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Women's novels in fb2 format. Romance novels

Romance novels never cease to captivate the fair half of humanity. Every girl, starting to read a book, feels a sweet anticipation and understands that in the next few hours she will move to a completely different world and become part of the bright and eventful life of the heroes. This literary genre appeals to very gentle and romantic people who want to feel real feminine happiness and touch something distant and forbidden.

Previously, having heard the phrase “love story,” most people had in their minds an image of a half-naked, gorgeous woman and a brave, courageous cowboy who only saved the beauty from the clutches of villains. Unfortunately, often the covers of even the most intellectual women's novels are not particularly attractive, so books of this genre are the best proof that you should not judge the work itself by its cover, because often a nondescript, at first glance, little book can give a lot of pleasure and significantly enhance mood and will turn into one of your favorite board books.

Today there are a considerable number of different romance novels on the Internet, so there is plenty to choose from. Many fans of erotic creations prefer hot stories about the love of ordinary girls and Greek handsome men, courageous millionaires and meek beauties, passionate Italian students and adult women. The charisma and assertiveness of the male characters makes the souls of readers tremble, and the soft, sometimes defiant, behavior of the heroines arouses even greater interest and desire to find out how such a complex relationship will end. Oddly enough, many are sure that such love stories have approximately the same happy ending, but in fact modern writers have gone further and today surprise their readers with unexpected endings and plot twists. Most writers have long gotten rid of the concept of a “stereotypical ending,” which is why today’s romantic literature is attracting a new surge of interest.

An interesting point: some husbands read romance novels together with their wives, for which the latter consider them the best men in the world, because after reading together the descriptions of romantic scenes, the couples’ blood begins to boil again and the relationship is filled with passion. Competently and efficiently written new books, in addition to describing tender feelings and warm hugs, often contain interesting facts about countries, events, cultures, etc. Therefore, each reader can not only get the desired emotions, but also expand his worldview, which is very important even when reading such light literature as romance novels.

It is very encouraging that a person does not necessarily need to go to the store and purchase a paper version of the creation. In order to start reading a book you like, you can download it for free in epub, fb2, pdf, rtf, txt format, or read it online without registration. Many romance novels consist of entire series of books, so on specialized sites you can not only read the story, but also learn about similar creations or the release of a sequel. The Internet opens up a lot of opportunities, so you should never ignore them! To master the advantages of the network in literary terms, you just need to use a computer, laptop or any other device that allows you to open the above formats or provide access to the World Wide Web.


Butterflies in my stomach, or the story of my virginity (Tatyana Nikolina)

Author: Tatyana Nikolina
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Erotica
Publisher: Ripol Classic
Russian language
Number of pages: 471
Description: What is it like to remain innocent in an age when it is fashionable to gain sexual experience at school? How to lose your virginity without wanting to turn back time? Is it worth breaking up with her at all? And with whom? A virgin can be sexy, passionate and temperamental, Katie is sure. She can be stylish, cool and damn desirable. And at the same time remain innocent. Bye... Expand


An Old Tale (Kate Forsyth)

ISBN: 978-5-9910-2216-3, 978-966-14-4280-0, 978-1-74166-845-2
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Kate Forsyth
Year of manufacture: 2013

Genre: Romance
Russian language
Number of pages: 512
Age restrictions: 16+
Description: Charlotte Rose has always been an inventor. And at the age of sixteen, presented to the king, with her stories she captured the imagination of his entire retinue and even his heir. But she won’t shine for long at the court of the “Sun King.” Louis XIV will believe the evil rumor about the connection between Charlotte...


Pirate Queen (Victoria Janssen)

ISBN: 978-5-227-03856-2
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Victoria Janssen
Year of manufacture: 2012
Publisher: Tsentrpoligraf
Genre: Romance novels
Russian language
Number of pages: 352
Age restrictions: 18+
Description: Having learned about the impending assassination attempt on Duke Maxim and intending to save his life at all costs, a young woman - Captain Imena Lyng kidnaps him directly from the castle's bedroom. Having wrapped Maxim in a carpet, the floor under the cover of night Imena carries him to his ship and sets off with him on a dangerous voyage. Both understand that they are in love, but only after going through many trials: a cruel storm,...


Sinful (Charlotte Featherstone)

ISBN: 978-5-227-03274-4
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Charlotte Featherstone
Year of manufacture: 2012
Publisher: Tsentrpoligraf
Genre: Romance novels
Russian language
Number of pages: 448
Age restrictions: 18+
Description: In Victorian England, love is easily bought with money, and vice and debauchery reign in aristocratic circles... Matthew, Earl of Wallingford, knows this firsthand. He has vicious and sophisticated relationships with the most beautiful women in the kingdom. He debauchs with cold blood and cruelty, having lost hope that at least one woman can light a fire in him...


Flesh (Portia Da Costa)

ISBN: 978-5-227-04336-8
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Portia Da Costa
Year of manufacture: 2013
Publisher: Tsentrpoligraf
Genre: Romance novels
Russian language
Number of pages: 384
Age restrictions: 18+
Description: Beatrice Waverley, an aristocrat from an impoverished family, decided on a daring act - to pose naked in front of her fiancé's camera. But the scoundrel abused her trust and, for the sake of profit, distributed explicit photographs throughout London. In Victorian England, this cost the girl the loss of her good name. Erotic photographs accidentally fell into the hands of Edmund Ritchie, a successful entrepreneur...


Dirty Love (Megan Hart)

ISBN: 978-5-227-02948-5
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Megan Hart
Year of manufacture: 2011
Publisher: Tsentrpoligraf
Genre: Romance novels
Russian language
Number of pages: 384
Description: Ellie met him in a candy store. This was no ordinary candy store, but the kind of store where you would go to buy an expensive box of chocolates for the boss's wife if you wanted to make it up to her for sleeping with her husband. Ellie sometimes indulged in such adventures. She liked to create desire in men. She felt a sharp sense of pleasure: how great it is to understand, to see that they want you! And then it’s simple...


"Harriet Radcliffe" series (Marina Anderson)

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Marina Anderson
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Romance novels
Publisher: AST
Russian language
Number of books: 2
Description: The calm and measured life of Harriet Radcliffe, a 23-year-old Englishwoman, has not brought any surprises for a long time. Wanting to add some variety to everyday life, Harriet gets a job as an assistant to a famous actress and finds herself in a completely different world with its own shocking secrets. A new life opens up abysses for the girl that she did not even suspect about. How far is the inexperienced Miss Radcliffe willing to go to carry out her secret...


Juliet syndrome. (Alena Zamigulova)

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Alena Zamigulova
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Contemporary romance novels
Russian language
Number of pages: 229
Description: Dear reader! This story is not a test of the pen, not an attempt to find oneself as a writer, etc. This is the prose of my life. I decided to mentally expose myself to you, simply because I am one of the millions of girls with whom something similar has already happened. And if I wanted to reflect the essence of this story in one phrase, I would quote the words of Winston
Churchill: “Here’s a lesson for you: never give up, never give up, never, never, never, never...


Book series: "100 Shades of Love" (Sylvia Day)

ISBN: 978-5-389-05189-8; 2013, 978-5-389-04823-2; 2013
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Sylvia Day
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Romance
Series: 100 shades of love
Publisher: Azbuka
Russian language
Number of pages: 384+416
Age restrictions: 18+
Description: Sylvia Day is the author of a dozen award-winning novels, number 1 on the New York Times bestseller list. Her books have been translated into dozens of languages. Sylvia Day was nominated for Best Author by Goodreads Choice, and Amazon.com named her work Naked for You...


Phantom of Passion, or Sixty Shades of Blue (Louise Desgrange)

ISBN: 978-5-905720-17-8
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Louise Desgrange
Year of manufacture: 2013
Publisher: Fluid / FreeFly
Genre: Romance novels
Russian language
Number of pages: 256
Description: The maniac, who went down in history under the name Bluebeard, killed his wives just for trying to open the forbidden door to a secret room. What do modern husbands do? Diana did not want to penetrate into her husband’s terrible secret. But she couldn’t resist the desire to look at the ghost that lived in the castle. What happens when the owner of the castle returns and finds his wife in the secret room? Will D...


Sweet Hostage (Connie Mason)

ISBN: 978-5-9910-2197-5, 978-966-14-3995-4, 978-1-4022-6182-4
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Connie Mason
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Romance
Publisher: Book Club "Family Leisure Club". Belgorod, Book Club "Family Leisure Club". Kharkiv
Russian language
Number of pages: 244
Description: The wedding ceremony of Elspeth Stewart and Lachlan Drummond was going on as usual, when suddenly a desperate highlander nicknamed Crazy Rob burst into the church on a dashing stallion and kidnapped the bride. The girl is ready to tear up her wedding dress, if only its shreds would bring the groom to her. ...


Gone with the Wind (Margaret Mitchell)

ISBN: 5-253-00185-9
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Margaret Mitchell
Year of manufacture: 1991
Genre: Epic romance novel, classical prose
Publisher: Pravda. Moscow
Russian language
Number of pages: 592
Description: The novel by the famous American writer, classic of world literature Margaret Mitchell (1900-1949) “Gone with the Wind” is a fascinating plot, highly social work, the main problem of which is the fate of human values ​​in the world of buying and selling. The book takes place during one of the most difficult periods in US history and covers the years of Civil...

but I

Collection of books by Margaret Mazzantini

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Margaret Mazzantini
Year of manufacture: 2007-2012
Genre: Contemporary romance
Publisher: Azbuka-Atticus
Russian language
Number of books: 3
Description: Margaret Mazzantini was born on October 27, 1961 in Dublin in the family of an Italian writer and an Irish artist. The family lived in Spain, Tangier, and then finally settled in Tivoli. In 1982 she graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Art in Rome, and then made her film debut as an actress. In total, she played in more than 20 films in film and television. In 1994, Margaret Mazzantini published her first book...


Angel of Darkness (Virginia Andrews)

ISBN: 5-7020-0984-3
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Posted by Virginia Andrews
Year of manufacture: 1996
Publisher: News
Genre: Romance
Russian language
Number of pages: 432
Description: In the novel “Angel of Darkness” by V. Andrews, readers will once again meet familiar characters and, of course, Heaven Lee, a poor girl from the mountain village of Willis, who, having gone through all the circles of hell, became a member of the family of her influential and wealthy relatives. It would seem that her dream has come true - she is a brilliantly educated society lady, but the girl did not find the most important thing - happiness. But Haven Li does not bend under the blows of fate... ...


Collection of books (Kate Furnivall)

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Kate Furnivall
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Romance
Publisher: Family Leisure Club
Russian language
Number of books: 2
Description: The Pearl of St. Petersburg ---St. Petersburg, early twentieth century. He is a Danish engineer, she is the daughter of a minister. Very soon Bolshevik bullets will whistle over the heads of the lovers, but their tender feeling will withstand the fire of explosions. And when Valentina sees a red scarf in the appointed place, warning of the beginning of an uprising, she will choose her path: away from burning Russia for the sake of saving her love and baby daughter, born in this troubled time...

I absolutely refuse to sympathize with People who want to analyze everything. I am against unnatural passion, breaking down everything in the world into its component parts. If one person is busy with something, and another, let’s say, is not busy with anything, the first is drawn to instruct the second on the path of virtue; There is no need to guess - it’s simple: Everyone knows that those who work while sitting earn more than those who work while standing. The path of an impulsive personality is thorny; What more useful is a reserve of phlegmaticity. Who has the opportunity to get a good job? Only the one who knows how not to worry. Who becomes a millionaire without a mask? Only the one whose soul is made of putty. We are also told in the form of songs and fables that the fact of childbirth in itself is soul-saving, lofty and beautiful; And if this is true without any embellishment, then an ordinary housefly is millions of times more beautiful than you and me. Some people worked all their lives for money, And others inherited it from their uncle, But they all count the ones and zeros With such a miserable look, as if they had cramps and colic. I have never mastered the techniques of lying - neither strategic nor tactical, and that is why I will never reach the heights of social and political. I think: if women can’t live without it, then so be it, let them lose five pounds, but just don’t let them lose so much weight that we risk cutting ourselves on them if we want to hug them. Even if you are a brilliant person and pave your path with good intentions, you will not achieve even a minimum of comfort if you are not confident in your infallibility. People who have a sense of humor sometimes demonstrate enviable determination, But, alas, they just can’t make up their mind believe in your own infallibility. How easy it is to be an altruist in emergency circumstances in which we never find ourselves, and how difficult it is to do everyday, small good. For example, how pleasant it is to show heroism by giving up your place in a lifeboat to a young pretty mother with a baby - and how unpleasant it is to give up your place some kind of fuss in a subway car! The more shameless and incompetent a politician is, the louder, dumber and more vulgar he is, the more absurdly he bickers with his rivals, the more unanimously he is elected. I fall into a state of frantic anger, When neighbors have guests. I don’t know why the Creator created us - this is the most mysterious of his plans, - But certainly not so that we listen to how our neighbors receive guests. So, I will allow myself to say in conclusion of this sad story: For happiness you need either a clear conscience or a pure absence of conscience. Ogden Nash http://chernyj.ru/ogden-nesh-stihi-Nash-1.html

I can’t open the paid book by Nika Yorsh “Cinderella over 30”

Ode to educational standard All my paths go, perhaps, very far from school desks. But, like everyone else in the country, I am concerned about our educational standard. Citizens, I want to ask - how long? Well, come on, explain to me - why do we teach children all this enchanting crap at school? Open your school certificate: we are driving nonsense and boredom to children! Where is the science that will help you survive? Where are the items that will save you in everyday life? I'll be a year old and soon the euro exchange rate at the kiosk will be higher. But the Pythagorean theorem has not been so useful to me yet! I remember I was making a shelf on the balcony and started working on my head. Calculated using the formula. What's the point? It turned out that the balcony itself was crooked. Everything I crammed fell by the wayside. Only after graduating from school did I suddenly understand: how inapplicable they are - knowledge of the natural sciences! You take quadratic trinomials and hand in your graduation papers, and your knowledge of the Universe is, as before, pristine. How to invite a girl to dance? How to tell a cop that he is wrong? How to correctly dispatch Dagestanis who demand a fine for parking? How to send money with a wire guide? How to check if a taxi driver is a maniac? How to thank a doctor in a hospital? What to carry - an envelope or cognac? Is it necessary to throw out canned food if the deadline is February, and it is now? How to determine that a car service is stupidly scamming us out of money? If a brother's former father-in-law takes away his dacha through the courts, how much money do judges need these days? And through whom are they carried there? These are the items we need! Here is a sample list of disciplines! And without them, today a schoolchild is a loser, not a successful citizen. So, sorry, no laughing matter, this is a real problem. Physics, language, Tolstoy and Chekhov - very good, but not there. In general, it’s time to radically reform everything that the school offers! We need: chewing gum, cola, a calculator, the Bible, physical education, plus we need snowboarding lessons (in our time we can’t live without it), and patriotic pride: pride in the fatherland and the flag. Here, taking a fresh look at the topic, I will voice a basic secret: there is no need to teach history - it is harmful for patriotism. There are such black pages and such chthonic shit, it’s not like being proud of your homeland - you want to be born on the moon. Anyone who masters history is a patriot, sorry, not at all. This is me, and not about Russia - this is a global principle. We are nothing compared to the general background, we were just unlucky with PR. We'll drive a couple of tanks into the Czech Republic - and we'll be the world's evil for life. I don’t argue, well, of course, we had a lot of unpleasant things. But the Germans were not used to make soap. And they hardly used gas. And in Hiroshima, even nearby, even beyond the outskirts into a ravine, they didn’t throw a nuclear charge: I want to, but - ugh, it’s impossible. To prepare a patriot, we must force every class to study the history of something that is happening somewhere not here. And, of course, the main share of all patriotic ideas is achievements in football. And a little more hockey. Why aren’t children in our schools taught such a subject as a hockey and football lesson with the main dates of victories? This is an all-encompassing force, which is much better than the leaders, carrying citizens onto the boulevards shouting “Russia is ahead!!!” And of course there are many more problems (this has been the case since ancient times) with the fact that there is not enough God in schools - mostly Pascal and Pythagoras. And it is very difficult to demand correction of school defects from those who descended from monkeys and do not know what sin is. Let them cram until the graduating class who Christ is and who Allah is. The main school uniform will be a cassock, and the bell will ring. Finally, so that knowledge from schools is more firmly entrenched in children’s brains, I would introduce rods in Russian schools. But first he introduced them in the State Duma.

But others opens secret... (A. Akhmatova) Who says we'll die? – Leave these Judgments to yourself – There is falsehood in them: We have lived for many centuries in this world, and we will have to live for many more centuries. We did not come from the void, And through the years we are not destined to go into the void one day. We are all not only part of the Earth, We are part of Nature, We are part of the Universe, part of the world - Specifically, everyone! We were already breathing billions of years ago, I don’t know what, I don’t know how, But it happened. The Universe arose, We didn’t interfere with it, We were doing who, what could Within other limits. And billions of years will pass - In the crown of the Sun The tired Earth will burn in its greatness, We will not burn! We will return to another life again, We will return to ourselves in a different guise! I tell you: man does not disappear! I tell you: man is invested in immortality! But we still don’t know the evidence, And we can’t confirm immortality yet. But in some years We will throw off the weights of oblivion from our memory And we will boldly remember: Why did we end up here - In the sublunary world? Why was immortality given to us and what to do with it? Everything that we will do in an hour, in a week and even in a year, all this is not far from us, lives in its own world. The books that I will publish after some time are already flying around the cities in a world that does not exist. Invisible worlds have entangled us with countless many floors, In one - we are going to Mars, In the other - we have already flown. Awards, praise and other ranks are waiting for us, lined up, And with them - our slaps in the face are burning in neighboring worlds. We think: life in hundreds of years This is God knows him: where? And this is nearby - the invisible light of those years is scattered everywhere. Try to pierce the Moon with your finger! It won’t work - the hand is short, It’s even more difficult to touch a country abandoned for centuries. But that’s how it works: every moment From the streets, offices and apartments We move with the whole world To the real neighboring world. Wandering through space together with the Earth With ideas fresh and old, We are new time - layer by layer - We rent from the world. And we are not in a hurry to live on borrowed time, We do not speed up the years, We know with distant memory that we have come to life forever. That our borders are not in the milky, That our era is not an hour, We have in reserve We have infinity, and Eternity is in store for us. And as on an excursion - only forward, Encrypting and theorem days, the Universe leads us by the hand Along the corridor of time. Turn on the light in the past and future! And you will see with new vision how a city that does not yet exist is already appearing in time. In the future tense, where for now only the clouds of our hopes and our dreams float almost without color and outline. And in the past, where in blue life smiled at the warmth and light, turning on the lights, you will meet a fence that no longer exists. Don’t worry, you haven’t gone crazy now, having seen this - everything is preserved in space, and the degree remains calm until time. But everything comes to life before the deadline, suddenly, when eccentrics in a good mood turn on the sound in the past and the future, turn on the light in the future and the past .And life, as if in circles on water, knits links for thousands of years, and there are no dead people anywhere, there are only those who fell asleep for a moment. Peace is only temporary silt. People are eternal! On each page, look at their faces - in the past and in the future - the same faces. There are no other people in nature, and the same ones walk in circles of past and future squares, polishing stones with an elastic step. Turn on the light in the past and future, and you will see doubts instead of what is in the future - where you are not yet there, a place has already been prepared for you. https://www.stihi.ru/avtor/literlik&;book=1#1


A Dream for Us (Tillie Cole)

ISBN: 978-5-04-100178-0, Young Adult. Bestsellers of romantic prose

Author: Tilly Cole
Year of release: 2019

Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of pages: 544
Description: He is an electronic music star. A brute and a playmaker. She is the ideal girl and the one who suits him the least. Cromwell and Bonnie could not imagine how a chance meeting would change their destinies. Bonnie will make Cromwell believe in himself, despite the fact that the guy gave up on himself long ago. Cromwell will be by her side in the most difficult moments...


Tradd Street Mansion (Karen White)

ISBN: 978-5-04-101418-6, Foreign romantic bestseller. Novels by Sarah Gio and Karen White
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Karen White
Year of release: 2019

Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of pages: 480
Description: The first novel in the Tradd Street series. Melanie is amazed. Her chance acquaintance with the mysterious Mr. Vanderhorst resulted in her inheriting an entire mansion from him. The conditions are to live there for a year and restore it in order to become a full-fledged owner. Melanie doesn't like old houses. Since childhood, she has had a creepy...


The Truth About Melody Brown (Lisa Jewell)

ISBN: 978-5-04-101565-7, Lisa Jewell. Novels about strong feelings
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Posted by Lisa Jewell
Year of release: 2019
Genre: Romance novels
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of pages: 384
Description: Melody Brown lives in a council flat in central London. She leads a secluded life. We only know that she values ​​her son and her work and has no friends or online accounts. But one day she meets a nice man on the bus who invites her on a date... to a hypnosis show. Melody becomes an involuntary participant in the action, and from that day on...


For better or for worse (Taylor Jenkins Reid)

ISBN: 978-5-04-099227-0, True love. Hits by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Posted by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Year of release: 2018
Genre: Contemporary romance novels
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of pages: 352
Description: Elsie and Ben wake up the morning after their wedding. Elsie is full of energy, she is in a hurry to start a new life, but Ben stops her. They have an eternity ahead of them, and they will have time to do everything. Together. …Elsie lost Ben just nine days after their wedding. It was love at first sight. A romance that lasted only six months. But living without Ben now...


Tarryn Fisher, Colin Hoover - Never Never series

ISBN: Europocket. The Sensual Trilogy by Colleen Hoover
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Tarryn Fisher, Colin Hoover
Year of release: 2018-2019
Genre: Romance novels
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of books: 3
Description: Losing your memory - what could be worse? Charlie and Silas wake up at school. They are shocked, but are trying to figure out what happened. What happened and why don't they remember anything? From fear, thoughts are confused, but memory is not as weak as it initially seemed. Gradually the picture begins to become clearer. But not everyone will like the truth that they are so eager to know. WITH...


In the silence of your steps (Elena Sokol)

ISBN: 978-5-17-104110-6, Runet Star
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Elena Sokol
Year of release: 2017
Genre: Suspenseful romance novels
Publisher: AST
Russian language
Number of pages: 352
Description: She is far from a romantic fool. There are enough problems in life as it is. Sasha lives a boring, gray life and is not at all ready for a new relationship. But fate has its own opinion on this matter. Everything begins to change so unexpectedly that you just have time to write it down: the disappearance of your brother, a mysterious murder, the search for the truth. And also love, real love, which happens once in a lifetime. And when she...


Listen to your heart (Casey West)

ISBN: 978-5-00-115756-4, #trendbooks
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Posted by Casey West
Year of release: 2019
Genre: Contemporary romance novels
Publisher: Clover
Russian language
Number of pages: 317
Description: “Listen to your heart” is a romantic story about love, friendship and how important it is to learn to hear not only others, but also yourself. Kate is a smart and pretty, but not very sociable girl, she likes to spend time on the lake in the company of her trusty jet ski. But she is chosen as one of the hosts of the school podcast “Not My Problem” and Kate will have to start communicating more with people...


Kurt Seit and Shura (Nermin Bezmen)

ISBN: 978-5-83-700873-3
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Nermin Bezmen
Year of release: 2019
Genre: Contemporary romance novels
Publisher: Limbus Press
Russian language
Number of pages: 432
Description: The novel by the Turkish writer that you are holding in your hands has been republished in the author’s homeland about forty times. The love story of a tsarist officer and a young noblewoman impressed readers not only in Turkey - the book was translated into almost all European languages ​​and the series “Kurt Seit and Alexandra” was based on it. Of course, many pages of the novel telling about Russia may cause the father...


I won’t take anything with me (Alla Polyanskaya)

ISBN: 978-5-04-097694-2, Dangerous Passions. Action-packed melodramas
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Alla Polyanskaya
Year of release: 2018
Genre: Suspenseful romance novels
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of pages: 320
Description: Businessman Nikita Radetzky madly loved his wife, a beauty and a smart girl. It seemed that Gabriella also doted on her husband. Nikita was absolutely happy for two years, and then his world collapsed overnight. Gabriella accused her husband of constant bullying and deprived her of everything: an apartment in the center of the capital, a prestigious job, friends and position in society. N...


Sailor from Gibraltar (Marguerite Duras)

ISBN: 5-320-00129-0, Palette
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Marguerite Duras
Year of manufacture: 1996
Genre: Suspenseful romance novels
Publisher: Lokid
Russian language
Number of pages: 526
Description: Marguerite Duras is one of the most read, most fashionable contemporary writers not only in France, but throughout Europe. Her stories and novels are recognized as unusual in content and exquisite in style. They have been translated into many languages, the best of them made into films. The book offered to readers is excellent prose. Fans of romance novels will find in it wonderful, mysterious and...


Love of the murdered Snow Maiden (Daria Kozhevnikova)

ISBN: 978-5-04-100046-2, Dangerous Passions. Action-packed melodramas
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Daria Kozhevnikova
Year of release: 2019
Genre: Romance novels, detective stories
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of pages: 320
Description: On New Year's Eve, Tamara was preparing for a new life - though not a very happy one... She lost her husband, and since then her heart has been frozen in ice. But she has a job she loves, and she was invited to a leadership position in a large company. Tamara decided to move forward, no matter what. But... I crossed the path of the wrong people. On a cold winter night, Tamara discovers...


Beautiful Broken Hearts (Kami Garcia)

ISBN: Young Adult. Bestsellers of romantic prose
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Posted by Kami Garcia
Year of release: 2019
Genre: Romance novels
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of pages: 448
Description: Her heart has been brutally broken, and it looks like the pieces will never be put back together. Payton is a talented soccer player who is receiving an athletic scholarship to one of the best universities in the country. But when she discovers a dark secret about her boyfriend, Reed, her dreams and future are threatened. Peyton wakes up on the ground with a severe knee injury. Now you can forget about football for many...


Blood Brothers (Nora Roberts)

ISBN: 978-5-69-963576-4, Nora Roberts Global megabestseller
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Nora Roberts
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Romance novels
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of pages: 352
Description: Journalist and writer Quinn Black comes to the small American town of Hawkins Hollow, which has long been known for its ghosts. The girl plans to write a book, but finds herself in the thick of things: passion flares up between her and a descendant of the city’s founders, Caleb Hawkins. But the stronger the connection between them, the more Caleb wants her to leave as soon as possible...

but I

Mei's Best Week (Roushin Mini)

ISBN: 978-5-04-097183-1, Prose Rowshin Mini
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Rowshin Mini
Year of release: 2018
Genre: Contemporary romance novels
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of pages: 352
Description: The events described in this book took place during that strange week that May, a resident of a small Irish town, will never forget. Mae is great with garden plants, but feels lost when she needs to interact with new people. A series of accidents leads to the fact that she must clean up the garden belonging to the man she...

but I

Medical error (Maria Voronova)

ISBN: 978-5-04-097612-6, Big love. Novels by M. Voronova
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Maria Voronova
Year of release: 2018
Genre: Contemporary romance novels
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of pages: 288
Description: Frida, the young wife of Colonel Ziganshin, decided to give birth in the same hospital where she worked. She was healthy, and so was the child, but the doctor made an unforgivable mistake by overlooking the problem. The child died, Frida miraculously survived after a hours-long operation and could no longer become a mother. Why would a man in the prime of life need such a woman...

As soon as she entered her comfortable apartment, Aislinn Andrews felt a threat, and the next moment she already knew who it was coming from. Lucas Greywolf, an escaped federal prison inmate, invaded her home in search of food and shelter. From that moment on, the life of a beautiful, educated, problem-free and slowly bored girl from a rich family went downhill. But, after being taken hostage and helping Greywolf hide from the police, Aislin felt a taste for life and was surprised to discover that her captor was not only smart, good-looking and sexy - behind Lucas’ obsessive rudeness there was a subtle, noble, vulnerable soul. And Miss Andrews began to doubt his guilt.

New Orleans is shocked by the news of the brutal murder of a priest. Investigator Cassidy has been assigned to conduct the investigation. The circle of suspects includes different people: the young widow of the murdered preacher, his son from his first marriage, the beautiful fashion model Yasmin... But the main suspect is the publisher of a fashion magazine, Claire Laurent. Nothing can stop Cassidy's search for the killer, not even his unexpected passion for Claire. There is too much evidence against this charming woman...

You can never predict what the future holds for you. When television journalist Avery Daniels, disfigured beyond recognition, came to her senses after a plane crash, she could not even imagine that the tragedy that happened to her would become her first step on the road to happiness... At the hospital, she is mistakenly mistaken for Carol Rutledge, the wife of an influential Texas senator, and after plastic surgery, she herself would not have been able to distinguish herself from a woman who looked like her like two peas in a pod. But where is the real Mrs. Rutledge? And who wants to kill the senator himself? To unravel these mysteries and save his life, Avery impersonates Carol and finds himself in a dangerous whirlwind of passions raging in the world of power...

Book from the series “Temptation – Harlequin”
Lucas King, having met Rose Clancy, the sister of his enemy, decides to take revenge. His plan is simple: he must seduce Rose and tell her brother about it. However, the plan quickly fails. Lucas falls in love with Rose, but does not want to admit it even to himself.

Book from the series “Romance novel – Harlequin”
Alyosha Karsuli went through a difficult marriage, but now she is finally free and dreams of only one thing: to devote herself to work in the family corporation and achieve success. And no more husbands! But there was one clause in her father’s will that violated all her plans...

Book from the series “Romance novel – Harlequin”
Emily Merit is happy with her life - she does what she loves and is even thinking about opening her own restaurant. It’s just that not everything is in order on the personal front, but is it worth paying attention to it? Moreover, she just received another lucrative order from the rich and mysterious Dan Tarim...