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Dream interpretation surgery on the left hand. Abdominal surgery interpretation of the dream book

Did you dream about surgery? Be sure to find out why you have such a dream. The dream book will help you with this. The interpretation of such a dream is extremely varied. Surgery can symbolize health problems, life success, and making a difficult decision.

The interpreter of birthday people says that seeing an operation in a dream for people born in September, October or November means health problems. For dreamers born between May and August, such a plot promises intrusion into the affairs of strangers.

Why do you dream about surgery according to various dream books?

According to the 21st century dream book, a hospital and surgical intervention seen in a dream predict an extremely responsible decision in real life. This will not be easy to do. Don't be in a rush to make any hasty choices. Think carefully. This will help avoid mistakes. Performing an operation on someone means the successful completion of current affairs. If it was carried out using a laser, then you should take the advice of loved ones when making a decision.

The 21st century dream book explains why you dream about the upcoming surgical intervention that you will perform on the patient. This dream suggests that in reality you can always count on the help of your friends. In any difficult situation, they will provide the necessary support. A similar plot, seen by a sick person in a dream, promises him a speedy recovery and relief from all current ailments.

The same dream book explains why plastic surgery is dreamed of. She predicts the emergence of favorable prospects in real life. Also, it is possible that the business started some time ago will be completed quite successfully. If you had plastic surgery in a dream, then get ready to go through an extremely difficult time in reality. During this period, difficulties with finances may arise, and business stagnation may occur.

According to the Wanderer’s dream book, seeing yourself in the role of a surgeon in a dream means positive changes in work and creativity. In addition, such a plot promises good health. Clearly see the scalpel to the painful rupture. But don’t be upset, this break in relations will benefit both partners. To be operated on according to this interpreter means recovery in reality.

The esoteric dream book says that preparing for an operation in a dream in the role of a doctor means interfering in someone’s life. Most likely, you will have to actively intervene in the lives of your children for good purposes. Going through surgery yourself will help you gain long-awaited spiritual freedom after a very difficult period in your life.

The influence of body parts on the interpretation of such a dream

The dream book explains why you dream about abdominal surgery. This plot predicts the onset of a white streak in your life. All difficulties and disappointments will remain in the past. If you dreamed about heart surgery, try to pay very close attention to your emotions. Perhaps you take everything too personally. Try to become a little more cool-blooded, this will help avoid neurosis.

A head operation seen in dreams in a dream book warns of danger in real life. Only your increased caution will help you avoid fatal consequences. Facial surgery speaks of your desire to eliminate all the features and moments in yourself and in your life that you don’t like. Think about it: perhaps excessive perfectionism is causing you a lot of unnecessary stress.

The dream book explains why you dream about eye surgery. If you saw a similar plot in a dream, it means in reality you will be able to really look at many things around you from the outside for the first time in a long time. Perhaps you will discover a lot of things that will surprise you. Your perspective on many things may change. There is a chance to improve relationships with dear people.

Breast surgery, namely if it was aimed at enlarging the mammary glands, indicates your desire to have more children. Breast reduction, on the contrary, indicates a desire to get rid of the responsibilities of raising existing offspring.

An operation on the hand seen during a night's rest speaks of impending losses in real life.

Dreaming about having surgery on your leg indicates your dissatisfaction with the current situation and your desire to change everything. Appendicitis, cut out specifically for you, warns of the disappearance of all obstacles on the path of life. Right now is the most favorable time when you need to take on new things.

The dream book explains what preparation for surgery seen in a dream means. This plot speaks of your complete readiness to commit an important act. The interpretation of a dream with surgical intervention may still be different: it is quite possible that now you are on the path of the most important changes in life. Drop your fear. Life will definitely change for the better.

Seeing an operation with anesthesia predicts that in real life you will need a lot of effort and emotional strength in order to recover from any shock. According to Miller’s dream book, the operation promises an emotionally difficult life period. You will need to make many important decisions that will affect the rest of your life.


    In a strange dream - I dreamed that I was lying on the operating table, they were drilling into my skull from the bridge of my nose and above, then opening it up and performing a lobotomy (cutting the connecting “bridge” between the two hemispheres), and at the same time some kind of orchestra was playing, then they stitched everything up , and then I find myself in the hall where I am surrounded by acquaintances and friends, and everyone is happy that the operation was successful. So I’m sitting and thinking, why would this be...

    I dreamed that I had an operation on my head, they cut out the top of my skull, removed the top of the cranial bone, dug into my brains and put it in place, then I redid everything in my own way, removed the top of my skull again and put it in place. Why this dream?

    I dreamed that I was looking for someone in the hospital, but then, while climbing the stairs to the room, I suddenly woke up in a dream and saw nurses. As they explained to me that I felt bad and my liver was removed, I looked at my stomach and saw that I had 2 scars, one old and real from appendicitis, and the other fresh, and the strangest thing was that I was glad about the scar. Why did you have such a dream?


    And I dreamed that I was scheduled for spinal surgery (the fact is that in real life my spine really hurts). So I refused three times and ran away. And the operating room is located as if in the basement. It's so terrible there. In short, I somehow felt uneasy. I would like to find out what this is for.

    I dreamed that I was undergoing plastic surgery, then I dreamed that I was performing an operation on some madam. And what a handsome assistant he was!!! When the operation was performed, this girl recovered from the anesthesia, we were scared, she was screaming in pain!!! We calmed her down again and continued to operate!!! Everything went well.

    I dreamed that I went to a club with a friend and he was hit by a car and he had surgery on the spot and he was alive, but his kidneys were put in a metal bowl and filled with water and they should always be in water. They took him home, and I have to bring them to him, the main thing is that they are in the water. The water was clear only with a shade of pink from blood, but my son Artyom was with me and we took them with him, but halfway we met people we knew a lot, and they constantly delayed us, and we drove for a long time and it always somehow turned out that water was pouring out of the bowl and we were looking for it to top it up. We were traveling by bus, but I didn’t finish the dream and woke up.

    I dreamed that I had to have surgery on my eyes, as if in order to see clearly I had to have something removed from my eyes. I went to a surgeon in a private clinic, and they began to prepare me for surgery. I was terribly afraid, but I controlled myself and gradually prepared for the operation. The thought in my head is how will I survive the operation itself? But I didn’t see the operation; I woke up.

    I dreamed that I was playing ball on the street and suddenly the ball hit me in the area of ​​appendicitis, and I started crying, holding my hand to where the ball hit and suddenly a woman doctor appeared. She hugs me and strokes my head and leads me to the car. I continue to cry, she tries to calm me down. She took out the keys and started shaking them, and I stopped crying. Then he puts me on a gurney and explains to the orderlies that the boy has appendicitis and urgently needs to go to the hospital for surgery, and suddenly they put an oxygen mask on me, and we went to the hospital. Then, when they arrived, they quickly took me to the operating room, and there were a lot of doctors there, and I suddenly became scared. They transferred me from the gurney to the operating table and showed me the Angrybirds magazine, and while I was looking at the magazine, the anesthesiologist puts on an anesthesia mask for me, and I fall asleep.

    Hello. I dreamed that a man had his kidney cut out, I was lying in a hospital room and sleeping. Suddenly I was awakened by noise in the corridor, I quietly opened the door and saw a man and 2 nurses. Suddenly the man hit the nurse, and I became scared, I dropped my toy and the nurse heard the noise. She came into my room, patting me on the head, and asked: did this noise wake you up? I said yes and then she put me back to bed and brought me milk and gave me something to drink. I drank everything, then she said that this guy won’t wake you up again and sat me down and the nurse opened the door to my room and I saw that the man’s kidney had been cut out. Then I got scared and screamed and began to tremble, and the nurses immediately calmed me down and injected me with sleeping pills and I woke up.

Creative dream book

To carry out an operation - in a dream - what does it mean for the dreamer

  1. An operation in a hospital is a frightening thing, and besides, it is a violent intervention. In dreams, it means not only recognizing one's own fears and pain, but also recognizing one's need for healing.
  2. If in a dream we ourselves perform an operation, then recognize your own level of skill in some life situation. If we are operated on, we strive to achieve deeper internal knowledge, but we are afraid of the expected outcome.
  3. Acute treatment.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does the dreamer dream about about surgery in a dream?

Operation - Why dream about how an operation is performed - means that you have to make a responsible and very difficult decision, but you will be able to fulfill your obligations. Doing an operation yourself in a dream or being an assistant is a harbinger of successful completion of affairs; doing it with the help of a laser beam means that you are not able to make decisions on your own, you are trying to take the advice of friends and acquaintances and this prevents you from achieving your goal.

If you undergo surgery in a dream, in difficult times you can count on the help of friends; for patients, sleep predicts recovery. Why dream about a person having an organ implanted or having plastic surgery – a good dream. He predicts the successful completion of the work begun and favorable prospects. If such an operation is performed on you, hard times, obstacles and stagnation in business await you.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Operations from your dream

Operation - To operate yourself, to see, to participate - radical changes for the better in health, creativity, business. A scalpel is a painful break in a relationship for the benefit of both. Operation – Seeing in a dream – patience awaits you; to be operated on means recovery. Surgery – You are being operated on to reconstruct the organs of your subtle bodies. Perhaps you exhibit abilities, including clairaudience. You are operating, you are interfering in someone's life. The surgeon is a higher power helping you to rebuild.

Operation (surgical) - Symbolizes an encroachment on your rights, your property. If you operate, you are the master of the situation. Surviving the operation means gaining spiritual freedom after a difficult period. To see someone's operation or to perform it yourself is to manage circumstances at your own discretion. To be operated on – Recovery. Operation – Seeing in a dream – patience awaits you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean if you dream about Operation?

Operate - (Operation) - you are being operated on - huge changes for the better - new opportunities and income; you operate yourself - you will benefit; watching the operation - incredible news. You dreamed of an Operation - You saw a surgical operation in a dream - your current affairs will be completed quickly and successfully. It’s as if you’ve been scheduled for a complex operation, and you’re going through it hard - you’ll find yourself in a situation that you won’t be able to influence. You are having an operation - expect changes for the worse in reality.

You yourself perform an operation on a person - the fate of other people will depend on the decision you make; The weight of responsibility will not shake your resolve for long. Operation is a disease; problem; painful internal state. You dreamed of an Operation - recovery awaits you. Cut out appendicitis - get rid of grievances and sorrows. Imagine that the operation was successful and the patient was soon back on his feet. Operation - surgical - means interference in your life.

Mythological dream book

Interpretation of the Operation

Operation. Surgery in a dream usually predicts change. Often such dreams are frightening, but motivating stimuli can also be found in them. More precisely, a dream about a surgical operation speaks of the need to correct something in a certain area of ​​​​real life. Operations can predict success or good news. A dream about surgery may reflect | the need to overcome obstacles.

A dream about surgery suggests that you are currently going through a major change in your life; surgery is a metaphor for the spiritual or emotional "repair" that you will have to do. Heart surgery. Heart surgery in a dream - you should pay attention to your emotions. Throat surgery. Throat surgery can be associated with the need to improve communication channels.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with an Operation mean, taking into account the date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream about having an operation in a dream - to poor health.

If in the summer you dreamed of performing an operation yourself or seeing others doing it, this means intrusion into your affairs.

In the fall, why did you dream of having an operation - it means malicious intent.

In winter, why do you dream about neck surgery - it can be associated with themes of flexibility and the ability to adapt to changes in relationships and the work environment.

If you find yourself in a dream in the surgical ward of a medical institution, be sure to find out what the surgical intervention was for in your dream. Such a vision in dream books is interpreted in many ways. It can warn of real health problems or be seen on the eve of a fateful decision or an important step.

For example, this dream hints to people born in the autumn months about the need to urgently visit a doctor and get comprehensive advice on their well-being. But those who were born from May to August will have to face the interference of strangers in their personal or professional affairs; such predictions can be found in the dream book of Birthday People.

From a collection of interpretations of the 21st Century

An important choice or decision lies before the one who slept and saw the operation, according to the 21st Century dream book. Finding the right option is not easy, but the main thing is not to rush or panic. This will help prevent a mistake or rash step.

If the dreamer acted as a surgeon, performing surgery in a night dream, then the projects he began would be completed safely and successfully in reality. And if he manipulated a laser instrument, it would not be superfluous to have the support of experienced people or their advice in making a responsible decision.

Whatever you dream about at night! Sometimes the visions that come to us are pleasant, and sometimes we wake up after them in a cold sweat. Today we propose to find out why and in general being in the hospital. The most complete and trustworthy collections of interpretations available today will help us in this.

Modern dream book

What does the dream of an operation mean, according to the compilers of this collection of interpretations? So, if you saw yourself in the role of a doctor performing a surgical intervention, then in reality you will have to make a very important, literally fateful, and therefore difficult decision. If you yourself are on the operating table, then fate is preparing some tests for you. A dream in which you observe surgical procedures from the side promises you the successful completion of current affairs. If you dreamed that you were acting as a doctor’s assistant performing an operation on a patient, then perhaps soon you will make an attempt to improve your well-being in a not entirely honest way. However, at the last moment your conscience will awaken and you will not implement your plan.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

So, let's consider how the compilers of this collection interpret visions in which someone undergoes surgery. A dream in which appendicitis is being excised or another urgent surgical intervention is performed on a person close to you, while you are impatiently waiting for the outcome of the operation, promises you well-being in business, which will not be overshadowed by any troubles. If you dreamed that you yourself found yourself under a surgeon’s knife, then this is not a good sign. You should take care of your health as soon as possible, as it may deteriorate sharply, and you actually risk ending up in the hospital in reality, and not in a dream. A vision in which you are having an abortion acts as a warning that you should not make decisions rashly. This can lead to very unpleasant consequences in the future.

ABC of dream interpretation

Why do you dream about surgery? In general, surgery is considered by this source as an attack on your rights and property. If in a dream you perform the operation, then in real life you are the master of the situation. The vision in which you woke up after undergoing surgery symbolizes the acquisition of spiritual freedom after a long difficult period.

A collection of tips received in a dream

Let's consider how the authors of this book interpret this dream. Abdominal surgery or other serious surgical intervention performed on a sleeping person is considered a very bad omen. Such a vision indicates to the dreamer a great risk of getting involved in a very dangerous situation, from which it will be possible only with great losses. In addition, you are unlikely to be able to solve all the problems without outside help. If you are given anesthesia in a dream, then in reality the cause of all your problems may be inadequacy in assessing the situation. A vision in which you are forced to operate on a patient yourself suggests that in reality in the near future you will probably have to show all your skills and abilities in order to solve some very serious problem as effectively as possible.

Vanga's Dream Book

Everyone is interested to know how this famous healer and dream interpreter would explain this or that night vision. Thus, Vanga’s dream book does not describe an operation or surgical intervention in any way. However, it contains information that a vision of health problems and illnesses in itself is an unkind omen. Since many religions view illness as a punishment for sins committed by people, such a dream can act as a warning about the need to reconsider one’s life attitudes and values. If you dreamed that you were suffering from a serious illness, then in reality you will suffer because of some previously committed ugly act. A vision in which you managed to recover from a serious illness predicts the opportunity to avoid trouble.

Miller's Dream Book

So, let’s find out how this source interprets sleep associated with surgery and illnesses. The hospital you end up in because of the need for an urgent operation symbolizes the problems and difficulties that are approaching you. However, if you manage to quickly get back on your feet and leave in good health, then you will be able to survive troubles with minimal losses. If you come to visit someone in the hospital after surgery, then unpleasant news awaits you in reality.

Esoteric dream book

Let's find out how this source interprets the vision in question. A dream in which the hospital is the main object (you have undergone surgery or came here with an exacerbation of a chronic disease) foretells that in real life you will be asked to provide some kind of service. It will be very difficult for you to do this, but you will not be able to refuse. Also, a long stay in a medical facility may indicate the need to rest and take care of your own health, since you are at risk of getting sick in reality. If you dreamed that you were a doctor operating on a patient, then in real life you will have to spend a lot of time organizing other people’s affairs.

Self-instruction manual for dream interpretation

What does the operation mean in dreams according to information from this source? If you dreamed that you yourself were under the surgeon’s knife, then this is a kind of signal that you need to see a doctor in reality, since your health may deteriorate. A dream in which you yourself work in a hospital and even perform operations warns of the approach of difficult times.

Perhaps the most unpleasant thing a person can see in a dream is an operation. The dream book usually helps to figure out what it is for. However, in order to reveal the meaning of a night dream as fully as possible, you should remember what details were in the dream and listen to your feelings.

Night prediction

So, we should talk about how Dmitry and Nadezhda say that this is some kind of sign from above. If the sleeper finds himself in the role of a patient, then this vision should be regarded as a warning. Perhaps he will soon find himself in a rather risky situation, which could threaten large losses. And you won’t be able to get rid of problems without asking for help. If the surgeon in the vision operated on a person under anesthesia, then this is the key to the solution. Perhaps the reason for all the problems that exist in real life is an inappropriate attitude towards what is happening. But if a person acted as a surgeon in a dream, this means that he will soon have to make every effort to resolve any problem.

What to expect next?

So, in principle, a dreamed operation is not such a terrible sign. for example, interprets it as a good sign. Soon we should expect changes for the better! Perhaps the dreamer will have new opportunities and his financial condition will improve. If he himself operates on someone, it means stability; in real life, it is not difficult for him to keep everything under control. Observes from the side - can calmly manage circumstances. And if he sees how he is recovering after surgery - to spiritual restoration and peace. Soon all the bad things will end and, finally, you can rest. This is what dreams about surgery mean.

The esoteric dream book also does not foretell anything bad. Such a vision is for improvement. And if a person acts as a surgeon, then he will help someone. So this is a good sign and there is no need to worry too much about what you saw.

Modern meaning

Now it’s worth talking about what interpretation the modern dream book gives. They are undergoing surgery - what does that mean? Well, not exactly a good sign. You probably need to take a closer look at your state of health in reality. Maybe the dreamer really is expecting an operation soon, and so it came to him in the night. Then there is no need to worry - this is good news. This means everything will be successful. But when a surgeon dreams of something similar, it is simply a reflection of his real activity. Maybe the doctor has been overworked or has been too tired lately and is worried. Then it's time to rest. The surgeon must be well-rested and full of energy, because the lives of other people are in his hands.

Dream details

Well, in addition to the above interpretations, one must also take into account what the dream book says about the details. Heart surgery - what, for example, is it for? Let's just say this doesn't mean anything good. This vision means that there is a cruel person around the dreamer and he behaves inappropriately - meanly, arrogantly, deceitfully and condemns other people. Maybe you need to take a closer look at the people around you - maybe he is very close. By the way, there is another interpretation. Heart surgery is a hint that it’s time to stop worrying about relationships with your significant other, friends or relatives. Everything will work out, but worrying is empty.

What else can the dream book tell? Surgery on the abdomen, for example, is a good sign. This is a sign of happiness and success, as well as improved health. And for better results, you should start doing it - maybe start taking vitamins. In any case, a good period for health will come. And this is a great time to get rid of bad habits. This interpretation is offered by the modern dream book.

A dream about abdominal surgery does not promise anything positive. It is best to register with a doctor, get checked again and become more attentive to yourself and your baby. And, of course, worry less.

But if a person dreamed that he was operating on someone’s stomach, it means that he will soon enter a creative period. A great time to express yourself as an individual. Of course, you shouldn’t expect that everything will work out quickly and easily, but if you persistently pursue your goal, success will not be far off.