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Mysteries of ancient maps of the Flat Earth. What the Flat Earth Maps Hidden

There are many theories about what our house is like. Some argue that the Earth is round, this is the dominant theory supported by official science, others are confident that it is flat and provide many facts as proof that refute the scientific theory, and others believe that it is hollow and inside it there is a world of its own with oceans, land, civilization, your Sun and your Moon. Which one is right? Or maybe everyone is right? Just need to combine all these theories into one whole and we will get a real picture of our world?

The ancient Greeks believed that the Earth was flat and floated in an endless ocean from which stars appeared and disappeared in the morning, going under water. They considered the earth to be convex, like a shield, surrounded by the waters of an endless ocean, and the sky above it was like a dome.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the world worked like this. Below is the Earth, above it lies the sky goddess, to the left and right are the ships of the Sun god at sunrise and sunset.

There are many ancient maps that have survived to this day, where the flat world is depicted in quite detail and quite professionally. For example, on the famous maps of Piri Reis created by him in 1528, you can see: Greenland, Labrador, Florida, New Foundland.

How could a Turkish admiral, a contemporary of Columbus, draw up such a complete map of the world? How did he know about the existence of Antarctica?

In 1531, another unique map of the Flat Earth appeared by the French mathematician and geographer Oronzio Finei. On it, the configuration of the Antarctic belt corresponds to modern maps. In addition, Antarctica is depicted with mountain rivers and ridges! No ice cover!

And there are many similar maps; there is information that the existence of America and Antarctica was known back in the time of Alexander the Great.

A Flat Earth map, "Gloreanus", drawn in 1510, was found in the Bonn library, with the exact contours of America - from Canada to Tierra del Fuego.

In October 1965, the University of Wales (USA) published the Vinland map, published in 1440 in Bern, the unknown author of which indicated the shores of what is now Canada and North America 52 years before Columbus.

It turns out that our “backward” ancestors knew more about the earth than was thought; they discovered everything 400 years before it was discovered by “enlightened scientists”.

So, supporters of the flat Earth theory believe that our world is a Flat Disk, which is surrounded by an ice wall of Antarctica, which covers the entire disk, how far it goes into the depths is unknown, as is what is behind this wall.

From above the Earth is covered by a “Dome” under which the Sun and Moon and the rest of the “planets” rotate. The Moon rotates slightly lower than the Sun. The stars are just light bulbs on the Dome.

The Moon does not reflect Sunlight, as official scientists claim, but is a source of its OWN light, and this light at night is colder than the darkness surrounding it. Simply put, this is not the light of the Sun reflected from the surface of the Moon, but its own light.

This is what a trip around the world looks like over a flat Earth.

This is what Ferdinand Magellan's journey around the Earth looked like in 1519-1522.

The sun moves over the surface of the Flat Earth, where it is bright. Where he is not there is night.

How do seasons work? Why is it cold in winter and hot in summer?

There is a separate question about the ISS and satellites in orbit in general. Today, 99% of all Internet traffic travels through undersea ocean cables between continents, rather than via satellites.

Satellite dishes on houses are only called "satellites" because they all point toward the horizon, not the sky, at a 90% angle. These antennas receive ordinary radio signals from ordinary transmitting towers located on Earth, but not from Space.

This is not satellite, but tropospheric radio communication, the distance of which is from 300 to 800 km. The signal bounces off the ionosphere. What scientists call the “Ionosphere” is the same “Dome” that covers the earth from above and which reflects radio waves down to the Earth.

And everything that is less than 300-800 km can be covered with additional 300 meter towers.

The official flat earth map. Created in 1892, a paper copy is kept in the library of Boston, USA.

“AS IT IS” what it really means. On the right and on the left it is written: scientifically correct and practically correct.

The United Nations, ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization, IMO - International Maritime Organization, WMO - World Meteorological Organization use the Flat Earth map.

And Antarctica is nowhere...

And this is only part of the facts indicating that the theory of a flat Earth has the right to life and factual justification, coupled with historical documents, but my goal is not to fully describe it, the main thing is that it is quite probable, and now let’s move on to the theory of a hollow Earth.

In ancient times, almost all peoples were convinced of the existence of a vast underground world. Hades among the ancient Greeks, Sheol among the Jews, Agharti among the Buddhists, Svartalfheim among the Normans...

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato was the first to put forward the theory of a hollow Earth. British astronomer and geophysicist Edmund Halley, the discoverer of the famous Halley's comet, proposed his hollow Earth hypothesis in 1692.

Halley wrote that the Earth is a shell about 1000 kilometers thick. And inside it is a core the size of Mercury, which heats the interior of the planet. Thanks to this, its own animal and plant world was formed there.

The prevailing theory of the hollow Earth today describes our planet as a shell, the inner surface of which is about as populated as the outer surface. Inside there is everything familiar to us outside: oceans, mountains, clouds. A miniature Sun hovers in the center of it all, warming the interior space and its inhabitants.

Slightly away from the North and South Poles there are openings that connect the inner and outer worlds. The internal civilization is more developed than the external one. The inhabitants of the inner space use flying saucers to fly outward through openings, which explains the UFO phenomenon. Only the government knows about the holes and carefully hides the information.

There are several places on Earth through which an initiate can go to the center of the Earth and meet representatives of the inner civilization.

Or maybe it’s worth combining all three theories? In this version, everything falls into place. The earth consists of two halves. One side is a flat convex shield with a dome, its own Sun and Moon, surrounded at the edges by a wall of ice.

But there is a second part exactly the same. The second convex shield with its own dome and the Sun and Moon, located below. These are two separate worlds connected together into one round Earth.

These two separate worlds develop in parallel but independently of each other. You can get from one world to another through tunnels located in the center of each of the worlds in Antarctica.

These are Yin and Yang, and each lives on its own part, independently of each other, but still on essentially one planet, if, of course, the concept of “planet” fits the definition of such a world. It is rather an artificially created world. And its goals are unclear. It is likely that the civilization “on the other side” once communicated with the civilization on “this side”, but then the connection was interrupted.

If we rely on the fact that no space exists at all, that we are essentially locked in this two-faced world under huge impenetrable domes, then the only explanation for the UFO phenomenon is that these “aliens” are guests penetrating through a connecting tunnel into our world. Why is this a separate question?

Maybe that other world is the main one, and ours is only its reflection, like in a distorting mirror, and it develops by learning from our mistakes. Maybe our part is a testing ground, a laboratory for the development of civilization on which probable paths of historical and technological development are rolled back.

Hell and Heaven in essence. All that remains is to understand where you and I live in that part of this world where “PARADISE” is or where “HELL” is located.

As often happens, it turned out that the mysteries of the Flat Earth are also different. Just riddles. And riddles with double and even triple bottoms, therefore, dear reader, this issue is worth returning to!

…Officially, the earliest surviving maps of the flat world date back to the 8th century AD. They captured a system of geographical ideas that was far from modern. Early medieval Flat Earth maps, according to what we know today, came in two main types.

The first is "zonal" cards. They are called so due to the fact that ancient scientists divided the earthly world into five latitudinal zones. The Roman poet Publius Ovid wrote in his poem Metamorphoses:

"...The earth has five stripes. It is impossible to live in the middle of them due to the heat. Two lie deep under the snow, and God gave moderation to the two between them, mixing cold and fire there."

The second type of Flat Earth map is "ecumenical". The ancient Greeks called the entire known world Oecumene. These maps show Asia, Europe and Africa, surrounded by the ring of the World Ocean. But by the time these maps were created, most of the images on them were hopelessly outdated. It becomes obvious that the imagination of cartographers was greatly excited by the legendary biblical peoples of Gog and Magog. They always have a place on these maps. Even Roger Bacon saw the task of geographical science as finding out where and when Gog and Magog would come to destroy and destroy the world.

On ecumenical maps of the Flat Earth you can find images of strange animals and monsters. Thus, we have before us a geography completely isolated from real practice. Only in the 13th century did the practical experience of travelers and crusaders force Western European geographers to reconsider the old picture of the Flat Earth world.

Here, for example, is a map of the 11th century from the list of “Comments on Scinion’s Dream.” Its author is Ambrose Theodosius Macrobius. This map is currently in Germany, in the State Library of Bamberg and is a classic example of a “Flat Earth zone map”. On it, the “uninhabited” zone includes most of the Black Sea. On other medieval maps, the border of this cold, uninhabited zone crosses the Tanais (Don) River. Well, as for the Caspian Sea, it is nothing more than one of the bays of the World Ocean!

A curious version of the “zonal” map of the Flat Earth of the 8th century from the list of “Books on the Nature of Things” by Isidore of Seville (Bavarian Library, Munich) is simply puzzling. It, like most medieval maps, has an eastern orientation (in Latin, east is “oriens”)... Isidore presented the zones in the form of circles located on a flat Earth. As a result, in the north of the map, that is, on its left side, both the “Arctic” and “Antarctic” circles were nearby. Described as "cold, uninhabited".

Consider the 11th-century map of the Flat Earth from the list of “Etymology,” also by Isidore of Seville. The body of water - located in the middle of the map - is the Mediterranean Sea - with adjacent seas and rivers. Naturally, the image of the territory of Western Europe is closest to reality. In the north of France, "Normannie" is given. This is one of the earliest maps to show Scandinavia as two peninsulas. Before that, it was considered an island system! Below and to the left of the city of “Kerson” (Chersonese Tauride) there is the inscription “Nizhnyaya Scythia”. Three squares with the inscription “Altars of Alexander” are drawn above Tanais and the Maeotis swamps (as the Sea of ​​Azov was formerly called). And on the southern bank of the Nile, which, according to the map’s compiler, flows almost parallel to the southern coast of Africa, is “Alexander’s camp”...

The quality of the Flat Earth maps is exceptionally high.

At present, taking into account various sources, either half or a quarter of the real map of the Flat Earth has been preserved...

However, there is indirect evidence that both Greenland and Alaska were on the map! True, the researcher of this issue, N. Eidelman, found a color copy of another world map in one of the collections of the Turkish Historical Society for 1937. It was created by Piri Reis in 1528. It shows: Greenland, Labrador, Florida, Newfoundland.

And then it began! How could a Turkish admiral, a contemporary of Columbus, draw up such a complete map of the world? How did he know about the existence of Antarctica? Yes, many experts believe that Antarctica is indicated on the admiral’s maps! One can argue a lot about how the Turkish naval commander knew about what would be discovered only 300 years later!

“An infidel named Colombo, a Genoese, discovered these lands. A book fell into the hands of the said Colombo, in which he read that on the edge of the Western Sea, far in the West, there are shores and islands. All kinds of metals and precious stones were found there. The aforementioned Colombo studied this book for a long time..."

Judging by “Bahriyya”, there was a copy of this book in the hands of Piri Reis. And he dates it with an inscription on the margins of the map to the times of Alexander the Great (Macedonian). We are talking about none other than America, which was indicated on the mysterious Flat Earth maps of the fourth century BC.

In 1531, another unique map of the Flat Earth appeared by the French mathematician and geographer Oronzio Finei. On it, the configuration of the Antarctic belt not only corresponds to modern maps. It would still be, as they say, back and forth! But the Antarctica ring is depicted with mountain rivers and ridges! No ice cover!

But while we are on the subject, it will be necessary to mention one more Flat Earth map. In October 1965, the University of Wales (USA) published the Vinland map, published in 1440 in Bern, the unknown author of which indicated the shores of what is now Canada and North America 52 years before Columbus. In doing so, he used some data from medieval Arab cartographers.

In the Hungarian university town of Nagyszombat, in a Jesuit cartographic workshop, any available manuscripts and secret maps of the Flat Earth were copied by order of the Vatican and the Habsburgs. So, the map of 1599 accurately indicates the Viking sea routes through Greenland to the American shores and their settlements, which arose long before Columbus!

...And now let us carefully read the words of Amerigo Vespucci from his small diary book, known as “Mundus novus”:

"...None of our ancestors had the slightest idea about the countries that we saw and what was in them: our knowledge far surpassed the knowledge of our ancestors. Most of them believed that there was no continent south of the equator, but only a boundless ocean, which they called Atlantic..."

This entry, as is easy to see, is in some contradiction with itself. Indeed, on the one hand, the great Vespucci had, frankly speaking, a low opinion of the geographical knowledge of his ancestors. On the other hand, it turns out, judging by his own words, there was a certain minority who believed that there was a continental belt south of the equator!

By the way, a Spanish wine jug, made in the 14th century, was raised from the bottom of the sea near the island of Gabo in 1964, although we were completely UNKNOWN of any voyages of Spanish sailors to the shores of Australia at that time! But isn’t this evidence of the voyage of some mysterious medieval sailors to the shores of Australia long before its official discovery?

And here is the case N. Nepomnyashchiy talks about: “...At the end of the 70s of our century, Professor Fobes Taylor analyzed commercial reports and customs lists of goods that each ship imported to Bristol and exported from there. And starting from 1479, he noticed some this is absurd... According to the declarations, most of the captains traded with Ireland. However, the strange nature of the cargo and the excessively long voyages did not correspond to this. For example, one of the ships allegedly sailed to Ireland and returned back in... 115 days. This is THREE times more than the norm! , that the true route was deliberately hidden. What was it really like?

Here are a few more examples.

Aristotle, Seneca, Aelian and Diodorus Sicilian mentioned that the Romans had information about the lands lying several weeks' journey beyond Gibraltar!

... Long before Columbus, the “Church Fathers,” especially Greek theologians, put forward the thesis that God did not destroy Paradise after Adam’s fall. He only transferred it to the “opposite land”, to places inaccessible to people. This “opposite land,” according to theological mythology, was supposed to be located overseas. Now there is a lot of material evidence that the shores of America were visited (more than once) by the Vikings, and before them by the Romans, and before them by the Phoenicians...

As for China, for the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, Columbus was never a hero. In one Chinese historical magazine he is called very specifically and succinctly - “colonial pirate.” Chinese researchers claim that the path to the shores of America was paved in the 5th century by the Buddhist monk Hong Shen. Sinologists and Sinologists have long known about the monk’s journey to the mysterious country of Fusang, which, judging by the description, is located 20,000 li (11,500 km) east of China. If so, then Fusan is the northwestern part of America. Many researchers believe that the earliest contact between China and America lasted from 700 BC. e. and until about 400 BC. eh..!

And after all this, researchers hold in their hands the most primitive, useless zonal-ecumenical maps of the Flat Earth of the 8th-10th centuries!

What happened to the geographical knowledge of mankind? And where did those documents of the 4th century BC disappear for representatives of the New Time, for example? e., to which Piri Reis referred?..

Thor Heyerdahl's expeditions to the Kon-Tiki and Ra convincingly demonstrated to the whole world that giant metal ships are not at all necessary to cross the Ocean. You can get by with ships made of wood and even reed! Courage, seafaring talent, perseverance and luck will do the rest.

Although, who knows, it is very possible that the sea ships of ancient times were much more advanced than many people think...

Ships of the pre-Columbian era could follow the path of Columbus in a strip of trade winds blowing at a speed of 5–8 meters/sec. The weather is always good here. And the ancients knew about the trade winds. There remained, however, the problem of determining the coordinates of the Flat Earth.

And yet, recent research has brought quite strong evidence that ocean voyages of the 6th–7th millennia BC. e. were not random, but regular! This refers to the remains of a seaport that arose in the fifth millennium BC, found during excavations on the shores of Cambay Bay in India, not far from the town of Lothal! The city had extensive piers, trading warehouses, and later even a dry dock for ship repairs!

And the seals with which the Lothal merchants marked their goods turned out to be absolutely identical to the seals discovered in the settlements of the Bahrain Islands.

This means, in principle, it was not technological progress that was holding back the ocean navigation of the Flat Earth. But then what?..


Subject " Flat Earth"Does it seem funny to you? Then I'll remind you. Just 500 years ago, everyone KNEW that the Earth was Flat, and those who said that the Earth was Round were taking a serious risk. At best, his friends, acquaintances and relatives looked at him as a “lunatic.” At worst, he was burned at the stake by religious fanatics.

Now this story has a continuation...

Earth became again Flat, but now no one will burn you. Most people still won’t understand what is written, because they haven’t learned to think with their heads. However, this is not about you. And treat the article with Humor.

Play: "The Flat Earthers Strike Back."

Scene 2: "Evidence for a Flat Earth."


Professor Sharov — (PSh ). He talked about the Round Earth. . I hope you have seen his official responses. Because now what we love most about this site will begin - “Melting Our Reality «.

Professor Wonderful — (PZ ). Talks about Flat Earth. Right now.

You -simple buyer.

Did I read Scene 1?

1. Our world.

You : Good afternoon, Professor Wonderful (PZ ), I just talked with your colleague Sharov about our world, and somehow he didn’t look 100% convincing. What do you have?

PZ : I have a Model and Flat Earth Map. She looks like this.

PZ : Our world is a Flat Disk surrounded by an ice wall. Therefore, the water does not flow anywhere and you cannot fall over the edge. The ice wall is officially called Antarctica, it covers the entire disk, how far it goes into the depths - we don’t know, maybe to infinity. Or maybe there is life there a hundred kilometers away. The military closed Antarctica with a special agreement from 1959. Therefore, it’s not so easy to get there. Alas.

The Flat Earth map is officially called in science Azimuthal Projection.

More details: From above we are covered by the “Dome” - a structure UNDER which the Sun and Moon rotate, plus the rest of the “planets”. The height of the Dome is 5 thousand km. The Moon rotates just below the Sun. The stars are light bulbs on the Dome.

You : Clear. Professor Sharov, could you remind me of your version?

PS: Earth is the planet on which we live, and our model is called Globe, from Latin globus -> ball. The surface is 29% land, 71% water. A simplified model of the Earth looks like this.

PS : The Sun - 99.86% of the mass of the entire solar system, is located in the center. The planets revolve around the Sun. Earth is the third planet from the Sun. Visually below.

You : Clear. Refresh your memory. Question for you, PZ . There are generally accepted proofs, which are usually taught in schools, as confirmation that the Earth is round. Can you refute them or show an alternative explanation?

PZ : Yes, sure. Show me your evidence, I will comment on it.

Moreover, I'm willing to pay 1000 dollars to the one who refutes proof that the earth is flat. You are interested?

You : Yes, I want to earn 1000 USD, if you're not kidding. But first, disprove the evidence for a round Earth. Ready?

PZ: I'm seriously offering a deal. Ready.

You: Evidence 1. The ships go beyond the horizon and first the hull disappears, and then the sail disappears. Isn't this proof of the curvature of the Earth's surface?

PZ: No, not proof. The ship simply diminishes on the horizon and disappears as soon as it passes." convergence point", that is, goes behind " visibility horizon". You can get it back if you take the binoculars.

How does vision work?.

An object that is moving away from you reaches a point on the horizon when it is too small for you to make out anything. Here's the point in the center of the picture where the road shrinks into a point. This point is called « point of convergence «, point where parallel lines converge in the EYE. This is our vision on Earth.

We use 2 eyes to determine the distance to the object.

That is, the further the object is from us, the smaller it will be. And even 2 parallel lines are still removed and reduced to Convergence points of the eye lens. This skill is very useful for PREDATOR HUNTERS (us, in the past). Determine the distance to prey or danger .

Even 1 eye is still able to show us the Distance, because the light passes through the edges of the lens (points 1, 2, 3, 4). Pupil = ROUND LENS, not a narrow SLIT. Therefore, even 1 eye is very cool!

We see an object up to 7 km away on the horizon. The physical size of the pupil does not allow one to see further.


Here are 2 parallel railway tracks. They are parallel to each other thousands of kilometers ahead, WAYS DO NOT CROSS, DO NOT GO TO EACH OTHER AT ALL, otherwise the train would not have been able to travel for weeks along the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Vladivostok.

But, you see how 4 parallel rails converge to a point on the horizon, right? Same with the ship. Curvature has nothing to do with it. Curvature is the most primitive way to explain all these effects.

Keep in mind that hot air or water vapor may prevent you from seeing a ship in the distance and above the horizon.

Here, for example, is the phenomenon of a mirage. When in the summer the effect hangs over a hot road like a wet puddle. I think everyone has seen it in their lives. The middle dividing strip disappears in " puddle«.

The object, the ship-machine will be blur and shrink with distance. The wheels will be the first to disappear because they are closest to the ground, although the road is absolutely flat in front of you. It's the same at sea.

Water and wind create waves. Waves breaking on the surface of the water create many small splashes and this entire mass hangs above the surface of the sea. It is clear that the sail will be the first to rise above the thick mass, a fog of drops. After all, you are looking almost parallel to the surface of the water. And the sail is the tallest object on the ship. The closer the ship is to you, the higher the sail will be above the surface of the water. Although, initially, you see the entire ship on the horizon. It's just that because of the shallow spray (kilometers away from the ship), you won't see its hull until it's close enough. You might as well try to look through the fog. Will it work out big?

You : According to Evidence 1: Features of vision, “vanishing point” + mirage + water vapor.

Evidence 2: Moon and Lunar Eclipses. We see how a semicircular shadow from the Earth creeps onto the Moon during eclipses. A semicircular shadow is cast by the ball or disk of the Earth on the Moon, and according to your theory, the Sun and Moon are above us. What then causes an eclipse in your model?

PZ : A solar eclipse is easy to explain. The Sun and Moon orbit above our heads. And the Moon is slightly lower than the Sun, therefore, when their path intersects, we see a semicircular shadow (of the Moon) creeping onto the Sun, and we have the Black Sun before our eyes.

Regarding the Lunar Eclipse.

Let's begin with Moon by her own anomalous object on the whole head . Have you ever been surprised by what we see Always only 1 side of the moon? Why is that? Perfect orbital synchronization? —-> or this artificial object? Why is everything in nature tied to the Moon? Are planting, animal migration, even those women's cycles perfectly synchronized with the 28-day cycles of the Moon? Isn’t this why women’s “women’s days” shift by 4-5 days towards the beginning of the month?

In short, the Moon is a very strange object and does not behave as an ordinary piece of Rock overhead should. By the way, scientifically, the Moon is a satellite of the Earth. And the satellite can be either artificial(turned its dish-antenna towards us), or natural.

Let's become children for a minute. What about the fact that the Moon was built by previous civilizations? We don’t know this, but modern scientists don’t know how the Moon ended up in the sky. The version of a meteorite hitting the Earth is stupid. Because there is on the moon WATER . During an explosion, from a meteorite hitting the Earth, and then flying in a VACUUM, WATER not formed! So what's the joke then? Just imagine what it could be artificial sphere with its own light source.

We don't see the far side of the Moon, do we? And what's in there?

You : Imagined (fantasy), let the Moon be an artificial object, as in your version. Go ahead.

Evidence 3. During Moon Phases we see semicircle in heaven and during Lunar Eclipse we see semicircle a shadow, that is, it is given by a semicircular object, a “sphere/ball/disk”, whatever you want. How do you explain this?

PZ : These are 2 different phenomena: Lunar Phases and Lunar Eclipse.

Regarding Moon phases, when you have a crescent moon in the sky rather than a full moon, this is due to the lighting of the moon. The land has nothing to do with it. The moon is a ball-sphere, and a spherical body will be illuminated that way. For example, a “lamp” that is located BEHIND THE MOON. Will now beexperiment with iPhone 5.

Imagine that there is a lamp inside the Moon. And she turns around. Are these not the phases you will see?

As for the Lunar Eclipse, I already answered in the previous example. There is a third body or phenomenon that we do not yet know. For example, that the Moon has its own light source INSIDE, and a semicircular disk passes between the light and the surface, blocking the light. Moreover, its size can be thousands of times smaller than the Moon itself. You don't need the Sun for this.

By the way, the Moon does NOT reflect Sunlight, as official scientists say, but is the source of its OWN light, easy to install using this example. If you have a Sphere (ball), then we know perfectly well how light will be reflected from it. Like this.

I haven't seen a spot on the moon. And you?

You : Proof 4. Traveling around the world? If you sail or fly all the time to the East or to the West, you will arrive at the same point from where you started sailing. Doesn't this talk about the Round Earth?

PZ : A simple experiment. Take a plate of water, place a powerful magnet in the middle of the plate, lower a small boat with a compass there and move to the West. You move only to the West, and will circumnavigate the world on a plate!

Here's tea with lemon. If a lemon wedge swirls around the center, leaving the peel towards the edge of the cup, it will " trip around the world"by your cup.

Schematically: You all the time moving to the WEST. Magnetic Compass shows all the time on North .

This is what a trip around the world looks like over a flat Earth.

This is what Ferdinand Magellan's journey around the Earth looked like in 1519-1522.

You: Evidence 5. If all body over our heads Round, then why should we think that ours Earth is Flat?

PZ : Here is a billiard table with Round Balls on it. The table, by your logic = Round?

You : The table is naturally flat,

Proof 6. Availability of time zones when in some parts of the planet it is Night, and in other parts of the Planet it is Day. How to explain? Isn't it the turning of the Round Earth?

PZ : No. What does this have to do with the twist? The sun moves over the surface of the Flat Earth, where it is bright. Where it is not there is Night.

Why doesn't the Sun illuminate the entire disk if it is at altitude? Very simple. Here's a light bulb that does NOT light up the entire wall. The wall is too big, just like the surface of the Earth.


why don't we see sunlight 24 hours a day?


For the same reason that a small lamp cannot illuminate an entire wall.


You : How do seasons work? Why is it cold in winter and hot in summer?

PZ : The sun moves from North to South throughout the year. When it’s hot here, the Sun moves along the Yellow trajectory close to the North Pole (Tropic of Cancer). When it’s cold here, it rotates along the Red trajectory (Tropic of Capricorn), far from the North Pole, but it’s hot in the Southern Hemisphere. And, yes, the Sun moves much faster in the Southern Hemisphere to make its 360 degrees in 24 hours.

The fact that we have Winter in December, and in Australia it is Summer, is shown by this picture. Christmas - December 21 in Australia is celebrated in Santa Claus costumes right on the beach.

You : Then let's not leave the Sun and the evidence for a Flat Earth. I'm interested in 2 more things: Polar day And Polar night. When it is light 24 hours a day and dark 24 hours a day. You know this phenomenon, right? In official science, this is explained by the tilt of the Earth by 24.5 degrees and the location of the Earth relative to the Sun.

PZ : Polar day- this is when the Sun does not set below the horizon for 24 hours. That is, it spins above the Horizon Line, approaching the horizon, but not disappearing below it.

Interestingly, photographs of the Polar Day and Night most often show from the North Pole, but very rarely are they shown from the South Pole. Do you know why? Because according to the Flat Earth theory, the Sun does not illuminate the South Pole 24 hours a day. But there are no problems with the North Pole.

Here's an example.

How to check the South Polar Day?

No way.

South Pole CLOSED to visitors, CLOSED for inspection. There are only government"scientific stations" and " military". Both the first and second ( government + military) are known as liars with a long, long history... It’s not for me to tell you. So there are only 2 options left:

1. At the South Pole there are no days when the Sun is 24 hours above the horizon.

2. At the South Pole there is a Polar Day, when the Sun is 24 hours above the horizon.

But even if it is indeed shown that there is a Polar Day in Antarctica, then we have a theory. It uses the concept of reflected light from a DOME. Schematically and mathematically it looks like this.

By the way, since they have already started talking about Antarctica, then our entire community is showing some kind of unhealthy interest in it. Earth Elite .

Chronicle for 2016:

1. February 12, 2016 Patriarch Kirill meets with the Pope. February 18, 2016 - urgently flies to Antarctica.
2. Beginning of March 2016 - US President Obama flies to Argentina, from where he travels for several days in Patagonia. The territory borders Antarctica, what he did for a couple of days is unknown. A NASA representative was with him on the delegation.
3. November 11-12, 2016 — US Secretary of State John Kerry 3 days after the elections in the USA - flies to Antarctica and is there, signing the next agreement , which prohibits the entry of fishing vessels into waters near Antarctica.

There is some strange stirring around the icy wastelands among politicians and religious leaders. Don't you find it?

But let's leave this aside. Let's return to the Sun and the evidence for a Flat Earth.

You: Interesting, but that comes later. Now m I am interested in the fact that the Sun should decrease in size if it is simply moving away from us, and not set beyond the horizon as a huge disk with the same dimensions. After all, you say that the Sun is simply moving overhead in a circular path.

PZ : Let's talk seriously about the Sun.

This video will be enough to prove that the Sun decreases in size, moving away from us in a straight line when it goes to the horizon. Taken from the observatory ABOVE cloud level. Link .

Now look here. You must understand that very often we see the Sun setting above the level of the Earth. Mountains, hills, obstacles, and buildings often block our view. And since they are much closer than the real horizon, you see how the large and round Sun hides behind the “visible” horizon, although in fact, it is just REMOVED in a straight line and DECREASES.

Decreases BEFORE the “convergence point”.

In this case, the “vanishing point” blocked by a mountain. Therefore, the Sun disappears from our view with a large disk, but still decreases along the way.

Here simple experiment As proof of the Flat Earth, you can make it at home. Stretch the string across the room so that it is the same height from wall to wall. Place obstacles in his way, such as a book or a board (in this video, these are 4 bottles of beer holding a cardboard), and so that the obstacle is below the thread. And then look at what it looks like from Earth level.

Get this is the “effect”.

The sun will move away from you, and BIG will go “beyond the visible horizon”, and not as a point. That's all. No turning of the Round Earth is necessary for this.

This experiment weren't you impressed?

Okay, then what about an obstacle on the horizon like iPhone 6? Camera on the ground distance of 110 meters from the camera to the person? Consider that in our case IPHONE IS A MOUNTAIN.


You : And the last question about the Sun and Moon - how do they fly in a sideways orbit? What keeps them in the sky?

PZ : Magnetic levitation. Here are working magnetic levitation devices.

Lamp ,
computer mouse,
armchair sofa ,
Maglev train on magnetic levitation.

This, by the way, explains ebb and flow on the ground. Water is repelled by magnets ! And the Moon and the Sun = sources of magnetic background, so they are simply “ part the water» under you, and she runs ashore. Gravity here, as always, is superfluous. There are ebbs and flows only in the Oceans and Seas with salt water, which are in the path of the Sun and Moon.

At home, check how ordinary tap water reacts to a comb. Just before doing this, run it through your hair to transmit the electric shock.

There is regular fresh water in the tap! And sea water reacts even better to electricity. There's SOOOOOOOOOOL!

Ebbs and flows have nothing to do with the gravity of the MOON. Because most Gravity doesn't exist at all. This is Newton's fantasy and fictitious force to describe the world and facts at the beginning of the 19th century. This is what the electromagnetic repulsion of the Moon and Water looks like. Schematically.

You:Evidence 7. Satellite photos? Photos from above? Will you still say that the Earth is Flat?

PZ: Have you heard about special effects in photography? And fisheye lenses, right? These lenses greatly bend the image to cover a larger area. Here are some examples:

1. Real Round walls? Below = no distortion.

4. Round subway cars.

5. The church spire bows to the building on the right

6. The square bends...

Horizon = Curvature.

Is this what proof of a spherical Earth looks like?

Now returning to Space and the ISS. Here is a photo from 2008. Where is NASA admits , that the pictures are taken through a fisheye lens. These lenses are located at the MIR station. Come in and check it out.

Here is the same photo in Wikipedia , where it is said that the curvature of the Earth is due to the “Fish Eye”.

Why use if the earth is Round?

That's right, to bend a flat image, like proof of curvature.

Although all the photos, without corrections, tell us the opposite. Earth - Flat! From any height!

You : Proof 8. Sharovers claim that with height we see further, because we see BEYOND the horizon.

PZ : An absolutely stupid argument from the Sharovers (like all the others, by the way). Why?


Here is an example - a flat lawn near a house. If you place the camera at ground level and move away from it, you " disappear over the horizon". Is this proof that a flat field suddenly has a curvature? No. Link to video .

You : I like this explanation. Accurate and with evidence.

Evidence 9. Still, what about satellites? Communications / satellite TV / GPS? How are they explained on Flat Earth?

PZ : Communication between continents without wires existed long before satellites. The first transatlantic radio communication was successfully made in 1906, from Brant Rock, USA to Machree, Scotland. No one had heard about satellites for the next 50 years, but the continents ALREADY communicated with each other.

Today, 99% of all Internet traffic travels through undersea ocean cables between continents, rather than via satellites.

Satellite dishes on houses are only called "satellite" because they all face the Horizon, NOT the sky, at a 90% angle. You see such antennas every day on houses and roofs, right? Do they look vertically UP, INTO THE SKY at the satellite?

Or —————————> TO the horizon?

"These antennas" receive ordinary radio signals from ordinary transmitting towers standing on the ground, but not from Space. Is the antenna tilt clearly visible?

What you see with your own eyes on houses is called “ tropospheric» radio communication.

The distance of “tropospheric radio communication” is 300-800 km. The signal bounces off the ionosphere. What modern scientists call the “Ionosphere,” I call the “Dome.” This is a dome over the Flat Earth that bounces radio waves down to Earth.

And everything that is less than 300-800 km can be covered with additional 300 meter towers, as in the pictures below. The signal “to the dish” comes from radio towers.

Do you recognize these 200-300 m high engineering creations?

Why do you need satellites for TV? Everything works without them.

You: And what's about GPS and Flat Earth?

PZ: GPS - Global Positioning System. Its only purpose is to convince you that it " GLOBAL “, that is = GLOBE, that is, BALL! How does it work?

In cities, it works at the expense of mobile phone towers. And 3 towers are enough to determine your location exactly down to the meter. It is called - Triangulation .

Outside cities, there is a regular radio network with powerful towers that cover most of the Earth. First used during World War II for navigation of ships and planes, when no one had heard of satellites the next 20 years... The accuracy of identifying a ship at sea is 150 meters at a range of 1,500 KM! Name - LORAN And DECCA. Come in and check it out.

Here's the tower LORAN 190 meters high in Canada.

In 2000 they were renamed GPS and stuck it in your mobile phone with beautiful maps. The system is controlled by the American military, but you will never know how it actually works. Just like you won’t find out why the nuclear-powered icebreaker “KURSK” sank, and how many full-time Russian military personnel died in Donbass and Syria. The military will always lie.

As you understand, positioning systems worked successfully BEFORE the advent of even the idea... SATELLITES...

You: Does anyone else know about this theory?

PZ : Everybody knows. This is not a secret. For example, NASA in its calculations and models of aircraft flight in the air uses the model of a FLAT and NON-ROTATING Earth.

That is, future pilots are taught on models that have never heard of the need to take into account curvature, or that the surface of the Earth rotates underneath them. Why? Because it doesn't really exist.

You can download the document itself . E it is written on the first page in the first paragraph.

Here is another document for FAA (Federal Aviation Administration, USA), which states that flight simulation software should be as close to reality as possible for high-quality training of pilots in the air and training of controllers on the ground. Therefore, everything should be exactly in calculations.

Here various situations and behavior of an airplane in the sky are played out. "The Engineering Analysis and Design of the Aircraft Dynamics Model For the FAA Target Generation Facility." You can download it.

On page 32 it is written in plain text: “ We we do not take into account the rotation of the Earth, and the flight passes above the FLAT Earth«.

Simulation as close to reality as possible, right?

So what is our Reality then, dear pilots?

Official maps?

Here is the official one flat earth map for a wide range of users. Created in 1892 year, a paper copy is stored in the library of Boston, USA. What's interesting about it?

3 moment!

Moment 1 : Immediately at the top of the card it is written in large letters


what does " In fact »

Moment 2: Right and Left says: " scientifically correct« (scientifically and ) And " almost correct« (practically correct). Seriously

Moment 3. At the bottom of the map it is indicated how the Sun moves in June and December. Where do they come from? June 21 and December 21.

Solstice of June.

« The white oval shows the location of the Sun in the Tropic of Cancer, in June, at noon. This causes 24 hours of sunshine in the Polar Regions (Polar Day). After June 21, the Sun begins to spiral south until it reaches its final point on December 21«

December Solstice.

« On December 21, the Sun moves across the Tropic of Capricorn, and as it moves, it illuminates the southern part of the Antarctic ice. There is no light below 80º South latitude, there are only unexplored regions of ice. On December 23, the Sun completes its movement to the South and begins to move back to the North Pole, ending its season.”

In addition, all the most serious organizations in the world such as the UN - the United Nations, ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization, IMO - International Maritime Organization, WMO - World Meteorological Organization use the Flat Earth map. Irony, true?

Organizations controlling globe,
use Flat Earth map..

The million dollar question: “Can you find Antarctica here”?




Have you found Antarctica?

And it is considered the 6th continent of the Earth, actually...

Google showed the original drawing for the Winter Solstice . So, by the way. Nothing special here.

2. Question 2. What experiment was carried out to reveal Gravity? - Answer . There is nothing to test here, Gravity does not exist, it is a fictitious force that exists only on paper.

3. Question 3. How does water in the oceans bend in an arc? - Answer . No way. The water in the oceans is horizontal, from the North Pole to Antarctica.

4. Question 4. Is the curvature of the Earth taken into account when constructing long bridges, rails, shipping canals and pipelines? - Answer . No, it is not taken into account, because there is no curvature. There is only height.

5. Question 5 . Physics of the XXI century. Standard model elementary particles of our Universe (in short, how everything works in the world) includes only 3 forces: electromagnetic, weak and strong interaction, DOES NOT include gravity in its calculations. - Answer . He does the right thing by not turning it on, because gravity doesn’t exist.

6 . Question 6. How did the Vacuum of Space not suck out the Atmosphere? - Answer . Atmosphere protected by the Dome.

7. Question 7. Why doesn't gravity attract clouds? - Answer . There are different densities of air near the Earth and air at altitude.

9. Question 9. How rivers (water) can flow UP? - Answer . They can’t and you know it. Water always flows down.

10. Question 10. Why do planes fly so strangely?- Answer .

Regarding the first example, a flight from Bali to Los Angeles landed in Alaska. Here Flat Earth map and a straight line between the two cities.

Regarding routes through Antarctica. Where should we fly?

Flying in a circle? From Africa to Australia - there won't be enough fuel. From South America to Australia - there won't be enough fuel. From Africa to South America - there won't be enough fuel. Keep in mind that Antarctica circles a distance much greater than the equator. And our equator itself is 40,000 km in circumference!

But, flying in a straight line like this is the way to go!

Therefore, no one will run optical Internet cables from Africa to Australia and South America. It's SOOO far away. Red zones are empty.

You : OK then. Governments know that the Earth is Flat. They have evidence of a flat Earth, a map of a Flat Earth, then what is the benefit of hiding the truth?

PZ : Because there will be a disaster in science.

No Gravity = No Globe = No Rotation = No Big Bang = No millions of galaxies, planets and stars = No Aliens = No Evolution = No connecting Link between living organisms and humans = Is this enough to remain silent about the shape of the Earth?

Gravity is a Religion for Scientists. Everything that cannot be explained clearly is explained by the mysterious word Gravity. From RELIGIONS DO NOT REFUSE!

Why is the Earth round? — Gravity .
Why don't people fly away from the spinning Earth? - Gravity .
Why doesn't water fly away from the surface of the Earth and collect at the Equator, where the maximum speed is? - Gravity .
Why is the Moon in the Sky? - Gravity .

Replace the word " Gravity"word" God «, and get the same result. Level 0 explanations.

Why is the Earth round? — God .
Why don't people fly away from the spinning Earth?God .
Why doesn't water fly away from the surface of the Earth and collect at the Equator, where the maximum speed is?God .
Why is the Moon in the Sky?God .

I'll tell you by secret:

« Gravity is the force that attracts the absurd«.

Do you know why?

Because after Newton came up with Gravity, Science has developed this way for the last 300 years.

Scientists realized thattheory of gravity will lead to a singularity (the entire Universe will eventually shrink to a point) then they came up with"Dark Energy". This is, in principle, Anti-Gravity. But, as a result of further calculations of the formulas, they realized that the expansion"Dark Energy" will lead to a rupture of Einstein’s “space-time” itself, and then they came up with"Dark Matter" which should balance"Gravitons" of gravity and "Dark Energy".

Before us is an imaginary force, which should explain another imaginary force, and so time after time, when the formulas don't stick.

But in fact: “Gravitons” do not exist, hence Dark Energy does not exist, hence Dark Matter does not exist. And when you are forced to believe in things that exist only on paper and in dreams, then this is not science, this is -"MAGIC".

Therefore, physics for 2017 has hit its forehead against the wall and is waiting for a new Prophet who will explain what and how. Without “gravities” and other “magical entities”.

What do we need?

And we need other answers to questions as old as the world: “Who are we?” and “What have they forgotten here?” Without “magic”, “gravity” and “ape-man theories”.


1. Divine version of the world. You've heard about it, the world in 6 days. According to the Bible.

2. Version - Big Bang with Evolution proposed priest Georges Lemaitre)) and Darwin.

“There was NOTHING, then suddenly nothing happened to this NOTHING and NOTHING exploded! Then everything that exploded and scattered NOTHING magically transformed itself into matter and living particles, which also magically learned to copy themselves, multiply... And then there were dinosaurs...

How do you like this theory from the Catholics from the Vatican? It is considered official “in science” for 2017. Seriously!

More options?

3. The most obvious one is theory., O which we wrote quite recently. We live in the Matrix (Digital Universe), and it seems that this is a game for our distant descendants, for example children 2100. People of the Future play games of the Past. How we play computer games about Greece, Feudalism and the Middle Ages. And our descendants play us - with 100% immersion in the virtual reality of the Past. No matter how fantastic it sounds.

All in all.

PS: You won't be able to drag your Flat Earth theory into official science. She's absurd.
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“The Earth is a sphere of the universe” and a “flat earth plan”... structures... March 7th, 2017

I'll bring something up...
Since childhood, we have had this picture drilled into our heads and visualized:

Or a globe... division into two parts...
When I was figuring out my “structure of the Earth-universe” it really bothered me... when I saw pictures like this

AND ESPECIALLY THIS... I'll call it picture A...

then I constantly wanted to place all the continents in one hemisphere... I wanted that and that’s it... but that false visualization got in the way since childhood... let’s remember my structure of the Earth - the universe I drew up before all these pictures I saw later...

So I “felt” my structure more like this picture A... / I didn’t know how to put both hemispheres of the “world globe” imposed on us into one... although even then I indicated on my structure where people walk only in a small area " Earth - the universe" around the "yellow circle - the sun"...
and then I saw a hint... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPPKQqRXPME from the 36th minute watch and the map at the 42nd minute... or in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qNG1W-Zuv4 s 14.5 minutes and especially the map in the White House at the 16.5 minute... or here is the same map:
""""I ask you to look at the map of the flat earth "As It Is", issued in the 19th century, found in a library in Boston: """ (19th century is the first half of the 20th century and there were still fewer lies then)

""""According to the attached map, Chukotka is located next to Alaska""""
""""And what’s most interesting is that planes never fly over the South Pole (from the perspective of the globe). For example, from Australia to Chile (South America) the shortest route is through the South Pole (according to the globe), but in practice, planes fly through North America, which is absolutely illogical if you do not take into account the flat Earth map. This is clearly proven by the incident a week ago - information in the media http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/tr...lping-out.html:
On September 16, 2015, a woman from Taiwan went into labor during a flight from Bali to Los Angeles, causing the plane to make an emergency landing in... Alaska. The plane departed from Taiwan International Airport. See what the route looks like on a flat Earth map and how it looks on a globe of the Earth. It becomes clear why it was convenient to stop in Alaska.


That everything is a lie and everyone is “harshly deceived” is said a lot... but I need to remember how it really is... the flat Earth is so ridiculed and those who say that it is flat are considered ignorant... but for me the Earth is a spherical universe. .. but here the earthly plane where we live in this human body is really a round disk and with a flatter structure but also a little curved...
Again, you need to know that the “Earth-universe” is a “living being” of a spherical appearance... and imagine a pregnant woman

if we outline a round belly and draw a circle completely with the inclusion of all the vital organs of a woman in this “ball”, then we will get the “Earth-universe”... if we look at this ball as if in a section in the middle from above, we will get picture A... but here “plan Earth” with our continents it will be exactly a flat disk like on the map from Boston... or here is the author’s video... and so far I think that that green circle in his video in the middle is in the area of ​​the “woman’s navel” "and that “yellow disk” is in my structure... to understand what the “earthly plane” is, you can look at this picture

or imagine a valve like this without a “leg”...

here where we cut the leg there is a “yellow circle” - the “navel” on my structure or where it is written below “NOON - noon (the noon meridian passes through this “point”)” in picture A... you need to draw) and you need to remember where in what point are these “green-yellow circles” located... on that map this point can be falsely shifted to the “north” or “northeast”...
but here is a system of just such a flat surface of a disk curved outward “valve” that can rotate in a circle in the middle of the “belly of the Earth - the universe”... and that is why technogenic boys are so fond of such flat “Petri dishes”...

I’ll add a diagram drawn quickly... the “earth plane” is really a round “disk” and slightly convex towards the middle - the center around which it rotates... but not a ball...

"""Flat Earth map by Professor Orlando Ferguson, 1893.The illustration to the right of the map makes fun of round-Earth theorists."""

here the “mechanism of action of solid systems” is indicated and you need to fill it with more water - there will be oceans... only this is inside the ball... continents are like “hills” on a convex disk to which water reaches... and water will make the surface of the “earthly plane” more flat...


PAGE"Credo quia Impossibilie"

Flat Earth Society

...stands apart in this series.

We were deceived. Everyone. They made me believe in a completely crazy idea. Well, how can a sane person believe that the Earth is... round?

The truth is that the Earth is flat. Completely flat, except for mountains and ponds, hills and lowlands. The virtuosos of processing public consciousness made only one puncture in the harmonious system of Lies formed over centuries. Only once has a true map of the Earth been published. The great trinity - Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt decided to lift the curtain and let people see the truth. UN emblem. Who remembers him? A circle depicting a map of the Earth. Exactly - not hemispheres, but a circle. Center - North Pole. Antarctica is smeared around the edges with semolina porridge. Nobody knows what's beyond the edge. It is only known that along the edge of the World there is a wall approximately 40 meters high. No one has ever climbed this wall before. No one. The Sun and Moon are flat saucers, about 70 kilometers across. To the arch of stars - like from Boston to San Francisco. But human beings have not yet overcome this distance, no matter what they lie to us from the television screen.

The masts of ships over the horizon are an optical illusion. Illusion. Space flights are a dirty fake, fabricated by the Russians and Americans for the sole purpose of preserving the existing idea of ​​the universe, on which the modern structure of human society is based. The Apollo Moon Landing is a Hollywood film based on a script by Arthur C. Clarke. Photos of space - photomontage. Our Earth is a flat Garden of God, fenced with a high fence.

So teaches Mr. Charles Johnson, ChairmanInternational Flat Earth Society . Unfortunately, the American Flat Earth Society does not have its own WWW address. They have a small pageAustralian colleagues .

It doesn't say much. The only correction, which looks like a complete heresy against the background of the above picture, states that although the Earth is flat, space itself is curved. And this is Lobachevsky’s fault.

Text from the Internet

Keywords: Clan, nation, map, trumpet


A text has been compiled about the formation national outlook on map. Shift offered common point of view on eternal horizons.

Comparative purpose revealed dilapidated And eternal cards How lifestyles. My work is one of the first attempts to study nonlinear cartography.

It is shown how to introduce an idea of flat nonlinear map provides an opportunity to start studying Trumpets (or Gates to Immortality, which, according to A. Karulin, is an expression Russian way of life), replacing the well-known research with it " flat" map, reflecting it affine correspondence (according to G. Mercator) to the globe as an image of the old life.


Flat map of Rus' (PCR) does not contain heights And depth, beginning and end, relationships left - right, outside - inside, time, distance and force. RCC reflects only relationships order of a continuous line, characterizing its length (curvature).

It is the first attempt to study nonlinear cards from causal type parameters earlier - later and nothing more. RCC objects - long and curved.

This results in inclusion points map view V horizon. RCC includes images:

  • Circle - periphery, province;
  • Points - the center of the circle, the Absolute;
  • Waves - concentric circles;
  • Waves - a sequence of semicircles;
  • Pipes - a cylinder made up of concentric circles around an axis;
  • A pipe is a cylinder made up of a chain of circles along an axis.
  • Lines are straight lines connecting points.

RCC comes from an image Pipes. From the pictures presented in the text, you can conduct a comparative study images of nonlinear and conventional geological maps.

The subject of RCC is simple and obvious, however, if a comparative study is not carried out permanent and temporary cartographic objects, then it is impossible to get rid of obsessive stereotypes associated with our general education, significantly complicating our understanding lifestyle.


The political map of the Russian Federation is patchwork character. It is based on the principle of ADT - administrative-

territorial division of Russia. The general map of Russia reflects and consolidates only the structure of state power.

"... Administrative-territorial division (ATD)- the most powerful and universal system of cells, covering space almost without exception. This is a system of multifunctional institutional districts, through the network of which almost all state activities are carried out. ATD districts, hereinafter referred to as regions, cover the territory at different levels; administrative division is a privileged division (zoning) of space. The functions of the ATD are control over space with all its “contents”, organization of the functioning of state institutions and the ordinary life of people. Various government functions and everyday functions such as repression, recruitment into the army, ideology and propaganda, education, healthcare, direct management of local industry, agriculture, “social and cultural life”, trade, housing and much more were implemented strictly at the regional levels and always fit within their network. Due to the combination of almost all state structures in the regions, they are cells guaranteed life support and survival, maintaining human material in the condition required for use.

Centralization and centralistic concentration of population and activity with the difficulty of direct interregional (horizontal) connections leads to the desolation of the periphery of the regions; centralization turns into centralist polarization. The boundaries of the regions are easy to read on satellite images. Such strong integrity makes the region a convenient object of claim, easily controlled from its center. Total areas-regions are the only system of parts that make up the Soviet space. Metaphors: a chocolate bar with slices held together by raisins; geotectonic-like plates; fabric that organizes the pattern on it. It is on the frame fabric of the regionalized-centralized space that all objects are placed, they are connected and brought to her. Thus, along administrative boundaries there are breaks in roads and connections, the specialization of agriculture is changing, and much more.”

(Vladimir Kagansky, Russia in the “Belovezhskaya” space)

This gives reason to call the ADT scheme - card of power. A Russian person with common sense is struck by the ugliness and defectiveness of a flat piece of broken ice, which is presented as the image of Russia. Why doesn't our country have a decent shape, even the figure of Plato?

From power cards indistinguishable and geographic map. It also looks like broken ice, where the role of the boundaries of its regions is played by faults. The geometric center of United and Indivisible Russia is located in the Turukhansk region.

In connection with the discussion picture image of Rus' one cannot ignore the determination of its place on Earth. Today there is an opinion, obtained by us in the process of obtaining universal secondary and higher education, which claims that all people live on Shar. This leads to the conclusion that life limited earthly frames. This conclusion, drawn outside the framework of a comparative study, is perceived as axiom.

It is known that not all people always thought so. Until now, many peoples prefer the way of life on a Flat Earth, surrounded by the Ocean and with a Mountain (Tree) in the center, to the picture of life on a Ball hanging in infinite space - the Abyss. \

General map of United and Indivisible Russia: geographical representation

Question about flatness or sphericity of the Earth as a way of life, but contains visible absurdities, today requires immediate resolution in connection with the current political situation on the planet. For example, center of the earth, suitable for arrangement in it capitals of life, contains only Flat Earth Navel, and y Globe it is inaccessible. Creation unipolar world on Earth, despite the well-known claims of Jews and Americans, turn out to be untenable.

Remarks of this kind apply not only to modern geography, but also to cosmography Same. The well-known diagram illustrating the position of the Earth in the solar system also does not stand up to criticism, for example, from the standpoint causal mechanics of Nikolai Kozyrev, which states that the trajectories of the planets contain all their positions at once. And if barycentric celestial mechanics (according to I. Newton), which lies in the foundation general worldview, has the form shown in the picture on the right, then image of eternal life as the Gate to immortality(according to A. Karulin) looks like otherwise. Pipe (otherwise called Gateway to immortality) is open and hollow, because intended for transition from death into life ( from time - V eternity) and back. View Pipes shown in the bottom figure.

It is obvious that the introduction Karulina pipes instead of Mercator globe eliminates the need to consider cosmography. Containing space objects: planets, satellites, suns and stars, the tube does not divide them into parts. Bypassing the logic of division whole into parts, Pipe is the result of the operation of forming the logic of eternity (duration, extension, continuity, continuum).

Pipe sets RCC in a form different from the modern concept of the Earth as a Ball. In this diagram, the “outer” Sun, visible on the horizon with the naked eye, replaces the “inner” pole of the Earth, occupied by the inaccessible “molten core”. Middle position earthly life, located between Moon and Sun more reminiscent of life shaman, than a modern scientist. The Yakuts' idea of ​​the world includes the presence of three worlds: the lower one - where the dead live, the middle one - the world of earthly life, and the upper one - the future life. A shaman is, first of all, a person who knows how to “walk” into all the boundaries of his House of Life. In Rus' the Path of the Path is known, which was used peddlers and buffoons, similar to ideas about the life of the Yakuts, Chinese, Incas and Mayans and other languages ​​and peoples. coat of arms Location of the Moscow Kremlin on the map of the capital


  1. Rus' is eternal.
  2. Russian life is round.
  3. Flat map of Rus' - Gate to immortality.
  4. Moscow is the capital of life.
  5. Rod - the transition of the Russians into eternity in the era of Willenium.
  6. Spherical geography hastened to break ties with the ancient heritage.