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Technological map for technology in the section "manufacture of dough products." Shortbread dough Shortbread dough preparation technology technological map

Subject: “Technology for preparing shortcrust pastry products”

UMK: "Technology" 7th grade N.V. Sinitsa, V.D. Simonenko, printed material;

During the classes

    Organizing time:


checking readiness for the lesson;

mood for the lesson: students stand at their desks, the teacher gives a speech.

let's start our lesson?
Is everything in place, teacher?
Everything is fine.
Pen, book and notebook! students
Is everyone sitting correctly?
Is everyone watching carefully? teacher
Everyone wants to receive
Only a “5” rating. students

    Updating the basic knowledge, skills and abilities of students – teacher questions:

Spring has arrived and the second month of spring is approaching. Guys, tell me what Orthodox holidays we always celebrate in April? (Easter, magpies)

What ritual dishes are prepared these days? (Kulich, Easter, lark birds)

Do you know how to cook them?

Not all.

Do you want to learn? (Yes)

Then let's get started.

3) The stage of setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

And you will learn the topic of our lesson from the riddle.

Crushed and rolled, hardened in the oven,
And then at the table they cut it with a knife

And today we will study the topic “Shortcrust pastry”. Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook.

What is dough?

Dough is a viscous mass of flour and liquid used for preparing various dishes, mainly baked goods. The composition is completely determined by the recipe.

Our lesson plan is as follows: 1) consolidating the types of tests and their characteristics;

2) drawing up a technological map for the preparation of shortcrust pastry.

3) practical implementation of shortcrust pastry - next lesson.

As always in cooking lessons, you are divided into groups. And today you will compete with each other, earn points for the team.

You will see a “Score Sheet” on your desks, you will need to fill it out as the lesson progresses. At the end we will count the points and determine the leader.

I offer you the 1st round of the game “Understand Me”.

I bring to your attention tasks containing a description of the characteristics of products related to the test. You need to guess what we are talking about.

Each team is given questions about one product. You are given 4 attempts: on the first attempt -4b., on the 2nd - 3b., on the 3rd -2b., and on the 4th -1b.

This is a valuable food product, especially necessary for children.

It can be used to prepare all types of dishes: both first and second, not excluding the third, and, of course, dessert.

This is a perishable product that can be transformed into other equally useful products.

It can be steamed, dry, condensed, pasteurized.


    It is an animal product with high nutritional value.

    This can be fried, baked or boiled “in a bag”, soft-boiled, hard-boiled.

    The hut is new -
    There is no tenant
    The tenant will appear -
    The hut will fall apart

    It might break
    It might get cooked.
    If you want, into the bird
    It may turn.Eggs

    They are pressed, fresh and dry.

2.For our diet we use only 4 types of this product:

    wine (plaque on grape bunches);

    dairy (fermented milk products with natural leaven);

    bakery (pastries);

    beer houses (“live” beer).

3.They contribute to the occurrence of alcoholic fermentation, decomposing into carbon dioxide and alcohol.

4.Due to them, the dough “grows”.


    A powdery product obtained by grinding cereal grains.

    The good quality of this product can be determined organoleptically, that is, using our senses.

    This product contains proteins that, when swollen in water, form gluten.

    This is the main component of any test.


In stores we see a large assortment of dough products, and you have prepared them more than once.

What do you think is their difference?

(in the method of preparing and kneading the dough)

We will now check what methods of preparing dough you know.

2nd round “Mazaika for dough” 1b

Pupils receive cards with the names of the types of tests and on the spot they draw up a “Test Classification” scheme; the correct answer is -1b.

Team representatives are invited to the board. Other participants check the correctness of the diagram.

Girls, what types of dough have we already worked with?

(unleavened and biscuit dough)


I asked one of our students, secretly from you, to compose"Knowledge Box" on the topics covered.

The correct answer is scored 2b.

(each team draws a ticket from the box, reads out the question and gives an answer)

3rd round “Knowledge Box” 2b

1 question

Why are baking powders used to prepare flour products?

What baking powders do you know?

Leavening agents give dough porosity , this improves the quality of the dough and creates the desired consistency, because... dough baked without baking powder, using only flour and water, will be very rough and not baked well enough.

To prepare yeast dough, yeast is used as a leavening agent, and for yeast-free dough, soda and acid are used.

2nd question

Describe the biscuit. What methods of making biscuit dough do you know?

The semi-finished biscuit product should have a light brown, smooth, thin top crust, a fluffy, porous elastic structure, and a yellow crumb color.

There are two ways to prepare biscuit dough - warm method

(heated) and cold method.

3rd question

What types of unleavened dough do you know? What is their difference? What products can be made from this dough?

Unleavened dough comes in two types: simple and rich. Butter dough differs from simple dough in the large number of eggs; baking powder and fats (butter, sour cream, kefir) are added to it.

Pancakes, unleavened brushwood, dumplings, and dumplings are made from simple dough.

Cupcakes, pies, butter brush, and gingerbread are baked from butter.

4th question

What is the peculiarity of preparing biscuit dough? What does its quality depend on?

The quality of the biscuit dough and the future biscuit depends on the freshness of the eggs. The fresher the eggs, the fluffier and better quality the biscuit will be. The peculiarity of the sponge cake is that the rise of the dough is ensured by eggs beaten with sugar until the volume increases by 2.5-3 times, thereby saturating the dough with oxygen.

Girls, I have one more task in store for you. What ways do you know to check the freshness of chicken eggs?

(students answer the question)

Would you like me to introduce you to another way to check freshness?

The teacher demonstrates a new method.

From the beginning, two eggs are shown and, without explaining, the teacher invites the children to put forward their hypotheses.

To determine whether they are fresh, you need to break and pour one egg onto a saucer. It is fresh if the yolk stands out like a high dome, and the white hugs it, and only a small amount of liquid spreads across the saucer from the main mass of the white.

4. Explanation of new material .

The teacher reads a poem.

Mom kneaded the dough
She gave me a piece
We made cookies with her,
Who wants what?

Rolled out with a rolling pin
Dough for circles
Cut out with a mold
Stars and flowers.

Baked in the oven
We are our cookies
It turned out delicious
Simply delicious!

Tell me what stages of preparing dough products are discussed in the poem.

    1. kneading;

      cutting dough;

      baking dough.

Or maybe you yourself guessed what type of test the poem is talking about?


Today you will study and draw up a technological map for preparing shortcrust pastry yourself and calculate the cost of the product.

But first, listen to the report on shortcrust pastry. Listen carefully, you can take notes on the main points.

Find the report score sheet on your desks. Evaluate your classmate’s work according to the listed criteria.

A student speaks.

4th round “Choose me” 1b

On the board you see cards with pictures of products. Based on the report, select what you need to prepare shortcrust pastry.

(assessment of group selection)

And now we will write down the composition of the shortcrust pastry together.

(teacher at the blackboard, students select and write down composition in notebooks)

5th round “Technology” 2b

I distribute sheets of paper to each subgroup. Please make a sequence for preparing shortcrust pastry and give advice.

Summarizing responses.

Let's give you some very important tips for making shortcrust pastry.

    Products must be fresh.

    Knead the dough quickly.

    The shortcrust pastry can be chilled in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

    While cutting and rolling out the dough, sprinkle the table with flour to prevent the dough from sticking.

(teacher writes on the board, students in notebooks)

Although today we will not prepare products from shortcrust pastry, I propose to run into the future and talk about the necessary tools, devices and equipment.

(the teacher corrects the students’ answers, the students write them down in their notebooks)

If we work with you with electrical equipment, then it is necessary to know safety regulations.

(students draw up instructions on TB)

6th round “Kaleidoscope of cooking questions”

Now let's play. I called this round “A Kaleidoscope of Cooking Questions.” I take turns asking the teams riddles or questions. For the correct answer you get one token = 1 point.

    What product never succeeds on the first try? (the first damn thing is lumpy)

    Born in water, but afraid of water? (salt )

    What is the most popular type of cold snack? (sandwiches )

    A big sweet confection?(cake)

    Candied fruit slice?(Candied fruit)

    Emperor cake?(“Napoleon”)

    Prepares sweet products from flour using other products. (Confectioner).

    They bake cheesecakes from me,
    And pancakes and pancakes.
    If you are making dough,
    They must put me down.

    A basket-shaped product made from unleavened or puff pastry is used to serve cold appetizers, salads, and caviar. (tartlets)

    The art of cooking (cooking).

    This word came to us from the language of the Komi and Udmurt peoples. Because of the shape these products have, they were literally called “ear + bread.” There are Siberian ones. Always with meat filling.(dumplings)

    We're standing side by side in the closet,
    We shine with our purity.
    They invite us for tea.
    Do you know us? So answer!Answer: Tea cups

5. Reflection of activity .


The teacher invites the teams to summarize their results.

The results are announced. A leader is determined.


It was interesting…..

It was difficult….

Now I can…

I learned….

I wanted

3.2. Preparation of raw materials for the production of shortbread confectionery product “Fruit Basket” is carried out in accordance with the collection of recipes for flour confectionery products.

3.3. The shortbread baskets, which are the body of the cake, are baked in special round metal molds with corrugated walls. To form the baskets by hand, the shortbread dough is rolled out into a layer 5-7 mm thick. The molds are placed in even rows on the prepared layer, bottom up. Then roll the molds with a rolling pin, the edges of which cut out portions of dough. The molds are turned over and each one is processed by hand, pressing the dough against its inner wall. The thickness of the dough should be the same everywhere, otherwise the basket will turn out ugly, with burnt sides.

After molding, the baskets are placed on metal sheets and baked at a temperature of 220-240°C for 15 minutes. They are released from the molds and the cooled baskets are sent for finishing.

To finish the cake, first prepare the mixture. Fresh biscuit is rubbed through a sieve. The resulting crumbs are mixed with cream. Fill the basket with the prepared mass, and decorate the surface with cream and fruit.

4. Registration and release.

4.1. Ready-made shortbread cakes “Fruit Basket” are decorated and sold in parchment rosettes. Shelf life and sale - 36 hours.

5. Quality indicators.

5.1. Organoleptic characteristics of the shortbread confectionery product “Fruit Basket”:

Appearance: a basket in the shape of a truncated cone, decorated with cream and fruit;

Color: sand semi-finished product of light brown color;

Consistency: the shortbread semi-finished product is evenly baked, the consistency is soft, crumbly;

6. Nutritional and energy value (45 g).

Carbohydrates, g

Energy value

Compiled by industrial training master: V A Matvienko.



Confectionery product: “Sand semi-finished product”

Raw material consumption, g

Wheat flour c. With.

Flour for dust

Granulated sugar


Drinking soda


Cooking technology:

Load butter and sugar into a whipping machine and beat until smooth, add melange, baking soda, and essence. Beat the mixture until fluffy and homogeneous, while gradually adding flour.

The dough must be kneaded quickly until it has a homogeneous consistency. If you increase the kneading time, the dough may become tight. The dough should be homogeneous, plastic, without lumps with a humidity of 18-20%. The finished dough should have a temperature no higher than 20°C. The dough is rolled out into a layer of the required thickness (3-8 mm) using metal or wooden rolling pins. During the process of cutting and shaping products, the table is sprinkled with flour to prevent the dough from sticking.

When molding products, you need to ensure that you get fewer scraps, since when they are added to the dough, the quality of the dough deteriorates and the products turn out rough.

Sheets for baking shortbread semi-finished products are not greased, since the dough contains a large amount of oil, and fatty dough does not stick to the surface. To prevent the semi-finished product from swelling, the dough is pricked in several places.

Shortbread dough is baked at a temperature of 215-240°C (thick layers at a low temperature, thin layers at a high temperature) for 10-20 minutes, depending on the shape and thickness of the pieces.

Quality requirements:

The prepared sand semi-finished product should have a light brown color with a golden tint, be crumbly, dry, with a moisture content of 5.5%.


Finishing semi-finished product: Cream of cream.

name of raw materials

Raw material consumption

Cream 35% fat

Powdered sugar

Cooking technology.

Beat cold cream with vanilla sugar and powdered sugar into a fluffy cream for 10-15 minutes. Humidity of cream (23%).

Quality requirements: lush homogeneous mass of white color.


Finishing semi-finished product: “Semi-finished biscuit crumb.”

Cooking technology.

Beat the eggs and sugar first at low speed, then at high speed for 30-40 minutes. Until the volume increases by 2.5-3 times. Before the end of beating, add flour mixed with potato starch and essence and mix for no more than 15 seconds. Flour should be introduced in 2-3 doses. The finished dough is poured immediately into prepared forms lined with paper. Pour to 3/4 of the height of the baking sheet. Bake for 40-45 minutes at a temperature of 205-225°C. The baked biscuit is cooled for 20-30 minutes. And they stand for 8-10 hours. The biscuit is grated.

Quality requirements.

The biscuit crumbs are the same size, light brown in color, dried, and have a pleasant taste and smell of dried biscuit.

Technology system


performing cooking operations

shortbread cake “Fruit Basket”

Total hours: 250 minutes.

Instructional and technological map No. 1.

Equipment: oven, electronic scales, mixer, refrigerator.

Equipment, tools, dishes: sieve, dough cutting board marked “DOUGH”, whisk, rolling pin, mold, pastry sheets, pastry syringe; 1 l., 1.5 l. pots, frying pan, small plates.

Raw materials: premium wheat flour, potato starch, sugar, melange, butter, cognac or dessert wine, whole condensed milk with sugar, essence, sodium bicarbonate, ammonium carbonate, salt, candied fruits.

Sequence of technological operations.

Organization of the workplace. Familiarize yourself with the regulatory and technological documentation. Make a selection of dishes, equipment, tools.

Preparation and processing of raw materials. The following actions are performed:

1) Stripping and weighing butter;

2) Sifting and weighing sugar;

3) Sifting and weighing wheat flour;

4) Processing eggs in a 3-section bath, filtering.

Pastry baskets made from shortcrust pastry with fruit are a very impressive, tasty and delicate product.

Step-by-step preparation of cakes:

https://pandia.ru/text/78/399/images/image006_82.jpg" alt="Cakes" width="250" height="141 src=">!}

Place the dough on the table, knead lightly (both the table and hands should be cold). The finished dough can be used immediately, or you can keep it in the refrigerator for a few minutes.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/399/images/image008_67.jpg" alt="Cakes" width="245" height="142 src=">!}

Remove excess dough, cover with foil, press lightly and add beans or peas so that the baskets do not swell during baking. Bake in a preheated oven at 190-200 degrees Celsius for 10-15 minutes.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/399/images/image010_64.jpg" alt="Cakes" width="278" height="157 src=">!}

Prepare buttercream from cream. Whip cold cream with vanilla sugar and powdered sugar into a fluffy cream.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/399/images/image012_65.jpg" alt=" Shortcrust pastry baskets with fruit - recipe: detailed photo recipe and video recipe" width="250 height=132" height="132">!}

Decorate with fruits and berries.

Preparing biscuit crumbs. Operations for preparing biscuit crumbs are performed (kneading biscuit dough, baking biscuit semi-finished product, cooling, grinding, drying).

Instructions for carrying out work.

Ammonium is introduced in the form of a solution, and soda is mixed with flour. Shortbread dough is prepared in a room with a temperature no higher than 20 ºС. At a higher temperature, the dough crumbles when rolled out, since the butter in it is in a softened state. Shortbread dough after kneading should have a temperature no higher than 20 ºС. When molding products, you need to ensure that you get fewer scraps, since when they are added to the dough, its quality deteriorates and the products turn out rough.

Quality requirements.

Appearance: a basket in the shape of a truncated cone, decorated with cream and fruit;

Color: semi-finished sand light brown;

Consistency: semi-finished sand product is evenly baked, the consistency is soft, crumbly;

Taste and smell: products included in the confectionery product.

Submission rules.

The cakes are served in a flat vase on a paper napkin.

Shelf life.

The shelf life and sale of shortbread cakes “Fruit Basket” is 36 hours.

Production task.

Calculate the raw materials for making 10 pieces of shortbread “Fruit Basket” cakes. Record the results in technological chart No. 1.

1. Technological map No. 1.

Name of the confectionery product: “Shortcake “Fruit Basket”

Yield: 45 g.

Name of raw materials and semi-finished products

Consumption of raw materials for semi-finished products, g

Raw material consumption per 100 pcs.

Raw material consumption per 10 pcs.

Cream of cream

Semi-finished biscuit crumbs

Premium wheat flour

Premium wheat flour (for dusting)

Potato starch

Cream 35% fat

Powdered sugar



Sodium bicarbonate

Ammonium carbonate

Total raw materials for semi-finished products

A novice cook often faces this problem: he wants to make a cake or cookies, opens a recipe book, and it says: “Knead shortbread dough from two eggs, one hundred grams of butter, two spoons of sugar and 150 g of flour.” A novice cook tries to follow a recipe, throws everything into one bowl, and the result is some kind of nonsense. The dough does not knead and becomes hard when baked. And all because the authors who write cookbooks for some reason believe that a person is born with full knowledge of what the technology of making shortcrust pastry is. But this is a kind of skill that should be comprehended. And this article will help all beginners to knead correctly. It comes in two types. And we will tell you in detail how they differ and how to prepare them. We will also reveal some of the subtleties and secrets of preparing this base for cakes, cookies and pastries.

A little history

Dough products appeared at the very dawn of the Neolithic revolution, when humanity had just mastered the cultivation and use of cereals. The grains were ground with a hand millstone, a little water was added to the powder... It is believed that the first flour products were similar to dumplings. But the technology for making shortcrust pastry is not so ancient. It is assumed that the first products from it began to be baked in the Persian Gulf region. The crusaders who fought in Palestine for the Holy Sepulcher brought a recipe for making shortcrust pastry to Europe, as well as a fork and other benefits of civilization. Cookies made from this base quickly gained popularity. And the name of the dough - shortbread - was given by French chefs. After all, the consistency of the finished product is crumbly and fragile. You bite off a piece, and it crumbles into small “grains of sand” in your mouth. It is shortbread that is served with traditional English tea at five o'clock in the afternoon. And now we will learn how to cook it.


The technology for preparing shortcrust pastry products is quite simple. Anyone can do this, even a novice cook. But there are also a few secrets that you need to know to make the dough truly crumbly and sandy. We have already said that it is divided into two types. The first is shortbread dough. For its preparation, only so-called basic products are used. This is flour, fats (butter, margarine), sugar and a little salt. To achieve the splendor of the products, baking powder (soda, ammonium) is added. Sand-jigged dough has a more liquid consistency. To prepare it, they use, in addition to basic products, eggs and (sometimes) sour cream. Of course, different seasonings can and even need to be added to both types of shortbread dough. These can be chocolate pieces, cocoa powder, ginger, raisins, nuts, cinnamon, vanilla, grated lemon zest, etc.

Secrets of preparing ingredients

As we have already said, the technology for preparing shortcrust pastry is quite simple. But she also has her secrets. The first concerns temperature conditions. If you knead shortbread dough in a hot kitchen, you will not get a quality product. After all, it is based on fats. They melt at high temperatures. And we just don’t need this. Therefore, it is important to prepare the dough in a room where the temperature does not exceed eighteen degrees. Next is flour. For a good yeast dough, it should have a large amount of gluten, and for shortbread, on the contrary, with a small amount. But since in our conditions we don’t have much choice, we’ll limit ourselves to buying white wheat flour of the highest quality. The oil should be very cold, but not from the freezer. For better results, margarine should also be used. The ratio of fats should be one to one. For baked goods to literally melt in your mouth, you must first turn them into powder. Eggs and sour cream, if we use them, should also be cold.

Shortbread dough: product preparation and technology

The main focus of kneading is to mix the fats into the flour as quickly as possible. That’s why we first prepare bulk products. We need the flour particles to be coated with fat. Then the gluten contained in it will not be able to come out, and the dough will not be elastic, like yeast dough. Therefore, the flour must first be sifted into a deep bowl through a fine sieve. Next you should add other bulk ingredients: powdered sugar, salt, for cookies or ammonium soda). If the recipe calls for cocoa powder, vanillin, cinnamon, grated ginger and other similar ingredients, we’ll also add them at this stage. Mix all the dry ingredients. Take cold and hard butter and margarine (or quickly grate them on a coarse grater. Mix these shavings with your fingers with flour. Work until the entire bowl is filled with so-called bread crumbs.

Shortbread dough: recipe and cooking technology

Of course, each product requires its own set of products and their quantity. Here you need to rely on the recipe. But there is still a certain formula for the ideal shortcrust pastry. It lies in the proportions of the base products. In general, it should take twice as much flour as fat. But you shouldn’t pour it all into the bowl at once. Let's leave some of it for later kneading. At the first stage, put the basic products in a bowl in the following proportions: for three hundred grams of flour - two hundred butter with margarine and one hundred powdered sugar. Even in sweet products, don’t forget to add a pinch of salt. To prevent the dough from coming out “clogged”, add a little soda and ammonium - literally at the tip of a knife, otherwise the products will acquire an unpleasant odor. Now it is important for us to achieve a moderately elastic dough. The fat begins to melt, and the “bread crumbs” easily stick together. Roll the bun around the bowl and knead it with your hands. All bread crumbs must be included in the dough.

What is important to know when kneading

Temperature is very important at this stage as well. If the room temperature is below fifteen degrees, we will remain at the “breadcrumbs” stage, since the fats will remain solid. And if the thermometer in the kitchen is above twenty-five, the butter will melt and separate from the total mass of food. At the same time, it is important for us to quickly and thoroughly prepare the shortcrust pastry. Reviews from experienced cooks advise putting the cutting board in the refrigerator in advance and preparing a container of ice water, where you should dip your palms from time to time. Remove the bun from the bowl. Transfer it to a floured wooden cutting board. Knead with your hands quickly and vigorously, rolling the edges inside the bun. The dough should be smooth, elastic, but matte. If the bun is shiny, it means the butter has melted too much. To eliminate this, you should put the dough in the refrigerator.

Rolling out

At this stage, the same requirements are observed as during kneading. That is, cool temperature and speed. The bun taken out of the refrigerator should be lightly kneaded with your hands. But the longer you knead the shortbread dough, the harder the product made from it will become. Sprinkle the board with flour. Place the dough in its center, giving it the shape of a brick. Take the rolling pin out of the refrigerator. Roll out from the center to the edges. At the same time, we move the rolling pin from and to ourselves at right angles, turning the board in a circle. The technology for preparing shortcrust pastry dishes is such that we need to roll out a fairly thin layer. These are not sponge cakes or pies. The layer of rolled out shortbread dough should not exceed eight millimeters in height.

How to make shortbread dough

As we remember, liquid products - eggs and sour cream - are added to this second type of base for cakes, pastries and cookies. Sometimes, if the dough turns out to be too stiff and does not roll out well or cracks, add a little water. But this spoils the taste of the baked goods. The technology for preparing jig-type shortbread dough is not much different from what we described above. When we achieve “bread crumbs”, add the amount of eggs and sour cream indicated in the recipe. Knead until you get an elastic ball. If it's a little shiny, it's not a problem. Transfer the dough to a floured board and continue kneading there. It is important not to overdo it with eggs. Proteins can add rigidity to products. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to just yolks. Sour cream, as an additional fat, gives the dough additional tenderness and friability. This ingredient must be of high quality, very thick.

Baking products

The oven must be preheated to the temperature specified in the recipe. If we make notches, we cut a layer of dough. We transfer the preparations to a baking sheet covered with cooking paper. The thinner the layer of dough, the higher the temperature and the shorter the cooking time. Accordingly, the higher the cake, the colder the oven should be. We check the readiness of such products with a match: if the splinter comes out dry, it’s ready. The technology for preparing shortcrust pastry cakes allows the use of metal or silicone baskets. The surface of such products must be pricked in several places with a fork so that it does not swell. Bake cakes and cookies until golden brown.

Shortbread cupcakes

These products require liquid ingredients. The technology for making shortcrust pastry muffins involves the use of milk. A full glass of this product will require three hundred grams of flour, 180 g of butter, 100 g of powdered sugar, two eggs, 10 g of baking powder and a pinch of salt. If desired, you can add two handfuls of raisins, vanilla, grated lemon zest, dried apricots, and prunes cut into pieces into the dough. We begin the work by mixing bulk products. Then add crushed cold butter. We achieve “bread crumbs”. Add eggs and milk to a bowl. Beat the mass. Add raisins or other groceries. Beat again to saturate the dough with oxygen. Pour into muffin pan. Place in an oven preheated to one hundred and ninety degrees. Bake for about forty minutes.