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Marina - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope. Female name Marina - meaning: description of the name

Meaning and origin: maritime (Latin names).

Energy and Karma: the name is not in vain Marina named after the sea, there is something attractive about it, like a sea beach. Just don’t swim too far beyond the buoys, otherwise the lifeguard may not have time to come to the rescue.

This, of course, is a figurative expression, but in general, in terms of its energy, the name Marina it really resembles either an oncoming wave of surf, or a spring, ready at any moment to resound and shoot. Well, besides, a sonorous and beautiful name can not only attract the attention of others, but can also endow Marina herself with highly developed ambition.

Secrets of communication: often in your emotional impulse Marina is capable of saying a lot of unnecessary things, but this does not mean that you are now enemies forever. Most likely tomorrow Marina and will not remember the quarrel or will seriously regret what she did. It is best to neutralize the outbreak of conflict with the help of good humor.

  • Zodiac sign: Aries.
  • Planet: Venus.
  • Name colors Marina: yellow, red, steel.
  • Talisman stone: noble black opal.

Meaning of the name Marina option 2

1. Personality. Quiet women.

2. Character Marina. 90%.

3. Radiation. 94%.

4. Vibration. 93,000 vibrations/s.

5. Main features. Will - sociability - activity - intelligence.

6. Color. Yellow.

7. Totem plant. Heather.

8. Totem animal. Carp.

9. Sign. Fish.

10. Type. Don't judge Marina x by name, even if their totem is carp. These people are capable of completing the most difficult and overwhelming task. As a rule, these are top-class women who evoke sympathy among people around them.

11. Psyche. Rather, they are people of action. It’s easier for them to do something than to talk about it. They have a masculine way of leading and ruling. Objective and self-confident.

12. Will. She has been very strong since childhood. There must be people around them with a balanced psyche, otherwise they will completely suppress them.

13. Excitability. You will find true friends in these women. They know how to make friends with both men and women.

14. Reaction speed. They light up easily, but always act with calculation. Marina loves to contradict and say “no”.

15. Field of activity. These women always carry out their plans. The most important thing for them is to choose a profession. Marina chooses a job where he needs to give orders, even if it involves risk. If they become interested in art, they will definitely become sculptors or painters. In any case, they manage to deceive others.

16. Intuition. There is something hidden, unknown, shrouded in mystery, which makes others guess at their identity.

17. Intelligence. They have a synthetic type of thinking. However, care must be taken to Marina The girls didn’t skimp on the top, but delved into the essence of the problem.

18. Receptivity. Good, but without overlap. They are characterized by restraint and do not like to put their feelings on display.

19. Morality. Marin's morality does not keep up with their actions, like the quartermaster's train with the army. If it is beneficial for them, they can change their moral principles.

20. Health. It seems to them that they have horse health, so they do not spare themselves, sleep little, eat irrationally, and work too much. Minor ailments can make their life difficult. Weak points: autonomic nervous system, genitals.

21. Sexuality. Women with this type of character feel a strong attraction and strive to live life to the fullest. Their sexuality is all together: delicacy, pleasure, spiritual sex, happiness and unhappiness.

22. Activity. They are active and try to make a career in professions that are classified as male.

23. Sociability. Marina an incomparable hostess, an excellent cook and knows how to entertain guests, skillfully and intelligently use advantageous acquaintances to their advantage. They treat their family with great love, but are still independent by nature.

Conclusion. These individuals have too strong a character for a woman. In such “quiet” women as Marina hidden strength and power.

Meaning of the name Marina option 3

The feminine form of the name Marin comes from the Latin word “marinus” - marine. Usually, Marina have a high opinion of yourself. And beautiful Marina often even overestimates himself.

She knows how to subordinate emotions to reason, so that everything that concerns her personal fate, she does thoughtfully and prudently.

Sensuality awakens in her very early. At school, passions are always in full swing around Marina, notes are passed around, quarrels break out between the boys, and there are always those who want to carry her briefcase. It's amazing that this happens regardless of whether you are beautiful or ugly. Marina. From childhood to old age, these women have a mysterious charm, a certain magnetism, against which men are completely defenseless.

Smart, brave, relaxed, with a highly developed sense of self-esteem; faced with the betrayal of a loved one, she will not come to terms with it, even if a divorce threatens to ruin her entire life. With such a complex combination of pride and prudence Marina still not stingy.

Marina The happiness of a calm person with an easy-going character who can provide her with the necessary standard of living will make her happy. At the same time, the husband must constantly admire Marina; she will not tolerate inattention to herself. Due to her high self-esteem, Marina has a difficult relationship with her mother-in-law. She works wonders in the kitchen, striving at all costs to amaze guests with her culinary abilities. In caring for children, she is quite impulsive: she either rushes to fill obvious gaps in their upbringing, or leaves the children to their own devices for a long time, and is capable of causing a scene of jealousy in the presence of strangers.

Marina's first marriages are difficult.

People often choose the professions of nurses, doctors, telephone operators, engineers, hairdressers, and actresses.

Marina's patronymics are Matveevna, Andriyanovna, and Vladimirovna.

The probability of Marina’s successful marriage with Sergei, Anton, Denis, Mikhail, Valentin, Vladislav is very high. And unsuccessful - with Boris, Nikolai, Anatoly, Georgy, Stanislav.

Meaning of the name Marina option 4

The mystery of the name Marina- “sea” (Latin)

A little arrogant girl. He has a poorly controlled character, tries to subjugate all his household, and at the same time can recklessly succumb to the influence of a stronger person.

Sexual feeling awakens very early. At school, passions are always in full swing around Marina, notes are passed around, quarrels break out between the boys, and there are always those who want to carry her briefcase. And it's amazing that this happens regardless of whether you are beautiful or ugly. Marina. From childhood to old age, Marinas have a mysterious charm, a certain magnetism, against which men are completely defenseless.

Smart, brave, relaxed, not a laugher, but of a cheerful disposition. She has a highly developed sense of self-esteem; when faced with lies or betrayal by the person she loves, she will not remain silent, will not be timid, and will say everything she thinks. Without hesitation, she will leave the person who betrayed her. Marina Practical to the point of commercialism, in this case she will not stop even if the breakup leads to a deterioration in her financial situation.

Her first marriage was difficult. Marina’s happiness will come from a calm, good-character man who knows how to create the necessary standard of living for her. At the same time, the husband should be constantly admired by her. She will not tolerate the slightest inattention.

Because of Marina overestimates herself, relationships with her mother-in-law are difficult. She can work wonders in the kitchen, striving at all costs to amaze the expected guests with her culinary abilities. In caring for children, she is quite impulsive: she either rushes to fill obvious gaps in their upbringing, or cools off for a long time, leaving them to their own devices. Capable of causing a scene of jealousy in the presence of strangers.

She is prone to pharyngitis, bronchial disease, and has an unstable nervous system.

"Winter" Marina unbalanced, not indifferent to men and does not hide it.

“Autumn” is a little calmer. Succeeds in all areas of activity, but gravitates more toward the exact sciences. This is an engineer, a doctor. The name goes well with patronymics: Savelyevna, Alekseevna, Petrovna, Mikhailovna, Naumovna, Sergeevna.

“Summer” is seductive, pleasant to talk to, dangerous for men.

“Spring” is romantic and mysterious. She can also work anywhere and successfully, but she is most comfortable in the service sector. This name goes well with patronymics: Voldemarovna, Ashotovna, Emmanuilovna, Stoyanovna, Grigorievna, Surenovna.

Marina with patronymics: Matveevna, Andrianovna, Vladimirovna - has complex characters.

Meaning of the name Marina option 5

No matter what features the women named after Marina!

However, born in different months, years and, naturally, from different parents, they will all have the following characteristics.

It is impossible to keep Marina close to her mother's skirt; since childhood, she has strived to touch everything in this world with her hands - this trait is born from the consonant M of the first syllable of her name. Marina not a sluggard, not a lazy person, but will carry out any assignment willingly. She finds the application of her powers independently - a consequence of the influence on the character of the letter A, located in the same syllable.

The second syllable is formed by the letters P and I. The first of them makes Marina faithful to this word like a man. Well, if Marina She said that she would come on a date, she would definitely fulfill her promise. But the second letter gives a woman exquisite taste. Marina will not agree to meet with a dull person, but only with someone in whom he recognizes the zest.

The third syllable of this name contains a consonant N and another vowel A. This means that if Marina“has her eye” on a young man, she will pursue him relentlessly, and she will not lack strength along this path. Maybe it would be wiser for the latter to capitulate?

Meaning of the name Marina option 6

Marinas are sexually preoccupied and love to go for walks. Uncontrollable. Poor relationship with mother, frequent quarrels.

They are strongly influenced by the street and random people.

They quickly grasp specifics, instantly find their bearings, are self-confident, and brave. They strive to act recklessly and riskily. Marina has strong emotionality, categoricalness and changes in hobbies. She does not accept everything, she is hardworking, and sometimes she is capable of harming herself.

Marina sexy even in appearance. She has many fans, but, alas, fickle ones.

Meaning of the name Marina option 7

Marina- from lat. sea

Derivatives: Marinka, Marinusha, Marisha, Masha, Marisya, Mara, Marusya, Musya, Ina.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Marya- Marina, blue eyes.

Marina- not a raspberry, it won’t fall off in one summer. How Marina Brewed it, so let it go.

July 30, Marinin is lazy, summer is passing the sultry age, the birds stop singing and start thinking.


Marina unpredictable. She values ​​life experience more than outside advice. She is possessed by “restlessness, wanderlust,” which pushes her on the road. She loves travel and adventure, and is even prone to adventurism. She is one of those who pays the bills herself, without bargaining with fate, although outwardly she sometimes seems to be her favorite. Marina's mind is, as a rule, extraordinary, prone to paradoxes, just as her character is prone to contradictions.

Usually, Marina She is not beautiful according to the generally accepted standard beauty, but she always stands out among the rest with some kind of mystery and love-making feminine power.

Meaning of the name Marina option 8

Interpretation of the name Marina- marine (Latin meaning).

Name day: March 13 - Reverend Wife Marina, labored in a Syrian cave for more than fifty years (5th century).

July 30 - Holy Great Martyr Marina, daughter of a pagan priest; at the age of fifteen she was beheaded for her faith in Christ after suffering (III century).

  • Zodiac sign - Pisces.
  • Planet - Moon.
  • Aquamarine.
  • Marina's auspicious tree is talnik.
  • The treasured plant is the lily.
  • The patron of the name is the seahorse.
  • The talisman stone is mother of pearl.


Marina have an extremely high opinion of themselves, and for good reason: women with this name have a mysterious charm and a certain magnetism, before which men are completely helpless. Smart, brave, relaxed; She has a highly developed sense of self-esteem and is very proud.

Marina does not tolerate inattention to himself.

Meaning of the name Marina option 9

Marina has a high opinion of himself and often overestimates his capabilities. Able to subordinate emotions to reason. She does everything that concerns her personal life thoughtfully and prudently. She will not repeat the mistakes of her friends and succumb to their influence.

Ever since school Marina knows that it is necessary to choose a prestigious and profitable profession. People get married not so much out of love as out of sober calculation. She expects her husband to ensure her well-being and create comfortable living conditions. Demands respect for himself, cannot come to terms with humiliation of his own dignity, no matter in what form it manifests itself. He will force you to reckon with him at any cost. Let her face divorce in her marriage, dismissal at work, a complete break with friends, Marina will still seek recognition of his merits, but will not change his principles.

Marina's self-esteem is more valuable than any other blessing. He would rather be left completely alone. You can’t call her stingy, but she is still thrifty, although in one day she can spend all her savings, but only on herself. In the professional field Marina She is also very prudent and practical. If she works as an attendant in a second-rate hotel, it is only because she hopes to get an apartment; if you are a cook in a restaurant, then in order to graduate from a culinary college or a catering institute without any problems; if a waitress at Intourist, then to get married advantageously, and so on.

It is useless for Marina to give tasks that cannot bring her success or personal gain. He will skillfully escape from such matters. He works for himself willingly, sparing no effort. She is not interested in housekeeping; she deftly puts all the worries on her mother-in-law, mother, husband and children. Strives to constantly communicate with profitable people, to be visible, to shine with wit.

Marina even in his old age he will not take care of his grandchildren; he would rather spend time with his friends.


The name Marina is of Latin (ancient Roman) origin. According to the main version, it comes from the Latin word “marinus”, which translates as “sea”. It is not in demand in the West, but is popular in countries with Russian-speaking populations. And what is no less important, it is revered by Orthodox people.

The female name Marina is incredibly popular in our country. But the most interesting thing is not this, but the fact that this name has very strong energy and can endow the bearer with a whole list of good characteristics. And it also has good compatibility...

Conversational options: Marinka, Marishka, Masha, Marinushka

Modern English analogues: Maren, Marine, Marine

Meaning and interpretation of the name

According to the main version, the meaning of the name Marina promises its bearers such character traits as charm, mystery, love of freedom and independence, willfulness and emotionality. And his energy promises such traits as selfishness, vanity, prudence. For the most part, Marinas are girls with developed intelligence, excellent imagination and good imagination, sociable and sociable, but often too secretive.

A girl with this name can grow up to be a careerist, not created for higher feelings and family relationships. But if Marinas get married or create a relationship, then they remain devoted to their boyfriends until the last day, until the relationship collapses.

Advantages and positive features: Marinas never follow other people’s lead and have their own opinion on everything, which they do not give up even in stalemate situations. These girls are principled and at the same time kind, cheerful and optimistic, generous and smart.

Marina has a bad attitude towards people with extraordinary, unusual behavior and behavior that stands out from the crowd. She may avoid communicating with those who have too high self-esteem and hate selfish people.

The name Margarita is considered to be a related name to Marina. These names are patronized by one Saint, but at the same time, one is popular among Orthodox people, and the other among Catholics.

Character of the name Marina

The nature of the name Marina is such that most bearers of this name form are given a whole bunch of good characteristics, the main part of which is aimed at increasing their reputation in society. So, thanks to him, the character of a girl named in this way implies a cheerful disposition, determination, organizational gift, and the presence of such qualities as optimism and positivity. But at the same time, character can be endowed with a bunch of shortcomings, some of which have already been mentioned above - gullibility, unprincipledness, idealism, inability to recognize good and bad people, and inability to choose friends. However, all this is only a superficial description, and not one hundred percent accurate, because much in this case depends on additional factors...

Thus, among the additional factors influencing the character of the owner of the name form Marina, there are such as upbringing, zodiac sign, year according to the Chinese calendar, and even the time of year of birth...

Early childhood

Marina is a name familiar to every Russian-speaking person, without exception, and this is already a 100% fact. But the same fact is that the meaning of this name can bestow a baby so named with a whole bunch of important and necessary characteristics. So, in early childhood, a girl for whom her parents decided to choose the name Marina may exhibit such qualities as restlessness, activity, energy, disobedience, self-indulgence, noisiness, disorganization, talkativeness, eloquence, sociability and friendliness.

The energy of this name is capable of bestowing the named Marina with a bunch of other characteristics, but the main part of them manifests itself not in childhood, but in the later stages of growing up. However, the childhood of someone named in this way also cannot be ignored. Usually this is an overly active, spoiled, restless minx, always on the move and inventing things for herself that make everyone around her happy. The nature is overflowing with optimism and humor, and it is precisely because of this that the one who is protected by the significance of the name form Marina is always surrounded by attention.

Marina is surrounded by friends and like-minded people, attention and care, but at the same time, even being sometimes alone, she never suffers from it, because she is filled with emotions, fun, and the ability to be optimistic even when alone and in the most difficult situations...


For a teenage girl named Marina, her teenage period will be tortuous - she will not avoid disappointments, troubles, troubles, but also successes. Her life is painted with white and black stripes, this is a fact, but there is another fact - it says that meaning can give her really good characteristics at this stage of life. Among the huge list of characteristics in mind are: activity, mobility, efficiency, unprincipledness, lack of conflict, eloquence, sociability, friendliness, good nature, cheerfulness, optimism, and a cheerful disposition.

This girl has all the data to become a leader among her peers and classmates, but does not have the data to become an exemplary student - teachers will most likely complain about this often. And the reason is one thing - this girl does not have such important qualities as perseverance and attentiveness. Significance endows the bearer of the name Marina with a good memory, excellent logical thinking and a complex mindset, but does not endow her with diligence, concentration and attentiveness - Marina can often abandon things halfway, and one should not expect diligence and commitment from her. And there is another big drawback - the meaning of the name Marina does not endow her with such an important property as recognizing good and bad, that is, she has a poor understanding of people and usually makes a lot of mistakes in her life.

Adult woman

The adult Marina, over whom the meaning of this name form protects, is already a different person - maturity can give rise to commitment, diligence and a bunch of leadership inclinations in her. She is capable of becoming a leader and an excellent leader. What is especially striking is her determination - while she herself is not so interested in the goal itself as in the method of achieving it.

Friendliness, goodwill, willingness to help the weak and protect the innocent, the desire to be the first in everything without exception - these are her main advantages, but there are also disadvantages. Firstly, she may show selfishness, which does not always play into her hands, secondly, she is calculating and cunning, which may not please everyone, and thirdly, Marina is a person who has a poor understanding of people. In addition, the patronage of such a factor as the meaning of the name Marina can sometimes also bestow idealistic views - this mainly leads to the fact that she tries to see only the good in all people, without seeing pronounced shortcomings.

The interaction of Marin’s character with the seasons

Summer - here the owner of the name Marina is born under the influence of the meaning of Summer - a sensitive, kind and affectionate, sociable and positive girl who easily gains the respect and love of the people around her. Open, always strives for communication, even in choosing a professional activity. She is a seductress who lights men's hearts with love and tests their strength. And he will only love an obvious knight, strong and assertive.

Winter is a careerist girl, one who has such character qualities as exactingness, prudence, prudence, efficiency and attentiveness. She will easily sacrifice love and her own principles for the sake of profit and self-interest. She is sensitive to the choice of her chosen one, but the one she chooses will be incredibly lucky - she is passionate and fiery.

Spring - a spring girl by origin is romantic and mysterious, which is associated with a seasonal mood, she has an excellent character. A dreamer, she tries to idealize everything in her own eyes, and therefore often gets disappointed and withdraws into herself. She needs a spiritually close person, someone who can understand and predict her mood.

Autumn - a sensible and mentally balanced person is born here. In adult life, she will be successful and prudent, and will come out of any trouble dry. He knows the value of his qualities, and therefore is waiting for a prince who is bright emotionally and pure in heart. The chosen one will be lucky with her - an ideal wife, an excellent mother, a reliable keeper of the hearth, and has an excellent character.

The fate of the name Marina

The fate of the name, regardless of what name we are talking about, is always the most unpredictable and theoretical parameter. And yet, researchers, even modern ones, also pay due attention to it. It was thanks to this that several interesting points were clarified...

So, one of these moments says that Marina’s fate involves loneliness, at least until adulthood. But the reason is not the shortcomings of the girl herself and not the name variation Marina, but the fact that the girl named so is too serious about creating a couple and searching for a partner as such. She is too demanding of potential partners, and for a long time she cannot find someone who will meet all her requirements - this is her fate.

On the other hand, fate is too illusory and imprecise a factor, and can ultimately lead to a completely different result. But one thing is known for sure - fate presupposes the eventual becoming of the girl named by the name form Marina as a good, faithful, caring wife. She may not become an ideal mother, but she will definitely be an excellent homemaker...

Love and marriage

Marina is a woman with a very strong and pragmatic character, but her heart also wants women's happiness and a strong family. From her husband she expects tenderness, care, love, as well as material stability and a feeling of endless celebration. With such requests, she can get burned more than once, so she is unlikely to achieve anything good from her first marriage. Only on the second attempt will she be able to create a strong enough family. Her second husband will be a fairly balanced and calm man who pays maximum attention to the family. By the way, we should not forget that Marina attaches great importance to the financial support of her family.

It’s interesting that sometimes the unjustified expectations placed on her husband can push her into the arms of another man, but Marina will never forgive her husband’s betrayal. It is important for her that her husband does not stop looking after her beautifully throughout her entire family life and showers her with compliments, but rudeness or humiliation on his part can become a reason for breaking off the relationship.

Marina's stubbornness and independence do not allow her to build friendly relations with her mother-in-law, so she will choose a self-sufficient man, not a mother's son. Marina does not like to spend a lot of time on family routine, but at the same time, her house is clean and orderly, and all household members are always fed. Marina is also always happy to receive guests.

Marina as Mother

Marina's life should be like a holiday, she always has a storm of emotions and they are constantly changing. She is not used to being a home hen and even with the birth of children, she is unlikely to become a housewife. However, it is impossible to call her a bad mother. Her children are always fed, well-groomed and dressed for the weather, but whether they have enough maternal attention is a question.

Of course, Marina simply adores her babies, but she lacks consistency in the process of raising them. For example, on one day she can punish them for simple pranks, and on another day she will ignore the children’s misdeeds. This can lead to the fact that children do not know how best to approach their mother and may move away from her.

Marina tries to turn the children’s lives into a holiday. She gives them the maximum amount of impressions, takes them on trips, takes them to the circus, amusement park, dancing, theater and zoo. She deals with the educational process quite superficially, from time to time, looking through diaries and attending parent-teacher meetings. She believes that this way children grow up to be more independent and responsible people.

Horoscope named after Marina


Marina, who was born under the influence of Aries, is an impulsive and fickle girl, with sharply changing moods and priorities. Now she can be overflowing with energy, accomplishing things, and in a minute she will become gloomy, depressed, withdraw into herself and be sad. Strives for continuous improvement.


Taurus - and this bearer of the name Marina, on the contrary, is charming and feminine on an ongoing basis, good-natured and defenseless. True, he has excellent protective factors - he easily changes tenderness to aggression when he feels a trick or betrayal. He values ​​respect for his person and care in men. She herself is light and simple in character.


Gemini - this zodiac sign is emotional and unbalanced, a girl with this symbol, and also named Marina, is curious, talented, purposeful, strong in body and spirit. But at the same time, she can easily pretend to be a defenseless lady eager to find a protector. She is ready to love someone who loves her, even if he does not meet her requirements.


Cancer is, by origin, an impressionable and timid girl, emotional, but unpredictable. She is ready at any moment to change course direction, abandon the chosen goal and throw aside the task at hand. But in the family she is ideal, both as a mother and as a wife.

a lion

The Lioness is scrupulous and selfish. Her goal is to gain recognition, respect, fame. A dreamer, she easily makes dreams and aspirations come true, but she is not hardworking; even the simplest obstacles on the way to her cherished dream can stop her. An idealist, and therefore often disappointed in people.


Under the zodiac sign of Virgo lies a complex personality. The desire to communicate, distrust, good nature, and commercialism are raging within her at the same time. He tries to devote himself entirely to a measured life, relaxation, loneliness, and home comfort. Compatible only with true men.


Libra - here we are talking about a soft, sophisticated and feminine nature. She is not conflicted, she will never impose her opinion on others, she is timid and calm. She is attracted to gallant and well-mannered men, the kind with whom she doesn’t have to fear for her own existence. Will not tolerate arrogance and rudeness.


Scorpio, contrary to the natural qualities of this sign, is simple and kind, compassionate and responsive. Such a Marina will be happy in a marriage with her chosen one, because with him she can be herself, gentle, sincere, open, and completely protected from the intrigues of the outside world.


Sagittarius is passionate and impulsive, loves fleeting but vibrant romances. She belongs to the mood, and behaves in accordance with it. Huntress - loves to win men's hearts, and then throw them to the mercy of existence. Self-sufficient and independent - she will resist marriage to the last.


Capricorn - and here, the bearer of the name Marina will be by nature a demanding, practical and scrupulous lady, with a difficult character, which not everyone can withstand. She has more than enough admirers, but compatibility is achieved only with the help of such qualities of a potential partner as patience and devotion.


Aquarius will be a lady with a subtle soul, worried about everything in the world, a dreamer, no matter how you look. It is difficult for her to get along in the world with modern realities, and that is why she is looking for a reliable prince as a wife who will protect her fictional perfect world from the penetration of cruel realities into it.


Pisces - under this symbol hides a mystery soul. She looks simple and kind, but in her soul she is impetuous and impetuous. It seems that it is easy to deceive her, but this is not so, her intuition never fails her. An ideal wife and a good mother of her children, an excellent homemaker, a reliable soul mate.

Compatibility with male names

The name Marina has the best compatibility with such names as Boris, Gleb, Gordey, Egor and Makar.

You can create a happy and long-lasting marriage with Prokhor, Semyon, Solomon, Rem, Moses, Modest, Arkhip and Mark, Maxim and David.

And with Yaroslav, Anton, Vilen, Demyan, Maximilian and Plato, you shouldn’t even try to build a family, because nothing good will come out of it one hundred percent.

The name is of Latin origin and means "sea". As a child, Marina was naughty and restless. She loves to run, play outdoor games, and make noise. It can be quite difficult to deal with. But this does not mean that Marina does only what she wants, forgetting about her family. On the contrary, she loves her parents and other family members very much, it’s just very difficult for her to sit in one place and needs to throw out her energy.

Marina studies well at school, but not always diligently. Teachers often complain about her lack of concentration and inattention. Marina can achieve impressive success in sports. She loves his team events, but singles much less. It is sport that helps her throw out her energy, show the will to win and leadership qualities.

Marina knows how to find a common language with different people, makes friends easily. However, she lacks the ability to understand them. Marina cannot always distinguish a good person from a bad one. Having learned that someone betrayed or deceived her, she may be very disappointed in her former friend. But Marina knows how to forgive, she believes that no one is perfect and everyone has the right to a second chance.

At Marina's have leadership qualities, which she skillfully uses in adult life. She can become a good leader, able to organize the work process and direct the energy of her subordinates in the right direction. Marina does not hesitate to ask anyone for advice, does not forget about her promises, and is always friendly and friendly. However, she can be both cunning and calculating, especially if it can benefit the company. Marina likes the process of achieving her goal more than financial profit. However, she doesn't like to miss out on good deals or offers.

Marina loves big noisy companies and fun. Sometimes she gets too carried away with it all and forgets about more important things - work or study. Marina should be careful with alcohol, as it can negatively affect her health. Sometimes, at parties with a lot of strong drinks, Marina can drink too much and begin to behave quite aggressively, which she later greatly regrets.

Marina should also be wary of false friends. She was used to seeing only the good in people and forgiving them a lot. Therefore, she does not always understand that someone is manipulating her. Marina needs to first get to know the person properly, and then call him her friend, so as not to be disappointed in him.

Marina takes marriage very seriously, she dreams of finding her soulmate, a person in whom she would be completely confident, so she usually gets married quite late.

Diminutive forms of the name Marina

Marinochka, Marisha, Marinka, Marinushka, Marenka, Marusya, Marisya, Marichka, Marunya, Mara, Marya, Musya, Ina.


Hot-tempered and impulsive, it is very difficult to get along with her. On the one hand, she strives to give the impression of a serious, reliable person, on the other hand, she often behaves unrestrainedly.


She doesn’t like it when someone tries to give her advice; she makes all decisions on her own. She is partial to beautiful clothes and shoes, does not spare money on them, and generally devotes a lot of time to her appearance.


Smart and erudite, loves to be the center of attention and receive compliments. She is afraid of a serious relationship; her lovers are just hobbies and nothing more.


Open, sincere, but a little naive. She does not like to take responsibility and does not take the promises made to herself too seriously. Needs constant monitoring from a more sensible person.

a lion

Attractive, beautiful and quite selfish. Knows how to use his charm to achieve selfish goals. She can behave arrogantly towards others, which is why she may have enemies.


Endowed with many talents, she does not like stupid and limited people. Prefers to act thoughtfully, considering possible consequences. Sometimes she lacks impulsiveness.


Reasonable, practical, serious. The combination of these qualities endears her to people who consider her a reliable person who can be trusted.


He has a complex character and often makes rash decisions based on emotions. Sometimes he deliberately provokes others into conflicts in order to prove his superiority.


Soft, sentimental and vulnerable, although she tries to hide it. He easily makes new friends, but quickly becomes disappointed in them, as he does not pay attention to their shortcomings.


A reliable, sincere, honest girl who has many friends and acquaintances. She cannot stand pretense, she is used to acting openly, even at the risk of seeming harsh and straightforward.


Delicate, polite, tactful. She values ​​her friends, who are like a second family to her. He easily finds a common language with people, being able to turn any conflict into a joke.


She dreams of a true friend, devoted and faithful, ready to do anything for her. Often has his head in the clouds, making unrealistic plans. Doesn't devote too much time to studies or career.


Marina Alexandrova

What does the name Marina mean?

Translated from Latin, “marinus” means “sea”.

Forms (analogues) of the name Marina

The most common are Marinka, Marishka, Marisha, Marinushka. In Eastern Europe - Maritka, Maryasha, Risha, in Greece - Marinula, in Italy - Rinuccia (little Rina).

Sometimes you can hear such variants of using this name as: Ina, Rina, Rima, Mira, Masha or Musya. Mara – should not be used, since in the mythology of a number of cultures, including Ukrainian, it personifies the forces of evil.

Origin of the name Marina

The name Marina comes from the Latin word “marinus”, which means “sea”. This name is an analogue of the rare ancient Roman male name Marin.

The history of the origin of the name Marina relates to the cult of the Roman goddess Venus. The word “marina” was one of her epithets (Venus Marina).

This name came to Rus' after the adoption of Christianity (like other names of non-Slavic origin). In 988, every Eastern Slav received a baptismal name from a priest. Baptismal names corresponded to the names of saints. They came to us from Byzantium through Bulgaria, where Christianity was adopted even earlier, in 865.

There is a legend about the holy great martyr Marina of Antioch, born in Antioch. She was the daughter of a pagan priest and lost her mother early, and was raised by an Orthodox nurse, from whom Marina learned about the existence of the Christian faith.

At the age of 12, Marina was baptized, as a result of which her father abandoned his daughter. When Marina was 15 years old, Olimvriy, the ruler of the places where the girl lived, saw her. He was so captivated by her beauty that he proposed marriage to her. Marina admitted that she preaches Christianity, and Olimvrius himself was a pagan. To convert his beloved to his faith, the ruler gave her to a noble pagan woman for re-education, but Marina did not change her faith. For this, she was publicly subjected to cruel torture: she was flogged with rods, nails were driven into her body and burned with fire.

But all the wounds on Marina’s body miraculously healed, and the torture was repeated again. Then the tormentors decided to drown Marina in a barrel, but they failed - the earth shook, the shackles fell off the girl’s hands, and a light shone above her head, in which a dove was circling, in whose beak there was a golden crown. The people watching everything that was happening were not only amazed, but also began to praise God.

Olimvriy ordered the execution of Saint Marina, as well as those who, having seen the miracle, accepted Christianity. According to legend, 15,000 people were executed on that black day.

Compatibility of the name Marina

Incompatibility of the name Marina

Compatibility of the name Marina with the signs of the Zodiac

It would be a good name to name Marina for a girl born under the sign Pisces, Sagittarius or Taurus, but with Libra, Virgo, Gemini and Aquarius, a conflict is possible.

Marina – Aries. A very sensitive nature, she is characterized by impulsiveness and frequent mood swings. During periods of inspiration, Marina-Aries is overflowing with strength and energy. And if she is sad in her soul, then she becomes gloomy and withdraws into herself. The opinions of other people are very important to her; she tries very hard to look like a positive character in the eyes of others. Marina-Aries man needs to be patient and calm, then she will belong only to him.

Marina is Taurus. At first glance, this is a weak and defenseless woman. She is kind, charming and feminine. But if necessary, she is able to stand up for herself, and she knows her worth very well. Marina-Taurus is charming and sociable, which attracts men to her. Among them, she will choose the one who will understand and respect her. She will give such a man boundless tenderness.

Marina - Gemini. An emotional, sometimes even unbalanced woman. She will achieve her goal in any way possible. But thanks to the fact that she is incredibly talented, she is forgiven a lot. It has a simply magical effect on men. She is feminine, cutesy and flirtatious, and men are ready to do a lot for such a woman. Marina-Aries skillfully plays the role of the weak and defenseless, luring men into her network. And she needs a reliable, strong and wealthy person who will not only love her limitlessly, but also protect her from everything in the world.

Marina - Cancer. An emotional, impressionable and timid person. She cannot bring anything to completion, she takes on one thing, then another, but abandons everything halfway. Often he cannot find himself and his place in society. Even a minor difficulty scares Marina-Cancer and she gives up the job she started. As a result, he becomes depressed. Such a woman needs an independent, reliable and self-confident partner who has a clear life plan. And with such a chosen one, Marina-Cancer will become a wonderful mother and an excellent housewife.

Marina - Leo. This woman is endowed with a wonderful imagination. She is scrupulous, vain and selfish. Her dream is to become famous no matter what, or, at the very least, to make a brilliant career. But she rarely makes her dream come true, because she does not know how to properly distribute her time and energy. Besides, she is a little lazy. Marina-Leo idealizes her partner, which inevitably leads to disappointment and resentment.

Marina – Virgo. Optimistic, good-natured, sociable person. But Marina-Virgo is quite secretive and distrustful, she tries not to open her soul, as she is very afraid of disappointments. For her, peace of mind and comfort are more important than passion. Therefore, in a man she looks for support and tenderness, and not romance. It is important for her to feel protected and needed.

Marina - Libra. A soft, sophisticated and gentle woman. She does not like conflicts at all; she would rather give in than prove that she is right. Despite having ambitious plans, she cannot overcome her timidity. Such an inability to defend her point of view can negatively affect all aspects of her life. Marina-Libra is attracted to intelligent, well-mannered, caring and kind-hearted men who are alien to arrogance, rudeness and rudeness.

Marina – Scorpio. She is a sympathetic and kind woman with a rich inner world, but not everyone can understand her. For many, Marina-Scorpio is a mystery that is not easy to solve. Her moods and actions constantly differ from each other: now she is timid, now bold, now daring, and then, suddenly, silent, now shy, now promiscuous. She needs love experiences, and it doesn’t even matter whether they are happy or sad. Therefore, her partner must have steely self-control, patience and diplomacy.

Marina – Sagittarius. This woman is eccentric, impulsive, impatient and passionate. She tends to put everything off until later. In relationships with men, she is impulsive and fickle. She herself doesn’t know what kind of man she needs. She enjoys winning them and keeping their hearts as trophies after a successful hunt.

Marina is Capricorn. This is a demanding, scrupulous and practical woman. She considers herself an extraordinary person, and tries to surround herself only with extraordinary and original people. Marina-Capricorn's romances are short-lived, not a single man can please her. The search for the ideal man very often leads to nothing, and she is left alone.

Marina – Aquarius. This woman is an idealist and dreamer, completely divorced from the realities of the modern world. Her personal life rarely goes well, since she is waiting for her prince charming, while her real suitors are more like dull and boring snobs. Only a sober-minded man can reason with this woman.

Marina - Pisces. She has excellent intuition, which helps her overcome many difficulties. She has a great understanding of people, as she knows how to combine her calculating mind and developed inner voice. Marina-Pisces is a devoted and loving wife, ready to devote herself entirely to her family. In general, this woman will make an excellent match for any man.

Marina Antsibor

The character conveyed by the name Marina

It should be noted that the name Marina only partially leaves its mark on its owner; not only the phonetic combination matters, but also upbringing and the environment. Self-esteem can easily develop into arrogance, and morality and integrity can easily develop into authoritarianism. Although, as practice and experience show, the positive meaning of this name still often prevails.

Since childhood, Marina has been in the spotlight. At school she has a lot of fans, friends and boyfriends. In all situations, Marina either remains unnoticed or attracts the attention of everyone. A girl with this name highly values ​​her personal freedom and does not tolerate restrictions.

Marina is generously gifted with imagination. Sometimes she gives the impression of an eternal child in need of protection. Faced with life's difficulties, Marina withdraws into herself. She may not keep her promises or give in to danger. But at decisive moments, the girl still subordinates her emotions to reason and begins to act thoughtfully and prudently. Sometimes Marina is attacked by a feeling of loneliness and melancholy, which she not only does not drive away, but also seems to cultivate within herself.

Marina's intuition is very developed and helps the girl find new sources of interest in life. Often a girl with this name lives in her own world of premonitions and signs.

Marina relies little on her intellect. She acts without thinking and often makes significant mistakes. In addition, the girl often forgets about many things that are important to her.

For the sake of compliments and admiration, Marina is capable of creating real miracles. If a girl is expecting guests, then there is no doubt that she will try to surprise and amaze them with unusual culinary dishes.

"Winter Marina"- a woman with an active lifestyle. She prefers to solve all problems herself, without relying on others. This is a careerist woman who can easily sacrifice personal happiness for the sake of a successful career. Winter Marinas are very demanding of people, including their chosen one. Family life with such a woman is a sea of ​​passions, and this sea often overflows its banks.

"Spring Marina"- a romantic and mysterious nature, she lives in a world of her own illusions and is completely divorced from reality. Therefore, disappointments, nervous breakdowns and prolonged depression often occur in her life. If such a woman meets a spiritually close man in her life who can become a guardian angel for her, she will create a wonderful family.

"Summer Marina"- a sociable, sensitive and kind woman. People are drawn to her and easily open their souls. For men, such a woman is a dangerous seductress; she collects men's hearts. After all, she is in search of an ideal man - strong, wealthy, intelligent and possessing charisma.

"Autumn Marina"- a balanced and reasonable person who looks at things objectively and calmly reacts to all life’s troubles. In her career, she usually achieves a lot, but in love she is rarely lucky. Because she knows her worth, and therefore is waiting for the ideal man who will meet all her high requirements and bring bright colors and emotions to life.

Positive traits of the name Marina

The strengths of the owner of the name Marina undoubtedly include intelligence, resourcefulness, good taste, the ability to present oneself, sociability and charm, an amazing ability to find a common language with people and sometimes even skillfully manipulate them, competently set priorities and confidently achieve what really matters . Feelings play a big role in Marina’s life; the ability to love and hate gives her special magnetism and charm.

Negative traits of the name Marina

The name Marina makes its owner unpredictable, like the sea element itself. An impulsive character and a constant thirst for new emotions and sensory experiences, dizzying ups and desperate downs make themselves felt.
In addition, Marina is practically unable to withstand the blows of fate. Especially in cases where there are no people around to support and console.

Name Marina in love and family

The interpretation of the name Marina consists of a lot of contradictions. Therefore, it would not be fair to consider her a promiscuous lady. In the character of this woman, ostentatious enthusiasm and love of love coexist surprisingly well with hidden prudence and modesty.

The main thing that Marina is waiting for is love and tenderness. She does not tolerate prohibitions, she is very kind to her children, but, succumbing to a momentary impulse, she can leave them alone for a long time.

Marina is always among fans. She often falls in love, choosing handsome and wealthy men. Like many girls, Marina is looking forward to her one and only. Marriage for her is a symbol of a calm and prosperous life. The husband must pay a lot of attention to Marina, otherwise the relationship will begin to collapse. For her part, Marina will never be able to forgive her husband for betrayal.

Sexuality of the name Marina

Marina falls in love with handsome, strong, charming men. If she likes a man, she is able to give herself to him on the very first evening after meeting him. Marina views sex both as a means of satisfying love passion and as a way of self-expression and self-affirmation, getting rid of complexes. She can experience tender feelings for the man with whom she is close and at the same time enter into contact, driven only by physical passion.

"Winter Marina" sexually excitable and active. She demands a lot from her partner, but she herself is capable of sensitively monitoring his erotic experiences and meeting his desires. Sexual relationships are an integral and not the least significant part of her life. If Marina marries for convenience, then this calculation also implies the sexuality of her future husband.

"Autumn Marina" is rarely satisfied in love. She is demanding, knows her worth and wants to get what she deserves. Loves variety in the emotional sphere, cannot stand boring, insipid relationships. She often makes life difficult for herself. Marina is straightforward and open, capable of disarming her partner with the generosity of passion. At the same time, she feels a certain isolation, feeling lonely, even giving herself to her lover.

Marina often cultivates her melancholy and feeling of loneliness within herself; sometimes one gets the impression that she simply revels in her love sufferings; without them, life seems colorless to her. She doesn’t like to feel tied down, doesn’t like limitations, it’s as if she’s always playing with her fate. In her sexual relationships, she seeks the opportunity to achieve spiritual comfort, to feel desired, loved, and this desire of hers is sometimes so frank and ingenuous that it cannot help but conquer men.

Marina Kazankova

The influence of the name Marina on business and career

An innate craving for creativity accompanies Marina throughout her life, so she strives for professions where the creation of artistic images is important: acting, literature, fine arts, stylistics and design.

Marina has incredible femininity by nature, and wherever this quality is decisive, she is guaranteed success.

Marina manages to achieve impressive results where the ability to find contact with children is required. Therefore, a good choice of profession would be a primary school teacher or a pediatrician.

Marina also often displays impressive culinary abilities.

Marina is not a careerist by nature; she intuitively chooses those types of activities that require the efforts of a well-coordinated team, in which there are wise mentors and faithful assistants.

For Marina, the work team is also a source of compliments and signs of admiration, without which she simply cannot live.

Marina tries more to prove herself as a mother and wife than as an employee. She may be interested in medicine or education. However, she is not very concerned about success in business. Only on occasion can Marina give her idea a wide scope.

The influence of the name Marina on health

Marina is predisposed to high blood pressure, insomnia, stroke, heart attack, and hepatitis. Mental instability can provoke nervous breakdowns. An unfulfilled Marina is likely to have inferiority complexes.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters in the name Marina

M- caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.


R- the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the essence; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

AND- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.

N- a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

A- a symbol of beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Numerology of the name Marina

Soul Number: 5.

The name number 5 means freedom and independence. “Fives” rarely listen to outside advice; they are used to relying on their own experience. They tend to try rather than think. “Fives” love adventure and travel; sitting still is not in their nature! They are gamblers and adventurers, a thirst for risk and excitement accompany their entire life journey. The native element of the “fives” is bargaining; in any commercial matters, few can compare with the “fives”. It is worth remembering that “fives” avoid responsibility at all costs.

Hidden Spirit Number: 3

Body number: 2

Signs of the name Marina

Planet: Venus.
Element: Air and water, heat and humidity.
Zodiac: Taurus, Libra.
Color: Green, yellow-blue, pink.
Day: Friday.
Metal: Copper, bronze.
Mineral: Emerald, aquamarine, beryl, chrysolite, sapphire, carnelian.
Plants: Periwinkle, lemon balm, forget-me-not, lady's slipper, non-predatory orchids, iris, cauliflower.
Animals: Pigeon, bull, cat, rabbit, seal, doe.

Name Marina in other languages

him. - Marina (Marina), diminutives - Marinchen (Marinchen), Marinachen (Marinachen), Rina (Rina), Rini (Rini), Mina (Mina), Minchen (Minchen), Ina (Ina), Ini (Ini), Inchen ( Inhen)

fr. - Marine (Marin, Marina), diminutive - Marinette (Marinette)

isp. - Marina (Marina), diminutive - Mar (Mar)

port. - Marina (Marina), diminutives - Ina (Ina), Mari (Mary), Má (Ma), Mamá (Mom)

it. - Marina (Marina), diminutives - Marinella (Marinella), Marinetta (Marinetta), Rina (Rina), Rinetta (Rinetta), Rinuccia (Rinuccia), Venetian. Marineta (Marineta), Marinetina (Marinetina)

rum./mold.- Marina (Marina)

Greek. - Μαρίνα (Marina), diminutive and short forms - Μαρινάκι (Marinaki), Ρίνα (Rina)

Ukrainian. - Marina, diminutives - Marinonka, Marinochka, Marinka, Marinya, Marineyka, Marisya, Marisenka, Marisechka, Mariska, Marisіyka, Marisunya

Belarusian. - Maryna, diminutives - Marynka, Marylya, Marysya

floor. - Maryna (Maryna, Marina), Marina (Marina), diminutives - Mania (Manya), Mańka (Manka), Marynka (Marynka, Marinka), Marynia (Marynya), Marylka (Marylka)

Czech. - Marina (Marina), diminutives - Marinka (Marinka), Mana (Mana), Maruška (Marushka), Marka (Mark), Rina (Rina)

more. - Marina, diminutives - Marinka, Mika

Serb. – Marina, Marina (Marina), diminutives - Marinka, Marinka (Marinka), Mara, Mara (Mara)

nid. - Marina (Marina), Marijn (Marine); diminutives - Maartje (Martier), Rina, Riena (Rina), Rineke, Rieneke (Rineke), Rini, Rinie (Rini), Rien (Rin), Ina (Ina), Ineke (Ineke), Ine (Ine), Ini ( Ini)

dates. - Maren (Maren), Marina (Marina)

Swede. - Marina (Marina)

norv. – Maren (Maren)

Marina celebrates Orthodox name day

March 13 - The reclusive Virgin of Beria (Macedon), who lived as a hermit in a Syrian cave for more than 50 years.

July 30 - Great Martyr Margaret of Antioch, who accepted the difficult fate of the first Christians during the reign of Emperor Diocletian (284-305).

Marina celebrates Catholic name day

Famous personalities with the name Marina

Marina Tsvetaeva (1892 - 1941) - Russian poetess, prose writer, translator, one of the largest Russian poets of the 20th century.

Marina Mnishek (1588-1614) - queen, wife of False Dmitry I and False Dmitry II, daughter of the elder of Sambir and Lviv Yuri Mnishik and Jadwiga Tarlo.

Marina Shipchenko (1965) is a Swedish singer of Ukrainian origin, and is the only female lead singer and keyboardist of the Swedish-Polish-Ukrainian electronic and pop group Bodies Without Organs (known as BWO).

Marina Dyachenko-Shirshova (1968) is a Ukrainian science fiction writer and former professional actress. The wife of Sergei Dyachenko, she works in collaboration with him. He writes mainly in Russian, but there are also Ukrainian-language works.

Marina Strelets-Vergelyuk (1978) – Ukrainian handball player, Olympic medalist.

Marina Bazanova (1962) – Ukrainian Soviet athlete, Ukrainian handball player. Bronze medalist of the Games of the XXIV and XXV Olympiads (1988, 1992).

Marina Koneva (1997) – Ukrainian taekwondo player.

Marina Antsibor (1987) – Ukrainian skier, master of sports.

Marina Odolskaya (1975) – Ukrainian singer, composer, poetess. Honored Artist of Ukraine (2004).

Marina Prishchepa (1983) – Ukrainian judoka, international master of sports, silver medalist at the 2009 World Championship, vice European champion in 2009. Winner of four bronze medals at the European Championships. Multiple world champion in sambo. He also competes in sumo in the middle weight category. Winner of the gold medal at the first World Martial Arts Games "Sport-Accord".

Marina Levitskaya (1946) is a British writer of Ukrainian origin. In 2005, her debut novel “A Brief History of Tractors in Ukrainian” (Eng.
A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian) became an international bestseller and received several awards.

Marina Abramović (1946) is a Serbian artist who works in the genre of performance art and body art. In her works, the artist explores the relationship between the artist and the public, the boundaries of the body and the possibilities of the mind. She received the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale in 1997 for her work “Balkan Baroque,” ​​in which the artist washed a mountain of bloody bones in memory of the victims of the Yugoslav Wars. In March-May 2010, the Museum of Modern Art in New York held a major retrospective and re-enactment of Marina Abramović's performances.

Marina Raskova (1912 - 1943) - nee - Malinina; Soviet pilot-navigator, major, one of the first women awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Marina Voskanyants (1934) - Soviet animator, some of her works are “The Tsokotukha Fly”, “The Bremen Town Musicians”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Once Upon a Time There Was a Dog”, etc.

Marina Neyolova (1947) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Most of his creative biography was spent working at the Sovremennik Theater. She played the most famous roles in such films as: “Monologue”, “Autumn Marathon”, “Faryatyev’s Fantasies” and “Dear Elena Sergeevna”. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1987).

Marina Vladi, also known as Catherine Marina de Polyakoff-Baidaroff (1938) - real name - Ekaterina Marina Vladimirovna Polyakoff-Baydarova; French actress and singer of Russian origin, was engaged in sculpture. He is the author of several books, including fiction. Winner of the Cannes Film Festival prize for Best Actress, nominated for the Golden Globe Award.

Marina Levtova (1959 - 2000) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Honored Artist of Russia (1999).

Marina Ladynina (1908 - 2003) - Soviet theater and film actress. People's Artist of the USSR (1950), winner of five Stalin Prizes (1941, 1942, 1946, 1948, 1951).

Marina Golub (1957-2012) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Marina Semyonova (1908 - 2010) nee Sheloumova; outstanding Russian Soviet ballerina, ballet teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1975). Hero of Socialist Labor (1988).

Marina Foix (Fois) (1970) - French theater and film actress.

Marina Chechneva (1922 - 1984) - pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, during the Great Patriotic War she commanded a squadron of the 46th Taman Guards Night Light Bomber Regiment, guard major.

Marina Zudina (1965) – Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Honored Artist of Russia (1995), People's Artist of Russia (2006).

Marina Alexandrova (real name Pupenina) (1982) – Russian actress and theater.

Marina Abrosimova (mother Maksimova, stage name MakSim) – (1983) – Russian singer, author, performer and music producer. Honored Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (2013).

Marina Kazankova (1981) - Russian actress.

Marina Antsibor (1987) - Ukrainian skier, Olympic participant, Universiade medalist. Specializes in distance racing.

The female name Marina sounds melodious. It is most popular in Russia and the CIS countries. Girls named Marina combine a variety of qualities in their characters. They are united by brightness, originality and originality. You can treat Marina in different ways: you can love her madly and zealously hate her, praise and scold her, but it is simply impossible to ignore her. Marinas are strong personalities with a strong character.

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      Origin of the name Marina

      The female name comes from the Latin male name Marin. The meaning of the name Marina means “sea”. The ancient Roman goddess Venus was also called Marina, as she symbolized the element of water and patronized all fishermen and sailors.

      In Christianity, there is a legend about a girl Marina, born in Antioch into the family of a pagan priest. Her mother died early, and her father entrusted the upbringing of his daughter to an Orthodox woman, who revealed to the girl the secret of the Christian faith. At the age of twelve, Marina finally decided to convert to Christianity, for which her father severely punished her and forever disowned her daughter. When the girl turned 15, a local ruler noticed her unearthly beauty and proposed marriage. Being a pagan, he tried in every possible way to force Marina to renounce the Christian faith, but she categorically refused.

      • Then Olimvriy applied cruel torture to the girl in front of the whole people. They burned her with fire, beat her to exhaustion with rods, and hammered nails into her tender body. The girl was unshakable, and the wounds miraculously healed, which infuriated her ex-husband. When they decided to drown Marina, the sky shone with a bright light, and a dove appeared holding a golden crown in its beak. People began to praise the Lord and believed in Him. Out of fear, Olimvriy ordered the execution of 15,000 people who witnessed this miracle.

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        Name derivatives and talismans

        In different languages, the name Marina sounds the same. Alternatively, in Islam you can use the name Maryam. Derivatives - Marina, Marinka, Marishka, Marinochka, Marisha, Marisya, Marusya.

        The name talismans are:

        • Planets - Moon and Venus;
        • Zodiac signs - Aries and Pisces;
        • Number - 5;
        • Day of week - Thursday;
        • Time of year - winter;
        • Element - water;
        • Metal - bronze;
        • Colors - red, yellow, black, blue;
        • Animals - seahorse, trout;
        • Plants - lily, lily.

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        Characteristics of the name Marina

        With age, the character of a girl named Marina will change. This should be taken into account by parents who want to name their daughter this name.


        The girl Marinka has an energetic character. She is constantly on the move. Extremely inquisitive and well-mannered, she has an extraordinary charisma that attracts both adults and children. Marina's main distinguishing quality is self-esteem. She will always be able to stand up for herself both physically and morally. This child does not tolerate injustice, will always defend the truth and will fight back the offender, even if it did not directly concern her.

        She is a clear leader among her peers and is very demanding of herself and those around her. Not everyone is able to withstand this, so Marina has few friends. She is faithful in friendship, but a note of distrust of people has been intuitively present in her since childhood. Parents are advised to become a worthy example for the girl, otherwise she will lose respect for them and begin to boss them around.

        Marishka has no equal in her studies. However, she does not have to be an excellent student. She has no shortage of ability and talent. The main condition for successful study is her personal interest and interest in winning. Being a naturally inquisitive girl, Marinka can turn from an underperforming student into an excellent student in a few days.


        The girl Marina enjoys great respect and sympathy among guys and constantly causes envy among her girlfriends. She is very lively, witty and eloquent. You can talk with her about serious topics, discuss hobbies and all sorts of new products; the girl is inquisitive and strives for self-education.

        She is of little interest to girls' secrets; this is the main complaint of her friends and a reason for admiration from guys. Marina does not tolerate restrictions and tries as much as possible to live for her own pleasure. At a young age, Marina faces the danger of confusing self-esteem with egocentrism, which can interfere with adulthood.

        Marina always lives her own life, she is of little interest in other people's opinions, she clearly plans her actions and boldly moves towards her goal. Always trying to maintain the leader's standard, she competes fairly. She is not interested in winning at any cost. It is for this reason that she often moves aside, giving way to dishonest competitors. This also applies to love relationships. But she always leaves with dignity, leaving only positive memories of herself.


        The woman Marina really strives to create a harmonious family. She has all the necessary skills for this. The owner of the name is attractive and well-groomed, she is an excellent housewife and a good specialist. For the sake of a happy marriage, she is ready to put aside her career for a while.

        Marina does not experience a shortage of admirers, but she demands constant compliance with her ideals from men who cannot withstand the pressure and disappear. However, a proud and self-sufficient woman cannot grieve for a long time about her former lover, who gave up so quickly. Marina will never tolerate weak-willed people around her.

        The companion of a woman named Marina will be a person who has succeeded in life. This could be a recognized specialist in his field, a foreigner who can talk about the culture of his country, or a financially secure person who has earned money through his own labor.

        Marina must respect her chosen one, otherwise she will make his life unbearable. If you can find a person who meets all the criteria, you will not find a more faithful and loving wife. Her relationship with children is excellent. She is always truthful with them, and this quality allows children to grow up well-mannered and independent.


        In the professional sphere, Marina shows complete dedication. If she is subordinate, she will gladly perform the tasks assigned to her much better than what was required of her. By this, the girl involuntarily causes envy and unhealthy competition not only among employees, but also among management. In a leadership position, Marina proves herself to be a constructive, objective leader, capable of leading her team to victory.

        Her work is organized, all things are thought out and clearly planned. The owner of the name is never late and does not shirk her responsibilities. He won’t allow others to have such weaknesses either. Successfully copes with a business that does not involve false exaggerations and vague tasks. Marina is a careerist who strives for material gain and professional growth. She can sacrifice this only if there is a prospect of a harmonious marriage with a partner who idolizes her.

        Compatibility with male names

        The best compatibility for Marina in marriage and business will be with Anton, Alexey, Roman, Vladimir, Valentin, Sergey, Denis, Mikhail and Evgeny. Harmonious relationships will be built on the basis of mutual love and respect, as well as caring attitude towards each other.

        Middle-level relationships will develop with Alexander, Daniil, Arseny, Artem, Makar, Egor, Igor, Oleg and Yuri. Such a marriage will be based on mutual respect for the personal space of each partner.

        Marina’s relationship with Anatoly, Boris, Georgy, Vladislav, Gleb, Timur, Peter and Leonid will not work out. The inability and unwillingness to hear each other will lead to the union becoming similar to two unfriendly neighbors living together.

        Combination with patronymic

        Before you settle on the name Marina for your daughter, you need to analyze what it will be like in combination with the middle name. This is very important, since full initials can influence a person’s character and destiny.

        • Alekseevna, Andreevna, Viktorovna, Vasilievna, Ivanovna, Petrovna, Vladimirovna, Mikhailovna, Evgenievna. She is perceived as a frivolous girl. But in fact, it concentrates love and tenderness, as well as the desire for order in all areas of activity. She is a wonderful housewife, a faithful wife, a caring and loving mother.
        • Alexandrovna, Arkadyevna, Kirillovna, Pavlovna, Vadimovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Grigorievna. Cheerful, hospitable, sociable, strives to get married quickly. Having achieved her goal, she is ready to sacrifice her career for the sake of her family. She is a good housewife, although she does not really like to do household chores.
        • Arturovna, Antonovna, Valerievna, Filippovna, Ruslanovna, Olegovna, Denisovna, Lvovna, Olegovna. This Marina knows what she wants, calculates all the steps in advance, and gets married late. In marriage, she manifests herself as a loving wife, a good housewife and a wise mother who teaches children independence.

        Astrological features

        The character of the name Marina may vary depending on the horoscope. The zodiac sign under which its owner was born matters.

        • Aries. Marina-Aries is a girl with a difficult character. She constantly goes to extremes because she lacks a sense of balance. Only the calmest and most patient man can withstand constant changes in mood, outbursts of anger and love. The girl’s unpredictability will turn the life of her chosen one into a bright kaleidoscope of passion and hatred.
        • Calf. The owner of the name, born under the sign of Taurus, is able to bestow affection and care on her chosen one. She is good-natured and responsive, demonstrating external calm, although this does not correspond to reality. Marina-Taurus can give such a rebuff that no one expected from her. The ideal partner will be the one who understands her.
        • Twins. Marina Gemini is very emotional and incredibly attractive. Fate rewarded the girl with enormous talent and the ability to use it in any situation. She is flirtatious and attractive, and knows how to present herself. Men are ready to lay the whole world at her feet, so the chosen one will be a wealthy, caring and loving partner.
        • Cancer. This girl is too susceptible, vulnerable, all her life she has been trying to determine her place in society, but she succeeds with difficulty. Very prone to protracted experiences and depression. She needs an experienced partner who can guide her through life, solving all problems. In this case, Marina will become a faithful, loving wife and caring mother.
        • A lion. A very self-centered nature, striving for universal recognition, fame and honor. At the same time, she is prone to exaggeration and self-deception. This also applies to personal fantasies about a career and idealization of a partner. Marina-Leo should learn to objectively assess the situation; this can prevent many disappointments.
        • Virgo. Marina-Virgo is mercantile and generous at the same time; she strives for peace and family comfort. Mistrust and fear of being misperceived prevents her from trusting people. This creates problems in life as she is afraid to let strangers into her heart. She expects stability and tranquility from her partner; she is not interested in love and passion.
        • Scales. Marina-Libra is a sensitive and gentle nature, not prone to conflicts and stormy showdowns. Fearing negativity in her direction, she makes concessions, sacrificing her principles. Such a soft character does not allow Marina to fully enjoy life. Her partner can only be a well-mannered, intelligent man.
        • Scorpion. The Scorpio woman named Marina is a kind-hearted, responsive nature prone to compassion. She is quite secretive, so she remains a completely unsolved mystery for everyone who knows her. Her mood changes too often, and her tendency to exaggerate troubles gives her pleasure. The relationship will develop with a kind, sensitive man.
        • Sagittarius. The owner of the name is a real breadwinner who loves to hunt for pleasure, and not for a trophy. Such a girl has an impulsive character, is not inclined to objectively analyze the situation and acts contrary to logic. Marina only does what she wants, so she often puts off important things or completely forgets about them. There are no ideals for a girl.
        • Capricorn. This girl is too demanding of those around her, her extraordinary view of ordinary things requires decoding, which she herself cannot always provide. Marina’s partner can be someone who can predict her desires and actions, but there are not many such people. Compatibility with other men is extremely low.
        • Aquarius. Marina-Aquarius lives in her ideas about the ideal world, a man and relationships. Constantly dreaming of a fairy-tale prince, she is unable to objectively evaluate the merits of ordinary guys who seem too boring and mundane to her. She will find happiness with a person who will bring stability and healthy pragmatism into her life.