma of Russia and was recognized as inappropriate due to the possible creation of a crisis on a national scale. At the same time, the President of the Russian Federation noted that the implementation of the program will not be suspended, but will only possibly undergo some changes. A final decision on the future of the state program to help mothers has not been made.

In any case, for now every family in which the second or subsequent child will be born before January 1, 2017, will have all the rights to legally receive a certificate of assistance under the Maternity Capital program. And all other families can only hope that the country will continue social support for families after 2016.

Difficult conditions and realities of life threaten the existence of large families whose income is below a certain level. In this regard, a program called “Maternity Capital” was created, implemented since 2007.

The need for the program is dictated by the fact that the birth rate has been steadily declining in recent years, so the state offered support to the mothers.

Will maternity capital be abolished in 2015?

There are rumors that maternity capital may be canceled in 2015. According to official data, this program is designed for 10 years, so the final year will be 2016, which means there is no talk of any cancellation in 2015.

If a certificate for state aid was received before 2016, but was not used, it will not be considered invalid, since the current legislation did not impose time restrictions.

The amount of maternity capital in 2015

Maternity capital is social assistance that is provided by the state in the form of a certificate. Every year, the amount of assistance is indexed and increased, but a previously received document cannot be replaced. A mother can receive a certificate from the Pension Fund within 3 years from the birth of her baby by submitting an application. The amount indicated in the certificate is not taxed, the assistance is allocated specifically to the parents, and not to the child, so they have the right to decide where to send the funds received.

Over 8 years of implementation, a picture of the indexation level was compiled:


Amount of payments, rubles

Indexation, %

In 2015, indexation will remain at the level of 5%; the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to close the program did not receive support.

For 2015-2017, maternity capital payments were included in the federal budget in full.

According to the Federal Budget Law, in 2015 the amount of maternity capital will be 453,026 rubles, the amount of payments has increased by 23,617 rubles.

Indexation in smaller volumes is planned for 2016 and 2017: 4.5 and 4.3 percent, respectively.

What can you spend maternity capital on?

We would like to remind you that government assistance is given to families with two or more children. The following have the right to receive a maternal certificate: a woman who gave birth to or adopted 2 or more children since 2007, a father who, after the death of his wife or deprivation of her rights, became the guardian of 2 or more minor children, minor children who have lost their only adoptive parent or parent.

In order to receive maternity capital, you need to write an application to the Pension Fund, providing a Russian passport, a child’s birth certificate or a certificate of adoption. In other cases, they may require documents confirming the death of a wife or parents, or the deprivation of a woman’s parental rights.

Cash in hand using the certificate is still not issued; only non-cash payments are possible. How to use the certificate?

  • Improve living conditions. After the child is 3 years old, living conditions can be improved. An exception is the repayment of debt on a mortgage or loan;
  • Teaching children. The entire amount or part of it can be spent on children's education. All funds must be spent before the child turns 23;
  • Pension. Saving for your mother or father's retirement is another option for using your finances.

Loans secured by maternity capital are not issued; according to experts, its purchasing power is gradually decreasing, so laws need to be revised. In particular, the possibility of purchasing a vehicle, developing a family business, and treating children is being considered, but so far no final decision has been made.

After January 1, 2017, certificates will be issued only to families whose incomes are below the subsistence level in order to improve their difficult financial situation. After 2015, the size of maternity capital is not yet known.

Due to the deteriorating economic situation in the country, the Internet is filled with questions of a financial nature. The “epidemic” has not spared those with maternity capital. After analyzing the statistics of user queries in Yandex, we came to the conclusion that users are most concerned about:

  • maternity capital in 2015;
  • size of maternity capital;
  • Until what year is maternity capital valid?

And also: will the maternity capital be canceled ahead of schedule, will they refuse payments, will the money depreciate...

We could not ignore all these questions and leave our readers to suffer in ignorance. That’s why we dedicated an entire article to them.

Legal guarantees

Based on the current legislation (Federal Law No. 256 of December 26, 2014, hereinafter referred to as the Law), the right to maternity capital (MK), which arose in the period 01.01.07 - 31.12.16, is inalienable and indefinite. The basic size of MK in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Law is set at 250 thousand rubles. At the same time, paragraph two of the same article provides for mandatory annual indexation of the amount of maternity capital depending on the rate of inflation growth.

Until now, the state has fulfilled its obligations to index and pay MK in full. Every year since 2008, the amount of maternity capital has grown and reached 429,408.5 rubles in 2014.

In mid-2014, the public was stirred up by rumors about the early termination of the MK program. In the summer, the Russian Ministry of Finance took the initiative to stop issuing new certificates in 2015, which was due to the growing crisis in the economy. However, neither the Government of the Russian Federation nor the President supported the initiative.

So we can say with confidence: in 2015 there will be maternal capital. The required amount has already been reserved in the federal budget (clause 1, article 8 of Federal Law No. 384 of December 1, 2014). It is also known that in the coming year, 2015, the tradition of indexing will not be broken: the size of the MK will increase by 5% compared to 2014.

Please note that the entire unused balance of the MK on the recipient’s personal account with the Pension Fund is subject to indexation. If you have not yet used maternity capital, then next year you will be able to receive 453,026 thousand rubles. If you have already used some part of the MK, then the entire balance will accordingly increase by 5%. According to the law, the Pension Fund is obliged to notify you of the balance of the capital account and its value no later than September 1 of the next year.

According to the Government of the Russian Federation, it is planned to continue indexing the MK in the coming years. Preliminarily, the draft budgets for 2016 and 2017 include correction factors of 4.5% and 4.3%, respectively. Thus, the approximate size of maternity capital in Moscow and other regions of the country in 2016 will be 473.412 thousand rubles.

Vague prospects

Should we rely on the state’s promises in view of the current economic situation? More precisely: how long will the state be able to fulfill its obligations and increase the size of maternity capital?

The practice of lawmaking in Russia shows that everything, even the most inalienable and perpetual rights, are revised from time to time. And even more often, amendments are made to them that radically change the essence of what was written. Most likely, indexing will continue until the end of the program. But it is not possible to clearly state what will happen to maternity capital after 2016 and what amount it will amount to. The prospects are too vague.

Moreover, it is clear to the naked eye that inflation in 2014 will significantly exceed the budgeted 5% coefficient. And if we take into account that in previous years the growth rate of the international capital was an order of magnitude behind inflation, it will not be difficult to draw certain conclusions.

Of course, there is a tendency towards a depreciation of the overall purchasing power of MCs.

How to manage money?

Does this mean that you need to urgently run to the Pension Fund and write an application for disposal of the funds allocated to you?

The answer to this question directly depends on how exactly you are going to use maternity capital:

  • Housing. Those who plan to purchase an apartment at MK expense or build their own house can afford to take their time with the investment. The increase in prices per square meter of housing for the period 2007-2014 was about 15%, which, compared to the growth rate of residential housing, looks insignificant. In addition, during a crisis, real estate usually becomes cheaper: the overall purchasing power of the population decreases, demand falls, and prices also fall. The rate at which real estate prices fall, of course, will largely depend on the region. The further from the center, the faster housing prices will fall.
  • Education. Unlike real estate, education (primarily higher education) has risen in price over the past 8 years (by an average of 75%-80% from 2007 to 2014) and will become even more expensive in the future. And the crisis will help him. If you nevertheless decide to direct MK to education, we recommend not to put it off for a long time and try to invest funds as early as possible.
  • Mortgage credit lending. Here we will see a widespread increase in interest rates on loans issued in the coming year. Despite the President’s convictions to delay raising prices, banks will simply be forced to do this, because the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has already increased the refinancing rate, which is the starting point for all banking pricing. Thus, it is better to hold off on housing loans if possible, at least until the situation in the banking sector stabilizes at any level.

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