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What does the expression devil roll up the cotton mean? The cult of idleness or the tale of cotton pants

The apartment was filled with wonderful people. These were crystals of St. Petersburg alcohol trash. They were sincere in their actions, honest in their desires. You won't find boors or hacks there. There were no snickering cattle or Maromoi. These are people who have sunk to the bottom and have found freedom in something else. They could be honest bullies, scoundrels, maniacs, funny, unsightly alcoholics, good-natured people and unlucky thieves. Among them were an architect, an artist, and a very large businessman who previously had photos in his album with the powers that be. But today I want to tell you about my grandfather. I don’t remember his name, and no one called him by name. Let it be simple - Grandfather.

He appeared in the second year of our life in St. Petersburg. As he later told us, Grandfather was released from prison. For some very terrible crime, he went to prison at the age of eighteen and left at fifty. What he did there, Grandfather did not tell anyone. He occupied an empty room and immediately took charge of the common toilet. His legs were like wheels, as if he had been riding a hippopotamus since early childhood. When moving, he used two crutches, which he deftly used in fights with his neighbors. Grandfather's nose was broken several times and was a squiggle in the shape of the English letter "S".

Assholes, bastards, degenerates! - this is how every morning began. Grandfather got up at six o'clock and, rattling his crutches, washed away the vomited and soiled push from the previous day. We heard everything because we lived next to the toilet.

Having finished his morning chores, Grandfather went to the synagogue. The synagogue stood on a nearby street and its presence greatly affected the life of the Admiralteysky district. In addition to the fact that it fed the goyim who were drawn to Judaism, Orthodox Christians from all over the city came here in hordes.

Excuse me, do you happen to have a cigarette to enjoy? - a young Jew once asked me on the street with a characteristic burr.

I silently handed him the pack. The Semite quickly put the cigarette behind his ear.

Oh, thank you, thank you! Are you by any chance going to a synagogue?

This was too much even for me, and my shoe struck the half-ass of the quickly running away young man. But this is so, a sketch. She has nothing to do with Grandfather.

Returning from the synagogue, Grandfather talked to us for a long time about the advantages of being Jewish.

Adam was a Jew, which means we are all Jews. Where your bread is, there is your home.

That’s what he thought, and we didn’t beat him for it. We respected gray hairs, no matter whose head they adorned. But the cunning Grandfather still did not abandon Orthodoxy and, for the sake of a bonus snack, visited all the churches located in the area.

I must say that in our communal apartment I stopped being “languid” every evening. This is why I love the time spent in it. Firstly, for every drunkard architect, artist and businessman there were three alcoholic women. The drunkards wandered from hand to hand at least once a week. The moving process was accompanied by fights, scandals, ambulances and police. Secondly, we lived in the apartment with a stormy alcoholic and sexual life, bringing a bunch of friends and girlfriends. Thirdly, from the age of eighteen until the age of fifty, Grandfather did not see, touch or have women.

Around six o'clock in the evening, Grandfather dressed up in an old Soviet jacket, stuffed two or three bottles of Snezhinki (window cleaner) into his pockets and went to the Moscow station. Sometimes he returned late in the evening with a catch in the form of a dirty and smelly station homeless woman.

But don’t think that he has fallen so low, no. I don’t know what he did with the professionals in his room and I don’t want to know, but before visiting his little room, the lady had to go through an initiation process, which consisted of two stages. To begin with, Grandfather washed his chosen one in street clothes in a full bath of cold water, and then he initiated her into some kind of peculiar mix of Orthodoxy and Judaism. He did this on the “chair of enlightenment” (as we called it), which stood in the corridor opposite our door.

The homeless woman kicked into a chair and Grandfather asked:

Do you believe in our Christ Jesus?

What are you doing, absolutely?! - the frightened drunkard muttered.

This is not how you should answer, sinner! - the grandfather answered patiently and hit her liver with a crutch.

I ask again, do you believe in our Creator, will you observe the laws of kashrut?

I-I believe... I will... - she began to mutter in fear.

I don't believe you! You're lying! - answered our Stanislavsky and hit the fucker with a crutch!

I ask again, do you believe...

I believe, I believe, don’t fuck me!

At that moment, the homeless woman realized that a real asshole had come to her.

Do not skimp before the face of the Lord! - Grandfather said solemnly and treated the homeless woman with a crutch once again. But softer.

By the end of their initiation, the professionals in acting began to be head and shoulders above the recognized Moscow Art Theater maromoyeks. Convincing my grandfather of his sincere faith and love for the Lord was very, very difficult. Sometimes it took up to a dozen blows with a magic crutch for a fallen woman to inflame with fierce love for the Almighty. And only after this two-step initiation, the homeless woman became kosher and began to be suitable for her grandfather’s love pleasures.

But one day Grandfather suffered a puncture. The initiation process went the wrong way from the very beginning. The lady desperately did not want to wash herself. Grandfather had already filled a bath of cold water and poured Pemolux into it. But he wasn’t very successful in pushing a healthy homeless woman into the bathroom, even armed with crutches. The bitch bit, scratched, destroyed furniture in the bathroom and called for help. It happened late at night.

Heart-rending screams woke me up. I stood up and opened the door, intending to rein in the old lecher. But at the same moment, the professional woman gave the grandfather a coconut and walked out of the bathroom to where her eyes, corroded by the pemolux, were looking.

Of course, she decided that the door was opening to save her. I didn’t even have time to say a word when a wet, disheveled and howling creature rushed past me into the room and ducked under the bed of the sleeping Kolyan.

Eeeee! What the f*ck? - I was indignant. - Well, let's get the fuck out of here!

The homeless woman howled even louder from under the bed. Then Kolyan woke up. He immediately realized that there was someone under his bed. No wonder, damn it. Comrade jumped up in fear on the bed and, fearing to lower his feet to the floor, stared at me with the eyes of a crap mouse. I spread my hands. There's nothing to do, you'll have to pick it out. Grandfather, writhing in pain, hobbled into the room.

Grandfather, and grandfather, what kind of concert is that? - I asked indignantly.

Grandfather - fuck him! Lyokha, help me get it. She awakened my passion.

Japanese policeman! - I sighed. Taking my grandfather’s crutch away, I began poking it at the homeless woman screaming like a devil from the underworld. She realized that we were members of the same sect and suddenly jumped out on all fours from under the bed. Without changing her position, howling desperately, she, as in films about exercism on four limbs, rushed out of the room and, drifting around the turn, disappeared at the end of the corridor. The room smelled like shit. Then Kolyan shit himself from fear. I, too, would have shit myself if I were him, not knowing the backstory behind the appearance of this creature under my bed.

I pushed my grandfather out and went to bed. Kolyan is not small, he can clean himself. The long-awaited silence came. Only at the end of the corridor was the measured hum of the grandfather heard. He used a “Snowflake” to lure the homeless woman out of the closet. I don’t know how he did it, but after about an hour the homeless woman found herself in the bathroom again, and the process began again.

You want to wash me and then rape me! - she screamed, throwing our toothbrushes at Grandfather. Naive, she didn’t know about the chair yet.

Then Dimon, who had been sleeping in his headphones, woke up from the smell of shit. His sleep suddenly disappeared, and he joined his grandfather’s game. Dima put on his security guard uniform (he worked part-time every other night) and went to the bathroom to sort things out.

Police Lieutenant Sydorenko! We have heard a rumor that irresponsible citizens do not comply with the federal program for washing out antisocial elements?!

You will wash me and rape me! - already hesitantly, embarrassed by the presence of a man in uniform, the professional worker mumbled.

Have you seen yourself in the mirror, creature?! - Dimon was offended. - Quickly wash!

The fake cop and Grandfather took the limp homeless woman under her arms and dipped her into the bathtub. The initiation process went like clockwork. To accept faith, she only needed five crutches. But if Ksenia Sobchak had been in her place with her acting skills, she would have fucking died!

This time everything went well for Grandfather. But no matter how much the rope twists, the end will still be found.

One day, when the four of us were sitting in the kitchen and preparing a late dinner, Grandfather came home in the company of a decent-looking woman, a girl of about ten, and a certain gray-haired individual in tattoos, who introduced himself as the king of the homeless of the Moscow station. I don’t remember exactly his “position” right now. Either he was the king of the homeless, or of thieves, or of beggars. It was clear that he had great respect for himself and his subsequent actions made us feel the same way about him.

The king shook hands with everyone in the kitchen and said:

This woman and the girl were left abandoned at my station. They have no money, no home, no relatives, no documents (it was 2001 and there were a lot of such stories at that time, and they still exist now. Author). I have nothing to take from them, and look at them yourself, which of them are beggars? I don’t need them there, but it’s a shame to drive them away. This bastard,” he pointed to Grandfather, “said that he could shelter them.” I don't trust people, I came to check. Don't pay any attention to me. I'll sit in the kitchen.

We immediately assured the King that entrusting Grandfather with decent people was not the best idea. But he decided to check everything himself. I took out more plates, and we fed the mother and daughter. The king politely refused. After dinner, Grandfather and his newfound family went to settle into the room, and the King and I remained in the kitchen. It was obvious that he was having fun with us. He showed us tricks with cards, coins, clocks, and told funny stories. The night was very unusual and educational. I’ve never met such interesting characters before and I’m unlikely to meet them again.

Guys, go to bed. - he finally said. - I'll look after my grandfather.

We went to our room and fell asleep. We got up at ten o'clock in the morning. Having quickly dressed, we went out into the corridor and headed towards the exit. The door to grandfather's room was open. Grandfather was lying on his back with his mouth open. His swollen face and the entire floor were covered in blood, and two teeth were stuck to his cheek. The woman and child were not in the room. I walked up to him and pushed him with my foot. Grandfather groaned.

Grandfather, and Grandfather, who fucked you up like that? - asked Kolyan.


What friend?

Druuug roll up the cotton wool! - Grandfather groaned. - Go to the pharmacy, guys.

There is nothing to do, we must go. The kitchen was located opposite the exit from the apartment. The King was sitting in the kitchen. Seeing us, he stood up.

Hi guys. You finally woke up. Don't make a fuss, I'm the one who fucked him. I'm sitting in the kitchen, silence. Suddenly a child screamed. I rushed there, and this bitch knocked out the mother and pestered the girl. Thought I left. You saw for yourself what I did to him for this. They will be safe at my station. I'll arrange them. And I waited to warn you. There's no trash there...

Then we realized why this Grandfather could be imprisoned. We didn't go to the pharmacy. They disdained to communicate with Grandfather any further. And he calmed down and only rattled buckets in the toilet in the morning. And he swore:

Assholes, bastards, degenerates...

I moved out of this apartment in the fall of 2003. The last time it came back to haunt me was in 2007, when on Sennaya I met a former influential businessman, the sorcerer Misha, already familiar to you from one of my stories. He was wearing a plush gray jacket that had disappeared from me in those fun times. I didn’t ask him about Grandfather.

All day long Vaska did nothing but lie on the sofa, sleep, eat and lazily stretch. And everything would be fine if he were a cat or at least a dog. But he is a real person, with arms and legs, but in the process without a head, figuratively speaking.

Such Vasya and Petya, apparently he is the continuer of the great traditions of those same Vaneks, who spent half their lives lying on the stove and waiting for everything to work out for them, and for miracles to burst into their lives. This happened to some of these same Vaneks, and these lucky ones were captured for us by Russian fairy tales. History is silent about who the miracles spared, so we cannot make a chart or determine the percentage of the darlings of fate for those times. But we can say that if the percentage of those who wait for miracles without leaving the oven has remained unchanged, then the number of those who did not wait for these miracles has become much larger, in direct proportion to population growth.

So what are these darlings of the Russian stove waiting for?

The point is clear, they are waiting for the right moment. If you start acting earlier, nothing will come of it, and if you are late, then nothing good will happen either. But more often than not, this is just an excuse, and the reason for “lying on the stove” is simply not the desire to do anything.

Where does this inability or unwillingness to act come from? (this question is very relevant for me specifically)

Life is pain

The first thing that comes to mind in this case is dissatisfaction with any area of ​​life. For example, work, if it is boring, does not give any pleasure, only entails degradation and turns life into continuous hard labor. I never understood the job of a security guard, where you walk around all day, knead rolls, moving from place to place, and amuse yourself with your phone or crossword puzzles. Family life may not be satisfying either, if your wife and children become your jailers and imprison you in a cozy, family nest. But sometimes you really want freedom of action, thoughts and desires. And when these or other factors turn life into torture, all that remains is to go into the world of dreams or just climb onto the stove and wait. You can, like Ilyusha Muromets, say that your legs have given up, so that no one touches you at all. Life is pain.

On the other hand, how can you lie on the stove or do nothing when you are not satisfied with something in life? Isn’t this what most often serves as motivation for action? If you don’t like something, go and make it so that you like it. It turns out that the issue here is something else.

Maybe a loss of taste for life? Laziness and boredom. Let's talk a little about them.

“When you are still a child, all this appears before your eyes, knocks on your ears and makes an amazing impression. Always like the first time. Now you know all the names, titles and categories. This is good, and this is bad, here is a table, there is a chair, a car, a house, a flower, and so on. Gradually you become bored, because the surrounding objects exist for you only as names. Dry and narrow concepts of the mind throw a veil over you, making it difficult to perceive. Now you look at everything through a veil of associations, relative to things. It seems to you that you have already seen it all! It's like watching the same movie for the 20th time. You're getting bored. Because you only see memories of objects. Boredom is a fundamental inability to comprehend life. Therefore, before you can regain your senses, you must completely lose your mind.” Dan Millman

I don't know about losing your mind, but you have to do something about it. Losing your mind sounds too abstract and more like a literary device than some kind of solution. But there is something else, a much clearer and more accurate understanding of why many people roll cotton wool.

What does “rolling cotton wool” mean?

In general, the expression “roll cotton wool” or “vatokat” is more typical of youth slang. Although in fact, this phrase, or more precisely the concept, like many others that we use in everyday life, has a prison origin. The process of rolling small pieces of cotton wool into thin sticks to ignite tobacco products from an incandescent lamp in a chamber. Usually low-caste criminals do this, hence the phrase: “Damn, roll up the cotton wool!”

I think our mentality is to blame, one of the most surprising features of which is the cult of idleness. It’s not that people in the USA or other countries are very hardworking, but nowhere is idleness cultivated, not approved, or boasted about, as it is in Russia.

Having worked a little in public catering, I can say that there was, and still most likely is, some special chic in “putting out” or sidestepping work by transferring it to someone else. The funniest thing was listening to people in smoking rooms and kitchens. These people talk about their victories on the idle fronts as military exploits. Willingly, you begin to adapt so as not to be the one on whom they dump all the work that can be dumped.

How cool it was that bosses, teachers, parents, stupid clients were fooled, and how cool it was to snatch a good piece for yourself without doing anything.

The ideal for these people is a person who sits at work all day at the computer and resolves the situation around him so that he is paid a salary for it, despite the fact that he is of no use.

At the same time, listeners quietly admire such stories, and when they try to insert something like “but I worked for half a year and finally managed to install automatic machines at the Renault plant,” they respond with sluggish nods, saying, why are you telling us about “work” here? We have “life” here now!

Doing something to get a sponsorship contract or a contract with a backer is even considered somehow incorrect; those who were approached by the sponsors themselves are held in high esteem, and they accepted the offer while lying on the couch.

I think it’s easy to understand that this attitude permeates everything from head to toe. It is these people who have been producing the same Fiat model in our country for 50 years, killing their fellow citizens in accidents. They are the ones who build houses that begin to crumble 2 years after construction, saving on cheap labor from Central Asia. They are the ones who build roads that cost more than American ones and are similar in quality to Egyptian ones. They are everywhere.

It is these people who take bribes, and then, just as you tell how they fooled the professor’s finger and cheated during the session, they also tell their acquaintances and friends how coolly they stole. And no one spits in their faces, does not consider them insignificant, just as they do not consider the student who bought the test to be insignificant. Reality changes, miserable insignificant actions become normal, accepted and correct.

In the country cult of idleness. Anyone who does anything, much less achieves anything, is considered a leper and is not loved. Storytellers are held in high regard about how great it is for them to sit in the office for 12 hours a day on VKontakte, and how cool it is for them to stay at work for 6 months while receiving a salary.

Take action

And here, unlike the previous post, specific actions are needed here. And nothing around will change until everyone takes responsibility for what is happening around them. After all, it’s easier to blame everything on the government and do nothing. But even if our country has a super adequate government, it will not be able to change the people themselves.

It seems to me that many things in this world become possible, or at least accelerated, if someone tries to contribute and encourage the movement. We need to get off our favorite stove, go and do something. The only way.

P.S. Oh, and I like writing postscripts lately. This time I’ll leave here a short video that touches on the topic of excuses that people come up with just to not do anything.

Engage in useless activities.

Origin of the phrase roll cotton wool.

There is no point in rolling cotton wool.

Belonging to the phrase roll cotton wool.

General slang, youth slang.

An example of the use of the phrase roll cotton wool.

I rolled cotton wool all weekend.

I'm not going to roll cotton wool for the rest of my life.

Belonging to the phrase roll cotton wool

The Romance dialect includes all the words of modern Italian, often with small pronouns. It's just that words that aren't written in Italian or Romance have different meanings or nuances of meaning. Or that they were born into the dialect and then switched to the language.

Many words do not originate in the Romance language, but are imported from other Italian dialects. In the following list of words, each lemma is associated with a class. Note. Several Romance words have different variants and variations. A small and not too deep vessel for washing, cooling, etc. various objects.

So are you going to sit here and roll cotton wool?

Rolling cotton wool is actually not that easy; you need a skill that develops over the years.

We decided to check whether rolling cotton wool is really such a simple task.

Here at the Kaliningrad Central there was an expression going around: “damn roll up the cotton wool”; the expression was not so much offensive, but rather humorous.

Hello everyone, let's roll cotton wool!

Origin of the phrase roll cotton wool

Blind, Destroyer. Vandalism; vandalism - Varvara and indiscriminate destruction and looting of cultural property and valuable historical sites; barbarism, cruelty, rudeness. Vanillin; vanilla A very aromatic aldehyde found in vanilla fruit.

Variometer; microwave ovens, radio installation and radio device; A device for measuring a change in a physical quantity, e.g. terrestrial magnetism; Aircraft vertical measuring device. Heavy accent; Type of accent in the Slavic script. He mainly deals with the question of the essence of "god" and argues, contrary to hesychasm, that no distinction should be made between the "divine essence" and the "divine energy." The Varlamats argue that knowledge of “God” means, that is, truth, and that this knowledge must be preceded by an understanding of nature and its laws.

Popular myths.

Hormonal drugs are medicines containing hormones or their synthetic analogues and used for hormone therapy. There are hormonal drugs...

According to the results of various sociological surveys and studies conducted by specialists in the field of watch marketing and service, it is still...

Varlamatism is similar to Nazi propaganda in Western Europe, and is based on elements of rationalism and logic characteristic of Aristotle's philosophy. Varlaamit penetrates into Bulgaria, where he finds ground for distribution among the richer and most prominent citizens in the capital Veliko Tarnovo.

They are divided into organogenic, chemical and mechanical. They are found in almost all geological formations; most developed in the Cretaceous. They are widely represented in Northern and Northeastern Bulgaria, Stara Planina, Sredna Gora, the Rhodope Mountains and other places. Various mineral deposits are genetically associated with limestones: oil, natural gas, polymetallic ores and others. They are widely used in construction, chemical industry and other places. Large limestone quarries for cladding and cladding are located in Belogradchik, Vrata and Ruse.

Stray dogs have long ceased to be creatures trembling for their lives, who were happy with scraps, shying away from random passers-by. Today the mongrels have lost everything...

Popular facts.

Among all the humanities, philosophy is called the most insidious. After all, it is she who asks humanity such complex but also important questions as: “What is b...

All day long Vaska did nothing but lie on the sofa, sleep, eat and lazily stretch. And everything would be fine if he were a cat or at least a dog. But he is a real person, with arms and legs, but in the process without a head, figuratively speaking.

Such Vasya and Petya, apparently he is the continuer of the great traditions of those same Vaneks, who spent half their lives lying on the stove and waiting for everything to work out for them, and for miracles to burst into their lives. This happened to some of these same Vaneks, and these lucky ones were captured for us by Russian fairy tales. History is silent about who the miracles spared, so we cannot make a chart or determine the percentage of the darlings of fate for those times. But we can say that if the percentage of those who wait for miracles without leaving the oven has remained unchanged, then the number of those who did not wait for these miracles has become much larger, in direct proportion to population growth.

So what are these darlings of the Russian stove waiting for?

The point is clear, they are waiting for the right moment. If you start acting earlier, nothing will come of it, and if you are late, then nothing good will happen either. But more often than not, this is just an excuse, and the reason for “lying on the stove” is simply not the desire to do anything.

Where does this inability or unwillingness to act come from? (this question is very relevant for me specifically)

Life is pain

The first thing that comes to mind in this case is dissatisfaction with any area of ​​life. For example, work, if it is boring, does not give any pleasure, only entails degradation and turns life into continuous hard labor. I never understood the job of a security guard, where you walk around all day, knead rolls, moving from place to place, and amuse yourself with your phone or crossword puzzles. Family life may not be satisfying either, if your wife and children become your jailers and imprison you in a cozy, family nest. But sometimes you really want freedom of action, thoughts and desires. And when these or other factors turn life into torture, all that remains is to go into the world of dreams or just climb onto the stove and wait. You can, like Ilyusha Muromets, say that your legs have given up, so that no one touches you at all. Life is pain.

On the other hand, how can you lie on the stove or do nothing when you are not satisfied with something in life? Isn’t this what most often serves as motivation for action? If you don’t like something, go and make it so that you like it. It turns out that the issue here is something else.

Maybe a loss of taste for life? Laziness and boredom. Let's talk a little about them.

“When you are still a child, all this appears before your eyes, knocks on your ears and makes an amazing impression. Always like the first time. Now you know all the names, titles and categories. This is good, and this is bad, here is a table, there is a chair, a car, a house, a flower, and so on. Gradually you become bored, because the surrounding objects exist for you only as names. Dry and narrow concepts of the mind throw a veil over you, making it difficult to perceive. Now you look at everything through a veil of associations, relative to things. It seems to you that you have already seen it all! It's like watching the same movie for the 20th time. You're getting bored. Because you only see memories of objects. Boredom is a fundamental inability to comprehend life. Therefore, before you can regain your senses, you must completely lose your mind.” Dan Millman

I don't know about losing your mind, but you have to do something about it. Losing your mind sounds too abstract and more like a literary device than some kind of solution. But there is something else, a much clearer and more accurate understanding of why many people roll cotton wool.

What does “rolling cotton wool” mean?

In general, the expression “roll cotton wool” or “vatokat” is more typical of youth slang. Although in fact, this phrase, or more precisely the concept, like many others that we use in everyday life, has a prison origin. The process of rolling small pieces of cotton wool into thin sticks to ignite tobacco products from an incandescent lamp in a chamber. Usually low-caste criminals do this, hence the phrase: “Damn, roll up the cotton wool!”

I think our mentality is to blame, one of the most surprising features of which is the cult of idleness. It’s not that people in the USA or other countries are very hardworking, but nowhere is idleness cultivated, not approved, or boasted about, as it is in Russia.

Having worked a little in public catering, I can say that there was, and still most likely is, some special chic in “putting out” or sidestepping work by transferring it to someone else. The funniest thing was listening to people in smoking rooms and kitchens. These people talk about their victories on the idle fronts as military exploits. Willingly, you begin to adapt so as not to be the one on whom they dump all the work that can be dumped.

How cool it was that bosses, teachers, parents, stupid clients were fooled, and how cool it was to snatch a good piece for yourself without doing anything.

The ideal for these people is a person who sits at work all day at the computer and resolves the situation around him so that he is paid a salary for it, despite the fact that he is of no use.

At the same time, listeners quietly admire such stories, and when they try to insert something like “but I worked for half a year and finally managed to install automatic machines at the Renault plant,” they respond with sluggish nods, saying, why are you telling us about “work” here? We have “life” here now!

Doing something to get a sponsorship contract or a contract with a backer is even considered somehow incorrect; those who were approached by the sponsors themselves are held in high esteem, and they accepted the offer while lying on the couch.

I think it’s easy to understand that this attitude permeates everything from head to toe. It is these people who have been producing the same Fiat model in our country for 50 years, killing their fellow citizens in accidents. They are the ones who build houses that begin to crumble 2 years after construction, saving on cheap labor from Central Asia. They are the ones who build roads that cost more than American ones and are similar in quality to Egyptian ones. They are everywhere.

It is these people who take bribes, and then, just as you tell how they fooled the professor’s finger and cheated during the session, they also tell their acquaintances and friends how coolly they stole. And no one spits in their faces, does not consider them insignificant, just as they do not consider the student who bought the test to be insignificant. Reality changes, miserable insignificant actions become normal, accepted and correct.

In the country cult of idleness. Anyone who does anything, much less achieves anything, is considered a leper and is not loved. Storytellers are held in high regard about how great it is for them to sit in the office for 12 hours a day on VKontakte, and how cool it is for them to stay at work for 6 months while receiving a salary.

Take action

And here, unlike the previous post, specific actions are needed here. And nothing around will change until everyone takes responsibility for what is happening around them. After all, it’s easier to blame everything on the government and do nothing. But even if our country has a super adequate government, it will not be able to change the people themselves.

It seems to me that many things in this world become possible, or at least accelerated, if someone tries to contribute and encourage the movement. We need to get off our favorite stove, go and do something. The only way.

P.S. Oh, and I like writing postscripts lately. This time I’ll leave here a short video that touches on the topic of excuses that people come up with just to not do anything.

What is given in the material are commonly used words and jargons of thieves, slang, and phrases used in the thieves, near-thieves, prison or youth environment. There are also commonly used words of rough vocabulary and professional jargon from various fields. The collection is compiled from publicly available materials, therefore it does not claim to be 100% accurate and objective, and is presented for informational purposes only. Mat in words and expressions is encrypted. Completely outdated concepts (like the name of a twenty-kopeck coin, which simply does not exist now) are excluded. We will be glad to see additions and corrections in your comments.

Abakumych - crowbar, crowbar.
Abwehr - operational unit of the ITK
Abyssinian tax is a bribe.
Abopol – count.
Abrotnik is a horse thief.
Paddy wagon, paddy wagon - a vehicle for transporting prisoners, ZK.
Automatic machine – bench, writing pen.
A machine gunner is a person who evades conscription.
Authority is the highest caste in the hierarchy of criminal subordination. Preferred synonyms: prisoner, tramp, tramp, swindler, etc. Classic euphemisms (such as people, zhigans, plowmen, etc.) are now used much less.
Authoritative - a person who has a very high status in the thieves' circle of prisoners, thieves and men. There are no devils, castes or other lower groups in the castes.
An activist is a prisoner who openly cooperates with the administration.
Activation - release due to illness or disability.
Amba - end, death.
The prisoner is a thief in law, or a criminal, or an authoritative/respected prisoner.
Atas is an alarm signal, an unreliable business.

An athlete is a support person who carries out reprisals and threats of violence, a militant.

Grandmas, loot, filks, chips, crunches - money, currency.
Babon, bobon, bobby - a police car.
Talk - talk, discuss.
Cormorant is a cheeky guy, a hooligan. Used contemptuously. It is not customary to use authoritative people among serious prisoners.
To make a fuss, to make a fuss – to go on a rampage, to run into problems.
A mess is a disorder in a place of detention or residence, an unprovoked lack of order.
Balabas - bummer, failure
Balabol - liar
Balander - distributing food in the Ministry of Health
Ballerina is a special tool for breaking safes and locks.
Ban, jargon - station.
Banking - bargaining, trading, handing over, pouring.
Ram is a stupid person.
A huckster is a businessman, a middleman. Formerly a speculator. Nowadays, more often - a person selling tobacco, alcohol and drugs in the zone, engaged in the resale of stolen goods in the wild.
Barishnik - buyer, drug dealer.
Heads are currency, money.
Bayan is an injection syringe.
Squirrel - fever, haste.
White Swan - (EPKT) is a slang name for prisons of eight regional forestry departments. The origin of the jargon is unknown, presumably from the name of the site where the first prison was built (a forest area with that name in Solikamsk).
A non-escort prisoner is a prisoner with reduced strictness of movement within a secure facility.
Lawlessness - arbitrariness, lawlessness, uncontrolled violence.
Lawlessness of thieves, wool - deliberate violation of prison law by thieves or wool in relation to other prisons.
A lawless person is an employee of a place of detention (MP) or a prisoner who commits lawlessness.
Tusk is a stupid person.
Bixa is a woman, a prostitute.
Beemer, boomer, bomb - a BMW car.
Scourge is a weak-willed, spineless, humiliating person who serves others.
Blatnoy – the highest status in the hierarchy of prisoners. Must have an impeccable reputation: be a professional criminal, not work in a zone, live according to “concepts,” not serve in the army, etc. In addition, they must have a reputation in the wild - not work, for example, as taxi drivers, not belong to a party, not go to rallies, etc. There are a lot of requirements. The thieves are the second power – always fighting the “red” (official) power of the zones. The thieves have significant privileges - they can not work, take whatever they want from the common fund, etc. The thieves also have responsibilities - for example, organizing the supply of the zone with “heating” (tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc.), “resolving” disputes and conflicts, ensuring peace and order among the gang. The thieves also have their own hierarchy. Thief in law - brother-in-law - authoritative - boy - well-off - fighter. The names themselves may vary depending on age and region. For example, a person who is close to criminals can be called a fraer, simply a criminal - a trump fraer, etc. Defining the “specialty” of a thug’s nickname can also be used: lookout, corner, support, etc.
Beans - finance.
Bodyaga is empty chatter, nonsense.
A fighter is a prisoner - a performer. By decision of the meeting, he uses violence against other prisoners (or employees of the Ministry of Health), up to and including murder. Also - an athlete, a gladiator, a bull. The fighters, as a rule, are thieves, but do not have the right to vote on the gangway and have no authority.
A tramp is an authority figure or a prisoner who lives according to “concepts.”
Bolt, zhikovina – signet, ring.
The beard is a bummer in business.
Brothers - thieves; or prisoners living according to concepts; or the composition of one chamber.
Bracelets are handcuffs.
A brigade is a group of several dozen fighters. At the head is a foreman responsible for their actions.
A tramp is a tramp.
BUR - high security barracks. PCT.
To drill is to drive nonsense, an unreasonable attack that threatens trouble.
The bull is a fighter, arrogant.
Bulling is defiant behavior.
Bull, bull - cigarette butt. If one prisoner asks another to “leave”, this must be done.

In nature - seriously, responsibly.
Wax – vodka, alcohol.
Jack is six.
Watch - duty room of the supervisory staff; premises for ITU personnel and security (soldiers of the internal troops).
Vertukhai - guard, overseer, guard.
The paddle is a spoon.
Vzgrev - money, drugs, tea, alcohol, communications and other things and items necessary in the Ministry of Health, often prohibited, supplied illegally through freemen or by bribing guards.
Vzroslyak – “adult” zone (for adult prisoners).
Pitchfork - a stalemate, hopelessness.
Take the apartment - take the blame for the wood grouse (unsolved theft from the apartment).
Smoke it, buy it, buy it - understand.
Break in - hand over information about hiding places or people to an operative officer.
Get into trouble - take a drug or get caught red-handed.
Volyn - firearms, Volga car.
Free, Volnyashki, Volnyashi are civilian employees of the Ministry of Health who do not have special titles. As a rule, they participate in shadow commodity transactions in the Ministry of Health, handing over small items and prohibited items.
Thief in law, Thief is the elite of the criminal and prison world, patriarch, leader, initiate. They cannot work, have children, have a family, serve in the army, several “walks” are required and there is no contact with the intelligence services. Requirements may change over time.
Thieves' orders are new rules created as a result of a dispute among prisoners or in response to regime measures by prison authorities. Some “concepts” and prison law are made up of orders.
The Thieves' Law is a set of rules mandatory for thieves and living according to "concepts".
Funnel - autoZAK.
Harness - to intercede, to protect.
Rub in, stick in, explain - explain, explain.
VTK is an educational labor colony. ITU (camp type) for juvenile prisoners (age from 14 to 18 years). Since 1997, VTCs have been renamed into VK - educational colonies.
Otter is a master key.
Ransom - guess, track, identify the right person (for example, an informer in a cell).
Break out - leave the cell with the permission of the administration and under its protection, transfer to another cell with the permission of the administration.
Expose, kick out - rob the apartment.
The exhaust is fat.

Nut - ring.
Chief Rooster - The eldest in the caste of the lowered. Has the functions of representative, negotiator, organizer, etc.
Gladiator is a fighter.
Gold, red, red, rust, jaundice - gold, precious metal.
Smut is a problem.
Drive, drive, cheat - tell lies, nonsense.
The persecuted is a liar, a dreamer.
Gopnik is a robber who takes property from citizens using violence (banditry, robbery) or through intimidation.
Gop-stop - street attack, robbery, robbery.
Competently - thoughtfully.
Grev - warming up.
Grevak is a parcel of currency.
Load - extort, intimidate.
GUIN - Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments. All Ministry of Health is under the authority of the department. Previously - GULAG - Main Directorate of Camps (period 30-50s of the last century), GUITC - Main Directorate of Corrective Labor Colonies (mid - late 50s), GUITU - Main Directorate of Corrective Labor Institutions (60s - mid 80s), GUID - Main Directorate for Correctional Affairs (before perestroika). GULAG is a word that has become a household word, symbolizing a machine for grinding human destinies and exterminating people in times of tyranny of power.

DCK is a children's educational colony.
Demon - damn.
Decil, decl, decel, drek, kropal - a small person, a little something.
DISO - Disciplinary ISOLator. Cell for violators of the VTK regime. Unlike the punishment cell, it has a more lenient regime of detention. The maximum period is 7 days.
DK is a children's colony.
The doctor is a lawyer.
A burglar is a burglar.
Finish - sleep.
DPNK - duty assistant to the head of the colony.
DPNSI - assistant on duty to the head of the pre-trial detention center.
Drap is a plan (drug).
DTK - children's labor colony. Until the 50s - a camp for juvenile delinquents.
Dubak is a spinner.
Dura - trunk.
Fool - 1. A person under investigation who is sent for a psychiatric examination. 2. A person under investigation who has “successfully” passed a psychiatric examination and who has been declared insane by the examination. 3. A prisoner declared mentally ill.
To play the fool, to play the fool - to behave frivolously, to make a mistake.
Dushnyak is the creation of unbearable conditions for several or one ZK to influence others. It can be carried out by thieves, or it can be carried out by the administration of the Ministry of Health.
The devil is the devil.

An e*atorium is a den, a troublesome business.
Egor is a thief under suspicion of ratting, framing, snitching, etc.
Yeldash is Asian.
Yelnya - thieves.
EPKT is a single chamber-type room.
Ermolai is a fool.
Toad, toad strangles - envy, stinginess, reluctance due to disadvantage.
The wife is a pillow.
A woman is a mattress.
The perch is a window.
Zhen - stepladder, ladder.
Tin - railroad.
Crookshanks is an investigator.
Liver, canteen - canteen.
Zhigan is impudent, impudent.
Zhiztochka - dear, kind.
Fat is luck.
Zhmur is a dead man.
Zhuda - trouble, grief.
Juju is a thief in authority.
A swindler is a thieves.
To bug is to scold.
Zhek is a penknife or miniature knife.

To clog, to clog - set a time for a meeting to sort things out.
A darkened cell is a cell where the ZKs are sitting, having broken out of other cells.
Sausage - kill.
Law - “concepts”. A set of informal rules about life, conflict resolution, behavior of thieves and other castes of the ZK.
To look askance is to become like someone.
To screw up - to spoil, damage.
Lock up - put on handcuffs.
Prisoner – ZK, a person sentenced to serve a sentence of imprisonment.
To finish is to touch a “normal” object by someone from the “omitted” caste. Any object touched by the “lowered” one is considered “finished”, that is, unclean and “correct” prisoners are now strictly forbidden to take it.
Close - put in a punishment cell or temporary detention center, be convicted.
Get knocked up, get knocked up, get caught - get caught.
Lay it down, dry it - deliver it.
To stir up, stir up - to organize something.
Remembered - lowered.
Send beans - pay.
Zapadlo is a wrong act, a violation of a prison norm, which for prisons of different groups can be both common and different.
Prohibition is a forbidden area.
A prohibited strip is a strip of a trail strip leveled in a special way in the MZ fencing system, on which the traces of an intruder are visible. To equalize a ban is a shameful job; the ZK who agreed to it automatically becomes a “goat.” Although the use of security guards in such work is officially prohibited, the administration often resorts to this to break up particularly zealous thieves.
To be mined is to touch a “finished” object or place, to become desecrated.
Correspondence student is a single woman by correspondence.
Sharpening – a long sharpened metal rod (stiletto). Steel arms.
To moor, to seize - to catch.
To desecrate is almost the same as to “finish” - to desecrate. An item can sometimes be "cleansed" by a special ritual.
Grind - finish.
To call is to serve a sentence.
Zenks, balls - eyes.
ZK, Zek, convict – prisoner(s). Obsolete from “Prisoner Canal Army Man” - concepts of the 30s of the last century.
ZNRS is a persistent violator of the detention regime.
Zone - 1) general name for places of detention. 2) Part of the MH (residential area, work area, etc.).

Playing bullshit is the last chance given to those who lose at cards. In case of victory, he relieves himself of the debt; in case of defeat, he becomes omitted.
IVS – temporary detention facility.
ITK is a correctional labor colony. Camp facility for adults. Since 1997 – Correctional Colony.
ITU is a correctional labor institution. General name of MZ. Since 1997 - correctional institution - correctional institution.
Hospital-type ITUs are special hospitals for prisoners with cell-based detention and a gentle regime.

Boar, lobster, gelding – Mercedes S 600
Gimp - violation of rules in relationships, violence of one ZK over another, etc.
Canola is new.
Capo - informer, informer, informer. The term is borrowed from the concepts of German concentration camps.
To throw around cabbage is to waste currency.
Cough on your mobile phone, cough - call, send SMS.
To sleep - to sleep, to rest.
Kentovka is a family.
Kivala - people's assessor, juror.
Killer is a killer.
Throw - deceive, set up.
Kipezh, kipish - unrest, unrest in the Ministry of Health, provoked by both the administration and the ZK groups.
To smoke - to drink alcohol.
Sour – million.
Kichman - MOH, prison.
Clift – suit, good clothes.
A clown is an empty person, dejected.
To tear claws - to run away.
Kozel – has openly collaborated in the present or past with the administration of the Ministry of Health. Low caste ZK. It is an insult that must be punished with immediate punishment, including murder. In everyday speech, and even more so in the hair dryer, all derivatives from goat are prohibited, and names are replaced (for example, the game of dominoes “goat” is called “one hundred and one”, etc.).
The “goats” themselves call themselves “red”, “positive”, “activist”, etc. Until the 50s, the same as "rooster".
The trump fraer is a thieve.
Wheels, wheels - drugs, medicines, shoes.
To rant - to be violent, to be impudent, to become impudent.
Colony, colony-settlement - ITC.
Commerce is an entrepreneur “under a roof.”
A communard is an economic person who loves order.
Piggy bank - women's private parts.
Controller - security officer, supervisor.
Horse - an illegal connection between cameras by, for example, stretching a rope. Type of thieves' mail.
Kopach is an investigator.
The stern is the ass.
Bark beetle - MZ for juvenile offenders, semi-open type. Special schools for students from 11 to 14 years old, Special vocational schools for teenagers from 14 to 18 years old.
Short walk is a game with matches.
Barks, crusts - shoes, identity card.
Korczak is a diligently working ZK.
Koryanka is a loaf of bread.
Mower (oblique) – a thousand.
Jamb – 1. Violation of “concepts”. 2) Armband with pointer. 3) Misconduct, unsuccessful action; 4) A rolled-up cigarette or cigarette with a drug (for example, anasha).
Kosyachny is a person who constantly violates “concepts”.
Koknard - poppy swill.
Boilers - clocks.
Kotsy, Lapps - shoes, shoes.
The red zone is a zone where the administration of the Ministry of Health maintains order, and the authority of thieves is suppressed or absent. Castes are forcibly mixed, the strictest discipline is in force, denunciation is encouraged, and the slightest disobedience is met with severe punishment.
Red is a euphemism for "goat". Activist.
Sprinkle, sprinkle - grind the drug.
A circle is a community, often fellow countrymen. Arrow at the highest level.
Twist through the mattress - mattress.
Wing - a special armband, which means the entry of the ZK into the asset, into cooperation with the administration. His transition to the “goats”.
Indoor - prison-type ITU. Convicted for especially serious crimes and persistent violators of regimes are detained and sent.
The Rat is one who steals from his own people, taking advantage of trust.
Roof is a criminal group that ensures the safety of the client in exchange for a percentage of the business (turnover, income).
Ksiva – 1. Identity document. 2. Letter, note, code. It is most often transmitted illegally through “faithful” people.
To break the document - to check the documents.
Kum is an employee of the operational unit, operatives.
Nepotistic mutiny is the deliberate provocation of unrest and lawlessness by the administration to achieve its goals, spreading rot, bullying, and spreading defamatory rumors.
Nepotism (joke) - a type of swindle involving planting drugs, weapons, etc. in the ZK’s belongings.
Nepotistic weed is nepotistic mud.

Lave – money.
Laiba is a machine.
Laskun is a master of oral affairs.
Stall, stall – 1. Retail outlet for prisoners. 2. Products and items purchased at the stall.
A cop is an employee of law enforcement agencies or special services.
Lepen is a jacket.
A false thief is a snow thief.
Lokalka, local zone – residential areas within the MH limited by territory and fencing.
Local tower - a tower with a cabin for supervising order.
Breaking - 1. Various methods of influencing a prisoner to achieve their goals. 2. Physical suffering of a drug addict who has not taken the next dose.
Shovel - wallet.
Loch, loshok, loshina, loser - not a kid, stupid, simpleton.
Lokhovoz - bus, trolleybus, etc.
Health care facility is a local preventive area within the Ministry of Health for the detention of regime violators. Since 1997 - called SUS (zone with strict containment conditions).
LTP - medical labor dispensary. An institution for alcoholics and drug addicts. Liquidated in 1994.
People are thieves. Almost never used.
Lam - a million.
Lyarva, monkey - prostitute.

Maza – opportunity, chance.
Malanets – Jew.
Malina is an apartment, a house where thieves live or wait, gather.
Juvenile – 1. Convicted minor; 2) Special institutions for the detention of juvenile offenders (special schools, etc.); 3. Part of the pre-trial detention center where minors are kept.
Malyava - ksiva. Sometimes it's more personalized.
Mom, mom, mom - one of the leaders from the lowered caste. Acts in tandem with “dad” - another leader. Mainly engaged in business affairs and pimping. On the outside - a pimp.
Mamon, momon - belly.
Suit - 1. Group in the thieves hierarchy. Black (thieves) – Gray (men) – Red (goats) – Blue (lowered). Moving up by caste is almost impossible and can be downward. 2. The ZK belongs to a certain caste.
Olive, butter - bullet, cartridges, ammunition.
Suit – tattoo, omitted.
A mattress is a way to prolong confinement in a punishment cell. After serving the sentence, the prisoner is allowed to spend the night in the zone on his own mattress (place), after which he is again thrown into a punishment cell for the entire term.
A mattress cover is a cover stretched over the mattress in which the ZK carries his things.
Makhnovists - Polish thieves.
Terry, shag is a drug for smoking.
Slow, gerych, gera - heroin.
Cop, Milton - employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The cop lawlessness is complete lawlessness perpetrated by the administration of the Ministry of Health to achieve its goals.
To shrink - to get scared
Dead - without a hint, unpromising, don’t like it.
Kneading clay is a homosexual act.
Broom – 1. Language (a common expression - watch the broom, i.e. be more careful with words);
2) A method of breaking the “correct” ZK, which is forced to take revenge on the parade ground. This is a shameful job, after which the ZK can “fly out” of the correct caste.
Washer - razor
Muzzle – car radio, instrument panel.
Motor - car, taxi.
Men - 1. The bulk of the inmates who came to the Ministry of Health for the first time. They are allowed to work, but they do not cooperate with the administration. Smart and strong Ms enjoy authority among other castes, except for thieves. 2. The general name of “random” ZK, except for those omitted.
Garbage is a cop.
Mouflon is a fighter.

Navar - profit.
Load - get from someone.
Hitting, running over - aggressive behavior of an attacking nature against a specific person or group.
Put on the wing - wing.
To cut it askew, to mess up - to do something wrong.
Tension, tension - problems.
To plant - to dilute for money.
A mother hen is an agent planted in a cell in order to find out information in various ways or to split a neighbor into the necessary testimony. Usually they are good psychologists.
Not zapadlo - the opposite of zapadlo.
Nishtyak - excellent.
Nubuck laptop.
Zero is new.

Monkey owner, dog owner - a detention cell, a cage, a place in a patrol car.
Obizhenka is a cell for those who “broke out” of their (first) cell.
Offended - 1. Prisoner of the offended. 2. In some regions - omitted. 3. Synonym - lowered, rooster. 4) In terms of MZ - humiliated, broken, “put on a broom”, excommunicated from the caste.
Obshchak – 1. Ministry of Health of general regime. 2. Multi-person cell for dozens of people. 3. A group of “authoritative” thieves. 4. Fair distribution of heating in the chamber (except for lowered ones).
5) “Thieves' Bank” - the common money of a gang or group, spent on common needs. Each caste can have its own common fund.
Obshchakovy - everything related to the common fund.
The public is an asset.
General regime - Ministry of Health for those convicted for the first time.
To put on shoes - to cheat, to deceive.
To get dirty is to get high on drugs.
Deer is an empty, stupid person.
OOR is a “particularly dangerous recidivist.”
Opera is an operative.
The operational service is a structure in the Ministry of Internal Affairs that monitors order and the general situation.
Lower – 1. Lower the status of the ZK; 2. Transfer to the omitted group.
Omitted - a representative of the omitted caste (goat, rooster). He does the dirtiest work, he is humiliated and despised.
Mansion – 1. Ministry of Health of special regime. 2. A particularly dangerous repeat offender.
A convict cell is a cell for prisoners who have a sentence that has not entered into legal force.
Convict is a person with a sentence.
Squeeze - take away, rob.
Lean back - leave the MH.
To get rid of it - to make a deposit, to recapture it, to ransom it.
The scumbag is a lawless fighter, a fighter.
Move away - leave behind, leave, die.
Products, merchandise - regular purchase in a store (stall).
Denial, denial - unreliable and conflict-ridden prisoners.
Detachment – ​​1. The structure of the society of prisoners in the Ministry of Health. 2. The room where the detachment is located.
Detachment officer, detachment leader - employee of the Ministry of Health supervising the detachment.
To pluck - to rob, to steal.

Soldering – 1. Products and other items that are required by the ZK by law. 2. A portion of bread.
A package is a box containing a drug.
Dad is the leader of the lowered caste.
Parasha – 1. A container for defecation in a chamber not equipped with a sewerage system. 2) Toilet (push) in the chamber. 3. Stupid rumor or gossip.
Steam - sit.
Guys are people.
Graze - watch.
The passenger is a freeloader, a lover of living at someone else’s expense.
The godfather is an authority.
The guy is a thieves.
PVR – 1. Political educational work. 2. Internal regulations of the Ministry of Health.
A fart is the mouth of an empty-headed man.
Fart – use as a sexual partner.
Grind - discuss the details.
Pen, wrote - knife, sharpening, edged weapon.
Rooster – 1. Passive homosexual (blue). 2. A representative of the lowered caste. In a criminal environment - a serious insult. Any derivative of the word, as well as closely semantic ones (for example, Chicken Coop) is not used.
Infantry - assistant fighters, young fighters.
F*ck is a liar, a gossip.
The clerk is a masterful knife wielder.
PKT - chamber-type room.
Whip, trellis - trunk.
PMS – production mass section.
Shaving - breaking off, failure.
Driven - nickname.
The support is the second leader in the cell after the godfather.
Fit - bring, give, joke.
To catch up is to catch hallucinations.
Warm up - help financially, with goods, provisions.
Subscribe – make a commitment.
Trim, cut - steal, get dishonestly.
Decoy - Mother hen.
A snow thief is a person who declared himself a thief, but lives according to concepts and acts only based on his personal goals.
Broken, tattered - not new, stale.
The envoy is in the role of a thief, authorized by the thief.
Stripe - a red stripe on the prisoner's accompanying document - prone to escape.
Striped - OOP.
Striped mode or striped zone - Mansion.
Polish thieves – 1. Thieves who have moved away from “concepts”; 2. Professional lone thieves.
3) Fraudulent thieves – acting in the interests of the Ministry of Health administration.
Pont – exaggerated position, wishful thinking, cheap effects.
To show off is to not admit guilt, to show outrage at the accusations.
To prepare a show off is to look for a victim for a scammer.
Show-off is a fake or low-quality drug.
To show off is pretense, creating fuss, distracting attention.
Showers are thieves who create a spectacular scandal during which their accomplices clean out the pockets of onlookers.
Show-off is ostentatious, worthless coolness or position.
Concepts are thieves' law.
Pee - cut with a knife.
The ass is a twirler.
Empty - empty, meaningless conversation.
Portak, partak - tattoo.
Poselukha – ITK.
Staging - operation, action plan
Pardon - a petition for clemency or a court decision on pardon that has entered into force.
Settlement, settlement - colony-settlement.
I guess it looks like
Rule, rule, rule - “resolving” the conflict.
The correct prison, zone, etc. is the Ministry of Health, in which life is built according to “concepts” with the connivance or intent of the administration.
Correct – 1. Honest, authoritative, etc.; 2. The highest rating of a caste representative.3. Living by concepts.
Correct concepts are a system of criminal norms and rules that regulate the entire criminal world.
The correct order is the situation in the Ministry of Health, when the majority of prisoners live according to the rules.
Prapora – 1. A colony employee with the appropriate rank. 2. Any representative of the administration.
Present - make a claim or accusation of a violation of concepts, a jamb, etc.
Presentation - accusing a person of unseemly behavior or action that is contrary to concepts.
The press is the “breaking” of a prisoner for the suppression of personality and subsequent manipulation.
Press hut - a chamber in the Ministry of Health, where the unwanted is placed and where breaking occurs.
Press - hit, beat.
Presser - ZK, breaking other prisoners on instructions from the administration of the Ministry of Health.
Press prison - MZ, where some of the cells are press huts.
Priblatnenny - a candidate for the caste of thieves, carefully implementing criminal laws.
Close, close - assistant to the elder.
Recognition – placement in the Ministry of Health for the detention of mentally ill or insane persons.
Recognized - a prisoner who has been declared insane by an expert examination.
Gags, gadgets, tacks - various provocations towards a person with the purpose of ridiculing, putting in an uncomfortable position. It is used, including by the administration and decoys, to obtain information.
Potatoel - a privileged six serving the thieves.
Rumble - bring, bring.
To break through - to find out, find out.
Experienced - recognized, open.
Extension – MZ corridor.
Industrial zone, industrial zone - industrial zone of the Ministry of Health.
Registration is a beginner's introduction to the laws of the Ministry of Health.
A proslyak is a thief who has retired from thieving business, but has not become a thief.
Navel, Pupkar - spinner.
Five minutes - an express check for sanity to make a further decision.
Heel, heel - cigarette butt with marijuana.

Showdown – 1. Clarification of relationships, conflict resolution.
To deceive, to deceive - to involve in a scam, to deceive for money, to cheat.
Divorcing, adjusting - she spoke on the arrow.
Rams - a conversation with a showdown.
Cutting - reducing the time.
Turnip, pumpkin - head.
A guard without an escort.
Promotion - getting a second term in the Ministry of Health itself for a new crime.
Rusty is a red-haired, bad, “muddy” person.
A security officer is an employee of the Ministry of Health who keeps order.
To wet the horns - to serve the entire sentence.
Handbrake is a drug, a mobile phone.
Ryaby (t) - (obsolete) the same as mansion, striped.

Amateur organizations of convicts are structures of prisoners created by the administration.
Samorub - syringe.
Boot - a glass or half a glass of vodka.
Get rid of - run away.
Brother-in-law is a candidate for the community of thieves.
SVP, SPP - an organization of convicts cooperating with the administration of the Ministry of Health.
Hand over, hand over the skin - give out, convey, pawn.
Section – 1. Residential premises of the Ministry of Health. 2. Community of prisoners.
A family is a closed group of several prisoners who have very close, brotherly relationships.
Gray – 1. Men; 2. Suit.
To sit on wheels means to be on the run, to be quiet, to hide.
Sidor - backpack.
SIZO - Pre-trial detention center. Institution for prisoners. Currently - temporary detention facility.
The bruise is a drunk.
Skakar is a key thief.
Watch the broom - maintain correctness in conversation, do not swear.
To agree - to meet.
Observer - In the absence of a thief in the Ministry of Health, his representative. Appointed as the thief responsible for the Ministry of Health.
Nightingale is an informer.
Sokhaty – trolleybus, horned.
St. Petersburg is a special psychiatric hospital.
Special contingent - prisoners in the language of the employees.
The Special Commandant's Office - until 1993 - an institution where those sentenced to suspended sentences with mandatory involvement in labor were registered. Chemistry.
Special, special corps, special corridor - to contain repeat offenders and regime violators, to suppress communication between accomplices.
Spetslyuty - general regime correctional colony.
Special school (special vocational school) - bark beetle.
SPP - crime prevention section. Organization of prisoners collaborating with the administration. Participants have goat status.
Asking is the punishment of the prisoner after the showdown.
It worked out - it happened, it turned out well.
To be a bitch is a bitch, to change concepts.
Starshak – chief, foreman.
Barrel, fufyrik, whip - firearms.
Stolypin - a car for transporting ZK.
Standing on the gate - opening and closing the door between the MOH zones.
Arrow - work.
Strogach is a high-security Ministry of Health.
The informer is a traitor
Stupper - sharpening, stiletto.
Banners are cards.
Bitch - 1. A thief who broke the law. 2. A broken criminal or thief who has agreed to cooperate with the administration of the Ministry of Health.
Cracker - 1. Prisoner under someone else's data. 2. ZK, posing as a thieves, but is not one. 3. ZK, who hid his true color.
Drying your teeth means laughing.
The bitch zone is the Ministry of Health, where the screwed-up thieves rule. Lawlessness is widespread.
Gathering, gathering - a council of thieves, convened on various issues of thieves' existence.
A meeting of thieves is a periodic meeting of thieves in law to resolve important issues.
The counter is an avalanche-like increase in debt that is not repaid on time. Criminal interest.
Syavka is a youngster, an insignificant person.

The tank driver is a fighter.
To push, to point - to blackmail.
Grater - discussion of something.
Endured - victim, victim.
Timat - sleep.
The Quiet Man is a spy, a hidden informer, a sluggish activist.
Torpedo – 1. Bodyguard; 2. The prisoner is the executor of the death sentence based on the results of the gangway.
The dot is a drug dealer.
Handset, tube - mobile phone.
Hold, hold, load into the hold - room in a punishment cell, PKT.
Bedside table - 1. Post at the entrance to the barracks. Those on duty are usually positive guards from among the goats.
2) One of the ways to break thieves is to force them to be on duty near the bedside table, which is considered shameful.
Rotten vein - anal.
Rotten raspberries - an apartment for thieves under the hood of the special services, a scorched hut.
Rotten - lowered.
Prison law - concepts that describe the norms of life in the world of thieves.
Prison – 1. Commonly used designation for the Ministry of Health. 2. General designation of prison-type institutions. 3. Institution for convicts.

Corner - thieves, senior in the room.
Parole - conditional early release. It is considered unacceptable for thieves.
UITU - until 1999 - management of ITU.
ULITU - Forestry ITU Management.
UR, BUR - until the end of the 60s - a high-security barracks, an internal prison. Now PCT.
Urka is an outdated name for thieves, now falling out of use.
Amplifier - MZ enhanced mode.
Iron is an underground hustler.
Ushlepok is a vague, dubious person.

Breaking plywood is a beating in the chest, a method of torture in juvenile detention areas.
Farmazon is a counterfeiter.
Minced meat - have cash on you.
Minced meat is pouring - do you have money?
Get stuffed - 1. Find yourself in a stupid position; 2. Get caught by the cops. 3. Be completely compromised.
Fatera - house, apartment.
Fenya - thieves' jargon.
Fixes – metal teeth, crowns.
A lantern is a hopeless, empty matter, a bruise (hematoma).
Forshmak is something low-grade.
Friar - Previously, a sucker, convicted of a random crime, a simpleton. Nowadays, on the contrary, there is a person close to the thieves.
To fraer - to imitate thieves in behavior;
To turn around is to make a mistake.
Bullshit – 1. ass; 2. Untruth, lies, disinformation.
A fuflyzhnik is a convict who has behaved unworthily, not paying off, for example, a gambling debt. Risks being left out.

Hailo – mouth.
Tail is an offense for which ZK is not punished and takes all measures to avoid punishment. Absentee verdict at the meeting.
Hut - camera.
To slack - to go.
A chemist is a prisoner who is released on parole or on probation, with mandatory work.
Chemistry - until 1993 - serving a sentence with living in the commandant's office and working at a certain enterprise until the end of the term. As a rule, these were harmful production facilities of the chemical industry, hence the name.
Khipezh - kipezh.
The owner is the head of the Ministry of Health.
Household service - Household service.
Housekeeping - prisoners performing various household tasks. The attitude on the part of the ZK is hostile.
The business owner is a ZK convicted of economic and monetary crimes.

Colored - 1) Employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Health, anyone wearing or who has worn shoulder straps. 2. Until the 50s - a thief, a urka.
Virgin - a new car, a whole cigarette or cigarette, a virgin, a young girl.
Center, center – beautiful, authoritative, the best.
Central - all the thieves and the thieves around them.
Zinc – rumor, tip.

To be sick - to sit in the Ministry of Health, to serve.
Black - thieves.
The black zone is the Ministry of Health, where thieves rule.
Black suit - thieves.
A devil is a person from a lower caste (but not a dud or a lowlife). Low moral, unkempt, dirty, unpleasant.
Chushok, chushkan, chuhan - a person from a lower caste (lower only those lowered). Indifferent, lethargic, incapable of defending their point of view. Gnobims, despised, do all the dirty work. Outwardly they are neglected, just like the devils don’t take care of themselves.

A scraper is a bladed weapon.
Shaitan-pipe - grenade launcher.
Shaitan-arba is a technique depending on the circumstances.
Slut, shobolda - prostitute.
Chanson - thieves' music, songs about the life of a thieve.
Sharonka - ZK's clothing.
The sear is a silencer for a pistol.
Wool, woolen - 1. Lawmakers posing as thieves, mocking other ZKs at the direction of the administration. 2. Lawless people are thieves.
A punishment cell is a punishment cell for violators. Heavy punishment.
Shilo - ambush, end, hopelessness.
Shirmach is a pickpocket.
Scars - trousers.
Shkvarny - lowered.
Shkonka, shkonar - place, bed.
The skin is the prisoner's jacket.
Skin - denunciation of another ZK.
Hose – net, phylon.
Schlenka - bowl.
Grind, grind - sharply move off the car with squealing tires.
Shmal - marijuana, drug.
Shmon - inspection, search.
Schnifer is a burglar.
The pins are the eyes.
Shnobel - nose.
Lace is an insignificant person, a juvenile delinquent.
Shnyr - 1. A prisoner who constantly performs general work and receives “payment” for this from other prison guards (tobacco, food, etc.). 2. Duty officer, orderly, etc. The position assumes the status of a goat.
Shnyaga is an incomprehensible phenomenon.
Shpak is a fraer.
To spy on someone on instructions from the administration (less often, thieves).
Headquarters - office premises of the Ministry of Health, medical unit.
Shustryak is a cashier, a fundraiser for the common fund.
Nice - alarm.

Shchabny - frail, sick.
Crushed stone - salt, crackers.
Tickly - dangerous, risky.
Shchelka is a young girl.
Tongs, tongs - fingers.

Exam - court.
Relay race - stage, escort to the Ministry of Health.
Etapka is a special room for newly arrived stage prisoners, where they are kept for several days (quarantine).

Yul - vodka
To fool around - to fool around, to lie.
Yurakha is a drink (alcoholic).
Yurok - Asian, Tatar, Bashkir, etc.

Yab - alarm signal, profiteer, trafficker of stolen goods.
Bullseye - grenade (hand).
Ulcers, ulcers - eyes
Yakmundia - Republic of Yakutia, Ministry of Health in that region.
The pit is a hangout, period.
Yaman glasses are fakes (documents).
Yaman's eye - a fake passport or ksiva.
Yamba is hashish, a drug.
Yanga is a talker, an upstart.
Janissaries - operational services, riot police, special forces, etc.

Roll cotton wool 1.

To hesitate in making a decision, to behave indecisively.

A quick answer is required from him, but he has been rolling cotton wool for three days.

Youth slang


Has prison origins. The process of rolling small pieces of cotton wool into thin sticks to ignite tobacco products from an incandescent lamp in a chamber. Usually low-caste criminals do this, hence the phrase: “Damn, roll up the cotton wool!”

Prison slang


Do something useless.

What are you doing? I'm rolling cotton wool.

Youth slang

Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang. 2014 .

See what “rolling cotton wool” is in other dictionaries:

    Roll cotton wool- Do something useless. Syn.: soar brains. What are you doing? I'm rolling cotton wool... Dictionary of the criminal and semi-criminal world

    Roll cotton wool- Zharg. they say Joking. iron. or Disapproved 1. Do monotonous, tedious work. Vakhitov 2003, 74. 2. Talk nonsense, deceive someone. h 98. 3. Loiter. Maksimov, 55. 4. Behave aggressively, provoke a fight. Maksimov, 55 ...

    VATA- rolled. Jarg. they say Disapproved What's l. about? bad, fake, falsified. Maksimov, 55. Roll cotton wool. Jarg. they say Sit back. Maksimov, 54. Roll up the cotton wool. 1. Jarg. they say Leave, leave from where. h 98. 2. Jarg. corner, mol. Light a cigarette... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings


    Vatilin- Cotton wool. Cotton wool (Japanese 綿, wata raw cotton, Japanese 木綿, momen, kiwata processed cotton) is a fluffy mass of fibers loosely intertwined in different directions. Vata (jarg) nothing special. For example: rolling cotton wool is nothing... ... Wikipedia