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Trigrams in Eastern medicine. Bagua trigrams

The concepts of Yin and Yang are a very powerful tool for studying and identifying the basic properties of almost any object or phenomenon. Of course, most of the objects that interest us are of a rather complex nature, and it is far from obvious how to classify them as Yin or Yang. Therefore, for a more subtle analysis, a technique is used when individual characteristics of an object are attributed to Yin or Yang, and then the resulting combination of Yin and Yang traits is analyzed. If you carefully read the article, you might have noticed that when studying the nature of the Elements, only two extreme states were used, expressed by the concepts of Yin and Yang.

Now let's try to detail the idea of ​​various events by introducing into consideration a third, intermediate state. We will graphically depict this representation in the form of three vertical lines. The table below gives the main options for interpreting the ternary description of various phenomena. Of course, this list can be significantly expanded, including, for example, such theological constructs as the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The fundamental approach remains the same - each trait in the triad will have one of two meanings (states): Yin or Yang. As a result, we get eight combinations for which the European name has been established - trigrams, and in Chinese they are called Ba Gua (Ba- eight, Gua- symbol, sign):


I would like to immediately draw your attention to one point. Although trigrams are a more detailed way of describing than Yin-Yang or even the Elements, they nevertheless contain a huge number of possible interpretations depending on the specific situation. In popular books on Feng Shui, a very limited list of ideas is given for trigrams, which is often more misleading than clarifying. For example, the trigram Zhen, the symbolic image of which Thunder, and the content is invasion, excitation, often interpreted simply as "health" and sometimes added "family". What is so obvious and common between these concepts - thunder, health and family - to describe them with one single trigram? The essence of the Zhen trigram lies much deeper, but private cases of its manifestation can indeed be HEALTH and FAMILY, however, with some reservations.

The description of the trigrams presented below is an attempt to consider the essence of the trigrams, based only on the interaction of their Yin and Yang features and using the closest, in my opinion, associations and images for explanation in the form of specific phenomena. I offer this material on the basis of my own understanding of the nature of trigrams, trying to find out why certain very specific concepts are associated with each trigram, between which, very often, I did not see any obvious connection.
Next to the graphic designation of each trigram, I present its traditional definitions:

Zhen TreeThunder Invasion
In the beginning there was the Word - think about the meaning of this phrase and imagine an explosion, lightning, tearing up darkness and silence. The Yang trait, strength and desire, comes from the bottom up, overcoming Yin inertia and peace. The grain in which the power of Life awakens. The moment of truth when you suddenly realize the cause or find a solution and begin to take active action. A cry for help - and without hesitation you throw yourself into fire or icy water...

Since the Yang trait is at the core of the process, and the current state and expected future are described by Yin traits, the Zhen trigram describes any event that invades our calm, measured life and brings active excitement into it: the birth of the first child in the family; a phone call that disturbs the silence of your office; the squeal of car brakes as you calmly cross the street.

When describing natural phenomena, Zhen corresponds to early spring, when vital juices begin to awaken. Dawn, when the first ray of the Sun disperses the darkness of the night. To the East, where the Sun begins its movement across the sky and a new day begins. Thunder, as a harbinger of a thunderstorm, which forces us to seek shelter.

The correlation of the trigram with a person is based on the same effect of a push, an external influence that leads to a change in the state of “rest”. Health is psychological and physical, when by external factors we understand the impact of unfavorable circumstances - stressful situations or an accident. Parents who gave impetus to our existence. Neighbors in the house who make noise and interfere with our rest, forcing us to get nervous or call the police. A random event that gives impetus to the understanding of some problem (remember Archimedes’ cry “Eureka!”?). An outburst of emotions - a quarrel, a scandal, a joyful unexpected meeting or creative insight - are also a possible manifestation of the Zhen trigram.

Naturally, the trigram Zhen correlates with the Element of Wood, in which the vital force begins to bubble, causing a bud to burst and a thin stalk to break through the thickness of the earth towards the light. This is the energy of rebirth, giving rise to a new life.

Since we are talking about activity, Zhen is the trigram of the Yang Tree. This is a trunk that sets a certain direction for the further process, active linear movement. In a broader sense, the Zhen trigram is associated with a change in position in space and/or time.

Xun TreeWind Penetration
The push is given (trigram Zhen). Activity declines (upper Yang line) and the process enters a phase of measured forward movement - Yang line in the center. The turn of calm and tranquility comes - the lower Yin trait.

The buds have opened, and the tree begins to dress in an outfit of flowers and leaves, slowly releasing new young branches. Tender shoots and foliage are a manifestation of the Xun trigram, which correlates with the Element of the Yin Tree. If Zhen is active straightforwardness, then Xun is a soft, unobtrusive penetration: the lower Yin trait displaces the Yang traits, like a vine leisurely entangling a tree trunk.

Events that occur almost imperceptibly and do not disrupt the natural course of affairs (middle line), but introduce some variety (lower Yin line), can be described by the Xun trigram - receiving a letter from a distant relative; an interesting business proposal that the secretary put on your table among other documents; a flock of sparrows that caught your attention while walking through the park; a customer who came into your store and bought a bottle of expensive Georgian wine.

The idea of ​​“penetration” is expressed in the image of the Wind, which brings welcome coolness to the summer heat, which sways the branches and leaves of trees, giving them various shapes, which drives clouds across the sky, creating bizarre images from them.

Changing shape is an important characteristic of the Xun trigram, which can be used to describe various processes associated with mechanical processing - making a part from a metal blank on a lathe, carpentry, cutting and sewing clothes, preparing a salad from fresh vegetables.

Since as a result of processing we receive something more valuable than the original object, the Xun trigram is often associated with the concept of Wealth. But this is not money that randomly “falls from the sky.” This is the final beneficial effect obtained as a result of the effort expended and the work process itself, leading to a useful result. For example, you built a building (Zhen trigram) and rented out its premises - receiving rent is described by the Xun trigram. Receiving interest on a loan and other types of income from successfully invested capital.

The activity of a gardener who cares for a garden, it seems to me, well reflects the essence of the Xun trigram, which is not accidentally located after the Zhen trigram. If Zhen is birth, birth, then Xun is care and care for the newborn. It does not matter whether we are talking about a person, an idea or a phenomenon. Caring for something or someone can be manifested in raising a child (caring for his character, morality, etc.), medicine (health care), maintaining and systematically developing a dealer network, on the creation of which significant investments were initially spent resources.

Lee FireFire Clarity
After a long period of work, there always comes a time when we stop, examine the path we have traveled and outline plans for the future.

The Li trigram reflects this state of short-term pause (middle Yin trait) after prolonged activity (lower Yang trait) and on the eve of new activities (upper Yang trait). This stop gives us the opportunity to see what we did not notice in the bustle and current worries. It becomes clear to us and, perhaps, to those around us what we have achieved and where we should move next.

This state of clarity, visibility and understanding naturally correlates with the Element of Fire - like a torch or lamp illuminates the surrounding space (broadening one's horizons).

To see better, you need to rise higher - this is the state of a climber who has climbed to the top of a mountain and, while relaxing, surveys the view with delight. But the peak can be not only at the mountain! The pinnacle of fame, success, popularity, a state of elation, joy and happiness, the desire to express oneself, show oneself, embrace the whole world...

In nature, the Li trigram corresponds to midday in the hot summer, when the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky and burns so mercilessly that all living things freeze from the unbearable heat.

Expansion of sphere of influence and fame. But the wider the influence spreads, the more difficult it is to keep the process under control and the shape of the trigram suggests a solution - a qualitative (internal) change is necessary (the middle Yin trait is a change within). Only a qualitative change can keep a famous artist at the pinnacle of fame; he must look for more and more new ways of self-expression, otherwise the public will simply turn away and forget about him. To maintain interest in a product, constant improvement and the introduction of new quality are necessary.

This internal qualitative transformation represents, in my opinion, the essence of the Li trigram and can be used to describe the processes of transition from one qualitative state to another: the ripening of the fruit, when it is filled with juice, absorbing the rays of the Sun; changes in the way of thinking and view of the world as a result of the study of science or the discovery of spiritual truth; states of orgasm, religious ecstasy or satori...

Chemical transformations and production, cooking using fire, processing of raw materials and other activities when qualitatively different ones are obtained from one starting substance can also be described by the Li trigram.

Since the fire quickly goes out if no wood is added to it, the state associated with the Li trigram cannot last long if it is not supported by a sufficient amount of resources. Under natural conditions it is a flash, an instant. But if you want to prolong this moment, prepare firewood, since Fire is a very voracious Element.

Kan WaterPit Danger
Gen The soilMountain Awareness
Ba-gua - Eight trigrams - gua signs (八卦) became the product of Yin and Yang.

Ba-gua is usually depicted as a circular table, often inscribed in an octagon. Each of these trigrams has its own meaning and is located in the ba-gua circle in a certain order. The lines of the trigram are called yao. The broken line is Yin Yao, the solid line is Yang Yao.

Precelestial bagua - in the order of the Former Heaven - represents the ideal order; in feng shui it is used for crypts and cemeteries, it is also called yin).

The post-heaven bagua - in the order of the Later Heaven - reflects the real picture of the flow of energy on earth, and is used in home feng shui, also called yang.

In the Ba-gua of the Later Sky, the “polarity” (the Yin/Yang property) of some trigrams also changes.
In the Pre-Heavenly Ba-Gua, the property of a trigram was determined by the upper yao (line) of the trigram:
Yang included the trigrams Qian, Li, Xun, Gen;
to Yin - Kun, Kan, Zhen, Dui.

In the After-Heaven Ba-gua, the properties of the trigrams have changed. The less represented yao (trait) in the trigram (following the principle “The small controls the large”) became decisive. She is considered the main one. If a trigram has one solid (yang) line and the other two broken (yin) lines, then it will be yang. If one line is intermittent and two are solid, then the trigram, on the contrary, is Yin.
Yang - Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen;
Yin - Xun, Li, Kun, Dui.

However, it should be noted, like everything Chinese, everything described above is controversial and varies from source to source. Therefore, Feng Shui masters advise not to use an unambiguous division of trigrams into Yin and Yang, but to study the properties and meanings of each trigram. This will allow you to intuitively understand the principle of interaction between Yin and Yang.

Description of trigrams

☰乾 Qian (Sky)

Property of Qi: Yang (the most active Yang).
Element: big metal
Direction: North-West
Time of year: late autumn
Symbol: father, sky, creativity, vitality.
Properties: strength, prosperity, energy, power, activity, creative power, resilience.
Number - 6.

☷坤 Kun (Earth)

Property of Qi: Yin (the most active Yin).
Element: earth
Direction: Southwest
Time of year: late summer - early autumn
Symbol: mother, soil, receptivity, fertility.
Properties: Loyalty, devotion, service and reproduction.
Number - 2

☳震 Zhen (Thunder)

Property of Qi: Yang overcoming Yin.
Element: big tree
Direction: East
Season: spring
Symbol: eldest son, thunder, anxiety.
Properties: Overcoming obstacles, progress, growth. A life changing event. Vivid emotions influencing a person and decision making. Discoveries and impulsive decisions, awakening, the beginning of development.

☵坎 Kan (water)

Property of Qi: Yang hiding in Yin. Calmness hiding strength, powerful potential.
Element: water
Direction: North
Time of year: mid-winter.
Symbol: Middle son, fast flow of water.
Property: Overcoming obstacles, filling emptiness, Energy for risky undertakings, Strength for concentration in critical situations.
Number - 3.

☶艮Gen (Mountain)

Property of Qi: Yang based on yin.
Element: small Earth.
Direction: Northeast
Season: early spring
Symbol: youngest son, mountain, calm.
Property: Peace, inviolability, success from the work done, the strength of the path traveled.
Number: 8

☴巽 Xun (Wind)

Property of Qi: Yin with Yang.
Element: small tree
Direction: Southeast
Time of year: early summer
Symbol: eldest daughter, gentleness.
Trait: Inner strength, flexibility, ability to fit into situations, sophistication. Events that occur unnoticed, without disturbing the usual order, but leading to changes. Penetration. Nourishes and supports.
Number: 4

☲離 Li (fire)

Property of Qi: Yin enclosed in Yang
Element: fire
Direction: South
Season: summer
Symbol: middle daughter, affection, lightning.
Property: Brightness, attractiveness, weapons, drought. Expansion of spheres of influence. Gives strength to understand the meaning of things.
Number: 9

☱ 兌 Blow

Property of Qi: Yin, the creative force that turns into peace
Element: small metal
Direction: West
Time of year: mid-autumn
Symbol: youngest daughter, lake, joy.
Property: Pleasure, sensuality, entertainment, clarity of thinking. Favorable exchange. Pleasant pastime, freedom without restrictions.
Number: 7

The combination of two trigrams creates a hexagram. There can be 64 hexagrams in total, each of which is described in the I-Ching - “Book of Changes”.

Trigram Xun (巽 - sun, shun - wind) -☴ - located in the southeast, element Wood. The essence of the trigram is penetration.

In this sector, Qi energy has the property of Yin and Yang. The Sun trigram represents the eldest daughter. In ancient times, it was believed that if there was no Sun sector in the house, the eldest daughter would face a difficult fate.

The element Wood in this sector manifests itself as a small tree, the Yin tree. It corresponds to green (as well as turquoise and sea wave) color. The element that nourishes Wood is Water.

Xun is a soft, unobtrusive penetration: the lower Yin trait displaces the Yang traits (this can be compared to a plant shoot breaking through the asphalt). These are events that occur almost unnoticed and do not disrupt the natural course of affairs (the middle line), but bring some variety. This is long, painstaking work, as a result of which we receive something more valuable than the original object, which is why the Xun trigram is often associated with the concept of Wealth. But this is not money that randomly “falls from the sky.” This is the final beneficial effect obtained as a result of the effort expended and the work process itself, leading to a useful result. The activity of a gardener who cares for a garden well reflects the essence of the Xun trigram, which is not accidentally located after the Zhen trigram. If Zhen is birth, birth, then Xun is care and care for the newborn.

Activation of the southeastern sector.

To activate this sector, use Chinese coins, wooden wind chimes, a money tree in a ceramic pot, a fountain, etc.

The sector, as in other sectors, is negatively affected by clutter, heaps of unnecessary, broken things, and a clutter of things and objects.

If it so happens that the southeastern sector of the home is in the bathroom or toilet, it is better not to activate it in this place. Select the southeast sector in a separate room, for example in the living room, and place the activator there.

If there are portraits of your relatives in this sector, it is better if they are successful and happy people.

Everything in our universe, phenomena, objects and even organisms can be explained from the point of view of Yin-Yang. The vital energy Qi in motion gives birth to Yang (activity, movement, etc.), and when calming down it gives birth to Yin (passivity, serenity). Interaction gives rise to the diversity of all things in our universe.

Yin and Yang have two line symbols. Yang is a solid line. Yin is a broken line.

If you divide each of them, 4 types of energy appear.

Eight Trigrams of BaGua

Thus, the eight Bagua trigrams are graphically depicted as a combination of broken and solid lines. There are 8 combinations in total, which means that the possible number of trigrams is also eight.

This transformation process can be described in tree form:

Bagua trigram device

The combination of trigrams forms the Bagua octagon, with its help you can easily describe the variety of processes occurring in our world. Therefore, many feng shui schools are based on the Bagua octagon.

By the combination of lines in each of the trigrams, you can find out what kind of energy it carries - yang or yin. Trigrams with the same types of the same polarity (only broken lines or solid) are called extreme yang or extreme yin.

The remaining combinations of the trigram consist of one “Yang” or “Yin” line and two other lines of opposite directions. The character of each trigram is determined by the line that is in the minority; it will be considered the main one. That is, if a trigram contains one solid (yang) line, and the other lines (yin) are broken, then the trigram will be yang.

Manifestations of Bagua trigrams

Eight Trigrams of Bagua- these are 8 different images of the manifestation of Qi energy. With their help, you can easily describe all the processes occurring in our Universe, natural phenomena, disasters, cardinal directions, and body organs.

Each of the Bagua trigrams has an infinite number of meanings. Therefore, consider the following characteristics as only a small part of the manifestation of the endless possibilities of the vital energy Qi.

Tian - a symbol of creation


Element: metal

Direction: northwest

Kun - a symbol of receptivity


Element: earth

Direction: southwest

Symbolizes humility, gentleness, earth, peace. The Kun symbol traditionally represents the mother of the family.

Zhen is a symbol of anxiety

Element: wood

Direction: east

Symbolizes great growth, thunder, aggressiveness, assertiveness. The Zhen symbol denotes the eldest son. On the east side is his bedroom or study.

Shun is a symbol of tenderness

Element: wood

Direction: southeast

Symbolizes mobility, speed, wind. The symbol Shun represents the eldest daughter. Their rooms are located in the southeastern sector.

Kan is a symbol of the abyss

Number: 1

Element: water

Direction: north

Symbolizes water, secrecy, wisdom, attention.

Lee is a symbol of affection

Number: 9

Element: Fire

Direction: South

Symbolizes attractiveness, brightness, fire, greatness.

Gen - a symbol of peace

Number: 8

Element: earth

Direction: northeast

Symbolizes firmness, stubbornness, mountain, break.

Blowing is a symbol of joy

Number: 7

Element: water

Direction: west

Symbolizes spontaneity, fun, joy.

How Bagua trigrams are used in Feng Shui

All Bagua trigrams are arranged in a circle, and each of them has its own direction according to the cardinal points.

There are two options for the arrangement of Bagua trigrams:

This arrangement of Bagua trigrams reflects the ideal, pristine structure of the world, everything in it is harmonious and constant. In this diagram, extreme Yang is located in the south and extreme Yin is located in the north. This arrangement of trigrams can be found on the famous Feng Shui symbol - the Bagua mirror.

Bagua of the Early Sky - describes a perfect model of the world, a universe that has achieved complete harmony. The Bagua of Early Heaven was compiled by Wu of Xia, who found a turtle on whose shell there was a magic Bagua square.

In Feng Shui practice, it is common to use the Bagua position of the late sky. This is explained by the fact that the real world is not ideal and in reality it is not always perfect, it is dynamic and constantly changing and developing. It has a change of seasons: winter, spring, summer. There are falls and successes, disappointments and hopes.

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Personal trigrams of a person and their meaning from the point of view of the science of feng shui

Each person, building, and area has its own trigram. All trigrams are conventionally divided into western and eastern groups. The trigram of a building depends on which direction the side opposite its façade faces (east, west). The human trigram is determined by simple calculations from the field of numerology. Although there are only 8 trigrams, the number of directions corresponding to a particular trigram and element will be equal to 9. This is explained by the fact that the center in the Chinese system is also the direction of light. The number obtained as a result of determining the personal trigram corresponds to one of the 9 directions of the Bagua octagon.

For men, the personal trigram is determined in the following way: the last two digits of the year of birth are subtracted from 100, and the resulting remainder is divided by 9. The remainder after division is the desired number. If there is no remainder after division, then the required number is 9.

Let's consider this method in more detail. For example, a man was born in 1969: 100 – 69 = 31; 31: 9 = 3, remainder 4. The number 4, if you look at the Luo Shu square and superimpose it on the Bagua octagon, corresponds to the southeast and the Xuan trigram.

For women, the personal trigram is calculated as follows: 4 should be subtracted from the last two digits of the year of birth, and the resulting number divided by 9.

Let's look at an example. The woman was born in 1960. The following actions should be performed: 60 – 4 = 56; 56: 9 = 54, remainder 2.

The number 2 corresponds to the southwest direction, therefore, the trigram of this woman is Kun.

The central direction corresponds to the number 5. If this number is obtained in calculations, men should determine their number as 2, and women as 8.

The trigram belongs to the western group if the remainder after division is 2, 6, 7, 8, and to the eastern group if it is 1, 3, 4, 9.

Why is it so important to know your personal trigram and the trigram of your home? The fact is that people of the eastern group bring success and good luck to the south, southeast, east and north, while representatives of the western group are favored by the west, northwest, southwest and northeast, towards which housing should be oriented. Otherwise, the Tao of the house and the Tao of the resident will be in dissonance, the harmony of life will be disturbed, which, in turn, will lead, firstly, to rapid wear and tear of the premises, and secondly, to illnesses and failures in the life of its owner, even lethal outcome.

Knowing your trigram and the trigrams of your loved ones, you can easily resolve the question of what kind of apartment you should buy, how to orient the house during construction, and whether your current apartment needs additional attraction of Sheng Qi energy (excess of it in housing is not recommended) and further harmonization. All this will help you follow the path of your Tao and will attract health, prosperity and good mood to your home.

At the same time, the trigram method is also used when choosing the best location of rooms for each family member, the arrangement of furniture, taking into account positive and negative directions.

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