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Technical specifications for the production of frozen pancakes with fillings. Characteristics and analysis of the nutritional value of pancakes Used with the corresponding pancakes

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    1. Introduction
    2. Pancake batter preparation technology
    3. Assortment of pancakes
    4. Quality requirements
    5. Conclusion
  1. Pancake cooking technology
    1. Introduction

Pancakes are considered one of the most beloved Russian dishes. The history of their creation is shrouded in mystery. There are many versions of the origin of this culinary product. Certain Russian historians believe that yeast pancakes appeared in Rus' in 1005-1006. Here is one version of the arrival of pancakes. Once, while warming up oatmeal jelly, our ancestor got lazy, and the jelly became fried and browned, let’s say, the first pancake turned out. According to historian V. Pokhlebkin, pancakes appeared in Rus' before the 9th century, and the word “pancake” itself is a distorted word “mlyn”, originating from the word “grind”. Thus, the word “mlin” is a flour product.

Before the baptism of Rus', pancakes were sacrificial bread. Pancakes were baked in Rus' throughout the year, and since the 19th century they have become the main treat during Maslenitsa. Possibly because the round pancake represented the sun.

Each family had its own recipe for making pancakes; it was passed down from generation to generation. During Maslenitsa, people ate pancakes from morning to evening. On the streets, rich yeast pancakes were sold from stalls; in taverns, pancakes were served with mushrooms, herring, caviar, sour cream, honey, and jam. Higher in Tsarist Russia, pancakes were baked with the addition of millet, semolina or buckwheat porridge. They were served with meat dishes, and also as dessert. In the old days in Rus', housewives often prepared pancakes with seasoning; unfortunately, many recipes are now forgotten. But before, such pancakes were too popular. As a topping, it is possible to take chopped eggs, vegetables, mushrooms, and sorrel. The dough was poured into a heated frying pan, browned on the bottom, then the baking was placed on it, which was then filled with dough again. Thus, the bake was in the center between the two pancakes. After this, the pancake was turned over and fried. A new option is possible. The bake is placed in a frying pan and filled with dough. Cottage cheese is the most traditional Russian spice.

Did you know that according to tradition, pancakes should only be eaten with your hands? If you pierce a pancake with a fork, or cut it with a knife, you will invite trouble, in particular, as a pancake is the sun. In Ancient Rus', a person who cut a pancake was beaten with sticks. Since then, this rule has remained - you can take pancakes with your hands; you can roll them, twist them, tear them, even with your hands.

Abroad, pancakes are prepared from almost the same products as here in Russia, but in every country there are all kinds of ways to prepare pancakes. Namely, in England, ale and malt flour are added to pancake dough. In America, pancakes are more like pancakes; the finished pancakes are light in color and served with maple syrup. Americans often add cheese, raisins, and bacon to the dough. Pancakes in Germany can be thin and crispy or thick. German pancakes are most often eaten with sugar and lemon. In Spain and Latin American countries, pancakes are made from corn flour. These pancakes are filled with minced meat or vegetables. In China, they make steep dough for pancakes, to which they add a lot of green onions and onions.

    1. Preparation of raw materials for production

Before use, flour is sifted to saturate it with oxygen and to remove excess impurities (for example: threads from a bag). Break each egg separately so as not to spoil the fresh eggs with spoiled ones. Milk is checked for freshness using an organoleptic method.

    1. Pancake batter preparation technology

Pancakes with yeast

The dough is prepared using the sponge method, with a liquid consistency. For the dough we take half the amount of milk, all the yeast, half the amount of flour. Let it ferment for 30 - 40 minutes. The dough should double in size.

Add salt, sugar, mashed egg yolks, fat. Add the remaining flour and knead the dough until it has an elastic consistency. We dilute the dough with the remaining warm milk and set it to ferment.

Knock down when the dough rises. When the dough has risen, add the beaten egg whites and mix the dough from top to bottom. Let stand for 15 - 20 minutes. Bake, frying pancakes on both sides.

Early ripening pancakes with soda

Mix eggs, salt, sugar with milk or kefir. Add soda, mix with flour, knead the dough to a liquid consistency. Bake in a frying pan on both sides.

You can serve pancakes with sauces, sour cream, condensed milk, and fruit jam.

    1. Assortment of pancakes

Pancakes with cottage cheese

We bake pancakes from the finished dough. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add powdered sugar and a little sour cream. Place the filling in the middle of the finished pancake, roll the pancake into an envelope, fry on both sides, serve 2 pieces per serving, with sour cream or sauce.

Pancakes with meat

We bake pancakes. Prepare the filling: fry the minced meat, combine with sautéed onions, season with white main sauce. Place the filling in the middle of the pancake, fold it into an envelope, fry it, and serve.

Milk-yoghurt pancakes

Part of the milk for pancake dough is replaced with yogurt. Bake in a frying pan, frying on both sides. When serving, you can drizzle with melted butter.

Pancakes with “Strawberry Delight” filling

We bake pancakes from the prepared yeast pancake dough. Prepare the filling: the curd mass is mixed with strawberry jam. Place the filling on the edge of the pancake and wrap it in a tube. On a serving plate, decorate the pancakes with strawberries, you can top them with caramel.

Pancakes with cheese and bacon

Cut the bacon into small pieces and fry in a frying pan. Transfer to a paper towel to absorb excess fat.

We bake pancakes from the finished dough. Place bacon and cheese in the middle and wrap it like an envelope. Fry. Serve immediately so that the cheese does not have time to harden.

Tip: pancakes turn out tastier if you add Roquefort cheese instead of regular cheese, it will add a piquant taste to the pancakes.

Pancakes with apples and chocolate

We bake pancakes. Prepare the filling: beat the cream with a mixer, melt the butter and sugar over low heat, add apple slices, cook until the apples begin to caramelize.

The finished pancakes are served with caramelized apples and sprinkled with grated chocolate.

Pancakes with fruit syrup

Prepare the syrup: put citrus zest, sugar in a small saucepan, pour 1/4 cup of water and bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat to low, place berries in a saucepan and cook, stirring. Remove the saucepan from the stove and leave the mixture to cool at room temperature. Remove the zest from the saucepan.

Pour the cooled berry mixture into a blender and blend until smooth. Strain the berry mass through a sieve, remove the cake, and add lemon and orange juice to the syrup. Cover the bowl with the syrup and leave to cool in a cool place.

We bake pancakes from the finished dough. Place the finished pancakes on a plate, if desired, put a little butter on top and pour over the syrup.

Pancakes with banana filling and chocolate

We bake pancakes. Place the filling in the middle of the finished pancake and wrap it in a tube or envelope.

Filling: mash banana, mix with melted chocolate (chocolate can be replaced with chocolate paste). Serve 2 pancakes per serving, pour melted butter over them.

    1. Quality requirements

The pancake dough should have a liquid consistency, homogeneous, without lumps, moderately salty and sweet. The dough should not be sour.

Pancakes should have the correct round shape, without holes, without burnt spots, and well baked. Color from light to dark golden. The taste is sweetish.

Sauces served with pancakes should have a uniform consistency.

    1. Conclusion

For most centuries, pancakes have been one of the most beloved dishes of the peoples of the world. There are hundreds of pancake recipes in Russian cuisine alone. Pancakes are a very nutritious and tasty dish.

Short description

Pancakes are considered one of the most beloved Russian dishes. The history of their creation is shrouded in mystery. There are many versions of the origin of this culinary product. Certain Russian historians believe that yeast pancakes appeared in Rus' in 1005-1006. Here is one version of the arrival of pancakes. Once, while warming up oatmeal jelly, our ancestor got lazy, and the jelly became fried and browned, let’s say, the first pancake turned out. According to historian V. Pokhlebkin,


1. Theoretical section

1.1.Characteristics of the raw materials used to make the dish “Pancakes with

apple sauce."

1.2. Drawing up a technological map of the developed dish “Pancakes with

apple sauce."

1.3. Drawing up a technological scheme for preparing the dish “Pancakes with

apple sauce."

2. Experimental section

2.1. Calculation of the nutritional value of the raw materials used for cooking

dish “Pancakes with apple sauce”.

2.2. Calculation of the nutritional value of the finished dish “Pancakes with apple sauce.”

2.3. Calculation and analysis of the biological value of proteins in the dish “Pancakes with apple


2.4. Analysis of the nutritional value of the finished dish “Pancakes with apple sauce.”

2.5. Preparing the dish “Pancakes with apple sauce”, determining its mass

sys and organoleptic indicators.

3. Development of regulatory and technical documentation


Bibliographic list of used literature



Damn - spoiled from mlin (from the verb chalk), that is, a product made from flour. In Russian cuisine, a dish is prepared from liquid yeast dough, specially aged to the point of maximum formation of carbon dioxide in it, which gives the dough a special thinness and speed of preparation. Pancakes of different types, different consistencies and made from different flours are known among almost all peoples, from the British to the Uzbeks. This dish received the greatest development among the Slavic peoples, where it has only a specific - yeast variety.

Probably, pancakes are the sacrificial bread of our pagan ancestors, who worshiped the Sun God, that has survived to this day.

A.I. Kuprin wrote about pancakes: “Pancake is a symbol of the sun, red days, good harvests, good marriages and healthy children.” However, the pancake was not always a symbol of spring. For a long time it was an obligatory part of the funeral meal.

There is no other culinary product that plays such a role in folklore. Pancakes are sung about in comic songs, proverbs and riddles are written, and even mocking characteristics of people are associated: “He’s lying about baking pancakes,” “The same pancakes, but greased,” “He puts buttery pancakes in his mouth.”

Cooking pancakes is associated with many rituals. Many housewives prepared the dough in a mysterious setting, on the banks of a river or lake, at the hour of the appearance of the first star, casting various spells seriously or jokingly.

There is a variety of pancakes with seasoning. The name of these pancakes reflects the fact that they were not previously fried, but baked in ovens. This is the name for pancakes in which any food is baked: chopped boiled eggs, mushrooms, liver, chopped vegetables, etc.

Russian pancakes are known from wheat, barley, oat, buckwheat flour and their various combinations, in different proportions. Pancakes are usually served with butter, caviar, sour cream, jam, honey, red fish, etc.

Thus, pancakes are a traditional dish of Russian cuisine and are distinguished by high nutritional and taste benefits.

1. Theoretical section

1.1. Characteristics of the raw materials used to make the dish

The raw materials used to prepare the “Pancakes with Apple Spices” dish must meet the requirements of current regulatory documents.

The characteristics of the raw materials used to prepare the dish “Pancakes with apple sauce” are presented in Table 1

Table 1 - Characteristics of raw materials





Characteristics and quality indicators

Wheat flour

Color white or white with a cream tint; the smell characteristic of wheat flour, without foreign odors, not musty, not moldy; taste characteristic of wheat flour, without foreign flavors, not sour, not bitter. When chewing the flour, there should be no crunch, moisture content should not be more than 15%, ash content in terms of dry matter should not be more than 0.55%, grind size should not be more than 5% (residue on sieve No. 43). Gluten of raw materials is not less than 28%, metallomagnetic admixture is not more than 3.0 mg per 1 kg of flour. Pest infestation of grain stocks is not allowed.

Egg shells must be clean and undamaged, free from blood stains and droppings; the yolk is strong, inconspicuous, and occupies a central position; The white is dense and translucent. The contents of edible chicken eggs should not have any foreign odors.

Homogeneous white crystals measuring 0.2 -2.5 mm, deviations from the upper and lower limits of the specified sizes by 5% by weight of granulated sugar are allowed. The taste is sweet, without foreign tastes and odors, both in dry sugar and in an aqueous solution; free-flowing, without lumps; color white, with shine. Solubility in water is complete, the solution must be transparent, without any insoluble sediments, mechanical or other foreign impurities.

Continuation of Table 1


Characteristics of organoleptic indicators: homogeneous liquid without sediment, clean taste and smell, without extraneous tastes and odors not characteristic of fresh milk, white color with a slightly yellowish tint. The acidity of high-fat milk is no more than 20˚T, and for other types of milk is 21˚T. The presence of pathogenic microorganisms is not allowed.

Table salt

GOST 13830-91E

The organoleptic characteristics of table salt are as follows: crystalline bulk product, the presence of foreign mechanical impurities not related to the origin of the salt is not allowed; salty taste without any foreign aftertaste; the color is white, for the first second grades white with shades (grayish, yellowish, pinkish, bluish, depending on the origin of the salt) is allowed; there is no odor; when an iodizing additive is added to table salt, a faint odor of iodine is allowed.

refined sugar (refined powder)

Depending on the method of production, refined sugar is divided into pressed sugar, refined sugar - granulated sugar, and refined sugar powder. Refined powder is produced in bulk in bags and bags. The taste and smell are sweet, without foreign tastes and odors, both in dry sugar and its aqueous solution; the color is white, pure, without stains or foreign impurities, a bluish tint is allowed. The mass fraction of moisture for refined powder is no more than 0.20%.

Sunflower oil

Refined deodorized oils are transparent, without sediment, with the taste of an impersonal oil, odorless, non-deodorized - with the smell inherent in this oil.

Certificate of conformity

Late ripening apples

Apples are divided into 2 pomological groups and 4 commercial varieties. The highest group includes highly valuable pomological varieties: Winter Golden Parmen, Renet Semirenko, Jonathan and others, which must meet the requirements of the best world standards

1.2.Drawing up a technological map

A technological map is a technical document intended for production workers, compiled to ensure the correctness of the technological process, the production of high-quality culinary products and to facilitate the calculation of the required amount of raw materials and semi-finished products for preparing a batch of products. The technological map provides the recipe for a dish (culinary product) for one serving and for a given quantity, provides a brief description of the preparation technology and method of presentation of the dish, and indicates the main quality indicators of the finished product.


Pancakes with apple sauce

Technology of preparation and presentation of dishes.

Salt and sugar are dissolved in a small amount of milk, and pre-diluted yeast is added. Combine with the rest of the milk, heated to a temperature of 35-40˚C, add flour, eggs, and mix until a homogeneous mass is formed. The kneaded dough is left in a warm place (25-35˚C) for 3-4 hours.

During the fermentation process, the dough is kneaded.

Peeled apples are cut into strips, placed in the middle of the frying pan, and evenly filled with dough. Pancakes are baked on both sides at a temperature of 160-170˚C until golden brown.

Pancakes are sold 3 pieces per serving. The serving temperature should be 65˚C. When serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Quality indicators:

  1. Appearance: regular shape, round, uniform thickness, surface without breaks, well baked, without burnt areas or dried edges.
  2. Color: yellow or light brown.
  3. Consistency: soft, elastic, finely porous, without lumpiness, with pieces of apples.
  4. Taste: pleasant, sweet, with sourness from apple spice.
  5. Smell: pleasant, characteristic of dough, with a light aroma of apples, without foreign odors.

1.3. Drawing up a technological scheme

The technological scheme for preparing pancakes with seasoning is presented indicating all operations and modes used in the production process. The production process diagram is a graphical representation of production operations and represents a technological line indicating the necessary technological equipment used in both mechanical and thermal cooking.

The technological scheme for preparing pancakes is presented in Appendix 1.

2. Experimental section

2.1.Calculation of the nutritional value of the raw materials used to prepare the dish “Pancakes with apple sauce”

Nutritional value is the main characteristic of a food product, dish, culinary product, reflecting the amount of nutrients it contains (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.), as well as their ratio. The most comprehensive definition of this indicator is the following: “Nutritional value is the presumed harmlessness and overall ability of a food product to ensure the material and energy balance of the body, taking into account the physiological and psychological characteristics of an individual consumer or group of consumers, united by regional, national, age, professional or other characteristics” . Essentially, this definition covers all three main purposes of a food product: biological value, energy value, and organoleptic characteristics. The energy value of a dish is characterized by the proportion of energy released from food substances in the process of biological oxidation, which is used to ensure the vital functions of the body.

Short description

There is a variety of pancakes with seasoning. The name of these pancakes reflects the fact that they were not previously fried, but baked in ovens. This is the name of pancakes in which any food is baked: chopped boiled eggs, mushrooms, liver, chopped vegetables, etc. Russian pancakes are known from wheat, barley, oatmeal, buckwheat flour and their various combinations, in different proportions. Blinis are usually served with butter, caviar, sour cream, jam, honey, red fish, etc. Thus, blinis are a traditional dish of Russian cuisine and are distinguished by high nutritional and taste benefits.

Table of contents

1. Theoretical section
1.1.Characteristics of the raw materials used to make the dish “Pancakes with
apple sauce."
1.2. Drawing up a technological map of the developed dish “Pancakes with
apple sauce."
1.3. Drawing up a technological scheme for preparing the dish “Pancakes with
apple sauce."
2. Experimental section
2.1. Calculation of the nutritional value of the raw materials used for cooking
dish “Pancakes with apple sauce”.
2.2. Calculation of the nutritional value of the finished dish “Pancakes with apple sauce.”
2.3. Calculation and analysis of the biological value of proteins in the dish “Pancakes with apple
2.4. Analysis of the nutritional value of the finished dish “Pancakes with apple sauce.”
2.5. Preparing the dish “Pancakes with apple sauce”, determining its mass and organoleptic characteristics.
3. Development of regulatory and technical documentation
Bibliographic list of used literature


Ontopic “Technology for preparing flour dishes and products”

Pancakes and pancakes

MB parole "MUPK" Simferopol

Klyotsina Nadezhda Petrovna

Simferopol, 2017


Currently, the formation of professional skills in unity and interconnection and the development of the personality of a future specialist are of particular importance. Free orientation in various production systems, professional independence, the ability to rationally plan and organize one’s work, exercise self-control, produce high-quality products, etc. are very important.

To correctly solve the pedagogical problems of a lesson, it is important that the “teacher-student” system works successfully and that there is mutual consistency of learning. Therefore, when preparing for a lesson, the teacher determines its purpose, didactic objectives, content, forms and methods of teaching, and the organization of students’ independent work. During the lesson, unforeseen situations may arise, then the teacher, taking into account specific circumstances, changes teaching tactics and makes adjustments to the lesson plan. This ensures optimal guidance of students’ cognitive activity, their activity, interest and attention, and, consequently, the success of their work.

In vocational education, two types of training sessions are used: theoretical and practical. The first are aimed at presenting the theory of the scientific and practical field, basic theoretical principles and laws. The latter are focused on organizing the practical activities of students. The curriculum includes a certain amount of laboratory and practical work. These works require students to develop practical skills in preparing culinary dishes and confectionery products; consolidation of theoretical knowledge in practice; familiarization with the organization of the workplace and sanitary and hygienic requirements when performing technological processes for preparing recommended dishes and products.

Methodology for laboratory and practical work

Before carrying out laboratory and practical work, the teacher develops instructions for carrying out the work and forms for the report. Students repeat theoretical material and, while working, fill out the presented report, which they hand over to the teacher at the end of the work. In addition, before carrying out laboratory and practical work, the serviceability of thermal and mechanical equipment is checked; prepare the necessary equipment, tools, utensils, complete sets of products; Students put on special sanitary clothing, observing sanitary and hygienic requirements, and wash their hands.

The teacher conducts an introductory briefing, reminding about labor safety rules and sanitary and hygienic rules when working in the laboratory. Having received written instructions and a report form, students begin to carry out work, during which the teacher draws students’ attention to the correctness of individual stages of the technological process, the organization and sanitary condition of the workplace and utensils.

The teacher demonstrates some techniques and processes. But basically, students work independently, using instructions containing the sequence of each work, requirements for the quality of the prepared dishes and their recipes. The teacher pays attention to the students’ ability to work with a collection of recipes.

Students prepare the finished dishes and present them for tasting. At the same time, the teacher notes the quality of the dishes and the correctness of their presentation.

Students draw up a report, answer the questions posed and draw up a technological scheme for preparing a dish or product, and receive grades for the work done. The teacher sums up the results, noting the positive aspects and typical mistakes made by students during laboratory and practical work.

Plan for conducting a laboratory-practical lesson.

Lesson topic: Pancakes, pancakes.

Lesson type: trinary (combined with elements of conversation, an element of preparation and evaluation of the final results).


Educational: check the level of knowledge acquisition on the topic “Cooking pancakes and pancakes.”

Educational: educate students:

    hard work, through involvement in various types of independent work;

    teamwork skills;

    responsibility for the quality of prepared products.


    promote memory development in the process of updating basic knowledge;

    develop in students the ability to use knowledge acquired in previous lessons and when studying new material;

    develop cognitive interest in the subject by solving problem situations;

    promote speech development by using the conversation method, correcting students’ answers and replenishing their vocabulary;

    continue the development of visual-figurative thinking by demonstrating drawings, practical demonstration techniques for preparing pancakes and pancakes;

    develop aesthetic taste by choosing a theme for the design and presentation of ready-made dishes and products (in this case, pancakes and pancakes).

Lesson logistics

1. collection of recipes;

2. technological maps of pancakes and pancakes;

3. step-by-step preparation schemes;

4. tabletop dial scales, pastry bags with a set of tubes, cutting boards, bowls, plates.

Item integration:

    In the subject "Fundamentals of microbiology of sanitation and hygiene in production." Topic: “Sanitary requirements for equipment used for preparing flour dishes and products.”

    In the subject "Organization of production of food enterprises." Topic: “Organization of the workplace when preparing flour products.”

    In the subject “Technical equipment and organization of the workplace. Topic: “Technology for preparing bakery and flour products.”

    On the subject "Occupational Safety and Health". Topic: “Rules for working with thermal equipment.”


    I suggest we recall the history of the appearance of pancakes on our tables.

In the last week of February, “Maslenitsa” has been celebrated for many years, which is the theme of this lesson.

Maslenitsa is perhaps the most joyful of the holidays of the East Slavic calendar. According to legend, Maslenitsa was born in the North, her father was Frost. One day, during the harshest and saddest time of the year, a man noticed her hiding behind huge snowdrifts and called on her to help people, to warm and cheer them up.

And Maslenitsa came, but not as that fragile girl who was hiding in the forest, but as a healthy, vigorous woman with fat, rosy cheeks, cunning eyes, not with a smile on her lips, but with laughter. She made the man forget about winter, warmed up the frozen blood in his veins, grabbed his hands and started dancing with him until he fainted.

The Russian people called Maslenitsa cheerful, wide, riotous, honest, thirty brothers sister, forty grandmothers granddaughter, three mothers daughter, etc.

We do not undertake to explain what these thirty brothers and forty grandmothers are, but the fact that Maslenitsa really was a riotous holiday was reflected, for example, in literature.

Here is a ruddy and fat goddess for you,

Gluttony and drinking and fighting are the heroine of all,

Roams around cities, towns, hamlets...

The holiday lasted a week, and each day had its own name: Monday was called a meeting, Tuesday - a flirtation, Wednesday - a delicacy, Thursday - a turning point or revelry, Friday - mother-in-law's evenings, Saturday - sister-in-law's get-togethers, Sunday - seeing off, kissing, forgiven day.

Each housewife tried to treat her household and guests to the fullest. And the main dish was pancakes. Since pagan times, we have preserved the custom of baking pancakes on Maslenitsa. Once upon a time it was sacrificial bread, a gift to the god Perun and other pagan gods. This symbol of the sun was used to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. The Orthodox Church, unable to overcome this tradition, was forced to legalize Maslenitsa week before the start of Lent.

Pancakes were usually baked from yeast dough. A variety of flours were taken: buckwheat, wheat, millet, barley and even pea.

    Cooking pancakes.

      technological scheme for preparing pancake dough

whip at high speed

mix slowly

Stir for 2-3 minutes


are baking

      Preparation of dough and semi-finished products

Combine sugar and salt, beat at high speed and add flour and

eggs, part of the milk, add the remaining milk, knead the dough

and 50% of the flour is filtered

Pancakes being baked


    use the dough immediately after preparation;

    pour a portion of dough into a heated frying pan;

    Use special spatulas to remove and turn over.


    Add the vegetable oil specified in the recipe to the dough, then the pancakes will not stick to the surface of the pan.


    use a frying pan designed for frying pancakes for other purposes.

Pancake dough:

1. flour – 400; sugar – 30; oil – 20; eggs – 100; milk – 1000; salt – 5; Output – 1550.

2. Buckwheat pancakes on water: - 4 cups buckwheat flour, - 1 cup cold water, - 3.5 cups hot water, - 25 g yeast, - 1 teaspoon sugar, - 1 teaspoon salt, - 0.5 cup sunflower oil (for frying) ).


Dilute cold water with the same volume of flour and brew this dough with hot water, stir, cool, add yeast, let rise. Add the rest of the flour, sugar, salt, let rise and bake the pancakes.

    Buckwheat pancakes with milk: - 4 cups buckwheat flour, - 4.5-5 cups milk, - 25 g yeast, - 2 eggs, - 25 g butter, - 1 teaspoon salt, - 1 teaspoon sugar, - 0.5 cups sunflower oil.


Mix two-thirds of the milk portion prepared according to the recipe, yeast, flour, butter, yolks, and let rise.

Add salt, sugar, boil with the rest of the milk, beat, add the beaten egg whites, let rise a second time and bake immediately.

Today we usually use wheat flour, but truly Russian pancakes are made from buckwheat. Many modern housewives, unfortunately, do not even have a basic understanding of these pancakes. It's a pity! Believe me, they are worth taking their place of honor on our table again. Wheat pancakes do not have the plumpness and looseness that buckwheat flour gives. In addition, buckwheat pancakes have a very pleasant, slightly sour taste.

Baking pancakes, as they say, is a simple matter. And yet, some of the advice we want to give, I think, will not harm even experienced housewives. Moreover, we gleaned these tips from various ancient cookbooks, which at one time were popular and trusted by contemporaries.

So, so that neither the first nor the second pancake is “lumpy”, you need to remember the basic rules and techniques for kneading the dough. As already mentioned, pancakes are most often prepared from yeast dough. True, along with yeast, sometimes sour milk, soda and egg whites can be used as a leavening agent.

First, knead the dough. In the old days, when the first dough for pancakes was made, certain rituals were observed, and in general it was considered a sacrament and was done in secret from family members and especially strangers.

Usually, yeast is diluted in warm water (milk), and then, gradually adding flour to the water (milk), the dough is kneaded. For the dough, take half of all the flour that will be used for pancakes.

Remember that they are most loose and plump when the dough is mixed with water. But pancakes taste better with milk. Milk improves the viscosity and plasticity of the dough, enhances the process of loosening it, since, along with alcoholic fermentation caused by yeast, it provides lactic acid (in addition to fresh milk, kefir, buttermilk, sour cream, cream, whey and other dairy products can be used for kneading dough). Taking all this into account, we advise you to choose the “golden mean” and mix the dough with a mixture of water and milk.

As we have already said, you can use different flours for pancakes. The amount of yeast depends on the type of flour. So, for dough made from buckwheat flour you need to take more of them than for dough made from wheat. But in any case, you can’t go wrong if you add 25 - 30 g of yeast to 4 cups of flour.

When the dough is kneaded, the pan with it is covered with a towel and placed in a warm place. Under no circumstances cover the bowl with the dough with a tight lid - the dough must “breathe”. If the dough rises too quickly, it should be stirred and moved to a cooler place.

But the dough has increased 2-3 times. Add the remaining flour and ingredients indicated in the recipe (egg yolks, salt, sour cream, butter, etc.) to the pan. The dough is thoroughly mixed and placed in a warm place again. After the dough has risen a second time, it is ready for baking pancakes.

It is better to choose cast iron frying pans. It is important that the pans are absolutely clean. To do this, they are placed on fire, the bottom is sprinkled with salt, calcined, and then wiped with a dry, clean cloth. After preparing the pan in this way, the pancakes do not burn and easily fall away from the bottom.

In general, Russian cuisine knows hundreds of different pancakes: butter, fast, red, peasant, royal, boyar, etc. They were eaten with butter, sour cream, honey.

    Types of pancakes and serving rules

What recipes for your favorite food have not been invented in different parts of the world! For example, the Germans and French have long preferred thin pancakes rolled into rolls with various fillings. The British also experimented a lot with pancake dough, and they came up with the idea of ​​adding local ale and malt flour to it. The Mexicans expanded the pancake family with their famous tortillas, which were filled with beans or meat with tomato sauce. And Americans especially liked thick pancakes, more like pancakes, with maple syrup or bacon.

    I propose to draw a table for the organoleptic evaluation of pancakes



    Let's remember the rules for preparing yeast dough. Let's start preparing pancakes and pancakes:

    1. prepare dough (yeast for pancakes and yeast-free for pancakes)

      prepare (if necessary) minced meat

      fry pancakes, pancakes

      processed in accordance with the latest filing requirements

      submit for rejection - quality requirements : pancakes are of the same size (d not less than 22cm) and thickness (1.5 - 2mm), well baked, without cracks or bubbles, yellow or light brown in color, soft and elastic consistency.

    We carry out a marriage. We write the data into the table.

    We prepare a report:


    Determine the baking time for the pancake______________________________

    Determine the change in mass of the pancake after baking (g,%)____________

    Draw up a technological scheme for preparing yeast straight dough_____________________________________________





    We summarize, identify mistakes made during work, as well as positive aspects. I give ratings.

Possible difficulties



how to fix

Presence of lumps

The dough is not kneaded well

Strain the dough

Uneven thickness

Uneven surface of the pan (stove)

Level the stove or pan surface

Very thick, undercooked pancakes

The dough is thick or there is too much pouring

Dilute the dough, reduce the portion of dough

Dryness and brittleness

Low frying temperature

Increase the baking temperature

Products are hard, “rubber”

The dough was not baked for a long time

Knead the dough in small portions

Pancakes won't come off the pan

The surface of the frying pan is dirty

Wash and warm the surface of the pan

Bubbles, pancakes burn

High frying temperature

Reduce temperature

Bad taste

Poor-quality products, the technological mode of preparation is violated, high or low baking temperature, over-salted, over-acidified dough

Comply with the requirements of the cooking technology.

Used Books

    Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products. Moscow "LADA", 2008

    Anfimova N.A. Cooking "cook, confectioner". - Moscow: Academy, 2002, 322s

    Bogdanova M.A., Smirnova Z.M., Bogdanov. G.A. Equipment for public catering establishments. - M.: Economics, 2005.

    Novozhkov Yu.M. Profession: cook. – M.: Economics, 1989.

    Maslov L.A. Culinary characteristics of dishes and products. – M.: Economics, 1998.

    Pokhlebkin V.V. Great encyclopedia of culinary art.-M., Tsentrpoligraf, 2008, 975 p.

    Radchenko L. A. Organization of production of public catering enterprises. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2004.

6.1. Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

Appearance – pancakes rolled into a tube

Consistency – soft, juicy

Color – golden color

Taste – moderately sweet with banana flavor

Smell: pancakes with banana and chocolate

6.2. Physical and chemical indicators:

Mass fraction of dry substances, % (not less) 20.7

Mass fraction of fat, % (not less) 3.1

Mass fraction of salt, % (not more than) 0.7

6.3. Microbiological indicators: The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms, CFU in 1 ton of product, no more than 1x10. Bacteria of the coli group are not allowed in the product mass, g 0.01. Caugulase-positive staphylococci are not allowed in the product mass, g 1.0. Proteus is not allowed in the product mass, 0.1 g.

7. Nutritional energy value

"I affirm"

Director of the pancake house

"Pancake Yard"

Musaeva A.V.

« » year 2014


Pancakes with mushrooms

1 area of ​​use

1.1. This technical and technological map applies to the dish “Pancakes with mushrooms”, produced by the pancake house “Pancake Yard”

2. List of raw materials

2.1. To prepare the “Pancakes with Mushrooms” dish, the following raw materials are used:

Wheat flour GOST 27583-88

Chicken eggs for food GOST 27583-88

Milk GOST R 52090-2003

Salt GOST R 515-74

Granulated sugar GOST 21094

Vegetable oil GOST 21314-75

Champignons GOST R 53082-2008

Cream GOST R 51809-01

Butter GOST 37-91

Cheese GOST 7616-85

Ground pepper GOST 29055-91

2.2. The raw materials used to prepare “Pancakes with mushrooms” must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation and have certificates and quality certificates.

3. Recipe

Recipe for the dish “Pancakes with mushrooms”

Name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Mechanical losses processing %

Net weight (g)

Heat losses processing %


Wheat flour

Chicken eggs for food

Granulated sugar

Vegetable oil

Test output:

Yield of fried pancakes:

For filling:



Ground pepper

Filling yield:

Yield of 1 serving: