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Dried strawberries are a healthy treat that you can easily prepare at home. Dried strawberries How to dry Victoria at home

Once upon a time, every family made jam - regardless of whether the family ate it or not. Today we make only those preparations for the winter that really bring pleasure - either in the process of preparation or in the process of consumption. One of these winter recipes is sun-dried tomatoes, which everyone has become very fond of in recent years. But you can dry cherries, melons, and strawberries for the winter - mother of many children Marina Yaroslavtseva shares her recipes.

You will need:
  • 1 kg strawberries (it is important that the strawberries are large and ripe, but dense)
  • 800 g sugar
  • 1½ cups water
  1. Sort the berries, leaving strong, healthy specimens, rinse, place in a colander and leave for 15 minutes to drain well.
  2. Remove the stems, sprinkle the berries with some of the sugar and put them in the refrigerator for a day. To prevent strawberries from absorbing foreign odors, seal them with a lid. During this time, the berries should give juice. It can be used to make strawberry ice by pouring it into molds and freezing, or you can dilute it with drinking water to taste and get a flavorful strawberry drink. You can also bring the juice to a boil, pour it into sterilized jars and put it in the pantry for storage.
  3. Mix the remaining sugar with water and cook the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved. Place the prepared strawberries in the boiling syrup and cook over low heat, covered, for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and cool for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Place the berries in a colander and let the syrup drain. The syrup can also be sterilized and stored for long-term storage or used to make drinks.
  5. Arrange the berries in one layer on a baking sheet and dry in the oven at 85°C for 1.5–2 hours, stirring every half hour. After this, leave the strawberries at room temperature for about a week to dry.
  6. Store dried strawberries in a cool place (not the refrigerator) in airtight, dry glass jars.

You will need:

  • 1 kg pitted cherries (choose large cherries with dense, unjuiced pulp)
  • 350 g sugar
  • 50 g powdered sugar
  1. Sort the cherries, removing damaged and unripe fruits. Rinse the remaining berries and let the water drain.
  2. Remove the pits from the cherries. You can find many different tools for removing pits in stores. As a last resort, remove them with your hands, remembering to put on gloves first.
  3. Mix pitted cherries with sugar and leave for 5 hours. During this time, juice will be released.
  4. Place the container with the cherries on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Turn off the stove, cover the container with a lid and leave for 5 hours. Heat again and steep the cherries again for 5 hours. Repeat this operation three times.
  5. After this, place the cherries in a sieve and leave for an hour to allow the syrup to drain thoroughly. Then try to gently squeeze out the remaining moisture with your hands. The released syrup can be diluted with water to taste and used to make drinks.
  6. Place the cherries on a baking sheet lined with parchment and dry in one of two ways. You can leave the berries for 12-15 hours in the oven at a temperature of 60-65 ° C or for 5-8 days at room temperature, turning them over once a day.
  7. Sprinkle the finished candied fruits with powdered sugar and store in a dry, hermetically sealed jar.

The most difficult thing in this recipe is choosing the right variety of tomatoes. Their flesh should be dry and fleshy. Watery, juicy fruits are not suitable.

For 2 cans of 0.5 l:

  • 1 kg tomatoes
  • 200 g olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • spices to taste
  • ground black pepper
  1. Wash the tomatoes and cut them: oblong ones - in half lengthwise, round ones - into four parts. Using a teaspoon, scoop out the seeds into a separate container - they can be used for preparing other dishes.
  2. Place the tomatoes cut side up, add salt and pepper, then turn them upside down on paper towels and forget about them for one to two hours.
  3. Now line a baking tray with baking parchment and grease it with olive oil. Place the tomatoes cut side up on the paper, sprinkle with oil, and sprinkle with chopped garlic if desired.
  4. Place the tomatoes in an oven preheated to 70°C and dry until desired consistency - this may take 6 to 12 hours.
  5. Place the sun-dried tomatoes in jars and add olive oil. You can add your favorite spices to them: for example, a pinch of rosemary, a few rings of hot pepper, half a teaspoon of thyme, and for better preservation - 1-2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and a couple of pinches of salt.
  6. You need to store jars of the delicacy in the refrigerator, and the oil infused with sun-dried tomatoes can be used to dress salads or even just spread on bread.

Dried melon is an incredibly tasty and aromatic delicacy. You will spend very little pure time on its preparation, although it will take quite a long time to dry the melon. But have a little patience, and your reward will be a wonderful dessert that will retain all the beneficial substances!

  1. Cut a well-ripened but dense melon in half, remove the core with seeds, peel with a sharp knife, cutting off the greenish pulp underneath along with the skin.
  2. Cut the peeled pulp lengthwise into strips 2–3 cm thick. Place the melon strips on a tray, cover with gauze to prevent flies and wasps and dry in a warm place, preferably in the sun. You can also dry melon in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 75 °C. When drying in the sun, turn the strips over every two days.
  3. After 10–14 days (depending on the room temperature and the type of melon), weave the dried pieces into braids, connecting several strips at a time. The melon strips will be sticky and flavorful.
  4. You can store this dessert in dry boxes or jars in a warm place.

You will need:

  • 1 kg lemon peels

For the syrup:

  • 200 ml water
  • 1.5 kg sugar
  1. Cut the lemon peels into strips 1–2 cm wide and soak in cold water for about a day. During this time, drain the water twice and fill the crusts with fresh water. The peels are soaked to remove the bitterness.
  2. Place the soaked peels in a colander and let the water drain.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Place lemon peels in boiling water and blanch them for 10 minutes, then drain again in a colander.
  4. For the syrup, bring the water and sugar to a boil and heat, stirring, over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Dip blanched lemon peels into the syrup and cook for 10 minutes.
  6. Turn off the stove and leave the crusts for 10–12 hours. During this time, bring the lemon peels to a boil three times, cook, then remove from the stove.
  7. Place the finished crusts in a colander and let the syrup drain completely. Do not pour out the syrup: it can be used to prepare desserts and drinks, it can be used to soak cake layers or pour over ice cream.
  8. Place the lemon peels on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and dry in the oven at 30–40 °C until small sugar crystals form on the surface.
  9. Pour the prepared candied lemon peel into a dry, clean jar and seal tightly.

Comment on the article "Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home"

I didn’t dry the peppers/eggplants like tomatoes, I can’t tell you. Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home. But you can dry cherries, melons, and strawberries for the winter... Sun-dried tomatoes, homemade candied fruits: preparations for the winter. Print version. 3.6 5 (13...

Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home. What to do with strawberries help. We got hooked on jelly, I bought (!!) frozen strawberries all winter. and what are strawberries worth, if it’s not a secret? my daughters made cheesecakes with fresh strawberries...

Dried (sun-dried) tomatoes from FixPrice. made in Tajikistan. I bought them back in November-December, then they were drier and I didn’t dry the peppers/eggplants a little like tomatoes, I can’t tell you. Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home.

Option 1. DRIED TOMATOES. Homemade tomato ketchup, jarred bell peppers and pickled ginger: recipes from We dried it especially for the salad: arugula, cherry tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, maybe cheese. Dressing: olive oil, pesto sauce, soy sauce.

Sun-dried tomatoes are a culinary issue. - gatherings. About yours, about your girl’s. Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home. But you can dry cherries, melons, and strawberries for the winter...

But you can dry cherries, melons, and strawberries for the winter - a mother with many children shares recipes for the preparations. Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home. But you can dry cherries for the winter, and spread the berries in one layer on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven at How to dry tomatoes? Place the baking sheet with the wire rack and the tomatoes in the oven, slightly...

Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home. Place the prepared strawberries in the boiling syrup and cook over low heat, covered, for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and cool for 10-15 minutes. They do not shine as they are covered with a film of product.

How to store sun-dried tomatoes. Snacks. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and tips for preparing dishes, holiday menu and reception Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home. But you can dry cherries, melons, and strawberries for the winter - with recipes...

Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home. Dried strawberries for zama, candied cherries for the winter, homemade sun-dried tomatoes, dried melon, homemade candied peels.

Section: Learn to cook! (belonika sun-dried tomatoes). How to dry tomatoes? They can be dried perfectly. Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home. But you can dry cherries, melons, and strawberries for the winter... Ketchup for the winter and 2 more recipes...

I foolishly bought sun-dried tomatoes, thinking of using them in soups, sauces, stews, etc. And they, the bastards, turned out to be boiled in sugar syrup... in short, I didn’t dry the peppers/eggplants like tomatoes, I can’t tell you. Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home.

Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home. Ingredients: - 2 kg of strawberries - 1 kg of sugar - 0.5 cups of water Preparation: 1. For strawberry jam, take small but ripe strawberries. Peel and core apples...

How to store sun-dried tomatoes? Now I've wilted the first batch. Actually, the tomatoes were dried in a gas oven on low heat for 4 hours. From 2 kg. The tomatoes turned out to be one two-hundred-gram and one three-hundred-gram jar.

Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home. Eggplant preparations for the winter are always popular: after all, only at the end of summer and autumn you can buy eggplants from the garden, but winter greenhouse vegetables are not the same!

Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home. Dried strawberries for zama, candied cherries for the winter, homemade sun-dried tomatoes, dried melon, homemade candied peels. About prices in markets)? I saw raspberries a long time ago in Auchan for 300 rubles per kg. 07/16/2017 22...

How to dry tomatoes? Teach you how to cook! Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menu and Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: home-made jerky. One of these winter recipes is sun-dried tomatoes, which...

Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home. But you can dry cherries, melons, and strawberries for the winter - mother of many children Marina Yaroslavtseva shares her recipes.

Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home. After this, leave the strawberries at room temperature for about a week to dry. half a kilo?? four of us? one of which is a 15 year old boy?? tasteless or something? just some...

Our experience of drying strawberries in the Ezidri dryer.

We took hard, slightly unripe strawberries. It is not recommended to dry crushed strawberries, but they can be turned into wonderful ones. We washed them and removed the tails. We cut 5 mm plates into slices. Placed on trays in a single layer and dried for approximately 9 hours. The pieces of dried strawberries became brittle and did not stick to the fingers. Drying 13 times.

Dried berries are placed in an airtight ceramic or glass container, or in a gauze bag, and placed on a shelf in a dry room. It is necessary to ensure that the container is not exposed to sunlight. When properly stored, the berries retain their taste for 2 years.


Strawberries are a healthy treat for kids and parents. Eating and variety of dishes depends on the imagination of the hostess. Dried berries are added to cocktails, tea, and used as dessert. You can prepare puree soup, confectionery powder, boil jelly, add them to yogurt and ice cream. Anything with strawberries will be incredibly delicious. Dried berries can be crushed into powder and used as a flavoring in baked goods.

Confectionery powder made from dried strawberries.
Beautiful and undamaged berries are washed, cut into small longitudinal slices and sent to an electric dryer. After drying, the strawberries are crushed in a blender, coffee grinder or food mill. The result is an aromatic powder, which is used to prepare flour products, sweets, and drinks. You can sprinkle the powder on finished cakes and pastries, or cook delicious oatmeal.

A few pieces of dried berries are added to the teapot along with the usual tea leaves and covered with warm material for infusion. Fragrant and fortified tea with a delicate taste and aroma improves immunity, which is important during the off-season and winter.

Strawberries retain all their beneficial substances after drying. But how nice it is to drink strawberry tea on a winter evening, eat a cake or pie with strawberries and enjoy the taste of summer. Strawberries should be present in the diet all year round, because one small handful of berries will protect the body from diseases. Whatever one may say, strawberries in winter are the healthiest and most delicious dried berries.

Drying strawberries- This is another way to prepare this delicious, aromatic spring berry for the winter, which is not as popular as jam or jam, but dried strawberries are also found in stockpiles.

We invite you to take a closer look with us at what it is. drying strawberries, and also learn how to prepare dry strawberries at home. After all, strawberries are a widely available tasty and tender garden berry, whose ardent fans are both small children and adults. Despite the heat treatment, almost all the taste qualities remain in this berry, as well as useful substances and vitamins, and the incomparable aroma does not leave the fruit.

So, drying strawberries- recipe with detailed description.

Stage one. We carefully sort through fresh ripe strawberries, removing crushed and spoiled berries. After that, we clean it from the green stalks, then rinse it by placing it in a colander in cool water, and be sure to let it drain and dry, spreading it on a cotton cloth or wooden cutting board for one hour.

Stage three. Place the prepared strawberry slices on a baking sheet in rows, so that there is a small distance between them, approximately one to one and a half centimeters.

Stage four. Then we preheat the oven to sixty degrees Celsius, no more, since strawberries are a very delicate berry, and at higher temperatures they can simply burn. Place the baking sheet in it for twenty to forty minutes, depending on the size of the strawberry slices. Also, the process of drying strawberries, like the process, can take place in a microwave oven, so even drying will be even faster and easier.

Stage five. After the time indicated above, carefully remove the baking sheet from the oven, and carefully remove each strawberry slice from it with a wooden spatula, immediately placing it on a tray covered with parchment paper or cotton cloth, also not forgetting to leave a small distance between the fruits.

Stage seven. After a few days of the second stage of drying, we carefully remove the strawberry slices from the sun and place them for further storage in special natural fabric or gauze bags.

Stage eight. For storage, transfer dry strawberries to a cool place where sunlight does not reach. In such conditions, strawberries can be stored for a very long time, however, harvesting experts recommend eating them in the first year, since with each subsequent year the berries will lose more and more of their beneficial properties and vitamins, although they will not spoil.

You can make compote from dried strawberries or, after soaking them a little in boiling water, add them to any homemade baked goods - pies, pies, rolls, pancakes, bagels, buns, etc. You can also make many delicious desserts and fruit salads from dried strawberries or any other strawberries.

Probably nothing better than strawberries or garden strawberries will remind you of summer in the winter cold, because this berry is so aromatic, its smell cannot be confused with anything else. Is there anyone with a sweet tooth who would refuse strawberry jam? Most likely no. However, there are many ways to prepare this berry for the winter; for example, it can be dried. It is better not to try to dry strawberries in the sun; they are too tender for this and there is a high risk that the berry will spoil. At home, strawberries (garden strawberries) can be dried in the oven or in the dryer.


Unripe strawberries.

How to dry strawberries in an electric dryer: step-by-step master class with photos

Strawberries are usually contaminated with soil and should therefore be washed. I do this in very small batches, 5-6 pieces under running water. So quickly the soil is washed away and the strawberries do not have time to “get very wet.” Rotten and pest-damaged berries are thrown away. We remove the tails (by the way, some also dry them separately and make tea based on them in winter; it is believed that it has an anti-inflammatory effect similar to raspberries).

I tried drying whole strawberries, cut in half and into slices 2-3 mm thick. Personally, I decided that it was optimal to dry with plates - quickly and reliably. Whole berries and halves dried for a long time and very unevenly. So, the strawberries are cut lengthwise into slices.

During drying, a little juice is released from the berries, which sticks to the grill, then you have to make an effort to remove the dried strawberries and the dryer tray remains dirty. It has to be soaked for several hours, and then the soaked juice is removed. I do it differently - I cover the tray with cling film, and in the middle of the tray I burn it with a match to ensure air circulation in the dryer. There is also little room for ventilation around the perimeter of the dryer. Manufacturers do not recommend doing this, but I have been doing it for several years and am happy with the result. Sliced ​​strawberry slices are laid out on a tray.

Some dryers have the ability to set the temperature; strawberries can be dried at 50-65 degrees (the drying time depends on the temperature). I dry at 65 degrees. During drying, trays should be swapped about once an hour to ensure uniform drying of all batches of berries.

Normally dried strawberries should be dry, elastic and no juice should be released when pressing on the plate. Dried strawberries should be collected after they have cooled in a dry room. Therefore, if it was dried in the kitchen, then it is better to move the dryer with the berries to another room, since in the kitchen something is often cooked and washed, as a result of which a lot of moisture evaporates.

Cloth bags, paper bags, glass jars, and ZIP-lock plastic bags are suitable for storing dried strawberries in a cool, dry place.

If there is no electric dryer, then use an oven heated to a maximum of 65 degrees. When drying strawberries in the oven, you don’t have to cut them into slices; whole berries are good, they should be about the same size; very large berries are cut in half. The baking sheet can be covered with baking parchment. Attention! In the oven, strawberries can very quickly turn into coals, so look into the oven often and check.

Dried strawberries are good in tea; they should be added to black (green) tea in the teapot. Compotes made from various types of dried fruits and berries have excellent taste characteristics. Bon appetit!

You can dry strawberries for the winter using either the berry or the leaf. Dry berries will be a delicacy for tea, and dry leaves will become the tea itself. The biggest problem is drying the berries.

How to dry strawberries

It is difficult to dry juicy berries. A person who decides to make supplies for the winter by drying faces many dangers. The slightest oversight - and the berries will rot or become moldy. At the same time, if you artificially create too high a temperature, you can lose many valuable substances for the sake of which reserves are produced.

  • Preparatory stage.The main condition is not to wash, because berries soaked in additional moisture can become sour, ferment, rot or mold. For clean housewives, this condition often seems unacceptable. However, drying berries requires a special approach and look at the harvesting procedure.

This method requires the most time and attention. You have to constantly monitor the weather and transfer berries from outside to indoors and back. For this reason, it is better to lay them out on fabric or paper, which are placed on an easily portable wooden or metal base. Fabric and paper should not be dyed, as the dye may adversely affect the beneficial properties of strawberries or wild strawberries. It is better to use unbleached brown paper or cheesecloth.

This is an easier and faster way to produce dry berries. After the preparatory stage, the fruits are laid out on a baking sheet and placed in the oven. The process begins with a temperature of 40 degrees. In this mode, the berries are dried for 2-3 hours. Then you need to take out the baking sheet, turn the berries over and continue the process for another 2 hours, but at a temperature of 60 degrees.

The times given here are approximate. It all depends on the size and condition of the fruit. The degree of readiness can be judged by color and grains. Initially light red fruits change color to bright burgundy. At the same time, the grains become bright and shiny.

Dried strawberries are placed in a glass jar, cloth bag or paper bag. Do not forget that not only people like such a tasty product. Various insects will definitely be interested in them, because dried strawberries, and especially wild strawberries, emit a strong smell. It can be visited by ants, cockroaches, moths - small butterflies like moths, which prefer to eat cereals, flour and dried fruits instead of fur coats. For this reason, the most reliable way to store aromatic berries is glass jars.

Harvesting leaves

Strawberry leaf is used for:
  • flu;
  • sore throat (rinsing);
  • stomach cramps;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • liver diseases;
  • pancreatitis.

The leaf has a particularly beneficial effect on the digestive system.

It is usually recommended to harvest the leaf while the plants are flowering. However, this rule is not absolute. It’s just that during this period the plant is most active and filled with maximum beneficial properties. For strawberries and strawberries, the period of fruit ripening is not fundamentally different from flowering, so you can collect leaves both during flowering and during fruiting. But after the fruits are ripe, it is undesirable to collect the leaves, since they lose their beneficial properties.

To dry, you need to collect the leaves so that they do not need to be washed. After collecting, it is enough to place them somewhere in a dry place, but away from direct sunlight. It is better to store them in a closed glass jar. They are less popular with various insects. However, the moth may well lay eggs in them, and cockroaches may choose them as a refuge.

Where can dried strawberries be used?

Dried strawberries, despite following the drying regime, lose some of their beneficial properties. However, it retains the aroma and richness of taste.

Dried strawberries and strawberries can be used in:

  • pies as a filling and part of the dough;
  • making ice cream;
  • formation of various cocktails;
  • making homemade sweets with berry filling.

All these delicious culinary masterpieces can be combined with strawberry leaf tea. Since the leaves are useful, but do not have a bright berry aroma, you can add black currant, linden, lemongrass, and raspberry leaves to tea. Based on this tea, you can create a cocktail with dried berries and ice cream.

Strawberry leaves: beneficial properties (video)

Here are just a few examples of how small plants with fragrant fruits can be used. If you also prepare for the winter, for example, black currants pureed with sugar, then your ability to create culinary works of art will increase several times.