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How to buy the sweetest pumpkins. About the most autumn vegetable

Pumpkin is rightfully considered the queen of autumn. It produces not only delicious dishes, but also original farmstead decorations and Halloween themed lamps. But in order to get the most nutrients from pumpkin, it is important to know not only how to prepare it, but also how to choose it correctly. The correspondent learned all about how to choose a good pumpkin and store it.

Pumpkin is one of the most popular and affordable autumn products. It first came to us from the USA around the 16th century. Indians roasted long pumpkin slices over open fires and used the fruit as a staple food for centuries. Later, humanity began to use it to prepare side dishes, desserts, soups and even beer!

But first you need to buy it. According to various sources, there are from 21 to 27 types of pumpkin, and each of these types has many subspecies. All varieties can be divided into three: decorative, fodder and table. Fodder is most often used for feeding livestock, but canteens are suitable for human food.

What are the most popular pumpkins?

Common pumpkin

Common pumpkin. This is the variety that is usually meant when people talk about pumpkin. It is usually large, round, with a bright orange skin and a mild sweetish taste. Its weight can reach 25 kilograms, but it is recommended to buy a fruit weighing no more than five kilograms. Moreover, the smaller the volume, the sweeter the pumpkin and the less coarse fibers.

Butternut pumpkin

Butternut or nutmeg pumpkin. This pumpkin is pear-shaped. It is very aromatic, the skin is smooth yellow-brown, and the flesh is juicy, sweet, deep orange. Thanks to its small size and less fibrous pulp, this pumpkin is very easy to cook.

Pumpkin "Acorn"

Acorn pumpkin. A small round pumpkin looks like an acorn, hence the name of the variety - acorn. This species has a thick, dark green skin with deep grooves, sometimes with yellow dots on the skin. The pulp is dense, orange-yellow and sweet. Most often, the fruits of this variety are stuffed or baked.

Pumpkin "Harlequin"

Pumpkin "Harlequin". A small, flattened pumpkin with deep furrows and mottled orange-green skin. Its flesh is firm and pale orange and has a delicate sweet taste.

Pumpkin "Chayote" or "Christophine"

Pumpkin "Chayote", or "Christophine". The color of this pumpkin is pale green and the shape is pear-shaped. Its seeds are large, and the pulp tastes like apples.

Spaghetti pumpkin

Spaghetti pumpkin. This pumpkin is shaped like a melon and has golden yellow flesh inside. When boiled or fried, the pumpkin pulp breaks down into fibers; the similarity of the fibers to spaghetti gives the pumpkin its name. It is better to choose fruits with pale yellow skin; a greenish color on the surface of the pumpkin indicates its immaturity.

Pumpkin "Kherson"

Pumpkin "Kherson". This pumpkin has flat, gray fruits, with light gray stripes and spots on the background, the entire surface is smooth. The peel is elastic. The pulp is orange in color and the taste of this pumpkin is juicy and sweet.

Pumpkin "Altair"

Another popular variety is pumpkin "Altair". The fruits are flat-shaped, light gray to dark gray in color, sometimes fruits with pink stripes and spots appear. The pulp is yellow, thick, juicy, sweet.

So how do you choose the right variety?

Pumpkin varieties are divided into winter ones - those that are eaten ripe, and summer ones - unripe ones. Winter squash always have firm flesh and skin, and are best suited for pie fillings and baking. Summer ones are usually used for boiling, frying and stewing, because their flesh and skin are quite soft. There are also varieties of pumpkins that can be eaten raw.

By the way, pumpkins are best consumed raw; they retain all their beneficial properties better.

How to choose a pumpkin by appearance?

If you come to the market or store to buy a good pumpkin, but don’t yet know what you will cook from it, you need to know a few features. What should the perfect pumpkin look like?

Her form should be round or oval. Large pumpkins, although they look impressive, most often turn out to be too dry or, on the contrary, watery, and their taste is bitter. Optimal weight pumpkins - 3 - 5 kilograms, no more! But you shouldn’t choose a pumpkin “by eye”; you should always use a scale. Good mature pumpkins can weigh more than they appear at first glance. Pulp color pumpkin should be deep yellow or even orange, this depends on the amount of vitamin A it contains - The more it is, the more saturated the color. In this case, the peel should be dense, but not “wooden”!

There are more than 700 varieties and hybrids of this vegetable, but only 35 of them are sugar varieties, which are not very suitable for growing at home. More information about popular varieties of pumpkin with a high sugar content will be discussed in this article.

For the growth of sweet pumpkin varieties, good conditions are needed: a lot of mineral fertilizers, sunlight and moisture. In many cases, even those pumpkin varieties that should contain more than 10% sugar can gain about 3-4% due to the fact that they are designed for growing in southern sunny regions.

The main factors to pay attention to when choosing a variety:

  • possibility of growing on a country plot;
  • average yield when grown in your region;
  • acclimatization.

The best pumpkins are those that grow to a small size, have an average yield, and have the same sugar content. Planting sweet pumpkin in the country is the best option for getting a rich and, most importantly, very tasty harvest. You just need to decide on the variety, because there are many of them. You also need to understand that pumpkin is also a healthy vegetable, a storehouse of useful vitamins.

Popular sweet pumpkin varieties

Here the main role is played not by weight, but by taste - this is much more important. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the most common varieties of pumpkin with a high sugar content in Russia.

Table. The sweetest varieties of pumpkin.

Variety name, photoDescription

This variety is a late ripening variety. Despite the fact that the plant is a bush plant, it grows quite powerful. Contains about 12% sugar. The pumpkin pulp is loose, but very sweet and yellow in color. The ripening of the vegetable occurs 155 days from the moment of planting. With the additional use of liquid fertilizers, the weight of the pumpkin can reach 5 kg. The yield is quite high - from 20 kg per square meter. m. This result is due to good stem growth and high planting density.

A widely known pumpkin variety, high-yielding and early-ripening. The fruits of the plant are light gray in color, sometimes they have a green tint. Pumpkin differs from its relatives in its slightly flattened shape and egg-yellow dense flesh, which has a juicy and very sweet taste. The variety stores well and also has high immunity to various fungal diseases and white rot.

The variety is resistant to adverse weather conditions and is also unpretentious in terms of storage. You can store the fruits all winter in the basement and they will not rot. The sugar content in pumpkin is 6-7%. It has a unique and unusual taste: the flesh is very soft, so it boils quite quickly, and the crust itself is crispy. The fruits of this variety are small, their weight ranges from 3-5 kg ​​and very rarely exceeds these figures. Only occasionally, when all the rules for caring for a pumpkin have been followed, can the fruits grow up to 15 kg, but this is rare.

A high-yielding variety, the ripening time of which is 125-130 days. The optimal period for growing seedlings is the first half of April. The weight of a pumpkin can reach 35 kg. It has soft and sweet flesh, colored light orange. The skin of the pumpkin has a slightly different shade - orange-pink.

Based on the name, it is easy to guess that this variety is distinguished by large fruits, the weight of which can reach 50 kg. Despite the huge size of the fruit, the taste still remains sweet and juicy. The rind of the vegetable is smooth, but slightly segmented. The variety is late-ripening, so at least 110 days pass from the appearance of the first shoots to ripeness. During development, the plant forms many lashes, the main one of which reaches very large sizes.

A mid-late plant with a good taste. Pumpkin keeps well. At least 120 days pass from the appearance of the first shoots to full ripening. The lashes are long, and the fruit has a smooth, flat-round shape. It is colored light gray and has a medium bark. At the same time, the pumpkin has sweet and juicy pulp, colored orange. As a rule, the fruits of this variety do not grow to large sizes - from 2 to 3 kg, although in rare cases they can grow up to 8 kg.

Perhaps one of the brightest varieties of pumpkin, belonging to the group of early ripening ones. Approximately 110 days pass from the emergence of seedlings to full ripening. This variety has gained popularity due to its crispy crust and good taste. The pulp contains 7-8% sugar, and the weight of the fruit can reach 30 kg. The plant tolerates light frosts well and is also resistant to various diseases.

The list of sugar-containing pumpkin varieties can be continued for a long time, because there are many of them, but there is not a wide variety of varieties in the State Register. Perhaps pumpkin cannot reach its potential in Russia due to the fact that gardeners have not yet been able to enjoy the sweet taste of world rarities and taste culinary masterpieces made from sweet varieties of vegetables.

Growing pumpkin from seeds

The best way to grow pumpkin is by sowing seeds. You just need to prepare it first. As with planting any plant, the planting process begins with choosing seed material and preparing the soil. Only after this can you proceed directly to sowing the seeds of sugar pumpkin varieties. Let's consider each of these stages of preparation separately.

Soil preparation

To fertilize the soil, you can use regular humus or prepare a special mixture by mixing 10 kg of humus, 3 kg of sawdust, 500 g of wood ash and 200 g of nitrophoska. Fertilizers need to be applied in the following quantities: per 1 sq. m. - 20 kg of fertilizers. Before sowing, it is also necessary to dig the bed deeply (at least 40 cm). The recommended width of the bed for growing pumpkins is 50-60 cm.

Seed preparation

The optimal way to prepare seed material is to germinate the seeds. The process lasts until the seeds hatch. Immerse the pumpkin seeds in water (temperature not lower than +40 degrees) for about 3 hours. You can heat the water to the required temperature by placing the container with the seeds on the stove. Alternatively, you can place the seeds in a slow cooker and set it to Yogurt.

After the seeds have swelled, carefully wrap them in wet cotton cloth and place them in a warm room until gluing, periodically checking the cloth and moistening if necessary. After pecking, place the pumpkin seeds in the bottom section of the refrigerator for 3-4 days. This helps to increase the cold resistance of seeds before sowing.

Step-by-step sowing instructions

Step 1. After adding fertilizer to the soil, moisten it a little. To do this, use a garden watering can. It is advisable to water with warm water, because there is no point in waiting for warm days to plant pumpkins.

Step 2. Pumpkin seeds must be prepared in advance. This will speed up the plant growth process. Plant 4 seeds in each hole, deepening 3 cm.

Step 3. Cover the planted seeds with loose soil using a shovel or sap.

Crops are covered with soil

Step 4. Mulch the holes with the planted seed. Humus may be suitable for this purpose - it, in combination with the warm water that was previously watered on the soil, will provide the necessary heat.

Step 5. Cover the wells with plastic or glass to protect them from weather conditions. If there are no serious frosts, the glass can be removed when the first shoots appear.


Special and careful care is not for pumpkin, because it is not picky in this regard. But still, there are certain recommendations that you need to follow if you want to get a rich harvest.


Proper regulation of plant watering is the main component of care. The fact is that the pumpkin, like a powerful pump, constantly pumps out all the water from the soil, after which it evaporates through the leaves. Consequently, the stems and roots of the plant do not receive enough moisture, which is why it is necessary to regularly replenish its level in the soil.

Important! During the period of fruit formation and mass flowering, pumpkins need to be watered especially generously. Always use warm water (from +22 C), for this you can heat it in the sun. On hot days, watering your pumpkin with cold water can cause the plant to die.

After watering, the soil must be loosened around the base of the stem. As the pumpkin develops, you need to periodically get rid of weeds by weeding them. This will protect the plant and speed up its growth.

Top dressing

To get large fruits, you need to feed the pumpkin often. After the fifth leaf appears, perform the first feeding. Carry out the second after the formation of lashes, then repeat this procedure twice a month. For fertilizing, use nitrophoska - first use 10 g of fertilizer for each plant, but gradually increase the dose by 5 g. Not only the solution, but also dry granules are excellent for fertilizing.

On a note! At the beginning of the fruiting period, the fertilizer used should be mixed with a glass of wood ash. In addition, you can use mullein solution to feed pumpkin during the growing season.

Pests and diseases

During the growth process, all garden plants can be exposed to various diseases, so they need to be protected from this. If we talk about the most common diseases, then these are, of course, powdery mildew and olive spot. In the first case, small spots form on the stem and lower part of the leaves, which leads to yellowing of the affected areas and gradual death. If no measures are taken, the disease can spread to pumpkin fruits.

Important! When olive spot develops, small brown spots appear on the leaves of the plant, and sores appear on the stems. Over time, the fruits become covered with oily spots, which later develop into ulcers. As a result, the pumpkin does not lose its taste, but its ovaries die.

Video - Planting pumpkins in open ground

butternut squash

Butternut squash has a nutty aroma and flavor, and an elongated shape (oblong, guitar-like).

This version of pumpkin is very sweet, so all kinds of desserts are made from it, and also baked in the oven with dried fruits. The pulp of this pumpkin variety has a rich, bright orange color, which indicates a high content of carotenoids, which are necessary for the prevention of vision problems.

How to choose sweet butternut squash?

It is not recommended to buy the product in cut form, as this option may contain a lot of bacteria, for example, E. coli or salmonella. The pumpkin should not have any external damage, especially pink and black dents. They say that the product is affected by diseases.

If you choose a quality butternut squash, the skin will be thin and easy to peel off. When purchasing, pay attention to the stalk; it should have five shallow edges. It is not recommended to buy a pumpkin without a tail.

Unfortunately, the beneficial properties of butternut squash do not last long. It will be delicious until December.

Large pumpkin

The longer this version of pumpkin sits, the tastier it becomes. The fact is that the product contains a large amount of starch, which turns into sugar over time.

How to choose a sweet large-fruited pumpkin?

Pay attention to the shape - it should be round and flattened. Color can be gray, green and orange. It is not recommended to buy a large pumpkin, as once cut it will not last long in the refrigerator.

Hardbark pumpkin

This version of pumpkin is famous for its delicious seeds, which contain many useful micro and macroelements, and the pulp has a bland taste, so it is only suitable for preparing side dishes for meat or fish. If the pumpkin sits for a long time, the seeds begin to sprout and the pulp becomes bitter. It is recommended to extract the seeds and make blanks from the pulp. For example, you can freeze pieces or make jam.

How to choose a hard-skinned pumpkin?

Hard-skinned pumpkins are egg-shaped and have a very hard skin. The stem of the hard-bark pumpkin has very large grooves.

Now you know how to choose the right pumpkin! Eat deliciously and be healthy!

Pumpkins come in different varieties and sizes. They are bought not only for consumption, but also for creating decorative elements. You must choose a pumpkin for food in accordance with certain rules. In large pumpkins, the taste properties are impaired and the skin becomes significantly thicker. The best option is medium-sized fruits.

Main types of pumpkin:

  • large-fruited varieties (can be oval or round);
  • hard-barked varieties (most often round);
  • nutmeg species (shape resembles a pear, guitar or light bulb).

All varieties of pumpkin differ in color, pulp consistency, taste and size. The weight of the fetus can reach 20-25 kg. The smallest fruits are nutmeg pumpkins, the weight of which most often does not even reach 1 kg. In addition, pumpkins can be summer or winter depending on the time of ripening. The first variety is distinguished by thinner skin and juicy pulp, the second type is considered ideal for long-term storage, but their peel will be dense and hard.

How to choose a pumpkin

Regardless of the pumpkin variety, inspection of the fruit before purchase is carried out according to certain rules. The fruits must be assessed by touch, for the presence of aroma and a visual assessment of the degree of ripeness and quality.

What kind of pumpkin should you buy?:

  • the larger the pumpkin, the more fibrous its pulp can be, so you need to buy small or medium-sized fruits;
  • any type of pumpkin has characteristic stripes that should be straight;
  • the pumpkin stalk must be dry;
  • a sign of a ripe pumpkin is considered to be a hard peel with a clearly visible and uniform pattern;
  • the pumpkin peel must be free of dents, signs of rotting or mechanical damage;
  • it is believed that the more orange the pumpkin has on its skin, the sweeter and tastier it is;
  • The color of the pulp of a ripe pumpkin is bright orange or rich yellow;
  • There should be no marks left on a ripe pumpkin when you try to pierce its skin with a fingernail;
  • pumpkin with small fruits and bluish skin is considered the sweetest and most versatile;
  • if the pumpkin is bought cut, then you should pay attention to the seeds (the seeds must be hard and ripe);
  • if you tap on the surface of the pumpkin, a characteristic dull sound should appear;
  • A distinctive feature of a pumpkin is the discrepancy between its external parameters and its weight (a pumpkin may turn out to be much heavier than one might expect by visually assessing it).

Which pumpkin should you not buy?:

  • if the stripes on the pumpkin peel are in the form of bends or broken lines, then this may be a sign of increased nitrate content;
  • a green stalk may be a sign of insufficient ripeness of the pumpkin;
  • if the pumpkin has dents or spots, this may be a sign of improper transportation or the beginning of the rotting process;
  • a pumpkin with mechanical damage may be damaged inside and cannot be stored;
  • if the pumpkin stalk is cut off, the seller could remove it to hide the fact that the pumpkin is not ripe;
  • if the pumpkin peel is pressed well with a fingernail, then the fruit is not ripe;
  • too large pumpkins may not only have fibrous flesh, but also be watery or bitter (if the pumpkin is sold cut, then most likely its size is too large to be sold in its entirety);
  • the pulp of an overripe pumpkin may resemble the consistency of dough;
  • if the pumpkin is bought cut and the seeds are unripe, then the fruit itself will also not be too ripe.

One of the distinctive properties of summer and winter pumpkin varieties is the degree of softness. Summer varieties have a more delicate consistency and are suitable for preparing any dishes, including stewing and frying. Winter varieties have tougher and firmer flesh, therefore they are more suitable for baking or preparing fillings.

Pumpkin isn't just Halloween Jack-O-Lantern material, it's a healthy, delicious fall fruit. It is used in desserts, side dishes, baked, fried, and used as a filling. To choose a ripe, tasty pumpkin, you need to pay attention to some signs.

One of the most “autumn” vegetables is pumpkin. The fruits are consumed baked or boiled; they are suitable for children's diet food. In addition to the pulp, seeds are used and extracted.

Types of pumpkin

There are about 20 types of delicious pumpkins in the world. They can be divided into 3 groups:

Attention! Ordinary, large-fruited varieties are usually grown in the northern regions, nutmeg - in the south.

The most popular varieties include:

  1. Common: large fruit with a sweet taste, reaching a weight of 25 kg. It is best to choose fruits weighing up to 5 kg: the pulp will be sweeter and softer.
  2. Acorn: A round, tasty, green-skinned squash that looks like an acorn. It has dense, sweet pulp, suitable for baking and stuffing.
  3. “Harlequin”: has an unusual color (orange-green with spots), pale orange flesh, and delicate taste.
  4. “Butternut” (nut): a nutmeg variety with aromatic, juicy, sweet pulp. The variety is easy to prepare.
  5. "Christophine" ("Chayote"): a delicious pear-shaped pumpkin with a light green color. It has an unusual taste, similar to apple.
  6. “Spaghetti”: an unusual variety with an elongated shape. It has golden flesh that breaks down into long fibers called “spaghetti” when cooked or fried. When choosing, you should choose light yellow pumpkins - the green skin is characteristic of unripe fruits.

Right choice

When choosing a vegetable in a store or market, you must first focus on appearance:

Attention! The peel should be dense, but not dry, not “impenetrable” like a watermelon; when knocked, the sound should be dull.

How to choose a pumpkin for baking

First of all, it is necessary to determine which variety is needed: for desserts it is better to choose nutmeg varieties, for side dishes with meat dishes - hard-barked varieties. It is better to take a fruit weighing 3-5 kg: a cut pumpkin quickly begins to deteriorate. It is worth remembering this when choosing a part of the fruit: if the seller cut the pumpkin himself, it may be spoiled or too large (and, therefore, bitter). Also, the cut parts may be stored by the seller for a long time and become unusable.

You can store whole, untouched fruits with an intact stalk; they should not touch each other. The place should be cool (5-15 degrees), dark and dry, without sun. Strong winter varieties can last in the basement or on the balcony all winter. Some varieties don't even need a special place - they can be stored in a cool room.

Attention! Cut pumpkin can be stored for no more than 10 days; if you wrap the vegetable in foil, the period will increase to a month.

Cooking any pumpkin dish starts with the right choice. If the fruit turns out to be unripe or spoiled, it will be impossible to use it.

How to choose the right pumpkin: video