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Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about fruit? Why do you dream about fruits on trees? Why do you dream of vegetables and fruits according to different dream books?

The dream book has long been helping people decipher the images of dreams, giving them the opportunity to understand themselves and slightly lifting the veil of secrecy over the dreamer’s future. The interpretation of dreams, images, colors that we see in our sleep is a complex science, but the dream book is designed to find answers. Remember that the meaning of dreams cannot be underestimated, because it is the voice of your subconscious. Therefore, in our article we will introduce you to different interpretations about fruits.

Why do you dream of fruit?

Fruits are a delicacy that pleases with a variety of varieties. To find out why this or that plot is in your dreams, you should first pay attention to the variety that you often saw in your dreams, or the one that you remember best. A large number of dream books provide a personal interpretation for each of them. And also great importance is given to other properties, such as attractive appearance, ripeness, juiciness and place where it is located.

As a rule, fruits are interpreted as a favorable symbol, a messenger of prosperity, good luck, devoted love and great happiness. Very often, dreams and their interpretations help the sleeper better understand himself, his feelings and emotional state. Also, the interpretation of dreams can serve as a hint in accepting and setting life priorities, so we need to find out what fruits mean in dreams and what sign they symbolize.

Did you dream about fruit?

  • Surely the most common dream about fruits is the one in which you eat them. And as a rule, this dream is very good and means that soon prosperity will come in your life and your health will improve. If a sick person dreams of fruits, it means that he will soon get better and be cured of his illness. If you see them hanging on a tree and you want to pick them, expect an increase in your income.
  • For girls who dream of a prince, such a dream promises an unexpected meeting with their future groom.
  • If you saw wormy or spoiled fruits in a dream, this means someone else’s anger towards you. Remember who in your environment is least trustworthy, and it is better to stay away from such a person, otherwise you will face trouble.

What do such dreams portend?

  • If you dreamed of dried fruits, it means you are subconsciously dissatisfied with your husband or wife. There is probably a wedding ahead of you, which will not bring you the long-awaited happiness and pleasure. If you dreamed about dried fruits, it means troubles and problems, so it’s better to prepare for them in advance.

  • Peeled fruits in a dream are a bad sign, meaning imminent loss. You need to do everything necessary to protect your business from losses and your loved ones from problems.
  • If you are given a basket of fruit in a dream, you may have a quarrel with someone. Moreover, if you received a pear as a gift, then this is a deception, if oranges - a conflict. If you accepted apples as a gift, this is a sign of seduction; it is possible that someone secretly desires you.

Dream interpretation: fruits

  • Fruits are the personification of dreams of sexual relationships, the joys of love and enjoyment of nature.
  • Tender peaches indicate female sexuality.
  • Ripe fruits mean happiness, love connection and health.
  • Spoiled or immature - difficulties in your personal life.
  • Worthy - meanness, betrayal, an unexpected catch.
  • Large fruits mean good luck and success, small fruits mean unjustified hopes.
  • Buying ripe fruits in a dream means profitable acquisitions, successful transactions that promise a good reward.
  • Giving someone a treat is a temptation or flirting in reality. If you are treated to food, it means you will succumb to someone’s charm.
  • Collecting fruits from a tree (plucking, picking) means success and a reward in the near future; picking from the ground means troubles and minor difficulties, but everything will end successfully.
  • Wash the fruits - love games and pleasure.
  • To eat (eat) - to succumb to temptation.
  • To see a dream where fruit is on the table is a successful completion of a deal or agreement.
  • If you dreamed of a fruit salad, it means they will try to seduce you with a lucrative offer, these can be beautiful words or romantic actions.

Freud's Dream Book

Next, let’s find out what fruits mean in dreams according to Freud’s dream book. Oblong-shaped plants such as the banana are seen as a phallic symbol and have long been considered a sign of fertility, wealth and courage. Therefore, seeing him in a dream is good luck.


If you see in a dream a lot of fruits, both English and imported, it means that your fortune will increase. You will also enter into a successful marriage and start a happy family.


I had a dream about apples - prosperity. Green and unripe - failure, illness.


As they say in the Islamic dream book, fruits in a dream foretell a person receiving what he so needs. Both the poor and the rich, if they see this symbol, will improve their financial situation in the near future. Yellow fruits mean a quick cure for the patient. If a lonely person dreams of fruits, this means that he will soon have a family, and childless people will have children.

Overseas fruits

  • Why do you dream about fruits according to N. Grishina’s Noble Dream Book? Exotic fruits are seen as a symbol of positive changes in the near future. Very soon, an object will appear in the dreamer’s destiny that will inspire and give strength for further achievements.
  • If you dream of a pomegranate, it means sexual attractiveness, and victories on the love front will soon be observed. Moreover, you will maintain an untarnished reputation and will be able to avoid financial expenses.
  • If you had a dream with an abundance of fruit on the table, you will soon plunge into a sea of ​​carnal pleasures. If you want a love relationship in real life, then cast aside all doubts and enjoy the moment.
  • The Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong interestingly explains why persimmons are dreamed of. This fruit has a tart taste and combines sweetness and bitterness. Also in real life, the sleeper will have to experience both: illness, and then recovery; breaking up and then getting back together again.

Miller's interpretation

If you see fruits growing on trees in the garden, visible through the leaves, this means well-being and prosperity for many years. In addition, this symbol portends personal happiness. If you are single, then you will soon meet your soul mate. And those who have already met fate will have a romantic period in their relationship, in other words, a second honeymoon.

According to Miller's dream book, tangerines mean the following. If you ate the fruit, then you should analyze your relationships with other people. It’s better not to trust them so openly, otherwise you may run into problems. If a woman had such a dream, it means her husband will betray her.

See fruits in a dream

  • Seeing fruits ripening among the leaves means that you are guaranteed prosperity and a prosperous old age.
  • If you dream of green fruits, it means that vain efforts and thoughtless actions await you.
  • If a girl dreams that she is trying some kind of fruit, then she is on the verge of losing her inheritance.
  • A dream where you purchased or sold fruit means that large, but not particularly significant transactions are coming. If you dreamed that you ate a ripe fruit, your luck and joys in life will be unreliable. In general, eating fruit in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Dream Interpretation: fruits

  • Apricots - strong health and prosperity.
  • Oranges - future entertainment. Eat - you will have a good time.
  • Grapes - holiday, fun, celebration. Use - you are satisfied with your work and yourself in general.
  • Cherry: black - a loved one will deceive you, red - you can trust your loved one.
  • Garnets mean that you have sexual power. Eating a pomegranate means a quick sexual victory.
  • Pears are an unexpected invitation to a party. Melons of any variety represent a water journey.
  • Figs - on a tree, an unexpected meeting with a foreigner who will bring you many good things, including in business. If you eat figs, you will gain new knowledge.
  • Strawberries are sudden wealth, both in the home and in business.
  • Lemon symbolizes struggle. It also means that you will connect your life with a person who has a complex character. If you squeeze juice from a lemon, you will be in financial trouble in the near future. Sucking a lemon is a lawsuit against you. Drinking lemon juice is a trial against your will.

  • Olives are a symbol of sexuality. Black fruits mean that you have an intimate relationship with someone you know ahead of you. Green - a close relationship with a person you don’t know, but will soon become friends with.
  • Nuts mean a marital idyll. Eating nuts of any kind means indulging your sexual thirst. Peeling - a highly paid job awaits you ahead, which can provide all your desires and needs.
  • Seeing peaches in a dream means traveling by plane.
  • Plums - eternal friendship. Someone whose loyalty and devotion you doubted will demonstrate loyalty to close friends.
  • Green apples - changeability in friendship. Ripe red fruits signify companionship that you can rely on and count on. Baked apples or in a pie - high hopes will be followed by bitter disappointments.
  • I had a dream about apples - this is a good sign that symbolizes friendship, sincerity and good health.

If you dreamed of tangerines

  • According to the modern dream book, eating a tangerine means being disappointed in the people around you.
  • If you treat small children in a dream, this means a kind attitude towards you.
  • Dousing yourself with juice is a nuisance.
  • A pregnant woman sees a blossoming tangerine tree in a dream - the birth of a healthy baby; if it’s a girl, it means the marriage will be successful.
  • If you follow the culinary dream book, a large number of tangerines means a visit from a guest. Most likely, it will be a distant relative who will bring valuable gifts with him.
  • Seeing ripe tangerines hanging on a tree is a sign of success and successful resolution of planned matters.

Why do you dream of red fruits?

Any dream book interprets the color red as a favorable sign, meaning a love adventure and productive cooperation:

  • For a woman, a dream about scarlet fruit promises a quick pregnancy.
  • For a man, he wants to meet a beautiful woman in the near future.
  • According to Miller's dream book, red fruits and green foliage in a dream are a favorable sign.


We found out what fruits mean in dreams. And in the end, I would like to say, no matter how accurate the interpretation of the dream, the dream book cannot predict your future one hundred percent. It is worth remembering that the final choice is always yours, your actions, thoughts and heart. And the interpretation of dreams only suggests the right direction.

according to Loff's dream book

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. However, in some cases this symbol can be viewed through the prism of the concept of food. Therefore, it is important to determine under what circumstances you dreamed about fruits. Have you offered fruit to someone, or, conversely, has someone offered fruit to you? Perhaps the appearance of a certain fruit in a dream is connected with its recent appearance in your real life?

I dreamed about fruits

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing fruits ripening among leaves in a dream usually predicts a prosperous future. Green fruits mean wasted efforts and rash actions. If a young woman eats a fruit in a dream, this foreshadows her moral decline and loss of inheritance. Eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable dream. Buying or selling fruits means large but unprofitable transactions. Seeing or eating a ripe fruit promises you uncertain luck and pleasure.

The meaning of a dream about food

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a lot of food in a dream - for men, the dream suggests that in reality your sexual appetite flares up very quickly. Moreover, just a glance at a beautiful woman is enough for you, and you can no longer cope with physiological problems. Unfortunately, rapid ejaculation is a problem for many men, but it can be overcome. A small amount of food that you dreamed of promises a meeting with a frigid partner (if you are a man) or with a partner who is very weak in potency.

I dreamed about food

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing food in a dream means that you are careless with documents, thereby harming the most important operations in your business. If you dream about your lonely meal, this promises you minor losses. A dream in which you eat in a pleasant company is favorable - it means profit, success in business. But if you see that your daughter or the waiter is taking away your half-eaten meat dish, you will have to endure the insult inflicted by people whom you do not respect.

Why do you dream about food?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

on the tables - arrangement of affairs, depending on the type and quality of food; others eat - to exaltation; exotic food is an unusual offer; too much - joy; cooking food - personal troubles; eat - to tears, sadness.

Why do you dream about eating?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

minor troubles; watching others eat - exaltation; seeing food is good; eating bread is wealth.

To see in a dream there is

according to Loff's dream book

Within the framework of dream interpretation, the process of eating can be very eloquent, or it can be dictated by the laws of survival, ordinary necessity. Did you get your food in the usual way or under some unusual circumstances? Is this a dish familiar to you or something hitherto unknown? If you watch how others eat, this indicates your unsatisfied material or emotional needs. This applies to cases when you believe that those around you are too insatiable in their appetites. In this case, it is worth determining who is eating and why you were not invited. How those present eat: grotesque gluttony speaks of excess wealth in your life or the nature of your relationships with other people sitting at the table. If the process of eating food is carried out in compliance with all appropriate rules of decency and resembles a sacred ritual, it means that in one of the aspects of your life you are guided by Providence or feel an epiphany.

Why do you dream about having lunch?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

at home - loss; quarrel if there are other people; together with your loved one - early or early marriage.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

If you dream that you are having dinner, then this indicates that you will experience great difficulties associated with food. You will feel out of place. Enemies will try to hurt your character. You should be careful who you trust with your secrets.

Why do you dream about a vegetable garden?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Why do you dream about a vegetable garden?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

difficult matter, relationship.

Seeing food in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Food, as well as the process of eating it, is a powerful symbol in dreams. It can be either a simple addition to the main plot of the dream or its central element. Moreover, to interpret the dream, it is important to determine who prepared it. For example, you dream of a plate of potato salad that Aunt Sally loved to make, but she has been dead for two years. Then it may well be that the key to understanding the essence of the dream is hidden in the personality of your aunt or her influence on you. An abundance of food symbolizes fertility, abundance or wealth. How did there turn out to be so much food in the dream, and how did people react to such abundance? Perhaps your concept of excess and excess differs from other people's views on the same issue. Prosperity and prosperity always go hand in hand: you are likely to demand more food in a dream - this means that you have additional responsibilities. You acquired products simply because your funds allowed it; then it promises wealth or someone’s favor, depending on how you managed the acquisition. Fresh food - a sign of renewal - can be dreamed of in the following contexts: you would like to have lunch with someone, compare it to a traditional Sunday dinner with your family; we are talking directly about the process of absorbing food, which brings a feeling of renewal, or about harvesting, which symbolizes unity with nature or pride in the work done. Spoiled food symbolizes waste, excess, greed or poor management of funds. These dreams usually evoke feelings of dissatisfaction associated with losing, ordering, or having spoiled food. Have you ever struggled with excess weight, binge eating, or an eating disorder such as bulimia or loss of appetite? Have you ever found yourself in an awkward position because you were forced to eat foods you didn't like and in large quantities? Do you associate certain foods with specific people?

I dreamed about lunch

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are having lunch alone means that soon life will give you serious reason for deep thinking about important life issues. For a young woman to have dinner with her lover in a dream, it means a quarrel with him or a complete breakup. But if their meal together takes place in an unusually pleasant atmosphere, giving them pleasure, then the dream foreshadows the successful development of their relationship. To be one of those invited to dinner in a dream means that you will enjoy the hospitality of people who are well disposed towards you.

Seeing lunch in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Lunch always includes interesting components: it is sensuality, personal communication and simply a necessity of life. The essential attributes of a meal are usually the atmosphere of friendliness and the way the food is prepared. For families, the dining table has always been a significant, central element of family leisure. It is at the dinner table that we gather as a family to chat. Even in families that do not communicate frequently, the dinner table has always been an important gathering place for all family members. In a dream, people who have died long ago or whom you know only from photographs may appear at the table. Look carefully at who is present at the table - maybe someone's presence or absence will seem unusual and strange to you. Pay attention to the dishes. In some families, certain dishes are associated with a specific family member or with the image of the family as a whole. It could be a food that no one likes, or an exotic dish prepared by a person who is disliked. The point is that a certain dish becomes a symbol of belonging to family traditions. Of course, in a dream it is quite possible that some unimaginable dish will appear or an unusual cooking method will be demonstrated. This indicates the absence or presence of certain people or the inability to prepare a dish that is not on the traditional family menu. The symbolic connotation that food has, for example, you dream of a liver - remember who in the family died of liver disease or people associated with a certain dish immediately evoke certain associations. Is lunch held in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere? Or maybe this is a celebration of some event? What kind of food is on the table - gourmet or casual? Do you use lunch time to simply talk about daily matters?

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of Fruits in a dream according to 32 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Fruit” symbol from 32 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

If in a dream you buy fruit- in real life you crave a love affair. But don't rush. Try to understand your feelings and desires, take a closer look at those around you and, as soon as you are convinced of the seriousness of the person’s intentions, you can respond to his feelings.

If in a dream you hand someone a piece of fruit- in reality you will take an active part in the fate of this person. If this is a member of the opposite sex, then, most likely, you will begin an affair with him, which can lead to marriage. However, in this case, you should take the initiative; if you don’t, the romance will end in nothing.

If you give the fruit to your friend- soon you will try to arrange his personal life. Maybe you will help him get acquainted with the subject of his passion or find him a worthy match. In any case, your intervention will be beneficial.

Picking fruit - the dream suggests that now a bright streak has come for you in life, everything will work out for you without the slightest effort on your part. Even the most fabulous dreams can come true. Don't waste time and try to take advantage of this favorable moment for you. By the way, this time is the best time for creating personal happiness. It is quite possible that a recent acquaintance will develop into a stronger union and lead to marriage.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Fruits are a passionate date.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Fruit trees- this is a wonderful sign that you will reap the fruits of your labors and your fertility in life.

Dream book for the whole family

If you dreamed of fruits on a tree, among the foliage- it means you have a future ahead that you can only envy. You will be successful, especially in business.

Unripe fruits- a symbol of your frivolity and haste. At the same time, you need to wait a little for your dreams to begin to come true.

If you eat fruit in a dream- depending on their taste, you will experience either pleasant events (sweet fruits) or sorrows and experiences, repentance (sour, bitter fruits).

Buying or selling fruit- symbolizes activity in business, which is not always able to bring the expected profit.

Dream book for a bitch

Seeing ripe ones in a dream- luck and prosperity.

Eating fruit means short-term pleasures and dubious luck.

Buy fruit - the deal will take place, but will not bring the expected benefit.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Fruits in a dream are a symbolic reflection of your desires, as well as the opportunities to realize them.

Different fruits have different meanings, which are described in the relevant articles.

In general, strong, ripe and not too heavy fruits- portend you reliable success.

Fruits with thin skin and loose or overly juicy pulp- this is a sign of temptations and disappointments.

At the same time, juicy fruits with strong and beautiful skin in a dream- portend you joy.

Unripe fruits- warn that your haste can harm your plans.

Dream Book of David Loff

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. However, in some cases, this symbol can also be viewed through the prism of the concept of FOOD. Therefore, it is important to determine under what circumstances you dreamed about fruits. Have you offered fruit to someone, or, conversely, has someone offered fruit to you? Perhaps the appearance of a certain fruit in a dream is connected with its recent appearance in your real life?

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Buy rotten fruits at the market- means that you are very gullible, and everyone takes advantage of it.

Chinese dream book

Walking among the fruit trees- there will be material profit.

There are many fruits on fruit trees- indicates that children and grandchildren are in good condition.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Fruits - large offspring; orchard - a happy marriage.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing fruits ripening among leaves in a dream- a sign of prosperity and success in the future.

Unripe, green fruits- mean wasted efforts and rash actions.

There are fruits in a dream- an unfavorable sign. A young woman has such a dream- portends moral decline or material loss.

Buy or sell fruits- to large but unprofitable transactions.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You dreamed of fruits, but you can’t remember which ones.- a lucrative offer awaits you.

Picking or eating fruits- symbolize sexual intercourse.

Large, beautiful and ripe fruits- symbolize a woman with a good (not flat) figure.

A woman who saw fruit in a dream- not satisfied with my figure.

A man who saw fruit in a dream- is attracted to women with pronounced curves.

The girl who saw fruit in a dream- tries to better understand her body and feels insecure about her attractiveness.

A young man who saw fruit in a dream- strives to quickly and closely get acquainted with this beautiful, but still distant object.

Various exotic fruits- symbolize your attraction to women of other races.

Rotten fruit or fruit with a wormhole- symbolize diseases of the genital organs.

French dream book

Fruits in a dream promise short-lived grief, which will be replaced by joy and self-confidence.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing fruits or vegetables- failure.

Universal dream book

A dream in which you see fruits- a sign of abundance. We can be prolific in our thoughts, relationships, and professional activities. The dream symbolizes a period of abundance, a time for obtaining results. What makes you happy in life now? Are you enjoying the fruits of your labor?

Pay attention to what you do with the fruit in your dream. If you eat fruit- perhaps this means that your body needs the beneficial substances contained in it.

If fruit in a dream makes you nervous- perhaps the dream is a warning about the forbidden fruit.

Pay attention to what fruit you eat- and think: do you have a dream right when these fruits are ripening or not; this will determine how harmonious you are with nature.

Esoteric dream book

See and eat fruits- to strengthen fortitude, optimism, energy, which will bring success in different areas of life.

Dried fruits - you succumb to pessimism, but you have the power to perk up again and turn from a loser into a prosperous person.

Erotic dream book

Fruits presented in all their variety on the dining table in your dream- symbolize anticipation of something new and very pleasant. You are probably expecting to receive an expensive gift from your partner soon. However, this could also be a long-awaited meeting after a long separation, a desire to enjoy all the joys of love and sex.

Eating any fruit in a dream- a sign that your cherished desires will come true.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Fruits according to the dream book?

Fruits, as the dream book says- are a sign that your future will be very successful.

More interpretations

If they are not ripe- this suggests that your actions will not lead to the desired result.

If you eat them, you shouldn’t get your hopes up in vain.

I dreamed that they were selling fruits- you will work hard, but the result will not be very pleasant.

You got rid of them- this suggests that success may leave you.

They collected them in a dream- you’re still on the horse, so don’t hesitate.

Video: Why do you dream about Fruits?

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Did you dream about Fruits, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Fruits in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Hello, I had the following dream: at first I collected things in a bag, laid everything out neatly, there were a lot of things. There was also an elevator there, I went back and forth and also collected some things in one pile. And then I found myself among some courtyards, I saw a lot of fruits, I was even treated to one, it was very tasty, but there was no time or money to eat more, I was in a hurry, I kept running. and then I cried from longing and sadness in my soul and ran on. I looked at my tickets, I needed to get to some city, and I was very afraid of being late.

    I was on the sports ground, there was a volleyball net there and everything was in green, yellow and orange. I saw my friend. When he approached, a little girl ran up to us and handed me a sweet-smelling fruit) It was green in color and looked like a mango on the outside and an avocado in flesh, but the taste was like papaya and melon. The fruit was broken and I gave one of the pieces to my friend. It was so delicious... Then I moved to an acting studio (my life is absolutely not connected with theater or films), but my friend, who was mentioned earlier, graduated from art school in acting. The audience was quite spacious, but few people sat at the lecture. The teacher was a 50-55 year old woman with an exquisite taste in clothes, she was a role model for Coco Chanel.
    After that, I moved to a class on baking a variety of cakes. I decided to make strawberry sponge cake and cream from walnuts, prunes and dried apricots, used condensed milk and some nut shavings. The jury rated it 8 out of 10.
    Then I went to the seaside, it was terribly hot there, my biology teacher from high school was there. She planted the beds. That's all. Thank you. I hope for the interpretation of the dream)

    I dreamed that many, many apples, fruits and vegetables were picked for me, a middle-aged man was carrying them, and I was following him. There was something personal in this dream... in terms of personal life, relationships. I dreamed about poop)))))))) Then apple cores, a village, straw. ….

    Guests are due to come, but I can’t say for what reason. I’m in a hurry, getting ready, but when the guests arrive and there are a lot of them, it turns out that the tables are not set. I start cutting the bread, arranging the plates, and then suddenly I remember that there is fruit in the refrigerator and I’m cutting it - apples, oranges, pears - a lot. I'm in a hurry to set the table. I remember the smell of coffee

    My boyfriend, whom we broke up with, unexpectedly showed up at my house and brought a big new bicycle and fruit as a gift. At the same time, he said that all the grievances had passed and we were together again.

    Hello Tatiana! I dreamed of a large exotic fruit with needles that my friend brought. It had to be boiled and cut, as a result, only a small part was edible ((And then I discovered that along with it, a friend brought a lot of insects that wanted to bite me and I crushed them, crushed them and seemed to crush them all))

    Hello!!! My name is Inna, I had a dream. It was as if there was a clearing with a small tree growing in it, under this tree lay a cherry plum, roughly like a walnut, it was yellow and looked very juicy... I didn’t eat it....

    I’m in my old house, in the kitchen, finishing half a banana, and I feel that a cockroach has jumped on my leg, I shake it, go into the pantry, open the washbasin and see fruits (ripe apples and a half-rotten banana) left over from the funeral of my dead mother. Then I go back (it was the kitchen) and I see small holes in the floor, there are a lot of different cockroaches coming out of there, and it seems to me like there is a flood underground, so they are coming out from there. I am trying to kill them with a firecracker, one tarantula (at least I thought so ) jumped in my direction, but I didn’t pay attention to him and then I shied away from those cockroaches, with the fear that that cockroach would attack me. Please, interpret my dream

    I saw as if I was in my kitchen, it had peeled wallpaper and it was terribly dirty around. I saw a bag of oranges, and putting my hand in there, I pulled out one of them. It was terribly rotten, green-gray in color. I instantly let go of him and looked at him for a long time.

    the fruits were lying on our landing in front of the door, the neighbors bought them for themselves, I opened the box, showed it to my friends..., with the words: see what people eat? the owner of the fruit explained where we could get them and we went there...

    In a dream, my dead mother took me into a currant bush. And plum trees grew there. I ate them. They were very tasty. Then she led me into the thicket. Where were the fruits and sweets? And she put it in a large bag for me, which suddenly turned out to be a suitcase

    I opened the refrigerator and took out fruit from there and sorted it out at the same time. The fruits were different. I gained a lot. When I was sorting through the bananas, I discovered that they were rotten and put them back... I don’t remember further... time passed and someone gave me 3 packs of money (five-thousandth bills) because they came in handy for me, I was very happy...

    Good afternoon I dreamed of my late father, but he said that it was not him, but that he was from a parallel world and came to give me things from my late father, they say he wants to give them to me, there were fruits in the bag, I took a huge bunch of bananas in my hands, divided there were two of them and I began to think that a lot of time had passed since death and the fruit would not have been preserved so well, and then the bananas began to darken, spoiled a little, but overall they were good, help me figure out what this is about...

    I'm going on a bus with a friend. We get off at the bus stop and something falls. Trying to pick it up, I step into a knee-deep puddle with one foot and fall into the mud. All clothes are dirty. The weather is slush and sun. I get up, after a while I understand that above me is a plum tree from which fruits are falling, and next to it is a tree with multi-colored fruits, large and ripe, but on each fruit sits one small bug. I reach up to the second tree and pick one fruit. I ate, I didn’t eat, I don’t remember. Then the wasp flew under the sleeve of my jacket and sat on my hand. I crushed it (I didn’t have time to bite it) and threw it away. Then I woke up

    I was at the market for yellow juicy fruits, pineapples or mangoes, something like that, and I took them everywhere and ate them, they were very juicy and sweet, the fruits were different, but mostly large and already prepared for eating.

    I was carrying, or rather dragging, a plastic bag of sugar, 15-20 kilograms. The sugar began to tear in some places, and the sugar began to fall out in heaps. In the inside of the bag, there were very ripe and beautiful fruits in sugar, incl. Mango, pears. I couldn’t resist and, as if on the sly, I ate a piece of a very tasty and sweet pear. The call woke me up, my sleep was interrupted

    I dreamed of a lot of people, water, everyone was celebrating something, I was eating fruit, then two men came for me, I was happy, the children were leaving with us, and then everything changed dramatically in the dream I was running away from the guy, crying, hiding, many doors and locks, but I couldn’t close them, I dreamed of some giants

    Hello! I had a dream, I seem to be in a store, I pass by some department and I see a full bowl with very large, ripe raspberries, in my mind I think how large the raspberries are for foreigners, I really want to try it, but I don’t dare, because of the feeling that I should do this it is forbidden. Behind the counter I saw a man who was going to do something with the raspberries (I don’t remember), and how I realized that he would need to buy more raspberries. Then I look further, I see cut pineapples, I walk further and see large rows with many different products, and as if I need to buy something for me, but there is either little money or no money, and I don’t remember what happened next.

    I was in a dimly lit room, it looked like some kind of karaoke bar, small multi-colored rays from the light and music were spinning around the hall, I was there with my friends from the university, they took turns on stage and sang songs. from these songs I felt a sad, soulful mood, when it was my turn to sing, I went up to the bar and asked the bartender to play for me the minus of one touching love song by the Depeche Mod group, he refused, I asked why and he simply answered with a shrug. that he doesn't want to. After that, I heard screams, I turned around and saw that people in the hall were running around the room in panic and hysterics, my frightened friends ran up to me and one of them told me that something terrible was trying to break into the building, some unknown darkness or monsters and we must run, unlike them I was calm and only out of a sense of solidarity I ran with them. I think we were on the first floor then. We opened a door, saw a staircase behind it and ran up it, passing through many floors. Out of the corner of my eye I saw some approaching shadows, some darkness. When we reached the top floor, we saw a door and entered it. That room turned out to be some kind of meditation room, the floor, walls and ceiling were made of wood, it looked like there were elements of some kind of Japanese decor. In several rows, with their backs to me, sat people in beautiful robes of warm tones of different colors, they sat motionless in the lotus position and meditated, a man walked between them, who was watching them, it seemed that he was some kind of spiritual teacher for these people. He didn't notice me right away. But at one moment he turned back and saw me, at that moment he turned into some kind of large creature that looked like a bear (if a bear, then more likely a panda breed), he stood on his hind legs and shouted to the sitting people to get out, and they immediately stood up and ran away. From that moment I felt like an unwelcome guest, he said something to me in a menacing voice in a raised tone, at the end he said something like, since you’re here, give me what I need, but I didn’t make out what exactly, he just stood and calmly, silently looked at him. After that, a small creature, shining like a light bulb, ran out from behind me, at which moment it seemed to me like a small dog, who, on my behalf, would have given him some wooden utensils that looked like spoons, after which the bear calmed down and looked at me with a penetrating, thoughtful look, then he smiled, called me to him in a friendly manner and I saw that on the floor where those people had been meditating before, a pool had appeared covered with a thin, patterned multi-colored glass mosaic, he lowered his hands and paws down and broke the glass with them, under which it was filled to the brim with various, ripe, round-shaped fruits, a faint white steam and a pleasant aroma emanated from them, then somehow a basket ended up in my hands, and he began to put half of the tank into it the best fruits in my opinion, leaving only green apples for myself. This is where the dream ends.

    We were picking fruit in the garden, an acquaintance helped me or, let’s say, treated me, my hands were full, they fell, we picked them up, fruits were apples and peaches, beautifully ripe. Let me make a reservation right away, I know my friend’s husband, I don’t like him.

    the table was set, at which I was sitting, half sitting, imposingly, the table was set richly... there were bright colors and a full fruit bowl was offered to me with fruits and ripened grapes, filled with the sun... I tried the grapes

    Well, it was like this: I, my mother and my friend were sitting at home. We had a very rare fruit at home, my mother gave it to me, but when her friend asked her, she said no and her friend began to beg her in the end, she gave it to her, but so that she I bit once, and she started biting several times, I didn’t like it

    My friend and I were walking on a summer day, picking exotic fruits, eating exotic fruits, for example, yellow fruits that looked like mangoes, but they grew like reeds, black watermelons, unusual grapes, and picking many other unknown fruits. everything was very tasty, a pleasant sleep, the colors were warm, it was probably 7 o’clock, the sun was setting, but it was sunny and warm and good at heart.

Various symbols and interpretations accompany a person in all aspects of his life, and thanks to them one can determine what awaits him in the future. And the question of why vegetables are dreamed of is no exception. With the help of a dream book, you can correctly determine the meaning of your dream and prepare for the vicissitudes of fate.

A little about the meaning

In general, vegetables in a dream carry a negative connotation.. Most often, they symbolize the difficulties of choice, when it is difficult for a person to settle on one thing and he is tormented by the torment of doubts. Most likely, a person will have a hard time in the future, and the choice he makes will have an impact on his entire future life.

Seeing fruits in a dream is a more pleasant omen, since they carry mostly positive emotions. Such a dream can predict love, mutual understanding and harmony in relationships with loved ones.

Vegetables or fruits

Vegetables and fruits in a dream carry exactly opposite meanings. Sometimes the same dream can symbolize different things. For example, an apple on the table means love and friendship, and a head of cabbage in the same place means disappointment.

Why do you dream of vegetables and fresh fruits:

Dream meanings

Seeing vegetables in a dream - the dream book offers a huge number of decodings of this message. It is worth taking into account all kinds of details, paying attention to every little thing. Often a person’s dreams and thoughts are a reflection of his past actions and memories, which have an impact on the future.

Value depending on the type of vegetable

To make the interpretation of the dream more specific and detailed, it is worth considering not the whole picture as a whole, but each item separately. Each vegetable, raw or boiled, contains a collection of certain images.

Why do you dream of fresh vegetables:

Work in the garden

Harvest from the garden beds. The success of upcoming undertakings depends on the lushness of vegetation. Sluggish, rotten fruits symbolize approaching failures and disappointments, perhaps even betrayal. Lush vegetation speaks of success and the opportunity to realize your plans.

Values ​​according to the modern dream book:

Rotten fruit

Rot in itself is a sign of approaching sadness and failure. This is a kind of warning that the dreamer should be careful. Ill-wishers and competitors are not asleep, and a stab in the back can appear at any moment.

The greatest danger is if you dreamed of vegetables or fruits that looked fresh, but were rotten from the inside. Such a symbol means that a friend, loved one or relative, as well as a person from whom this could not be expected, is capable of betrayal. Treason, deception, setup - to avoid this, it is recommended to take a closer look at your words and the actions of others. One wrong word can have irreversible consequences.

Fruits infested with worms mean a test of meanness. A person is surrounded by unpleasant people who are capable of anything to achieve their goals, and the dreamer will have to experience for himself what it is like to stand in their way. And also, the presence of one or more worms in a fresh-looking fruit may indicate the dreamer’s own stupidity and frivolity.

Buy on the market

Choosing ripe fruits at the market, carefully inspecting them and buying them can be a sign that a person is deliberately looking for problems for himself and is not used to choosing the easy way out. It is difficult for him to act without thinking, which could lead to unpleasant consequences in the future. The best sign is to buy products without choosing or looking at them at all. In this case, the dreamer can expect unexpected luck, which neither he nor those around him could predict.

In general, going to the market and shopping is a sign of upcoming achievements and financial well-being. This could be a simple promotion, a transition to a new position, an increase in salary, or receiving a long-awaited bonus. Selling vegetables in a dream can be an omen of a difficult choice or a deal with conscience.

Interpretation in different dream books

Different dream books interpret the meanings of dreamed vegetables and fruits differently. Many of them focus on only one aspect, for example, how a particular dream affects women or men individually, pregnancy or health in general.

Women's dream book

First of all, this is a deceptive and not the most pleasant sign. It may indicate that the dreamer is too trusting of others and too confident in her abilities. Such conceit can soon lead to failure, since it is difficult for a woman to believe that she is not ideal.

Most likely, the dreamer is used to winning in everything and everywhere. It is easy for her to beat her competitors and get the best places and assignments. As a result, she begins to believe in her luck and stops making every effort to achieve her goals. All this will soon turn into failure and can lead to the woman losing confidence in her abilities for a long time.

Rotting or withered fruits can symbolize imminent loss or a quarrel with a loved one. It is worth taking a closer look at your other half and having a serious conversation with your loved one in order to avoid misunderstandings and a possible break in the relationship.

Psychotherapeutic dream book

According to psychology, every dream is the embodiment of human experiences and symbols that surround it in everyday life. Thoughts and memories that torment a person for a long time can be reflected in his dreams, pointing out to the person what he does not want to admit on his own.

For example, tomatoes. Their color is red, and red, as you know, is the color of blood. Thus, there is a possibility that on a subconscious level a person thinks about possible pain, about the fear of getting it, for example, after a breakup or quarrel with a loved one.

And also cabbage in the human mind has long been associated with the concept of “money”. Such a dream can symbolize approaching financial well-being or become a kind of warning that lately the dreamer has been thinking too much about his financial situation, the possibility of a promotion or a change in position at work.

Modern interpretation

Most dream books, including modern ones, say that seeing vegetables in a dream is a bad sign, imposing a special negative energy on the dreamer and is associated with his fears and bad memories.

Eating raw fruits or peeling them speaks of grief and groundless blues. A person is prone to rapid depression, and this condition can be associated with many reasons, from severe losses and experiences to a banal lack of mood caused by the weather or poor appearance.

Favorable moments are indicated by a dream in which the dreamer cuts vegetables; negative moments are indicated by working in the garden or throwing away spoiled things. All these signs indicate imminent losses and possible failures. A person should learn to restrain his emotions and control his mood, then success will turn his way.

Freud's point of view

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud reduced all symbols and signs to sexual connotations. Vegetables and fruits themselves are products of the earth, which symbolize vital energy and life expectancy. Seeing them in a dream means being reborn spiritually, receiving strength for new achievements and clearly following your goals.

Freud compares elongated vegetables with a phallic symbol, which foreshadows the dreamer's development or emergence of a sexual life, romantic relationship, or permanent partner. For example, if a woman sees carrots or cucumbers, we can safely say that she will soon meet a charming man who will radically change her life and worldview.

However, for men such a dream does not bring anything good: seeing carrots, cucumbers or zucchini, eggplants for the stronger sex is a sign of impending problems in their sexual life. They can be caused either by love failures and the inability to find a suitable partner, or by physiological problems in the dreamer himself.

Erotic dream book

Eating or peeling vegetables from dirt and peel means unexpected luck in the love sphere. The dreamer can solve his problems with his other half or finally find his chosen one. Unfortunately, such success is temporary and will not last long, so a person will have to make every effort to turn the situation in his favor and not make the situation worse. Rotten and spoiled fruits symbolize separation and possible losses, quarrels and conflicts.

The meaning of dreams according to Miller

One of the most popular and frequently encountered dream books is the dream book of psychoanalyst Miller. It says that vegetables in a dream are a sign of unexpected luck. At first, the dreamer may think that this is a real gift of fate, sent to him from somewhere above, but in reality their reason is the long and painstaking work of the person himself.

According to the dream book, seeing vegetables in a dream is a sign that a person can be confident in his abilities and that his work and aspirations will pay off. Most likely, the dreamer will finally soon receive what he has long deserved. Eating or seeing rotten fruits is a sign of approaching difficulties and possible losses. Most likely, such a dream is seen by a person who in real life experiences some difficulties in communicating with other people or in the professional sphere. His experiences, worries and searches for the right solution are transformed into dreams, which are the embodiment of his own thoughts.

Each dream carries a certain meaning. To decipher it in as much detail as possible, it is important not only to evaluate the overall picture, but also to look closely at all the details, even the smallest and most insignificant.

Attention, TODAY only!

Chinese master Feng Shui Cai Qi Rong, in his fruit dream book, talks about the meaning of vegetables, grains and fruits in our dreams. Have a nice sleep!

Apricot. This is a symbol of great difficulties along the way. Seeing someone eat it is a sign of happiness and prosperity.

Watermelon. Seeing him is a sign of prosperity. Eating a watermelon in a dream means great wealth. Seeing a watermelon green means danger. If a watermelon was stolen from you in a dream, your case will not win in court and the money will be lost. The patient sees himself eating a watermelon - to difficulties and an incurable disease.

Eggplant. Eating them leads to health and a happy life.

bean pod. Seeing it green means a quarrel with friends. Ripe pods are the heralds of a happy life.

Grape. A man sees it - to success in business. A woman plants grapes in a dream - to a happy life, a rich husband and many children. An elderly man plants grapes in a dream - to longevity. A merchant plants grapes - to prosperity and great wealth. A stranger plants grapes - to a lot of difficulties and problems. Seeing a withered vineyard is unlucky in life.

Peas. This is a symbol of well-being. Seeing peas for peasants means a big harvest. Eating raw peas brings happiness and health, while boiled peas lead to stomach illness. Seeing someone eating spoiled peas is a sign of danger in life. Seeing a lot of peas means profit. Selling peas means danger, bankruptcy and trouble.

Mushrooms. Seeing them in a dream means a rich life. Eating mushrooms means longevity. Crumpled and spoiled mushrooms mean an increase in the number of your rivals. A patient eats mushrooms in a dream - recovery is delayed. The guy sees mushrooms - the bride will leave him.

Pear. Seeing her is a sign of fame, fame and wealth. Giving pears to friends means prosperity, respect and love. A girl picking pears from a tree means a successful marriage to the man she desires. A guy collects pears - to marry a beautiful and kind girl. Selling pears means misfortune and deterioration in business. Buying them means a promotion and increased income. Cutting and distributing pears means losing everything through your own fault.

Tree. Seeing a green tree in a dream means good health, a rich and cheerful life. Yellowed and dry foliage on a tree is a sign of imminent trouble and disease. If you cut down a green tree, it means danger; if you cut a dry tree, it means an increase in income. Peasants see a green tree - for a big harvest next year.

Oak. Seeing him means longevity. Climbing an oak tree means wealth. Seeing a fading oak tree means a long, cheerful and carefree life. Seeing someone cutting down an oak tree means a serious illness or death of that person. The criminal sees himself falling from a tree - to life imprisonment.

Strawberries. The guy sees her - to meet a beautiful girl. A man sees - to a friendly and cheerful life with his wife. To a merchant, strawberries in a dream promise prosperity in business; For a patient, seeing a ripe berry means health, and a spoiled one means a long illness. Buy strawberries for guests. Giving berries to someone means meeting good friends.

Figs Seeing him means well-being, and such a dream promises recovery for the patient. Throwing away figs is bad luck. A pregnant woman eats figs in a dream - to the birth of a healthy baby

Cabbage. Seeing her is a sign of good health. A young man sees cabbage - to the bride. Eating cabbage means prosperity and wealth. Seeing a big harvest means prosperity, success and good luck in business. The patient eats cabbage - to recovery.

Forest. Seeing a forest means wealth. Get lost - you have been deceived by your enemies, you are in a difficult situation. Hunters around the forest - enemies will defeat you. A sick man sees a forest - to deterioration of health. A person who is far from home sees a forest in a dream for a long time - this means he will return soon.

Lemon. Seeing him means contradictions and quarrels in the family. Eating in a dream means well-being. A sick person eats lemon in a dream - to recovery. A woman sees a lemon - foretells separation from her husband. A young man (girl) sees a lemon - luckily and meeting his loved one.

Leaves. Green leaves - for longevity. Yellow, fallen leaves - to a poor life. A girl sees in a dream how she was given green leaves - to great love. Seeing yourself with a wreath of green foliage on your head means victory over your enemies.

Vegetables. Seeing a lot of vegetables is a sign of wealth. Eating vegetables means an invitation to a banquet. A woman eats cabbage - to deterioration of health, loss of money. The patient sees in a dream how he eats a lot of vegetables - to a serious illness. Buying vegetables means success and good luck in business. Planting vegetables means great difficulties for a man, and for a woman it means glory and respect. In a dream you are cooking vegetables - your friends are deceiving you.

Nut. Collecting nuts is a symbol of impending disaster. A woman sees nuts - to family quarrels. A patient eats nuts in a dream - to the continuation of the disease. Giving nuts is a sign of respect. Receiving a nut as a gift means losing friends.

Pepper. A symbol of the fame of your secrets and secrets, you are in a difficult situation, and even your subordinates have turned their backs on you.

Peach. Seeing him is a sign of prosperity and wealth. Eating peaches means health. A patient eating peaches in a dream means poor health. Selling peaches is bad luck. A merchant sees himself selling peaches - to prosperity. Buying peaches means increasing income or receiving an inheritance. A guy in a dream gives a peach to his beloved - for an imminent wedding. You give a peach to your friends - to respect, love and trust. Seeing spoiled fruits means that your labors are in vain.

Tomato. Eating a tomato in a dream: for a man - happiness, for a woman - for health, for a girl - for marriage to a healthy man, for a guy - for a beautiful and kind wife, for a sick person - for a speedy recovery. There are spoiled fruits - to misfortune and troubles. To buy tomatoes is for distinguished guests.

Wheat. Seeing a wheat warehouse means a hard life. A woman sees wheat - to disaster. Planting wheat means difficulties along the way. Peasants dream of planting wheat - for a big harvest. Buying wheat means that your children will get married soon.

Radish. Seeing how you cook or eat radishes means trouble, the birth of a daughter, or illness of the whole family. A guy eats a radish in a dream - for a wedding with an evil bride. A girl sees herself eating a radish - the dream foreshadows a marriage with a poor man. Selling radishes means danger, dismissal from work. Buy radishes - for distinguished guests.

Onion. Eating onions means prosperity, success and good luck. Trading it means prosperity in business. Cooking onions in a dream means illness in the family.

Rice. Eating rice in a dream means getting a lot of money and improving your mood. A woman eats rice in a dream - foretells the imminent birth of a child. A guy sees in a dream how he eats rice - for an imminent wedding. Trading rice - to prosperity and reliable friends. A sick person eats rice in a dream - to health. Giving rice to another means trouble and misfortune. Receiving rice as a gift means prosperity, respect and a rich life.

Rose. Seeing a rose for a man - to strengthen relationships, for a woman - to the birth of a beautiful son, for a young man (woman) - to an imminent wedding, happiness and wealth. A patient sees it - to recovery, a merchant - to greater income. They give you roses - for a promotion. You give roses - to respect and trust. Seeing a dried rose is unlucky.

Seedling. A man sees a seedling - to a happy and joyful life, and a young man - to a wedding to a beautiful and rich girl. A girl sees a seedling - for a wedding with the man of her dreams. A student sees it - to successfully passing the exam. The merchant sees it - to prosperity and wealth, the criminal - to quick release. A dried seedling is a symbol of defeat, despondency and sadness. You cut down a sapling in a dream - this means that your opponents are threatening and hindering you. A soldier in a dream cuts down a seedling - he will soon be sent to the front, but will not die.

Hay. Selling hay means wealth and a happy life. Seeing a haystack burning in a dream means disaster, a cholera epidemic and crop failure.

Straw. Seeing a haystack means a happy life and longevity. An unmarried woman sees a haystack - to a rich husband, a peasant - to a rich harvest. Seeing a burning haystack is a sign of misfortune and misfortune.

Grass. Seeing her means longevity. Mowing the grass means a poor life. A man carrying an armful of grass approached you - to wealth. Rotten grass symbolizes the loss of livestock.

Pumpkin. This is a symbol of health.

Harvest. This is a symbol of victory in life. A peasant sees a bad harvest - a waste of money.

Date fruit. Seeing him means going abroad. Eating sweet fruits is a sign of well-being, while sour fruits are a sign of stomach illness. A sick person eats dates in a dream - to recovery, and a tourist - to unexpected dangers on the road. Collecting dates means increasing business. Selling dates is a sign of respect and trust in you. A friend gave you a date - to the loss of your freedom and property. Scattered dates signify the plight of your family.

Fruits. Seeing unripe fruits is a sign of misfortune and grief. Spoiled fruits mean trouble. Dried fruits - a new source of income. Seeing ripe fruits is a sign of happiness and wealth. Collecting fruits means the birth of a son. A woman sees herself selling fruit - a sign of divorce.

Cotton. Seeing him in a dream means wealth. Picking cotton in the field means prosperity for your business and big profits. Yellow cotton is a symbol of marrying a rich girl.

Garlic. Seeing him means trouble and trouble.

Apple. It is a symbol of success and longevity. A pregnant woman sees apples - for the birth of a child, and a married woman - for a long-awaited pregnancy. Green or spoiled apples - to the division of property, illness and problems in the family.

Barley. Seeing him is a sign of wealth. Yes - to trouble and trouble. A tourist eats barley in a dream - to danger on the road. A peasant sees barley - for wealth, a merchant - for profit, a sick person - for recovery. Selling barley means danger and disaster. Seeing barley scattered around your home means quarrel and family separation.