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Who invented letters and words? The history of the appearance of dictionaries Pre-revolutionary spelling dictionaries in Russia.

Everything about everything. Volume 1 Likum Arkady

Who wrote the first English dictionary?

Do you know how the dictionary appeared? In Latin there was a word “dictionarius”, which meant “collection of words”. An English teacher named John Garland first named this list of Latin words that students were required to know by heart. This was around 1225. The English name of the explanatory dictionary comes from this Latin word.

For more than 300 years, not a single English word appeared in any dictionary. Most dictionaries in England were written to help people learn Latin. The titles of these books were truly picturesque, for example, “Warehouse for Little Ones” or “Garden of Words.”

Finally, in 1552, the first dictionary of English words was published. It was compiled by Richard Haloet. The title of the dictionary was long: “Absedarium Anglico-Latinum pro Tirunculis.” As you can see, this book was also called in Latin. Its difference from other dictionaries was that every English word in it had an English explanation, and only then only a Latin translation. Because the dictionary placed English words and their explanations first, it was recognized as the first English explanatory dictionary.

Abcedarium contained 26,000 words. It was very popular, but very expensive. As a result, a large number of similar books were published, smaller in volume, but more accessible to the common reader.

In those days, dictionary makers did not try to include every word in the English language: they explained only the most difficult ones. The first book called The English Explanatory Dictionary appeared in 1623. It was compiled by Henry Cockeram.

In 1807 in the United States, Noah Webster began work on a huge dictionary, which was published in 1828. The dictionary contained 12,000 words and 40,000 comments to them. No one had done this kind of work before Webster. Webster slightly simplified the spelling of difficult words, causing the spelling of some English words to differ between England and America.

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In chapter Other to the question Who invented the first Russian dictionary? And when was it invented? given by the author Alexander Makhnovsky the best answer is The first Russian dictionaries appeared at the end of the 13th century and were small lists of incomprehensible words with their interpretation, found in monuments of ancient Russian writing.
Since the 16th century, dictionaries began to be compiled in alphabetical order, as a result of which they received the name “alphabet books”.
In 1596, the scientist Lavrentiy Zizaniy Tustanovsky published the first printed dictionary in Vilna, “Lexis, that is, speeches, briefly collected and interpreted from the Slovenian language into simple Russian and dialect,” which contained 1061 words.
The Dictionary of the Russian Academy is the first explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, containing 43,357 words in 6 parts. Work on the dictionary began in 1783 and took 11 years. The dictionary contained elements of an etymological dictionary: words were arranged according to a common root, forming branched semantic nests. Using a dictionary, it was possible to determine where the word came from; in addition, the publication included many new words in the Russian language - in particular, scientific terms introduced into science by M.V. Lomonosov. The costs of the dictionary, especially in terms of intricate botanical terminology, were criticized on the pages of V. I. Dahl’s Explanatory Dictionary.

In ancient times, people transmitted information to each other in different ways - for example, they used the so-called knot letter, or painted their messages on special tablets or fabric.

Various events were recorded by carving pictures on stone. Gradually, the need arose to make these images coherent, and a kind of alphabet was made from the drawings. But this was not very convenient, and over time, pictures began to be replaced with symbols.

Later, this method of transmitting information underwent changes, and symbols began to represent combinations of sounds. The so-called syllabic writing arose.

A look into history

The first alphabet of letters appeared about four thousand years ago. It is reliably known that letters were already used by the ancient Phoenicians, and after them by the ancient Greeks and Romans, who appeared two and a half thousand years ago.

About three and a half thousand years ago, the inhabitants of the Mediterranean coast began to use the same symbol to represent one sound in different combinations. The Egyptians created a unique alphabet of 24 symbols representing certain sounds. The Slavs began to use letters later - about a thousand years ago.

Today it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of who first invented the letters. We only have the opportunity to analyze the emergence of writing in this or that country, among this or that people.

Writing was not invented overnight, and its author could not be one person. Although there are examples when the alphabet was born as a result of a creative process during a certain period of time. And we know for sure the names of the creators of the Slavic alphabet - their names are Cyril and Methodius. They are often called “Thessalonica Brothers.”

Cyril and Methodius

The emergence of Slavic writing is associated with the transition in Moravia in the 9th century to worship in the Slavic language. To do this, it was necessary to train priests and translate church books. This means that the need arose to create a literary Slavic language.

The translation mission was entrusted to two brothers from the city of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki) - Constantine and Michael, or Cyril and Methodius. Cyril knew many languages ​​and was a very educated man; Methodius was distinguished by his oratorical talent. Both brothers spoke Slavic perfectly.

It is believed that the Glagolitic alphabet was created by the brothers on the basis of Greek writing and some Hebrew characters even before leaving for Moravia. The first translations of church books were made into Old Church Slavonic, and the Glagolitic alphabet was used.

The Cyrillic alphabet was invented later in Bulgaria, and scientists are still arguing about its authorship. According to one version, the Cyrillic alphabet was created by a student of the Thessaloniki brothers, Kliment Ohridski, who named the alphabet after his teacher.

Glagolitic and Cyrillic: differences

In the study of any alphabet, substantive and formal approaches are used: the substantive approach studies the correspondence of a letter to a specific sound, and the formal one studies the history of the letter as a symbol. Glagolitic, from the point of view of scientists, is a more interesting subject for research than Cyrillic.

In the Glagolitic alphabet, the number of letters corresponds to the number of sounds in the Old Church Slavonic language. The symbolism of both alphabets is reminiscent of the Greek, but at the same time, the Glagolitic alphabet has features characteristic specifically of the Slavic alphabet. In the Cyrillic alphabet, some letters are a complete borrowing of Greek characters. In both the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabet, each letter is not just a sound, but a concept.

Creating dictionaries- the task of a special branch of linguistic science lexicography. More than a thousand years ago, the language had only a few tens of thousands of words.

Books in Rus' were written and copied many times by hand. It often happened that the monk-scribe encountered words unknown to him. To save time, the monk wrote down explanations of unknown words found in other books in the margins of a handwritten book or between lines of text.

Experts called similar explanations of incomprehensible words directly in the text glosses(from Greek glossa - an outdated word that requires explanation).

Gradually the language developed and was enriched with new words. More and more glosses appeared on the margins and pages of handwritten books.

This made it very difficult to read the main text and led to the idea of ​​​​creating explanatory books, and then the first ancient Russian dictionaries-glossaries, which included unknown and difficult to understand words with explanations for the reader.

The first dictionary experiments in Rus' have been known since the 13th century. These are small lists of words with interpretations, explanations and translations that translators and scribes supplied ancient manuscripts with.

First dictionary appeared in China, and the first Russian dictionary it is generally accepted Azbukovnik , placed in the list of the Helmsman's Book of 1282 and containing 174 words.

The first printed dictionaries The Eastern Slavs had “Lexis” by Lavrentiy Zizaniy Tustanovsky and “Lexicon of Slavic Russians and Interpretation of Names” by Pamva Berynda, published in 1627 in Kyiv.

During the Petrine era in Russia, work on creating dictionaries continued. In 1704, Fyodor Polikarpov's Lexicon was published in Moscow. Six-volume dictionary of the Russian Academy, published in 1789-1994. and republished later, opened the tradition of normative explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language.

Second half of the 19th century. gave the world the famous "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V.I. Dalia.

The situation in our lexicography changes dramatically after the Great October Socialist Revolution.

In a relatively short time, a four-volume dictionary was published, edited by prof. D. N. Ushakova, one-volume dictionary by S.I. Ozhegova; in 1965, the publication of the seventeen-volume “ Dictionary of modern Russian literary language» Academy of Sciences.

V. Dahl's dictionary was republished and, in addition, a complete dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language was created, dictionaries of synonyms and a number of others were published.

Spelling dictionaries, unlike explanatory dictionaries, consider words from the point of view of spelling. Such reference books exist to help schoolchildren, editors and specialists who use terminology in areas of professional activity.

Pre-revolutionary spelling dictionaries in Russia

The first attempt to create a reference book of Russian spelling was made by Y.K. Grotto. His work “Russian Spelling,” first published in 1885, was accompanied by an index containing about three thousand words. On its basis, already in the twentieth century, spelling dictionaries were created, the editors and compilers of which were V. Kimental (1900), M. Altabaev (1913), V. Zelinsky (1914) and others.

With the advent of the new government in Russia, not only the political system, but also spelling norms changed. Accordingly, there is a need for reference and educational literature that explains and generalizes the new rules.

The first of the dictionaries of the new regime was the manual “My Dictionary. A quick guide to the new spelling. For students." Its author was V. Flerov. First published in 1918, it went through nine editions. I. Ustinov’s spelling reference book, published in 1921, supplemented with exercises for speech development, as well as a dictionary for secondary school students (1933) edited by D.N., were reprinted many times. Ushakova and S.E. Kryuchkov and other publications for primary and secondary schools.

In addition to publications for schoolchildren, a manual for journalists, editors and proofreaders of book publishing houses, written by Y. Khomutov in 1927, also appeared. It was approximately 100,000 words long. Proofreading reference books by various authors, published in the 1950s-1970s, were also supplied with voluminous spelling dictionaries in the form of appendices.

In 1945, a separate dictionary was published devoted to the rules for using the letter “e”. Its authors, K.I. Bylinsky, M.V. Svetlaev and S.E. Kryuchkov gave more than four and a half thousand examples of words using this letter.

Dictionaries edited by the famous linguist D.E. Rosenthal, which discuss the combined and separate spelling of words, as well as the correct use of uppercase and lowercase letters at the beginning of a word, appeared in the mid-80s of the twentieth century. They are still republished periodically.

Modern spelling dictionaries

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, there were no global changes in spelling norms, so dictionaries published during the Soviet period are used on an equal basis with newly created ones.

Directory of Russian spelling, authored by N.V. Soloviev, was published in 1997. In 1999, a spelling dictionary appeared under the editorship of V.V. Lopatina. It was prepared in connection with the planned but still unrealized reform of the Russian language. This huge work, containing more than 160,000 lexical units, was created in a hurry, however, according to the author, it is the most complete collection of orthographic material taking into account modern trends.

1999 was also marked by the release of a series of reference books from the AST-Press publishing house, prepared by a group of authors, explaining the combined and separate spelling of words, the use of capital and lowercase letters, and the use of single and double letters “N”.