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What is chi energy and how to manage it. What is Qi, Ki, Energy: without cuts and mysticism Qin Energy

In this short article I would like to dispel the mystical overtones that surround the term “Energy” and bring some clarity. Many practitioners and those interested in the topic of “development and accumulation of Energy” introduce too much fog into this word, which of course prevents them from understanding the essence of the processes they are engaged in. The same situation is observed among teachers of traditional self-development systems (including Chinese qigong). As a result, general misconceptions result in speculation in mysticism and increased misunderstanding among practitioners.

Since the term “Energy” is found in the vast majority of self-development systems, its understanding is fundamental.

Everything described in this article is part of the methodology of the Wu Tao Pai school of qigong and self-development, and therefore is a proven result of practice, and not theoretical speculation.

So, let's begin!

“Qi” from Chinese can be roughly translated into Russian as “Energy”. However, this translation is conditional. Why? The fact is that the term came from Chinese culture, and like many words that have a close connection with the cultural environment, it is difficult to adequately translate it into another language in which such a term has never existed. But you and I are not interested in the cultural and morphological subtleties of this word. Unfortunately, many practitioners begin to concentrate on these subtleties. You and I are interested in the use of this term precisely in the context of psychophysical practices.

At the Wu Dao Pai school, one of the main teaching methods is the so-called “question method”. Therefore, to better understand the meaning of "Qi", let's start with questions. What is Energy? What is it like?

Energy can be kinetic and potential, electrical and thermal, wave, renewable and natural, mechanical and biochemical, etc.

You can name a huge number of types of energy, and here it is important to note two features:

  • Almost everything that we described has no connection with mysticism or esotericism. These are simple terms that anyone can understand.
  • The listed types of energy are very different from each other and are often directly opposite in meaning and meaning, depending on the context. All these terms describe certain phenomena of different nature.

Thus, let's try to answer - what is energy?

Energy is a descriptive, collective term that describes phenomena of various kinds. Moreover, there is absolutely nothing mystical or esoteric in this term. It is important. After all, mysticism begins where understanding ends, in order to fill the resulting void. Since Energy is an analogue of Qi in European culture, we can say that Qi is also a collective and descriptive term that can mean very different things, depending on the context in which the term is used. But what is usually described with this term?

For example, the Chinese will name any change in the weather verbatim: "Changing the Qi of the Sky". Or if the weather is bad he will say: "Heaven's Qi is bad". However, he will not mean that something mystical or magical happened. He simply describes the change in the weather situation in this way. Also, if a patient in China comes to a traditional Chinese medicine clinic and complains about a problem, for example with the stomach. After diagnosis, the doctor will most likely tell him that the stomach qi is bad, excessive or insufficient, which is why it hurts. Thus, the doctor will simply describe the problem without putting a single bit of magic into his words. The situation is also the same when a student begins to practice meditation. After some time he comes to the teacher and says: “My body hurts, I can’t practice for long.” Or perhaps a student will ask: "Various new sensations have appeared in the body. What is it?" And then the teacher in both cases will simply tell the student - this is the qi that is changing, keep practicing! In this way, the student's rational mind receives the "answer" and calms down for a while, allowing the student to continue his practice. Although, of course, no real answer was actually given. Well, what's the point of a teacher explaining all the subtleties of the mental and biochemical processes that occur during meditation practice? Perhaps he himself does not know these subtleties.That is why it is simple and convenient to say: " This is qi - don't pay attention! Keep practicing!"

Also a Chinese doctor, what can he tell a semi-literate worker about his problem? Does it make sense to explain all the intricacies of how the stomach works? No, of course, it’s much easier to say that it’s all about bad qi.

Thus, we have found out that Qi is a really convenient term with which one can describe many processes occurring in the body and psyche of a practitioner during the practice of meditation.

What is Qi in the context of psychophysical practice?

You've probably heard of this idea: Man is a self-healing system. This means, and few would argue with this, that the human body is capable of repairing itself. So, let's answer a simple question: “If a person is a self-healing system, why do we get sick? Why do various problems not only arise in us, but, more importantly, develop into serious diseases? Why is a person often unable to quickly cope with the problem?”

Of course, each of you can name a dozen different reasons. But let's look at the reasons that depend on our body.

And there is only one reason - lack of energy. Moreover, we are talking about two types of it, because psychophysical practices involve working with the body and psyche:

  • Qi as body energy or biochemical potential.

Our body constantly produces a huge amount of biochemical resources: hormones, amino acids, various cells and minerals. This biochemical resource is nothing more than the building material of our body. The body uses biochemical material to eliminate problems and patch holes. In other words, if the body detects a problem-disease in itself, with the help of special recovery mechanisms, the biochemical potential is directed by the body to eliminate this problem. If this potential is not enough, the problem cannot be eliminated. Imagine that if you are building a house and you run out of cement, bricks—you don’t have enough building material—the construction stops, even if you know what and how you need to do. Thus, a lack of energy is a lack of production of biochemical mat. erial with your own body. And this is one of the reasons why a person gets sick and diseases have the opportunity to develop - the body does not have enough building material.

  • Qi as psychic potential or energy of attention.

Attention is a type of energy related to the human psyche. Lack of Attention also gives rise to illness. Why?

Attention has two main functions:

  • Record signals, notice.
  • Strengthen metabolism in the area targeted.

If a person does not notice something, he is called inattentive. It is attention that is responsible for our ability to notice certain processes and phenomena. Thus, attention is a function of the psyche that “notices” and records any signals. Moreover, just as it records signals from the external world, it also notices signals from the internal world.

These could be your thoughts, sensations, emotions or signals from internal organs, some internal problems.

How exactly does this happen?

Attention acts like a locator - it picks up signals from the area to which it is directed. For example, if you direct your attention to a particular object, you will begin to record all the signals associated with this object. If you hear a dog barking, your attention will focus on this sound, you will turn your head and see the dog, evaluate its aggressiveness, size, reasons for barking, and most of these processes will happen unconsciously. Having assessed what you see, you have the opportunity to react adequately (if a dog runs towards you and is unfriendly, you defend yourself; if it sits behind a fence, you simply move on) The same thing happens in our body. The body gives a sign through pain or any other signal that some area of ​​your body is not okay. You unconsciously direct your attention there and the body gets the opportunity to record not only the violation itself, but also its causes, volumes, etc. All this helps the body to adequately respond to the problem and eliminate it. Just like with barking and dogs.

Attention has another interesting function. Attention strengthens and activates processes in the area of ​​its application. For the body, activation of processes means increased metabolism in the place where attention comes. Metabolism is the supply of biochemical material, increased blood circulation and more. Here we get to an interesting property of attention - Attention controls the blood. Blood performs a transporting function in our body. This means that blood helps useful substances get into one area or another, and breakdown products leave this area. Thus, blood circulation and blood supply is one of the main factors in the health of a particular organ or area in the body. A person who controls his attention controls his own biochemistry (how your body produces building material), controls the blood of his body. That is, if attention is poorly developed, then this directly affects blood circulation, metabolism and detection of signals from problem areas in the body.

As a result, with the help of special exercises, you can learn to accumulate and develop Energy (Biochemical potential of the body and Attention) to help yourself be healthy. In addition to those described in the article, there are several other types of energy that are worked with in the process of meditation practice. However, they are all psychophysical in nature.

In subsequent articles I will try to talk about exactly how Energy is accumulated and developed through various practices and exercises and what results this leads to for the practitioner. We will also talk in detail about attention, because what is written here is just the tip of the iceberg.

Good luck in self-discovery! And remember, there is nothing mystical about meditation practice, so seek understanding!

Practice tai chi (tai chi). The art of Tai Chi is designed to balance the chi energy. Although there are many movements and forms in Tai Chi, you can practice the simplest basic movements to experience their effects. Breathing also plays an important role in Tai Chi, and if you have already learned to breathe well enough, as described earlier, then try to combine breathing and Tai Chi together. The practice of Tai Chi itself is a series of slow and fluid movements that allow you to get in touch with the earth element and connect your breath with chi. There are many schools of Tai Chi and they have some differences regarding the execution of forms and steps. If you are interested in Tai Chi, you can look for classes in your city: Tai Chi classes are often offered at various yoga studios and martial arts schools.

Work on your poses. Horse pose or wu ji is the basic pose of tai chi. It may seem like you're just standing, but this pose actually allows you to feel the energy. Even just standing in Wuji pose and breathing can increase your chi.

  • Place your feet parallel to each other, approximately shoulder width apart.
  • Distribute the weight evenly.
  • Move your upper body as if you were sitting in a chair.
  • Bend your knees.
  • Mentally imagine your spine stretching upward.
  • Relax your shoulders.
  • Gently touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth next to your teeth.
  • Breathe naturally.
  • Practice for hands. This is an exercise and not part of a tai chi form, but it will also allow you to connect with the body and develop chi. Remember to monitor your breathing as you move.

    • Raise your right hand to face level, palm down, parallel to the ground.
    • Raise your left hand to the level of your stomach with your palm facing up and parallel to the ground.
    • Slowly move your hands in a circle.
    • Imagine that you are holding a large ball and starting to spin it. The palms and arms will move, changing position, passing parallel to each other at chest level, and eventually ending up in opposite positions, the left one at the top and the right one at the bottom. In fact, you don't have to think about the position of the hands, and then the hands will move on their own.
    • Breathe and watch your breath.
  • Find energy practices that you enjoy. Tai Chi is far from the only way to develop your qi through physical training. If tai chi seems too slow and meditative to you, then try kung fu, it also helps to develop qi, or yoga, which, generally speaking, is an Indian energy practice, but its goal is also the full realization of life force.

    Human health and activity are associated with the balance and constant flow of the so-called qi energy - the vital force of the body. Qi determines not only the state of physical health, but also affects emotional and mental balance.

    There are different classifications of energy. So, it is divided into three types. They will be discussed below.


    We inherit innate qi from both parents; it determines our genetic characteristics. The baby receives maternal qi while in the womb through the placenta.

    Innate qi is stored in the kidneys; it determines the level of vitality of the body. The reserves of inherited qi become depleted over the course of life.

    It is especially negatively affected by:

    • hard work;
    • stress;
    • drinking tea, coffee and carbonated drinks, as well as any stimulants.

    Derived from air and food

    First, let's talk about the energy obtained with air. When a person inhales, air enters the lungs and brings with it qi energy. Therefore it is very important:

    1. maintain deep breathing;
    2. spend more time in the fresh air.

    Unfortunately, in the modern world, people rarely have time to pay attention to their breathing.

    People living in cities breathe polluted air containing harmful substances. Because of this, the body becomes weaker and cannot resist colds and flu.

    As for the qi obtained from food, it is released in the stomach, converted in the spleen and supplied to all organs.

    Healthy foods that serve as a source of qi include:

    • products grown naturally, without chemicals;
    • food eaten fresh, raw or briefly cooked.

    When dyes, preservatives and artificial additives are added to food, there is almost no qi energy left in it.


    This type of energy surrounds the human body. It helps regulate body temperature, protects against heat, cold, and dampness.

    Protective qi represents immunity and allows the body to resist any harmful influences.

    How to feel chi energy?

    Chi energy is elusive. Her presence and feeling are difficult to describe in words. However, it is not difficult to feel the energy. Here are simple and detailed instructions on video:

    Problems of modern man

    In the Chinese tradition, it is believed that psychic energy is concentrated in the human heart, and emotions are associated with the digestive system.

    Therefore, when a person is in emotional turmoil or in a state of stress, his heart function is disrupted and digestion suffers.

    To avoid this, it is important to find peace of mind, learn to analyze situations without unnecessary emotions, and establish the correct mode of work and nutrition. All this will lead to balance and allow you to accumulate enough qi energy.

    Diseases occur mainly due to a lack of qi associated with polluted air in cities, poor quality food and a lot of stress.

    Chinese specialists are trying to increase the amount of incoming qi, and also teach a person to store it correctly and spend it wisely.

    Those who protect qi energy from a young age and try to increase it are able to maintain physical health into old age.

    Circulation of qi in the body

    Various human organs are associated with the accumulation and processing of qi energy. Take a closer look at them.


    Inherited qi is stored in the kidneys, and a person receives it from his parents. Over the course of life, its quantity decreases. It is difficult to replenish this type of energy, so it should be protected. To do this, you need to give up the abuse of food and drinks, and avoid overwork at work.

    Body fluids

    Fluids in the human body are important:

    • saliva;
    • cerebrospinal fluid;
    • gastric juice.

    Their condition is determined by the amount of qi, as well as the level of nutrients in the food and drinks we consume.


    Separately, it is necessary to isolate the blood, which contains innate qi energy, as well as qi coming from food. These two types of energy mix in the heart, and from there they again enter the blood.

    The liver is important because it is the reservoir for blood when the human body is at rest.

    Blood is important for the growth and renewal of tissues and organs, and also, according to Chinese healers, allows the heart to contain consciousness and intelligence.


    The presence of qi in the lungs is related to the air that a person breathes, its purity and the amount of oxygen in it. Lack of qi in the lungs causes:

    1. colds and viral diseases;
    2. circulatory disorders;
    3. constant feeling of fatigue.

    People working indoors, especially if it is stuffy and poorly ventilated, suffer from a deficiency of qi energy in the lungs. To avoid this, you should do breathing exercises and use relaxation techniques.


    According to the views of the Chinese, the spleen is one of the most important organs of the human body. A lot depends on it, for example:

    • digestion;
    • menstruation in women;
    • mood swings.

    The health of the spleen is related to diet and the quality of food consumed. When food is rich in nutrients, digestion will be good and other internal organs will remain healthy.

    Awakening chi energy through exercise

    I suggest watching a video with simple exercises that will help you awaken chi energy, gain strength and increase vitality:

    Movement along the meridians

    Qi energy moves in the human body through a network of channels called meridians. They are invisible, but their location is easy to determine using electrical measuring instruments. The Chinese believe that meridians are located just under the skin.

    There are 12 main meridians, most of which correspond to internal organs. The qi energy flows along the meridians along a certain path. It starts in the lungs and ends in the liver.

    In this way, energy is transmitted along the meridians to the internal organs, passing from the external parts of our body to the internal ones, and then goes out again.

    The meridians of healthy people are like deep rivers that flow in the right direction. When an obstacle arises in the path of a river or the flow becomes turbulent, diseases appear. To cure a person, these obstacles must be removed.

    When not enough qi energy flows along a meridian, the corresponding organ begins to function worse. Thus, a lack of qi in the lung meridian leads to shortness of breath. And excess qi causes pain or inflammation.

    How to control chi energy?

    There are several ways to control chi energy as it moves along the meridians.

    First one of them is meditation. The fact is that with the help of the mind and focused attention, a person is able to move energy and control it. not so difficult, I already wrote about this earlier.

    Second way- breathing practices. To effectively circulate qi energy, you need to breathe properly.

    A modern person usually breathes with his chest, while diaphragmatic breathing is more correct, when a person “breathes with his stomach.”

    There are various exercises for teaching this type of breathing, but this is not the topic of this article.

    In addition, Chinese practices use special types of breathing for various purposes.

    And finally third way. Managing qi through bodily practices and procedures. Let's talk about them in more detail.

    The Chinese word "qi" or "chi" can be translated as life force or energy, and this concept corresponds to concepts such as "prana" in Indian culture or "ki" in Japanese culture. Developing qi can have a beneficial effect on the body, both physical and mental, and increasing the level of qi helps to reach one's full potential. To realize your life force, you must work with your breath and engage in physical practices in an effort to increase your chi and your spirituality.

    Method 1 Developing Qi through Breathing Exercises

    Method 2 Developing qi through physical training

    1. Practice tai chi (tai chi).

      The art of Tai Chi is designed to balance the chi energy. Although there are many movements and forms in Tai Chi, you can practice the simplest basic movements to experience their effects. Breathing also plays an important role in Tai Chi, and if you have already learned to breathe well enough, as described earlier, then try to combine breathing and Tai Chi together. The practice of Tai Chi itself is a series of slow and fluid movements that allow you to get in touch with the earth element and connect your breath with chi. There are many schools of Tai Chi and they have some differences regarding the execution of forms and steps. If you are interested in Tai Chi, you can look for classes in your city: Tai Chi classes are often offered at various yoga studios and martial arts schools.

    2. Work on your poses.

      Horse pose or wu ji is fundamental in tai chi. It may seem like you're just standing, but this pose actually allows you to feel the energy. Even just standing in Wuji pose and breathing can increase your chi.

      • Place your feet parallel to each other, approximately shoulder width apart.
      • Distribute the weight evenly.
      • Move your upper body as if you were sitting in a chair.
      • Bend your knees.
      • Mentally imagine your spine stretching upward.
      • Relax your shoulders.
      • Gently touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth next to your teeth.
      • Breathe naturally.
    3. Practice for hands.

      This is an exercise and not part of a tai chi form, but it will also allow you to connect with the body and develop chi. Remember to monitor your breathing as you move.

      • Raise your right hand to face level, palm down, parallel to the ground.
      • Raise your left hand to the level of your stomach with your palm facing up and parallel to the ground.
      • Slowly move your hands in a circle.
      • Imagine that you are holding a large ball and starting to spin it. The palms and arms will move, changing position, passing parallel to each other at chest level, and eventually ending up in opposite positions, the left one at the top and the right one at the bottom. In fact, you don't have to think about the position of the hands, and then the hands will move on their own.
      • Breathe and watch your breath.
    4. Find energy practices that you enjoy.

      Tai Chi is far from the only way to develop your qi through physical training. If tai chi seems too slow and meditative to you, then try kung fu, it also helps to develop qi, or yoga, which, generally speaking, is an Indian energy practice, but its goal is also the full realization of life force.

    Method 3 Concentration on energy and mental level of qi

    1. Learn Chi Kung (Qigong).

      In addition to the physical level, breathing and movements, which help to feel qi, there is another level - mental and spiritual. The art of Qigong is a body of practices that are designed to bring the mind to a higher level of awareness and to unlock your full life force.

    2. Focus on energy.

      It is this simple practice that will help you move to the next level of qi. When doing breathing and physical practices, concentrate on the energy, and especially on those places where it does not flow. Places like these are called energy blocks, and they require attention - you must break the blocks and allow the energy to flow freely. Some people can break these blocks on their own with just breathing and some exercise, but most people need help understanding how energy works. The easiest way to find out how energy works in the body is to get a diagnosis and find out which elements are present in your body and which elements are in excess.

      To do this, you need to contact a certified qigong master, he will help increase your energy level and get rid of blocks.

    3. Work on the connection between body, mind and soul.

      This is a step towards the highest level of qi. Working with this connection requires doing everything you have done before - breathing, physical practices and energy flow - plus some spiritual element. Such practices should lead you to awareness and purpose. Like Buddhist practices, the spiritual development of qi lasts a lifetime. At some point it may seem to you that you have reached “that very state,” but the next day this state will be very far away. To realize such a spiritual connection and its physical and energetic aspects, you must be completely in the present moment and maintain full awareness - and this does not involve moving into other planes of consciousness. The best way for most people to achieve the highest levels of chi is through meditation.

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    Qi energy is the very breath of life, no matter how metaphorical and poetic it may sound, Qi is no less real than material things. You can't touch it, but you can feel it and learn how to control it. The correct flow of Qi in the human body is the key to health and longevity.

    Life energy Qi

    Qi is a fundamental concept of subtle energy in Chinese philosophy and medicine. The character 氣 (Qi, Chi, Ki) is many meanings in one:

    • fog;
    • air;
    • energy;
    • vitality.

    Energy permeates everything - every centimeter of space, material object, human body. Without Qi there is no life, love, strength, achievements. Chinese sages divided the general Qi in the human body into 4 groups:

    1. The primary energy of Yuan Qi is concentrated in the kidneys and controls all other energy;
    2. Respiratory internal energy Qi (Tsong) - nourishes the blood, circulates throughout all systems and organs;
    3. Nutrient (Yin) – the body receives it through nutrition;
    4. Protective (Wei) – muscles, skin. Barrier from the negative effects of destructive energies.

    How to feel Qi energy?

    Every person can feel their energy; this is not something supernatural. There is a simple exercise, Qi energy - awakening, which allows you to feel the flow of cosmic and internal flows:

    1. Starting position: stand straight, the distance between your feet is approximately 45 cm.
    2. Bend your knees slightly, spring a little to relax them. The back is straight.
    3. Stretch your arms to the side, forming a cross, raise your fingers up, with your palms forming a right angle to your arms.
    4. Close your eyes and stand in this position for 5 to 10 minutes, noticing your sensations. Even a beginner feels how the energy moves from the fingertips, through the hands and into the body.

    How to use Qi energy?

    Qi is the energy of life, without which a person cannot do anything. If you start consciously working with the energy of Chi (Qi): accumulating, spending, the quality of life improves, a person moves to another evolutionary level. Chi energy can be used for various purposes: meditation, healing, learning, and interaction with cosmic energies. But in order for all this to become possible, you need to practice and develop energy - without daily exercise, the conscious use of Qi is impossible.

    Qi energy - how to develop it?

    The development of Qi energy affects a person in several directions: mind-body-soul - their harmonization occurs. Therefore, in order to maximize vital energy, a balance in nutrition, physical activity and spiritual practices is important. A person who has embarked on the path of self-knowledge and practices working with energies will be able to fully realize the potential given by nature and the divine.

    Chi energy - exercises for energy accumulation

    All famous Qigong and Tai Chi practitioners are long-lived, with a clear mind, what could be the best proof that Qi energy is not a myth? The fast pace of life in large cities leaves little time for yourself; how can you restore Qi energy during a busy schedule of daily activities? Practice 15-20 minutes a day, and the result will be a surge of energy and good health. Qi energy – exercises:

    1. Breath work. Take a comfortable body position. Breathing cycle inhale-exhale - all attention to breathing. It is important to note the thoughts that come to mind, but not to analyze them, let them go and concentrate again on inhalation and exhalation. An important point: breathe not just with the chest, but also with the diaphragm (the stomach is involved). Breathe for several minutes (3 – 10).
    2. Practice for hands. Helps develop Qi. Performing the exercise: the right hand is at face level, the palm looks down parallel to the ground, the left is at the level of the solar plexus, the palm looks up. Imagining that you have a large ball in your hands, slowly move your palms in a circle, as if rotating the ball. Concentrate on breathing.

    Meditation - receiving Qi energy

    In ancient times, attentive people noticed that trees last longer than people, the assumption was that trees receive energy from Heaven and Earth. This is how an exercise appeared - meditation, in which the Chi energy “Big Tree” is trained:

    1. Open channels. To do this, fold the index and middle fingers of the right hand in the shape of a scraper and run the bent phalanges along the sides of the fingers of the left hand, mentally clearing away dirt and opening the channels. Repeat, changing hands.
    2. Get into position: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. The tongue touches the upper palate, the eyes are closed.
    3. Imagine that your legs grow deeply into the ground and turn into the roots of a mighty tree, absorbing energy from the earth, and your body stretches to the sky, the Moon, the Sun, absorbing the energy of the cosmos itself. Raise your hands to the level of your navel, while moving your elbows away from your body, imagining that there are fragile tennis balls in your armpits. The hands are rounded, and there is a large ball of energy between the palms and the navel.
    4. Concentration on energy: The Qi of the Earth passes through the feet-roots, and from above there is a powerful flow of Qi of the Cosmos, while the energy ball rotates between the palms and the navel.

    How to control Qi energy?

    Managing Qi energy becomes possible by following basic rules:

    • accumulation and regulation through practical exercises;
    • reducing importance and expectations - if a person is fixated on quickly obtaining results, then one can only dream of the harmonious development of qi;
    • grounding – if irritation occurs after practice, limb tremors should be grounded (massage, salt bath).

    Chinese medicine - Qi energy

    Qi energy and sores - how do Chinese healers explain ailments that arise in humans? Illness is a weakness that leads to the invasion of illness. In Chinese medicine, there are 3 types of stress that lead to diseases:

    1. Kidneys (stress 1)– manifested by a constant feeling of loss of strength, hormonal imbalance and decreased libido. Emotions: fear, irritability, anxiety. Recommendations for replenishing kidney qi: good sleep, eating seafood, nuts, breathing practices.
    2. Digestive organs (stress 2)– depletion of qi is manifested by abdominal pain, flatulence, and stool disorders. Emotions: grievances, sudden outbursts of aggression, unmotivated crying. Digestive Qi is replenished with the help of a long-term diet: cereal porridge with water, steamed vegetables, berries. Keep a diary of observations, verbalize your emotional state.
    3. Liver (stress 3)– improper flow of Qi in this organ leads to disruption throughout the body. It manifests itself as sleep disturbances and inability to cope with current tasks. Restoration of liver qi occurs with proper nutrition: avoiding fatty and refined foods. Planning your day will help your Chi energy not to dissipate on unimportant matters.

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    Qi energy (or “Chi energy”) is, according to the ancient treatises of Zhud-shi, part of the universal energy passing through the human body and circulating through special channels (energy meridians). Qi is also a sender of information into outer space about a specific individual.

    What is Qi energy

    According to Eastern medicine, a person begins to get sick when the process of movement of qi energy in his body is disrupted.

    There is an ancient Tibetan wisdom that says:

    « The one who is filled with qi energy blooms, and the one who loses it dies.».

    Chi energy fills us from two sides:

    • from space;
    • from the ground.

    It is partially retained in the depths of the Earth and again enters outer space. On its course, qi encounters minerals, plants, animals, other people, flows through them, and again returns to another part of itself. At the same time, she takes with her all the information received about the surrounding space. This cycle of energy never ends; it is similar to the cycle of substances in nature.

    As a result, man is at the top of the trinity of the chain “man – Earth – Space”.

    As you know, the Universe does not have diseases. Then why can people get sick if they belong to this great trinity? Tibetans believe that pathologies arise due to impaired circulation of qi energy in the body.

    Types of Qi energies

    Our ancestors had extensive knowledge regarding qi energy. Much more significant than we have now.

    Different nationalities called this force differently:

    • residents of China - qi energy;
    • Japanese - ki energy;
    • Indian culture - prana or shakti;
    • in Ancient Egypt – ka;
    • the inhabitants of Ancient Greece - pneuma;
    • Americans - with great spirit;
    • Christians - the holy spirit;
    • Africans – esh;
    • Hawaiians - ha energy or mana.

    If we take a more detailed look at qi energy, we find it in the form of the following varieties:

    • Natural Qi;
    • Heavenly Qi;
    • Home CI;
    • Human QI;
    • Public CI.

    Let's consider all of them in as much detail as possible further.

    1. Natural Qi is the energy that permeates all natural phenomena, filling the entire surrounding world, which is represented by all living beings on the globe. The entire planet is permeated with its energy flows.

    In ancient texts we find the name of these Meridians – “Dragon Lines”. The closer they get to the ground in certain places, the higher the soil fertility will be. And, on the contrary, the deeper the flow of energy passes over the ground, the worse various crops will ripen on it. Such famous natural areas include the North Pole, the Gobi Desert and the Sahara.

    1. Heavenly Qi is the energy emanating from the heavens and connecting all the constellations and planets in our Galaxy.
    2. Home QI is energy flows that move into the home, filling the walls and objects in it.
    3. Human QI is the vital force of a person, it can revive, set in motion, motivate to perform various actions and achieve what is desired.
    4. Public CI acts as the energy of the entire people, the nation - a specific community of people.

    How to gain Qi energy

    There are certain principles by which qi energy is collected, namely:

    • Filling with energy is performed in a standing, sitting or lying position.
    • At the same time, different types of breathing are practiced (free and natural, or when, when inhaling, air is drawn into the lungs, and when exhaling, it is exhaled noisily).
    • As a rule, energy comes through points located in the central part of the palms, lower back, middle of the sole, on the top of the head, around the eyes, as well as on the fingertips and pores of our body.
    • When filling yourself with chi energy, it is important to visualize that all parts of the body are united into a single line, which includes the sky, earth, sun, moon, mountains, rivers, trees and grass. As a result of this, man becomes part of nature.

    The main exercises to gain Qi energy

    There are special exercises for accumulating Chi energy. We will talk about them further.

    1. Filling yourself with solar, lunar energy QI, plant energy. At the same time, you need to visualize in your thoughts how an energy flow emanates from these objects into your body from head to toe, and then changes its direction.
    2. Filling with heavenly energy Qi and earth energy. In this situation, you should visualize how heavenly energy enters the body, envelops it, rushing through all tendons, bones, biologically active points and internal organs. We imagine the same for the energy of the earth, but it will only come from below.
    3. Filling with Qi energy through pores. Inhale and exhale, and as you exhale, visualize releasing painful energy across the roof of your mouth through your pores. And when you inhale, you need to imagine filling yourself with the original universal QI.
    4. Filling Qi through the mouth. You should open your mouth, put your tongue flat, but not stick out. As you exhale, visualize the flow of qi energy as a continuous stream passing through your throat and mouth and in your thoughts transport it to the lower part of the body.
    5. Filling with colored energy QI “5 primary elements”. The doctrine of the 5 primary elements states that:
      • the liver corresponds to a tree (green energy is collected from the eastern side),
      • fire answers the heart (red energy from the south side),
      • spleen – earth (yellow energy from the central part of the Earth),
      • light – metal (white energy from the western side),
      • kidneys – water (black energy from the north side).
    1. Filling with light energy. It is necessary to close your eyes and visualize how the light of the sun, moon, stars or ordinary lamps, fire begins to flow through the organs of vision into the area located in the forehead area above the bridge of the nose. At the same time, you feel how your whole body is filled with a magical glow.
    2. Filling with light energy with voice stimulation. Inhale while making a sound similar to the buzzing of a bee. Visualize that a white energy column begins to flow from above, which is concentrated in the area of ​​the crown. When exhaling, you need to make the sound “ah-ah-ah”, visualizing how the energy vortex is cleared through the filter, becomes red in color and ends up in the middle energy meridian.

    Along it, energy begins to move from the crown area, through the throat, reaches the central axis of the body to the perineum area, and then, along with the sound (the kind that is made when they want to cool something), it changes in color (becomes motley) and begins to move forward through the lower limbs to the feet and below, turns blue and goes into the bowels of the earth.

    1. Filling with Qi energy using external sound. To implement this method, you should play some pleasant music: it could be the voice of a spiritual teacher or the sounds of nature. It is important to achieve a state when all internal organs, skin and active points come into resonance with these sounds, so that the flow of energy penetrates through the skin to the very bones.
    2. Filling with energy using mental images. You should resurrect in your subconscious the image of some object or phenomenon - it could be a table, a bed, a flame, a llama’s light, a mountain river, a stone, and so on, absolutely any options. Visualize this object descending in your torso from your head, passing through the throat, chest and abdomen area and reaching the lower energy meridian. When performing this exercise in a lying position, it would be more correct to visualize images of a train, car, motorcycle or horse-drawn cart.

    It becomes clear that there are a huge number of ways to gain QI energy; they have certain similarities. You need to choose the method that is closest to you and best suits your individual personality characteristics. When practicing exercises, it is important to adhere to regularity and perseverance, and then a positive result will be guaranteed to you.

    According to Chinese philosophy and traditional Chinese medicine, chi energy is given to each of us from birth. Life expectancy depends on its quantity: the sooner it is used up, the sooner we grow old. Therefore, eastern practices aimed at maintaining health and active longevity, such as qigong or tai chi, teach how to preserve this energy and, if possible, accumulate it.

    And physical exercises and breathing practices alone will not be enough for this. Up to 70% of the qi energy we acquire throughout our lives comes from food. Therefore, in order to stay healthy and young for as long as possible, it is important to build your diet according to the Chinese teachings of nutrition.

    To accumulate qi energy, a balance of yang food and yin food is important.

    Qi is made up of the interaction of two energies - yin and yang. When these energies are in balance, qi energy is generated in sufficient quantities. “If the balance of yin and yang is disturbed, various pathological processes arise in the body,” says Vlad Markin, instructor “LIVE!” in the discipline "Qigong".

    You can achieve balance between yin and yang, including through proper nutrition. Doctors of traditional Chinese medicine divide all foods into two groups: those rich in yang energy and those rich in yin energy.

    Food-yang warms, increases mental and physical activity. Excess yang appears very rarely - only in cases where you eat too spicy food for a long time.

    Food-yin cools, makes the body soft and sluggish. An excess of this energy is expressed in drowsiness, fatigue and - attention to those who want to lose weight - weight gain.

    Also in traditional Chinese medicine it is believed that an imbalance of yin and yang energies is the cause of food addiction - cravings for sweets, starchy foods, and fatty foods. But once you balance the consumption of yin and yang foods, the problem will disappear by itself.

    Which foods carry yang energy and which ones carry yin energy?

    Hot (lots of yang): lamb, garlic, pepper, nuts, honey, spices.

    Warm (average amount of yang): green and onions, coriander (cilantro), ginger, shrimp, turkey, duck, chicken, eggs, sheep cheese.

    Neutral: beef, pork, grains, starchy vegetables, legumes, mushrooms.

    Refreshing (medium amount of yin): eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, beets, fruits, salad greens, milk, cheese, caviar.

    Cold (lots of yin): kefir, butter, sour cream, oysters.

    How to eat to balance yin and yang and build chi energy

    The menu of most Europeans is dominated by yin foods. This is especially true for women who prefer raw vegetables and fruits, herbs and dairy products. “People often eat this way to lose weight,” says Lyubov Lisko, gastroenterologist of the highest category, Doctor of Chinese Medicine. “But it often turns out that the diet is based on lettuce, low-fat yogurt and raw vegetables, but the weight does not go off. What is this connected with? First of all, with the fact that all these products are rich in yin energy, which slows down many processes in the body, including metabolism. To successfully lose weight, a balance of cooling and warming foods is important.” How to achieve this?

    - The basis of the diet should be neutral foods. Ideally, you should strive for the proportion that many Chinese centenarians adhere to: 70% cooked cereals, 15% boiled vegetables, 5% raw plant foods, 5% meat or fish and 5% dairy products.

    - You can only eat 1-2 refreshing or cold foods at one meal.

    - Increase the yang energy of food during cooking. To increase the warming properties of the dish, its ingredients are grilled, boiled or baked for a long time.

    - Use spices. The hottest ones are black pepper, chili and curry. Paprika, cloves, nutmeg, cumin, cinnamon, coriander are warm seasonings.

    - Start your day with dishes prepared from yang products. They will energize you. It is better to eat yin foods before bed to relieve fatigue.

    - Give preference to thermally processed foods(it should make up 70-80% of the diet). “Chinese doctors rightly emphasize that it is easier to digest,” says Lyubov Lisko. — Even vegetables and fruits, according to their views, are recommended to be baked, or at least blanched and doused with boiling water. In any case, the basis of the meal should be heat-treated products. They can be seasoned with a little something raw. An example of such a dish would be hot porridge with a handful of raw berries or fruits.”

    - Organize your meals according to the season. In the cold season, foods rich in yang energy (mostly warm) should prevail on the table. In warm weather, you can afford a little more yin products (mostly refreshing ones).

    - Do not overuse southern fruits. In the autumn-winter period, this is one of the main sources of vitamins for us. However, overdoing it with such fruits can cause an imbalance of yin and yang energies. The more sun a plant receives, the higher its cooling properties, according to Chinese doctors. For example, oranges ripened near the equator contain more yin energy than citrus fruits from Italy. Equatorial fruits are useful for local residents - with their help they compensate for the effects of a hot climate on the body, but not for residents of Central Europe (especially in autumn and winter). Southern fruits increase yin energy and accelerate the consumption of qi energy given from birth.

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