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Interpretation of baby's dream in dream books. Why do you dream of crumbs according to the dream book? Why do you dream of crumbs on the table

Did you dream of clearing the table? There are financial difficulties, losses, strife, and grief ahead. This vision in a dream can warn of future mistakes and losses. But sometimes such a sign promises a resolution to the conflict. Our dream book will help you interpret what the plot is about in your dreams.

Financial difficulties, troubles

Such a dream means: temporary difficulties with money lie ahead. They arise as a result of significant expenses on vacation or travel. Therefore, the positive emotions from the vacation will be somewhat overshadowed.

Seeing yourself clearing a table or wiping it in a dream foretells failure in the business field. The dream book indicates: you will have to spend a lot of money to correct mistakes made due to carelessness.

Why dream of clearing dishes from the table after a festive feast (if in reality there was no feast)? The dreamer will suffer serious losses, even hardships.

Feelings of helplessness, strife

Did you dream of collecting dirty dishes? The dream book warns: you feel helplessness, confusion, doubt, and it seems as if you have lost control over life. Before you start acting, try to understand what you really want, listen to your intuition.

In a dream, did you collect dirty dishes with leftovers on them? In reality, your costs will be greater than your income.

Removing a dirty tablecloth means troubles and discord with loved ones.

What else was removed?

A more detailed interpretation of the dream is possible if you take into account what items had to be collected:

  • plates - the failure of a profitable deal is very likely;
  • glasses - disappointments await;
  • vase - unpleasant events at home;
  • disposable plates - you do not receive a decent reward for your work;
  • business papers - to losses;
  • writing instruments - you cannot fulfill the need for communication;

Miller's Dream Book: despondency ahead

Why do you dream of clearing the table? The peace and joy that you now feel will soon be replaced by indifference and despondency.

Unpromising business, inflated ambitions

A dreamed vision also means: the sleeper will have to reap the fruits of his own frivolity and oversight.

Did you see that you were clearing crumbs from the table in a dream? This is a warning: you will soon be involved in a futile project. It should be better analyzed, risks and possible profits assessed. Then the need to abandon it will become more obvious.

Why dream of sweeping crumbs off the table and throwing them away? The dream book indicates: your extravagance is inappropriate, and your ambitions are too high. Incomes are not high enough to allow you to spend money, and you are ignoring many opportunities to earn money.

Positive values

Did the woman dream of cleaning up crumbs? She will give birth to her first child, already at a fairly mature age. This sign is a consolation for the sleeping person regarding mental requests to have children. You shouldn’t give in to despair, you need to patiently wait for fate’s favor.

Do you see yourself wiping a tabletop with a rag in a dream? The dream book says: successfully resolve existing problems, conflict, if you moderate your own pride.

Putting your desk in order means: you will deal with neglected matters, solve business difficulties.

The dream book interprets crumbs of bread seen in a dream as an omen of possible poverty, the need to save, loss of the usual level of income, and the appearance of unnecessary troubles. But the dream also promises great joy, a gift, and success. Other details of the plot will help you understand why he is dreaming.

Big expenses, need to save

Such a vision in a dream signals: you have not learned how to properly manage your financial assets, says the dream book. Perhaps wealth came easy, so you haven’t learned to appreciate it. It's time to reconsider this attitude.

Scattered crumbs in night vision indicate the need to save. Give up extravagance and ostentatious generosity, focus on increasing your finances.

Why else do you dream of bread crumbs? Unforeseen expenses will appear that can lead to poverty. You should be careful with your money.

What did you do with them?

To understand how the dream book interprets bread crumbs, remember what you happened to do:

  • sweeping it off the table and throwing it away - wastefulness is now inappropriate;
  • shaking off the bed - you will learn ambiguous news;
  • wiping the dishes - prosperity in the house;
  • feeding the birds is a great joy.

Avoid negligence, look for income

Seeing bread crumbs on the floor in a dream means, according to the dream book: you need to avoid negligence, since because of it the dreamer’s well-being may be undermined.

In a night dream, the floor was strewn with bread crumbs? Soon problems will begin when the usual sources of income dry up. The bad streak may drag on, so it is advisable to look for new opportunities to earn money now.

Be careful, don't worry too much

Why do you dream of bread crumbs that the sleeper feeds crows, kites or other birds of prey? The handouts he gives can cause resentment and ingratitude.

In a dream, did you crumble bread and see small crumbs? In reality you will be busy with chores that will be in vain. Try not to focus on them.

You can get rid of negativity

Sweeping them off the table promises to get rid of the negativity that surrounds you, which has been bothering you for a long time. The dream book recommends paying attention to how you removed them in your dream. If you do it with your hand, you will make do with your own strength to gain the upper hand over your enemies. If you use a rag or a towel, ask someone for help.

Did a woman without children dream of bread crumbs that she swept off the countertop? This is a harbinger of having a child at a fairly mature age. But don’t be upset - rely on providence and believe that everything will be fine.

Good luck awaits, overcoming obstacles

Why do you dream about how birds greedily peck at them? The dream book promises: you will soon receive a good gift from a loved one.

Did you dream that you crumbled bread onto the windowsill, and the birds quickly flew in and ate it all up? In reality, you will have good luck - in business and love.

Did you break the loaf and crumble it on the table? There will be some obstacles on the way to achieving prosperity, but you will successfully overcome them.

Be patient and avoid arrogance

Have you ever seen that the bread crumbs have already hardened? It's too late to do anything. Your actions will be useless; it’s easier to let events take their course.

Did you dream of bread crumbs that you swept away from the carpet? The dream book says: you should not demonstrate a negative attitude towards those whose rank is lower than yours, since very soon you will have to ask them for help.

Were they in bed in a dream? When you achieve your plan, annoying obstacles will appear and you will have to work hard. Get ready for a long journey to your goal.

Seeing crumbs on the table or floor: a sign that your well-being may be undermined due to negligence. Such a dream encourages you to be more careful.

Feeding crumbs to birds: a harbinger of joy, the cause of which may be gratitude for your kind attitude towards someone.

Throwing crumbs to birds of prey, crows, kites and others: is a warning that handouts made by you can cause the opposite effect, turning into ingratitude and resentment.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

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Dream Interpretation - Bed

If you dream that you are sick and do not leave your bed, the dream promises good health, but only if the bed linen was clean and fresh. If the laundry was dirty, you are really in danger of feeling unwell.

If you dreamed that you were lying on stale linen, imagine that they were making a clean, snow-white bed for you.

Making the bed means heading towards the road. If you make a double bed, this means that you will go on a trip with your spouse (if you are married). If you have not yet gotten married, the dream predicts a romantic adventure on the road. A well-made, flat bed - nothing threatens your peace of mind. Seeing your bed in a mess, crumpled, disheveled - your intimate secret will become public knowledge.

You can prevent such a dream from happening by imagining that you are carefully making the bed and covering it with a thick woolen blanket.

Lying in bed with your loved one - in reality your relationship will improve. Seeing an unmade bed means loneliness.

Imagine making your bed with beautiful new linens.

Interpretation of dreams from

The most detailed description: “dream book for clearing crumbs from the table” - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Crumbs” symbol from 9 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Birds peck - gifts, good luck.

Crumbs are a rival's disease.

Seeing crumbs on the table or floor is a sign that your well-being may be undermined due to negligence. Such a dream encourages you to be more careful.

Feeding crumbs to birds is a harbinger of joy, the reason for which may be gratitude for your kind attitude towards someone.

Throwing crumbs to birds of prey, crows, kites and others is a warning that the handouts you make can have the opposite effect, turning into ingratitude and resentment.

If in a dream you throw crumbs to birds and they fly to you from all sides, this means being in a cheerful and noisy society.

To dream about how you collect crumbs from the table means poverty.

If you throw crumbs of bread to the birds, this means old age and loneliness.

Collecting crumbs from the table means the birth of a child for a woman at a very mature age.

Crumbs - poverty; feeding the birds is a blessing in the family.

Birds peck - gifts, good luck.

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    Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Crumbs in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed of crumbs of bread on the floor that I crumbled while I was going for a broom and cockroaches came running there, there were 2 or 3 of them, wow wow, it became so unpleasant.

    We were standing in the kitchen - me, my daughter and a guy she knew who liked her (maybe even now), the whole floor was strewn with small crumbs. The guy said, we need to clean it up, to which I replied - come next time and clean it up. The guy - Well then at least you need less, I - and I’ll chop it up even more.

    Yesterday in reality and then I celebrated my son’s birthday in a dream. in the dream we collected everything from the table and washed the dishes. After some time I see crumbs from the cake on the table. and I wake up.

    Good afternoon, I myself can’t understand anything, I very often have prophetic dreams, there are moments when my subconscious seems to turn off and after 1 minute there’s nothing that happened

    I dreamed that I was at work in my grandfather’s kindergarten and they gave me not enough bread for all the children, and I came to the dining room, poured crumbs on the table for them and asked, is that all for 16 people?

    I dreamed of cookie crumbs... there were a lot of them. allegedly she bought cookies and the seller then collected the crumbs from the counter into a bag.

    kroshki legali na polu, ochenj mnogo, kak puch, prisnilsja mugchina, kotorogo ljublju, no wmeste ne bili, mi mnogo rasgowariwali, - ochuchenie, chto ja s nim proshalasj


    I dreamed that I was in some kind of establishment, sitting with girls with whom I no longer communicate. I recently had a fight with one, I haven’t communicated with the second for about six months, and I’ve never been in close contact with the third. and the third one is constantly trying to hurt me. and it’s like I’m trying not to pay attention. And looking around, I see two tables and there are a lot of crumbs on them, I sweep them into my palm and carry them to the counter. and when I walk, for some reason I’m barefoot and everything on the floor is prickly, uncomfortable, and I’m sure it was crumbs.

    I'm pregnant now myself. In a dream I saw myself collecting bread crumbs from the floor

    I see a dream that my husband is lying on the bed around the crumbs, he gets up and shakes off these crumbs, and I help him, and I want to sweep them away with a broom

    I go to bed with my husband, and on half of it everything is strewn with bread crumbs. Moreover, the bed is in the parental home.

    I dreamed of my beloved man, with whom we broke up in reality. In the dream, I took his hand in my hands. In his palm were what looked like two small bread crumbs, one very small and the other a little larger. The palm is not hairy. A woman’s voice, as if on the radio, was saying something about crumbs, but I didn’t hear what, and when I saw crumbs in the man’s palm, I became very interested in what it meant. He said some words to me, like it was all ending, I don’t remember exactly, which I interpreted as meaning that we needed to break up forever. I cried, hugged his head, and asked through my tears, is it really that bad for you with me, I’m not saying that you need to live together? And the dream ended. In principle, this dream is a little similar to our last two conversations during meetings, only in this dream it was calmer and softer than in reality and not so verbose. Help me understand what this dream means. I can’t forget him, because it seems to me that he loves me, but this is probably an obsession, as he told me at my last meeting in reality. Maybe the dream is telling me that he will never be with me?

    In my dream I clearly saw a lot of bread crumbs, but I don’t remember whether they were injected or not. There had never been such dreams before.

    I dreamed about crumbs in bed a lot. and I seemed to be trying to shake them off onto the floor. but I wasn't very good at it.

    I dream that my husband is lying on the bed and there are crumbs from Kinder eggs, he tells me to shake them off, I start shaking them off and there are also bread crumbs.

    Hello! I had a dream today. It was as if I was with a young man in some apartment. It was very warm and cozy there. We were getting ready to sit down to eat. I cut fresh white bread, it was so soft. Then a neighbor came and talked about the water, supposedly it had burst somewhere. Then I noticed crumbs on the floor and wanted to clean them up. Then I woke up.

    I dreamed that our head teacher forced me to pick up crumbs from the floor with my hands and throw them into the basket, which I did

    Fell down the stairs. I saw my grandmother, who had already died, sitting at the table. There are 3 tracks under the table: red, yellow and green. There are a lot of bread crumbs on these paths. I began to clean up and shake these paths.

    Hello. I swept the crumbs from the floor with a broom onto a dustpan. The crumbs were mixed with small branches. The dream was not colorful. Gray. The sensations were not pleasant.

    In a dream, I swept away crumbs from the table, the tablecloth was light blue, and I swept away the crumbs with a pink cloth in my hand.

    Crumbs and seeds were scattered on my bed by my son's girlfriend.. on the pillows, especially a lot of my husband's, on the floor.. She was peeling nuts for the cake.. and then didn't remove the trash..

    I dreamed that I was lying in bed with a friend and she was eating a bun and there were a lot of crumbs everywhere. that's all

    Good evening! I dreamed of crumbs in the bed right under me

    We were eating as a family, I looked under the table, and there were a lot of crumbs and I had the most

    I was visiting my sister’s parents’ house for the Easter holidays, we were in the kitchen, my sister baked possibly gingerbread cookies baked in the shape of Easter bunnies using a lot of pink flowers, on white icing. This preparation for the holiday gave a pleasant feeling, but I was surprised by the crumbs crumbled on two tables and possibly on the floor.

    A white, round table, about 1 meter in diameter, strewn with a dense layer, about 0.5 cm thick, of white bread crumbs. The crumbs are not soggy, not over-dried, and even aromatic. I swipe them in a circle with my right palm into my left palm and eat them. I saw him from Monday to Tuesday, i.e. from 2 to 3 May

    Hello! At first I dreamed that they wanted to take my children away and bury them alive in the forest. I force my husband to marry, as if fictitiously, in order to save the children. They threaten to kill me if I interfere with everything. Afterwards I sleep with the child in my bed and with my husband. And I get in the way of many, many, many crumbs, sand and dust. I’m trying to remove all this, shake it off, but there are more and more of them.

    On the desk, covered with green cloth, there are documents and a lot of bread crumbs. Naked man, hairy with a bright petn of the genitals

    Hello... Two days ago I dreamed that I was on a train (and I'm a conductor by profession) and walking around the car, and there was garbage everywhere, right all over the car... And today I dreamed that the house was a mess, everything was lying everywhere, and on the floor there are a lot of crumbs on the table. And our little daughter runs to her husband, he hugs her... and another girl, younger than ours, comes up and looks at him like, what about me? He says... well, come and I’ll hug you...

    I was on the bus. And the conductor charged a very large amount for the fare. I wanted to write a statement against her along with other dissatisfied passengers. We came to the dining room, and all the tables were covered in crumbs. I moved my hand from one table to another table. While serving food in the dining room, I took a small saucepan with poultry meat, but in fact there were small kittens lying there. Then for some reason some kittens came to life, while others were gutted.

    I had a dream in which I was holding a loaf of bread wrapped in a red handkerchief. Then two women take part of the loaf from me, each breaking off a piece. Then one of them returned the crumbs to me in my own red handkerchief. Why do you dream about this?

    Hello.. I dreamed that I went into the house of my ex-husband, who died 3 months ago.. I washed the floor.. I saw a carpet on the floor with crumbs and pieces of bread.. I took the pieces and threw them outside, I thought for the dogs.. summer, day, light... my ex-husband, handsome, young, comes in, smiles and asks: what are you doing here? came up to me, hugged me and wanted to kiss me.. I turned my face away.. didn’t kiss me. I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday night.. what does this dream mean?

    He ate his meal while sitting at the table. When finished, the crumbs were not on the table, but on my trousers (clothes). It's all a dream.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed of crumbs, but it didn’t seem like bread, but maybe food. There were a lot of them and they were lying on a platter. As if I wanted to feed someone

    I dreamed of bread crumbs as I raked them out of the bread bin and there was a lot of mouse shit there and it smelled strongly

    I dreamed that I was going to bed, but there were a lot of crumbs under me. I get up, there are chips there. I ate them (even though I don’t like them) and brushed off the remaining crumbs

    Hello! I had a short dream. From a plastic bag, I select whole and half pieces of cookies (or shortbread), and I pour the remaining crumbs onto the ground, throw them away, with the thought: maybe the ants will find some use for them, but I don’t need them. At the same time, while I am selecting the pieces, I am thinking about how to convince my husband not to renounce his father, not to quarrel with him, because he is one of the direct heirs, despite the unjustified filial expectations.

    A stranger with her child spent the whole dream trying to do something to my child and suddenly I noticed that she was pouring bread crumbs on my child’s head, and I drove her away by grabbing my child

    9 years ago, my younger sister and I buried my mother, and in a dream I learned about her death again and cried very much and could not tell my sister about this loss.

    The bread crumbs seemed to be scattered on the bed on the floor, dry, as if the furniture was old in an apartment, I didn’t feel very excited

    I saw my son in military uniform, he is now serving, and next to him was a table or something similar and there were bread crumbs on it.

    There were a lot of crumbs on the ground and birds were pecking at the crumbs... Some area... One puppy, among them I picked him up and looked to see if he was eating...

    I dreamed of my boss in my kitchen at home, she was rubbing her hair with bread crumbs, the crumbs were falling on the floor, on the table

    Yakushev with his colleagues and a lot of crumbs of food were near me. I collected them from the table and rolled them into crumbs and changed them for sloppiness.

    My husband and I were visiting, suddenly some beautiful, young girl appeared and began flirting with him and hugging him. I went somewhere and came back, they were gone. I call him and he doesn't pick up

    The deceased grandmother sweeps bread crumbs from my bed, is sad and complains that she is lonely. After that, I see my husband drunk with two men I don’t know who came with their children. At the same time, I am trying to drive them all out of the house, treating the children very rudely. My husband also brought a lot of old, shabby furniture into the house. I also see my son, who does not want to part with his children.

    We had my husband’s relatives at home, I cleared the table after them, I clearly remember that there were quite a lot of bread crumbs. In the dream I was not burdened by their presence

    In a dream I go into the kitchen, a child is sitting at the kitchen table, and under the table there are mountains of bread crumbs (white bread)

    And I didn’t even have the desire to remove it

    The table itself is the basis of family life. Treats, holiday pies and everyday dinners are placed on the table, letters are written and conversations are held at the table. It is not for nothing that the kitchen, in which the main table stands, is rightfully considered the heart of the house. Psychoanalysts compare the table to a home altar, the mystical center of the family.

    What is located on the table shows the level of well-being, attitude towards the present and prospects for the near future. In a dream, a table shows your attitude towards family, wealth, food. For example, flowers mean hope for the best. Beautiful and tasty food – cheerfulness and pleasure. A forgotten salt shaker, dirt, uncleaned crumbs, dirty dishes are the saddest and most joyless prospects for the future. Let's look at what dreams of a table mean according to dream books.

    • I dreamed of sitting at a table with friends - to peace and restoration of friendship.
    • A lot of varied holiday food will be a reason to celebrate a pleasant, significant event.
    • The most favorable table in dreams is massive, strong, wooden, absolutely reliable and stable. Such a dream means that you have someone to count on both in good days and in difficult times. A tablecloth and a vase of flowers indicate a longing for home comfort. Arranged cutlery means news that is not always pleasant. But if there is fried meat on the table, a bowl of fruit, expect good news. Salads in bowls and vases on the table - an invasion of relatives is coming.
    • Try to remember if there are any signs of the holidays - Christmas tree and pine branches, flower wreaths, painted eggs. If there is, it means you are remembering a holiday and a significant event. A cake usually means a birthday, hustle and bustle, a crowd of restless children. It is quite possible that you miss boring family celebrations at home. To dispel the melancholy, it is enough to attend some family holiday and be thoroughly bored at the common table.
    • If there is no tablecloth, the table is simple, cheap, with a plastic cover - perhaps a sign of bored poverty and a desire to change the situation.
    • Meager food means a prolonged period of poverty from which you see no way out.
    • A garden table filled with seedlings - you love gardening and are thinking about plans for the next season. Perhaps you are planning a new technique or want to try new plant varieties.
    • Table for small items in the hallway - you forgot something.
    • Coffee table - boredom, postponed tasks, perhaps a small affair.
    • Bedside table - you care about your appearance.
    • An empty table, falling apart, broken - troubles in the family, problems with friends.
    • If you sit in a place of honor, you position yourself as the owner, the head. Bust around behind the backs of those sitting - you like to think that everything depends on you. If you haven’t found your place, you watch from the sidelines – you feel like a stranger.
    • The shape of the table in a dream matters. Round shape - you dream of friendship and peace in the home. The rectangular shape speaks of practicality. The presence of drawers for instruments or for other purposes indicates the possible presence of secrets. Additional shelves indicate impracticality. It's supposed to be the other way around, but it's common for unnecessary clutter to accumulate on extra shelves, like in a closet. Folding planes, which are folded out extremely rarely, reveal the optimism of the owners and the general lack of thought of the house. The glass surfaces of the countertops give out the overall coolness of the home atmosphere.
    • The condition of the table itself shows how carefully the people living in the house treat their family. Crumbs and dirt indicate negligence and promiscuity. Militant purity - secrecy and greed.
    • If you approach the set table, and he runs away, moves away from you, this means the greed of the owners of the house, which will be punished by poverty.
    • The English dream book assures that a dream of a desk with drawers means curiosity and a desire to learn other people's secrets. Maybe you are worried about the safety of your own secrets. In this case, keeping documents in plain sight or in places where anyone can have free access is not very wise.
    • The women's dream book says that a table, especially a well-cleaned one, is dreamed of before an important event. White tablecloths - for a wedding. Flowers embroidered on a tablecloth - for the birth of a child, christening. Maybe you can guess the gender of the child by the color of the jewelry. Roses or peonies - girl. Cornflowers, irises - boy.
    • Hasse's dream book promises a long and not very pleasant journey if in a dream you saw an empty table with a plastic covering.
    • Veles's dream book states that dreams of a table bring joy. If the table legs are thick and strong, you are happy with life, everything is going well. Thin and unreliable legs mean troubles and problems.
    • Freud's dream book says that the table shows your attitude towards family life in general. If you dream of a beautiful table laid with flowers, you hope for the best and dream of a good family, a cozy home in which you will feel good and comfortable. A bare table shows disgust for family life or a readiness to leave the family. To improve the situation, try to take care of the table in your home. Learn to cook beautifully and tasty, take care of flowers. First of all, this applies to men, because it is for married men that their family prolongs their life by a couple of decades.

    Seeing a table in a dream means worrying about family life, your status in the house. Perhaps you don’t think about how much depends on you, your efforts and efforts. Of course, if you are not allowed to participate in the sacrament of cooking, filling the refrigerator, or doing housework - for this you have your own priestesses of the hearth, you may feel a sense of desolation, even at a full table. Think about what you can change and whether it's worth the effort.

    Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

    For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

    Why do you dream of cleaning? Dream of cleaning things in the room? How does the dream book interpret this dream? Seeing someone doing cleaning. Also in a dream, cleaning up a big mess has its own hidden meaning. He is a symbol of a person who weaves intrigues around us. If we know who it is, we should give up the relationship with this person as soon as possible, or move away from him. If we have no idea who it could be, we must be sure of one thing: the various situations hostile to us and strange “events, destinies” did not happen by chance. Very often, dream books about cleaning are interpreted as: someone really wants to harm you.

    Why do you dream of cleaning the house yourself? If in a dream we ourselves are cleaning the house, the meaning of the dream is in the nature of a warning against empty decisions and useless actions. These actions can unfortunately lead us to serious chaos in our lives. The resulting harmony and stabilization in professional and personal life can disappear like a soap bubble.

    Therefore, if you dream of cleaning your house: we must restrain our temper, and make any decision after a thorough analysis of all the pros and cons. This time, following the voice of intuition can be disastrous.
    If you dream of cleaning an apartment- this is an equivalent dream as cleaning the house, the difference is the interpretation of the dream - fewer problems. Dream interpretation of cleaning the apartment - warnings before unnecessary decisions and useless actions.

    Very often you can have a dream: you dream of cleaning up trash. How does the dream book interpret such a dream? In this dream, the dream book draws our attention to the process of our own development. You have probably reached a dead end for some time, and the factor that prevents us from developing is living in the past. Why dream of cleaning up a lot of garbage - in real life you will be disappointed, perhaps your significant other will leave you, it will be your fault. Seeing a garbage man in a dream means money, as the dream book interprets it.

    Why do you dream of removing cobwebs? Vanga's dream book interprets this dream as positive; the dream of removing cobwebs is a symbol of a good decision that will allow you to put all your affairs in order. It is from her that you will begin a new stage in your life, in which you will find inner harmony and a stable situation in everything. Removing cobwebs in a dream means you will find many solutions to pressing problems.

    Why might one dream of clearing the table? The dream book interprets this dream in multiple meanings. Or maybe you see someone clearing your table in a dream? Never ignore such a dream - it is a harbinger of bad news. Remember that clearing the table in a dream is a reflection of reality. And this largely depends on you - your pseudo friends are planning a conspiracy against you. But you will cope with these problems - you will simply remove them, so the dream book says.

    Dream interpretation table. A table in a dream symbolically shows the state of your affairs. An important aspect of the dream is what kind of table you saw. Kitchen, dining - the state of affairs in the family, at home, between relatives. Working or written - means the state of affairs in work, study, business.

    Festive and wedding tables symbolically reflect important and significant events to which you will be involved: you will hear or be a participant. This can be understood from the plot of the dream itself. And by the appearance of the tables you can immediately judge how the event will go and what will be the consequences.

    A large table denotes important events, usually affecting many people or having great resonance.

    Many tables - for a big event in which many people will take part (directly or indirectly).

    Seeing your ex at the table in a dream means news about him. If you ate, drank, talked together, then there may be a dream about a meeting or conversation with him.

    A dead person at the table is a sign of the end of a period in your life. What exactly it relates to will be clear from the additional symbols, they will definitely be there. If the deceased behaved kindly and calmly, then everything will change for the better. Such dreams are usually seen by people who have had a long streak of bad luck. And sleep is a favorable sign for them. If the deceased was rowdy or did something bad, the dream foretells bad changes.

    Setting the table, serving and putting food on it - for meetings, negotiations, arrival. As a rule, the one you saw in a dream at the table is related to your affairs or will take a direct or indirect part in them. Strangers, if their appearance is pleasant to you and does not cause negative emotions, dream of making new acquaintances with people who will be assigned a certain role in your life. To new connections, relationships, affairs. If strangers evoked negative emotions, it meant trouble, deception or theft.

    An empty table is a sign of discord in relationships, misunderstanding and reluctance to communicate, make contact or have connections. Usually in such dreams, someone is waiting for someone in a dream or meeting someone as a host. If the table is empty, they do not have time to set it, serve it, etc. in a hurry or for some other reason, the dream means that the relationship between the characters in the dream in real life is strained, there is no trust and a sincere desire to meet and communicate.

    Dreams in which there are cutlery on the table, but plates, cups, glasses, etc. have a slightly different meaning. - empty. In this case, the dream means financial problems for one of the characters in your dream. Sometimes a “bare table” directly indicates poverty, need or poverty. In this case, there will be another symbol - an ugly appearance of the table or what is on it.

    A long table indicates the duration of a certain event in reality. You can determine this by the plot of the dream.

    A round table is a sign of reaching agreement.

    A new table, purchased or received as a gift, means significant changes in life. By the appearance of the table in such a dream, you can immediately determine their quality.

    Funeral table (funeral table) - a break in relationships, a change of plans, unfulfilled hopes.

    A dirty table is a sign of quarrels and discord.

    Removing dirty dishes from the table, washing the table, wiping, wiping, removing crumbs is a sign of disappointment, grief and worry about communicating with some people. All the dirt, as well as unwashed dishes, crumbs are symbolic traces of communication.

    Standing on a table in a dream means disrupting the order of things in your life. If in a dream there was a child standing on the table, the dream means troubles or worries because of him.

    To be under the table in a dream means hiding, leaving, withdrawing from obligations.

    A table covered with a rich tablecloth, a good table, expensive, new - means future prosperity and well-being. Here the table symbol itself has a separate meaning, and not even what is on it. In such dreams, all attention is “taken away” by the appearance, shape, size or quality of the table. As if strength or a pleasant smell emanates from it.

    Covering the table with a tablecloth means meetings, celebrations of some events.

    The operating table is a sign of health concerns. See symbols "doctor", "hospital"- separately.

    A table was stolen in a dream - the collapse of plans, and there will be a very specific person who will violate them.

    If in a dream the table breaks, looks fragile, fragile, and so on, the dream indicates that your position (depending on what the table belongs to) is also unstable and is about to shake. After such a dream, you need to reconsider your affairs and take action. Change the projection of the future and fix the table in your sleep!

    A table rich in dishes and delicacies - to success in business. The tastier and more varied the food on it, and the more beautiful the serving, the greater prosperity and success awaits you! Beautiful and expensive dishes are a sign of a prosperous life.

    Vodka on the table means bad news.

    Delicious food and drinks - to well-being and all the pleasures of life.

    Fish on the table (delicious, fried or red) is a sign of growing prosperity.

    Bread on the table, if it is fresh and whole, is a sign of material well-being in the house.

    • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
    • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
    • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
    • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
    • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
    • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
    • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
    • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
    • Sagittarius 11/23 – 12/21
    • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
    • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
    • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

    If you dreamed of crumbs according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

    Bread crumbs on the table dream of poverty and a decrease in the dreamer’s material standard of living.

    Sweeping crumbs off the table and throwing them away is an indication of inappropriate wastefulness.

    Feeding crumbs to birds is a dream of great joy and good luck.

    Crumbs of bread in bed dream of annoying interruptions and troubles.

    To see in a dream how someone you know sweeps crumbs off the table - he will be forced to obey you and flatter you due to the material dependence that has arisen.

    If you choked on bread crumbs in a dream, they will reproach you with a piece of bread.

    Why do we dream about crumbs, French dream book

    Crumbs of bread on the floor are a warning about unreasonable extravagance, since very soon you will regret the money wasted.

    See table:

    • big profit;
    • master of the house, domestic joys, marriage;
    • home, family life;
    • a symbolic reflection of your current plans. The appearance and decoration of the table show the state of your affairs and what your immediate prospects are.

    Round table- reconciliation in the family.

    Marble table- evil from an unscrupulous person.

    See a card or billiard table- to risky actions.

    Desk in a dream- foreshadows some problems that you have to solve.

    If in a dream you sit down at your desk- this warns you and encourages caution.

    Work at a desk– you need a break from mental work.

    Desk clutter- a sign that you are confused in resolving some issue.

    If your desk is littered with books or papers, this means that you must organize your life in a new way and determine your priorities.

    If you saw an empty desktop in a dream, then you should find new interests and new hobbies.

    Coffee table or bedside table in a dream symbolizes unimportant undertakings or small entertainments.

    If in your dream you are trying to conduct some business at the coffee table, then this is a hint that in reality you either overestimate their importance or approach the matter without due thoroughness.

    Nice, sturdy table- to prosperity, confidence in life.

    Flimsy, plastic table– uncertainty, instability in financial situation.

    Assembled table– sadness.

    Overturned table- consolation in misfortune.

    Broken table:

    • means decline, change for the worse;
    • some conflict or mistake may jeopardize your well-being. On such days, it is better for you to avoid any clashes with others and conduct your affairs with great caution.

    Break a table leg:

    • sleep from Thursday to Friday– dramatic changes will occur in your life in the near future;
    • sleep from Saturday to Sunday- portends dismissal from work.

    Empty tables:

    • beware of quarrels and disagreements;
    • you risk taking on unpromising matters. After such a dream, it doesn’t bother you to reconsider your current plans.

    See the table set:

    • happy family life;
    • guests on the doorstep;
    • pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances await you;
    • to health problems associated with overeating.

    Table full of food, treats- a sign of gluttony. If you are not a gourmet, then you are addicted to bodily food.

    Seeing a table with leftover food- to troubles in the domestic sphere.

    Dreamed of a beautifully set table portends a life full of pleasures and love; an empty table, on the contrary, promises disagreement.

    If you dreamed of turning tables– you will learn amazing news and make wonderful discoveries for yourself.

    If in a dream the table moves in some mysterious way- this means that you will soon experience deep dissatisfaction with your life and will look for changes.

    Torn tablecloth on the table portends quarrels in the family.

    Table without tablecloth- portends troubles or widowhood.

    Eating in a dream at a table without a tablecloth- means that you will soon achieve such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not upset you at all.

    See flowers on the table– happiness in marriage and family life.

    Money lying on your table, portend that you will happily get out of difficulties.

    Sit at a table- funny company.

    Sit on the table- to the death of a loved one.

    Set the table:

    • good luck through a friend;
    • the plan will succeed;
    • buy property;
    • I had a dream from Friday to Saturday, it means that you will soon have an addition to your family.

    If in a dream you clear the table:

    • the dream promises that peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference;
    • profit eludes you;
    • love for you will be replaced by an indifferent attitude.

    Wipe the table with your hand or paper or brush away crumbs- to an unkind event, poverty.

    Hearing tapping on the table in a dream- a harbinger that you will soon change your attitude towards your friends, and your destiny will be in jeopardy. This dream warns that you will lose a lot if you neglect your loved ones and friends.

    Lying on the table:

    • to problems with the spine;
    • for seriously ill patients - to death.

    Sell ​​a dining table from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Sunday to Monday, which means you will soon have a new family.

    Spill some liquid on the table- to dubious luck, but if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, your chances increase significantly.

  • Seeing crumbs on the table or floor: a sign that your well-being may be undermined due to negligence. Such a dream encourages you to be more careful.

    Feeding crumbs to birds: a harbinger of joy, the cause of which may be gratitude for your kind attitude towards someone.

    Throwing crumbs to birds of prey, crows, kites and others: is a warning that handouts made by you can cause the opposite effect, turning into ingratitude and resentment.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

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    Dream Interpretation - Bread

    If a woman eats bread in a dream, then grief and disappointment await her.

    A dream in which you shared bread with someone indicates the sustainability of your well-being.

    Dried bread seen in a dream foreshadows a lack of material resources and various other troubles.

    If the bread is fresh and you want to take it, then everything will be fine.

    In addition, the stale bread you saw in a dream symbolizes some very old connection, which, if it was once interesting, was a very long time ago.

    Dreaming of rye bread means that you have a friendly and hospitable home.

    A dream in which you hold a crust of bread in your hand warns you not to neglect your direct responsibilities, otherwise problems may arise that will be difficult for you to cope with.

    You ate bread in a dream - in real life you are hungry for normal, healthy human relationships. However, you mostly have stormy, but short and non-committal meetings and fleeting hobbies.

    Cut a loaf of bread into pieces - when making love, you are afraid to spend too much effort. But this is a dubious economy: it makes sex flawed and joyless. Try to completely surrender to your feelings at least once.

    If you dreamed of fresh, even hot, bread, it means that you will soon meet an energetic and light-hearted person on your way.

    The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga said that bread in a dream means wealth, profit, a comfortable existence, luxury.

    According to her, if you eat bread in a dream, it means that you will benefit from some business without much effort.

    But slicing bread is not a very good sign, foreshadowing difficulties in business, obstacles and temporary inconveniences, after enduring which you will still find peace and prosperity.

    Interpretation of dreams from