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Let's prepare pancakes from rolled oatmeal flakes for a delicious lunch. Step-by-step recipe with photos and video Rolled oats pancakes simple recipe

Childhood. Weekend morning. You gradually wake up and, without opening your eyes yet, you hear characteristic sounds from the kitchen. You inhale deeply - your favorite smell of homemade pancakes pleasantly tickles your nose. Anticipating your mother’s “snacks”, you jump out of bed. That's it - good morning!

Childhood is long over. On the weekend you wake up and remember, as in the famous joke, that “mom is me.” You drag yourself to the kitchen, where at best there is no smell of anything. At worst, the husband again left a full ashtray on the table, and a dubious spirit is in the air. You take out a box of what you’re already used to (Europe got us hooked on this unhealthy but convenient food). What else? A bowl? Milk? Don't want! I want delicious, homemade, traditional. I want "good morning"!

I have never been able to reproduce pancakes like they were in my childhood. Lush, flavored with condensed milk, incredibly tasty - let them remain a pleasant memory. Besides, unfortunately, you already have to limit yourself when it comes to sweets. There is neither endurance nor desire to pamper your family while showing miracles of willpower. In addition, I understand that children need to be fed something healthy (I still remember that “I am a mother”). No one has yet come up with anything healthier for breakfast, but try to explain this to children.

If this cry of my matured soul somehow echoed in yours, it means that you, too, would like to change your life for the better in some way, maybe even in some small detail. After all, it’s the little things that create the mood. The soul requires positivity. And why not start positive creativity in the morning, with breakfast?

But there is always a way out! oatmeal is what I need. Incredibly delicious fried cereal pancakes with sour cream! All the birds are killed at once: I feel like a skilled housewife treating her loved ones to a delicious homemade breakfast, my figure is not suffering, the children are happy with pancakes by definition, even my husband is pleasantly surprised by the unexpected taste of this simple dish. And my parental consciousness, proud that the children eat rolled oats for breakfast, peacefully turns a blind eye to the dubious benefits of pancakes made with a bouillon cube.

So, pancakes made from rolled oats. We will need: 1 glass of rolled oats, 1 egg, 1 bouillon cube (meat or chicken).

Dilute the cube in a glass of boiling water until completely dissolved (in a glass, although for broth the cube is designed for 0.5 liters). Pour rolled oats into a bowl and pour the resulting broth over them. Hercules may be "extra", but I like the regular one better. Wait a bit until the flakes “take up” the water and the mass cools down. Beat in the egg, stir thoroughly. from ready. It should have the consistency of viscous sour cream.

Pour future pancakes into a heated frying pan with vegetable oil with a tablespoon, fry on both sides until golden brown (do not cover with a lid). Serve with sour cream. You can make a double batch at once, because oatmeal pancakes are usually eaten very quickly.

It takes very little time to prepare this dish, and the cost is ridiculous. And most importantly, I have hope that someday my children will remember with nostalgia: “Childhood. Weekend morning. Mom's oatmeal pancakes. Good morning!"

You can make the dish as dietary as possible: fry the pancakes in a ceramic frying pan without adding vegetable oil.


What do you need:

  • 100 ml milk or kefir
  • 1.5 tbsp. oatmeal
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 apple
  • soda - on the tip of a knife
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • a few drops of lemon juice
  • a little vegetable oil for frying

How to make oatmeal pancakes with apple:

    Place the cereal in a bowl, pour milk or kefir over it, and leave for 20 minutes.

    Beat eggs with sugar and salt. Combine with cereal. Add slaked soda, coarsely grated apple, stir.

    Fry the pancakes until deliciously golden brown.

    Can be served with low fat sour cream. If you want to reduce the calorie content of the dish, use yogurt sauce instead of sour cream. To do this, mix 100 g of natural low-fat yogurt with two tablespoons of raspberries, strawberries or strawberries chopped in a blender. Stir or lightly whisk the sauce and pour it over the pancakes when serving.


What do you need:

  • 160 g oat flakes
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of raisins
  • 1 pinch of soda
  • 250 ml kefir
  • 1 egg
  • salt - to taste
  • 30 ml vegetable oil
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar

How to make oatmeal raisin pancakes:

    Pour boiling water over the raisins and kefir over the oatmeal. Leave for 15–20 minutes.

    Pour vegetable oil into the flakes with kefir, add sugar, egg, slaked soda, salt, sugar, and knead the dough. At the end, add the raisins dried with a paper towel and stir.

    Fry the pancakes without oil until nicely golden brown.


What do you need:

  • 400 g chicken breast
  • 1 tbsp. kefir
  • 1 tbsp. oatmeal
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 egg
  • any greens (optional)
  • pepper, salt - to taste

How to make oatmeal pancakes with chicken:

    Pour kefir over the cereal for 15 minutes.

    Grind the breast together with the garlic in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.

    Mix all ingredients, adding salt, pepper, and chopped herbs to taste.

    Fry the pancakes on both sides and serve immediately.

Don't like oatmeal? Then make super healthy and low-calorie apple-pumpkin pancakes!

Step 1: prepare the onion.

Using a knife, peel the onion and rinse under running water. Place the component on a cutting board and finely chop into cubes. Place the chopped onion in a free bowl.

Step 2: Prepare the bouillon cube.

Rub the broth cube into a bowl with your hands and pour boiling water over it. Mix everything well with a tablespoon until smooth.

Step 3: prepare rolled oats pancakes.

Pour oatmeal into a bowl with chopped onion and mix everything well with a tablespoon. After this, pour the mixture with hot water and a bouillon cube, mix everything again and let it brew for 20 minutes under the lid of the pan.

After the time has passed, remove the lid from the bowl and add the egg and flour to the container. Using a tablespoon, mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan and place the container on medium heat. When the oil is well heated, turn the heat to less than medium and spread the mixture with a tablespoon at a short distance from each other. Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown. Immediately after this, using a wooden spatula, we transfer the dish to a special plate and we can treat the household.

Step 4: serve rolled oats pancakes.

Rolled oats pancakes turn out surprisingly very tasty and juicy. They can be served at the dinner table along with sour cream and any other sauce of your choice.
Enjoy your meal!

- Attention: There is no need to add salt to the pancakes, as it is usually included in the chicken broth.

To prevent flour lumps from forming, you can first mix the mixture with the egg, and at the end sift the flour, simultaneously mixing everything with a tablespoon.

Instead of a regular onion, you can add a fried onion to the pancakes. Then the taste of the dish will become more expressive.

Dietary pancakes made from rolled oatmeal flakes are prepared for the Lenten table or for those who plan to lose a little weight. Depending on what the dough is mixed with (kefir or water), the flatbreads turn out rich or, conversely, lean. At the same time, the second option is not at all tasteless. The finished product is served with pieces of diced fruit, a scoop of ice cream or fresh juice. Here it all comes down to culinary preferences.

Before you light a fire and put a frying pan on it, you need to decide on the chosen recipe. Lenten pancakes are best cooked in the oven, and a more satisfying option is in a frying pan.

The caloric content of the flatbreads will also be determined by the choice of oatmeal flakes. Not everyone knows, but in the store on the shelf you can find packs of cereals of various sizes. The larger they are, the more satisfying each flatbread will be.

The necessary information is located on the product packaging. If, due to certain circumstances, it was not possible to find the necessary flakes, then a blender and eggs will come to the rescue. In the first case, you can grind the flakes to the desired size, and in the second, you can add calories to the finished product.



  1. Flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. Fresh kefir – 1 tbsp.;
  3. Granulated sugar – 1 and ½ tbsp. l.;
  4. Salt – ½ tbsp. l.;
  5. Oat flakes – 1 and ½ tbsp.;
  6. Chicken eggs (depending on the desired calorie content) – from 1 to 3 pcs.;
  7. Granulated sugar - 2 and ½ tbsp. l.;
  8. Vanilla sugar – 1 pinch;
  9. Olive oil for frying – 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Canned or fresh fruits or berries – 250 gr.;
  2. Granulated sugar – 2 tsp.

Mix the dough for pancakes from oatmeal porridge with fruit sauce

In order to properly prepare the food, you first need to steam the flakes for 5-8 minutes. Short-term heat treatment of “Hercules” will rid future flatbreads of a possible unpleasant aftertaste. The flakes are evaporated in a metal container.

After this, you can proceed directly to cooking:

  1. Pour oatmeal into a deep container and fill it with kefir or water.
  2. After the gruel has been mixed, it must be left in an open container for 10-12 minutes.
  3. After this, vanilla sugar is poured into it at the tip of a knife.
  4. Salt and sugar are added.
  5. In a separate container, eggs are beaten and poured into the baking base.
  6. To prevent future pancakes from turning out “amorphous,” the recipe calls for adding flour.
  7. Its quantity is not a fixed value, because everything depends on the actual thickness of the dough.
  8. Add olive oil.
  9. Stir everything thoroughly again to a smooth consistency.
  10. For frying, a pancake pan with a non-stick coating and low sides is used.
  11. You need to drop a little oil on its surface, otherwise the cakes made with kefir or water will be overcooked.
  12. The tortillas are fried on each side for 8-10 minutes.

Vegetarian zucchini pancakes with rolled oats

Refusal from eating meat is not positively perceived by everyone, which is due to the lack of objective information.

For example, zucchini cakes with milk and added fruit are a great start to a cheerful day.

In terms of taste, they are in no way inferior to traditional ones, but at the same time they are devoid of excess calories.

The process of their preparation is as follows:

  1. Grind the zucchini on a fine grater until it becomes porridge.
  2. Pour the flakes into a deep container and scald them a little.
  3. Add water and mix everything.
  4. Further, the recipe emphasizes the need to keep the dough in an open container for 10-12 minutes.
  5. If you plan to make step-by-step flatbreads with filling, for example, pumpkin, then it must be finely chopped and passed through a blender.
  6. After this, you need to beat the eggs and add vanilla sugar.
  7. All ingredients are mixed in one container.
  8. Finely chop the zucchini and put it through a blender.
  9. Once all the elements of the flatbreads are mixed into a single form, you can heat the pan.
  10. The duration of baking depends on the type of zucchini used, but should not exceed 12 minutes.
  11. The finished pancakes are laid out on a separate plate.

Healthy pancakes made from rolled oats (video)

If the housewife wants the pumpkin filling to stand out, then in this case it is necessary to proceed as follows. As soon as the first layer of pancake is in the pan, you need to put the pumpkin chopped in a blender on top of it. Next, another layer of dough is applied. The result is a flatbread with a flavorful filling. The dish is served with pieces of fruit.

Rolled oats pancakes: recipe step by step (photo)

Carrot pancakes They are prepared without flour using rolled oats, contain only healthy ingredients and always turn out fluffy and tasty.

Ingredients: 2 medium carrots (you can use pumpkin), 250-300 ml of kefir, 2 eggs, about 200 g of ground rolled oats or oatmeal, a little soda.

Diet pancakes

Preparation: grate carrots on a fine grater (I use a chopper). Beat the eggs and add grated carrots to them, mix. Then pour in kefir, add soda and mix again. Add oatmeal and start baking. The amount of flour depends on the consistency of the kefir, so it is better to add it gradually until the dough becomes thick, but not stiff.

The resulting carrot pancakes are good both hot and cold. They can be served with sour cream, kefir, honey or jam depending on your preference. You can grate an apple or beet along with carrots. T I also always add 1 tbsp to any dough. flaxseed flour(“Flax flour for weight loss”), but this is optional.

Apple pancakes with rolled oats

They are prepared without flour, simply, quickly and, of course, turn out very tasty. They are good for breakfast because they contain healthy rolled oats, which not only keeps our body full for a long time, but also makes the metabolism work harder, which is important for everyone who is watching their weight. Apples complement the pancakes with their healthy charms and together you get a “cocktail” of natural healthy products for a healthy diet.

Ingredients: 200 g kefir, 100 g rolled oats, 2 medium apples, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. sugar (less possible), 0.5 tsp soda.

Preparation: grind the rolled oats into flour and mix it with kefir. Peel the apples and grate them on a fine grater (I grate them on a coarse grater; if you grate them on a fine grater, the pancakes will be a little more tender). Add the grated apples to the mixture of rolled oats and kefir and let them stand for about 30 minutes. (possibly less, but not less than 10-15 minutes). You can also make this preparation the night before if you plan to make apple pancakes for breakfast.

Add the egg, sugar and soda and mix everything well. If the dough turns out watery, you can add a little flour (preferably whole-ground - see “Coarse flour”).

Bake in a heated frying pan. It is better not to use refined oil (see “The harm of refined oil”) for baking, otherwise all the usefulness will lose its meaning.

I bake with pork fat, less often with melted butter.

Ready-made apple pancakes can be served with sour cream, honey, “berry sauce”, and they are also good without everything.

And if you brew Ivan tea (see “Russian Ivan tea”), then such a breakfast will not be worth the price!

Delicious rolled oats pancakes.

They are made simply and quickly, do not contain flour or sugar, and are always tasty and satisfying. These pancakes are great not only for breakfast - they are perfect as a side dish and as a pastry for tea. This is a simple healthy recipe.

Ingredients: 1 glass of rolled oats, 1 glass of boiling water, 1 egg, about 80 g of cheese (3-4 pieces, approximately), salt, pepper and herbs - optional.

The recipe is designed for coarse rolled oats, otherwise the water-rolled oats ratio will be different

Oat pancakes

Preparation: pour boiling water over the rolled oats, cover with a lid or plate and let it brew and cool slightly (if you prepare these pancakes for breakfast, it is better to do it in the evening). Add the egg, salt to taste and grated cheese to the cooled mixture. Mix everything. If desired, add ground pepper and chopped herbs - with them the pancakes will have a more piquant taste.

Fry the pancakes in a frying pan on both sides and serve hot. Very tasty with sour cream. Originally with ketchup (see “Tomato paste sauce”). It’s also very tasty without everything.

Pancakes have an unusual pleasant taste and, without knowing what they are made of, you will never guess that it is from rolled oats.

Such oat pancakes are not a low-calorie dish, but they can safely be called dietary: rolled oats, despite the calorie content, stimulates metabolic processes very well, good for the stomach and intestines and contains “long” carbohydrates, which keep the body full for a long time and do not turn into fat, unlike carbohydrates contained in regular flour or sugar. Not to mention the other beneficial properties of wonderful rolled oats.

I always add bran to any baked goods (see. "The benefits of bran"), I also add 1 tbsp to these pancakes. bran. I also do not fry in refined oil - this is not food at all (see. “The harm of refined oil”), already a year ago switched to rendered pork fat(see “Pork lard is a unique healthy product”). Don’t be surprised, this is a 100% natural product; our grandmothers have been frying food on it for centuries. I avoid ghee, since it is often made from expired and not always natural butter.

In the summer, zucchini pancakes are quite a popular dish and many housewives often make them. I'm not an exception. I tried many recipes, but all of them did not satisfy me for one reason - the need to use a sufficient amount of flour due to the fact that zucchini is a fairly juicy product and even after squeezing the juice, in my opinion I had to use too much flour, which significantly added calories to the pancakes. Therefore, the question “” was on my agenda and I seem to have found a solution.

I offer you this option:

Ingredients: 600-700 g peeled zucchini, 2 eggs, 200 g cottage cheese, 1 tsp. salt, about 0.5 cups of flour (or ground rolled oats), chopped herbs as desired. You can also add a little baking soda.

Preparation: grate the zucchini on a coarse grater. It's better to squeeze out the juice. Mix eggs with cottage cheese and salt, add zucchini and herbs and mix everything well. Gradually add flour until the dough turns out like thick sour cream.

Place a tablespoon of pancakes on a heated frying pan and fry them on both sides until golden brown.

The results are very tasty zucchini pancakes, and you can make a version without salt and herbs, but with sugar for those who want to serve such pancakes for tea. The number of zucchini according to this recipe can be taken arbitrarily, the main thing is to add cottage cheese (its quantity can also be changed) and finally achieve the dough of the desired consistency.

The amount of flour I get is even less than in the recipe. I have already written in many articles that I constantly use bran (see “Benefits of Bran”) and flaxseed flour (see “Flax Flour for Weight Loss”) in any baking. In this version, I put 1 tbsp in a glass. bran, 1 tbsp. flaxseed flour and 1 tbsp. flour - all this takes 0.5 cups. If you don’t have such products, then you can grind rolled oats and add it instead of flour - it will be much healthier than with flour, since rolled oats activates metabolic processes and is a natural, unrefined product. Also, when using flaxseed flour, the number of eggs can be reduced - these are its specific properties.

In this context, I am talking about ordinary wheat flour of 1st and highest grades, which is completely useless for our body (see “Flour-friend and flour-enemy”). If you have whole-ground flour, then feel free to add it as written in the recipe - it is a healthy and valuable product.