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Drachena preparation technology. Cooking technology

Unusual name for a dish, isn't it? But in fact, drochena (drachena), the recipe for which I will introduce you to below, is a dish of Russian cuisine. It is prepared from eggs, which are mixed in milk with cereal, wheat flour or grated potatoes.

In some cases, egg scramble is like an omelet, while in others it turns out to be more solid - like a baked flatbread. By the way, the word “jerk off” itself originates from the verb “jerk off”, which, according to Dahl, means “to raise, heave, inflate, elevate.”

Be that as it may, the finished dish turns out very tender, airy and incredibly tasty. Before you know it, you’ll eat a really big piece and then ask for more. And if you pour melted butter over the egg stew, you get a real song!

In general, initially this dish is usually prepared in a cast-iron frying pan, in which the finished brat is then served. But I don’t have one like this, so I used an oval Teflon mold, 5 centimeters high, 28 centimeters long (along the bottom), and 20 centimeters wide. Fresh out of the oven, my omelette was a full 12 centimeters in height, but after standing for a while (before eating) it sank a little and became 8 centimeters. Agree - cool!


Cooking step by step:

The recipe for egg stew contains the following ingredients: chicken eggs, milk, butter, wheat flour, salt, sour cream. The milk should be at room temperature, but the butter doesn't matter since we'll be melting it.

First of all, turn on the oven to warm up (180 degrees), since the preparation process will take 15 minutes at most. Wash the eggs thoroughly, dry them and separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites with a mixer until they form soft peaks, that is, when the foam does not stand on the whisk, but hangs down, it is quite soft.

Beat everything until smooth - it doesn’t take long for all the ingredients to combine and that’s enough. You can do this with a mixer, but a whisk will do in this case. You can even use a fork.

Now carefully mix the protein foam into the yolk mass. Accuracy is important here, because if you mix everything too hard, the brat won't be as fluffy as it should be.

Grease a suitable mold generously (a couple of tablespoons of the total quantity) with butter and pour our airy dough into it. Flatten it a little with a spoon and put it in the oven to bake for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

Boiling eggs. Eggs are boiled in the shell and without it (graduation). To ensure heating to the desired temperature, the eggs are immersed in boiling salted water (3 liters of water and 40-50 g of salt per 10 eggs). Under these conditions, you can control the heating of the egg contents over time:

“Soft-boiled” - cooking time is 3-3.5 minutes from the moment of boiling. During this time, the temperature inside the egg reaches 65-75°C;

“in a bag” - cooking time 4.5-5.5 minutes. The upper layers of the protein manage to warm up to 80-85°C and turn into a delicate, but retaining their shape jelly, and the inside layers warm up only to 70-75°C, acquiring the consistency of a delicate jelly, while the yolk remains liquid;

“hard-boiled” - cooking time 8-10 minutes. The entire contents of the egg, including the yolk, warms up to 85-95°C, turning into a fairly dense jelly.

For cooking without shells (French poached), only dietary eggs are used. Add vinegar and salt to the water (50 g of 3% vinegar and 10 g of salt per 1 liter of water), bring to a boil and quickly release the contents of the egg (no more than 10 pieces) into boiling water. After 3-3.5 minutes, they are removed, and the fringe formed during cooking is cleaned. With this method of cooking, the surface of the protein heats up very quickly and coagulates, but the inner layer does not have time to warm up much. Thanks to this, eggs boiled “in a bag” without shells have a very thin upper dense part of the white and very tender contents. Vinegar and salt promote rapid protein coagulation.

A soft-boiled egg is served only in its shell, hot, in a special dish - a poacher. It is a ceramic glass with a tray for shells. Eggs boiled “in a bag” are served hot in the same bowl; in addition, they are cleaned and used as a side dish for some hot dishes (spinach puree, broths, green cabbage soup). Eggs, boiled without shells and “in a bag”, are used to prepare hot dishes.

Egg porridge (bruey). Add melted butter and salt to a mixture of eggs with milk or water, mix, pour into a small dish (saucepan) with a thick bottom and, stirring continuously, heat until a semi-liquid porridge is obtained. Before release, it can be stored on a steam table at 60°C for no more than 15 minutes.

When serving, the porridge is placed in a heated portioned frying pan, in a crumble or cocotte maker, with butter, or grated cheese, or wheat, corn flakes, or jam, or finely chopped fried ham, or green peas on top.

Fried egg. Natural fried eggs are prepared - from eggs alone or with the addition of fried or boiled products (meat, vegetables, etc.). Heat portioned frying pans, add fat, carefully release eggs, salt (whites only) and fry until the whites and yolks are completely thickened. When serving, sprinkle with green onions, parsley, and dill.

First, you can fry finely chopped bacon in a frying pan, or sauté onions, or fry potato slices, or thin slices of bread, or finely chopped ham, sausage and other products, pour in eggs and fry the scrambled eggs.

Natural fried omelette. Portioned natural omelette is fried in small frying pans with a long handle. Heat the fat in a frying pan, pour in the omelette mixture and fry without turning it over, stirring the mass with a rotational-oscillating motion in the horizontal plane. After 5-7 minutes, when the mass thickens, the omelette is folded into an oblong pie. After the bottom side of the omelette is fried, place it seam side down on a serving platter or plate and sprinkle with oil.

When preparing in bulk, the omelette mass is whipped, poured onto a baking sheet or portioned frying pan in a layer of 2.5-3 cm and baked in an oven at 180-200°C for 10 minutes.

Stuffed omelettes. Stuffed omelettes are prepared in the same way as natural portioned ones, but before rolling, the filling (minced meat) is placed on the omelet. Fillings can be: chopped and fried mushrooms in sour cream, cut into strips and poached vegetables in milk sauce, fried smoked pork in red or tomato sauce, etc.

Mixed omelettes. Prepared products are added to the omelette mass: grated cheese, fried smoked pork or sausage, fried potatoes, green peas, etc., poured into frying pans or baking sheets and baked.

Drachena. IN Flour and sour cream are added to the omelette mass, mixed, poured onto a baking sheet or frying pan and baked.

Quality requirements:

Curd. Cold dishes are prepared from industrially produced curd mass by mixing it with various products. The sweet mass is mixed with raisins and vanillin, with cocoa powder (with and without vanillin), with peeled finely chopped nuts, finely chopped roasted almonds or peanuts.

The salty mass is mixed with sour cream or sour cream and

green onions.

Cold dishes made from cottage cheese. When leaving, natural cottage cheese is poured with boiled milk, cream or served separately. If the cottage cheese is served with sour cream, then place it in a portioned bowl in a heap, make a depression on top and pour sour cream into it. These dishes can be served with sugar.

Mashed cottage cheese can be mixed with sour cream and parsley or with grated cheese.

Dumplings are lazy. The pureed cottage cheese is combined with flour, eggs, sugar, salt and mixed. The moisture contained in the cottage cheese is bound by flour.

The resulting dough is rolled out into a layer 10-12 mm thick, cut into strips about 25 mm wide, and then crosswise into square or triangular pieces. Boil dumplings in salted water, remove and serve with sour cream or butter.

Syrniki. Add 2/3 of flour (leaving 1/3 for breading), eggs, salt to the pureed cottage cheese and mix the mass well. The flour used is approximately the same as for lazy dumplings (13-15% of the mass of cottage cheese).

A loaf 5-6 cm thick is formed from the resulting dough, cut crosswise, breaded in flour and shaped into flat cakes about 1.5 cm thick, fried on both sides and heated in the oven for 5-7 minutes.

You can make cheesecakes without sugar by adding cumin to them.

Cheesecakes with potatoes: The potatoes are peeled, boiled, pounded, grated cottage cheese, eggs, 2/3 flour, salt are added, everything is mixed and cheesecakes are formed.

Cheesecakes with carrots: carrots are peeled, finely chopped, and simmered with a small amount of water (10%), margarine or butter. Then add semolina, stirring, and brew it. To this mass add pureed cottage cheese, flour, raw eggs, salt, sugar, mix and form cheesecakes.

Curd casseroles. Less wheat flour or semolina is added to the mixture for casseroles than to the mixture for cheesecakes, since it is not used to form individual semi-finished products. Mashed cottage cheese, flour or pre-brewed semolina (chilled), eggs, sugar and salt are mixed well. Grease a baking tray or frying pan with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, spread the prepared curd mass on it in a layer of 3-4 cm, level its surface, grease with sour cream and bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes until golden brown. The finished casserole is cut into pieces and served with sour cream or sweet syrup.

Curd puddings (loaf). Pudding mixture is usually prepared with semolina. To add looseness, whipped whites are added to it. Vanillin is dissolved in hot water, then semolina is added and brewed, stirring. Take 100-120 ml of water per 10 g of cereal to get a thick mass. Egg yolks ground with sugar, cooled brewed semolina, softened butter or margarine, salt and fillers are added to the pureed cottage cheese. The mass is thoroughly mixed and the whipped whites are added to it. Fillings can be: scalded raisins without stalks, dried fruits, candied fruits, crushed nuts, etc.

Grease the mold with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, place into her prepared mass, level it, grease the surface with sour cream and bake for 25-35 minutes. The finished pudding is kept in the mold for 5-10 minutes, and then placed on a dish and cut. Serve it with sour cream, milk or sweet sauce.

Steam pudding is also prepared. Steam it (in a water bath) for 20-30 minutes.

To fried eggs Dishes include scrambled eggs and omelet. When preparing these dishes, frying is used in the main way at a temperature of 140-160 °C. Eggs can be deep-fried at a fat temperature of 180 °C. The most common dish is fried eggs. It can be natural or with a side dish.

Fried eggs (natural). Prepare in portioned cast iron or aluminum frying pans. You can use large frying pans, baking sheets or special frying pans with a recess for the yolk. Carefully release the prepared eggs into a well-heated frying pan with butter so that the yolk remains intact. Sprinkle with salt and fry for 2-3 minutes until the protein thickens completely. The yolk should remain semi-liquid. For fried eggs, fine salt is used to salt the whites, since the salt leaves light spots on the surface of the yolk. To prevent the white from swelling and breaking, some of the salt can be added to the oil in which the eggs are fried. You can sprinkle the yolk with ground pepper when frying.

Fried eggs are served in a portioned frying pan, sometimes transferred to a plate, poured with butter, and sprinkled with chopped herbs. Used as an independent dish, as a hot appetizer, to complement meat dishes (steak with egg, entrecote with egg), as well as for sandwiches.

Scrambled eggs with a side dish. Scrambled eggs can be prepared with various side dishes - sausage, ham, frankfurters, bacon, brisket, black bread, green onions, zucchini, potatoes, bean pods, mushrooms, green peas, tomatoes.

Meat products are cut into cubes, slices, strips or circles and fried in a portioned frying pan using the basic method. The beans are boiled, the green peas are heated in the broth, then seasoned with butter. Zucchini, eggplant, raw or boiled potatoes are cut into slices, tomatoes into slices and fried. Green onions are finely chopped and fried. Black bread is peeled, cut into cubes or slices and fried.

Pour raw eggs onto the prepared side dish so that the yolk remains intact, sprinkle with salt and continue to fry until cooked. Released in a portioned frying pan in which the dish is prepared. Drizzle with butter. A side dish in the form of fried tomatoes is placed on top of the scrambled eggs. Fried eggs with meat products. Boiled sausage, frankfurters or ham are cut into circles, slices, fried in a portioned frying pan with butter for 2-3 minutes, the eggs are released and the scrambled eggs are fried as if they were natural. Release in a portioned frying pan.

Omelettes. Omelettes differ from scrambled eggs in that they are prepared with the addition of liquid - milk, water or cream. According to the cooking technology, omelettes are divided into natural, mixed with garnish, and stuffed with garnish.

To prepare omelettes, eggs, melange or egg powder are used. Combine the prepared egg products with milk and salt, mix well, beating lightly until foam appears on the surface. You can add a small amount of melted butter to the resulting omelette mass. For one egg take 15 g of milk.

Natural omelette. Cook in a cast-iron frying pan with a thick bottom, which is heated well, then melt the butter on it and quickly pour in the prepared omelette mixture. Fry the omelette, shaking the pan or stirring lightly with a knife until the mixture thickens. The edges of the finished omelette are folded over, giving it the shape of a pie, and transferred to a heated plate, seam side down. When leaving the omelette, you can pour butter or sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

The mixed omelette is fried like a natural one, after adding finely chopped vegetables, mushrooms, meat products, and grated cheese to the raw omelette mass.

Omelet with cheese. Add grated cheese to the prepared omelette mass, mix, fry and dispense like a natural omelette.

Stuffed omelettes. Prepared with meat or vegetable side dishes or sweet ones. The omelette mixture is poured into a prepared heated frying pan with oil and fried until the mixture thickens. Place the prepared minced meat in the middle, wrap the edges of the omelette on both sides, covering the minced meat with them and giving it the shape of a pie. When leaving, place on a heated plate, seam side down, pour over melted butter.

To prepare side dishes, meat products (ham, boiled sausage or frankfurters), boiled kidneys, as well as liver or meat are cut into small cubes or strips, fried, combined with red, tomato or sour cream sauce with onions and brought to a boil. Vegetables are cut into small cubes. Beans and cauliflower are boiled, green peas are heated, carrots and spinach are poached, zucchini and mushrooms are fried, and seasoned with milk, sour cream or sour cream sauce. Side dishes for stuffing can consist of one type of product or a combination of several types.

When cooking sweet omelet Add grated lemon zest or cardamom, ground with sugar, to the omelette mixture. Fried omelette is stuffed with seedless berries, jam or marmalade. When serving, sprinkle with refined powder.

IN baked They prepare natural and mixed omelettes, scrambled eggs, eggs in milk sauce and other dishes. Egg dishes are baked at a temperature of 160-180 °C.

Natural baked omelette. Lightly beat the omelette mixture and pour it onto a greased baking sheet, place it in the oven and bake until the mixture thickens completely and a slightly browned crust appears on the surface. This method is usually used for mass production, although a baked omelette can also be prepared in a portioned frying pan.

The finished omelette is cut into square or triangular portions, one per serving, and released, placed on a plate and sprinkled with oil. This omelet can be used for broth, for closed sandwiches.

Mixed baked omelettes prepared with various side dishes - fried potatoes, poached carrots or cabbage, crumbly porridge, meat and meat products.

Omelet with fried potatoes (baked). The processed potatoes are cut into cubes or slices and fried on a baking sheet in the main way, then filled with omelette mixture and baked in the oven until cooked. Cut into square portions and release one per serving, pouring melted butter over them.

Drachena. It differs from an omelet in that it is prepared with the addition of flour and sour cream. The prepared eggs are broken into a bowl, milk and salt are added, then sifted flour is added (can be sautéed) and everything is mixed well with a broom and filtered. You can add sour cream or melted butter to the mixture. Grease a baking sheet or cast-iron frying pan with oil and pour out the mass in a layer of no more than 1 cm. Drachena is baked in the oven until a slightly browned crust appears on the surface and immediately used for holiday. Cut into portions and leave with butter. Drachena cannot be stored, as it loses its appearance and taste.

Eggs baked with milk sauce. Croutons (croutons) are made from white bread. The bread is peeled from crusts and cut into pieces, a depression is made in the middle and the bread is fried in butter. Eggs are boiled “in a bag” and peeled. Place croutons in a greased frying pan, add one egg to each of them, pour over medium-thick milk sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, pour over butter and bake in the oven until lightly browned. Dispense in portions, pouring melted butter over it.

Features of preparing fried and baked egg dishes. Nutritional value of dishes, assortment, methods of preparation and serving rules, quality requirements, shelf life and sale.

Egg dishes, including boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, omelettes and other dishes, are very easy to prepare and usually do not require time.

However, it is still useful to know some features of their preparation of egg dishes:

1. To prevent an egg with a cracked shell from leaking, it must be boiled in highly salted water.

3. The freshness of an egg is easily determined if it is placed in a bowl of plain water: then the fresh eggs will sink to the bottom, and the old ones will remain on the surface.

4. Due to the risk of containing pathogenic microorganisms, goose and duck eggs should only be consumed boiled.

5. When storing eggs, they should not be placed next to strong-smelling foods.

6. Cracked eggs should not be left in storage, but should be used first.

7. Many vegetables go better with eggs than other foods.

8. Old egg whites usually don't whip well.

9. To prepare a fried egg dish, it is better to select the freshest eggs, since the taste of stale eggs is too strong for this dish.

10. To prevent the formation of a dark film between the white and the yolk in hard-boiled eggs, they should be boiled for only 5 minutes, and then simply kept in hot water for another 8 minutes.

Nutritional value of eggs. The egg contains all the nutrients necessary for human life. Chicken eggs contain (in%): water - 74, proteins - 12.6, fats - 11.5, carbohydrates - 0.6 - 0.7, minerals - 1, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, PP.

Characteristics of raw materials

Egg weight may fluctuate. Recipes are based on an egg mass of 46 ᴦ. If we take into account that the waste on the shell, stack and losses is about 12%, then the estimated weight (Netto) of one raw egg is 40 ᴦ.

When determining the mass of the white and yolk, if they are included in the recipe separately, it is assumed that the yolk makes up 39% and the white 61% of the net weight of the egg.

The quality of eggs is determined by viewing them against the light using an ovoscope.

Waterfowl eggs are prohibited from being used in public catering establishments.

In addition to fresh chicken eggs, egg powder and melange are used.

The egg powder is sifted, poured into a bowl, diluted with cold water or milk at the rate of 3.5 mass fractions of liquid per one mass fraction of powder (hydraulic module 1: 3.5), add salt at the rate of 4 g per 100 g of powder and leave for 30...40 minutes for swelling. The swollen powder cannot be stored; it must be used immediately, and only for products that are subject to heat treatment. The powder cannot be used for making mayonnaise and dressings.

M elange is a frozen mixture of egg whites and yolks. The jar of melange, without opening, is defrosted in water at a temperature of 50 0 C. The defrosted melange is filtered through a colander or sieve and used immediately. If a small amount of melange is required, then

Open the jar without defrosting, take the required amount of melange, and store the remainder in the refrigerator at a temperature below O o C.

Fresh eggs without shells can be replaced with melange based on a ratio of 1: 1, egg powder 1: 0.28. After quality control, cracked, broken eggs are separated for special sanitary treatment.

Mirage eggs (with signs of embryo development) are prohibited.

It is necessary to check the stamp indicating the date of laying of the egg, since after the expiration of the established period, dietary eggs are re-evaluated. Next, the eggs are washed first with a warm 1...2% solution of soda ash, and then with a 0.5% solution of chloramine and rinsed. Break the shell

cut with a knife and use the egg only after making sure that the contents do not show signs of spoilage. To avoid accidentally getting a spoiled egg, it is better to pour each egg into a plate or saucer and, after making sure of its good quality, pour it into a common bowl.

Boiling eggs. Eggs are boiled in the shell and without it (graduation). To ensure heating to the desired temperature, the eggs are immersed in boiling salted water (3 liters of water and 40...50 g of salt per 10 eggs). Under these conditions, you can control the heating of the egg contents by time: “soft-boiled” cooking time 3...3.5 minutes from the moment of boiling. During this time, the temperature inside the egg reaches 65...75 o C; “in a bag” cooking time 4.5...5.5 minutes. The upper layers of the protein manage to warm up to 80...85 o C and turn into a delicate but shape-retaining jelly, and the inside layers warm up only to 70...75 o C, acquiring the consistency of a tender jelly, while the yolk remains liquid; “hard-boiled” cooking time 8...10 minutes. The entire contents of the egg, including the yolk, warms up to 85..95 o C, turning into a fairly dense jelly.

For cooking without shells (French poached), only dietary eggs are used. Add vinegar and salt to the water (50 ml of 3% vinegar and 10 g of salt per 1 liter of water), bring to a boil and quickly release the contents of the egg into boiling water (no more than 10 pieces at a time). After 3...3.5 minutes they are taken out, the fringe formed during cooking is cleaned. With this method of cooking, the surface of the protein heats up very quickly and coagulates, but the inner layer does not have time to warm up much. Thanks to this, eggs boiled “in a bag” without a shell have a very thin and dense upper part of the white and very tender contents. Vinegar and salt promote rapid protein coagulation.

A soft-boiled egg is served only in its shell, hot, in a special poaching bowl. It is a ceramic glass with a tray for shells. In the same bowl, hot eggs are served, boiled “into a bag”; in addition, they are cleaned and used as a side dish for some hot dishes (spinach puree, broths, green cabbage soup). Eggs, boiled without shells and “in a bag,” are used to prepare hot dishes.

Eggs with stuffed tomato. For medium-sized tomatoes, the part with the stalk is cut off, the core is partially removed (it is used for preparing sauces), the resulting cavity is filled with finely chopped ham and fried finely chopped mushrooms (champignons), baked in an oven and an egg boiled “in a bag” without a shell is placed on top.

Egg on toast. Fry a slice of bread with butter, put a slice of fried ham on top, and on it an egg boiled “in a bag” without a shell. The egg is decorated with a young tarragon leaf. Red or tomato sauce with tarragon is served separately.

Fried egg. Natural fried eggs are prepared from eggs alone or with the addition of fried or boiled products (meat, vegetables, etc.). Heat the portioned frying pans, add the fat, and carefully release the eggs. Salt (white only) and fry until the white and yolk are completely thickened. When serving, sprinkle with green onions, parsley, and dill.

Scrambled eggs with garnish. You can first fry finely chopped bacon in a frying pan, or sauté onions, or fry potato slices, or thin slices of bread, or finely chopped ham, sausage and other products, pour in eggs and fry scrambled eggs (raw eggs are poured onto the prepared side dish so that the yolk remained intact, salted and fried until ready). Let go in a portioned frying pan, pouring butter over it.

Egg cutlets. Hard-boiled eggs are chopped, combined with viscous semolina porridge (temperature 50...60 O C), mixed, shaped into cutlets, and breaded in breadcrumbs. The cutlets are fried on both sides. When serving, pour over butter and add sour cream or sour cream sauce on the side. Serve 2 pieces. per serving. Semolina porridge can be replaced with thick milk sauce.

Egg fries. Drop one egg at a time into the deep fryer preheated to 170 °C and fry for 2...3 minutes, turning. Remove the finished eggs to a sieve or colander and allow the fat to drain. The yolk should be semi-liquid, the white should be completely fried. Green peas in milk sauce are placed in a low round, topped with fried eggs, slices of fried ham and garnished with deep-fried herbs. You can arrange it like this: mashed potatoes in a heap, topped with fried eggs and deep-fried greens. Madeira or tomato sauce is served separately.

Eggs baked in bread. Cylinders or rectangles are cut out of white bread without crusts, making cuts with a knife on the end side, fried in oil and the middle removed to make a glass. The ham is finely chopped, fried with onions, poured with Madeira sauce and heated. In each glass they put a little ham with sauce, release the egg and bake at a temperature of 160...180 o C in the oven to get an egg “in a bag” or “soft-boiled”, sprinkle the eggs on top with herbs and serve on snack plates.

Eggs baked with milk sauce. Place white bread rolls on a kronschel or portioned frying pan; eggs, boiled “in a bag” without shells, are poured with medium-thick milk sauce on them, sprinkled with cheese and baked. The dish can also be baked in vol-au-vents made of puff pastry or baskets of white bread (like eggs baked in bread). Bake at a temperature of 160...180 o C.

Dishes made from egg mixtures. To prepare egg dishes (egg porridge, omelettes, fry), use a mixture of eggs with milk, water or cream in a ratio of 1: 0.5. The mixture is salted and stirred well. Omelettes are prepared natural, stuffed and mixed. They can be fried or steamed.

Egg porridge (bruey). Add melted butter and salt to the mixture of eggs with milk or water, mix, pour into a small dish (saucepan) with a thick bottom and, stirring continuously, heat until a semi-liquid porridge is obtained. Before release, it can be stored on a steam table at 60 o C for no more than 15 minutes. When serving, the porridge is placed in a heated portioned frying pan, in a crumble or cocotte maker, with butter, or grated cheese, or wheat, corn flakes, or jam, or finely chopped fried ham, or green peas on top.

Natural fried omelette. Portioned natural omelette is fried in small frying pans with a long handle. Heat the fat in a frying pan, pour in the omelette mixture and fry without turning it over, stirring the mass with a rotational and oscillatory motion in the horizontal plane. After 5...7 minutes, when the mass thickens, the omelette is rolled up into an oblong pie. After the bottom side of the omelette is fried, it is transferred seam side down onto a portioned dish or plate and poured with oil.

When preparing in bulk, the omelette mass is whipped, poured onto a baking sheet or portioned frying pan in a layer of 2.5...3 cm and baked in an oven at 180...200 o C for 10 minutes.

Natural steam omelette. The omelette mixture is poured into greased molds, placed in a water bath and heated until thickened.

Stuffed omelettes. Stuffed omelettes are prepared in the same way as natural portioned ones, but before folding, the filling (minced meat) is placed on the omelet. Fillings include chopped and fried mushrooms in sour cream, sliced ​​and poached vegetables in milk sauce, fried smoked pork in red or tomato sauce, etc.

Mixed omelettes. Prepared products are added to the omelette mass: grated cheese, fried smoked pork or sausage, fried potatoes, green peas, etc., poured into frying pans or baking sheets and baked.

Drachena. They differ from omelettes in that milk and sour cream are added during cooking. The prepared eggs are broken into a bowl (you can use melange), milk and salt are added, then flour is added, everything is mixed well with a whisk and filtered. Add sour cream and melted butter to the mixture. Pour the mixture into a frying pan or baking sheet, greased, in a layer of no more than 1 cm. Bake in an oven until a browned crust appears on the surface. Use immediately, cut into portions and dispense with butter. Drachena cannot be stored, as its appearance deteriorates (it falls off) and its taste is lost.

Assortment of egg dishes - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Assortment of egg dishes" 2017, 2018.

Smells like loose hogweed,
There's kvass in the bowl at the doorstep,
Over chiseled stoves
Cockroaches crawl into the groove.

Remember? So what is DRACHENA?

Drochena (also drachena) is a Russian dish made from eggs mixed with milk and cereal, flour or grated potatoes. In some cases, masturbation is like an omelette, in others it is more solid - like a baked cake. According to V.I. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, it can also be jerked from an egg mixed with caviar; I. E. Zabelin talks about jerking off in milk of the poppy; M. Syrnikov claims that in the archives of Prince Kurakin there is a mention of almond masturbation.

M. Syrnikov also writes that “probably no other ancient dish was forgotten solely because of the cacophony of its name.”

The masturbation had a ritual meaning: on memorial days they went to the cemetery with it

The dictionary of Russian folk dialects mentions several dozen types of dishes called “drachena,” which were prepared in completely different ways in different provinces.
Below are several recipes for this original Russian dish.

Drachena with cream

Ingredients: 4-5 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 glass of cream, 1 glass of flour, 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons of butter for frying, 1 tbsp. spoon of powdered sugar for sprinkling.


Beat eggs with sugar for a quarter of an hour until foamy, add cream, add flour, mix quickly and pour into a deep frying pan into melted butter, bake in a heated oven until the drachena browns and rises well. Serve hot, sprinkled with powdered sugar. There is another way to prepare drachena. Place coarsely chopped pieces of bacon, approximately 1.5 x 1.5 cm in size, into a frying pan, melt well, pour the whipped mass into the frying pan, bake in a heated oven and serve immediately. Sprinkle with sugar.

Drachena with milk

Ingredients: 8 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of butter, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 cups flour, 2 cups milk.


Beat eggs, mix with melted butter, sugar, flour, dilute with warm milk. Grease a baking tray with oil, pour the dough onto it and brown in the oven. Serve immediately with cream or milk.

Drachena with sour cream

Ingredients: 10 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 6 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 1.75 cups flour, 1 cup sour cream, salt.


Grind the yolks with sugar, add, continuing to grind, butter, sour cream, flour. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add the whipped whites and salt. Pour into a large frying pan with boiling oil and brown in the oven. Serve with cream or milk, butter.

Drachena in Russian

Ingredients: 5 eggs, 1 glass of milk, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of flour, 60 g of butter, salt, parsley.


Separate the yolks from the whites. Mix the yolks, flour, salt and sour cream well, gradually adding milk. Beat the whites until foamy and carefully mix with the rest of the mixture. Place everything in a greased frying pan and bake in a well-heated oven. Pour melted butter over the finished drachen and sprinkle with parsley.

Drachena fried

Ingredients: 4 eggs, 50 g sugar, a pinch of salt, 0.5 l milk, 250 g flour, 100 g fat for greasing the pan.


Whisk the yolks, sugar, salt and half the amount of milk thoroughly in a bowl; after that, adding flour in parts, knead a thick dough, which is then diluted with the rest of the milk. Finally, mix it with the whites whipped into a stiff foam. Heat a large frying pan with fat, gradually pour in the dough, frying on both sides. Tear the resulting drachena using two forks, sprinkle with sugar and serve with fruit juice.

Steam fight

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, 4 glasses of milk, 5 eggs, 3 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, salt.


Mix flour with cold milk (1 cup). Boil the rest of the milk, pour the flour diluted with milk into it and, stirring, boil for another 15 minutes. After this, cool slightly. Separately, beat the eggs with granulated sugar and pour into the cooled milk and flour mixture. Add salt to taste. Place the saucepan with the mixture in a second saucepan with water and cook the drachena at low boiling water until thickened.

Drachena curd

Ingredients: 500 g cottage cheese, 40 g sugar, a pinch of salt, 4 eggs, 125 ml milk, 30 g butter, lemon zest, 100-120 g flour, 50 g fat for frying.


Grind the butter, sugar and yolks thoroughly and, when a thick foam forms, add the cottage cheese, pureed through a sieve, and then the milk. Place everything, add flour and add whipped whites. The dough can be fried in a large frying pan or poured onto a baking sheet and baked in the oven. When the drachena is browned on the bottom, shred with a fork and turn over. Bring to readiness, transfer to a plate, sprinkle with sugar and pour over fruit juice or sour cream.

Drachena with cheese

Ingredients: 100 g white bread, 5 tbsp. spoons of milk, 3/4 cup of grated Dutch (Edam) cheese, 6 eggs, 50 g of butter.


Cut the crust from stale wheat bread, cut it into small pieces and pour hot milk. Let the bread swell, then add grated cheese (1/2 cup), raw yolks and mix everything. Then beat the whites into a thick foam, add them to the prepared mass, place them in an even layer in a frying pan greased with butter (20 g), sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese and bake in the oven. Pour melted butter (30 g) over the finished drachen and serve in the same frying pan in which it was baked.

Drachena with semolina

Ingredients: 150 g semolina, 40 g sugar, a pinch of salt, 4 eggs, 0.5 l milk, 50 g fat for the baking sheet.


Beat the yolks, sugar, salt and semolina with 0.25 liters of milk and leave to stand for an hour so that the semolina swells. After this, pour in the rest of the milk and add the whipped whites. Heat the fat on a baking sheet, pour the dough onto it and bake in the oven at medium temperature for about 30 minutes. Then tear with a fork, turn over, add fat to the pan if necessary and cook until done. Sprinkle the drachena with sugar and serve with fruit juice, compote or fresh fruit sauce.

Drachena with potatoes

Ingredients: 500 g boiled potatoes, 6 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 3 tbsp. spoons of flour, 6 eggs, 2 glasses of milk, salt, butter.


Rub hot boiled potatoes through a colander, add sour cream, flour, salt, yolks and stir thoroughly, then gradually pour in warm milk and stir again. Beat the whites into a thick foam and add to the resulting mass. Pour the mixture into a frying pan greased with butter and bake in the oven.