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Indian anchovy. Hamsa symbol tattoo

Which is used by representatives of different nations and religious denominations. It is very popular in the Middle East among followers of Islam and Judaism. This amulet has several names - Hand of Miriam, Hamsa, Hand of Fatima. The meaning of the talisman remains unchanged - protection from the evil eye and damage.

Origin of the symbol

The word “hamsa” is of Semitic origin; it literally translates as “five”, “quintuplet”. Archaeological excavations confirm that the image of the open palm was widely used in the ancient world long before the founding of Islam. Similar symbols can be found in Mesopotamia (hand of Ishtar), Ancient Egypt (Mano Pantea), the ancient world (hand of Venus, hand of Aphrodite), Phenicia (hand of Tanit) and among followers of Buddhism.

For all nations, this symbol served as a protector from the evil eye and malicious influence of any kind.

In Judaism, the talisman was called the “Hand of Miriam” after the sister of Aaron and Moses, who was called the savior of Israel and was considered a prophetess.

One of the Arab legends connects the talisman with Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. One day Ali, Fatima's husband, came home with the news that he was going to bring a second wife into the house. At this time, the woman was cooking food on the fire. Out of shock, she let go of the spoon and continued to stir the boiling brew with her hand, not noticing the physical pain due to mental suffering. Since that time, Fatima's hand has been considered a symbol of humility, faith and fortitude.

Fatima's hand is a symbolic image of an open palm with three straightened fingers in the middle and two symmetrical thumbs on the sides.

Often magical symbols and sacred texts are applied to the palm to make the amulet more effective:

  • eye - for additional protection from damage;
  • the star of David - as a talisman against dark forces;
  • fish - to strengthen family well-being;
  • crescent - to attract good luck;
  • texts of prayers - to enhance the protective qualities of the talisman.

For Hamsa, shades of blue are always chosen, since it is this color that protects against witchcraft and any negative influence. If precious stones and minerals are used in the decoration of the talisman, then blue materials are also preferred.

Since ancient times, the hand has been considered a symbol of power, protection and punishment. It gives a person spirituality, directs him to the right path in life and attracts good luck and prosperity to him. In all traditions, the main purpose of Hamsa is to protect its owner from the influence of the forces of evil and accumulate positive energy.

In any religion, Hamsa is associated with images of goddesses and holy women, therefore it provides special protection to the beautiful half of humanity. Women in the East believe that Hamsa will help them preserve their family hearth and protect their home from envious people and enemies, and young girls wear Hamsa in the hope of getting married successfully.

Muslims are convinced that the Hand of Fatima has healing properties and can cure any disease.

For followers of Islam and Judaism, the Hamsa is not only a talisman, but also the most important religious symbol with a special meaning, where the five fingers are closely connected with the sacred concepts of faith.

In Islam, the Hand of Fatima symbolizes the five pillars of faith: fasting during Ramadan, giving alms to the disadvantaged, performing the prescribed ablutions, fighting infidels and pilgrimage to Mecca. Another meaning of the Hand of Fatima is the family of the prophet: Muhammad himself, his daughter Fatima, Fatima’s husband Ali, Fatima’s two sons Hussein and Hassan.

Among the Jews, the Hand of Miriam is associated with the Pentateuch - the five holy books of the Torah, and is also interpreted as a designation of the five senses of man.

How to use a talisman correctly

The amulet is quite versatile in use. Although, traditionally, Hamsa is considered a women's amulet, it also helps men and especially children. The hand of Fatima can be worn as decoration, placed in the home, car, office and even as a tattoo on the body.

In a building, it is recommended to hang a talisman above the front door to protect the house from visitors with bad intentions and evil forces. Inside the car, the Hand of Fatima will protect you from dangers on the road and make the long journey easier. In the workplace, it will help you to be collected and bring success.

The hand of Fatima is a wonderful amulet for pregnant women. It will protect the expectant mother and baby from all misfortunes, strengthen the health of both and make childbirth easier. The amulet is also recommended to be worn by young children who do not yet have sufficient protection against accidental or intentional evil eye. It can be hung around the neck or put on the handle, or placed in a baby stroller.

The image has the same power as keychains, pendants and other products. Therefore, it is often used in decorative patterns on the walls of houses and embroidered on clothes.

Nowadays, the Hand of Fatima has acquired a special meaning as a talisman. It represents the unity of all peoples and faiths, emphasizing the common origin of religions, and acts as a symbol of hope and protection of peace on Earth.

And the heat of the day will not scorch the one who is tempered with proud patience. Rumi Jalal ad-Din

The Middle East is a real Klondike of all kinds of amulets. The most common amulet of these mystical places is the image of an open palm with five fingers. It is known as the hamsa amulet, the meaning of which is replete with the influence of various beliefs. "Hamsa" means "five" in Arabic.

By the way, the familiar small fish anchovy has the same root. It is traditionally caught using a net with 5 mm mesh.

The palm is the oldest symbol of protection, known since Paleolithic times. This can be seen in photos from archaeological excavations. The symbol of the hand is deeply revered in many cultures, each of which credits itself with the origin of the talisman.

  • Judaism. Hamsa among Jews is called “Hand of Miriam” (sister of the biblical Aaron and Moses) or “Yad-a-Khmesh” (“hand of five” translated from Hebrew). This is a symbol of the five holy books of the Torah. In Aramaic, the quintuplet sounds like “hamsha.”
  • Hinduism. In the ancient teachings of Jainism there is an emblem of an open palm. It means ahimsa (the idea of ​​non-violence, submission).
  • Islam. The Hamsa is known in the Islamic world as the “Hand of Fatima.” There is a beautiful legend about its origin:

Once, the husband of Fatima (daughter of the Prophet Muhammad) brought home his second wife. He introduced her to his wife when Fatima was preparing halva over the fire. Having received a blow to the heart, the girl dropped the spoon. She began stirring the boiling halva with her hand further, not feeling anything. Fatima's mental pain was greater. Ali (her husband), amazed by the beauty’s experiences, abandoned his intention. He remained faithful to his wife until the end of his days.

The hand of Fatima in the Islamic religion is a symbol of the five fundamentals (faith, prayer, fasting, mercy, pilgrimage).

  • Christianity. “The Hand or Right Hand of God”, which appears from the clouds and brings protection to wanderers (the meaning of God in the Christian Trinity). This image can often be seen in paintings of religious Christian themes.
  • The ancient Phoenicians attributed anchovy to the "Hand of Tanit", the lunar goddess who patronized Carthage. For the Egyptians, this is the “Hand of Atut,” a sign of fertility that helps the primordial god leave the body. There are a lot of photos from Egyptian excavations where such a sign appears.
  • Native American Indians got tattoos of an open palm with an eye. They called this tattoo “Sign of Open Eyes.” She contributed to the development of intuition and clairvoyance.

Video: Protection from the evil eye, 5 working methods

What is a talisman

The hamsa amulet has the shape of an open symmetrical palm. The extreme fingers are identical in size and shape. Traditionally, this talisman is covered with blue or light blue paint. This color is the best protector from the evil eye.

In 1526, any depictions of anchovy were banned by the Episcopal Committee under the leadership of Emperor Charles V.

The ancient amulet is decorated with precious or semi-precious stones of the same shade (from blue to azure). You can find anchovy made from light-reflecting material. This means that the owner of the amulet will reflect any evil directed at him.

To enhance the effect of the talisman, various symbols of protection against damage are depicted in the center of the palm (magic square, Star of David, drawings of fish, months, eyes).

In Eastern traditions, the image of an eye or the number five is associated with the removal of malicious damage (the famous Arabic expression “khamsa fi ainek” or “five fingers in your eye”).

How to use the amulet correctly

The main purpose of anchovy is to protect its owner from any evil, targeted damage, accidental or malicious evil eye. Although initially the sign of an open palm symbolized a wish for a good life, friendly disposition, and trust. For most Eastern countries, a raised hand means the truthfulness of what was promised, of all the words spoken.

Hamsa tattoo

Ancient people often put protective tattoos on their backs to protect themselves from sneaky, unexpected attacks. So that an enemy attacking from behind will receive a retaliatory curse. The hamsa amulet is very often used in tattoos. Most often, the tattoo is done between the shoulder blades, on the wrist of the right hand, on the back of the neck.

For women, the hamsa tattoo has additional meaning. This is a symbol of happiness, home, protection of family and loved ones.

But a simply applied tattoo or purchased souvenir (decoration) with anchovy will not protect you. He needs to be “awakened to life”, forced to act.

Activation of the talisman

Take the amulet in your hands, hold it, listen to it (if you have a tattoo, place your palm on the image). Try to capture his energy. To activate, we need to influence all four elements.

  • Water – bowl of water
  • Earth - a handful of earth (you can use salt)
  • Fire – a lit candle or incense stick
  • Air - it will be in the smoke from a candle or stick

You need to carry the anchovy itself over a burning candle (or a smoking stick), fumigate it with smoke, sprinkle it with salt (or earth), and sprinkle it with water. Depending on what you are doing, with each operation say:

“I direct fire (air) (earth) (water) at you.” After finishing the ritual, read the parting words to your amulet: “Protect me from all troubles. Repel the arrows of evil. Amulet from misfortune, protect from deceit.” Now your amulet is ready to protect you.

The amazing origin of the Hamsa amulet. What is the mystical amulet of the East for, how to awaken it to life and use it correctly.


In the modern world, not everyone wishes us happiness. Sometimes without realizing it, some people can cause a severe energy imbalance and influence the fate of another person. How, then, can you protect yourself and your loved ones from bad influences? Our distant ancestors turned for help to the Hamsa amulet, also called the Hand of Fatima or the Hand of Miriam, which does not lose popularity today. The meaning of this talisman is filled with the influence of various beliefs.

The Hamsa amulet (Hand of Fatima, Hand of Miriam) is one of the oldest symbols of protection, to whose help Jews and Arabs have long turned. They believed that the amulet carried the power of female protection and was capable of attracting positive energy. Information about its origin goes back centuries, long before the emergence of various religious cultures. Disputes about his belonging to any of them continue to this day.

The amulet is extremely beautiful. It is made in the shape of a palm, the little finger of which follows the shape of the thumb - so the product looks symmetrical. Famous religions gradually contributed to the appearance of the amulet by adding various symbols to it. People believed that in this way Hamsa acquired additional magical meaning. Often the amulet is decorated with the image of an eye, a fish, a six-pointed star (Star of David); various pendants, patterns and even inscriptions containing magical spells. It is believed that not all symbols can be combined with each other, because they contain great spiritual power.

Implications for Christians and Muslims

It has long been believed that the Hand of Fatima is a protective amulet primarily for peoples who profess Islam. In the modern world, many are of the opinion that the Hamsa can be worn by representatives of any religion, because the appearance of the amulet is not directly related to any religious culture.

In Eastern traditions, the image of an eye or the number five is associated with the removal of malicious damage (the famous Arabic expression “khamsa fi ainek” or “five fingers in your eye”).

History of the origin of the symbol

The Palm of Fatima is a religious symbol among Jews and followers of Islam. But it also symbolizes the similarity of all religions of the world and their common origins. Amulets in the form of hands were common among many peoples and they meant strength, power, personified fate and the right direction of the path of life.


In Islam, the Hamsa is known as the Hand of Fatima and is a symbol of patience, endurance, faith and mercy. Hamsa means "five" in Arabic. The five fingers on the Hand of Fatima symbolize the sacred rules of Islam: mercy, pilgrimage, faith, prayer and fasting.

In the east, there has long been a beautiful legend about Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. One day, her husband Ali came to the house with a woman whom he wanted to make his second wife. Fatima was preparing dinner and was so shocked by what happened that she dropped the spoon she was using to stir the hot food. Not noticing the pain from the burn, she continued to stir the food with her hand. Since then, for Muslims, the hand of Fatima has been considered a female amulet, which gives dedication, strength and perseverance. It is worth noting that Ali never remarried until Fatima’s death, so Hamsa also serves as a symbol of a strong family union. The amulet is recommended to be worn by women and young girls.


Among the Jewish people, Hamsa is called the Hand of Miriam (Yad Hahamesh). The five fingers symbolize the five sacred books of the Torah - Divine revelations written down by Moses. According to legend, Miriam, the elder sister of Moses, had a strong character, a prophetic gift and was considered the savior of Israel.

According to another version, the number five symbolizes the five feelings that every Jew must experience in order to appear before God. To attract good luck and gain heavenly protection, Hamsa is decorated with the Star of David. The image of an open eye in the center of the palm symbolizes the Eye of God, and the text of the prayer enhances the protective power of the amulet.


In the Orthodox chronicle, the symbol of the hand is referred to as the Hand of God. The image can be found in the composition of icons on the theme of the Last Judgment. On coats of arms, the Hand is a symbol of God. Christians believed that the Hand of God helps strangers and guides lost souls to the true path.

Who is the Hand of Fatima suitable for and how can it help?

From time immemorial, the Hand of Fatima has served as protection against the evil eye and bad influences, has the ability to attract positive energy, brings happiness and peace of mind, helps get rid of diseases, attracts good luck, and protects the home from fire. But quite often it happens that the witchcraft power of the amulet is inactive. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the person who wears it. Since Hamsa symbolizes honesty, openness, patience and the ability to forgive, it is believed that the amulet will only help those who have all these qualities. Otherwise, Hamsa can cause trouble or cause pangs of conscience. Therefore, before purchasing this difficult thing, analyze your character.

Hamsa is considered a universal amulet and will protect every honest person asking for help.

The amulet will benefit children who are susceptible to the negative influence of other people's energy, and will protect the child from the evil eye and damage.

It will prevent motorists from getting into an accident and protect the vehicle from unexpected breakdowns - to do this, just place a keychain in the shape of an open palm in the car. If you take the amulet with you on a long journey, it will promote good luck and drive away sadness and sadness.

For people at risk during work, Hamsa will give self-control and control over the situation.

Meaning for men and women

Regardless of gender, Hamsa will help you find peace of mind and protect its owner from the bad influence of others, and will serve as a magnet for happiness and good luck.

It is believed that the amulet can awaken the gift of foresight and insight in a man. The Indians used this sign in the form of a tattoo to protect against the attack of an ill-wisher.

For women, the Hand of Fatima takes on a slightly different meaning. First of all, the amulet brings harmony to family relationships, helps to gain perseverance and patience, and protects the family from various quarrels and troubles. Hamsa is also recommended for pregnant women to wear. During this period, the amulet will protect the expectant mother and child from illness and protect from the evil eye.

Material and appearance of the product

The Hamsa amulet can be worn as a pendant, pendant, keychain, embroidery on clothing, tattoo, and even its image can be applied to the wall of your home as a talisman.

You can make jewelry from any durable material - metal, ceramics, wood. The most suitable material is one that reflects light. Thus, the amulet reflects the evil aimed at its owner.

The color that predominates in the product is extremely important. Blue, cyan, turquoise and all similar shades symbolize peace and harmony. They are considered the most suitable for this amulet.

An amulet made of silver and decorated with turquoise has maximum power. Silver has the ability to absorb negative energy, and precious stones enhance the protective properties of the amulet.

Also, these qualities are enhanced by various symbols applied to the amulet. The Star of David in the center of the Hamsa attracts good luck and the blessing of Heaven to the owner of the amulet. The image of an open eye represents the Eye of God and protects from negative influences. The crescent moon symbolizes abundance and fertility. Pisces helps to ward off the evil eye.

Turkish eye

Most often, Hamsa can be found with the image of the eye of Fatima or the Turkish eye. Fatima's eye (Turkish eye) is colored red or blue, which provides protection from the evil eye and other magical influences. The eye of Fatima or the Turkish eye can also be used as an independent amulet. For example, women can wear it not only for their own protection, but also as a talisman that will give them beautiful and healthy children. At the birth of a child, the Turkish eye becomes the baby's personal guardian. A couple in love gives each other this talisman to protect love and attract family well-being. Another important use of the eye of Fatima is the protection of property. To do this, a Turkish eye is hung above the entrance to a home, store or office.

DIY hamsa

It is believed that a talisman made independently has no less power than one bought in a store. One of the options for making a talisman with your own hands is embroidery. It can be used as an element of clothing decor and as interior decoration - in any case, Hamsa will perform its protective function. For embroidery, it is advisable to use natural fabrics and threads; shades of blue or light blue should predominate in the product. It is necessary to embroider a magic symbol only in a good mood and with pure thoughts. Additionally, you can decorate the product with beads, rhinestones and various pendants. Nowadays, bead embroidery is especially popular among needlewomen. A hamsa made in this way will serve as a wonderful decoration and amulet.

Palm of Fatima in the interior

The amulet in the form of a picture also carries a charge of positive energy. More often, this method of protection is used in the house, where it serves both as a talisman and as interior decoration. You can apply a design to the wall of the room yourself, using a stencil and special paints. The same method is used to apply a magical symbol to doors or pieces of furniture. In Muslim culture, the image has long been used to attract good luck and protect the home from the evil influence of dark forces.

The stationary Hand of Fatima usually has a blessing inscription. Such a talisman is placed in the appropriate place in the home or office, and it will not only increase wealth, but will also actively help in the fulfillment of all desires.

Modern technologies make it possible to apply Hamsa even to a piece of clothing. You can do this yourself using acrylic paints, which have the necessary water resistance for this. Perhaps, unlike embroidery, in this case the Hamsa will serve only as decoration, but will definitely add individuality to the image.


Currently, Hamsa in the form of a tattoo is gaining more and more popularity. It is believed that its protective properties are as effective as a metal amulet. Tattoos are more popular among women than among men, partly due to the grace and beauty of the design.

In most cases, the image is applied to the back between the shoulder blades, the back of the neck, or on the wrist. It is believed that the Hamsa tattoo gives women willpower and tolerance, and gives men clairvoyance and develops intuition.

For a tattoo, as well as for an amulet, all colors of the blue palette are preferred, and the image should not be too large. If you change the number of fingers in the picture or use too bright colors, the amulet will lose its power.

The hamsa can be complemented with an oriental ornament, an image of an eye, a Star of David, a crescent and an inscription containing a spell. All these symbols will only enhance the protective properties of the amulet.

For those who have not decided to put a tattoo on their body, there is mehendi. The design is applied to the body using natural henna paint and washed off after some time. The Fatima hand is very popular in this art form and looks great on the forearm, palm or wrist. Such a drawing, just like a tattoo, has magical powers.

How to activate and charge the amulet

In order for the amulet to fulfill its protective function, it must be properly charged and, while worn, cleaned of negative energy. According to ancient teachings, you need to turn to the power of the four elements for help. Fire, water, air and earth will transfer their power to the amulet.

To perform the ritual of activating the amulet you will need:

  • water - a glass of water;
  • earth - a handful of earth or salt;
  • fire - a lit candle or incense stick;
  • air - smoke from a candle or incense stick.
  • The ceremony is performed in silence and solitude. First you need to tightly squeeze the amulet in your palm and try to catch its energy. Then, in turn, bring it to each of the elemental symbols and mentally thank it for its assistance.

    It is recommended to cleanse the amulet of negative energy in the same way or by placing it in a saline solution for one to two hours.

    How to wear it correctly

    For proper interaction and exchange of energy, the amulet must touch the body of its owner. Thus, it absorbs negative energy. The palm can be directed either up or down - this does not change the properties of the amulet. The effect of the amulet will be enhanced if you wear it on your wrist using a red woolen thread. It is important to wrap the thread around your wrist twice. A talisman worn on the left hand will protect its owner from the evil eye, and on the right hand it will fulfill a cherished wish.

    The positive influence of Hamsa is limited not only to its protective functions. The hand of Fatima brings the owner patience, perseverance and faith in the Higher Powers. In addition to spiritual benefits, this talisman also grants material ones - happiness, luck, abundance and prosperity. Finally, it is worth noting that the amulet must be handled very carefully, because it contains great spiritual power...

    This term has other meanings, see Khamsa. Anchovy Miriam's hand

    Hamsa(Arabic خمسة ‎, Hebrew ‏חמסה‏‎ - literally Five) is a palm-shaped protective amulet used by Jews and Arabs. Other name - "God's Hand", "God's Palm". The word "hamsa" has Semitic roots and means "five". As a rule, anchovy is symmetrical, with thumbs on both sides, and does not copy the anatomical shape of the palm. Although it is widely used by both Jews and Muslims, it existed before the emergence of these religions.


    Archaeological evidence suggests that the downward-pointing anchovy was used in the region as a protective amulet even before its use by adherents of monotheistic religions. A universal sign of protection, the image of an open right palm is visible in the Mesopotamian amulets “hand of Inanna” (or “hand of Ishtar”), the Mano Pantea amulet, the Buddha’s mudra of teaching and protection (Dharmachakra mudra). Other symbols of divine protection based on the hand include the hand of Venus (or Aphrodite) and the hand of Mary, which were used to protect women from the evil eye, increase fertility, lactation, ensure a healthy pregnancy, and strengthen a weak body.

    There may be a connection between the Hamsa and the Mano Pantea, an amulet known to the ancient Egyptians as the "two fingers". In this amulet, two fingers symbolize Isis and Osiris, and the thumb is their child Horus. "Two fingers" were used to call the spirits of parents to protect the child.

    Another theory traces Hamsa's origins to Carthage (Phenicia), where the hand (or in some cases vulva) of the supreme deity Tanit was used against the evil eye. According to Bruno Barbatti, at the time this motif was the most important sign of apotropaic magic in the Islamic world, although many modern representations continue to clearly show origins in sex symbolism.

    The Hamsa's path through Jewish culture and its popularity, especially in the Sephardi and Mizrahi Jewish communities, can be traced to its use in Islam. The Khamsa has been adopted and used by Jews living in the Islamic world.

    Jewish anchovy

    Clay anchovy with Hebrew inscription

    In Judaism, the hamsa is also known as "Yad Hahamesh" ("Hand of Five") or "Hand of Miriam", named after the sister of Moses and Aaron. The Hamsa is also associated with the five books of the Torah.

    Arabian anchovy

    In Islam, the hamsa is also called the “Hand of Fatima” after one of the four daughters of the Prophet Muhammad, which is associated with many miracles, such as causing rain. According to legend, one day Fatima was stirring food on the fire, and her husband Ali entered the house with the girl he had just married. Fatima, stricken with grief, dropped the spoon and continued stirring the food with her hand, not paying attention to the pain. Since then, her hand has become a symbol of patience and faith.

    In Spain, after the end of Islamic rule, anchovy was used quite widely until the Episcopal Committee, convened by Emperor Charles V in 1526, issued a decree banning the Hand of Fatima, as well as all amulets in the form of an open right hand.

    Hamsa for protection

    Hamsa is used to protect against the evil eye. It can be found at the entrance to the house, in the car, on key chains, on bracelets and in the form of pendants. Often other symbols that protect against the evil eye are placed in the center of the anchovy - an image of fish, an eye or the Star of David. It is believed that blue, and especially light blue, also protects against the evil eye, and we often see anchovy of this color or decorated with semi-precious stones of different shades, from blue to turquoise. In Judaism, hamsahs are often decorated with prayers for protection, such as the Shema Yisrael (Hear O Israel - one of the most important prayers), Brachat HaBayt (blessing of the home), Tefilat HaDerech (travelers' prayer), or other blessings taken from Judaism.

    Fatima was the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. One day, her husband came to the house with his second wife and introduced her to Fatima while she was preparing halva on the fire. The woman dropped the spoon in surprise and heartache, but, trying not to show her despair, continued stirring the hot halva, but now with her own hand. Legend says that Fatima did not feel physical pain, because the mental anguish was stronger. The beauty's husband was so amazed by her strength that he gave up the desire to marry a second time and remained faithful to his wife. Since then, the anchovy amulet in the Islamic religion has been a symbol of faith, prayer, fasting, mercy and pilgrimage.

    Hamsa - an amulet against many troubles

    At all times, when people were threatened by disasters, deadly diseases, wars or other disasters, they tried to protect themselves and their loved ones with the help of otherworldly, higher powers. Spells, prayers, amulets, inscriptions-symbols and many other mystical means have been in use since time immemorial to this day. One of the strongest very ancient amulets is considered to be an object under the strange name “hamsa”.

    Description of the amulet

    Back in the Neolithic era, i.e. 8 thousand years BC, people who inhabited the territories of the Sumerian state, the kingdom of Babylon, who lived along the banks of the Nile, hung in their homes a small object, shaped very similar to the right human hand, or rather to palm. This is the hamsa - an amulet that protects from the evil eye, troubles and misfortunes, bad influence and, in general, all negative energy.

    Oddly enough, completely different peoples believed in it and even depicted it almost identically: parallel thumbs on both edges (2 instead of one, as on our palms), the next 2 of the same equal size and between them the longest - the index. Often the palm (hamsa, amulet, not human) was decorated with various mystical symbols, but more on that later.

    Religious aspects

    No matter how different the cultures and civilizations of peoples of different eras and territories may be, their religions, traditions, worldviews, and even misconceptions and prejudices have something in common. For example, the same amulets. The most ancient anchovy amulet was found by archaeologists during excavations of Mesopotamian settlements. Similar specimens were discovered during the study of the oldest ancient civilizations - Phoenician, Indian, Greco-Roman and others. First of all, historians, ethnographers, and cultural experts believe that the anchovy amulet goes back to the mythology of the ancient Phoenicians, in particular to their goddess Tanit (or Tank). She was worshiped by the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, North Africa and other places.

    Tanit was considered a warrior goddess, the virgin mother of her people. Hence the hope for her omnipotent protection, and the hamsa (amulet). Its meaning was precisely in protection with the help of Tank, her powerful divine hand, from all kinds of misfortunes. There is evidence that followers of the cult even sacrificed children in order to beg for the protection of the deity. This was especially popular in Carthage. Later, the cult of Tanit merged with the cult of Juno (and Aphrodite) in Greco-Roman mythology. What is interesting: the same amulet exists among the Semitic peoples and residents of the East, followers of Islam - the Arabs. They call it nothing less than “The Hand of God.”

    Roots of the word and interpretation of the name

    Not only the origin of the amulet is unusual, but also the very word that names it. Hamsa - an amulet, the photo of which is presented here - has roots associated with several languages. Modern Arabic, Maltese, and Hebrew have a common basis - a Semitic language. Translated from it, the name of the amulet is translated as “five”. This is a direct association with the very “Hand of God” that was written about above. And with human fingers!

    The common proto-language explains to some extent the presence of the amulet among both the Arabs and their ancestral enemies the Jews. By the way, Muslims associate these 5 fingers with 5 symbols of their faith. However, we have already found out that the amulet appeared in deep paganism, before monotheistic teachings and religions. The symbol also goes back to ancient Indian teachings, to the image of Buddha. In Eastern religions, it personifies absolute divine protection.

    From Venus to Fatima and Mary

    If the ancient Phoenicians associated anchovy with Tanin, then the Egyptians associated it with their other supreme deities - Isis and Osiris, who gave birth to the god Thor. Children's sacrifices were dedicated to Tanka, while in Ancient Egypt the thumbs of the anchovy signified parental spirits who were supposed to protect children. Therefore, amulets were often hung over the cribs of babies or even worn on them. And amulets were very useful for pregnant women, maintaining the good health of the expectant mother, ensuring easy childbirth, plenty of breast milk and healthy offspring.

    In addition to the “hamsa” itself, i.e. “fives,” the talisman is also called “the hand of Mary (Miriam) and Fatima.” Again, the symbolic number 5 is associated with the Jewish Pentateuch of the sacred Torah. And Miriam is the sister of the same prophet Moses who led the Jews to the Promised Land. Fatima is the daughter of Muhammad himself, the great Islamic prophet. According to legends, her image symbolizes patience, faith, and her palm symbolizes the 5 pillars of the Muslim faith. In the modern Christian world, the talisman is also very popular. It is believed to bring happiness.

    Appearance of the amulet

    Looking at different types of amulets, you will notice that the anchovy can be with raised fingers and with downed ones. And on the palm itself there is depicted an eye (the all-seeing divine eye), a six-pointed star (of David), two fish and even female genitals. This is due to the meanings that are invested in the image. To protect against the evil eye and curses, the amulet is worn around the neck along with or instead of a cross. Often special Jewish prayers or Indian blessings are written on the talisman. Anchovy is also produced as a pendant for a bracelet, a keychain for car or other keys. The color of the amulet is blue – joyful, bringing happiness. And it is decorated with gems of the same color.

    I dreamed about Hamsa (amulet) what is it for, what does Hamsa mean in a dream

    British dream book

    What does Hamsa's dream mean?

    Hamsa Eye of Fatima - A symbol that appears not only in Judaism, but is generally popular in religion: a palm with an eye in the center. Worn as an amulet, it is considered a talisman of good luck and has been used for thousands of years to protect against outside psychic influences.

    Everyday dream book

    dream Hamsa (amulet): If this symbol appears in a dream, your subconscious mind warns you to take precautions: someone wishes you harm,

    What does a hand pendant mean? They brought it to me from Israel. Is this Orthodox symbolism or Jewish?

    Is this Orthodox symbolism or Jewish?

    Mona Lisa

    Khamsa - from the Arabic word hamsa ("five") - a Jewish and Arabic amulet in the form of a palm.

    I see avatars like this on the internet from time to time.

    To be honest, it's creepy for me to see this. I immediately remember the movie "Pan's Labyrinth".
    Actually, there are two questions.
    The first is what this symbol, archetype means, I don’t know what to call it.
    And second: what exactly is the name of this creature from the film?

    1. Khamsa - from the Arabic word hamsa (“five”) - a Jewish and Arabic amulet in the form of a palm.
    Just as a cross on the neck determines the attitude of the person wearing it to the Christian faith, so the symbols of the “Star of David” and “Khamsa” show that a person identifies himself with Talmudic Judaism and bondage. The Jews themselves explain the symbol of “Khamsa” as follows: “Khamsa - a hand with an eye - a Jewish amulet from AIN ha-RA, the evil eye. All its elements are Jewish cabalistic symbolism. Khamsa - the shape of the palm - a sign of G-d’s Power over the world. The eye is a sign His control over events."
    2. In the film the creature is called the Pale Man


    Magicians associate this with the word enigma - a riddle. These people are inherently mysterious, and the eyes on their palms indicate their status as prophets, mediums, and simply people with abilities (in this case, the eyes are drawn).

    And about the faun's labyrinth - most likely the director just wanted to make a monster with eyes on his hands, and not mysterious creatures.

    One of the most common symbols of the Middle East is the anchovy amulet. It represents an open palm with five fingers. It is no coincidence that “hamsa” means five in Arabic.

    8 thousand years BC the people who inhabited the Sumerian territories, the lands of the Babylonian kingdom and the banks of the Nile used one item in their homes. This little thing was shaped like a human right hand. This was the same anchovy that is talked about so much today and which is used as a talisman by people all over the world.

    The history of Hamsa

    In the Islamic world, the hamsa is known as the “Hand of Fatima” and is associated with a beautiful story. Fatima was the favorite of the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad. Fatima Ali's husband brought his second wife into the house. At that moment the girl was preparing halva. Fatima was so amazed by what had happened that she dropped the spoon.

    Without noticing it herself, the girl began to stir the hot delicacy with her hand, but did not feel any pain, since the wound on her heart hurt more. The husband was so amazed by what he saw that he abandoned his intentions and remained faithful to Fatima for the rest of his life.

    Meaning of the Hand of Fatima

    The meaning of the symbol in Islam lies in the five foundations of human existence:

    1. Mercy;
    2. Faith;
    3. Pilgrimage;
    4. Fast;
    5. Prayer.

    Not only in the Arab world does this symbol exist, it also exists in several other religions and has its own meaning everywhere:

    • The Jews have a symbol called the hamsha, which represents the holy books of the Torah. Another name is “The Hand of Miriam.”
    • Hinduism in one of the ancient teachings has the emblem of an open palm - ahimsa, symbolizing submission.
    • In Christianity, the “Hand of God” marks the Holy Trinity and protects those who wander. The image of the symbol can be seen in paintings with Christian themes.
    • Among the ancient Phoenicians, the “Hand of Tanit” (the lunar goddess) patronized Carthage.
    • Among the native Indians of America, tattoos depicting a palm with an eye inside were common. This tattoo influenced the development of clairvoyance skills.
    • In Ancient Egypt, the hand meant fertility.
    • Palestinians show an open hand when meeting each other. This means a wish for well-being.

    People who lead active lives, travel a lot, often fly on airplanes, attach great importance to their safety. Protection from adversity and unforeseen situations is of paramount importance. A variety of amulets and talismans help them in this. Items made of gold, silver, wood, leather in the form of pendants, bracelets, and tattoos become a kind of saving straw. Often the Hamsa becomes the main symbol for protection from harm.

    Note: Asians prefer a hand with the fingers pointing down; Jews believe that a hand with the fingers pointing up provides protection. In Israel, the hamsa is most often worn in gold; a silver amulet is less popular. Modern people use a talisman in the form of a keychain.

    What does Hamsa look like?

    The talisman is an open symmetrical palm: the fingers have the same shape, size, and the outer fingers have the same length. Usually the amulet is covered with blue paint, which is necessary to protect against evil eyes.

    It is customary to decorate the amulet with semiprecious or precious stones of all shades of blue. Often the Hand of Fatima is made from a material that reflects light. It is believed that this allows you to repel the evil emanating from others.

    Additional symbols will help enhance the effect of Hamsa:

    • Star of David;
    • Magic square;
    • Eye;
    • Image of fish;
    • Month.

    Eastern traditions prefer to complement the hand with an eye, which means the famous expression “Five fingers in your eye.” Thus, in the East they protect themselves from the evil eye.

    How to charge the Hamsa amulet

    Activating the talisman will make it a real amulet against evil. To do this, take the amulet in your palm and try to feel its energy. Activation will be facilitated by the elements:

    1. The bowl of water will become a symbol of Water;
    2. A handful of earth or salt interprets the element of Earth;
    3. An aroma stick or candle combines two elements at the same time: Fire and Air.

    The Hand of Fatima should be passed over the candle or stick, then sprinkle the amulet with salt and sprinkle with water. The end of the ritual should be accompanied by the reading of the parting words: “Protect me from troubles and evil, protect me from deceit and misfortune.” Now the talisman is ready, and you can put it on yourself for subsequent protection.

    Who can wear it and how to use the amulet

    A talisman can become a reliable amulet for everyone. Age, gender and religion do not matter at all. But those who have chosen such an amulet for themselves should remember that the “Hand of Fatima” does not tolerate falsehood and deceit. An amulet will not bring anything good to such people, since they themselves emit negative energy.

    You can wear the talisman either with your fingers up or with your fingers down. The symbol is found in jewelry (pendants, earrings, rings, bracelets), can be used on entrance doors as a decorative element, and is depicted on household items (dishes, rugs), art (photos and paintings).

    Young parents often use the hand in the form of a brooch, which is attached to the newborn's stroller.

    Interesting to know: Kabbalists add a red thread to the amulet. They believe that the combination of hand and thread has powerful powers.

    The drawings in the center of the talisman combine the magical effect:

    • The Star of David serves as reliable protection for the home.
    • Fish provides an opportunity to gain wisdom, promotes well-being in family life, and brings good luck.
    • The eye helps improve health and protect against diseases. It can be red or blue.

    The hand of Fatima and the eye can be used as a single symbol or separately. The talisman allows women to conceive, bear and give birth to a baby, lovers - to strengthen their feelings and create a happy marriage, and a child - to protect himself from adversity. If you hang a Turkish eye at the entrance to your home or office, you will protect the premises from evil people and robbers.

    Few people know about the unique qualities of the symbol. Hamsa will help harmonize many areas of a person’s life:

    1. Gives fortitude.
    2. Strengthens faith.
    3. Will strengthen you in patience.
    4. Will give happiness.
    5. Will help in your endeavors.
    6. Will keep love.
    7. Contributes to material well-being.
    8. Improves mutual understanding.

    In addition, the talisman helps to strengthen such qualities as kindness, commitment, compassion and caring.

    The meaning of the Hand of Fatima tattoo

    As for the tattoo in the form of a symbol, ancient people applied it to the back. It was believed that this image would protect against enemies who attack from behind. Today, an image with a hand symbol is applied between the shoulder blades, on the back of the neck, and on the right wrist.

    For women, a hamsa tattoo gives happiness, protects the home, as well as family and friends from adversity. The tattoo also requires activation; without “awakening” its effect will not be felt.

    How to make a talisman yourself

    The most powerful amulet will be the one you make with your own hands. You can make it for yourself or your loved ones. To do this you will need the Hand of Fatima pendant and a red thread. You can complement this bracelet with small beads. The pendant can be purchased both at a jewelry store and at a costume jewelry store. It is better to choose a woolen thread, as it enhances the effect of the amulet.

    For those who want to purchase a jewelry pendant, it is worth remembering that gold activates subtle energies, and silver extinguishes them. Accordingly, a gold pendant is suitable if you want to attract something into your life (happiness, money, good luck), and a silver pendant, if on the contrary, eliminates it (evil, bad thoughts, troubles). An excellent option is a pendant with a blue stone, which enhances protection. Anchovy with blue enamel will also be relevant. After making the amulet, you should put it into action using the ritual that we have already mentioned above.

    Whether the Hand of Fatima will be your reliable companion depends on what meaning you put into it and how strong your faith is.