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The art of managing your energy. Manipulating qi energy Manipulating qi


Qigong and Qi Energy

Methods for accumulating Qi energy from Qigong Master Mo Damei :

The treatise “Huangdi Neijing” says: “Man is born and lives thanks to qi heaven and earth." Indeed, the functioning of the human body is closely related to qi earth and sky, everything that exists, it is possible only thanks to the never-ending exchange of information and energy with nature and the cosmos. "Dialing" qi in qigong it is an active selective establishment of communication channels with nature in a qigong state and the absorption of information and energy necessary for a person in order to compensate for the lack of “seed”, qi and “spirit-shen”, establishing a balance between yin and yang in the human body, continuous feeding qi qigong therapist when treating with “external qi”.

  1. General information about “gaining” qi
  2. "Dialing" qi can be performed in a standing, sitting or lying position.
  3. Breathing can be free and natural, or it can be accompanied by “gaining” on inhalation, and “removing” “harmful qi” on exhalation, with an emphasis on “gaining” (inhalation).
  4. “Energy gain” is most often carried out through the points laogong (center of the palms), mingmen (center of the lower back), yongquan (middle under the soles of the feet), baihui (crown), yintang (between the eyes), as well as through the fingertips, pores of the whole body.

During “dialing”, it is necessary to mentally imagine that the parts of the body through which “dialing” is carried out seem to be connected into one whole with the sky and earth, the sun and the moon, mountains and rivers, with trees and herbs, that the qi of these objects , entering the human body, it seems to merge with his qi and he gradually “immerses” himself in nature. One must imagine that all the openings of the body, all biologically active points and pores are completely opened, and the qi of plants, the moon, the sun and stars, The qi of everything in the universe enters the body in a continuous flow and it is filled with bliss and joy. The main thing in “gaining” qi is relaxation, easy flow of thought, minimal participation of consciousness, concentration on the sensations that accompany the soft and easy flow of qi into the body through holes and pores. and the skin and its exit to the outside. The “gaining” can be done with open eyes, peering at some natural object, or, with your eyes closed, imagining it. After completing the “gaining”, it is important to complete it correctly: direct the qi to the lower dantian (area. below the navel), stay with your eyes closed for a while, then rub your eyes, rub your hands and face.

The main ways to “gain” qi

1) “Gathering” the qi of the sun, moon, flowers and herbs, trees. Mentally imagine how the qi of these objects arrives through the air to the baihui point, passes down through the body, goes deep into the ground through the yongquan points, returns back to its carriers, and then again goes to the baihui point, etc.

2) “Gathering” the qi of heaven and earth. The mental picture in this case looks like this. Sky Qi descends on the body or on any point, envelops the entire body, enters it, and confidently penetrates all tendons, bones, biologically active points and internal organs. When “gaining” the qi of the earth, the imagination should draw a similar picture, with the only difference being that the qi does not fall from the sky, but rises from the ground.

3) “Gathering” qi through the pores of the whole body. As you exit, imagine how the “disease-causing qi” is dispersed across the sky through the pores of the body. As you inhale, imagine how the original cosmic qi enters the body through the pores.

4) “Gathering” qi through the mouth. Open your mouth slightly, place your tongue straight, without sticking out. As you inhale, imagine that the much-needed qi is flowing into your mouth and throat in a continuous stream, mentally direct it to the lower dantian. In this way, you can “recruit” the qi of the moon, sun, stars, plants, fields, mountains, rivers and other natural objects, as well as entire landscapes.

5) “Accumulating” colored qi of the “five primary elements.” According to the teaching about the “five primary elements” of the human body, the liver is correlated with wood and the “gaining” of green qi is carried out from the east, the heart is correlated with fire, the “gaining” of red qi is carried out from the south; the spleen corresponds to the earth, the “gaining” of yellow qi is carried out from the “center”, the lungs are correlated with metal, the “gaining” of white qi is carried out from the west; the kidneys correspond to water, and the “gaining” of black qi occurs from the north.

6) “Accumulating” light energy. Cover your eyes. Mentally imagine how the light of the sun, moon, stars, or just daylight, the light of a lamp, a flame enters the upper dantian (the area of ​​the forehead above the bridge of the nose) through the eyes or the yintan point. You feel that your whole body begins to glow, shining inside and out. With this method of “gaining” qi, light can also be directed inward through the crown or through the pores.

7) “Gathering” light energy with voice stimulation. As you inhale, accompanied by a sound reminiscent of the humming of a bee, imagine that a stream of white cosmic energy comes from above and concentrates at the top of your head. As you exhale, accompanied by the sound “a-a-a,” this flow, as if passing through a filter, changes color to red and enters the middle meridian. Along this meridian, energy moves from the top of the head through the throat along the central axis of the body down to the perineum, and then, together with the sound that is made when they want to cool something hot, changes color to motley and rushes through the legs to the soles and further, colored blue color, goes into the ground.

8) "Dialing" qi with external sound accompaniment. To implement this method, you can use a recording of soft, pleasant music or the voice of a mentor, as well as natural rhythmic sounds: the buzzing of insects, the babbling of a stream, etc. It is necessary to ensure that the internal organs, external integuments, biologically active points enter into frequency resonance with these sounds so that the energy of these sounds penetrates through the skin to the very bones.

Energy must be treated as a material structure. Energy exists not only in us, but also around us. As mentioned above, there is the energy of the Earth, the energy of space and bioenergy. You can't work with one of them it is necessary to use all three energies simultaneously. If you work only with cosmic energy, as most people practice today, there is a risk of over-pumping the upper chakras and moving away from the energy of the Earth - our parent, who gives us life, health, food and helps in the restoration of the body. That is, deprive yourself of stability, grounding, and Without good earthly support we cannot see a healthy and strong body.

The main thing to remember is that the Earth and Space and bioenergy are living and intelligent structures.

Practice No. 1

Sit comfortably, light a white candle and mentally imagine that energy is concentrated in your palms, which gradually begins to give warmth, and your palms feel it. Not everyone will succeed in this practice right away; many will need a lot of time to really feel the warmth, and maybe even the heat in their palms. After you learn to concentrate heat (energy) in your palms, you can move on to the next stage - the stage of working with your body.

Practice #2

Before you begin, mentally you must set yourself a specific task. Determine which organ or system of the body you want to direct your energy to and what problem you want to eliminate. The statement of the problem must be extremely clear and understandable.

Next, you give yourself the attitude that you do not remove anything, do not fight anything, do not treat, but destroy, namely, burn and throw away the problem. Give yourself the command: “All the energy went into the left (right) palm, I will normalize the work...” and pronounce the name of the organ or system with which you decided to work this time. Then place your palm on the projection of this organ and begin the impact. There are organs that cannot be affected by contact - these are the kidneys and the heart. In this case, the work is carried out only with the left palm through the solar plexus. Place your left palm on the solar plexus, and the same command is given: “All the energy went into the left palm, I normalize kidney function, or normalize heart function, or normalize blood pressure.” Choose one of three teams. Continue working until the desired result is achieved. The practice can be repeated many times.

All the practices that I have now introduced you to can be strictly applied to solve your own problems, you can only work on recovery own body.

Under no circumstances should you work with another person using these methods, without the additional ability to put up a special defense. I especially draw your attention to the fact that if you start working with another person without mastering special protection techniques, you will inevitably take on all his illnesses and problems upon yourself. Therefore, it would be right to start by learning how to restore your body by managing your energy.

The ability to properly distribute and restore one’s energy provides a person with the opportunity to be effective and successful in life. Each of us has sources of personal energy that fills us, but many experience a lack of it due to unreasonable use. Let's look at 6 secrets of proper management of personal energy that will help you get rid of feelings of emptiness and fatigue.

1. Regular recovery.

There are cycles that cannot be ignored. Activity should alternate with sleep, fasting with food consumption, work with rest. Even our heart, which works throughout our lives, is at rest most of the time. The contraction cycle is followed by a relaxation cycle of the heart muscle, which lasts longer. It’s the same with personal energy - without regular restoration, it is impossible to observe stability.

After each expenditure of energy, recovery must follow, and this is the only way to always have the strength - mental and physical - necessary for a full life.

2. Reasonable distribution.

Misuse of personal energy should not be allowed. If you first start wasting it on unimportant things, a deficit will form, leading to a decrease in personal effectiveness in various areas of life. Reasonable distribution of personal energy is to adequately assess your energy potential. You won’t be able to complete a monthly work plan in 1 day, and if you try to work too hard, you’ll soon feel burnt out and won’t be able to be productive. Use your energy consistently, distributing the amount of work each day based on your capabilities.

3. Refusal to dissipate personal energy.

Many people periodically go through days when they do not have time to do anything, but in the evening they feel tired, as if after hard labor. This happens because a person allows his personal energy to be dissipated on unnecessary things, and exhaustion comes completely unnoticed. Stop spending your personal energy uncontrollably on things that do not bring any benefit. It is important to identify what drains you and deprives you of energy and eliminate it from your life.

4. Simplification.

A person spends a large amount of personal energy on complicating simple things. You can save a lot of time, energy and effort if you learn to simplify everything you encounter. Most often, emotional energy suffers from complication. In order not to feel exhausted, you should not worry or complicate the situation with your guesses and negative thoughts.

5. Stress management.

Stress steals a person’s energy, depletes his potential, forcing all organs and systems to work to the point of wear and tear. At the moment of a stress reaction, a huge release of energy occurs due to the acceleration of metabolic processes. If this energy is not used for good purposes, it causes destruction in the human body. Therefore, it is important to choose appropriate relaxation techniques and learn to direct stress energy in the right direction.

6. Healthy, balanced diet.

One of the most important measures to restore energy is nutrition. Thanks to a balanced diet, you can get all the necessary substances that will keep your body and brain in good shape. The best way to always be full of energy is to consume plenty of raw vegetables and fruits, which are best digestible and contain many vitamins and minerals.

In this article you will learn:

Chinese philosophy and medicine believe that Qi energy permeates all material objects. His health and life expectancy depend on its correct flow in the human body.

How to Feel Chi Energy

It cannot be measured or detected by any instrument, but even an untrained person can feel its effect. They start with simple attempts to hear their heartbeat. After several sessions, you should try to feel the pulsation of blood in the parts of the body where voluntary attention is directed.

Having mastered the art of concentration, you can feel the movement vital energy Qi. Classes should be conducted in silence, paying attention to what is happening in the body, except for heartbeat, breathing, blood pulsation or random muscle contractions. The practitioner closes his eyes, being in a comfortable position, and tries to direct his attention to a separate part of the body.

After a short time, changes begin to occur in the area of ​​attention. The sensations are individual, but always different from the normal state. This happens because more Qi energy begins to flow into the area of ​​increased attention.


The presence and concept of Qi energy is the object of criticism of modern science. But all eastern systems of medicine use both the patient’s own Qi and the doctor’s energy to diagnose and treat many internal diseases without complex equipment and medications. Practitioners of qigong, reiki, and yoga use similar concepts to denote vital force, which is capable of eliminating organ pathologies only through its correct and uniform flow.

In Chinese philosophy, there are several types of energy:

  1. Zheng Qi, or Sheng Qi, is the correct form, the true breath of nature.
  2. Yuan-chi, or primordial energy, is received by a person at birth.
  3. Xie-qi is an incorrect, harmful form of Qi.

These forms control all natural processes.

Other types of vital force are distinguished in the human body:

  1. Yuan is concentrated in the human kidneys, and from the correct movement of qi energy The circulation of other species also depends on this species.
  2. Tsong is a respiratory force that saturates the blood and moves with it throughout all organs.
  3. Yin is additional energy that comes from food.
  4. Wei is protective, it is personified by the skin and muscles, it prevents the effects of this on the body.

Using this energy

The most effective examples application of chi energy in martial arts: The master is able to withstand multiple opponents, defend himself without weapons, or perform complex movements and move quickly. Eastern martial arts systems attach great importance not only to physical training, but also to the ability to control the flow of vital force in your body, directing them in the right direction.

Chinese medicine healers spend years training in the ability to sense and change the direction and force of energy movement in the patient's body. Chinese acupuncture and general health practices in Qigong or Taijiyuan are based on theories about Qi.

The teachings of Feng Shui claim that with the help of the vital force circulating outside the human body, one can achieve a comfortable and correct life. The layout of a home, the ability to attract wealth and good luck into one’s life, and to increase the efficiency of training or professional activities require adherence to rules that ensure the uniform and unhindered flow of Qi where a person lives.

In any of the above cases, distortion of the flow (slowdown, stagnation or too high intensity) leads to disruption of the processes. At the same time, a person loses physical strength and concentration, gets sick, or is haunted by failures. The ability to control energy flows plays a large role in Feng Shui, healing, and martial arts.

How to develop it

When trying to independently develop Qi energy, you need to take into account that you need to harmonize the strengthening of the mind, body and spiritual component. Mastering exercises to stabilize the movement of vital force is not too difficult, but you need to work on your own attitude towards life and its manifestations. Rationalization of nutrition and care for the body, its cleanliness and sufficient physical activity are important.


Not complicated exercises for energy storage will help you learn concentration and feel the movement of Yuanqi in your own body. It is advisable to devote time to them daily, practicing for 15-20 minutes. The exercises are carried out in a comfortable position that will not distract from focusing on the processes in the body:

  1. The initial stage is breathing with the diaphragm. Focus on moving it down when inhaling. The chest should not rise at the same time. When such breathing becomes natural, during execution the practitioner should imagine the movement of Tsontsi energy throughout the body.
  2. Based on the breathing exercise, perform a visualization: as you inhale, a colored stream flows into your slightly open mouth, descending to the middle of your abdomen and spreading throughout the body. The jaw muscles should be relaxed and the lips should be open. The Laogong (middle of the palms), Minmen (kidney area), and Baihui (top of the head) zones can be imagined as energy entry points. After the body is full, excess energy must be released through the Diantian point (below the abdomen).
  3. During the exercise, music or other pleasant sound should sound. Focusing on the rhythm, try to feel how the internal organs acquire it. At this time, energy enters the human body with sound.

To physically develop your body, you should find qigong, tai chi or yoga courses, start attending a dance club, or choose another activity that suits your desires. Studying the works of Buddhist philosophers or Japanese bushido, reading Christian or Muslim religious literature will help harmonize the spiritual component.

Meditation to receive Qi energy

Meditation and health-improving gymnastics help maintain and normalize the flow of Yuanqi in the body. You can restore strength after exercise using the “Big Tree” technique:

  • connect the middle and index fingers of the right hand and move the knuckles along the lateral surfaces of the fingers of the left hand, then change hands;
  • place your feet shoulder-width apart, relax your knees, your back should be vertical and straight;
  • visualize how the legs become roots, the torso and head become the trunk and crown, round the arms and raise the palms to waist level, as if hugging a ball;
  • meditate, imagining how a flow of earthly force comes from below, and heavenly force from above, causing the ball to rotate, which the hands embrace.

Terms of use

Manage Qi energy and the following rules will help you use it:

  • training and meditation should not be exhausting, they are carried out daily and with pleasure;
  • you should not wait tensely for the discovery of extraordinary abilities or enlightenment, this blocks the flow of power;
  • When meditation or exercise causes irritation or leads to trembling in the arms and legs, it is recommended to visit a massage therapist or take a relaxing salt bath.

Qi Energy and Diseases

Diseases arise where there is a deficiency of Yuan Qi. There are 3 areas whose weakness affects the general condition of the body:

  1. Reduced kidney energy leads to loss of strength, hormonal imbalances and decreased sexual desire and function. It leads to unmotivated anxiety and irritability. Eating seafood, breathing exercises and sleep will help normalize the situation.
  2. Weakness of the digestive system causes gastrointestinal diseases. Emotionally manifested by aggressiveness and a tendency to take offense. The condition should be treated by eating light meals without meat and trying to express your grievances.
  3. Stagnation in the liver leads to diseases of various organs, absent-mindedness and inattention. You can eliminate problems by avoiding fatty foods and drawing up an action plan for the day.

Impact on humans Chinese medicine and qigong is also based on these rules. A person’s well-being, physical strength, and ability to achieve what he wants or interact with the world around him depend on the harmonious movement of energy.

How to develop Qi Energy?

Have you ever been tormented by the question of why, say, the neighbor’s daughter is always so beautiful, cheerful and cheerful?
Maybe she was born wearing a shirt?
Maybe she doesn't have problems at all?
In general, if these kinds of questions are close to you, then read this article - peaceQi Energyis waiting for you.

What is qi?

The question is relevant.

Qi is, let’s say, ancient wisdom, forgotten in our materialistic age.
However, this is a very real phenomenon, on the basis of which, by the way, the “Force” of the Star Wars universe was created.

You can discover the qi energy in yourself with the help of an experienced mentor-psychologist... but, however, you may not discover it - depending on your luck. If you feel that there is no progress, change your mentor.

Qi is more of a “journey” than a “destination.”
Classic Asian approach, by the way.
It is also a psychological strength that allows the mind to find more and more new possibilities, which allows you to be where you should be and apply your strength to what you need to do.

There is nothing supernatural about qi, because it is your inner strength. Find your path, find a mentor, and you will be amazed at the wonders that lie ahead.

Our group offers the practice of developing human potential, in particular this is the potential of the human brain and his psyche, and the potential of his consciousness.

There are a number of qigong number codes for developing such potential.

Since the right hemisphere belongs Yin , and the left one accordingly

Yang, by repeating a certain number of times in a certain way, the code causes subtle vibrations in the tissues between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Repetition of codes causes vibrations in the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

The more repetitions of the code of numbers you make, the more they stimulate and develop each hemisphere.

What does this have to do with your health?

It is obvious to everyone that your mind has the power to heal the body, and the stronger the mind, the better.

Using Qi Energy https://vk.com/tianmu

Relax your whole body.

So that the chi flows freely through you and into you, filling you, you need to completely relax, and this is imperative.
Qigong and kungfu, martial arts will help you with this - objectively speaking, these are some of the best ways.

Qigong poses strengthen and stretch muscles, joints and ligaments. The emphasis is on stretching the back and bending, which allows you to maintain youth, and also stimulates the flow of energy through the nervous system and helps remove toxins from the body.

In addition, it is an excellent prevention (and even treatment) for many ailments, including hypertension, arthritis, osteoporosis and diabetes. it improves our mental and emotional well-being and calms and relaxes the mind. Needless to say, it won't hurt you to sign up for a yoga course.

Chinese martial arts, in turn, can be divided into external and internal.
The former use muscle strength, speed and strength to generate power. The emphasis is on consistent movements, punches, jumps and kicks.
Internal martial arts, in turn, use what China calls “the power of wisdom” to defeat opponents. Such arts (tai chi, aikido, various kung fu) combine qi and muscle strength, combining exercise and meditation.

Direct the appropriate, appropriate chi energy into your hands. This will make it easier for you.

Relatively speaking, now you are picking up the right tool!

To become stronger internally, become stronger externally.

Qigong and martial arts are just part of the journey.

You will also need to do strength training, you will need to push your muscles to their limits and give them rest, because this will make them stronger and faster.

The more and longer you perform complex strength tasks, the stronger you will become internally.

Writing 3,000 or more words a day is hard, no doubt about it, but here's the beauty: once you do it the first time, you'll be motivated to keep going. Endurance, strength, power - all this is achieved through repeated repetitions.
Don't let your brain rust! Be open to new facts, knowledge, skills and experience. Remember, you have to study all your life, the only reason not to study is death. The brain controls the body, and chi is the balance between body and mind. Read books, play games (brain development games, of course, like chess).
Respect yourself.

Self-esteem is a good quality and, in general, not at all superfluous.

By believing in yourself and your strengths, not listening to the voice of doubt and not being afraid to move forward, you will be truly alive!

Surround yourself with people who will help you become better, even at the cost of criticism.
Develop your imagination. Our ability to imagine and imagine is a very powerful tool that is available to everyone. It’s just that some people are good at it, and some are not very good at it. Just imagine something exciting and connected to you (such as winning a prestigious competition or dating the girl of your dreams), and then open your eyes and try to make it all real.

Open the door to the world of your imagination!
Learn to enjoy everyday activities.

Sing and dance while washing the dishes, loading the washing machine, or cleaning the house.

Whatever you do, let it be fun and enjoyable!

Become an expert in what you do to strengthen your chi.
The whole secret here is in practice.
You, of course, may ask: “in practice... in what?”
The answer is simple: in everything.
In sports, yoga, meditation, imagination, admiration, self-belief and so on.
Do this again and again, because only regular practice leads to perfection!
Know that you can strengthen your chi energy by becoming a calm and balanced person.

Calm and stress are two sides of the same coin (life), which affect you accordingly: either chaos and devastation, or calm and a positive outlook on things!

Look positive.
Nobody likes gloomy people, and the opposite is true.
Wherever you are, try to look positive, because this is the path to gaining qi.