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I dreamed that I was flying to another country. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a trip?

Dream book abroad

According to the dream book, going abroad is associated with some kind of life changes. In addition, the dreamer has the opportunity to visit distant and interesting countries. Why do you dream about holidays abroad? In most cases, this is something new and unknown: acquaintances, emotions, knowledge, etc.

What should you pay attention to?

Before deciphering a dream, you need to pay attention to its distinctive features. They will be able to give a detailed explanation of a specific case.

Travel goals

As they say in the Modern Combined Dream Book, going to distant countries means the sleeping person is overly busy. The number of accumulated tasks exceeds the possibilities of solving them, and therefore it is necessary to pay attention to this first. If a imbalance begins in some area of ​​life, this will affect the deterioration of relationships with relatives and friends.

A vacation abroad often symbolizes the manifestation of innate leadership qualities. Try to further develop them.

The dreamer may have the opportunity to manage some group or team. His further success in work will depend on how well he proves himself.

Dreamed of an exotic vacation

A trip to little-known historical sights promises new knowledge in the field of literature and art. An exotic vacation, according to most dream books, is associated with the renewal of old relationships. They can be useful in the future, helping to solve complex and confusing issues. A person who will keep you company during the trip will most likely provide the necessary assistance.


A holiday abroad not only gives you new emotions, but also helps you understand yourself, collecting all your thoughts together. Location will play a big role in deciphering sleep.

Paris and Italy

If the dreamer is in Paris, then his hopes and expectations will not come true. Once in Italy, you can count on receiving an interesting invitation. The dreamer will be able to attend educational and entertaining events.

The Vatican portends a favorable attitude from unfamiliar people, as well as pleasant acquaintances. You never know how a new person can help, and therefore each individual should be treated with the utmost respect.

Seeing the Vatican in a dream


America is a country of great opportunities, but if a person dreams about it, then he must be extremely careful. The fact is that his excessive altruism often creates big problems that need to be solved. Each character trait must fit harmoniously into one personality; after a distortion appears in one of them, problems may begin.


Africa may be a dream of a person hiding from everyone a secret secret that could solve the problems of many people. Such knowledge can play a cruel joke for the carrier himself.

Traveling abroad is simply impossible without going through passport control. The autumn dream book says that obtaining a foreign passport foreshadows real prospects for receiving a good inheritance. It is worth noting that such a dream has a double connotation, since the inheritance may contain not only a lot of money, but also debts that need to be repaid.

Seeing passport control in a dream

Obtaining a foreign passport is a real opportunity to perform a socially useful activity. Why have a dream if a person is far from altruism? Most likely, it indicates a change in lifestyle and interests. Time is the most valuable resource, and therefore there is no point in wasting it on things that will not be useful in the long term.

Why do you dream about going abroad if your passport was lost? As a rule, such a dream has a positive connotation, that is, in real life it will be accompanied by luck. You will begin to do things that you haven’t dared to do for a long time. . The dreams of many people remain dreams, and therefore we need to gain strength and patience for the right actions.

The final stage

Each fragment of the dream must be analyzed in detail. The interpretation should not consist of summing up several scenarios indicated in the dream book. You need to pay attention to the above aspects:

  • goals;
  • route;
  • passport control.

The dreamer's internal state deserves special attention.


The Yellow Emperor's dream book says that foreign adventures will be associated with major changes in one's own personality. They may occur unconsciously, but they must be listened to and accepted. If a person does not develop, he begins to degrade, and therefore the dream will direct him to analyze his own behavior in the past.

The main thing is to want to get rid of destructive character traits, and this will become a driving force for developing and strengthening relationships with other people.

If there are no interesting personalities in your immediate environment, then the problem is not with them, but with the dreamer himself. Only good changes can guarantee a positive future.

The Wanderer's Dream Book tells that long journeys are associated with difficult life trials and new relationships, but you cannot allow every person into your immediate circle. He must open up and only then gain trust.

Coming relaxation

It’s quite simple to understand why you dream about abroad. The main thing is to write down the entire dream scenario after waking up. A little thing that, at first glance, seems insignificant, can play a big role. If you dream of a trip abroad with relatives and close people, then the dreamer will have a real opportunity for a carefree holiday in nature.

According to Danilova, traveling abroad promises an exciting and romantic adventure. On vacation, you can meet an interesting person, and a pleasant acquaintance can develop into love.

Going abroad: the desire to see an unfamiliar country symbolizes a change in attitude towards oneself. In such a dream, penetration occurs into areas of memory that have been forbidden for a long time, storing negative emotions: shame, fear, disbelief, and so on. All this is being overcome (dream...

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Talking to an emigrant in a dream means you will soon occupy a high position. If in a dream you see that you want to go abroad, it means prosperity in business.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about abroad?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Such a dream foretells a pleasant trip.

How to interpret the dream “Foreign”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dream that you have gone abroad or are just about to make this trip, then soon you will really have a pleasant trip, which you will make in the company of your devoted friends. Perhaps the need to change the climate and see new places will prompt you to...

I have a dream about foreign countries

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Traveling abroad portends that you and a group of friends will soon have a pleasant trip. Or maybe you really will leave your country for a while.

Dream - Abroad

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream about a foreign country foreshadows unusual events that will lead to changes in your life. Sometimes these events may seem simply fabulous to you. However, most often such a dream indicates the unfulfillment of your desires and a dreamy mindset. This is a dream for married people in love...

If you see “Foreign” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Packing or going abroad portends a pleasant trip in the company of friends.

Dreaming about Abroad - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dreaming of “Foreign” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A pleasant trip in good company. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine that you are walking abroad. Feel free to check out the places you want to check out.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about abroad?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Going abroad in a dream is an exciting journey. Bon Voyage!

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about abroad?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Traveling with friends will bring unforgettable joy and great pleasure.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about abroad?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in your dream you find yourself in a distant foreign country, it means that you should expect some everyday changes. Perhaps this will be a change of residence or domestic troubles.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Abroad

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing yourself abroad in a dream, observing an unusual life around you - means that you will commit some decisive, unusual act that will surprise everyone, but will be approved over time. Perhaps strange changes await you in business or in relationships with some people. ...

If you dream about a foreign country, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To dream that you have gone abroad or are about to leave, foretells that you and your company will soon have a pleasant trip. Perhaps the need to change the climate and see new places will prompt you to leave your country for a while.

Why do you dream about foreign countries?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Finding yourself abroad means that you will soon have to face a decisive choice and you will act as you yourself consider necessary despite the violent protests of your relatives, who will only have to come to terms with your decision to leave them for a long time. Leave for...

Abroad (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed that you were in another country, then in reality you should be prepared for the fact that your competitors are making insidious plans against you. A dream in which you are forced to leave your country, but you don’t want to...

Going abroad in a dream - the desire to see an unfamiliar country symbolizes a change in attitude towards oneself. In such a dream, penetration occurs into areas of memory that have been forbidden for a long time, storing negative emotions: shame, fear, disbelief, and so on. All this is overcome (the dream shows the psychological process of getting rid of it), the person goes abroad - leaves his unhealthy self (in illnesses and complexes) in order to see a new harmonious world with new healthy eyes. Accepting the diversity of the world as a fact, and not as a topic for discussion, judgment and evaluation, will bring new creative forces. Therefore, sleep is favorable, even if when leaving you had to suffer to the point of feeling a rupture - a split. The dream symbolizes changes in life and improved relationships with others.

1 Abroad according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you have gone abroad or are about to leave, foretells that you and your company will soon have a pleasant trip.

Perhaps the need to change the climate and see new places will prompt you to leave your country for a while.

1 Abroad by Modern dream book

If you had a dream that you are abroad or are going there, you will soon have a pleasant trip in an interesting company. Most likely, you will need to leave your home country to change the climate.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Abroad by English dream book

Dreaming about abroad means:

If in your dream you find yourself in a distant foreign country, it means that you should expect some everyday changes; perhaps it will be a change of residence or domestic troubles.

1 Abroad by

Meaning of sleep abroad:

If you dream that you are abroad, you will soon face major changes in your life associated with departure.

Going abroad with your family means a country walk.

1 Abroad by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

If you see in a dream that you have left for another country or are about to leave, this means a quick pleasant trip.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Abroad by Esoteric dream book

To change, travel.

1 Abroad by Danilova's erotic dream book

Abroad, in a dream means:

If you dreamed that you were traveling to other countries, it means that an unexpected, incredible sexual adventure awaits you. You will meet an original, mysterious and incredibly charming person who will help you bring your most secret desires and fantasies to life. You will experience new, unusual sexual sensations, you will feel like a student discovering a new world.

1 Abroad by Eastern dream book

Seeing that you have left (or are planning to go abroad) means a quick trip in pleasant company.

1 Abroad by Old Russian dream book


When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Abroad by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why does a woman dream about abroad:

You see in a dream that you have gone abroad, or maybe you are just about to leave - in real life you are about to travel; most likely this will be a trip for business purposes; you will achieve your goal and improve your financial situation; During the trip you will be accompanied by pleasant company.

1 Abroad by Dream Interpretation by E. Ericson

Seeing abroad in a dream means:

The opportunity to see distant lands.

1 Abroad by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

A dream abroad is interpreted in the dream book as:

A dream in which you are going abroad means that you will take a romantic trip with your loved one. It is likely that you will feel the need to communicate with new people and this will prompt you to move to another country.

1 Abroad by Dream interpretation for a bitch

Dreaming about abroad means:

Traveling with friends will bring unforgettable joy and great pleasure.

1 Abroad by Creative dream book

Meaning of sleep abroad:

See also Boundary. 1. Having a dream about being abroad or about traveling there gives us an understanding of our feelings in relation to expanding the horizons of knowledge or to changes in our own lives. Such dreams may also be associated with knowledge about a specific country that appeared in the dream (see Places). We dream of personal freedom or the ability to move calmly within the Universe. 2. There is a psychological need to leave (escape) from the situation. Or perhaps we are moving towards something new. Our minds are more than capable of accepting new inputs and experiences and often do so on a subconscious level. Then we realize through dreams what exactly we have learned and what needs to be done. 3. In a spiritual sense: going abroad or already being there means new spiritual experiences.

1 Abroad by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

What does it mean if a woman dreams about abroad:

See countries or continents. In any case - to change, travel.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Abroad according to the Small Dream Book

What might you dream about abroad:

If you dreamed that you were in another country, then in reality you should be prepared for the fact that your competitors are making insidious plans against you. A dream in which you are forced to leave your country, but you do not want to do this, means that you will find yourself in a very difficult situation, but you will be able to get out of it with dignity. Relaxing and enjoying the delights of foreign countries may mean that you are inclined to trust your first impression, which is not always correct, which is why you often suffer losses.

1 Abroad by Family dream book

Abroad, in a dream means:

Traveling abroad portends that you and a group of friends will soon have a pleasant trip. Or maybe you really will leave your country for a while.

1 Abroad according to Dream Book 2012

If a girl dreams of abroad, it means:

The need for a change of place of residence and/or climate (also the desire for this).

1 Abroad by Slavic dream book

Why does a woman dream about abroad:

Moving means a better life. Good news from afar.

1 Abroad by Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing abroad in a dream means:

Getting ready or going abroad portends a pleasant trip in the company of friends.

Finding yourself abroad in a dream means that you will soon have to face a decisive choice and you will act as you yourself consider necessary despite the violent protests of your relatives, who will only have to come to terms with your decision to leave them for a long time.

Going abroad in a dream together with all your household and friends foreshadows that you will soon have a fun outing into the bosom of nature, where you will have a wonderful rest and get away from business and household chores. Traveling abroad to famous historical places in a dream foreshadows new knowledge in the field of literature and art.

Seeing America in a dream - your altruism will do you a disservice, think better about yourself. If you have a dream in which you see yourself in Africa, you will feel hot at the thought that your secret may become public.

Seeing yourself abroad in a dream, observing an unusual life around you - means that you will commit some decisive, unusual act that will surprise everyone, but will be approved over time.

Perhaps strange changes await you in business or in relationships with some people.

Often a dream about a foreign country (you are going to go, you are leaving, you have left) has an almost direct meaning: a pleasant trip, travel, business trip.

1 Abroad by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Finding yourself abroad is an inconvenience; new relationships, life changes, strange situation in business, connections. International passport - difficulties, difficulties in business.

Dream Interpretation Abroad If you had a dream that you are abroad or are going there: soon you will have a pleasant trip in an interesting company. Most likely, you will need to leave your home country to change the climate. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Abroad Finding yourself abroad in a dream means that you will soon have to face a decisive choice and you will act as you yourself consider necessary despite the violent protests of your relatives, who will only have to come to terms with your decision to leave them for a long time. Going abroad in a dream together with all your household and friends foreshadows that you will soon have a fun outing into the bosom of nature, where you will have a wonderful rest and get away from business and household chores. Traveling abroad to famous historical places in a dream foreshadows new knowledge in the field of literature and art. Seeing America in a dream - your altruism will do you a disservice, think better about yourself. If you have a dream in which you see yourself in Africa, you will feel hot at the thought that your secret may become public. Finding yourself in the Vatican in a dream is a harbinger of unexpected mercy from others and new acquaintances that will bring you undoubted benefit. Finding yourself in Italy means in reality receiving an invitation to a big cultural event. Paris in a dream is a sign of empty dreams and unfulfilled hopes. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Abroad A dream in which you are going abroad means that you will take a romantic trip with your loved one. It is likely that you will feel the need to communicate with new people and this will prompt you to move to another country. Dream book for lovers

Dream Abroad If in your dream you find yourself in a distant foreign country, it means that you should expect some everyday changes; perhaps it will be a change of residence or domestic troubles. Ancient English dream book

Why do you dream about abroad? Going abroad in a dream: the desire to see an unfamiliar country symbolizes a change in attitude towards oneself. In such a dream, penetration occurs into areas of memory that have been forbidden for a long time, storing negative emotions: shame, fear, disbelief, and so on. All this gets rid of (the dream shows the psychological process of getting rid of), the person goes abroad - leaves his unhealthy self (in illnesses and complexes) in order to see a new harmonious world with new healthy eyes. Accepting the diversity of the world as a fact, and not as a topic for discussion, judgment and evaluation, will bring new creative forces. Therefore, sleep is favorable, even if when leaving you had to suffer to the point of feeling a rupture - a split. The dream symbolizes changes in life and improved relationships with others.