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Description of lunar days according to the lunar calendar. Lunar day - meaning

Today is the 1st lunar day
Symbol of the day - "Lamp"

Plan your plans for your loved one. Negative and positive thoughts are destined to come into reality at the behest of your will, because you yourself are the source of your thoughts. Forgive everyone, this will help you cleanse your soul and make it possible to easily get rid of pressures and complexes caused by resentment. There is no need to overwork, or consume spicy food or alcohol. If you dreamed of something good, it’s a joy; if it’s terrible, bad, you don’t need to pay any attention to it. The first half of the lunar day is ideal for appeals to superiors and community service, however, new ideas and planning must be kept to yourself, otherwise the second half of the lunar day may cancel out the trend for improvement, and unfulfilled obligations and vanity may interfere with positive prospects.

The new lunar cycle is associated with everything new, with new beginnings. During this period, the energy of the HEAD is active in the human body. What is mentally conceived on this lunar day has every reason to come true. Create vivid mental images that will translate into material results. During this period of the lunar day, the body experiences a stressful state. Do not add internal stress with physical activity, overeating, alcohol, spicy and hot foods. This lunar day is favorable for cleansing the maxillary and frontal sinuses.

On this lunar day you need to make plans for the future. Try not to think about something bad. There is no need to start new things on this lunar day; limit yourself only to plans. On the new moon (1st lunar day) there is no need to overwork, eat hot, spicy or drink alcohol. The day is very good for creative ideas.

On the first lunar day, pay special attention to your teeth. This lunar day is perfect for a new cycle of physical exercise.

Today is the 2nd Lunar Day
Symbol of the day - Cornucopia

On this lunar day, everything that succeeds will serve as the foundation and basis for realizing achievements in the future. This period is associated primarily with the accumulation and abundance of spiritual and material values. Recommendation to engage in sports and educational activities. Meetings on this lunar day have a special significance on the formation of values ​​in general. Try to avoid excessive attachment to objects, things and greed, as well as excessive consumption of food. This can easily lead to salt deposits and the formation of stones; you need to pay special attention to your teeth and mouth. You don't need to trust dreams.

The first half of the lunar day is unfavorable due to aggressiveness and ambition, so conflicts may occur between family members and partners.

The second half of the lunar day is more favorable, efficiency increases, practical and scientific activity increases. New ideas will help have a positive effect.

The energy of this lunar day affects the COMPRESSION of the body. Anger, greed, and attachment to objects and things appear. Try to do the opposite - show humanity and generosity. You can cleanse the maxillary and frontal sinuses. Great time to start a physical cycle. exercises and mastering a foreign language. You can discover the usefulness of new food products. Do some exercise (yoga) early in the morning, and then mentally imagine the foods you would like to eat. If you feel any discomfort or discomfort, this means that this type of product is not suitable for you.

On this lunar day, little by little, you can move from planning to action.

Physical activity will be useful, take a steam bath or sauna. You need to pay special attention to your hearing organs.

Today is the 3rd lunar day
Symbol of the day - Leopard

Time to put your plans into action. This is a good time to learn martial arts, defend your beliefs and interests; accumulation and use of one’s energy for self-defense. Passivity can easily develop suspiciousness and suspiciousness; all your accumulated energy, being unspent, will “sour” inside you, and because of this, your internal health may suffer. organs. This is the time of the lunar day when you have the opportunity to achieve personal growth. Recommendation to go to the bathhouse, the area of ​​the ears and the back of the head is vulnerable. Dreams come true very rarely, and can be a reflection of internal forces.

The first half of the lunar day is favorable and may bring peace of mind, tranquility, and sociability. Activities related to trade and risky ventures are successful. New prospects may emerge.

In the second half of the lunar day, positivity may stop, and only diplomacy will help you cope with the machinations and conflicts of your rivals.

The concentration of energy on these lunar days is very strong and requires discharge. A very good time for heavy physical activity. Take a steam bath, take a hot bath - all this will help the body resist compression, dehydration and compaction. If you missed the opportunity to cleanse the maxillary and frontal sinuses in the previous 2 lunar days, this can still be done now.

Physical exercises, so as not to awaken aggression. Dance helps a lot. Turn on the music and dance - let loose

Today is the 4th lunar day
Symbol of the day - the tree of knowledge

We are faced with a choice of good and evil, because of which temptations are possible. You will need to resist these negative influences and try to choose something positive. Confusion and indecisiveness may appear in communication. The proposals received on this day need to be carefully considered before making decisions. It's better to be alone, of course. It’s good to be closer to nature, take a walk in the park, forest, plant plants. There is no need to desecrate the earth, cut down trees, pick flowers. Dreams can warn of danger. It is also possible for parents to be involved: you need to analyze and think about what problems you inherited from them and try to solve these problems.

The first half of the lunar day can be unfavorable, as it will bring self-doubt and confusion. Contacts with partners and superiors may be difficult.

The second half of the lunar day will help you gain support and encouragement from your superiors, colleagues or friends. Sexual potential increases, contacts with the opposite sex are favorable.

The energy of the lunar day has an adverse effect on humans. I advise you to think carefully before making any decision. It is recommended to spend these lunar days alone; you can sing something sublime (prayers, poems, mantras, psalms). The area of ​​the neck and vocal cords is energetically active. There are also energy centers that connect a person with the depths of space where a person’s fate is decided. Try not to harm anyone, either in thought or deed.

Day of the Fall. Don't do anything hasty.

It is best to do chores around the house or relax with your family and friends.

You need to pay attention to the esophagus. There is no need to starve, but you can limit your intake of animal foods.

Today is the 5th lunar day
Symbol of the day - Unicorn

Time to concentrate on your plans. No external factors can resist the onslaught of desire. Everything conceived and planned succeeds, various knowledge is well absorbed. Everything that is started must find completion and completeness. The vitamins, salts and beneficial components of the foods you eat are absorbed very well. It is better to eat plant foods, hunger is not recommended, the stomach is vulnerable on these lunar days. If you dreamed of a road, this means well-being; if you dream of something bad, you need to start taking care of your health. It's good to cry in your sleep.

This is a very good period that allows you to show abilities in different fields. Luck and luck increase, as well as the ability to materialize new ideas and thoughts. Intuition increases and the gift of foresight may appear; tact and restraint are required for communication to be positive.

The energy of this lunar day promotes good digestion. What is eaten is very well absorbed and digested by the body. Trust your sense of taste: they will tell you what energy and vitamin your body lacks, and will choose a product that contains the required amount. Try not to overeat, but be satisfied in moderation. This is the best time to heal the lungs and colon using breathing techniques. Don't be afraid to show your emotions openly.

Don't hold back to avoid illness and stress.

On this day you need to be well fed, it is simply necessary. The food is perfectly digestible.

The day is very good for communication in nature and rejuvenating treatments. Pay your attention to the upper respiratory tract and bronchi.

Today is the 6th Lunar day
Symbol of the day - the prophetic bird Ivik

Sensitivity and intuition increase, a prophetic dream may occur, and many premonitions may subsequently come true. If you meet someone on this lunar day, then the very first impression will be correct. Try to loosen up and be natural. Allow yourself to dream, and if some crazy thought comes to mind, it may turn out that in the future it will come true. It's time to find forgiveness and grace. Sensitivity to odors and sensitivity may become worse. Recommendation: do breathing exercises, as well as breathing exercises, it is advisable to quit smoking. Pay attention to the upper respiratory tract and bronchi. Avoid bad habits. If you dreamed about a person, it means you owe him something.

The first half of the lunar day is favorable and will allow you to implement the plans and ideas of the previous day. New partners and patrons may appear, and the support of friends and relatives can be felt. A little fuss in the second half of the lunar day will require more responsibility and organization.

The energy on this lunar day is located in the area of ​​the top of the lungs, which has a good effect on the absorption and assimilation of the universal energy of the Cosmos - prana. It is useful to engage in a variety of breathing exercises and techniques to cleanse and treat the upper respiratory tract. The peculiarities of this lunar day are conducive to various fortune-telling.

This lunar day is good for all kinds of fortune-telling and predictions, because on this lunar day intuition is heightened and we can look into the future. Be calm.

On this lunar day, the risk of colds increases. You need to pay attention to the lungs. The day is not suitable for tooth extraction.

Today is the 7th lunar day
Symbol of the day - Wind rose

A difficult period, since you will have to waste your time on various unresolved problems in relationships, as well as on very old plans and goals. Restraint and prudence are important, since relationships in the team may change and the transition to a new stage of development, to new achievements and deeds begins.

This lunar day allows a person to work with the spirits and elements of nature by saying special prayers and sounds. Each element “will respond” to its own sound and endow the person who pronounces it with its special powers and qualities. People who do not know the features of these lunar days would be better off talking less, and most importantly, not lying. On these lunar days you can catch a slight cold. It is not recommended to remove teeth. Give your arms a workout.

Full of stress. Talk less on this lunar day. The fact is that on this lunar day, the nature around us is very sensitive to every word spoken out loud, and you can, with careless words, attract trouble to yourself, into your life: a lot of things come true that you wish, either willingly or by mistake, on this lunar day. On these lunar days, you can lose your voice.

First quarter. On this lunar day it is good to prepare medicines.

You can fast, cleanse the intestines and stomach.

Today is the 8th lunar day
Symbol of the day - Fire

This is the time of finding something new in life and controlling the inner fire hidden in us, transformation and purification. At this time, you need to shake off all the deprivation, the burden of problems, free yourself from accumulated toxins and, cleanse yourself of the previous shackles, move forward to achieve your goals. On this day it is good to visit close people and relatives. Try to understand them a little deeper and, by making positive changes, rebuild the relationship. It would be nice to light candles at home. Let everything negative that happened in the past time burn in the flames of fire. At the same time, you need to try to be very careful when handling fire. You need to pay attention to the nervous system. If it is summer, then it is a good time to prepare and collect medicinal herbs. Recommendation: cleanse the intestines and stomach, fast. Dreams can be prophetic and can hint at the true purpose of your life.

The period of disharmony is associated with illusions in partnership, deception, conflicts with children and relatives, as well as poor health. There may likely be a desire to get away from accumulated problems or responsibilities. However, spiritually developed people may experience spiritual renewal.

The energy of the lunar day favors the occurrence of various subtle biochemical reactions and transformations in our body. Recommendation: FAST so that our energy is not wasted on digesting food. If it’s hard for you to fast, then you can try to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Repent of your sins and forgive your offenders. This lunar day helps to “fuse” together a variety of medicinal herbs, increasing their therapeutic effectiveness.

This lunar day is well suited for liberation from accumulated sins, for repentance, and promotes all kinds of cleansing. It is easy to forgive other people for the hurt they have caused you. And don’t forget to forgive yourself too, remove all the claims that have accumulated against yourself!

An excellent lunar day for fasting.

Draw your attention to your chest. Prevention of angina pectoris and intercostal neuralgia is useful. On this lunar day, the danger of various food poisoning will increase.

Today is the 9th lunar day
Symbol of the day - Bat

As a result of mental instability, we can let our emotions get out of control. And as a consequence - an incorrect reaction to everything that happens, which can often lead to disputes, conflicts, creating a general negative atmosphere in us inside and around us. On the other hand, we see everything that happens through rose-colored glasses. The events that happen to us are seductions; excessive hope can also lead to disappointments in the near future. Far-fetched gifts of fate may turn out to be just a cunning bait with a hook. This lunar day is unlucky for making decisions and starting important things. It is necessary to avoid family scandals, as well as clarifying relationships with loved ones and family. The main thing is to learn to overcome seduction and obstacles. A wise look at everything that is happening around you can suggest a way out of bad situations. Your eyes may also open to people offering and imposing their ideas, services, or demanding something from you. The lunar day is well suited for paying off material and moral debts. The lungs are vulnerable. Dreams are often nightmarish, but empty.

This is a good period for holding various meetings, as well as for collective and individual creativity. Spiritual quests and love relationships can be very effective.

The energy of this lunar day has an extremely negative impact on a person and can be expressed in delusions and seductions of various kinds. It is useful and good to do physical exercise. exercises to get rid of negative thoughts from your head. Also, during the lunar day, it is not recommended to look in the mirror. The energy of this lunar day is unfavorable for humans. This satanic day when dark forces begin to activate in the surrounding nature and negative energy begins to dominate. Unreasonable dark thoughts, fears, and anxieties are possible. You need to be wary of deception.

On this lunar day it is not recommended to go on a long journey. It is better to postpone until better times everything that can only be postponed, because there is a risk of great failure, as well as failure. It's better not to try to prove something, defend your opinion - today it will most likely be wrong, and tomorrow you may regret your behavior yesterday. It's better to stay calm.

A day for active recreation: it’s good to use your excess energy to improve your health. This is a good day to visit the sauna or steam bath.

Today is the 10th lunar day
The symbol of the day is a fountain.

This time can be called a time of fidelity, defense of justice, preservation of traditions and creation in general. It is recommended to devote yourself to strengthening your own family and family relationships. This is a favorable moment for visiting parents and turning to family traditions, as well as for marriages and starting a new family. A marriage concluded at this time will be based on deep spiritual traditions and will have good protection from outsiders. This time is perfect for laying the foundation for almost any business, for example, building a house or other buildings, or starting renovations. Repairs will not only help clean and renew your home, but can also take relationships with your household to a new level. This period is also good for making plans, because this day is marked by spontaneous access to hidden sources of knowledge. For lecturers, speakers and teachers, this period is extremely successful. You can afford to relax, and besides, this time is considered the best time during the real lunar month to visit a Russian bath. The dreams will most likely be pleasant, but are unlikely to come true.

This lunar day is one of the best, because all the positive moments of the previous days of the month have the opportunity to materialize. It is quite possible that deliberate actions will receive the help of higher Hierarchies and become successful. Personal renewal, vitality and sexual potential increase.

As the symbolism of the day indicates, the energy of life flows through a person. And water indicates its inextricable connection with the source. These lunar days are characterized by the karmic connection of the person himself with his ancestors. Well suited for working on family karma and a kind of meditation on images of deceased and living relatives.

This day is best spent with family. Carry out a collective cleaning of the apartment, rearrangement of furniture or minor repairs. This is a good time to start building a house. Various water procedures are very useful because the connection between man and the elements is strengthened.

On this day it is a good idea to start fasting and various cleansing procedures. A sedentary lifestyle and passivity are not recommended.

Today is the 11th Lunar day
The symbol of the day is a crown.

This time is the most energetically powerful of the entire lunar cycle. Powerful forces awaken in the human body. Many desires and heartfelt attachments (both to people and to deeds) indomitably strive to come true. However, we must not forget that the power of such pressure can ultimately become not only creative, but also destructive. It is extremely important to always be prepared for the vicissitudes of fate and to complete what you start. You need to be careful and thorough in everything, because the sudden activation of all the energy of the body sometimes leads to reckless actions and troubles. The main task is to refrain from possessiveness, excessive pride and the desire to show off. This is a period when a person’s strength of spirit, the truth of his plans and intentions, endurance and honesty are tested; a person is required to be mobile, able to find compromises and move forward towards his goal. In terms of medicine, this day is suitable for working with health; you can start fasting. Be merciful, protect nature and any of its creations.

Sensuality and emotionality are at their peak, but love relationships and sexual contacts can result in unfulfilled desires and even quarrels.

Ekadashi day. Kundalini, the original powerful life energy that built the body itself, is activated in the human body, and now it can rebuild it into more developed spiritual structures. Extremely strong energy. Passivity is absolutely contraindicated.

A great day for mastering new knowledge and skills in various fields. You can turn on some nice music. Not a bad day for cleansing the lungs and upper respiratory tract, as well as for treatment in general. Bathing is useful. Do not eat rough food, drink more juices and water.

Today is the 12th Lunar day
The symbol of the day is the heart.

This is a period of wisdom received from above and cosmic love, a time of creative transformation and the embodiment of your prayers. It is recommended to show your generosity and give gifts. In any case, on this day you need to respond positively to any requests. Pay more attention to children. It must be remembered that the best upbringing is the positive example of the parents themselves. A time of triumph over the folly of the wisdom of true feelings. On this day you cannot be angry and quarrel, hate and complain, since it will be quite difficult to restore relationships later. Stress on the heart and roughage are contraindicated. Drinking natural juices is beneficial. Prophetic dreams.

The first half of the day is very unfavorable, but if you have defeated pride and your own self, then your aura and ability to influence others increases.

The second half of the day is characterized by increased creativity, as well as the ability to achieve goals and the ability to convince partners.

On these days, energy activates the feeling of mercy and compassion in the human consciousness. It is good to give alms and do charity. Do not show hatred and anger and do not engage in heavy physical activity. The use of various medicinal and cosmetic products, as well as anti-aging procedures, will be successful.

Today is the 13th Lunar day
The symbol of the day is a wheel.

The new replaces the old. To free yourself from attachments to the past, you need to be absolutely self-sufficient emotionally, and resolve your old problems without nervousness. At this time, interaction with the team and like-minded people is important; loneliness will negatively affect your mental state. The process of rejuvenation of the body is underway. Food is well digested, cosmetic procedures with a rejuvenating effect are effective. Dreams come true soon; you can see in them problems that need to be solved.

In the first half of the lunar day, the energy is favorable; new work or partners may appear. Family relationships are strengthened.

The second half of the day is unfavorable; the danger of wasting time, effort and energy on minor worries and matters increases. Sexual energy may fade.

The symbolism of this lunar day indicates the movement of the Sun and blood energy in the human body. These lunar days favor joint actions aimed at accumulating and exchanging information, as well as working with karma. The main energy is located in the area of ​​the digestive system, so it needs to be given work, that is, eat well (this is especially true for people of the “Wind” design). Food and other substances (for example, vitamins, natural medicines) will be completely absorbed. This day is characterized by active rejuvenation of the body.

Reduce your fluid intake. Eat more nuts and various pickles, and it is better to limit yourself to bitter and sweet foods.

Today is the 14th Lunar day
The symbol of the day is a trumpet.

Make an effort and be diligent when performing responsible work. It is good to start various new businesses that have long-term prospects. Creative abilities are enhanced, fresh ideas and thoughts appear. You can cleanse the body, in particular the intestines. Drink less liquid; eating salty, sweet and bitter foods is not recommended. Dreams are doubtful.

In the first half of this lunar day, difficulties may arise in professional and family relationships, due to the desire to shift one’s own worries to other people. The second half of the lunar day is more successful; it can allow you to implement your plans with the help of new people and other methods.

Liquids entering the body at this time cause disruptions in its functioning. Therefore, colon cleansing procedures or dry fasting (for overweight people) can be of great benefit. On this day it is useful to acquire new knowledge and perform a variety of physical work. At the same time, you should not over-strain your eyesight, succumb to various fears, melancholy and melancholy, and also use perfume. New business that you started this day will be successful.

Also on this day you may feel unwell and in a bad mood. Someone else's energy that affects you can cause disruptions in the functioning of the body. This day is very favorable for various business endeavors; you should not miss this chance. Begin to implement large-scale plans, because things started on the 14th lunar day tend to develop successfully and be successfully completed over the coming months. Pay special attention to the pancreas, eat barley, viburnum and legumes.

Today is the 15th Lunar day
The symbol of the day is a snake.

This is a time of conflicting desires and emotional twists. Passions that run wild can cause excessive appetite, the desire to obey one’s flesh, this makes a person lazy, suggestible, and susceptible to any temptations. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to pacify your own emotions, since control over behavior is weakened. It is better to postpone the resolution of all conflict and controversial issues until a more favorable period. Images are easy to create and quite quickly find embodiment in life. Ideological people at this time can show their abilities and accomplish most of their plans. Particular attention should be paid to the functioning of the pancreas and diaphragm. Prophetic dreams.

Full moon. Overall the day is favorable. The aura intensifies, it is easier for creative people to show their talents and implement creative plans. Cosmic influences can push weak-willed or uninitiated people toward renewal, while excess energy can make them aggressive and dissatisfied. During this period, sensual desires that are associated with carnal pleasures become active in the human consciousness. At this time, mental control weakens, so it is necessary to exercise self-restraint and self-discipline to tame your sensual nature.

It is good to eat hot, dense foods that have an astringent taste (peas, beans). Cold liquid foods with a sweet taste (various fruits, juices) should be avoided. This is the day when self-control weakens and instincts take over. Serious conflicts and quarrels are possible. Don't argue or talk too much.

The third phase of the lunar month, starting with the full moon and ending in the third quarter, is characterized by the process of COMPRESSION; as a result, serious physical activity will not harm. Active: lumbar region, kidneys, bladder, gonads, rectum, femurs, buttocks, coccyx vertebrae.

Full moon. There is a high risk of food poisoning. Avoid eating mushrooms and animal foods. Any task related to cleanliness is useful, for example, cleaning the house, taking a shower.

Today is the 16th Lunar day
The symbol of the day is a dove.

The time is very calm. Sudden movements and excessive fussiness should be avoided. Balance and moderation in everything is desirable, try to maintain external calm and mental comfort. Any contact with nature, such as walking through a forest or park, will be useful. Aggressive, defiant behavior can turn against you. You should not expect results from official zeal. The process of blood renewal occurs, therefore, animal food (except fish) is contraindicated. Having sex is also undesirable. Sleep can help get rid of illness.

The first half of this lunar day is favorable. Creativity, sexuality and intuition are enhanced. There are improvements in marital relationships as well as in energy efficiency. In the afternoon, problems may arise related to the implementation of ideas and plans, conflict situations with partners. Sexual contacts require special caution.

This lunar day is associated with the human soul. There is a balancing harmonious effect of external forces on the physical body and consciousness of a person. Calm and simple physical exercises (for example, a leisurely walk) are recommended. Small wushu complexes and qigong exercises are also perfect for this. It is necessary to completely exclude any actions that can cause disturbances in peace both in the human body itself (excitement, screaming, sexual contact) and in others (loud music, defiant, rude behavior, etc.). This is a bright, clean and absolutely calm day, which is characterized by the presence of harmonious energy. Light physical activity, walks, simple household chores and contemplation of nature are recommended.

It's good to be alone. Things related to cleanliness (shower, wet cleaning) are useful. Not a bad day for starting new businesses or marital relationships.

Today is the 17th Lunar day
The symbol of the day is a bunch of grapes.

Time to gain spiritual freedom. A great moment for celebrations and celebrations. For creative people, enormous opportunities open up for discovering their own talent to society and people. Marriages entered into during this period will be based on undying love. The day is quite controversial. It combines the need for love and uncontrollable energy, manifested in the form of drunkenness, violence, as an involuntary release of accumulated energy. Use dry wine. Your dreams will reflect your self-realization in love and creativity. If your dreams are unpleasant, then it’s time to solve these problems.

The first half of these lunar days is disharmonious, fraught with the appearance of problems literally out of nowhere and aggression. There is the possibility of various difficulties in communication and business. Selfishness and vanity will worsen relationships with superiors, partners and colleagues.

In the afternoon, problems can be resolved through the use of new ideas and plans, as well as negotiations. In particular, activity is expressed by feminine energy, which manifests itself in growth, accumulation, fertility, and pleasure from sexual intercourse. In this regard, the day is favorable for strengthening marital relationships. It's nice to drink some wine and have fun. So, heated Cahors is a symbol of ecstasy, knowledge of eternity, connection with joy and movement. It is believed that marriages concluded on this lunar day will be long-lasting, accompanied by mutual love. Connection of Earth and Sky. The day is good for sexual relations.

Today is the 18th Lunar day
The symbol of the day is a mirror.

The reality surrounding us becomes like a mirror reflection of our inner essence, actions and thoughts. Try to look at yourself from the outside in order to be able to free yourself from bad habits and negative manifestations. Look in the mirror more often, try to get rid of illusions and approach your own self more critically. Everything they say about you is true. Give up vanity, selfishness and pride. In the summer, it will be useful to go to a Russian bathhouse or swim in a pond with clean water. It is good to cleanse the intestines; drinking alcohol and tobacco is undesirable. Kidneys are weakened. Dreams can come true; they can tell you what is bothering you in life and show you the way to getting rid of illnesses. The first half of the day is favorable, since hard work and patience allow you to get money from your partners and help from your superiors. Magnetism, charm and sexual potential are enhanced.

The second half of the day is fraught with the appearance of problems and illnesses, since deceit is activated, as well as energy-informational infections of the aura. This lunar day carries energy that makes a person passive. He begins to follow someone else's will, to obey those around him. Your current perception of the world (sad, calm, angry, etc.) tells about the state of your inner world. Noticing your own shortcomings, you need to purposefully fight them. There is a great danger of skin diseases, kidney function deteriorates due to violation of the laws of karma. It is necessary to counteract passivity by reducing sleep time and varied activities. To ease the work of your kidneys, avoid meat and salty foods; to prevent skin diseases, take a bath, then rub coconut or olive oil into your skin.

Strive to maintain independent thinking and sobriety of mind. Before you commit any act, think carefully, do not take anyone’s word for it until you check it yourself, as there is a high probability that you may be misled and deceived. In large, serious matters, obstacles may arise, quarrels and conflicts are possible. On this lunar day, any of our shortcomings clearly manifest themselves and become especially noticeable to the people around us. If you hear something unpleasant addressed to you, do not be offended, because it is true. Think better about how to get rid of this shortcoming. You can be happy if they say something nice about you - this is also true. You can't go with the flow and be passive. Physical activity is very useful. The large intestine and appendix become vulnerable. In addition, fears and depression may increase.

Today is the 19th Lunar Day
The symbol of the day is a spider.

Be alert, try to get away from situations or people that confuse your thoughts and your life in general. Any new connections, acquaintances, contracts become durable, but it is better to refrain from those enterprises in which you are not confident. It is extremely important to get rid of lies, illusions, and other people's thoughts. Be especially careful, because at this time there are quite often people who are cunning and skillfully weave webs of betrayal. Difficulties are expected in teamwork. It will be useful to look at the fire, light a candle or make a fire. The appendix is ​​vulnerable. The dreams of this day will not come true.

The period is extremely negative, as slander and deception will interfere with spiritual evolution, progress, collective action and creativity. Refuse from any contracts and enterprises. There may be problems with pets, children, and ex-partners regarding past commitments. This is a day of karmic trials.

The energy of these lunar days is very heavy. It is necessary to resist the influence of vice and seduction with the help of moral purity of consciousness. Analyze your own actions, mentally repent of the evil you have committed, get rid of pride and self-deception, forgive your offenders. Purify the field life form with music and breathing. It is useful to perform “fiery cleansing” - sit by an open fire, intently peering into it. Walk around the entire house with a lit candle. The day is extremely unfavorable, the so-called “satanic”. It is ruled by extremely heavy energy, which has a negative impact on humans.

On this day, serious mistakes are easily made, a person easily falls under the negative influence of others. Communicate less with other people, do not start new things and do not try to sort things out, this can lead to even greater complications. There is a high probability of the outbreak of a very protracted conflict.

It is useful to repent of your sins and review the past. Overeating and drinking alcohol are strictly contraindicated. It is also not recommended to strain your eyes and eat meat. The upper back and abdominal cavity are weakened.

Today is the 20th Lunar day
The symbol of the day is an eagle.

Try to rise above the earthly problems that bother you. You will easily be able to make the most important decision if you can cast aside the doubts that torment you; this day is a period of victory over yourself. Strength appears for personal and spiritual growth. It is recommended to think about the meaning of life and about finding your own life path. You cannot show disgust, anger and arrogance. Take care of your family, turn to your roots and traditions. Dreams are empty. Avoid eating meat products and straining your eyesight. Pay special attention to your shoulder blades and upper back, as they are the most vulnerable. A favorable period that allows you to overcome the machinations of enemies and rivals. New things to do, trips that are associated with new contacts and business expansion (especially with foreigners) will improve your financial situation. Requests to superiors and various meetings with political and public figures are also favorable.

On this day, lunar energy is aimed at transforming consciousness: a person, leaving behind all doubts, makes a decision and brings his will into a moral, spiritual or military feat, the symbol of which is the eagle. At the same time, it is important that a person does not become proud from realizing the significance of his action. This time is perfect for fasting, a kind of triumph of the spiritual world over the carnal. At the same time, it is good to read moral and spiritual books. Try not to waste vital energy; it is better to refuse energy treatment, long and intense training, etc. This day gives us mental strength to make decisions, accomplish important things, and understand the most important moments of our lives. However, this day is not very good for solving everyday everyday problems: it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and, as a result, achieve nothing. Having risen above the vanity, you are able to commit a fateful act that is important for your entire life, and, as a result, rise to the next stage of personal development. There is also an opportunity to understand something very important, to gain some kind of insight, thanks to which you can grow spiritually.

A good day for fasting, it is better to give up heavy food. Outdoor activities and physical activity are beneficial. It is good to cleanse the blood. Loading the liver is contraindicated.

Today is the 21st lunar day
The symbol of the day is a horse.

It is recommended to show courage and fearlessness. It is advisable to do everything in a team, together. Athletes taking part in group competitions can achieve maximum results, as perseverance in achieving success and the ability to win victory are activated. This is a time of uncontrollable pursuit of a goal, renunciation of property and voluntary sacrifice for the sake of triumph. It is useful to take care of your own health, and it is best to do this in groups, because it is the unification of people and friendship that makes each person truly powerful. Businesses that require determination and a revolutionary approach will be successful. It’s good to be in the air, do physical training, and carry out hardening and dousing procedures. A favorable time for blood purification procedures is to eat carrots, beets, pomegranates, cranberries, and rowan. Do not put stress on the liver. Dreams are empty.

The period is generally favorable. Spiritual, creative and sexual potential, sense of justice, intuition and will are activated. During this period, you will be able to rethink your past experiences and plan a successful future. Colleagues and partners on this day are characterized by honesty and readiness to provide selfless help. The process of awakening a person’s active creative principles takes place, and recovery accelerates. Try to be fair and honest. This lunar day has a depressing effect on the liver and hematopoietic system. It is best to get a divorce, move to a new job, or go on long trips on this day.

It is not advisable to be alone. A good day to start new acquaintances and look for like-minded people. The area of ​​the sacrum, lower spine and hip joints requires special attention. It is recommended to eat plant foods.

Today is the 22nd Lunar Day
The symbol of the day is an elephant.

This is a time of new knowledge, gaining wisdom and using it for good. It is recommended to share your own experience, accumulated knowledge, prepare followers and students, and show generosity. Think carefully before you start saying anything. There is no need to rush into negotiations; it is better to finish old business. This is a time for learning crafts and sciences, achieving goals and comprehending one's own roots. Hasty words and sudden movements should be avoided. It’s good to eat a lot and give your stomach a workout. Be careful with sudden movements, pay special attention to the lower spine and hip area, avoid hypothermia. Dreams come true, with their help you can change for the better and get information about ways to solve problems.

Controversial period. Various agreements are being tested for stability and require rethinking. New things are difficult, so finish what you have already started. In the second half of the day, ambitions increase. In partnerships, difficulties are likely to arise due to unfulfilled hopes, jealousy and envy. Don't talk about your plans. The energy of the day helps to strengthen a person’s intellectual abilities. Acquire and use new knowledge, study ancient secret books, connect to the field of the Earth and the Universe. Show intellectual generosity and share knowledge. On this day, it is much easier than on others to come up with fresh ideas, new solutions that can help overcome old problems. The day is also favorable for fortune telling, learning the future, and in general for comprehending various new information. However, it is better to postpone the start of new business and risky activities.

Today is the 23rd lunar day
The symbol of the day is a crocodile.

At this time, human life requires various kinds of reforms, fundamental changes, when people constantly resort to pressure, pressure and aggression to solve many issues. The unconscious instinct of capture and the desire for adventure and fights are activated. You should not succumb to provocations and temptations of revenge, and also visit places with large crowds of people. This is a period of active energy, and it must be directed in a peaceful direction. It is likely that any manifestation of force and rudeness will entail negative consequences. The day is good for home cleaning, getting rid of unnecessary old things, cleansing with fire and holy water. It is advisable to eat dairy products and exclude meat from the diet. The spine is the most vulnerable. Dreams have the opposite meaning.

On these lunar days, there is a transformation of the environment and changeability of moods. Only spiritually developed people are able to achieve good results. Relationships with lovers and partners are complicated, conflicts with superiors are possible.

Thanks to the powerful energy of this day, emotions of aggressiveness, violence and a very strong appetite awaken in a person. Strict abstinence or even fasting, including sexual fasting, is recommended. The main thing during this period is to maintain peace of mind. It is useful to go out of town or take a walk in the park. It is good to engage in active creative work, physical exercise, treatment and health promotion.

Today is the 24th Lunar day
The symbol of the day is a bear.

There is a process of awakening natural forces, sharpening intuition. This period is favorable for starting new global affairs, realizing your own goals and career aspirations. Hardening is useful, which can prevent many diseases, as well as communication with nature, especially physical labor on land. Playing sports and visiting a dry steam bath will have a positive effect on your health. Sex abuse is dangerous. Your dreams will reflect your self-realization in love.

The first half of the lunar day is unfavorable. Possible weakness, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Take care of your personal affairs and improve your health.

In the afternoon it will be easier to achieve your goals. Patron support and intuition are increasing, so it will be easier to change the current situation for the better. On this day, the power of Nature awakens for a new process of creation, and the same thing happens in man. However, if used ineptly, creative forces can turn into great evil. Volumetric and prolonged physical activity is recommended. It is good to use a variety of sexual practices or simply enjoy intimacy. Sick and weakened people can be charged with the energy of trees and minerals. The pyramids were laid on the 24th lunar day, so this is the most favorable time to lay the foundation of a new house.

Don't be overly active. This is a day of self-deepening, concentration, cleansing of spiritual and physical toxins. Listen to your inner voice - and gain new strength.

Today is the 25th Lunar day
The symbol of the day is a turtle.

This is a time of contemplative attitude towards inner wisdom and current events. A period of solitude, focusing on imagination, ideas and dreams. Unhurried wisdom will help you find new ways out of long-standing problems. Quite often, deceptive calm conceals a deep inner life that is actively striving to achieve its goals. The most important thing is to take your time, then success will accompany you everywhere. It's good to fast for a while. Avoid noisy companies. During this period, you can successfully engage in painstaking work. Heavy, dangerous dreams are likely.

A time favorable for expanding business prospects. Mediation and advice from relatives and friends will be very effective. Fresh solutions and creative ideas will bring benefits, as well as support from your superiors. Charm, sociability, life potential and sense of humor grow. The turtle is a symbol of loneliness and passivity. It is strictly not recommended to rush.

It is useful to cleanse the body: consciousness – from “shells” and mental clamps, using the method of cleansing the field form of life; and the physical body - using paired procedures, juice therapy or daily fasting. A suitable day for moderate walks and meditation. A day of passivity, it is better to spend it slowly and alone. It is recommended to use energy sparingly and get more rest. Avoid activity; abstinence and fasting are beneficial.

Today is the 26th Lunar day
The symbol of the day is a toad.

Time for provocations. Possibly seduction by one’s own importance and wisdom. It is better to postpone all business endeavors to a more successful period. Avoid unnecessary fuss and empty chatter, as well as excessive activity in your own actions. Selectivity in communication, cutting off false contacts and connections is necessary. It's better to talk less and listen more. The day is good for fasting, rest, and thinking about life. Your dreams will reflect your level of pride. If you see yourself unhappy and wretched in a dream, you need to increase your self-esteem as soon as possible, and if you are successful and satisfied, it’s time to take a sober look at your actions and behavior.

In the first half of the lunar day, you will be able to evaluate problems differently, without starting new things to gain benefits from old ones. There may be good news from former friends and partners. The second half of the day can bring loss of energy, quarrels with relatives, and the machinations of envious people. Be wary of starting business, signing documents, driving fast and undertaking risky ventures.

Second day of Ekadashi. Refrain from unnecessary activity. The energy of the lunar day has an irritating effect on the human consciousness, plunging it into the quagmire of vanity and everyday worries. Communicate with others selectively. It is useful to take a walk in the fresh air and soberly assess your lifestyle and the surrounding reality. You should save your vital energy and not waste it on empty talk.

Today is the 27th Lunar day
The symbol of the day is a trident.

During this period, there is unconscious work with past events, as well as a search for answers to questions that were not previously resolved. This time is suitable for resolving various issues, meetings, affairs. Creative people experience spiritual changes. Water procedures will be beneficial. Sea voyages will be successful. It is good to make plans for the future based on existing opportunities and previously achieved results. There is a possibility of serendipity. Dreams do come true, they can help you discover the true essence of things. In the first half of the day, injuries, dangers, and major problems are possible. Due to the rapid decline in vitality, overvoltage is undesirable.

In the afternoon, you will be able to rethink the past, cope with your emotions and think through your actions. Trust the advice of your partners, they will protect you from ill-wishers and save you from major problems. The energy of this lunar day affects the aquatic environment of the human body. It is recommended to perform a variety of meditations that will help obtain hidden knowledge and intuitive insight. It is good to carry out colon cleansing procedures and visit the steam room. Beware of excessive physical activity, take care of your feet. Intuition is greatly enhanced. If you really don’t want to do something on this day, listen to yourself and don’t do it. Spend more time sleeping. The senses are very vulnerable, especially vision. Take care of your brain, head, eyes, and monitor your blood pressure. Great day for cleansing and fasting.

Today is the 28th Lunar day
The symbol of the day is lotus.

The intuition and spiritual significance of a person are enhanced. The period of contemplation, comprehension of the highest meaning of human existence. You should not be overly active. The day is suitable for mastering any craft work and for home repairs. Baths with herbal decoctions, cosmetics, and massage are useful. Cleanse your skin with natural masks. It is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits and drink freshly squeezed juices. The head is vulnerable, take care of your eyesight. Prophetic dreams.

The first half of the lunar day is favorable. There is a high probability of support from partners and Higher powers, improvement of fate and liberation from enemies. Spirituality becomes especially important and intuition strengthens. In the afternoon, a weakening of the aura, depression and craving for pleasure are possible. Delusions, deceptions and illnesses can slow down personal evolution.

The energy of the day is very harmonious and favorable. It is important to control emotions, maintain an upbeat mood in order to stay on the wave of harmonious energy. Bad thoughts can knock you out of the right mood. You must not bring disharmony into your surroundings; do not cut down or trim trees, do not tear up grass and flowers, do not harm insects, animals, etc. From dreams you can learn a lot about yourself, your karma and the future. This is one of the most harmonious and favorable days.

The day is good for small chores (cleaning up the house, freeing it from unnecessary things). Don't overdo it with physical activity. Abstinence and fasting are recommended. It is helpful to take a shower before going to bed and soak your feet in cool water.

Today is the 29th Lunar day
The symbol of the day is the octopus.

Everything that happens is in the nature of seduction. It is better not to start new things, but to continue doing housework. Plans made on this day are soon cruelly cut off by fate. This is a time of repentance and humility. The day is good for ending unnecessary connections, clearing your own mind of any negative thoughts, giving up bad habits, cleansing your soul and body. Wrong actions, indulgence, deception in the future negatively affect plans in creativity and business. Dreams are deceptive.

The first half of the day is unfavorable; the negative influence of the previous period persists. At this time, you need to finish with old plans, contacts and affairs. Dialogue with new partners will be unsuccessful, but relatives and old partners will be able to support you and give practical advice.

The second half of the day is characterized by increased intuition and creative potential. Dreams and thoughts can turn out to be prophetic and allow you to change your destiny. The energy of this lunar day is extremely unfavorable. The most significant ebbs and flows occur under the influence of the Sun and Moon. A similar disturbance is observed in the liquid media of the human body, introducing chaos into life processes. To help your body, limit your food intake, refrain from sexual contact, and reduce physical activity. Don't make plans or start new things. Get rid of bad thoughts and annoying people. This is the most difficult and unfavorable satanic day of the entire lunar month. It is recommended to light candles in the house to protect against the dark, unfavorable energy gathering over the world these days.

Be sure to carry out water procedures, take a shower before going to bed, and imagine how all the negative energy leaves with the water. During this period, it is good to reject everything unnecessary and superfluous, to get away from the hustle and bustle. It is advisable not to harbor resentment and forgive ill-wishers. Clean the house. Food should be light.

Today is the 30th lunar day
The symbol of the day is a golden swan.

This is a time of love, repentance and forgiveness, renunciation of unnecessary things, summing up. It is recommended to repay debts, as well as make room for starting new things. A trip to a museum or theater, a walk in the park, in general - peace of mind, relaxation and receiving small pleasures and joys will be useful. On this day, it is best to rest and not eat rough, heavy food. Dreams soon come true.

It is necessary to sum up the results of the past lunar cycle, pay off debts, and complete business. When you commit a bad deed, repent of it, ask for forgiveness and atone for your sins. Enter the new cycle unencumbered and pure. The food should be light, but satisfying. You should not drink a lot of liquid. Lighten your physical activity. Cleanse your home using various incense and holy images. Take up meditation, try to strengthen yourself in good thoughts. This lunar day does not happen in every lunar month, but if it happens, it carries only harmony, goodness, light and love.

Lunar day - what is it and where does it come from? And how to “live by them”?

Lunar day is a purely astronomical value, calculated mathematically, regardless of which zodiac the astrologer uses (tropical or sidereal, between which there is a 24-degree difference).

A lunar day is the size of an arc of 12 degrees (1/30 of 360 degrees, i.e. the entire circle) between the Moon and the Sun.

A new moon is when the positions of the Sun and Moon coincide absolutely. But now, the fast Moon begins to overtake the Sun again (as we observe it from the Earth)... 12 degrees have passed - the first lunar day is over. Another 12 (i.e. 24 in total) - the second lunar day is over. Etc.)

It does not happen that there are no first or last lunar days: there are first, full, and thirtieth, no less full.

Yes, lunar days do not have an exact time length, like solar days. They always differ from 24 hours by an hour or two, up or down. But the first and last days of the lunar month are always full.

And here the mystery is revealed))

Because there are mostly tables of lunar days circulating online, calculated using a different system. Where the first and last lunar day of the month sometimes does not happen.

Some astrologers write that there are lunar days - and lunar days, and there is no need to confuse them... However, I have not yet found a source or system for calculating these lunar days (by what principle they are calculated).

What is known is that the moments of the new moon and full moon in these two systems still coincide))

I tested the lunar day system in practice - it works! The lunar day is one of the most important moments in the astrology of choice (selection of a date for the start of an important task or event), mistakes cannot be made here.

Lunar days are different in character. They can be divided into groups - according to the results we get.

So, for example, 4, 9, 14 lunar days of the first and second half of the lunar month (i.e. 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29 days) are otherwise called “empty hands”. No material activity (especially related to receiving something) will bring results these days. Therefore, these days are recommended to work with your inner world; they are good for spiritual practice, cleansing the mental and physical.

But 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 lunar days are “fullness”. You can start anything! True, I would exclude the 15th and 30th days from here. Very ambiguous results can be obtained on a full or absent Moon, it is better not to take risks (or know exactly what kind of things are good for such days, and be able to cope with the condition of yourself and those around you).

To select the time of important undertakings, the nakshatra (the position of the Moon relative to the stars) and some other factors are also taken into account. But this is a completely different topic, which I give in detail in the one-day course #astrology_for_non-astrologers “The Beginning of Glorious Deeds” (you can sign up for June, July or September).

I'll add:

1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26 lunar days (tithi - Sanskrit) - “satisfaction” (give an average result for starting important things);

2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27 - “sage”, also an average result;

3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28 - “win”, you can start important things and they will be successful.

And so that you don’t get confused about the lunar day, here’s a calendar for the current month :) Download in original size, unfold and use!)

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 08/1/2019 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Lunar day today, August 11, 2019

On the date 11.08.2019 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". This 10 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Capricorn ♑. Illumination percentage Moon is 85%. Sunrise Moon at 18:01, and sunset at 00:35.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 10th lunar day from 16:58 08/10/2019 to 18:01 08/11/2019
  • 11th lunar day from 18:01 08/11/2019 until the next day

Moon influence August 11, 2019

Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn (±)

Moon in a sign Capricorn. This is not the best time to communicate with government agencies and government officials. In money matters, not everything is smooth either. There is a high probability of delays in receiving profits, and losses are also possible.

On the other hand, resolving issues with real estate, as well as all kinds of organizational matters, should proceed without any serious complications. It's a good idea to take a short trip through the mountainous areas or visit a ski resort these days.

10th lunar day (+)

August 11, 2019 at 12:00 - 10 lunar day. A favorable time for creativity, love and spiritual quests. Absolutely any business, both important and not so important, is progressing well. If unpleasant events happen, which in itself is unlikely, they will be short-lived and will not cause any significant harm.

Waxing Moon (±)

The moon is in phase Waxing Crescent. The second lunar phase is the interval between the first lunar quarter and the full moon. During this period, the active growth of the Moon continues. The second phase is characterized by an even more significant increase in energy and internal forces, and strongly expressed activity.

In the business sphere, a favorable time begins for carrying out planned activities, solving difficult issues and problems. Things that require a lot of activity will not be difficult.

During the second lunar phase, physical activity can be useful; it is during this period that it is good to start new workouts. Changes in absolutely all areas of activity are favorable, both in relationships on a personal level and in business.

Not a bad time to move, travel, change your activity. Life energy gathers more and more and closer to the full moon its peak is noted. This period is characterized by emotional outbursts, increasingly frequent conflicts, and the emergence of traumatic situations.

Day of week influence (±)

Day of the week - Sunday, this day walks under the Sun, because it is permeated with its cheerful, invigorating energy and imparts good power to people.

Since ancient times, Sunday has been reserved for rest, for work not of the body, but of the spirit. And people communicate with each other with pleasure, meet to spend time in conversations, games, and pleasures. This is a day of Sunday festivities, going to visit at the call of the soul, which straightens up after a week of fatigue and work, washed by friendly participation and unity. Sunday is for light work, not hard work.

Ruling planet of Capricorn: Saturn.

Capricorn talismans: black cat, devil, stairs.

Capricorn character: Reserved, cold, practical, focused, diligent, with a strong will and great internal energy.

Capricorns differ from other signs in their great ambitions and practicality. They like to plan their lives and set specific goals, which they begin to persistently strive for. Their life can be compared to climbers: they take a certain height and begin to conquer little by little, and no matter what the speed of achievement will be, it is important that they conquer this peak, and the time will come to set a new task and also move towards it.

The zodiac sign Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, and in English there is even an adjective “Saturnian”, which corresponds to the concepts of “gloomy”, “leaden”. Usually this refers to such traits as lethargy, inertia, gloominess, which often corresponds to the behavior of the sign. Capricorns are intolerant of frivolity. It doesn't matter to them whether others notice their capabilities, since they value themselves highly. Capricorn has excellent intuition, which he shows in the fight for his independence and economic security.

Capricorns achieve great success in politics. Capricorns often have a long life. It is worth monitoring the general condition of the spine and preventing general hypothermia. Do various gymnastics aimed at strengthening the spinal column. Take care of your teeth and visit your dentist often for checkups.

There are often workaholics among them. This is the most serious sign of all. They have the ability to plan everything and, first of all, their main plan is their own life. In their youth, many of them have very real outlines of what they are going to do and when. For example, finish your studies, find a good job, have a family, children, career growth, and so on.

It may seem strange, but most Capricorns manage to bring everything to life. Positive emotions during work are an indispensable condition for good income for Capricorn; a joyless, unloved job will bring him nothing but disappointment.

In this article we will analyze lunar days and their meaning. Characteristics of lunar days - what is it? It is known that with the help of the earth’s satellite calendar, you can learn to live more fully and harmoniously: to positively influence relationships, health and other areas of human activity. He is the wisdom that came to us from ancient times.

Lunar cycle

So, the cycle of the Earth's satellite lasts 29-30 days. A complete cycle lasts 30 days, and an incomplete one - 29. A partial lunar cycle negatively affects the next one.

So, if a person falls ill on the first day, which came after the previous incomplete revolution, then healing takes a long time. A lunar month is considered negative when a young or full night star is visible in the sky.


The characteristics of the lunar day and their meaning are important for many people. It is known to last from one sunrise to another of the night luminary. The exception is the first day, its beginning coincides with the new moon. Days differ from each other: some can last only a couple of hours, others up to 24.


Now let’s take a closer look at the calendar of lunar days and days: interpretation, meaning of its phases.

  • A new moon occurs when the Earth's satellite and the Sun move. It affects people for several days. During this period, many may complain of mental imbalance, fatigue, and weakness. It is recommended to rest during the new moon.
  • The growing month is determined simply. If you draw an imaginary line between the two “horns”, the letter “P” should appear. The magnification of the Earth's satellite includes the first and second quarter. In the first segment, you need to plan what you want to achieve. The second is a wonderful time to implement your plans. Energy power reaches its peak, the chances of success increase significantly. However, promotional work should be done closer to the next phase.
  • What is a full moon? These are days from the 14th to the 16th. During this period, nervousness is observed, conflicts with people, accidents, and disasters are possible.
  • After the full moon, the descending phase begins, during which you need to analyze your failures and achievements, and complete the things you started. These days you can quit smoking, lose excess weight, have a successful operation. In the third quarter, it is better not to start projects that you cannot complete before the start of the new lunar month. In the fourth segment, you need to engage in awareness and analysis of the wisdom of being, since this is a period of passivity.

Name day

The characteristics of lunar days and their meaning are described in many books. You need to know the birthday associated with the night luminary in order to understand the deep qualities of your personality. Do you want to find out what day of the moon you were born on? Open the Earth satellite calendar and look at the time of your name day.

Many argue that the horoscope of the queen of the night tells about karma, since the amount of cargo brought from previous incarnations depends on the lunar phase of a person’s birth.

Inexperienced people

The closer to the new moon a person is born, the younger and more tender his soul is, the more strongly the queen of the night influences him. Such people have little experience, they are just beginning the cycle of life, therefore they are vulnerable, open to everything new, responsive and inquisitive.

Emotional Individuals

The characteristics of lunar days and their meaning are valuable material accumulated by many generations of people. If a person was born a second time, it means that he has a lot of experience, but in the past he did not go through difficult trials. As a rule, at this time, emotional and receptive people who know how to control themselves are born.

Temperamental people

So, let's continue to look at the lunar calendar. The description and characteristics of the lunar day disturb our consciousness. What kind of people are born at the moment when the night star has grown completely? These are temperamental individuals, full of energy, sometimes using it ineptly. They are contradictory in nature and have contrasting qualities. Such people are often dissatisfied with themselves, their personal life is very problematic.

Solar eclipses sometimes occur during the full moon. It is especially unfavorable to be born on such a day, since you cannot change anything in your destiny at your own request; almost nothing depends on the person.

Experienced individuals

During the third lunar phase, experienced people are born who have seen a lot in previous reincarnations. They constantly feel like they already know enough, but they still have a lot of adventures ahead of them.

Erudite personalities

In fact, the characteristics of lunar days and their meaning are studied by those people who want to know the meaning of their existence. What are individuals born in the fourth phase like? Their cycle of incarnations is at its final stage. They are born with enormous emotional experience, know how to control themselves, and hide their feelings well. These people have seen a lot, encountered good and evil, and in the depths of their souls they keep what others do not yet know.


What are lunar days like? Description, characteristics, their meaning - we will now consider all this in as much detail as possible. A lunar month, as a rule, consists of 30 days, but sometimes it can last 29, and then unfavorable days appear most acutely, and events occur unexpectedly and abruptly.

The first day begins at the moment of the conjunction of the queen of the night and the Sun. Because of this process, at first the Earth's satellite is not visible in the night sky, but after a few days a thin, gradually enlarging crescent appears.

The lunar month is divided into four weeks (phases), which depend on the location of the night luminary relative to the Sun. From 1 to 15 days the sickle grows, from 15 to 30 it decreases. What mysteries does a lunar day conceal? And are you also interested in the characteristics of the days of the earth’s satellite? We invite you to know their following specific features:

  • The first lunar day provides us with an exceptional opportunity to set the pace for the whole month, to reflect on changes in ourselves and in our environment, and on improving our own lives. dreams, thoughts, but no actions. It is good for analyzing the past, reviewing old quarrels, and extracting morals. If you forgive all offenders during this period, then negative memories may disappear. Sometimes such a day can last only a couple of minutes, during which you can’t think about bad things, make trouble, or be too enterprising.
  • The second day is suitable for showing generosity and hospitality: make pleasant surprises for your loved ones, set the table, invite guests. During this period, it is forbidden to be angry, as your health may deteriorate.
  • On the third day, you need to move on to the actual actions and projects that you planned in the first part of the month. It is recommended to start playing sports so that the accumulated energy in the body does not stagnate. On this day you cannot show negative emotions.
  • The fourth day is suitable for solitude. Its energy is considered negative, as temptations and temptations are possible. On this day you cannot work in a team and make hasty decisions.
  • The fifth day is good for creative activity and travel. During this period, you can gain new knowledge and you cannot go hungry.
  • On the sixth day, you need to do your daily routine work. You should accept everything around you as it is; you cannot complain about your loved ones and life. This is a period of meditation and experimentation.
  • On the seventh day, be more prudent about everything that is said, since thoughts spoken out loud can come true. This is a good time for good wishes, the fight for justice, and a bad time for lies and long-term affairs.
  • The eighth day is a period of repentance and forgiveness. This is a good time for fasting, confessions, decisive actions, travel, and a bad time for practicing with fire.
  • On the ninth day, the Moon changes phase from the first to the second, so it is considered one of the unfavorable ones. During this period, you can become a victim of illusions and deception, and fears may worsen. This time is suitable for work and not suitable for meetings and showdowns.
  • The tenth day is good for active rest, reconciliation and is not suitable for passivity. After the change of lunar phases, the flow of energy increases, so during this period it is necessary to direct it in the right direction.
  • The eleventh day is the most powerful in terms of the influence of the Moon. It is suitable for caring for loved ones, gifts, travel and is not suitable for passivity and excessive activity.
  • The twelfth day is very positive and bright. If its energy is used correctly, it can bring a lot of happiness. This is a good time for weddings, good deeds, solitude, and a bad time for quarrels and pity.
  • On the thirteenth day, situations of the past are repeated, old problems return. During this period, you need to forgive old grievances and engage in group work.
  • The fourteenth day is suitable for starting some serious business. During this period, you need to pay attention to any advice and engage in physical activity. It is not recommended to be sad and drink a lot of liquid.
  • The fifteenth day falls on the full moon, which is why it is called critical. This is a good time for abstinence, control, and a bad time for temptation, revelry, and holidays.
  • The sixteenth day is suitable for spiritual cleansing and harmony. This is a great time for peace, marriage, and creativity. It is not suitable for quarrels and loud music.
  • The seventeenth day is intended for fun and relaxation. This is a good time for celebrations, dancing, and a bad time for bustle, important affairs and promises.
  • The fun and joy of the past day is replaced by the sadness and despondency of the eighteenth day. This time is suitable for passivity, solitude and not suitable for resentment, illusions and imitation.
  • The nineteenth day is not the most prosperous day of the month, but it is needed to cleanse the conscience and soul. This is a good time for prayer, creativity and a bad time for making important decisions.
  • On the twentieth day, it is forbidden to start new things, as everything may not go as planned. This is a great time for making decisions (you need to forget about arrogance and anger during this period).
  • The twenty-first day is good for showing determination; you even need to take risks in some things. This time is good for courage, honesty, discussion of problems, teamwork and not good for solitude.
  • On the twenty-second day it is recommended to obtain and use knowledge. This is a good time for new ideas and self-education, and a bad time for conservatism.
  • The twenty-third day is unfavorable, as it can cause negative emotions. During this period, the lunar phases change, so aggressiveness may increase. This is a good time for abstinence and repentance, and a bad time for revenge and adventures.
  • The twenty-fourth day is not the most pleasant, as sad thoughts, apathy, and melancholy may appear. This is a good period for increased attentiveness, playing sports, and a bad period for sadness and passivity.
  • The twenty-fifth day is not meant for fuss; it is better to be alone. This is a good period for completing projects and a bad period for activity.
  • The twenty-sixth day is suitable for rest and not suitable for shopping, boasting, or gossip.
  • The twenty-seventh day is associated with water procedures, sea voyages, and water. This is a good period for reflection, music and a bad period for immersion in routine.
  • The twenty-eighth day is favorable and bright. It is at this time that you can enjoy inner harmony and a great mood, but you cannot implement new ideas.
  • The twenty-ninth day is the most disgusting day of the month. It begins just before the new moon, so people should beware of unwanted contacts, a waste of time and effort. During this period, you need to do routine things.
  • The thirtieth day is the last day of the lunar month, it is called positive and harmonious. At this time, it is advised to pay off all debts in order to enter a new cycle with a clear conscience. This is a good period for completing projects, repentance, and a bad period for new plans and vanity.

Calendar and magic

What role do lunar days play in magic? The characteristics of lunar days in this area differ in some nuances. It is known that witchcraft obeys the night luminary. Today it is difficult to imagine that from the beginning of time the entire human race lived according to the lunar calendar. This night queen, shimmering with a mysterious cold light, still rules over us. She not only controls people, the richness of the harvest in gardens and fields depends on her, the oceans and seas are subordinate to her.

This is why the lunar calendar, characteristics, and meaning of lunar days are studied by many people. Is there any point in being perplexed because it is the Earth’s satellite that patronizes mysterious magical powers? All astral currents are in the power of this powerful luminary, like the tides of the sea. The success of witchcraft rituals performed on a given day depends on it. That is why all natural magicians check the lunar calendar before work.