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What is needed for robotics at school. What is robotics for schoolchildren? How to choose robotics courses

Gradually, high technologies are becoming part of everyday life: “smart home”, interactive art exhibitions, conversational bots. It is not surprising that they begin to teach the basics of programming and robotics even before school. Robotics centers and engineering clubs are opening more and more often. According to various sources, there are about 400 clubs related to robotics and IT in Russia; there are no official statistics yet. And this number will only grow.

From the circle of young engineers and radio amateurs to the Robotics section

Robotics has integrated into the educational process organically and almost silently. In 2016, robots are flashing LEDs at all levels of educational institutions: from kindergartens to universities, but most of all in schools. Robotics is considered a tool for in-depth study of disciplines such as computer science, physics and technology. Therefore, schoolchildren can learn the beginnings of robotics not only in clubs, but also in schools and universities, where robots are increasingly being introduced into the educational process.

The circle system of additional education is especially well known to people of the older generation from the countries of the former union republics of the USSR. Free Soviet education was generously supplemented by extracurricular activities based in palaces and houses of pioneers (according to Wikipedia, there were 4,400 “palaces” in operation in 1971).

Spatial thinking was developed in future engineers by technical modeling and design clubs and radio workshops. Schoolchildren created models of cars and airplanes from scratch, learned to work with equipment (lathes, burning machines, jigsaws and files), and became familiar with the principles of electricity.

The Soviet education system for engineering and technical specialties, of which “circles” were a part, was considered one of the best in the world. Today, it is customary to talk more about the disadvantages of education in Russia, and American and Asian educational institutions occupy leading positions in the field of technology.

Along with the collapse of the USSR, the culture of additional education and clubs also declined. Activities have become paid, and the topics have lost variety: sports sections, dance and art schools have become popular. The impact of such a change in the educational menu of an entire generation of children can already be judged now. University graduates with diplomas in the humanities do not find work, and enterprises are desperately looking for engineering personnel during the day.

In the 2000s, interest in robotics in education became increasingly noticeable. Since 2002, domestic and international robot competitions have been held in Russia. At the same time, the Russian Association of Educational Robotics (RAER) was formed. Since 2008, the All-Russian Educational and Methodological Center for Educational Robotics (VUMTSOR) has been operating on the basis of RAOR - the organization supplies manuals and provides everyone with legal information and recommendations for opening a robotics club.

Also, since 2008, Oleg Deripaska’s Volnoye Delo Foundation launched the Robotics program, which supports educational and competitive projects.

In 2014, people started talking about robots at the state level. The ASI (Agency for Strategic Initiatives, founder – the Government of the Russian Federation) announced the National Technical Initiative. The global idea of ​​NTI is to bring Russia to a competitive level in the high-tech market by 2035. One of the areas of the program was the support and popularization of technical education.

Along with the popularization of robotics in the educational environment, the concept of STEM (or STEAM) appeared. This direction in the global educational process is characterized by an interdisciplinary approach to learning. Key disciplines are encoded in abbreviations: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art (not always), Math. The system is designed to develop future engineers and roboticists.

With government support, not just clubs are opened, but also entire technology parks - children's centers that unite clubs in various technical areas. There are not many technology parks yet. In May, the first children's center at Mosgormash opened in Moscow, and the Quantorium technology park opened at the end of September. There are also plans to open technology parks in the regions. They should appear in 17 regions: Mordovia, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Altai Territory and others.

From designer to microcircuit

Despite the fact that robots are included in classes for children from preschool age, the main role in the development of the youngest future engineers is played not by electronics, but by creativity. In the STEM education system, freedom to think and create is at the forefront in preschool classes. Therefore, in circles for children under 6 years old, simple construction sets and cubes are actively used.

The bulk of robotics clubs are aimed at children of primary and secondary school age.

“As a rule, the program of such children's courses includes an introduction to circuit design, the basics of programming and robotics. The difference between clubs is their task: the child either has fun or learns. Based on this, teaching methods and technologies are selected. The global goal of the ROBBO Club is to raise a generation of young innovators who would be competitive not only in the Russian market, but also in the world. Therefore, our course is designed to work with children of different ages: with preschoolers we create animation programs and classic computer games (Pac-man, Arkanoid), program robots to perform various tasks, with schoolchildren we engage in programming in “adult” languages, 3D modeling, 3D design and 3D printing. So, a child comes to us only with reading skills, and leaves with a robot printed on a 3D printer, assembled and programmed independently,” explains Pavel Frolov, producer of the children’s robotics project for education “ROBBO”

Robotics complements the material covered in technology, physics and mathematics lessons. Dmitry Spivak, director of the St. Petersburg robotics club for children Robx, believes that it is in club classes that a child can apply knowledge of mechanics and electrodynamics, and delve into text-based programming languages ​​(for example, C). “In middle school, our students begin to get acquainted with Arduino, more complex programs for 3D modeling - OpenSCAD, parametric modeling, where children describe shapes with code,” says Dmitry.

Educational robotics typically starts with Legos. The kits maintain a balance between design and programming. After the child has mastered the basics, he can go deeper into one of the areas and study programming and design more deeply. In classes with an emphasis on programming, students work with different languages ​​and programming programs, and engage in 3D modeling. Design clubs prepare future engineers: here children independently develop the shape and “filling” of the robot.

Lego and Co.

The market for STEM and robotic construction kits is quite diverse. Most manufacturers cover all age categories, from preschool kits to quad-core modules for middle and high school students.

The world and Russian leader in the field of educational robotics is a subsidiary of the LEGO Group holding company - LEGO Education. The Danish brand owns not only kits and methodological developments, but also a network of specialized children's centers, as well as the LEGO Academy, where teachers can undergo training. At the moment, 16 additional education centers are official partners of Lego Education Afterschool Programs in Russia.

Lego Education has been in business since 1980. The brand's line includes construction sets without an electronic component (Lego Simple Mechanisms, First Designs), sets with a microprocessor and sensors for studying robotics in elementary school (Lego WeDo) and sets for demonstrating scientific principles in high school (Lego Technology and Physics) and sets the legendary MINDSTORMS series.

Similar to Lego, but much less known, the American company Pitsco was founded in 1971 by three teachers. The Elementary STEM sets for younger children are presented with more creative general educational toys - flying kites, rockets. Robots are included in the Tetrix direction - robotic metal construction sets, widely known in Russia. Metal parts make these sets universal, Tetrix is ​​compatible with the Lego MINDSTORMS controller. Tetrix-based robots often participate in competitions, including in student categories.

The open platform Arduino, unlike others, is a unique board with a software shell. This makes Arduino a universal basis for robotic designs at any level in children's education. Several brands of robotic construction kits have been created based on Arduino. The platform can be purchased separately. The disadvantage of the platform is that the design is quite complex and requires a child to work with a soldering iron.

Domestic kits are represented by two prominent brands on the market - TECHNOLAB and Amperka. Manuals have been developed for TECHNOLAB with the support of specialists from the Faculty of Robotics and Complex Automation of the N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University. TECHNOLAB products are thematic and age-specific modules. Each module contains several robotic kits. This “wholesale” approach implies a high price for construction kits: from 93 thousand rubles per module for children 5-8 years old and up to 400 thousand rubles for a module of aerial robots.

Amperka is a 2010 startup based on the Arduino platform. Amperka products are sets under game names: “Matryoshka”, “Raspberry”, “Electronics for Dummies”, etc. You can also buy individual components on the Amperka website - Arduino boards, sensors, switches.

Korean brand Robotis offers robotics kits for every level. These are plastic robots for elementary school (Robotis Play, Robotis Dream) and humanoid robots based on Robotis Bioloid servomotors.

Korean manufacturers HunaRobo and RoboRobo focus on construction sets for young and middle-aged children. Kits from Korean brands include basic elements: motherboard, motor and gearbox, RC receiver and control panel.

VEX Robotics is a private company with a focus on mobile robotics, based in the USA. The brand is owned by Innovation First, Inc., which develops electronics for autonomous ground robots. The brand is divided into two directions - the VEX IQ series for entry-level and VEX EDR - a platform for advanced students. VEX mobile programmable robots on a remote control are focused on competition and programming skills.

Instead of a conclusion

A wide range of robotic learning platforms, government support and fashion for robots are only integrating robotics into education. Engineering and robotics clubs and classes are rather an exception, especially in the regions. However, today hundreds of thousands of children have the opportunity to study additionally in engineering and IT fields. And this number will only grow in the near future - the media are reporting about new technology parks and circles, and the authorities are reporting their readiness to support such initiatives.

I would like to believe that the increased integration of additional technical education will ultimately give impetus to the formation of more high-level technical specialists in the future. The circle movement strives for wide coverage - robotics activity programs are designed to interest any child. Basic technical laws and concepts are becoming more accessible. Robotics classes, at a minimum, broaden one’s horizons, and at a maximum, they will provide the future with engineering and technical personnel. We believe in the maximum!

Victoria Fedoseenko

Vocals, foreign languages, cross stitch or robots? To help doubting parents, Smartbabr experts give arguments in favor of robotics.

Robotics classes help develop logical and systematic thinking, as well as creative abilities. Even if your child does not become an engineer and he does not need the ability to control a robot, then an understanding of how an automatic device works and design experience will definitely be useful in other activities, no matter what profession the child chooses in the future.

Nowadays schooling is mostly formal. It does not allow a person to successfully build his life in a complex technical world. Thanks to robotics, a child gets acquainted with drawing, 3D modeling, construction, comprehends three-dimensional perception of space, and much more. In a word, he learns to think not only with his “head”, but also with his “hands”. And also at the same time: both with the head and with the hands.

In robotics clubs, high school students see physical laws in action. Students in grades 5-7 solve interesting geometric and mathematical problems. Kindergarten and elementary school kids doing robotics develop motor skills, attention, and the ability to work in a group.

If robotics is added to the core curriculum, even as a technology subject, its meaning will begin to be lost. Today, schools spend time and resources selectively. For example, many educational institutions do not support gifted children, although there are corresponding government programs and their implementation is the responsibility of the school. And technology lessons are not taught everywhere. There is a possibility that something similar will happen with robotics classes: formally they will exist, but whether they will be useful is a moot point. Of course, exceptions are possible and great and good things will flash somewhere.

But in any case, mugs are more suitable for gifted children interested in studying robotics, as they help them go deeper. Therefore, even if robotics is introduced into the main school curriculum, circle movement cannot be abandoned.

I believe that practicing robotics greatly develops logic, increases systematic thinking, and all this also affects the degree of awareness in decisions made. Just assembling robots can help develop fine motor skills. Children also gain knowledge not only about how robots work, but also how existing systems function. This skill will help them in the future when designing their own systems in any industry, because there is a set of rules and restrictions in any type of activity.

I am sure that you can start studying robotics, at least in some simple and illustrative examples, from the age of 5-6. A child at this age is already quite fully aware of his actions, and also has a thinking that has not yet become “overgrown” with patterns. At this age, children are very open and are simply bursting with ideas and creativity. Just take a look at their drawings. All this can contribute in the future to the development of qualitatively new systems, these children will be unique in their kind.

Should this discipline be included in the school curriculum? Not sure. After all, there is a state standard, and without proper participation of the state, it is quite difficult to adapt to it with something innovative. But as an elective, yes. However, now there is a large shortage of such specialists who would agree to teach these subjects in schools. I think this is up to technical higher education institutions, which will take on this burden as part of their career guidance work.

Robotics classes help develop logical and systematic thinking, as well as creative abilities. These are very useful qualities that will definitely be useful to a child in the future, even if his career is not related to technical sciences. If you delve deeper into the process of practicing robotics, you can understand that success in this area is impossible without knowledge of physics, mathematics, computer science and the ability to apply them when solving non-standard problems. That is, robotics is a meta-subject, and those teachers who are already organizing clubs for their children to develop robotic skills will definitely receive dividends in the future in the form of developing and nurturing an erudite and interested personality in their students, who will be able to analyze and reason logically using knowledge from various fields, and work at the intersection of sciences, which will definitely be in demand in the future.

In addition, not only adult schoolchildren, but also preschool children can engage in robotics. The robot control element for preschoolers is entertaining. For elementary school students, robotics classes develop logical thinking, and at this stage they also have a need to create new things. High school students are interested in creating robot models to solve real problems and problems. As a rule, at this stage, students already understand why they are engaged in robotics, and thus they develop a need to study technical disciplines, conduct project activities, and study related sciences aimed at solving a specific problem.

Of course, there should be an opportunity to engage in robotics, at least as part of a group activity. To a greater extent, robotics as a school subject can be aimed at explaining and applying theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom as an interdisciplinary applied project activity. If we talk about the “technology” discipline, it is usually aimed at gaining the practical skill of creating something, so robotics can also be an element of it.

I would divide robotics into two large components: programming and electronics.

Possession of these components separately already turns young people into sought-after specialists, and simultaneous possession of both the first and second makes one specialist equivalent to two.

I believe that robotics will benefit children of all ages, as it develops a general understanding of how any technology works.

What benefits does learning the structure and control of robots give to children? A very correct question. Its relevance will become especially acute in 50 years, when the computing power of computers will exceed the capabilities of the human brain. We are already surrounded by technology. Understanding the human-machine interface means controlling the machines. Our children need to lay the foundations of human-computer-robot interaction now, in order to avoid the scenarios of the Terminator movie.

If we talk about school education, I believe that it is necessary to include classes in robotics as an elective in classes with in-depth study of mathematics and physics in order to link fundamental sciences to practice. You need to start from 5th grade and exclusively for those interested.

The task that now faces the Russian education system is the preparation of creative engineers who could invent and implement new technologies that have no analogues in the world. Now we can say that in the next five years the most in-demand professions will be engineering. Accordingly, those children who will be interested in robotics and design now are future innovative engineers who will be in demand not only in the Russian but also in the international market.

First of all, the basics of robotics and programming teach a child to think logically, build correct cause-and-effect relationships, carry out analytical operations and draw conclusions correctly. Secondly, modern children who are familiar with various mobile devices (such as smartphones and tablets with a touch interface) do not know how to write and draw by hand; the parts of their brain responsible for creativity are simply not activated. Such children are not capable of creating, they can only recombine something or simply consume.

Passion for robotics, programming, and design encourages children of any age to think creatively and produce a unique product. This is the key to a successful future not only for an individual child, but also for the country as a whole.

Children need to start teaching robotics as early as possible, since interest in engineering professions manifests itself literally from the age of 5. This interest needs to be developed and promoted everywhere, not only in schools, but also in kindergartens, private clubs and circles.

Photo: russianrobotics.ru, from the personal archives of experts





Lesson outline

on this topic : "Introductory lesson in robotics."


students of the “Robot” association

1 year of study, 11-18 years old

Art. Caucasian 2016

Target: developing children's interest and desire to engage in robotics


  • educational:

Introduce children to the main areas of robotics and modern robotic production;

Formation of polytechnic knowledge about the most common and promising technologies in robotics;

Learn to apply your knowledge and skills in new situations.

  • educational:

Cultivate accuracy and patience when working with constructors;

Foster a caring attitude towards the material and technical base of the robotics laboratory;

Foster a culture of communication.

  • developing:

Develop independence and ability to solve creative, inventive problems;

- develop observation skills, the ability to reason, discuss, analyze, and perform work based on diagrams and technological maps;

Develop design and technological abilities, spatial concepts.

  • health-saving:

Compliance with safety regulations.

Equipment: computer, multimedia presentation, ready-made robots.

Materials: robot assembly diagrams, designer parts.

Tools: pencil, ruler.

Basic concepts used in the lesson:Lego - robots, construction, programming.

Formation of UUD(universal learning activities):

Personal UUD:

  1. Develop curiosity and intelligence when performing a variety of problematic tasks.
  2. Develop attentiveness, perseverance, determination, and the ability to overcome difficulties.
  3. Foster a sense of justice and responsibility.

Cognitive UUD:

  1. Become familiar with the concepts Lego - robots ", " design», « programming».
  2. Select parts of a given shape on the finished robot.
  3. Analyze the arrangement of parts in the robot.
  4. Build a robot from parts.
  5. Determine the place of a given part in the structure.
  6. Compare the obtained (intermediate, final) result with a given condition.
  7. Analyze the proposed possible options for the correct solution.
  8. Model a robot from parts.
  9. Carry out extensive control and self-control actions: compare the finished robot with the sample.
  10. Know the basic rules of working with the constructor.
  11. Create standard robot models from parts.

Communicative UUD:

  1. Develop the ability to work individually and in groups.
  2. Express your opinion and listen to the opinions of others,

Complement the opinion of comrades, cooperate with peers.

  1. Be able to ask questions.

Regulatory UUD:

  1. To develop the ability to determine the purpose of activity in the classroom.
  2. Accept and save the learning task.
  3. Carry out final and step-by-step control of the results.
  4. Accept the teacher's assessment adequately.
  5. To develop the ability to carry out cognitive and personal


Pedagogical technologies used:


Group technology;

Technology of collective creative activity;


Individual training.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizational part of the lesson. (2 minutes)
  2. Communicate the goals and objectives of the lesson. (2 minutes)
  3. Posting new material. (10 minutes)
  4. Activity planning.(3 minutes)
  5. Practical work. (20 minutes)
  6. Summing up the work. (3 minutes)

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational part of the lesson. Preparation of jobs.

2. Communicating the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Teacher: Guys, today we are going to get acquainted with the main areas of robotics and modern robotic production.

3.Message of new material:

Teacher: Robotics is an applied science that deals with the development of automated technical systems.

Robotics is the first step in mastering technical knowledge in the field of automation. It is directly related to such sciences as electronics, mechanics, computer science, radio engineering, and electronics.

Types of robotics: construction, industrial, aviation, household, extreme, military, space, underwater.

The word “robot” was coined in 1920 by the Czech writer Karel Capek in his science fiction play. The robots created in it work without rest, then rebel and destroy their creators

A robot is an automatic device created on the principle of a living organism. The robot operates according to a preset program. The robot receives information about the outside world from sensors (analogs of sensory organs). In this case, the robot can both communicate with the operator (receive commands from him) and act autonomously.

The development of robotics and artificial intelligence systems is progressing by leaps and bounds. Just 10 years ago, only controlled manipulators were developed. Artificial intelligence programs were aimed at a narrow range of problems to be solved. With the development of ICT, there has been a qualitative leap in the development of robotics.

The development of robots in the future will be able to significantly change the way people live. Machines endowed with intelligence will be able to be used for a wide variety of jobs, primarily those that are unsafe for humans.

Industrial robotics is one of the most successfully developing areas. There are already factories where 30 robots assemble cars.

Currently, such a direction as the creation of bionic prostheses is rapidly developing. In the operating rooms of the future, robots will become an extension or replacement for the hands of surgeons. They are more accurate and allow operations to be carried out in remote control mode.

Robots will be endowed with the ability to “self-learn”, accumulating their own experience and using it in the same situations when performing other jobs. Any invention can be used with good intentions or with evil intentions, so scientists need to consider all possible scenarios and anticipate all possible consequences of their discoveries.

An Android is a humanoid robot.

Robot classes:

Manipulative,which in turn are divided into stationary and mobile.

Manipulation robots are automatic machines consisting of an actuator in the form of a manipulator with several degrees of mobility and a program control device.

Mobile , which in turn are divided into wheeled, walking, and tracked. And also crawling, swimming, flying.

A mobile robot is an automatic machine that has a moving chassis with automatically controlled drives.

Robot components: Actuators are the “muscles” of robots. Currently, the most popular motors in drives are electric, but others using chemicals or compressed air are also used.

4.Activity planning.

Teacher: You learned about robots and robotics, and now I suggest you work in a design office and draw your own models of robots, come up with their purpose, scope and equipment. For example: the model controls order on the street.

5. Practical work. Students work on creating a sketch of their robot. Describe its technical characteristics.

Robotics is one of the most promising areas in the field of Internet technologies, and in our time there is no need to explain that the IT sector is the future. Robotics is a fascinating thing: to design a robot is almost to create a new creature, albeit an electronic one.

Since the 60s of the last century, automated and self-managing devices that do some work for a person began to be used for research and in production, then in the service sector, and since then, every year they have become more firmly established in their place in people’s lives. Of course, it cannot be said that in Russia everything is carried out entirely by independent mechanisms, but a certain vector in this direction is definitely outlined. Sberbank is already planning to replace three thousand lawyers with smart machines.

Together with experts, we will try to figure out why robotics is needed and how to approach it.

How does robotics for children differ from professional robotics?

In short, robotics for children is aimed at studying a subject, while professional robotics is aimed at solving specific problems. If specialists create industrial manipulators that perform various technological tasks, or specialized wheeled platforms, then amateurs and children, of course, do simpler things.

Tatyana Volkova, employee of the Center for Intelligent Robotics: “As a rule, this is where everyone starts: they figure out the motors and force the robot to simply drive forward, then make turns. When the robot executes movement commands, you can already connect a sensor and make the robot move towards the light or, conversely, “run away” from it. And then comes the favorite task of all beginners: a robot that drives along a line. There are even various robot races organized.”

How can you tell if your child has a penchant for robotics?

First you need to buy a construction set and see if your child likes assembling it. And then you can give it to the circle. Classes will help him develop fine motor skills, imagination, spatial perception, logic, concentration and patience.

The sooner you can decide on the direction of robotics - design, electronics, programming - the better. All three areas are vast and require separate study.

Alexander Kolotov, leading specialist in STEM programs at Innopolis University: “If a child likes to assemble construction sets, then construction will suit him. If he is interested in learning how things work, then he will enjoy doing electronics. If a child has a passion for mathematics, then he will be interested in programming.”

When to start learning robotics?

It is best to start studying and enrolling in clubs from childhood, however, not too early - at 8-12 years old, experts say. Earlier, it is more difficult for a child to grasp understandable abstractions, and later, in adolescence, he may develop other interests and become distracted. The child also needs to be motivated to study mathematics, so that in the future it will be interesting and easy for him to design mechanisms and circuits, and compose algorithms.

From 8-9 years old Children can already understand and remember what a resistor, LED, capacitor is, and later master concepts from school physics ahead of the school curriculum. It doesn’t matter whether they become specialists in this field or not, the knowledge and skills they gain will definitely not be in vain.

At 14-15 years old you need to continue to study mathematics, push robotics classes into the background and start studying programming more seriously - to understand not only complex algorithms, but also data storage structures. Next comes the mathematical basis and knowledge in algorithmization, immersion in the theory of mechanisms and machines, design of electromechanical equipment of a robotic device, implementation of automatic navigation algorithms, computer vision algorithms and machine learning.

Alexander Kolotov: “If at this moment you introduce a future specialist to the basics of linear algebra, complex calculus, the theory of probability and statistics, then by the time he enters a university he will already have a good idea of ​​why he should pay additional attention to these subjects when receiving higher education.”

Which designers to choose?

Each age has its own educational programs, constructors and platforms, varying in degree of complexity. You can find both foreign and domestic products. There are expensive kits for robotics (around 30 thousand rubles and more), there are also cheaper, very simple ones (within 1-3 thousand rubles).

If the child 8-11 years, you can buy Lego or Fischertechnik construction sets (although, of course, manufacturers have offers for both younger and older ages). The Lego robotics kit has interesting details, colorful figures, is easy to assemble and comes with detailed instructions. The Fischertechnik series of construction sets for robotics brings you closer to the real development process, here you have wires, plugs, and a visual programming environment.

At 13-14 years old you can start working with TRIC or Arduino modules, which, according to Tatyana Volkova, are practically a standard in the field of educational robotics, as well as Raspberry. TRIC is more complex than Lego, but lighter than Arduino and Raspberry Ri. The last two already require basic programming skills.

What else will you need to study?

Programming. It is possible to avoid it only at the initial stage, but then you can’t live without it. You can start with Lego Mindstorms, Python, ROS (Robot Operating System).

Basic mechanics. You can start with crafts made from paper, cardboard, bottles, which is important for fine motor skills and general development. The simplest robot can be made from individual parts (motors, wires, a photosensor and one simple microcircuit). The “Making Tool with Father Sperch” will help you get acquainted with the basic mechanics.

Basics of Electronics. First, learn how to assemble simple circuits. For children under eight years old, experts recommend the “Connoisseur” construction set; then you can move on to the “Basics of Electronics” set. Start".

Where can children practice robotics?

If you see a child’s interest, you can send him to clubs and courses, although you can study on your own. During the courses, the child will be under the guidance of specialists, will be able to find like-minded people, and will engage in robotics on a regular basis.

It is also advisable to immediately understand what you want from classes: participate in competitions and compete for prizes, participate in project activities, or simply study for yourself.

Alexey Kolotov: “For serious classes, projects, participation in competitions, you need to choose clubs with small groups of 6-8 people and a coach who leads students to prizes in competitions, who constantly develops himself and gives interesting tasks. For hobby activities, you can go to groups of up to 20 people.”

How to choose robotics courses?

When registering for courses, pay attention to the teacher, recommends commercial director of Promobot Oleg Kivokurtsev. “There are precedents when a teacher simply gives the children the equipment, and then anyone can do whatever they want,” Tatyana Volkova agrees with Oleg. Such activities will be of little use.

When choosing courses, you should also pay attention to on the existing material and technical base. Are there construction kits (not just Lego), is it possible to write programs, study mechanics and electronics, and make projects yourself. Each pair of students should have their own robotics kit. Preferably with additional parts (wheels, gears, frame elements) if you want to participate in competitions. If several teams are working with one set at once, then, most likely, no serious competition is expected.

Find out what competitions the robotics club participates in. Do these competitions help you consolidate your acquired skills and provide an opportunity for further development?

Robocup Competition 2014

How to study robotics on your own?

Courses require money and time. If the first one is not enough and you won’t be able to go somewhere regularly, you can study independently with your child. It is important that parents have the necessary competence in this area: without the help of a parent, it will be quite difficult for a child to master robotics, warns Oleg Kivokurtsev.

Find material to study. They can be taken on the Internet, from ordered books, at conferences attended, from the magazine “Entertaining Robotics”. For self-study, there are free online courses, for example, “Building robots and other devices using Arduino: from a traffic light to a 3D printer.”

Should adults learn robotics?

If you have already left childhood, this does not mean that the doors of robotics are closed for you. You can also enroll in courses or study it on your own.

If a person decides to do this as a hobby, then his path will be the same as that of a child. However, it is clear that it is unlikely that you will be able to advance beyond the amateur level without a professional education (design engineer, programmer and electronics engineer), although, of course, no one forbids you to get an internship at a company and stubbornly gnaw on the granite of a new direction for you.

Oleg Kivokurtsev: “It will be easier for an adult to master robotics, but time is an important factor.”

For those who have a similar specialty, but want to retrain, there are also various courses to help. For example, for machine learning specialists, the free online course on probabilistic robotics “Artificial Intelligence in Robotics” will be suitable. There is also the Intel educational program, the Lectorium educational project, and ITMO distance courses. Don’t forget about books, for example, there is a lot of literature for beginners (“Basics of Robotics”, “Introduction to Robotics”, “Handbook for Robotics”). Choose what is most clear and suitable for you.

It should be remembered that serious work differs from amateur hobby at least in the cost of equipment costs and the list of tasks assigned to the employee. It’s one thing to assemble the simplest robot with your own hands, but quite another to practice, for example, computer vision. Therefore, it is still better to study the basics of design, programming and hardware engineering from an early age and subsequently, if you like it, enter a specialized university.

Which universities should I go to study at?

Majors related to robotics can be found at the following universities:

— Moscow Technological University (MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT);

— Moscow State Technical University named after. N. E. Bauman;

— Moscow State Technological University “Stankin”;

— National Research University “MPEI” (Moscow);

— Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Moscow);

— Moscow State Transport University of Emperor Nicholas II;

— Moscow State University of Food Production;

— Moscow State Forestry University;

— St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SGUAP);

— St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO);

— Magnitogorsk State Technical University;

— Omsk State Technical University;

— Saratov State Technical University;

— Innopolis University (Republic of Tatarstan);

— South Russian Federal University (Novocherkassk State Technical University).

The most important

Knowing the basics of robotics may soon be useful for ordinary people, and the opportunity to become a specialist in this field looks very promising, so it’s definitely worth at least trying your hand at robotics.

One of the most promising areas in the field of IT technologies is robotics. Why? Yes, because over the next fifteen years, a dozen new professions will appear in the world, which will be based on knowledge from the robotics field.

We are talking about such specialties as:
industrial robotics designer;
ergonomist designer;
composite engineer;
operator of multifunctional robotic systems;
children's robotics designer;
medical robot designer;
home robot designer;
designer of neural interfaces for robot control.

Self-controlling devices began to be used in the second half of the last century. Initially, robots worked in the areas of production and research, but then successfully migrated to the service sector. Of course, robots are not a mass phenomenon at the moment, but the vector has been chosen and it is almost impossible to change it. That is why we can say that in the near future the role of a person as a worker will change dramatically. But how to approach robotics? Where to start your exciting journey? Let's try to answer these questions.

Robotics for children

It is best to start learning the basics of robotics at an early age, but this does not mean that the path is closed for an adult. The fact is that the child learns new skills faster, he has no worries that could interfere with his favorite hobby. In addition, robotics for children is aimed at studying a specific subject, while professional robotics deals with solving complex problems. For example, children and hobbyists can disassemble simple mechanisms to understand how they work, but more mature specialists create complex industrial manipulators.

To understand whether a child has a penchant for robotics, it is enough to buy a construction set (fortunately, children’s robots are not in short supply today) and see if he shows interest in the process of assembling it. If yes, then you can find a robotics club in which the child can develop imagination, logic, fine motor skills, spatial perception, patience and concentration.

It is worth noting that there are different areas in robotics: programming, electronics, design. If your child enjoys building construction sets, construction is likely a good fit for them. Those who are interested in learning how this or that thing works should study electronics. Programming will interest any young mathematician.

At what age do you start learning?

The ideal age to start in robotics is 8-12 years old. Earlier, a child may have difficulties understanding the principles of operation of certain mechanisms, and it is better not to mention the desire to learn mathematics (which is extremely necessary for drawing up algorithms, designing circuits and mechanisms) at an early age. Well, which of us wanted to study formulas and theorems when the weather was great outside and there was a Sony PlayStation under the TV? The question is rhetorical.

But at 8-9 years old, children without any problems can understand and remember what a capacitor, LED, and resistor are. At this age, they can already master concepts from school physics, significantly ahead of the curriculum of our educational institutions.

If a child does not lose interest in his hobby by the age of 14-15, he should continue to study mathematics and start learning programming. Outside the circles, a lot of interesting things await him: a mathematical basis, the theory of mechanisms and machines, the implementation of automatic navigation algorithms, the design of electromechanical equipment for a robotic device, machine learning and computer vision algorithms (something carried me away).

A little about choosing designers

Each age group has its own educational platforms and construction kits, differing in degree of complexity. Today, both foreign and domestic sets are presented on the market, the cost of which varies from 400 to 15,000 hryvnia.
For an 8-11 year old child, construction sets from BitKit, Fischertechnik or (of course, these manufacturers also have sets for adult children in their assortment). For example, BitKit products are aimed at studying electronics (I tested their Omka constructor personally and wrote about it in the winter of 2016 -); Fischertechnik - brings closer to the real development of robots, their kits have plugs, wires, and a visual programming environment; Lego offers very famous construction sets with interesting and colorful details, detailed instructions and great possibilities.

The standard in educational robotics are Arduino modules as well as the single board computer. To work with them, you will need basic programming skills, but ultimately you can learn how to create all kinds of “smart” devices with your own hands - from an automatic watering system to an alarm system.

Where to practice robotics?

Robotics courses for children in Ukraine are offered by the following organizations:
“Stem Fll” course from First Lego League;
“Robo-3D Junior” course from RoboUa;
“Robo-3D” course from Lego Mindstorms;
courses based on Arduino, Lego and Fischertechnik from Robot School;
courses for children from 4 years old from the MAN studio;
curriculum from Boteon;
“Preparing for Flight” course from Singularity Studio;
courses from the Smart IT school.

Self-paced learning: is it possible?

For self-study, there are many free online courses on the Internet. But this format is unlikely to be suitable for a child, so distance education may be attractive only for an adult.

As for the child, in addition to exciting and useful kits, books on robotics will be useful to him, namely:

Braga Newton, “Creating robots at home”;
Douglas Williams, “Programmable Robot Controlled from a PDA”;
Owen Bishop, “The Robot Developer's Handbook”;
Vadim Mitskevich, “Entertaining anatomy of robots”;
Vladimir Gololobov, “Where robots begin.”

There are a lot of similar works. Unfortunately, robotics is developing rapidly and the relevance of the information in books is becoming outdated. Therefore, thematic forums and specialized sites should always be at hand.

What's the result?

As a result, we get a very promising direction that should not be ignored under any circumstances. If you have children, think about their future and perhaps my article on Keddre will become a catalyst for finding suitable clubs.

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