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Semolina with meat or the taste of kindergarten. Semolina zrazy with meat, egg, vegetables Semolina zrazy

Technological map No. 11.

Cooking technology and quality requirements.

Never buy ready-made minced meat in a store, especially when it comes to feeding your children. It is not known what they screwed there, and, most likely, it was full of some kind of veins. I bought a lean piece of beef shoulder. If the dish is for very young or perhaps allergic children, then replace the beef with veal.

Soak the loaf in milk. I never cut off any crusts - they don’t bother me, especially since all this will have to be scrolled in a meat grinder - not a trace will remain.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder.

Now take our minced meat and pass it through the meat grinder again, together with the soaked loaf. Then add salt and mix well for a couple of minutes. The minced meat should be viscous and elastic.

Wash the egg thoroughly, fill it completely with water and cook after boiling for 8-10 minutes. Drain the boiling water and add cold water, hold for a few minutes, remove and clean.

Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Heat a frying pan, add 30 grams of vegetable oil and chopped onion. Sauté over low heat, stirring frequently, for 5-7 minutes, until translucent. Don't turn up the heat too much - we don't need fried onions! After all, this is food for small children.

Wash and chop the parsley. Cut the peeled egg into small cubes. Mix everything together with onions. The filling is ready!

Weigh your mince. I got a little more than six hundred grams. Therefore, the portion of minced meat per cutlet turned out to be 60-63 grams. For convenience, it is better to weigh everything, then our images will be absolutely identical.

Flatten (a little more than half a centimeter thick) a measured portion of minced meat, and place a tablespoon of filling in the middle. Do this “procedure” anywhere - in your hand, on a plate or on the table - as long as it is convenient for you.

Pinch the edges well and with wet hands form an oval, flattened cutlet. And so ten times.

Turn on the oven, temperature 220-250 degrees.

Pour breadcrumbs into a plate and bread all our zrazy. If the breading does not stick at all, then before dipping the cutlet into the bread crumbs, slightly moisten it (just run it with wet hands).

Heat a frying pan, pour in 20 grams of vegetable oil and fry the first batch of cutlets over medium heat (it’s unlikely you’ll fit everything in in one go). Fry over low heat for a couple of minutes on each side. Before the second batch, add the remaining ten grams of vegetable oil and fry the second batch of cutlets. Everything is the same - a couple of minutes on each side over low heat.

Line the mold with baking paper. Of course, you don’t have to line it, but how convenient! I ate the cutlets, removed and threw away the paper, but the form remained completely clean - rinsed and everything was in order! We put our fried zrazy in the form.

The oven must be preheated. In this case, seven to eight minutes will be enough for our zrazas, because the layer of meat in them is very thin.

I served it with a white sauce I made with beef broth. He goes very well with these cutlets. If it's quick, then this: take 25 grams of butter, a teaspoon with a mountain of flour and about 350 grams of broth (I always have frozen broth). I just had 200 grams of broth, and the remaining 150 was just water.

The broth should be hot. I take a small but wide saucepan, melt the butter, add the flour and quickly, stirring intensively, brew the flour and make sure there are no lumps.

I’ve been wanting it for a long time, but not just any other way, but exactly the kind they gave in the garden. Semolina has been an inedible substance for me since childhood, but in those distant years (omg), they seemed tasty to me, because in my understanding they were not porridge. And they weren’t pies, you couldn’t see the onions, they had a crispy crust!

Obviously, the homemade ones turned out much tastier, because I put a lot of meat in there, and the semolina was cooked in milk, something tells me that in the garden they didn’t worry about it...

I woke up early in the morning with the firm confidence that I would “do it.” I flew to the market for veal, I was pleasantly surprised by the prices, I thought it was 500 rubles per kg, but it turned out to be cheaper.. My mother gave me the rest.. She looked at me suspiciously, looked around the kitchen, as if it was the last time... Captured it :) and that’s it ...here we go

I boiled the butcher's sacrifice (600 grams) in water, drained it, washed it, let it boil again and left it on low heat until cooked, before adding salt, peppercorns, and bay leaves.

Then I took the remaining set of products: 1 liter of milk (I took about 2/3 of the milk and diluted it with water), butter, which should be thrown into the milk before boiling, semolina (I don’t know how much, by eye, as intuition and experience suggests), eggs - 2 pcs., nutmeg in semolina dough - my highlight. Onions and carrots, salt, pepper for minced meat. Oil for greasing the baking sheet.
I cooked semolina with milk, cooled it and beat in 2 eggs, added nutmeg

By that time the meat had cooled down and went into the blender. I fried the onions and carrots, stirred them into the meat, and added a little black pepper.

And that’s it, then she scooped semolina chacha into her wet palm, distributed it over her palm, filled it with the filling, and stuck it there. I laid foil on a baking sheet, greased it with oil, put the semolina pies in the oven. 200" For about 25 minutes, then took it out, spread butter on top so that there was a crust and for another 5 minutes! We ate it with sour cream, it was very tasty, even tastier than in the garden, it turned out... and the meat is not redneck-like :)

It doesn't taste like semolina at all!

Semolina zrazy with meat is direct proof that even semolina porridge can be tasty. Preparing zraza with semolina meat is quite troublesome, but the dish is worth it.

Small semolina cutlets with a crispy crust and aromatic minced meat inside will please your family.


  • 400 grams of boiled beef;
  • 2-3 onions;
  • 220 g vegetable oil;
  • dill greens;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 1.5 cups semolina;
  • liter of milk;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • sour cream.

Semolina zrazy with meat

To prepare the filling for the meatballs, use a meat grinder to make fine minced meat from the boiled meat.
Place a frying pan with vegetable oil on the stove. While it is heating, peel the onion and chop it into small cubes.

Place the chopped onion into the hot oil. Fry it until golden brown, stirring all the time. When it becomes transparent, add minced boiled meat to the onion.

Rinse the dill under running water and dry. Chop the dill on a cutting board and add it to the meat and onions. Fry the filling for another five minutes. Season the finished minced meat with onions with salt and pepper and mix.

To prepare semolina dough, pour milk into a saucepan and place it on the stove over heat. Bring the milk to a boil, reduce the heat on the stove. Place butter and salt in a saucepan. While constantly stirring the milk, add the semolina. Boil the cereal for seven minutes. For details on cooking semolina in milk, see.

Remove the saucepan from the heat, pour raw eggs into the cooked semolina. Whisk the semolina porridge until smooth. Stir for five minutes.

Add some of the sifted flour to the semolina and knead into a soft, elastic dough.
Use your hands to make small balls of the prepared semolina dough, then press them into flat cakes one centimeter thick.

Place minced meat filling on semolina cakes. Roll semolina zrazy with meat into patties. Fold the edges of the flatbread and seal the semolina dough with your fingers. Pressing down with your palms, give the cutlets the desired shape (oblong, round).
Roll the formed zrazy in sifted wheat flour and place on a board with flour. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the semolina with meat until brown.

Turn the zrazy with semolina meat over with a wooden spatula to fry the other side. Place the fried semolina zrazy with meat on plates in portions, garnish with herbs, and pour over sour cream. Serve hot.

Regular potato zrazy can be prepared with mushrooms, recipe.

Step 1: Grind the meat.

Grind the boiled beef in a meat grinder into fine mince and place in a deep plate.

Step 2: fry the onion.

Turn the stove on high and place a frying pan with vegetable oil on it. While the oil is heating up, peel the onions with a knife, rinse them under port water, dry them with paper kitchen towels, place them on a cutting board and chop them into a medium cube with an approximate diameter 0.7 by 0.7 millimeters. Place the onion in hot oil and fry it until approximately golden brown. 2 – 3 minutes. Stir it periodically with a wooden spatula to avoid burning at the bottom of the pan and for better frying.

Step 3: combine onions, minced meat and greens.

While the onions are frying, rinse the dill under running water, shake the bunch over the sink to remove excess liquid, place on a cutting board and finely chop with a knife. Add the ground beef to the golden, transparent onions and fry them together 3 – 4 minutes. Then add the chopped greens and fry the ingredients over low heat for 45 minutes. Place the finished minced meat in a deep bowl, add salt to taste and season with ground black pepper. Stir the minced meat until smooth with a tablespoon and let cool.

Step 4: prepare the semolina mass.

Place a pan of milk on the stove, set to high. Bring it to a boil and turn the stove to the lowest level. Add butter and salt to the milk. Pour semolina into the boiled milk in a thin stream, whisking vigorously and without ceasing. Cook semolina 5 – 7 minutes. Then set the pan with the boiled cereal aside and beat raw eggs without shells into it. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a whisk until smooth. 45 minutes. Add the required amount of sifted wheat flour into the resulting mixture and knead a soft dough; the consistency should not be crumbly, elastic, not hard and not kneaded too hard.

Step 5: form the patterns.

Divide the finished semolina dough with your hands into medium-sized balls; with the palm of a clean hand, crush them into flat cakes approximately 1/2 inch thick. 1 centimeter. Place the minced meat on the resulting flatbreads and roll them into patties, this is done very easily, fold the edges of the flatbread, fasten them with your fingers and press them down with your palms, immediately giving them the desired shape, which can be anything, round, oval, cone-shaped, whatever you like whatever.

Step 6: fry the zrazy.

Process the formed zrazy in sifted wheat flour and place on a plate with flour. Turn on the stove to medium level, pour vegetable oil into it and heat it. Place the zrazy in hot oil and fry them on both sides until golden brown, periodically turning them from one side to the other with a kitchen spatula. Place the finished zrazy on a plate, pour in sour cream or cream and garnish with sprigs of dill and parsley.

Step 7: serve semolina zrazy with meat.

Semolina zrazy with meat is served hot, placed in portions on plates. Sour cream is poured on top or a bowl of sour cream or thick cream is placed next to it. Fried semolina dough is crumbly in consistency and pleasant to the taste. Minced beef complements the bouquet of aromas and adds its own flavor to the taste of semolina zraz. This dish can be savored with milk or delicious fresh brewed tea. Bon appetit!

- − Semolina zrazy can be prepared with different types of minced meat, it can be vegetable, egg, mixed eggs, herbs and meat, chicken, minced navels and hearts, or pure minced meat without herbs.

To complement the flavoring effect, you can add tomato paste or liquid mustard to the minced meat to taste.

To prepare ground beef, use meat from soft parts, such as tenderloin or cold cuts.

Before cooking meat, strip it of chaff and excess fat, rinse it under running water, place it in a pan filled with water and boil it on the stove turned on at medium level for 1.5 - 2 hours. The beef should not be tough!

During cooking, you don’t need to salt the water or add any spices; you can do this while cooking the minced meat.

When preparing minced meat, you can use any spices you like intended for meat dishes, such as hops - suneli, allspice, coriander, paprika, ground basil and many others.

Don’t throw out the broth from the cooked meat; you can use it to make an excellent sauce or gravy for semolina with meat! It can be sour cream, tomato, mustard, rusk or any other sauce of your choice!