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Icon for trade and business. For successful trading (buying and selling)


Sellers of services and goods read prayers for good and successful trading . You can find out which prayer for trading to increase sales is the strongest only by reading the prayers one by one (on different days). Only in this way can you find out an effective prayer for attracting buyers, clients increasing trade turnover with profit and suitable for your business. Orthodox prayer for good luck in work for luck in trade is a powerful magical means of sinlessly increasing the sale of goods and attracting buyers. This method will help you determine which patron saint for trading your goods will help increase sales and quickly sell the goods. Vanga said that there are holy icons that help people on their life path. For business, you need to read prayers to the Saints who help in trade, these are Spiridon, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov and John of Sochavsky.

The most powerful prayer for successful trading

For good luck in the trading business, you need to read the most powerful prayer to your guardian angel intended for material well-being.For good luck in business, you need to start every working day by reading this prayer for trading to the Guardian Angel. By reading this prayer every day, your trading will go well, success will always await you in any business, and the profit from trading will be as large as possible.The text of the trading prayer that needs to be read before starting trading:

I appeal to you, angel of Christ.

Even if he protected me and protected me, he kept me, for I have not sinned before, so I will not sin in the future against faith.

So respond now, come down on me and help me.

I worked very hard, now you see my honest hands with which I worked.

So let it be, as Scripture teaches, that labor will be rewarded.

Reward me according to my labors, so that my weary hand may be filled,

And I could live comfortably and serve God.

Fulfill the will of the Almighty and bless me with earthly bounties according to my labors.


Prayer for good trading

Traders and merchants at all times turned to the help of the spirit world and the gods, wanting to improve business in trade and get more money from the sale of goods. In our world of technology, people are increasingly returning to the ancient origins of white magic. For your trade to go well, you need to read a prayer that helps increase sales, designed to attract customers. It is known that with the blessing of Patriarch Kirill, St. Joseph, Abbot of Volotsk the Wonderworker, who helps merchants quickly sell their goods, was declared the heavenly patron of Orthodox entrepreneurship. Dedicated to this Saint prayer for good trading:

O blessed and ever-glorious Father Joseph!
Your greatness leads to boldness towards God and to your
resorting to firm intercession, in contrition of heart we pray to you:

Illuminate us with the light of the grace given to you, with your prayers help us the stormy sea of ​​this life
pass serenely and safely reach the haven of salvation:

Enslaved by vain things, sin-loving, infirmities that arise from the evils that have befallen us,
To whom shall we resort if not to you, who has shown the inexhaustible wealth of mercy in your earthly life?

We believe that after your departure you acquired the greatest gift of showing mercy to the needy.

Therefore, as we now fall before your celibate icon, we tenderly ask you, Holy One of God:

Having been tempted yourself, help us who are tempted;

By fasting and vigil, trample down the demonic power, and protect us from enemy attacks;

Fed by the hunger of the perishing, ask us from the Lord for an abundance of the fruits of the earth and all that is needed for salvation;

Confounded by heretical wisdom, protect the Holy Church from heresies and schisms, from confusion with your prayers:

Let us all think in the same way, with one heart glorifying the Holy, Consubstantial, Life-giving and Indivisible Trinity,

Father and Son and Holy Spirit, to all ages.


This prayer for trade was read by the monks who sold their surplus, and they knew exactly how to improve trade by making more profit from the sale of goods. So, all monks from monasteries read this exact text of prayer before any sale, receiving maximum profit from trading.

Prayer for trade to John of Sochavsky for good trade

St. John of Sochava was a merchant during his lifetime, having read a prayer to him and asking for help in selling, he will definitely help make your trade good and profitable, and will protect you from the evil eye! For good luck in the trading business, purchase his icon in the church; before each trading day, place a candle in front of his icon and read the text of the prayer to John of Sochava for trading. In order for the effect to be faster and trade to go better, you should order a water-blessing prayer service to John of Sochava in the church. On the trading platform, be sure to keep the icon of John of Sochava. It will serve as a talisman in trade and bring good luck to your business, as well as ward off the evil eye and damage from envious people and competitors. The text of the prayer is:

O holy servant of God, John! Having fought the good fight on earth,

You have received in Heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him.

Likewise looking at your holy image,

We rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory.

You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God,

To forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil,

May you be freed from sorrows, illnesses, misfortunes and misfortunes and all evil,

Let us live piously and righteously in this present world and be honored by your intercession,

Even though we are unworthy, we will see good things on the land of the living,

Glorifying the One in His saints, glorifying God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever.


Prayer for trade to Seraphim of Sarov for good trade

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov for good trading read by everyone who is involved in buying and selling - these are realtors, sellers, stock exchange workers before the start of trading, they pray to St. Seraphim of Sarov for good luck in trade transactions. Read the text below of the prayer for good and successful trading to Seraphim of Sarov, may luck contribute successfully in all areas of the trading business. Read the text of the prayer for trade to Seraphim of Sarov:

O Most Wonderful Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker!
O quick and obedient helper to all who come running to You!
In the days of Your earthly life, no one else
I am tired and inconsolable from You,
But all in sweetness was the vision of Your face
And the God-loving voice of your words.
Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight,
The gift of healing for weak souls is abundant in You.
When God called You from earthly labors
To heavenly peace,
Greater than your love, your fingers are from us,
And it is impossible to count Your miracles,
Multiplied like the stars of heaven:
Behold, throughout all the ends of our land
Appear to the people of God and grant them healing.
In the same way we cry out to Ti,
O most quiet and meek Servant of God,
Bold prayer book with him,
Nikolizhe, who calls you, reject him!
Offer up Your merciful prayer to the Lord of hosts for us,
May He grant us all the good things in this life
And everything is useful for spiritual salvation,
May he protect us from the falls of sins
And may he teach us true repentance,
In still unhindered penetration on
To the eternal Kingdom of Heaven,
The idea is that You are now in everlasting glory,
And sing there with all the saints
Life-giving Trinity forever and ever.

Prayer for trade to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

People offer their prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker on every occasion, and he is not ignored by merchants who, when reading prayers for trade, turn to this saint for help. It was this strong prayer for trade, which must be read in front of the icon of St. Nicholas, that helped many to avoid ruin during the crisis, and if you read the text of this prayer, the trading business will improve and go to the top. In the church When reading a prayer for trade, light a candle to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker :

Oh, all-validated and all-honorable bishop, great miracle worker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas, man of God, and faithful servant, man of desires, chosen vessel, strong pillar of the church, bright lamp, shining star and illuminating the whole universe, you are a righteous man, like a flourishing phoenix , planted in the courts of your Lord: living in Mireh, you were fragrant with myrrh, and you exuded the ever-flowing grace of God. By your procession, holy father, the sea was sanctified, when your many-wonderful relics marched to the city of Barsky, from east to west to praise the name of the Lord. Oh, most graceful and marvelous miracle worker, quick helper, warm intercessor, kind shepherd, saving the verbal flock from all troubles, we glorify you, we magnify you, as the hope of all Christians, the source of miracles, the protector of the faithful, the wise teacher, the hungry for the feeder, the weeping joy, the naked the robe , a sick doctor, a steward floating on the sea, a liberator of captives, a nourisher and protector of widows and orphans, a guardian of chastity, a meek chastiser of infants, an old fortress, a fasting mentor, a rest for the toiling, abundant wealth for the poor and wretched. Hear us praying to you and running under your roof, show your intercession for us to the Most High and intercede with your God-pleasing prayers all that is useful for the salvation of our souls and bodies: preserve this holy monastery (or: this temple), every city and all, and every Christian country, living people, from all bitterness with your help: we know, we know that the prayer of the righteous can do much, hastening for good: for you, the righteous, according to the most blessed Virgin Mary, intercessor to the All-Merciful God, imams, to yours, most kind father, warm intercession and We humbly come to intercession: protect us like a cheerful and good shepherd, from all enemies, destruction, cowardice, hail, famine, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, and in all our troubles and sorrows, give us a helping hand and open the doors of God’s mercy ; We are still unworthy to behold the heights of heaven, because of the multitude of our iniquities: we are bound by sinful bonds, and neither have we created the will of our Creator, nor have we kept His commandments. By the same token, we bow our contrite and humble hearts to our Creator, and we ask for your fatherly intercession to him: help us, servant of God, so that we do not perish with our iniquities, deliver us from all evil, from all things that are resistant, guide our minds, strengthen our heart is in the right faith, in it, through your intercession and intercession, we will not be belittled by wounds, nor rebuke, nor by pestilence, nor by any wrath from our Creator, but we will live a peaceful life here, so that we may be honored to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God glorified and worshiped in the Trinity, now ever and ever and ever. Amen.

To protect yourself from troubles and troubles, as well as from the evil eye and damage to your business, hang in your office or premises where you sell icons of the patron saints of sellers and those who promote good trade and successful sales. To improve your trading, start your working day by reading a trading prayer to the Patron Saint, and when you finish trading, thank him for his help in selling. By performing these simple rituals of white magic, your business will quickly grow and trade will always bring maximum profit.

© Copyright: Magician

  • Conspiracies for excellent trade and business have always been read by successful people, but it is not customary to talk about the ritual that attracts buyers and clients for the quick sale of goods. You will not find conspiracies in any books that will tell you about a strong conspiracy that brings good luck in trading and good sales - Vanga told the conspiracy that improves trading only a few times! The spell for good trading and good luck in business needs to be read on a poppy. A magical ritual using poppy seeds is done independently at the counter where you sell. On any day of the waxing moon, buy a glass of poppy seeds and a new handkerchief to read a conspiracy to improve trade.

  • Strong conspiracies for trading need to be read for good luck in any business related to sales, Vanga said. The most powerful conspiracy for improving trade told by Vanga needs to be read for sugar once a week, the next week the conspiracy must be repeated. Sellers large and small believe in the power of magic, especially when it comes to luck at work. Many people involved in sales use a conspiracy that will attract buyers and raise income, while leaving the price stable. There are many traders, but without magic, not many are able to sell their goods profitably. This conspiracy from Vanga’s book on trading helps many sellers quickly and profitably sell goods and increase sales. You need to read the plot for sugar at work. For a magical ritual to attract a buyer and good luck in trading, you need red clothes (shirt, dress, scarf) in which you will trade. You probably remember that in many old pictures merchants wear red shirts or boots! This color in clothing has a special magical meaning and spells will tell you what to do next. Vanga told the traders to lure luck with sugar and red clothes. Having chosen any red attribute of clothing (even a handkerchief), sew a piece of sugar into it with red threads and say a spell for good and successful trading:

  • Rituals and conspiracies for trade and good business help traders quickly and profitably sell any product. In order for the business to be successful and the luck that favors you to allow you to trade quickly and with the greatest profit, before opening, read the most powerful spell on your own and carry out a ritual for trading in salt. To attract customers, you need to take everything from the salt shaker every time that is in the salt shaker at home. In the morning before the store (outlet) opens, take the salt you brought with you into your hand and throw it with your right hand over your left shoulder, quickly saying a conspiracy to trade:

    The best and most powerful spell for good luck in trading to attract buyers and big money Vanga revealed a money plot for successful trading and warding off the evil eye on honey and holy water, which you need to read yourself at the point of sale every third day of the month, regardless of the moon and your condition, even If you are sick and don’t have the strength to go to work, you can’t skip the money ceremony! Keep this in mind before reading a conspiracy for good luck in trading that attracts big money and rich clients. If you are ready to carry out a ritual to attract cash flow to your business and increase sales with the greatest benefit for yourself, buy natural honey and pour a bottle of holy water in the church. We remind you that Vanga ordered to read the plot for good luck in trading and big money strictly on the 3rd! In the morning, come to the workplace where you trade so that no one sees, pour holy water into a cup, dissolve a spoonful of honey in it, read the money plot above the cup:

  • Spells and prayers for brisk trade and business will bring a daily increase in sales. The seller who performed the ritual to make trade go better will quickly increase his profit; after reading the spell or prayer, you will be able to sell what you need quickly and profitably. Prayer for brisk trade helps to lure a buyer by quickly selling the goods. If, after prayer, you read a conspiracy for brisk trade from Vanga, which helps to remove competitors with magic and lure their customers to you. It will not be a secret to anyone that sellers want to sell all their goods as quickly as possible, and when there are many competitors around, a prayer for increased sales is supported by magic and a conspiracy is read so that competitors do not have trade. The conspiracy is capable of luring customers away from a competitor for 1 day, quickly conducting profitable transactions and selling everything at the best price.

  • To improve trade quickly and successfully sell all goods, Vanga advised reading this ancient conspiracy of successful merchants to attract a buyer and turn any sale into a brisk sale of goods. Also, to improve sales, any seller in a store or tent should have an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which helped boost business and improve sales, sales grow significantly and turnover raises the business to a new level. You need to read the conspiracy to trade on any piece of fabric which should be used to wipe off the “dust” from the counter. At the moment when you wipe the counter or store window, read the ancient and very powerful conspiracy to trade:

  • If you want to use magic to ensure that you always have success in trading and that your profits from sales grow, read the old conspiracy of a successful seller. A conspiracy for good trading to attract buyers should be read daily. The conspiracy will make sure that competitors have no trade and buyers will queue up for you. Immediately after the ceremony you will see how great the power of money magic is. After reading the plot, your business will grow and bring more profit. The plot is read for the largest coin that is in your wallet before the start of the working day and the start of trading

  • All sellers know how easy it is to frighten off luck in trading and jinx the goods so that the buyer will be “empty”. To ensure that your product always sells well, there is good trade and every buyer becomes a regular customer, you need good protection from the evil eye and envy. Trade protection is done once a month on the 19th for the most common nickel. By performing this simple action, no one will ever jinx your product and you will always have a good buyer. You need to take any nickel in your hand and cross yourself, the counter and the product with it, read a good white conspiracy that protects the product and you from the evil eye:

The economic crisis has affected everyone, including those involved in business. Trade is especially affected, because people simply do not have enough money to buy everything they did before. Therefore, many believers are looking for a strong prayer for trading, they can be understood. You will find the necessary texts at the end of this article.

Who can you ask for successful trading?

The first thing you should always do is turn to God Himself - do not be shy and think that these are too small matters that the Lord of the universe does not care about. He loves you enough to come down from heaven and die on the cross, so you should always turn to Jesus. First, thank you - at least for the fact that you got out of bed, but many did not wake up today. For water and air, for food, clothing, relatives. You should develop a sense of gratitude in yourself in order to be able to accept gifts.

A strong prayer for trade can also be addressed to many Orthodox saints. Here are some of them:

  • Spiridon of Trimifuntsky - helps everyone who is experiencing difficulties with money.
  • John the New, Great Martyr - will help in establishing a business.
  • Joseph Volotsky, Rev. - officially named by the church as the patron saint of Orthodox entrepreneurship and economic activity.

Below we will talk about each of these saints and why they are considered the patrons of businessmen. After all, it is useful to know the history of the saint in order to feel closeness with him, then the prayer for trade will be stronger. Many people think that the saints lived isolated from the world, but this is not always the case; many were ordinary people who heard the call of Christ and followed it. That’s why people like to contact them, because they trust them.

Prayers for those in sales

Not everyone has easy access to goods these days. It is not so important what exactly is being sold - services, products or art. Everyone can take advantage of God's grace by reading powerful prayers for trading. They should be combined with some spiritual abstinence: avoiding harsh treatment of employees, not withholding wages, and paying taxes honestly. Only in this case can you count on God to bless your enterprise.

Prayer to St. Joseph of Volotsky for success in trading

O blessed and ever-glorious Father Joseph! Leading your great boldness to God and resorting to your firm intercession, in contrition of heart we pray to you: illumine us with the light of the grace given to you and with your prayers help us to pass through the stormy sea of ​​this life serenely and to reach the haven of salvation without blemish: enslave us to vain things, and love sin, and if weakness arises from the evils that have befallen us, to whom shall we resort if not to you, who showed the inexhaustible wealth of mercy in your earthly life? We believe that even after your departure you acquired the greatest gift of showing mercy to those in need. Therefore, as we now fall before your celibate icon, we tenderly ask you, holy saint of God: having been tempted yourself, help us who are tempted; by fasting and vigil, trample down the demonic power, and protect us from enemy attacks; nourished by the hunger of the perishing, and ask us from the Lord for an abundance of the fruits of the earth and all that is necessary for salvation; Having put to shame heretical wisdom, protect the Holy Church from heresies and schisms and confusion with your prayers: let us all think in the same way, with one heart glorifying the Holy, Consubstantial, Life-giving and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, for all ages. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr John of Sochava for trade

Holy, glorious and all-praised great martyr of Christ, John, undoubted intercessor for our salvation. We pray to Thee, Thy servants, who gather today in the Divine Temple and the race of Thy holy relics; Be merciful as we are, those who are far away and who call upon Thy aid and Thy martyr's suffering with praises. Ask us all from the most merciful Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ for forgiveness and remission of the sins we have committed to this day and hour. Keep us unharmed from all the wiles of the evil one and keep our life unharmed from all evils of soul and body, always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to St. Spyridon the Wonderworker of Trimifunt for the sale of goods

O great and wonderful saint of Christ and miracle worker Spyridon, Kerkyra praise, bright luminary of the whole universe, warm prayer book to God and quick intercessor to all who come running to you and pray with faith! You gloriously explained the Orthodox faith at the Nicene Council among the fathers, you showed the trinity of the Holy Trinity with miraculous power and you completely put the heretics to shame. Hear us sinners, the saint of Christ, praying to you, and through your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from every evil situation: from famine, flood, fire and deadly plagues. For in your temporal life you delivered your people from all these disasters: you saved your country from the invasion of the Hagarians and from famine, you delivered the king from an incurable illness and brought many sinners to repentance, you gloriously raised the dead, and for the holiness of your life the angels , invisibly in the church singing and serving with you, you had. Sitsa, then, glorify you, His faithful servant, Lord Christ, for you are given the gift of understanding all the secret human deeds and convicting those who live unrighteously. You have diligently helped many who live in poverty and lack; you have nourished the poor people abundantly during famine, and you have created many other signs through the power of the living Spirit of God within you. Do not forsake us either, Saint of Christ, remember us, your children, at the Throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, a shameless and peaceful death, and eternal bliss in the future vouchsafes us, so that we may always send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Wonderworker from Volokolamsk

It may be hard for some to believe, but for monasteries to flourish, leaders need not only the gift of prayer, but also economic talent, which does not contradict the Bible. Joseph Volotsky possessed it in full. How could a community of people not employed in other structures survive? They sold their own goods, raised livestock, and planted fields. You don’t have to be poor to be saved - by increasing your material wealth, you can spend more on goals pleasing to Christ. This is how the founder of the monastery reasoned.

And there is no contradiction here - after all, successful trade supports prayer (giving monks shelter and food), and prayer supports business, asking for blessings from God. Only acquisitiveness deserves condemnation, that is, greed, the desire to save money for personal needs. But this was not the case with Father Joseph - he walked around like everyone else, in rags, worked with an axe, sang and read at services in the temple. Therefore, his prayer will be very strong before God.

Saint Spyridon - how he helps in trade

This is one of the most powerful Orthodox miracle workers who lived in the first centuries of Christianity. Why do people turn to him to develop trade? Father Spiridon was known for loving believers very much and always caring for them. When money came into his hands, he distributed it to those in need, leaving nothing for himself. For such an abundance of love in his heart, the Lord rewarded him with great strength. The humble shepherd even knew how to resurrect the dead, healed from any ailments, and cast out evil spirits from the possessed.

One day, thieves broke into his sheepfold, wanting to steal sheep. After all, even today not everyone can buy this animal. But an invisible force immediately shackled the villains. In the morning St. Spiridon discovered the robbers, untied them, gave them a sheep and released them.

The storerooms that Bishop Spyridon had were never locked. He always distributed part of the harvest to the poor, and those who could return it borrowed it. Everything was built on complete trust in people. During a drought, the saint could shine rain on the earth with his prayer. After all, the survival of people directly depended on the harvest. He does not forget the Orthodox today - he walks the earth, helping people, blessing honest trade.

John - prayer for trade

Righteous John lived in Trebizond, on the shores of the Black Sea. His main occupation was trade. He was of a peaceful character, fasted, and showed mercy to the weak and poor. As the Scripture says, he who gives more will receive more. This is true not only for life in the next century, but also applies to trade in goods. By giving alms abundantly and spending money on charity, a person will prosper.

But one day John had to sail on the ship of a pagan, who was envious and vindictive and wanted to destroy the merchant because he was a Christian. He lured him to the pagan mayor, who imprisoned the righteous man and began to torture him. John had to endure many sufferings for confessing Christ until his head was cut off. At night, singing angels were seen over his body.

Having learned about such a miracle, the torturer was afraid of retribution and ordered the body to be given to Christians, who buried it in a local church. The saint’s powerful prayers brought healing to those who sincerely prayed near his honest relics. Since he himself was involved in business during his lifetime, today he supports those who do not deceive their customers, conduct business honestly, and support the poor.

The article will help you advance your personal business and achieve successful trading by reading prayers and spells.

Trade is a delicate matter. Its success depends on many factors: the number of buyers, their mood, interest and even weather conditions. Sellers, whether they are ordinary home-harvest traders or boutique owners, are superstitious people.

Prayers will help you be confident not only in yourself, but also in successful trading. As a rule, such prayers are completely harmless and are needed in order to attract positive energy. There are no special rules for reading the prayer, but it is best to read it in the morning before the start of the working day.

  • Get yourself in order in the morning, free your mind and soul from negativity.
  • Stand in front of the icon (you choose it yourself) and read the prayer in a confident but quiet voice.
  • You can read the prayer at home or at your workplace (or both).
  • After prayer, thank the Lord for everything he has done for you and begin your work confidently.

Prayers for trading:

To protect both yourself and your business

Prayer to the Honest Cross of the Lord

Symbol of faith

Orthodox prayers after trading: how and to whom to read?

Reading a prayer– it’s a special personal matter for everyone and there are no strict rules for this. It is only important to pronounce every word with love and faith, without being embarrassed or ashamed of your occupation. The result of your communication with God depends on how truthfully and sincerely you express your thoughts.

After successful and even not the best trading (even if the day was not going well at all), it is important to thank the Lord for the opportunity to continue your business further, ask for forgiveness for negative thoughts and pray for a more successful next day. You can pray at any convenient time, immediately after the end of the working day or along with all the prayers before going to bed.

Before starting any business

At the end of the case

Prayer to Archangel Michael for trade: text

Archangel Michael is one of the most revered in Orthodoxy. He is famous for capable of protecting a person from a lot of evil:

  • He is the patron saint of warriors in the fight against evil
  • Able to protect the souls of the righteous who are heading to heaven, protecting them from enemies.
  • It is believed that Archangel Michael begs for all his sins for a person if he has done at least some good deeds in life.
  • Archangel Michael protects and heals the sick
  • People turn to Archangel Michael in any new matter, so that he can help him in any endeavors and carry them through safely.

IMPORTANT: Those who are engaged in business, personal affairs and trade often pray to Archangel Michael for the well-being and prosperity that this work can bring.

Prayer, text:

Archangel Michael: text

Icon of Archangel Michael

Prayer to Matrona for trade: text

With prayers and good work that can bring a person not only prosperity, but also happiness, people often turn to Matrona of Moscow. This face is famous for its ability to help a person find self-confidence and gain great spiritual strength to resist confusion and negativity.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow will not allow decline, fear, self-doubt and grief to arise in your soul. People who prayed to Matrona often find a successful business, or good wealth, harvest and profit. It is important not to ask Matrona for wealth, but only to pray for the well-being of the business and thank the Lord for all the benefits that he has given you.


Prayer to Matrona “About work”

Prayer to Matrona “About money” Icon of Matrona of Moscow

Prayer to John the New Sochavsky for trade: text

Great Martyr John the New, Sochavsky was known not only for being engaged in trade, but also for the fact that he was always kind and condescending to the poor people. To this day he is popular as the Protector of merchants, those who independently earn their living by private business. Many sellers and business owners thank the Great Martyr for the opportunity and availability of such work, and also ask him for help in the prosperity of their business.


For successful trading to St. John the Merciful

Martyr John the New (Sochavsky): prayer 1

Martyr John the New (Sochavsky): prayer 2

Great Martyr John of Sochava

Prayer for successful trading to Nicholas the Wonderworker: text

People who are currently experiencing hardships, doubts, problems, unemployment and illness often turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with prayers. Nicholas the Wonderworker helps save the soul from temptation, doubt and all the accumulated negativity. Such prayers are often addressed by traders and sellers who want to achieve success in their business.

Prayer and icon

A very strong prayer for trade to Seraphim of Sarov: text

This Saint is the Protector and Patron of any person seeking help in business or any personal matter. It is recommended to hang the icon of Seraphim of Sarov in retail outlets and in the office where you work.

Prayer: text

Icon of Seraphim of Sarov

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for trade: text

Each person has his own Guardian Angel, which is given by the Lord to him at birth and baptism. You can read prayers to your Guardian Angel for the well-being and advancement of your personal business; these prayers are often read by traders, sellers and businessmen.

This prayer is read in the morning

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for protection from failure

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for protection from poverty

Strong prayer for trade and sales to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky: text

Prayers are often read to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous to protect against lack of money. This Saint is popular among traders and people running their own businesses. Prayers are read to him to get rid of negativity and to attract good luck. Option 2 Option 3

Video: “Conspiracy for successful trading”

Many of us have probably experienced unpleasant situations when a seemingly strong business was in danger of collapse due to various circumstances. Whether this is happening by chance or your business has been jinxed can often be difficult to determine on your own.

But these troubles can be avoided if you turn to the Higher Powers for help every day. For this, and simply for safe and successful trading, there are special prayers. We will look further into which saints you need to pray to for good luck in trading matters.

The most powerful prayers for trading

Most entrepreneurs have already seen from their personal experience that after turning to the Patron Saints, business really improves in trade, the demand for goods grows, and good luck accompanies business.

Higher powers will help you save your business and protect your store or even just a stall at the market from ill-wishers and envious people, of whom there are so many around now, they will help you sell your goods faster, they will take away all the negativity and avert misfortune, and bring prosperity and happiness into your life.

For trade, prayer to the holy Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

This great ascetic of the church is loved and revered throughout Rus'. People turn to him with requests for help in various matters, and trade is just one of them. Seraphim of Sarov is usually addressed with a strong prayer in order to gain success, receive good revenue, profit and good luck in trading.

It will help you cope with the machinations of envious people who can jinx your business and protect you from scammers. You need to contact him if you have the feeling that you have been spoiled.

Priests advise carrying with you or hanging on the wall in a store or market near your trading place an icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov, so prayer to him will be more effective.

Miracle prayer for good luck in trading to Seraphim of Sarov

O most wonderful servant of God, holy Father Seraphim! O Great Wonderworker of Christ, helper to all those in need! Offer your prayers to Christ for me, may he help us and grant us all the beneficial and spiritually beneficial gifts. Protect us from the fall of sin and grant us true repentance. Let us enter into the kingdom of the Lord, where You now glorify Our Lord forever and ever. Amen.

Strong prayer for trading to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

This Christian saint is known not only to all Orthodox Christians, he is known all over the world under different names. People turn to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in various needs; prayers to him are especially miraculous in order to find help in trade matters and luck in business.

You need to contact the holy saint as often as possible with daily prayers, and he will definitely help in your trading affairs. They must be read with deep faith and hope for the help of the Patron Saint in front of his icon.

Oh, our good shepherd of Christ and God-wise sanctifier and mentor of the Lord, wise Father Nicholas! Hear me, a sinner, praying to you and calling on you to help with speedy representation. See me weak, persecuted by everyone and deprived of all blessings. My mind has darkened from cowardice, I appeal to you with tears, and I ask you, the holy servant of God will not leave his name in sinful captivity. May I not die in my evil deed, pray for me to your unworthy servant, our Creator and Lord, with whom you stand in heaven with the disembodied face of saints. O most graceful and wonderful intercessor and servant of Christ, the good shepherd, saving us sinners from all misfortunes! Feed the hungry, comfort the crying, and protect the faithful, and hear our prayers and protect us from the evil one! Hear us sinners, who humbly bow our knees before you, help us, intercessor of Christ, strengthen our hearts in faith, and deliver us from all evil! Lead us into the Kingdom of the Lord, and may we be worthy to glorify our Lord, in the name of the Son, Father, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Petition for good trade to John of Sochava

The Holy Great Martyr John of Sochava is the most famous patron of trade. For a long time, all traders and merchants on Russian soil prayed to him, and it is no coincidence - the saint himself was engaged in this business during his lifetime and, like no one else, he knows and understands how to help in trade matters and attract wealth.

He spent many years traveling to various overseas countries in search of rare goods on his ship, but at the same time he always remained a kind and honest person, never deceived people and always made honest deals.

It so happened that in one of the cities where he arrived, the saint had to suffer for his faith in Christ.

St. John of Sochava helps not only traders and sellers, but can also help in concluding important transactions and finding business partners.

Prayer for trade and prosperity in business to St. John Sochavsky

Oh, Holy Great Martyr of Christ! Look down on us sinners, sitting in the heavenly palace on us sinners who need your help and intercession. For our benefactor and intercessor before the Lord, ask him to deliver us from all difficult circumstances: from floods, from cowards, from fire and swords, invasions of foreigners and civil wars. May you not judge us based on our deeds; through your prayer He will grant us deliverance from our sins, and will instruct us in good deeds, send us good and godly thoughts, and help us to refrain from destructive passions. Pray for Saint John, for us sinners, that we may keep all the commandments of Christ, live our earthly life worthily and be worthy of eternal blissful life in heaven. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Another strong petition for good luck in trade matters to St. John of Sochava

O Great Martyr Saint John, recognized as a pious passion-bearer of Christ, lived a worthy life and endured all the torments, hardships and trials and accepted martyrdom in the name of our Lord. Suffering comforter and needy intercessor, help us sinners, we ask you to turn your gaze to us kneeling, and pray before the Lord Jesus Christ for me, a sinner, and for my earthly endeavors. Grant me success in my affairs, protect me from the gaze of envious and evil people, do not let ill-wishers deceive me. I ask you to forgive me many of my sins, voluntary and involuntary, I expect and hope for your heavenly protection. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Spyridon Trimifuntsky

Believers know and love this saint for the many great miracles and good deeds he performed while still on earth. Saint Spyridon always comes to the aid of those people who turn to him with sincere prayers and requests.

The venerable miracle worker is asked to help in matters of trade and business, but he also helps in other areas of life.

If you have problems in trading matters or just before starting trading, you need to read this prayer every day for a month

Oh, all-blessed saint of Christ, great saint and intercessor of the Lord and glorious wonderworker! Standing in heaven at the throne of our God with an angelic face, look mercifully upon us, your sinful servants, standing and praying with a contrite soul and humbly asking for your intercession. Ask our Lord to have mercy on us and not punish us for our iniquities, and grant us sinners, by His mercy, to live our days in a serene and peaceful life. Take away from us all kinds of troubles and hardships, mental and physical, all the slander of the devil and languor. Comfort our sorrows, and deliver us from illnesses, grant us your intercession and help in all our affairs, grant us your prayers and save us! Amen.

Prayer for help in trade matters to the Holy Patriarch the Merciful John

This Orthodox Saint needs to be prayed to in order to find help in financial matters, attract buyers and profit from trade.

Saint John is considered a strong patron of all the poor and needy. Sincere prayers to this saint of God will deliver the beggar from poverty and help him find prosperity and financial well-being.

In addition, it helps in trade matters and business, as they are directly related to this area of ​​life, so before starting business.

You need to turn to Saint John with this prayer

O Saint of God, our merciful protector of all the poor and disadvantaged! I resort to your help, and I pray to you with tears, humbly asking for consolation and help in my affairs and endeavors. You pray to our Lord for us sinners, to grant us all earthly blessings, to deliver us from sorrows and to grant us, His servants, eternal life. In your earthly life you have done many mercies, comforting us sinners even now. Grant us a comfortable life and a righteous existence, comfort the sorrowing and calm the poor, grant us all earthly blessings. May your gifts to us not dry up, and may we live in peace and joy in our Lord to his glory. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God " Housekeeper"

They pray to the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Economissa” or, as it is otherwise called, the Holy Housekeeper, in order to find help and protection in solving various everyday problems.

The holy icon helps in matters of business and finance; they ask for it when they need to sell their property profitably, and they pray for it if they urgently need to borrow money.

People believe that simply kissing the icon is enough to solve all problems, so every year hundreds of believers come to the homeland of the shrine, Holy Mount Athos in Greece, to pray and ask for help.

For those who do not have the opportunity to travel and see the miraculous icon live, this prayer addressed to the intercessor and comforter of all believers - the Most Holy Theotokos - is suitable.

I pray to you, our most holy and honorable Lady Theotokos Mary, our all-honorable mother, patroness of all Orthodox people and intercessor of all Russian people! I resort to your help, quick patroness and protector of all those who suffer, who come to you with faith! Help us sinners and grant us deliverance and salvation from sins, manage our lives and grant us success in our endeavors! Show favor to us, your servants, and ask Our Lord, your son, to give us eternal life. Amen.

Prayer to St. Joseph of Volotsky for success in sale

The holy venerable abbot Joseph of Volotsky became famous during his lifetime for his good deeds and miracles.

In the Orthodox Church, he is considered the intercessor and patron of all businessmen, sellers and entrepreneurs; they pray to him to gain luck in trade, gain prosperity and wealth, and sell a house or apartment profitably.

You need to read the words of the prayer with faith and hope

Oh, blessed and ever-glorious servant of God! We pray to you with a broken heart and humble soul, that the Lord God will help us and hear your requests for us! We ask for your help, may God’s mercy towards us not fail and may the Lord give us his mercy! Blessed Father, help us and protect us from the wiles of the devil and all kinds of everyday misfortunes! With your prayers, grant us worldly wisdom and prosperity! In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

The power of Psalm 90 “Live in the help of the Highest”

This Orthodox psalm is very revered among believers and will help in any everyday matters. The very words of the miraculous prayer already have great power. It is read to protect oneself from damage and the evil eye, as well as to improve one’s financial condition.

Prayer for good luck in trading to the Guardian Angel

Guardian Angels have long helped people in resolving all issues, including financial ones. You need to pray to them if you are having difficulties in business and trade and things are not going well, or you have fallen into debt and cannot pay it back on time.

If you are experiencing difficulties related to your business, or your trading is not going well, read this prayer several times a day.

O Holy Guardian Angel of Christ! You are my intercessor and my heavenly protector, deliver me from all troubles, pray for me before the throne of our Lord to forgive all my sins and grant me eternal life. Amen.

Trading conspiracies to profitably sell a house, apartment or car

We've all had situations where we experienced difficulties related to trading. It often happens that a bad period comes and our business suffers from the lack of clients.

Buyers simply do not come to us, and stubbornly buy similar products from competitors, bypassing our store or outlet.

Or it happens that you urgently need to sell a property or a car, but there are no buyers, and the matter does not move for a long time. All this happens because your business could be jinxed by envious people and ill-wishers.

To prevent this from happening, you can attract success in business and collect good revenue with the help of ancient conspiracies.

CONSPIRACY for the quick sale of an apartment or car

For this ritual, you need to take a few grains of wheat and place them early in the morning near the threshold of the house you are selling or near the car that you want to sell soon.

I will scatter a few grains and say goodbye to my property. Buyers will be found sooner, I will become happy faster. I call you, my merchant, come and buy my goods. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

After this, you need to collect the grains and bury them next to the object of sale, and in a few days the transaction will take place.

Another conspiracy to sell and protect real estate

This ritual must be used at least ten days before the upcoming transaction. He suggests turning for help to the ancient patron of the house - the brownie. To perform the ceremony, you need to stand in the middle of the room in the house you want to sell and quietly whisper to yourself:

Old house-elf, you are mighty and great, help me sell my house, find rich and good clients and buyers! True.

Then you need to spit over your left shoulder three times, quietly leave and close the doors.

How to do it right read prayers for sale

It is important to remember that the words of prayers to the Patron Saints must be pronounced with sincere faith and hope for their help. You should not start prayer while in a bad mood, or after a quarrel with others.

Before the ceremony begins, you need to light a candle and put your thoughts in order.

The text of the prayer itself must be read clearly and distinctly, and one must not think about extraneous things that are not related to the matter at hand. Only in this case will your requests be heard by the Holy Saints and the Lord, and only then will you receive quick help from them, and your business will flourish and multiply.

In magic there are a lot of good and really effective conspiracies, prayers and magical rituals for money, which you need to read in order to quickly become rich and get rid of poverty. While I lived with my parents, I never resorted to such rituals; I had enough money for everything and I did not experience any problems with its lack. Having grown up and moved to live separately, I needed a lot of money, so remembering the teachings of my grandmother and ancient magical rituals for attracting big money into your life I decided to practice my knowledge and conjure wealth for myself (I’m not thinking about a rich husband yet). Having leafed through my time-worn notebooks with the texts of conspiracies and rituals, I chose for myself the easiest to perform and quickest ritual for attracting money to yourself and gaining wealth. The first one should be read when going to the market or store, the second one should be read for a money bag. Money ritual - a conspiracy ritual helps to “bring dust to the eyes of the seller” or simply confuse. The consequences of such a conspiracy occur instantly and after giving the seller money for the goods, the seller gives you change as from the largest bill and completely does not notice or remember what he just did.

Today I will tell you how to make an amulet that brings money. This magical method allows you to attract money and wealth to your home by reading a spell on a money bag. Only my magic notebook says nothing about the amount of money received through the money bag conspiracy. Well, let's try, and whatever God gives is good. Of course, all of you are interested in finding out what money conspiracies you need to read so that money sticks to you, and no less interesting is the result from my next magical experiment in making a talisman - an amulet that brings money and wealth. Make yourself comfortable, now the magician will tell you everything in order. You can buy a money bag, but I don’t like to spend money unnecessarily, and if I have the opportunity and free time, I prefer to make a money bag with my own hands, fortunately there are many ways, and it took no more than 20 minutes to prepare it. So, I have a bag for attracting money and wealth, all I have to do is perform a magical ritual and attract monetary luck and wealth to myself like a magnet.

Money magic exists among all peoples of the Earth, but The fastest and most powerful magic of money and wealth are gypsy conspiracies that need to be read for money so that they, like a money magnet, attract wealth every day. Gypsy spells for monetary wealth work quickly and effectively. Have you ever met poor gypsies? No, those who beg do not belong to the poor - it is their hobby. Gypsies honor the traditions of their ancestors and do not allow “outsiders” from other nationalities into their circle. This is how they preserve their secrets, magic and traditions, but recently the magic of the gypsies has nevertheless come out into the “World”, after the publication of the book “Conspiracies of the Gypsy Healer”, which anyone can read. This is how gypsy magic became accessible to all people and nations. People immediately fell in love with gypsy magic and its spells for its speed and quick effect. After all, there are some conspiracies that, when read in the morning, give results within an hour. Most people are interested in the magic of money, namely gypsy spells for money and wealth.

All Orthodox prayers for trade are powerful magic words that have a fast-acting effect on the sale of any product.. If needed urgently sell a house, apartment, car or product on the market, in a store and find a good buyer this Vanga's rare prayer for trade quickly helps in selling your product . An Orthodox prayer for trading addressed to a specific Saint begins to act instantly, which is why all successful businessmen and business ladies begin their working day by reading words of a rare prayer for successful and successful trading once told by Vanga. Vanga had many rare prayers that no one except her had ever heard, even the icons in her church have strange faces of Saints, but this does not prevent them from providing miraculous magical help. This prayer was told to Magina by an unknown woman at the market when I accidentally started talking to her about successes in trading during my next grocery shopping trip. Selling words of prayer that improve trade are addressed to their Guardian Angel. The most powerful prayer to the guardian angel for good luck in the trading business is read every day before trading , then trade will go well and your business will always be successful. The text of the prayer for trading that should be read daily before work (trading):

Who should you pray to for good trading? The most powerful Orthodox prayer for trade is addressed to the patron of trade, John of Sochava. The icon for successful trading provides assistance in trading and selling all goods if it is located directly at a trading place: market, store, office. Orthodox prayer for successful trading is intended for daily reading if your work is sales, and it doesn’t matter what you urgently need to sell: a house, an apartment, wholesale trade or small retail. Icon of John of Sochava, church candle and text prayers for trade This is what you need to have good sales and success in trading every day.

During his lifetime, Saint John of Sochava was a merchant and after his departure to another world he was appointed her patron. For good luck in your trading business, purchase his icon in the church and before each trading day, light a candle in front of his icon and read text of the prayer to John of Sochava for trade . In order for the effect to be faster and trade to go better, you should order a water-blessing prayer service to John of Sochava in the church. On the trading platform, be sure to keep the icon of John of Sochava. It will serve as a talisman in trade against damage and the evil eye and will always bring good luck to your business. The text of a strong prayer for trading is as follows :

Strong prayer for trading is the best way to get help in trading by praying for the help of white church magic. This strong prayer for trade allows you to improve your trading business in a store or in a market - bazaar. If you need to quickly and successfully sell a product at a profit for yourself, read this prayer for good trading and it will definitely help you. Who needs to pray for good trading to get help in trading matters? Saint Joseph of Volotsk will provide trade assistance and will be able to attract good luck and buyers to you with the help of white magic. Everyone in the church knows that, with the blessing of Patriarch Kirill, the venerable abbot Joseph of Volotsk the Wonderworker was declared the heavenly patron of Orthodox entrepreneurship, to whom this dedication is dedicated. the most powerful prayer for trading :

Seraphim of Sarov’s prayer for help in trading matters should be read daily for good and successful trading. This powerful Orthodox prayer is read by people whose activities are aimed at selling. These are realtors, sellers and even stock exchange workers, all whose activities are at least somehow related to trading before the start of the sale, they pray to St. Seraphim of Sarov. Orthodox prayer for good luck in upcoming trade transactions works quickly and flawlessly. Read the text of the prayer for trade to Seraphim of Sarov it is necessary an hour before the start of trading transactions; this can be done both at home and at work. Availability icons of the patroness of trade this saint is a must. It will be very good if you keep a small icon of Seraphim of Sarov at work, which will protect your business from the evil eye and damage from envious people and competitors. Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov for good trading in Russian :

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in trade often read by sellers so that trading is successful every day And there was no end to buyers . Orthodox prayer to Saint Nicholas for good trading is aimed at good sales of any product and attracting cash buyers. It doesn’t matter what type of activity you are engaged in: real estate sales, stock exchange or small retail, prayer for trade You will definitely hear about help in trading matters, and Nikolai Ugodnik will definitely help you quickly and with the greatest profit - sell all your goods in profit. This is a powerful prayer for trading which you need to read in front of the icon of St. Nicholas helped many to avoid ruin during a crisis, and if you read the text of this prayer daily, your trading business will improve and go to the top every day, increasing your wealth. Don’t be stingy when reading in church prayers for trade , light not the most modest candle Nicholas the Wonderworker and say to him text of the prayer for good luck in trading :

A prayer for a salesperson's job provides immediate assistance to the salesperson and is read daily for good luck in trading. This is the most powerful trading prayer for a seller for good trading. which was passed on from mouth to mouth among merchants and trading people. It is this ancient seller's prayer very capable sell quickly everything you need at the highest price. A charming prayer for trading can be read as many times as needed (even every day) and there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, after reading prayers for sale your business will only prosper and bring greater profits. If you urgently need to sell something quickly and profitably, go to church, light a candle to any Saint who is closer to your heart and pray to him by reading the following prayer. Seller's prayer for good trade and good luck in business :

Good conspiracies for trading and quickly selling your goods that you can read on your own are very rare. If you read a strong conspiracy to sell, magic will help you quickly sell any stale product at the highest price: things, a house, land, a car or an apartment. A simple ritual of magic will begin to work on the day you read the spell for good luck in trading and attracting a buyer, and most likely on the same day you will sell everything you need to sell or make a successful transaction. The seller's ritual is really so simple and does not require serious preparation that anyone can perform it.

Pour holy water into a glass and cross yourself and read the Our Father. Next, taking a glass of water in your left hand and crossing the water three times, say a spell for successful trading and quick sale of goods:

Spells and magic for trade and business that improve trade helped the seller to quickly sell the goods and increase the turnover of money, bringing in good revenue. Today many people work in trade and selling goods is their job. The competition is great and the question of how to make sure that you get mac simum profit from your business every day forces you to go to tricks of the trade and use magic remedies and magic . As a rule, this is trade conspiracies which belong to white magic, therefore do not have any negative consequences, and one of these methods is spell for successful trading on poppy seeds . Conspiracies for successful trading using poppy magic and a simple magical ritual quickly attract buyers, luring them away from competitors. Therefore, if your business and sales are going very badly, effective spells for successful, successful trading can quickly fix this problem. Popular among experienced sellers ritual for trading using poppy seeds done in the workplace right on the counter.

The most powerful and effective spell for good trading needs to be read every day with coarse salt . Immediately after reading the spell for salt, trade begins to go very briskly and even regular customers of competitors, changing their habit, go to the one who spent salt ritual for good and successful trading . Rituals and spells for trade and businesses help traders quickly and profitably sell any product. In order for your trading to be successful and the luck that helps you in trading to allow you to trade quickly and with the greatest profit, you need to be at home every day read the plot of a successful merchant . Pour a handful of coarse salt and read the most powerful conspiracy to trade :

In order for trade to be good and buyers to line up for you, you need read an old and very powerful spell for good trade and good luck in business . The plot is read for sweet water prepared according to an ancient magical rite of noble and experienced merchants from natural honey and holy water. Holy water for the ceremony must be poured on any Thursday! Trade conspiracy can be read any day of the week. To do this, in a saucer without a pattern, preferably a light color (blue, white, yellow...), you need to pour a little holy water and dilute a spoonful of honey in this water. When the honey has dissolved, you need to lean over the saucer and say, barely audible. a strong conspiracy to trade, attracting buyers every day :

A conspiracy for successful trading must be read so that competitors do not have trade and their clients are lured to you using magic. Among experienced sellers, it is customary to read a strong old conspiracy in order to successfully sell a product. Every day if your business is related to wholesale or retail trade and you need to make sure that all the goods sell well and the business prospers, bringing more money and joy from work, perform the following ritual of a successful seller every day before starting work. This is a simple magical ritual that does not require any magical objects or manipulations, all you need to improve trade and increase sales is reading a conspiracy to sell your product at your trading place. Looking at the shelves with goods, say a conspiracy to quickly and successfully sell all your goods :

A conspiracy to make trade good and the goods to sell quickly you need to use magic and read a plot to attract buyers and money clients . This is a very old conspiracy of the Old Believers that cannot be found on the Internet. Magina was told by one grandmother at the market during her vacation in Bulgaria. While buying fruit from her, by the time the market closed, she and I started talking about trading and the conversation quietly turned to the magic of sales. I told All conspiracies and rituals for trade which are familiar to me, and she, in turn, told me this conspiracy to attract buyers which I had never heard before. Having arrived from vacation, I told my friend about this conspiracy, who is engaged in trade and runs several points in our city market, so that she could try how it works conspiracy against the buyer in real trading. Already in the evening after the cash register closed, a friend summed it up by saying that her Daily revenue increased more than 4 times !!! The next day Irinka (friend) read this conspiracy to attract buyers at all her points and by the evening, all tired, she thanked me for this conspiracy. As a token of gratitude, she made a date by inviting me to our favorite cafe. A conspiracy on the buyer really attracts buyers, taking them away from competitors and they line up despite the higher price!!!

Many powerful conspiracies for trade were told by Vanga during her lifetime and published it in a book. Vanga's spells for good luck in trading which you need read on a sugar cube It is considered the most powerful and effective of all known conspiracies to increase sales and quickly sell goods. Charmed for good luck in trading sugar can attract buyers and within a week you will have many new and regular customers. The best day to read the plot is Wednesday; the ritual must be repeated every week. At all times, sellers use the power of magic, especially when it comes to luck in their work, success in selling goods and attracting buyers. A lot of people involved in sales use Vanga's conspiracy to trade which will attract buyers and increase income. There are many traders, but without magic, not many are able to sell their goods profitably. To read the plot from Vanga's book for trading you need to buy sugar right at work. For the magical ritual you need red clothes (shirt, dress, scarf) in which you will trade and which will be with you all week. You probably remember that in many old pictures merchants wear red shirts or boots! This color in clothing has a special magical meaning, which is why Vanga ordered the sellers to attract luck in the trade with sugar and red clothes. Having chosen any red attribute of clothing (even a handkerchief), sew a piece of sugar into it with red threads and say words of Vanga's conspiracy to trade :

A strong conspiracy to attract and increase money It is a common read for anyone who needs money quickly. So that money, luck and wealth quickly come to you, this spell to attract money will very quickly help you get rich and become richer with the help of money magic . The money ceremony is carried out independently at home, but before read a plot to attract money and wealth to your home need to prepare. The following things and items will be required: a handful of copper coins, a white saucer without a design or pattern, a handful of wheat seeds and a green scarf or a piece of green fabric. Preparation for reading the plot is as follows: at midnight on the first day of the waxing moon, place copper coins on a saucer and pour wheat grains on top of the coins, covering them with a scarf. Having prepared for the money ritual and watered the seeds over the scarf with holy water, say conspiracy to make big money come to your house .