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The most malignant cancer. Geography of cancer

Every year, malignant tumors claim the lives of more than 1 million people, and inexorable WHO statistics state that oncology is the main cause of 14% of all deaths. In other words, every 8 people in the world die from cancer!

Why is the disease dangerous?

A true cure for cancer has not yet been found. What's the catch? At the heart of a cancerous tumor are cells that develop differently from others. Their abnormal growth is considered malignant for the health of the body. The tumor forms very quickly, and in relation to healthy tissues and organs it behaves like an aggressor. With the help of blood, lymph or nerve pathways, its cells are carried throughout the body to initiate a metastasis - a daughter tumor.

It is the process of metastasis that sometimes leads doctors to a dead end: the faster the tumor grows and metastasizes, the more difficult it is to save the patient.

Which type of disease is the most difficult to treat?

Each type of tumor is considered less or more dangerous depending on its degree of malignancy. Cancer is considered less aggressive and more treatable if abnormal cell division occurs slowly and metastases do not spread quickly throughout the body. Rapid tumor growth and rapid spread of metastases are dangerous to human life because they are difficult to treat.

What type of cancer is the most serious and why?

Melanoma, or skin cancer

The queen of tumors and, at the same time, a rather rare type of pathology. The disease is extremely aggressive and the patient has virtually no chance of recovery - metastases are very actively appearing throughout the body. Surgical intervention can temporarily stop the development of the disease, but only at its initial stage.

Melanoma is easy to diagnose because it is located on the surface of the skin, but, as paradoxical as it may sound, it is often discovered only after the formation of daughter tumors. The fact is that at first the neoplasm does not differ from an ordinary small mole, and therefore does not bother the person at all. Remember: if colored asymmetrical spots with blurred edges begin to appear on the skin, undergo a medical examination.

Lung cancer

This form of the disease is very dangerous, according to many doctors. Every year it causes the death of about 1.5 million people. Science has long discovered a direct connection between lung cancer and the most “popular” bad habit of our time, smoking. For a long time, the disease may not manifest itself in any way. The only signs: the patient coughs heavily and suffers from bronchitis and pneumonia more often than before. In most cases, lung cancer is diagnosed too late and treatment does not bring the expected results.

Brain cancer

The disease is very dangerous due to its location. The brain is protected by a strong skull, therefore, it is extremely difficult to directly influence the tumor focus, and any kind of surgical intervention is fraught with death for the patient. Any neoplasm in the brain, even a non-aggressive one, is obviously malignant, because it compresses the brain structures and after some time destroys them.

Pancreas cancer

It occurs frequently, but is difficult to treat. Surgery carries a high risk of death and does not always bring positive results. This type of disease is very insidious - it develops for a long time without any external symptoms.

Leukemia, or blood cancer

Oncology destroys the bone marrow, which loses its ability to produce full-fledged blood cells. Leukemia occurs due to just one mutated hematopoietic cell. This form of oncology is the most common among childhood cancers.

Lymphoma, or cancer of the lymph nodes

The disease destroys the human immune system, the main operating elements of which are the lymph nodes. Cancer deals a severe blow to the body, leading it to a state of profound immunodeficiency.

Have you noticed that almost all types of cancer have a common feature? They skillfully “disguise” themselves as a common illness, so a person seeks help too late! The conclusion is obvious: you need to treat your health as the greatest value in the world and promptly respond to all alarm signals from the body.

Malignant tumors are one of the most common diseases on the planet; every year they find millions of new victims. Cancer is responsible for 13% of all human deaths, in other words, every eighth person in the world dies from this disease.

What kind of disease is this and what exactly is its danger?

In a nutshell, cancer is a disease in which a group of cells begins to grow uncontrollably, so quickly that they do not have time to mature. A tumor is a chaotic accumulation of immature cells, which are also aggressive - they invade adjacent tissues, destroying them, or can break away from the main tumor and spread through the blood, lymph, or along nerve pathways, settling in other parts of the body and giving rise to a new one. daughter tumor. This process is called metastasis, and daughter tumors are called metastases. Metastasis is one of the main reasons that cancer is so difficult to treat. The rate of tumor growth and its ability to metastasize determine the degree of malignancy of the cancer.

Different types of cancer differ in their degree of malignancy. Cancer with a low degree of malignancy is less aggressive, the disease progresses slowly, metastases do not form for a long time, and in general this type of tumor has a favorable prognosis, as it responds well to treatment. Tumors with a high degree of malignancy metastasize early and are prone to rapid growth. Such aggressive tumors require the most active treatment possible, since the time available is very limited. The degree of malignancy depends on many reasons, the main of which is the degree of maturity of the tumor cells and what kind of cells they are.


Melanoma, the rarest type of skin cancer, is called the queen of tumors. This is an extremely aggressive type of cancer, very quickly giving multiple metastases and practically not amenable to any treatment other than surgery, and even then it is effective only until the tumor has time to spread throughout the body. Although melanoma is easier to diagnose because it is mostly, although not always, visible due to its superficial location, it is often diagnosed only when it has already metastasized. The reason is that the tumor is almost no different from a small mole and does not attract much attention until the process has gone far enough. Moles that appear in adulthood, are very black or have an uneven color, dense and small, without hairs, should raise suspicion. Having discovered such a “birthmark”, it is better to take precautions and get checked, because the earlier the tumor is detected, the greater the chance of recovery.

Lung cancer

Lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer death in the world. Almost one and a half million lives are claimed annually by this harmful disease. Its peculiarity is the fact that most cases of lung cancer, although not all, are directly related to smoking, that is, caused by a person’s disregard for his health. Who hasn't heard about the dangers of smoking? There probably aren't any. Which smoker is sure that this will not affect him in any way? One hundred percent out of a hundred.

Lung cancer does not manifest itself in any way for a long time, except perhaps a persistent cough and an increased tendency to bronchitis and pneumonia, but these signs appear already at advanced stages, and smokers do not pay attention to cough until it becomes painful and permanent. Often this alarming sign is evidence that cancer has already invaded the lung.

Brain cancer

Brain cancer is very dangerous due to its location. The brain is “hidden” in the skull, which serves as its protection, but in the case of a tumor this factor plays a negative role - it is difficult to get to it, surgical intervention is associated with a high risk of damage to vital brain structures, because, in fact, there are no unimportant ones there. The growth of a tumor in a closed cranial space inevitably causes compression of adjacent brain structures, and then their destruction. This is why all brain tumors, without exception, are considered malignant - they all lead to death if they are not removed in time. Unfortunately, this type of tumor often occurs in children.

Intense headaches that get worse in the morning and with changes in body position, nausea, vomiting without disturbances in the function of the gastrointestinal tract are symptoms for which you should immediately go for examination.

Pancreas cancer

A fairly common type of cancer, about 42.5 thousand new diseases are diagnosed every year in America, and more than 60 thousand in Europe. This type of tumor is extremely difficult to treat; surgery is possible, but involves significant difficulties and is not always effective, and in addition, pancreatic cancer takes a long time to develop without any special symptoms. A small habitual ailment in the form of wandering pains in the abdomen and back is in no way associated with either cancer or the pancreas, and the first serious signs often appear when there is nothing left to save.


Leukemia, aka leukemia, aka leukemia, aka blood cancer, is a malignant disease that affects the bone marrow, which gradually loses the ability to produce normal blood cells, being filled with immature aggressive cells called blasts. Blasts are unable to perform the functions of blood cells; instead, they only grow rapidly. Normal blood cells have a limited lifespan; when they are destroyed, they must be replaced by new ones that mature in the bone marrow, and their number gradually disappears, replaced by blasts.

Leukemia is caused by a mutation in a single blood-forming cell. Children often suffer from leukemia; this disease is number one in pediatric oncology; acute leukemia is common in children. Acute and chronic leukemia are not two forms of one disease, but two different diseases that never transform into one another. Both forms are deadly, but, oddly enough, children with acute leukemia have a greater chance of success, of course, with active treatment.


Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph nodes - organs of the immune system designed to protect the body from diseases, including malignant tumors. Therefore, it is clear that damage to this particular system poses a mortal danger to the body, as it weakens it more than other types of cancer. Essentially, lymphoma causes immunodeficiency, a condition in which the body is deprived of immune defenses, similar to AIDS. Lymphomas are extremely diverse, including varying degrees of aggressiveness. Some of them, called indolent, can develop very slowly, taking decades, while others can kill a person in a matter of weeks. Enlarged lymph nodes, weakened condition, night sweats – these are the meager symptoms of lymphoma, which is not only diagnosed late, but also difficult to treat.

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Oncological diseases occupy one of the leading places in the mortality list. Women have some features compared to men in the development of this disease. Therefore, it is important to know what types of cancer in women occur most frequently. However, the purpose of this article is not to scare, but to provide food for thought and talk about the importance of preventing this disease.

Common types of cancer in women

A healthy lifestyle, regular check-ups with a doctor and the absence of bad habits, such as excessive alcohol consumption, will help avoid such health problems.

1. Breast cancer

One of the most common cancers among women is breast cancer. However, timely diagnosis is an important point in the treatment of this disease. Here signs and symptoms, in the presence of which you need to urgently consult a doctor:

  • A lump or lump is noticeable in the breast, nipple area, or armpit that was not there before
  • Chest pain when palpated
  • Changing the size of one breast
  • The color of the skin on the chest has changed, ulcers and “orange peel” have appeared
  • One of the breasts is less mobile when raising your arms
  • One nipple is more recessed than the other

second most common among women. But among men, cases of its occurrence are also quite common.

What causes it? To date, there is no clear answer to this question. However, almost all types of bowel cancer are associated with polyps (not malignant tumors in the intestines). If they are not identified and removed in time, over time they can degenerate into a malignant tumor. Therefore, it is important to notice the following symptoms promptly:

  • Blood in stool
  • Abdominal pain
  • Feeling unwell, such as a heavy stomach and constant fatigue
  • Causeless weight loss
  • Frequent diarrhea or. Abnormal appearance of discharge

3. Cancer ovaries and cervix

A timely visit to a gynecologist will help to identify any problem in time, including a malignant tumor.

Here are the most common symptoms:

  • Bleeding (not during menstruation) is one of the first warning symptoms. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor. You should also be wary of too much or
  • Causeless weight loss
  • Abdominal pain may be a symptom of ovarian cancer. Therefore, you should take pelvic or abdominal discomfort, increased gas, or cramps seriously.
  • Unusual discharge darker or with a stronger odor. This is a signal of a possible infection.

In recent years, the increase in the incidence of this type of cancer is alarming as it is one of the deadliest. And both among women and among men.

Tobacco is the cause of lung cancer in 80% of cases. Smoking and even passive smoking negatively affect the human body. Therefore, it is worth giving up this bad habit for the sake of your own health and the peace of mind of your loved ones!

Symptoms of lung cancer:

  • Constant cough
  • Chest pain when coughing
  • Wheezing in the chest when coughing
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Blood when coughing
  • Feeling short of air
  • at night

5. Skin cancer

Our desire to get a beautiful tan can lead to negative health consequences. Since if you do not take care of sunscreen, this can lead to the appearance of malignant carcinoma . Next, we will tell you how to recognize dangerous moles.

There is a rule "ABCDE", named after the first letters of English words:

  • A-asymmetry: Benign moles are always symmetrical;
  • B-border-edges: The edges should be smooth. If you notice any irregularities, consult a doctor;
  • C-color-Color: You should be wary if brown, red, blue or black spots appear on a mole;
  • D-diameter: If the mole is more than 6 mm in diameter, you should consult a doctor;
  • E-evolving - Variability: If the appearance of a mole has changed, it is better to seek advice from a dermato-oncologist


The horror and fear that comes to a person when he hears such a diagnosis can hardly be compared with anything. It is the number 2 cause of death among Americans, led by cardiovascular disease. Even with early diagnosis and treatment using the latest methods, he still has the power to kill a person.

Despite the fact that today there are new treatment methods that were unknown just a few decades ago, a “cure for cancer” is still something that is still elusive to science. There are about 100 types of cancer, as well as many causes that contribute to its development, ranging from radiation to various viruses and exposure to carcinogens.

Cancer cells and the direction in which they grow are still unpredictable, and in some cases the process is completely mysterious. Even after seemingly effective treatment, cunning cancer cells can still make themselves known.

About $200 billion has been spent on cancer research since the early 1970s, with patient survival rates increasing from 50 to 65 percent.

"We wouldn't know as much about cancer today if basic clinical science research wasn't funded," says Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, one of the American Cancer Society's experts. “Basic science tells us how things work and how effective drugs can be, and we absorb that information and put it to the test.”

Below are the 10 cancers that killed the most people in the United States from 2003 to 2007, according to available information from the National Cancer Institute.

1. Bronchial and lung cancer: 792,495 lives

This type of cancer is the worst killer of people in the United States. Smoking and consumption of tobacco products is the main cause of its development, which most often affects people aged 55-65 years. There are two main types of such cancer: non-small cell lung cancer, which is the most common, and small cell lung cancer, which progresses much faster. More than 175,000 people are expected to die from bronchial and lung cancer in 2010.

2. Colon and rectal cancer: 268,783 lives

According to the National Cancer Institute, colon cancer develops in the tissues of the colon, while rectal cancer develops within a few inches of the colon. In most cases, cancer begins as a collection of small, benign tumors called polyps, which become cancerous over time. It is recommended to undergo regular screening to detect polyps before they become cancerous. Colorectal cancer is projected to kill 51,000 people in 2010.

3. Breast cancer: 206983 lives

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the United States after skin cancer. But this type of cancer also sometimes occurs in men; between 2003 and 2008, about 2,000 cases of breast cancer in the stronger sex were recorded. Typically, this type of cancer develops in the ducts that carry milk to the breast or in the glands that produce it. An estimated 40,000 people will die from breast cancer in 2010.

4. Pancreatic cancer: 162,878 lives

This type of cancer begins to develop in the tissue of the pancreas, which helps digestion and is involved in regulating metabolism. It is extremely difficult to detect in its early stages because it often progresses quickly and unnoticed. According to sad forecasts, this type of cancer will claim the lives of 37,000 people in 2010.

5. Prostate cancer: 144,926 lives

According to statistics, this type of cancer is the second most common cause of death in men after lung and bronchial cancer. Typically, cancer begins to develop slowly in the prostate gland, which produces seminal fluid to “transport” sperm. Some types of this cancer are limited to the prostate gland and do not spread further, which makes the treatment procedure easier, while others, on the contrary, are more aggressive, as a result of which cancer cells begin to populate the entire body. In 2010, prostate cancer will kill about 32,000 men.

6. Leukemia: 108,740 lives

There are many types of this cancer, but each affects the body's blood-forming tissues, namely the bone marrow and lymphatic system, resulting in the production of abnormal white blood cells. Leukemia is classified by how quickly it progresses and which cells it affects. A type called acute myeloid leukemia killed the most people during the period under review (41,714 people). Almost 22,000 people are projected to die from leukemia in 2010.

7. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: 104,407 lives

This type of cancer destroys lymphocytes, the white blood cells, and is characterized by severely swollen lymph nodes, fever, and weight loss. There are several types of this cancer, which are classified depending on the rate of progression of the disease, as well as which type of lymphocyte is affected. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is a devastating disease that is expected to claim 20,000 lives in 2010.

8. Cancer of the liver and intrahepatic bile ducts: 79,773 lives

Liver cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer worldwide, but is quite rare in the United States. However, in recent years the disease has been gaining momentum. The most common situation in the United States is that cancer begins to develop in another part of the body and then spreads to the liver. Very close in symptoms to liver cancer is cancer of the intrahepatic bile ducts, which develops in the channels that carry bile from the liver to the colon. This type of cancer is projected to kill nearly 19,000 Americans in 2010.

9. Ovarian cancer: 73,638 lives

Ovarian cancer is the number 4 cause of death among American women. The average age of a woman diagnosed with this condition is 63 years. Cancer is easier to treat but harder to detect in its early stages. However, recent research in this area has been able to shed light on some early symptoms that can be invaluable in early diagnosis. These symptoms include discomfort in the lower abdomen, frequent pain in the pelvic area, and frequent urination. In 2010, it is predicted that 14,000 women will die from ovarian cancer.

10. Esophageal cancer: 66659 lives

This type of cancer begins to develop in the cells lining the esophagus (the tube that carries food to the stomach) and tends to occur most often in the lower part of the esophagus. This cancer kills more men than women and is expected to kill 14,500 people in 2010.

Why is oncology so common in our country? The story is told by Andrey Kaprin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, General Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Medical Research Radiological Center” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Lidia Yudina, AiF: Andrey Dmitrievich, it is believed that in Russia people get cancer more often than in Europe and the USA...

Andrey Kaprin: Oncological diseases are approximately equally common in all countries and on all continents. In the USA, 637 thousand patients were diagnosed with cancer in one year, in Russia - almost 600 thousand. An increase in incidence of 4%, no matter how strange it may sound, speaks of the success of the oncology service. Specifically, about the fact that early diagnosis has been improved in the country. Mortality from cancer in Russia is approximately the same as in developed countries: 214 thousand patients died in the USA, 382 thousand in Europe, 256 thousand in Russia.

— Oncologists say: time is the main factor in cancer treatment. But how does this compare with queues in large cancer centers?

“The timing of treatment is critical to successful outcome and has been shown to improve survival prognosis.” By order of the Ministry of Health, a patient who has been referred to a federal center must be hospitalized no later than 10 days after the application (subject to the availability of all documents). In our center this is a mandatory rule. But there are patients who, having learned about their diagnosis, immediately go to our center (bypassing the stages necessary for hospitalization). They, of course, face queues, including those for surgery. But we try to help everyone.

Will we be completely cured?

— Japan has the highest incidence of stomach cancer in the world, and Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer. What kind of leaders are there in Russia?

— In Russia, the leading cancer diseases among men are the respiratory system (17.8%), prostate (14.4%), skin (10.0%), and stomach (7.9%). In women - breast (21.2%), skin (14.6%), uterus (7.7%), colon (7.1%), stomach (5.2%).

— In the USA, experts almost every month announce victory over another type of cancer. Thus, according to reports, mortality from breast cancer in the United States decreased from 50 to 3%, mortality from leukemia and melanoma - from 100 to 18%. What types of cancer are completely curable in our country?

— Not a single type of cancer can yet be called completely curable. However, for many localizations (cervical, breast, skin, thyroid, testicular, prostate, colorectal cancer) we have achieved very good rates - more than 95% cure rate. Under one condition: if cancer is detected at an early stage.

— Diagnosing cancer has always been considered a difficult task. And now international experts have recognized the most advanced research methods - mammography and PSA (analysis of a substance produced by prostate cells) - as insufficiently accurate...

— Digital X-ray mammography is recognized throughout the world as the gold standard in diagnosing breast cancer. With its help, you can identify the earliest signs of non-palpable cancer that are not detected by other diagnostic methods. However, the effectiveness of mammography is 63-67%. Therefore, additional research using modern devices has now become widespread: a layer-by-layer imaging system has been introduced, which has significantly increased detectability.

A PSA blood test is the most reliable marker for diagnosing prostate cancer. However, an increase in PSA levels may be associated not only with the presence of cancer, but also with other prostate diseases, and oncology can develop without an increase in PSA. Therefore, to improve the diagnosis of prostate cancer, other markers (PSA fractions, genetic markers), as well as radiation diagnostic methods (magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound) are used today.

— Immunological drugs and biomarkers are recognized as the most effective in the world for diagnosing and treating cancer. Are they used in Russia?

— We work according to uniform international standards of treatment. We have been using biomarkers for a long time (some of them are even included in the compulsory medical insurance program), molecular genetic studies are carried out today in any oncology clinic. There are also breakthrough developments in Russia. Scientists at our center are successfully working on creating a new type of markers. We have made progress in studying the behavior of genes during the course of treatment, which allows us to adjust therapy. But a revolutionary direction will be the development of new targeted drugs with radionuclide components, which are already at the stage of preclinical research.

Truth and myths

— Is it true that any chronic inflammatory process in the body can develop into oncology?

- Not just any, but chronic inflammation serves as fertile ground for cancer. Therefore, any protracted illness that makes itself felt by pain, cough, or hardness should be a reason to consult a doctor.

— Is it believed that cancer is more dangerous for young people?

— Young people tend to get more aggressive, “evil” cancer. However, most cancers are a disease of the elderly. According to statistics, 76% of cases of breast cancer occur in women of the “golden” age (50+).

— Celebrities often report: they say, I had cancer, but it was defeated. Is it really possible to be cured once and for all?

— Five-year survival is an international standard, which indicates a lower risk of recurrent disease. However, relapse can occur after 10-20 years.

— Oncologists say that one of the reasons for the late detection of cancer is the lack of oncological alertness among doctors...

— Recently, the situation has begun to change for the better. To attract attention to the problems of oncology, conferences and various events are held for doctors. But the vigilance of the patients themselves is no less important. Throughout the country, medical institutions hold open days and free visits of mobile units to examine the population. More than 15 women's health centers have been created in different cities of the country (with free examination of the mammary glands and genital area). Our center also regularly holds Open Days in all locations, during which we accept all patients regardless of their place of residence.