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Leo born in 1987 characteristics. Rabbit: description and characteristics

Year of the Rabbit: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023.

The Rabbit ranks fourth among the signs of the Chinese zodiac - after the Tiger and before the Dragon. 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac presented in the following order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

  • Lucky colors:
  • Lucky numbers: 3, 4, 6
  • Lucky Flowers:

Were you born in the year of the Rabbit?

If you were born in the following years, more likely, Your Chinese zodiac sign is Rabbit: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 or 2011. Why "most likely"? The fact is that it is not always possible to find out by the year of birth what year it is - what animal it is.

The fact is that the signs of the Chinese zodiac are determined according to the lunar calendar, with the onset of Chinese New Year. New Year in China begins during between January 21 and February 20, that is, the date of the holiday changes from year to year.

Let's look at a specific example. Let's take 1999:

1999 who?

In 1999, the Year of the Rabbit began on February 16th. If you were born after February 16, then your zodiac sign is Rabbit. However, if you were born before February 16th, then you are a Tiger, the previous zodiac sign. Take advantage special calculator on the right to find out exactly who you are according to your Chinese zodiac sign!

Determine Your Zodiac Sign

Enter your date of birth and find out who you are by your zodiac sign

Chinese eastern calendar:

Your Zodiac:

  • Lucky numbers:
  • Lucky colors:

Chinese New Year Dates for Rabbit:

What brings good luck to those born in the year of the Rabbit

Each Chinese zodiac sign has its own lucky days, colors, numbers, flowers and even cardinal directions that bring them good luck. In this, the Chinese and Western horoscopes are similar.
Do you know, What is the difference between the Chinese and Western zodiacs ?

  • Lucky numbers: 3, 4, 6 and numbers containing them (for example, 34 and 46)
  • Happy Days: 26th, 27th and 29th of the Chinese lunar month (new moon to new moon)
  • Lucky colors: red, pink, purple, blue
  • Lucky Flowers: hosta plantain (“August lily”) and jasmine
  • Lucky cardinal directions: east, south and northwest
  • Happy months: 1st, 4th, 8th and 11th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Brings bad luck

According to Chinese astrology, those born in the year of the Rabbit should avoid:

  • Unlucky colors: dark brown, dark yellow, white
  • Unlucky numbers: 1, 7 and 8
  • Unlucky cardinal points: north, west and southwest
  • Unlucky months: 2nd, 6th, 9th and 12th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Rabbits are calm, quiet and sensitive in nature, as well as agile, skillful, kind, patient and very responsible. However, they can be frivolous and stubborn, vulnerable and overly secretive. In general, Rabbits have a pleasant character and they know how to win over.

Rabbit men They always address people politely, with a friendly smile, which allows you to feel trust and sympathy for the representatives of this zodiac sign. When small problems arise, Rabbits deal with them carefully and methodically. If the situation is more serious, they do not become discouraged or give up, but try to find a solution. This character trait of Rabbits helps them sooner or later achieve enviable success.

Female rabbits not only attractive and elegant, but also benevolent and have a kind heart.

Rabbits are loyal to people close to them, but are in no hurry to share their thoughts with others and tend to have their head in the clouds. Born in the year of the Rabbit too cautious and conservative, and therefore sometimes miss good opportunities.


Rabbits are usually not very healthy. In winter and until late spring, when immunity weakens, they are strongly recommended to spend more time playing sports in order to improve their health and not catch a cold. Rabbits should also think about a healthy diet and don’t forget about vitamins. To cope with the tension and avoid stress, it will help you sign up for classes at the gym or just do exercises at home.

Kind-hearted Rabbits are welcome everywhere. Educated and well-read, they know how to achieve success in their careers and achieve a decent income. However, Rabbits need to be careful and not give up halfway towards their goal.

At the Rabbits undoubted talent to needlework and drawing. They can safely try their hand at calligraphy. Representatives of this sign are excellent cooks. Having a patient nature, they attach importance to small but important details and know how to please their loved ones.

Successful professions and areas for the Rabbit: agriculture, breeding and animal husbandry, education, religion, healthcare, medicine, culture, police/judicial work, politics.

How to build a relationship with a Rabbit?

To succeed in relationships with Rabbits, you just need to support and help them in what they are not strong at.

Remember about Rabbits' strengths: Representatives of this zodiac sign are pleasant conversationalists, attentive to others, and therefore are popular in the company of their friends. Thanks to their excellent sense of humor, they can resolve any conflict, turning a dispute into an exciting discussion and reconciling their interlocutors. Rabbits are hospitable and always ready to help others.

Year of the Rabbit Compatibility with other signs

Each Chinese zodiac sign has its own characteristics. Before courtship begins, modern China often looks to the zodiac to see if a couple is compatible with each other.

  • Best Compatibility: Rat, Goat, Monkey or Dog
  • Least successful: Rooster, Snake

Famous Rabbit people by horoscope:

  • Eldar Ryazanov, Andrey Zvyagintsev, Vladimir Menshov, Chulpan Khamatova, Vladimir Mashkov, Vladimir Turchinsky, Tina Kandelaki, Vladimir Solovyov, Konstantin Simonov, Sergei Prokofiev, Mstislav Rostropovich, Denis Matsuev, Lolita Milyavskaya, Sergei Zverev, Garry Kasparov, Maria Sharapova, Tatyana Navka , Alexander Zhulin, Leon Trotsky.
  • Albert Einstein, Walter Scott, George Orwell, Quentin Tarantino, Robin Williams, Ingrid Bergman, Til Schweiger, Charlize Theron, Kate Winslet, Milla Jovovich, Nicolas Cage, Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Frank Sinatra, Edith Piaf, Whitney Houston , Sting, Enrique Iglesias, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, David Beckham, Lionel Messi, Fidel Castro.

Types of Rabbit according to the Eastern calendar – 5 elements/elements

In the Chinese zodiac, each sign is influenced by one of the 5 elements: gold (metal), wood, water, fire and earth. For example, in 2023 there will be Year of the Water Rabbit, and this only happens once every 60 years. Find out about other interesting Facts about the Chinese Zodiac, which you most likely have not heard of.

In China, they believe that a person’s character is determined not only by the sign of the animal in whose year he was born, but also by the element/element. AND There are 5 types of Rabbit, each with its own specific characteristic:

2019 will be a prosperous and very successful year for Rabbits. Effective solution of assigned tasks will lead to career growth and in terms of finances, representatives of this sign will also experience income and prosperity. However, 2019 will not bring success in relationships or love victories.

Rabbits have excellent career prospects in 2019. Having secured the support of their superiors, they will successfully cope with assigned tasks and new projects. It is possible that in 2019 the Rabbits will easily receive a promotion.

Rabbit health in 2019

In 2019, Rabbits will not have any serious health problems, mainly because they will be able to avoid stressful situations at work.

Financial well-being of the Rabbit in 2019

2019 will bring decent income to the Rabbits, salary increases and all kinds of cash bonuses. All investments will be profitable.

Year of the Rabbit Love in 2019

In love and relationships, 2019 will be a difficult year for the Rabbit. And yet, although the Chinese horoscope does not promise good news for representatives of this sign, we advise you not to despair of finding your chosen one this year.

We wish Rabbit and his family a successful 2019!

Why do we often hear: “Year of the Cat/Rabbit”?

It's all about a mistake that occurred when countries under the cultural influence of China adopted the zodiac tradition.

In the Vietnamese zodiac, instead of the Rabbit, the sign of the Cat is actually listed. According to one version, the Chinese word for “rabbit” (“mǎo tù”) is consonant with the Vietnamese “meo”, which means “cat”. Find out why these particular animals were chosen and in this order from Legends of the Chinese Zodiac.

Year of Destiny 2023 for those born in the year of the Rabbit

When the year of your zodiac animal comes, in China they say that Benmingnian has arrived - the so-called Year of Destiny. In 2023, Benmingnian will occur for people born in the year of the Rabbit.

Born in the year Kota people prefer to live by their own laws. They perfectly adapt to external circumstances and “fit” into the life going on around them with the accepted world order in a given area, but they live more of an internal life than an external one. “Cats” carefully protect their inner world from outside interference.

The impression of complacency and calmness emanating from him is deceptive: just a moment, and the “cat” will immediately release its claws and jump on the enemy. An angry “cat” is sometimes more dangerous than a tiger.

People born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) have an amazing ability to concentrate on something that fascinates them, and fall into a “lethargic sleep” from routine actions.

“Cats” are thrown out of balance by situations when events do not unfold according to the plan they have built, especially if this brings disharmony into their personal lives. Increased sensitivity and impressionability endows the “cat” with the gift of foresight and magical abilities, thanks to which he finds a way out of any situation.

The desire to bring their work to perfection sometimes turns “cats” into fanatics of their profession. They are punctual and conscientious, but they work best on a flexible schedule, in which they plan and distribute their time themselves.

Thanks to the ability to “get into someone else’s skin,” “cats” become excellent teachers and psychologists. They are happy to help people and would like to see the world perfect, and the people in it happy, everyone without exception. Rich imagination and deep emotions give “cats” the opportunity to express themselves in art. In most cases, “cats” are much stronger attached to friends than to their blood relatives, and the family sometimes seems to them a burden that prevents them from walking “on their own.”

Born in the year of the Cat and Rabbit:

Fidel Castro (08/13/1927), Benjamin Spock (05/02/1903), Valery Chkalov (02/02/1904), Svyatoslav Richter (03/20/1915), Mstislav Rostropovich (03/27/1927), Evgeny Mravinsky (06/04/1903), Georgy. Sviridov (12/16/1915), Elena Obraztsova (07/07/1939), Georges Simenon (02/13/1903), Irving Stone (07/14/1903), Georgy Tovstonogov (09/28/1915), Eldar Ryazanov (11/18/1927).

Years of the Cat, Hare, Rabbit:

1903,1915,1927,1939,1951,1963,1975,1987,1999, 2011, 2023

The first year of the cycle, in different traditions, under the protection of various animals. For the Chinese it is a Cat, for the Japanese it is a Rabbit or a Hare.

It is in vain that the hare is considered a weak-willed, weak-willed, cowardly animal. According to Eastern legends, he defeated the Dragon. The cunning Hare, planning to pacify the Dragon, spread a rumor that a terrible monster had appeared, claiming to be the king of beasts. When this reached the Dragon, he went to the shore of the lake to deal with the “competitor”. Seeing his reflection in the water, he rushed into the lake with a roar. The animals gathered around began to laugh loudly at the unlucky Dragon floundering in the mud, who out of shame changed five colors (blue, red, yellow, white, black). Since then, the Hare became proud and began to bully other animals.

Both the cat, the rabbit, and the hare have one common property - these animals are distinguished by their ability to “land” on all fours after any fall. People born under this sign can rightfully be called lucky. The Cat's life flows easily and calmly without sudden ups and downs.

Fortune smiles on him in almost all areas. One can only envy his intellectual development and erudition. With his luck, you can safely gamble.

According to the eastern horoscope, the life of Cats depends on the era in which they are born. In times of peace and a stable life, representatives of this sign prosper. They always have everything, and in abundance. During these periods, everything is smooth and measured for the Cat, he knows how to weigh and calculate, never takes unnecessary risks and strives for comfort, coziness and stability.

The cat is a conservative. Wars, revolutions, disasters are not his business, he does not like to be anyone’s enemy. He hates everything that can cause complications in life. Anything that could shake his peace of mind is unbearable to him. The cat does not lose balance so quickly. He is calm, unperturbed.

The cat can speak and values ​​himself highly. But it has one significant drawback. The cat is a superficial person, and his best qualities are superficial too.

The cat loves society, and society loves him. He loves meetings, sometimes gossips, but does it subtly, tactfully, witty and careful. However, Cats are very vulnerable; they are greatly upset by personal failures and troubles. But the misfortunes of others do not affect them, unless they themselves suffer from it. Cats can get upset on any occasion, even the most insignificant. They are easily brought to tears, which appear as quickly as they pass.

The cat loves to receive guests. Everything at his home is done tastefully. He attaches great importance to the atmosphere in the house, spending a lot of money and time to make the house cozy. Every thing in his home should be in its place.

Being cautious and somewhat conscientious, this person does not undertake anything without first weighing the pros and cons - both in work and in entertainment. For this caution, people admire and trust him.

War and famine in the world touch and concern him only if he personally suffers from it. But this suffering will be so strong that he may not be able to stand it and die.

The cat is gifted, ambitious, moderately pleasant, modest, restrained, sophisticated and friendly. Exceptional observation, responsibility and efficiency help this person achieve good results in any chosen profession.

Affectionate, helpful to those he loves, capable of love and loyalty, the Cat easily separates from his loved ones in favor of his friends. He prefers to spend more time with his friends than with his relatives.

He will always find the right words for every person, and therefore communication with him evokes only pleasant emotions.

With such a positive character, the Cat, oddly enough, has a melancholic temperament.

He is always very concerned about the opinions of other people. Elegant, kind and well-mannered, he is an excellent diplomat, since from birth he is endowed with the ability to resolve the most complex conflicts peacefully and find a common language with any interlocutor. When communicating with Cats, you need to remember that they try not to show their feelings. They would prefer to be born completely devoid of emotions, because they are sure that this would make them invulnerable and more adapted to life. But in fact, the Cat’s heart is very sensitive, and the main reason for his success in society is not good upbringing or tact, but a sincere interest in the people around him.

There is an ancient belief that sorcerers turn into cats. Indeed, in the Middle Ages, cats were burned alive, accused of conspiring with the devil. In Japanese tradition, this is also a demonic animal, possessing supernatural strength, and sometimes even the features of a vampire.

In China, despite the not very flattering attitude towards the Cat, they still believed in the ability of this beast to expel (dispel) evil spirits.

And to this day, a cat, hare or rabbit is associated with evil spirits. But, apparently, such a bad reputation is not very deserved.

God, sorcerer or man, but there is something mystical in the Cat’s gaze. Whether it is a Rabbit or a Cat, their apparent defenselessness, softness and weakness can easily transform into a rather dangerous force...

Despite the negative associations, these animals endow a person born in the year under their auspices with mostly positive character traits.

Cat-man. Characteristic

Cats are not known for their desperate courage, and during dangerous situations or acute conflicts they prefer to sit in safety rather than engage in discussions.

At the same time, in a calm environment, the Cat can be active and hardworking; moreover, he willingly obeys the schedule, does not seek to eliminate a competitor at any cost, and does not complain about the monotony of work.

Even with his worst enemies, the Cat is impeccably polite, however, being a rather cunning person, he is quite capable of taking revenge for an insult with the wrong hands.

Cats are extremely sensual, but they fall in love too easily to be faithful. In addition, the Cat is not inclined to trust anyone, not even his partner, and when communicating with family members he maintains a rather strict distance. When you decide to have an affair with the Cat, do not forget that he is extremely sensitive to criticism. If any of your remark is considered tactless, the Cat may not only break off the relationship, but will also try to take revenge.

The cat loves women and knows how to seduce with words. Although... he always has a lot of words, but little action. The personality is deceptively calm and seemingly well-mannered. In fact, he reveals the qualities of a man with nerves of steel, capable of playing any role - humility, gentleness, enthusiasm.

Financially this person is always happy. He is smart in business, and whoever signs a contract with him will never go wrong.

This is a good speculator, he has a gift for trading. As a business person, the Cat is very lucky. All Cats are good financiers. And all operations related to money are successful for them. We can say that they have a “nose” for deals with a profitable outcome. These are dangerous competitors and excellent business partners. Professions in which Cats will be successful: lawyer, diplomat, salesman, antique store owner. The cat will be able to choose a diplomatic career, provided that his life is not at risk.

Such a person is capable of carefully and deftly choosing the right moment and acting firmly in his own interests. And in the end, he really achieves his goal.

Cat woman. Characteristic

Female Cats, as a rule, have a melancholic temperament, which gives them a special charm. This is one of their main trump cards.

Cats are very dreamy. Sometimes they become so immersed in their dreams that it takes them away from reality.

A woman of this sign can shine in all types of activities that require taste and hospitality. Politics or

the diplomat should choose a wife born in the year of the Cat - both secular and modest, she will be an excellent partner for him.

Her behavior meets all the norms of social life. Catwoman can study some subjects deeply, pursuing only one goal - to shine, and at the same time may not know anything about other more important things.

For the Cat, family is not the main thing; she can easily part with loved ones for the sake of friends or a loved one.

The maternal instinct of this sign is not too strongly expressed, but the Cat woman always fulfills her duty.

Types of Cat

Metal Cat (1951 2011,2071)

Water Cat (1903, 1963, 2023)

Wooden Cat (1915,1975, 2035)

Fire Cat (1927,1987, 2047)

Earthen Cat (1939, 1999, 2059)

Born in the year of the Cat

Epicurus, Walter Scott, Robert Owen, Vasily Zhukovsky, Jozef Pilsudski, Joseph Stalin, Boris Savinkov, William Harriman, Lev Dovator, Igor Kurchatov, Albert Einstein, Andrei Grechko, Ilya Erenburg, Sergei Vavilov, Yuliy Raizman, Mikhail Svetlov, Konstantin Simonov, Julius Fucik.


1951, 2011, 2071 - year of the metal cat

According to the eastern horoscope Year of the Cat, a metal cat feels good only in the circle of relatives and friends. He is not very sociable and seems somewhat withdrawn in unfamiliar surroundings. His desire to stay in the shadows is due to the fact that he prefers to observe and draw conclusions. At the same time, a person born in the year of the cat knows how to take advantage of emerging opportunities, can seize his chance and benefit. But he is aware of his strengths and weaknesses and will never jump over his head. The metal cat is excellent at trading deals, especially in the field of art.

1963, 2023 - year of the water cat

Horoscope year of the cat, associated with the element of water, gives him excellent intuition. The Water Cat is able to sense other people and choose the right course of action. He is very tactful and tries not to hurt or hurt anyone. However, he pays for his increased sensitivity with depression: fortunately, they quickly pass. A person born in the year of the water cat has a good memory, and he knows how to express his thoughts both orally and in writing, which helps him find a common language with people. But sometimes he looks a little lethargic and sleepy, which others take as a reluctance to communicate. In fact, during such periods, the representative of the year of the cat thinks and calculates his plans.

1975, 2035 - year of the wooden cat

Horoscope year of the cat, under the influence of the element of wood, gives birth to very diplomatic people who can adapt to any situation. The Wooden Cat is sociable, cheerful and pleasant, does not like loneliness, preferring to work and relax among friends. It is important for him to know that he is treated well and that, if necessary, he can count on support and help. A person born in the year of the cat of the Chinese horoscope and corresponding to the element of wood, from childhood tries to make as many friends as possible, lead an active life and take part in various events.

1987, 2047 - year of the fire cat

The main quality determined by the horoscope year of the cat in combination with the element of fire, this is intuition. It can develop into extraordinary abilities, or it can lead to increased sensitivity and discomfort. If life goes well according to the cat’s horoscope, he can reach the top, especially if his friends support and inspire him. If a person born in the year of the Fire Cat is overtaken by failures, it is difficult for him to cope with them and return to normal form. The Fire Cat loves his friends, understands their problems and experiences well, but will never offer advice - his innate gift of diplomacy and reluctance to upset others can force him to talk about something unpleasant only if absolutely necessary.

1939, 1999, 2059 - year of the earthen cat

Earth according to the Chinese zodiac year of the cat makes him sober-minded, able to realistically assess his abilities and chances. He is somewhat on his own mind, quietly calculates and thinks through further plans, and then is ready to implement them. For those born in the year of the Cat, the element of Earth gives the opportunity to work long and patiently. His ability to foresee the development of a situation, ability to attract money and intelligence attract people to him. Usually the earthen cat enjoys well-deserved success and authority among the friends and acquaintances around him.


Confucius, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Konstantin Simonov, Lewis Carroll, Fidel Castro, Pinochet, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Sting, Frank Sinatra, Whitney Houston, Eva Perron, Garry Kasparov.

Children born in the YEAR OF THE RABBIT (CAT):

A child born in the year of the Rabbit requires increased attention, affection and comfort in everything. He endures family quarrels and punishments very painfully. Often prefers solitude. Children born in the year of the Rabbit love attention. And you should know that every kind word you say will come back to you with interest over time. Cats have a good memory, both for good and bad.


"Rabbit" is a lucky guy! He always falls on his feet. The owner of a bright personality, he is gifted with talents, moderately ambitious, moderately modest and restrained, refined and virtuous, distinguished by good taste and understanding of beauty. Society loves him and he loves society. The “Rabbit” is very friendly towards a stranger, capable of treating him as if he were his own (though he is rarely attached to blood relatives). Sometimes he can be superficial if the matter or person does not excite him. Often he may gossip, but without evil, tactfully. He is an infinitely loyal friend and devoted comrade, gentle and affectionate towards those whom he loves and who he likes. He rarely posts bad news. Everything he does, he does skillfully and competently, honestly and conscientiously, although often very recklessly due to a lack of foresight and caution.
The distinctive features of the “rabbit” are his intelligence and intelligence, lightning-fast reaction to stimuli, quick analysis and appropriate response. He moves towards his life goal persistently and persistently, patiently, well understanding that not everything you want in life can be achieved right away. Here his optimism, hope and faith in the future always helps him.
“Rabbit”, as a rule, most of all loves his own home and his family, which he cares for infinitely, which he feeds, protects and protects as much as possible. The “rabbit” has both strong romantic feelings and a sentimental streak - a deep love for nature and animals, our smaller brothers. A clear preference is given to female society. Most “rabbits” have excellent business qualities, they are enterprising, conscientious in their work, they have a strong sense of duty, commitment to people, and responsibility for their actions.
They are very careful in their work - to the point of pedantry; everything is important to them, even the most insignificant details. They can be both conservatives and revolutionaries, but they always respond to the new and progressive. There is, however, an exception: in the art world they recognize only the classics and laugh at ultra-modern and avant-garde movements, especially in music and painting. In literature they prefer the historical genre and heroics.
"Rabbits", as a rule, have a rich imagination and a lively, vivid imagination, which connects them with the world of arts and crafts. A small circle of like-minded bosom friends is much dearer and closer to them than the rest of the world combined. Authority, prestige, and reputation are gained only by natural qualities of character and acquired knowledge. In the field of their profession and hobbies, “rabbits” are recognized specialists and experts, although, on the other hand, they may have absolutely no understanding of other sciences and matters.
“Rabbit”, as a rule, has a calm, calm disposition, although on the other hand they can be very emotional. But God forbid he gets angry and loses his temper, then he can reach the point of cruelty and mercilessness. He can cry quickly and easily, but he is also quickly and easily consoled. Melancholy, characteristic of many “rabbit” women, is in fact one of the main reasons for their charm and charm, their attractive power.
“Rabbit” is angry at everything that could shake his peaceful, familiar everyday world and routine. He also cannot bear any reasons that cause any complications in his personal life. And this is also understandable - for successful and productive work, he requires not only comfort, but also safety.
Due to his increased sensitivity and sensuality, receptivity and impressionability, many traits of his character and disposition, both good and bad, depend on the upbringing received in early childhood and adolescence. He is also often torn apart by strong internal contradictions. On the one hand, he can be cautious and conscientious and does not undertake anything without weighing all the pros and cons in advance, but on the other hand, he impulsively, recklessly goes into any risky undertaking. As in the first, so in the second case, people they admire him, trust him, and blindly go where he goes, implementing his ideas, plans, intentions.
The financial situation of the “rabbits” has developed very successfully over the years. Financially, they are also almost always successful; they are dexterous and agile in business and transactions. They have a special gift - to immediately grab a suitable and happy opportunity and take advantage of it.
"Rabbit women" can shine in all types of activities that require special taste, understanding of beauty, hospitality and good representation. Politicians should choose a "rabbit" woman as their wife.
The “rabbit’s” life will be calm only when he consciously avoids exceptional situations, dramatic events, and avoids interference, obstacles, obstacles. And wars and revolutions, natural disasters and catastrophes do not bother him until they affect him or his loved ones. He will offer the most ardent resistance to anything that can shake his calm, resorting to any forgery or even force.
Many eastern peoples see in the “rabbit” the bearer of God’s spark, who has inherited the strength and skill of ancient priests, shamans, and sorcerers. Indeed, his magical abilities are recognized by our contemporaries.
Sociable “rabbits”, pleasant and cute, polite and sincere, helping others get out of difficult situations, have good control over their feelings and are not even averse to demonstrating this to others.
The closed type of “rabbits”, with a penchant for solitude and meditation, displays noticeable timidity and shyness when communicating with them. At the same time, they have deep feelings and sensations, and are often endowed with the gift of insight and prophecy.
One of the distinctive features of the “rabbit” is the ability to tune in to other people, understand them, help them, and work for the benefit of progress and happiness. In professional life, in leadership positions, they are distinguished by a strong sense of responsibility towards their team and society.
In sports, they prefer wrestling and boxing, cycling and rowing, hockey and football.
The countries most favorable for “rabbits” are Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Wales, Canada, and Singapore.
The years of the Rabbit should be calm. You can take a break, relax, make visits, or receive guests yourself, arranging the necessary receptions with a very long-range view. Read more, educate yourself. You can just chat, gossip, without harm to others, sit by the fireplace or fire and dream, philosophize about the future.
These years portend good luck in the diplomatic field and great changes and changes, reshuffles in the political arenas. They are most favorable to people of law and justice.
A person born during these years promises to be happy, especially if he was born in the summer.

MOUSE During these years, one must be careful, prudent, and vigilant. More than ever, she should be quieter than water, lower than the grass, since the “rabbit” can expect her everywhere, around any corner and around any turn. It would be nice not to stand out in any way, and even better - not even show your nose from your hole.

VOL Of course, he can calmly continue to work. These years, although not entirely ideal for him, are not so bad.

TIGER During these years, let him take a break from his affairs and take advantage of his well-deserved rest to improve his health. Her “rabbit” will not harm him, but on the contrary, will help him in everything.

RABBIT During these years you will feel like a “fish out of water”. His garden contains only carrots and cabbage. No problems, and minimal worries. That's when the time has come to engage in friendship, and love, and favorite things, favorite hobbies,

THE DRAGON also during these years he can be calm. “Rabbit” will not stop him from shining; on the contrary, he will even try to entertain him.

SNAKE During these years, let him enjoy a well-deserved rest or think about love. She will be successful.

HORSE I also don't have to worry about anything. These years are good and successful for her. In addition to work and social duties, love is also possible here. You can, of course, engage in politics, but only in moderation.

GOAT in these years she will not only be pleased with everything that is happening, but even happy, because finally they will take care of her - invite her everywhere, appreciate her company, respect her as a person

MONKEY She will also be pleased with these years, for they are favorable for her in all respects, in all plans. But the main thing is that finally her business will go great.

ROOSTER but I shouldn’t accept anything new! A little traumatized in previous years, let him heal old wounds, but remain alert.

DOG During these years, I should also take a break from all my affairs and just relax. She will feel the approaching turn of fate. All changes and alterations, fractures and reshuffles will be joyful, but at the same time very difficult.

BOAR must try to do everything possible to avoid expected possible processes at all costs, even if it means paying with his own stubble.



This shouldn't happen! The “Rabbit” is offended by the “mouse’s” unscrupulousness and boasting, and he has to spend a lot of energy trying to resist the temptation to destroy it. Friendship between them is also unrealistic, because the “rabbit” has special feelings for her, far from friendly. Business relationships are also unpromising, and even dangerous for the “mouse”.


Here everything depends on the behavior of the “ox”. In a marriage union, only the “rabbit” should command the parade, and the “ox”’s job is to obey and, of course, work as hard as he can. Friendship is possible within the framework of good social relations. Business relationships are also possible, but The “rabbit” can abuse the patience of the “ox”, exploiting him until he sweats.


This union is very problematic, although the “tiger” really likes the peaceful and calm nature of the “rabbit”, and the latter is impressed by the scope and many positive properties and qualities of the “tiger”. Observing them in a marriage union, we notice that as soon as the relationship between them becomes strained (and this happens not so rarely), the “rabbit” immediately makes a light pirouette and very calmly gets out of the next situation. Friendship here is always in question, because they lack mutual understanding in the full sense of the word. The “rabbit” does not take the “tiger” seriously, he is not even afraid of him, but for the “tiger” this is simply intolerable. Business relationships, however, are very possible, because both partners complement each other in many ways. The caution of the “rabbit” goes well with the courage and audacity of the “tiger”.


This union is not only possible, but under certain conditions it can become very happy. And this requires little - one of them must unquestioningly obey the will of the other. Only sometimes children can become a bone of contention. The friendship between them can be ideal and long-lasting. They can endlessly sit by the fireplace with sweet conversations and romantic conversations. Business relationships can give excellent results, especially if they have a joint bureau or office - a lawyer or notary, astrological or psychological, sociological or medical - clinic, massage or psychic offices, etc.


The “dragon” really likes the “rabbit’s” compliance, his constant optimism and goodwill, although the “rabbit” is embarrassed by the “dragon’s” thirst for power. If both partners come to a compromise - marriage, the union will be good and calm. The friendship between them is already quite problematic, if not worse. Business relations will go well if the “rabbit” confines himself to the role of a “titular adviser”, and the “dragon” himself will decide any issue.


Why not? Here there is often a strong attraction at first sight, the first meeting. Together they will contemplate each other. But so that this spontaneous sympathy does not turn into antipathy, they must control their feelings. The friendship between them takes the form of long and passionate conversations, where who outsmarts whom. Business relationships will simply flourish provided that both work.


This is possible, because they have a lot in common. The cheerfulness and gaiety of the “horse” goes well with the philanthropy and always open soul of the “rabbit”. This is also facilitated by the masculinity of the “horse” and the efforts of the “rabbit” to be an understanding partner. At the same time, they must avoid mutual irritation and minor skirmishes. The friendship between them, based on the solid foundation of excellent social relations, will be strong and lasting. Business relationships can be like real sports spectacles, useful and beneficial to both.


This is possible with full mutual agreement and if you give up the habit of delving into details. They are brought together by artistic taste, rich imagination and a bright, vivid imagination. They get along well with each other, moreover, the “rabbit” knows how to create comfort and coziness and does not pay attention to the whims and quirks of his “roe deer”. The friendship is strengthened by the love of both partners for the world of art. Business relationships will again be successful in cooperation and especially in liberal professions.


And it's possible! “It doesn’t even hurt that they each look at the world from their own bell tower.” The secret of their successful life together is that the “rabbit” takes care of the “monkey”, and she happily entertains him. The hand washes the hand, and both are white. Friendships here are strong and lasting. And don’t think about hurting them or separating them. Business relations, however, are very unpromising! It's just a futile game.


There is obvious futility here! "Rooster" is the opposite of "rabbit" in both good and bad ways. The “Rabbit” cannot tolerate the “rooster” in his house because of his eternal fanfare and performances staged on the home stage. Friendship between them does not work out: the “rooster” is too noisy for the “rabbit”, it often tires him, but he still needs to work and work. Business relationships can end very badly for the “rooster”. Here the "rabbit" is as secretive as his partner.


The union between them can end favorably, happily! If only they both remain faithful to each other, then happiness is guaranteed here. Friendship between them is also possible at the highest level. A “rabbit” for a “dog” can become a reliable confidant, even if it is not always able to provide it with specific help and support. Business relationships are simply perfect! Here the hard work and efficiency of the “rabbit”, his gentle character and calm disposition meet with the loyalty and devotion of the “dog”, as well as with its realism and practical inclinations.


An alliance is very possible, because the partners have a lot in common. Their life together will go without disputes and quarrels, without complications and discord, provided that the “boar” avoids debauchery and is not too scrupulous. Friendship between them is also possible, if only they avoid large society, crowds of people, since the “boar” can inevitably shock the “rabbit” with his usual bragging. Business relationships are not only promising, but even great. The “rabbit” will contribute to this with its agility and dexterity, and the “boar” will strengthen them with success. By working together they can make a fortune and even more.


ARIES- this is a wild "rabbit".

CALF- this is a gentle and affectionate “rabbit” that purrs near the fireplace and almost never lets out its claws.

TWINS- This is a house "rabbit", the calmest of all "rabbits", but may be subject to some risks.

CANCER- this is a “rabbit” on your knees. Charming and pampered, inaction does not weigh on him.

A LION- this “rabbit” is already a tiger! Although quite docile and calm, he still passes his life’s journey with his claws extended.

VIRGO- this is the wise one, “rabbit”. He even knows how to pull chestnuts out of the fire (though sometimes with someone else's paws).

SCALES- “bunny” is charming, melancholic, feminine, but everyone likes him.

SCORPION- this is already a “rabbit” sorcerer." Beware of damage, the evil eye!

SAGITTARIUS- "rabbit" is exceptional! Probably the most balanced of all the “rabbits”.

CAPRICORN- the “rabbit” is sad, less sociable, sometimes strict and stern, sometimes just boring.

AQUARIUS- this “rabbit” is one of the most capable. Can be a loyal, devoted friend, a valuable comrade. Achieves great success in writing.

FISH- this is already three times “rabbit”! In society he is handsome and pleasant, charming and charming.

Element: Wood. Direction: east. Color: pale green. Yin/Yang: Yin and Yang are balanced. Chinese name: Mao. Quality: peacefulness. Number: fourth. Season: spring. Favorable month: March. Friend: Sheep, Pig.

Element: Wood.
Direction: east.
Color: pale green.
Yin/Yang: Yin and Yang are balanced.
Chinese name: Mao.
Quality: peacefulness.
Number: fourth.
Season: spring.
Favorable month: March.
Friend: Sheep, Pig.

Opponent: Rooster, Snake.
Positive aspects: wise, insightful, obedient, thoughtful, purified.
Negative aspects: cunning, litigiousness, fussiness, snobbery.

Symbolic aspect. In most world cultures, the Rabbit symbolized the reproduction of its own kind; the inconsistency of this image lies in the fact that by its nature it can be considered both immoral and virtuous. In China, the image of six boys around a man with the head of a Rabbit symbolizes the wishes expressed at the Moon Festival to see the children of the family confidently ascend to higher official positions. Feminine features are integral to the symbolism of the image; therefore it is characteristic enough that the Rabbit was the second of the twelve emblems of the Chinese Emperor, symbolizing the power of Yin in the life of the monarch.

Intellectual aspect. The Chinese considered the Rabbit to be a prophetic animal, condemned to live on the Moon. In the book “Pou Wu Chin”, a certain Chang Hua claimed that a hare can... become pregnant just by looking at the Moon! Earlier authors were less dreamy, and argued that conception occurs after licking the fur of a Rabbit, and it was believed that hares are born from the mouth of a hare. They claimed that, like a fox, the Rabbit lives up to 1000 years, and after this period its skin turns white.

Basic character traits. The rabbit is gifted and moderately ambitious. He is a pleasant companion, modest, discreet, sophisticated, conscientious, and knows how to speak well. However, in this stream of advantages there is also a gap, albeit a small one - the Rabbit judges many things superficially.
The rabbit loves company, and it reciprocates. Loves social gatherings and likes to gossip. But he does it subtly, tactfully, carefully... The Rabbit rarely loses balance. This is a calm person. True, his judgments are shallow, he is a superficial person. The cat does not lose balance so quickly. He is calm, unperturbed. The kind of person who might cry over a sensitive novel but will quickly be comforted; his sensitivity is mere sentimentality, there is little true feeling in him. He is a convinced egoist, and everything that happens in the world worries him only to the extent that it concerns him personally. However, his personal worries are very deep.

Personal qualities of a person born in the year of the Rabbit

Water Rabbit (born 1903-1963)
He is popular in society as an insightful critic and a subtle connoisseur of the arts, but at the same time he is sensitive to the mood in society and never goes against the general opinion. He is quite tactful and sensitive, takes his neighbor’s problems to heart and at the same time willingly discusses his problems with others. He has an excellent memory and determination. Sometimes he is attacked by periods of isolation, and then they are suddenly replaced by fountains of eloquence. He is loved in the family and appreciated at work.

Tree Rabbit (born 1915-1975)
Affable and friendly towards others, the Tree Rabbit easily adapts to any environment. This is a prudent, diplomatic person who prefers to maintain even relations with everyone around him. He is not an individualist, but prefers to work in a team, where he is valued for his excellent character and open disposition. He is sometimes quite secretive and carefully hides his secrets from others, which, in general, are of no particular interest to anyone.

Fire Rabbit (born 1927-1987)
He is capable of going far, but he has too easy an attitude towards life to endure its sharp turns. He is capable of making an excellent career, unless he falls into a streak of failure. When something doesn’t go well for him, doesn’t work out (as the song says, “the crocodile can’t be caught, the coconut doesn’t grow”), the Tree Rabbit easily falls into despair, loses his head, rushes to extremes, falls into a stupor and, as a result, loses his reputation and falls down , washes it down with bitters.

Earth Rabbit (born 1939-1999)
He concentrates in himself all the best features of the other four signs. It is not for nothing that in Ancient China the yellow (read red) Rabbit was considered a rare and supernatural creature. His appearance meant that the Great Empire was ruled by an incomparably kind and just ruler. He is an excellent conversationalist who is able to convince anyone that he is right. He is highly regarded by his classmates and work colleagues. He is an inveterate intriguer who is capable of reconciling sworn enemies or quarreling bosom friends. He is capable of achieving success in any field - including business, production, and management. His only drawback is timidity and indecisiveness, which can, at a fatal moment, push him to inappropriate actions.

Iron Rabbit (born 1951, 2011)
This ambitious man knows what he wants from a young age; he sets a clearly defined goal for himself and strives towards it with all his might. At times he may seem too constrained or even callous, but in fact he considers himself smarter than everyone else and does not want to squander the pearls of his own eloquence in front of the plebeians. His mind is tenacious, analytical, and therefore he makes an excellent businessman, cunning and calculating, but... ruthless. At the same time, his talents can be revealed in the field of art, and he willingly receives wreaths, prizes and applause.

Rabbit Man.

He is a staunch conservative in life and fiercely hates everything that can somehow shake his comfort. He has a heightened sense of danger and highly values ​​his own security. The rabbit loves to receive guests. Everything in his house is furnished with taste. This is a secular man, some would even call him a snob. He's pedantic. He is careful in business and never takes steps without carefully checking their consequences. For this caution, he is highly valued by the business partners of the Rabbit man. He is a born financier, a good diplomat, a clever lawyer, a crafty manager, but... the writer is superficial, the artist is salon, the poet is refined, the lover is passionate and insatiable, but does not have deep feelings for the subject of his momentary passion.

Famous Male Hares
CONFUCIUS (Kongzi) (c. 551-479 BC), ancient Chinese thinker, founder of Confucianism. He outlined his main views in the book “Lun Yu” (“Conversations and Judgments”).
Lewis CARROLL (1832-1898), English writer, mathematician and logician. Author of the popular children's book Alice in Wonderland.
Edvard Grieg (1843-1907), Norwegian composer, pianist, conductor. The largest representative of the national composer school. Walt WHITMAN (May 31, 1819-1892), American poet.
John KEATS (1795-1821), English romantic poet.
Orson WELLES (1915-1985), American film director and actor. Cary GRANT (Grant) (1904-1986), American
Roger MOORE (b. 1927), English film actor, successor to S. Connery in the role of superspy James Bond.
Muddy WATERS (April 4, 1915 - 1983), great American blues guitarist. Arturo TOSCANINI (1867-1957), Italian conductor.

Rabbit Woman.

This lady with gusto flaunts to everyone around her her sophistication, heightened culture and delicate taste. However, this knowledge is most often shallow and superficial. If the Hare woman has nothing to say or she feels that society is too smart for her and she can end up in a puddle with her statements, she plunges into deep melancholy. Men find her brooding sadness irresistible and fall for the Hare, helpless against her charms. These ladies shine in any society, they love to go out, they brilliantly cope with the duties of the wives of politicians, millionaires, and are charming as businesswomen. It’s just that their maternal instinct is limited, because if you make a choice between children and a high-society reception, then the Hares make a choice in favor of the light, and the children can always be thrown to their mother.

Famous Female Hares
Elena Petrovna BLAVATSKY (1831-1891), Russian writer and theosophist.
Marguerite Yourcenar (1903 - 1987), French writer. The first woman to become a member of the French Academy. Ingrid BERGMAN (1915-1982), Swedish actress. Elisabeth SCHWARZKOPF (b. 1915), German singer (soprano). She has performed in major theaters in Europe and the USA.
Gina LOLLOBRIGIDA (b. 1927), Italian actress, director and photographer. Whitney HOUSTON (b. August 9, 1963) is an American pop singer.
George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans, Evans) (1819 - 1880), English writer.

Personal life.

The Rabbit highly appreciates the Sheep's subtle taste and charm; she will be fascinated by his sophistication, and he will repay her with devotion and love. She will live in contentment and comfort, and the Rabbit will not worry about his whims at all.

The Rabbit and the Dog understand each other perfectly. The rabbit is an esthete and a critic, the dog is straightforward and rude; these opposites will not come into conflict, but will complement each other perfectly.

The Pig will accept their union as the greatest blessing of heaven - of course, where is she compared to the Moon Rabbit, who with his deep reasoning will open before her an abyss of wisdom, for which she will respect him infinitely all her life.

But the Rabbit will never prove to the Rooster that a bushy tail, spurs and a beautiful voice are not the most important things in life. This is the root of their future conflicts - both will bitterly regret the moment when they connected their lives.

If the wise Rabbit does not want his ears to be cut off, he must avoid contact like fire with the Rat, who, upon their chance meeting, immediately awakens a good appetite and predatory instinct.

A normal Rabbit must understand that his communication with the Tiger is a game of nature and one can never count on the strength of their relationship. Of course, the Rabbit has such undoubted advantages over the Tiger as cunning, irony and agility, but the Tiger is also capable of killing him with barely a wave of his paw. If it hits, of course.

Neither the Hare, nor the Rabbit, nor the Cat is strongly recommended to connect their ardent feelings with the Snake (neither with the old, wise one, nor with the young and intelligent one) - they should remember that hares serve as natural food for snakes, they will be swallowed before they have time and move your ear.

The fate of those born in the year of the Rabbit.

The Rabbit's innate caution can guide him safely through all three phases of his life, unless he is overwhelmed by fire or flood. This refers to powerful socio-political cataclysms, which in his delicate psyche can cause such powerful stress that he risks being seriously damaged in his mind, falling into a stupor, emigrating or deciding on another desperate act (remember the hares in Grandfather Mazai’s boat). A child born this year will be happy and calm, especially if he was born in the summer.