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German language for children: how to interest a child in the German language? German classes for children.


Group classes

from 600 rub/lesson

Individual sessions

from RUB 1,000/lesson


from 11,900 rub/month

Distinctive features

Teaching children German should begin as early as possible. Children have the highest ability to remember large amounts of information. At an early age, a child better assimilates and reproduces native and foreign speech.

Immersing children in a language environment allows them to avoid communication difficulties. The child learns about the world and a foreign language through play. He perceives new words as alternative names for already familiar objects and actions. It is very important to understand that from birth all word forms sound equally unfamiliar to a child; he learns to identify them intuitively. The sooner your child starts learning a foreign language, the more comfortable and organic this process will be.

Specifics of teaching

German language for children is a comprehensive program whose task is to instill in students a love for the culture and traditions of German-speaking countries. Without interest and motivation, a child will not have the desire to get acquainted with a foreign language and its features. Only sincere interest guarantees a positive result. For a child to want to express his thoughts in German, he must enjoy learning it. During the classes, the teacher monitors the constant change of activity. Children play, communicate, perform creative tasks, active exercises, listen and learn short songs, poems, and watch cartoons in German.

Our German language school for children in Moscow works using unique methods; we take into account many individual factors.

When forming groups, the teacher takes into account the psychological characteristics of the child and his age. A competent approach to organizing the educational process helps make early language development comfortable and effective. Each lesson contains creative and playful elements. The teacher helps children build simple dialogues that are present in everyday speech. German is becoming an additional way of communication for children.

One of the most effective ways to learn a foreign and native language is songs and poetry. No less effective is the use of audio and video materials. Listening has a special purpose; it contributes to the formation and development of phonemic hearing. The use of all available methods of presenting information in a complex guarantees the achievement of high results. German language courses for children in Moscow are aimed at developing speaking and auditory skills. Schoolchildren additionally study grammar, reading, and writing.

Objectives and results

  • development of oral and written speech, study of vocabulary and grammar, development of perception and listening comprehension skills;
  • expansion of language abilities, training of all types of memory, imaginative thinking and attention;
  • development of communication skills, formation of the ability to develop in a team;
  • cultural education, familiarity with the characteristics of German-speaking countries.

German for children from scratch, with proper organization of the learning process, allows you to achieve excellent results. Students at the center have a clear understanding of traditions and other cultural aspects of Germany. They are able to perceive foreign speech and conduct a full-fledged dialogue on familiar everyday topics. Each child who has completed the course can describe their family, talk about themselves, their interests, feelings, and emotions. School-age children have good grammatical and lexical training and can read and write in German.

German for children. Your baby's first textbook. Dyadicheva A.V.

M.: 20 10. - 2 88 p.

Textbook for children. For the first time in Russia and Ukraine - a new unique method of learning the German language. In a short time, your child will not only learn German words, but also learn how to correctly pronounce entire sentences, as well as translate texts. Many educational games given in the book will help you develop and consolidate your child’s knowledge. Consists of 19 lessons + additional words and conversational models.

Format: pdf

Size: 37 MB

Watch, download: drive.google

Lesson 1 7
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Familie” (“Family”). Gender of nouns. Speech constructions “Ich heisse ...”, “Wieheisst du?”, “Werist das?”. Greetings. Application forms.
Lesson 2 22
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Spielzeuge” (“Toys”). The speech structure “Was ist das? " Expressing agreement or disagreement.
Lesson 3 37
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Parben” (“Colors”). Agreement of adjectives with nouns. Speech constructions “Welche Faroe ist das? ", "Das ist...". Personal pronouns. Speech sample "Wer bist du?" Linking verb “sein” with pronouns.
Lesson 4 50
Possessive pronouns. The speech structure “Wer bist du?” Using the verb “sein” with pronouns. The conjunction "und".
Lesson 5 55
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Zahlen” (“Numbers”). Numerals. Plural of nouns. Speech construction “Wie alt bist du?”
Lesson 6 70
The verb "haben". Interrogative sentences with the verb “haben” and short affirmative and negative answers to them. Brief affirmative and negative answers to the speech structure “Hast du...?”. The question "Wieviel...?" and speech constructions with it.
Lesson 7 82
Vocabulary for the topic “Das Essen” (“Food”). Verbs “geben”, “gefalien”, “essen”, “wollen”, “spielen”, “mogen”, “machen” in positive and negative sentences and speech structures with them. Expressions of gratitude.
Lesson 8 109
Prepositions. Speech figures “Wo ist ...?” Vocabulary for the topic “Das Haus” (“House”). Speech figures “Das ist”, “Dassind”. Adjectives “gross”, “klein”. Contrast with "oder".
Lesson 9 126
Vocabulary for the topics “Die Gemiise, das Obst” (“Vegetables. Fruits”), “Das Geschirr” (“Dishes”). Interrogative sentences with the verbs “gefallen”, “mogen” and short positive and negative answers. The speech pattern is “Das mag mir sehr”.
Lesson 10 149
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Bewegungen und die Handlungen” (“Movements and Actions”). Interrogative construction “Was machst du-gern?” Imperative mood. Designation of directions.
Lesson 11 G. 167
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Kleidung” (“Clothing”). The verb “tragen” and speech constructions with it. Possessive case of nouns. How to answer the question “wessen” - whose?
Lesson 12 184
Vocabulary for the topic “Der Kbgreg” (“The Body”). Repetition of covered material.
Lesson 13 196
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Tiere” (“Animals”). Texts for translation. Exercises to consolidate the material covered.
Lesson 14 214
Vocabulary for the topic “Adjektiwe” (“Adjectives”). The verb “sehen” and speech constructions with it. Alternative question "1st das...?"
Lesson 15 229
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Stadt. Die Strasse. Der Verkehr" ("City. Street. Transport"). Speech constructions “Wo wohnst du? " and "Ich wohne in...".
Lesson 16 241
Vocabulary for the topic “Der Sport” (“Sport”). Modal verb “konnen” and interrogative constructions with it.
Lesson 17 249
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Natur” (“Nature”). Seasons. Days of the week. Speech constructions “Welche Jahreszeit ist es?” and “Welcher Wochentag ist heute?” "
Lesson 18 265
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Berufe* (“Professions”). Speech constructions “Was ist dein Vater (deine Mutter) von Beruf?”, “Willst du... werden?”, “Ich will... werden”.
Lesson 19 275
Time. The speech pattern “Wie spat ist es?” " Verb tenses. Texts for translation. Exercises to consolidate the material covered. Present tense of the verb (Prasens). Article.
Additional words and conversational patterns 283

LINKS Foreign Language School offers high-quality German courses for adults and children, group and individual lessons, convenient schedules and modern approaches to learning. Classes are held in a warm, friendly atmosphere, and effective technologies are used in the lessons.

Who is the LINKS German language course suitable for?

German language courses are taught by highly qualified teachers using modern techniques that help students achieve progress in the shortest possible time. Students get the opportunity to prepare for all types of tests and exams. Thus, teachers help to successfully complete school tests, pass the OGE and the Unified State Exam. For those who intend to receive Goethe-Zertifikaten, A1-C2 certificates, pass DSH or TestDaF exams, German language courses will be an opportunity to improve your knowledge to the required level.

Course options:

  • Course duration: from 4 to 6 months (64-96 academic hours).
  • Intensity of classes: 2 times a week for 2 academic hours (90 minutes) or 1 time a week for 3 academic hours. (2 hours 15 minutes).
  • Class time: daytime and evening groups (from 15.00 and later).
  • Price: from 8925 rub. per month (8 lessons)
  • Training levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1.

Higher education in Germany, unlike other countries, is absolutely free, including for foreigners! Moreover: students, graduate students and doctoral students have significant benefits for housing, health insurance in the best healthcare system in the European Union, virtually free travel and a card for visiting student canteens and buffets. Student status in Germany gives the right to engage in paid work. This allows foreign students not only to cover their training costs, but also to earn money.

We also provide a specialized German language course aimed at both passing the B1 Certificate and passing the Sprachtest at the German consulate in Moscow.

Teaching children German language courses includes mandatory monitoring of the effectiveness of the material. Regular tests and homework will show you how well your child is learning the program. We offer both group and individual lessons.

For children aged 7-12 years, we offer an entry-level German language course using authentic textbooks at level A1 and A2, appropriate for this age audience.

Exciting communication activities for children will allow them to master the basics of the German language in the areas of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar.

The game form of the course and various types of activities will facilitate the perception of the material and make the learning process easy and relaxed.

Despite the fact that, first of all, parents ask themselves the question of how to teach their child English in a high-quality and fast manner, do not forget that knowledge of a second or third foreign language significantly expands the boundaries of knowledge of children and adolescents and increases their chances of success in the future. career and studies.

German language courses for children in Moscow are among the most popular in our time. German publishers Hueber and Cornelsen took care to make the teaching aids as bright and interesting as possible for the children's audience.


Psychologists and linguists have established a connection between the age at which education begins and the child’s intellectual development in the future. The best assimilation of foreign language material occurs at the age of 4–7 years. If a child at an early age gets used to perceiving foreign language speech, he does not have a language barrier in any foreign language at an older age.


For children from 4 years old, we offer an interactive game course of conversational German for children from 4 years old. Classes are held in mini groups in a cozy atmosphere. In addition to speaking skills, children receive comprehensive development. This course is preparatory to school.


For children aged 7–11 years, German language classes are conducted, aimed at gaining basic knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, writing and speaking. The course programs fully comply with the requirements of the school curriculum.


Taking into account the age characteristics of students, we adapted German language courses for teenagers to the requirements of the educational school and language gymnasium programs, and also took into account their interests.


PLANETINO is a German textbook for children from 8 to 11 years old.
Fascinating stories, comics and illustrations,
appropriate to the age characteristics and interests of students.
Contains regional and sociocultural material,
specially selected for children of primary school age.
KIKUS is a specially designed course for preschool children
and primary school age. Subject and form of training
correspond to the interests and age characteristics of children 3-9 years old.
A flexible combination of components, tasks, games, songs allows
effectively conduct German language classes for preschool children
and primary school age.
SPIELERISCH DEUTSCH LERNEN - New series of benefits for children
preschool and primary school age.
The purpose of the manuals is to introduce people in a fun way
children with basic grammar and basic vocabulary.
TAMTAM - German language course for children from 6 to 8 years old,
beginners learning German.
The main objective of the course is to teach children to read and write,
communicate in the simplest everyday situations.
It includes simple reading and writing tasks of a playful nature,
riddles, coloring pages, rhymes and songs that can be listened to on an audio CD.




German is one of the popular languages ​​among students today. And this is not surprising, because knowledge of German will allow you to travel to many European countries and speak with local residents in their language, to get to know their culture and traditions better. In addition, it is widely used in business and academia.

The international language center Language Link invites you to German courses for children. Our professional teachers will find the right approach to any child. They will help you master the basics of grammar and learn new words in an easy, relaxed atmosphere. Thanks to the playful form of learning, it will be easier for the child to overcome the language barrier and maintain dialogues in German on various topics. Classes at Language Link for children become exciting adventures, which only contributes to their effectiveness. We believe that the learning process should be a fun and interesting experience, so we create a special atmosphere in our lessons.

Why is it better to start learning a language in childhood?

It is better to start learning any language from childhood. After all, kids perceive and remember new information better and are more open to knowledge. By enrolling your child in German language courses for children, you will save him from many of the difficulties that adults face. Children are often better able to pronounce unfamiliar sounds and imitate intonation. We can say that in childhood it is not the learning of the German language that occurs, but its mastery. This process can be compared to getting to know one’s native language, when every day a child learns new words and constructions and, as he grows up, his speech becomes more developed and varied.

Planetino Tutorials

The German course program for children is based on the use of the modern educational and methodological complex Planetino. It is presented in three parts and is intended for schoolchildren from 8 to 11 years old. Our center allocates 70–80 academic hours to study each level. The textbooks contain fascinating stories and comics, colorful illustrations that will attract the attention of any child. All lessons are clearly structured and complemented by a well-thought-out system of exercises aimed at developing reading, speaking, listening comprehension and writing.

If you want to sign up for classes or find out more about German language courses for children, please contact us at the contact number listed on the website or fill out an online application. Managers of the international language center Language Link will call you at a time convenient for you and provide detailed information about the programs offered.