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I dreamed about lice, what does it mean? I dreamed of lice on another person, the correct interpretation of the dream

On your body - means that you will behave incorrectly with your old acquaintances.

See that you have caught a louse- to a disease to which you will attach too much importance.

Lice always- foreshadow experiences related to health or annoying attacks from enemies.

Aesop's Dream Book

Louse- is a symbol of uncleanliness and poverty. Lice have a special ability to reproduce and survive. They jump around, so they are not easy to catch and destroy. This is a topic for comparison and ridicule of restless, eccentric people.

Trying to kill lice with your hands- a symbol of useless work, expectations that will not be met, wasted efforts.

Seeing talking lice- you will be surprised, you will receive unexpected news.

Seeing lice bite you and haunt you- a sign of profit, money you didn’t expect, material assistance.

Looking for a remedy to get rid of lice- this is a symbol of resolving a problem that has been occupying you for a long time and will finally go away.

Seeing a louse laying eggs- means painstaking work that will take a lot of time and require close attention.

Seeing lice jumping- to anxiety, news that will disrupt the regularity of your life.

See a lot of lice and nits infested- to profit.

To dream that you are trying to wash lice off your clothes and hit them with a roller- beware of evil people; to empty and vain worries; to false accusations and dirty gossip.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If you saw lice in a dream- get ready for a lot of troubles.

Seeing a louse on your body- a sign that you risk being subjected to violent attacks from your ill-wishers.

Lice in hair- portends extremely unpleasant consequences from black thoughts or harmful advice. Perhaps someone is planning evil against you, or you risk suffering from your own evil plans.

Jewish dream book

Lice- much money.

New family dream book

The louse is dreaming- to sorrows and troubles.

See it on your body- behave incorrectly with your friends.

Caught a louse- beware of illness.

In general, dreams in which lice are present- usually foreshadow experiences related to health or someone’s importunity.

Modern combined dream book

Louse in a dream- predicts that you will have to worry about your health, and your enemies will spoil your nerves a lot.

Seeing a lot of lice in a dream- to worries, failures and illnesses.

Lice on livestock- portend famine and crop failure.

Lice on the body- a sign that you will behave incorrectly towards your friends.

See that you have caught a louse- predicts illness.

Eastern women's dream book

See nasty insects on yourself- the dream is not a pleasant one, but in fact it promises quick profit and wealth.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a lot of lice in a dream- to money.

To the money.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing in a dream lice that literally showered you, and in vain want to get rid of them- you were already close to big money, but your indecision ruined everything.

Getting pubic lice in a dream- to a venereal disease.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing lice in a dream- to tears.

Kill lice- to money.

Pubic lice (manda lice)- suffering and loss of honor.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Seeing lice on someone- good luck in business; have it yourself- the share will change for the worse; see a lot- wealth.

Women's dream book

The appearance of lice in a dream- always portends problems related to health or annoying attacks from enemies.

See a louse on yourself- means that you will behave incorrectly with your old acquaintances.

Caught louse- to an illness that will bring you a lot of unnecessary worries. Lice on pets mean hunger and loss.

General dream book

You dreamed of lice- thieves will break in on you.

In your dream you caught them- in the near future you will receive a lot of money, but it will disappear as unexpectedly as it appeared.

A dream in which you watched someone catch lice- means that soon, thanks to someone close to you, you will receive a big profit.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing lice in a dream- a good dream, it promises you deliverance from troubles, success or money.

Knowing that you have lice in your head, but not seeing them- to loss or loss, beat lice in a dream- to money or unexpected news.

Crush a nit in a dream- means that you are confidently moving towards your intended goal and nothing can lead you astray from the right path, see nits on your head- a harbinger of long-awaited success or promotion.

English dream book

Lice- this dream foreshadows dangerous diseases, poverty and misfortune. Terrible troubles await you or someone to whom you are tenderly attached. You may also have major troubles in the business sphere: your enterprise will be significantly reduced, and if you are in the military service, you may lose your job. Often this dream promises that you will go to prison for debt.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

See this sign in a dream- good and portends wealth; clean them off and comb them out- means to get rid of some sadness or trouble.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

A louse, one or more crawling across your body- deliverance from troubles, success or money that does not bring much joy.

There are a lot of lice on you- disease.

Having lice in your head- poverty.

see them- money.

beat them- money, surprise.

Train lice- a warning against persistence in relation to another.

Lice on any objects- indicates that these objects belong to the world of evil.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Lice- there will be money, wealth, deliverance from bad things / poverty, sadness; a lot of- poverty, illness; on someone- good luck in business; on myself- bad; beat- a good sign, luck, surprise; kill- death; catch- there will be money; comb out- getting rid of hassle.

Esoteric dream book

Lice- to money.

Ukrainian dream book

Lice- if you dream of lice, then there will be money; attack.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Lice- to money; see someone- good luck in business; on yourself, one or two- for the worse.

Collection of dream books

Lice- annoying troubles.

Lice- dream about money.

Lice- to money.

Lice- wealth.

If you dreamed:

    Eggs lice- promise a lot of minor worries. Seeing them on clothes is a harbinger of a serious illness, lice on animals - to need and loss.

    Bedbugs seen in a dream have the same meaning as fleas. Dream Book of the Wanderer. bedbugs, lice- troubles; money.

Why see lice in a dream

We would like to note right away that when we started studying the topic of lice in this aspect, we discovered a lot of contradictory information. Therefore, without any pretense of objectivity, we offer the following interpretations of dreams about lice:

  • Squeezing your child’s lice in a dream means helping him solve existing problems. That is, this is a signal for parents to take a closer look at their child; perhaps he needs help, but he is afraid to say so.
  • If you just dreamed of lice on a child’s head, then most likely you should expect an unfavorable situation in the social sphere.

Attention! Dream Interpretation: lice in your head can indicate two circumstances. Either big money is expected, or unexpected financial problems await.

Pediculosis in another person

Dream interpreters know exactly why another person dreams of lice. Almost all of them claim that lice in others is a sign of quick success in business or gaining wealth. Although, if we move away from the material side, then lice on a stranger may indicate that you have complexes and insecurity. And it’s time to fight them, otherwise you shouldn’t count on success in life.

Folk signs

As we see in dreams, a louse is mainly a positive “hero”, promising wealth and success. In reality, the appearance of these uninvited guests is often associated with negative consequences. Eg:

  • It doesn’t matter whether a person is infected with head, pubic or linen lice, in any case they signal to the “owner” about upcoming difficulties in life.
  • If a person sees lice for the first time on open areas of his body, damage to property or impoverishment of the household is expected.

There are lice - expect trouble

Interesting! For many peoples, the answer to the question of why lice appear in the whole family indicates a big disaster - a fire, robbery, death of a relative or loved one. And also - lice for war.

Examples of linking a “lousy” topic to children:

They also say that if a girl becomes infected with lice, then her misfortunes will come from a man. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity in a similar situation, on the contrary, need to be wary of surprises from beautiful ladies.

A girl has lice - a sign of problems with her loved one

Speculations from the category of “obviously incredible”

  1. During the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow, foreigners brought a lot of clothing specifically infested with lice that carry typhoid fever. It was given to Soviet citizens or thrown on the street.
  2. If you put a louse in a piece of bread and give it to a person with jaundice to eat, he will be healed. This same “remedy” was long ago recommended to women in labor during difficult labor.
  3. An epidemic of lice caused sky-high prices in ancient times, since it was believed that lice were not able to live in this material.
  4. Since ancient times, Slavic women believed that they should not eat bread; while sewing, they would get lice.
  5. If you see two lice nearby, you should expect hail.

Before looking for an interpretation of the image of a louse in a dream book, you should remember the details of the dream, since in fact the result will depend on the nuances. There can be an infinite number of insects, of different colors, sizes, and the fact that they were on the body or in the head is also of great importance.

Miller's Dream Book

The first source that we decided to turn to today for decoding is Miller’s dream book. What will he tell us about lice, which our subconscious showed us?

  • If a louse was noticed on the head of a stranger, then this means you are worried. You are afraid of losing material values ​​or finding yourself in a hopeless situation that could happen due to your own stupidity.

    On a note! In fact, such a dream does not portend anything bad. He only points out to you your human qualities, such as cowardice, complexes and lack of self-confidence! In other words, this is a reason to engage in self-education.

    Advice! In this case, it is advisable for you to take care of normal rest, otherwise it may cause deterioration in your health!

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Meridian’s dream book also has its own interpretation of the image of a “lice”.

  • If you find a louse in your child's head and crush it, this means that you will help him cope with his problems.
  • Insects on another person's head are a good sign. Such a dream foretells you success in any endeavor, personal happiness and the envy of others.

Modern dream book

In the 21st century dream book one can see the following justifications:

  • If you dreamed about lice, expect profit. Such a dream promises you only prosperity, and not only financially, it is a sign of getting rid of troubles and troubles.
  • If in a dream you are trying to kill insects, then this symbolizes receiving unexpected news. Whether it will be good or bad is unknown, but the news will certainly take you by surprise.
  • When you know for sure that there are lice in your head, but you don’t see them, then such a dream speaks of loss, loss.
  • Nits in your head are a quick success that you have been waiting for for a very long time, often a promotion.
  • Crushing a nit is a sign of determination. You are moving in the right direction and confidently approaching your goal.

Vanga's Dream Book

The dream book of the famous soothsayer also did not ignore the topic of lice in the head and its interpretation will be as follows:

But today, not everyone turns to dream books to decipher this or that image. Some trust centuries-old experience, observations and consider folk beliefs to be the most truthful.

In this case, it is advisable to pay attention to the size of the insects and their behavior.

There is another fairly popular decoding that explains successful attempts to kill a louse - the elimination of fears, evil and adversity. This explanation is provided to us by sources that present the insect itself as a bad sign. For this reason, it becomes absolutely logical that the destruction of bad is good.

However, it should be noted that there is also an opposite interpretation. Some sources say that killing a louse in a dream is far from the most positive sign. For example, the book for birthday people in the first three months of the year states that to see such a dream is an unpleasant ending to some business, sad news, or dismissal from a permanent job. And if a sleeper kills insects on someone else’s head, then this is a sign that he will have to shoulder the problems of a stranger, thereby significantly complicating his life.

Lice are so different: black, white, red...

In dream books you can find interpretations of dreams about lice with different colors:

What will the dream book tell us? Lice in the hair are an unexpectedly unpleasant encounter in a dream, what could this mean in a dream.

Lice in a dream - what is this for? There is a common rule for interpreting dreams: the more unpleasant and disgusting the dream, the more likely it is that it has the opposite meaning in reality. Lice in a dream, what one dreams about, is also interpreted; almost all authoritative sources of dream interpretation give a positive description of the image. Usually, if you dream about lice, the dream book interprets this as a sign of profit, financial benefits, unexpected luck, material income. But why dreaming of lice on another person means that you will have to witness other people’s material successes, so you should definitely pay attention to the details.

It would also be correct to separate the interpretation of dreams for men and women. Men, as a rule, receive signals from the subconscious in the business sphere, business, making money, making a profit. After all, the main task of a man is to be the breadwinner, the breadwinner in the family. The main thoughts and activities of the subconscious in men are concentrated around these tasks. Women's dreams, on the contrary, bear more of the imprint of the work of the subconscious in the sphere of feelings and family concerns, household chores, and anxiety for their loved ones and children.

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man

  • Why does a girl dream of lice in her hair? This means meeting a guy soon, a successful romance and getting rid of loneliness. Combing lice out of hair can also mean early marriage and engagement. If you see nits in a dream, then this is, on the contrary, a bad sign. Possible disruption of the engagement, gossip behind one's back, slander from enemies, envy.
  • For a woman to see lice in a dream means that she will be carried away by pleasant chores associated with spending, shopping, and interesting acquisitions. If a louse runs away in a dream, this will mean that you are spending your savings too carelessly - be more economical!
  • The dream book has an interesting interpretation of lice in a child’s hair, which his mother dreamed about - this means your concern about your child. You need to pay attention to your health or take a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps there is danger lurking there, he is surrounded by dubious friends. Combing lice out of your child’s head predicts troubles and attention that you will have to pay to him in reality.
  • If a woman sees lice, then this is a clear sign of impending wealth, possibly an inheritance. Here there is a combination of two favorable signs, lice - money, long hair - a prosperous life, changes in life for the better.
  • When young people, whether girls or boys, see lice in their hair in a dream, this may mean that they have interesting plans, ideas, projects that would be nice to bring to life;
  • Such a dream has good meaning for a man doing business. He says that there will be profit after a successful transaction. And if a man dreams of lice, the dream indicates a person’s non-standard, creative thinking, the ability to make money from almost nothing.

Have you seen these insects on your head?

As the dream book says, having lice in your head is a favorable dream, despite the negative emotional coloring. Almost every dream book explains why lice dream about profit and wealth. Moreover, the dream book describes the interpretation of lice in a very interesting way - the more insects there were on your head, the better. So, if your head was swarming with lice in a dream, rejoice, a considerable income awaits you, most likely unexpected, but simply huge.

If you dreamed of lice in your child's hair, this means that you are concerned about his life and fate.

I dreamed of lice on a child’s head

Why do you dream of lice and nits in a child’s hair? This can have several meanings. Most often, such dreams are experienced by mothers who are very worried about their children. If you had such a dream, it is quite possible that you are too worried about your child, you are taking care of them, trying to protect them from various problems, dangers, illnesses...

Why a child dreams of lice can also indicate a reluctance to part with his child, for example, before a trip. The dream encourages you to think and be calmer about what is happening, and suggests that all worries are in vain.

In ancient dream books that have survived to this day, there is another interpretation of this dream. As the old dream book says, seeing lice in a child’s dream used to mean an upcoming rich harvest.

According to some interpretations, why lice on other people’s heads dream of, just like on their own head, they dream of income, material addition, money, gifts, only this profit will be associated with troubles and negativity.

According to other interpretations, why other people dream of lice in their hair is a good symbol that means a happy ending to things, good luck in business and in their personal lives. As the dream book says, lice in other people’s heads are also considered a symbol of good opportunities that can be missed.

If you are afraid of being deceived or finding yourself in an uncomfortable situation, you may also dream of “uninvited guests” in the hair of strangers. Many psychologists write that why other people dream of lice and fleas on their heads, they symbolize your complexes, psychological pressures.

As the dream book says, lice in the hair foreshadow their illness or evil deeds towards you. Sometimes there are such interpretations of such a dream as small profits obtained dishonestly, quarrels, troubles.

For ladies, such a dream could mean making a profit through prostitution, maintaining a rich admirer, or simply income that caused gossip and gossip. Sometimes such a dream symbolizes fraud, theft, or gaining profit by dishonest means.

If in a dream you saw lice on the head of a pretty woman you know, it is possible that you are simply jealous of her. But the dream of a lice in the hair can also portend its illness or ill-gotten gains. Such a dream may warn of her impending poverty. And if the insects were located in intimate places, this means profit through prostitution or an acquired venereal disease.

I dreamed about nits - lice eggs

Nits, like lice, are unattractive creatures and, when they appear in a dream, they leave very negative feelings and make a person worry and worry. You already know that a dream of a louse in your head portends wealth, a large unexpected income, or warns of expenses and losses. Nits in dreams have the same meanings, only with minor amendments.

- it is also a symbol of profit, gaining wealth, but not in the near future, but in the distant future, perhaps even in parts. This is the positive meaning of the symbol. And the negative value is obstacles in the implementation of commercial projects, repayment of debts, expenses, unprofitable schemes, loan payments. So, when is the meaning of a symbol negative and when is it positive?

  • A good sign is a dream when nits are on your head. Such a dream foreshadows profit, money, income. You need to look at who is present in the dream; making a profit may depend on these people.
  • When you dream of maggots in other people's hair, and you are afraid of catching an infection, this is also a good sign. This foreshadows the person on whom they were located, success in financial terms, and the fact that part of this success will fall to you.
  • A dream in which “uninvited guests” were on the dog’s fur promises help from friends, relatives, and loved ones;
  • Destroying nits in a dream means gaining long-awaited profit. When. if blood is visible, financial assistance should be expected from relatives.
  • Combing larvae out of hair is also a good sign, which means money, future wealth, prospects;
  • A dream in which you comb out lice eggs from long hair means making a profit from some trip, from a commercial activity or from a successful project;
  • A bad sign is a dream when you dream of nits on unwashed, disheveled hair. Such a dream warns of unrealistic plans, material difficulties, obstacles, and failed projects. If there is blood in such a dream, then relatives who promised financial assistance will refuse you.
  • A dream in which nits are located on a cat’s fur has a very bad meaning; it foreshadows emotional distress, betrayal, a blow behind the back;
  • If in the dream there was not a cat, but a shabby, frail dog, it means that a friend may betray you or let you down;
  • A dream of an unfamiliar, unpleasant person with nits on his head may portend unfavorable loan conditions or demands for debt repayment.
  • A dream in which you unsuccessfully try to destroy lice eggs also promises expenses or losses. You may not be given a salary, dividends will be frozen or vacation pay will be delayed.
  • A dream in which nits are located can mean betrayal, financial losses associated with a lover or spouse;
  • If lice eggs are empty in a dream, it means that it will be impossible for you to make a profit, and your financial plans will not come true;
  • A dream in which nits are in a child’s hair also predicts losses. If this is your child, then you will have to solve some of his problems with the help of finances. If it’s a stranger, it’s just financial problems close in time.

If you dreamed about pubic lice

Why do you dream about pubic lice - such a dream can be interpreted as a danger of getting into a rather piquant situation when your good name will be at risk. Pubic lice in a dream can also mean upcoming personal problems. Maybe your partner is cheating on you, there is a high probability of feelings and attraction cooling, quarrels and resentments arising. Another meaning of dreams in which these “unwanted guests” are present is a banal venereal disease; perhaps you should visit a doctor. Some interpreters also associate such dreams with profit and income.

All dreams must be considered in the context of what is being dreamed and in what circumstances. By looking more closely at the details and nuances, you can get a more accurate picture of the interpretation of the dream. Insects crawling over a naked body, for example, will most likely indicate a lot of minor financial troubles. to shame, unpleasant encounters, bad emotions. Combined with the meaning of lice in general as a harbinger of finances and money, lice on a naked body will have a negative meaning.

If you dreamed of lice on a comb or comb, then this should be interpreted in a good way. A comb is an item of beauty and personal hygiene. – raise your self-esteem, enjoy your own achievements and successes. Naturally, in combination with the financial significance of lice, this dream foretells the pleasure of financial success. And in combination with beautiful hair or long hair, financial success and changes in life associated with these circumstances will definitely await you in the future.

If you have lice, then such a dream predicts not entirely good changes. Rather, it dreams of illness and financial losses. Be careful. Don't get involved in dubious adventures.

Pay attention to the details that accompany the dream, they contain clues!

With your work and efforts you will earn profit and monetary reward.

Miller's Dream Book - making a profit

If you dreamed of lice in your hair, this means making a profit, financial success, receiving money. But seeing lice on someone else is interpreted as envy. That is, either you will envy someone’s financial success, or they will envy you - it depends on the context. Seeing nits definitely means an unpleasant meeting, an angry person, an envious person, possibly a quarrel.

If in a dream a person destroys lice, then in reality he will get rid of unnecessary problems. As this dream book says, lice on a child’s head mean excessive parental care, reluctance to part with the child, and concern for his health.

Lice on the head of a stranger symbolize the subconscious fear of losing something or being deceived, that is, they simply symbolize your cowardice.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation - a non-serious illness

Interesting! Almost all dream books, without exception, make a distinction between what we see, many lice or one, lice or nits we dreamed about.


The subconscious mind shows us dreams, sends signals and warns.

Disputes continue as to why the subconscious mind shows us dreams, why it sends signals, and what it wants to warn us about. Dream interpreters and dream books help us unravel the intricacies of dreams. Often in dreams we see echoes of what worries us most. Perhaps, by solving the problem that the dream throws at us, we will receive a good answer to solve our life’s troubles, or we will protect ourselves from wrong steps, protect ourselves from unpleasant communication, envious people and spiteful critics.

Almost every nation has accumulated considerable experience in how to interpret this or that dream. But sometimes a dream brings empty confusion into our soul, unnecessary anxiety, which prevents us from thinking soberly and drawing the right conclusions. Don't get upset right away. Remember in detail all the circumstances that surrounded you in your dream. Be patient and dig deep into the dream books.

Correct interpretation of a dream is a very difficult task. It is necessary to take into account all the details, analyze in what context the symbol was used, think about all the circumstances present in the dream. Dreams can have more than one image, but a whole group of signs and symbols; this must be taken into account when interpreting them. When analyzing what lice and nits mean in a dream, it is important to take into account all the nuances of the dream we described. Only by comparing the parts of the whole can you understand the overall picture of the prediction, which will help you avoid the blows of fate or soften them.

By the way, if the day before you happened to poison lice on yourself or other people, the dream does not mean absolutely anything. It’s just that your psyche reacted violently to the event, and the subconscious demonstrates this.

Video “Why do you dream about a louse”

You will be surprised, but in most cases, lice on another person dream of money, wealth, success, fame. It is no coincidence that in the Middle Ages in many countries lice were revered and called pearls and decoration.

Poets of the Middle Ages admired the delicacy of the outlines and grace of common lice and described their huge eyes in exclusively superlative terms. The more lice you see on another person, the better your possible well-being in real life. The larger and more vigorous the lice on another person, the greater success they promise you.

Therefore, you are rich, successful, beautiful and successful. In a dream, what feelings do you have for a person who has lice in his hair? Is it fear, sympathy, curiosity, contempt, disgust, indifference? Your feelings show your true attitude towards public opinion.

If you experience horror and disgust, in real life there is a high probability that a pleasant surprise or gift awaits you.

Interaction with the dream object

Try to remember if you tried to study lice on another person in a dream, maybe remove them, crush them, provide assistance? If you tried to help get rid of lice, you are unsuccessfully trying to overcome the envy of others. Your selfless and sacrificial actions should lead to an increase in the number of “pearls” in your opponent’s hair.

However, proactive actions show your attitude towards the situation. Most likely, changes await you. You are no longer ready to put up with lice and envy in other people's heads.

If you are afraid of getting lice, you are afraid of communication problems and do not know how to build normal relationships. This is especially true for dreams with lice on a child. It is not advisable to kill or crush lice in your child's hair - it is better to comb or wash them. Pressure, in this case, is an undesirable influence.

Lice on another person - interpretation of dream books

  • The traditional dream book interprets lice on another person as a surprise, a pleasant surprise, or joy.
  • The folk dream book is categorical in such cases and believes that the person you saw with lice did not pass the “lice test.” This saying refers specifically to lice on another person in a dream.
  • Lice on another person in a dream can be an unfavorable sign only if you have started something new and independent. Especially if you need this person's support or help.
  • The Vedic dream book firmly promises good luck in business, promotion, a new position with a minimum of responsibilities and maximum money. From the point of view of the Vedic dream book, lice on a stranger, a stranger, show the possibility of a powerful patron or friend soon appearing in your life. It is not surprising that medieval ladies, knowing full well the meaning of dream books, tried to see as many lice as possible in their dreams.
  • The second meaning of lice on another person is a lot of small troubles.
  • Seeing dead lice in a dream, dried up, fallen, means ruin, poverty, trouble.

What to do if you dream of lice on another person

Oddly enough, first of all, take a closer look at yourself. You cause envy and discontent. Perhaps you behave arrogantly, brag, and neglect the opinions of others. We can say that let those who are jealous deal with themselves, but you are the one who sees lice on another person in a dream. The people in your dream do not have such problems.

This means that you either need to change your line of behavior, or learn to love lice, like medieval poets, praise them, call them pearls and admire them. People stricken with envy cannot be relied upon. Of course, they will become the most enthusiastic listeners and spectators during your victories, but secretly each of the envious ones dreams of enjoying your humiliation. If you stumble, there will be no mercy.

Moderate your selfishness and reconsider your social circle. Keep your mouth shut, talk less about your successes, be friendly. You can help people get rid of envy with small gifts. Buy small bottles of elite shampoo for envious people.

Why you shouldn't be afraid to see lice in your dreams

The tradition of venerating lice has a multicultural basis in Indian culture, far from medieval Europe, and veneration of lice was also widespread. White lice were considered the most pleasant dream, promising a prosperous life and a worthy rebirth. They were also a clear sign of holiness.

Nowadays morals have changed somewhat; causing envy is considered indecent and uncultured. There are many other strategies for success than seeing lice on another person in your dream.

Can lice in a dream signal health problems?

In rare cases this is possible. If you wake up and feel itchy in your head, trying to see in the mirror whether you have become infected with insects, wash your hair and get a fresh haircut. You've been planning for a long time, and now is the time to make your dream come true.

If the itching sensation does not go away, be sure to visit an endocrinologist and get tested for sugar. Don't tell your doctor about your dreams, only about itchy sensations and mild anxiety. Just in case, limit your consumption of sweets right away.