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The meaning of the name Yang, origin, character and fate of the name Yang. Meaning of the name: Yang Yang is a male name, what does it mean?

When a long-awaited son appears in a family, parents want to choose the most beautiful name for him so that it will bring him good luck and have a positive impact on his character. There are many names, and they all have a certain impact on a person’s personality. Do you want to name the boy Ian? What will it be like in the future? What is the meaning of the name Yang for a child? Read about this later in the article.

Name Yang: origin and meaning

This male name is of Hebrew origin. It is translated differently: “the mercy of God,” “God bestowed,” “in God there is mercy.” The point, of course, is the same. This meaning of the name Yang for a boy is wonderful - God is merciful to the child. This means that he will have good luck in life.

There is another point of view that the name Jan comes from the Slavic “John”, “Ivan”. It is most popular in the Baltics, where almost every second man wears it.

What do the letters of the name mean?

  • I am self-confidence, dignity, desire and the ability to receive the love and respect of others.
  • N - expresses protest, inner strength, selectivity in business, high intelligence, hard work, maintaining health.

Yang: name meaning, character

The owners of this name are in most cases gifted with talent. True, Ian himself will have to figure out which one. This person is a bright, interesting personality with whom you will not be bored. Jan is inquisitive, has a vivid imagination, and a good memory. His intelligence and good manners are highly developed, so he risks causing misunderstanding by society.

The meaning of the name Yang carries enormous potential for self-development, a discerning mind, independence, and optimism. He is looking for an opportunity to demonstrate his abilities and achieve success. True, he does not always have enough willpower to do this. Most people named Yang do not reach significant heights.

But it’s also difficult to call this person weak-willed. He continues to act even if he is not sure of the results. Ian is used to calculating everything down to the smallest detail. He does not rely too much on intuition (although he has it), but always uses logic. Jan is a conservative, treats new things with great distrust, and stubbornly proves that he is right.

He chooses what education to get, what to become in life, even if someone doesn’t like it. Professions in which you need to manage and give orders are suitable for Jan. He does not ask for advice, but sets goals himself and achieves them.

The meaning of the name Yang suggests the qualities of an excellent organizer. He can perform many tasks simultaneously, and successfully. He has leadership qualities and could become a good boss. In his progress, Ian is often hampered by the desire to do everything himself. He also categorically does not like to be subordinate, and can go into conflict with management. He is comfortable being a middle manager.


The meaning of the name Yang also lies in having a brilliant mind: both synthetic and analytical. As a child, he develops well intellectually and surprises his elders with complex and serious questions and reasoning. He is distinguished by his curiosity, loves to find out everything himself and develop his personal point of view. Enjoys experimenting.


And you need to pay attention to this area when raising a boy. The meaning of the name Yang includes increased emotionality. It may seem that the child does not show unnecessary feelings, but this is not so. He is quick-tempered, stubborn, strives to be a leader, wants to manage everyone, and does not like to follow other people's instructions.

At the same time, Ian is an optimist and has a good sense of humor. When raising a boy, you should focus more on the positive aspects, and smooth out negative emotions, calm the child so as not to cause excessive nervousness and uncontrollability. These measures will help him become balanced and control himself in a difficult situation.

Love sphere

Yang is a subtle person, he is sexy and sensitive. In love, he is not too decisive and courageous. Although she loves pleasure, she treats sex with caution and logically controls the situation. He shows attention to his partners and tries to please (even if he doesn’t say words of love every time). Shows refined and subtle manners, which women like. When choosing a representative of the fair sex, Jan will appreciate a beautiful figure and extravagant clothes. He himself likes to dress in high-quality and comfortable things, and does not chase fashion.

Acute emotionality can interfere with Jan's love and family life. His desire to manage people can cause conflicts in the home, because relationships require understanding and a search for compromise. For Ian, this can become a problem, which often leads to divorce. As a rule, bearers of this name create a family more than once. Next to Ian, a woman can be happy who will not hurt his pride, encroach on his independence and will try to smooth out conflicts by turning everything into a joke.

He loves children and takes part in their upbringing with pleasure.


Ian is a rather sickly child. He is able to pick up an infection anywhere in a large crowd of people. In childhood, you need to monitor his health. It is advisable to take measures to strengthen the child’s immunity.

Adult Yang, as a rule, has good health, but still takes care of him and keeps him in excellent condition. Sports and yoga will not interfere with him. You should avoid overexertion, relax on time, and have good sleep.

Name in history. Interesting features

Not many people with the name Yang have left their mark on history. The most memorable of them are the composer Jean Sibelius and the rebel Jan Hus.

Name days: February 1 and 7, May 4 and 11, September 12, October 14.

Compatible female names: Daria, Elizaveta, Maria, Varvara, Arina, Alisa, Alina, Margarita, Milana, Christina, Diana, Irina, Amina, Yulia, Marina, Camilla, Svetlana, Emilia, Olesya.

Talisman stones (quite rare): Herckmeier diamond, pink sapphire, blue topaz, aventurine, morganite, tsavorite, amethyst, black tourmaline, dolomite, sardonyx, lapis lazuli, ruby, amber, chrysoprase, pyrite, sugilite.

Did you like the name Ian? You have already studied its origin and meaning. It remains to decide whether you want your child to have such qualities.

When a loving couple is informed that they will have a son, the question arises of what to name him. There are quite a few male names, and each carries its own meaning in the life of a little man. The boy’s future fate depends on the name, so you should take the choice seriously. In the modern world, ancient, unusual and rare names are gaining great popularity.

Do you want to name your long-awaited boy Ian? The article will help you determine your character and future life, make a complete analysis of your name, and also make life forecasts.

The meaning of the name Yang for a boy and fate

A boy named Yan is characterized by such traits as talent (parents need to help reveal all the child’s abilities), physical and mental development beyond his years. Young children with this name often have many questions that surprise their parents. But the emotional side shows itself poorly. The child is closed in his feelings, so the family should take care of the child’s state of mind. Children with this name are especially interesting and inquisitive. The best gift for them would be an encyclopedia or other educational book.

Ian is a kind, calm and diligent boy who does not make life particularly difficult for his loved ones. Luck will accompany you in life. Affectionately called: Janusya, Janusha, Janulya. Things are going well with my studies, the exact sciences are the most interesting. They love to tinker with small objects. A baby born in winter is quick-tempered and the most emotional; in spring and summer - calm, hardworking and reasonable; in the fall - logical, knows how to control himself.

The child's health is poor. He is more often exposed to various viruses and colds, so parents should be more attentive to their health status (but all this can be corrected, the main thing is timely treatment and hardening). Once a child interacts with someone who has a cold, the very next day they fall ill. Exercising will have a positive effect on the immune system.

Meaning of the name Yang for men

Grown man Ian is intelligent. Such traits as patience and perseverance are inherent, but there is little confidence and determination. Such men usually support conservative views. Has a negative attitude towards everything new and unfamiliar. To improve health, sports and yoga are recommended. Professions where you need to manage and give orders (manager) are suitable; they do this very well, since it is difficult to convince or impose your point of view.

It is worth noting that the name is better suited to the male gender than to the female gender. Good organizer. Able to solve several problems at once, while the quality of execution will be at its best. Thanks to his high intelligence and good memory, he achieves his goals, although he does not have willpower. Yang is quick-tempered, so it is impossible for ordinary irritation to become severe stress or nervousness. Stubbornness is another negative character trait. As mentioned earlier, it is difficult to convince a man with this name, so he chooses his wife or profession without any consent.

The ability to teach yourself and surprise everyone around you is a well-known trait. Loves attention in his direction. Analyzing everything to the smallest detail and arguing for any fact - this confirms skepticism and distrust of one’s intuition. In general, it’s better to have a conversation with Ian according to the principle “don’t make a fuss while it’s quiet”; if you inadvertently hurt and offended, then everything can be turned into a joke. Name Yang for marriage: refined manners with girls and excessive charm - all this lures a lady into a trap.

Men with this name prefer bright ones (a beautiful figure and standing out from the crowd are the main attributes), but due to their complex nature, divorces often occur. Therefore, a woman next to this type should be restrained, patient and be able to smooth out conflicts in order to maintain a happy family. If there is an understanding and loving person next to Ian, then things will go uphill for him, and he will repay you with the same affection and care. A successful marriage will be with Nina, Yulia, Svetlana, Oksana, Nadezhda, Vera. Unfavorable and with frequent quarrels with: Zhanna, Violetta, Natalia.

The fate of the name - in all its decisiveness, steadfastness of actions, it is very vulnerable and does not tolerate criticism. A stressful situation can be incapacitating. Throughout his life he develops himself and reaches certain peaks both in his career and in his family. A true perfectionist (a clearly constructed and correctly distributed schedule is the main part of life).

Yan - is of Hebrew origin, derived from “Yohanan”, which is believed to mean the name Yan - “Yahweh of mercy” or “God’s mercy”, “there is mercy in God.”

It is also believed that Yang is a derivative of the ancient Roman god of light and sun Janus.

One note, Jan is a cognate of the name Ivan. From Slavic John (very popular in the Baltic states).

In Europe, the translation “defender” is accepted. Decoding the letters of the name: I - desire, pride, self-confidence, the ability to win the attention of others; N - opposition, stubbornness, hard work, expression of protest, high intelligence and good development. This male name became widespread among Western Slavic peoples (Poles, Czechoslovakians, Slovaks).

Yan is a full name, it is worn in many countries; in Russia it is a fairly common name that goes well with surnames and patronymics. However, it is difficult to find a diminutive of endearment in a consonant form for this name. Name days are not celebrated according to the Orthodox calendar, but according to the Catholic calendar, Jan’s name day is celebrated many times a year, on February 8, October 23, November 24, May 21, December 4, April 7.

Stones - talismans:

  • blinks;
  • selenite;
  • amethyst;
  • amber;
  • ruby;
  • sugilite;
  • pink sapphire.

Zodiac sign: Cancer. Planet: moon. Patron of the name: horse. Treasured plant: chamomile. Favorable color: white. Favorable tree: birch.

Famous bearers of such a rare name:

  • Jan I (from 1284 to 1299) - Count of Holland, son and heir of Floris V.
  • Jan I Olbracht (from 1459 to 1501) - King of Poland.
  • Jan Fabricius (from 1877 to 1929) - Soviet commander, hero of the Civil War; the first to be awarded four Orders of the Red Banner.

Summarizing, let’s define the main components: highly developed intelligence and development beyond one’s years, curiosity, persistence and stubbornness (strong personality); career growth and family problems, weak immunity. It is worth noting that most character traits depend on the upbringing of moral and moral qualities, and a name is only a small part of deciding a person’s future fate. It all depends on the parents and on the future adult man himself. Therefore, you should not think that by naming a child a certain name, you will thereby determine the course of events in his life.

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Version 2. What does the name Yang mean?

Jan - “God bestowed” (Hebrew)

Infectious diseases simply “stick” to this child. No one in the group will get measles or mumps, but Ian will certainly fall down if some kid brings an infection to kindergarten.

He develops well both physically and mentally, has a brilliant analytical and synthetic mind at the same time. You should not allow this teenager to engage in continuous, lengthy discussions, otherwise he will bombard you with arguments and can put an adult in an awkward position with his deep knowledge. It is also difficult to convince him because he is really right. Rarely shows affection. It is necessary for him to develop understanding and love for others, even if these others are not such smart and intelligent children. Even though Ian is naturally in good health, keep an eye on him. He should play sports and not neglect sleep. Karate and yoga classes are what is necessary for him. He grows up to be an exceptionally intelligent and smart person.

He manages to solve ten questions at the same time and all with an equally good ending. He has a hard time in life. An excellent memory, combined with extraordinary curiosity, pushes him to various kinds of research and the development of informed opinions on each issue, which combine objectivity and subjectivity, self-confidence and a certain indecisiveness. Jan's will is strong, although perhaps not sufficient for such an exceptional nature. Do not allow his excessive excitability to develop into nervousness, otherwise he will become uncontrollable and even unfair. Stubborn, especially if he is offered something new.

Carefully chooses his profession, field of activity and organizes his studies in accordance with the intended goal. He doesn't need his parents' advice here. This is a born inventor with enormous mental capabilities. Professions where he can order, manage people and processes are suitable for him. This is an impeccable organizer, but Ian has one drawback - he wants to do everything himself. Under circumstances, he becomes a misanthrope. Intuition is well developed, but he does not trust it. He approaches everything with mathematical analysis; its foundation is reliability and validity in everything, otherwise he won’t get down to business. Sometimes, in the midst of work, Ian has doubts, but he leaves this anxiety to himself and does not devote it to his colleagues.

Ian is quite sexy. Satisfaction of desires is included in his life plans. A sound mind still rules over his sexual desires. Doesn't want to lose control of the situation, even when it comes to feelings. He is an interesting person. Cannot always distribute time and attention between family and profession, duty and feelings, tenderness and severity. He is too intelligent to be a completely real person. He loves to receive guests, enjoys attending parties, and tries to be the center of attention. Often irritates others with his impeccable behavior. In relation to his comrades - both men and women - he shows selflessness and unshakable loyalty.

“Winter” Yang is stubborn, with an unstable nervous system, he is emotional and quick-tempered.

“Autumn” is also emotional and quick-tempered, but he is reasonable and, more than “winter”, knows how to control his feelings. Both “winter” and “autumn” patronymics are suitable: Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Petrovich, Alekseevich, Pavlovich, Andreevich, Vladimirovich.

“Spring” and “summer” Yang is also stubborn, but more flexible, calm, more vulnerable, touchy. In order to protect it, patronymics are suitable: Dmitrievich, Stanislavovich, Olegovich, Vladislavovich, Rubenovich, Anatolyevich, Antonovich.

Little Yan is an obedient child, distinguished by his gentleness and complaisance, and often surprises others with his affection for his parents.

The Yanovs have developed speech, they quickly begin to speak in coherent sentences. Born speakers, they know how to convince others that they are right using gentle methods through constructive dialogue.

This skill is inherent in the boy by nature. Jan is an affectionate baby who needs expressions of love from his parents.

The child needs to be constantly hugged and kissed; tactile contact is important to him. For this reason, Jan often sleeps with his parents, giving up his crib. For adults, this becomes a problem, but it can be solved in the baby’s favorite way - through constructive dialogue.

Adolescence reveals new character traits in Yana. The guy is going through puberty hard, reacting sharply to changes in the body.

At this age, a teenager also needs support from his parents. He is very attached to them, but no longer shows it as openly as in childhood.

Ian is a mediocre student, not showing any bright talents or special abilities, but the boy is a solid student. If he makes enough effort to master new information, learning comes easily.

Broad prospects open up for a teenager; he can become successful in both the technical and humanitarian fields. Parents must gently push him to a certain decision, because Jan cannot determine his own future on his own.

Yang knows how to store emotions inside herself, but they accumulate and require release. Those around you don’t know what could be the last straw.

Having chosen a certain path, Jan goes forward, destroying all barriers; a man can achieve enormous success if he is interested in what he is doing.

Jan is friendly but independent and has a unique ability to persuade, which is why such people make good leaders.

Yang is endowed with a calm, balanced character, it is difficult to anger him, but if someone succeeds, a storm of indignation falls on this person.

He has “golden hands”, he understands the structure of machines and mechanisms, he is interested in doing something on his own, so in the house of the adult Ian, furniture made by himself and an exclusive interior appear.

Because of his character, Ian can forever end relationships with once close people, without bothering to explain the reason for the action.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Yang, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

What does the name Yang mean?(Western Slavic form of the name John, Ivan) - the mercy of God (the name Ian is of Hebrew origin).

Short meaning of the name Yang: Yanik, Yavka.

Middle name Yang: Yanovich, Yanovna.

Angel Jan Day: The name Jan celebrates name days three times a year:

  • April 12 (March 30) - St. John Climacus is the author of the book “The Ladder,” in which he indicated thirty virtues that lead a person to heaven, to bliss.
  • July 7 (July 26) - Nativity of John the Baptist, or the Baptist, who was honored to baptize Jesus and anticipated Christianity with his sermons.
  • October 9 (September 26) - Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, disciple of the Savior and witness to the most important deeds and events of his life. At the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he wrote the Holy Gospel and three epistles, as well as the holy book "Apocalypse", that is, a revelation about the future destinies of the world.

Signs of the name Yang: They offer prayers to John the Baptist for diseases of the head; John the Long-Suffering - about maintaining chastity; John the Theologian - on icon writing and on advice and love between husband and wife; John the Warrior - from a thief and offender. March 9 is the day of the discovery of the head of John the Baptist: if on this day birds build nests on the sunny side of trees and houses, this means a cold summer, and vice versa. Snow falls - Easter will be cold. On April 12, on St. John the Climacus, ladders are baked from dough to ascend to heaven in the future life (afterlife). The brownie gets mad at Climacus until midnight, until the rooster crows. July 7 - Ivan Kupala, Midsummer's Day, Ivan Tsvetnoy. The night before, flowers and plants acquire magical powers; trees get the opportunity to move from place to place and talk. Kupala bonfires heal all kinds of ailments in humans and livestock; Kupala dew is healing. On this night, all evil spirits gain special strength and power: witches, werewolves, mermaids, snakes... September 11 - John of Lent. But while observing strict fasting, you cannot eat apples, potatoes, cabbage, watermelons and anything else that resembles a head; You can’t cut something with a knife; You cannot sing and dance, because Herod’s daughter Salome begged by dancing and singing to cut off the head of John the Baptist.

  • Zodiac Yana - Cancer
  • Planet - Moon
  • Color Yang Yang - white
  • Auspicious tree - birch
  • Yana's treasured plant - chamomile
  • The patron of the name Yang is the horse
  • Yang Yang's talisman stone is selenite

Characteristics of the name Yang

Personality of the name Yang: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Yang? Jan is a stubborn person, it is difficult to convince him of something, even if he is obviously wrong. He has a hard time in life: he combines objectivity and subjectivity, self-confidence and indecisiveness.

Ian and his personal life

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Yang promise happiness in love? Jan is rarely happy in his first marriage and patiently endures the whims of his wife (who is much younger than him) in his second.

In love, Jan is rarely tender; sexual satisfaction means quite a lot to him, but his mind rules over manifestations of passion. Ian does not always manage to properly distribute time between work and family, to find a middle ground between duty and feeling, tenderness and severity. With his too impeccable behavior, he often annoys others. Somewhat out of touch with real life.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Ian carefully chooses his profession. A born organizer, a good leader of people and processes, he is naturally endowed with the gift of an inventor. Ian is a hard worker and a cheerful person, such a person is a godsend for any team. His motto is: “Reward good and punish evil.” True, when putting it into practice, Ian sometimes makes mistakes and can punish an innocent person - and then he worries about what happened for a long time. Ian's main hobby is traveling, and the main thing here is preparing for them and stories about them, usually embellished.

Health and energy

Yang is an extraordinary person with a strong will, a brilliant, at the same time analytical and synthetic mindset, with good intuition, smart and intelligent. The meaning of the name Yang is reliability and thoroughness. Prefers logic to intuition. Selfless, faithful in friendship. Yang is an easily excitable person, he needs to learn restraint and avoid mental overexertion and stimulants, and not neglect sleep.

Yan's fate in history

What does the name Yang mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Yan Vyshatich - Kiev thousand, son of Vyshata, governor of Grand Duke Yaroslav Vladimirovich. In 1070, Jan collected tribute for Svyatoslav Yaroslavich in the Rostov region. In 1093, Jan Vyshatich went against the Polovtsy with Monomakh, and in 1106, with his brother Putyata, he beat them near Zarechsk and took away their entire army. The Chronicles and the Pechersk Patericon praise the virtues of Jan Vyshatich and his wife Mary, who enjoyed the love of the Monk Theodosius, who talked with them about alms, about the kingdom of heaven and the hour of death. This virtuous couple had an even more virtuous son - Varlaam
  2. Jan Lacoste (d "Acosta) is a court jester of the time of Peter the Great, a Portuguese by birth, transported to Russia from Hamburg by one of the Russian residents. Smart and dexterous, well educated, Lacoste spoke several European languages ​​​​and had an excellent knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. A funny, awkward figure and His ability to ingratiate himself with everyone and please everyone earned him the position of jester at court. Peter especially loved to enter into theological disputes with him and for his diligent jester service he granted him the title of “Samoyed king”, giving him one of the deserted islands of the Gulf of Finland.
  3. Jan I Olbracht, John Albrecht (((1459 - 1501) king of Poland)
  4. Yan Arlazorov ((1947 - 2009) Russian theater actor and pop artist, Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the All-Russian Variety Artists Competition)
  5. Yann Tiersen (French multi-instrumentalist, minimalist composer and conductor. Plays various instruments, including violin, piano, accordion, acoustic and electric guitar, cello, carillon, harpsichord, melodic harmonica, vibraphone, mandolin, banjo, etc.)
  6. Johann Glaubitz, Jan Christoph Glaubitz, Jan Christopher Glaubitz ((c.1700 - 1767) creator and largest representative of the Vilna Baroque, one of the most sought-after architects of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the mid-18th century)
  7. Jan Jacobsen ((d.1622) Dutch privateer from Dunkirk in the service of Spain)
  8. Jan Banning (Dutch speed skater, participant in the World Championships (1898) and European Championships (1897), at the European Championships (1897) he took third place in the overall standings)
  9. Jan Mandijn ((1500/1502 - 1559/1560) Flemish Renaissance and Northern Mannerist painter)
  10. Jan Berzin (Berzins) ((1889 - 1938) real name - Peteris Kyuzis, party nickname - "Old Man"; Soviet military and political figure, one of the founders and head of Soviet military intelligence, head of Lenin's security, army commissar of the 2nd rank ( 1937))
  11. Jan Blomberg, better known as Hellhammer (Norwegian musician, drummer, played in many metal bands, the most famous of which are “Mayhem”, “Dimmu Borgir” and “Arcturus”. Hellhammer twice won the Norwegian music award “Spellemannprisen” (analogous to “ Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock Album (both times with The Kovenant).
  12. Jan Anvelt ((1884 – 1937) literary pseudonyms - Eessaare Aadu, K. Maatamees; Soviet military and political figure, professional revolutionary, writer, publicist)
  13. Jan Bella ((1843 - 1936) Slovak composer, one of the founders of Slovak composer music)
  14. Yang Wenhui ((1837 - 1911) secular Chinese Buddhist reformer, also called the "Father of the Buddhist Revival")
  15. Jan Helmont, also called - Jan Baptist van Helmont, Jean Baptiste van Helmont, Jean Baptiste van Helmont ((1580 - 1644) chemist, physiologist, physician and theosophist-mystic)

Yang in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name Yang in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Yang, in Spanish and Italian - Yang.