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Slot machines are the best opportunity to try your luck. Laws of luck: what our luck depends on Definition of luck and luck

Our environment does not consist of lucky people, but lucky ones still exist. It is quite difficult to overcome envy of those who move through life easily and do not stumble over obstacles. Previously, such phenomena were explained by supernatural reasons: luck - witchcraft, failure - curses.

Positive psychology has proven that troubles can, at a minimum, be provoked by failures in parental programs, which means attracting a lucky break is also possible. We have collected 18 principles of behavior that will help you create a life of successful moments.

1. How we accept gifts of fate

The lucky one unconditionally believes that he is lucky and never passes by a coincidence of circumstances. Having met a celebrity on the street, a loser will not ask for a selfie together, believing that they will refuse. It’s the same everywhere where minimal activity is needed to get a prize (housing with inexpensive rent, a trendy item on sale, a dream job)

2. What our thoughts are occupied with

What matters is whether we can recognize a lucky break when we find ourselves in the right place at the right time. you are unlikely to notice a surprise that can change your life. Anxiety interferes with openness and observation.

3. Do we know how to relax?

A person who is totally unlucky is also totally trying to keep everything under control. And he regularly receives confirmation that this is impossible, having already spent a lot of effort on it. Lucky knows that giving up on a difficult situation is often the best way to solve it. Life is fluid, and everything can turn for the better while you're having coffee with friends.

4. Do we notice our contributions?

Luck is a subjective concept. From the outside it seems that the lucky ones do nothing, but they also care about shelter and food, bear responsibility and get tired. However, they would rather praise themselves for the most minimal efforts than scold themselves for shortcomings. The result is the result, but in any case, you should tell yourself that you are smart, and life will sparkle with new colors.

Anyone can become a sorceress, attracting good luck into her life!.. Watch the video!

5. Are our strengths working?

Before you try to break down the doors, look around to see if there is an open window nearby. Some win with their minds, some with their charm, and some take part in a completely different competition. The lucky ones prefer the easy way, and they are able to calmly refuse to argue for victory if they understand that the chances are low. You won’t earn all the prizes, but it’s easy to achieve what you feel like you’re on top of.

6. Do we know how to feel the moment?

Something has to wait if it is truly worth the wait. Instead of rushing to the front line in the most exhausting battle, analyze the situation and choose the appropriate opportunity. Don't break bad news to your boss immediately after he returns from closing a difficult deal. There will be one less bad moment in your life.

7. Within what framework do we live?

“They won’t pay much in this market,” “This man is too good for him to like me,” “I don’t have enough experience yet to take on such a task,” losers reason. And they discover that someone earns much more, meets with “unequals” and gains experience in solving difficult issues along the way. The lucky ones come not from restrictions, but from desires. Whether it will work out or not, only practice will tell.

8. How insidious self-esteem fails us

In their understanding of themselves, losers are static - “I’m a timid person,” “I was raised to be a hard worker.” The lucky one knows that an old woman can be a mess, but on the whole he has the best qualities. For this, you can allow yourself to be greedy, lazy, or “play a fool.” It is easy for him to forgive himself for minor mistakes, because he does not attribute them to himself forever.

9. Do we submit to happiness?

A huge amount of positive emotions passes by the loser because he does not know how to rejoice. Happiness is not very clear to him, so it’s easier to shrug it off and continue to wait for fantastic luck. Luck must be respected even in small things, so from a lucky person we will hear how lucky he was with the weather, but from someone who did not notice this, we will not hear anything.

The fatality of relying on providence and doing nothing is more typical of those who are unlucky than of the real darlings of fate

10. Do we believe in real luck?

Is it necessary to try to explain everything rationally? After all, coincidences also happen, even if we have never tried to visualize them. On the other hand, science and technology can easily lead us to a dead end - even the most progressive inventions break down. The lucky ones do not look for reasons or analysis, they simply enjoy what is happening when it gives such a reason.

11. Do we hear our impulses?

Home-work-friends-leisure - the classic scheme. Even pleasures are familiar. A loser clings to his comfort zone because he is afraid of losing what he has. The lucky one trusts his inner voice and is more likely to grab onto the new when the old has outlived its usefulness. He will successfully change his home, find love and suddenly become rich by growing cabbage. Just because I wanted to.

12. Do we deal with failures?

Looking for pluses in the minuses is a useless exercise, they are not there. Moreover, by plunging into the negative, we only feel it more acutely. The pros always exist separately, and to find them, the cons must be pushed far away. Lucky people focus on those areas where everything works out; they strive there with all their hearts. This is where the strength comes from to solve everything else.

13. Are we shifting responsibility to fate?

An important feature of the lucky ones is independence, but those who fail can fall into the fantasy that everything is in the hands of providence. The effect can be different - give up completely, stop perceiving reality, or get stuck waiting for luck. For a successful person, luck is not something he bets on, but only the background against which he acts.

14. Are there signs of bad luck around us?

Anyone who believes in his own failure is doomed to put up with a bad deed addressed to him, with unfavorable conditions, and insults. At the same time, the lucky one will not accept this into his happy aura at all, or he will simply be surprised - why would he? - and will pass by.

15. Do we live in harmony with ourselves?

Psychology theory suggests that the subconscious of the world and man are inextricably linked. If we go against ourselves, do not do what we want and constantly fight with the inner world, this war will certainly express itself in external circumstances. If your soul asks for peace and rest, you will begin to have catastrophic bad luck at job interviews, even if you have enough experience and qualifications.

16. How we look at life

A happy accident is an elastic concept. For an honest lucky person, a wonderful coincidence of circumstances can be the arrival of a bus after a long wait. The loser will say that he was unlucky and had to freeze before getting home. The realism is that this is common and can happen to anyone. Becoming lucky is simple - realizing that the same glass of water is half full, not empty.

17. Are we willing to take risks?

Those who are unlucky may be intimidated by the very possibility of taking risks and changing their lives. But for the lucky one, these are only actions with an unguaranteed result. In fact, no one has guarantees, but the first deprives himself of even potential luck, and the second gets chances (which in themselves, with an optimistic approach, are enough for happiness)

18. Are we afraid of the “happy” status?

Strange but true. Many will not say goodbye to even the most treacherous fate simply because being lucky is scary, unusual and somehow naive. The belief that serious adults must have problems will subtly lead them to be themselves. Successful people seem superficial and immature to them, like small children. This is a direct path to starting to consider luck itself a fairy tale and empty fiction.

Feng Shui teaches you how to manage energy and attract success with the help of proper organization of space. Do you want luck in your career? Watch the video!

Accidents are not accidental - the laws of luck actually exist. Luck depends on certain factors, knowing which, you can make fortune your constant companion.

Many people are accustomed to believing that luck is a temporary phenomenon. But in reality, everything is exactly the opposite. Luck is a process that obeys its own strict laws. The knowledge you will gain by reading this article will instantly change your view of life and personal success in general.

What does our luck depend on?

Research by parapsychologists in this area shows that luck is nothing more than a pattern of random events that directly depend on human psychology. There is also an esoteric point of view that insists that capricious fortune can be attracted in various ways. Each opinion is partly true. But in order to understand the laws by which luck is sometimes present or absent in our lives, you need to forget for a few minutes about everything you know and prepare your consciousness for new information.

8. Increased self-esteem. Losers, as a rule, are insecure people. Compared to the lucky ones, they are distinguished by their restraint and timidity. A successful person is not afraid to be branded as an ignoramus, a lazy person or a boor, saying: “So what? It happens to everyone?". In any case, the winner is the one who does not give in to difficulties and is not afraid to learn from mistakes.

9. Respect for luck. Imagine the situation: you tried, worked hard, but they turned away from you simply because you are too good. Cognitive dissonance, right? Likewise, luck does not understand why it came to you, and you are still waiting for trouble. Rejoice at the happy occasion, and he will definitely return again, calling several companions with him.

10. Unfounded conclusions. Losers make the deadly mistake of believing that if luck came to them, it was for something. Successful people simply enjoy the moment. So it had to be this way. The search for truth often spoils a happy moment, in which it would be time to start acting rather than getting to the bottom of the roots and causes.

11. Habits. Any pleasure can be turned into a familiar way of life, into a routine. Until something new becomes a habit, it brings happiness, but as soon as it becomes part of life, it turns into something mundane and joyless. Life is dynamic and requires constant stepping outside of your comfort zone. Yes, it’s warm and cozy there, but it’s terribly boring.

12. Dealing with failures. There is no need to work through and remember your mistakes in detail. The conclusion you reached the first time you thought about the situation properly is useful and revealing. Other self-criticism only plunges you headlong into negative energy. Lucky people look for new opportunities - and new mistakes.

13. Personal responsibility. Shifting responsibility to others is the last thing to do. There is no need to blame people, events, fate for your mistakes - blame yourself. Your personal happiness is in your hands, for which you are responsible primarily to yourself.

14. Happy aura. It's simple: believing in your bad luck attracts failure, while hoping for the best attracts good luck. Faith determines your future destiny, so be careful when working with this powerful weapon.

15. Fight with yourself. You can’t go recklessly, completely disregarding your own opinion. If you go against yourself, break your uniqueness and do not accept yourself as you are, then failure will destroy you. Happiness lies in accepting your inner world, your needs and desires. Learn to do it the way you want.

16. Optimism. One familiar and familiar thing can be interpreted in different ways. For a pessimist, the glass is always half empty. And so it is in everything. Learn to notice positive details. It’s easy to turn everyday little things into successful opportunities. It is enough to look at everything through the prism of optimism.

17. Justified risks. The universe is telling you with all its might that your life is about to change, but are you afraid of change? You shouldn't be afraid of them. Of course, there is no guarantee that you will emerge victorious from any game, but by hiding and postponing opportunities, you will never be able to know what might have been. Remember that with an optimistic approach, all doors will open for you.

18. A fairy tale for adults. Since childhood, we have been shown adults who have a lot of problems, they are serious and gloomy. At first we were afraid of them, but now we are afraid to be happy. Happiness is not determined by social status, just as luck does not depend on money. Successful people are not afraid to act like children and live in the moment, so they may not fit into the usual framework. But this is the only way to a happy life.

Hello dear readers. In order to achieve success in any field, you cannot do without luck. But how to attract luck into your life? There are a lot of different ways. Some of them may seem strange to you. But you never know in advance which method will work this time. Therefore, sometimes you have to go through different approaches for a long time, like keys in a key holder for a certain lock. The main thing is to clearly know what you want and not give up. There are many ways to help attract luck and good fortune. Such methods include conspiracies, amulets, prayers, affirmations, etc.

Attracting good luck - putting things in order in your head

A lot in life depends on the right attitude. You need to put things in order in your life, starting with your own head. And you will have to work thoroughly here.

  1. Be positive. Not immediately, but very soon you will notice how negative phenomena will begin to shun you. But to do this, you will have to unlearn grumbling and being dissatisfied with everything. Stop being angry, irritated over trifles, envying, gossiping, and judging others. Come on, focus on yourself. Try to smile more and not take adversity to heart. And there is no need to respond to evil in kind. It will return to the “sender” on its own. And if you get angry, you will only make things worse for yourself.
  1. Try to see something positive in everything. This is useful for two reasons. Firstly, this way any troubles are perceived more easily. Secondly, this will help you not to miss a potential chance, not to overlook the opening prospects behind the veil of negativity.
  1. Don't forget how to dream. Fantasize while enjoying the process. Don’t regret that this hasn’t happened to you yet, don’t be upset. Accompany your dreams with appropriate affirmations (more on them below). Believe in your strength and do not doubt your success.

Rules for writing affirmations

Affirmations are verbal formulas, guidelines for self-hypnosis and the right attitude. Their use turns out to be quite effective in various cases.

To work with your own subconscious, you can use both ready-made phrases and ones you compose yourself.

The selected phrases must be affirmative and extremely short.

The wording should not cause internal rejection in you.

Words should paint a positive picture, without using the particle “not” and in the present tense (as if everything has already happened).

You must include yourself here too, using the pronouns “I”, “me”, etc.

You should resort to affirmations regularly, repeating the basic settings many times.

Even if you don’t have a positive infusion or you don’t believe in what you’re talking about, it doesn’t matter, these formulas are precisely aimed at adjusting your attitude and your mood.

Examples of affirmations: I am the most beautiful, luck accompanies me in everything, I have enviable health, my employees adore me, money flows to me like a stream, I am harmonious and self-sufficient.

How to attract good luck into your life - using spells

Initially, conspiracies were used by pagans. In them, people turned to deities, spirits, and natural forces. Under the influence of Christian trends, appeals to Christ, the Virgin Mary, and saints appeared in conspiracies.

Most often, conspiracies are cast on water, salt or food. But there are known cases of charming various objects (weapons, drugs, clothes). The power of these verbal formulas lies in the spoken words. Here it is necessary to observe a clear word order.

The mood and environment must also be appropriate. Remember that you are tapping into forces unknown to you and setting off a series of different processes. So treat this responsibly and think carefully before using another conspiracy found on the Internet.

The power of conspiracies lies not only in the wording, but also in the capabilities of the person to whom you turn for help, as well as your inner potential and ability to handle your energy. Therefore, you should read them with confidence, firmly believing in the effectiveness of this remedy. Every word must be weighty.

Try to feel its power. Say everything out loud, as if imprinting the conspiracy into space. And the mood should be solemn. Realize that you are performing an ancient ritual. It is performed in solitude, otherwise the spell will lose its power.

Amulets and amulets

The main task of personal talismans and amulets is protection. Such objects can absorb negative energy. Therefore, over time, they may not withstand and break. Such items are selected based on intuition.

These can be various things, objects or even parts of them. It is desirable that they are made of natural material and have small sizes - this makes them more convenient to carry with you. There is one caveat.

It is not recommended to use antiques as an amulet, especially precious ones, the origin of which is unknown. They may contain powerful installations or even be captured by certain entities that you cannot get rid of on your own.

So what can be used as a talisman or talisman? Anything - a ring, a keychain, a zodiac sign on a string, a stone, a shell, a four-leaf clover, a trinket.

For example, you can use the special properties of some stones:

✔ Aventurine – a type of quartzite, helps in various areas, attracts luck, and promotes endeavors.

✔ Lapis lazuli – has the ability to transform negative energy into positive energy, promotes success in amorous affairs, and helps self-determination.

✔ Olivine – helps in job searches and career advancement, protects personal property from damage and theft.

For happiness in marriage, you can use some object (for example, a wedding ring) of a person who has lived in a happy marriage for many years.

Horseshoe - has universal properties, but if you want to hang it, place the “horns” up.

Among plants, the money tree brings good luck in finances.

A figurine or picture of a unicorn will help attract good luck and keep it in the house.

Often the role of amulets is played by some element of clothing (for example, a lucky dress). If you want to create a good luck talisman for yourself, and do not use an item with already manifested “lucky” properties, then you should follow this sequence of actions.

  1. Rinse the item under running water. If necessary, wash it with soap.
  1. To enhance the properties of an item, you can put an inscription on it: your name, a planet symbol, your zodiac sign, another icon symbolizing something (a heart, a dollar sign, a smiley face, etc.).
  1. Now you need to imbue the thing with your energy. You must have the right attitude and desire. Squeeze the object in your hands and warm it with your warmth. You can add visualization - imagine how it is filled with your energy, focusing power. Think about the purpose for which you are creating the amulet. Try to merge with it, let it become a continuation of your essence. You will feel it yourself when the process is completed.
  1. If you are a believer, you can read any prayer or in your own words turn to God with a request to help you in your actions.

Now your talisman is ready. Carry it with you or on your body. Or put it in a prominent place so that you can look at it as often as possible. From time to time, pick it up, twirl it, rub it, warm it with heat. This is how it is recharged and accumulates the required level of energy.

Remember that this is a mystical item and should be treated as such. This is your personal amulet, so do not give it to anyone. It’s better to make a separate one, customizing it in advance for a specific person, and give it to him.

There may be several such talismans. You can create one general one - for good luck, and several specialized ones: for good luck in the financial sector, in relationships, in study / work. If the amulet is broken, it should be thrown away and a new one created. Thank him for the work he has done and get rid of him without regrets.

How to attract good luck into your life quickly at home using Feng Shui

How to attract luck into your life? Lure her into your home and don’t let her out. Some Feng Shui tips will help with this.

  1. Don't clutter your living space. Clean up in a timely manner, throw away unnecessary and damaged items and clothes without regret.
  1. Don't crowd the window sills, even with flowers. There should be a moderate amount of them. Clear the window openings, let the sun's light have free access. And if there is a shortage of it, supplement it with artificial lighting. Doors should also not be blocked.
  1. If you have a low room and the ceiling hangs, then use various methods to visually increase the space.
  1. Remove mirrors from the bedroom or at least position them so that the bed is not reflected in them.
  1. Use various symbolic objects to achieve the desired results:

✔ Fountains provide a continuous flow of energy, which allows you to attract something new.

✔ Dragon – can help both at work and on the personal front.

✔ Pyramid – will bring good luck to the house if placed in the southern part of the apartment.

✔ Peacock – promotes the activation of creativity.

✔ Sailboat – promotes career growth.

✔ Shell – promises good luck in travel and tourist trips.

As you can see, there are so many ways that you can attract good luck very quickly at home.

Prayer practice

For people of faith, most of the described techniques are unacceptable. Therefore, the use of various prayers can be recommended for them. You can use a prayer book, which contains a number of specialized prayers for various needs (for every need). There are also more general ones.

To attract good luck, you can turn not only to the Creator. Often prayer requests are addressed to Christ or the Mother of God. Nicholas the Wonderworker is also known for his responsiveness and miracles. Therefore, such prayers can be offered to him.

It should be borne in mind that prayers in Church Slavonic are more difficult to read than their translation into modern Russian, but they are more powerful. However, understanding the meaning of what is being said is also important. Therefore, to begin with, it would not hurt to familiarize yourself with the translation of the selected prayer, which is easy to find on the Internet.

Also, to get what you want, you should repeat your requests many times. It is not necessary to use ready-made prayers. You can address God and the saints in your own words. Or, after reading your favorite prayer, for example, to the guardian angel, you can express your request in free form, but very clearly.

Lighting candles, using lamps, and fumigating with incense enhances the effect of prayers, cleanses the space, and creates the necessary solemn and upbeat mood.

Tips for passing the exam successfully

Exams have to be taken not only in educational institutions, but also at work, for example, on safety precautions or to confirm qualifications, as well as to obtain a driver’s license. There is a whole complex of signs and superstitions here.

Here are the main ones.

  1. The day before the test, you should not wash your hair. Hair cutting, hair dyeing and shaving are also prohibited. But you shouldn’t show up in an unkempt state either - this subconsciously turns the examiner against you. Don't forget to get your hair in order the day before the exam.
  1. Before going to bed, you need to review the main points of the material and place the main textbook (brochure) under your pillow.
  1. Before leaving the house, it is recommended to put nickels under the heels of your shoes - for good luck.
  1. Do not forget to take with you all the amulets you have and wear lucky things, if any. Nothing should be neglected here. Prayer also won’t hurt, at least read the “Our Father.”
  1. You need to enter the examination room on a “happy” foot. If you are right-handed, then this is the right foot. It wouldn't hurt to cross yourself either. This can be done mentally - surprised looks are completely useless now. All that was missing was the evil eye.

But remember that the key to success is diligent preparation and fluency in the material. Without this, no signs will help. They can only increase the concentration of luck and favor of the examiner. But knowledge will not be pumped into the brain.

Luring money with semolina

A somewhat extravagant way to attract financial benefits. You need to build any feeder and decorate it as much as possible.

Use shiny paper, ribbons, ruffles, appliqués, symbols of wealth, etc. Access inside should be free. You need to place the finished feeder closer to the window.

You should pour a generous handful of semolina into it. Money will definitely take this bait. You can mix it with sugar or add some sweets. Suddenly they are tempted by sweets. From time to time the feeder needs to be cleaned and the bait refreshed.

Uses of bay leaves

Laurel has been used for a long time to attract good luck. There are several options for its use.

  1. To attract wealth, you need to use three laurel leaves, without flaws. They need to be washed, dried and greased with orange oil. Now the sheets need to be placed in the places where money “habits” in the house. Where do you keep your money? In a wallet, chest of drawers, safe? Place one leaf there. If they break or crumble, they will need to be renewed.
  1. Bay leaves (4 pcs.) need to be fastened together in the form of a cross. This amulet is placed under the rug in front of the entrance to the house. It can not only attract good luck, but will become a talisman, protecting property from damage and loss, and owners from envy and the evil eye.
  1. Five leaves are wound together by the petioles with a red thread. This amulet is placed above the entrance to the apartment. You can cast a spell for good luck on it.

Luck is usually thought of as an event that brings happiness. For some citizens, this is winning a large sum in a lottery, for others, it is concluding a deal on favorable terms, for others, it is receiving a well-learned ticket in an exam. There is probably not a single person who does not dream of becoming successful. Almost all people want to succeed in all endeavors and realize all their ideas with a positive outcome, however, few people know how to try their luck. There are many ways to do this, which will be discussed below.

Who can be considered lucky?

Luck is a rather vague concept that is difficult to explain unambiguously. On the one hand, people who successfully earn money in any field, no matter what they try, can be considered lucky. They often say about such entrepreneurs: “makes money out of thin air.” On the other hand, charismatic individuals are the lucky ones. They are able to influence other people, and solely due to their natural charm and ability to persuade. Can't people be considered lucky if they retain their sanity even in old age? Or the person who has a light disposition and knows how to enjoy the simplest things around him? No one can say which of the listed types is the luckiest, because the concept of luck has its own unique meaning for everyone.

It is worth considering the situation from a different perspective. Are you jealous of the person who won the lottery prize? Then you should know that 80% of people who receive a large sum as a win do not live long. Some of the “lucky ones” become disabled, some begin to suffer from various addictions, some experience the death of loved ones or suffer from other troubles of this kind. In a word, their future life is not nearly as successful. Some “lucky” people who became rich in one day believe that it was the biggest misfortune in their lives. Therefore, you should not feel envy towards such people who know what thorns their future life path will be strewn with.

How to try your luck with the lottery?

Modern people often expect to get money by buying lottery tickets, taking part in various drawings and other promotions of this kind. Some people actually manage to win a large sum or a nice gift. Sometimes they are lucky more than once, or twice, but with enviable regularity, while others do not even get lucky tickets on transport. Some believe that this is an accident that has no mystical background, while others believe that lucky people have a special gift that allows them to constantly receive joyful surprises from fate. If you don't know if you can call yourself lucky, then you should find out how to try your luck. Moreover, there are different ways to do this, the same lotteries.

Even if you are chronically unlucky, you should not despair and lose hope. Be sure that one day luck will smile on you too. Take part again and again! Don’t set yourself up for a negative result, every time convince yourself that this time luck will definitely go to your side and make you happy with benefits. How to try your luck? Now you can do this without leaving your home or office. There are many sites where you can take part in a lottery or drawing by investing a minimum amount.

How to buy luck?

If you have tested yourself for luck more than once, and each time you have been disappointed, do not despair, because there are ways to improve the situation. Are you interested in how to buy luck? There are various talismans and amulets for this purpose. Below are several available options:

  • aquarium with nine goldfish. It is desirable that 8 individuals have a red-gold color, and one is completely black. It is recommended to install an artificial pond in the south-eastern part of the home. Don't forget to take care of animals to attract money;
  • a figurine of an elephant, which has long symbolized wisdom and strength. Place it on the windowsill, and in such a way that the hobo faces the street. Only in this position will it attract positive energy into the house; If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to increase your luck, just try this method. Its effectiveness has been proven by practice;
  • A turtle figurine can also attract money. An excellent result can be achieved by placing an animal at home with coins on its back. According to popular belief, such a figure attracts material well-being and success in other areas.

How to increase your luck if you don’t try the listed methods on your own, especially since they are very simple to implement and not too expensive.

How to catch luck?

Sometimes all you need to realize long-standing plans is a little luck. However, the situation can be corrected by using a few tips. First, try to make the most of every opportunity. Try to organize new acquaintances, meetings, try new projects, test ideas. All this will allow you to get all the chances that fate can only provide. Secondly, learn to listen to yourself. Do not ignore premonitions and sensations if it is important to you how to catch luck. Meditative practices that eliminate extraneous thoughts from the head and develop intuition will help in this matter. Thirdly, be optimistic, as Fortune especially loves such people. Don't let worries cloud your brain, as this will only complicate the situation. Always be calm, remain confident, strive for the best, try new ways to get luck.

Don’t put things off, do everything at once, of course, if it doesn’t go beyond your capabilities. Say “yes” more often, avoiding the word “no”, be open to new proposals. These tips are used by many successful people who know exactly how to get good luck and not miss the right moment.

You may have encountered people who are commonly called “lucky people.” It seems that no matter what they undertake in their lives, luck itself comes into their hands, without the slightest effort on their part. Whereas other people often have to work a lot and hard, but even in this case they do not always manage to achieve the desired results. So what's the deal? Are the first people really the favorites of Fate, and the second - her stepsons?

  • If you want to attract good luck, think positively

There is no secret that optimists are less stressed and that they are always in a good mood. However, research shows that they have good reason for this: positive thinking really attracts good luck into your life. For example, as it turns out, optimists are significantly more likely to win at gambling and the lottery.

And all because if you are sure that you will never win, you will not start playing. Moreover, if you have lost several times in a row, it is very difficult to continue playing unless you believe that you will eventually succeed.

Therefore, constantly tell yourself that you can win, that you will definitely win. Think about it with pleasure, turn it into a game, if you want, get some kind of talisman. Don't let your negative thinking rob you of your luck.

  • Why visualization is useful

Visualization is the process by which you mentally imagine what you dream about as if it had already happened to you. For example, if you want to win, imagine yourself already holding this amount in your hands. If you want to go somewhere, imagine that you are already walking in this place, with a person who is pleasant to you. Try to imagine as many details as possible, even the smallest ones. When you feel the taste of the desired victory, then you will understand what needs to be done in order for what you want to become a reality. This technique can be used to achieve success in absolutely any area of ​​your life - everyday, professional or personal.

  • To increase the power of positive thinking, use affirmations

Affirmations are short phrases that, when repeated many times, give your subconscious the required attitude, fix it there and thus contribute to positive changes in your life.

The hero of the famous film Evan Almighty began every morning by standing in front of the mirror and repeating: I am smart, I am successful, I am happy. Simple phrases like these sow the seeds of success into your subconscious and promote positive thinking. The human mind is designed in such a way that it allows us to achieve only what it really believes in. Affirmations should always be positive and spoken in the first person. Try to come up with and write down several similar affirmations for your memory and attach them to the mirror so that in the morning, for example, after washing your face, you don’t forget to repeat them several times.

  • How to attract good luck using Feng Shui

The art of Feng Shui originated in ancient China. This teaching is devoted to how you can attract positive energy into the life of a person or an entire family, how to maintain a balanced mood, health and happiness. You may feel that the teachings of Feng Shui are a bit like superstition, but even so, it can make your thinking more positive and therefore help attract good luck.

Feng Shui pays great attention to the order that reigns around you. According to his principles, any disorder - chaos - especially garbage, attracts negative energy into your life, which leaves no room for the energy of good. And indeed it is. Firstly, in a cleanly tidied house we begin to feel much better and calmer, and secondly, in disorder and chaos it can be very difficult to find the right thing. Searches take up your time. make you nervous and ultimately distract you from what you intended to do.

On the other hand, if everything is in its place and within your reach, there is nothing stopping you from focusing on what is really needed.

  • How talismans and rituals help us

If you talk to those whom we consider lucky, you may find out that almost each of them has their own special talisman. For some it’s “lucky” socks, for others it’s a lighter, for others it’s a scarf, a handbag or just some trinket that they carry with them everywhere. Sometimes, before performing any action, the “lucky” ones perform some kind of ritual that only they understand for good luck - for example, they jump on their left leg three times and firmly believe that after this they will definitely succeed. And it works!

This may seem funny to you, but this is all true. And even if you yourself are an extremely rational person and do not believe in all this superstitious nonsense, you cannot help but admit that it really works.

In fact, the key here is to firmly believe in subsequent luck. This is what gives your thinking the necessary strength that helps you achieve victory. If, when going to an exam or interview, you believe that a plastic hedgehog will bring you good luck, then in most cases it will be so. You will feel quite confident and free, and your subconscious will easily tell you answers to the most unexpected questions.

But this, unfortunately, also has its downside. There are many examples of how, having forgotten somewhere or lost their talisman, the “lucky ones” lost their confidence, and therefore luck turned away from them.

  • How to improve your karma

Although the concept of karma came to us from Ancient India, in fact, in Russia there is also a similar concept, expressed by the proverb: what goes around comes around. Karma is a concept that states that any action you take has its consequences, which will inevitably affect your destiny. If you bring Evil into this world, it will repay you in kind. And, conversely, if your actions are filled with goodness and love, then you yourself will be lucky in this and subsequent lives

Karma is one of the basic tenets of Hindu philosophy and it can simply be said, “what goes around comes around.” In other words, if you do good to others, more good things will happen to you and the luckier you will be.

Thus, professional gamblers very often strive to improve their karma and attract good luck to themselves by giving other people free advice on how to win, for example, the lottery. They firmly believe that this will help bring good luck to them.

But even if you are not a gambler, and we are talking about luck in some other area of ​​your life, try to help others and it will certainly help you in your life.

  • Prayer as a way to attract good luck

If you are a believer, then in order to attract good luck into your life, you may well resort to prayer. Believers know that God will always help them and give them what they need. Of course, in most cases, believers do not ask God to help them win the lottery or some other gambling game, but you can pray that God will give you luck in life and this will help you maintain a positive attitude .

  • Work harder and don't be lazy

Use these simple methods, and very soon you will notice that your life begins to noticeably change for the better. But there is another way to achieve success - this is not to rely solely on luck or fortune, but also to not sit back and work hard, step by step moving towards the intended goal. The more effort you put in, the less you will have to rely solely on luck in your life.