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How relaxation will help make your wishes come true. How to quickly make a wish come true: a great ritual that works! How to make any wish come true

There are many techniques that make dreams come true, but not all of them work. We have found three proven techniques for making wishes come true that will help everyone.

Very often it turns out that for a long time we cannot decide which method to use to implement our plans. There are many exercises to make wishes come true, but for some reason not all give the expected result. And after another failure, you begin to wonder if it all really works, or if it was just someone playing a cruel joke on us.

Some argue that the same technique may work for one person but not for another, and that you will have to try a lot of exercises and rituals before you find your own method.

In fact, everything is much simpler. Any technique will help if you follow certain rules and laws of the Universe. After all, they are the ones who greatly influence our Destiny, even if you don’t believe in it. Having studied the laws of the Universe, you will learn to make your dreams come true easily and quickly.

Three proven techniques for making wishes come true

Below are three ways that will help you realize everything you've dreamed of for so long. However, you need to remember that to fulfill any desire, except exercise, you need to start moving towards your goal. And it doesn’t matter whether you make a sharp throw forward or just a small step towards the goal. Even one action can trigger the entire mechanism, and the desire will begin to come true. Also remember to strictly follow the recommendations.

Visualization technique

You can do it at any convenient time, as long as no one distracts you. Sit comfortably and relax your body, take a few deep breaths. After this, imagine a golden-colored ball in front of you, smile sincerely and direct your love and warmth inside it. Look carefully at the area to see if you like it or maybe there is something about it that doesn’t suit you. In this case, correct everything you don’t like.

When the adjustments are completed, imagine yourself inside this sphere and your desire. Now connect them together. Think about how you will feel, how you will behave, etc., when your wish comes true. Pay attention to whether you are happy with its performance or if you do not feel comfortable enough.

After this, imagine how a ray of green light stretches from the area of ​​your heart, which pumps up your sphere like a balloon. Your light fills it more and more until it is completely filled. After this, release your sphere along with your desire into the Universe and slowly come to your senses. Open your eyes, smile and be sure that your wish will certainly come true.

If you have any of the Reiki levels open, you can strengthen your request with the help of this teaching. In this case, you practically won’t have to waste your energy. All you need is intention, a clearly formulated desire and reiki activation. As a rule, having the first stage, many argue that making wishes in this way is impossible and that this energy can only cure diseases. But it is not so. With some experience, you can not only treat people, but also make your dreams come true.

Simoron rituals

Recently, simoron techniques have been gaining powerful momentum. The point of these exercises is that you can come up with any funny action and during it make your most cherished wish. As a rule, many become fixated on their dreams and create an excess of energy, which can slow down the process. Simoron helps you easily release your desire into the Universe and thereby give the Higher Powers the opportunity to fulfill your dream in the best possible way.

This method is well suited for a large company where you can laugh heartily. Buy some gel balls. On one of them, write your wish with a marker or draw a symbol that will mean your dream. And tie it so that it doesn’t fly away ahead of time. You will need the rest of the balls to lift your spirits. Take air from them into your lungs and then in a thin voice begin to read a poem or sing a song. All this is done to liberate people and start fooling around. Be sure that after such a performance everyone will laugh, even you. Repeat these steps until you run out of balls or have had enough fun. Here you can turn on your imagination to the fullest, organize a choir of singing balls and the like.

After this, take the pre-prepared balloons with your wishes and release them into the sky. Enjoy how they soar in the clouds, imagine that your wishes have already come true, and then forget about it. And soon you will be surprised how quickly and unexpectedly they came true.

Method of setting strict limits and promises

This method is often used in psychological practice. Its essence lies in the fact that you personally create conditions for yourself in which you simply cannot help but start moving towards your goal. This exercise encourages you to take action, and you yourself become both the customer of your goal and the executor. For example, you make a promise to yourself that if you don’t achieve your goal in a month, you will pay your friend for a fancy dinner at a restaurant. The cost of not achieving your goal must be significant enough to motivate you to move.

This exercise is quite tough and takes the wish-maker out of his own comfort zone, but it is also very effective. Remember that when setting goals, the deadlines must be realistic and the punishments must be severe. Those who have used this method claim that it is difficult to take only the first step, and then Fate itself presents all the possibilities on a silver platter.

By using one of these techniques, you will certainly get what you want. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not give up. And simple meditations will help you cope with excess tension and stress. Dream big, look for the positive in everything and don't forget to press the buttons and

Today I will tell you about one good ritual that will help you fulfill your desire quickly.

But first, we will recall with you the main subtleties of using the energy of thought. It is important to know them so that your thought forms are realized.

1. The desire must be yours. No neighbors or parents. No friends or loved ones. YOURS. Coming from the heart. Only true goals quickly materialize!

To understand whether this is your desire or not, ask yourself why you need all this? If the answer is positive, then everything is fine, but if you want, for example, a car to look cool, then

it is a false goal coming from the ego.

2. Before doing a ritual or other practice, it is important to tune in to it. Relax. Stop (reduce) the chatter of the mind. Calm your emotions.

To do this, do the preparatory exercises:

To begin, completely relax your body. Any relaxation method will work for this.

Just sit comfortably and allow yourself to fall into a state of relaxation, relax your entire body, legs, torso, arms, etc.

Then do meditation to stop VD. For example, look at a point in front of you that should be drawn on a white sheet of paper. And when thoughts appear, imagine that this point absorbs them.

Go just close your eyes and imagine a black or white screen. When thoughts arise, wipe them off with a rag.

Well, don’t forget to enter the alpha state. Look at the dot and count from 100 to 1, when you reach one, close your eyes. Stay in this state for a while, then begin the ritual.

3. When attracting, focusing on intention is important. You must be focused on what you want, there should be no fears, restrictions, only true faith that everything will work out.

3. In most cases, you need to concentrate on the end result. And not on the methods of achievement. That is, it is important to feel that you already here and now have what you want to attract into your life. You already have a loved one, you already live in your house in the mountains.

4. The most important thing is the image and emotions. The image must be clear. Be sure to be filled with as many details as possible. Emotions are positive and bright.

5. Take action. Any magical work is not a magic wand.

If you think that you will perform a ritual or visualization and everything will come into your hands, while you watch TV, this is a complete misconception. After you have done the work on the subtle plane, you should move on to activity in the physical. To do this, listen to your intuition, friends, and act in accordance with its prompts.

6. Don't deny what you attract. That is, it is important to ensure that in everyday life you do not contradict your desire, which you fulfill. Let’s say you attract the house of your dreams, you have done a ritual or other method, and then keep thinking that this is not real, that there is no money for a house, etc.

With such thought waves you will destroy all your work. Therefore, catch yourself on them and recode the information. Imagine yourself erasing this thought and telling yourself positive beliefs.

We make your wish come true in 7 days

All you need to quickly make your wish come true is to buy a long thin white candle (wax) and a sheet of paper. Write your intention on paper. In present time. Clearly. Details. Concentrating on the end result.

How to write:

You describe everything as if the goal has already materialized. In present time.

Let's say your desire is to buy an apartment.

What city is she in? area? what is the situation? what is the view from the window? what kind of neighbors? floor? Who do you live in it with? etc... That is, the more details, the more likely it is that you will attract exactly what you really want. Be precise in your wording. The universe takes everything literally. And she gives what was ordered to her.

Tip: Practice before practice. Think about your desire for several days, describe it as accurately as possible. And then visualize it.

“Thank you God for a two-room apartment on the 5th floor in the city of Gelendzhik with views of the mountains and the sea in the area of ​​the sanatorium “Prietlivy Bereg” with all the conditions and comfort, with wonderful, calm neighbors. The truth”

Done? Fine.

Now divide the white candle into seven parts and make notes. Place it on the wish sheet. And light it up. Look at the candle flame and visualize your desire until you reach the first mark.

Concentration is important here. Keep your focus on the goal. Don't let him go. Feel the emotion of having what you attract. Immerse yourself deeply in this state, as if you have already materialized the desire.

How to visualize

In our example, you imagine celebrating a housewarming with your friends and loved one in your apartment. Like standing on the balcony and admiring the beautiful views, the wonderful sea, and the beautiful green mountains. How you breathe in the sea air and hear your friend say to you: Tanya, congratulations on buying an apartment. Well done. I'm proud of you!

When 1 part of the candle burns out, put it out and place it on the windowsill along with the piece of paper on which you wrote your intention.

The next day, repeat the ritual. And so 7 days...

The last time the fire reaches the 7th mark, take your piece of paper with your wish and burn it in the flame of a candle. And then go to the window and send the ashes from the burnt paper to the wind.

When you work with a desire to quickly fulfill it, you should do this ritual for seven days and concentrate on it. And before and after practice, let go of all thoughts about what you want. Try not to remember him, not to get attached. And live in the present moment, enjoying the here and now.

In general, positive emotions are very important. If you want to quickly fulfill your wishes, you need to monitor your radiation. It is important to do things that will inspire you, charge you with energy and positive vibrations.

Perform the ritual during the waxing of the moon, or on the new moon. Be sure to believe that this method is magical and with its help your wish will come true. To enhance the effect, you can promise the Universe something in return. The principle of energy exchange applies here. It's no secret that if you want to receive something, whatever your heart desires, then it is important to give something.

For example, if you want to get pregnant, promise to help orphans; if your desire is material, you can give 10 percent to charity after it comes true; if you want love, promise to help, for example, homeless animals.

When the desire materializes, be sure to keep your promise, otherwise the Higher Powers will take everything back.

“Shamanize” slowly, consciously. At the end of the ceremony, thank the Powers and read the “Our Father”.

Other methods of fulfilling wishes

1. To make a wish come true, I recommend using visualization and beliefs together. This is a non-ritual method. It is carried out several times a day. The duration by day is unlimited; this is an individual question, the answer to which depends on many factors. Depending on your strength, on what desire you want to fulfill, etc.

Having entered a trance, as described at the beginning of the article, speak for 5-10 minutes the belief that personifies your desire. You can use the text that we prepared when writing a description of the intention for the ritual. If the text is too long, reduce it. Then visualize the goal, observing the subtleties of working with the imagination.

2. Written method

I like the “10 wishes” technique. very simple and quite effective. You should buy the most beautiful notebook for her. And on the first page write 10 of your wishes.

It is natural to do this according to all the rules. You already know them.

Rewrite these desires every day. Or at least read. But the first option is the most effective.

When one of the written intentions materializes, cross it out and write down a new one.

3. Vision board

A common method that works great. It’s just important to make a collage not in the computer, but with your hands, in order to charge it with your energy, to invest strength. Do it on the new moon.

How to do it?

You will need whatman paper. Paste your photo in the center. Please note that it is new, preferably full-length. Well, you liked yourself on it.

Glue pictures around your image that clearly reflect your goals. This can be done arbitrarily or according to the laws of Feng Shui.

Once created, contemplate your vision board daily.

4. Positive ritual

We are writing a letter to the Higher Powers.

Buy new things:

  • beautiful envelope
  • handle
  • paper

Sit near the table where you will write a message to the Higher Powers. Relax, go into a trance, and begin to state your request.

Say hello first, and then write about your intentions. At the same time, formulate them in a positive way, without negation and in the present tense. Be sure to describe everything in detail and include emotions.

  • The formula is:
  • What wish?
  • What emotions?
  • What qualities will you acquire?
  • How will you behave?
  • What to do?

Write as if you are sincerely sharing your joy with the Universe, and don’t forget to say a thank you speech at the end. And write "Truth".

Reread your magic message, visualizing what is written there. Feel it all. And then place the sheet in an envelope and seal it.

Write the following information in the margins of the envelope:

Where: To the Higher Powers, department of wish fulfillment.

From: Your full name.

And then put the envelope in the mailbox.

5. Magic method

Here is one simple ritual, it is done with honey. Helps make a wish come true.

To carry it out, go to the store, you need to purchase the following things:

  • linden honey
  • red ribbon
  • clay pot
  • linen napkin

Sit in front of the table, put some sign in the pot that you associate with the fulfillment of your desire.

For material desires, you can use coins that are better charmed. To buy a home - a key, for a love goal - 2 hearts.

Now take honey and fill a container with it, which should then be placed on the window so that your pot of desires is saturated with the energy of the moon and the sun.

Let him stand there for a day. During this time, you must approach him seven times and cast the spell:

“I put an offering in the pot, tomorrow I will receive a gift in my hands”

Now you should cover the magic container with a napkin and beautifully tie a ribbon on the pot. Cast the spell again and put it in a secret place.

Every week, take out a container of honey, hold it in your hands and whisper a spell. And when the desire comes true, pour the dry contents under the tree. Leave an offering and give thanks.

How to fulfill a material desire

1. To materialize your money desire, sew a green bag and fill it with cinnamon.

2. Visualize yourself receiving the amount of money you attract.

3. Visualize what you intend to purchase with the funds raised, that is, why you need a certain amount.

Remember that it is better to work with money desires this way: create an image of an apartment, travel, for example, rather than money. Efficiency is higher.

4. It is important that you have no resistance to the amount attracted. If you have it, do the following practice: imagine that your money is a vessel, mentally expand it to the required size.

5. Meditate that you are a magnet, and finances are attracted to you from different places.

6. Clean out your financial channels. Often material desires are not fulfilled if cash flows are clogged and negativity has accumulated in them.

7. Remove restrictions. If you think money is bad or that you will never get rich, you won't get rich. Work with your conscious and subconscious programs using affirmations and other methods.

8. Wear green stones such as malachite. Charge it in a jar. Imagine how it is filled with the energy of wealth.

How to make a love wish come true

1. Sew a pink bag and fill it with rose flowers. You can add mint and cinnamon there. He will be your talisman that attracts relationships.

2. Wear rose quartz, or even better, before wearing it, charge it to attract love. It will be more effective this way.

3. Let go of the past. If your heart is closed, love relationships will not come. First, forgive the pain, let go of your exes, replace the blackness of your anahata with light.

4. Love yourself. Anyone who has high self-esteem can fulfill a desire in the sphere of love. Because the mirror principle works here.

It is impossible to attract a worthy partner if you have a low opinion of yourself. Either you will be rejected or humiliated. Therefore, love yourself.

5. Decide what kind of relationship you want. And what kind of partner do you need?

6. Visualize images of love. Plus speak affirmations.

How to make a health wish come true

1. First of all, you cannot refuse the help of doctors. And use mental practices as an addition.

2. Say the affirmation “I am healthy” for 5-10 minutes. Then visualize yourself as a happy, energetic, healthy person.

3. Believe in healing.

4. Look for internal causes and correct them. It is no secret that any illness is associated with psychosomatic factors. So it’s important to see them and change your thinking and actions.

Affirmation for fulfillment of desires

I believe in the Higher Powers and in my strength. I know that I am the master of my life and I can change it. I attract what I want easily!

I believe in the materiality of thoughts. I create my reality with the help of thought forms and actions.

My wishes coming from the heart come true. I believe in it. I know that the power of thoughts exists. And I use it for good.

How to make any wish come true

Let's summarize.

To fulfill your desire, it is important to clearly define what you really want. Describe it on paper in every detail. Then choose the technique you like and work with it. As a rule, this is work with beliefs, visualization, all kinds of rituals and talismans.

It is important to remember that in addition to magic, be it mental or ritual, actions are also important. Be brave, go forward, realize your dreams and don't give up.


What are the benefits of relaxation? She helps us make our wishes come true!

What does relaxation do for the fulfillment of desires? Answer: All.

This answer was given by American subconscious mind researcher Jose Silva in his book Getting Help from the Other Side. She deservedly takes her place in my top.

Jose Silva is the developer of one of the most powerful and effective systems for changing life and fulfilling desires called the Silva Method.

What is the Silva Method? I won’t invent anything and write on my own, but rather I’ll give the author’s own definition:

The Silva Method is a way of relaxing the body and mind, then using the slowing down of brain waves and activating the right side of the brain to achieve some positive result.

Important! The method tells not only about the method of relaxation, but also about how to then use this state to push our desires to realization. After all

What are the benefits of relaxation for me?

Why did I decide to write an article about relaxation and touch on this topic? Yes, simply because I have already experienced the Silva Method on myself, and it really helped me fulfill my desires. At the moment, I can say with complete confidence that until I tried to relax using this system, I had no idea what true relaxation was, and the word meditation was just a word for me.
But that's not all. Imagine my surprise when the speed of fulfillment of my desires increased significantly!

Since then, I have always visualized my desires only at the alpha level. This is exactly what this relaxation system described by Jose Silva is called in other words.

The Jose Silva method... is more like dynamic meditation. First you relax, then show your subconscious what you want to have. This is the most powerful meditation for fulfilling desires!

How to learn to relax?

Now comes the hard part: learning to relax.
I will give instructions from Jose Silva himself, described in the original source, in his book “Receiving Help from the Other Side.”
Your task is to follow the plan.

How the Silva Method works

  1. Relaxing your body allows you to relax your mind.
  2. Relaxing the mind slows down the frequency of brain waves
  3. Slowing down the frequency of brain waves allows the right hemisphere of the brain to function more actively
  4. The right hemisphere provides you with a connection to the intangible, creative realm - the other side

Relaxation is as necessary for the fulfillment of your desires as in order to make a phone call, you need to pick up the receiver and dial the number!

If managing your reality is important to you, then the sooner you learn the skills you need to relax, the better.

Now I would ask you to put this article down and enjoy a few minutes of relaxation from stress. You will close your eyes, take a deep breath, and visualize a passive scene. By doing this, you activate the right hemisphere of the brain. Your connection to the other side - the realm of creation and vitality - will become stronger. When you open your eyes, you will feel better than you do now. You will feel that your body is filled with new strength and freshness.

Six Necessary Actions

Here is a list of necessary actions. Read it first.

  1. Sit comfortably.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, relax your body.
  4. Imagine a peaceful scene that is your ideal of peace and beauty - a beach, a meadow, a tree - and visualize yourself there for a minute or two.
  5. Tell yourself that when you open your eyes, you will feel great, energized, and better than before.
  6. Open your eyes.

Read these six steps again; notice how simple and natural they are. The first three are what most people do when they return home after a hard day at work. The last three are a typical form of daydreaming.
Ready? Now do it.

You have just taken the first step towards a new life where your dreams come true.

How to apply relaxation in everyday life?

Jose Silva suggests entering the alpha level up to three times a day:

  • First meditation in the morning immediately after waking up.
  • Second meditation after lunch, at home or at work.
  • Third meditation before bed.

Each of these meditations or relaxation sessions in other words consists of the following steps:

  1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable place
  2. Relax your body and close your eyes
  3. Count from 100 to 1 (or from 50 to 1, from 25 to 1)
  4. Imagine an image from your desire (1-30 min.) - visualization.
  5. Tell yourself that when you open your eyes, you will feel great, energetic and better than before. Count from 1 to 5 and open your eyes.

Features of morning meditation

In the morning you wake up already at the alpha level. So you need to get up, go to the toilet and return to bed. Sit down with a pillow under your back. Next, do the 5 points listed above.

Be sure to follow the correct sequence, this is direct

Features of evening meditation

In the evening you are very tense, so you need additional relaxation.
Below are instructions for so-called progressive relaxation.

Progressive Relaxation Instructions

Concentrate your awareness on each part of the body in turn, relaxing them and listening to the reaction.

Start from the head and move towards the toes. Go slowly and deliberately, making sure each body part has responded before moving on to the next. First, relax your scalp. Then the forehead. Eyes.

Face, neck, shoulders and arms. Do not move to the back until you feel that your arms and shoulders have responded and you feel a pleasant sensation. This is followed by the chest, stomach, lower back, thighs, knees, legs, ankles, feet and toes.

There is no need to memorize this order, as it is a natural sequence of movements from head to toes. On the first evening, re-read these instructions and perform each relaxation step slowly and carefully.

Personally, audio meditations for relaxation help me a lot in this matter. Of the ones I’ve tried, I can recommend a relaxation meditation by Vitaly Gibert, you can purchase a CD or listen to it online for free.

Listen to the audio: Relaxation practice by Vitaly Gibert

After relaxation, start counting from 100 to one and go up to 5 points according to the Jose Silva method.

How can relaxation help you make your wishes come true?

Let us now study the relaxation connection. How does something as simple as relaxation allow us to succeed in something as important as fulfilling our desires?

The average person's brain operates in a frequency range of 1 to 20 cycles per second: 20 cycles when awake, 1 to 4 cycles while asleep, and extremely rarely at intermediate frequencies, only when falling asleep and waking up.

However, it is the intermediate frequencies that enable conscious use of the right hemisphere of the brain, our spiritual connection. The ideal frequency for thinking is in the center of the frequency spectrum and is 10 cycles per second. It is this value that scientists call the alpha level or alpha state.

People who think and analyze their problems, focusing on the alpha level, receive help from the other side - from the subconscious.

Their consciousness is connected with the Higher Mind.

When they get an answer, even if it comes in the form of a guess, the likelihood that they are right is many times greater than the likelihood that they are wrong. You can say that these people receive divine inspiration or, if you like, act instinctively or intuitively. They work in favor of creation, not against it.

They receive help from the other side just because they are in the alpha level. Many of you may be disappointed by the ease of contact 😉

And here is the main secret of the Silva Method and the benefits of relaxation:

Relaxation + Visualization = Results

It's that simple. And you always knew this formula, you applied it in everyday life.

Well, you come home in the evening after a hard day at work, relax in a comfortable chair and draw your problems: how bad things are going, how expensive everything is, how small your house is, how old your furniture is, how sick your child is, and so on. Further. And you are worried.

Do you want everything to work out at once? How to start living according to the principle: “I came, I saw, I conquered”? There is a simple method of fulfilling desires that is accessible to everyone!

This method of wish fulfillment has been tried in practice, and its effect has been tested and proven.

There are many techniques for fulfilling desires, especially many of them appeared after the release of the widely known film “The Secret”¹, but not all techniques reveal all the “secrets”.

A proven method of making wishes come true

1. After waking up and all morning procedures (exercises or jogging, taking a shower, etc.), you should take a short rest.

2. During rest, you need to create a thought form of your desire, form an affirmation² and imagine a picture as if what you want has already appeared and materialized in reality.

It is useful to use your imagination and feelings: fill the picture with brightness and pleasure.

3. After drawing up a clear thought form and creating an accompanying picture (correctly composed, it evokes a feeling of deep satisfaction), you need to lie down on the bed in a comfortable position, close your eyes and completely relax all the muscles of your face and body and calm your mind, bring relaxation to the maximum - stop feeling your body.

4. Quieting the mind will stop the internal dialogue.

5. Imagine how energy, a powerful cosmic force, grows and intensifies inside the body; how a bright glow fills the whole body. This power awakens within - you need to watch a little as it flows with powerful streams of waves and lines and intensifies.

When the feeling of strength reaches its climax, you need to imagine a prepared picture of your desire and say an affirmation.

How to use this method of fulfilling desires in practice?

If your dream is connected, for example, with purchasing a high-quality car, then you need to do all the procedures in the morning and make an affirmation: “I drive an Audi A9,” then imagine how you sit behind the wheel, how you enjoy driving in a high-quality car.

After this, you need to lie down on the bed, close your eyes and relax. By stopping the internal dialogue, you will feel the energy growing. At the climax, you need to say the affirmation: “I drive an Audi A9” and imagine driving in the car.

In the end, you should let go of your desire, give it freedom and forget about it, moving on to your other affairs - the technique of fulfilling desires works itself.


This method is effective for achieving any goals, but you need to be careful to use it only for good. It is strictly forbidden to generate negativity using this technique - all bad things return to the source that sent them tenfold.

Amazing review from a practitioner!

“My first success happened in May 2010, miracles began to happen: my inner strength increased; I managed everything easily - all my goals were achieved quickly, circumstances turned out the way I wanted.

In addition, minor obstacles were removed: for example, minibuses arrived as soon as I approached the stop, I never stood in queues, etc. I also discovered that I became extremely attractive in appearance: everyone paid attention to me.”

Regular use of this method of fulfilling desires allows you to achieve sustainable results.

If you are haunted by the question of the meaning of life...

What mission and fate are in store for you personally? Are you aware of your innate gift? Are you using all your abilities to get 100% out of life and reap the rewards of wealth and success? Find out about this from your personal diagnosis. To do this, follow the link and fill out the form >>>

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ “The Secret” is a parascientific film released by Prime Time Productions in 2006, which was later adapted into a book of the same name by Rhonda Byrne ().

² Learn more about the secrets of affirmations

How would we live if all our desires were fulfilled instantly? Most likely, the world would be in complete chaos and confusion. People constantly want things, but not always what they really need. Each of us has our own wish list, which we constantly correct and add to.

Fulfillment of desires is a very popular topic. And, in principle, it’s quite easy to make all your desires come true if you STOP WISHING! While wishing, a person goes through the experience of waiting for the fulfillment of a desire, and this can last for a very long time. In the article, I described in detail and step by step the path from making a wish to letting it go.

During a wish, a powerful impulse and a visual image (if you know how to visualize) are released into the Universe; this is quite enough to fulfill and materialize a desire. But if you continue to want and need to fulfill your plans, then your dream is unlikely to come true.

And today I want to give you a working meditation to fulfill your desires "Magic Star" This is a very powerful practice and must be approached consciously. To fulfill desires, four elements are attracted: Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Internally review your wish list again and choose your most cherished desire and create a picture-image that represents its fulfillment.

Choose a time when you can be alone for at least an hour, as this wish fulfillment technique is performed slowly, mindfully and without haste.

Meditation technique for fulfilling desires “Magic Star”

As with any meditation, you first need to relax. Everyone does this in different ways, some use music for relaxation, others use countdowns, others fill their body with warmth, others go deep into their world created in the imagination.

Basically, it doesn't matter how you do it, but in the end your body should be completely relaxed (rag doll feeling) and your internal word stirrer should be turned off (brain like a blank white sheet of paper).

Imagine that you are on the ocean. The shore is empty, evening, the sun is leaning towards the horizon. You feel warm, good and cozy, the sound of the waves calms you down. Greet the Higher Powers that help you in life, and lie down on the shore - with your head towards the ocean.

Raise your arms up and slowly spread them to the side (90*), also spread your legs, you should get a “starfish” pose. Then mentally circle your body and begin to connect with the elements.

To do this, imagine and try to feel that your right foot is standing firmly on the ground, feel it ready to flow into your body like a stream. The left foot is immersed in the water, feel the energy of the water. A stream of air hits the left palm, and a flame hits the right.

And all these four elements are ready to burst into your body. Feel all these elements at the same time.

Feeling how earth, water, air and fire are pressing on you from all sides, focus on your desire. Before this, you have already created a picture - an image, imagine it in front of you and feel the joy of realizing your dream.

And then quickly let all four elements into your body! They should pour into you like a stream, down your arms and legs at the same time. At the same time, imagine that the Higher Forces of Light enter you through the crown (you can imagine them as golden or silver energy) and collide with all four elements in the solar plexus area. When they combine, they form an explosion that bursts out of you like a fountain.

On the crest of this fountain you need to clearly see your goal (picture - image). With a powerful stream of energy, yours is carried further and further away from you - to the point of contact of the ocean with the sky, and goes up.

After this outburst, lie down for a while in peace and quiet, without thinking about anything. Then thank the Universe for your help and leave the shore, returning to reality.

This meditation technique for fulfillment of desires it will work quickly if after it you do not live in constant anticipation of the fulfillment of your desire. You have shown the Universe what you want and at the right time it will be given to you. No need, no painful expectations, there should be only joy and anticipation of happiness in your heart. Believe me, dreams come true!

Good luck to you and fulfillment of all your cherished desires!

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