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Strong spells for the castle. Spell on a castle how to read Spell on an old castle

We will consider in detail the conspiracy to remove the castle - with a detailed description of all magical actions, so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

“When I got married, my mother-in-law and my husband tried to persuade me to sell my home and unite. I loved my husband very much and trusted him. We sold my four-room apartment and their two-room apartment and bought a nice house. Six months after the housewarming, my husband started falling in love with our new neighbor. We had a nice house, but she had a real palace. It’s clear that my mother-in-law and husband coveted this wealth. When it came to divorce, everything went against me. Perhaps because

at my rival had a lot of money for the judge, perhaps because of my stupidity, because we registered the house in the name of my husband, and I had nothing to do with it. I tried to prove that I sold the apartment and the money received from the sale was invested in the purchase of a house. But it was not to be, at the trial there were witnesses from my mother-in-law, who confirmed that I gave my money to people, since I had huge debts, and my mother-in-law worked honestly all her life and saved money for this housing, plus the money was invested from their sold apartment. I really had a debt of fifty thousand, and I paid it off. But I invested most of the money from the sold apartment into buying a house. The judge asked me: “Doesn’t it seem strange to you that you are not registered as the owner of the house if you paid all your money for the house?” I filed for retrial, but to no avail. Litigation began. After the third trial, my ex-mother-in-law came to me (I was renting a room) and said: “If you don’t want it to be good, it will be bad!” With these words, she pulled a padlock out of her bag and threw it at my feet. When she left, I picked up the lock, it was locked, and there was no key in it. I threw the lock into the garbage chute, but it was from that moment that something began to happen to me. I began to be afraid of everything: riding in the elevator, going down the stairs (for fear of falling). I began to be afraid to eat food (in case I choked). I sleep without turning off the light. I don't have the strength and I don't want to do anything. I was fired from my job and I have nothing to pay for the room. Doctors prescribe me an expensive medicine, I buy it, but it doesn’t help. I turned to a healer, but she refused to treat me. The most interesting thing is that I didn’t tell her about the lock that my mother-in-law brought me, but the healer still said: “Your lock has been damaged.” I won’t be able to film it because I don’t know what kind of reprimand I need to give. But even if I knew, I wouldn’t take it, I heard that whoever removes the lock will lock it in! “I began to persuade her to do at least something, and she: “I’m risking a lot, but you won’t be able to pay for such a risk!” “And she’s right, because all my money went to pay for lawyers. You can’t even imagine how much money they took from me - and all to no avail!”

Damage to the lock can be removed with the Dream of the Virgin Mary. This dream is the biggest, and you need to read it very carefully so as not to make a mistake. They read the Dream for forty days in a row. Be sure to calculate these forty days so that they do not coincide with major holy holidays and fasting. The text of the necessary Dream of the Mother of God is given below:

In the Holy City of Bethlehem of Judea,

In the month of March on the thirtieth day,

In the holy shrine, holy mountain Den,

Over the Holy River Jordan,

Went to bed to rest

Lady Most Holy Theotokos,

Our Lady Mary the Mother of God slept little,

I saw a lot in my dreams.

She saw a dream that was terrible, menacing and wonderful

About Her beloved Son, Jesus Christ,

Heavenly King, Savior, Son of God.

She saw that He was caught,

Brought to the Jews

Bound and handed over to the Jews for mockery,

Betrayed by disciple Judas Iscariot

For thirty pieces of silver.

And brought to be from the Jews

Our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,

Into the hands of Pontius Pilate And condemned to crucifixion.

On the third day they crucified Him on the Cross,

On three trees, cedar, cypress and pine tree,

Between two thieves on Mount Golgotha.

I nailed it in my hand and nose with nails

And pierced His side with a spear,

His holy blood was shed,

They drank vinegar from a spear.

The moon is filled with blood,

The sky and earth shook.

The church curtain was torn in two, from top to bottom.

The stones of the high mountains fell apart and the coffins opened,

The dead rose from their graves.

I saw our Lord Jesus Christ,

Drinking bitter bile,

A cane to the head of the beaten man,

A crown of thorns is placed on the head.

I saw the Lord Jesus Christ,

How they dragged you by the legs,

They spat on His holy forehead,

The body was abused, the forehead was beaten,

Holy blood has been spilled on the ground.

He endured and suffered and accepted all the torments

From insensitive Jews.

And again on the third day according to Scripture,

Christ has risen from the grave,

And His glory shone from the earth to the heavens.

I saw our Savior Jesus Christ,

With angels, cherubim and seraphim.

I saw the Lord God

And our Savior Jesus Christ

On the High Throne.

Christ is Risen, and that dream was like a reality.

A spell for a castle and a house will protect and help in love

A castle is a frequently used attribute in magical rituals. It can be used both in love magic and in rituals aimed at protecting the home, family well-being and attracting good luck.

Popular guarding rituals

Unlike love rituals, security rituals that use a lock spell are not complicated, so they are easy to carry out independently. Moreover, the main condition for their success is sincere faith. A lock spell can help in a situation when it seems that luck has completely turned its back on you.

All your endeavors end in failure, and it seems that you are bumping into invisible obstacles. This means that the space around you is blocked by a random coincidence or due to the malicious intent of a particular person.

Ritual with a new castle

For the ritual, you should purchase a new small lock. It is important to pay for this item on payment or not to take change. In addition to the castle, you need to purchase three red wax candles and prepare some honey. The ritual is performed in a separate room alone at any time. It is necessary to place a lock on the table, having first opened it, and put the keys next to it and place candles.

Then you need to light the candles and say the following magic words clearly and distinctly:

The text of the conspiracy should be repeated until the candles go out. They cannot be stewed. After the candles go out, you should smear the lock with honey and close it. You need to immediately get out and go to the nearest stream or river. There you need to find a place so that no one is around, stand on the shore and repeat the spell for the castle again.

After which you should throw the enchanted castle into the water further away. In addition, be sure to follow the attribute with a handful of coins as payment to the river so that it will fulfill your request. You need to keep the set of keys, but hide them in such a way that no one will ever find them. It will ensure that the space around you remains open forever.

Calling prosperity to the home

A spell for a lock, calling prosperity to the house, is read through the keyhole of a new open lock.

The magic words sound like this:

After this ceremony, the lock must be hidden, and the keys to it must be thrown into the pond. This ritual is so powerful that the results will be noticeable almost immediately.

The effectiveness of the castle spell

The castle is quite often used in magical rituals, which can be used for various purposes. Such a magical symbol has come to us since quite ancient times. Their name has been in effect for a long time. Specialized magicians believe that it can be used to consolidate magical actions. The lock is often used in love spells. It is often used in conspiracies for financial assistance or good luck in life’s affairs. A lock spell does not require any special knowledge or effort in the field of magic.

Castle plot

You just need to follow all the instructions that will be indicated in the description. Such conspiracies are read clearly and efficiently. It is necessary to feel every word spoken and believe that the goal will be achieved in the shortest possible time. In most conspiracies, no matter what the focus, you can hear the word “castle”. This word symbolizes that in this way you consolidate and seal the ritual.

What is the word "castle" used for?

If we consider this case from the point of view of white magic, then it symbolizes the protection of the ritual and its effective result. If you look at it from the point of view of black magic, you can come to the conclusion that the following functions are performed in this way:

  • to hide the person performing the ceremony: in such cases, even the most powerful magician will not be able to identify the performer;
  • to hide an object used in a magical ritual - just as in the first case, it will be impossible to identify the object;
  • to hide the influence of magic.

As for white magic, such manipulations are not required, because there is no point in hiding things that are done for a good purpose from others. And black magic is aimed at sinister deeds that simply need to be hidden from prying eyes. Otherwise, it can lead to completely unpleasant consequences.

Castle in the realm of magic

Even in ancient times, when our ancestors used spells and rituals every day, the castle was an integral part of such rituals. Often, they were used exclusively for good purposes. Most often, they were necessary for conspiracies for health, to identify enemy forces, to protect against thieves, and to cleanse the family from negative influences.

In principle, a lock or key could be used not only for magical purposes. Sometimes the attributes in question could be worn as amulets or amulets. It was believed that in this way one could protect a person from enemies or witches.

Castle for treatment

For quite a long time, magicians have been using the castle to stop:

  • severe bleeding;
  • epilepsy attacks;
  • amnesia;
  • urinary incontinence or seizures.

For such rituals, it is necessary to have the patient’s personal belongings. Conspiracies are read about this thing, which save you from a certain disease. Afterwards, the ritual must be completed using a lock.

Using a lock in love affairs

With a lock you can tie a person to yourself, or make him love you. The variety of such rituals is amazing. In principle, the main provisions for carrying out are identical. They can differ only in details. But the meaning, in the end, will be the same.

So, if, for example, you have been dreaming about a certain man for a long time, or want to meet sincere and pure love, it will be enough to carry out an effective ritual using a strong conspiracy, which will need to be “locked up”.

Love spell with a lock for love

In order to perform this ritual, you will need a small padlock, a metal chain, hair from each side of the ritual, ribbons, and a strip of paper. The chain should be of such a diameter that it can wrap around the tree of your choice. It is better to choose ribbons of different sizes, and the strip should be thin. You can cut it out from a regular notebook.

Take a lunar calendar and choose the day when the full moon is coming. A few days before, place the handkerchief on the table. It is better to choose scarves with a bright red pattern, and be sure to have a black background. Place the lock, key, ribbons and hair on the scarf. Now you need to tie a braid from the ingredients. It is better to fix its tip with a red wool thread. When you fulfill all the conditions, do not forget to think about your chosen one.

“Heaven is always connected with earth. Rain always interacts with grass. I ask that I, the servant of God (name), be forever associated with the servant of God (name of my beloved). I love myself less. He is my only joy. My rivals are no longer scary to me. I am confident in my feelings and in my strength. Amen".

Use ribbons to tie the braid you created, which you place on the edge of the scarf. You need to write your deepest desire on a strip of paper. If it is quite long, then it is worth reducing the size of the handwriting a little. Abbreviating words is prohibited. Everything must be stated clearly and understandably. Place the written wish on the lock. Place a pigtail on top and read the plot again.

What to do next?

Place the created amulet under your pillow. It is prohibited to shift, turn over or correct it. You will have to sleep on it until the full moon. Place the chain under the bed and do not touch it all these days. When the full moon comes, take out all your amulets and mark them on a scarf. You can unravel the ribbons by writing your name and the name of your loved one on them. When you read the plot, tuck your braid into the lock. Ideally, it should fit completely inside it. Don't forget to check the condition of the castle. It should not be in the closed position.

Now go to where the selected tree is located. Put a chain on it and secure it with a lock. When you turn the key, read the plot (listed above) again. Now you can head into the house. But, remember that you cannot talk to anyone and turn around. You should not eat or wash before morning. Some love spells imply that you should not throw away the key. But this is not a clear rule. If the ritual does not indicate otherwise, then you don’t have to throw it away.

You will begin to notice the result from the day you place the amulets under your pillow. Now it’s worth carefully analyzing your dreams. If during all these days you have not dreamed of your betrothed, then there will be no quick reunion. You will need to be patient and wait a little. If you have been dreaming about your loved one all this time, then a love spell is not needed. You are already dear to a man’s heart. If a man came into your dreams only once, then the result will soon overtake you.

Removing such a love spell will be a rather difficult process, so you must understand for yourself that it is likely that the conspiracy will last a long time.

Conspiracy for well-being

This conspiracy is being carried out for a new castle. Thanks to this ritual, you can bring prosperity into your home. The effectiveness of this ritual is amazing. It is so strong that you will surprise yourself. The only thing is that you need to really believe in what you will say. The lock will need to be opened and certain words spoken.

“The famous and successful, the rich and powerful, have their piggy banks overflowing with precious metals and jewelry. All their hands are full of rings, their necks are full of chains, and their wallets are bursting with a lot of money. It is quite possible for them to spend money without even thinking about what. They are not used to counting this money, and they do not have such a habit. Every day their wealth only increases and multiplies. So I want the same opportunities. I'll head towards the white stones. I will bring with me amazingly beautiful ancient books. May my angel help me make my dreams come true. Let only money in large quantities, only inexhaustible gold, be present in my life from now on. I wish that what I spend on my needs will be doubled or even tripled. I ask you to make me the richest in the whole world. Amen".

Now you can close the lock. When a new day comes, throw the castle into a deep pond. It is better if the castle is as far from land as possible.

A love spell on a castle is performed by the witch Tatyana Moskovs�

Love spell on a castle and its consequences

Everyone knows the cute wedding tradition of hanging locks on a bridge. But not everyone is aware that an ordinary padlock with a key can help with making a love spell. In magic, reading a love spell on a lock is considered one of the harmless and quite powerful ones. I’ll tell you below how to carry it out yourself, what to take into account.

Features of a love spell on a castle

In my practice, there were cases when girls who were unrequitedly in love tried to imitate this wedding ceremony and hung a lock with their names on the bridge alone. And after that they came to me and complained that the ritual did not help them find happiness with their lover, and sometimes even worked in the exact opposite way. Ask, what was the reason for this result? Everything is extremely simple: the ritual was performed with errors, and therefore nothing happened.

  • the ceremony was performed in a public place. True magic does not tolerate prying eyes and ears, so any magical effect must be carried out alone and in a deserted area, and not shared with anyone;
  • the lock was hung in the place that was already occupied by the same attribute of another pair. Naturally, someone else’s energy interfered with the love spell process;
  • On the surface of the castle, naive “childish” symbols and inscriptions in the form of arithmetic signs or a shot through the heart were made. Agree, all this looks frivolous, and magic does not tolerate frivolity;
  • The ritual was performed without a magical spell on the castle.

A love spell on a lock, like any ritual of this nature, must be performed in compliance with specific conditions. It needs to be done during the waxing month(so that the power of magical influence grows with the Moon), do not tell anyone about the work done, take it seriously, believe in your strengths and in a successful result.

A few more important factors that should not be forgotten:

  • The lock for the love spell ceremony must be new, never used anywhere before. Give preference to the standard form attribute. It is advisable that the lock is not painted;
  • if the ritual involves making an inscription, then they should be made with a piece of coal from a Russian stove. If this is not possible, light a fire in a vacant lot and wait for the embers to appear. It is better not to use markers, nail polish and other writing utensils (this will weaken the effect). If you want a more powerful effect, write with menstrual blood, but be very careful - this will already be a method of black magic, with a very high risk of negative consequences;
  • carefully follow the instructions of the ritual, do not skip or ignore anything.

A love spell on a lock will give the desired result only if performed correctly. Otherwise, “side effects” may appear.

Love spell on a lock: consequences

A love spell on a castle is considered a fairly safe method of love magic. However, this fact does not reduce to zero the likelihood of negative consequences. I can please you that they will not be pronounced and will not cause significant harm.

The worst thing that can happen is that the ritual simply won’t work. The reason for this is errors in execution, or the presence of another ritual on the person. If the outcome is positive, a love spell on a lock can influence the behavior of the victim. This happens because the ritual interferes with a person’s bioenergetic field. Such intervention will not lead to tragic consequences, but the bewitched person will need some period to recuperate. Therefore, in the first time after the love spell, I recommend that you communicate with the object of the ritual as tactfully and affectionately as possible.

Spell a love spell on a castle yourself

Simple love spell on a lock

Buy a small new lock without haggling. At home, recite the spell on him 7 times:

“The sunflower is to the sun, and you, God’s servant (name of the chosen one), are to me, God’s servant (your name). Petal to the ray, ray to the petal. The seed will sprout into the bosom, rise, blossom and ripen. Hand to hand, head to head, heart to heart, juices to juices. Do not be separated, do not part, there is sun and light in your heart. Black clouds, away! I sentenced God's servant (my name) forever, locked this lock, turned the key 7 times. The key is in my secret, hidden under 7 stones. Let it be so!"

Lock the lock with the key. Place the castle on flowing water (a river, a stream - a natural body of water). Hide the key in a secret place, inaccessible to prying eyes.

Love spell with lock and photos

Perform the ceremony on the growing month, on Friday. Time: 5-6 o'clock in the morning or at noon, at 12-13 o'clock (Venus hours).

Prepare a new one for the ritual the padlock medium sized and 2 photos(your own and the person being bewitched). Place the photographs face to face and place them on the shackle of the lock, piercing them approximately where the hearts are (this is how you symbolically fasten the two hearts together). Close the lock and speak to it 3 times:

“2 hearts, 2 lives united forever. The love between us is strong, we have the same destiny! Just as it is difficult to lift the key to this castle from the bottom of the river, it is also difficult to break our love union. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

Throw the key to the castle into a deep natural reservoir on the same day. Bury the castle with the photo next to the house of the chosen one or on his way: the person being bewitched must sometimes step over it. To maintain the power of the ritual, do not talk to anyone on this day, do not lend anything for 7 days, and do not borrow anything yourself.

It is not advisable to deliberately meet with your loved one for about 2 weeks - do this only when he takes the initiative. After 2 weeks, be sure to organize a personal meeting with your chosen one so that the love spell begins to work fully.

remove the lock spell

In the month of March on the thirtieth day,

In the holy shrine, holy mountain Den,

Over the Holy River Jordan,

Went to bed to rest

Lady Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary.

Our Lady Mary the Mother of God slept little,

I saw a lot in my dreams.

She saw a dream that was terrible, menacing and wonderful

About Her beloved Son, Jesus Christ,

Heavenly King, Savior, Son of God.

She saw that He was caught,

Brought to the Jews

Bound and handed over to the Jews for mockery,

Betrayed by disciple Judas Iscariot

For thirty pieces of silver.

And brought to be from the Jews

Our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,

Into the hands of Pontius Pilate

And condemned to crucifixion.

On the third day they crucified Him on the Cross,

On three trees, cedar, cypress and pine tree,

Between two thieves on Mount Golgotha.

I nailed it in my hand and nose with nails

And pierced His side with a spear,

His holy blood was shed,

They drank vinegar from a spear.

The moon is filled with blood,

The sky and earth shook.

The church curtain was torn in two,

The stones of the high mountains fell apart

And the coffins opened,

The dead rose from their graves.

I saw our Lord Jesus Christ,

Drinking bitter bile,

A cane to the head of the beaten man,

A crown of thorns is placed on the head.

I saw the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,

How they dragged you by the legs,

They spat on His holy forehead,

The body was abused, the forehead was beaten,

Holy blood has been spilled on the ground.

He endured and suffered and accepted all the torments

From insensitive Jews.

And again on the third day according to Scripture,

Christ has risen from the grave,

And His glory shone from the earth to the heavens.

I saw our Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God,

Witchcraft work. How to remove a lock from a witch's work

It happens that after performing a ritual nothing happens. It seems that all the conditions have been met, and the conspiracies have been read correctly, but in response... silence.

It’s clear that a beginner could have messed something up and the plot simply didn’t work, but if this happens to a person who already has some practice, it makes you think. Maybe someone just doesn’t want you to succeed and put a magic lock on your witchcraft work.

After all, magic, especially ritual magic, is a work in which you hope to get results. Moreover, you are sure that the result will definitely come. And here is such a curiosity. They did it once, twice, three times... and nothing.

Your witchcraft work is locked. What to do?

The lock needs to be removed. It's not that difficult to do.

During the waning moon phase, buy a new locked padlock. It should be noted that the attributes for all magical rituals are bought first that you like, and without haggling. The lock must be closed.

Standing in front of the castle, you need to say the following spell:

“As I open this castle, so I remove the castle from the witchcraft, the cursed one!

After this, the lock opens. He and the keys are thrown away in different places.

It may also happen that you cannot open the lock. It will jam. This means that you are being influenced by a person stronger than you. In this case, all that remains is to look for a strong magician and ask him to perform the opening ritual.

If a person comes to you and asks you to open the road for him, then the lock is placed not on a piece of paper, but on a photograph of this person. You can also conduct it with a living person by sitting him on a chair and opening the lock above his head.

There is another effective ritual for opening a lock. It can also be carried out if some new business is starting, and you want the road to be open, without obstacles. You can do it for yourself, or for a person who has turned to you for help. It is best to perform the ritual on a full moon.

Buy a closed lock. Prepare the room. Open the lock above your head or above the photo of the person you need to help.

King Solomon has the key.

Apostle Peter has the key.

The Lord Jesus Christ has the key.

With the third key I (my name) open the locks.

(If the ritual is performed for someone, then it is said: “I open the locks for the Servant of God (name”).

I destroy all barriers.

After this, the keys and lock must be thrown into the river in different places. You have to be careful that it doesn't snap. It is very important!

You need to thank the water by throwing a coin or a loaf of bread into the river.

You can also perform a ritual with a lock when you want to block someone’s way. For example, if you feel that a magical effect is being exerted on you.

Road closing ritual

It is best to read this conspiracy during the full moon, then it increases its power. You need to buy an open padlock without haggling. Prepare the room, and close the lock above the photograph of the person whose road you want to block with the following words:

All material is for informational purposes only and provided by our visitors! The administration does not check phone numbers and email addresses, be careful and do not fall for scammers.

In the magical business castle spells are used very often. Even in ancient times it was said that a keyhole should reliably protect a home corner.

And so that no evil entity has the opportunity to penetrate inside, it should be endowed with magical properties.

as a protective tool. Its positive impact on the love, social, and monetary aspects has been noted.

Thanks to this everyday item, they attract good luck in life and correct previously committed mistakes.

All rituals and spells associated with castles do not require much effort. All that is required from the performer is attentiveness, maximum concentration on the desired goal and confidence in the final result.

Plot for a new castle

Sometimes we have to change the lock - either it has become unusable, or it has been accidentally damaged. In any case, each new thing must undergo a certain magical procedure in order to fully fulfill its purpose.

So, early Monday morning (the best time is at dawn), go to the front entrance. Be sure to insert the key into the lock hole. And say the magic words:

Lock plot for husband's love


Love is the driving force of everything that surrounds us, it can inspire us, it can push us to great deeds, it can give life, but it can also deprive us of it. It’s so painful to suffer from unrequited feelings, so in this difficult battle a love spell on a lock comes to the rescue, which is very easy to do at home. Love-themed rituals belong to the rank of white magic and, therefore, you should not be afraid that you will be able to harm yourself or your “target”. Surely, everything will end with the best outcome and in the most beneficial form for you and your chosen one, because he still doesn’t know what happiness awaits him?!

A love spell on a castle is the most popular topic for those who want to bewitch a lover or lover. There are a lot of love “recipes” with a lock. Over the course of many centuries, some are supplemented with something new, others appear, and others become obsolete due to uselessness. Therefore, choosing the most suitable ritual specifically for your story will not be difficult. The best assistant for an effective ceremony will probably be your confidence and belief that everything will work out. You will need:

  • you just need to acquire sympathy;
  • buy a lock or get the one you need;
  • have patience.

Bewitching by photo

One of the most powerful is considered to be a love spell on a castle using photo cards. Visualization is very important, and when it is also supported by almost personal presence, one hundred percent results are guaranteed. The ritual is performed using three components:

  • an ordinary castle that couples in love love to hang on the bridge, signifying the strength of their feelings - it is very important that it be new;
  • photograph of a lover;
  • personal photo card.

In this situation, instead of photographs, it is allowed to use hair from the betrothed’s head and, accordingly, your own personal hair. It is prohibited to use a photograph or a hair, otherwise you simply will not be able to accomplish anything. It is better to leave the choice with a castle for the period of the New Moon, when the Moon is just beginning to grow. The day will also be specific - Friday. It is better to cast a love spell on a castle at dawn or during the daytime solstice. Let's get started:

  • open the lock that you bought and thread the bow through the holes prepared in advance in the photographs;
  • the photographs should lie face to face: if hair is used instead of photographs, then you need to create a pigtail out of it (however it turns out) and snap it into the hole so that it is pressed against the lock;
  • now the lock needs to be closed using a key;
  • bury the resulting ritual object near your lover’s house so that it lies in the path of your boyfriend.

At the moment when the lock is dug in, this love spell is quietly pronounced:

“Like this closed castle, the key to which no one is destined to find. We will never part with you."

After reading and burying, turn around and quickly go home. Try not to talk to people you meet on the way back. Place the remaining key under your pillow and fall asleep for a week, always imagining your lover. After seven days, take it out and hide it in a secret place, so that no one except you knows about it.

Remember that magic does not like publicity, so it is strictly forbidden to show the key to strangers and talk about the ceremony. Such a love spell with a lock is quite difficult due to the time of day when it is very difficult to hide from prying eyes and not run into friends on the way back. However, if you manage to do everything exactly according to plan, then the expected consequences will pleasantly surprise you. The wife will be pleased by her husband’s flared feelings, the girl will feel the guy’s love, but further development will depend only on you.

After some time, when you realize that your feelings are growing stronger, love is burning with passion, and for the rest of your days you want to be close to this person, take out the key and throw it into any natural source. This will only strengthen your union, and any everyday troubles will not shake the way of your family life.

Conspiracy for a beloved man

The strongest rituals for tying a man are equally good for both an unmarried guy and his own or someone else’s husband. A small amendment to the plot itself and magic will allow you to make even a girl or wife fall in love. To cast a love spell on a guy using a lock additionally requires a thread and two photos (yours and your chosen one). Find a red wool thread, divide it into three equal lengths and braid it. The love ritual is accompanied by the following text:

“On three roads, along three rapids, three times you should go, slave (name of your beloved), in my direction (name). Like this woven thread, may our lives merge together. Amen!".

With a charmed braid, tie the photographs face to face and hide them in a box locked with a key. As soon as the Sun begins to hide, go to a pond, close yourself in a drawn circle, bow three times, and read any love spell that you know. Repeat the love spell on the lock three times and turn the key, then throw it into the water, and the box should be closed and kept at home.

How to get your lover back

This love spell for a wife with a lock is aimed at not just bewitching, but returning her husband to the family. Here magic works at a distance, when your beloved man has left for another and you need to do this in order to return everything to its place. To cast a love spell on a key and lock, you will need the following things:

  • prepare an empty table to perform the ritual;
  • black fabric;
  • red candles, maybe ordinary ones from the church.

The best time to cast a love spell is at 12 o'clock at night. Cover the table with a cloth and place three lit candles on it. You need to sit facing West, place the lock in your left hand and the key in your right. The love spell is accompanied by the reading of the spell:

“As I open a lock with a key, my husband (name) returns to me. Like closing a lock, I seal our love. The words that were spoken, could not be more accurate. So be it.”

Snap the lock and keep it with you like a secret, and throw the key into the river or sea at dawn. This is a strong love spell on keys, the lock requires preliminary protection, try to do everything without haste and mistakes, then the consequences will be the desired.

Bewitching a guy with his personal keys

The magic of love is such that it helps trembling hearts to reunite, however, in order for the love spell performed to be strong and bring a much more tangible result, it is necessary to possess the personal item of the beloved. It is completely imbued with the energy of its owner. And this makes it possible for the sorceress, through this object, to influence its owner without personal knowledge and permission. You need to focus your attention on things that are in constant contact with your chosen one. Items for personal use and jewelry are quite difficult to get, but the keys to your home are what you need; there is always a duplicate.

This powerful ritual is called free, because it is guided by white magic and you will not need any payoffs. In order to bewitch your beloved half, during the growth of the Moon, or in its full phase, read the magic words above the treasured keys so that your breath falls on them:

“I will go down to the sandy shore, touch the golden sand, Red Zoryushka, call the Sun, and they will find me a slave (name), wherever he is, in the house, or in the barn, in the steam room, or in the bathhouse, in a damp closet, in a boat near the water, or on a horse’s back. Let his wild little head grieve, his clear eyes, his dark eyebrows, his scarlet blood, his warm heart, his forehead and lips, all his sinful places, his whole body rosy. Let the slave (name) think about me, my beauty; if he doesn’t eat or sleep, he will suffer and suffer. The wind will not touch my words, the water will not wash away, (name of the chosen one) will not forget me. I lock it. Amen".

Read the words nine times, confess your love to your chosen one and put the keys back. There are different opinions about this free love spell, but no one can deny that it doesn’t work at all. Therefore, act boldly, despite the fact that there is no negativity in it. A love spell on a “free” lock is what you need!

Removes love bond

It happens that seemingly constant and ardent feelings for one person suddenly pass, someone else appears, and the old magical tricks still continue to operate. It was precisely for such a case that a reverse love spell was invented in order to ward off a girl, wife, boyfriend, or simply an unloved person.

To remove the effect of love spells using a lock, you simply need to return the enchanted key to your lover with the following words:

“If it didn’t work out the way you wanted, then let him get away.”

Under no circumstances should you explain your actions; leave the right to fantasize to your handsome guy.

Spell a love spell on the key yourself. Home love spell on a castle. The spell on the key alone.

how does a love spell work on a lock?

How effective the love ritual will be will depend only on you, on the feelings and thoughts with which you perform it. Try it and you will succeed.

Everyone knows firsthand the romantic tradition of hanging a lock on a bridge and throwing away the key. A love spell on a castle is similar to a ritual that is almost always observed by happy newlyweds on a joyful wedding day. The lock and key symbolize the eternal love of the spouses, so every girl and woman is able to perform a ritual using these attributes. Such a spell, although harmless to the person being bewitched, is considered effective. A love spell on a lock that cannot be removed is very easy to perform on your own, but we will now tell you exactly how and what you need to know about it.

The newfangled tradition of hanging wedding locks comes from this ancient ritual.

For a love spell to work, it is not enough just to hang a lock with the name of your loved one.

It happens that young girls who have long been unrequitedly in love with guys think that imitating the ritual with the castle can help them. They simply go alone to the bridge and attach a lock to it with the name of their loved one, and then throw away the key.

Well, it’s not at all surprising that they don’t succeed. And, what’s even sadder, such actions very often have the exact opposite result. So why doesn't the same ritual that happy newlyweds do not work for them?

And the answer, it turns out, is quite simple: the girls perform this simple magical ritual with errors, so nothing works out for them.

Common mistakes

Let's look at all the potential mistakes of a love spell with a lock:

  • The ritual is often performed in a crowded place. And real magic is against prying eyes and ears. Everyone must remember that any secret ritual must be performed alone in a quiet corner, where no one is around, and, more importantly, no one should know about the ritual itself.
  • Hanging a castle in a place where the same magical paraphernalia with its own energy is already present is a big mistake. It is quite expected that the love spell process will be ineffective because different energies intertwine and overlap each other, creating energetic interference.
  • It’s too naive and childish to draw various monograms and hearts pierced by Cupid’s arrows on the castle, isn’t it? These are not real magical signs and symbols, but simply frivolous inscriptions, so such a ritual does not carry any energy load.
  • And the most important mistake was that there was no magical love spell placed on the castle.

Like any magical ritual, you must perform a love spell on a lock, strictly observing specific conditions. You need to do this, not tell anyone about the work done, take it seriously, believe in yourself and in a successful result.

Execution Rules

There are a few more very important conditions that you should always remember:

  1. For the ritual it is necessary to purchase a completely new lock that has never been used. There is no need to choose any non-standard intricate products - the lock should be of a regular shape, inconspicuous to others. And it is better if it is not painted.
  2. If you still want to make some kind of inscription on the lock, then an ordinary pencil, felt-tip pen or nail polish is not suitable for this at all, since they are too synthetic and therefore energetically weak for magic. It’s better to try to get a piece of coal somewhere from a Russian stove, or from a fire that you yourself should light in a vacant lot and wait for the flame to go out.
  3. The result will be many times higher, and the energy of the spell will be much more powerful if you inscribe the lock with your menstrual blood. But then you should take into account that this is already a risk, which entails an increased risk and the possibility of some negative results.
  4. You should always take love spell rituals very seriously, even such simple ones, so you must not miss anything, carefully study the instructions for the ritual and not ignore, as it may seem to you at first glance, some unimportant little things.

If you strictly adhere to the algorithm for performing a love spell on a lock, it will bring you the desired result. And if not, then it is not surprising that then undesirable effects may appear. The choice is yours!

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

How to perform a magic ritual

This is a fairly safe magical love ritual, a love spell on a lock, the consequences of its implementation are minimal. However, there is still a small chance that some negative consequences for you may occur. But the effect of such consequences is not so pronounced, so the harm will not be very significant.

A simple lock spell

To make a simple love spell on a lock, purchase a not very large new lock for the price indicated for it, always without haggling and without change, especially in small change. When you come home, take the lock in your hands and recite this spell on it seven times:

“The sunflower is to the sun, and you, God’s servant (the chosen one’s name), are to me, God’s servant (your name). Petal - to the ray, ray - to the petal. The seed will sprout into the bosom, rise, blossom and ripen. Hand to hand, head to head, heart to heart, juices to juices. Do not be separated, do not part, there is sun and light in your heart. Black clouds, away! I sentenced God's servant (my name) forever, locked this lock, turned the key 7 times. The key is in my secret, hidden under 7 stones. Let it be so!"

After this, close the lock with the key. Then go to a river, lake or stream, or any natural body of water nearby, and let the castle flow. Then return home and hide the key to the cursed lock so that no one finds it. At the same time, you should not communicate with anyone until you perform a magical ritual. About this love spell on a lock, whoever did it, reviews from performers say that it works during the lunar month.

Love spell with lock and photos

The ritual of casting a love spell on a castle with photographs should be carried out on Friday, always on the waxing Moon, from five to six in the morning, or at noon, somewhere from twelve to thirteen o’clock in the afternoon, as this time is called the “hours of Venus,” the beautiful goddess of love.

A love spell on a castle will be much stronger if you cast it on Friday on the waxing moon.

To prepare for the ritual, you need to buy a new, medium-sized padlock. And also take two photographs - yours and the person you want to bewitch. Next, you fold the photos facing each other and put them both on the shackle of your lock, piercing them at the same time in the place where your hearts are, which symbolizes the bonding of your loving hearts. Then close the lock with the key and speak to it three times:

“2 hearts, 2 lives united forever. The love between us is strong, we have the same destiny! Just as it is difficult to lift the key to this castle from the bottom of the river, it is also difficult to break our love union. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

The key to your lock must be thrown into deep natural water (river, stream, lake), always on the same day. You need to bury the castle itself with the photographs attached to it close to the house of your chosen one or along the route of his usual route, so that he sometimes steps over the place where the castle is buried.

Consequences of the ritual

The effect of a love spell on a castle is not at all tragic, and certainly not fatal, but the victim will need some time to restore his energy and strength. That is why you should treat the bewitched person kindly, as tactfully and attentively as possible.

The worst consequence for you may be that your love spell simply won’t work. This can happen because you either made a mistake during the ceremony or preparation for the ceremony, or someone else has already cast a love spell on your chosen one.

If you are sure that you carried out the ritual, strictly following all the instructions, then it will work, and the love spell on the lock will undoubtedly have had some magical effect on the victim, and therefore changed its usual behavior. In other words, some magical force intervened in the bioenergetic field of a particular person.


In order for this love ritual to be valid, you must not talk to anyone on the day of the ritual. Also, you should not borrow anything from anyone or repay debts to anyone for seven days after the ritual. You should also not initiate meetings with your loved one for at least two weeks after the love spell. You need to wait until the chosen one himself wants to invite you somewhere. Or, after two weeks have passed, organize a meeting with the bewitched person face to face, and then the love spell will begin to operate in full force.

Let us consider in detail the white magic love spell on a castle - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

This strong love spell read by the wife will be able to quarrel between the husband and his mistress and make the husband himself quarrel with his rival and return to his wife, and this will help to cast a love spell on the lock. Simple spell cast on lock and key from memory and an easy ritual with reading a plot to love your husband will act on your beloved man immediately as soon as you finish ritual of magic and close the lock. After this conspiracy, the husband will never be able to cheat on his wife in his life and will remain faithful to her, loving her deeply until the last day of his life. For this ritual, as you may have guessed, you need a new lock with keys, the lock should be with a lock (barn type), but not necessarily large, a small one like a mailbox would be fine. In general, in white and black magic, spells and love spells on a castle are very common, but this love spell - a love spell on a beloved husband is considered the fastest and most powerful. If you urgently need to bewitch a man to yourself or return your husband from a rival (mistress), this ardent plot for strong love, read with lock and key, is the most powerful and surest magical way to quickly get what you want. Open the lock with the key and read words of a magic spell - love spell :

There is an island in the sea-ocean, on the island there is a stone, on the stone there is an oak tree, there is warmth in the oak tree.

The island is blown by the winds, washed by the waves, and locked in the depths.

Neither small nor big, neither old nor young can leave this island.

And as I turn the key, so will the servant of God (name) turn to me,

He'll be locked in the house, he won't go anywhere.

He will only love me and live with me in love and affection.

After reading the love spell, close the lock with the key. and tell me love spell :

Like no one will open the lock now,

So no one will separate you and me.

The keys to the lock must be thrown into any body of water, preferably if there is running water in it (river, stream). From this moment on, the person bewitched by the castle will forever fall madly in love with you and all your life you will be the most dear person to him whom he will love more than his life. Never tell him what you did to him spell - love spell using a lock. This secret should remain only with you!

white magic love spell on a castle

A white love spell is part of light magic, which has long helped people improve their personal lives. With the help of a magical ritual, you can return a loved one, awaken interest or reciprocal passion, restore mutual understanding and harmony in the family, and much more.

However, before turning to a magician or performing this ritual at home, you need to understand that in any case, a love spell ritual is a forcible binding of one person to another, and he will not be able to always keep his loved one close.

White magic differs from black magic in that the former naturally evokes sympathy or love, and helps the person being bewitched decide to take active action. White magic is mainly used to enhance existing sympathy and consolidate love feelings, while setting an emphasis on fidelity and the complete absence of betrayal and even craving for potential rivals or rivals.

A love ritual performed during the period.

In practice, any energy ritual.

The power of white love spell

White magic does not try to subjugate a person at any cost, unlike black magic; it can be compared to a slight push directed in the necessary direction of thoughts and feelings of the person of interest. After this ritual, the person being bewitched will think about the customer, seek a meeting with him and enjoy it. The power of white magic ritual is that it creates spiritual and emotional intimacy between two people, which allows you to build a relationship.

However, a love spell will not be able to solve all the problems that have arisen; white magic most likely provides a chance, and the final result will depend on the person who ordered the ritual. Therefore, even after the ritual has brought the desired result, you cannot stop working on yourself and your relationships.

White rituals are often used to adjust existing relationships in order to prevent a breakup. They can also be used when a partner wants, but is afraid to build a relationship, or is not sure about it, hesitates and cannot decide to take a serious step.

A white love spell is also used in cases where there is a strong sympathy for a single person from a distant social circle with whom you would like to build a relationship in the future, but there is no opportunity to get to know each other better. You can bewitch your beloved with a “white” ritual in a variety of situations, provided that you follow the main rule of white magic - do no harm.

White love spells from photographs

In light magic, there are many different love spells for love, and the most common of them is a white love spell made from a photo of a lover. A ritual of photographing a loved one performs 3 tasks: it awakens sympathy, sexual attraction and causes melancholy.

To cast a love spell, you will need a photo of the person being bewitched (the age of the photo should not exceed 2-3 years, it is better to use one that has just been taken).

Bewitch in one day

A love spell based on a man's photo for love should be read 3 times during the day - morning, afternoon and evening until the loved one begins to show signs of attention. Before you read the spell, you need to put your right hand on the card and feel the energy flows:

“The true master, the slave (name) cannot live without his shadow, and will not overcome the longing for me, your slave (name). Walk, stutter, choke from melancholy. Like the sun in the sky, so are you with me, the master’s slave (name).”

Using a red candle

Write on a piece of paper in the present tense everything that is expected to be received from the person being bewitched. Then roll the sheet into a tube, light it with a red candle and hold it over the photo while saying the words:

“Whatever passes over your head will hit it. As soon as it flares up behind you, the zealous heart of the slave (name) will flare up.”

This love spell works on the personal strength of the performer

Visual type of love spell

This white love spell from a photograph is performed visually on its own. Before going to bed, you need to establish contact with the image of the person being bewitched, feeling his energy. You need to lie down in loose clothing or without it and mentally visualize what you want.

If everything is done correctly, the thoughts sent will reach your loved one and settle in his head for a long time. It is recommended to perform this magical ritual on a full moon. After visualization, you should put the photo under your pillow and fall asleep without talking to anyone.

An independent love spell works only with the correct observance of rituals, spells, serious intentions, and also depends on the natural abilities of the person who wants to perform a love spell. If a person does not have a penchant for the magic of love and occult sciences, then it is better to turn to a white magician for help.

Love spell. Strong spells for love white magic

You can read white magic love spells at home; the spell is strong and acts at a distance from the person being bewitched. Attracting love with the help of white magic occurs at any distance from the loved one on whom the love spell was read. The fact that you need to read a love plot at home makes it more convenient than a love spell ritual that requires more serious actions and preparation to attract love from the person you love.

White love plot men and unmarried guy needed read on photo only on one's own and at home, where the person on whom the love spell is being cast and whose love you want to attract should come. You need a photo of your loved one, if you don’t have a photo, you can secretly take a photo of him on your phone. For a love spell - a conspiracy, you can use a black and white photograph printed on a printer of a man you like or an unmarried guy. The white plot for love should be read over the photo so that your breath warms and penetrates the distance to your loved one, who at the moment of reading the plot is at a distance from you.

The text of the love plot to read:

I (your name), servant of God,

In the photo of my beloved I look at him and bewitch him,

I read the white conspiracy and gain power over my dear one,

After praying and making the sign of the cross, I take the photograph,

I call him to my house.

Be you a servant of God (name) to me, dear, beloved by me.

You will be sad without me, you will know no joy in anything.

If you feel sad about me, call me very often.

Let that melancholy not pass until my beloved comes to me.

My love will satisfy my longing,

This strong love spell will return happiness in his heart.

I seal my word and lock it forever.

As soon as you read the conspiracy over the photo of your loved one three times, love longing and sadness for you will awaken in his heart and soon expect a call on the phone or at the door - this will be the effect of this powerful conspiracy for the love of white magic, which you were able to read on your own without leaving anywhere your home, that is, at home.

White and black magic makes it possible to read strong love spells for the love of a man, woman, boy or girl that cannot be removed; they act quickly and forever. If you have a need to quickly bewitch your loved one so that he loves only you and never cheats, you need to read a strong love spell that cannot be removed

You need to read the most powerful spell for the love and melancholy of a woman that cannot be removed in her photo and the effect of such a love spell begins in 1 day. White magic of love will open a good Orthodox conspiracy for the strong love of a woman for a man, which you will have to read on your own. For a conspiracy, certain objects are needed and there must be a new moon.

White love magic will help you bewitch your beloved man, you just need to read the spell for a man’s love yourself while at home. The most powerful love spell that cannot be removed must be read in the photo and on the food as soon as the full moon passes and the new moon comes, treat the man with the charmed food such a love spell

What kind of love spell will help so that the young man with whom we are friends forgives me and makes peace in this situation, you need to read a love spell on a friend that cannot be removed and after which your friendship will become even stronger. There is no need to be afraid of magic and you can independently read a love spell on your friend without preparation, right away and right now. This love spell will help you make peace with your

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You are thinking about how to get a guy back after a breakup whom you love and who already has another girl, of course, with the help of a love spell, having read a plot to return your loved one and the advice of a psychologist is unlikely to help here. Believe me, there is nothing complicated about this and the return love spell really works and the person on whom the love spell was made will very quickly return back to you and even

How to get your wife and child back if you love them very much and she doesn’t want a relationship, or maybe the love has cooled down and the wife has left for someone else and her feelings have cooled down irrevocably. You can return a loved one who has fallen out of love even after a divorce, when the now ex-wife lives with another man, and the methods of influence after which she will definitely return are given in this article and this

“You can quickly return your husband to the family by restoring his love for his wife and children in one day if you read a strong conspiracy in the photo or influence your loved one with prayers, but then it will take a little more time, and you can spend a lot of money and listen to the advice of a psychologist on how to get your husband back to the family, but no one can give a 100% guarantee for this option of returning a loved one

A love spell is a very powerful way to return a husband to the family if he went on a spree or went to his mistress, forgetting the way home. Today we will tell you how to bewitch your beloved man so that he stops cheating and leaving home. Get ready to make a strong love spell on your own to get your husband back in order to bewitch him to you. Women have always used magic and arranged their own

Love spells that cannot be removed and the effect of which is permanent are perhaps the most popular and powerful love spells for the love of a person who does not show love feelings. Love spells are divided into two types: black and white, and they all work at a distance. A black love spell is done in a cemetery under the moon and cannot be removed on your own, only by an experienced and

“How to get my beloved ex-girlfriend back after breaking up if I love her and she doesn’t want to improve our relationship and is already dating another guy”? “I want the girl back.” “how to get a girl back if.” “how to bewitch a girl who.” We very often receive such questions from readers through the feedback form and

Strong love spell on a loved one

A love spell on a lock is used very often to bewitch a loved one. There are many variations of this ritual. Therefore, choosing a ritual to resolve a specific situation is absolutely easy.

Any love spell on a castle is considered a ritual of white magic, so its negative consequences are minimal. And since such rituals are not very complex, they are in great demand for independent performance at home.

But it should be remembered that in order for a love spell to be effective, it must be carried out by a person with strong energy, completely confident in his abilities. For the effectiveness of the impact, unconditional faith in the power of magic is also important.

Powerful Ritual

For a strong ritual you will need:

  • Small new padlock with key;
  • Photo of the chosen one;
  • Own photo.

If for some reason you cannot get a photograph of your chosen one, then the photographs can be replaced with the hair of your loved one, but in this case you will also need to use your own hair. The castle should be purchased on the waxing Moon on Friday, and the ceremony itself should be carried out in the predawn hour or at noon.

It is necessary to open the shackle of the prepared lock and string photographs on it, folded with their front sides. After this, the lock must be locked with a key. If hair is used, then you need to braid it, which should be pressed with a bow while closing the lock.

After this, such a lining must be taken to the house of the chosen one and buried in such a way that it would be on the path of the loved one.

During this action, you need to whisper the following words:

So no one can separate you and me.”

After this, you need to quickly go home, without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way.

The key to the enchanted lock should be kept under your pillow for a week, and you should definitely go to sleep with thoughts of your loved one. After that, you need to hide it in a secluded place that only you should know about. Under no circumstances should you share information about the ritual performed with anyone or show the key.

This ritual is quite difficult to perform, since it is carried out during the day, so it is very difficult to carry out all the necessary actions unnoticed. But at the same time, if everything is done correctly, then it is very effective. Soon after, you will be able to establish relationships with your loved one, but their further development depends solely on the feelings of your partners.

Removing a love spell

The peculiarity of this ritual using a lock is that, despite all its power, it does not bind people. If you realize that the chosen one’s natural feelings for you were never awakened or that over time your relationship has exhausted itself, then the remnants of the spell can be removed very simply.

To do this, just give the key to the chosen one and say the following words:

At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to explain your action to the chosen one; he has the right to speculate whatever he wants. On the other hand, if you realize that your feelings with your partner are growing stronger day by day, and your relationship is becoming serious and promising, then the key should be thrown into a river or stream. This will cement your love for a long time and will not allow it to fade away from the routine of family everyday life.

It is very important that all love spells that are carried out using a lock are easily recognizable. Such an effect can be very easily diagnosed by any professional magician. This means that, if necessary, such foreign influence can be easily removed. And, if you do this in a timely manner, you can eliminate any negative consequences.

Effective white love spells: how to carry out and what are the consequences

Sometimes young people in love who have been together for a long time, for some reason, separate. However, strong feelings cannot simply disappear! Therefore, the couple tries to find a way out and return their former love, but this does not always work out. In this case, a white love spell will come to the aid of lovers. It is white magic that will help improve your personal life.

With the help of a white love spell you can bring back your old love

With the help of magical rituals, the beloved man (woman) will return, interest or reciprocal passion will awaken, mutual understanding and harmony of relationships will return. How does a white love spell work at home, what is its power, how to correctly perform the ritual and cast spells?

What is the difference between white magic and black magic?

Most people are sure that any magical rites and rituals cause a lot of problems and have a negative effect on a person’s subconscious. But still, white magic is significantly different from black magic.

When a person casts a black love spell, he is absorbed by negative energy, which can subsequently cause serious damage to the health and mental state of the performer. Very often, desperate lovers turn to black love spells, who do not fully understand that a black love spell can interfere in the life of another person, break their will, change their thoughts and character as a whole.

A white love spell does not subjugate a person’s mind, but only brings a couple in love closer together with a slight push, removes barriers that prevent their hearts from reuniting.

Features of a white love spell

The goal of white magic is not to subjugate a man at any cost. If a black ritual forcibly forces a person to show tender feelings, directly zombifying his mind, then a white love spell is the first step towards meeting a loved one. White love spells have a number of features:

A bewitched man will need to communicate with the performer

  1. The ritual acts as sending positive information to the other half. As a result, the man will be sure that he will find happiness and love only with the one who performs the ritual.
  2. A bewitched person needs to communicate with the performer, dreams of meeting and physical communication. An irresistible need to be with your loved one regularly arises.
  3. When reading conspiracies at home, it is imperative to use the subject’s personal belongings. They have memory and strong energy. Black magic uses blood, earth (from the cemetery) and other things. A white love spell involves the use of a photo card, bed linen, candles, and fruit.
  4. A man who has hatred for the performer will never be inflamed with love, there is no point in fighting hostility, reading conspiracies is pointless.
  5. If the ritual is performed out of a sense of revenge, then a positive result cannot be expected.
  6. A love spell works effectively when a person wants to receive love, without malicious intent.

White love spell only works for true love

What types of white love spells exist?

You can evoke reciprocal feelings in a man in different magical ways. The performer must choose the most comfortable, effective and affordable ones. White love spells can be performed at a distance, through a contact ritual, or by transferring intentions with the help of the bearer.

One of the most effective ways is to directly influence the consciousness of the object. When one’s own will and desire is imposed on a man, leaving him no right to choose. Such rituals belong to black magic and can have irreparable consequences for the performer.

The sequence of a white love spell

The most common magical ritual is the white love spell. It is simple, but at the same time effective. The ritual is carried out independently, does not relate to black magic, and thus will not harm anyone.

To get the expected result, you need to follow some recommendations for performing a white love spell:

It is necessary to perform a white love spell during sunset

  1. Cast a white love spell when the sun sets, during the growing month.
  2. The ritual works if there is no anger, hatred or resentment in the soul. You should be surrounded by light, silence and tranquility.
  3. While reading the plot, indulge in joyful dreams of happiness with your beloved man. Immerse yourself in daydreams, mentally imagining the image of your other half.
  4. When you read the magic words, remove away all objects that may distract you, such as a telephone, an alarm clock, or a radio.

Love spell from photo

This ritual at a distance will help lovers unite their hearts forever. Take a photo of your beloved man, write his name and date of birth on the back of the photo. After sunset, light a candle and carefully look at the subject’s facial features, remembering the appearance in detail.

Touch the photo with your hands, mentally reconnecting with the image. Then place your photo against his (front side). Sew each corner of the pictures with a needle threaded with red thread. During this procedure, read the magic words:

“I bind you (the name of my beloved) to myself (my name) as tightly as a thread is strong.”

Place the stitched photos in an envelope, seal with wax and hide in an inaccessible place. Do not tell anyone about the ritual; no one should see or touch the enchanted envelope.

Despite the fact that this white love spell is not black, the subjugation of the will and thoughts of another person is still present. Therefore, if you do not follow clear instructions, the consequences for a girl can be the most unexpected and sad. If the ritual at a distance is performed correctly, then in a few days you will see changes in your loved one.

Love spell on wine

A love spell on wine is performed at home and has nothing to do with the powers of black magic. If you follow all the recommendations, following the step-by-step instructions, the ritual will work very quickly!

During the spell, you need to pour red wine into a new glass.

“The power of red wine, you are full of love spells, as soon as I finish the wine, may my wish come true.”

When drinking wine, it is very important not to spill a single drop on the floor. Cover the remaining alcohol with a cork and put it in a safe place. In just a few days, a white love spell cast at a distance will begin to work. When it's time for a romantic dinner with your loved one, treat him to the remaining magical wine.

Effective love spell on the moon

This ritual at a distance is very ancient, it is described in many magic books and is popular among magicians and sorcerers. A white love spell is performed on a growing month; the performer must clearly contemplate it. If the month is not visible through the window, you need to go outside.

After twelve o'clock at night, you need to kneel down, touch the floor with your hands, look at the month and read:

“You are the mighty moon, you illuminate in the darkness of the night, and you endow everyone with love, I ask you only once, help me in mutual love, and bring my beloved to me.”

When speaking magic words, think about your lover. This ritual can be performed only once. Therefore, for the spell to work at a distance, make sure that the night sun is actually rising. Learn magic speeches by heart, do not read the text from the sheet! Believe in the power of magic!

Candles will bring back love

A simple ritual at a distance involves the use of candles. This love spell is quite simple, so performing it at home will not be difficult.

Early in the morning, go to the temple and buy two candles. When you come home, wait until evening. Take the candles in your hands and wait until they become soft and easy to bend. Press them together and carefully intertwine them (the wicks too). Place the wax object in the candlestick, light it and read:

“Let the sweetheart’s heart melt, like candles melt from the fire. Let my warmth warm you, and quickly love me.”

Read the words until half the candles remain. After this, extinguish the wick with your hands and look closely at the wax (five minutes). At this time, all your thoughts should be near your loved one. Imagine his image, your meetings and kisses.

If during a ritual at a distance, even one candle goes out, then you are not destined to be with this person. In this situation, magic is powerless, both white and black. The white love spells presented above work quickly and effectively. In a short period of time you will be reunited with your lover. You need to believe in the power of magic, adhere to all recommendations and advice.


In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will analyze several methods of magical love spell on a key and lock. How is it done? How many ways to bewitch a person in the tradition of Warlock and other magical systems? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? I don't think anyone can give an answer. What could be the consequences? Is it possible to change a really difficult situation by, for example, casting a love spell on your wife with a lock and key? Questions require answers, and there are answers.

With the help of a self-made love spell on a key and lock made at home, almost anything is possible. It is a matter of time, expediency and perseverance. Time is our enemy, but a wise enemy. It allows us to change, gain knowledge and practical experience. In accordance with the requirements of expediency, we become rational, think soberly, and our decisions are justified. And the desire to get what we want makes us persistent, forcing us to be tireless and consistent.

A strong black version of a man's love spell on keys

This strong love spell on keys, a lock and a charmed thread is suitable for binding your beloved guy. In combination, it works well for a married man. It is also suitable for drying up a beloved girl; in this case, minor changes in the plot are required, which is understandable.

A woven thread connects two photographs - your own photograph, and a photograph of your loved one. Fold the photos right sides inward. Place the photographs in a box that can be locked with a key. Typically there are 2 or 3 duplicates. They will be useful to you in the future for repeating your own love spell using a lock, if the need arises.

In the evening, at sunset, go out into the open. There should be a body of clean water nearby. If the weather turns out to be windy, this will help the work. Draw a circle and, standing in the circle, turn to face the west, bow three times, and read the words of the love spell for a man using keys and a lock three times:

After reading a love plot three times to cast a love spell on a guy at home using a lock, turn the key in the lock, then throw it into the water and keep the box at home. The payoff is standard, as in cult black rites. If necessary, it is possible to repeat this proven love spell using a lock and keys, naturally, on other moon growth cycles. You should only repeat the spell at dawn, after first unlocking the box, then locking it with the key, and throwing the key into the water. You need to repeat the magic ritual only if you notice a very strong weakening of the love influence.

A working love spell for a wife on a lock is one of the simple rituals to return a person

There are many ways to return your beloved wife using a home love spell that is done at a distance, and they are chosen depending on the current situation. Confidence in achieving your goal is the main assistant in independently performing a strong love spell at home. And confidence comes from knowledge. If knowledge is not enough, seek magical help from a sorcerer or a black witch.

You can try on your own to restore the relationship with your beloved wife. Make any independent love spell to return a woman to her husband’s family - one of those that works on the power of a magician. Suitable, for example, home love spell with key and lock which can be done from a distance. In this case, a ransom is not needed, unless you summon Dark spirits before the ritual. After summoning Dark entities, the white love spell becomes demonic, black and very dangerous for a beginner. The ransom is needed at the crossroads. The forces must be released after the ceremony.

If your wife has left for someone else, but you are not ready to come to terms with this, a proven love spell on a wife will help you get her back, which acts as a binding of the wife to her husband.

  • To effectively cast a love spell on a woman, you will need a lock and candles.
  • You can start the ritual after sunset, but preferably at midnight.
  • Cover the table with black natural fabric, place 3 candles and light them.
  • You need red candles; it is acceptable to use regular wax candles. Many practicing magicians make their own candles for rituals.

Close the lock, throw the key into the river in the morning, and keep the lock away from prying eyes. A home love spell on a lock can have negative consequences for you if you work without protection. Set up strong protections for yourself, and do not make mistakes in the ritual, then there will be no consequences, but there will be a strong result!

White love spell for husband on a lock at home

And this ritual of love spell magic is for women. Cast a real love spell on a lock at home - this is a spectacular attempt to win back your husband. This way to bewitch a man is white, however, a connection with a Christian egregor is not required. Do this on the waxing moon before noon. Buy a small padlock on Friday.

Make a lining with a lock - bury it near the house where your husband who left you now lives, but in a place where he will step over the lining. Immediately leave according to the rules. Keep the key under your pillow for seven nights in a row. At the same time, you can make it difficult to sleep, forcing your departed husband to think about you and see you in his dreams. Then hide and store the key - this is your connection with the bewitched.

There are many options for a love spell on a lock, and they all have different reviews.

How effective your attempts will be depends on you. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that you definitely need to know not only how to make a love spell on a lock yourself, but also how to remove the magical effect. First you need to get rid of the stored charmed item - a lock or key. In this case, the object must be thrown into flowing water. Then perform ritual cleansing on the bewitched person.

How to cast a free love spell on a guy on his keys - a recipe for a home ritual

Within the framework of love magic and witchcraft, various rituals are practiced related to the use of the personal belongings of the person they want to bewitch. Personal things absorb the energy of their owner, are filled with it, which allows the sorcerer to cast magical love spells on a guy with things and, thus, influence the right person.