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Where is the best business informatics? Introduction to business informatics

If we talk about bachelor's degrees, then

What is business informatics?
It seems that BI is a mixture of computer science, economics and management, and how exactly the mixing occurs is decided by the university. In some places the emphasis is on management, in others on economic theory, in others on economic math, etc. If you need a specific conversation, then I think that there is no particular point in talking about Russian BI, but we need to talk about BI in a specific university.
If there are graduates of a similar field here: please speak about education and work
2 of my acquaintances, bachelor's degree students, studied with an in-depth understanding of economic theory; over beer they like to chat not only about IT topics like nosql or gpgpu, but also about economic topics like hedge funds or GDP. They are individual entrepreneurs, using the labor of freelancers, making websites on RoR (they didn’t study rails at university) for their clients, and coming up with their own project.
Each university interprets it differently, and different websites interpret it differently.
To avoid getting confused by tricky interpretations, there is a simple life hack. To quickly find out what exactly is taught in BI (or any other specialty) at a certain university, you need to look at 1) questions for the state students on BI at this university (if there are none, then it’s most likely impossible to quickly find out what they teach there) and 2) topics of diploma works of graduates of previous years. Ideally, you need to watch presentations from thesis defenses, this will clearly show what is practically taught here. Many universities do not post presentations on the Internet, but they are usually stored on the department’s internal file dump. If you ask about graduate presentations on an open day or simply contact the department, they will send you these presentations, if they exist.

Let's try to quickly find the difference in the preparation of bachelors of BI using the example of state government programs using the first two results that Google gave me
final exam in SibGUTI 2011 - mmbp.sibsutis.ru/docs/Programma_gos_bi.doc ‎
final exam at SUSU 2011 - is.susu.ac.ru/download/diplom/questuion_bi.pdf ‎

In SibGUTI all questions are divided into the following 6 subsections
1. Programming
2. Databases
3. Economic and mathematical models and methods
4. Information systems and technologies
5. Modeling and analysis of business processes
6. Design and architecture of corporate information systems

At SUSU all questions are divided into the following 7 subsections
1. Computer science and programming
2. Business process reengineering
3. Databases
4. Information systems design
5. Strategic management
6. Personnel management
7. Data storage

Everything is approximately the same, the main choice in this case is between “Economic and mathematical models and methods” at SibGUTI and “Strategic Management” + “Human Resources Management” at SUSU.

In-demand specialties and prestigious jobs always arouse a certain interest in modern society. So, in particular, more and more Internet users are wondering what business informatics is, what kind of profession it is, what they do after training, and so on. If you pay attention to the definition, then business informatics is an area directly related to information and communication systems of modern economic activity. In fact, this science is engaged in the development of such systems, their design and implementation in various areas. Also, business informatics is directly related to conceptual management, economics and computer science.

The current interest in business informatics is also explained by the fact that this specialty is relatively new and has only recently appeared in the field of higher education. Most universities opened this specialty only five years ago, almost immediately after the adoption of the corresponding state standard for this area of ​​​​training students. Currently, training at the Department of Business Information Systems for Production Management is quite realistic and affordable for most applicants.

Many people know the expression “Demand creates supply.” This statement turned out to be true in this case as well. Business informatics arose due to the urgent need for relevant specialists, namely those workers who could analyze information systems at a sufficient professional level, work with information and communication technologies, develop similar systems, thereby increasing business productivity, its efficiency and level.

Society has long since confidently moved from the field of industrial development towards information technologies, which have penetrated into many key areas of human activity in society. As a result, an urgent need arose for specialists who, in addition to traditional disciplines such as economics, law, management, marketing, and so on, could understand the field of information technology development.

More about business informatics

So, business informatics, what kind of profession is it? We can say that this area of ​​science combines several directions at once. Here are some of them:

  • right;
  • economy;
  • Informatics;
  • control;
  • management.
  • However, we should not forget that in the educational structure, business informatics is a completely new educational process. In addition to traditional disciplines, the central place in it is entirely occupied by learning to achieve assigned tasks thanks to modern computer technologies, which today are in demand in almost all sectors of business.

    Business informatics specialists, in fact, must have an excellent understanding of the latest tools available on the modern software market, while also having a good understanding of the economic sphere of activity, understanding the finances of various enterprises and marketing as such.

    Read more about business informatics

    First of all, it is worth noting that business informatics specialists must not only remain competent in their business, but also work professionally in the following main areas of activity:

  • Computer techologies;
  • Internet technologies.
  • Trained specialists will be able to perform the functions of analysts of a wide range of information systems, they should be able to work as IT consultants (here this means organizing innovative business approaches in the areas of information technology), and such workers will also be able to draw up projects of information systems of varying degrees of complexity, implement them in office work, and perform functions organizational management of CIS (corporate information systems), management management.

    Now it becomes clear why the demand in the world of work is growing precisely for those masters of their craft who have mastered the profession of business informatics. Where to work in the future is not a question, since the diploma obtained opens up very wide employment opportunities. At the moment, this is serious competition for less in demand specialists in the humanities, the demand for which is steadily and invariably decreasing.

    If we talk about the principles of work, it is worth noting that a business computer scientist works quite thoroughly with the so-called professionally oriented environment (a shell consisting of certain software elements and information support). It all starts with the creation of a project and ends with the features of implementing this shell into a business. In addition to the above, the professionally oriented environment developed by a business informaticist includes organizational tools aimed at improving work functions and processes of economic activity.

    Areas of use

    What the profession of business informatics is now becomes clear. Next, let's talk a little more specifically about the jobs themselves. Simply put, specialists in the above-mentioned specialty will find application everywhere:

  • at public and private enterprises;
  • at research and production associations;
  • in joint stock companies;
  • in government bodies;
  • at design organizations;
  • in research and development organizations;
  • in municipal government bodies;
  • on infrastructures of the national economy, etc.
  • As you can see, specialists in the field of business informatics are in demand in the modern labor market. Therefore, this area of ​​study remains quite promising and interesting.

    The imperfection of modern information technologies, characteristic of everything new and rapidly developing, requires a fairly high level of training in this area. There are many examples when projects of ready-made or custom-developed Corporate Information Systems end in failure at the implementation and operation stages. The main reason for such failures is the lack of specialists who organically combine knowledge in technology, economics, management and information technology.

    The processes of globalization of the world, determined to a large extent by the rapid development of information technology (IT), dictate new rules for doing business and new approaches to organizing and managing production. Telecommunications, communications and information processing have reached a level where the management of individual enterprises and entire industrial sectors has become possible from the position of managing a single “living organism”. Enterprise information systems have become corporate information systems (CIS) and provide “transparency” in the conduct of company affairs at all levels of management. The presence of CIS in companies makes it possible to quickly respond to changes in external and internal business conditions, increases its profitability in comparison with generally accepted traditional approaches, and makes an “informatized company” attractive for investment. In addition, we must not forget about the need for integration into the global market, which is impossible without a Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9000 standards.

    Today in Russia there are about 60 areas of professional training in the field of IT and more than 50 in the field of economics and management. But, as practice has shown, none of them is capable of generating synthetic knowledge at the intersection of these areas. Attempts to “mechanically” introduce missing disciplines into traditional university departments of professional training, as a rule, end in failure. As a result, society receives either specialists with shallow knowledge in IT and completely superficial knowledge in management and economics, or with shallow knowledge in management and economics and completely superficial knowledge in IT. As Kozma Prutkov wrote: “A specialist is like gumboil. Its completeness is one-sided.”

    Thus, the modern information society requires specialists with complex, specially formed and organically combined knowledge of economics, management and law, mastering the theoretical foundations and practical skills of analytical decision support, conceptual design of corporate information systems, management of IT design and implementation. Modern society requires information systems specialists - Business Software Applications Specialist.

    It is the synthesis of knowledge at the intersection of various subject areas that determines the unity of the words “Business” and “Informatics” in the name of the new educational direction of the Department of Information Systems at South Ural State University. And the task of this department is to eliminate this “flux” according to K. Prutkov.

    State standards and training programs for business informatics are new not only for Russian higher education. They have no analogues in the Western system of higher professional training, where graduates of IT specialties master economic disciplines and the basics of management, as a rule, at the stage of receiving additional education in specialized schools. Foreign and domestic industry leaders have officially announced their support for this educational direction: Microsoft, IBS, IBM, SAP, Computer Association, Lanit, Krok, 1C, InterSoft Lab.

    The educational and methodological association, headed by the Faculty of Business Informatics of the State University Higher School of Economics, has already entered into partnership agreements with these companies. And this is no coincidence.

    The qualifications of a business informatics specialist allow him to plan, manage and coordinate activities in the field of creation, implementation and operation of corporate information systems, and allows him to competently solve the following tasks:

    • planning and organization of information systems;
    • operation and maintenance of information systems;
    • analytical support for business management decisions;
    • planning and organizing the execution of IT projects of high complexity.

    The objects of professional activity of business informatics are:

      • programs and software components of information systems;
      • languages ​​and systems for programming information systems;
      • tasks for modification, optimization and development of information systems,

    tools for documenting, describing, analyzing and modeling information and communication processes in information systems;

    • project management tools;
    • standards and methods for organizing management, accounting and reporting at enterprises.

    The organization of the educational process in this educational direction complies with the principles of the Bologna process, to which Russia became a participant in 2003. The educational process is structured according to the 4+2 scheme:

    1. first stage of higher education (4 years), qualification - Bachelor of Business Informatics and
    2. second stage (2 years), qualification - Master of Business Informatics.

    At the first stage of higher education, the fundamental knowledge of a specialist is ensured, and in a two-year master's program, functional-oriented training is carried out. In the junior courses of the first stage of preparation, the main focus is on natural sciences, basic training in the field of information technology (computer science and programming, databases, information systems design), general mathematical disciplines (mathematical analysis, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, probability theory and mathematical statistics) , economic (economic theory, financial and management accounting) and humanitarian disciplines. Special disciplines, such as logistics, personnel management, strategic management, information law, modeling and optimization of business processes, architecture of corporate information systems, software life cycle management, information security, etc., appear in the third and fourth years.

    The knowledge and skills acquired at the first stage are basic and therefore more theoretically oriented. These are methodologies related to preparing an enterprise for automation, design, implementation of information systems, organization of IT services, management and operation of information systems and development management. The acquisition of practical work skills is limited to training to master various tools and systems that support theoretical courses, for example, MS Project, CASE technologies, Aris, Borland Builder C++ and Delphi, FrameWork and Dot net, etc. Specialists who have received a bachelor's degree are prepared to work as part of a group of performers, as well as as managers of services and systems.

    The functionally oriented second stage of training aims to in-depth study of practical business problems, the formation of practical skills in analytical, advisory, research or scientific and pedagogical activities. Unlike the first degree, the educational process in the master's program is based on the practical work of students in the staff of IT companies, supported by full-time in-depth individual theoretical training at the university. Master's students expand their range of economic and management disciplines and deepen their knowledge in accordance with the chosen area of ​​specialization of the IT company:

    • modeling and optimization of business processes;
    • IT consulting;
    • design and implementation of information systems;
    • management of enterprise information resources;
    • business analytics of information processes;
    • innovation and business in the IT field.

    A master's degree graduate is prepared to manage a group of performers, an IT department, and can perform the functions of a top manager in organizing and managing an IT business.

    More recently, the personnel shortage of leaders in the IT industry and industrial companies was met by repurchasing qualified personnel from one company to another. But now prices have risen, and there is no one left to buy. And organizing an in-house training system for preparing and retraining specialists requires too many costs, too much money needs to be invested in its development. According to domestic and foreign experts, the Russian labor market alone today requires about 150 thousand lawyers, “managers” and economists, and up to 10% of this business is directly related to information technology. Business informatics specialists are in demand in all areas of business that use information and communication technologies. Today, the unmet need for specialists of this profile is about 10 thousand people per year in Russia alone. In addition, in accordance with the Bologna Declaration, a diploma from any country participating in the process is valid without restrictions in all participating countries; not only the domestic but also the foreign information technology labor market is opened for bachelors and masters of Business Informatics.

    Hello, dear readers of the Anatomy of Business project! Webmaster Alexander is with you, as always. As you know, I am very skeptical about the higher education system, and if it were up to me, I would not go to get a higher education degree now. But it so happened that 5 years of my life were donated to the institute!

    Surprisingly, we live in truly revolutionary times, a time of high technology and communications, a time when old standards and stereotypes are being broken, and they are being replaced by newer and more advanced ways of achieving our goals. As the world changes, the business world also changes. The labor market is no longer in demand for economists and lawyers, as was the case ten years ago, but for IT specialists, professional designers, testers, website and portal designers, system administrators and computer technicians. New areas are emerging in the training of young specialists, including business informatics. And despite all my skepticism, I could not help but notice this specialty because... It is precisely this that is a new trend that gives hope that not all is lost.

    What is business informatics now?

    Many who come across this concept for the first time ask the same question: “What is business informatics?” , and what are the advantages of it? If you look at Wikipedia, you can find a simple and fairly understandable definition. Business informatics is a science that focuses on the design, development and application of information and communication systems in business. This is a combination of economics, computer science, management and business, which allows young professionals to keep up with the times and apply their acquired knowledge in the field of information technology.

    Why is business informatics so popular?

    One of the reasons why I have high hopes for this subject is that it has appeared relatively recently in domestic universities, and this gives hope that talented teachers who actually have experience in business will be attracted. And not bearded professors who only know about business from textbooks! Recently, many have happily begun to comprehend the basics of such an interesting and promising science. But why is she so popular? What opportunities does it provide? business Informatics? There are reviews online from those who have already received education in this area, and they note that the combination of economics, management, computer science and business helps them create both their own projects on the Internet and develop promising concepts for customers. Believe me, a well thought out idea that has potential can be very expensive.

    But why work for someone, giving away your labor and knowledge? The big money is earned not by those who join a hiring company, but by those who create this company. You have all the opportunities, all the tools to start your own business today. "Which?" - many readers will ask. It would take a long time to list all the promising opportunities that exist at the moment, but I will only recommend what I myself am well versed in.

    Firstly, you can make good money on social networks. It's no secret that large groups and public pages are excellent at converting the number of subscribers into real money. This is done both through advertising and thanks to a percentage of the profit when selling physical goods through partner sites. How much can you earn from this? You will find the answers in my previous articles and I would like to note that both articles were written based on personal experience. By the way, it is thanks to social networks that I can afford to travel a lot around the world.

    The second way to earn money is by creating your own projects and websites. Business informatics teaches people to think critically and apply the acquired knowledge to implement interesting projects. So let's start implementing it now, without putting it off for a long time. Don’t be afraid to start your own business, don’t be afraid to take risks and invest in your own website. Perhaps working “for someone else” is more stable, it always exists, it doesn’t scare you as much as your own project. But is this stability so important, is it as “stable” as it seems? You can spend your whole life giving your knowledge and ideas to someone, bringing your “uncle” millions, while receiving pennies of a monthly salary. Don’t be afraid, create your own projects, promote your websites, and I will be happy to help you with this. To begin with, I advise you to read two interesting articles: and. The first article talks about the real experience of a young mother from St. Petersburg who created her own business on the Internet. And the second article will help you understand how you can start your own business on the Internet without huge investments. Everything is real, you just have to start!

    The third way of earning money is directly related to the second. You can create your projects on the Internet, but focus not on selling physical goods, but on advertising revenue. This is a more complex, but long-lasting way to generate passive income. I want to say that nothing is impossible here either. I have already started writing a series of articles on the creation, promotion and development of my own websites, which in the near future will begin to bring their founders the first thousand rubles.

    As you can see, business Informatics involves obtaining quite promising knowledge, but I advise you to use this knowledge to implement your own ideas and projects. If there is something you don’t understand, or if you are ready to start your own business on the Internet, then ask for help - I will definitely advise you and give practical advice.

    What subjects are studied in the specialty "Business Informatics"?

    In addition to general education subjects such as philosophy, foreign language and other humanities, which are usually taught in domestic universities in the first and second year, future specialists in the field of Business Informatics study such sciences as:

    • Microeconomics
    • Macroeconomics
    • Mathematical analysis
    • Linear algebra
    • Discrete Math
    • Optimization and mathematical methods of decision making
    • Computer Science and Programming
    • Latest Information Systems Programming
    • Modeling and in-depth analysis of business processes
    • Enterprise financial management
    • Enterprise management
    • Strategic management of the company
    • IT project management
    • Company information security
    • Legal protection of intellectual property

    Also, for a deeper understanding of the specialty, I recommend watching this video:

    Judging by the above subjects, the specialty “Business Informatics” prepares managers of the highest category who can effectively promote business through modern electronic communications.

    Where can I study for a degree in Business Informatics?

    It can be immediately noted that, as a rule, this specialty is trained in higher educational institutions, which previously specialized in training programmers and economists.
    Among the most popular are the following:

    Higher School of Economics (National Research University):

    National Research Technological University "MISiS":

    St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics:

    Also, on the basis of the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University there is a bachelor’s training program in the specialty “Business Informatics”:

    In conclusion, I would like to say that if you decide to get a higher education in business, first of all ask the university representatives: what percentage of the teaching staff in your specialty have their own business? If there is no answer to this question or the numbers announced are extremely small, you risk receiving only outdated theoretical knowledge in the learning process, and not the real experience of business practitioners.
    Good luck to you in business!


    Direction Profiles

    Description of direction

    Direction of training 03/38/05 Business informatics- one of the youngest and most promising specialties of modern higher education, a new area of ​​professional activity, emerging at the intersection of economics, management and information and communication technologies (ICT).

    In the junior courses of the first stage of training, the main attention is paid to natural sciences, basic training in the field of information technology (computer science and programming, databases, architecture and design of information systems (IS)), general mathematical disciplines (mathematical logic, mathematical analysis, linear algebra, discrete mathematics , probability theory and mathematical statistics), economic (economic theory, financial and management accounting) and humanitarian disciplines. Special disciplines, such as logistics, personnel management, strategic management, legal informatics, modeling and optimization of business processes, corporate information system (CIS) architecture, software life cycle management, information security, etc., appear in the third or fourth courses.

    The knowledge and skills acquired at the first stage are basic and therefore more theoretically oriented. These are methodologies related to preparing an enterprise for automation, designing, implementing IS, organizing ICT services, managing, developing and operating IS. The acquisition of practical work skills is limited to training to master various tools and systems that support theoretical courses, for example, MS Project, MathCad, CASE technologies, Delphi and Dot net, etc.

    Specialists who have received a bachelor's degree are prepared to work as part of a group of performers, as well as as managers of services and systems. A Bachelor of Business Informatics is a specialist who has received education in the field of economics, management, law and ICT and is engaged in the design, implementation, analysis and maintenance of CIS.

    Area of ​​professional activity:

    Specialists who have received a bachelor's degree are prepared to work as part of a group of performers, as well as as managers of services and systems. A Bachelor of Business Informatics is a specialist who has received education in the field of economics, management, law and ICT and is engaged in the design, implementation, analysis and maintenance of CIS

    Type of professional activity:

    According to experts, the Russian labor market requires about 150 thousand lawyers, managers and economists directly related to ICT. Business informatics specialists are in demand in all areas of business. Today, the unmet need for specialists of this profile is about 10 thousand people per year in Russia alone. In addition, in accordance with the Bologna Declaration, a diploma from any country participating in the process is valid without restrictions in all participating countries; for bachelors of Business Informatics, not only the domestic but also the foreign labor market in the ICT field opens up.

    Main places of work:

    State and private enterprises, joint-stock companies, scientific and production associations, scientific design and design organizations, government bodies and social infrastructure of the national economy, state and municipal government bodies

    Possible positions:

    Head of IT department, department specialist, programmer

    Main basic disciplines:

    “Informatics”, “Mathematics” “Information technologies”, “Network economics”, “Management information systems”, “Operating systems”, “Statistics”, “Econometrics”, “Applied information science in economics”.

    Entrance tests and admission conditions

    Persons accepted

    • with completed secondary or secondary vocational education;
    • with incomplete higher education;
    • having higher education in any specialty.

    Entrance tests

    * - the entrance test is a priority when ranking applicants based on the results of entrance tests

    ** - the entrance test is the second priority when ranking applicants based on the results of entrance tests

    *** - the entrance test is the third priority when ranking applicants based on entrance exam results