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What years are women born in the year of the horse? Psychological portrait of a horse woman

Years of birth of the Horse (1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026) according to the eastern horoscope calendar:

Years of birth from 02/03/1954 - 01/23/1955 (element wood, color blue)
Years of birth from 01/21/1966 - 02/08/1967 (element fire, color red)
Years of birth from 02/07/1978 - 01/27/1979 (element earth, color yellow)
Years of birth from 01/27/1990 - 02/14/1991 (element metal, color white)
Years of birth from 02/12/2002 - 01/31/2003 (element water, color black)
Years of birth from 01/31/2014 - 02/18/2015 (element wood, color blue)

Characteristics of the year of birth of a Horse woman.

The Horse woman is naturally endowed with a truly unique belief in her own merits and the sincere self-confidence that comes from it. This proud, restless and extremely independent lady is distinguished by her extreme love of freedom. She is suspicious of anything that might limit her independence. She cannot be pacified, broken or fooled, but at the same time she is extremely generous and warm-hearted.
As a rule, the Horse Woman leaves her parents' home early in search of adventure and impressions. She has an irresistible desire to travel, which will make her too restless if left unfulfilled. A woman of this type prefers activity in all its manifestations; She gladly takes on tasks that require competition, but often she does not have the patience to complete them.

The Horse woman is known for her idealism and integrity. She absolutely cannot stand dishonesty and does not know how to pretend. For her, material signs of success have no meaning: she never boasts herself and despises those whose self-esteem depends on wealth. This woman tries to earn respect rather than be liked.

The Horse woman can be quite domineering, but not despotic - she is tolerant of other people and their judgments. She is not inclined to change her own decisions, and therefore one can expect stubbornness from her. This lady herself chooses her own path, and perseverance, strength and talent for overcoming all kinds of obstacles help her to follow it to the end.

Elements of the 5 elements of a woman Horse.

The Horse woman of the Wood element is critical of others and stubborn. She is gifted with numerous talents and is sociable, but she is often self-centered and strives for overly great goals. Rushing ahead and not having a clear goal in mind, she may feel exhausted.

The Horse woman of the Fire element resembles a volcano ready to erupt; she is frantic and devilishly stubborn. Most of the people around her find interesting the bizarre combination of contradictions that make up her nature: she is simultaneously sophisticated and naive, sympathetic and unmotivatedly rebellious, tight-fisted and generous.

The Horse woman of the Earth element is much more balanced than her fiery friend. She is not so selfish and hot-tempered; she is much more friendly and good-natured. She is practical and sensible, able to obey her superiors and follow rules. People like this Horse are usually loved and respected in the team. Anyone who wants to win her heart can benefit from her love of travel.

The Horse woman of the Metal element is serious and law-abiding - a kind of broken Horse. She strives for an orderly life, does everything as expected, and does not show off her true feelings. She is characterized by balance and self-esteem. But this Horse sometimes needs to release excess of its irrepressible energy.

Women born under the eastern horoscope sign of Horse have a spirit of camaraderie. They love “movement” - travel, change, etc. It is difficult for them to sit in one place; they are literally bursting with energy and thirst for new adventures.

Such ladies are endowed with a wild imagination and often choose creative professions or work in the media. They take great care of their appearance: The Horse in the Chinese horoscope is one of the biggest fashionistas.

The Horse woman is a very sociable, friendly person, open to new relationships with representatives of both sexes. It is relatively easy to approach her when it comes to establishing contact. And even very shy and insecure people should not have problems with this, because the Horse-woman will be happy to extend her hand first and help get rid of shyness. It's nice and convenient, that's why people love her and she has a group of fans constantly revolving around her.

Horse woman in love

As the eastern horoscope describes, a Horse woman falls in love very quickly - with a man, with work, with some business, with a team, therefore, as a rule, she is gladly involved in new relationships. However, many of them do not last long, because her ideas about love and life in a union and partnership are often completely incompatible with reality. This is a rather painful disappointment for the Horse, mainly due to the fact that it often attracts people with whom it is not able to create a stable tandem, despite the fact that it really wants this.

The hearts of these representatives of the fair sex are worth fighting for, because they can love a man with all their soul and body. A Horse woman in love does not know how to hide emotions; they rarely play a double game, because their nature is sincere and open.

Horse woman in sex

In bed pleasures, girls and women of Horses are open, sincere, ardent, passionate. They will not mince words and play hard to touch when they themselves want intimate communication in one form or another.

Horoscope: Horse woman in a permanent relationship

The Woman of the Year of the Horse has a problem with how she evaluates people at the beginning of a relationship, determines whether they deserve her attention and are able to give everything she expects. Objectivity comes to her only with practice, so quite a lot of time passes before she finds herself the “right” partner with whom she can have a permanent relationship. The Horse woman appreciates people with a sense of humor, passion and intelligence. Her loved ones should be as sociable as she is; it is necessary that they share her passion for participating in all kinds of events and do not let her down with their rudeness and isolation.

Those born in the year of Horses are excellent partners for slightly crazy men who want not only to build a common home with their life partner, but also to lead an active social and social life, participate in various events, and replenish their luggage with more and more new experiences.

A horse woman often engages in various sports, becomes a traveler, and dances well, so her lover must go hand in hand with her, be an active and open person.

For the person with whom she is in a relationship, a Horse woman can create heaven on earth; she has a sincere desire to make him happy every day. However, the chosen one risks losing her trust and love at the moment when he begins to control too much or set limits for her freedom of action. She simply cannot withstand excessive jealousy and possessive tendencies, especially in the long term: she is a free soul.

How to win a Horse woman: first date

The Horse woman is romantic in love. She likes to be admired and courted, so her first meetings should be remembered from the best side. How to conquer a female Horse? She will enjoy joint outings outside the city, learning some new sport (the more risky and extreme it is, the better). A lady born under the sign of the Horse pays great attention to the appearance of her partner, to his physical development - a well-groomed appearance and good condition will help the Horse-woman to like her. She often has male hobbies, she is well acquainted with automobiles and other modern technology, and enjoys talking about this topic. This person is not a materialist - trying to capture her imagination solely with money will not get you very far in winning a big horse’s heart. Good company for her will be people who have a special passion for life, because this is a lady who can and wants to live at high speed.

The independence and independence of a woman born in the year of the Horse sometimes surprises and causes bewilderment. The Horse woman is obstinate and does not always control her emotional impulses well. Such a woman should under no circumstances be limited, and it is simply impossible to break her will. In any company, a Horse woman is simply a gift of fate. She is kind-hearted, friendly, and has a wonderful sense of humor and tact. Her character includes such traits as sociability and an optimistic outlook on life.

This is a wonderful friend and comrade, people are drawn to her, thanks to the aura of constancy and comfort that accompanies such a woman.

However, the Horse woman has the ability to spoil relationships with others on her own, and this depends on the instability of her mood. It changes at lightning speed, at first she is inspired and motivated by high goals, and after a short time she is already oppressed by circumstances and busy with self-flagellation. Accordingly, such changes are reflected in communication with the people around her. Moreover, she does not intend to hide her emotions.

The Horse Woman is an ardent opponent in the dispute, because She doesn’t know how to restrain her emotional impulses at all, and for her someone else’s opinion is like something non-existent. She will stand her ground until the very end, argue aggressively, and it is likely that she will ultimately leave her mark on her reputation as a scandalous and extremely unpleasant person.

Rigid time limits and schedules are not for her; the Horse woman does not know how to plan and manage her time productively. For this reason, you don’t even have to hope for punctuality on her part; you just have to take this fact for granted.

The home of a Horse woman is a fairly cozy, clean and comfortable place, but you shouldn’t expect much creativity in the interior, because the Horse is quite reserved in this sense. Household issues are not the meaning of such a woman’s life; she loves gatherings with friends, going to visit people and attending cultural events.

The flame of love flares up in this girl very quickly, be it a man, work or a new hobby, while the Horse woman is happy to be carried away by her chosen object. Love is such an all-consuming feeling for her that she is ready for the greatest nonsense and unreasonable actions in her life.

The loss of love for a Horse woman turns into a real catastrophe, depression, and sometimes even illness due to anxiety.

She chooses men, as a rule, who are weaker than herself morally and intellectually, and subsequently looks down on them. She needs a strong man, equal and in some ways similar to her, who values ​​the family hearth, but at the same time leads a fairly active social life.

For a successful family life, a Horse woman needs to get married early enough, while her character has not yet fully formed, then her marriage can become quite happy. At the same time, she needs to constantly harmonize her psychological state in order to avoid stress and nervous tension, be it meditation, yoga, developing spiritual literature.

In accordance with her fickle nature, such a woman can quite often change her occupation depending on the stage of her development. A Horse woman can easily exchange a highly paid, prestigious position for an interesting one, but with a lower income level. This is a new adventure for her.

She finds the job of an office clerk with a five-day work schedule unbearable. For her bright nature, this is a hell of a job.

As a leader, the Horse woman will bask in the rays of glory, because with her subordinates she behaves the way she would like to be treated. It does not set too strict limits, does not limit freedom, and does not indicate what needs to be done. She completely relies on the consciousness and responsibility of everyone, and her team, as a rule, treats her with great respect and does not deprive her of trust.

The unique combination of the zodiac sign Libra with the year of the Horse creates the unique character of a woman who carries a lot of conflicting feelings. This internal struggle shows others almost all the negative qualities of a woman. What kind of character actually hides behind the mask of power?

Libra Woman of the Year of the Horse

The zodiac sign Libra falls between September 24 and October 23. And the past years of the Horse took place in 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014. Women born at this time have many secrets. The Chinese claim that the time in which a person was born leaves its own unique mark on him. If you take the full characteristics of the zodiac sign Libra, you will notice small changes that apply to each year separately, and the year of the Horse is no exception.

The Prancing Horse, which is considered the rightful mistress of one year out of twelve available, gives its children inner strength, energy, excessive impulsiveness and the favor of fortune. As a rule, it is at the onset of the next year of the Horse that Libra women carry out creative projects and move up the career ladder. Libra lovers reach the limit of their dreams on the personal front, also in the year of the Horse. This year you can arrange your life and family hearth.

True, you shouldn’t involve yourself in too risky situations and rush headlong into any business.


Each woman has her own characteristics, but the Libra woman, born in the year of the Horse, is completely different from the representatives of all other zodiac signs who were also born under the symbol of this year. Unlike others, they are characterized by the following series of character traits.

  1. The first thing you can notice about this woman is her total self-control. She will not allow herself to be “dropped” in the eyes of those around her: neither by her appearance, nor by her behavior, nor by her dignity.
  2. They are overly diligent and are ready to work hard for their goal, and this is most often rewarded with complete success.
  3. The Libra girl is stubborn and persistent - nothing will make her deviate from her given path. Of course, such a position does not always give a positive result, and sometimes you can pay for it.
  4. Insight is one of the outstanding qualities of women of the Libra-Horse combination. Although they get caught up in the little things, for the most part they stay on target and stay on track.
  5. They are extremely purposeful individuals, with enormous willpower, ready to move mountains on their way.
  6. Libra-Horse women do not know how to lie at all, and they also never seek to harm the people around them.

Based on all these factors, we can say that the characteristics of such women are, in general, quite positive. They easily make new acquaintances and get along with people easily. Libra women naturally strive to bring their goals to life, but they do this in quite decent ways, without plotting intrigues to those around them.

In addition, this type of people born in the year of the Horse is endowed with extraordinary thinking, capable of finding a way out of any situation.

Compatibility with other signs

Although Libra women, under the auspices of the Horse, are quite sociable and sociable individuals, they cannot boast of good compatibility with other zodiac signs, also born in the year of the Horse. This is quite understandable - they are self-sufficient and independent people, not accustomed to expecting something from others.

Therefore, they rarely find faithful friends among women, and from men they demand reliability and fidelity for life.

The Libra Horse gets along well with Aries Horses, both women and men. Although these two signs are completely different in character, like two sides of the same coin, they will perfectly complement each other both in friendship and in love. Such a tandem is distinguished by understanding and harmony, no one encroaches on someone else’s, together they perfectly form one whole. Libra also goes well with Virgo. Two equally calm zodiac signs will always come to a mutual agreement.

The most temperamental union one can imagine would be with Scorpios, but these relationships are short-lived and everyone will remain with their own. This tandem begins instantly, but the inability to give in and find a compromise leads to division on different sides.

You will learn more about the Libra woman in the following video.

The Year of the Fire Horse is often turbulent; it can bring instability, changes in power, mass discontent, and protests. This sign loves honesty and truthfulness, so during this period everything secret becomes clear, the dark affairs of powerful people come to light. For the Horses themselves, this year does not bring happiness; rather, on the contrary, all sorts of troubles befall them and their families. Representatives of the sign can bring both good and evil.

General characteristics of the sign

In the year of the Fire Horse, beautiful, purposeful, proud, independent, self-reliant, intelligent and selfish people are usually born. This sign occurs only once every 60 years; in eastern countries it is feared, and pregnant women are advised to have an abortion, because children born during this period can bring misfortune to the whole family in the future. In China and Japan, such girls were not even married. The Fiery Horse is practically no different from all other Horses; it has the same character, but all its qualities are enhanced several times.

Representatives of this sign know a lot about fashion; they always dress with taste, giving the impression of a serious and decent person. Horses love sports and have been doing it since early childhood. They cannot live without an active cultural and social life; they tirelessly go to cinemas, theaters, various exhibitions, trainings, and attend rallies.

Career success

In the year of the Fire Horse, politicians and public figures are born, and in this field they reveal their talents. Representatives of the sign know how to unobtrusively manipulate other people, and the crowd is drawn to them and recognizes them as a leader. A horse achieves success in almost any industry because it can be resourceful, has extensive knowledge, and a broad outlook. Such a person quickly grasps the required information, turns on his imagination at the right moments, he not only talks talk, but also really works by the sweat of his brow. If this is a boss, then he communicates with his subordinates on the same level, so everyone respects him. She is often the object of envy because she knows how to achieve her goals.

Relationships with others

People born in the year of the Fire Horse usually quickly find a common language with others and have many friends and acquaintances. They never show interest in other people's problems and concerns, they can listen patiently, even give practical advice, but after a couple of hours they will already forget about the conversation, since for them there are only their own affairs. He rarely uses other people's advice, since they have their own view and personal opinion on any situation.

If anyone dares to go against the will of the Horse, then an unenviable fate awaits him, since this obstinate beauty will do everything to destroy the enemy. Representatives of this sign have hot blood, so they quickly lose their temper and are impatient. God forbid you see them in anger, in this state the Horse is capable of touching the opponent’s most painful and weak points.

Family life of a Horse

In 1966 - the year of the Fire Horse - many successful and economic people were born. They do everything to ensure that peace and quiet always reign in their family. In some eastern countries, it is believed that Fire Horses are unhappy and attract misfortune to their loved ones; in fact, this statement very rarely comes true. They are the real guardians of the home, everything at home revolves around them, everyone obeys them and obeys them unquestioningly. If they leave the family, then order and peace collapse in an instant.

A sign that does everything for itself, but many people use its efforts. The horse does not tolerate monotony, so at the most inopportune moment it can give up what it has started. Love affects representatives of this sign in the most incomprehensible way - they become weak-willed, weak, ready to give up their career, home and go to the ends of the world for their soulmate. Sometimes this bright feeling becomes a destructive force in their life.

Very unusual, bright and talented people are born in the year of the Fire Horse. What years are suitable for them to have a successful marriage? Perhaps it will suit them because Goats are also selfish and will not pay attention to the whims of their other half. Also, the Horse can coexist amicably with the Dog and the Tiger, as they solve their psychological problems. Under no circumstances should you connect your life with a Rat, because such relationships often end dramatically.

What to expect in the Year of the Horse 2014?

For the Fire Horse, 2014 will be a difficult period and requires extreme caution. During this time, they may be repeatedly exposed to danger, so they need to try to minimize any risks in all areas of life. If something bad happens, the Horses themselves will be to blame for it, because they were careless and too careless. You especially need to be wary of offers to earn easy money; representatives of this sign will not receive profits, but losses are more than possible. But not everything is so bad, on the personal front, an idyll will reign for the Horses, there is an opportunity to fall in love at first sight.