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What did the grandson die from? Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Leonid Brezhnev: where are they now


The grandson of Leonid Ilyich repeatedly participated in the elections, but the famous surname did not help him win

Andrei Brezhnev with his grandfather, clothed with power kpcdn.net

The death of 57-year-old Andrei Brezhnev, the grandson of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee in 1966-1982 Leonid Brezhnev, which occurred the day before, on July 10, was reported on his Facebook page by his friend Sergei Mendeleev. According to media reports, Brezhnev lived in Sevastopol in recent years and died of a heart attack.

– Terrible news from Crimea – my friend and comrade Andrey Brezhnev has left. There were so many plans, so many experiences... it was an honor for me,– wrote Mendeleev. Later, this information was confirmed in the Sevastopol branch of the Rodina party, of which Brezhnev Jr. had been a member for the last couple of years.

According to open information, Andrei Brezhnev was born in March 1961 into the family of the son of Leonid Ilyich Yuri Brezhnev, who at that time worked as the manager of the Karl Liebknecht plant in Dnepropetrovsk. Later, his father made a party and government career - he became chairman of the All-Union Association of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, then deputy minister, in 1980 he was elected to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, and the following year a candidate member of the CPSU Central Committee. Andrei Brezhnev himself graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations at MGIMO in 1983 and also worked at the Ministry of Foreign Trade. In 1996-1998 he headed the charitable foundation “Children are the hope of the future.” Participated in elections at various levels as a self-nominated candidate (governor of the Tula region, deputy for the Odintsovo district in Moscow), a candidate from the LDPR (vice-mayor of Moscow, then became a self-nominated candidate), in 2004-2014 a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, then moved to the newly formed Communist Party of Social Justice (CPSU), from which he participated in elections in Mari El, Crimea, and Sevastopol. In the 2016 elections to the State Duma, he became a candidate for Sevastopol from the Rodina party.

Andrei Brezhnev survived his father by only five years, who died of a brain tumor in the Central Clinical Hospital in Moscow and, unlike his son, after his retirement in 1986, did not participate in the political processes of post-Soviet Russia.

“I would like to be the star, the one behind you. To see that you are nearby and that you are alive...” Few people know that Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko put personal grief into the words of this poignant song, the worst of which is difficult to imagine. An outlet from the ongoing conflict with her only daughter, hope for the future, grandson Mark Aleksandrovich Korolev, occupied a strong place in the life and heart of the actress. And he took half his soul with him. But what happened to Gurchenko’s grandson, Mark?

Birth of Lyudmila Gurchenko's grandson

Gurchenko always wanted a son, and on the day when her girl was born, she even cried with disappointment. Relations between Lyudmila Markovna and her daughter Maria have always been tense. From childhood, the daughter rebelled against the wishes of her strong-willed mother: she dyed her hair eggplant color, entered medical school, not wanting to continue her acting career, and got married early. When on September 22, 1982, a son, Mark Aleksandrovich Korolev, was born into Maria’s family, the newly-made grandmother was happy: her hopes for continuing her craft were revived. The boy received his name in honor of his great-grandfather Mark Gavrilovich. Later it became clear that the child inherited the appearance features of his famous relative: the shape of the eyes, the oval of the face, playful dimples on the cheeks. His bright appearance charmed those around him and made girls fall in love with him.

School years

Mark Aleksandrovich Korolev began his studies at regular secondary school No. 528, located near the Novokuznetskaya metro station. Naturally, the entire teaching staff and classmates knew who was in front of them. Despite the external similarity with his grandmother, Mark’s character was strikingly different. The child, who is withdrawn and prefers loneliness, did not make any friends during his school years. He did not participate in mass pranks and kept to himself during class outings. Studying was difficult for the boy, although he attended numerous additional classes, his stable grade was “three”. Despite this, the teachers loved him and turned a blind eye to problems with science. They admired his diligence, thoughtfulness, penchant for philosophical discussions about love, friendship, as well as interest in literature. Mark's favorite authors were Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. He enjoyed staying after class and talking with the teacher about the meaning of life. The reasoning was mature and balanced, which won the teacher’s heart. Despite his secrecy, Mark remained in the memory of his classmates as a kind and sympathetic person. They remember that he always came to the rescue and organized collections of money if misfortunes happened in the families of his classmates.

Communication with Lyudmila Gurchenko

The famous actress adored her grandson, but her relationship with her daughter was getting worse. Alexander Korolev, Maria’s husband, also did not contribute to a peaceful settlement. The young family lived in an apartment bought by Lyudmila Markovna for her mother, and she, in turn, bequeathed it to her granddaughter. Gurchenko would later challenge this decision in court. Nevertheless, this did not interfere with the grandson’s communication with his grandmother. They spent a lot of time together, the actress spoiled her only grandson in every possible way: she gave him pocket money and bought fashionable things. Mark's teachers recall that he was even excused from classes for a week in order to go with her to filming in France. At the same time, Lyudmila Markovna never came to school, nor did she come home to her daughter.

Teenage years

When Maria Koroleva’s son Mark was 8 years old, and his sister was only 3, problems with money and frequent domestic conflicts led to the parents deciding to separate, and the father left the family. The children took their breakup hard. Reconciliation finally took place a year and a half later, but this did not relieve the tense situation at home. By that time, Alexander Korolev began to do business, having solved the money problem. It is worth noting that things were going great. The family lived well and could afford expensive purchases. Therefore, when their son turned 11 years old, seeing his difficulties with his studies, his parents decided to send him to a private boarding school. They were confident that professionals from a paid educational institution would definitely find an approach to an introverted child and would be able to open him up, get him interested in studying and help him improve his grades.

Bad Company

The parents' hopes were not justified. The new school brought new friends into the teenager’s life, who could not become role models. Already at the age of 12, the biography of Gurchenko’s grandson Mark went downhill. He started smoking in the company of peers who were skipping classes. He became more and more withdrawn into himself, moving away from his parents and grandmother. Their ongoing growing conflict affected the teenager’s fragile psyche; he found himself between several fires: father, grandmother, mother. The situation was aggravated by the repeated breakdown of relations between the parents. His father left the country and moved to America. Forgetfulness seemed to be the only right decision at that time for the guy. Gurchenko’s grandson at that time was not deprived of money; his pocket budget was regularly replenished by his father and beloved grandmother. A combination of factors pushed him into the arms of intoxicating, forbidden substances, which for a while took him away from all problems. Having tried hard drugs for the first time, Mark began to spend all his money on buying a dose.

Life in America

His secret was soon revealed by his mother. Unable to cope with this problem on her own, Maria in desperation calls Alexander Korolev in America and asks for help. He reacts instantly and takes his son to him and assigns him for treatment. Gurchenko’s grandson Mark, whose biography is described in the article, never finished boarding school. The teenager is allowed to periodically fly to Moscow to visit relatives and friends. No more than once every few months. His trips were always a holiday - he brought gifts to his sister and mother, his friends. He talked a lot and admiringly about life overseas. He said that he was seriously interested in tennis, planned to take it up professionally, and made plans for the future. My father’s income allowed me to live well, even to have a personal driver with a car. However, due to his teenage ambitions, Mark believed that he could quit drugs at any time, and use on rare occasions would help him relax, forget about his problems and would not affect his treatment in any way. Therefore, in the states, he strenuously observed all the regulations under the strict gaze of his father, and in Moscow he allowed himself liberties. Drugs caused the death of Mark, Gurchenko’s grandson. How did it all happen?

The mystery of the death of Gurchenko's grandson

The winter of 1998 was marked by Mark's next visit to Moscow. The teenager was in a great mood, showing a photo of his girlfriend, who was waiting for him in America. According to relatives, he was inspired and inspired confidence that the past was over. But what happened to Gurchenko’s grandson, Mark? Despite all the positive progress, he could not resist meeting with old friends. On December 13, the company gathered at the apartment; heroin was present at the party. Mark couldn't resist and decided to relax. A few hours later, a call came to the ambulance control panel. The alarmed teenagers reported that their friend was feeling unwell, and honestly admitted that it was a matter of drug use, an overdose. At this time, Mark was shaking, his jaws were tightly closed, and foam was flowing from his mouth. His tongue will subsequently be bitten to the point of bleeding. All the time of agonizing waiting, friends tried to help the guy, to ease his suffering: they inserted a spoon into his mouth, warmed him with blankets. The guy was literally dying before their eyes. Three hours later the doctors arrived. By that time, the teenager was already in agony. In unconsciousness, he called his family, asked for forgiveness from Lucy (that’s what he called Gurchenko, because she could not allow herself to be called grandmother, she wanted to be forever young). The moment for salvation was mercilessly missed. Mark passed away at the age of just 16 years. The cause of death of Gurchenko's grandson, Mark, was a drug overdose.


Strangers told Lyudmila Markovna about the death of her beloved grandson. Her daughter Maria, as she would say in subsequent interviews, was so heartbroken that she could not call anyone. According to the recollections of Elena, Mark’s sister, more than 400 people attended the funeral. Schoolchildren and fans of the actress went of their own free will, without any invitations or requests to express their sympathy to the family. Lyudmila Gurchenko also arrived with her husband Sergei Senin. Everyone expected to see an emotional farewell, but she tried to remain unnoticed and quiet. Without attracting attention, the strong and unyielding great actress laid flowers on the grave and left the cemetery. She will grieve for her irreparable loss for the rest of her life. Where is Gurchenko’s grandson, Mark, buried? He was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, next to Lyudmila Markovna’s parents.

Lyudmila Markovna about her grandson

It is known that Gurchenko lived in complete ignorance about her grandson’s addiction; it was hidden from her. This side of his life shocked her. In her interviews, she will bitterly blame her daughter for not telling her that she could not save her. Lyudmila Markovna believed that she could have influenced the events, the tragedy would not have happened if she had been informed in time. Mark's death will finally alienate and separate mother and daughter on opposite sides of the barricades. They will never be able to find the strength to communicate. After the death of her grandson, Lyudmila Markovna will dedicate to him a song written for her by Anatoly Dorovskikh - “Prayer”. She puts all her sadness into it; her performance brought tears to the eyes of the audience. The great actress will outlive her grandson by only 13 years.

Despite the simmering conflict with his daughter, Lyudmila Gurchenko she adored her only grandson, who was very similar to herself, often went on vacation with him to resorts and spoiled him with money. For the little one Brand she was the most ordinary grandmother - loving, kind and affectionate. It couldn’t be otherwise, if only because at birth the boy was named after the actress’s father. But this love ended in an instant - at the age of 16, Mark died of a drug overdose.

“I didn’t know anything about this,” Lyudmila Markovna later said during one of her speeches to the audience. “They hid from me that my grandson used drugs,” writes Life.

At first, Mark started smoking regular cigarettes. Then I started trying harder drugs. As a result, I sat on the needle. By that time, his parents had already completely divorced, his father sent his son to a boarding school and went abroad. Neither father nor mother even suspected that at the age of 14, Mark was already heavily addicted to heroin!

Mark did not finish his studies at the boarding school. As soon as his mother found out about her son’s addiction to drugs, she immediately called his father. He took his son to America and began treatment. Things were going well overseas. The income made it possible to even maintain a car with a personal driver. And the situation in the family seemed to have calmed down - Mark came to Moscow every few months, always bringing gifts to family and friends. Undoubtedly, he realized everything and wanted to recover, but from time to time he relapsed again and again. It seemed to Mark that even if sometimes it was a little, it did not affect the treatment process itself.

In the winter of 1998, Mark again came to visit his family in Moscow. He was cheerful and full of plans for the future. He said that he was being treated and wanted to be cured. He told me that in America he became interested in playing tennis and wanted to play this sport professionally. He showed me a photo of his girlfriend, whom he met in the States... In general, there was no reason for depression. But when meeting with old friends, Mark couldn’t refuse another dose of heroin.

He felt bad. He began to pound, his teeth were clenched so tightly that he bit his entire tongue, and foam came out of his mouth. His friends, who had successfully recovered from the drug haze, called an ambulance. When asked who needs a doctor, they answered honestly: “A drug addict. He's overdosed!" They were told: “Wait...” They had to wait for three hours.

All this time, Mark struggled in the arms of his friends. They covered him with blankets and inserted a spoon into his teeth. In a drug attack, Mark called his family: “Mom, Lena... Lucy.” He called Lyusya Gurchenko because Lyudmila Markovna did not want to be a “grandmother.”

“Lucy, I’m sorry...” were Mark’s last words before he lost consciousness. The ambulance that arrived stated “death from a heroin overdose.” This happened on December 13th.

“Four hundred people came to Mark’s funeral,” says his sister Lena. “We didn’t invite them - they came on their own, they came from all schools in whole buses. Everyone loved and respected him. Despite everything!

Upon learning that her grandson died from drugs, Lyudmila Markovna was shocked. She arrived at the cemetery when Mark was being buried, along with her husband. Sergei Senin. She came up, put down the flowers and quickly left, trying not to attract attention to herself. Ten years have passed since then, and Gurchenko does not say a word about his grandson. Although you can be sure that she remembers and loves.

Brezhnev's grandson Andrei died

On Tuesday, July 10, in Crimea, at the age of 58, the grandson of Leonid Brezhnev, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Andrei Yuryevich Brezhnev, passed away. An acquaintance of Andrei Yuryevich, Sergei Mendeleev, spoke about this on his Facebook.

Brezhnev's grandson Andrei: cause of death

“Terrible news from Crimea - my friend and comrade Andrei Brezhnev has left. There were so many plans, so many experiences... it was an honor for me,” he wrote.

Brezhnev's grandson died of a myocardial infarction. The well-known publication Gazeta.ru writes about this with reference to the chairman of the regional branch of the Rodina party of the Crimean Peninsula, Konstantin Knyrik. The date and place of the funeral of Brezhnev's grandson have not yet been announced.

Brezhnev's grandson Andrey: biography

The grandson of the Soviet General Secretary was born in Moscow in 1961. His father was the son of the Secretary General - Yuri Leonidovich Brezhnev, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade of the USSR. In 1983, Andrei Brezhnev graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) under the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, specializing in international economic relations.

The career of Brezhnev's grandson followed the usual trajectory for the descendants of Soviet leaders. For two years, from 1983 to 1985, he worked as an engineer at the foreign trade association Soyuzkhimexport, after which he was an attaché at the Department of International Economic Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and by 1991 he became deputy head of the Department of Foreign Relations of the USSR Ministry of Trade.

This ended Andrei Brezhnev's public service, and until 1997 he worked in various commercial structures.

The political career of the grandson of the Secretary General began in 1998, reports NSN.

He decided to become the Secretary General himself - however, of the All-Russian Communist Social Movement, which he organized.

In 1999, Andrei Brezhnev decided to run for governor of the Sverdlovsk region, but the election commission refused to register the General Secretary of OKOD. In the same year, he unsuccessfully tried to be elected vice-mayor of Moscow, receiving 0.61% of the vote as a self-nominated candidate (before that he ran for the LDPR). In the State Duma elections in 1999, Brezhnev ran from the Odintsovo single-mandate electoral district No. 110, receiving a little more than 2% of the vote.

The further political path also did not bring any significant success to Brezhnev’s grandson. In 2001, he tried to become governor of the Tula region and received 1.18% of the vote.

News smi2.ru

In 2002, he again became the secretary general of the “New Communist Party” he created, which came into conflict with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and its leader Gennady Zyuganov,

and unregistered by the Ministry of Justice. In 2004, he nevertheless joined the ranks of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and had a membership card until 2014.

For the third time, the grandson of the Soviet General Secretary became a member of the Central Committee in 2014. He was elected first secretary of the central committee of the Communist Party of Social Justice (CPSU Central Committee), which was created in 2012. From the CPSU, Brezhnev Jr. tried to become a deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea and the State Assembly of the Republic of Mari El, as well as a member of the Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol, but also did not receive a sufficient number of votes, reaching a maximum of 2.21% in the Mari subject of the federation.

Andrei Brezhnev was also noted for his trial, during which he not only defended the ban on using the image of Leonid Brezhnev in commercial advertising, but was also forced to prove his relationship with the Soviet General Secretary.

According to website kp.ru, in 2017, Brezhnev’s grandson saw an advertising sign in Novosibirsk: a store in the city’s Central Department Store used a portrait of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee to advertise Parker fountain pens.

Brezhnev Jr. assessed the moral damage at 99 rubles and demanded that the sign be removed. During the trial, the court demanded that the plaintiff prove his relationship with Leonid Ilyich with documents. The birth certificate of Brezhnev Jr.’s father has not been preserved, and he himself died in 2013.

As a result, Brezhnev’s lawyer had to contact the Ukrainian archive in Dnieper. The necessary document was found there, but otherwise it would have been necessary to exhume the remains of the Soviet leader, said the lawyer of the grandson of the secretary general.

Andrei Brezhnev is survived by two sons: one of them serves as a translator in the Russian Ministry of Defense, and the second graduated from Oxford University and works in the field of information technology.


Gurchenko's grandson Mark Korolev was born in Moscow in 1982, on September 22. The child was named in honor of his great-grandfather - the father of Lyudmila Markovna. Gurchenko herself dreamed of a son and, apparently, on her initiative, her grandson was given the name Mark. “My beloved, beloved grandson was named after my father,” Lyudmila Gurchenko admitted a little later. She adored her grandson. And the child’s external features were inherited from his grandmother. The same eyes, her oval face. And the dimples on his cheeks were called “Gurchen dimples.”

Grandson of Lyudmila Gurchenko Mark: biography, childhood

From the age of 7, little Mark began studying at school No. 528, which is located next to the Novokuznetskaya metro station. Here the boy studied for 5 years. What was he like, Gurchenko’s grandson Mark? Unfortunately, many photos have not survived. There are several shots from childhood. They are presented to your attention in the article. Many people remember his gray, trusting eyes and black curls. Of course, the teachers quickly learned that they were teaching Gurchenko’s grandson. Despite the fact that the famous grandmother loved her grandson very much, during all this time she never showed up at school. As Maria Borisovna, the daughter of the actress, told the school teacher, she did not come to their home either. The cause was a family conflict. But despite the tense relationship between daughter and mother, Mark communicated with his grandmother.

Gurchenko’s grandson Mark studied in a class where there were 34 other people besides him. But during the entire period of time he stayed there, he did not make any real friends. As Olga Borisovna (the head teacher of the school) said, the only grandson of the prima of Soviet cinema was a notorious boy and loved to be alone. For example, if the class went on excursions, Gurchenko’s grandson Mark walked separately on the sidelines and was completely indifferent to what the guide was talking about. In most cases, he did not attend such events at all. But despite such characteristics, all teachers and students loved him very much. There were reasons for this.

How was your studies?

Mark Korolev, Gurchenko’s grandson, studied with C grades, which he was sometimes given for his charm and beautiful eyes. He attended frequent extracurricular classes, but they did not improve his performance. The teachers themselves said about this: “If a person is not good at science, what should he do now? As he grows up, other abilities will open up in him.”

Among all the subjects of the school curriculum, Gurchenko’s grandson Mark loved literature. He especially liked discussions concerning philosophical topics, as well as the works of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. It was rare that any of the kids could come up to the teacher after class and talk about the meaning of life. Mark was not one of those people. During breaks, he asked teachers questions about love and friendship. For his diligence and thoughtfulness, the teachers treated the boy with warmth.

Who were you friends with?

As mentioned earlier, Mark Korolev (Gurchenko’s grandson) did not have a permanent friend. He was very cute and the girls liked him, but because of Mark's reserved nature, they were afraid of him. And yet everyone in the class loved him. Many classmates made eyes at him, but no one managed to make friends with him. The kids from high school respected him and came up to say hello during breaks.

According to the memoirs of Nastya Puzyreva, Mark’s classmate: “Many people liked him because they could rely on him in any situation. He always kept his word. And if he borrowed money, he gave it back. The guy was really responsive. For example, when his classmate’s mother died, Mark was the first to react and offered to raise money for the funeral. It was his nature to be a good person and a true friend.”

Communication with grandma

Despite family troubles and tense tensions between relatives, Mark Aleksandrovich Korolev, Gurchenko’s grandson, communicated well with his grandmother, although he was between a rock and an anvil. As Mark’s teacher Tatyana Shatlanova said: “Once the boy was asked to be excused from classes for a week so that he could go with Lyudmila Markovna to filming in France. Everyone knew that Gurchenko adored her grandson."

Grandson of Gurchenko Mark: biography, youth

Serious problems in Mark's family began when he was 8 years old. Then his father left home. Although Alexander Korolev returned a year and a half later, the situation remained tense. Even money did not affect a good relationship. At that time, Alexander went into business. Eleven-year-old Mark was sent to a private school. As it seemed to Mark’s parents then, within the walls of such a school they would be able to find an individual approach to all students, and it would be easier for their boy to study.

But Mark became more and more withdrawn into himself. Most likely, family troubles influenced the fragile psychological state of the 12-year-old boy. Gurchenko’s grandson Mark, whose photo is presented to your attention in the article, could not calmly endure the conflict of his relatives - his mother, father and grandmother. Perhaps he felt abandoned and unwanted. And then, in order not to think about sad things and get away from problems, the guy began to use drugs. In the beginning it was cigarettes. A group of boys gathered, who, running away from classes, gathered somewhere in a quiet place and inhaled the sweet smoke. For money one could freely get any dope. A little later, Gurchenko’s grandson Mark, whose biography is presented to your attention in the article, began to try “hard” drugs and got hooked on a needle. The guy's parents had finally separated by that time. Having sent his son to a boarding school, Alexander Korolev went abroad. Back then, no one in the family could have imagined that their 14-year-old child would no longer be able to do without heroin.

A trip to visit my father in America

When the boy’s mother found out about what had happened, she called her husband in America. Alexander took Mark to his place and began to treat him. Lyudmila Gurchenko’s grandson Mark, whose biography is discussed in the article, never completed his studies at the boarding school. Every few months the guy could come to Moscow and visit family and friends, to whom he always brought gifts. In his teenage years, he understood everything and sincerely believed that he would be cured of his illness. But periodically he broke down. And it all started again. Then Gurchenko’s grandson Mark thought that if you relax a little sometimes with the help of drugs, then there is nothing wrong with it, and over time the treatment will help.

Last days

In 1998, Mark came to Moscow again. The guy looked cheerful. He said that he was undergoing treatment and dreamed of completely getting rid of drug addiction. He showed me a photo of his girlfriend. He shared his plans for the future. He talked about his passion for tennis in America and his desire to play this sport at a professional level. He had no reason to become depressed. However, having met with friends, he could not resist a dose of heroin. Trouble came on December 13th.

As happens in such cases, the guy felt bad and began to feel chills. Due to the strong clenching of the teeth, the tongue was all bitten, and foam began to come out of the mouth. All the others who were with him, having recovered from drug intoxication, began to call an ambulance. On the other side of the line they asked: “Who is the doctor being called for?” After receiving an honest answer, they told me to wait. A long 3 hours passed when the ambulance finally arrived. During this time, friends tried to help Mark, who was struggling in their arms. A spoon was inserted into the teeth and covered with blankets. In a fit of drug agony, the guy called his family, remembering his mother, sister, and grandmother. Mark’s last words before losing consciousness were: “Lucy, I’m sorry.” That's what the guy called Lyudmila Markovna. Lyudmila Gurchenko’s grandson Mark Aleksandrovich Korolev died from a drug overdose. He was only 16 years old.

Gurchenko's revelations about his grandson

Later in her interviews, Gurchenko, talking about her heartache, said that she knew nothing about her grandson’s addiction, that this fact was hidden from her. Hundreds of people came to see Mark off on his final journey. Shocked by grief, Lyudmila Markovna also arrived.

Despite the long-standing and ongoing family conflict, Gurchenko was very fond of her grandson, who reminded her of herself. She spoiled him with money and often took him with her to resorts. Little Mark saw in her, first of all, a kind and loving grandmother, and only then a famous actress. Gurchenko herself really wanted to have a son, and when her daughter was born, she cried. Therefore, Mark was probably the most dear and desirable for her. She knew nothing that her grandson was a drug addict. Speaking to the audience, she talked about how she could not understand how a wealthy child with so many opportunities could die so absurdly. The pop singer dedicated her song “Prayer” to the words and music of A. Dorovskikh to her grandson. Already from the words “Oh, my son” one can hear how much grief and despair is in the actress’s heart. Lyudmila Gurchenko mourned until her last breath. Grandson Mark was the closest person out of all his relatives.


According to Lena, Mark's sister, four hundred people attended the funeral ceremony. People came on their own. Entire buses brought schoolchildren from many schools. Everyone mourned and expressed condolences.

How did Lyudmila Gurchenko survive his death? Grandson Mark was the dearest and most adored person for her. Lyudmila Markovna, upon learning of his death, was shocked. With Sergei Senin, her husband, she appeared at the cemetery when Mark was buried. Trying not to draw attention to herself, the prima put down the flowers and left. The actress survived her grandson by 13 years. All these years, she was never able to forgive her daughter for not saving him.